They dream of the dead as if they were alive. What does it mean if you dream about a dead person in a dream?

Don't be afraid!

If the dead often come to you in a dream, then you should not be scared and fall into a panic state.

On the contrary, the dream book considers it great luck. Since the dead very often warn of troubles, present a picture of the future and give good advice.

So why do you dream about people who are dead? There is a possibility that someone is spreading bad rumors about you. But more often, characters who are dead in real life in a dream symbolize those dreams and desires that cannot be realized for external reasons.

Invisible help

Why else do you dream? dead people alive? Seeing long-deceased relatives means receiving help in a difficult situation and the fulfillment of secret aspirations.

If in a dream the dead come alive, then the dream book believes that a wave of weakness and indecision will soon come. In this version, the dead seem to support you morally.

Had a dream dead alive? Perhaps you are afraid of losing something very significant to you.


Did familiar dead people appear in your dream? Personally, the dream book guarantees you many years and relative well-being.

Did you dream that deceased acquaintances paid a visit? Not the best changes have emerged in business and life in general.

Sometimes deceased loved ones reflect the fear of losing protection in reality.

Did you have a chance to talk to them? It is especially important to remember everything that your relatives say at night. You may be able to learn something important about your future from them.

Don't panic!

Did you dream about completely unfamiliar dead people? The dream book believes that this is just a reflection of the negative sides of your personality.

This could be outdated stereotypes, a specific line of behavior, or a real loss of vitality.

Why do you dream that unknown dead people are leaving? In fact, you will be able to get rid of what weighs you down.

If in a dream unfamiliar corpses scare you, then in the upcoming situation you will fall into real panic and take an extremely undesirable step.

Get ready!

Why else do you dream of other people's dead people? If they come to life, but do not harm you, then truly amazing events will happen, or long-forgotten problems will remind you of themselves.

If the dead scare or even try to kill you in a dream, then the dream book believes that a series of insurmountable difficulties, problems at work and at home, is coming.

Seeing how other people's dead are chasing you means that during the next day you will encounter a lot of difficulties and unpleasant moments.

Money or decline?

Why do you dream about a lot of dead people? Seeing them on the battlefield means that a serious confrontation on a global scale with human casualties is coming, for example, a war.

Did you see a lot of corpses? The dream book considers this a bad omen. Businessmen will face a decline in business, lovers will separate, and everyone else will receive tragic news.

In a dream, many decaying bodies with a sickening smell promise bad influences from the past. If you didn’t feel a special aroma, you will certainly get rich.

Take your time!

Did you dream that you found yourself in a place where dead bodies lay in coffins? Get ready to receive a significant profit or a visit from a stranger.

But dead animals, according to the dream book, guarantee deterioration of health and domestic conflicts.

Did you happen to be among the dead in a dream? In reality, you are destined for a hasty and extremely unsuccessful marriage, which will bring nothing but misfortune.

Miller's Prophecy

Miller's dream book considers the vision of the dead in coffins to be extremely negative. It promises a bad year for farmers, failure for business people and bad marriage for all lovers.


Why do you dream that dead people are reaching out to you? This is a very bad sign, in a dream reflecting a mental or witchcraft attack aimed at you with the aim of further subjugation to someone else’s will.

Did you dream that the dead literally grab hands? The dream book believes that your own are slowing you down bad habits, emotions or actions.

Good day, dear friends! Today we will look at another dream. But it's creepy. We will try to find out why you dream of a living person as a dead person.
But in reality, everything is not so scary and the dream is not so bad. In many sources, it just means a change in the weather.

At the same time, the person who saw the vision so badly will have a long and happy life.

If a person who is alive in reality dies in a dream, then this indicates changes in life. This phenomenon symbolizes the rejection of everything old, as well as the desire for the new.

It may be a signal for an imminent move, a change of activity, or even a move to another country.
Such dreams may indicate disappointment and abandonment of old principles. They may even change.

Changes can also affect the person who was dreamed. Moreover, the dreamer may be involved in these events.
What does the death of a living person mean in a dream can be read in various dream books.

For example, this may also indicate changes in the relationship with him.
At the same time, it is necessary to analyze your attitude towards this person; maybe aggression, envy or other negative feelings come from him.

If a living person dies in a dream, then this may be a warning.

Perhaps someone from this person’s circle wishes him harm and is hindering his progress. In this case, the person may be in danger, but not physical, but psychological or financial.
If a person died unexpectedly in your dream, then this may also indicate a change in the weather. For example, on the street, and you react to changes in atmospheric phenomena.

But if in your dream people you know die in an accident, then this advice is to remain careful and stay alert.

You can find yourself in a whirlpool of unusual and rapid events. Moreover, they will arise unexpectedly. At the same time, it will be unclear where the enemies are and where the friends are.

But such a whirlwind will pass very quickly.
There is nothing terrible about meeting a dead person. This may be a harbinger of good news. If a dead person passed by, this may mean that bad things will pass you by.

Who do the dead dream about?

If a deceased person dreams of a living and close relative, this means that a long and happy life, health and prosperity awaits him.

Therefore, you should not panic if your husband or wife appeared in this form in a dream.
Such a dream can also be a warning, for example, condemning the dreamer’s lifestyle. In this case, caution is shown in your statements and deeds.
If you dream that your mother, who is alive, has died, then this foreshadows the emergence of new responsibilities and rights. Girls in reality will lose support, and they will have to shoulder many responsibilities.
A dream in which your father died warns that he may soon have problems and failures.

For girls, such a vision means deception on the part of young people.
If you have lost a boyfriend or girlfriend, then this is a harbinger of disappointment and loss. Business people you should be wary of business failures, bad financial condition And large number other difficulties.

Also, such dreams promise difficulties in relationships with friends, business partners, or even difficulties in business.
If you were truly grieving in a dream, then in the morning you can rejoice, since this person will be healthy, happy for a long time, and nothing bad will happen to him.
A living person in a coffin can mean difficulties and... Such a vision may also mean that you yourself are creating various difficulties for yourself along the way.

At the same time, you can project your complexes and problems onto loved ones.
In this case, it is important to analyze your actions and pay attention inward.
In addition, such a dream can symbolize receiving material profit, unexpected news and dramatic changes in life situation.

You may dream about a grandfather or grandmother who is still alive. IN gypsy dream book such a dream foreshadows help from somewhere or advice.

It is important to remember the words that were spoken in the dream. If your grandmother died in a dream, then this could mean your long life.

It may also mean that you will find answers to many questions.
It is considered a favorable sign to see a grandmother’s house, which is a symbol of a hearth for support, warmth and shelter.

Po may mean some changes for health. If the housewife entered the house during sleep, this could be a sign of imminent wealth.

Meanings in the dream book

If people you barely know die in your dream, this indicates that you need to change. Think about your associations.

You can initiate changes in this area, because they will work out. If the dream was terrible and you immediately woke up, then this symbolizes a flurry of changes.
Also see a living person in a dream man dead may also mean that real life he will lose his authority for you.

The dream can be interpreted as a hostile attitude towards this person. In this case, you should show restraint to avoid conflict situations.
A dream when a person dies before our eyes, then you should prepare for troubles, disagreements and even separation.

Adaskin's Dream Book

A dead person is most often dreamed of in rainy weather, but it can promise danger or a bad outcome to some business.
If the dead person is calm and even cheerful, then this is a wonderful sign, but if he is sad or violent, then it is a bad sign.

Giving something to a dead person is not a good value, but taking something is excellent.
If a dead person suddenly comes to life and says that he is alive, then you will return something long lost. In a dream, dressing or moving a dead person can promise illness.
Relief is foreshadowed by a vision in which the dead man disintegrates or crumbles.

Values ​​according to Kratov

This dream book says that the dead can come to a person in dreams, on whom he greatly depended.

Often such people may even need help, especially if the loss occurred recently. Such visions can last up to 40 days.
When you have nightmares with the dead, this may indicate a feeling of guilt.
Sometimes the dead try to convey information that will help the dreamer in his life. For example, to protect from something.

Different meanings of unusual dreams

Let's consider other popular interpretations from different dream books:

  1. According to the dream book, a dead man in a vision is a symbol of the fact that goals and desires are not moving anywhere, but are stuck inside you. These are subconscious prohibitions, fears or even psychological barriers.
  2. A dead man lying motionless in a coffin is a warning about difficult life path, which is ahead of you. You just need to prepare, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Even if there are difficulties, you will be able to overcome them.
  3. If suddenly a dead person comes to life in a dream, then this is just a sign of some kind of news. Maybe you will receive news from afar or strangers will bring news.
  4. A large number speaks of fears that are mostly unfounded. But they interfere with your self-realization.
  5. If you see yourself dead, then do not panic. Such a dream promises new life, happiness and renewal.
  6. Walking zombies can be a dream to show the emptiness of your fears and worries. This is advice to change something in your life, since anxiety prevents you from achieving the desired result.
  7. If you dream of an acquaintance who died a long time ago, then this means the resurrection of abandoned affairs, as well as new strength. Such a vision symbolizes a surge of new opportunities and fruitful work.
  8. Talking to the dead is also a good sign; it can mean peace, harmonious relationships and well-being.
  9. Don't be scared if a dead person kisses and hugs you in a dream, as this could be a sign of a new romance. Moreover, your object of love is a very famous, important person and has authority in society. If he swears, it’s not so bad either.
  10. If a dead person cries in a dream, then you should be wary of conflicts with relatives. Perhaps you are inattentive to the people around you.
    Many people are interested in why they dream of dead animals and birds. For example, dead pets symbolize temporary difficulties. If it's dead cattle, it means a cold. Dead birds indicate that you cannot relax. But bodies to get rid of problems.

In any case, analyze your dream and think about it. Remember not to trust the dream world too much. What matters is what you think about all this and your attitude.

Perhaps this is just a dream, a figment of your imagination and subconscious and nothing more. In reality, only you yourself are responsible for what is happening around you.

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If a friend, relative or just an acquaintance appears alive in a dream, who has long since passed into another world in reality, such a plot should be taken as an important clue. Most likely, the guest from the other world wants to warn the dreamer about something or help prevent trouble, or maybe he reminds him of himself and asks him to remember him. Dream books will help you understand in more detail why a dead person dreams of being alive.

Dream Interpretation: Why does a dead person dream as if he were alive?

In Miller's dream book, a dead man who suddenly comes to life always turns out to be a harbinger of serious danger. If, according to the plot, he is happy and having fun, it means that you should take a closer look at the people around you. Some of them diligently adjust the sleeper to themselves, hoping to take over his business projects, financial benefits and promising ideas.

IN Psychological dream book it is noted that the dream under discussion often indicates longing for a person who died in real life. If a man or woman dreams about him regularly, it means that he has failed to let go of his loved one and learn to live without him. Perhaps it is time to seek professional help from a psychologist.

According to Loff's dream book, the appearance of a revived relative in a dream promises a major family quarrel. Relatives have been having heated discussions on some issue for several days now. general issue, but they still fail to come to a common opinion. To prevent the situation from developing into a large-scale conflict, someone needs to make concessions first and find compromise options. Since the dreamer has seen the plot, he will have to take on this difficult task.

I dreamed about a deceased relative being alive

If a relative appears alive in a dream, you need to try to remember as many details and details of this plot as possible. This can also be done immediately after waking up. Unfortunately, then the episode is erased from memory. For example, the behavior and mood of a guest of night dreams. Is the dead man crying bitterly? This is a clear sign that the sleeper needs to analyze his behavior in reality. Surely he treats others too rudely, critically, and also regularly makes the same mistakes that prevent him from achieving his goals. The tears of a deceased relative in a dream can also indicate a huge amount of bad habits the dreamer, which must be abandoned in the near future.

A deceased person in a dream is a herald of cardinal changes in the dreamer’s life; this dream can also be a warning, which must be interpreted based on events occurring in real life. Therefore, in order to understand why a dead person dreams in a dream, you should remember the plot of the dream, all the details and accompanying emotions. And only after a thorough analysis of what he saw, he will turn to the dream book for help.

Loff's dream book, the interpretation of a dream - a deceased person, connects with various business issues in real life. Seeing or observing a dead person in a dream predicts the presence of conflict situations and condemnation by others of the actions or words of the sleeping person.

According to Miller's dream book, a deceased person in a dream foreshadows the future occurrence of situations subconsciously associated with the dreamed person. Seeing a cheerful deceased person who is in an overly elated mood means that the dreamer is not organizing his life correctly, which will soon affect his well-being and work results. It is worth reconsidering your own priorities, since in most cases they are what prevent you from moving forward and reaching new heights.

By English dream book, seeing a deceased person alive means new achievements and well-being if he was in a good mood. Seeing deceased relatives and friends sad and dejected foreshadows the presence of problems and troubles that the dreamer will soon have to face.

Dead man alive in a dream

The dreamer’s emotions themselves are important in the interpretation of dreams, therefore, you can find out what the dead man is dreaming about by remembering the feelings that the dead man evoked in the dream. A calm or slightly elevated mood in a dream (or after it) indicates that soon all the anxieties that tormented the person in real life will be left behind, the long-awaited idyll and peace will come and be resolved. difficult situations and conflicts.

The anxiety, fear or irritation that a person experiences after a dream is deciphered by the dream book as an unfavorable period in the future, which will be filled with unpleasant moments and quarrels. Only self-control and patience will help the dreamer cope with problems.

According to folk traditions and the canons, in cases where a person constantly dreams of a deceased person, he should be remembered. To do this, you need to go to church, light a candle for the repose of the deceased, or order a service. Also, if the deceased is a relative of the dreamer, you need to purchase cookies and sweets from the store and distribute them to neighbors and work colleagues.

If a person often dreams of dead people, then, as the dream book says, you should take a close look at your own health and pay attention to your well-being. Such a vision is a sign that in real life a sleeping person should save his moral and physical strength.

Often, such an image accompanies those people who are “stuck up” at work, have nervous disorders and a weakened psyche, which often turns into depression and loss of self-control. The dream book advises devoting some time to rest, enjoying communication with nature and loved ones, otherwise, instead of success at work, the dreamer will have to work on mistakes and be reprimanded by his superiors.

The lack of support, care that a person needs, mental anguish and remorse about one’s actions in the past, this is why a deceased person often dreams. Sometimes these feelings are related directly to the dreamed person and express the dreamer’s indignation at her death.

If a deceased person dreams of a living person who was closely associated with him in the past, then most likely the vision expresses the dreamer’s nostalgia and melancholy. In addition, such a picture may indicate that the sleeping person is “stuck” in the past and cannot fully realize himself in life. real life. This state of affairs can lead to a person missing out on everything that fate has in store for him.

If you dreamed of a recently deceased person, then, according to the dream book, such an image speaks of a sincere expression of grief for the deceased. Often, this vision means that in reality the dreamer still cannot come to terms with the loss, and mentally imagines the person alive.

If you dreamed of a long-dead person, it means you should visit the grave of the deceased. Perhaps in a dream, the dead person asks for some item or goodies that will need to be brought to the grave.

It is not difficult for people who have minor health problems to guess why a dead person dreams. Such a dream speaks of speedy recovery persons and the normalization of his usual course of life. The deceased comes to the seriously ill in two cases: to inform about his imminent death or to inspect the future recovery of the sleeping person.

Appearance and condition of the deceased person in a dream

An important factor when interpreting a dream is appearance and the clothes of the deceased. Therefore, in order to understand why a dead person dreams, you should pay attention to these details.

Seeing a dead person in dirty and rumpled clothes in a dream foretells deprivation and problematic situations which the dreamer will have to endure. Conflicts with relatives and work colleagues are possible. In addition, you need to listen to your own well-being and the health of loved ones.

If a deceased person comes in a dream neat and clean, then all the dreams of the dreamer will come true, and success and good luck will accompany business. A young girl sees a dead person unknown guy in a dream, who is courteous and attentive to the young lady, the dream book foretells the appearance of a suitor on the horizon. For a married woman, such a vision indicates a struggle with temptation.

A dream in which you saw a naked dead man has a negative interpretation. The dream book warns of a series of troubles and hardships that await the future. Businessmen should limit their extravagance and save financial resources. Women, reduce your desire to buy new things and trinkets.

However, seeing a naked dead person lying in a beautifully furnished room symbolizes wealth and profit. Poverty, addiction and a series of failures, this is what you dream of about a naked dead man lying on the floor.

Who is the relationship of a dead person to a sleeping person?

Often, such dreams are provoked by the sleeping person himself and express melancholy and despondency. In order to fully understand why the dead man is dreaming, one should take into account who he is to the dreamer. An unfamiliar dead man, if he is neat and joyful in a dream, foreshadows joyful events in the dream book, a new period in life that will be marked by great successes and accomplishments.

An untidy and dirty unknown dead person in a dream symbolizes the presence of complex, artificially provoked situations in the future that the dreamer will have to solve. Also, such a picture notifies that the sleeping person will have to communicate with unpleasant and narcissistic people.

If you dreamed of a loved one who died, it means you should remember the details of what you saw. A deceased mother in a dream symbolizes everyday life, home and relationships with relatives. If the relative is calm, it means that in reality the sleeping person will have a complete idyll in the family and mutual understanding between household members.

The deceased father in a dream is a symbol of business and public relations. Seeing a relative in full health and peace in a dream means the dream book indicates a successful course of business, participation in new projects and good relationships with people around you.

A deceased brother in a dream, according to the dream book, expresses the sleeping person’s need for communication, protection and understanding. For a young girl, this picture promises an interesting acquaintance with a man who in the future may lay claim to the role of the dreamer’s husband. For a married lady, such an image speaks of establishing a relationship with her soulmate, the opportunity to ignite faded feelings and experience new emotions in bed.

If women dreamed of a deceased loved one, it means that in reality the dreamer will meet a man who can bring love into her life and revive her feelings. A man, instead of a painful separation from his beloved, will soon experience positive emotions associated with a person of the opposite sex.

Actions involving a deceased person in a dream

Attending the wake of a deceased person in a dream signals unpleasant news from relatives. Perhaps this will be news of a serious illness or even the death of a familiar person.

If you dreamed of the funeral of an already deceased person who was not a member family ties with the dreamer, which means, as the dream book states, the sleeping person will have a favorable period in resolving his own issues, financial well-being and moral uplift.

It is useful to know why you dream of burying a person who has already died. The dream book deciphers the dream as one of the favorable ones, notifying that a series of failures and grief has been left behind, and new achievements, acquaintances and pleasant moments await the dreamer.

For a woman to bury her deceased husband, the dream book predicts the beginning of a new family life, meeting a man who will help her forget about the suffering and grief of her dead loved one, and also “wake up” her as a woman.

In most cases, the death of an already deceased person, according to the dream book, indicates the closure of long-standing issues, court cases and litigation. Rarely, it predicts the settlement of a long-standing conflict between relatives that has lasted for centuries.

If a deceased person died in a dream, who was not a relative of the dreamer in reality, then, as the dream book states, in real life the sleeping person will not be afraid of the machinations of enemies and the intrigues of enemies.

If, on the contrary, a person dreams that a deceased person has come to life, it means that in reality long-standing issues that have not been resolved in the past and now require an immediate response will remind themselves. For young girls, this dream is deciphered by the dream book as the appearance of a person from the past (most often this is ex-boyfriend), who will interfere with her current relationship and try to return her beloved.

Trying to revive a deceased person, the dream book indicates, is that the person is trying in vain to return something long forgotten or lost. This vision tells young people that they should not stir up the past and try to rekindle old feelings, because nothing good will come of it.

If businessmen dreamed of a deceased person in a coffin, then they should expect troubles in business. Careerists should be careful at work and not take on additional workload in the near future, as this will only aggravate the situation. The dream book advises you to spend some time at home or in nature, relax and recuperate, because you won’t be able to make money in the near future, you can only significantly shake your nerves and shake your self-confidence.

The risk of running into or provoking a serious conflict that could affect the interests of high-ranking people and be the reason for dismissal, this is what a dream means in which a deceased person cries in his sleep. The dream book advises to be very careful on the street and on the road, to follow all safety rules and internal labor regulations.

Conversation with a deceased person in a dream

The dream book places great importance on conversations with dead people, since often in dreams the dead give hints and advice that can be applied in real life. Only the dreamer himself can figure out what the conversation is about in a dream, based on the events that occur in reality.

Often, deceased people try to protect a person from future troubles or warn about the dangers that threaten the dreamer in real life. Also, talking with the dead is a source of additional information and truthful information that will help cope with problems and troubles that have arisen.

There are cases when someone else's deceased relative comes to the dreamer with a request to convey the information received to his close people, naming dates and events that are known only to the recipient of the information.

Don’t be scared if you dream of a dead person and remain silent, especially if it’s a relative. Such an image is interpreted as a silent admiration of the dreamer’s life and approval of his life credo, plans for the future, and behavior. The young lady, to see the silent deceased father, who is in a good spirit and good mood, is a sign that the relative approves young man, whom she is going to marry.

Talking to a deceased person in a raised voice in a dream indicates the deceased’s dissatisfaction with the behavior and actions of the sleeping person. For a girl to quarrel with her deceased father in a dream is a sign that the relative does not approve of the young man whom the young lady has chosen as her betrothed.

For a married woman to quarrel with her deceased mother in a dream, according to the dream book, predicts the need to take care of household chores, improve the atmosphere and interaction between household members, otherwise the current state of affairs may lead in the future to strained and even hostile relations between relatives.

You should beware of those dreams in which dead people want to force a person to promise something. The dream book interprets this image as impending despondency, decline in business, disbelief in own strength and uncertainty about the future.

Interacting with a deceased person in a dream

Why dream of kissing a dead person in a dream? An important detail in the interpretation of such a dream is the personality of the person with whom you had to kiss in the dream. Kiss dead father, predicts success in work and business, successful completion of a project, and expansion of business connections. Kissing your mother indicates a favorable atmosphere between relatives and also promises reconciliation between spouses.

If a sleeping person was kissed in a dream by a deceased person with whom she was unfamiliar, then the dream book promises the presence of good luck and prosperity in the dreamer’s affairs. Also, such an image denotes the presence of luck in gambling and the lottery.

Kissing a deceased person who died recently is deciphered by the dream book as the unhealed pain of loss, longing for this person and nostalgia for past life. In this case, only time and loved ones will help.

A deceased person hugs in a dream, which means, according to the dream book, the dreamer will have a full and long-awaited rest. If a brother or sister hugs, then in real life there is a person who can boost morale and self-confidence.

Some dream books interpret rather ambiguously what it means to dream of washing a dead person in a dream. According to the dream book of Magic, such an image foreshadows imminent death or disease. This interpretation is connected with the tradition of washing the deceased after death. The American dream book promises deliverance from the past, forgiveness and the opportunity to start life from scratch.

Looking for a dead person in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an opportunity to find ways of reconciliation with oneself or people dear to one’s heart. Never finding a dead person in a dream indicates a lack of common ground with the chosen one, an insoluble problem conflict situation, which may end in a break in the relationship.

Feeding a dead person in a dream is positive sign, broadcasting about prosperity and well-being in the family, as well as the opportunity to have a child and become wonderful parents. A man will soon be offered a promotion or mutually beneficial cooperation not related to his main job.

In a dream, beating a dead person, according to the dream book, means the dreamer’s internal protest, unwillingness to repent and conform to the framework (rules) that prevent the implementation of any plans. Very often, such a dream is dreamed by teenagers who, in their youthful maximalism, tend to go too far.

If the deceased person himself beats the dreamer, it means that in real life the dreamer did something bad or objectionable. The dream book advises you to reconsider your life values, since the moral side of the sleeping person is in a deplorable state.

Why do you dream about sex with a dead person? For a woman, sex with a deceased husband is interpreted by the dream book as longing for a loved one, a desire to join him. Sex with a blood relative in a dream predicts nostalgia for past years, childhood, and youth. According to intimate dream book, sex with a deceased person, may indicate a desire for spiritual contact with the dreamer.

Other dreams mentioning a dead person

Why do you dream about a photograph of a deceased person? A dream can symbolize the dreamer’s nostalgic mood, longing for a deceased person and the events that are associated with her.

A dreamed photograph of a deceased person is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s attempts to change what was destined, a search for answers to pressing questions in the past, a subconscious desire to turn back time.

Seeing the spirit of a deceased person in a dream, according to the dream book, is an interpretation of communication with the other world. Perhaps the person has a magical gift.

Some dream books associate the spirit (or ghost) of a deceased person with a harbinger of misfortune that will affect the relatives of the sleeping person. If the spirit is in white robes, then it is under threat close person or the dreamer's friend. A spirit dressed in black robes predicts betrayal from a person close to you.

Talking with the ghost of a deceased person is interpreted by the dream book as the presence of evil will or fate in the dreamer’s real life, which does not allow him to realize his plans and desires. Hearing groans or other sounds made by the spirit is a harbinger of some kind of trouble or unfavorable event that may affect the health or well-being of the sleeper.

comments 184

  • I haven't received a response to asked question. And I am very worried about the dream I saw. It was as if my long-dead mother was waiting for me, and I came to her after closing the gate due to a malfunction. Mom saw me through the window, she was in a white nightie, she went out into the yard, and we hugged her.

  • I also didn't find an answer to my question. I dreamed of my late grandfather and he was lying with my living grandmother, when I asked my grandfather for help, my grandmother stopped him and went on her own. (Grandfather was dressed all in white) ... Then I dreamed that I was clearing snow, many children came and they dug up some branches that they throw on the road during funerals. I didn’t see my grandmother in the dream after she left for help, but I continued to communicate with my grandfather. P.S Grandma is now in the hospital in not very good health and says that she is afraid to die.

  • I also could not get an answer to my question. My ex-boyfriend recently committed suicide. And just yesterday he was buried. And now for the third night I have been dreaming about him. An ordinary dream at first glance. But in my dreams he follows me everywhere, close behind me, and laughs loudly. All in light and around him there is white light. I can’t sleep peacefully anymore, please tell me what this dream is for?

  • I dreamed that a deceased friend and her husband, who was living, came to visit, and I warmed them borscht, and then I went outside, and for some reason there were tables in the yard, and there was one table for 4 people, where 2 people sat, I don’t think so acquaintances, the girl who died, and my husband, and I was still surprised why my husband and I didn’t sit next to them... I still can’t calm down... why is this?

  • Christina:

    I dreamed that my friend and I were relaxing in my apartment (the apartment has been sold for 3 years already, I usually often have dreams in this apartment), then we somehow suddenly found ourselves on the street. After some time, my friend and I go into the front door, we call the elevator, as soon as we entered the elevator, the door suddenly closes and high speed rises to the top. Arriving at the top, we went into the apartment. I saw my late mother, my friend’s fiance was sitting next to her, they were upset. Looking at my friend, I saw a large wound on his leg, my mother was comforting him. Then, when she saw me, my mother abruptly gave me a small cup of water, there was something else in it (like tiny balls, there weren’t many of them) and told me to drink, I didn’t want to drink it. But she was persistent. I listened to her and wet my lips a little. What could this mean?

    I also didn’t find an answer to my question. Six months ago, a childhood friend passed away. I’m used to having some relatives and acquaintances “communicate” through me. But this dream is not very clear to me. So: a car drives up to the house, a friend and a girl are sitting in it (they dated in real life, but with a break), so cheerful. Laughed all the time. After which he winks at me (he sometimes greeted me like that) and continues communicating with that person. It gets dark, after which I go home. The next morning I go outside, the car is already in the yard. At first glance, there is no one there. It turns out that he is a neighbor (another OUR childhood friend), and we begin to communicate. And then suddenly He appears in the car, as if he had spent the night there. But he looked strange: he was wearing a scarf (tied quite tightly around his neck), had something like a respirator on his head (when cars are painted), and He himself was somehow swollen with red eyes (the capillaries had burst). We ask: “What happened? Did you want to scare us? To which He does not answer and looks straight at me. You can see from His eyes that he wants to tell something, but is silent. And so for the rest of the dream He was silent, and I tried to find out.
    He passed away unexpectedly for everyone. Everything happened in about 7-10 minutes. Got crazy while painting my stepfather's car. Although I spent almost my entire short life working on cars. It's true that I still can't believe what happened. And every time I pass by a window or door (he lived on the first floor, I lived on the second), I expect him to come out or wink from the window. Like in the old days good times. I miss. But I am tormented by the question of why I saw him exactly like that. Why was he silent if he wanted to say something? Before that, I always dreamed of him being so cheerful and talking to me. Once I even saw him through the window... Maybe someone can tell me. This dream torments me.

  • I also didn't find the answer to my question. In a dream, I was returning home and saw that my deceased grandmother. I wanted to come running first, but I forgot my keys and waited for her, but while I was waiting I was very sad. In a dream, I remembered the words that my mother seemed to say... as if my grandmother would not live to see September. Suddenly grandma came, wearing a gray scarf on her head. She cried, as if because she knew the same thing as me. Which will die by September. And we started crying. What does it mean???

  • I did not receive an answer to my dream. I dreamed of my current boyfriend, who died in my dream and became a ghost. In the dream I was very worried. Then he began to turn on the water and move the door. And I realized that this is my favorite. And later I saw him. She fed him and hugged him. Said how much I miss him. He reciprocated. This dream really scares me! After all, my young man is alive. And he died in his sleep!

  • I dreamed of my dead friend... At first we had a nice conversation. And then in this dream the boy died, right before my eyes. And my deceased friend and I began to look for him in the water... My deceased friend was dressed in ordinary clothes, like everyone else, he was no different from them (he drowned in the water while swimming, this is in reality)... Tell me why such a dream...

  • Christina:

    I didn’t really find it...he served under a contract from Russia, they were sent to Ukraine. My young man died in Ukraine (he was buried there). I dreamed that he was alive. I saw him very well, as if he were alive. We went to my house, there were relatives and my younger sister’s friend there. All my relatives and I sat down at the table and ate, they asked him everything, and then we went into another room, he hugged me, we talked about the present, what was happening to me. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt, a white T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. And then he and I went out into the street, he walked ahead of me, I asked him to wait a couple of steps for me (only I don’t know this area at all where we were), he and I walked hugging each other, and then he said you can’t come here yet early, kissed. And suddenly the whole picture changed, I found myself where I once lived.


    On May 16, 2015, my friend died. Now I dream about him and plays with my children. The first time he came in a dream, we talked, laughed, then he took youngest son and looking at him, he said that he also wanted to have children and left. And now it’s as if he’s coming not to me, but to the children. This really scares me.


    I dreamed about my deceased mother. And in a dream I tried to save her from death by bringing her to the hospital, and she dies there. I revive her again and again try to save her life, but this time she dies. I’m also going to revive him for the third time so I can put him in time for surgery. What is all this for?

    Tell me why I dream that we got together in a group, there was a man who died not long ago, an acquaintance of mine, and I tell him that he died, he starts crying and says how he died and I cried too, then we had intimate connection.

  • Today (not for the first time) I dreamed about a classmate who died last year (he died young). It was as if I was communicating with him and there was even mutual sympathy, but at the end of the dream he said that it was time for me to stop living, hinting at suicide. I'm very worried, does anyone know what this is for?

  • I dream about my late grandmother. She died in June 2015, I dreamed about it 4 times already. I saw dreams about her funeral and wake. When I dreamed about a funeral, I saw him standing on the edge of the coffin big watermelon, then I dreamed about her wake for 40 days, and she sat opposite me at the table and ate watermelon. And in this dream I understood that she was not there, and no one except me noticed her presence. Today I dreamed of wearing a new raincoat, which we bought together in a dream, she really liked it, and she boasted about it to her daughters.

Death is always a tragedy, and when you see a living person dead in a dream, it is a frightening, unpleasant event. Why does a living person dream of being dead? What does such a dream portend?

Having seen such a dream, people often begin to panic, prepare for serious illnesses or even the death of relatives, buy mourning clothes ahead of time, and are completely unaware that such a vision has a completely different interpretation.

Let's figure out what dreams of such a plot prophesy.

The death of a living person in a dream is a symbol of previous life changes of the dreamer or the “dead”. In the esoteric world, the symbol of death means the abandonment of the old, boring in favor of the new, previously unknown and unexplored. You can expect: moving to another city or even state, change professional activities completely different from the real one, meetings with people who will take a place in your heart in a matter of days, or simply setting priorities.

The dreamer may suddenly stop adhering to those positions that he has respected all his life. Religious views may also change: faith will strengthen or, conversely, become shaky and doubtful.

The interpretation can be applied not only to the life of the person who saw the dream, but also to the “dead”. This person risks becoming the culprit of change or simply finding himself nearby in right moment, unwittingly becoming the center of events.

Also, such a dream symbolizes a change in attitude towards the “dead man” - you need to analyze your actions, perhaps you are overly aggressive, envious or show other negativity. Moderate your impulses, otherwise quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided. Receiving tragic news about the death of a living person is also a symbol of life changes, but not as dramatic as witnessing the death yourself.

Seeing a living person dead in a dream is also a warning. Perhaps one of the loved ones wishes the “dead” harm, weaves intrigues, and tries to prevent him from fulfilling his plans. Then for the “dead person” there is actually a threat, but not of the onset of illness or death, but the threat of being left without a major sum of money or get into trouble.

Who died

The interpretation of the dream depends on who was seen dead:

  • Death of the Living close relative in night vision - a favorable symbol. You will live a happy and long life without financial problems, your health will be good. The second meaning is the opposite - a warning symbol condemning the way of life. You need to be careful in your sayings and actions.
  • A mother dies, who in reality is more alive than all the living - expect problems, other people's responsibilities will fall. For young girls, the dream foretells the loss of the support of a patron; they will have to carry out male duties themselves. Those who have children, after such a vision, are advised to show them maximum care and more attention.
  • The death of your father - the time of problems and turmoil will soon come, reckless behavior is to blame - you like to take unnecessary risks. This sign also warns of business failures, if you give up and do not finish planning things to the end. Girls who see their dad's death should be prepared for the betrayal of a loved one.
  • To see the death of a friend or friend - be prepared for disappointments and losses. There is a risk of experiencing disappointment due to the actions of friends or business partners. Entrepreneurs should expect instability financial situation, a large number of difficult problems to overcome.

Interpretation in dream books

Seeing in a dream alive dead does not always bode well. Often such a dream is a symbol warning of threats, recognized to protect a person from misfortunes and troubles.

Meet different interpretations sleep in various dream books. Let's consider the meanings from the most popular dream interpreters.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

A dead person in night visions symbolizes an unexpected end love relationship. If the dead man is alive and well in reality, you will receive health and long years of life. On the contrary, if the person who dreamed of being dead has long gone into the kingdom of the dead, things will go downhill.

It matters who exactly you see dead in a dream:

  • Child - disappointment and troubled times will soon come;
  • Actress/actor – tragic event will ruin plans;
  • One’s own husband is a bad symbol, foreshadowing frequent troubles and a feeling of dissatisfaction. Kissing a dead spouse means things will go wrong, poverty will set in, you will lose true friends;
  • Dead nun - you will feel broken because of your spouse’s betrayal or the betrayal of a loved one;
  • If you dreamed of a hanged person or someone who hanged himself, you will be offended and humiliated by the insults you hear from your family/friends;
  • Drowned - you are fighting for your rights, which they want to take away. Don't give up, everything will work out;
  • Mummy - illness will interfere with the execution of plans;

Details of dreams help to more accurately unravel the night's message. It is worth paying attention to where and what the “main characters” of the dream are doing:

  • A dead man is talking - you will be viciously slandered. Asks for water - if this person is really dead, it’s worth remembering him, lighting a candle, praying for his repose;
  • The corpse comes to life - you will return to yourself what you no longer hoped to return. Dressing the deceased in a suit means you will get sick;
  • I dreamed that the body was being embalmed - life would change for the worse. If you are embalmed or made into a mummy, friendship with the opposite sex will be unhappy and will bring a lot of troubles. The situation in society will worsen, difficulties will arise at home and at work;
  • There are many dead on the battlefield - you will have a headache, go to the doctor;
  • Burying in a dream means having fun. If you carry wreaths made from spruce branches, you will have a severe hangover.

It is important where you saw a dead person in a dream:

  • In your apartment - drunkenness and partying will bring family discord;
  • A dead man lies on the floor - you will be disgraced or become very ill. If you tripped over it or fell, expect tragic news about the death of one of your close, loved ones;
  • Seeing it in your bed means successfully completing a hopeless task.

In esotericism, death is a mystical symbol. There is no point in appearing in dreams for the deceased to show them the right path. And we accept the information that we can receive from the dead with the help of clairvoyance with the help of other images. The souls of the dead cannot come in dreams, they are only images! So why dream of seeing a living person dead, we will find the answers in the Esoteric Dream Interpreter.

Perhaps the interpretation that everyone knows is that you dream of a dead stranger - the weather will change. Seeing dead loved ones/relatives who are alive in reality means you need to be careful. There is no threat to those closest to you. Those who are alive in a dream, but have long died in reality: father - they will support you; mother - good luck will come. Also, seeing friends, loved ones or relatives is worth thinking about the meaning of life; acquaintances - expect a blow to your pride.

If people who are dead but alive in a dream offer you something, never accept their offer! Set yourself up in advance so that in a dream you can clearly answer “No!” If the dead invited you with them, you agreed - expect trouble, illness, even death; don't go - he's threatening you mortal danger, take measures to avoid it. The dead offer to eat in me - you are sick, you should go get examined; if you have dined, death is near.

A dead person comes back to life - expect amazing adventures and interesting events.

Interpretation of dreams from the Egyptian dream book

Seeing yourself dead in night vision - good sign. is waiting for you long life. A dream about a bull is also a positive symbol - you can watch how your enemies suffer from defeat.

But basically such a dream foreshadows the following:

  1. You will return what you lost.
  2. Danger will come from where you did not expect. Be careful.
  3. Long life.
  4. The weather will change.
  5. Finish things ahead of time.
  6. Troubles, troubles, quarrels.

The worst thing is to see your parents dead - big trouble will come. The buried person has emerged from the grave - you will have the vitality to complete any task, and you will cope with the task brilliantly.

If in a dream someone wants to cremate a living person, a long, exhausting illness will come. Seeing the cremation procedure means you will fall into the clutches of enemies who want to ruin your reputation. To see yourself dead - expect problems in the workplace, possible dismissal.

If you are buried alive, ill-wishers will take advantage of your mistake. It’s great if in a dream you managed to crawl out of a buried coffin, then the mistake can be corrected before the matter reaches a critical point. If you got out yourself - solve the problem yourself, someone helped - in reality you will receive support.

List of used literature:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Contemporary issues, 1913
  • Fromm E. Forgotten language: Introduction to Understanding Dreams, fairy tales and myths. Per. from English - Angarsk: JSC “Format”, 1994.
  • Exegesis of dreams: European chronicles of dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.