Muscles ache due to nervousness. Legs hurt after stress

Why do women find it most difficult to lose weight in their belly and thighs? What to do to effective weight loss in these places other than diet and exercise? How to lose weight and improve skin condition at home? The author of the famous diet, Dr. Kovalkov, is ready to help women with this too.

Let's talk about local weight loss, or about losing weight in problem areas, since with a little excess weight, hated and capricious fat, as a rule, likes to gather in certain areas, disfiguring the proportions of the figure. Moreover, I noticed that in European countries women tend to hide their kilograms in loose clothes. We have, on the contrary: tight jeans on the hips, a tight blouse above the jeans, and between them there is a “lifebuoy” that gently sways when walking.

Why is belly and thigh fat the last to go?

So, you’ve probably heard or even noticed from your own experience that with any dietary restriction, it’s primarily your face and shoulders that quickly lose weight. So? And only at the very last stage fats begin to disappear from the abdomen and thighs. This only intensifies the disproportion of the figure. Breasts are generally a sore subject; they usually deflate before our eyes.

This is explained quite simply. Fatty acids from fat cells enter the muscles (to be burned there) through small blood capillaries, but the beds of these vascular streams are not always equally wide.

The skin of the face, shoulders and chest is well supplied with blood. But in areas where adipose tissue accumulates, swollen fat cells press on the vessels with their mass. Fat deposits in the lower abdomen, thighs and sides are almost not supplied with blood: these are “strategic reserves” in case of hungry times. And what more woman addicted to various diets, the more powerful and dense this “untouchable” layer becomes.

One patient told me how, in a bathhouse, he was surprised to discover that his whole body had warmed up, except for his stomach: it continued to remain relatively cold.

Even after a full hour of exercise on the treadmill, the skin of the abdomen and thighs remains cool, since the blood supply to the subcutaneous fat does not increase. At the same time, the body takes fat not from where you would like, but from where it is easier for it. That is, from where the blood supply is better.

Means, if we want to enhance fat burning in certain areas, it is necessary to increase blood supply there. It is necessary to include in the work all the smallest capillaries, pinched by huge fat cells.

8 remedies to fight fat and cellulite

Now let's remember: how do we usually stop bleeding? That's right, cold, ice.

How do we improve blood circulation? Warmth.

In many American gyms, during aerobic physical activity, patients warm up problem areas using infrared radiation, and subcutaneous fat disappears from them somewhat faster. In our conditions, their action can successfully replace any warming ointment that does not irritate the skin. As an option, I recommend that my patients lubricate problem areas with regular cheap camphor ointment or anti-cellulite cream with a warming effect before physical activity.

By warming up local areas of the body, we increase blood flow there and thus can influence the rate of removal of subcutaneous fat from these areas.

And of course, accept contrast shower. Just without fanaticism: you don’t need a cold. A sharp change in temperature either expands the smallest capillaries or sharply narrows them, stimulating blood circulation and helping to maintain skin muscles in tone. In the shower, massage problem areas with a hard washcloth and directed streams of water.

Another feature of fat cells concentrated in problem areas is a disruption in the transport of fats through cell membrane.

The membrane of these damaged, abnormally large cells becomes extremely dense, and the fat inside them becomes tight and difficult to remove. Recently a new line of cosmetics has appeared that helps partially solve this problem. The main active ingredient in such products is phosphatidylcholine(phosphatidylcholine). At its core, it is also fat. It is necessary for the repair of fat cell membranes, as it contains a large amount of phospholipids, and its distinctive feature is the ability to restore the transport of fatty acids through the cell membrane of fat cells.

And by the way. All women are afraid, and cosmetic companies and clinics, supporting these fears, make billions of dollars in revenue from their anti-cellulite programs. But personally, in my entire life, I have never heard any complaints from any of my patients or friends that his girlfriend suddenly developed cellulite. Moreover, I’m sure that most men don’t even really know what it is!

However, if cellulite still keeps you up at night, you will be pleasantly surprised to know what wonders an ordinary cellulite can do for your orange peel skin. cupping massage! And you don’t have to spend a lot of money on a fashionable massage therapist. The main thing here is regularity and consistency. You just need to apply anti-cellulite cream to problem areas and move elastic silicone massage cups over them until the skin turns red. The absence of pale areas means that you have achieved your goal and blood circulation in the skin has improved. Don't be lazy: by repeating this procedure daily, you can not only get rid of cellulite, but also improve skin turgor.

At worst, any dosed physical impact will help normalize blood circulation: pinching, stroking and patting. Just here too, please don’t overdo it!

It is advisable to take it at least once a week bath with sea salt. This procedure removes decay products from the skin and improves its tone. After the procedure, do not rinse off the salt water, but only lightly blot it with a terry towel.

Be careful with aromatic salts, especially if you have heart problems and blood pressure surges. The initial duration of the salt bath should not exceed five minutes.

Do it every week peeling with scrubs. It will exfoliate old, dead cells and stimulate the growth of a new epidermis - younger, and therefore more elastic. After peeling, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the entire body, or better yet, a special firming cream.

Will help improve blood circulation sauna and steam bath. Regular quality massage will make your skin smoother and more beautiful, and will also help partially get rid of cellulite. Such procedures also improve lymph circulation, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and reduce stress.


Useful article, you need to listen to the advice)

Useful article. Looks like it's true.
I will try these methods to improve blood circulation.
I've been wondering for a long time, has anyone tried shorts/belts with a sauna effect? In theory, the area also heats up, and blood circulation should also improve?
Or is it all marketing?

Comment on the article "8 ways to lose weight at home: stomach, thighs and buttocks"

8 ways to lose weight at home: belly, thighs and buttocks. So? And only at the very last stage do fats begin to disappear from the abdomen and thighs. Fatty acids from fat cells enter the muscles (to be burned there) through small...

Need some advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with From problem areas, fat goes into the last. queue, but comes first. You won’t be able to lose weight locally in a problem area, but you can...

8 ways to lose weight at home: belly, thighs and buttocks. How to pump up your butt at home, t. Section: Figure (if you squat with a child on your neck, it’s fashionable to pump up your butt).

8 ways to lose weight at home: belly, thighs and buttocks. How to lose belly fat and pump up your abs: exercises and nutrition Proper nutrition and exercises for weight loss from Dr. Agapkin And a small “tummy” can also protrude due to weakness of the abdominal...

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth Of course, that’s why I recommend it) I did a course of 10 procedures last year, the effect appeared after about 3 procedures, I really liked it, the skin smoothed out, the lumpiness on the buttocks disappeared.

Is it possible to reduce shoulders? Figure and problem areas. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight.

The chest has lost weight, the hips, butt, and thighs have lost weight. The back does not lose weight, if only a little. How to lose weight at home: cupping massage. Losing weight in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. So, you've probably heard or even noticed from your own experience that with any limitation...

If you lose weight to the point where your bottom is pleasing, then about your top they often say “haggard face,” and your breasts almost disappear. If the thighs are left alone, the top is more rounded and attractive. Now I’ll hang up some photos where you can see the pug and his figure, more or less.

8 ways to lose weight at home: belly, thighs and buttocks. How to lose weight at home: cupping massage. Losing weight in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Gymnastics from Bubnovsky for losing belly fat. Exercises for the press, against constipation and hernia of the spine.

It hurts to sit. - gatherings. Weight loss and diets. The bones (which are in the butt, probably the pelvic bones) dig straight into the chair :(. Moreover, when I was young, slim and beautiful, and my butt was even thinner than it is now, this didn’t happen (well, or I don’t remember).

8 ways to lose weight at home: belly, thighs and buttocks. Why do women find it most difficult to lose weight in their belly and thighs? The skin of the face, shoulders and chest is well supplied with blood. But in areas where adipose tissue accumulates, there are swollen fat cells...

How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. I was talking with a friend just now about my weight loss, and said that I had lost 5 cm. She was terribly surprised: but 10 kg!

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. 8 ways to lose weight at home: belly, thighs and buttocks. Overweight immediately show fat thighs.

How to lose weight at home: cupping massage. Losing weight in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Gymnastics from Bubnovsky for losing belly fat. A hoop or hula hoop is a real way to lose weight at home and lose weight. I'll check in, even though I won't be twirling a hoop.

I lost weight mostly around the waist. But the lower back stopped hurting, apparently the muscles became stronger. Overall this is a great activity! 8 ways to lose weight at home: belly, thighs and buttocks. How to lose belly fat: nutrition and exercises for weight loss.

(As I start to lose weight, the chest loses weight first, then the hips, and the waist (for which everything is actually started) last. 8 ways to lose weight at home: stomach, hips and buttocks.

8 ways to lose weight at home: belly, thighs and buttocks. Even after a full hour of exercise on the treadmill, the skin of the abdomen and thighs remains cool, since the blood supply to the subcutaneous fat does not increase.

8 ways to lose weight at home: belly, thighs and buttocks. 2 on the lateral surface of the thigh, i.e. Actually, the thighs (or thighs???) I’ll add: during exercises 1 and 2, do not arch your back, lifting efforts only at the expense of the thigh.

Losing weight in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. How to lose weight in problem areas and get rid of cellulite. Print version. 3.9 5 (134 ratings) How to lose weight in your knees??? Please don't laugh! My figure is fine, but my knees are swollen like a baby’s...

The female body tends to accumulate fat in the thigh area. How to reduce volume and lose weight in your hips? Many representatives of the fairer sex are trying to find the answer to this question. There are several effective methods for losing weight in the hips and pelvis.

Losing weight in your thighs requires a lot of effort. The slightest errors in the diet lead to rapid deposition of fat in this area.

Visible results can be achieved with an integrated approach to solving the problem, which includes:

An additional measure for losing weight is wearing shapewear. It promotes fat burning and visually improves the contours. The effect is due to the fact that both designers and doctors work on the creation of such kits. Expensive underwear is equipped with massage inserts that activate the weight loss process.

How to lose fat in your thighs with a low-calorie diet

In the work “Diet for Hips”, which R. Conley worked on, we are talking about the fact that the daily diet should contain a minimum of fat. If you want to reduce the volume in your hips, the amount of fat consumed per day should be up to forty grams. To maintain weight, the figure can be increased to fifty grams. You can understand how much fat is contained in a particular product using special chemical composition tables. Fats should not be completely eliminated, as they are involved in many metabolic processes.

To lose weight in your thighs, you need to stop frying foods in oil. You should also exclude:

  • High-calorie sauces;
  • Hamburgers;
  • Sweets, chocolates;
  • Fat cream and ice cream;
  • Baked goods;
  • Fatty fish and meat;
  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Animal fats;
  • Egg yolks;
  • Sausages;
  • Avocado.

Most of the menu consists of vegetables, berries, fruits, low-percentage dairy products, lean meat and fish, and seafood. You can eat porridge with water and bran bread.

The ideal diet contains:

  • Low-fat protein food (160 g);
  • Up to 300 g of fruits (baked or fresh, fruit compotes and juices);
  • Up to 300 g of boiled or fresh vegetables;
  • Up to 140 g carbohydrates;
  • A glass of skim milk.

Unsweetened tea and coffee are drunk as needed, the same rule applies to plain water. You can use aromatic herbs and spices to improve the taste of dishes. Salt must be limited.

How to lose weight in your thighs with exercise

The exercises are performed in a ventilated room; you must first do a warm-up. To warm up your muscles, you can walk around the room, raising your knees, or go for a run. After warming up, the task becomes more complicated: you need to do accelerated training, raising your knees as high as possible. After thirty seconds, the last exercise is repeated. Everyone performs three approaches. After this, they begin to implement the complex:

  • Stand sideways to the chair, holding the back with your hand. The leg is slowly raised to the side. After twenty repetitions, do the same with the other leg.
  • They sit on the floor and hold the ball between their legs. They squeeze it tightly and hold it in this position for up to ten seconds, after which they relax, continuing to hold the projectile. A total of twenty repetitions are performed.
  • Perform slow squats (the number of repetitions is gradually increased to one hundred).
  • Stand up straight, pull your right knee towards your chest. Then, from this position, lunge forward and then return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 10-15. The same is done with the other leg.

When finished, stretch the muscles. In a standing position, cross your legs at the feet, then slowly bend down. Change legs and stretch again.

Losing weight with wraps

Before wrapping, take a shower, treat the thighs with a scrub (coffee grounds can be used instead of store-bought products). The composition is applied to the thighs and rubbed intensively. After water procedures, a wrapping agent is applied to dry skin, the body is wrapped in cling film and warm pants are put on. The procedure lasts one hour. After this, take a shower and apply anti-cellulite cream.

For wraps, you can use Dead Sea mud and kelp. You can enhance the effect by using essential oils orange, grapefruit, rosemary, etc. The procedure is carried out every two days. The whole course consists of 15-20 sessions.

Massage for slimming thighs

The simplest massage actions significantly speed up the process of losing weight. To do this, you can use a special hand massager. The leg is placed on a chair and massaged from bottom to top, focusing on the problem area. Perform longitudinal or circular movements; they should be quite intense, but not too strong (since the skin can be stretched). The massage lasts about five minutes. At the end of the procedure, the skin should turn red. Next, anti-cellulite cream is rubbed in.

Is it possible to reduce hip size? Of course, anyone can do this, but you shouldn’t expect quick results. The greatest effect can be achieved with an integrated approach.

The bulk of fat is deposited on the hips, especially for women. It may be tempting to try to lose fat from just your thighs, but this is an impossible task. Only losing weight throughout the body will help reduce the amount of fat in one part or another. As you lose weight and reduce fat, you will notice that your thighs become slimmer, as well as your entire body. You can lose thigh fat through a combination of diet, cardio and strength training.


Limit your calorie intake

    Keep a food diary for one week. Continue to eat as usual. With this diary you can make the necessary changes to your diet.

    Lower your daily norm for 500 calories. By doing this, you will let your body know that it is time to convert accumulated fat (including thigh fat) into energy.

    Maintain appropriate portion sizes. This will help you control your calories and lose weight.

    Choose low-calorie foods. In addition to cutting calories and limiting portion sizes, another important step when losing weight is to eat low-calorie foods.

    Limit your calorie intake from liquids. Often, a significant portion of excess calories enters our body with various drinks. To lose weight, keep your liquid calories to a minimum.

    Limit snacks between meals. Another obstacle to weight loss is snacking too often. Constantly snacking throughout the day can interfere with weight loss.

    Exercise to burn thigh fat

    1. Do intense cardio training 4-5 times a week. High-intensity interval training combines intervals of moderate to intense cardio exercise to help burn calories and eliminate excess fat.

      • Experts recommend high-intensity interval training for those who want to get rid of excess fat. While these workouts don't specifically target your thighs, they can burn fat throughout your entire body.
      • High-intensity interval training involves alternating intense and more moderate intervals, and they typically take less time to complete than regular workouts. Interval training can be combined well with other cardio and strength training.
    2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week. You can't lose thigh fat unless you reduce the amount of fat throughout your body. In addition, one type of exercise will not allow you to get a slim and well-proportioned figure. Do regular cardio exercises to achieve your goal.

    3. Do squats. This popular exercise develops the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, pelvis and abdomen. Strengthening these muscles, along with overall fat loss, will increase lean muscle mass. muscle mass and will make your thighs slimmer.

      • Stand on the floor and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands in a “prayer pose” in front of your chest.
      • Place your body weight on your heels and squat down as if you were trying to sit in a chair. Push your butt back and sit as low as possible, or until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor.
      • Pause briefly in a sitting position with your thighs parallel to the floor. Then slowly rise to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times, or as many times as you like.
    4. Perform lunges. In this exercise, you should step forward with one leg and bend your knees. It is great for strengthening the muscles of the hips and pelvis.

      • To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist.
      • Step forward about half a meter with one foot. The toe of this foot should be facing forward. Simultaneously bend both legs at the knees and slowly squat down.
      • Squat until your front thigh is almost parallel to the floor. Make sure that the knee of your front leg is in line with your ankle and does not protrude in front of it.
      • Extend your front leg and return your body to its original position. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.

Signs of this disease can intensify with nervous overload, stress, and physical activity.

After the diagnosis is made, complex treatment is prescribed:

  1. Removal of the inflammatory focus.
  2. Removing muscle spasms.
  3. Improved blood circulation.


  1. Peppermint.
  2. St. John's wort.
  3. Hop.
  4. Passionflower.
  5. Melissa.
  6. Nettle.
  7. Thyme infusions.
  8. Compresses from willow branches.
  9. Honey compress.

Ways to fight

  1. Non-hot bath.
  2. Ointments with a warming effect.

Why do my legs hurt after stress?

How does muscle pain from stress manifest itself?

Stress is the body's negative reaction to negative emotions and overexertion. Sometimes a person experiences stress due to long hours of work. This condition may cause muscle pain (myalgia) that spreads throughout almost the entire body.


Myalgia is accompanied by aching and dull pain in the muscles when pressed, weakness, and stiffness of the body. Muscle pain may extend from the head to the lower extremities (fibromyalgia) or be localized to a specific location, such as the neck or back of the head (cervical myositis).

The signs of this disease can intensify with nervous overload, stress, and physical activity. After the diagnosis is made, comprehensive treatment is prescribed:

  1. Removal of the inflammatory focus.
  2. Removing muscle spasms.
  3. Improved blood circulation.
  4. Replenishment of blood supply to muscle tissue.
  5. Restoration of the body's metabolic processes.

Often muscle pain occurs in the sternum, shoulder girdle and occipital region. To avoid this, you need to adhere to preventive rules:

  1. With a sedentary lifestyle, you need to sit straight, straighten your neck muscles and walk more often. Walking in the fresh air will help you avoid stress.
  2. Correct posture is the key to health.
  3. Perform special exercises aimed at stretching and relaxing muscles.


How are stress and muscle pain related? People in under stress, have symptoms of a psychosomatic disorder (impaired internal organs and systems), suffer from headaches and problems with the digestive tract.

When the body experiences stress, the hormone adrenaline is produced, resulting in anxiety. Sedative medications or herbal infusions will help relieve anxiety.

You can help your body at home. The first thing you need to do is calm down, lie down and drink a soothing herbal tea. The following folk remedies have a positive effect in the fight against stress:

  1. Peppermint.
  2. St. John's wort.
  3. Hop.
  4. Passionflower.
  5. Melissa.
  6. Nettle.
  7. Thyme infusions.
  8. Compresses from willow branches.
  9. Honey compress.
  10. Tincture of valerian and motherwort.

Among the complex drugs suitable:

B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), which can be purchased in pharmacies, will also help cope with stress. These same vitamins are found in raw vegetables and cereals. To restore vital energy expended during periods of emotional stress, it is necessary to take vitamins E and C.

But you need to remember that you should not use them for more than 2 months, otherwise hypervitaminosis may appear. This deviation is understood as oversaturation of the body with multivitamins.

Ways to fight

You can relieve muscle spasms by using magnesium, calcium and potassium. Homeopathic medicines are also suitable. When choosing any of the drugs, you must strictly follow the instructions.

If you experience frequent pain, you should consult a qualified doctor, who, after a full examination, will identify the real causes of health problems. Diclofenac, which is available in the form of tablets, injections or ointments, can help relieve pain.

Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is aimed at treating joints and muscles. The components included in its composition are aimed at relieving pain, inflammation and swelling. The peculiarity of this drug in the form of an ointment is its rapid absorption and effect on the affected area.

It is necessary to rub no more than 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Along with the positive result, the drug has side effects: skin rashes, itching, redness.

Stomach problems may also occur, which will result in nausea or vomiting, bloating, dizziness, sore throat, and sleep disturbances. For a faster effect, the doctor may prescribe tablets or injections. It is not recommended to prescribe treatment and dosage of medication on your own.

Another one of effective ointments considered Myoton, it is based on medicinal herbs. Has an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Use no more than 10 days.

In addition to using ointments, you need to attend massage courses (classical, lymphatic drainage, acupressure) and therapeutic exercises.

Acupressure helps eliminate muscle tone and stiffness, increases blood circulation, and supplies oxygen muscle tissue, frees from toxic substances (toxins). At least twice a week you need to unload from emotional outbursts with a psychologist.

For muscle pain, you need to warm up the sore spots with:

  1. Non-hot bath.
  2. Warm compress (hot water bottle or bottle).
  3. A towel soaked in warm water.
  4. Ointments with a warming effect.

When exposed to heat, blood supply and energy supply and muscle regeneration improve. Finalgon ointment has a warming effect. This medicine dilates blood vessels, has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 2 times a day and cover with a wool scarf on top. The course of treatment should not be more than 10 days. In the first days you need to watch skin for availability side effects, which can manifest as rash, swelling, burning, itching.

Frequent muscle soreness leads to stress on the spine, which causes wear and tear on the intervertebral discs. And this, in turn, creates the appearance of such dangerous complications as protrusion, hernia, and osteochondrosis.

You can achieve success in curing muscle pain from stress by completely removing the causes of the condition by removing muscle tension. Today there is large selection medical devices that specialize in relaxing muscles and reducing mental stress.

Leg pain after stress

After the stress she suffered, my mother began to complain of pain in her legs and began to lose sleep. She described the pain - “I feel like it during the day, but at night it’s like they’re beating me with sticks,” the pain is located, as it shows, in the area of ​​the quadriceps, the pain is dull. From time to time we demand a visit to the doctor as an ultimatum, but we were able to make a diagnosis only recently, five years after the onset of the pain. Osteochondrosis of the spine; vertebrogenic lumboischialgia; parasetic meralgia; lumbago with sciatica. There is excess weight.

As you understand, the treatment has been neglected, I have given up on myself, the doctors are evil, I don’t want to go anywhere. The doctor who was able to make a diagnosis said that there is no treatment, you can only ease the pain and that’s all. Offers shock-radiation therapy. Honestly, I doubt that it cannot be treated, and that this is the only way out. I want to find a good specialist and start treatment, but I don’t know which doctor can help or what the treatment might be. The situation is simply such that a person flatly refuses to talk about this topic and to go to doctors too. And if everything is organized, he might agree.

With meralgia paresthetica, a person feels pain on the lateral surface of the thigh, and not in the quadriceps area, and increased weight (“apron”) contributes to its appearance. Pain in the anterior thigh is most often caused by L4 radicular syndrome or, less commonly, diabetic polyneuropathy proximal. Sciatica - pain on the back of the leg, little toe, weakness in the foot, etc. It is very doubtful that all these diagnoses appeared at the same time. Most likely, stress aggravated existing health problems that were previously compensated for. Try starting with Phenibut 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals and Movalis 7.5 mg 1 tablet 1 time a day after meals for about 10 days; if the condition improves, it will be easier to convince the mother to undergo, for example, a massage along the spine or further examination.

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Nerve pain in legs and back

Pain is the basis for the development of medicine. Probably, pain is the first sensation, along with trauma and wounds, that I felt primitive man, and tried to systematize all the knowledge gained on this matter. As Pavlov later wrote, “pain is the body’s watchdog.” Complete anesthesia is fraught with damage incompatible with life. But sometimes pain occurs out of nowhere. This means that no structures are damaged, but pain is still present.

Let's look at this using the example of such a popular topic as nerve pain in the legs and back. An interesting situation arises: all pain is transmitted through sensory nerves. If there were no nerves, then bruises and abrasions, burns, fractures, and dislocations would not hurt. We would have seen open wounds and even a complete separation of the foot only if we had looked at him (of course, we would have lost consciousness from blood loss earlier). What, then, does the term “nerve pain” mean?

This is a common, collective term. He is born just like everyone else. The man carefully examines his legs, but finds nothing suspicious. There is no swelling of the joints, no signs of injury, no varicose veins. After this, the person concludes that he probably has “nervous pain in his legs.”

Causes of nerve pain in the legs

Many things can happen to your nerves. Let's list them first:

  • compression-ischemic neuropathy;

Let's figure out what these lesions are and how you can distinguish them from each other.

Radicular symptoms

This is a well-known and multifaceted “chondrosis”. This is the cause of most leg pain. But they are characterized by special signs: lesions of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine must be detected. This causes compression of the roots that enter the spinal cord. As a result, signs appear that manifest themselves as nagging pain along the back of the thigh, in the projection of the sciatic nerve. These pains are associated with movement, sneezing, straining - all actions that provoke compression of the root.

This pain occurs during exacerbations of osteochondrosis, that is, during hypothermia (more often in spring and autumn), as well as during sudden movement and lifting heavy objects. Sometimes this pain can be accompanied by sensitivity disorders in the same area: “pins and needles” or numbness occurs. Most often, discogenic, radicular pain occurs on one side.

Neuropathic pain

She has a completely different character. As a rule, these are constant, persistent and burning pains, but not in the “depths” of the limb, but outside, on the skin. This pain can occur due to damage to the nerve trunks by herpetic eruptions, and a classic example is postherpetic neuralgia of the same sciatic nerve.

The scary photo shows herpes zoster, which in 99 out of 100 cases will cause postherpetic neuralgia

With herpes zoster (most often it occurs in the intercostal nerves and causes intercostal neuralgia), after all the rashes disappear, intense burning pain begins, which often intensifies at night, and does not depend on a change in the position of the limb or on the condition of the intervertebral discs. The reason is the pain impulse of a nerve “damaged” by the virus. This impulse can last with varying success for many years, and causes great pain.


With polyneuropathy, the nature of the pain is completely different. The lesion, unlike previous types of pain, is symmetrical. This suggests that this type of nerve pain in the legs did not arise due to chance, but came “from the blood.” Sometimes this process has a “plus” sign - that is, a harmful substance has appeared: excess glucose, alcohol, microbial toxin), and sometimes it has a “minus” sign - a lack of B vitamins and hormones. But, more often, these conditions are combined.

Most often, a long history of diabetes mellitus with high blood glucose levels, as well as chronic alcoholism, are to blame for this. In some, more rare cases, the causes of polyneuropathy may be chronic poisoning with arsenic and lead. Sometimes polyneuropathy occurs with uremia - the terminal stage of chronic renal failure, after severe infections (diphtheria, hepatitis), with endocrine diseases, and even during pregnancy.

Signs include damage to the feet. Anything above is not a concern. And in the feet there is heaviness, aching, bruising, and burning. The most characteristic sign is the desire to stick your feet out from under the blanket at night, or the desire to periodically wet your feet with cool water and leave them damp. While they are wet, nothing bothers you, but as they dry out, the symptoms return again.

In addition to sensory lesions, polyneuropathy also affects the motor nerves, so over time, such a patient will have difficulty walking on his toes and heels.

Why does polyneuropathy affect only the feet? The hands are also affected, that is, those areas where small and thin nerves are located. It is with them big chance“get poisoned” before others. Treatment for this disorder is complex and lengthy. Recovery is impossible without complete correction of the underlying disease.

Compression-ischemic neuropathies

With this type of lesion we again return to an asymmetrical, unilateral lesion. In this case, we are talking about tunnel syndromes, that is, conditions in which individual nerves are pinched in “bottlenecks”: bone canals, passing under ligaments, and so on. The most common types of such neuropathies include:

  • meralgia paresthetica, or Roth's disease. The external cutaneous nerve of the thigh is pinched: when leaning on a table, standing, or wearing a tight belt. Pain occurs on the upper outer surface of the thigh;
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome. Pain occurs in the sole and toes due to compression of the tibial nerve in the bone tunnel;

Compression of the neurovascular bundle

  • compression neuropathy of the common peroneal nerve, or “thieves” neuropathy. It is named so that it occurs after prolonged squatting. Sometimes it appears after crossing your legs, when working with bent legs. There is pain on the lateral surface of the foot and lower leg, as well as weakness in the foot.

We looked at the most likely causes of the development of neurological pain in the legs. Of course, this is the “tip of the iceberg”. Therefore, we will be glad if reading this article allows you to pay closer attention to your health and the health of your loved ones.

7 types of pain caused by stress

Chronic stress is a person’s worst enemy: it acts insidiously, on the sly, sneaking behind its victim in order to one day deal a crushing blow to the weakest point. The insidiousness of stress is also in its duplicity: after all, short-term stress - the body's first reaction to a threat - is useful because it forces you to mobilize strength and resist danger. But chronic stress can cause irreparable damage to the body. will tell you something that many people don’t even realize: that pain that seems to arise out of nowhere can be directly related to stress.

Why is chronic stress dangerous?

Stress has, unfortunately, become a constant companion of modern people. He fulfills his good mission less and less often, because we no longer need short-term stressful mobilization of forces to catch up with a mammoth or escape from a predatory beast. But more and more often he conducts subversive activities, taking as his allies the difficult economic situation, harmful neighbors, an evil boss, aggressive fellow travelers on public transport... Stress is no longer satisfied only with sweaty palms and a rapid heartbeat of its victims, but shoots out either heart pain, headaches, or stomach pains ...

How does the body react to stressful situation? An increase in the level of cortisone (stress hormone) and a decrease in the level of serotonin and dopamine (hormones good mood, happiness). Staying in this state for a long time is fraught with weakening of the immune system, and this is a direct path to various diseases. Moreover, people living in constant voltage, are more susceptible to depression, various addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction...) and antisocial behavior.

Increasingly, doctors, when diagnosing a particular disease in patients, name the cause of its occurrence as stress, which can cause such pain:

  • head;
  • cardiac;
  • gastric;
  • pain in the cervical and shoulder girdle;
  • back pain;
  • pain in the hip area;
  • knee pain.

When dealing with stress-related pain, the first thing you need to do is eliminate the source of the discomfort, learn to let off steam, and do more often what you enjoy.

Tension headache

Women suffer more from this disease (according to statistics, 2 times more often than men). This is a characteristic squeezing or squeezing (like a hoop or helmet) pain on both sides of the head, as well as in the forehead and back of the head. May be accompanied by increased sound and light sensitivity, problems with concentration, alertness, and even decreased appetite.

  • As with any other stress-related pain, you must first eliminate the source of the discomfort;
  • blow off steam technique (also suitable for all types of pain caused by stress): scream at the top of your lungs, hit a punching bag...
  • relaxation, breathing, gymnastic exercises, walks in the fresh air;
  • head and neck massage;
  • warm bath;
  • For long-term depression, consultation with a neurologist is necessary.


In this case, the situation has 2 outcomes:

  • chronic stress opens the “green light” to atherosclerosis, which, in turn, sooner or later leads to peripheral artery disease, coronary heart disease, and stroke;
  • severe shock (for example, as a result of tragic event) = rapid stress = jump in blood pressure, disturbance of vascular tone, change in heart rate = acute heart attack.

Heart pain caused by stress increases slowly, is not relieved by nitroglycerin, lasts several hours and sometimes several days, does not go away during sleep and is not associated with exercise. The patient may suffocate and feel constricted. In addition, there is shortness of breath, severe fatigue, feelings of anxiety, and restlessness. More often the heart hurts from stress in thin people.

Prevention and assistance:

  • Regular physical activity helps to quickly reduce adrenaline levels and improve heart function;
  • strengthening nervous system by increasing the body's resources: sleep for at least 7-8 hours, proper nutrition (more seafood that promotes the production of serotonin), giving up bad habits;
  • Hobbies help to escape from everyday problems, which most often become the cause of chronic stress.

Gastrointestinal problems

Gastritis, peptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic gastroduodenitis, biliary dyskinesia can develop in people who adhere to the principles proper nutrition, leading healthy image life, but... unable to cope with stress. If, after a course of treatment prescribed by a gastroenterologist and completed, the symptoms of the listed diseases return again, and digestive problems arise due to anxiety, then the cause of pain in the gastrointestinal tract is stress. It's simple: the body, living in constant tension, refuses to properly digest food, reacting with painful sensations in the stomach.

Help consists of comprehensive treatment from a gastroenterologist and a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Pain in the cervical region, shoulder girdle

The cervical region is the most mobile part of the spine and the most vulnerable to tension caused by stress. According to Chinese medicine, the neck hurts when there are problems in relationships with loved ones. Chronic stress causes constant overstrain of the neck muscles, causing them to lose elasticity, compress nerves and blood vessels, preventing normal blood flow and causing muscle spasms. Hence the painful sensations.

  • gymnastics, a set of muscle stretching exercises;
  • yoga;
  • massage;
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • relaxing bath with aromatic oils (sage, lavender).

Back pain

An interesting theory about the connection between stress and back pain was put forward by Dr. Sarno: malaise is associated with a person’s feelings, with his personality and even subconscious problems! The doctor calls this muscle tension syndrome and says that it occurs in people who are easily angry and rageful, self-critical, success-oriented perfectionists, goal-oriented, disciplined and responsible. It is clear that “with such happiness” a person is guaranteed constant stress. The chain is as follows: a person tries to get rid of the emotional tension that has arisen, using the power of the mind to push it “to the margins” - into the sphere of the unconscious. Unconscious tension causes changes in the nervous system, resulting in a narrowing of blood vessels. Result: soft tissues (including muscles) do not receive enough nutrition - oxygen brought by the blood. “Garbage” - biochemical waste - is not completely removed from the tissues due to reduced blood flow. The result: muscle tension, spasms and back problems.

The main symptoms of such pain: appears suddenly or after a specific stressful event, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, problems with sleep. The pain can also be migrating.

  • physiotherapy;
  • gymnastics, relaxation, for example, progressive relaxation according to the Jacobson method or autogenic training according to Schultz;
  • sauna (but only after consultation with a specialist!);
  • according to teachings Chinese sages, pain in the upper back will go away if a person can find emotional support from loved ones.

Pain in the hip area

This type of stress-related pain is not common. As a rule, the joints are affected symmetrically, the person experiences not only pain, but also stiffness in the hips. Often these unpleasant symptoms are complemented by problems in the shoulder joints. The patient experiences severe weakness, chronic fatigue, and sometimes there is loss of appetite and fever.

  • warm bath;
  • light massage;
  • comfortable position while sleeping (do not lie on your sore hip);
  • comfortable shoes.

Knee pain

Psychosomatics experts say that those who experience pressure from others, do not feel support in life, and really need the support of loved ones are susceptible to knee problems. Even which knee the unpleasant sensations appeared in depends on the nature of the emotions. Thus, the right knee often suffers in those who like to argue, criticize others, manage and control them. Pain in the left is experienced by people who are unsure of themselves, who do not dare to express their point of view, and who are in the grip of fear.

Changes in muscles due to stress occur according to the scheme described above. And tense muscles compress the joint, reducing its flexibility. One careless movement and the meniscus becomes pinched or a crack forms. cartilage tissue. The result is acute pain that does not even allow you to bend your knee.

  • therapeutic exercises;
  • stretching;
  • yoga;
  • tai chi;
  • light massage of the knee with the pulp of half a lemon.

Diagnosing muscle pain due to stress is not easy, and only a specialist can do this after a thorough examination, history taking, and examination. In most cases, a consultation with a neurologist or psychotherapist is also necessary. After this, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate drug treatment. But it is unlikely to be successful if the patient continues to live in a state of stress. Therefore, it is very important to learn to relax, accept life more simply, not accumulate resentment and remember that in healthy body- healthy mind.

Nerve-related joint pain: symptoms and treatment

We all know that joint pain causes nervous tension. However, is the opposite statement true? Can joints hurt due to nervous overstrain and exhaustion or not? Let's try to figure it out


As you know, nervous tension creates stress. Stress is an alert state of the body, readiness to respond to negative changes in the environment, mobilization of nervous forces. Stress is not something to be afraid of. As you know, stress penetrates our body even before birth and accompanies our entire life. There is only one category of people free from this condition - the dead.

At the same time, excess nervous tension that occurs due to stress can be considered a negative factor that affects our lives. The fact is that the adrenal hormone, which causes stress, adrenaline and norepinephrine, has a generally negative effect on our nervous system.

And these two hormones have a negative effect on other systems of the body - on vision, on the reproductive system, on muscles and blood circulation. It has been proven that with an excess of adrenaline in the blood, the likelihood of heart attacks, strokes, muscle spasms is higher, and with their prolonged increase, the likelihood of malignant tumors.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning the “Ukhtomsky symptom”. When a stimulus arises in the cerebral cortex that is associated with a source of pain, stress, or something else, the central nervous system “loops” on it. The stronger the pain and stress, the more we worry about them, and the more we worry and worry about them, the more we feel them.

As a result, a person cannot free himself from nervous tension and direct the strength and reserves of your body to fight the true causes of pain or causes of stress. Therefore, you can very effectively fight some diseases, including joint diseases, simply by relieving pain and inflammation.

Types of stress

Typically, excessive stress occurs due to unexpected one-time shocks. This may be an experience natural disaster, violence, death close relative, physical injury, being in a life-threatening situation or social stigma. This type of stress usually causes a sharp change in a person's behavior and is clearly visible both to others and to the person himself. In this case, a massive one-time release of stress hormones occurs.

The second type of stress is prolonged. It occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to negative irritating factors on the body over a long period of time. In this case, the concentration of stress hormones in the blood increases gradually. This may also be due to insufficient activity of blood circulation and metabolism - stress hormones are released in greater quantities than our body is able to remove them.

Prolonged stress is most often caused by chronic use of alcohol, drugs, smoking, lack of sleep, work that brings only negative emotions, life in a big city, increased level noise and some other factors.

Nervous joint diseases

The most common nerve-related joint disease is osteochondrosis. The etiology of this disease directly suggests that it occurs as a result of increased pressure on the roots of nerve fibers from articular tissues. The result is pain and poor circulation.

As a result of nervous strain, joints can hurt for other reasons.

For example, due to general exhaustion of the body, there is a possibility infectious diseases, the risk of damage to the body by pathogenic microorganisms increases, and the regeneration of cartilage tissue in joints is reduced.

To eliminate joint pain, our readers recommend a reliable pain reliever “RECIPE FOR MOUNTAINS”. The drug contains only natural ingredients and substances with maximum effectiveness. Medicine"RECIPE FOR MOUNTAINS" is absolutely safe. It has no side effects.

As a result, diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism can occur.

The effect of stress on posture and joint diseases

There is a hypothesis that as a result of stress, a person begins to take a certain position in space and form posture. The fact is that an animal instinctively, when frightened, begins to take a pose of readiness to jump, tucks its tail, covering its reproductive organs, and presses its head into its shoulders to prevent damage to the arteries.

Humans are characterized by similar behavior. In case of nervous overstrain, certain muscle contractions occur in the cervical and lumbar spine, which are responsible for the formation of incorrect posture. In addition, since a person has a clearly defined use of one specific side of the body (right-handedness or left-handedness), a twisting deformity of the spine involuntarily occurs, causing scoliosis. Scoliosis is the most common form of spinal curvature.

As a result, due to nervousness, a person experiences deformation of the most important joints in the body - the joints of the spine. Intervertebral discs become displaced and osteochondrosis occurs. Since our body is a single system, this causes tension in the joints. They start to get sick.

Can joint diseases caused by nerves be cured?

Modern brain science suggests that inside our heads there is special system, which is called limbic.

This system closely links muscle activity and nervous tension. Even earlier, doctors of all times said that what more people moves, the more active his muscles are, the less susceptible he is to nervous diseases.

Modern science also confirms positive influence on the limbic system of muscles and joints.

To prevent nervous joints from hurting, you need to be physically active. This will have a number of positive features.

  1. During physical activity metabolism and blood circulation are enhanced. Stress hormones and their breakdown products are actively removed from the body at this time;
  2. Nervous diseases can be caused by “motor hunger,” when the brain demands new sensations from the body caused by muscle activity. Physical education and sports will help get rid of motor hunger;
  3. During muscle work, protein is formed. This stimulates protein production not only in the muscles you train, but also in other tissues of the body - in the liver, in brain cells. As a result, building material for nerve cells appears, which will be spent on maintaining their performance.

What to do if your joints hurt due to nerves

Firstly, you need to get rid of pain. Remember the “Ukhtomsky symptom” - the stronger the pain, the more difficult it is for the body to fight its cause. Secondly, after the local pain is relieved, you need to do physical exercise. This is the best way to get rid of accumulated stress hormones and reduce their production. Physical exercise also forms correct posture and strengthens the body as a whole.

If you have any bad habits, which can cause joint diseases due to nerves, for example, smoking, drinking alcohol, sleeping little, it is advisable to eliminate them. You should get enough sleep, and our body already gets enough toxins due to bad ecology, there is no point in adding neurotoxins from tobacco or alcoholic beverages.

Noise on the street and in the subway is a good reason to wear noise-blocking headphones. True, listening to music on headphones is a source of noise worse than the roar of a subway train, because a nearby speaker exerts the same or more pressure on the eardrum.

Computer games– another source of stress. They cause experiences in the brain as if our body moves a lot, gets tired, gets injured and dies. At the same time, we are sitting on a chair in front of the monitor screen, and a conflict arises in the limbic system of the brain. Make it a rule to compensate for one hour spent at the computer with one hour of physical exercise. Better yet, alternate between playing and doing push-ups, for example. You will see that nervous joints hurt less and less.

In a small town, a bicycle is an excellent way to prevent joint diseases in general and nervous diseases in particular. If you go to work by bus for about an hour, you will spend about an hour and a half on a bicycle. As a result, just driving to work and home gives you three hours of good physical activity, time in the open air, without the stress of jostling on public transport, battles for free seats etc. and even allow you to save a little - after all, travel by bus or minibus is not so cheap lately!


Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against joint pain is not yet on your side.

Joint pain will disappear in a few days. Write down grandma's recipe...

We all know that joint pain causes nervous tension. However, is the opposite statement true? Can joints hurt due to nervous overstrain and exhaustion or not? Let's try to figure it out


As you know, nervous tension creates stress. Stress is an alert state of the body, readiness to respond to negative changes in the environment, mobilization of nervous forces. Stress is not something to be afraid of. As you know, stress penetrates our body even before birth and accompanies our entire life. There is only one category of people free from this condition - the dead.

At the same time, excess nervous tension that occurs due to stress can be considered a negative factor that affects our lives. The fact is that the adrenal hormone, which causes stress, adrenaline and norepinephrine, has a generally negative effect on our nervous system.

And these two hormones have a negative effect on other systems of the body - on vision, on the reproductive system, on muscles and blood circulation. It has been proven that with an excess of adrenaline in the blood, the likelihood of heart attacks, strokes, muscle spasms is higher, and with a prolonged increase in them, the likelihood of malignant tumors appears.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning the “Ukhtomsky symptom”. When a stimulus arises in the cerebral cortex that is associated with a source of pain, stress, or something else, the central nervous system “loops” on it. The stronger the pain and stress, the more we worry about them, and the more we worry and worry about them, the more we feel them.

As a result, a person cannot free himself from nervous tension and direct the strength and reserves of his body to fight the true causes of pain or causes of stress. Therefore, you can very effectively fight some diseases, including joint diseases, simply by relieving pain and inflammation.

Types of stress

Typically, excessive stress occurs due to unexpected one-time shocks. This could be experiencing a natural disaster, violence, the death of a close relative, physical trauma, being in a life-threatening situation, or social stigma. This type of stress usually causes a sharp change in a person's behavior and is clearly visible both to others and to the person himself. In this case, a massive one-time release of stress hormones occurs.

The second type of stress is prolonged. It occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to negative irritating factors on the body over a long period of time. In this case, the concentration of stress hormones in the blood increases gradually. This may also be due to insufficient activity of blood circulation and metabolism - stress hormones are released in greater quantities than our body is able to remove them.

Prolonged stress is most often caused by chronic use of alcohol, drugs, smoking, lack of sleep, work that brings only negative emotions, life in a big city, increased noise levels and some other factors.

Nervous joint diseases

The most common nerve-related joint disease is osteochondrosis. The etiology of this disease directly suggests that it occurs as a result of increased pressure on the roots of nerve fibers from articular tissues. The result is pain and poor circulation.

As a result of nervous strain, joints can hurt for other reasons.

For example, due to general exhaustion of the body, the likelihood of infectious diseases arises, the risk of damage to the body by pathogenic microorganisms increases, and the regeneration of cartilage tissue in joints is reduced.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! To eliminate joint pain, our readers recommend the reliable pain reliever “RECIPE FOR MOUNTAINS”. The drug contains only natural ingredients and substances with maximum effectiveness. The remedy "RECIPE OF MOUNTAINS" is absolutely safe. It has no side effects.

Doctors' opinion...

As a result, diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism can occur.

The effect of stress on posture and joint diseases

There is a hypothesis that as a result of stress, a person begins to take a certain position in space and form posture. The fact is that an animal instinctively, when frightened, begins to take a pose of readiness to jump, tucks its tail, covering its reproductive organs, and presses its head into its shoulders to prevent damage to the arteries.

Humans are characterized by similar behavior. In case of nervous overstrain, certain muscle contractions occur in the cervical and lumbar spine, which are responsible for the formation of incorrect posture. In addition, since a person has a clearly defined use of one specific side of the body (right-handedness or left-handedness), a twisting deformity of the spine involuntarily occurs, causing scoliosis. Scoliosis is the most common form of spinal curvature.

As a result, due to nervousness, a person experiences deformation of the most important joints in the body - the joints of the spine. Intervertebral discs become displaced and osteochondrosis occurs. Since our body is a single system, this causes tension in the joints. They start to get sick.

Can joint diseases caused by nerves be cured?

Modern brain science suggests that inside our heads there is a special system called limbic.

This system closely links muscle activity and nervous tension. Even earlier, doctors of all times said that the more a person moves, the more active his muscles are, the less susceptible he is to nervous diseases.

Modern science also confirms the positive effect on the limbic system of muscles and joints.

To prevent nervous joints from hurting, you need to be physically active. This will have a number of positive features.

  1. During physical activity, metabolism and blood circulation increase. Stress hormones and their breakdown products are actively eliminated from the body at this time;
  2. Nervous diseases can be caused by “motor hunger,” when the brain demands new sensations from the body caused by muscle activity. Physical education and sports will help get rid of motor hunger;
  3. During muscle work, protein is formed. This stimulates protein production not only in the muscles you train, but also in other tissues of the body - in the liver, in brain cells. As a result, building material for nerve cells appears, which will be spent on maintaining their performance.

What to do if your joints hurt due to nerves

Firstly, you need to get rid of pain. Remember the “Ukhtomsky symptom” - the stronger the pain, the more difficult it is for the body to fight its cause. Secondly, after the local pain is relieved, you need to do physical exercise. This is the best way to get rid of accumulated stress hormones and reduce their production. Physical exercise also forms correct posture and strengthens the body as a whole.

If you have any bad habits that can cause joint diseases due to nerves, for example, smoking, drinking alcohol, or sleeping little, it is advisable to eliminate them. You should get enough sleep, and our body already gets enough toxins due to poor ecology; there is no point in adding neurotoxins from tobacco or alcoholic beverages.

Noise on the street and in the subway is a good reason to wear noise-blocking headphones. True, listening to music on headphones is a source of noise worse than the roar of a subway train, because a nearby speaker exerts the same or more pressure on the eardrum.

Computer games are another source of stress. They cause experiences in the brain as if our body moves a lot, gets tired, gets injured and dies. At the same time, we are sitting on a chair in front of the monitor screen, and a conflict arises in the limbic system of the brain. Make it a rule to compensate for one hour spent at the computer with one hour of physical exercise. Better yet, alternate between playing and doing push-ups, for example. You will see that nervous joints hurt less and less.

In a small town, a bicycle is an excellent way to prevent joint diseases in general and nervous diseases in particular. If you go to work by bus for about an hour, you will spend about an hour and a half on a bicycle. As a result, just driving to work and home gives you three hours of good physical activity, exposure to the open air, without the stress of jostling on public transport, fighting for available seats, etc. and even allow you to save a little - after all, travel by bus or minibus is not so cheap lately!


Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against joint pain is not yet on your side... Constant or periodic pain, crunching and palpable pain during movement, discomfort, irritability... All these symptoms are familiar to you not by hearsay.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? Is it possible to get rid of joint pain without serious consequences for the body? We recommend reading the article by DOCTOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, PROFESSOR SERGEY MIKHAILOVICH BUBNOVSKY about modern methods getting rid of joint pain... Read the article >>

Nerve-related leg diseases: innervation of the lower extremities

Innervation is a set of nerves connecting a particular organ with the central nervous system. According to anatomy, the innervation of the legs (including the innervation of the skin of the lower limb) occurs in humans through the nerves of the sciatic and femoral trunks. They originate from the sacral and lumbar plexuses, respectively. Anatomy also indicates that the skin on the leg is innervated by bundles of nerves from the sacral and lumbar plexuses, as well as directly by skin nerves.

Human anatomy indicates, and this can be seen if we look at the diagram of the nerve communication of the lower extremities in more detail, that the lumbosacral plexus is represented by such nerves as:

  • femoral;
  • obturator;
  • lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh;
  • sciatic nerve.

Innervation of the lower extremities by various reasons crashes. This explains the fact that in the last decade the number of diseases of the lower extremities associated with these processes has greatly increased.

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Sciatic nerve entrapment

The most common pathology of the lower extremities that occurs “on a nervous basis” is inflammation of the sciatic nerve. When the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed (pinched), a person feels very severe pain in the area. hip joint on the lumbosacral area, on the back of the thigh and even the legs. The patient loses the ability to move.

The sciatic nerve consists of spinal nerves that extend from the spine, so the cause of the pathology originates precisely in problems with the spine. This could be a herniated disc, osteochondrosis, or severe muscle spasms. Trauma to the lower extremities and infectious neuritis can also cause the sciatic nerve to become inflamed.

The sciatic nerve often becomes inflamed due to pinching of the nerve roots that form the main trunk.

A person with a pinched sciatic nerve needs urgent medical attention. Treatment consists primarily of pain relief (anesthetics are administered intramuscularly - diclofenac, Nise, ibuprofen - possibly a novocaine blockade is used) and restoration of mobility of the affected limb. Modern treatment involves a complex of manual techniques, physical therapy, and physiotherapy (primarily warming up). Effective treatment will only happen if the cause of the infringement is eliminated. Otherwise, the picture may repeat itself in the near future.

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Entrapment of the external nerve of the thigh

Infringement of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh (neuropathy of the external thigh nerve) is also common. Thigh nerve neuropathy is a condition that causes inflammation of the outer cutaneous nerve of the thigh. Most often, the thigh nerves are affected in the groin area in elderly people or those suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The most important symptom of neuropathy of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh is severe pain and loss of sensation in the lateral part of the thigh, disorders motor activity. It is not uncommon for the victim to have pain not only on the outer but also on the inner sides of the thigh, and the shins may also hurt. Along with this, it is very difficult to independently identify that it is the external cutaneous nerve that is pinched, and not any other. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis based on X-ray, CT and neurological studies.

Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive. Treatment must include both medication (tablets, intramuscular and intravenous injections), as well as physiotherapy and massage. However, only a very experienced massage therapist can cure a pinched nerve through massage (it is advisable that he has medical education).

As practice shows, treatment of neuralgia of the external femoral nerve occurs faster with the systemic use of massage.

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Hip diseases

Many people complain that their legs hurt (or one leg hurts) due to pathologies of the hip joint. To understand what diseases of the hip joint are, you should again turn to the science of anatomy. So anatomy says that essential functions hip joint – fastening the human torso and legs, ensuring motor activity. The latter is achieved due to the mobility of the joint and its ability to rotate in several directions.

Human anatomy states that the attachment of the femur and pelvic bones occurs precisely through the hip joint; more precisely, the connection of the two most important bones occurs with the help of ligaments and cartilage of the joint. Thus, the head of the femoral bone is almost entirely covered by hyaline cartilage (with the exception of the place where the ligaments are located). The surface of the pelvic bone in the joint area is filled with soft articular tissue. Fixes the head of the joint, as determined by anatomy, by a cartilaginous lip and collagen fibers. The nerves and vessels of the hip joint pass under the cartilaginous acetabular labrum in the articular tissue. Anatomy states that the innervation of the hip joint is provided primarily by the femoral, sciatic, obturator and gluteal nerves.

Often, diseases of the hip joint develop (severe pain in the lower extremities) due to mechanical damage - trauma. Due to a strong impact in the area of ​​​​the articulation of the pelvic and femoral bones, blood accumulation (hematoma) is possible. In this case, the person will say that his lower limb in the hip area hurts and movement is limited, but only partially. If we are talking about a dislocation or fracture, the pain syndrome will be very strong, and the person will not be able to move the leg.

Diseases of the hip joint that are not associated with damage are also possible. This is, first of all, osteochondrosis. The disease is characterized by the fact that the structure of bone tissue and cartilage is disrupted, and bones are deformed. Because of this, a person experiences severe pain in the groin and thigh, especially after exercise. People also often experience pain in the hip joints due to spasms of the adjacent muscles.

The most important role in the treatment of the hip joint is played by exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and manual therapy.

As for medicinal effects, intramuscular injections and oral medications are preferable to ointments and creams. The latter can only be used as an auxiliary therapy. In any case, the doctor must make the appropriate prescriptions.

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Leg diseases due to nerves

The answer to the question whether legs can hurt badly due to nervousness is unequivocal - they can. Moreover, this is why the lower extremities most often hurt. The fact is that when a person is worried, all his organs “feel” it. First of all, blood vessels react (by dilating or contracting), including the vessels of the brain. If a person very often experiences emotional turmoil, on this basis he may develop arthritis. After all, the brain instantly transmits a signal about the problem through nerves to all organs and tissues, and therefore to muscles and joints. For the same reason, blood vessels narrow, and less of what is needed reaches the organs (in this case, the lower extremities). nutrients, oxygen.

This is how diseases such as thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and atherosclerosis develop. All of them are characterized by the fact that the lower extremities hurt very much (the legs hurt especially badly after physical activity), swell, and the blood vessels are modified and deformed. Treatment of legs in this situation must begin as early as possible. If your leg hurts, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible. It is the doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Human anatomy indicates that the nerve communication of the hip joint occurs through the nerves of the periosteum, femoral, sciatic, obturator, superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, and pudendal nerves. It also involves periarticular vessels and nerves.

Diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis, which cause severe pain in the joints, also develop on an emotional basis. At the initial stages of these diseases, patients note that the joints hurt mainly after physical activity, but as the disease progresses, the affected joint hurts even at rest and reacts to changes in weather. Treatment of a diseased joint is usually long-term and also requires an integrated approach and professional help.

Along with this, you can take care of the prevention of diseases of the lower extremities on your own.

Carry out treatment independently and do any manipulations with lower limbs not recommended.

Topic: Can diseases arise from nerves?

    08.03.2015, 22:38 #1

    We have already tried to understand the psychology of the concept “all diseases are from nerves,” but it was the reality of such an expression that interested me. For example, pressure surges or increased heart rate from nervous experiences are a reality, but can the spine or joints hurt if a person is constantly nervous? Or can stress affect the functioning of the digestive system? And it is also believed that in men the genitourinary system reacts especially painfully to stress, but what about this problem in women? But it seems to me that exactly digestive system, or rather, the work of the stomach during nervous experiences in people is most often upset, which subsequently clearly affects the condition of the skin or hair, due to not receiving enough vitamins.

    How do you think “nerves” affect a person’s general well-being? What are your options for which organ reacts to stress?

    And what preventive measures do you use for diseases that can arise from nervous overstrain? I try to rest, sleep is especially helpful, and I drink herbal tinctures with lemon balm or mint, and in the spring I constantly take multivitamins.

    09.03.2015, 02:18 #2

    Sheriff, there's no guessing here. For my mother, all stress is reflected in her stomach. He gets a little nervous, the ulcer worsens, in dad’s heart, and in the circulatory system in general. For some reason it gives me a headache. The slightest stress and the legs go away. In fact, I can’t walk for several days. We even bought crutches. So, everyone has their own weak points. The only option is tea with mint and chamomile, well positive attitude and healthy indifference.

    09.03.2015, 04:49 #3

    Message from Sheriff

    For example, pressure surges or increased heart rate from nervous experiences are a reality, but can the spine or joints hurt if a person is constantly nervous?

    Undoubtedly. Stress generally weakens the immune system, and this leads to exacerbations of any chronic diseases, and they are different for everyone. Or to the emergence of new ones: each person has a genetic predisposition to his own personal “bouquet” of diseases. Message from Sheriff

    Or can stress affect the functioning of the digestive system?

    100%. Any gastroenterologist will say that the main cause of the development of gastritis, and, subsequently, peptic ulcer disease, is stress. Message from Sheriff

    And it is also believed that in men the genitourinary system reacts especially painfully to stress

    I heard that nervous work contributes to the deterioration of potency.

    14.03.2015, 10:47 #4

    The immune system suffers. This leads to very serious illnesses. Up to malignant tumors. “Background stress” to which we seem to be accustomed is very dangerous, but the harm from them is no less than from one-time major stress. Prolonged stress is dangerous because it exhausts the nervous system. Last edited by Hitchcock; 03/15/2015 at 12:14 pm.

    14.03.2015, 11:00 #5

    Hello. I will say right away that nerves also affect human health. The proof of this is mine personal experience. About a year ago I worked in a very psychologically difficult job. There was constant moral oppression and very severe pressure there. Firstly, the digestive system immediately reacted sharply, i.e. The appetite disappeared completely, and there were constant intestinal disorders. About a week later, a sharp weight loss began, terrible sleep, nervousness, anxiety, and a constant state as if something was about to happen. I took complex vitamins + minerals and all sorts of soothing teas. I have already started to master meditation in the evenings and even after some time I began to visit a psychologist. It gave results, but it was weak. It all ended as soon as I left there. Sleep returned after about a week, and appetite was also normal. The only thing is that it was due to nervousness, it almost didn’t work diabetes mellitus. So my conclusion for the rest of my life is - no matter what money is paid for work - health comes first.

    14.03.2015, 11:00 #6

    I work as a doctor, specializing as a pathologist. I laugh at the expression “all illnesses come from nerves.” Of course, many diseases respond to the functioning of the nervous system and stress. But the people shredded and became pampered. Stress should toughen you up. As an example, I will give the life of our fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers. that's where the stress was, that's where the nervous system disorders were!!! War, famine, but they withstood it all and lived and even live. This is the psychology of the older generation. What do we see now? And now the favorite expression among Russians is “I’M SHOCKED!!!” Funny and sad at the same time. Last edited by Hitchcock; 03/15/2015 at 12:20.

    14.03.2015, 11:08 #7

    I'm very emotional person and in general I like it, but I have noticed more than once that after I get very nervous, my body is greatly weakened and I get sick. The last time my husband had an accident, in general everything worked out fine, but from my nerves I then fell ill for three days with a fever, a common cold. I don’t know how to warn myself and protect myself from this, but a fact is a fact.

    14.03.2015, 11:23 #8

    I agree with absolutely everyone - the stomach is the first to suffer, and it brings with it many other diseases. When I get nervous, I immediately lose my appetite. Over the winter, due to two terrible events in my life, I lost my sister and my child was very ill, I lost almost 10 kg, now I don’t know how to restore my weight and health...

    02.04.2015, 10:42 #9

    Of course, there can even be a whole name “prichosomatic diseases”, that is, those diseases that arise from the fact that a person is nervous or invents them himself and desperately looks for the symptoms of these diseases in himself. In addition, it has been proven that gastric ulcers can occur due to constant stress and overvoltage.

    02.04.2015, 11:01 #10

    Of course they can! The first cause of disease, as the Chinese say, is what we eat, and the second invariably belongs to the nerves. Now, when everything is fine with you, your loved ones are healthy and you are happy, then at such moments nothing even hurts. And if you constantly quarrel with your husband, you cannot find mutual understanding with your parents, and your health begins to deteriorate and your general well-being is crushed. Health is, first of all, harmony with yourself. And if some problems are gnawing at you from the inside, it’s hard to be healthy. You need to avoid nerves, if possible, as often as possible, then everything will be fine! Last edited by Hitchcock; 04/02/2015 at 14:45.