When the moon is in the sign of Scorpio. All the most interesting things about the Moon in signs: Moon in Scorpio

Lunar Scorpio

General characteristics of the position of the Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Scorpio (lat. Scorpius) is the second water sign of the Zodiac.

Element – ​​Water.

Ruling planet – Mars, Pluto.

Favorable colors are bright green, bright blue, bright red.

Stone of luck - opal, topaz, moon crystal.

The body part corresponding to the sign is the genitals.

Lunar Scorpio is a symbol of unbridled passion. Under this sign people are born with a wide variety of characters - from mystics to materialists. This is an extremely interesting sign of the Zodiac and at the same time obscure to others.

Scorpio Moons have a beautiful physique, they are of medium to tall height, with well-proportioned body parts, penetrating eyes and a sensual mouth.

Famous personalities born in the Scorpio Moon sign: Charlie Chaplin, Karl Bryullov, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Vladimir Vysotsky, Anna German, Gerard Depardieu, Igor Ilyinsky, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Arkady Raikin, Elizabeth Taylor.

Psychological portrait of a person with the Moon in the sign of Scorpio

The Moon gives Scorpios extremely strong emotions. Sometimes people of this zodiac sign scare others with their unbridled energy and uncontrollable desires. After all, for them there are no restrictions in achieving their goals, they are not afraid of the condemnation of others. And Lunar Scorpios themselves cannot always curb their emotions and often suffer from this.

Meanwhile, Lunar Scorpios are stubborn, steadfastly enduring all the blows of fate. They do not retreat from difficulties and often take risks. They cannot be embarrassed or made to blush. They don't like to complain and be humiliated. They generally look down on others. Other people's opinions don't bother them much, and they don't need advice either. They do not make concessions or compromises.

Scorpio Moons have incredible insight. They always understand the intentions of other people, and it is difficult to hide something from them. Although Lunar Scorpios themselves are very secretive. They try to keep all their feelings to themselves. They very ardently defend the right to privacy and will not allow anyone to invade their personal space.

Nevertheless, Lunar Scorpios are attractive to others for their straightforwardness, decency, and ability to make decisions without hesitation and keep their promises. They do not know how to flatter and fawn, and if they praise someone, it is sincere. But Lunar Scorpios also require sincerity from those around them and do not like to be led by the nose. It is better for them to listen to the bitter truth than to listen to a beautiful lie. But in friendship they have no equal. Lunar Scorpios are reliable comrades, they know how to support and protect, and give wise advice. But at the same time, they are extremely touchy and vindictive. Therefore, they easily make enemies for themselves.

At the same time, Scorpio Moons are very romantic. They tend to search for an ideal and rarely become truly attached to anyone. Love is not easy for them. They are individualists and owners, and can torture their partner with jealousy for any reason. And at the same time, Lunar Scorpios are very passionate natures and recklessly surrender to the power of sex. In the family, they do everything to protect their loved ones and children from trouble.

Lunar Scorpio man

The Scorpio Moon man is very independent. He always has own opinion, he does not give in to other people's influence. He has little interest in what others say and think about him. He is self-confident, courageous, purposeful, aimed at winning at any cost. Indeed, the Scorpio Moon man knows how to find a way out of any, even the most confusing situation.

In any business, people born under the sign of Lunar Scorpio give their best full program. They are active and enterprising. You won't find them tired or lethargic.

The Lunar Scorpio man is unlikely to go unnoticed in society. He inspires admiration and respect. He will never obey and appreciates strong in spirit people.

The Lunar Scorpio man is very demanding of those around him and does not even try to be delicate. He can prick painfully without paying any attention to it. And in general, any emotions are rarely reflected on the face of Lunar Scorpio. He carefully controls and hides them. Although in reality there is a passionate nature hidden under the mask.

True, such a man can go to extremes in his passions, getting carried away, for example, with alcohol or drugs. It doesn't matter to him public opinion and there are no moral boundaries.

In communication, the Lunar Scorpio man is attentive, responsive, but at the same time he can play with human feelings and weaknesses. If you hurt him too much, he will take cruel revenge. Therefore, with Lunar Scorpio men you need to stay on your guard and be able to repel them.

The Lunar Scorpio man loves to comprehend the secrets of the female soul, which is very attractive to the opposite sex. But the chosen one of the Scorpio Moon man must have incredible strength and patience in order to withstand his stormy temperament.

For such a man, it is important that his companion respects his authority and knows how to yield and obey. In return, he will give her tenderness and care. In sex, he is very temperamental, has rich erotic experience and knows how to give a woman pleasure.

However, the Scorpio Moon man is difficult to deceive. He will immediately understand if his chosen one is cheating on him. In jealousy, he is terrible and does not forgive the insult. No whims or tears can pity him. He will never keep his companion.

But in the family, the Lunar Scorpio man will become an excellent husband and father. He will bring prosperity and luxury to the house. With his characteristic ease, he will overcome any difficulties. He will become a worthy example for his children, teach them to be strong and decisive.

Moon Scorpio woman

Lunar Scorpio woman is active, self-confident, possesses strong character and a masculine mentality. Hesitation and doubt are alien to her. She acts assertively and decisively.

Lunar Scorpio women boldly rush into adventures and dangerous events, and bravely endure any blows of fate. Such a woman is not easy to break, as she has incredible physical and spiritual strength. After defeats, Lunar Scorpio women do not lose heart and quickly recover. In general, they are very proud and independent; they will not take into account the opinions of others, despite general discontent.

The Scorpio Moon woman carefully selects her surroundings. She prefers worthy people who know how to take responsibility for their actions. She values ​​kindness and justice, knows how to be a good friend and keep other people's secrets. But he will not reveal his soul even to close people.

The Moon gives the Moon Scorpio woman mystery and attractiveness. She knows how to flirt and makes men fall in stacks in front of her. Sometimes they call her femme fatale, she is capable of destroying a man in love with her. He can make any sacrifice just to be near her.

Usually, a Moon Scorpio woman is pursued by weak-willed men, since she protects them and helps them achieve success in life. But she will only choose a courageous and courageous companion, self-confident, behind whom she will feel like behind a stone wall. Lunar Scorpio women treat casual relationships with disdain; she does not allow such treatment. If a woman born under the sign of Lunar Scorpio falls in love, it will be forever, sincerely and passionately. But she can also hate violently if she is deceived or offended. She will never return to the one she left.

In a family, a woman born in Lunar Scorpio will become an assistant and adviser to her husband. The prestige of her husband is important to her. Therefore, she will make every effort to ensure that he succeeds. However, such a woman is not distinguished by fidelity. She is looking for new sexual experiences on the side, but she does it carefully so as not to destroy the family hearth.

Lunar Scorpio raises children in strictness, teaches them to be persistent in the face of any adversity, and helps them resolve difficulties. At the same time, she cares about their future and develops abilities and talents from an early age. She will furnish her home with taste. It will always be clean and orderly.

Moon Scorpio child

The Moon gives the Scorpio child enormous energy. He never sits still. He's interested in everything. Nothing will escape penetrating glance little Moon Scorpio. It is almost impossible to hide anything from him. He will immediately suspect something is wrong. It is useless to try to calm him down; he will not obey, but will only do everything out of spite. Therefore, the Scorpio Moon child must constantly be given an outlet for energy. But at the same time, you cannot take your eyes off him, since he does not see any boundaries. If something is forbidden to such a child, then it is necessary to explain why.

In a team, Lunar Scorpio children behave independently and know how to stand up for themselves. But compromises are not easy. It is better not to offend such children; they will not be afraid to offend or take revenge. However, those they love are truly loyal.

Lunar Scorpio children are very susceptible and can succumb to the negative influence of the company. This is often caused by his reluctance to obey generally accepted norms. Therefore, it is important to monitor the firm discipline of the Scorpio Moon and at the same time surround him with love and attention.

Lunar Scorpio children are purposeful and know how to achieve their goals. Therefore they can achieve great success in their studies, if they are interested in it. It is important to identify a child’s abilities and talents from an early age in order to guide him in the right direction.

The Scorpio Moon child shows an early interest in sexual life, and he needs sex education like no other.

Health of those born with the Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Most often, Moon Scorpios are distinguished by excellent physical shape. They are extremely hardy, and their body is not very susceptible to any illnesses. Moreover, most of the representatives of this sign love to play sports and drive correct image life.

If, nevertheless, Lunar Scorpio falls ill, he collects all the information about his illness and can sometimes neglect the advice of doctors. In addition, in the constant struggle with life's adversities, they sometimes bring their nervous system to exhaustion. Lunar Scorpios are not immune from accidents.

Vulnerable places in the body for Lunar Scorpios are the throat, reproductive system, back and legs, gall bladder.

They most often have such diseases as inflammation of the genital organs and anus, cholelithiasis, varicose veins, tonsillitis, viral infections, tumors, paralysis, blood loss.

Usually, Moon Scorpios recover quickly from illnesses. But they need to take better care of themselves, and at the first signs of fatigue, give themselves a long rest. Moon Scorpios benefit from taking a cold shower in the morning. Active physical activity is also suitable for them.

The weak point of the Scorpio Moon is the organs of the body’s reproductive system.

Particularly important for Lunar Scorpios is compliance with food. Spicy foods and stimulating seasonings should be avoided. Completely give up alcohol, as Lunar Scorpios do not know limits in this regard. It is also useful to carry out body cleansing procedures, such as vegetable diets.

Scorpio Moon Career

The Moon gives Lunar Scorpios enormous energy. They are ready to work day and night. Therefore, active rather than monotonous activity is important for them. But power comes first for people born in Lunar Scorpio. They strive for superiority over others, so they often envy those who occupy higher positions. In leadership positions, Lunar Scorpios do not know compassion and require employees to be completely dedicated to their work. They do not forgive even the most minor mistakes.

Of course, people born under the Scorpio Moon sign make excellent businessmen.

The eternal desire of Lunar Scorpios to get to the essence of what is happening helps them achieve success in forensic science and detective work. Professions in the field of psychology and politics are also suitable for them, as they know how to penetrate human souls, understand the secret motives of human actions. Moon Scorpios make excellent teachers and doctors, as they have the gift of influencing people.

There are many inventors among Lunar Scorpios; they are full of new ideas and are not afraid to implement them.

Psychological compatibility with people who have the Moon in different zodiac signs

In love, Moon Scorpios are very passionate and temperamental, but at the same time dangerous. They can offend their loved ones without even noticing it. Very often they become dictators, trying to prove their authority. Lunar Scorpios demand fidelity from their partners. Although they can create the appearance that they give their chosen one or chosen one complete freedom, they are actually very jealous and suspicious. In order to catch him cheating, they are even ready to keep an eye on their beloved. Although Lunar Scorpios themselves often allow themselves to have affairs on the side without any twinges of conscience. They believe that no one has the right to condemn them.

If people born under the sign of Lunar Scorpio constantly give in to relationships, they experience discomfort. Therefore, relationships with such people are rarely harmonious.

Lunar Scorpios can only be truly happy with equal partners who know how to compromise and at the same time defend their rights.

Lunar pair Scorpio - Scorpio. This union is unlikely. Signs are attracted to strength and self-confidence, but they will torment each other with suspicion and quickly break off relationships.

Lunar pair Scorpio - Aries. The signs are attracted to each other, but their relationship will be full of contradictions, which will certainly lead to a break.

Lunar pair Scorpio - Taurus. This union can be twofold - either the signs love or hate each other. It is successful for sexual relationships, especially if the man is a Taurus Moon. But marriage is rare and short-term and falls apart due to the painful selfishness of Lunar Scorpio.

Moon pair Scorpio - Gemini. The union is conflicting. Spiritual closeness may arise between the signs, but Moon Gemini will constantly suppress Moon Scorpio, trying to re-educate and criticize him.

Moon pair Scorpio - Cancer. The signs are highly compatible sexually. But they find it difficult to get along with each other. Cancer Moon does not accept the pressure and control of Scorpio Moon. Only if the Scorpio Moon can restrain its aggression and impatience can the marriage be successful.

Moon pair Scorpio - Leo. The union can be incredibly vibrant and passionate. But a break will be inevitable due to the desire of Lunar Leo and Lunar Scorpio for power.

Lunar pair Scorpio - Virgo. Signs are attracted to each other. Their union can be successful if the Moon Virgo shows patience and wisdom and curbs the passionate Moon Scorpio.

Lunar pair Scorpio - Libra. This union can be successful. Lunar Libra balances the emotionality of Lunar Scorpio. Their sexual relationship is passionate.

Moon couple ScorpioSagittarius. This union can be successful. Scorpio Moon and Sagittarius Moon have similar characters and temperaments, and together they achieve great success.

Moon couple ScorpioCapricorn. Two strong signs enter into a happy and long-lasting union. Their love will be strong and deep, and their children will grow up in an atmosphere of harmony. In the event of a breakup, Lunar Scorpio and Lunar Capricorn become bitter enemies.

Moon couple ScorpioAquarius. This union will not last long. And although the signs are attracted to each other, their relationship will be full of quarrels and conflicts.

Lunar pair Scorpio - Pisces. This is a very passionate union. Scorpio Moons understand Pisces Moons, but they constantly keep them on their toes. Lunar Pisces cannot tolerate the difficult nature of Lunar Scorpios for long and break off the relationship themselves.

Moon in Scorpio - look for easy ways to solve problems

“How can I satisfy my desires without spending any effort or money on it? Where can we find someone who will solve our problems? Oh, how I want new strong sensations! There are so many mysteries in the world! And how many temptations!” This is the Moon in Scorpio, the sign of the insidious tempter and keeper of secrets. Relatives, friends, acquaintances and even strangers tempt us, seduce us with tempting offers, promise us a heavenly life if we sacrifice a small amount our values, we will spend a little time, effort and money. We anticipate the satisfaction of our desires, we are waiting for some miracle. Many people seriously believe that they will be able to get rich in a very easy way. Cunning people profit from gullible citizens, dragging them into an obviously losing game. Fraudsters look with honest eyes, instilling confidence in gullible people in their sincere desire to help people. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is easy to be fooled, but it is also not difficult to fool others if you have enough ingenuity and arrogance. Deceived investors and victims of criminals turn to state institutions on such days, looking for a way to restore justice, to return what was taken from them illegally.

Some are deceiving, others probably want to be deceived, so they buy lottery tickets, believe street charlatans who are inventing new ways to make money. Many people sincerely believe that they will finally be lucky and win some valuable prize, invest money in an enterprise or bank and quickly get rich. We all know what happened to the first people when the serpent offered Eve an apple. In human form, this serpent appears next to us when the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio. He passes off radioactive apples as completely harmless, offers other dangerous goods, and involves us in games from which we will emerge considerably poorer. He says: “If you give your money now, then very soon it will return to you with high interest,” “If you sacrifice the little that you have, you will soon be happy and rich.” The snake is so cute, I really want to believe him. He good psychologist and a skillful player on our feelings. He is a professional swindler who gives no reason for evil suspicions.

With the Moon in Scorpio there are many hopes and expectations, which then lead to tears and disappointments. Do not believe the first person you meet when the Moon is in Scorpio, do not believe an honest look asking you for something. Be careful, do not play games if you are not sure of the integrity of the players and organizers. Try not to play on the feelings of other people, be honest, so that your soul does not lose touch with God and do not end up in the trap of the tempting serpent.

What to do with the Moon in Scorpio?

Scorpio knows how to live and solve their problems at the expense of others. Sometimes this way of life is quite appropriate, for example, if a woman is supported by her husband, if a father solves the problems of his children. Within the framework of morality, you can use Scorpio’s time to call for help those who are obliged to take care of you or who find it easy to do so. While the Moon is in Scorpio, you can look for easy ways to solve problems. One of these relatively easy ways is to work on your internal state. If a person knows how to control himself, his desires, is able to curb his passions, then he will be able to control the events of his life. Therefore, if you want everything in your life to be as you intended, then ask yourself: “Can I control myself?” Learn to subordinate your desires to reason. If you clearly understand what you want from life and at the same time you are reasonable, active, self-confident, able to control your mood and desires, then circumstances will turn out in your favor, you will get what you were striving for.

Scorpio teaches us how to manage energies. If we cannot manage our energy, then there are volunteers, seemingly very decent and kind-hearted, who are ready to manage our energy and derive personal benefit from it. The Moon in Scorpio is the time to do auto-training to learn how to manage your condition. This is a good time to learn yoga and develop psychic abilities.

Scorpio is a sign of mystery, therefore, with the Moon in this sign, it is beneficial to engage in research activities, unravel complex cases, investigate strange incidents, reflect on the meaning of life, study esoteric sciences, solve dreams, learn to do magic tricks, visit fortune tellers or tell fortunes yourself. This is also a good time to communicate with a sexual partner, discuss and find solutions to sexual problems, because sexuality is under the control of Scorpio.

If you have bad luck with the Moon in Scorpio - maybe you don’t control yourself and different people and circumstances spoil your mood every now and then. Perhaps you have a strong fear of death or are overly preoccupied with sexual relationships. To attract good luck in the days of Scorpio, you need to work on self-sufficiency, try to become emotionally independent of people and circumstances, study what scares you, try to develop the right and calm attitude towards everything related to sex.

If the acquaintance occurred during the Moon in Scorpio , then take care of your property and spiritual energy, do not give reasons for jealousy. Scorpio gives living beings the ability to use other people's wealth, both material and spiritual, so an acquaintance who appeared in your life during the days when the Moon was in Scorpio can play towards you the role of a kind of villain who seeks to get your valuables. It can drain you mentally, for example by often provoking your emotional reaction, making you laugh, feel sad, or otherwise waste your inner strength. He may ask you to borrow money and not give it back, offer you participation in a business that is profitable in his opinion and ruin you with it. Even if nothing like this happens, there is still a chance that your wealth is floating away from you, although you do not notice it for the time being. True, there is one consolation - you pose the same danger to your friend, so the one who has better self-control, whose immunity against material and mental robbery is stronger, will win.

Scorpio is in charge of the topic of sexual relationships, so if a tender feeling arises for someone you met under this sign, then things will quickly come to bed. And in this case, problems may arise due to jealousy.

Business and friendly relations between people who met under the Moon in Scorpio are quite complex. People will compete to see who is morally stronger, or one will give up and become a victim of the other and give him their energy or money.

Health and beauty

Scorpio is a poisonous creature, so when the Moon is in Scorpio you need to beware of poisoning. It is better to avoid eating suspicious products of questionable quality, products that have been reheated or frozen and defrosted more than once. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of medications, alcohol, mushrooms, foods containing artificial additives, and any difficult-to-digest foods, such as flour and meat products. Because Scorpio is a sign water element, hazardous substances can enter the body with water, drinks or be transmitted by airborne droplets, along with steam. During the days of the Moon in Scorpio, it is extremely undesirable to contact toxic substances and it is absolutely necessary to practice good hygiene, thoroughly wash your hands and food before eating.

To improve health and appearance It is useful to cleanse the body, go on a fruit or vegetable diet, go to the bathhouse or use other, modern means of cleansing the body. You can use masks to cleanse the pores of the skin, take a bath with pore cleansers, drink mineral water and use it as a skin lotion. Fasting or a strict diet on such days not only helps to improve your physical condition, but also helps you feel the energy of your own body and learn how to control it.

Although the days of the Moon in Scorpio are good for detoxification, colon cleansing with an enema cannot be done during this time, since the rectum is ruled by Scorpio, so it is most vulnerable while the Moon moves through this sign. It is best to cleanse the body with enemas when the Moon is in the opposite sign of Taurus from Scorpio. In the meantime, while the Moon is in Scorpio, it is necessary to actively treat and prevent diseases of the organs controlled by Taurus: palate, neck, throat, larynx, tonsils, lower jaw, back of the head, cerebellum, nasopharynx, ear canals, esophagus, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, parasympathetic nervous system, vocal cords, cervical spine.

When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is extremely undesirable to use potent medicines and even more so produce surgical interventions into the organs of Scorpio: the rectum, lower colon, external and internal genital organs, seminal glands and prostate gland. Problems with these organs may indicate a violation of moral principles, that a person defiles himself with an uncontrolled passion for carnal pleasures.

Scorpio is a sign of temptation, and while the Moon moves through it, it is easy for us to come up with an image for ourselves in which we will be the most attractive and seductive to the opposite sex. Those who want to have as many fans as possible these days can dress in revealing clothes and wear provocatively bright outfits. At least, if you want to attract attention to yourself, to please someone, then you don’t need to be modest. Bold makeup, clothes that make you look sexy - that's what you need on days like these. Scorpio is not only a sign of temptation, but also a sign of secrets, so you can attract the attention of fans with the help of a mysterious image. You must first hide yourself under clothes, and then reveal some parts of your body so that your image becomes alluring.

Once upon a time, witches used poisonous plants to become more attractive and seduce men. Poisonous plants, seduction and witches themselves are phenomena corresponding to the sign of Scorpio. I don’t want to give dangerous advice, but I will give one relatively harmless one. To become more attractive when the Moon is in Scorpio, you can use decorative and medicinal cosmetics that contain substances from poisonous plants, such as St. John's wort, fragrant violet, greater celandine, bird cherry, common yarrow, lily of the valley, and apricot seeds.

Shopping and gifts

By going to the store on such a day, you risk spending a lot of money without buying anything worthwhile. Under the influence of this sign, our money can slip through our fingers. In addition, there is a danger of being deceived by dishonest sellers. Obviously, when shopping at this time, you need to be very vigilant, beware of counterfeits and street vendors. On days when the Moon moves through Scorpio, sales and trade are often held with the promise of giving gifts to customers. Scorpio gives a love for freebies, so under the influence of this sign, people are especially diligent in looking for ways to get something they need at a low price. Going to a sale is something that will bring satisfaction when the Moon is in Scorpio, but it is better to visit only good stores so as not to buy a fake or poor quality product.

Scorpio is opposite to the earthly sign of practicality - Taurus, therefore, when the Moon is in Scorpio, we can be somewhat impractical and unreasonable in our choice of purchases. When you go to a store on such a day and become interested in an item, ask yourself whether you need it.

When the Moon is in Scorpio, you can buy and give talismans, scientific books, things necessary for scientific activities, underwear, filters for water purification. The bravest ones can go to a sex shop. Such days are good for choosing a gift for your sexual partner.


Scorpio is fraught with many dangers, many of which have already been described above. But there are at least two more troubles that you need to try to avoid. Under the influence of this sign we become touchy. Scorpio forces us to swallow resentment and keep it inside, which can lead to serious illnesses, such as tumors and inflammation. The Moon is related to Scorpio, as it belongs to the same element of water as Scorpio. This relationship allows the Moon to very accurately communicate Scorpio moods to us. While the Moon is in this sign, we are more touchy than at other times; at the same time, being offended, we often lock this negative feeling inside ourselves. There is no way to do this if you want to be healthy and happy. On such days, try to forgive everyone everything, ask for forgiveness from others, so that no one holds a grudge against you.

Another danger is casual sexual relationships, which can undermine health, both physical and spiritual. Do not give in to temptations at this time, and if you do, then at least be aware of why you are doing it.

Dreams about inheritance and intimate life

Scorpio is in charge of easy forms of profit (including inheritance), intimate life, magic. Being in this sign, the Moon gives us dreams on Scorpio themes. Even if in a dream you do not see your rich uncle, the attributes of a magician or an intimate setting, know: the dream tells you how you can easily achieve financial success, what awaits you in your personal life and magically reveals invisible side what's happening around you. In such dreams one can see an explanation for the strange events of life, secret connection phenomena, a connection, which may have begun in past lives, between you and other people.

To prevent a bad dream from coming true

Scorpio has one curious quality, which is very unpleasant for many: he loves and knows how to profit from nothing. And if you saw a dream with a bad prophecy on such days, maybe you are ready to do the same or have already done it? After an unpleasant dream seen with the Moon in Scorpio, it is better to forget about any easy ways to make money (lottery, the opportunity to borrow money, for example).

Scorpio is associated with magic, any magical techniques. Scorpio is a tempter, seducer. A bad dream during the Moon in this sign will not come true or will come true with less trouble if you give up trying to bewitch or bewitch someone, show perseverance and are not tempted by the illusory delights of the material world.

If on your next birthday the Moon was in Scorpio , then until your next birthday you will be especially sensitive to everything that this sign is in charge of: sexual relationships, easy sources of income, infectious diseases, mysticism, death. Your emotional state can be greatly affected by any changes in your relationship with your sexual partner, or the news of someone's death. Perhaps you will begin to feel the presence in your home or other territory of some creatures from parallel worlds, and you will notice the ability of clairaudience or clairvoyance in yourself. Various mysteries of existence will excite you more than before.

Intuitively, you will be able to find a source of relatively easy income, and increased sensitivity to infections will force you to avoid contact with sick people and take antibiotics and immune boosters.

In such a year, others will look at you as wise man, and if you really show wisdom, show that you are in control of yourself, that emotions do not prevent you from making reasonable decisions, then you will be happy.

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From the author's book

Identifying problems and focusing on solutions Think of the fabric as empty space. Imagine that the needle is attentiveness and wisdom. Thread a thread of sympathy into it and sew a new dress for all the creatures of the three worlds. Dakini Vetali The concept of a problem in some

From the author's book

Problems have solutions Sometimes problems seem insurmountable, but in fact they always have a solution. If we call a certain situation a problem, then there is a way out of it, otherwise it is “force majeure,” that is, unforeseen circumstances of force majeure. Should

Compatibility horoscope: the moon in the sign of Scorpio at birth, what does it mean - the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

It can be very difficult for people whose Moon was in the sign of Scorpio at the time of birth: the calm and soft Moon conflicts with the strong and tough Scorpio. This configuration of the planets influences the fact that the character of this lunar sign is very explosive and unstable. Scorpios are almost always outwardly calm and reserved, but in some cases they turn into a truly explosive and dangerous mixture! Their reactions and behavior become completely unpredictable.

If you are a Scorpio, then those around you probably already know that you do not waste words and are inclined to keep promises and be responsible for your obligations. In public, you are usually an emotionally reserved and strong-willed person; you are not used to openly expressing your feelings. No matter what happens, you are always collected, concentrated and can think rationally even in the most extreme situations. With those rare exceptions when internal conflict and intensity of emotions becomes stronger than your ability to suppress them. When Scorpios' patience runs out, they can be truly dangerous, exploding over little things and sparing no words or expressions for those around them. You won’t envy someone who, during such periods, finds themselves in their field of vision and is forced to endure all the aggression, ruthlessness and sarcasm that they have accumulated and carefully hidden within themselves for a long time.

Due to the conflicting configuration of the planets at the time of their birth, Scorpios are very dual personalities. On the one hand, as noted earlier, they are restrained and rational, but on the other hand, they are impulsive, aggressive, quick-tempered, and vindictive. Such extremes of behavior may shock strangers, but loved ones get used to such inconstancy and perceive it adequately. After all, Scorpios have so many good qualities that compensate for all their shortcomings. For example, they will never remain indifferent to the grief of others, they will always come to the rescue and help out in the most difficult situations. Even if such actions would go against their interests. And they will do this not theatrically and for the public, often remaining unknown benefactors.

Scorpios have a painfully acute sense of self-esteem; “losing face” is a very big humiliation for them, and such insults are not forgiven even to those closest to them. They always try to subordinate everything around them to their power, to have control and power over any events occurring in their lives. And if they do not always succeed in this in society, then in their own homes they turn into true dictators and little tyrants. Did you put a spoon in the wrong place, leave the table uncleaned, or forget to turn off the light when you left the room? Be prepared for a long reprimand and showdown. Even such trifles irritate Scorpios.

Lunar Scorpios always know what they want from life, they go their own way, and it is often impossible to influence them from the outside. They are accustomed to achieving everything in life with their labor and intellect, so it is impossible to meet among them dependents or idlers who live off the results of other people’s labor.

Scorpios are terrible owners! They are jealous and suspicious, they cannot stand it if someone interferes in their personal life, but they themselves always control and try to subjugate their partner. Not every person can withstand such an attitude! Therefore, as a rule, the role of a second half for Scorpio is suited to a driven, flexible and soft personality, capable of “quenching” his impulsive impulses, and who lives calmly in a state of constant control. By the way, thanks to their natural charm and magnetism, Scorpios never have a shortage of partners and are always surrounded by attention from the opposite sex. And if it were not for the intensity of passions, extremes in behavior and the atmosphere of total control and submission to oneself, their marriages would have been longer and happier.

In order for life to be more harmonious and calm, Scorpios are recommended to work on themselves, calm their emotions, get rid of insane jealousy, let go of grievances, and choose partners more carefully.

Below are the views of famous researchers on the influence of the Moon in Scorpio ♏ on our lives:

what does the moon in the sign of Scorpio mean at birth?

Moon in Scorpio

Negative influence of the Moon in the sign of Scorpio– stubbornness, impulsiveness, hot temper, aggressiveness, sarcasticness, power, dependence on moods.

People with the Moon in Scorpio have tremendous willpower, keen powers of observation and intuition. Their judgments are deep and accurate. Phenomenal memory is their gift and curse. It usually helps them with their work, but also makes them remember emotional trauma for a long time. Some lunar Scorpios never forget a grudge and wait for years for the right moment for revenge. This does not mean that they are cruel and vindictive, they simply are characterized by a readiness at any moment to remember and how for the first time to feel the wound inflicted on their pride - to mentally reproduce the words once spoken by someone and the bitterness they experienced at that moment.

Perseverance and perseverance allow lunar Scorpios to successfully overcome obstacles; unfortunately, they encounter them more often than other people. In the life of lunar Scorpios there is often a secret problem related to family or health.

Lunar Scorpios have a natural magnetism that always attracts members of the opposite sex to them, and without effort on their part. But in personal life, this quality can sometimes lead to complications, as a result of which some lunar Scorpios marry more than once. The fear of being dominated may affect their love relationships. In addition, it can be difficult for them to trust someone; it is unusual for them to give their soul to another person, because... they need emotional security and the slightest sense of danger does not allow them to fully surrender to love. Therefore, although passion occupies a fairly important place in the life of lunar Scorpios, their sexuality can sometimes be sublimated into completely different areas, for example, creative activity or a career that requires self-sacrifice. Work is important to most of them because it is through it that they can best express themselves.

Lunar Scorpios have high standards and professional pride is noticeable in all their endeavors. They are ambitious and capable of being good administrators. This is especially true if the Sun or Ascendant (the degree rising at the time of birth in the place of birth) is in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

Moon in zodiac signs. The Moon is in Scorpio in the natal chart of a man, a woman, or a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio in astrology.

Moon in Scorpio in the natal chart makes a person internally restless and anxious. All the emotions and feelings that a person with the Moon in Scorpio experiences settle in his soul for a long time. The position of the Moon in the watery fixed sign Scorpio makes a person remember for a long time, both good and bad, done to him.

Moon in Scorpio seeks to express itself through Pluto and Mars (junior ruler of Scorpio). Pluto in astrology is the planet of transformation, revolutions, and Mars is the planet of struggle and war. And therefore a quiet life does not satisfy a person with the Moon in Scorpio. He has an internal need to insist on his own, and the reaction to external stimuli in a person with the Moon in Scorpio is usually violent. Passions are constantly boiling in the soul, emotions are raging, looking for a way out.

A person whose Moon is located in the zodiac sign Scorpio often subconsciously searches for or creates heated, conflict situations, because he needs to throw out the accumulated tension. From time to time, a person with the Moon in Scorpio needs emotional shocks.

The Moon in Scorpio makes the character complex and contradictory; a person is internally inclined to argue, to defend his point of view. In communication, such a person often takes everything personally and is too painful. Criticism is immediately followed by aggression or resentment, and an ordinary conversation can easily develop into a quarrel if the interests of a person with the Moon in Scorpio are offended, especially when the Moon is affected.

In a new environment, a person acts cautiously and tries not to reveal himself to unfamiliar people. Although the Moon in Scorpio brings a tendency to take risks into the character, a person knows how to hide his plans from others.

Moon in Scorpio endows a person with stubbornness and makes him persistent. If a person is interested in something with all his soul, if he wants something, then no amount of persuasion can convince him or turn him off the intended path, and even threats will not help. On the contrary, obstacles and opposition from other people will only further inflame the desire to get what he has planned and do everything his own way. With this in mind, a person with Moon in Scorpio should never be forced to do anything.

A man with the Moon in Scorpio is looking for a wife who is emotional, deep, passionate, even a little harmful, with whom his life will not be quiet and calm. A man with the Moon in Scorpio will be faithful only if he really loves with all his soul. The Moon in Scorpio makes a man suspicious, conflictual and jealous.

A woman with the Moon in Scorpio is sensitive, emotional and vulnerable. The Moon in Scorpio in a woman makes her demanding and grumpy. The emotions of a woman with the Moon in Scorpio are very intense, she is a jealous owner, but knows how to preserve feelings and affections. Although in terms of showing love to herself, a woman with the Moon in Scorpio requires a lot of attention from other people. The Moon in Scorpio for a woman makes her a strict mother and a wonderful lover. If the Sun is in a weak zodiac sign in the natal chart, then a woman with the Moon in Scorpio can be a good housewife. But if the Sun occupies a strong position, then the Moon in Scorpio will further strengthen the will and character, and such a woman is unlikely to agree to be a housewife.

A child with the Moon in Scorpio is difficult to raise. It is often difficult for parents to understand what is on their child's mind, because... he is quite secretive. Hysterics on the part of a child with the Moon in Scorpio are not uncommon; if he wants something, then the parents will have to “break into a piece of cake” and fulfill his whim. A child with the Moon in Scorpio is inclined to do harm in order to show his independence. The peculiarity of the character of such a child is that he does not want to obey anyone and therefore does everything in defiance. But even the most persistent parent or teacher will not be able to forcibly remake a child with the Moon in Scorpio. Trying to break such a child means making him even more stubborn and even aggressive. The best thing that parents who have a child with the Moon in Scorpio can do is to show sincere love for him, communicate with him as an equal and in no case consider him in any way worse than themselves. When a parent gives a task to a child with the Moon in Scorpio, it is better to present it in the form of a request, rather than an order.

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Your moon sign is Scorpio

horoscope for January 2018
  • Horoscope for 2018

Birth horoscope for Moon in Scorpio

A person whose Moon was in the zodiac sign Scorpio at the time of birth often looks unrestrained and unpredictable in the eyes of others. Such people rarely listen to other people's opinions, and agreeing with them is out of the question. The main thing for them is to convey their point of view to others, persistently convincing everyone of its correctness and infallibility. They tend to exaggerate the extent of actual or perceived insults, and remember them for a very long time. Lunar Scorpios hone their caustic sarcasm on colleagues or friends. But the Scorpio birth horoscope claims that causticity, a certain cruelty and gloominess are just a mask under which hides a person suffering from loneliness, easily wounded and thirsty for love. If such a person is imbued with an idea, he will fervently follow it, making every effort to bring it to life, recruiting new adherents. Those born with the Moon in Scorpio despise danger, are always ready to take risks, and among them there are a large number of fans of extreme entertainment and sports.

Such people have the rare gift of instinctively feeling a lie, so it is almost impossible to mislead them. They are not afraid of conflicts and quarrels, they do not avoid aggravation of relations, but, on the contrary, provoke it themselves. In tense moments, they seem to gain energy, feeling a surge of strength and confidence in their own rightness.

A measured life is not for these people. In search of a cure for boredom, as evidenced by the Scorpio birth horoscope, they make spontaneous decisions without thinking about the consequences. Over time, they give an objective assessment of their actions, finding in them a reason for worry and repentance. To drown out feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction, they resort to alcohol and narcotic drugs. Addiction sets in very quickly, and it is very difficult for them to get rid of bad habits.

Innate intuition allows people born with the Moon in Scorpio to predict the future. Especially if problems and troubles are looming. This is explained by the fact that they always expect a trick from people, from fate, carefully looking for confirmation of their own suspicions.

The personal life of lunar Scorpios often does not work out. On the one hand, they experience comprehensive love for their partner, hoping for a reciprocal feeling of the same strength and passion. But, on the other hand, they do not know how to forgive, listen, or seek compromises. They never make concessions; the slightest quarrel develops into a large-scale protracted conflict.

When choosing a profession, people born with the Moon in Scorpio strive to find an activity associated with daily risk. They are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to overcome them. Lunar Scorpios join the ranks of firefighters, military officers, police officers and stuntmen. Danger only invigorates them, allowing them to strengthen their character and strong-willed qualities. They can find the only right solution and are always ready to take sole responsibility, which is why they make excellent surgeons and anesthesiologists. The birth horoscope for Scorpios emphasizes that in such professions they can most fully realize their inner qualities.

For these people, diseases of the urinary, gastrointestinal and reproductive systems pose a danger. Women have to undergo treatment for infertility and other gynecological diseases. Diet violations lead to constipation and excess weight, as well as edema. The recovery process for lunar Scorpios is delayed, since the illness, combined with forced idleness, robs them of their vitality.

All the most interesting things about the Moon in signs: Moon in Scorpio

Before we begin to describe how the energy of the Moon affects us on the days when it is in Scorpio sign, I would like to quote a phrase from a song "Temptation" Aria groups: “Close your eyes, touch me. You smell like temptation and honey.” So, Scorpio’s days not only smell, but are cloyingly fragrant with temptation and honey, and, usually, nothing particularly good can be expected from this “aroma.”

The Moon in Scorpio literally sets traps at every step, dragging us into various dubious adventures. This time plays into the hands, first of all, of cunning and enterprising people who do not disdain anything in order to benefit from communication and interaction with others.

The lion's share of events occurring during this period related to business, with the purchase of goods, with obtaining loans and even with amorous affairs, could become an excellent topic for some crime show about scammers.

In fact, this period does not bring anything good, primarily for those who are unable control your energy. Next to such people, as if by magic, there will definitely be “well-wishers” who will willingly take over the function of managing your desires and emotions. As a result, the risk of being deceived, losing money, subsequently being disappointed in a new acquaintance, and so on, increases.

On the other hand, the Moon being in Scorpio increases our suspicion and criticality, which is somewhat balances negative influences, described above. However, this increases general nervousness, intolerance to caustic remarks, and even aggressive behavior.

Moon in Zodiac signs: Scorpio

Ask yourself this question: “How much can I control my desires? Is it easy for me to avoid temptations? Be as objective as possible. If you are clearly aware that you are a slave to your desires; if you easily give in to temptation; if you are not alien to the feeling of adventurism, coupled with the desire to get easy money... In general, if all this is about you, you will be required maximum vigilance during the days of the Moon in Scorpio.

In addition to the heightened desire for thrills, the Moon in Scorpio is in some kind of hypertrophied form increases our cravings not only to suspicious financial schemes, but also to various kinds of riddles and secrets.

We don’t even need to be particularly tempted by other people’s secrets - these days we we crave new sensations and we are in anticipation of a miracle, and, therefore, we ourselves are glad to be tempted.

However, such an influence of the Moon promises success in some specific activities, which will be discussed below.

It is not surprising that among the large number of “I want” and “desire”, in the days of Scorpio the “lust” becomes more acute. During this period, we are especially drawn to adventures of an erotic nature, but it is foolish to hope that your partner is looking exclusively for “big and pure love.” As a rule, these days false morality and thirst for easy money do not give opportunity to express sincere feelings.

It is noteworthy that the strongest energy of the Moon in the days of Scorpio influences to our dreams. Through the veil of strange and bizarre images, we can be visited by various wonderful visions, which may all be associated with the same temptations. Of course, you shouldn’t get too hung up on your dreams, trying to fit them into the concept of “prophetic dreams.” However, it is worth looking for clues in them that can be used, for example, to improving your material well-being.

Moon signs in everyday life: Scorpio

– The positive aspect of the specific influence of the Moon during this period is that the days of Scorpio are favorable to a wide range of matters related to various research activities, including studying complex issues, conducting experiments and experiments. These days are good for finding ways out of complicated situations, resolving difficult issues with the help of influential people, and strengthening your own authority.

– Days of the Moon in Scorpio are also recommended to be used for studying the basics of esotericism, reflections on the eternal. Despite the fact that scammers are intensifying their activities, this period is suitable for visiting fortune tellers. In order to protect yourself from unnecessary expenses, take a minimum of money with you and “sift” everything said by all sorts of sorcerers through an internal sieve of healthy skepticism.

– If your sexual relationship with your partner leaves much to be desired, Scorpio days favor open discussion with him (or her) existing problems. It makes sense to try to find a solution during this period, when the Moon in Scorpio has a strong influence on aspects of sexuality.

– It is strongly recommended to devote the days the Moon is in Scorpio to yourself and your body: take care yoga or meditation- this is to allow you to direct your energies in the right direction, protecting them from negative influence from the outside.

– Go to the sauna, go on a diet (strict forms of fasting are also encouraged these days), use a variety of methods cleansing the body(except for cleansing enemas - this is an unsafe procedure at this time). It is best to begin cleansing procedures on the waning Moon ( from December to April).

– There is no opportunity to visit the bathhouse – please accept relaxing bath with aromatic oils.

– Men can be advised to go to fishing or hunting.

– Those who like to work in their summer cottage are recommended to use this period to fertilize their gardens and vegetable gardens, as well as to control pests (during the waning Moon). During the days of the Moon in a water sign water the plants well.

– When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is also recommended to carry out prevention of the cavity behind the mouth, including pharynx, tonsils, pharynx and larynx. Also an effective period for preventive health activities aimed at relieving problems associated with thyroid gland, esophagus, vocal cords, cervical vertebrae, nasopharynx, cerebellum.

– These days you can treat yourself to bright and even a few provocative makeup. But as for clothing, on the contrary, something not very provocative is recommended. Sexual aspects are already pronounced in the days of Scorpio, so it makes sense to use some understatement and mystery in your own toilet, which, as you know, attracts.

– During this period, despite the specific influence of the Moon, it is recommended to restrain your sexual emotions. This is the most correct line of behavior that can preserve your emotional background healthy.

– If someone in your circle is having a holiday during this period, it is recommended to visit gift shop and select the hero of the occasion original mascot. The purchase of anything related to research and scientific activities (including laboratory equipment, machines, etc.) is also welcome. If you need to buy a gift for your partner, don’t hold back your imagination. Lingerie or even daring products from an adult store are the way to go.

– This is also a great time to buy car, but the position of the Moon should also be taken into account: with such large purchases, it is advisable that the Moon does not make disharmonious aspects, especially with Mars and Saturn.

– The Moon enters the sign of Scorpio – people who want to make a profit in any way, without investments, even through deception, become more active. It is not necessary that during this period you will act as a victim of deception or false illusions. It may turn out that you yourself may have a similar desire - to bully someone, to deceive someone, to deceive. Such behavior does not make a person beautiful at any time. However, in the days of Scorpio, the energy of the Moon makes people react extremely sharply to attempts to deceive them (if any are noticed). In this case, acute conflicts cannot be avoided.

– Try not to overload during Scorpio days urinary system and intimate area, since the Moon has a strong influence on these areas these days.

– It is not recommended to carry out spontaneous purchases during the days of the Moon in Scorpio, since there is a high risk of running into scammers and purchasing low-quality goods. If such a need arises, it makes sense to purchase only in serious stores, after carefully studying the issue.

– During the days when the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, our body becomes more susceptible to all kinds of poisons. In particular, the likelihood of food poisoning increases.

This period requires special attention To food choice. It is recommended not to take risks by giving up mushrooms, defrosted food, and alcohol. Particular caution should be exercised by those who, one way or another, periodically come into contact with toxic substances.

– It is wrong to treat with euphoria in the days of Scorpio any new acquaintance, expecting a lot from him, be it a business, friendly or acquaintance that promises love prospects. As a rule, relationships that arise during this period are quite complex and not very fruitful (there is a risk of falling into a strong dependence on your partner or even become his permanent material donor).

- Don't let it show feeling of jealousy during this period! On Scorpio days, you will need all your energy, so you should not waste it uncontrollably, risking leading yourself to mental exhaustion.

– Finally, it is not recommended to participate in dubious lotteries when the Moon is in Scorpio; invest money to various projects; negotiate the sale or exchange of living space; lend large amounts money; will be tempted by any offers of easy money, no matter how true they may seem to you.

– It is not recommended to plan trips, hikes, or trips abroad during Scorpio days; should not be carried out during this period loud family celebrations and parties; not a very good time to register a marriage.

– Under the influence of the Moon in Scorpio, people become surprisingly touchy. And if the situation did not turn into an open conflict, then the negativity remained, giving rise to internal conflict(Scorpio days also contribute to this).

Such hidden grievances are dangerous serious problems for the health of those who have withdrawn into themselves and harbored a grudge. And if this situation drags on, we can even talk about the appearance of tumors. The way out is to be able to forgive and find the strength to ask for forgiveness when necessary.

– The second danger is associated with the extremely powerful influence of the Moon in Scorpio on the sexual aspects of our lives. Temptations that arise on our path during this period, leading to random connections, can destroy your family or your casual partner's family.

In addition, do not forget about this banal danger as sexually transmitted diseases. This danger also becomes especially relevant in the days of Scorpio, since under the Moon in this sign our reproductive system.

– For the same reason, aggressive methods of treatment and surgical operations on intimate areas and genitourinary system which may fail or threaten complications. It makes sense to postpone this type of treatment to other periods.

Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Scorpio

What kind of life, with a high degree of probability, awaits a person, regardless of gender, who was born with Moon in the sign of Scorpio? Life is like on a volcano: passions run high and emotions run high; courage borders on recklessness; love coexists with jealousy.

People with the Moon in Scorpio often very stubborn. They are not afraid of difficulties; rather, various obstacles only spur their desire to achieve their intended goal. In this they may be hampered by a categorical attitude to questions and sharp negative reaction to any criticism.

Such people can rarely be forced to do anything. against their will. Emotional shocks do not frighten Lunar Scorpios, but, on the contrary, they periodically need them to maintain their general tone.

MEN: Men with the Moon in Scorpio are characterized by increased conflict, which is often accompanied by excessive suspicion. At work, such people need key positions. Or, at least, such work should be associated with reasonable (and sometimes not very!) risks, associated with the need to accept tough decisions and control the situation.

This is why men with the Moon in Scorpio often choose the military profession, policeman; They often find themselves in medicine, in particular in surgery.

As for personal relationships, men whose Moon was in Scorpio in their birth horoscope show stupid jealousy, and, often, distrust of your partner. Such a man will be truly faithful only in relation to the chosen one for whom he feels great and strong feelings and which is able to satisfy his ideas about comfort and coziness. You can often observe attempts to manipulate partners.

As a wife, such men want to see a woman who can provide them with the much needed maternal care, will be sensitive, responsive and will be able to create a truly cozy atmosphere in the house. At the same time, she will be able to periodically give him the opportunity to relax in a calm environment and solitude, and will not flatter his soul or impose himself.

WOMEN: Women with the Moon in Scorpio are also very emotional, but their ability to control themselves often allows them to hide their true feelings from others.

Coupled with the ability to calculate the situation ahead, this gives such women the ability manipulate others sometimes driving them to white heat with his caustic and sarcastic remarks.

On the other hand, this does not prevent Moon Scorpios from finding their place in the team and achieving significant career growth. At the same time, they, just like men with the Moon in Scorpio, tend to choose difficult and, at times, dangerous professions . This, of course, should be confirmed by other elements of their personal horoscope.

For such women it is important to have protected rear areas. They literally turn their home into a kind of fortress or refuge, in which they often seek privacy. Being very passionate, women with the Moon in Scorpio are ready to give all of themselves to their chosen ones, however, the demands that they place on their men are also very high. Structurally build strong family relationships Such women are also hampered by excessive jealousy.

Lunar Scorpios are categorical about their own health and appearance. The number of those who contact plastic surgery, is quite high among such women. However, their tendency to extremes may in some cases lead to them simply neglecting their appearance, turning into obese persons.

Be that as it may, both men and women with the Moon in Scorpio draw the lion's share of energy from healthy and regular sex life

The Moon in Scorpio increases emotional arousal, hysteria and agitation increase in space. We are easily captured by small and large passions. We may be dissatisfied with ourselves and the people around us - everything is seen in black tones. There may be a desire to change something dramatically in life. You shouldn’t give in to this - it’s just an aggravated dependence on fleeting mood swings.

During Scorpio days we can become irritable, nervous, gloomy and moody. At the same time, mental activity improves, concentration on the essence of the problem increases, and the sense of danger intensifies. The lunar force goes into the depths, peers, studies, searches. Dark attracts...

On Scorpio days, dress warmly and try not to get too cold. Avoid spicy and heavy foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and, if possible, avoid sedentary work so as not to aggravate hemorrhoids and constipation.

The moon in Scorpio is favorable for the comprehensive restoration of one’s potential - hot baths, astringent masks, nettle massage, active movements, etc.

You should not use hormonal creams and ointments, with placenta extract, unstable cosmetic preparations of natural origin, start using new contraceptives, or be examined by a gynecologist.

On Scorpio days, surgical intervention in the groin area, genitals and the entire excretory system, endocrine glands, gall bladder, colon, ovaries, external genitalia, urinary canals, renal pelvis and bladder, neck and throat, pharynx, pharynx and larynx. Any surgical interventions and complex procedures in the pelvic area are also contraindicated.

The Moon in Scorpio allows you to treat the endocrine system (except for the prostate gland), operate on the upper respiratory tract and throat, remove tonsils, adenoids, treat sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis, treat and remove teeth.

Moon in Scorpio (Scorpio days) – BEAUTY, HAIR CUT

The Moon in Scorpio is neutral for hair cutting. It is better not to perm at this time; it is not even recommended to wash your hair. You should not use hormonal creams and ointments, with placenta extract, or unstable cosmetic preparations of natural origin.

To harmonize metabolism and prevent skin diseases during Scorpio days, look at the blue sky more often and choose blue clothes. Don't buy new things for your wardrobe. This is also not the right time to apply decorative cosmetics. A general massage is indicated - with nettle or its decoction, active movements.

Moon in Scorpio - influence on plant growth and development

Scorpio is the second sign of the element of Water. Ruled by Mars. Is moist and fertile. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is the best time to plant leafy vegetables and herbs.

In general, Scorpio is the second most fertile sign. And it has a good effect on the growth and development of plants. The seeds germinate quickly and amicably. Plants grow strong, have a good root system and are disease resistant. In addition, their powerful stems are capable of holding a bountiful harvest without strain.

These days you can sow many crops, especially those that you want to store long time. The only exception is potatoes. Planted these days, it becomes watery with an unpleasant aftertaste.

Successful plantings will be tomatoes, peppers, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, cucumbers and many other crops. The moon in Scorpio has a good effect on the seeds collected these days; they turn out to be of good quality and are stored for a long time.

The Moon in Scorpio is a good time for harvesting crops and mowing lawns. Planting trees and shrubs is not advisable. It is also unfavorable to trim dry branches and fell trees, since these days, infection very easily penetrates into the wounds.

Therefore, if there is still a need to replant plants, then you should try to inflict as few wounds as possible and immediately disinfect them or cover them with garden varnish. Moreover, it is worth remembering that the roots at this time have a lot of moisture and are prone to rapid rotting if disturbed.

When the Moon passes through the sign of Scorpio, it is good to cultivate the land, water and feed the plants with organic fertilizers. Good period for collecting medicinal herbs.

The Moon in Scorpio has its own light and dark side. One carries the ideals of goodness, energy, and responsiveness. The other imparts secrecy, despotism, and bias. What will Lunar Scorpio choose for himself? What features will the surrounding planets give it?

Moon in the natal chart

The natal chart helps determine in which signs, houses, and aspects the planets were located at the time of a person’s birth. Therefore, in astrology it is so important to know the exact place, time and date of birth. Based on these data, a person’s natal chart is compiled.

Meaning of the Moon in individual horoscope is diverse and depends on various factors - position in a sign, house, tension or harmony of aspects, relationship with other planets. The moon is responsible for the human subconscious - it gives innate habits, reactions, instincts, emotions, intuition.

In a man’s natal chart, she (together with Venus and its aspects) forms the image of a mother, wife, general attitude to the fair sex. For a woman, she will indicate character traits that will manifest themselves in the role of wife and mother.

Personality of the Scorpio Moon

The Moon in Scorpio will give incredible magnetism. Charisma, inner strength, energy - both men and women will have these properties. Lunar Scorpio easily overcomes obstacles. His enormous motivation will help him work on external (financial) and internal (spiritual) stability. Such a person has powerful emotional potential. But much will depend on his self-discipline.

Mood swings are the main scourge of Moon Scorpios. Despite their attractiveness to the opposite sex, such people will have problems in relationships. Stormy emotions, intense passions, inability to control your feelings, jealousy - these problems can be solved over time with strict discipline.

Acrimony, the desire to suppress another with one’s strength, will bring numerous conflicts into the life of Moon Scorpios. Deep down, these are very lonely, vulnerable people. The Moon in the sign of Scorpio gives touchiness and resentment. It can turn destructive emotions against its bearer or surrounding people. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the development of such traits as forgiveness, trust, kindness, and calmness.

Moon in Scorpio for a woman

Such a woman will quickly learn to manage her emotions. She will leave only a mysterious smile on the surface. And it will hide boiling passions from prying eyes. In difficult situations, especially in her youth, she may lose control of herself. But, having become the mistress of her feelings, she will emerge victorious from any adventure.

Scorpio is the zodiac sign that is responsible for intuition and mysticism. A woman born with the Moon in this sign will subconsciously sense truth and lies. She will be able to find common language with any person if he wants. And her magnetic appeal will attract crowds of fans to her.

Lunar Scorpio carefully selects admirers. She sees right through people and their hidden motives. Therefore, her analysis of men's actions and speeches is impeccable. She discards unnecessary relationships, leaving only the best specimens for herself.

The Moon in Scorpio for a woman gives her a desire for freedom. Such a lady will not tolerate male dominance over her. He will look for loyalty and emotional support in his partner.

Moon in Scorpio for a man

Such a man has self-confidence and determination. He knows how to set goals and systematically achieve them. Lunar Scorpio is sexually attractive. He will look for variability in sexual relationships, so in the first half of his life you should not expect fidelity from him.

Scorpio will give a man enormous inner strength and will. The zodiac sign Moon in it will help you get out of the most confusing situations. Such a man will be able to overcome all the obstacles that arise on his path to his career or in his personal life.

Lunar Scorpio is jealous and unrestrained. His sharp mind and intuition will help you find the most vulnerable spot person. It is better not to conflict with this man - the opponent will be crushed by a stream of logical remarks and facts. In case of loss, Lunar Scorpio will harbor a grudge. And his revenge can strike at the most inopportune moment.

The Moon in Scorpio for a man makes him possessive. He will control every step of his partner. However, if a spiritual relationship is achieved with her, then the love of such a man can give the most unforgettable feelings.

What will Selena give?

Selena (or White Moon) in Scorpio is a symbol of karmic cleansing. People who have it in their natal chart are instinctively drawn to spiritual cleansing. They receive help in difficult or extreme situations. Their karma seems to keep them from base acts and violence.

Such people have an innate gift of psychology. They engage in self-improvement and cleansing magic.

Their life task is to console weaker individuals. People with Selena in Scorpio should help others overcome suffering and mental pain. Their spiritual path lies in the fight against their shortcomings and world evil.

What will Lilith give?

Lilith (or Black Moon) in Scorpio says that in a past life a person went through all the secret and obvious vices. And in the current one he will pay for his sins. He may experience fear of death or have suicidal tendencies. Children with the Black Moon in Scorpio need to be taught the concepts of good and evil by the age of 9 and taught the basics of safety.

People who have such a mark in their natal chart should be wary of violent death, drowning, and robbers. They are prone to vices; for them there are no taboo topics or actions.

The spiritual path of a person with Lilith in Scorpio is atonement for the mistakes of past lives. He may become a victim of violence, or he may follow the path of evil - then drunkenness, drug addiction, sadomasochism, and murder will become his constant attributes. Such a person will be fueled by the fear of those around him. If he takes the path of purification, he will wage a conscious struggle against vices (his own or others).

People with the Black Moon have the opportunity to get rid of evil and acquire immunity to it. Or they will begin to indulge their vices, destroying everything that is bright and pure in those around them (or themselves).

Synastry for Scorpio Moons

A special branch of astrology is synastry. It helps to compare the natal charts of partners and identify their compatibility, favorable and negative points union.

If Lunar Scorpio has sympathy, he will not stop at any obstacles. He will systematically pursue the person he likes. And his sexual magnetism will only contribute to this.

If a man or woman has the Moon in Scorpio, compatibility will be excellent with Lunar Pisces, Cancers, Taurus. There will be minor difficulties in relationships with Moon Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius. Poor compatibility will be with Lunar Aries, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Sagittarius.

But such a division into a favorable or unfavorable union is conditional. Only with the help of a natal chart, taking into account all the planets and aspects, can you select a partner as accurately as possible.

Two Moons together

What to expect from Selena and Lilith, who are in the same sign? The Moon-Moon conjunction in Scorpio is an indicator of a bright individuality (at best, a creative personality). Such people feel unique and stand out from the crowd.

The sign of Scorpio, in which both Moons are located, will add to reality a rich sex life. When Lilith joins the Moon, the sexual overtones also acquire a demonic connotation (sometimes an attraction to the mother). Selena and the Moon will bring naturalness and ease of carnal relationships into a person’s character.

Sun and Moon

The sun plays a vital role in the natal chart. It is this that shapes the ways of self-realization and self-development. If the Sun at the time of birth was at the junction of two signs, then the person absorbs their main features. It plays a determining role in a person’s character and behavior.

The formation of personality traits responsible for one or another zodiac sign depends only on the Sun. For example, a person by date of birth belongs to Taurus, but the Sun in his natal chart is in the sign of Leo. Therefore, the character and behavioral reactions of such an individual will be characteristic of Leo, and not Taurus.

The Sun in Scorpio, the Moon in Scorpio - this combination gives a person creative, constructive energy. He can realize himself in business or art. But the chosen field of activity will bring success and respect from colleagues. Such a person has leadership qualities, but will never go overboard to achieve a goal.

The combination of the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Scorpio will give you good intuition and understanding of your essence. In love, such a person will not dominate, despite his inner strength. He will be faithful to his partner if his spiritual and sexual values ​​coincide.

For Fire signs

Scorpio Moon with the Sun in Aries is proud and aggressive. He likes to suppress more weak people with your mind and inner strength. He has strong emotions that he cannot always contain. Therefore, his jealousy and incontinence give rise to conflict situations. Hardworking, but inconsistent in achieving goals.

A person with the Sun in Leo is polite and good-natured. He appreciates everything beautiful and likes to take care of his appearance. Cultivates his sense of inner dignity. And the Moon in Scorpio gives him magnetism, bias and interference in other people's affairs. He is possessive in personal relationships and keeps a watchful eye on his partner.

Lunar Scorpio-Sagittarius is cheerful, active, and sociable. He is fair and honest. Loves to help others, strives for spiritual improvement. Has organizational skills and knows how to find people's weak points. Travels a lot, trying to avoid monotony.

For Earth signs

The Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio give a person perseverance and perseverance in implementing plans. He has an unbending will and does not listen to the opinions of others. Impulsive, but knows how to maintain a distance in communication. The desire to control everything and everyone leads to the inability to relax and rest.

Lunar Scorpio-Virgo is eloquent and active. Loves order, prone to constant analysis situations and actions. He lectures people, but his criticism is accurate and correct. Such a person is restless and loves to travel. He doesn’t know how to listen to others, which is why he gets into unpleasant situations.

Capricorn is diplomatic and knows how to react flexibly to words and circumstances. He is ambitious and tries to achieve a lot in life. His philosophical mindset and eloquence help him make friends. But his cunning and resourcefulness do not always impress others.

For Air signs

Scorpio-Gemini Moon is fast and dynamic. He knows how to adapt to other people, but at the same time always remembers his goals. Sarcastic, may have a talent for satirism. His thirst for sensations and scandals often leads to quarrels with others. But with the help of flexible behavior, he quickly restores relationships.

A person with the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Scorpio is noble and brave. He strives for constancy and harmony in everything. But his critical mind always looks for hidden motives and weak points, which leads to dissatisfaction with his current situation (in work and personal relationships).

Aquarius is ready for the challenges and battles of life. He is decisive and independent, has leadership qualities. Responsible for assigned tasks, but impatient in routine work. He does not know how to relax, he has strong convictions. Magnetism and breakthrough abilities help you achieve success in life.

For Water signs

Lunar Scorpio-Cancer is insightful and has a rich imagination. Strives for an intense life. But his feelings prevail over his reason. He will never deviate from his goal. His obsession leads to exaggeration and excess.

The Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Scorpio add passion to an already emotional nature. Such a person is aggressive, ambitious, and unceremonious. He takes the actions and words of others too close to his heart. Creative energy is often fueled by despotism and bias.

Pisces have a wealth of imagination, open-mindedness and an active life position. They earn and spend money quickly. Cynical and observant. They achieve their goals in any case. They are overly self-centered, but try to listen to the opinions of others.