Dream lizard attacks. Guide to another world

A lizard in a dream is a very curious and ambiguous character. To understand what it means, you should remember the details of the plot and turn to dream books for interpretation.

Why do you dream about a lizard according to Miller’s dream book?

If you saw a lizard in a dream, then you should expect attacks from your ill-wishers and enemies. If you managed to kill her, then you will still be able to regain your reputation and stability in business, but this victory will be given to you at the cost of effort and anxiety.

If a woman dreams of a lizard, we should expect some shortage of funds, and in order to withstand such a test, she will have to gather all her will into a fist. If a lizard sheds its skin or bites a woman in a dream, this is a harbinger of failure and misfortune.

Lizard - Vanga's dream book

And why do you dream of a lizard according to the dream book of the great fortuneteller? Seeing a lizard in a dream means a lost chance provided by your fate.

However, such a dream does not promise a final loss; you will be able to get what you want next time. If in a dream you managed to catch a lizard, real life a successful outcome awaits you for matters that for a long time didn't go well.

If you see a lizard drop its tail, you should remember that in order to achieve your goal you will have to sacrifice something.

Juno's Dream Interpretation - a lizard in a dream

The lizard is a symbol of the enemy. If in a dream you met a lizard on your way, you should expect ill-wishers. If you managed to kill the lizard, it means that you will defeat your enemies and ill-wishers.

Why do you dream of a lizard according to Freud’s dream book?

If you dreamed of a lizard running away, there is a chance that your significant other is cheating on you. A lizard that has dropped its tail can be a harbinger of sexual problems, which, however, will be temporary and you should not get too hung up on.

If in a dream you catch a lizard, in reality you will be disappointed in a date for which you had high hopes. The dream in which you only have the fluttering tail of a lizard in your hands has the same meaning.

Lizard according to Medea's dream book

The lizard is a symbol of your invulnerability, or the dexterity and resourcefulness of your enemies. Also, the lizard can become a reflection of hostile relationships. If you saw a lizard in a dream, you should expect to meet a capricious woman.

If in a dream you cut off the tail of a lizard, in reality you should be more careful, since such a dream is a warning against unreasonable and thoughtless actions.

Why do you dream of a lizard in a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The lizard is a symbol of an unpleasant, cunning and vile person. A dream in which you see a lizard promises you new ill-wishers or dishonest partners.

Why do you dream of a small or large lizard?

See in a dream big lizard- to new enemies and ill-wishers who will express their hostility openly and decisively. Such a dream is the first signal and call for caution in choosing friends, and it may mean that among your acquaintances there are already ill-wishers, and you should take a closer look at your surroundings.

If in a dream you met a small lizard, you should be more attentive to the choice of partners and friends. Such a dream is a warning against frivolous and careless behavior.

Dream Interpretation - monitor lizard

Dreams in which people see monitor lizards, for the most part good sign, unlike those dreams in which main plan ordinary lizards come out.

So a dream in which you see a monitor lizard can promise big changes in your personal life. Usually such dreams indicate that a loved one may soon appear in your life, who will have a huge influence on you and your destiny. For a woman, a monitor lizard is a harbinger of signs of attention that her chosen one will bestow on her, and for men, such a dream promises the appearance of a housewife in their life who will be able to create comfort in his home.

If you dream that you are watching a monitor lizard in a crowd of people, such a dream may be a harbinger of your participation in some mass meetings and celebrations, including wedding invitations.

If the monitor lizard is not alone, but there are other animals next to it, expect to meet old friends.

Green lizard in a dream - interpretation of the dream

Very important point in dreams with lizards - their color. Green lizards can be a warning that in real life a “slippery” and ambiguous situation awaits you, from which you will have to find a way out on your own. Therefore, having seen such a dream, you should begin to be more attentive to what is happening and calculate your every step in advance.

A small, nimble reptile, the lizard is fast and agile, causing various emotions in humans. Why do you dream about a lizard? It would seem appearance lizards are not hostile. On the other hand, it’s unlikely that anyone will want to pet her or caress her, as they would want to do with various furry animals. That’s why the dream book is ambiguous; a lizard in a dream has different meanings. Sometimes it symbolizes wealth, and sometimes it symbolizes big and small troubles that are difficult to avoid.

A lizard in a dream can promise you wealth, or it can promise minor troubles - it all depends on the details of the dream.

Since ancient times, it was believed that where lizards live, treasures are hidden nearby. And lizards are the guardians of those very treasures. Therefore, very often such a dream is associated with the opportunity to achieve success in financial matters, win the lottery, or make an expensive purchase. On the other hand, the appearance of a lizard in a dream can mean attacks from envious people, empty talk, gossip and rumors behind your back.

If you dreamed of a lizard, it could mean a splash negative energy in relation to yours sexual partner. Try to keep your emotions and feelings under control!

A dream involving a lizard tells you to beware of unreliable friends. If there has already been a case when a person let you down, you should not trust him at least in the near future, especially if you are planning a big deal on which a lot in your life and the life of your relatives depends. Lizards are often identified with enemies. If you crush them with your feet in a dream, in real life you can easily escape their machinations; they will not be able to do anything bad to you.

Size: was there a large or small lizard in the dream?

It seems like smaller lizard, the safer it is. Is this true?

Why do you dream about small lizards? Unfortunately, such a dream can portend serious troubles. To see in a dream many small lizards that quickly scatter in different sides, - to waste yourself in vain. You're too busy a large number doing things at the same time, trying to succeed everywhere. But this is impossible, so it’s worth stopping at one thing that is most important and doing it at the highest level.

As the dream book says, a small lizard that runs over your shoes or bare feet says that you should be more careful in your sexual relationships if you have not yet decided on your life partner.

Why do you dream about a big lizard? It could mean something sinister. These could be health problems or some troubles in your personal life. If a large lizard attacks you, it could mean betrayal by someone who was very close and dear to you.

If in a dream you catch a large lizard, but it eludes you, it means in reality you are trying to achieve success in some big business using not entirely honest methods. If you manage to catch her, then the matter will end successfully for you. But it's worth thinking about the consequences. No matter how they later turn out negative for you. Maybe there are honest ways to achieve the same result?

As the dream book says, a large lizard that runs away from you, and you don’t try to catch it, but just look after it, means that in real life there is a very high probability that your partner is cheating on you, and you don’t suspect anything. But perhaps it’s good to know nothing?

Why do you dream of a monitor lizard - a lizard of this species dreams of dramatic changes in personal and family life. These can be positive changes, such as the birth of a child, a wedding or engagement, or negative ones, such as divorce or separation. If a lot of people are watching a monitor lizard, for example, you are in a zoo, then in reality you will be participating in big holiday: wedding or anniversary. If a man sees a monitor lizard, it means that soon a woman will appear in his life who will become his companion, give him love and provide the warmth of the family hearth.

Seeing a huge lizard in a dream is a bad omen. Most likely, you have made yourself a sworn enemy. And, most likely, this is your business partner. By dishonest means, he will try to take over your common cause, turning everyone around you against you. However, there is a way to prevent this. If the necessary measures are taken in advance, collapse can be avoided.

Color: green or black

A green lizard in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. On the one hand, such a dream may promise you to find yourself in some not very pleasant situation. But there is another interpretation of what dreams mean green lizard: Having overcome all your fears and laziness, you can cope with any problem. It all depends on you. Continue to work on yourself, develop, and then you will see that there is no hopeless situation. You can handle any difficulty.

The color black is always associated with something tragic, sad, and bad. However, in the case of the black lizard, everything is completely opposite. If you dreamed of a black lizard, expect good news. Perhaps, unexpectedly for yourself, you will receive a large amount money. Sudden meeting meeting an old acquaintance may promise you an interesting offer that you should not refuse.

Where was she: in the house or outdoors

Usually the lizard can be found in wildlife - in the forest, in the country, near a pond. Therefore, the question of why you dream of a lizard in the house is of great interest. If a lizard ran into the house to hide from the summer heat, then it is worth turning to the dreamer’s inner “I”. Everyone has problems in their own subconscious, they can be solved through logical reasoning. Try to sit down and understand why this or that happened. Draw a chain of events and you will find the original source of negativity that you can eliminate. As the dream book says, a lizard in the house that lives in your aquarium means that you have a strong character and willpower.

Quantity: one lizard or many

Why do you dream about a lot of lizards? If you see a lot of lizards basking in the sun, they represent favorable circumstances, and they will all form a single picture for you. You can safely plan large purchases and enter into important deals.

Seeing a large lizard in reality is quite a rare occurrence.

If you killed a lot of lizards in a dream, you will restore your reputation in life, good luck in your work will return to you, but you will have to sacrifice peace in your family life. Perhaps your work will take up too much of your time, which will cause dissatisfaction among your family.

If you dreamed of one lizard, you must learn to refuse even when you are strongly asked, if it is very difficult to do, if it will greatly affect your own desires. You need to help people, but there are times when it is better to refuse.

What if there were two lizards in the dream? If a girl had such a dream, then she is probably tormented by doubts in her life. Perhaps she is afraid that her chosen one is not faithful to her. However, these fears will not be justified, and peace and harmony will continue to reign in the relationship with your loved one. If a man saw two lizards in a dream, this auspicious sign. Success in his career awaits him; he will be able to surpass his competitors and climb the career ladder. If up to this point in life there was a dark streak, the situation will soon improve, and he will be able to overcome all difficulties.

A lizard that has laid eggs or has already hatched babies can mean tension in relationships with children. Just as nimble little boxes try to escape, you can’t understand your child’s behavior. You need to try to devote more time to it, just as you can only watch small lizards. This will help you adjust your behavior and achieve harmony in your relationship with your child.

Who dreams about: woman, man, child

For a woman, a lizard in a dream means constraint in material matters. Perhaps this happened due to problems with your other half. Be patient, don’t push, but help get through this period. Soon everything will return to normal. There is another interpretation of why a woman dreams of a lizard - her unusual sexual fantasies are destined to come true.

If in a dream a child played with a lizard, then soon he will take part in some big and very fun holiday.

For men, the lizard portends positive changes for you. They can concern both your personal and professional life. You will become more confident in yourself, learn to say “no,” earn respect from your superiors and win the sympathy of your enemies. A joyful event awaits you in the near future. And if you are still single, then do not despair, the situation may change very soon.

What did you do in your dream?

If you were bitten by a lizard in a dream, expect to meet a cunning enemy in life. Beautiful lizard with shiny green skin suddenly rushes at you and bites you - this means you will quarrel with dangerous person, with whom they had previously been able to coexist peacefully. Be prepared to defend yourself or look for ways to reconcile.

If you dream that a lizard bites, what does such a dream warn about?

If the lizard is just about to bite or shows aggression, this also symbolizes the presence of a serious enemy, competitors or rival in love affairs.

Stepping on a lizard's tail or simply seeing a lizard without a tail means serious problems in the intimate sphere. You can solve them, don’t worry ahead of time.

If you caught lizards in a dream, something is bothering you in reality. Perhaps you are unhappy with your job. You realize that you are doing something completely different from what you wanted. All life passes in bustle, doing unnecessary things. You are very tired of this. It's time to change something in your life.

If in a dream you are catching up with a lizard, then in real life you feel very insecure; you cannot shake the feeling that the ground is disappearing from under your feet. You take on a lot of things, but nothing works out. Everything is falling out of your hands. There is neither the mood nor the strength to do anything.

Remember your youthful dreams and desires. All is not lost yet. If now you decide to take a responsible step and quit the job you hate, fate will tell you in which direction to move next. You will finally find yourself, and your life will be filled with happiness and harmony.

Catching a lizard is without a doubt an auspicious sign. Such a dream says that you will be able to implement all your plans and achieve all your goals. Your dreams will come true. With your perseverance and hard work, you will rise to the occasion. Your loved ones will be proud of you. Continue in the same spirit, and soon you will find complete material freedom that you have dreamed of for so long.

If in a dream you for some reason ate a lizard, then in reality you will have to remain silent even if you want to argue and prove that you are right. It is not always possible to emerge victorious from a situation, even if you are right. It can also mean health problems, in particular with the intestines and digestive organs.

Other interpretations of unusual plots

  • You get a tattoo in the form of a lizard - it means that in reality you are worried about your relationship with your other half;
  • And if you see such a tattoo on someone’s body in a dream, you are concerned about the financial situation;
  • If he speaks in a dream human language, - you will throw a noisy party;
  • A huge lizard dreams of a productive journey or a trip somewhere far away.

Interpretation according to various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

The lizard is the keeper of wealth, a symbol of resourcefulness, cunning, and enemies. This reptile can remain in one position for a long time without moving, and then disappear so quickly that you won’t have time to notice. She can escape while already caught. Try to interpret the meaning of the dream, remembering all the details, and remember that even the most negative interpretations are not always accurate.

Miller's Dream Book - luck will return to you

Lizard in modern dream books interpreted as a symbol of enemies and hypocrites.

If you just see a lizard, then in reality there are people in your environment who do not treat you very kindly. Beware of attacks and intrigues on their part. Killing her means that luck will return to you, you will be able to restore your reputation, but before that you will have to go through a difficult, thorny path.

  • If a woman dreams of a lizard that either bit her or shed her skin, then this is an unkind sign, promising misfortune, trials and poverty.
  • If the lizard looks very beautiful, then such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of desires;
  • If one of your loved ones is sick, then in the very near future he will get better.

Vanga's dream book - look for real friends

The Bulgarian clairvoyant interprets a dream with a lizard as a sign that there are no truly close and devoted friends in your life. Most of those you trust communicate with you to achieve their own goals. Protect yourself from communicating with such people, be vigilant. Also, such a dream may indicate that you missed some opportunity. But don't despair. You will still have a second chance to make things right.

Freud's Dream Book - to failures in love

If in a dream you see a lizard running away, then this may warn you that your significant other is cheating. An animal that drops its tail is a harbinger of sexual problems, which, fortunately, will be temporary. If you were planning a romantic date, but the day before you had a dream in which you caught a lizard, then the date will most likely be unsuccessful.

A dream in which you hold the torn tail of this animal in your hands means that you suspect your loved one of treason. Unfortunately, your suspicions are not unfounded, and soon you will find confirmation of this. But as they say, everything that happens is for the better. This relationship has long since outlived its usefulness. You deserve more and better. Don't be discouraged, just go forward and don't look back. Everything will work out in the future in the best possible way for you.

Modern dream book - look for an ill-wisher

A green lizard in a dream can promise financial well-being.

The appearance of a reptile in a dream is identified with a slippery, hypocritical person. Perhaps there is someone in your environment who pretends to be your friend, but in reality is waiting - can’t wait for you to make some mistake so that they can laugh at you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. You need to identify the traitor before he trips you up.

English dream book - they are trying to use you

A hypocritical woman, a toady, a gossip. A certain friend of yours wants to gain your trust and use your authority for her own personal purposes. Don’t expect gratitude for your efforts; behind your back, she will speak unflatteringly about you.

Islamic dream book - beware of betrayal

A lizard in a dream is a cunning, resourceful person. Catching a lizard - someone will trick you into acting in their own interests, helping someone out of ignorance. Holding a lizard in your hands and playing with it means friendship with a cunning and not always honest person who should be feared.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor - interaction with servants

Catching a lizard - someone is trying to please you, to please you. To hold or feed - to receive service, to provide services. Lizard bite - poor quality service or conflict with small staff.


The appearance of a lizard in a dream cannot definitely be called either a good or a bad sign. Depending on the details of your dream, its interpretation may be completely opposite. This animal can portend wealth and poverty, love and betrayal, friendship and betrayal. When you wake up, remember all the details of your dream. Even if something seems alarming to you, you should not give in to panic. Dreams always make you think about whether it’s time to change something in life. And if you take the right steps, unpleasant events in life can be avoided.

A lizard is a small and nimble reptile. It is not for nothing that from time immemorial it has been a symbol of elusiveness, mobility, agility and rebirth. Some dream interpreters claim that this is not just a small and nimble reptile, but also the keeper of dreams. But is everything so smooth and sweet? In this article we will tell you about why a lizard dreams.

Miller's Dream Book. Lizard

The famous American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller, contrary to the opinion of other interpreters, views lizards in a dream as an unfavorable sign. In particular, if you dream of this small and nimble creature, in the near future you may be attacked by ill-wishers. Be careful, because your enemies may be people you would never think of as such.

For women to see a lizard biting them in a dream means misfortune. Perhaps one of your loved ones will get into trouble. A tragic outcome cannot be ruled out. As is known, in reality lizards have unique method self-defense: if they are caught by their tails, they simply drop them. Gustav Miller interprets this in dreams in his own way. In his opinion, seeing this small reptile shed its tail in a dream is a sign of temporary material difficulties. To overcome them, a woman will need to make every effort and show some endurance.

Why do you dream about a lizard that you kill? Miller says that such a dream is more or less favorable, because in this case the dreamer in reality will have a chance to regain his luck and restore his good name, so carelessly tarnished by envious people. True, the price of this may be constant quarrels with loved ones, wasted energy, and life in chaos and anxiety.

Why do we dream about lizards? A look from the past

In the old days, people believed that the gaze of lizards has magical power. They believed that it endows a person looking at a reptile with the ability to make predictions, turning him into a clairvoyant. In addition, people were sure that the blind could see only from one glance of the lizard at them. Ancient dream interpreters made an unpleasant allegory with this animal: a lizard in a dream symbolizes your enemies, and enemies are always danger, lies and intrigues.

Killing a lizard in your dream means stubbornly not wanting to see the real state of affairs. Usually such dreams are visited by people who are short-sighted and not pragmatic. Seeing an already dead lizard in a dream promises reconciliation with enemies in reality. Perhaps you will compromise with them and conclude something like a “non-aggression pact.” If a dead reptile suddenly comes to life in a dream, your truce with your enemies will be short-lived. It will all end in war. The dreamer will have to make a lot of effort to neutralize ill-wishers.

In a dream, seeing a lizard with its tail torn off means the uselessness of your existence. In other words, the dreamer is wasting his own life without any benefit either for himself or for those around him. If you tear off a reptile's tail with your own hands, and then see how it grows back, all your attempts to deceive ill-wishers clean water will fail. Ironing in a dream snapping lizard- to false peace and artificial peace. Seeing a lot of these nimble creatures means worries and worries.

Interpretation of Vanga

The famous Bulgarian soothsayer named Vangelia also decided to give such dreams a certain meaning. Why do you dream about a lizard according to Vanga? She claims that these animals can come in dreams not to just anyone, but only to people who have found themselves in this life. But even for them, this reptile does not always promise good luck. In most cases, this indicates a missed chance that fate gave you. However, you should not be upset: you will still catch up.

Vangelia claims that catching a lizard by the tail in your dream and holding it is a good event. In reality, you will finally be able to achieve your goal and get what has eluded you for a long time. Seeing a lizard shed its tail in a dream means a deal with your destiny: in order to get what you want, you need to sacrifice something. This, of course, is not a deal with the devil, so you definitely won’t have to sacrifice your life!

Lizard. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Evgeny Tsvetkov, who is the author and compiler of his famous dream book of the same name, gives a more or less optimistic interpretation of what he saw. For example, holding a lizard in your hands in a dream means possessing some kind of secret knowledge that is highly valued in society. Nevertheless, even here you need to be on your guard: sometimes a full store of valuable knowledge can play a cruel and dangerous joke on its owner.

I dreamed about a lizard. Family dream book

What will he tell us? family dream book? A lizard in the house, according to its interpreters, makes the dreamer think about his surroundings. Think about whether you chose it correctly. There is a risk that there are envious people next to you pretending to be friends. In reality, they are pursuing their own interests. At the first opportunity, they will not only betray you, but will also make the most of it.

Lizard. Women's dream book

A lizard that a woman dreams of and evokes hostility and unfriendly feelings in her indicates that somewhere in reality a strong enemy is hiding, wearing the mask of a friend. This is a powerful person, ready to go to great lengths to implement his insidious plans. Beware! If you have several girlfriends, then detecting the enemy will not be so easy. If a woman sees a reptile’s tail falling off, then in reality she will be disappointed in her professionalism.

Freud's Dream Book. I dreamed about a lizard

Sigmund Freud, in his interpretations of certain dreams, focuses on family values. In particular, he believes that a running lizard indicates that the dreamer's significant other is cheating on him. Freud believes that such dreams are the prerogative of women. Unfortunately, they are the ones who in most cases become victims of betrayal by a loved one. If in a dream you see a reptile’s tail falling off, think about your health: problems of a sexual nature are possible.

Lizard in Hasse's dream book

Why do you dream of a lizard according to famous dream book Mrs. Hasse? If in a dream you are desperately trying to catch a lizard, but nothing works, think about it! The fact is that in reality you are trying to achieve certain results dishonestly or using your cunning. Of course, it is not for us to judge the moral component of this, but if in a dream you nevertheless caught a fast lizard, in reality you will achieve your goal by some unseemly means. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to judge.

Why did you dream about a lizard? Longo's Dream Interpretation

Yuri Longo gives interpretation mainly to dreams with huge lizards. What will this dream book tell us? A monitor lizard (a large lizard) basking in the sun portends that you will receive some news, but this news can be dangerous. If you see a monitor lizard looking at you warily, then beware of your enemies in reality. If a large lizard wants to make an attacking throw in your direction, then in real life your reputation may be threatened by envious people.

Lizard. Esoteric dream book

A lizard seen in a dream symbolizes the spiritual values ​​of the sleeper. If a reptile runs away from you, you will be disappointed in people in reality and lose faith. If, on the contrary, the lizard was caught by you in in my own dream, disappointment in people and resentment will bypass you. You will be able to gain spiritual freedom. For men, dreams with lizards running around promise romances with cunning and sophisticated ladies. This will bring women complete disappointment in business. Many lizards in a dream - many envious people and ill-wishers in reality. Be careful.

In the old days, it was believed that the gaze of a lizard endows those looking at it with the ability to foresee the development of situations. It was believed that if a lizard looked at a blind man, he would see. In a dream, a lizard symbolizes your enemies, although not dangerous ones. The image of a lizard in a dream warns of danger. Killing her in a dream means that you do not want or cannot see the real state of affairs. A dead lizard in a dream means that you will be able to reconcile with your enemies or compromise. If a dead lizard comes to life in a dream, then the truce with your enemies will not last long, and you will have to make a lot of effort to neutralize your enemies.

Tearing off a lizard's tail and seeing in a dream that it has grown back is a sign of the futility of your efforts in the fight against enemies. Stroking a lizard in a dream is a harbinger of false peace and tranquility.

Seeing a lot of lizards in a dream is a sign that you will be haunted by worries, worries, and worries.

Interpretation of dreams from

At all times, the interpretation of dreams has occupied human attention. People tried to discern the destiny of destiny in these encrypted signs and symbols, hoping to discern the boundless future with their help. Our ancestors believed that the world that existed in their dreams was able to convey unique messages that protected them from misfortunes. And they just had to learn how to interpret them correctly. Dream interpreters contain observations and wise knowledge of people of past centuries.

Now we have the opportunity to turn to experience various peoples, collected by the authors and compilers of dream books over more than one century.

If you had a dream about lizards, you will have to wonder whether you chose the right environment for yourself. But it's not that simple. It will be interpreted in this way only for people born in September, October, November and December.

If you dreamed of a lizard, and your name day is from May to August, then expect theft in your home. This applies only to the male half, because your wife will be guilty of theft best friend.

To determine, let's see what position it occupies in the dream book. The lizard is a representative that connects extraterrestrial consciousness, that is, with human consciousness. She introduces herself as a green, magical, sometimes talking animal that helps you find out hidden secrets and get to the treasures buried deep in the depths. This animal has the ability to help find spiritual power and cognitive wisdom.

If you are a woman and you dreamed of lizards, expect intrigues from ill-wishers. If you dreamed that you killed a lizard, your reputation will not suffer, despite the series of troubles that haunt you. They will try to cut your money, but your willpower and patience will help you get out of this situation with honor.

In the mythological dream book, this is the image of a rather insidious woman. She is resourceful, seductive and inherently dangerous. So if you're into mythology, beware. You are most likely in danger.

If a woman dreamed of a lizard that bit her or she shed her skin, she should expect another test ahead. If you managed to catch it, then since the lizard is resourcefulness itself, your goal will be achieved, but you will not pay attention to the means and weapons that will be needed to achieve it.

Why do you dream of a lizard according to Freud’s dream book? First of all, this is the possible occurrence of sexual problems among partners. For example, if in your dream a lizard is trying to run away from you, it means that your half has a secret admirer with whom he (she) is cheating on you. About possible sexual problems will tell you a dream in which a lizard's tail fell off. Men, don't panic, because... by and large, it's just a dream. An animal with a fallen off tail will warn you about it and you can always refuse it.

Now let’s find out why a lizard is dreamed of in a dream book written for the whole family. There is a warning here too. Danger lurks from deceitful and unfaithful friends. Such a dream should be given importance if it was Friday night. A bite or attack on you by a huge lizard means that it is possible close person will let you down or betray you.

If you have had a vivid, memorable dream, consult your dream book. He is able to warn, guide or stop from rash actions. It is believed that if the body is overtired, it does not have dreams or they come to it in the form of black and white images. It is very interesting, with the help of dream interpretation, to guess, predict your future or present, to feel your psychological state. But to believe it or not is up to you to decide. Good night and pleasant dreams!