Fortune telling for Christmas at home. Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

Incredible facts

New Year– this is a traditional time for the fulfillment of desires, various kinds magic and other miracles.

The period of the so-called Christmastide, from January 6 to January 19, is considered a traditional time for fortune telling.

And Christmas Eve or the night before Christmas is the main night for important fortune telling.

Since ancient times, girls have been waiting all year for this magical night so that they can finally find out their future and tell fortunes for their betrothed.

On Orthodox Christmas, according to the customs of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, you can and should guess, and this will not be considered a sin.

If you want to know your future on Christmas Eve 2018, remember that the time itself for fortune telling is also important.

Please note, everyone higher power and spirits, as a rule, are activated at midnight, so it is best to prepare all the equipment necessary for fortune telling in advance.

So, here are some of the most common methods for Christmas fortune-telling:

Fortune telling on cards at Christmas

Card layout is one of the traditional and often chosen methods of fortune telling for future events.

Maps can tell a lot about you real life, tell about the past as well as the future.

There are many different ways, how to use a deck of cards for fortune telling. Here is one of the simplest and, without a doubt, understandable methods of fortune telling with cards:

To ensure that the answers you receive are as accurate as possible, it is recommended to prepare in advance by doing the following:

At midnight between January 6th and 7th, wear a nightgown and make sure you are not wearing any jewelry.

Light the candles and arrange them in a semicircle. Then take a new deck of cards, shuffle it, and place it in the center of the burning semicircle.

After this, be sure to lay out the cards with your left hand so that the suit is not visible.

Make room for the cards that you will draw from the resulting semicircle. So, first, take three cards and ask yourself the question: “What and who will disappear from my life?”

Place the selected cards down as if at your feet, mentally imagining yourself to read the information more accurately.

Ask the following question:

"What and who will come into my life?"

Draw three cards and place them on top of the first three. On the left, place three more cards responsible for work and career, to your right place three more cards that will tell you about how you communicate with others.

Then place 5 cards in the center. They will reflect your feelings and thoughts. And finally, place another card on top, which will answer the question of how the matter will end.

Now look at the meaning of the cards:


What it promises:

6 – romantic road;

7 – happy upcoming event;

8 – good news;

9 – love, declarations of love;

10 – meeting with the betrothed;

Jack – love affairs;

Lady - maternal love and care;

The betrothed king is already close;

Ace - everything you wish for will certainly come true.


What it promises:

6 – unusual joyful adventures;

7 – unpleasant memories;

8 – interference in your affairs by outsiders;

9 – possible proposal;

10 – unnecessary, empty talk;

Jack – anxiety and worry;

Lady - too much guardianship;

King - fulfillment of all desires;

Ace is an interesting acquaintance or an unexpected meeting.


What it promises:

6 – serious acquaintances, work and business meetings

7 – doubts, difficulties, mistrust;

8 – minor concerns;

9 – unrequited love;

10 – acceptance important decisions;

Jack – parting, sadness;

Lady - problems at work that will be caused by a female colleague;

King - appearance in life important person who will take care of you (most likely, older than you);

Ace is an interesting, significant event.


What it promises:

6 – obstacles arising on the path to success;

7 – someone’s envy;

8 – nostalgia, sadness for the past;

9 – loneliness;

10 – strong unrest, experiences, stress;

Jack – suffering, betrayal;

Lady - gossip, deceit on the part of a female person;

King – cash replenishment;

Ace is an important step that will change your life.

Fortune telling for Christmas using wish cards

In addition, the cards will tell you whether your wish will come true or not. Make a wish to yourself and draw one card from the deck.


worms - your wish will come true soon;

tambourines - the wish will come true, but not now;

clubs - the wish will come true after a long time;

spades - unfortunately, the wish you made will not come true.

Fortune telling for Christmas with a mirror by candlelight

Fortune telling by candlelight with mirrors is considered one of those fortune telling that tickles the nerves. Here you need to have a certain courage and bravery. After all, a fortune-telling girl must certainly be alone at midnight in a dark room, and what she sees can frighten an impressionable and fragile person. Outsiders are prohibited from being with the fortuneteller. (The ritual can also be performed in the bathroom).

So, you need to take two identical mirrors, the larger their size, the better. Then you need to install mirrors one opposite the other, place two burning candles on the sides of the mirrors.

It would be even better and more convenient to place a mirror opposite a mirror that hangs on the wall.

Then you need to hold the mirror in your hands in such a way that in its reflection a long corridor is formed, illuminated by lights from candles.

Please note that for such an experiment the mirrors must be perfectly clean. This way you can see the object clearly.

So, after you have correctly installed the mirrors one opposite the other, the girl should carefully and intently look into the mirror into the depths of the resulting corridor.

At the end of the gallery that appears, the fortuneteller must certainly see her betrothed. This can be an outline of a person as a whole or a detailed image. It is important to catch this shadow in time in the corridor that appears.

Therefore, carefully, without taking your eyes off, peer into the corridor formed by two mirrors, and you will definitely meet your eyes with the person who is destined for you by Fate.

Christmas fortune telling with a mirror and fir branches

This kind of fortune telling is best done during the holiday week.

By midnight you need to prepare a medium-sized mirror and several fir branches. Before going to bed, write on the mirror your most cherished desire or the name of the man you are thinking about.

Then place the mirror under the sofa or bed on which you sleep, scatter it around it fir branches and go to bed peacefully.

In the morning, pull the mirror out from under the bed and look at it carefully. If there is no trace left of the inscription on the mirror, this means that the wish you made will surely come true, or that something awaits you. imminent wedding with the person whose name you wrote on the mirror.

If the inscription remains, then your wish will not come true. But if the outline of a cross suddenly began to appear on the mirror, this is considered a bad sign for the person whose name was written the day before.

Christmas fortune telling on paper

You need to take a sheet of paper or newspaper. Then crumple the paper so that it becomes a shapeless mass. The main thing is that the shape does not resemble a ball.

Then place the resulting mass on the bottom of the plate and set it on fire with a match, not a lighter.

The burnt paper, carefully, without touching or destroying the form of the resulting ash, must be brought to the wall. Look carefully at the shadow formed on the wall.

The outline that has emerged will tell about the coming future or important event. Perhaps it will be the image of a person you meet, or maybe the shadow will remind you of some significant object with which fate will somehow soon connect you.

Christmas fortune telling on a gold chain

So, no one should disturb the fortuneteller, so it’s better to wait until everyone goes to bed and start this fortune telling.

Sit at the table, take gold chain and rub it in your palms. Then take the chain with your right hand and shake it for a while. Then you need to suddenly throw the chain at your feet. Throw it on a flat surface.

Look closely at the outline. The figure formed after the chain falls means the following:

Circle - perhaps difficulties await you in the near future. The circle symbolizes vicious circle, from which, nevertheless, there is certainly a way out.

A straight line is a streak of luck, success and successful endeavors.

A figure in the form of a knot means troubles, illnesses, material losses.

Triangle - big success on love front, as well as in other areas.

The snake is a symbol of treason and betrayal. You should be careful even when communicating with loved ones.

The heart is a symbol of love, fidelity and spiritual harmony. A figure of this shape promises you prosperity, joy and happiness in the family.

Bow - a quick wedding.

Fortune telling for Christmas with wax

Fortune telling with candle wax is a kind of association game.

From your inventory you will need a large candle and a bowl. But, in addition, here you also need to show your imagination and correctly interpret what you see.

So, pour water into the bowl, use a match to light the candle. It should flare up until the wax begins to melt.

Then turn the candle over so that the wax begins to drip into the bowl of water. Try to draw crosses and circles on the water three times.

And finally, take a look at the figures obtained from the wax, use your imagination and try to see the outlines and interpret them correctly.

Their interpretation will be as follows:

heart - someone is in love with you;

wreath, crown - in the near future you will be called down the aisle;

flowers - a good year awaits you;

triangle - to gossip behind your back;

circle - vicious circle, a difficult situation;

zigzags, sharp changes - obstacles, difficulties;

twisted road - adventure, fun;

many dots - to anxiety;

face - to new meetings, interesting acquaintances;

stars, meteorites - happiness and joy;

square - routine, routine, troubles;

cobweb - to conspiracies, gossip behind your back;

longitudinal lines - an unexpected turn of fate;

image of a person - changes in life, eventful events;

triangle in a square - difficult situation, troubles;

home - a long and happy life.

If you see several figures on the water, try to interpret them separately, and then combine the images into a single picture.

Christmas fortune telling using coffee grounds

The most common method of fortune telling is the following: you need to boil coffee, then pour it into a cup along with coffee grounds.

Be sure to take the cup with your left hand and make several circular movements so as to shake the coffee without spilling it.

Then carefully turn the cup over so that the coffee drips onto the saucer and the coffee grounds remain on the bottom and sides of the cup.

Wait a minute until the outlines take on their final shape, and feel free to use your imagination. What form do you see coffee sediment in?

Here are the most common figures that people see and their interpretations:

Outline of a person: for a pleasant meeting, date.

Image of a naked person: a quick date.

Outlines of houses, towers: making wishes come true. Remember that a tower in a dream is also a good sign.

Mill: lies, gossip behind your back, problems.

Outline of the gate: guests, as well as the return of the person who for a long time was absent. If you look at the figures of people in front of the gate, it means that fun awaits you soon.

Flowers: strong love feelings and a whirlwind romance.

Figures of people together: an imminent wedding.

Squares, rectangles: illness, illnesses, negative events.

Trees: deterioration of relationships with loved ones. Some difficulties and obstacles in business.

Dog: devotion and fidelity.

Cat: deceit, evil gossip, betrayal.

Fox: cunning and deception.

Wolf or bear: failures, failures in business and love.

Deer: long journey.

Horse: be careful! You may be surrounded by ill-wishers. Damage and losses.

Mountains or cliffs: depression, nostalgia, sadness.

Christmas fortune telling with millet

Fortune telling with grain or millet

For this interesting Christmas fortune telling, you need to have a small basin on hand, as well as several types of cereal. It can be buckwheat, rice, millet, millet, oats.

You should pour it all into the prepared basin and mix the cereals. When the clock strikes midnight, proceed directly to the fortune telling itself.

Place your hand into the bowl and try to grab as much grain as possible into your fist. After this, you need to pour all the grain onto the table. Try to do this carefully so that the grain does not spill on the floor.

Pay attention to the color of the grain: if it predominates White color, Means, future husband will be blond, but if there is more dark color, then he will be brunette.

If the surface turns out to be flat, the husband will be poor, if with slides, the husband will be rich.

With the help of this fortune telling on grain, you can read the name of the future chosen one. All you need to do is look very carefully at the resulting outlines. Write down the letters you think you saw. Show your imagination and form the letters into a name or initials.

Christmas fortune telling

This simple but very interesting fortune telling requires only one thing: spending the night at home on a double bed. Fortune telling will allow you to get answers to important questions that interest you, as well as find out the name of your betrothed.

Before you go to bed, prepare a lot of finely chopped pieces of paper on which to write down men's names.

Then place the signed pieces of paper under the pillow next to yours, as if on the one on which your significant other sleeps.

Cut out the numbers 1 to 12 and place them under your pillow. Then go to sleep, mentally asking the angels to send your betrothed in a dream.

Be sure to remember the dreams that come to you on Christmas Eve. You may even see the person who is destined for you.

Try to remember the dream, because it is on Christmas Eve that prophetic dreams occur.

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is put your hand next to your pillow and pull out a piece of paper. The piece of paper that you pull out will tell you the name of your future spouse.

But from under your pillow you have to pull out the numbers several times to find out more detailed information about your chosen one.

The first elongated number will show when (in how many months) you will meet your betrothed or in how many months you will get married (if you have this moment already have a boyfriend or fiance).

You can ask the second question as follows: is my fiancé blond or brunette?

If the second time you draw an even number, then he is blond, if you draw an odd number, he is brunette.

Third question: rich or poor? If the third time you draw an even number, he is rich, an odd number, he is poor.

Christmas fortune telling with needles

For this fortune telling you will need the following equipment: a bowl of water and several ordinary sewing needles.

The needles should be medium size. The needles can be replaced with ordinary pins with a ring.

Fortune telling is perfect if you are interested in a wedding issue or are concerned about how your relationship will develop further.

So, take 2 needles or pins different sizes: a large needle will symbolize a man, a smaller one will symbolize a woman.

Then, both needles need to be generously greased (butter or rich cream for the face or hands).

Carefully place the needles one at a time into a bowl filled with water. If in your life there is a " love triangle", respectively, take three needles.

Having mentally distributed the roles of each of the needles, one by one, lower them to the surface of the water.

Those needles that remain on the surface symbolize those people who will remain with you in the coming year. The same needles that immediately go to the bottom mean that the connection with those people will be severed in the new year.

If suddenly one of these needles ends in contact with another, this means an impending union, maybe even a wedding ceremony.

If the needles are connected along the entire length, this means that long-term labor cooperation and strong friendships await you with this person.

But the divergence of the ends of the two needles in different sides- this is a harbinger that the connection will soon be broken.

Please note that if the needle that symbolizes your personality has sunk, it means that in the near future your thoughts will be occupied by new worries, displacing old worries and problems from your head.

Most likely, significant changes will come in your life. You will make a new circle of friends and acquaintances.

If all the needles go to the bottom, this means that you did not lubricate them thoroughly enough. Repeat the experiment.

Christmas fortune telling on a ring

For this fortune telling you need not one, but several rings, as well as grain. Prepare a gold ring with a stone, an ordinary non-precious one, a wooden one, a silver one, and finally a wedding ring. From your inventory you will need a basin and a thick red candle.

So, pour the millet into a basin and lay out the rings. If the fortuneteller is not alone, but is in the company of friends, then it is best to lay out several pairs of rings so that there are enough for all the fortuneteller girls.

Fortune tellers are blindfolded. Then each, in turn, must draw a ring from the grains.

Here's what each of the elongated rings means:

A ring with a stone promises a beautiful and successful life in the very near future.

A simple ring - you shouldn’t wait for global changes in life, your life will flow slowly in your usual routine, without ups or downs.

A wooden ring means that your betrothed will be a poor man.

A silver ring indicates that someone loves you.

Wedding ring predicts your proposal this year and marriage.

A golden ring promises a heavenly and beautiful life.

Christmas fortune telling in the bathhouse

It is known that real Christmas fortune-telling in Rus' took place in the bathhouse.

For the most popular fortune telling in the bathhouse you need: a candle, three bowls that need to be filled with water.

Exactly at the moment when the clock strikes midnight, you need to light a candle and rinse yourself in these three waters. At the same time, you need to say to yourself that you are doing this for your future spouse, whose name you will soon learn.

Then you need to dry yourself thoroughly with a towel, dress warmly and go outside to celebrate Christmas there. When you leave the bathhouse and meet the first male passerby, be sure to ask his name.

The name of this passerby will be the name that your betrothed will have. If the first person you see is a woman, this means that you will not get married this year.

Christmas fortune telling for children

Surely everyone has heard that fortune telling was allowed exclusively for unmarried girls. But if the lady was married, she could not guess.

But a little later, the ban on fortune telling for married women was slightly weakened, and they could also carry out fortune telling on something that was interesting to them. It is logical to assume that they were already interested in other predictions. In particular, many of them wanted to know how many children they would have, or what the family's financial well-being would be.

As a rule, on Christmas Eve they ask exactly these questions.

So, to find out how many children you will have, you need to sit on the floor in the bathhouse and say the following phrase:

“Bath forces, I’ll show you the parenting place, and I expect from you the number of children.”

After which, after you have beaten yourself well with brooms, you need to carefully count the leaves on your body from the bath broom, which will certainly remain on your back.

-If there are a lot of leaves, it means you are married. Moreover, most likely your family will become large.

- If there is one leaf, then you will have one child.

- If there are two leaves, then you will have two children (pay attention to their shade: if the leaves different color, this means that the children will be of different sexes).

-But if you find three leaves, this good sign, which promises the fortuneteller not only three children, but also happy marriage, and immeasurable love from the spouse's side.

Christmas fortune telling for money

As mentioned above, fortune telling in the bathhouse is considered the most accurate. Therefore, with the help of a bath broom you can also tell fortunes about money and financial well-being.

After you take a steam bath, you need to go outside, placing a broom on your right shoulder.

Then turn around to look at the position of the broom on your shoulder. If it is placed with leaves towards your face, it promises you wealth in marriage. If the leaves point to the right, it means that most of the money will go towards business development and other business endeavors. But if the leaves are directed to the left, then the money may go to your rival or go to the side.

If the leaves are directed upward, this means that, most likely, you will have a poor life or fate will send your spouse to a spendthrift.

You may or may not believe in fortune telling on Christmas Eve. However, one thing is certain, that this particular period of the year is considered the most cheerful, kind and joyful. Remember that the most accurate and true fortune telling- these are those in which you yourself sincerely believe.

Christmas fortune-telling is the name given to fortune-telling performed during the Christmas season. Christmas time is a wonderful two weeks of magical holidays, snow and hope, which begins on Christmas Eve on January 6, and ends on Epiphany on January 19.

Fortune telling during this period is considered the most reliable and most often comes true, because... their traditions go back to the ancient times of pagan Rus'. The results of fortune-telling are also greatly influenced by the fact that Christmas fortune-telling takes place on holy days, and according to legend, good spirits and angels help people.

Fortune telling at Christmas is one of the most famous and interesting Russian traditions, which has come down to us from time immemorial. By folk beliefs, the most powerful forces helped on the night of Christmas Eve. It is worth noting that it is better to guess using the old calendar, because... all traditions come from those times. On Christmas Eve, all magical prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to the earth: some to harm people, others to help. As a rule, girls and women used to tell fortunes. They got serious, mentally shutting themselves off from the mundane, and turned to supernatural forces, hoping that they would help them discover the secret of the future.

Christmas fortune telling in Europe

But not only in Russia do people resort to the help of mysterious forces during the Christmas holidays.

For example, in good old England there is an old Christmas fortune telling, which is very similar to our log fortune telling. With the onset of darkness, the girl went to the woodpile, took an armful of firewood and piled it by the fireplace. In the morning the firewood was counted: if there was any even number, then this year the girl had to get married. Well, if the number of firewood turned out to be odd, it meant that the wedding was postponed.

In the Czech Republic, girls tell fortunes using apples. After finishing Christmas dinner fresh apples cut across. If the cut turns out to have the correct seed star, then coming year should have been happy. Fortune telling for the reciprocity of feelings among the Czech people looked like this: you had to choose the most beautiful and appetizing apple and offer it to your lover. The result depended on how interested the object of passion was in the fruit: if he eats an apple, he will respond to the feelings; if he eats the apple along with the core, then he will be young together, and if he refuses or does not finish it, then the love is not mutual and there is nothing to hope for.

In Bulgaria, the most popular and by true fortune telling Christmas is considered to be answering questions using your favorite book. This fortune telling is extremely simple. You just need to focus on your desire, guess the page number, paragraph and line, open and read what the prediction kept there.

In Greece, at Christmas, people most often try to predict the birth of a child, since the birth of a baby there is considered a miracle and the grace of God. In order to get an answer, a cheesecake is placed in the middle of the table. The fortuneteller is tightly blindfolded so as not to peep, and given a knife in his hands with which he needs to cut the cheesecake. If the knife lands in the middle of the pie, the New Year will bring the conception or birth of a boy. If the knife touches the edge, a girl will be born, but this event will have to wait. If the knife gets on the tablecloth, there will be no children in the coming years.

Fortune telling for Christmas in Russia

But let's return to Russian traditions. During Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling, you can look for only the most positive sides. Bad omens should not be given much importance, otherwise you risk setting yourself up for failure in advance, and absolutely no one needs this.

Christmas fortune telling with wax

One of the most common methods of fortune telling in Russia is fortune telling with wax. To do this, on one of the Christmas nights you need to collect cinders from paraffin or wax candles, melt them in some metal container and melt it over the fire. You need to take white candles; festive colored ones are not suitable for fortune telling. After the wax has melted, you need to pour it into a bowl with ice water. Try to pour the wax in one motion, this way it will be better transformed into a figurine. This frozen figure will reveal to you the secret of the future. Take a closer look at your figure and determine what it looks like most. Here are some interpretations:

  • house - soon you will be able to acquire a new household; For girls this predicts marriage first of all;
  • a shapeless figure means a bad future and misfortune;
  • a hole or small cave is the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes the burial place and predicts serious illness or imminent death;
  • the wax exfoliated into several strips - roads, travel and crossings;
  • the wax has separated into many small drops - good money;
  • mushroom - vitality, longevity;
  • trees - upward-pointing tree branches promise quick joy, drooping branches predict sadness, melancholy and boredom;
  • ring or candle - imminent wedding;
  • a pancake that has sunk to the bottom - a long girlhood;
  • dragon - fulfillment of hopes, completion of some project, big work;
  • stars - good luck at work, career advancement or academic success;
  • bell - news: crooked bell - bad, many bells - alarming;
  • flower - marriage or new lover;
  • human's figure - new friend;
  • apple - wisdom and health, apple irregular shape- a temptation that must be overcome;
  • a cross is a sign of an upcoming illness;
  • egg - the appearance of something new in life.

Fortune telling with wax can also be done with milk. Before pouring wax into cold milk, you should say: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk, eat wax.” And see what kind of figure has formed.

Fortune telling by barking dogs

This fortune telling is intended to tell the girl about her future spouse. To do this, she must take a knife and, going outside, go to the nearest snowdrift. Next you need to start cutting the snow, while uttering the following words: “Damn don’t be silent, damn tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to cry or laugh?” After the words are spoken, you need to listen carefully to the dog barking. If the barking of dogs that reaches your ears is loud and loud, then your husband will be kind and cheerful. If the barking is angry and abrupt, then the husband will be sullen and a man of strict rules. A hoarse bark predicts an elderly groom, and a ringing and high-pitched bark predicts a young one. Howling does not bode well - it predicts a short-lived marriage and even widowhood. If suddenly the dogs don’t bark, don’t despair: this only means that supernatural forces are in no hurry to reveal this secret to you. And you shouldn’t be offended by them for this, they know better what a person should know about his future and what not.

Christmas fortune telling with onions

This fortune telling will help those girls and boys who are eager to find out the name of their future husband or wife. Or maybe it will help you choose if a girl is hesitant and can’t decide who to give her hand and heart to. In order to reveal this secret, you need, shortly before the night you have chosen for fortune telling, to select several good onions and write on them the initials of the groom candidates. For young men, respectively, potential brides. After this, the bulbs are placed in jars of water. On Christmas night, saying: “Oh, onion, onion, whisper, who will be the groom?” (for girls) or “Oh onion, onion, whisper, who will be my bride?”, the sprouts should be measured. Whichever bulb has the longest feather, the name of your destiny is written there.

Fortune telling for your future husband at Christmas

Fortune telling for your future husband is the most popular type of fortune telling for girls at Christmas. On the night of the holiday, the girl goes out into the street and asks the name of the first man she met. According to legend, the name of this person will be the name of the fortune teller’s future husband. By the appearance of the first person you meet, you can determine the degree of beauty and wealth of your future spouse. According to the stories of those who were not afraid to try this type fortune telling, this is how everything happened in their future life.

You can find out what your betrothed will be like in another way - by seeing him in prophetic dream. In order to have a prophetic dream, you need to comb your hair slowly and thoroughly at night with a clean comb and say: “Betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.” After this, go to bed with the comb under your pillow. In a dream, the future groom will comb his bride's hair with a comb.

Another way to see your future spouse in a prophetic dream is as follows: you need to eat something salty at night and before going to bed say the following: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.”

They also tell fortunes about their husband using glasses of water. You need to take four glasses and pour them in clean water. Put a teaspoon of honey in the first, half a teaspoon of salt in the second, and a quarter of a teaspoon in the third. citric acid, pour a little wine into the fourth glass. Next, you need to thoroughly mix the contents of the glasses and cover them with napkins. The girl being told the fortune comes up and without hesitation chooses one glass. If you come across water with honey, then your husband’s character will be good and his life will be sweet. Water with salt predicts tears and sadness. Water with acid means a sad, dull life, and water with wine will tell you what your husband will drink.

Christmas fortune telling by burning threads - fortune telling for girlfriends who want to find out which of them will get married faster. The girls cut threads from one ball of equal length and set them on fire. Whichever of them burns out the thread faster will be the first to get married. If the thread goes out immediately or less than half has burned out, this means that you can’t expect a quick marriage.

Fortune telling with matches will help you find out how realistic it is for a couple in love to be together. To do this, take a matchbox and insert a match on each side. The matches are lit and allowed to burn. If the cinders are facing each other, then the dreamed boy and girl will be together. If one is facing the other way, then one of the couple will face a broken heart in the future.

Another Christmas fortune telling, which is called “fortune telling by log”. It is suitable for those who spend the Christmas holidays at the dacha or in country house where there is a fireplace or stove. The girl leaves the room and in the dark pulls out one log from the woodpile. Then he returns to the hearth and examines it carefully. The log will help you draw a conclusion about what your future husband will be like. A smooth, even log predicts a good, handsome groom. A log with rough bark - ugly, but hard-working. If you come across a log with thick and good bark, then the betrothed will be rich. A tattered log predicts a poor groom, but this does not mean that he will not be able to improve his affairs in the future. Thick will say that the groom will be strong and strong. A log with knots predicts big family, a crooked log means an elderly groom or one with physical disabilities.

Christmas fortune telling by cat is a simple way to find out about the character of your future spouse. The fortuneteller should call the cat and stroke it with her right hand. If the cat purrs, then be kind and affectionate to your husband. If he scratches, the spouse will be cocky and pugnacious. If he meows, then the fortuneteller will get a walking and talkative life partner. If the cat just runs away, then you can’t even dream about a wedding in the coming year.

Well known ancient fortune telling on the boot. The girl needs to go out into the street at midnight on Christmas Day with a boot and throw it behind her back. Where the toe of the boot points is where you should wait for the matchmakers. But if the sock turned towards its owner, then she will not see a wedding this year.

Fortune telling for children

You can tell fortunes about children using a ring or using a needle and thread. To tell fortunes by ring, you need to take a bowl, pour clean water into it, throw a gold ring into it and put it in the cold. Look in the morning: if the frozen surface is flat, then a childless life awaits the fortuneteller; if the surface is uneven, then examine it carefully - how many tubercles, so many sons, and how many dimples, so many girls.

Fortune telling with a needle is simpler. You need to thread the needle. Holding the end of the thread with your fingers right hand, the tip of the needle should be directed into the middle of the palm at a short distance from its surface. If the needle begins to swing across the palm, then a girl will be born in the future; if along, then the birth of a boy will make your family happy. The number of times the needle begins to swing in these two directions, the number of children there will be.

Fortune telling by shadow

This fortune telling is done like this. You need to take a sheet of newspaper and crumple it well. There is no need to roll the ball into a tight ball, otherwise the fortune telling will not work and you will not be able to understand anything. The crumpled paper is then placed on a plate and set on fire. When the paper is completely burned out, you need to place a lit candle next to the plate and look at the shadow that the burnt paper casts on the wall. The meaning of the figures that emerged according to this fortune-telling is similar to the interpretation of wax figurines.

Hair fortune telling

At midnight on Christmas Day, you need to pour clean water into a bowl, add a small pinch of ash, a pinch of sugar and salt. Next, the water is thoroughly mixed and allowed to completely calm down. Then two hairs are thrown into the water: one of your own and the other of your lover. They put the bowl away and go to bed. And the next morning they evaluate the result of fortune-telling: if the hairs are intertwined, then you can be together and the wedding can be played in the coming year. If the hairs move some distance away from each other, then separation awaits you and it is not destined to be together. A drowned hair predicts a serious illness to the one to whom it belongs.

Fortune telling with dice (dice)

For fortune telling you need to take two dice. The fortuneteller rolls the dice. You need to get a double, then you can look into the future. You can only roll the dice six times. If the double does not fall out, then fate does not want the person to find out what awaits him. Interpretations of dropped duplicates:

  • two units - failures in business and endeavors;
  • two twos - discord with loved ones and quarrels with friends and acquaintances;
  • two threes - travel, new experiences, new acquaintances;
  • two fours - good luck in work and business;
  • two fives - material well-being;
  • two sixes - mutual love.

Fortune telling by wish

There are different ways to tell your wish during Christmas time. The main thing when making a wish is to concentrate properly and have a clear idea of ​​what exactly you want.

For fortune telling on grains, you need to take a handful of grains in left hand, clench your palm into a fist and say out loud your wish. Then count the number of grains, and if it turns out to be even, then you are lucky and your wish will come true. If the number is odd, your dreams will not come true in the coming year. Yes, you can take completely different grains. It is more convenient to use larger grains to make counting easier.

You can use another method. Make your deepest wishes, write each one on a separate piece of paper, roll it up and put it under your pillow at night. And in the morning, reach out there and pull out the first thing you come across. What is in your hands will come true in the coming year.

There is also a Christmas fortune telling with a cat. Those who have a representative of the feline family in their home can make their deepest wish and call their pet. If the cat crosses the threshold with its right front paw, then the wish should come true. If it is left, then it is not destined to come true.

Fortune telling by mirror

This ancient fortune telling has always been considered the most accurate. However, it also carried dangers. Often impressionable young ladies lost their senses. And the whole point is that, according to ancient legends, a mirror is nothing more than the line between the real and the otherworldly. There are many signs and customs associated with this belief. Previously, when mirrors were made using silver, it was believed that in addition to connecting with the world of spirits, they had a long memory, which could harm people. Therefore, almost all signs relating to the mirror are considered bad omens. Everyone knows that broken mirror promises misfortune and trouble. In the old days, women were not allowed to look in the mirror during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, because... it was believed that this could destroy the precarious line between the two worlds and harm the baby and mother. At the same time, the mirror also served a strong talisman: it was believed that evil spirits, reflected in the mirror, instantly and forever lost their power.

But let's get back to the fortune telling itself. They told fortunes with a mirror in an “unclean” place (for example, in a bathhouse, where they washed off all the dirt from themselves), at midnight on Christmas Eve, when the boundary between reality and the other world became thinner. The girl who performed the divination had to be alone in the room. She needed to take off her belt, let her hair down, and put two cutlery and a candle on the table. Having prepared everything necessary, the girl sat down facing the mirror and said: “Betrothed, mummer, come to dinner with me.” At exactly midnight, in the mirror, she saw the face of a man leaning over her shoulder. At this moment, peering into the face of her future groom, she had to utter words that would drive away the image: “Cheer out of this place!” From that moment on, the danger subsided. It was believed that if this is not said, the betrothed may come out of the mirror, and then misfortune will occur.

Another fortune telling with a mirror. The girl stood in front of the mirror so that she could see the month in it, and peered into it intently. After a while, it began to seem to her that there were several months in the sky. Here she needed to quickly count their number. Fortune telling said that there would be exactly this number of relatives in the house of the future husband.

Another fortune telling on mirrors is also associated with superstitions. Mirrors were placed opposite each other in such a way as to form an endless corridor leading to the world of spirits and magical powers. The girl had to undress, sit in front of the mirror and peer into the mirrored passage. The bravest fortune tellers removed from the neck and orthodox crosses. An unclean spirit was supposed to pass along the corridor so that at midnight, after the words she uttered: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner,” the face of her future husband was to be revealed to the fortuneteller. Seeing his image, the girl had to pronounce the same amulet that is used in fortune telling with a mirror and a candle, namely: “Cheer out of this place!” After this, the spirit disappeared, taking with it the image of the man. During this fortune-telling, friends could help the fortuneteller by making a circle around her from their belts, which served as a talisman and protection.

Fortune telling for Christmas- an old tradition of the Russian people. However, whether to guess at Christmas time or not is your choice. Many fortune tellings can promise troubles and misfortunes, childlessness, illness and even death. And some can plunge especially impressionable people into a state of fear. In addition, it is worth considering how suggestible a person you are, because... It has long been known and verified that only what you believe in comes true. This applies to signs, beliefs, and fortune telling. And don’t forget the good old saying: “Everyone is the architect of his own happiness”!

On the night from the sixth to the seventh of January Orthodox Christians of Russia celebrate the feast of the Nativity of Christ. As you know, in our country the church at the beginning of the 20th century did not move from Julian calendar to New Gregorian, resulting in a 13-day calendar difference from the calendar used by other Christians. Christmas, as a holiday in Russia, differs significantly from its counterpart in the rest of the Christian world. Initially, Christmas holidays were associated with many folk customs, but they were forgotten after Christmas celebrations were banned in 1918.
Only in 1935 Soviet authority again allowed to put up and decorate Christmas trees - however, not Christmas trees, but New Year's ones. And the stars on the top of the spruce became five-pointed in the Soviet style. And earlier the stars were seven-pointed and symbolized the very star that, according to the Gospel, led the Magi to the newly born baby Christ.

One of the biggest Christian holidays. Began with the Nativity of Christ new era, and they began to celebrate the holiday already in the first centuries. At first it was a strictly established day - January 6 and was called Epiphany.

This number had nothing to do with the date of birth of the Divine Infant, since this day was unknown. But the designated date had a deep symbolic meaning. Ancient Church correlated the “two Adams” - the first man on Earth, and Christ - the new, second Adam. The first Adam is the author of sin and death of the entire human race. The second Adam is the creator of life and the source of salvation for people. Moreover, it was believed that Christ was born on the same day on which the first Adam was created - on the sixth.

The Feast of the Epiphany underwent changes and began to be considered the birth of God in the form common man, under normal conditions and under difficult everyday circumstances. Already in ancient times, Christmas took root and became widespread throughout Western and eastern world. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree these days came from Germany, where it existed for a long time. It was believed that a Christmas tree with candles and decorations is a symbol spiritual light and the saving fruits of God's grace.

Christmas night, gifts, candles,
Friends and relatives at the festive table.
How I want the joy to last forever,
And we shared our happiness and warmth.
Let the night pass, but it will not disappear with it
From our souls there is a beautiful, kind light.
And let everyone believe in their hearts -
God is love, and He is with us forever!

Folk signs:

Snow at Christmas - for a fruitful year;

blizzard - bees will swarm well;

frost - for a grain harvest, a starry sky - for a pea harvest.

From Christmas to Epiphany, sin hunts; misfortune will happen to the hunter.

Christmas merged with the ancient Slavic holiday - Christmastide. This holiday is celebrated on the eve of the Nativity of Christ - January 6, on Christmas Eve. The main dishes that evening were kutia, which was prepared from boiled grains of wheat or barley, and a broth made from apples, pears, plums, raisins, cherries and other fruits, boiled in water. Kutya and vzvar have symbolic meaning. Kutya is eaten at funerals and when commemorating the dead, and vzvar is eaten at the birth of a child. The combination of these dishes seemed to connect two memories - the birth of Christ and his death. Christmas Eve cannot be separated from Christmas. Moreover, in Europe, other Catholic and Protestant countries it is celebrated on December 25, i.e. it anticipates the New Year. For several decades now, Russia has been celebrating the New Year first, and then, on January 7, the Nativity of Christ.
Christmas merged with the ancient Slavic holiday - Christmastide. Yuletide rituals - community Yuletide feasts, caroling - over time turned into Christmas rituals. The Orthodox family had been waiting for Christmas all year, the preparation for it was very thorough. For six weeks before Christmas we fasted and ate fish. But at Christmas everyone ate pork. Before Christmas, 3 days in advance, you could buy a Christmas tree in markets and squares.

In the last decade, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ is again actively returning to family traditions not only rural residents, but also city residents. And now, as in previous years, when the first Christmas star rises in the frosty sky, family members gathered at the table wish each other a Merry Christmas and give each other gifts. And in rural areas Carolers began to appear under the windows again and sing special songs - carols:

"...Christmas has come,
Let's start the celebration!.."

The main purpose of caroling is to wish happiness, wealth and a good harvest.

Carolers are treated to delicacies and thanked for their congratulations. All day on January 7th it is customary to visit and receive guests. And guess.


Christmas - best time for fortune telling! The night from January 6 to 7 is Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve. According to popular beliefs, on this night all prohibitions are lifted and mysterious forces rush to Earth. Some are to harm people, others are to help. The girls, getting ready to tell their fortunes, were in a serious mood. They mentally fenced themselves off from the real world and turned to supernatural forces.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

At midnight, go outside and ask the name of the first man you meet. The named name will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling by candle flame

On Christmas night, having changed into clean clothes and washed, place a new candle on a wooden stand and, keeping your question in mind, light the wick. After waiting a little, look at the flame - it will tell you about the future. A dim flame means sorrow. A weak but even flame foreshadows a calm life, which will be bypassed by strong unrest and failures. A bright but uneven flame means that everything in life will generally turn out well, but a very bright flame, and even if the candle crackles, portends a happy life and full of adventure. The color of the flame can also tell something: yellow - joy, yellow-red - profit. If the candle smokes heavily, it is unfortunate.

Fortune telling on three cups

For this fortune telling, take three cups: pour water into one, pour sugar into the second, and put a ring into the third. After this, close your eyes, turn around yourself three times and, without opening your eyes, select one cup. A cup of water foreshadows an ordinary, unremarkable year, uneventful, with sugar - promises fun and money, and a ring foretells imminent marriage or meeting your future husband.

Fortune telling on rice grains

For this fortune telling, take a cup, pour rice into it and, covering it with your left hand, make a wish or ask a question. In the old days, girls used to say this: “Show me, fate, what should I expect: good or bad?” Then turn the cup over to empty the contents onto the tablecloth or napkin, and scoop up a handful of rice with your left hand. Now all that remains is to count the number of grains: an even number means the wish will come true and good luck awaits you, an odd number portends failure.

Fortune telling with a mitten

Throw the mitten up and watch it fall. If it falls upward with your thumb, it means that you will meet your betrothed in the coming year; if thumb facing downwards, then the acquaintance will not take place.

Fortune telling in the snow

Lay down on your back in the snow, then get up and leave without looking back. Inspect this place in the morning: a streaked footprint in the snow means that the husband will be rough, smooth - that the husband will be soft and kind. If the hole is deep, then you will have to get married more than once; if the mark is covered, then the wedding will take place soon. And if there is a mound in this place, then expect troubles in the coming year.

Wax fortune telling

Light the candles, then take a wax or simple paraffin candle and, breaking it into small pieces, place it in a metal spoon. Heat the spoon on one of the candles until the pieces turn into a molten liquid. When the wax has melted, take a glass of cold water and pour the contents of the spoon into the water in one fell swoop. Use the resulting figure to guess. If you see a coffin, it means you are destined to get sick, and if you see a wreath, then you are destined to get married.

Apple fortune telling

Standing in front of a mirror, cut an apple into nine pieces, eat eight of them, and throw the last one through left shoulder. The betrothed should appear in the mirror.

Fortune telling by dream

Before going to bed, eat something salty, but don't drink. When you go to bed, make a wish: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” The one who gets you drunk is the one you will marry.

Salty water

Pour some water into a glass and dissolve in it a large number of salt, drink before going to bed and ask: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, give me a drink!” The groom will appear in a dream and give you something to drink.

January 7 is one of the main Christian holidays. It was erected in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary. The holiday is preceded by a 40-day fast.

Events of the Nativity of Christ

On the eve of the birth of Jesus, Joseph and pregnant Mary went to Bethlehem for a census. They could not find accommodation for the night in the city, since it was completely packed with people, and went into a barn where they sheltered the cattle from the weather. And that night a miracle of birth happened - the God-man was born. Mary laid the baby in a manger (cattle feeder) as if in a cradle.

The first to learn about the birth of the Savior were the shepherds, to whom an angel appeared. They came to the cave to worship the baby. A new one lit up in the sky that night bright Star, which announced to the whole world about the great miracle that happened that night.

King Herod also learned the news about the birth of the Savior and ordered the death of all children under two years of age. Then an Angel appeared to Joseph and ordered him to flee with his family to Egypt, where they remained until Herod passed away.

The exact date of birth of the Messiah is unknown. The Catholic Church celebrates the holiday.

January 7: traditions and customs of the day

On this day, believers, remembering the great miracle of birth, gather in churches where festive services are held. Also on January 7, it is customary to visit or invite guests to your home. Good omen, if two men enter the house first that day. Then there will be no quarrels or discord in your home for a year. But if a woman crosses the threshold first, illness and misfortune await the household.

There are also certain prohibitions for this day. On Christmas Day you cannot:

  1. Young girls should tell fortunes, otherwise they will lose their destiny. But on this day you can make a cherished wish. According to legend, it will definitely come true.
  2. Bathe. You need to take water treatments in advance. It is necessary to celebrate Christmas with a pure soul and body.
  3. Do housework. It is advisable to do all household chores by January 5th.
  4. Women dye and cut their hair.
  5. Beget children. It is believed that otherwise the marriage will break up.
  6. The hosts must leave the table before the guests. There is an opinion that if the owner leaves the table before the guests, then he will be restless all year.
  7. Drink alcoholic drinks and water. On this day you can drink tea, coffee, compote.
  8. Places empty plates on the table. There must be at least something, but it must lie on them.
  9. Go hunting and kill animals.
  10. Cooking or drinking jelly means for the deceased.
  11. Taking out the trash.
  12. Go to the forest and fishing. Otherwise, you can disturb the mermaids and the devil.
  13. Swear and move to another place.
  14. Buy a rope, otherwise there will be a hanged man in the house.
  15. Celebrate the holiday alone.

Signs for Christmas January 7

There are quite a lot of signs associated with this bright holiday.

Signs for Christmas about the weather:

  1. The thaw on this day promises a warm and early spring.
  2. If frost hits, it will be cold even on.
  3. If a cat claws at the walls, the weather will soon turn bad. A cat curled up in a ball foreshadows the onset of frost.
  4. It’s good if it’s snowing or lying on the ground. The more snow there is on January 7, the more favorable the year will be.
  5. A clear sky and a bright moon on it mean severe frosts.
  6. A starry sky and frost on the trees mean a good harvest.
  7. If the holiday falls on a new moon, then there will be a lean year.
  8. It’s warm outside – spring will be cold.

Signs associated with Christmas:

  1. Breaking dishes or spilling something at Christmas means a quarrel.
  2. Having a wedding on this day means a long and happy family life.
  3. sit down festive table needed only after the first star appears.
  4. If a bird knocks on the window at Christmas, you will receive good news.
  5. All the dishes on the table must be tried.
  6. Invite only pleasant and dear people to the celebration.
  7. Pets need to be fed well on this day.
  8. An item bought for Christmas will last a long time.
  9. If a dog on a leash howls, then there will be trouble. To avoid misfortune, go to the animal, untie it and say: “ Just as a rope does not hold you, so trouble will not hold on to my house.».
  10. A person who stumbles on the way to church on January 7 may become very ill 12 years later. To prevent this from happening, you need to say: “ I’m going to God, he will save me.”.

It also matters what day Christmas Day falls on:

  • Monday – summer will be warm and will delight you with a large harvest of mushrooms;
  • Tuesday – a good year for marriage;
  • Wednesday – fishing and hunting will be successful;
  • Thursday - fortune will smile on unmarried girls;
  • Friday - winter will be long and summer will be short;
  • Saturday – there will be a lot of rain at the end of winter;
  • Sunday - the year will be good and will bring people many joyful events.

A person born on January 7 will live a long and happy life. Jasper is suitable for him as a talisman. Since ancient times, this stone has been used by magicians and sorcerers to perform various rituals. Jasper removes negative energy, accumulated in the human body, sharpens the gift of foresight and intuition.

Video: Do's and Don'ts for Christmas

The most favorable time For fortune telling, the night before Christmas or Christmas Eve has been considered for a long time. The rituals invented and repeatedly tested in practice in ancient times have not lost their truthfulness in our time. Fortune telling on Christmas night can be done literally on anything that comes to hand: on paper, candles, rice, from a book, from shadows, from a comb, from water, and so on.

In this article we have compiled an extensive thematic selection of night fortune telling...

A selection of 30 fortune telling on Christmas night

History of Christmas fortune telling

According to ancient folk beliefs and hundreds of years of practice, fortune telling on the night before Christmas is the most accurate. It is believed that it was at this time that the boundaries between real world people and the “subtle” world. The girls, using the magic of this night, made fortunes about their betrothed, about the future, about love, about desires, and even about the name of their future spouse.

Literally none before religious holiday could not do without fortune-telling; the most popular were always fortune-telling at Christmas for the betrothed and for the future.

Often the rituals were carried out in a bathhouse, where all participants in the divination had to remove their pectoral cross and other amulets. Another prerequisite was to let your hair down.

Winter holidays, lasting 2 weeks, are called Christmastide or holy evenings. They begin on Christmas Day on January 6th and end on Epiphany on January 19th.

In ancient times, people sacredly believed in these customs. But is it worth believing that fortune telling on Christmas night is true in our age of the Internet, science and technology?

No one can answer this question accurately. But you understand that the main thing in predictions is faith, people’s faith in something works miracles. That is why they used to be taken so seriously, they believed in them, and they certainly came true!

Other fortune telling for Christmas, Christmastide and New Year

Christmas fortune telling in different countries of the world

Interesting fortune telling different nations peace


A popular fortune telling at Christmas in England was fortune telling by firewood. As soon as night fell, the girl went to the woodpile, took some firewood at random and brought it into the house. In the morning they counted how much firewood the girl brought:

  • If the number turned out to be even, it means that this year the girl will receive a marriage proposal;
  • And if it’s odd, you’ll have to wait until at least next year for the wedding.


Similar fortune telling on Christmas night also exists in Russia. Unmarried girls approach the wooden fence exactly at midnight and, spreading their arms as wide as possible, try to grab as many boards as possible. Next, count the number of boards covered.

  • An even number means a quick wedding;
  • Odd – there is no wedding in the near future.


In the Czech Republic, fortune telling with apples is considered traditional. After a festive dinner late in the evening or at night on Christmas Day, a whole apple is cut crosswise and the cut is carefully examined. The coming year will be successful if the cut turns out to be an even, regular star made of partitions and seeds.

There is another type of fortune telling with apples in the Czech Republic, for love and mutual feelings. The fortuneteller must treat the object of his dreams and desires to the most beautiful and delicious apple in his opinion.

  • If an apple is eaten by a lover or beloved completely along with the core, it means that they will be together happily ever after;
  • If the apple is eaten to the core, it means the feelings are mutual;
  • If your loved one refuses to take the apple or even gives it to someone else, you should not expect reciprocal feelings.

An apple is generally sown with a unique magical tool, for example, the most powerful love spell is considered to be:


In Bulgaria, young girls fell in love with fortune telling, which allows you to get an answer to any question; it is called “Yes, no.” The answer in this case is asked from the book. Fortune telling is done very simply, you need to mentally ask a question, then guess the page number, line number and count from above or below.

Next, you should open the page number in the book that you wished for and read what is written on the line that you wished for. The fortuneteller interprets what is written at his own discretion. If such a line does not exist on this page, the answer to your question is unequivocal - “no”.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:


In Greece, at Christmas they tell fortunes about the birth of a child using a cheesecake. A pie or cheesecake is placed on the table, the fortuneteller is blindfolded and given a knife with a wooden handle. Blindfolded, he must cut the cheesecake.

  • If the fortuneteller did not hit the pie with the knife, it means that children are not expected in the near future;
  • If the knife only touched the edge of the cheesecake, most likely a girl will be born, but this will not happen soon;
  • If the knife touches the very middle, expect a new addition this year and it will be a boy.


What the coming year will be like was recognized in Ukraine by its uniform frozen ice. Water was poured into a shallow dish and taken outside to harden. This was always done on Christmas night. In the morning we looked at the form in which the water froze:

  • A smooth ice surface means that the year will be smooth and stable;
  • Ice in waves suggests that the year will be different, there will be both sorrow and joy;
  • Rolling ice promises a good and happy year;
  • And if a hole has formed on the surface of the ice, the year will be difficult.

No matter how many fortune tellings there are, the easiest thing is to go to bed early. On Christmas night, all dreams are prophetic and tend to come true, the main thing is not to forget what you dreamed. Can be read to increase the chance of receiving a prophecy.

Christmas fortune telling for love

Christmas love fortune telling for any occasion

Fortune telling for your husband “With bulbs”

A week before Christmas, you need to take a few onions, write the names of your boyfriends on them and put all the bulbs in water. 7 days later, on Christmas night after the moon rises, you need to measure the sprouts that have emerged from the bulbs; whichever one turns out to be longer will be your husband.

If you have only one candidate for the role of husband, you need to take one onion and place it in water a week before Christmas; if it sprouted by Christmas, then this is the person you will marry.

You can look at others and you will probably like something!

Fortune telling for the groom “With a golden ring”

For this fortune telling you will need a ring, a thread and several small sheets of paper. The ring needs to be hung on a thread. You need to write the names of the candidates for the role of the groom on pieces of paper and place them on the table. Next, take the ring by the thread and move it over the pieces of paper.

The name over which the ring swings the most will be the name of your future husband.

Midnight fortune telling “In the name of the husband”

At night, go out into the street and at exactly 12 o’clock at night, ask the first man you meet for his name. This is what your future spouse will be called. Pay also attention to the appearance and status of the man. Your future husband will look like this passerby.

The most accurate fortune telling “For the betrothed”

To carry out this fortune-telling on the night of January 7 for your betrothed, you need strong faith, excellent imagination and courage. Using this method, you can see what your future spouse will look like and even find out his name. Fortune telling must be done alone.

  • At exactly 12 o'clock at night, you need to cover the table with a tablecloth, put down cutlery, except for the knife and fork, they cannot be put down. Now you need to stay alone in the room, lock all the windows and doors, sit at the table opposite the devices and say:

“Betrothed, mummer, come to dinner with me.”

  • Next, in silence, wait for the arrival of an otherworldly entity in the form of your future betrothed. It is best to carry out the ritual in twilight; it is good if the only light source is a candle.
  • Soon, you will begin to hear knocking on the door, windows, and the howling of the wind. All these sounds are signs of an approaching betrothed. After this, the groom himself will appear, or rather a spirit or brownie in the form of your betrothed.
  • When the groom appears, the girl should not be afraid, but should sit silently, calmly, without moving, examine and remember the appearance of her betrothed.
  • You can’t answer questions or talk to him, just silently look at him until you remember all the details.
  • The groom will sit at the table and try to get you to talk, do not give in to provocations, continue to look. Once you decide that you have seen enough, ask him sharply and directly:

"The name of?"

  • The guest will tell you a name and reach into his pocket to pull something out. At this moment you can’t get confused, you need to say out loud:

If the guest does not disappear, cross yourself. It is absolutely forbidden to look at what he pulls out of his pocket, and even more so you cannot accept gifts from the “groom”. There is a belief that an otherworldly entity can take a girl with him...

Fortune telling before Christmas

On the comb

This night you can see your betrothed in a dream. To do this, comb your hair well before going to bed, saying:

“Betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.”

Place the comb under your pillow until the morning. In a dream, your betrothed will definitely come to you and comb his fiancee’s hair.

We discussed it in more detail in this article, if you have an idea to do it, be sure to read it.

For salt

On Christmas night, before you go to bed, eat something very salty. The easiest way is to drink highly salted water. Then immediately go to bed, and before falling asleep, say the following words of hex:

Who is my mummer? Who is my betrothed? Give me some water to drink...

At night in a dream you will see your betrothed, who will bring you water. Try to remember his appearance.

On the maps

On Christmas night, before you go to bed, place 4 kings from a new deck under your pillow playing cards. At the same time say:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, I dream about him...

After this, go to bed calmly, your betrothed should come to you in a dream.


Make a small bridge from twigs or twigs; you need to place it next to your bed. For example, on the bedside table or under the bed. Next, read this conspiracy:

Betrothed, my mummer, come, take me across the bridge...

Go to bed, this night you should dream of your future spouse, try to remember the features of his appearance, and maybe remember his personality if you find out...

Night fortune telling on the character of the future husband

With glasses

For fortune telling, take 4 glasses and fill 3 of them with water. Stir a little honey in one glass, a little salt in another, dissolve a little citric acid in a third glass of water, pour a little wine into an empty glass.

Cover the glasses with opaque napkins so that the contents of the glasses are not visible. Swap the glasses. The fortune-telling girl needs to take any of the glasses and find out the character of her future spouse by the contents.

  • Honey - the future spouse will have a very good character and life with him will be sweet;
  • Citric acid - life will be boring and dull;
  • Salt - life with your husband will be sad and with tears;
  • Wine - the future husband will love to drink.

With the help of a cat

On Christmas night, mentally wish to get married, then pet the cat.

  • If the cat meows, the future husband will be walking and talkative;
  • If he purrs, the spouse will be kind and affectionate;
  • If the cat ran away, a wedding should not be expected in the near future;
  • If you scratched it, perhaps your future spouse will raise his hand against you.

With a rooster

For fortune telling, take a mirror, a live rooster and chicken and 2 plates. Place the plates on the floor, pour water into one, put coins or grain into the other, place a mirror and chicken next to it. Everything is ready, now you can let the rooster into the room and see where it goes first.

  • If he went to the chicken, the future spouse will be walking;
  • If the rooster goes to the water, the husband will be a drinker;
  • If you choose a plate with grain or coins, the spouse will be hard-working and rich;
  • If the rooster moves towards the mirror, the future spouse will be handsome, but selfish.

On the hook, the bread and the ring

Fortune telling is suitable for a small group of girls, or rather, the three of you need to tell fortunes. Place a ring, a piece of bread and a hook made of straw or wire on the floor. All this is covered with an opaque fabric on top.

Girls should hold hands, close their eyes and walk around objects. Then each turns 360 degrees 5 times and quickly takes 1 item from under the fabric. From the object in the hand, they learn about the future life in marriage.

  • A hook is not a good sign. The spouse will work hard all his life to feed the family. The girl will live with him in poverty;
  • A piece of bread - the girl is lucky, her husband will be a rich man;
  • The ring is an excellent sign; the girl will soon have a successful marriage for love.

With log

As soon as it gets dark outside, the fortune-telling girls go to the woodpile and pull out any log from it without looking. Next, it is carefully examined; the appearance of the log will tell everything about the future spouse:

  • Crooked log - the spouse will have physical disabilities or will be much older in age;
  • A log stripped in some places speaks of the poverty of the future spouse;
  • An even, smooth log - the husband will be handsome, kind, caring;
  • A log in reliable thick bark - to a very rich spouse;
  • A log with a crooked, rough bark means the husband will be ugly;
  • Log with knots - you will have big family. The number of people in the family will correspond to the number of knots on the log.
  • A thick log means you will get a very strong husband.

With a tree

If you live in a city and finding a log is problematic for you, this fortune telling option is for you. Any place with big amount trees (forest, park, garden). Blindfold yourself, unwind and carefully go in search of the tree. Once you have found the tree, remove the blindfold and take a good look at your chosen one. All the characteristics from the previous fortune telling apply here.

By the barking of a dog

It’s not hard to guess from the name that fortune telling requires a dog. And it doesn’t have to be your dog, any dog ​​will do, even a stray or street one. Walk up to the dog and tell him:

“Bark, bark, dog, find out, find out, betrothed”

  • If the dog barked in response with a ringing bark, the betrothed will be young;
  • The hoarse barking of a dog means that the husband will be much older than the girl;
  • If the dog howls muffledly, the spouse will be divorced or widower.

By subject

For fortune telling you will need:

  • 4 mugs;
  • slice of bread;
  • burnt match or paper;
  • Golden ring.

Several people can participate in fortune telling. Leave one mug empty, put a gold ring in the next, a piece of bread in the third, and a burnt match or paper in the last. Place all the mugs on the table and cover so that the contents are not visible.

One by one you need to come up and choose a mug for yourself. For the truthfulness of fortune telling, one of the fortune tellers must rearrange the cups so that the girl choosing the mug does not know where and what is located. Next, based on the contents of the mug, they will find out what the future marriage will be like.

  • Empty mug - you have not yet met your future spouse;
  • A piece of bread - the marriage will be of convenience;
  • Ring - the marriage will be happy and long, for love;
  • Paper or a match - you have to live in poverty.

Fortune telling for marriage on Christmas night

Christmas hair fortune telling

On the hair

Pour water into a wide container, add salt, sugar, and a little ash. Mix everything thoroughly. Next you need to throw two hairs into this mixture. One hair is from your loved one’s head, the other is your own. In the morning, look at how the hairs are positioned. If they are far from each other it means separation. If the hairs come together and float nearby, a wedding awaits you.

Hair is a unique magical attribute; for example, it is considered one of the most powerful.

Which way will you get married?

Around Christmas, girls take off their shoes from their left feet and throw them over the fence or over the threshold of an apartment or house. Where the toe of the shoe points, that’s where your betrothed lives. If the toe of the shoe points to where it was thrown from, there will be no marriage in the coming year.

Most often, felt boots were used in this fortune-telling; it is by this name that it is known to all people...

You can tell your marriage fortune by barking dogs. You need to go outside and mentally ask the question: “Will I have a wedding or not?” Say out loud:

Bark, bark, little dog. Howl, little gray top!

Now stand and listen carefully. Whichever direction the dog barks, that’s the direction you’ll get married.

  • If a dog barked near the house, the betrothed lives next door;
  • If the barks are far away and barely audible, the wedding will not be soon or far from home.

During marriage

Fortune telling is carried out by a group of girls in a room with access to the street. Take turns rolling the ring towards the door. The one whose ring rolled straight to the door will get married very soon.

On Christmas night, unmarried girls go out onto the road (it’s better if it’s an intersection), draw a circle and stand in the middle of it. Then each makes a wish for her betrothed and silently listens to the sounds of the street.

  • If a girl heard swearing, lamentation, crying, she will not get married soon;
  • If singing and laughter are heard, the girl will get married soon.

Fortune telling on bread

Several girls take part in fortune telling. After Christmas dinner, in the evening or at night, each girl sculpts a small figurine of her betrothed from the remains of bread. All these figures need to be laid out on the floor outside the threshold of the room. Next, you need to bring the dog to the “grooms”.

  • If she sniffs them all and leaves without touching any of the figures, it means that none of the fortune-telling girls will get married this year.
  • Only the girl whose figurine the dog grabs first will receive a marriage proposal.

There is another version of this fortune telling. In it, girls bake small buns from wheat flour in the morning, take them out of the oven themselves and hide them. In the evening, all the girls gather in one room and place the previously prepared buns outside the threshold. Then everything happens as in the previous fortune telling. Whose dog takes the bun first will be the one to expect to get married this year. The rest will not get married soon.

With threads

Late in the evening, girls gather in company; a burning candle is placed in the center of the table. At night, after the moon rises, everyone takes a thread of the same length and simultaneously lights them with a candle.

  • Whose thread burns out faster will be the one who gets married first;
  • If the thread goes out without even burning to the middle, this girl will not get married within a year.

On matches

For this fortune telling you only need a box of matches. Take 2 matches, give them the names of the guy and the girl. Insert them into the sides of the matchbox and light it. If the burnt matches look at each other, it means the guy and the girl they wished for will live together.

You can read more about the modern variation in this article.

Christmas fortune telling for children

Simple hair fortune telling for Christmas

On the glass

Fortune telling is carried out on Christmas night. A transparent, clean glass needs to be filled with water, put a ring in it and left in the cold until the morning. In the morning you can evaluate the result of fortune telling.

  • If the water in the glass freezes evenly, without bumps or holes, a childless life awaits the fortuneteller;
  • The number of depressions on the frozen surface indicates the number of girls who will be born in this family;
  • The number of mounds indicates the number of boys.

With ring and thread

For fortune telling you will need a ring or a needle (optional) and the hair of the fortune telling girl. The ring must first be immersed in water, and if you have chosen a needle for fortune telling, then pierce it wool fabric. The hair must be threaded through the eye of the needle or through the ring. Holding the object by the hair, you need to lower it towards your palm, you need to do this slowly.

  • If the ring or needle swings from side to side, it will be a boy;
  • If the movements are circular, it’s a girl.