Fortune telling for money at Christmas: find out when wealth will come. Powerful Christmas rituals to attract good luck and increase money

Christmas is a holiday that is filled with miracles and magic. The fabulous atmosphere of Christmas is completely no coincidence. It is believed that at this time the possibilities of witchcraft intensify. The Forces of Darkness and the Forces of Light are trying to fight for human souls at this time. Therefore, rituals performed on Christmas Eve and until Epiphany itself have incredible power to attract good luck, love and money.

Christmas is a holiday in which Christianity and paganism are closely intertwined, complementing each other and our lives very much. useful knowledge. Do not forget the experience of our ancestors, which is quite widely known today, helping in any problem. It is better to take advantage of the opportunity and improve your life.

In addition, in addition to rituals and conspiracies, there is a huge layer of signs associated with Christmas, by observing which you can get what you want or have in mind.

Important! One of the main beliefs is that all thoughts, rituals and conspiracies from Christmas Eve and the entire Christmas week are freed from sin! Hurry up to carry out the ritual during this period, creating your well-being for the whole next year.

To carry out such a ritual, you need to prepare the main festive Christmas dish - kutya. These are steamed cereals mixed with honey, poppy seeds and nuts. This dish comes from sochiv, mentioned in the Bible, and from it comes the name of the festive evening - Christmas Eve.

A dish with coins is placed on the festive Christmas table, and the dinner itself begins with three spoons of kutya. After eating kutya, everyone should take one coin from the dish and put it under their plate. When they put in a coin, they cast spells to increase it.

“For money to flow, bless my luck.”

“Serve as my wealth and as a faithful talisman for me.”

“Add more and don’t run out. Good luck, turn around to face me!”

They choose one and say it three times in a whisper. Conspiracies in this case act as an encoding of your coin. Let it lie under the plate until the end of the festive evening. Thus, programming occurs to help in receiving money.

Before finishing dinner, the coin is put in a pocket or purse and is not parted with it for the next year. Before next Christmas, you can spend a coin and charm yourself with a new talisman to add more money. With such an irredeemable coin, money will stick to you like a magnet, and your family will not need anything - the ritual will touch everyone in it.

Important! Sochivo or kutya is practically a magical food. The divine energy of good is so concentrated in it that it can act as independent witchcraft. When you eat three spoons of kutya, make wishes, they will definitely come true next year.

  • With the first spoon, it is customary to ask for health for yourself and all family members.
  • With the second spoon, they ask for good luck and material wealth.
  • They eat the third spoon, asking God to fulfill their desire. Usually they ask for love, good husband, or goodness in the house.

Ritual for money under the pillow

When you go to bed the night before Christmas, you place some beautiful banknotes under your pillow. The money needs to be laid out chaotically, and the bills should be of different denominations. With this ritual you will call upon yourself both luck and good fortune next year.

The next morning, when you wake up, before you open your eyes, put your hand under the pillow and take out any banknote without looking. Then, with this money, conspiracies or prayers are read to add and multiply wealth.

For example:

“The Lord went to Jerusalem, and a poor man followed him. Having performed many miracles, the poor man suffered a bit. Give me, Lord, riches, so that we will not know beggary. Amen!".

If you carry such a charmed bill with you, then next year you will be lucky to have more money. Just keep it secret and don’t reveal the secret to anyone - otherwise you may get harmed.

Conspiracies to attract money

There are many different rituals to attract material enrichment to yourself next year. Therefore, you can perform several rituals that bring what you want.

Christmas wash

Waking up Christmas morning, you need to wash yourself with holy water. When they wash their face, they read the plot. If there is one of your relatives nearby, great! Then you can wash your face together, and your family will not be left out of luck, and success will always accompany everyone.

In this case, you need to pour the holy water one by one to each other, reading a conspiracy over the one to whom it is poured. If there is one in the house church candle, then be sure to light it. She will strengthen your words.

“I wash the servant of God, the diligent and diligent servant.

Get rid of all the evil spirits and thirty-three misfortunes from him.

Come, immeasurable goodness and endless luck.

Wipe the sadness and sorrow from your face.

May the Lord have mercy and give a good fate.

Not knowing (name) any sorrows, no sorrows, no wanderings around the world.

Let goodness be born in the barns, let it grow in the fields, and never end up in the purse! Amen".

Such words are read over the person washing himself three times. Then they wipe their face a beautiful towel. When performing the ritual, be sure to prepare the most beautiful and elegant towel.

Sign! The more beautiful the towel in this ritual, the better. You can't attract money with an old towel.

Magic comb

To perform the ceremony you need to buy a comb or comb. Be sure to buy a new one, the old one is already covered with all your failure and bad luck. It is desirable that it be a beautiful, expensive accessory. With cheap items it is difficult to lure wealth.

Sign! Once a year you need to throw away your old combs and combs, then all the problems and failures that the comb has combed out of your hair over the course of the year will disappear from your life. With the old comb, all bad energy will go into the trash.

You should use a new comb or comb to comb your hair throughout the Christmas week, morning and evening. At the same time, be sure to pronounce the words of the conspiracy. Of course, you need to do this slowly, without rushing anywhere, pondering the words and asking the Lord for mercy. A formal approach will not give the required result.

“I comb my hair, I comb out my troubles.

I call on the angels for help, I cry out a prayer to the Christmas heavens.

I read prayers to the Lord and humbly bow to him.

Protect from troubles, take away from temptation, save your soul from devilish temptation.

I comb, I comb, I comb for luck and money.

Tell me, a sinner (name), what to do.

Get wealth and good luck for the house. Amen! "

Such a ritual will not only bring financial success to your life, but will generally clear your head of stupid thoughts, suggest plans for the future, which will significantly improve your life. Indeed, in many matters, a person simply needs to renew the energy of his aura, and then, along with good luck, all the good things will come that will make his life happy.

This comb should be used throughout the next year until Christmas, and at the end, thrown into the trash without regret. If you update your comb every year, you will definitely notice how you have become much richer, and your affairs have improved significantly.

In addition to rituals for money, luck and prosperity, there are also many strong rituals for love, beauty, health, happiness and any other benefits. Listen to your heart and choose one or more of them.

You can also use a proven remedy - prayers. But no matter what you choose, the main thing is to enlist the help of this powerful holy time and realize all your bright dreams!

Approaching New Year and long weekends, so I suggest you prepare for them in advance and today I will touch on an unusual topic for my site - how you can tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays. In the article I will tell you a few simple ways Fortune telling for Christmas for the future on the night of January 6-7, 2019. I will also publish at the end interesting ways Christmas fortune telling for children, suitable for home use. If this interests you, then read on.

Despite the ban on divination in Rus', from time immemorial women have been telling fortunes in order to find out their fate in advance, and Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling for the future were considered the most reliable. The desire to look into the future is so natural for a person whose life is limited by time frames, which is why today simple fortune telling for Christmas, this can be done easily and safely at home if you follow the long-established rules.

Fortune telling for Christmas 2019 - types of predictions that can be received on Christmas days

One should lift the veil of future events with caution, because holy days, in themselves, are mysterious and full of magic, and not only bright angels reside on earth, but also dark, unclean spirits that can frighten and harm the fortuneteller.

In addition, divination may not succeed if all the conditions of such a ritual are not fulfilled. Therefore, we will try to familiarize ourselves with the main requirements ritual actions and find out what and how you can tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays.

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The mystical ceremony must be carried out under the cover of darkness, on Christmas Eve, and, from this time, another 10 days during Christmas time, until January 18.

There are quite a lot of methods of divination, and it all depends on what worries the fortuneteller. If done correctly, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

Christmas rituals performed in evening time, will prompt:

  • what pleasant and sad events the coming year will bring;
  • will your dreams of meeting your fiancé (betrothed) come true, and where will this happen;
  • will the beloved become a good spouse?
  • whether it will be possible to have a wedding in the next twelve months;
  • how many children will there be in the family and what gender;
  • Will the marriage be successful?

In addition, you can ask about what awaits friends and family members, how successful their fate will be.

Rituals performed at midnight will predict:

  • will the girl marry or not;
  • which of the bridesmaids will be the first at the altar with the groom;
  • the name of the future betrothed and his age;
  • what will it be like appearance spouse - his facial features and hair color;
  • poverty or wealth awaits in the future;
  • whether to expect happiness from marriage.

You can also tell fortunes just before you go to bed on Christmas Day. The mysterious ceremony will allow you to look at the person destined by fate in a dream, find out what his appearance and character are like.

Also, during Christmas fortune-telling, girls use various accompanying attributes, various places and on different things- under the window, with a shoe, with a ring, by voices, by a knee, over an ice hole, under a pillow, with a comb, with a dog and a cat, by a book, by a spikelet, by steps, with chickens, by yarn, by hair, with a candle , needles, lists, on eggs, lead, near a church, on a sheet of paper, on windows, nutshells, wax, on coffee grounds, and regular and Tarot cards, on beans and salt, on a mirror.

These are just the predictions that are easy to remember, but there are many more. different types and methods of fortune telling for Christmas on the night of January 6-7, 2019. Below in the article we will describe only the most proven and accurate Christmas and Christmas fortune telling, which are suitable for home use.

Yuletide and Christmas fortune-telling for the future (the coming year)

It's incredibly attractive to get a sense of what lies ahead in advance, especially if it's something that can bring joy and perhaps change your destiny in the future. better side. This is why fortune telling at Christmas exists - at home, fortunately, you will find everything you need for simple ritual actions.

Well, let’s arm ourselves with patience and try to extract the secrets of the future by performing the following rituals:

  1. Fortune telling on paper for the future is an accessible and extremely common method. Take a piece of paper, crumple it into a ball, place it on a glass or clay dish and set it on fire. As a rule, it does not burn out completely, and then by illuminating it with a candle flame in a dark room and projecting its outlines onto the wall, you can see interesting details and faces from them that will suggest upcoming events.
  2. You can also ask answers to questions from the book. exciting questions, but it is wiser to take publications with religious and philosophical content. Repeat the question three times to yourself, trying to completely disconnect from the reality of the world around you. Then randomly name the page and line (bottom or top). All that remains is to open the book and see what is written there. Most often, the passage read, one way or another, concerns the life of the fortuneteller.
  3. The girls used wax to cast spells in time immemorial, but this method remains popular to this day. You need to pour milk into a bowl and place it next to the threshold front door. After this, they call the brownie, saying the following words: “Master-brownie, come to the threshold to eat wax and drink milk.” Having said this in advance, the melted wax is slowly poured into the milk. You can judge what answer the entity gave by the pattern formed by the hardening wax:
  • if stripes have formed on the surface of the dish, you are in for a long road, and maybe moving to another place of residence;
  • a cross is not a very pleasant sign indicating illness;
  • an animal figurine can mean the appearance of an enemy in life;
  • asterisks are always good, which means you will have success in your studies or career growth at work;
  • figurine resembling a person - acquisition true friend and comrade;
  • a beautiful flower - a meeting with a loved one, perhaps marriage.
  1. You can tell fortunes for the future, for the coming year, by sticking it on different sides a small bowl of paper with the words: travel, love, new job, sadness, unexpected joy or something like that. The container must be filled halfway with water, make a small boat out of a nut shell and insert a thin church candle, launch. It’s not hard to guess that the answer will be the shore and the name to which your fateful boat will land. It is worth watching him longer - sometimes he can change his direction. Sometimes it happens that the glued piece of paper lights up from the candle when it comes into contact with it - this is a sign of blessing, meaning the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
  2. You can tell your wish using your own hair. At midnight you need to cut off a lock of hair and bring it to the flame. Based on how they burn, we can conclude what consequences await the fortuneteller as a result of the fulfillment of his dream:
  • a symbol of approval of your aspiration will be a long, even and bright burning, moreover, this indicates major acquisitions;
  • hairs that light up instantly and at the same time hint at positive changes and success in the planned business;
  • changes in life associated not only with good but also with bad events will be indicated by combustion smoke;
  • if the hair does not catch fire, but smolders, then, most likely, failure awaits you, perhaps illness, or unpleasant circumstances.

An attempt to find out what fate awaits in the coming time involves the simplest fortune-telling for Christmas at home, but, of course, first of all, a woman’s heart is concerned with the problem of mutual and all-consuming love.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2019 and Christmas using Tarot cards

Below I suggest you watch a video that clearly shows how you can tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays using Tarot cards:

Fortune telling for Christmas 2019 for love

For single young ladies, the issue of marriage is especially acute, and it is important for them not only to find out whether there will be a wedding or not, but also to actually see the face of their future spouse and find out his name. True, not everyone knows how to tell fortunes for the betrothed (groom) at Christmas.

For accuracy of prediction, it is wiser to carry out such rituals specifically on the eve of the Christmas holiday - then there is no doubt that the Universe will answer truthfully.

The optimal time for the ceremony is on the night of January 6-7, 2019. Try not to miss this moment, otherwise you will have to wait another year.

Rituals to help you get love predictions:

Fortune telling on your betrothed in a dream. The girl will have to borrow a wedding ring from her family or friend (only from females). Taking a black thread, it is passed through a ring and immersed in a faceted glass. The ring can touch the edges of the container on the right side of the fortuneteller, and then the marriage will take place. Touching the left side indicates that it is too early to think about marriage. The young lady can take the jewelry out of the glass and put it on her finger at night. In this case, she has the opportunity to see prophetic dream about his betrothed-mummer.

Another type of fortune telling for love, through a reliable dream. You need to prepare for such a ritual - put a pen and paper next to the bed, take out church icons and utensils, take off all your jewelry and belt, and let your hair down. They lie on the bed the other way around - with their feet where the head is, placing the pillow there too. In addition, having said the words of the spell, the fortuneteller should no longer talk to anyone.

Fortune telling for your betrothed under the pillow has several options:

  1. A bridge is built from twigs, and it is placed on the bed up to the pillow. Having said, “Betrothed, come to me, take me across the bridge,” the girl can calmly fall asleep. On Christmas night she will see her future chosen one.
  2. If you want to meet a “knight on a white horse” in a dream, you will have to put a rod from an untested broom and a horseshoe at your head (it can be made from paper or a piece of cardboard). The groom in a dream will appear in the guise of a horseman.
  3. You can build a well out of matches and also place it under your head, only now you will need to say other words: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”
  4. If you put a jar of sweet jam or marmalade on the dressing table next to the bed, the girl will be able to see the gentleman already languishing in love with her.
  5. Three leaves of noble laurel are also suitable for the sacrament; it is important that the young fortune teller say “My betrothed, the mummer” and call him to her dream.

Rituals using human hair are of extreme interest, because it is known what power, energy and information they possess. It is important that the ritual be carried out when you are completely ready to go to bed. After it is carried out, the girl must remain silent, no matter who speaks to her, especially since she is not allowed to get up and do any business until the morning.

You need to buy a new comb, light a red wax candle at night and comb your hair for a long time, imagining in your thoughts the guy you would like to marry. Then you need to put a comb under the pillow, extinguish the candle without blowing it out, but with your fingers, and while lying down say: “Betrothed, come to my dream, find me along the comb, my beauty, your love, we will meet you in a dream.”

It is believed that if a man appears in a dream and combs his or a girl’s hair, then she will definitely not only meet her love, but also get married within a year.

It is most effective to carry out rituals at midnight during the holy week; it is advisable for girls to do this at women's days weeks - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas at home: basic rules

To protect yourself from evil entities, and to achieve truthful answers when fortune-telling, you must adhere to some conventions that are well known to real sorcerers and fortune-tellers:

  1. It is necessary to take the ritual seriously, otherwise it is useless to wait for a significant result, so even if fortune telling is performed by several people, the room should be quiet. It's best to guess when you're alone.
  2. You will have to try to have a positive attitude towards the ritual and enlist the help of the Light Forces - read the “Our Father” or any other prayer.
  3. Even with bad omens, don’t even think about getting upset, because we create the outline of life with our own with my own hands. Any forecasts are, first of all, warnings, but not a verdict.
  4. At the end of the divination, thank God for your assistance. After the ritual, it doesn’t hurt to thoroughly wash your hands and face.

In order for supernatural forces to help find out the truth about upcoming events, girls are supposed to rid their hair of hairpins, elastic bands and jewelry, letting it loose over their shoulders, so their own energy will help them receive information. At the same time, you cannot keep your legs and arms crossed, otherwise the channels of communication with the incomprehensible beings of the Universe will be blocked.

It is advisable to remove all jewelry from yourself, even rings and earrings, as well as icons, because what will happen, in essence, is an invocation by the spirit, and is an unclean thing, from the Orthodox point of view. In principle, the place where Christmas fortune-telling for the future was carried out has always been a bathhouse, but today not everyone has their own home, so the ceremony can be carried out in any room. The light in the room should be dim, so only candles should be left.

Simple and interesting fortune telling for Christmas for children

Below I suggest you watch a video that shows several types of interesting and simple ways of Christmas and Yuletide fortune telling for children. After all, children, seeing that adults are guessing, will also want to look into their future.

And one more important requirement - simple fortune telling for Christmas at home should be carried out only when a person sincerely believes that the invisible mystical world of spiritual entities is connected with reality and can influence any events in human life. Otherwise, it is impossible to obtain the truth from otherworldly forces.

Christmas Eve and the week following are an important time for Christians.

This evening, as well as the week-long period after the holy holiday, is associated with various beliefs, rituals, and fortune telling. Christmas Eve has always been considered special. At this time, mysterious and powerful people penetrate the earth. good forces. They allow you to realize your cherished desires and get answers to burning human questions with the help of effective rituals.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Rituals to attract money

    To attract wealth, you can use powerful rituals for the Christmas holidays.

    For coins

    To carry out this ritual for the whole family, you will need to prepare kutia - the main Christmas dish, which is steamed cereals mixed with honey, nuts, raisins or dried apricots. A plate with coins is also placed on the Christmas table. Those present begin dinner with three spoons of kutya. Then everyone takes one coin and hides it under their plate, saying special words to attract money:

    • “So that money flows, God bless”;
    • “Serve my wealth, become my talisman”;
    • “The money in my pocket is increasing, and luck is smiling at me.”

    One prayer is selected. It must be repeated three times. The coin should remain under the plate until the end of the evening. Before finishing dinner, it is put in a wallet and carried there all year. On the eve of next Christmas, you can spend a coin and prepare a new talisman for prosperity.

    On a patch

    If you don’t have time for long rituals, you can use a simplified plot for a patch. On the evening of January 6, you need to take a nickel and knock it on the glass in the apartment, saying the words: “Christ the Savior is born, wealth is added.” The coin is then placed in the wallet and worn all year round. It is important not to confuse the charmed patch with another little thing.

    Ritual with a pillow

    The ritual allows you to call upon yourself good luck and financial well-being.

    When going to bed on Christmas Eve, several new banknotes of different denominations are placed under the pillow. They are laid out in a chaotic order. The next morning, before you open your eyes, you should put your hand under the pillow and, without looking, take any of the bills. A conspiracy for wealth is read on it:

    “Christ walked to Jerusalem, and the poor man walked behind him. The diva did a lot, the beggar did a little bit. Give me, Lord, wealth, so that we will not know trouble and sorrow. Amen".

    The charmed bill is carried in your wallet all year. The ritual is kept secret from other people.

    Ceremony in the church

    This powerful ritual for attracting money is performed on the eve of Christmas, January 6th. You need to take a few directly to the church banknotes and whisper magic words to them: “To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father. Amen". The money is placed in a donation box. The larger the donation amount, the more money will come this year.

    Ritual using a pot

    To make money flow, a Christmas talisman is prepared on Christmas Eve. The ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Buy a beautiful flower pot and fill it to the top with soil.
    2. 2. Place three green wax candles around.
    3. 3. Then you need to read the “Our Father” prayer, carrying out index finger along the rim of the pot.
    4. 4. Say the spell three times.
    5. 5. Place the pot in a prominent place where everyone in the household can see it.
    6. 6. Candles around it must be lit for 12 days.

    Conspiracy words:

    “As loudly as all 12 months ring, so let the coins and bills in the wallet of me, the servant of the Lord (name), ring and crunch. Just as roosters crow 12 times at the red dawn, so they keep my money for 12 dawns. Gold to gold, silver to silver. Everything is mine with me. Amen".

    Christmas Traditions to Attract Wealth and Prosperity

    In addition to Christmas conspiracies, there are other traditions and customs that attract finance and luck next year. Before performing sacraments and fortune telling, it is useful to attract positive Christmas energy. Then the rituals will work more effectively. You can do this by observing holiday traditions:

    • On Christmas Eve, a table of 12 dishes is set.
    • During Christmas week they go to visit and receive guests at home.
    • During this period, gifts and treats are given.
    • It is important to visit the temple, bring home candles, blessed water, prosphora. They will fill the house with good energy.
    • You should give alms to the poor.

    Streams of good, positive energy descending to earth during Christmas week bring health, happiness and finances to the house.

    Ritual to work

    Any new thing is worn at Christmas. It should be worn for three days. Before this the words are said: “ New thing I dress for Christmas new way I'm punching myself. Service and friendship come into my hands. In work - success, in people - understanding." After three days, the item should be rinsed in a basin with clean water and spray yours with it workplace. The ritual makes it easier to work, to achieve career growth, soften the hearts of those in authority.

    Plot for good luck

    The night before Christmas, all light sources in the house are extinguished. One candle is lit. It is installed on the windowsill of a window facing east. Then you need to wait for the first star to appear in the sky and say the words three times:

    “The bright star of Bethlehem shines in the sky, proclaiming joy and peace to people. The baby Jesus was born, man was freed from sin and grief. A candle burns on my window, happiness and joy come to me. I, the servant of God (name), will be happy, and may grace come to me to fulfill all my good deeds. Amen".

    After this, you need to extinguish the candle and say in a confident voice: “So be it.”

    "Help me, little star"

    If you are planning an important undertaking or goal in the coming year that requires the assistance of Higher Powers, you can use the following ritual. To carry out you will need a glass of water, a candle and a red ribbon:

    1. 1. On Christmas Eve, when it begins to get dark, put a glass of water on the table so that the light from the celestial bodies falls on it.
    2. 2. When the first star appears, light a candle.
    3. 3. Dip one end of the ribbon into water, and carefully light the other end from a candle flame and immediately extinguish it.

    “The star of Bethlehem lit up in the sky,

    The merry trio hit the road.

    Frisky horses will ride to the city of Jerusalem,

    Beyond the forest, beyond the sky, beyond the seashore.

    Water and fire argue with each other,

    Meanwhile, my holy fast horse is flying to the city.

    So, Lord, bless my works,

    Remove all obstacles and bad weather with your Right Hand.

    Humble your enemies with meekness,

    A good people bestow grace.

    Star of Bethlehem, shine brighter,

    Help me complete the task. Amen, amen, amen."

    Carry the ribbon with you in your passport, or use it as a bookmark in important documents.

    Change of fate

    The power of Christmas rituals makes it possible to realize such a request as changing one’s fate. The next sacrament transforms the path of life, protects from negativity, and attracts happiness.

    For the ritual you will need a sheet of paper measuring approximately 5x5 cm. One side is completely shaded with a red pencil. On top of the background you need to write your first name, last name, and date of birth.

    On the other side are written three cherished dreams regarding changes life path. For example, a promotion, meeting a life partner, getting rid of character flaws. The leaf is hidden under the pillow. The words are said three times:

    “What is written on the paper will come to pass by God’s mercy and kindness.”

    The leaflet is kept until next Christmas between the pages of the Holy Scriptures. Changes will occur over the next year.

    Christmas wishes come true

    Christmas magic allows you to fulfill your dreams and cherished desires. The next sacrament is held on Christmas Eve, in the evening or on the night of January 6-7. To carry out the ceremony you will need three sheets of white paper bright colors or markers. On each of the sheets a huge bag is depicted and they are “filled” with:

    1. 1. The first “adds up” all the sorrows and misfortunes of the outgoing year (problems, grievances, illnesses, quarrels). You can describe them in 2-3 words.
    2. 2. Joyful, positive moments (shopping, meeting people, traveling) are sent to the second bag.
    3. 3. The third describes dreams and desires.

    The leaf with the first bag is burned in the flame of a Christmas candle. The second and third are placed in a secluded place with gratitude to the Higher Powers.

    Ritual to the stars

    The night before Christmas you need to go outside under open sky. You can perform the ritual at home. The words of the conspiracy are read into the stars seven times without stopping.

    “On Christmas night the star is lit. She brings happiness and peace. My holy angel, protect my peace. There are ways of the heart on earth so that people can find happiness. Little star, shine brighter, bring me love and joy. I want (pronounced wish)! »

    If the person saying the prayer has a lover, you can replace “me” with “us” in the final phrase and say both names - your own and the chosen one.

    Flatbread of happiness

    Three handfuls are taken on Christmas Eve rye flour and one glass of holy water from the temple. While kneading the dough, you should imagine the fulfillment of your most cherished dream, wish your family and friends good luck, health, and prosperity. At the same time the conspiracy is read:

    The Savior was born into the world, the cross was erected.

    Archangel Michael shed tears at the gates of heaven.

    The Mother of God speaks:

    “I promise to give everyone

    Upon request, any grace.

    Whoever takes this cake into his mouth,

    The Lord will send grace to him.

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    To improve health

    In the evening from January 6 to 7, while treating loved ones with delicacies, a ritual for health is performed. When offering goodies, you need to read a special plot. Traditionally, the words are spoken by the oldest woman in the family. But in this case, you can deviate a little from the custom. Conspiracy words:

    “The Savior Christ was born, the people rejoiced and were baptized! Be healthy and joyful (name), do not be sad in vain. Amen"

    Spell for healing on a towel

    Held on January 6, Christmas Eve. On this day you should purchase a new towel from linen fabric. A conspiracy is read on it for healing from various diseases. If during the year one of the household members gets sick, you need to wipe him with a charmed towel.

    Conspiracy text:

    “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    I will speak this towel from 77 ailments

    For fever, for dryness, for cancer, for pain,

    From a terrible attack, from evil damage

    From vain hardship, from torment and cramps.

    The Most Holy Theotokos washed Her Son,

    Yes, I wiped it dry with a clean towel.

    Bless, Holy Lord God

    With His right hand my towel too.

    Whom I will wipe with this towel,

    Since then I will erase 77 diseases.

    Key, lock, tongue. Amen"

    Ritual for all ills

    The ritual is suitable for those who want to protect the whole family:

    1. 1. A thick candle is purchased in the temple ahead of time.
    2. 2. It lights up when the whole family sits down at the Christmas table.
    3. 3. A spell is recited over a burning candle. It is better if the words are spoken in chorus. This enhances the energy.

    Hex words:

    “I draw light into the house with bright Christmas lights. A wall has grown from the sky to the very heavens. Our family is saved and preserved. The Lord God protects from enemies and enemies. Burn brighter, candle! Be strong, high walls! Guard our house, reliably protect it from all enemies. Amen, amen, amen."

    After dinner is over, the candle stub is kept as a talisman until next year.

    Ritual on the crest

    The ritual is suitable for long-haired women. During Christmas week, you need to comb your hair with a new comb twice a day, mentally imagining safe life, full of luck, wealth and abundance. At the same time, a conspiracy is pronounced:

    “I comb the strands with a new comb, I comb out the terrible trouble. I call on God's Servants, the holy Angels, I cry out my humble prayer to Heaven. O Lord, save us from all troubles, take us away from seduction, and save our sinful souls from temptation. Tell me, Heavenly Powers, what to do, to obtain happiness and good luck for the glory of God. Amen".

    Attracting love

    To make a white Christmas love spell for a guy or a man, you need to attend a church service. The words are written on a white sheet of paper:

    “I, the servant of God (my name) and (the guy’s name), the servant of God, are forever together in love and harmony.”

    Holding this piece of paper in your hands, you need to approach the icon of the Mother of God and pray for the gift of love. Then say:

    “Most Holy and All-Glorious Mother of God, help me, the humble servant of God, and fulfill my request. By Your power, fulfill my heart’s desire.”

    Upon returning home, the leaf is placed under the Christmas tree. The words are spoken: “Let what is written be realized. What is asked will come true. Let great joy happen to me, the servant of God (your name).

    Fortune telling on things

    This Christmas fortune telling allows you to find out who your future husband will be:

    1. 1. The girl must be blindfolded. On the table in front of her are laid out objects symbolizing various professions. A ring is also placed among them. You can take a computer flash drive (programmer), a book with laws (lawyer), tablets (doctor).
    2. 2. The girl chooses an object at random.
    3. 3. If after three attempts the same thing falls into her hands, her husband will have a corresponding profession. If she only comes across a ring, she will certainly get married this year. But who will it be future spouse by profession - unknown.

    Prediction by thread

    You will need three needles and threads - black, white and red. A needle is inserted into each of them. The assistant carefully pins them to the fortuneteller's back. A person must feel them, but not know the order of their arrangement.

    Carefully remove one needle:

    • Red means marriage and having children;
    • White– there are no weddings planned this year;
    • Black- You should pay attention to your career.

    To strengthen feelings

    The ritual is suitable for those who want to renew love in a marriage. For the sacrament you will need two new white wax candles. On the night before Christmas, they need to be twisted together and lit. While they are burning, the spell is pronounced 12 times:

    “Bless us, Lord (names of spouses),

    From now until the end of time.

    How these candles burn brightly,

    So that we love each other passionately.

    Until the human race begins to forget the Nativity of Christ,

    Until then, we won’t lose each other.

    A jar of salt to strengthen the family

    To carry out the ceremony you will need a glass jar, 1-2 kg of salt, 40 matches. On Christmas Eve, pour the salt onto a baking sheet and place it in a preheated oven. The salt must be heated until it begins to change color. Then take out a baking sheet and read the “Our Father” 40 times over the salt. In order not to lose count, it is useful to place 40 matches nearby before performing the ritual, and while reading the prayer, pull them out one at a time. The salt is cooled, poured into a jar and closed with a lid. Over the next year, you need to add a pinch of the charmed salt to a regular salt shaker.

    Fortune telling for children “Ring in the water”

    At night, pour water into a cup. They put the ring there. The mug is left on the street. On Christmas morning they go out and look: if the ice surface is smooth, without depressions and bumps, there will be no children. If bumps appear on the ice, a son will be born; depressions - daughter. The number of depressions and bumps is counted - how many there are, the number of children the spouses will have.

    Sacraments for beauty

    On Christmas, girls and women can perform a ritual to enhance their attractiveness and beauty. It used to be that you could keep your skin youthful until next Christmas by rubbing it with snow. Girls washed with festive snow bewitched men.

    Water collected during the Christmas holidays has a similar effect. It is stored all year. Before meeting her lover, the girl washes herself with it, saying the words:

    “Christmas water! Give me beauty. So that my beloved (name) loves me alone and does not take his eyes off me.”

    Weight loss ritual

    This conspiracy is proposed by the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. The sacrament helps to get rid of excess weight. To carry out the ceremony you will need a blue woolen thread, a crystal vase, and matches.

    Performed on the full moon closest to Christmas. After leaving the house, you should look at the full moon, then turn away from her and read the words 9 times:

    “From this night the Mother Moon is decreasing,

    My fullness disappears along with it.

    And in return comes harmony and beauty.

    The Full Moon will turn into a thin Moon,

    A excess weight I’ll completely dissolve.”

    After returning home:

    1. 1. Take a crystal vase and pour clean water into it.
    2. 2. Three burning matches are thrown into the vase.
    3. 3. Water is charmed 9 times with the same words.
    4. 4. After saying the prayer in figure eight, the middle and ring fingers wrapped in a figure eight using blue wool thread. «
    5. 5. “Eight” is worn for seven days. Water is rubbed into areas where fat accumulates - legs, arms, stomach.
    6. 6. After a week, the thread is removed and burned. The ashes should be scattered to the wind.

    Signs for Christmas

    Signs and superstitions on this bright holiday tell you how to live further and what you should be wary of:

    • Women are not allowed to sew, knit or do other types of needlework. Otherwise, relatives will face illness.
    • Clear weather on the night before Christmas means a fruitful year is expected.
    • Pour coffee, tea, juice - to great luck. The sign does not apply to alcoholic beverages.
    • Breaking a mirror means trouble. It should definitely be wrapped in cloth and taken out of the house.
    • Losing an item means financial losses next year.
    • Finding something missing means unheard of wealth. Especially if a piece of jewelry is found.
    • Meeting a humpback is a great success. It’s even better if you can touch his hump with at least the tip of your fingers.
    • It also promises good luck to meet a big dog.
    • Accidentally stepping into manure (or excrement) pet) – also to great luck.
    • While the holidays are going on, all dreams are considered prophetic. By remembering them and interpreting them correctly, you can find out what fate has in store.

    It is important to remember that Christmas is family celebration. If the whole family gathers at home at this time, the energy of any rite or ritual intensifies. On this bright holiday it is forbidden to quarrel. You should definitely visit the church. This will allow you to join in the welcoming Christmas energy, and the whole next year will be filled with good deeds and joyful events.

Everyone has long known that Christmas magic, rituals and ceremonies are considered one of the most powerful and powerful. Some can last a lifetime, while others last a year. Therefore, before making them, think carefully about whether you really need it.

Christmas magic, rituals, fortune telling and traditions have become close to every family.

Holy Evening or Christmas

The 6th was the last day of fasting, which is why everyone was served for dinner Lenten dishes. The whole day of January 6 they adhered to strict fasting. Hearty dishes were given only to children and frail old people.

Kutya and twelve dishes were placed on the table without fail; each family member had to try each one. First, they ate kutya, which was made from wheat or pearl barley and decorated with various sweets.

As you know, kutia is a funeral dish, so at Christmas, they always put a bowl of porridge from which the dish was prepared, and a glass of uzvar for the ancestors. On this day, the spirits of relatives will definitely visit the house.

Christmas magic, rituals, ceremonies, fortune-telling and traditions have become close to every family, because miracles happen during this period. Some people go outside and look at the sky in anticipation of something beautiful. But you can read about what kind of fortune telling exists in a special section of the site, and today we are talking about rituals on Christmas night.

Christmas sacraments and rituals according to desire

On Christmas Day, the angels themselves descend from heaven and study the lives of people, which is why fortune telling, rituals for the fulfillment of desires and rituals for well-being are especially powerful on this day. For the majority winter holidays people make wishes or perform fortune telling. The New Year is coming and everyone is hoping for a miracle, with Christmas approaching, and this is the birth of the son of God, they also think that something unusual will happen. That's why if you make a wish, the angels will definitely fulfill it. On the night before Christmas, when you go to bed, you can wish for whatever your heart desires. This ritual is one of the simplest, and after it is performed, you need to focus only on your desire and not talk to anyone, then the angel will definitely hear and fulfill it.

But angels do not have time to visit every house, therefore, in order for him to come to you, it is recommended to light a candle and place it on the windowsill, and it will be even better if you do this in church.

It is also customary to draw angels from 6 to 7, after which they make a wish and finish drawing one eye for it. This point is very important, and it needs to be placed in its usual place; there is no need to finish drawing the second eye. This ritual has been very popular for centuries. The workpiece must be stored where no one else can see it.

It is customary to draw angels from 6 to 7, after which they make a wish and finish drawing one eye for it

What rituals need to be performed

In the period from 6 to 7 the sky opens, because it was on this day that the son of God was born. Some people go out on the street at 3 a.m. and ask for absolutely everything, and that’s not only material values. But on the day of January 7, you need to light a candle in front of the icon of the Savior and pray that your wish will come true at night.

There are several types of rituals and conspiracies:

  • money fortune telling and rituals;
  • to attract good luck and success;
  • love spells;
  • for fate, for love, for the betrothed;
  • healing;
  • removal of damage and curses;
  • lapels and coolers.

Rituals and rituals for Christmas for health

Christmas rituals are very popular among magicians. Many have been waiting for this moment to come for a whole year in order to ask the spirits for their most secret things. On Christmas Eve, you can make a powerful ritual for the whole family's health. It is done on January 6th. In order to carry out such a ritual, you need to purchase a new towel and say the following words on it:

I speak from seventy-seven ailments,

From any pain, from the torment of the night,

Feigned dryness, from traveling cancer,

epileptic seizure,

From damage, from night cramps.

The Mother of God washed her Son,

I wiped it with a linen towel.

God bless my flax too.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,

From then on, I will erase all seventy-seven ailments.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After the ceremony, you need to wipe with a towel the person whose name is indicated in the plot. Be sure that a sick person will definitely recover, because this method puts even bedridden people on their feet.

On January 7, you can perform another such ritual. You need to get up in the morning and go to the bathroom, read the following plot:

The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.

I too (name) will be saved through Jesus Christ.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After reading, you need to wash your face immediately; this can be done with absolutely any water. After performing this ritual, you can forget about all diseases, if any. And here healthy person this ritual will add strength and energy.

Many people perform Christmas rituals for good luck and health, these can be experienced magicians, or ordinary people. Such rituals do not require special knowledge; it is enough to simply find information and strictly adhere to what is written.

There are some other signs that it is advisable to adhere to during this period. It is said that if the first guest in the house is a woman, the owners will be sick for a whole year. It is also advisable to repay all debts and items that were borrowed before Christmas.

Signs were used both by our grandmothers and by us. modern world We try to stick to them. Many people know that on this day there must be 12 dishes on the table, because Jesus had 12 disciples. This tradition is familiar to absolutely everyone, because it is passed down from generation to generation.

There must be 12 dishes on the table at Christmas.

Financial rituals for Christmas

Every person wants to have so much money that there is enough for absolutely everything. Some people dream of using them to rule the whole world, but for others it is simply enough that their family is well-fed. Especially life modern man It’s simply impossible to imagine without money. But as you know, in order to have a good income you need to work, millions do not fall from the sky. It is possible to earn money using magic, there is black magic that will help you achieve what you want. But there are also softer and safer rituals.

Many people believe that signs and customs are fiction and should not be paid attention to them special attention. There are money rituals for Christmas, and there are those that need to be followed all the time. It is very important to follow the following rules:

  1. Try to get rid of the habit of cracking seeds and help your loved ones do this if you have one.
  2. Try not to whistle at home and don’t let others do it.
  3. Don’t count your pennies, try to spend them or give them to the poor.
  4. Get a piggy bank at home; it should have gold or green elements. Periodically throw different coins into it, but it is advisable that they are at least 10 kopecks.
  5. The wallet needs to be changed immediately after you notice that the old one is already being worn out.
  6. Money should always be in order.
  7. You should only keep money in your wallet, not in your pockets or bag.
  8. Dried horseradish also attracts money; try to find a place for it in your wallet.
  9. Buy a red folder and keep all your bills and receipts there, so you will always have money to pay them.

If you want rituals and spells for money to be effective, then always give alms to poor people. You don’t have to sympathize with them, because you are giving money for your own good. So, try to do this with with a pure heart and soul.

Old people believe that it is on January 6 and 7 that rituals have great strength. The Christmas period is one of the best for carrying out wealth conspiracies. Rituals and conspiracies in order to make money can be carried out independently by each person; for this it is not necessary to use the services of a professional magician.

Ritual on a flower

One of the most common money rituals is as follows: on Christmas Eve you need to buy a new flower pot and fill it with soil, put three green candles around it and begin to move your finger around the pot. During the process you need to say the following words:

As the twelve months ring,

So wallets would ring and rattle

The servant of God (name).

Like the roosters crow twelve times,

So they keep their money for twelve dawns, and twelve times they say to themselves:

Money to money, wallets to wallets,

Everything that’s mine is with me and all the money is with me.

The candles must be extinguished immediately after reading the plot 3 times, but the pot should not move for 12 days. You also need to light candles for 12 days in a row; on the last day they should burn out completely.

So that you always have money, you can perform such a ritual on the seventh. You need to buy two envelopes and put money in them, it can be absolutely any amount. On one we write the address of the church, and on the other we write ours. Then you need to take them to the post office and put them in Mailbox. Be sure to say the following words:

To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father.

Christmas rituals are very powerful for attracting money at the moment when there is a new moon in the sky. By performing the ceremony during this period, you will provide for yourself and your family for a long time good luck, health, profit and everything you wish.

Christmas rituals are very powerful for attracting money at the moment when there is a new moon in the sky

Christmas sacraments for getting pregnant

Every girl and woman dreams of becoming a mother, because this is her main purpose in life. A family without children simply cannot exist; anyway, sooner or later the moment comes when a man wants to become a father. What to do if you can’t get pregnant? There are very good rituals for this at Christmas, on the night of January 7, because, as mentioned above, it is on this day that angels descend from heaven and can fulfill even the most secret desire. Therefore it is possible to carry out magical rituals or read prayers, and you can be sure that the angels will hear you.

On this magical evening, you can go to the temple and ask God himself to get pregnant. Also, some people make a conspiracy for pregnancy, for this you need to stand on the threshold with your right knee on Christmas Day, take a glass of water and read the following conspiracy:

Mother Most Holy Theotokos!

Fly to me yourself, but no,

So send the messengers,

Son or daughter

I beg you to help me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Now, forever, forever and ever.

After which the water for which the conspiracy was made must be drunk completely. Water is a powerful conductor and it was believed that it was with its help that women managed to get pregnant. The Mother of God heard her and sent a grain into the water, which sprouted in the woman’s womb.

Conspiracies and rituals for Christmas from troubles

Many people know that there are so-called protective rites and conspiracies. Often they are held not exactly on Christmas, January 7, but on any other days with the help of magicians. But as many have already realized, Christmas rituals and ceremonies can be performed by absolutely everyone on their own.

To perform a protective ritual on Christmas Eve, you need to have a cross on your body. Next you need to stand on the threshold and, looking inside the house, say the following words:

Lord, take away nine arrows from me. Protect from knife, court, water and fire, from slander, from trespassers on your blood and body, and from black damage done on blood. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rules for making wishes for Christmas

  1. If you decide to make a wish for the Christmas holidays, then you need to know how to do it correctly. After all, during this period a person turns to higher powers, and it is better not to joke with them. Therefore, before making a wish, you need to get rid of all negative thoughts. It is advisable these days to ask for good things for all the people you know, this also applies to enemies.
  2. If you want your financial profit to be higher, then it is advisable to order not money, but some expensive item.
  3. If you want to find your soulmate, do not try to get rid of your rival, but ask for happiness with the person you want.
  4. Only positive wishes come true at Christmas, so think carefully about it before making them.
  5. In order for everything you want to come true, it is advisable to write it down on a piece of paper, record the date on it and put it under your pillow. After such a procedure, you will definitely find out the answer, it comes in a dream.
  6. Remember that thoughts are material and only the most intimate and positive ones come true. On the night of 6 to 7, the son of God was born, who brought peace and happiness to earth. People stopped getting sick and were healed just by his touch. Therefore, if you decide to perform any ritual or read a conspiracy, then treat it with a pure heart and soul, then everything you plan will definitely come true.

Remember that all the rituals you perform will have consequences, they can be both good and bad. So try to always think positively.

The night before Christmas is a time of miracles, mystical events and the fulfillment of desires. Our ancestors believed that it was during the period from January 6 to 7 that the Earth was visited higher power- kind and evil spirits. The former strive to help people by lifting a mysterious curtain into the future for them, while the latter, on the contrary, can harm. But, despite the risk of meeting with evil spirits, our ancestors did not miss the chance to find out their future. Fortune telling at Christmas at home is one of the main traditions of Christmas Eve, which has been perfectly preserved in our time. As a rule, girls and young women tell fortunes on Christmas night, although boys can also participate in this custom. They usually cast fortunes on love, the betrothed, the future, health, material wealth and money. Below we have collected for you best options ancient fortune telling for Christmas 2017, including for love, which are very easy to reproduce at home.

Where did the tradition of telling fortunes at Christmas come from?

Before moving on to fortune telling, it is useful to know where the tradition of fortune telling at Christmas came from. Everyone knows that Christian church does not approve of fortune telling and other psychic activities related to prediction. So why is one of the main church holidays Is it possible to guess in a year and this is not a sin? The fact is that fortune telling in the first days of the New Year was practiced long before the baptism of Rus' and this tradition has pagan roots. Our ancestors believed that with the beginning of the new year the heavens open, and ordinary people there is an opportunity to look into your future.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', attempts were made repeatedly to eradicate pagan tradition divinations, but they all failed. In the end, the church, although unofficially, “turned a blind eye” to Christmas fortune-telling and declared the period from January 6 to 19, which is popularly called “Christmas time,” a time when evil spirits weaken and cannot harm believers. Consequently, fortune telling at this time turned from dangerous communication with dark forces into harmless fun for young people. Now, you know where the tradition of telling fortunes at Christmas came from, and you can follow this interesting custom yourself and find out predictions about the future and love.

Fortune telling methods for Christmas from January 6 to 7, 2017 for love and betrothed

It is no secret that the most popular fortune-telling for Christmas (January 6-7, 2017) are variants of fortune-telling for love and the betrothed. After all, most of the fortune tellers are girls and young women for whom questions of love, family happiness and marriage are very relevant. There are quite a few options for fortune telling for Christmas from January 6 to 7 for love and the betrothed. Next, we have collected for you popular fortune telling, which, according to experts, give the most accurate predictions about love.

Mirror and candle

Many people believe that at Christmas mirrors are the door to Parallel Worlds. It is on this belief that one of the current versions of Christmas fortune-telling with mirrors and a candle is based. You need to cast a spell in a dark room alone, closer to midnight. A corridor is made from two mirrors - they are placed opposite each other so as to create the illusion of a passage. A candle is lit opposite one of the mirrors, and the fortuneteller sits next to it. Then the girl mentally or out loud calls her betrothed with the words: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me.” After repeating three times, you need to start peering into the mirrored corridor until the image of a man appears in it.

Fence of love

This version of fortune telling for Christmas is very simple. You need to choose a wooden fence and stand near one of its edges. Then you should move to the opposite edge, counting each tablet with the words: “Rich, poor, widower, single.” Whichever word the fence ends with will be the groom. If a girl has several suitors in mind, then you can cast a spell on love in this way in their names.

The first person you meet

In the old days, this was one of the most popular collective methods of fortune telling among girls. Young people gathered in groups and went out into the street. Then every girl who saw the man she met asked his name. It was believed that this would be the name of her future husband.


On the night of January 6-7, you should put a simple comb or comb under your pillow. Before going to bed, you should say to yourself three times the phrase: “My betrothed, mummer, comb my hair.” In the dream, the groom should come and comb the girl. If he never appears in your dream, then you shouldn’t expect love this year.


For this version of love spell you will need a transparent glass of water, a simple ring and a thread. The glass should be filled approximately three-quarters full with water. Then the ring must be tied to a thread and slowly lowered into a glass of water. After this, the fortuneteller asks a question and slowly removes the ring from the glass. If the ring touches the right wall, then the answer is affirmative, and if it touches the left wall, the answer is negative.

Christmas fortune-telling on the night of January 6-7 at home for the future

Fortune telling for the future on the night of January 6-7 at home is an old Christmas tradition. Of course, many people treat this kind of predictions with distrust, but this does not prevent fortune telling from being used as a fun pastime at Christmas. A selection of Christmas fortune-telling on the night of January 6-7 for the future at home, which awaits you further, is perfect for large companies.


For this version of fortune telling you will need: empty walnut shells, paper, a large basin of water, candles. Each girl chooses a nutshell for herself and marks it, for example, with a colored candle for the cake. Write on small pieces of paper different words: wealth, marriage, child, house, work. Paper predictions are rolled into tubes and laid out at different edges of the pelvis. Water is filled into a basin and improvised boats with candles are sent out. To which of paper straws If the shell sticks, then the girl will be waiting for her in the near future.


Objects symbolizing various events from the future. For example, a pacifier can be a symbol of the birth of a child, and a wallet can be a harbinger of wealth. Each fortuneteller must, blindfolded, take one object out of the bag, which will symbolize an important event in the near future.


For this method of fortune telling, you need to take a candle and a bowl of water. Mentally you should ask a question of interest and light a candle. When the candle has already burned out well, you need to pour the wax into the water. The future is “read” from the drawing that is obtained after the wax hardens in water.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas 2017 at home using money and wealth

Fortune telling at Christmas at home can be about money and material wealth. There are few options for such predictions, but they exist. For example, you can tell fortunes about money and wealth at home on the night of January 6-7 for Christmas using a book. To do this, you need to ask a question regarding money, and then open the book to a random page. Select, with your eyes closed, a page and a line and interpret the answer based on the content. Just like fortune telling for the future, love and your betrothed, you can cast fortunes for money at Christmas together with other fortune tellers. For example, you can take three plates and one bill, which will symbolize wealth in the near future. Then you need to ask someone to hide the bill under one of the plates, and if you find it the first time, you will soon be financially lucky. Another simple way to tell fortunes at home using money and wealth for Christmas is the option with coins. To do this, you need to take a small bag and fill it with coins of different denominations, but the same in size. The higher the denomination of the coin that a person pulls out from eyes closed, the more prosperous his financial life will be.