Huntsman and game warden are among the most dangerous professions in Russia. The fate of a huntsman: There is such a profession - to protect nature

) and the military personnel (private) who have it, light infantry of the armed forces of many countries around the world.


Name "jaegers" first encountered in the Thirty Years' War.

"Jager" translated from German Jäger means "hunter". In the Prussian army huntsmen(they were recruited from the sons of foresters and hunters) proved their effectiveness in the Seven Years' War. For operations on rough terrain, what was needed was not slender, serried ranks, but small detachments of dexterous and well-aimed shooters capable of acting alone. In the Russian army, light units were created on the model of European ones. rifle infantry. “Grenadiers and musketeers tear at bayonets,” said Suvorov, “but shoot huntsmen" In M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov developed “Notes on the infantry service in general and on the Jaeger service in particular.”

In culture

The song “In the thirty-first year we ...” is dedicated to the Russian huntsmen who participated in the suppression of the Polish national uprising of 1830-1831.

See also

  • Wehrmacht airborne forces (jaegers-paratroopers)
  • Chasseurs - the French analogue of huntsmen

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  • // Military Encyclopedia: [in 18 volumes] / ed. V. F. Novitsky [and others]. - St. Petersburg. ; [M.]: Type. t-va I.V. Sytin, 1911-1915.
  • Program "Military Affairs". on YouTube

Excerpt characterizing the Jaeger

Once again it pressed from there. The last, supernatural efforts were in vain, and both halves opened silently. It has entered, and it is death. And Prince Andrei died.
But at the same moment as he died, Prince Andrei remembered that he was sleeping, and at the same moment as he died, he, making an effort on himself, woke up.
“Yes, it was death. I died - I woke up. Yes, death is awakening! - his soul suddenly brightened, and the veil that had hitherto hidden the unknown was lifted before his spiritual gaze. He felt a kind of liberation of the strength previously bound in him and that strange lightness that has not left him since then.
When he woke up in a cold sweat and stirred on the sofa, Natasha came up to him and asked what was wrong with him. He did not answer her and, not understanding her, looked at her with a strange look.
This was what happened to him two days before the arrival of Princess Marya. From that very day, as the doctor said, the debilitating fever took on a bad character, but Natasha was not interested in what the doctor said: she saw these terrible, more undoubted moral signs for her.
From this day on, for Prince Andrei, along with awakening from sleep, awakening from life began. And relative to the duration of life, it did not seem to him slower than awakening from sleep relative to the duration of the dream.

There was nothing scary or abrupt in this relatively slow awakening.
His last days and hours passed as usual and simply. And Princess Marya and Natasha, who did not leave his side, felt it. They did not cry, did not shudder and lately, feeling this themselves, they no longer walked after him (he was no longer there, he had left them), but after the closest memory of him - his body. The feelings of both were so strong that the external, terrible side of death did not affect them, and they did not find it necessary to indulge their grief. They did not cry either in front of him or without him, but they never talked about him among themselves. They felt that they could not put into words what they understood.
They both saw him sink deeper and deeper, slowly and calmly, away from them somewhere, and they both knew that this was how it should be and that it was good.
He was confessed and given communion; everyone came to say goodbye to him. When their son was brought to him, he put his lips to him and turned away, not because he felt hard or sorry (Princess Marya and Natasha understood this), but only because he believed that this was all that was required of him; but when they told him to bless him, he did what was required and looked around, as if asking if anything else needed to be done.
When the last convulsions of the body, abandoned by the spirit, took place, Princess Marya and Natasha were here.
– Is it over?! - said Princess Marya, after his body had been lying motionless and cold in front of them for several minutes. Natasha came up and looked at dead eyes and hastened to close them. She closed them and did not kiss them, but kissed what was her closest memory of him.

I grew up in one of settlements Voronezh region, the border of which ran along the edge of the Savalsky forest. As boys, in our free time from household chores, we visited the forest every day.

In the summer we ran to a pond called Lesnoy and played Cossacks-robbers. In the fall, the whole friendly company took part in “ quiet hunt", picking mushrooms and berries. And in winter, during daylight hours, when walking on skis, we covered a fairly long and winding ski track. And every time we visited the forest, we met various animals on our way. Either a fox will run through a clearing into the next block, or a badger will clumsily flash into a hole. We often met roe deer and sika deer, as well as decent litters of wild boars with striped piglets. We were surprised by the smooth paths cutting right through the forest, the posts at their intersections and the strange marks on the trees. “The brand!” - hunters we knew told us. And even then we had a question, who does all this and why? Forest, land, fields, game - this is natural resources and the hunter's delight. All this does not exist on its own, but there are people who guard, protect, monitor animals, take them into account, regulate their numbers both in special farms and in public hunting grounds.

There is such a person in the State Hunting Fund team - a huntsman. Most hunters have the opinion that a huntsman is a hunter who protects forest lands and everything that is in them. Others think that the huntsman is the main figure in various hunts and that hunting is not allowed without his participation. Almost all of these concepts - huntsman - are correct and close to the text, but it is worth recalling that a huntsman, first of all, is a position.
At the end of the 19th century, rangers engaged in hunting, on the basis of the “Rules on Hunting” approved on February 3, 1892, were issued free hunting certificates. When they are confirmed in the rank of hunting guards, where they are exempt from corporal punishment and, in relation to the prosecution of violators of hunting laws, they enjoy all the rights granted to guards of state forests.
The rangers were assigned no less than two tasks, such as: supervision of hunting in the areas intended for hunting; preparation and organization of hunts, provision of relevant services to hunters during hunting.

The responsibilities of the first kind included: protecting the land, personally and through watchmen, from unauthorized hunting by unauthorized persons; feeding in winter time some birds and animals; extermination of predators that are not hunted, such as hawks and cats; monitoring guards and hunting buildings and all hunting equipment in general.
Responsibilities of the second kind consisted of training and training dogs, searching for grouse and capercaillie leks, convenient places for woodcock and duck drafts, broods and dumps of game, rounding up bears, moose, wolves and other animals, hiring beaters for roundups and organizing the roundups themselves. . The huntsmen were supposed to provide assistance to the hunters, having excellent knowledge of the matter and the area and quickly finding game in conditions convenient for shooting. It is good to navigate the terrain and shoot well.

From history: the word huntsman comes from the German “Jager” - hunter, shooter, hunting servant in rifle hunting. Jaegers in the Russian army represented light infantry, consisting of excellent shooters, which were hunters. In Russia, huntsmen first appeared in 1761 during the military statesman P.A. Rumyantsev, who formed a special battalion of hunters with the task of supporting light cavalry in forests, villages, in the pastures, and also organizing ambushes, suppressing the enemy with accurate shooting and surprise. In 1769, huntsman teams were established under infantry regiments. In 1785, all Jaeger battalions were abolished, and Jaeger corps were formed from their number. When Alexander I came to the throne in Russia in 1812, there were 50 army chasseur regiments in the Russian army. They were called huntsman units because most of the hunters were there, and the weapons of that time were imperfect, and the army needed accurate shooters.

In the 20th century, under state hunting inspections, a huntsman service was organized throughout the entire territory of the RSFSR in 1956. The tasks of this service and the responsibilities of the rangers were determined by the temporary regulations on rangers, approved by the Main Directorate of Hunting and Nature Reserves.

In the 21st century, the powers of the huntsman are determined in accordance with the Order of the Ministry natural resources RF dated April 27, 2001 No. 369 “On officials of the Ministry of Natural Resources Russian Federation exercising powers to protect, control and regulate the use of wildlife and their habitats”, as well as Article 31 Federal Law"About the animal world." The huntsman of a hunting reserve may have any rights established by him job description, but, naturally, he cannot be equated to a hunting inspector or, especially, a police officer. A huntsman of a private organization (game management) cannot draw up protocols or confiscate weapons.

As we can see, a huntsman has many responsibilities, although, I don’t argue, they are, of course, interesting. In order to successfully complete everything, the huntsman has plans and maps of his site, on which are plotted: a permanent route for summer registration of game birds, animal trails, pastures and other feeding areas of wild animals, watering places, salt licks, burrows, mating and nesting areas of birds, the presence of broods and other information collected during spring, summer and autumn, places of concentration of animals and birds in winter, points of placement of baits and feeding areas, location of winter salt licks, storage locations and quantities of stored food, acorns, pine and beech nuts, berries, grain and waste agricultural products and other feed. The huntsman must record the work performed and his observations daily in the “Jager’s Diary,” which serves as a reporting document about his work. Reporting periods are month and year.

In addition, every huntsman must know the legal framework (regulations, orders, instructions, instructions (local regulations) on issues of hunting management and hunting supervision) and other governing documents defining the actions of an official in the hunting sector.

And to put it simply and accessible language, the huntsman’s task is as follows: “Preservation, replenishment, regulation of the size of the “herd” and provision of good quality feeding, which allows preserving the livestock in difficult winter conditions.” Almost everyone who works as a huntsman is a huntsman at heart. For conscientious fulfillment of their duties and the exercise of their rights, a real huntsman does not have days off and holidays and non-working time at the end of the working day.

Huntsman Alexander Fedorovich Ershov, who worked in the Savalsky forest, always spoke very enthusiastically and knowledgeably about the livestock, hunting, mortality, and sanitary shooting. From conversations and walks with him, I always learned a lot of new interesting things, imbued with a love for nature and our vast Russian expanses. With the help of Alexander Fedorovich, a person with caring relationships to the lands and native nature.
I know a lot of such professionals in their work. They perform all the duties listed above in full, and maybe even more. I am not an expert and not a government official for the protection of natural resources, to professionally evaluate the work of a ranger, I am a simple hunter. But, being on hunts in various hunting grounds in different cities of our vast Motherland, I can give an independent assessment of each hunting area. Starting from meeting arriving hunters, informing them of safety measures, checking relevant documents, hunting rules, familiarizing themselves with hunting locations, habits and behavior of the animal and everything that is necessary for a successful hunt for everyone who is a real hunter. And all this depends on one person - the huntsman.

But in general, a huntsman is a way of life, because in the Siberian forests there are huntsmen who never retire, live in a forest house and pass on their profession by inheritance, from generation to generation. They know everything about their lands, talk with animals and trees, and with them our world becomes, at least a little, better! I just want to say: “There is such a profession - to protect nature!”

JAGER - I; pl. huntsman, -ey; m. [German] Jäger] 1. A forestry worker in charge of hunting and protecting animals; professional hunter. E. trumpets, calling the deer. E. monitors compliance with hunting deadlines. // Outdated Dictionary Kuznetsova

  • Jaeger - Jaeger auto. "Memoirs of a fox" (1900). (Vengerov) Big biographical encyclopedia
  • Huntsman - Sometimes a huntsman (from German jäger - hunter) is a hunting servant in rifle hunting. The responsibilities of the rangers are: 1) supervision of the hunting industry in the areas intended for hunting... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • huntsman - -i, pl. huntsmen, -ey and huntsmen, -ey, m. 1. Professional hunter. At special huntsman courses, these educated huntsmen successfully teach tracking ordinary people capable of hunting. M. Prishvin, Time for business, time for fun. Small academic dictionary
  • huntsman - huntsman, huntsmen, huntsmen, huntsmen, huntsman, huntsmen, huntsman, huntsmen, huntsman, huntsmen, huntsman, huntsmen Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • huntsman - 'JAGER, huntsman, pl. huntsmen and huntsmen, huntsmen and huntsmen, male. (German: Jager). 1. Hired hunter (obsolete). 2. Soldier from special rifle (jaeger) regiments (pre-revolutionary). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • huntsman - huntsman I m. 1. An employee of a hunting farm or reserve, who is in charge of hunting and protecting the lands and the animals living in them. 2. A hired hunter who participated in the royal, royal hunt. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • JAGER - JAGER (from German Jager - hunter) - official in hunting farms of Russia; specialist hunter serving amateur hunters. Monitors compliance with environmental regulations and hunting laws. Big encyclopedic dictionary
  • huntsman - (from German jager - hunter) - an official in the hunting grounds of Russia; specialist hunter serving amateur hunters. monitors compliance with environmental regulations and hunting laws. Large legal dictionary
  • huntsman - spelling huntsman, -i, pl. -I, -ey and -and, -ey Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • huntsman - Huntsmen, plural. huntsmen and huntsmen, huntsmen and huntsmen, m. [German. Jager]. 1. A forestry worker in charge of hunting and protecting animals. || Hired hunter (obsolete). 2. Soldier from special rifle (jasseur) regiments (pre-revolutionary). Big dictionary foreign words
  • huntsman - huntsman clan. p. -rya 1. “hunter”, 2. “lackey on a hunt with a high-ranking person”, cf. also courier. From it. Jäger "hunter, shooter". Also Jägermeister, from German; see Convert. I, 211. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • huntsman - noun, number of synonyms: 11 Germanism 176 beater 9 forester 7 huntsman 3 salaryman 5 hunter 73 game warden 2 profession 336 soldier 71 pine forest 8 chasseur 1 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • huntsman - JAGER, I, plural. huntsmen, huntsmen and huntsmen, her, m. 1. Professional hunter (obsolete). 2. Game manager, specialist in hunting organization, protection and reproduction of fauna. 3. In some armies: soldiers of special rifle regiments. | adj. Jaegersky, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • There are professions that give a person a feeling of lightness. What serious things can a huntsman do? Work for fresh air There is beauty all around - trees and flowers. However profession huntsman– this is a job for very resilient individuals. To some extent, this occupation, like , requires the presence of specific qualities in the employee strong man, such as endurance, strength, patience and concentration.

    Description of the huntsman profession

    IN functional responsibilities rangers included the following tasks: control over certain territory and monitoring animal populations. As a rule, a huntsman's place of work is considered to be a hunting ground, nature reserve or forest. The huntsman will have to monitor the lives of animals, monitor and guarantee the preservation of the ecological balance in the territory entrusted to him. The huntsman is engaged, in particular, in feeding wild animals in harsh natural conditions For example, moose and wild boar require additional food in winter. At certain times of the year, hungry animals are quite capable of harming plants and crops.

    Although the huntsman is also involved in hunting. After all, at a certain time it is necessary to shoot some animals that may get sick or become aggressive under the influence of external circumstances. There may also be excessive reproduction of some animal species, which can lead to a destruction of the natural balance: disease, overcrowding and hunger. The profession of a huntsman also includes other responsibilities; he ensures the safety of people, and must also eliminate any threats to their lives. After all, guests and professional hunters who have a hunting license come to the huntsman’s lands. The huntsman will have to organize hunting and overnight accommodation for them. Thus, it is possible to eradicate malicious poaching; the fight against this phenomenon is the responsibility of the ranger.

    Personal qualities of representatives of the huntsman profession




    In principle, a great job for non-cowardly singles. But the amenities by and large You can create quite decent ones for yourself. And a salary is a salary, and some additional income, legal at that, is quite possible to organize for yourself. There would be a desire.

    There is an opinion that the job of a huntsman is one of the most romantic in the world. Ask an uninitiated person what a huntsman does, and he will answer: he lives, a lucky man, in a forest lodge in the lap of nature, walks along the paths with a gun, meets and communicates with all kinds of animals, and in the mornings and evenings the birds sing serenades to him. Oops, there was an error! In order to see animals on his rounds, the huntsman tries for years to first lure them to him, then breed them, and then feed them, protect them from the many people who are hungry for profit. In order to find funds for the construction of all the numerous feeders, feeding areas, observation towers (and this is also the responsibility of the huntsman), this worker conducts hunts for guests, thereby generating income for the hunting farm. The huntsman has no time to sit in his lodge (which simply does not exist). Day after day all year round, without weekends and holidays, in frost and heat, snow, rain and drought, the huntsman disappears in the forest, in the very wilderness, racking his brains around the clock how to preserve all the wealth that has been entrusted to him.

    Safety is at stake

    The oldest huntsman of GOLKHU Vileika, an experienced forestry enterprise, Ivan Apanasevich, has seen everyone in fifteen years of impeccable service, so he can judge his profession unbiasedly and without an excessive amount of romanticism. According to him, the duties of a huntsman are very diverse and vary depending on the time of year. In the fall, when driven hunting for ungulates opens, the huntsman is forced to work four days a week with teams of 10-20 hunters who have come to stay in the forest hunting area. In this case, Ivan Iosifovich takes on the functions of the hunt leader and accepts responsibility not only for the success of the event, but also for the safety and very lives of the guests. He provides instructions, monitors compliance with safety regulations, often showing strictness towards overly reckless shooters.

    “My task is to make sure that all the hunters go home cheerful, healthy and unharmed, with the idea of ​​visiting the hunting area again,” says the huntsman. — When hunting, I am actually the face of the forestry department. The rating of the farm depends on my actions.

    There are plenty of organizational difficulties in Ivan Apanasevich’s work.

    — For example, guests from Russia recently arrived. They valued their time, so they decided to make the most of their visit and make the most of their emotions. In the morning we went on a driven hunt and spent almost the entire day in the grounds. In the dark, they decided to also conduct an individual hunt. In the evening, the guests rested and gained strength before sleepless night, and at that time my team and I sat and racked our brains, how not to lose face. And then - an anxious night... My wife rarely sees me at home in the evenings, she is even surprised when I finally break out of the forest.

    The huntsman could only dream of a weekend if he could afford a full night's sleep. If Ivan Iosifovich is not busy hunting, he carries out preparatory work - he goes around the land, studies the tracks of animals, determines in which quarter they are, so that the hunt is successful. Helps in this matter great experience. A huntsman can almost accurately determine where a herd of wild boars is lying and where a deer or elk is grazing.

    “For example, it’s quite warm now, there’s a lot of humidity, which means the wild boar will stick to the lowlands. The corn was removed from the fields - the animal moved further into the forest. He stays close to feeding areas, but does not approach them - there is no snow, - Ivan Apanasevich gives an impromptu master class.

    Not by hunts alone

    At the end calendar year the driven hunting season will end, only individual, approach, ambush hunting will remain. But, as they say, the huntsman is fed up with more than just hunting. Winter - hard time for all living things in the forest. Deep snow threatens the lack of food, so the animals need to be fed. In conditions of deep snow cover, not every feeder or feeding area can be reached by transport to bring feed - grain, root crops, and so on. At times, the huntsman has to abandon the car, get on skis and overcome snowdrifts with a bag of grain on his shoulders - not an easy daily work! And along with the frosts, the hoofed animals come to their souls formidable predators- wolves. And here the huntsman is on the alert, ready to protect the herbivores.

    Spring brings its own surprises, which Ivan Iosifovich never got used to in all fifteen years of his work.

    — You need to feed the animals until the snow has completely melted. If food supplies run out in some feeder, they must be replenished,” explains the huntsman. - And the snow will either melt or freeze. The result is such multi-layered virgin soil that neither a car nor a tractor can pass through. I remember there were cases when the frost and snow completely crushed the beast, and he only hoped for human help. I had a horse, I sat in the saddle, heaped a couple of sacks of grain on it, and for many kilometers through deep snow, without making any roads, I delivered food to wild boars. It could be worse when we had to carry the food on our own shoulders. But the beast was never left without support. This is the law. This spring, after the memorable hurricane Javier, people only got to the feeding areas on a snowmobile or on their own feet...

    Summer is gentle only for the lazy. The huntsman doesn’t have enough time to bask in the sun - he begins to prepare for... winter: updating feeding areas, feeders, salt licks and observation towers, repairing shooting stands, sawing and mowing shooting lines and sights. All this work is also done by the hands of a simple huntsman. And above him there was the burning sun, around him there was humidity, not the slightest breath of wind among the trees. Only clouds of mosquitoes and horseflies hover and sting so much that you can’t stand it for a minute without a protective net on your face.

    “The audibility in such conditions, when the foliage rustles and vile rings around, is terrible,” notes Ivan Iosifovich. - It would be nice if only this created discomfort for me! It’s much worse that the animals can’t hear well, and unscrupulous people try to take advantage of this - attempts at poaching are becoming more frequent...

    Yes, yes, protecting animals from poachers is also the responsibility of the huntsman. During his service, Ivan Iosifovich more than once grabbed the hand of such people, although, he admits, there were dangerous cases, on the verge of a foul.

    — This winter, as I remember now, on Sunday, I drove around my lands in a service UAZ. My wife asked me to go on the raid with me (she is the daughter of a forester, she loves nature very much, she often accompanies me in the forest: we read the tracks of animals, we watch wild boars from a tower, or we sneak up on an elk). We drove up to the feeding area and heard shots at the border of my detour. Interesting, I think there is no hunting on my territory, otherwise there are poachers! He followed the sounds himself, and told his wife to wait in the car. Where there! She followed me, and so she and I detained one of the shooters. The second one ran away, but then confessed himself...