Finger pattern. At your fingertips

Dermatoglyphics is a science that studies patterns on fingers. Its founder was the Englishman Francis Galton, who published a monograph on fingerprints at the end of the 19th century. The term “dermatoglyphics” appeared less than a century ago - in 1926 and is translated as “skin engraving”.

According to prof. Bogdanov, “skin engraving” is our second face, which can tell us much more about us than the first.

Papillary patterns on the fingertips are formed in the womb and do not disappear after death (unlike the lines of fate on the palms). They do not change throughout life.

This drawing corresponds to a person’s karmic plans for a specific incarnation.

Fingers are bioresonators that receive vibrations from the information field with which a person interacts, each in his own strictly defined mode. Since the energy bodies open only in the area of ​​the fingers like a fan, then, as a result, each of the bodies gets the opportunity to directly contact the outside world. This bioenergetic code of information interaction is encrypted in the power lines of the papillary pattern. Torsion fields (information carriers), constantly rotating, seem to be screwed into a person’s biofield along the thread of his papillary patterns.
Patterns shape a person’s perception of the world, his reactions to the world around us, the specifics of the nervous system, show some hereditary diseases, endurance, longevity, influence the choice of profession, sports inclinations, creativity, etc.

Knowledge of the morphological characteristics of the skin is widely used today for early diagnosis of diseases, identification of risk groups, hereditary predisposition to diseases or longevity, development of recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, professional guidance, in criminology, ethnography, etc. The earliest scientific reports on anatomical and The histological features of skin ribs (ridges) and the depressions between them (grooves) date back to the 17th century, when drawings and descriptions of the features of the patterns of human palms and fingers appeared in anatomical works. Advances in biology in the 19th century. contributed to further research into skin patterns. At the beginning of the 19th century. J. Purkinė gave the first classification of skin patterns of fingers and identified 9 main types. In the last third of the 19th century. For the first time, fingerprints were used for personal identification. The works of F. Galton played a major role here. At the beginning of the 20th century. special comparative studies of the skin relief of primates and other mammals appeared. The American scientist W. Wilder in 1904 proposed using the features of comb lines and patterns on the skin of the palms and soles as an important ethnic feature. Then began the study of the embryonic development of finger patterns in connection with heredity. Many authors tried to cleanse palmistry of occult ideas, get away from mysticism, and isolate positive knowledge. “Purified” palmistry was at one time called manualism, chirosophy, palmistry, etc. The name “dermatoglyphics” was adopted in 1926 at the 42nd Congress of the American Association of Anatomists. In 1936, G. H. Cummins discovered and described the features of dermatoglyphs (skin patterns) in Down syndrome. At the end of the 50s, when chromosomal hereditary diseases were studied, the study of correlative connections between the characteristics of chromosome sets and skin patterns of the hands began. Modern dermatoglyphics was born, which finds more and more wide application in various fields of knowledge - from medicine to criminology and ethnography. Recently, fingerprinting and palmoscopy have been the most widely studied and used. Galton, who proposed the first classification of finger patterns, identified three main types of patterns: curl (W), loop (L) and arc (A).

During a person’s lifetime, the papillary pattern does not change, but only the thickness of the ridges and their density change. There are 14 fields on the palm, forming separate zones, with the help of which you can determine the topography of the palmar lines.

What can our fingers tell us?

At all times, people wanted to know what awaited them. And there were always people ready to tell him this - fortune tellers, gypsies, witches. To this day, many people are suspicious of such predictions. However, modern scientists believe that there is a rational grain in fortune telling.

Palmists were the first to predict a person's future based on the skin patterns and lines on his hands. Later, criminologists became interested in drawings on fingertips, creating the science of fingerprinting. And now the time has come for geneticists and dermatoglyphics specialists. The first use finger patterns to diagnose hereditary diseases. The latter easily determine how healthy, easy-going, patient, and suitable a person is for certain types of activities.

“The palmists were not so mistaken - fingerprints actually contain encrypted vital information about a person,” says Tatyana Abramova, head of the laboratory of sports anthropology, morphology and genetics at the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture. — Skin patterns on the fingers are finally formed in the 3rd–5th month of embryonic development and no longer change throughout life. The skin and the central nervous system develop at the same time and from the same embryonic rudiment. Therefore, finger patterns are called a marker of the organizational features of the human brain. Using fingerprints you can not only find out about weak points nervous system, but also to determine a person’s character.”

Of course, errors are inevitable. After all, the structure of fingerprints is extremely complex.

“At a certain stage, the idea arose of creating a device that would provide the doctor with high-quality information about the dermatoglyphic type,” say the developers of such a system from MSTU. Bauman. — The device created by Baumanka scientists allows automatic mode determine the inclination of the elements of the skin pattern, count the number of “ridges” and make the final calculation of the parameters.”

Fingerprints can be used to identify dozens of different diseases that are genetic in nature. By examining papillary lines in women planning pregnancy, you can get accurate forecast health of the offspring. A consultation with a dermatoglyphologist allows not only to predict the occurrence of inherited diseases, but also to calculate their course.

Dermatoglyphists often say that a fingerprint is a genome turned inside out. Its structure reflects a person’s ability to adapt to the world around him. With the help of fingerprints, it is possible to predict a person’s actions in extreme situations, which is why athletes and rescuers are sent for consultations with dermatoglyphics.

Three main patterns

People whose main finger pattern is the loop have an explosive temperament. They cannot stand long and monotonous work; they learn information slowly, but remember it for a long time. The “sprinting” nature makes itself felt in love. “Loops” are flighty, fickle and often have several parallel connections.

Peacock eye loop

Single or double loop with bend

Double loop

The most complex loop pattern. Its owners are just as complexly organized—quivering, vulnerable, but extremely capable people. They are mobile, active, resilient, easily adapt to any conditions, but at the same time concentrate on their inner world. The more curls on the hand, the more complex the nature and the stronger the tendency towards self-criticism.

Curl elongated

Curl - spiral

Curl - target

An “arc” person has little life potential and is not in the best health. But such a person uses the forces provided by nature wisely and economically. Once having found its place, the “arc” does not waste energy searching for a better life. People who have predominantly arc patterns on their fingers are extremely conservative and authoritarian, and do not get along well with people. But, if such a person has become your friend, he will go through fire and water for you. In married life, “arcs” are distinguished by exceptional devotion, never allowing themselves to have affairs on the side, but demanding absolute fidelity in return.

High arc

Arch with loop inside

Standard arc


A Main arch. The fingerprint indicates a practical and materialistic nature. A person with fingerprint arches is reserved but hardworking. These people can be hard-hearted, insensitive, skeptical and unemotional. On the index and middle fingers, arches can reveal an inability to express oneself.

B Vaulted canopy. It stands out due to the so-called<оперным шестом>, which supports the arch. People with such lines are in many ways similar to those with a major arch, but are more impulsive and emotional. The owners of such fingerprints are very nervous, artistic and obsessive - but stubborn.


B Main (or ulna) loop. This is the most common fingerprint pattern. The base of the loops points to the thumb, and the starting point of the loop points to the striking side of the palm (percussion). People who have these fingerprints on their hands tend to be soft-spoken and straightforward, with a quick, lively and flexible mind.

D Reverse (or radial) loop. These loops are similar to the main ones, but begin and end in opposite directions. Their owners have the same personality characteristics as the owners of the main loops, but they are more trusting and fearless. Back loops are much less common than main loops.


D Spiral curl. People who have spiral curls in their prints are individualists with a strong and clear personality. Potentially brilliant, they work best when they keep themselves busy. They can be inflexible and take a long time to make decisions, but first, however, they prefer to reserve time to think about matters.

E Concentric curl. A fingerprint represents several closed circles one inside the other. It's more rare drawing than a spiral curl, but it indicates very similar character traits. Most often it occurs on the index or ring finger. A person with 10 such fingerprints will have great opportunities, but will be subject to stress.

F Complex. Complex fingerprints look like two loops stretched in opposite directions. They can often look like the daytime Chinese yin and yang symbols. Although these people are open-minded and able to sympathize with others, they can be indecisive and even clueless individuals.

Peacock eye

At first glance fingerprints<павлиний глаз>look like a loop. However, upon closer inspection, you will see a curl at the heart of the loop, like the eye on a peacock's tail. This fingerprint is very auspicious, predicting great luck for its owner and granting him protection.

And Tri-radius. If you are having any difficulty distinguishing one type of fingerprint pattern from another, then take a look at tri-radius. This print pattern is determined by the presence, absence or number of these triangular shapes. The joint print does not have a tri-radius, the loop does, and the curl has two tri-radii.

Fingerprints and Compatibility

To see how people with different fingerprint shapes match each other, see the following. table.

Fingerprints and career

Refer to this table to decide and evaluate people's performance abilities according to their dominant fingerprint type.

Live in harmony with the Universe, using all the opportunities given to you! Asto-numerological chart - an individual analysis of all the qualities of data given to you from birth.

Fingerprints have been studied throughout history for a variety of reasons. Fingerprints never change, so what was with a man is born, will stay with him forever barring serious injury. They are also an accurate way to differentiate between people, as the chance of two of them having the same fingerprint is approximately one in sixty-four billion. Research in this area includes both forensic science (to find and remove fingerprints at crime scenes) and palmistry, which reads and analyzes the contours of fingerprints to extract meaning from them. In forensics, you need to find the prints, determine what surface they are on, apply the powder, take photographs, and take the prints. In basic palmistry, you need to select a hand to read, then also select a finger, examine the contours and determine their meaning.


Search and fingerprinting

    Look for prints. In forensic fingerprinting, there are several types of fingerprints and several ways to search for them. When you start looking for fingerprints, some will be visible (obvious) and others will not (hidden). First, look for obvious prints and make a note that will remind you of them later. To search for latent fingerprints, it would be a good idea to use an alternative light source, such as an ultraviolet lamp with an orange filter. This will help identify latent fingerprints.

    • There are also 3D fingerprints that appear on soft surfaces such as soap.
  1. Apply powder to latent prints. Once you find latent fingerprints using an alternative light source, you need to coat them with powder to make them more visible. Professionals use a special powder, but for amateur, home use, talc or corn starch are perfect. You will also need a brush with lots of soft bristles. Point the light source at the print and lightly dust it with powder until it shows up clearly enough.

    • When using an alternative light source, you can get the best effect by turning off the rest of the lights in the room, which will make the light more powerful.
  2. Take photographs of the prints. Best Method collecting obvious prints that are already visible and latent prints that you have discovered using light and powder - capture them on camera with high resolution. In any case, it is easier to study prints in photographs. Be sure to take the photo close enough to see the details of the print. Always place a ruler or something similar next to your print so you can see its size.

    • Taking photos is also useful because an SD card allows you to download prints to your computer for analysis and file storage.
  3. Determine the type of surface the prints are on. Fingerprints can be found on any surface. Surface types are divided into porous, non-porous smooth and non-porous rough. Fabric or water-permeable items are considered porous. Objects such as glass or a polished table will be non-porous and smooth. Non-porous rough objects could be a leather sofa or plastic container with embossed edge.

    • Why is this division important? Because it depends on the type of surface whether you can easily take a good print or whether you will have to try.
  4. Take your fingerprints. Besides photographs, the second way to collect prints is to remove them using tape or gel. For a smooth surface, carefully place a piece of clear tape over the print, then tear it off and place it on a white square of construction paper. Be careful when applying the tape directly to the print: do not move it from side to side, otherwise you may smear everything.

    • In the case of porous and non-porous rough surfaces simple photography is the most simple method collecting fingerprints, but there are other options. This will require something to get into the grooves, such as gel lifter or superglue. Gel lifter is a product specially designed for removing fingerprints from rough surfaces. It is applied directly to the fingerprint and creates a small 3D impression. Alternatively, you can apply superglue to the print, let it dry, and then tear off the resulting shape.
    • This will allow you to back up the photos you took and give you the opportunity to attach physical evidence.
  5. Look for a match in the fingerprints. This is not easy to do for someone without experience or proper technique. If you have a set of identified prints, you can compare them with those that you have collected. Look for similar patterns to rule out some variations. There are advanced computer programs that can read dozens of dots on a fingerprint and compare these dots with other identified fingerprints, but such programs are more designed for professional activities.

    Look at the main form. If you're a beginner, it's a good idea to press your thumb into the ink to make the outlines clearer and easier to read. There are three main types of prints: loop (most common), whorl (second most common), and arc (least common). There are other varieties that are less common, but you will mostly find the first three.

    • The loop looks like a lasso. The arc looks like a wave or a bridge. The curl looks like a target.
    • There are also options such as a tent-shaped arc with a steeper top, and a compound curl that looks like a whirlwind or a Yin-Yang symbol.
  6. Look for a loop. There are two types of loops: ulnar and radial, where ulnar means that the loop opens towards the fingers, and radial means that the loop opens away from the fingers. Elbow loops are the most common prints and are usually found on attractive people. The owner of such prints can be characterized as a flexible person who goes with the flow. In addition, he is sociable and easy to get along with common language. TO negative traits People with ulnar loop tend to be distracted and have difficulty organizing themselves. They can also be restless and find it quite difficult to feel at ease.

Papillary patterns appear in the human fetus at the time of formation skin and remain unchanged until his death. The structure of papillary patterns is strictly individual. Numerous studies have proven that papillary patterns are not repeated in different people. Even Siamese twins, whose bodies and souls are more or less connected, have different patterns on their fingers.

In this article I will focus mainly on the main types of papillary patterns on the fingertips and will not go into an in-depth analysis of all varieties and subtypes (such as complex, false, abnormal, etc. patterns), since this will already be not a developing article, but a graduate work for a narrow circle of readers. This is boring and does not greatly affect the overall picture of the main sections of the article.

There are three main types of papillary pattern: arcs, loops, curls.

Over the years and different countries ah, studies were conducted on the proportionality of the capillary pattern on the fingers, and this is what happened:

Arcs are extremely rare - 5-10%,

Loops are found in most people - 60-65%,

Curls appear much less frequently – 30%

But here I would make one significant and important clarification: when compiling the statistics of arcs or loops, we mainly took into account those hands on which this pattern is present on the majority of fingers; when taking into account curls, hands were taken that have at least one complex pattern. In addition, we can say that there are a large number of people who have either arches or loops on all their fingers, especially the latter, but there are not so many people who have at least the majority of curls on their fingers. Therefore, in fact, there are also very few true “Zavitovites”, otherwise brightly gifted people would be a dime a dozen.

Arc (arch)

Arc- indicates fairly ordinary and practical people who prefer doing things to talking, because they often do not know how to express their thoughts and are limited emotionally. These are very reasonable and economical, even greedy people. Such a person does not like changes in life and is extremely conservative. Once having found his place in the sun, he does not waste energy searching for a better life, he is content with what he has. One cannot expect brilliant abilities from him in science, technology, or art, but he is not at all bad at general practical matters. The character of such people is difficult and explosive. In everyday life, these people “are like tanks.” A person with an arc goes to his goal on the most direct road, without being distracted by anything unnecessary along the way. In married life, such people are distinguished by exceptional devotion, very rarely allow themselves affairs on the side, but also demand absolute fidelity in return. Lacking great health and stamina, in sex, as in sports, the owners of arches are sprinters short distances. Crazy sex, but not long lasting. Three times in a row is out of the question. It’s difficult for them to master the second one, but the first one will certainly be stormy, although somewhat primitive and monotonous.

1. Arc on thumb – the ability to quickly achieve what is planned without wasting energy, using an absolutely direct approach to solving problems.

2. Arc on index finger – a sign of reliability, determination, practicality and seriousness in everything.

3. Arc on the middle finger– realistic attitude to life, based on material values, independence.

4. Arc on the ring finger– adherence to principles, loyalty to principles, habits and partners.

5. Arc on the little finger- practicality, courage.


If there are loops on the fingers, then we have a well-rounded personality, with good mental and spiritual qualities. However, sometimes they lack initiative and determination. Their natural caution and flexibility of character can lead to uncertainty. They are friendly, emotional, sensitive. This type is a middle-distance sprinter, so in sex they are good at combining both quantity and quality. “Loops” are flighty, fickle and often have several parallel connections. You may have many talents, but to succeed you need to focus on one thing. These types of patterns are born with " Salieri", but to become " Mozart", it is necessary to have “curls”, that is, even with loops you can achieve great fame, fame, but only with persistent and hard work. The divine gift mainly comes to people with curls.

Let's go back to the loops:

There are two types of loops: directed towards the thumb ( radial loop) and towards the little finger ( elbow loop).

Radial loop indicates the improvement of the individual himself. Such a person is independent, decisive, with leadership qualities. And it is no coincidence, since this loop is often associated with the planet Mars, which has similar characteristics.

1. Radial loop on the thumb– the ability to implement your ideas.

2. Radial loop on the index finger– ability to adapt to circumstances. Impulsive character.

3. Radial loop on the middle finger– analytical mindset, as well as extreme independence. Such a person likes to achieve everything on his own, without anyone’s help.

Elbow loop– ability to adapt to circumstances. Unlike the radial one, a person with an ulnar loop is more sociable, versatile, diverse and flexible.

1. Elbow loop on the thumb– flexibility of character and high adaptability.

2. Elbow loop on the index finger– tendency to improvise, versatility.

3. Elbow loop on the middle finger- practical mindset. To achieve success, you need strong support from your team, partners, and friends.

4. Elbow loop on the ring finger– predisposition to artistic creativity, high art.

Curls (I would classify all varieties as this type: almond-shaped funnels, spirals, ellipses, “peacock eyes”, since, in fact, they all have a sign of bright individuality)

Curls, curls! Oh those curls! How I love you! This is my favorite drawing, and not because I myself am the owner of almost all types of curls, but because they have a multifaceted and unpredictable effect on the human psyche, personality development and the use of its unique capabilities. And this is very interesting, not like with banal arcs or loops, where everything is predictable and understandable.

The more complex the curl, the more complex the human psyche. Such a person will never make hasty decisions, but will think everything over a hundred times. His motto: “Measure twice, cut once” or “God protects those who are careful.” Those with curls are extremely susceptible and easily vulnerable. They have exceptional memory, abstract thinking and a developed subconscious mind. I would also note: innate self-confidence, ambition, great ambitions, as well as a bright personality, originality and the ability to work alone. But such a person is quite secretive, touchy, distrustful and selfish, and therefore, in combination with other negative character traits, can be dangerous to others. A complex pattern either allows one to achieve incredible heights of fame in science and art, or provides nervous breakdowns and constant depression, which often leads to various mental illnesses.

And it is not surprising that among those with a large number of curls there are not only prominent figures arts and sciences, but also serial killers, yes, sexual maniacs. The owner of “curls” is a contradictory personality: either a genius or a villain. A clear example two characters can serve: Sherlock Holmes And Professor Moriarty.

And even though these characters are collective images, they actually had real prototypes.

This is how Conan Doyle describes his characters:

Holmes - multifaceted personality. He is at the same time a talented violinist, a good boxer, a skilled actor and an excellent chemist.

Moriarty – the head of a powerful criminal organization, a genius of the criminal world. He comes from a good family, received an excellent education and is naturally endowed with phenomenal mathematical abilities. When he was twenty-one, he wrote a treatise on Newton's binomial, which won him European fame. After this, he received a chair in mathematics at one of our provincial universities, and, in all likelihood, a brilliant future awaited him. But the blood of a criminal flows in his veins. He has a hereditary tendency towards cruelty. And his extraordinary mind not only does not moderate, but even intensifies this tendency and makes it even more dangerous...

“And then Ostap got carried away...”

The number of options for personality development, certain behavioral reactions, among the owners of curls is huge: from the poet Yesenin to the murderous maniac Chikatilo.

By the way:

It was the curls that played a fatal role in Chikatilo’s fate, or more precisely, the left type of dermatoglyphic asymmetry, which is found only in those with curls. What is the meaning of asymmetry?

And the fact is that when the number of curls on one hand significantly exceeds their number on the other, such a person is characterized by extreme imbalance.

If there are more curls right hand, their owner is quick-tempered, but also easy-going.

If more on the left hand - he is complex, vindictive, secretive and even prone to the appearance of obsessive ideas.
Stop! Back to the “curls”.
In short, the more convolutions in the head, the more curls on the fingers.

1. Curls on thumb– excellent memory, conservatism.

2. Curls on the index finger– proactive, restless personality.

3. Curls on the middle finger– people who do not like routine work prefer creative directions. Public recognition of their talents is very important to them. They often choose unusual professions.

4. Curls on the ring finger– increased susceptibility and sensitivity. Such a person appreciates home comfort, comfort. Artistic abilities.

5. Curls on the little finger– professional instinct, developed abstract thinking and intuition.

Curls, curls! Everything would be fine, but as practice shows: the more curls, the more difficult it is to make a career. Those with curls are individualists who are not used to working in a team. They are extremely uncorporate. A large number of curls prevents a person from concentrating on the main thing. They devote so much time to trifles that they often mark time in thought, while the owners of arcs and loops decisively move forward up the career ladder. The optimal number of curls is 3-4.

And finally: with small children who have curls, you need to be extremely patient. The whip method cannot be used on them, as they are extremely touchy, capricious and vindictive. And it is very easy to turn a gifted person into some kind of psychopathic maniac, because these areas border very closely.

And you can dwell a little on interesting and unusual patterns:

Double loop (twin loop)

A double loop consists of two twisted loops that flow into each other. Such a loop speaks of a versatile personality, bright talent in many areas, an unpredictable, mysterious, mystical personality. Such a person often combines the incompatible: the logical and the illogical, the realistic and the absurd.

"Peacock Eye"

“Peacock eye” - a person has good insight, a developed sense of beauty and bright abilities in creativity, charm, good observation and intuition.

Well, that's it!

Each finger in palmistry - from the thumb to the little finger - symbolizes with its shape and length one or another quality, character trait of the owner. Each skin pattern on the finger (dermatoglyph) - from the arch to the curl - also has its own meaning.

So what is this information hidden at your fingertips?

THUMB:In addition to the three main types of finger patterns: the arc (denoted by the letter A, from the English arch - arch), the loop (L, from the English loop - repetition, loop) and the curl (W, from the English whorl - curl) studied in dermatoglyphics, they are analyzed in palmistry two more dermatoglyphs: double loop and peacock eye.

Peacock eye (LP, from English Loop Peacock) although it is a loop, it looks more like a curl with a stick in the middle. The peacock's eye is considered a sign of success and prosperity.

Double loop (LD, from English Loop Double) resembles the Yin-Yang symbol, combines the energies of both loops and curls, connects them, enhances potential.

But that's not all. Each finger of the hand corresponds to one or another planet. The thumb (Venus) reflects the essence of a person, his Self, his Ego. The thumb is very important source information and is always subject to careful analysis by specialists.

Modern dermatoglyphic studies have confirmed the conclusions of ancient palmists, establishing that papillary drawings on the thumb most clearly reflect the anthropological characteristics of the cerebral part of the skull, on the basis of which one can judge the owner’s intelligence and the main traits of his character.

The size (length) of the thumb speaks about the “size” of the person.

If it is decorated with an arc, the main qualities of character will be simplicity, bordering on primitiveness, and perseverance, turning into obstinacy. Such people usually try to keep everything under control and are highly sensitive to any criticism; even an innocent joke can offend them. At the same time, they usually either do not notice their jealousy and aggression or easily justify it.

The loop on the thumb provides excellent adaptability in all situations.

Curl is a sign of permanent spiritual development and at the same time - a tendency to self-examination.

Double loop – harmony and personal growth.

The thumb topped with a peacock feather is a sign of successful implementation in many directions. Simply put, life is good!

INDEX FINGER: The index finger corresponds to the planet Jupiter. The Supreme Olympian God personifies power, leadership, strength. To this we add determination, perseverance, organization, and ambition.

Jupiter brings with it a love of nature, nobility, a sense of justice, and pride.

An arc on the index finger speaks of hard work aimed at achieving success. Difficulties do not frighten the “arc guy”; he can move mountains on his way.

A person with a loop on his index finger always strives to take not by quantity, but by quality, trying to choose the most effective or easiest option. And, of course, he will never break away from the team.

“Zavitushniki” are not careerists. them in to a greater extent interested in the creative component of the profession. People with curls on their index fingers can enthusiastically engage in completely useless activities, the main thing is that they find it interesting.

Specialists with double loop on index finger good professionals, they are efficient and creative. And most often they are smarter than their leaders. But they wisely prefer to hide it. And they don’t care about their career (power). The main thing is the process.

A peacock feather on the index finger indicates success in any professional field.

MIDDLE FINGER:He is “crowned” by Saturn, which is responsible for mysticism, religion, exact sciences, agriculture. The influence of Saturn is expressed in a person’s desire to structure his life: to understand its meaning, to fit into generally accepted norms, to restore order everywhere.

Just like the index finger, middle finger reflects the picture family life, partnerships. A spouse with an arch on the index finger can be very conservative and despotic. At least he sets the rules in the family. Moreover, they are quite tough - you won’t spoil them. Installs for everyone, but not for himself. And at the same time he firmly believes that he is right. He easily falls into religious mysticism and cannot tolerate dissent. A difficult person, so to speak.

“Loopers” will always find a compromise solution in any situation.

Those with a curl on the middle finger will think more about the romance of relationships than about everyday life. Their house will have beautiful furniture, but covered with a layer of dust. They can complicate relationships by turning simple situation, which the “loopers” would not even pay attention to, into a critical one.

Spouses with a double loop will try to make family relationships as bright as possible.

A peacock feather indicates that very marriage in which there will be “advice and love.”

RING FINGER: At its tip is the Sun, a source of light and heat. Sunny people capable of warming the hearts of others, leading to light, giving and giving, sowing goodness. They are characterized by ease of perception, love for people, a desire to please others, to be useful, a feeling of fullness of life and happiness, a love of beauty, a desire to be visible, and vivid emotions.

The ring finger demonstrates how strong a person’s connections are with society. The arc on the ring finger reveals a person who is difficult to communicate and does not strive to establish deep and long-term relationships. A person who perceives the world around him primarily as a source of threat.

It is always possible to come to an agreement with the “looper”, despite his wariness.

People with curls on their ring fingers are real aliens. They are attractive and interesting, but they live in parallel world. And we will hardly be able to understand them, just as they will understand us.

People with a double loop on the ring finger will always be interesting to others, first of all, for their eccentricities. You won't get bored with them.

A peacock feather guarantees glory, honor and respect.

LITTLE FINGER:The smallest finger of the hand is subordinate to Mercury - the cunning, enterprising, resourceful god.

For all its physiological lack of demand, one might even say - uselessness, the little finger in palmistry has special meaning. After all, Mercury has many faces: he is the god of trade, profit, dexterity, trickery and deception, and eloquence. Mercury is also the conductor of the souls of the dead into the underworld. He invented literacy and numeracy and taught it to people. Patronizes heralds, ambassadors, shepherds, travelers and, of course, magic and the occult sciences.

A beautiful little finger speaks of good things communication skills, eloquence, plasticity of intelligence, artistry, creativity, aesthetic beauty of the subject, his sexual attractiveness and mysterious character.

“Arcs” in creativity and sex are active, but primitive, in mysticism they are religious: they pay more attention to rituals than to their philosophical (spiritual) content.

The loop on the little finger provides great opportunities for self-realization, while the double loop guarantees an unconventional approach to any business.

The peacock feather characterizes sexually attractive, creative people with magical abilities.

An important point is not only the presence of a particular pattern on the finger, but also its location. The drawing can be in the middle, which gives a harmonious realization of the potential, or it can be shifted to the side, then harmony will have to be sought. The more ridiculous the drawing, the more difficult it is for a person to understand his desires and plans; he will always be missing something in life.

Palmist Boris Akimov

Look closely at the pads of your fingers. The patterns on them can tell you a lot about your abilities and shortcomings, warn you against possible troubles and direct your strength in the right direction. Of course, provided that you can understand all the intricacies of the patterns, their combination, the number of lines - the so-called combs that create patterns on all ten fingers...

Of course, you can determine purely general points yourself by gleaning information from the Internet. For example, there are three main characteristic patterns - arcs, loops, curls. Therefore, you can even make some calculations yourself using the information at the end of the material. But dermatoglyphics (derma - skin, glyphe - engrave), and we're talking about it is about her - this is still a branch of science, and not palmistry - fortune telling by hand. They will not predict your future with the help of dermatoglyphics, but will only outline the areas (be it sports or creativity) in which you can be most successful. Moreover, without 100% fulfillment - they say, it’s all written on my fingers that I will become a great swimmer or wrestler, and therefore everything will work out that way. Most likely it won't work. Talent and inherent capabilities are nothing without their constant development, the same persistent and constant training.

The patterns on the fingertips depict a kind of DNA model or, if you like, our punch card. Nervous system human and the patterns on the fingers are formed simultaneously from the same embryonic material in the womb, at 14-16 weeks of fetal development. And fingerprints do not change from birth until death (unlike, by the way, the lines on the palms). After reading several articles on this topic, Riga oncologist and surgeon Boris ONISCHUK began studying dermatoglyphics. He ensured that Moscow specialists accepted him into their courses, and now he has added a certificate in dermatoglyphics to his diplomas. When Boris offered to show me what he had learned, I readily agreed. But for the purity of the experiment, I didn’t tell anything about myself... (photo -

Medical dynasty

We met in the office. Boris took out a laptop and a small electronic device, a box with a piece of glass, on which, in fact, each finger had to be placed in turn. Much like in some airports in different countries that require fingerprints, and now in Latvia when issuing passports.

The scanned patterns immediately appeared on the computer display screen. And what can Boris (more on this later), who has been working in oncology for 7 years, tell me that is so unusual? I wonder why the oncologist decided to also do dermatoglyphics?

My parents and relatives are doctors, so I knew from school that I would go into medicine,” Boris says about his choice. - I decided on my specialization during my studies. Previously, he worked in an ambulance for four years. I also have a second certification as a doctor in dermatology. And my direction in oncology is very closely related to various skin problems: skin formations - both malignant and benign. I became interested in dermatoglyphics after reading an article about it. I wanted to know more about myself and my capabilities. I found out that these developments were and are being carried out at the famous Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman (former Moscow Higher Technical School, where they train specialists, in particular, in space developments - K.M.).

After some time, I managed to agree with a Moscow professor, Igor Nikolaevich Spiridonov, that he would help me master the dermatoglyphics method. Spiridonov created a program that calculates the parameters of patterns in digital format. There are no analogues in the world.

Yes, you can visually identify patterns using your fingers, but, for example, the number of ridges (lines that form them) cannot be determined by eye. I studied with Spiridonov and technical side cases, and interpretation of the data obtained.

For the last 20 years, professors Spiridonov and Tamara Fedorovna Abramova have been researching human physical abilities. They have large number statistical data. They took entire institutes and studied students. They also took patients with cerebral palsy for comparison. The developmental delay could also be read from the characteristic patterns on the fingers of these patients.

Personality cast

- Do our fingers reflect not only our mental development, but also our physical condition?

Yes. Work is underway in this area not only in Russia, but also abroad. In particular, they study congenital hereditary pathologies, the most famous of which is Down syndrome.

So, studying fingerprints is like studying a cast of a person? Let's say, in the future, can a specific person be entrusted with controlling a ship (including a spaceship), going with him on reconnaissance, or is this person better suited for other tasks?

Absolutely right. One is capable of leading a team, while the other may have a craving for individual work...

Thus, you can tell a person where he can show himself best? To for many years didn’t go searching for your own “I”?

Yes. And to determine this, it is necessary to compare the patterns on all fingers. Because each finger has a certain individual characteristic. Even twins have different fingerprints.

Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts. It is impossible to determine who is who offhand. But based on fingerprints, it’s easy... (

I have already had to take fingerprints from two- and three-year-old children, as well as their parents. Interestingly, one girl, for example, had the same pattern as her father. The second child had something from his father in the patterns on his fingers, something from his mother.

In the first case, the father is searching, but the right way. I just suggested to him that he should believe in loyalty to his chosen goal, not be afraid to create his own company, but with a small amount employees. He has leading abilities, good performance and endurance. And the daughter’s qualities as a leader are even more pronounced. If we compare a daughter, father and mother, then the latter has the highest coordination - this is the ability to perform the most various jobs, switch from one task to another. She is also quite capable of running her own business in the future when she grows up.

-Have you tested yourself? Are you sure you have chosen the right specialty?

Yes, it was clear from my fingerprints, for example, that banking, logistics or law were not my thing.

In your case, with a greater degree of probability, we can still talk about heredity, which is clear even without fingerprints. Doctors' children most often end up becoming doctors, not bus drivers...

Yes, that’s why entire dynasties are born - military men, doctors, steelworkers, actors...

Heredity and bad habits

- How do heredity, bad habits and diseases affect a person’s future abilities?

I studied Chikatilo’s fingerprints, which I found on the Internet, and saw that he had 4 patterned asymmetries on his fingers of the same name. This is a lot! Asymmetry is when, for example, there is a loop on the index finger of the left hand, and a curl on the index finger of the right hand. One or two asymmetries, but not four! This proves that we have before us an unpredictable person, emotionally and psychologically unbalanced.

Although there is a type of pattern that shows that a person, even if he grows up in an asocial environment, is able to break out of it. Let's say the parents are alcoholics, and the child grows up to be a normal person. And there are those who, on the contrary, being in quite comfortable conditions, can end up in an asocial environment.

Human qualities can manifest themselves differently in peaceful life and in war. Let's say if emotional person will sit in an office and do monotonous work, is it unlikely that anything good will come of it both for him and for those around him?

There is a certain conflict parameter: for example, a radial loop on the index finger. Two of my friends had these radial loops. They can actually act quite harshly in certain situations. And such people can be safely sent, for example, to hot spots - they will be able to navigate such a situation faster than others. They have a use in the office. on our own much more difficult.

Is it possible to use fingerprints to determine a person’s resistance to difficulties, the limit where he can break?

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. For example, multi-faceted abilities, but weak stamina. Therefore, this type of person should not solve many small, insignificant problems, but should focus on one big one. Then he will be able to fully reveal himself, and not be wasted on trifles.

Such cases are known when a person, having been doing various things all his life, suddenly began to draw by the age of 60 and achieved success in this. Although this “suddenly” undoubtedly smoldered in him all his life...

Yes, there was simply no push, some kind of hint from the outside, encouragement: come on, you can do it! More often it happens the other way around: there is a person nearby who slows down development and is skeptical about all the successes of his partner.

...To prevent this from happening, dermatoglyphics exists. It is gradually beginning to be used in some large Russian companies where it is necessary to effectively select and distribute personnel. However, this is often even more important for very small companies, where the dependence on the abilities of each person is even greater. Dermatoglyphics can also help in your personal life, telling you which life partner is most suitable for a girl or guy.

However, it’s good if there are tips that relate to different areas of life. Of course, you can’t prepare cheat sheets for all cases, but it’s always useful to understand what is closer and more accessible to you. How much time, effort and money can be saved! Don’t try, for example, to achieve something in a sprint, but immediately find out that it’s not quite your thing, and try yourself, say, in marathon distances...

And now what Dr. Onischuk saw in my fingers. This is "excellent" intellectual abilities(associative and analytical thinking) and excellent coordination,” as stated in his conclusion. The latter characterizes “the ability to perceive, implement and perform complex, diverse movements and actions.” The doctor also noticed that it was easy for me to switch from one task-topic to another. But I can experience discomfort with monotonous mental and physical work, get tired quickly. “Acyclic sports are suitable, in which excellent coordination and good endurance are demonstrated. Types of play - in football, for example, defender, midfielder (as a child, by the way, I enjoyed standing in the goal - K.M.), wrestling (in his youth he devoted 10 years to boxing - K.M.), from winter - more snowboarding than alpine skiing(I mastered them several years ago - K.M.). You should also like dancing (as a student I danced until I dropped - K.M.)...

But for me (the doctor is right here too), perhaps, sometimes I lack reactivity. For example, in disputes, when all the best arguments come, as they say, later. But he is non-conflict, the study emphasizes: “extremeness and a tendency to antisocial behavior are minimal.” Yes, I could learn to draw well, but I’m unlikely to become an Aivazovsky. Well, I’ll take it into account...

What are we like? We count ourselves...

Dermatoglyphics appeared in medicine in the 20s of the last century. Its founder in Russia is anthropologist Mikhail VOLOTSKY. And Russian scientists from the Research Center for Biometric Technology at Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman managed to create biometric fingerprint scanners and computer program, which automatically generates a dermatoglyphic map of a person. This is how his personal characteristics are determined.

For example, according to Doctor of Biological Sciences Tamara ABRAMOVA, sprinters, speed skaters, and track and field athletes (who require maximum performance in short time) the patterns on the fingers are simple, and the number of combs within the pattern is minimal. But for wrestlers, boxers, gymnasts, and freestylers (athletes who require complex coordination of movements), a complex pattern is combined with a maximum ridge count. Increasing complexity of functions in team sports leads to more complex patterns.


People who have predominantly loop patterns on their fingers are the “golden mean”. They have a wide range of interests, they easily get along with others, tolerate their any oddities, while quite adequately assessing what is happening. With all their pros and cons, these are ideal leaders who are capable of satisfying everyone, albeit to a minimum. Moreover, they do not put pressure on others (like people with arches) and do not torment anyone with constantly changing plans (like those with curls).


Curl-dominant people exhibit varied and highly complex behavior. Despite their colossal endurance, they do not like to endure unpleasant circumstances. They are constantly dissatisfied with themselves, prone to self-examination and painful doubts. Curly people are distinguished by excellent coordination.

It is not difficult to conduct a shallow analysis of ourselves. For a certain pattern on each finger, the following number of points is awarded: arc - 0, loop - 1, curl - 2.

The maximum indicator (based on 10 fingers) is 20. Low (up to 10) - characterizes outstanding speed and strength qualities - cycle track, athletics, skates. In football and basketball, these are forwards.

Average (from 10 to 13) - endurance indicator - cycling race, stayer distances.

High (above 13) - ability for complex coordinated activities - barbell, boxing, figure skating. In football and basketball, these are defenders and goalkeepers...