Dermatoglyphics: what fingerprints tell us. Dermatoglyphics: Biometric fingerprint testing - myth or reality

Much water has passed under the bridge since the time when Aristotle separated the basic sciences from philosophy. Nevertheless, there are still disciplines that cannot be unambiguously attributed to any science or identified as a separate branch of knowledge. One of these sciences is dermatoglyphics.

What is this

Dermatoglyphics is the science of the relationship between fingerprints and human character, mental abilities and diseases. It is closely related to medicine and criminology.

First, a little history. The foundations of dermatoglyphics are believed to have been laid by close friend Charles Darwin Francis Galton. Unfortunately, at that time he most interesting idea Considering fingerprints as an indicator of a person's character traits was not fully appreciated, although Scotland Yard adopted it and began to use it in forensic science.

The process of pattern formation on the fingertips begins in the tenth week of pregnancy. In nature, not only humans have fingerprints: some monkeys also have different patterns on their fingertips.

There are three main types of patterns:

  • Arc.
  • Loop.
  • Curl.

The more complex the pattern on the fingertip (the arc is considered the least complex pattern, and the curl is the most complex), the more developed and more clearly any inclination is manifested in a person. In this system, each finger is responsible for a specific area of ​​a person’s life, inclination or character trait. For example, the drawing on index finger(“pointing finger”) is considered an indicator of a craving for power. The more complex the drawing, the more pronounced this tendency is.

According to another classification, the predominant type of any pattern is also the type of person’s personality.

The more diverse the patterns on the fingers, the easier it is for a person to adapt to society and the wider his range of interests.


Since the second classification enjoys the greatest authority in the scientific world, we will try, based on it, to identify different personality types based on the pattern that predominates on the fingertips.

Loops are the most common pattern on the fingertips. As a rule, one third of the total population has this type of pattern. globe, regardless of gender, race or nationality. Such people can be called “normal”; they have the following personality traits:

  • Hardworking.
  • Kind and equal in communication.
  • Moderately selfish.
  • Always friendly.
  • They have a calm and balanced character.

Such people are the happy owners of a stress-resistant nervous system. They successfully and quite easily overcome various life adversities.

As a rule, the loop does not carry a predisposition to any unpleasant or rare diseases. The main role here is played by heredity, and not fingerprints. And of course, in no way can fingerprints be the root cause of the diseases themselves.

The pattern on the fingertips can only serve as a signal that some organ system in the human body is not working correctly. Dermatoglyphics only gives a recommendation on what a person should or even needs to pay close attention to.

A curl is already a little more interesting guy personality, no offense to people with loops on their fingers. Usually, those with curls on their fingertips are extraordinary people. They usually have enormous potential.

They often make great discoveries in various fields of human knowledge, paint pictures that rival the best museums in the world, or write books that change the worldview of an entire generation. In short, such people have a great future.

Dermatoglyphics indicates that, unfortunately, some diseases are more common in them than in representatives of other types. For example, Noonan syndrome (heart problems, short stature, chest deformation), breast cancer and various mental illness like schizophrenia, Turner syndrome (short stature, psychological and physical underdevelopment plus sexual infantilism), Down syndrome. What to do - genius often goes hand in hand with madness...

For some people, arches dominate their finger patterns. It may seem that the owners of such fingerprints are uninteresting people, not very smart and not capable of anything great.

In fact, such a judgment is fundamentally wrong. Those with arches on their fingertips have the following remarkable character traits:

  • Adequate self-confidence (not to be confused with self-confidence).
  • Determination.
  • Sound self-esteem.

Representatives of this personality type are slightly susceptible to stress and solve problems quickly, firmly and decisively. To others they may seem dry, perhaps even cruel materialists.

The disadvantages of this type include weak adaptation abilities, inability to find compromises and see halftones (of course, in a figurative sense).

Diseases among representatives of this type include:

  • Diabetes of the second type (as, indeed, in those with a “curl” pattern).
  • Cry of the cat syndrome (inversion, that is, change, of the larynx, developmental delays).
  • Patau syndrome (idiocy, birth defects development, almost always - death in early childhood).
  • Edwards syndrome (multiple physical and physical defects) mental development, general underdevelopment).

Most inhabitants of our planet have a variety of patterns on their fingers. How more types is present on a person’s fingertips, the more complex and interesting his character (and the richer the bouquet of diseases - in some cases). The poorest dermatoglyphic picture can be seen among residents of Europe; closer to the East, the designs become more and more diverse.

Nevertheless, you should not draw an unambiguous conclusion about the state of your body and your mental abilities solely based on the pattern on the fingertips. It is known, for example, that the famous Albert Einstein had a rather primitive dermatoglyphic pattern, which did not prevent him from becoming the most remarkable scientist of his time.

So don't make hasty conclusions! Dermatoglyphics is an interesting science, but everything is in your hands. More precisely, at your fingertips... Author: Irina Shumilova

Dermatoglyphics. The term was coined by Cumminson in 1926, but references and attempts at research into skin patterns began long before the science was officially recognized. When they talk about fingerprints, ridge or papillary patterns, ordinary people associate this with criminology and forensic medicine, although the scope of application of knowledge about dermatoglyphics is very extensive.

I will never forget how a few years ago, while walking along Arbat, one guy offered to tell my fortune by reading my hand. To my amazement, he did not look at the lines of my hands at all, intently studying the tips of my fingers. I was incredibly amazed at how accurately and in detail he described me and my abilities, behavior style and even some key points my life solely based on the papillary pattern.
It's no secret that fingerprint analysis is currently the most accurate in identifying a person's identity. This is unique
not repeated even in twins, a flow that is formed in the womb and does not change throughout a person’s life.
Fingers are conductors of energy, and the accumulation of ridge patterns of various types at their tips is, as it were, a distributor of this energy and, depending on how the ridges are located on the fingers, retain it, concentrate it, or instantly absorb it. All this determines the different, unique characteristics of a person’s personality with which he lives.
Dermatoglyphics includes the most heritable characteristics and simultaneously reflects the effects of sex, race, gene mutations, chromosomal defects and teratogenic influences.
Why is this happening? Availability of certain types papillary patterns on the fingers is directly related to the activity of the cerebral cortex, and thus reflects the type of our behavioral reaction, the ability to capture fluctuations in various external nerve impulses and, accordingly, processing them, reflect a person’s reaction to external stimuli.
So, basically, papillary patterns are divided into three types - arcs, loops and curls. But, of course, the qualitative indicator of each type has its own modifications, which we will try to consider more specifically in this article.

Arc and its types.

Standard arc. Denoted by the letter A - from English word- “arch” - arch. There are no triradius. By general appearance we can conclude that the energy travels along the papillary lines and makes a slight bend. Energy flows calmly through the papillaries, it is like a light, calm wave flowing in its measured stream.
- Arc with a loop inside - Combination of loop-arc elements. It occurs quite often, so it is important to be able to figure out whether a loop or arc predominates in the papillary pattern. Once a small loop appears, it is necessary to determine its direction - the figure shows an ulnar loop - it is directed from the center to the ulnar side on the print of the right hand, respectively, for the left hand such a print will characterize a radial loop. Designated AL - Arch Loop - from English - Arc Loop.

High arch - this type of arch is very similar to the standard arch, but there are still differences, since the papillary lines that form the arch are significantly raised. This intermediate option between an ordinary arch and a tent arch. Designated as AT - Tended Arch - High Arc.
A high arc with a more complex element inside: a point, a loop, a curl. This pattern is designated as ATC - Arch Tended Complex - Complex High Arc. Complex element and complex characteristics. A person’s calmness is constantly interspersed with his nervousness, he seems to be on pins and needles, at the same time he understands that he needs to be more balanced, the desire for stability seems to cover the dynamism of emotions.
- Tent arc. This type of papillary lines is very similar to a high arc, but its main difference from the simple soul and its subtypes is that in the center of this arc, like a spire, there is a certain papillary axis, very reminiscent of a triradius, and the papillary lines frame it.

Types of this pattern:
- Standard loop. Denoted as L - from English - loop - repetition, loop. A loop always has only one triradius. Loops are divided into ulnar and radial. To determine the type of loop, you need to determine which side of the hand the loop is open to. If towards the striking part of the hand, then the loop will be ulnar, if towards the thumb, then radial.

- Double loop - characterized by two triradii. Ulnarity-radiality is determined first by the lower loop, then by the upper one. This type of loop pattern resembles twins, so it gives a particularly interesting characteristics. Sometimes the loop can separate, so this pattern is very easy to confuse with one of the varieties of curl, especially when the ends of the loops are very narrowed. To eliminate such situations, always make a print and study and analyze. The flow of energy in this pattern is very interesting - on the one hand, energy flows through the outer loop, on the other hand, it similarly flows through the inner loop, which creates a magnet factor - when voltage arises between the two poles. Designated as LD or L2 - Loop Double - Double Loop.

- A loop with a bend is a complicated version of a double loop. Both loops have the same starting direction, but different lengths, against the different beginning of the double loop. This pattern is characterized by one triradius. This pattern is rare, which characterizes it as exceptional. Designated LF - Fall Loop - Loop with a bend.

- Peacock eye loop - this type loops are very reminiscent of a curl, but distinctive feature of this papillary pattern is that it has one triradius. This type of pattern is most indicative of explanation in terms of energy flows and their flow. The energy enters the loop, approaches the center and concentrates in the center of the picture, but cannot stay in the center and leaves the center to the side where there is no triradius, i.e. where the loop begins. Designated as LP - Loop Pea - Peacock Loop.


There are also several types of curls. Curls of any complexity have at least two triradii, and the triradii must be located directly on the same papillary line. Unlike a double loop, which also has 2 trirads, but they can be located at different levels.

- The curl is the target. Characterized by concentric circles, each of which is a closed circle. It provides maximum concentration of energy in the center of the pattern. The energy remains here constantly, it is concentrated, like stagnant water in a deep pool. This pattern is characterized by two triradii that frame the circles. This pattern is designated WR - Whorl - Curl.

- The curl is a spiral. This pattern is very similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that the pattern is a rotating spiral, which consists of lines twisting around the center of the pattern. This type of curls can be right-handed or left-handed. Moreover, the right hand should have left-handed spirals, and the left hand should have right-handed ones. The type of spiral is determined in the same way as in cases with ulnar-radial loops. Those spirals that curl toward the thumb are considered dextrorotatory. This pattern is designated as WS - Whorl Spiral - Curl - Spiral.

Elongated curl or Ellipse curl
This curl is designated as WE - Elongated Whorl

- Almond-shaped funnel curl. This curl is designated as WE - Elongated Whorl - Elongated Whorl.
Concentric circles are also a closed circle, only elongated, like an oval, flattened on both sides. It is not uncommon for such patterns to have no basal lines at the base.

- Curl, including loop, ulnarity and radiality along internal loops. Designated WI - Whorl Imploding - Integrated Curl.

- Complex curl that does not lend itself to the above classification. The most interesting pattern, it is very easy to confuse it with a double loop, but in this case it is more reminiscent of a curl, since it has a rounded shape and, most importantly - In such cases, it is best to look at all the prints in a complex to identify the main trend according to which you can make conclusion about the appearance of patterns on the hand as a whole.
The most common type of patterns for European residents are loops; the further away you are from this region to the east or south, the more more complex type pattern. Residents of the far north, as a rule, have loop and arc patterns; a feature of the Nanai peoples is the presence of three axial triradii on the palm. In Tibet, people have very complex finger patterns. Partners for family life It’s also quite easy to “pick” based on finger patterns.

Distinctive features of dermatoglyphics in some nationalities:
Complex patterns ---Hinges --- Arcs
Eskimos 72.2 26.9 0.8
Japanese 45.2 72.6 1.8
Jews 42.7 53 4.2
Italians 36.4 58.4 4.7
Russians 32.1 61.3 6.1
Germans 26.6 66.1 7.2
Norwegians 25.6 67 7.4

Main characteristics of papillary patterns:

Predominant arc pattern (A):
Those whose finger patterns are dominated by arcs are distinguished by concrete thinking. These people are unambiguous and goal-oriented; it is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the environment and listen to the opinions of other people. They are truthful, frank, do not like behind-the-scenes intrigues, and easily cut the truth right in the face. Moreover, they absolutely do not know how to hide their feelings and emotions; their attitude towards a person or a situation is literally written on their face. In most cases, arc fingerprints indicate that the person is traditional, responsible, honest, and generally satisfied. These people tend to obey, they value simple things and pleasures, but can be inflexible, domineering, proud and do not take well to violence against the individual. They prefer to deal with familiar faces and things, they have problems with self-expression, and lack ease. You need to communicate with such people, showing the firmness of your intentions; all this and that is extremely unacceptable to them and you will never find support from them with such a position. They are not distinguished by special talents and abilities, but they know their job and always complete it. These are fair and demanding leaders of any rank. If a child with a predominance of arcs decides to go in for sports, then the best view it will be for him athletics, cycling, if it is football or basketball or volleyball - then exclusively by attackers. They will not be able to achieve success in other sports.
With children with arched toes, you need to be firm, but not rude, otherwise they will quickly adopt the wrong behavior.
- And never lose close, trusting relationships with them.
- If they become angry with their parents, then there is a risk that they will become their enemies.

People with a predominance of arc patterns in family life are distinguished by exceptional devotion; they do not allow themselves intrigues on the side, but also demand the same attitude from their partner. They can be extremely authoritarian. In friendship, such people will stand by your side and will always come to your aid, no matter what situation you are in.
They are distinguished by fragile health, cannot tolerate temperature changes and do not tolerate acclimatization well; alcohol and drugs have a very detrimental effect on them. They do not tolerate anesthesia well. They can't stand to take a steam bath. They are extremely susceptible to hypertension and angina pectoris; problems with cardiac activity after 30-35 years are an indispensable “attribute” of arches.
The arches are unusual in white men, more common in women and among African blacks. In some families, arcs are common and may reflect the effect of an autosomal dominant gene. Most often the arc is noted on the index finger, and the frequency of its occurrence decreases in the ulnar direction with the most low percentage on the little finger. The presence of 5 or more arches requires a thorough examination of the patient in order to exclude chromosomal pathology or teratogenic effects during pregnancy (hydantoin syndrome). Arc patterns are often found in various forms brachydactyly and acrodysplasia.

Predominant loop pattern(L):
People with a predominance of loop patterns on their fingers are the golden mean. They have a wide range of interests, they easily get along with others, tolerate their any oddities, while quite adequately assessing what is happening. With all their pros and cons, these are ideal leaders, capable of satisfying everyone, albeit to a minimum. People who have most of their patterns in loops are open-minded, receptive and experimental. They are usually self-confident, flexible and sociable; they are social reformers, benevolent and practical. They are very emotionally responsive, but may lack focus. Friendly, flexible, collectivist, optional. Loops on all fingers indicate that you feel at ease in public.
But people with a predominance of loop patterns on their fingers cannot stand long and monotonous work - they do not always have enough patience, they are rarely inclined to meticulous work, they learn information mostly slowly, but remember it for a long time, provided that there are no other indicators on the hand) , in love they are often fickle, if not in physical manifestation, then in their souls they are prone to flirting, and can have several connections at the same time.
Nervous system of the owner large number The loops are designed in such a way that it is very easy for them to adapt not only to some life situation, but also to a person’s mood; they are quite tolerant and friendly.
For children with a predominance of loop patterns on fingers 7-9, running and swimming are very suitable short distances(sprinters). In general, any activity that requires them to realize their capabilities in the shortest possible time.
Quite different good health, belong to the category of long-livers, they can get sick for a long time in childhood, but in mature age they endure all diseases, as they say, on their feet.
In the rarest case of the presence of 10 loops on the fingers, they are distinguished by a very complex and subtle mental organization. The genius of such people may not be expressed in childhood or adolescence, but definitely, the education of such a person in many areas. If there are additional signs or papillary loops on the palm, it is necessary to understand the human psyche more carefully. The imagination of the owner of the 10L sign is fantastically off the scale; in his dreams he seems to be divorced from reality, dreaming of something completely unrealistic. Sometimes it seems to such a person that he has a special purpose in life, although he is not always able to make even his most “meager” desires and dreams come true.
In Down syndrome (10 loop phenotype) and Klinefelter syndrome, the frequency of ulnar loops is clearly increased.
It should also be noted that we're talking about mainly about ulnar loops. If there are 2 or more (which is extremely rare) radial loops on the hand, then we are, of course, talking about some special type of human perception, because he extremely quickly and at a more subtle level absorbs vibrations of energy from the outside.

Predominant curl pattern(WR):
Those whose fingers are dominated by curls exhibit varied and highly complex behavior. Despite their colossal endurance, they do not like to endure unpleasant circumstances. They are constantly dissatisfied with themselves, prone to self-examination, to painful doubts. What sets you apart is your coordination. If most of the patterns are curls, then this is a confident, strong-willed, ambitious and purposeful person. Such people are individualists, they are self-interested and stubborn, but they are also originals and rebels. They can be withdrawn, distrustful and extremely prone to solitude. Strong personality, egocentric, easily achieves success, hardworking, independent, dogmatic. But at the same time, a person can show extreme sudden laziness, live by his own philosophical views, it can be difficult to force them to do tedious homework. Such people are often overwhelmed by everyday life. These are contemplators who can approach life and circumstances very philosophically.

Of interest are the works stating the predominance of curls as a biological marker of neoplasia: breast cancer, familial neoplasia, neurofibromatosis and leukemia in children.
They have a high level of endurance, well-developed coordination of movements, agility, as a result of which they can engage in relevant sports - boxing, karate, they are good defenders in team sports, good chess players - such people have a very inquisitive mind, many of the owners are women prevailing number of curls, boring, meticulous. Such people are omnipresent, often on their own, prone to adventure and intrigue, and love adventure.
Please note that the best option Based on the location of the same types of papillary patterns on two hands, their duplication on the same fingers of the other hand is considered. But this doesn't happen very often. The optimal number of curls on both hands is considered to be total quantity 4-5.
Most often, curls are localized on the large and ring finger hands, it is not uncommon to see them on the index finger, but much less often you can find this type of pattern on the middle finger, and even less often on the little finger.
If you see curls (10W) on all the fingers of both hands, then know that this person is lazy and lazy, prefers not to interfere in anything, do nothing and watch what is happening from the sidelines. This picture is very common in the East - the majority are philosophers and contemplatives. Come what may, a new better day will come, and then we’ll see - this is approximately the reasoning of such people. But they tend not to get hung up on problems, but to see the situation deeply and from different perspectives, more often positive aspects. Often they want to try themselves in all areas of activity, but it turns out that they cannot make a move in any of them, but at the same time their brain is constantly at work, although matters of the material plane may remain unfinished.
But often among such people you can find outstanding scientists, people with incredible analytical data, great politicians, musicians, in a word, people with incredible intellectual abilities, geniuses.
For others, this manifests itself as an extreme degree of selectivity in communication, in friends, in food, in clothing, in self-expression. Extreme degree of narcissism, arrogance.

If on your right hand you see a greater number of curls than on your left, by the number of 1 such pattern, then such a person is very quick-tempered, but also quick-witted. This is a burst of emotions for 5 minutes. If the difference in number is 2, then it is more difficult for such a person to forgive and forget the situation. Well, if there are 5 curls on the right, and, say, 2 on the left, then such a person can rage for a very long time, he extremely does not accept pressure on himself in any form, is extremely independent and demands that his opinion is not only listened to, but also considered with him for any questions. As Khrushchev said to the National Assembly - there are only 2 opinions - one is mine, the other is stupid, and so it is in this case.
A person whose number of curls on his left hand prevails over their number on his right is complex, extremely secretive and vindictive. Such a person may behave quite adequately in society, but you will never understand his true intentions. You must always behave with extreme caution with such people. Any mental trauma in childhood or adolescence can play a cruel joke on such a person, and sooner or later all his grievances can spill over into society, and in the most extreme inadequate manifestations. He may be constantly haunted by obsessive ideas.
I have a woman working at my company, a very good specialist in her field, the head of one of the departments. She has 4 curls on her left hand, and 2 on her right hand. All the rest are loops. A completely adequate person in communication, an excellent organizer and leader, my husband and I celebrated our silver wedding last year and have two children. But as soon as she drinks at some celebration, you will find out everything she thinks about yourself. Moreover, she likes to repeat that she will soon become the wife of the President and then we will all dance. Here is one of the manifestations of the “actions” of the predominance of curls on the left hand.
With a child who has more curls on his fingers
- You have to be very patient.
- They, as a rule, are very capricious and touchy, and this must be treated with understanding.
“A kind word and praise will bring them back to normal much faster than punishment.”

Predominant pattern of tent arches (AT):
People whose most drawings represent tent arches are enthusiastic, passionate and sincere. They are loyal and selfless, emotional, idealistic and socially active. In addition, they have a creative mind, they appreciate the arts and music, they are sensitive and live an intense inner life. Both arc and tent-arc patterns indicate people who love tradition, revere family values and, despite their creative nature and liberal views, they seem old-fashioned.
People with this type of arc are distinguished by lightning-fast reactions, inspiration, and quick temper; they are ready to turn not only their lives, but the whole world upside down, and are in constant search and endeavor. Eruptivity (explosive temperament) will always haunt a person. They tend to look for something new for themselves in work, in the family, they often achieve success in a career related to creativity, they are good mentors, because they know how to motivate others to action, but if their plans fail, they tend to fall into depressive state. I noticed this feature - in people whose hands are dominated by tent arches, it is not uncommon to have a spherical upper phalanx of the thumb.
It is best to send children with such characteristics to a martial arts section or to entertainment clubs.

Predominant double loop pattern(LD):
Most mixed pictures indicate people who are diplomatic, uncertain, and receptive to the arguments of both sides of the argument. They are balanced, want to live without interfering with the lives of others, they are happy to please everyone, but they can be very touchy. These people are down-to-earth, realistic, practical, but in general they are idealists and can be led astray. Such people always try to find a compromise in any complex issues; they are characterized by an objective assessment of people and situations, regardless of their appearance and status. But very often people with such papillary lines are prone to constant doubts, indecision and uncertainty about own strength upon acceptance important decision, because they carefully try to weigh the pros and cons, which can lead to the fact that a good moment for them will be missed.

The predominant “almond-shaped funnel” curl pattern:
If you see this type of papillary patterns on 3-4 or more fingers on your hand, you know that this person is somehow interested in something mysterious, mystical. He also approaches life philosophically, but tends to put it into practice. Among such people you can meet wonderful psychotherapists and parapsychologists, people interested in ufology and in general everything secret and unknown. Such people may have various superpowers. Early independence and tense relationships in the family are possible due to misunderstanding and a different view of things, different from the parental desires and opinions.

In the 20th century, a series of studies in various scientific fields proved that fingerprints are associated with the characteristics of a person’s physiology, psyche and physique.

Uniqueness of prints used in forensics. In 1880, the Englishmen Foulds and Herschel published their thoughts on the possibilities of personal identification using fingerprints in the journal Nature - this is how fingerprinting appeared. Over time, accumulated experience and fingerprint databases have helped scientists trace the connection between the types of patterns and human behavior. Now dermatoglyphics is used not only for identification, but also for diagnosis psychological characteristics and behavioral portrait of a person.

Studying finger patterns also used in medicine. Already in the 1930s. Research has been conducted on the use of fingerprints to make diagnoses. For example, dermatoglyphics can serve as a marker of predisposition to schizophrenia and epilepsy.

Doctors also used dermatoglyphics to conduct research to determine predispositions to cancer: leukemia and breast cancer. Scientists have found that dermatoglyphics can also be used to study individual characteristics structure of the central nervous system.

Another area of ​​application is sport. The laboratory of sports anthropology of the All-Russian Institute of Physical Culture has been studying the dermatoglyphics of highly qualified athletes for 40 years. As it turned out, representatives different types sports differ in fingerprints. Based on the complexity of finger patterns, one can identify a predisposition to a certain level of physical endurance of a person, one or another type of energy supply to the body, reaction speed, and much more. In addition, dermatoglyphics allows you to assess a person’s propensity for team or individual sports.

One of the traditional areas of dermatoglyphics is ethnic anthropology. Science has a lot of information about the frequency of occurrence of certain dermatoglyphic signs in different nations. Thus, skin patterns on the palms and fingers become more complex as you move away from Europe, becoming more complex to the east and becoming simpler to the south. This largely determines the character traits of representatives of a particular race.

Dermatoglyphics in Genetic-test reports

Thanks to research from various fields of science, a large amount of experimental data has accumulated on the relationship of fingerprints with the psychological and physical qualities of a person. Brought together scientific research allowed us to create a program for biometric testing Genetic-test.

Genetic-test uses the experience of dermatoglyphics to determine the character traits and psychotype of a person. The Genetic-test report is information that helps you understand yourself, unlock your potential, discover talent and prioritize development, choose a profession, sport or hobby. The test does not make a diagnosis, but reflects the strengths and weaknesses people, knowledge of which can open new horizons for growth and education.

The science of dermatoglyphics originated in 1892. She studies the skin texture of the palms and feet. From the ancient Greek language, “dermatoglyphics” is translated as “patterns on the skin.” The founder of this science is Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, who wrote a work on fingerprints. The term "dermatoglyphics" was proposed by Cummins and Midlo.

Properties of dermatoglyphic lines

On the palms and soles, the skin has many ridges that form different patterns. Each person has an individual, unique pattern that does not change throughout his life. It is not for nothing that the ancient Hindus and Chinese used the thumbprint as a signature.

As you age, the lines become less clear, but the pattern does not change. If a person receives severe epithelial burns, then over time the skin pattern is restored. Some diseases can change the pattern, but after recovery the pattern resumes.

The features of the pattern are inherited. Therefore, the achievements of dermatoglyphics are widely used by criminologists, doctors and chirologists. Recently, geneticists have also become interested in this science.

The dermatoglyphics method makes it possible to determine who the print belongs to: a woman or a man, to determine the height and weight of the owner of the print, his race, and sometimes even his profession.

In many countries, hand and foot prints are taken at the birth of a child. This procedure will help you find a missing child and prove your rights if documents are lost.

Classification of dermatoglyphics

Dermatoglyphics is divided into:

  • forensic, or fingerprinting;
  • anthropological, or racial;
  • medical;
  • psychological;
  • sports.

Forensic science uses the achievements of dermatoglyphics for personal identification. Dermatoglyphics + in medicine studies patterns to find out a person’s predisposition to certain diseases and prevent them. Based on the drawing of a pregnant woman, you can determine the likelihood of a chromosomal disease manifesting in the unborn child.
Psychology uses knowledge of dermatoglyphic lines to determine propensity towards certain types of professional activities and psychophysiological characteristics of a person: character, temperament, behavioral characteristics. Dermatoglyphics will also help parents better understand the character traits of their child. Sports medicine attempts to establish the ability to achieve records.

Types of patterns and their effect on humans

There are 3 types of patterns: arcs, loops and curls.

Arcs are the least common (in 10% of people), and loops are the most common (in 60% of people).
People different a large number arcs, have a direct and assertive character, always tell the truth, do not tolerate intrigue, their behavior is easy to predict, but they are characterized by poor health, do not adapt well to changes, have a hard time withstanding illness, vaccinations, heat, anesthesia and alcohol. These people often become difficult bosses to work with because they do not pay attention to the opinions of others.

Owners of curls are very resilient, emotional, love thrills, but at the same time, they are vulnerable, tend to delve into themselves, often do not complete things, know how to foresee events and often have unusual abilities or serious mental problems and fragile health. Of the children who have large number curls, either geniuses or maniacs grow up. Einstein had 7 curls, and Mandelstam had 4. In China, only someone who had all 10 fingers with curls could become an emperor.

People with loops are the most balanced, distinguished by their sociability, excellent health and longevity (such lines are mainly found in those who have lived to be 90 years old), easily adapt to changing conditions, have many interests, but do not have any special abilities. In addition, if a person has many loops, then he has a golden character: goodwill, flexibility, responsiveness, diligence. Such people become ideal leaders.

Athletes involved in speed and power sports are mainly characterized by simple patterns and a small amount scallops But those who are interested in sports that require complex coordination of movements are distinguished by a complex pattern and a large number of lines.

Dermatoglyphics reveals the secrets of the past

The most famous Russian specialist in the field of dermatoglyphics is N.N. Bogdanov, who claims that bad heredity is easily determined using fingerprints. He believes that it is necessary to study the patterns of people getting married. This will help determine the compatibility of characters and find out who can turn into a tyrant or henpecked. By the way, Bogdanov found out that the spouses mostly have similar designs.
Open many historical secrets Dermatoglyphics will help. Bogdanov, having studied Mayakovsky’s dermoglyphic lines, established that the poet had no tendency to commit suicide. In addition, being right-handed, he could not shoot himself with his left hand, which was proven by examination. Therefore, the scientist doubts the poet’s suicide.

Is it possible to study your abilities on your own?

Scientists and programmers working in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok have developed a biometric testing program that can be used to determine a person’s abilities and character within a few minutes.

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The first mentions of dermatoglyphics as a science came to us from England in the 19th century. It was in this country that a relative of the famous scientist Charles Darwin (cousin, Francis Galton) created the first work devoted to the comparative analysis of patterns on fingertips for the police, so that the character of criminals could be determined as accurately as possible from fingerprints. Thanks to this work, the detection rate of cases has really increased.

The patterns on human fingertips are unique. There is not a single person whose fingers are similar to another person's hand. Even close relatives have different fingerprints. It's like personal identification, a kind of signature. That is why, if your fingerprints are included in the police database at least once, you can be identified by name based on your fingers.

Dermatoglyphics finger test

Already the ancient people knew that the pattern on their fingers was unique and, not knowing writing, they replaced their signatures with fingerprints.
Not long ago we also had people who provide paid services to determine your abilities and even identify genetic diseases by the pattern on your fingers. The price of the service is quite affordable for ordinary people. Such companies post photographs of stars who supposedly have already taken a similar test and were satisfied.

In fact, such tests have no basis scientific basis, as experts say. It's just profitable business. It is especially beneficial to test children in schools. The allegedly revealed abilities using this test and this equipment have nothing to do with the truth. All fingerprints can be used for is personal identification.

Don't trust scammers and don't leave your fingerprints to anyone. These enterprising citizens leave behind not only your fingerprints, but also contacts and personal data. After that, they will call you and offer to buy their equipment or impose new services.

Fingerprint decoding

When deciphering fingerprints, they focus on what kind of patterns are located on them: curls, loops or arcs. It is also important on which finger, in what quantity and in what place of the palm. It is necessary to study all these conditions in order to correctly decipher a person’s character and his psychological characteristics.

Loops are considered the most common pattern (almost 60% of the population lives with them). These are people with a balanced nervous system have a diverse range of interests, good leaders and businessmen. Flexible and proactive.

Arc people are in second place in terms of their number after loop people. They are practical and heavy to lift. In life, rods, like tanks, rarely think about anything and stop. They are conservatives and have no doubts. Faithful husbands who demand the same attitude from their wives.

They are direct and concrete, cutting from the shoulder. They do not like and do not understand intrigues and schemers. They find it difficult to express their thoughts. There is no point in convincing the arcs; they still stand their ground under any circumstances.
They have poor health. Allergy sufferers. They often make their way to the top.


Loop people are quite easy-going and sociable. They don't put pressure on anyone. They are willing to take risks. They are understanding, tolerant and sociable. They have good intelligence. They can handle any job, they are intelligent and capable. In general, the loops are the most ordinary people, of which there are quite a lot in our society.

Science of dermatoglyphics

The science of dermatoglyphics is unusual in that you can recognize a genius in the person next to you by the pattern of your fingers, and also predict whether he is prone to suicide, for example.
This is judged by the type of pattern that is located on the pads of the fingers.

Let's talk about the third type of pattern. So, curls. People with curls are extremely complexly organized with a highly developed intellect and psyche. These people are geniuses in every area of ​​human existence. However, among them there are also the most brutal maniac killers (for example, Chikatilo).

A proportional number of curls on both fingertips of both hands indicates the genius of their owner; a disproportionate number, on the contrary, indicates a secretive and evil person, full of various complexes.
Surprisingly, it was the dermatoglyphics specialist who was the first to see in the patterns on Chikatilo’s hand that he was the maniac, and not the other suspects. Subsequently it turned out that he was right.

The number of curls on each person's hands may vary and can be combined with other patterns. It has been established that if a person has one curl per thumb (right hand), then he probably torments his loved ones with constant chatter and reasoning about everything in the world. Moreover, in stressful situation completely “loses face.”

If the same curl is present on the same finger, but only the hand is left, then we see a left-hander in front of us. Moreover, in the classic version.
Dermatoglyphics is so amazing that it even claims that Mayakovsky could not commit suicide, since the drawings of his hand do not confirm this.

It has been noticed that people with the same patterns on their fingers are attracted to each other. Even if they (patterns) are very rare, these people still meet and create pairs. Only arc people never like each other and do not create family unions. Arcs love curls, while leading the pair.

Dermatoglyphics and nationality

Drawings on the hand can also indicate a person's nationality. Different nations have their own characteristics of the design on the hand. Each nationality differs from another in certain ways gene code. Accordingly, nationalities also differ in the designs on their hands.

A Russian person has from 2 to 4 curls on his hand. The territories of Russia where the most people marked with curls are born are: Ryazan region and the South of Russia.
Sometimes, of course, you can make a mistake in determining nationality based on the position of the drawings.

As you can see, by studying dermatoglyphics, you can learn a lot about a person. But this can only be done by a specialist, of whom there are very few in our country now. Don't trust scammers.