Russian Emergency Service. Ministry of Emergency Situations: the decoding is simple - Ministry of Emergency Situations

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow

The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief is a federal executive body that is responsible for the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation, as well as supervision and control in the field of civil defense and public protection and territories from emergency situations natural and man-made, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies. The structure of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations includes 85 main departments in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 6 regional centers:
Northwestern, Central, Southern, Siberian, Far Eastern, North Caucasian, Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow.
Let us consider in more detail the activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow. The main activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow are the following:
1. Connecting the site fire alarm system;
2. Methodological recommendations for the development of safety data sheets;
3. Civil protection;
4. Information on the income of the management team and employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow;
5. State supervision;
6. Voluntary fire department in Moscow;
7. Public declaration of goals and objectives;
8. Results of activities;
9. State Inspectorate for Small Vessels;
10. Civil defense;
11. Government services;
12. Social security of citizens of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
You can find out more detailed information on each type of activity of the Moscow Ministry of Emergency Situations on the official website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow.
You can go to the official website after entering the following Internet address in the address bar of your browser: When you enter the site, you will find yourself on the main page.

Home page of the site

There are many different active tabs with which you can navigate the site in search necessary information. To navigate the site you do not need to go through the registration process; the site is accessible to everyone without any restrictions.
On the main page of the site there is a helpline number, and you also have the opportunity to write a question to the head of the main department.
On the left side of the main page of the Moscow Ministry of Emergency Situations website there is a feed with the following active tabs: main department, operational information, legislation, forces and means, activities, useful information, press service, statistics, library, contacts.

Ribbon with tabs on the main page of the site

Using the above tabs, you can navigate the site in search of information that interests you. If you use the "Main Administration" tab, you can get detailed information about leadership, structure, look at the position, code of honor, book of memory.
By opening the “Operational Information” tab, you can view all operational events, forecasts, storm and emergency warnings, and emergency reports.

Operational events

If you need to look at federal regulatory documents, regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, then use the active “Legislation” tab.
All the forces and means of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow are described in great detail in the section called “Forces and means”.
On the website of the Moscow Ministry of Emergency Situations there is a very interesting tab called “ Useful information" You can read a lot using this tab. various information, which will come in handy in case of any emergency.
By opening the “Press Service” tab, you can view the photo archive, news, announcements, and interviews. Using this tab, you can view which events the Ministry of Emergency Situations services were involved in, as well as which cultural events they held.
You can also find out statistics about the work done on the official website of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the city of Moscow. To do this, you need to use the active tab called “Statistics”.

Statistics of the Main Directorate for the city of Moscow

On the website you can see contacts with which you can contact a particular department to resolve the necessary issue. Here you will find a schedule for the reception of citizens.

Contacts of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the city of Moscow

Using the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Moscow, you can at any time find out information of interest about the work, life and activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow. Here you can get answers to many questions or ask your own question.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is a government body that has become one of the key modern Russia. Having replaced the inferior structures of the Soviet era, this organization year after year helps the residents of our country (and not only) cope with all kinds of disasters.

Ministry of Emergency Situations - abbreviation decoding

In fact, these three letters mean several words - the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief. There is also international name- EMERCOM, which also represents the initial letters English words(Emergency Control Ministry of Russia).

History of origin

In 1990, on December 27, the RKS was formed. This day is considered the date of occurrence of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Transcript RKS - Russian Rescue Corps. The latter was later renamed the State Committee for Emergency Situations. With the advent of new times, the department changed its name more than once. And only in January 1994 it received its current name - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the decoding of which for most citizens is



For Russia, whose territory is located in different physical-geographical and climatic zones, and the economic complex is characterized by a high concentration of hazardous industries, the risk of man-made accidents and natural disasters is especially high. It is no coincidence that it was in our country that, practically for the first time in world practice, a special structure was formed - the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

The history of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is closely connected with the history of Russian civil defense, which Turned 78 years old on October 4, 2010. State civil defense began October 4, 1932 adoption by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "Regulations on the air defense of the USSR", which for the first time determined the measures and means of direct protection of the population and territories of the country from air danger in the zone possible action enemy aviation. This day is considered to be the birthday of the Local Air Defense (LAD) - the initial stage of development state system protection of the population and territories.

The decision made by the country's leadership in 1961 to transform the MPVO into a civil defense (CD) system practically completed the process of revising established views on the protection of the population and territories, which began in 1955. possible application opponent of weapons of mass destruction.

December 27, 1990 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 606 “On the formation of the Russian Rescue Corps on the rights of the State Committee of the RSFSR” was adopted. This day is considered the day of the formation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. In 1995, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, December 27 was declared Rescuer Day of the Russian Federation.

Starting to create the structure - December 27, 1990, when the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR “On the formation of the Russian Rescue Corps as a state committee of the RSFSR, as well as the formation of a unified state-public system for forecasting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations” was adopted. The corps was headed by Sergei Shoigu. This very day - December 27 - was declared Rescuer Day of the Russian Federation in 1995 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. On July 30, 1991, the Russian Rescue Corps was transformed into the RSFSR State Committee for Emergency Situations, whose chairman was Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu.

November 19 By decree of the President of the RSFSR, the State Committee for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief under the President of the RSFSR (GKChS RSFSR) was created, chaired by S.K. Shoigu. New government agency united the forces and means of the State Committee for Emergency Situations and the Civil Defense Headquarters of the RSFSR of the USSR Ministry of Defense. January 10, 1994 The State Committee for Emergency Situations of Russia was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia), the minister is Sergei Shoigu. On December 9, 1992, the Academy was created on the basis of the former Higher Central Courses of Civil Defense civil protection The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is a unique educational institution that has no analogues in the world.

December 21, 1994 The law “On the protection of the population and territories from emergencies of a natural and man-made nature” was adopted, which became the main management tool both in the field of emergency prevention, risk reduction, and in eliminating the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters. This law marked the beginning of the creation legal basis activities of the Russian Emergency Service. On July 14, 1995, the federal law of the Russian Federation “On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers” was adopted. This Law determined the general organizational, legal and economic fundamentals creation and activities of emergency rescue services, emergency rescue units on the territory of the Russian Federation, established the rights, duties and responsibilities of rescuers, determined the foundations of state policy in the field of legal and social protection rescuers and other citizens of the Russian Federation who took part in eliminating the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies.

In September 1995 an agreement was signed with the International Civil Defense Organization on the opening of the Moscow regional training center training of civil defense specialists on the basis of the Academy of Civil Defense. The International Rescue Training Center was opened on May 7, 1996 in the city of Noginsk near Moscow. The Center's status as an international humanitarian institution is supported by the UN. The objectives of the Center are to train rescuers from various countries using methods developed by specialists of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, taking into account international experience, involving trained rescuers in major exercises organized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and in real rescue operations as an international reserve. The center is equipped the latest designs rescue vehicles and equipment, as well as an airmobile hospital of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Graduates are awarded the qualification “international class rescuer”. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is a structure that covers almost the entire country with a network. Rescuers are equipped with the most modern rescue technologies. Russian rescuers were trained in the best rescue services in the world, and some foreign rescue specialists came to Russia, to the Rescue Training Center, to learn from our experience in responding to emergency situations.

Currently, the ability of the state and society to promptly recognize the preconditions for crises and disasters and effectively deal with them is becoming one of the key tasks of ensuring national security.

A new image of civil defense has been formed and the range of its tasks has been significantly expanded. Fundamentally new approaches to the organization and conduct of civil defense have been introduced at the federal level, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. Based on the introduction of modern technical means and unification of structural elements, the National Crisis Management Center of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS) and Civil Defense was created. The centralized civil defense warning system was reconstructed at the federal and interregional levels. The necessary measures have been taken to preserve the material and technical base of civil defense, the engineering protection system for the population, and the reserves of material and technical resources of civil defense.

In accordance with the Plan for the construction and development of forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, military rescue formations are being formed on the basis of the reorganized formations and military units of the civil defense forces constant readiness EMERCOM of Russia, capable of effectively and fully performing the tasks assigned to them in peacetime and wartime.

A unified system of training for all categories of the population in the field of civil defense and population protection has been created, based on the introduction of modern teaching methods and technical means. For the purpose of training various categories of the population and disseminating information, the All-Russian Integrated System of Information and Warning of the Population (OKSION) was created. On modern stage development, a new image of civil defense has been formed and the range of its tasks has been significantly expanded. Fundamentally new approaches to organizing and conducting civil defense activities have been introduced, allowing for flexible and prompt solutions to problems of protecting the population and territories from the dangers of peacetime and wartime.

Organizational structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

One of the areas of activity of the Ministry is the management of the creation and development Russian system prevention and action in emergency situations (RSChS). It was created with the aim of combining the efforts of federal and local executive authorities, their forces and means in preventing and eliminating emergency situations.

The functional subsystem and emergency commissions include:

Day-to-day management bodies and duty dispatch groups;

Forces and means of observation and control of emergency situations;

Emergency response forces and means, etc.

Central office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:

Minister. First Deputy Minister. State Secretary - Deputy Minister. 3 -Deputy Minister. Chief military expert. Chief State Inspector of the Russian Federation for Fire Supervision.

Departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:

Fire and rescue forces, special fire brigade and civil defense forces. Territorial policy. Civil protection. Logistics and weapons. Administrative. Supervisory activities. Organizational and mobilization. Personnel policy. International activities. Financial and economic. Investments and capital construction.

Offices of the Russian Medical Emergency Service:

Scientific and technical. State Inspectorate for Small Vessels. Overcoming the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters. Aviation and air rescue technologies. Federal support for territories. Medical and psychological support. Control and audit. Protecting information and ensuring the safety of rescue operations. Information. Legal. Paramilitary mine rescue units.

Central apparatus of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (9 departments, 9 directorates, 1 division):

Department of Management. Department of Civil Defense. Department of Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations. Department of Training of Civil Defense Troops and Other Formations. Department of Logistics and Weapons. Department of Measures for the Protection of Population and Territories. Department of Finance and Economics. Department of Investments and Operation of Fixed Assets. Department of International Cooperation. Personnel Department. Organizational and mobilization management. Department of the Minister's Office. Communications and notification management. Scientific and technical management. Aviation Department. Legal management. Medical management. Economic management. Information Department (Press Service).

Operating modes of the Russian emergency system

RSChS has 3 operating modes depending on the current situation:

a mode of constant activity exists in the absence of an emergency situation, when all control bodies and forces of the RSChS work in a normal rhythm;

high alert mode, introduced when there is a threat of an emergency;

emergency mode is introduced when an emergency occurs and is eliminated.

The decision to introduce operating modes for management bodies, forces and means of the RSChS is made by a decision of the authorities at the federal, regional, territorial or local level.

The main activities carried out by the governing bodies and forces of the unified system are:

a) during daily activities:

State study environment and emergency forecasting;

Collection, processing and exchange of information in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies and ensuring fire safety;

Planning the actions of control bodies and forces unified system, organizing their training and ensuring their activities;

Promotion of knowledge in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies and ensuring fire safety;

Management of the creation, placement, storage and replenishment of reserves of material resources for emergency response;

b) in high alert mode:

Strengthening control over the state of the environment, forecasting the occurrence of emergencies and their consequences;

Continuous collection, processing and transfer to the authorities and forces of a unified system of data on predicted emergencies, informing the population about methods and methods of protection against them;

Taking prompt measures to prevent the occurrence and development of emergencies;

Clarification of action plans for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and other documents;

Carrying out evacuation measures if necessary;

c) in emergency mode:

Continuous monitoring of the state of the environment, forecasting the development of emerging emergencies and their consequences;

Notifying the leaders and population of territories about emerging emergencies;

Carrying out measures to protect the population and territories from emergencies;

Continuous collection, analysis and exchange of information about the situation in the emergency zone and during the work to eliminate it;

Organization and maintenance of continuous interaction of all executive authorities on issues of emergency response and their consequences;

Carrying out life support activities for the population in emergencies.

Depending on the scale of spread and severity of consequences, emergencies are classified into:

Local (on-site), in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency source do not extend beyond the boundaries of the production site or facility and can be eliminated using one’s own forces and means;

Local, in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency source do not extend beyond the boundaries of the populated area, city (district);

Territorial, in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency source do not extend beyond the boundaries of the subject (republic, territory, region, autonomous entity);

Regional, in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency source cover the territory of two or three constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Federal, in which the damaging factors and impact of the emergency source extend beyond the boundaries of four or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Global, in which the damaging factors and impact of an emergency situation extend beyond the borders of the state.

Emergency response forces and means

The most important integral part The unified state system of warning and liquidation of emergency situations is its forces and means. They are divided into forces and means of observation and control and means of eliminating emergency situations.

The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief has, as its main mobile force, detachments and services of the Association of Rescue Forces of Russia.

Rescue units (teams) of the search and rescue service (SRS) of the ministry;

In addition to rescue teams, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations uses the following forces:

Militarized and non-military fire-fighting, search and rescue and emergency recovery formations of federal executive authorities and organizations of Russia;

Establishment and formation of the emergency medical care service of the Ministry of Health of Russia and other federal executive authorities and organizations of Russia;

Formation of the Animal and Plant Protection Service of the Ministry agriculture Russia;

Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of the Russian Federation and municipal police units;

Civil Defense Forces in military formations and at national economic facilities;

Military units and formations of radiation, chemical, biological protection and engineering troops Russian Ministry of Defense;

Search and rescue forces and services for civil aviation flights;

Recovery and firefighting trains of the Russian Ministry of Railways;

Emergency and rescue services Military - Navy Russia and other ministries;

Militarized anti-hail and anti-avalanche services of Roshydromet;

Territorial emergency rescue units of the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels of the Russian Federation of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources;

Units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Paramilitary mine rescue, blowout and gas rescue units of the Russian Ministry of Fuel and Energy;

Emergency technical centers and specialized teams of the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy;

The teams and specialists are volunteers of public associations.

Organizational structure and tasks of territorial commissions for emergency situations

Territorial subsystems of the RSChS are created within the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and consist of units corresponding to the administrative-territorial division. Each territorial subsystem is designed to prevent and eliminate emergency situations in the territory under its jurisdiction. It includes:

The governing body is the republican, regional (regional), municipal commission for emergency situations (CoES);

A permanent governing body specifically authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territory from emergency situations;

The territory's own forces and means, as well as the forces and means of functional subsystems.

The first deputy head of the administration of the executive body of power is appointed as the chairman of the territorial commission. The operational management body in the commissions is the corresponding civil defense headquarters (regional civil defense headquarters, city and district civil defense headquarters). The necessary subcommittees and other divisions are created in emergency commissions. District CoES and emergency commissions of cities of regional subordination interact directly with the population.

In order to ensure life safety, territorial executive authorities can also create auxiliary structures. For example, under the mayor's office of Novosibirsk in 1997, a Security Council was created, which includes the city life safety center. This center interacts with law enforcement agencies, city civil defense headquarters, Novosibirsk customs and other structures.

Information is transmitted directly to the emergency commission:

About natural disasters;

About accidental salvo and emergency emissions and discharges;

About situations associated with high levels of pollution and extremely high levels of pollution of the natural environment.

Information is immediately transmitted:

About natural disasters that can cause illness or death of people, animals or plants;

About emergency burst releases (discharges) of pollutants, if they threaten the health or life of people, animals or plants;

About visual detection negative impact to nature (unusual color or smell in rivers, lakes; death of fish or plants; deviations from the norm of spawning or migration of fish; death of animals, including wild ones).

At the same time, there are certain criteria for assessing environmental pollution, classified as an emergency. Extremely high pollution of the natural environment means the following.

1. For atmospheric air:

  • the content of one or more pollutants exceeding the maximum permissible concentration:
  • 20-29 times for more than 2 days;
  • 30-49 times when maintaining this level for 8 hours or more;
  • 50 or more times (excluding time);
  • visual and organoleptic signs:
  • the appearance of a persistent odor that is not characteristic of the area (season);
  • detection of the influence of air on human sensory organs - pain in the eyes, lacrimation, taste in the mouth, difficulty breathing, redness or other changes in the skin, vomiting, etc.
  • (several dozen people at the same time);

2. For surface waters of land, sea waters:

  • a one-time excess of the maximum permissible concentration for pollutants of hazard class 1 - 2 by 5 or more times, for substances of hazard class 3 - 4 by 50 or more times;
  • a film on the surface of the water (petroleum, oil or other origin), covering more than 1/3 of the surface of the reservoir with its visible area up to 6 km 2;
  • strong unusual odor from the water of the reservoir;
  • entry of toxic (poisonous) substances into the reservoir;
  • reducing the content of oxygen dissolved in water to 2 or less ml/l;
  • increase in biochemical oxygen consumption (BOD) over 40 mg/l;
  • mass death of fish, crayfish, algae, etc.;

3. For soils and lands:

  • content of pesticides in concentrations of 50 or more MAC according to sanitary and toxicological criteria;
  • the content of pollutants of technological origin in concentrations of 50 or more MAC;
  • if the maximum permissible concentration of the pollutant has not been established, then the excess of the background is more than 100 times;
  • presence of unauthorized toxic waste dumps;

4. For radioactive contamination of the environment:

  • the exposure dose rate of gamma radiation on the ground, measured at a height of 1 m. From the surface of the earth, was 60 or more microR/h;
  • the total beta activity of the fallout, according to the results of the first measurements, exceeded 110 Bq/m2;
  • the concentration of radionuclides in samples of agricultural products exceeded those accepted at the same time permissible levels(VDU).



On the reorganization of the civil defense system, warnings
and liquidation of emergency situations in Moscow and on approval
Regulations on the Main Directorate for Civil Defense
and emergency situations of Moscow, Regulations on civil
defense of Moscow, Regulations on the Moscow City
territorial subsystem of a unified state
warning and response systems
emergency situations

(as amended September 20, 2005)

Repealed on the grounds

dated March 18, 2008 N 182-PP

Document with changes made:
by Decree of the Moscow Government of February 12, 2002 N 120-PP (Bulletin of the Moscow City Hall, N 11, March 2002);
by resolution of the Moscow Government (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, No. 21, 04/06/2005);
Decree of the Moscow Government of September 20, 2005 N 715-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 55, 10/05/2005).

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.27.96 N 784 “Issues of civil defense of the Russian Federation”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.11.95 N 1113 “On the unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations”, Decree of the Moscow Government and the Board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 05/07/96 N 410-6 “On the Plan for Improving the Moscow City Emergency Prevention and Response System” in agreement with the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations Moscow Government


1. Reorganize the Headquarters for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the City of Moscow (Headquarters of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the City of Moscow) into the Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the City of Moscow (Main Directorate of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the City of Moscow).

2. Establish that the head of civil defense of the city of Moscow is the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government.

3. The clause has lost force - resolution of the Moscow Government of February 12, 2002 N 120-PP ..

4. The clause has lost force - Decree of the Moscow Government of March 15, 2005 N 127-PP. .

5. Approve the Regulations on Civil Defense of the City of Moscow (Appendix 4).

6. The clause has lost force - resolution of the Moscow Government of September 20, 2005 N 715-PP ..

7. To the Chief of Staff for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow E.M. Kistanov:

7.1. Before April 1, 1997, recertify employees of the former Moscow Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Headquarters and staff the Moscow Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Main Directorate with the necessary specialists.

7.2. Before April 1, 1997, submit to the Moscow Property Committee the necessary documents for re-registration of lease agreements for buildings and premises occupied by the Moscow Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Headquarters and its structural divisions (Appendix 6).

8. The Moscow Property Committee shall formalize in the prescribed manner property and legal relations for buildings and premises occupied by the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow and its structural divisions.

9. The Department of Finance shall provide funding for the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow within the limits of the allocations provided for in the 1997 budget for the maintenance of the Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow. The introduction of additional staffing levels of employees supported by the budget of the city of Moscow, in accordance with the approved organizational structure, should be carried out in stages throughout the year.

10. To the heads of departments, main directorates, directorates and committees of the Moscow Government, prefects of administrative districts:

10.1. Within three months, develop and submit for approval in the prescribed manner provisions on the functional and territorial subsystems of the Moscow City System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (MGSChS).

10.2. Organize the development, coordination and approval of regulations on departmental and facility units of the Moscow State Emergency Service.

11. ISTC "Region" within two months to develop standard regulations on the territorial and functional subsystems and units of MGSES.

12. Recognize as invalid the resolution of the Moscow Government of November 24, 1992 N 979 “On approval of the Regulations on the civil defense of Moscow.”

13. The press center of the Moscow City Hall and the Moscow Government will publish appendices 1, 4, 5 to this resolution in the Bulletin of the Moscow City Hall.

14. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government B.V. Nikolsky.

Prime Minister of the Moscow Government
Yu.M. Luzhkov

Appendix No. 1. Regulations on the Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the City of Moscow (lost force)



Appendix No. 2. Organizational structure of the main department of GOES of Moscow, departments of GOES of administrative districts of Moscow, departments of GOES of districts of Moscow (lost force)


Revoked on the grounds
resolutions of the Moscow Government
dated March 15, 2005 N 127-PP ..


Appendix No. 3. Staffing levels of the Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow, its divisions for specialists, workers and military personnel, maintained at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow (lost force)


Revoked on the grounds
resolutions of the Moscow Government
dated March 15, 2005 N 127-PP ..


Appendix No. 4. Regulations on civil defense of the city of Moscow

on civil defense of the city of Moscow

1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations define the main tasks, the order of construction and functioning of the civil defense of Moscow, the powers of city and district authorities, sectoral and functional bodies of the city administration, national economic facilities*, the rights and responsibilities of Moscow citizens in the field of civil defense.

* Objects of the national economy are understood as enterprises, associations, institutions and organizations both in the sphere of material production and in the non-productive sphere of the economy, regardless of organizational and legal forms, located on a single territory within the borders of Moscow.

For the sake of brevity, in what follows, “objects of the national economy” will be referred to as “objects.”

1.2. The Moscow civil defense carries out a set of activities implemented by city and district authorities, civil defense and emergency management bodies, civil defense services, sectoral and functional bodies of the city administration, organizations with their existing forces and means of civil defense, voluntary associations in order to protect the population and national economy of Moscow from the dangers arising during military operations, carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent work.

1.3. Civil defense activities are carried out both in peacetime and in wartime throughout the city, taking into account the characteristics of each district, district, industry, facility in a rational combination with economic, social and defense measures.

1.4. Civil defense of Moscow is organized and conducted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Directives of the Chairman of the Government - Head of Civil Defense of the Russian Federation and First Deputy Head of Civil Defense - Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters disasters, regulatory and legal acts executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

1.5. The nature, scope, timing and procedure for carrying out activities for the preparation and conduct of civil defense are determined by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia) and the Moscow Government within the framework of delimitation of spheres of activity and powers.

1.6. IN peacetime Moscow civil defense forces and means are involved in carrying out rescue and other urgent work on the territory of the city in emergency situations caused by accidents, disasters, natural disasters and other reasons.

1.7. Officials of executive authorities, local government, facilities and citizens of the city who are guilty of failure to fulfill or evading the fulfillment of civil defense duties bear material, administrative and other liability established by law.

2. Civil defense tasks

2.1. The main tasks of Moscow civil defense are:

protecting the population from the effects of modern weapons, as well as in emergency situations;

notifying the population about the threat of an enemy attack, the occurrence of emergency situations, and the procedure for action in the current situation;

carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent work;

priority life support for the population and, above all, for the victims;

development and implementation of measures aimed at increasing the sustainability of the functioning of industries and facilities of the city’s national economy in wartime conditions;

protection of food, water sources, food raw materials, fodder, farm animals and plants, other material and cultural values from the effects of modern weapons and emergency situations;

creation and maintenance of readiness of control systems, forces and means, reserves of civil defense property;

ensuring mobilization readiness of civil defense;

training of management personnel, civil defense forces and means, training the population in ways to protect themselves from dangers arising during military operations, as well as in emergency situations.

2.2. The tasks of civil defense are solved by carrying out a complex of economic, organizational, engineering, technical, defense-mass and special measures, carried out both in advance and in wartime.

3. Management of civil defense
and its organizational structure

3.1. The civil defense of Moscow is organized according to the territorial-production principle.

3.2. The general management of the city's civil defense is carried out by the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government. The Prime Minister of the Moscow Government is ex officio the head of civil defense of Moscow.

3.3. The management of civil defense in the administrative districts of the city is carried out by prefects, in the city districts - by the heads of the Administrations, who are ex officio heads of civil defense of the districts.

3.4. The management of civil defense in departmental structures and facilities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, is carried out by the heads of these departmental structures and facilities, who are the heads of civil defense of the relevant departmental structures or facilities.

3.5. Chiefs of civil defense at all levels bear personal responsibility for the organization and implementation of civil defense activities in the relevant territories, industries, and facilities. They are given the right, within their competence, to issue orders on civil defense issues.

Orders of the heads of civil defense of the city, administrative districts and districts of the city, departments and facilities within their competence are mandatory for execution by all citizens and officials.

3.6. To manage and monitor the implementation of civil defense measures, emergency prevention and preparedness for action in the event of their occurrence, as well as to organize the liquidation of the consequences of the use of modern weapons and emergency situations, civil defense management bodies are created under the heads of civil defense.

3.7. Civil defense management bodies (civil defense management bodies) are:

Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the City of Moscow (Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow);

Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Administrative District (Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Administrative District);

Department for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the City District (District Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Department).

Headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations (Civil Defense Headquarters) in departments and facilities, regardless of their organizational and legal norms.

3.8. Heads of civil defense management bodies of administrative-territorial formations, departmental structures and facilities are ex-officio deputies to the relevant heads of civil defense and have the right to issue on their behalf orders on civil defense issues that are mandatory for execution by officials, management bodies, formations, and units subordinate to the head of civil defense. also citizens. The head of the civil defense management body reports to the head of civil defense about the most important orders given on his own initiative.

3.9. The head of the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergencies of Moscow is ex officio the first deputy head of the city's civil defense.

3.10. The Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergencies of Moscow, the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations departments of administrative districts, and the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations departments of city districts* are military institutions and are staffed by military personnel and civilian personnel.

* The list of city districts in which GOES departments, which are military institutions, are created is established by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in agreement with the Moscow Government.

The Civil Defense and Emergency Situations departments of the administrative districts are directly subordinate to the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow. Departments of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of city districts are directly subordinate to the corresponding departments of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of administrative districts.

3.11. The tasks, powers and responsibilities of civil defense chiefs and civil defense management bodies are determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulations issued by higher civil defense chiefs, executive authorities and these Regulations.

3.12. Training of management personnel and specialists in civil defense and emergency situations in Moscow is carried out at the Educational and Methodological Centers for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations (hereinafter referred to as the TMC Civil Defense and Emergency Situations) of the city and administrative districts.

City Civil Defense and Emergency Management Center - state-owned educational institution, staffed by military and civilian personnel. Military personnel are appointed to positions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The MMC of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the administrative districts operate under the leadership of the MMC of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the city as its structural divisions.

3.13. The Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow, the Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow, the Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of administrative districts are legal entities, have official seals, stamps and forms, current accounts in banking institutions and other necessary for economic activity and fulfillment of the tasks facing them are official attributes.

3.14. To ensure the accumulation, storage, maintenance and repair of civil defense property, commissioning and repair work of engineering and technical equipment of protective structures of civil defense in Moscow, a Special Enterprise under the Moscow Government and a Special Commissioning Directorate of the Housing, Communal Services and Improvement Department have been created and are functioning.

These enterprises and institutions are legal entities and operate in accordance with the law, as well as duly approved charters. The Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergencies of Moscow manages their activities within the limits of the powers granted to it by the Moscow Government.

3.15. Organizational structure and the staffing level of government bodies for civil and emergency situations of the city, administrative districts, districts of the city, MMC of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations in terms of staffing with employees supported by the city budget, are determined by the Moscow Government. Structure, staff positions headquarters of the civil defense department, facility, its personnel is determined by their head.

3.16. To resolve issues related to the preparation and conduct of evacuation measures of civil defense, city, district, district, departmental and site evacuation commissions are created, which are headed, respectively, by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government, deputy prefects, deputy heads of departments, deputy heads of departments and facilities. The activities of evacuation commissions are regulated by the regulations on these commissions, approved by the relevant heads of civil defense.

3.17. To carry out special civil defense measures, prepare forces and means for this, as well as to support the actions of units during emergency rescue operations, civil defense services of the city, districts, districts, departments, and facilities are created.

The decision to create civil defense services in the city is made by the Moscow Government, in districts and districts - by prefects and heads of their administrations, in departments and facilities - by their leaders, depending on the need and the availability of an appropriate base for their creation.

The tasks, organization and functions of civil defense services are determined by the regulations on the services. The regulations on the city civil defense service are developed and signed by the head of the service and approved by the head of Moscow civil defense after agreement with the Main Directorate of Civil Defense of the city and the immediate supervisor of the head of the service.

The regulations on the civil defense service of the district (district) are coordinated with the department (department) of the civil defense of the district (district), the head of a higher body in relation to the head of the service and approved by the head of civil defense of the district (district).

The regulations on the civil defense service of the facility are approved by the head of the civil defense of the facility. Instructions and directions of city civil defense services on issues within their competence are mandatory for implementation by all structural units subordinate to them, district, district and facility services.

Responsibility for the readiness of the service’s management bodies, forces and assets included in its composition rests with the heads of departmental structures and facilities on the basis of which they are created.

3.18. To carry out civil defense activities, carry out emergency rescue and other urgent work, non-military civil defense formations are created.

Formations are created according to the territorial production principle in administrative districts, districts and at national economic facilities.

The procedure for creating, recruiting, supporting, stimulating and using non-military civil defense formations is determined by the Regulations on non-military civil defense formations, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

By resolutions of the Moscow Government, orders of prefects of administrative districts, heads of departments and facilities, full-time emergency rescue and search and rescue units of constant readiness can be created.

To carry out civil defense tasks, by decision of the Moscow Government, departmental specialized rescue and emergency recovery units, medical institutions, construction and installation organizations located on the territory of the city, regardless of their organizational and legal form, may be involved.

Voluntary organizations of certified rescuers may take part in emergency rescue and other urgent work under the guidance of civil defense authorities.

To carry out the tasks of civil defense of Moscow, forces and means of federal subordination, including units and units of the Civil Defense Troops of the Russian Federation, engineering and chemical troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, may be involved in the established order.

4. Powers and responsibilities of executive authorities
Moscow in the field of civil defense

4.1. Moscow Government:

develops the main directions for the development and improvement of the city’s civil defense;

organizes the implementation of nationwide civil defense activities in Moscow;

organizes the development of a civil defense plan for Moscow;

within its competence, issues regulations in the field of civil defense and organizes the development of draft legislative acts for consideration and adoption by the City Duma;

organizes and ensures the creation and maintenance in constant readiness of forces and means, technical control systems, warning and communications of civil defense;

organizes the implementation of measures for the protection and life support of the population, for the preparation and conduct of evacuation to safe areas, placement, deployment of medical and other institutions supporting the life of the population;

implements measures to accumulate a fund of collective means of protecting the population and maintain it in readiness to receive sheltered persons;

ensures the preparation of the municipal economy for sustainable functioning in wartime;

ensures compliance regulatory documents on civil defense in the process of development of the city’s economy and its development;

organizes emergency rescue and other urgent work in affected areas;

develops and organizes the implementation of city targeted programs, including scientific and technical programs in the field of civil defense;

creates and maintains reserves of material, technical, food, medical and other resources in the interests of the city’s civil defense;

determines the volumes and ensures the accumulation, storage, replacement, refreshment and maintenance of civil defense property in readiness;

determines in the draft city budget the volume of allocations for civil defense activities and the procedure for their use;

establishes a limit on the number of employees in government bodies and civil defense institutions of the city, maintained at the expense of the city budget.

4.2. Main Department of Civil Defense and Emergencies of Moscow:

develops and organizes the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the population from the dangers arising from military operations, and also participates in preparations for the sustainable functioning of the city’s national economy in wartime;

takes measures to maintain control, warning and communications systems in constant readiness for operation in wartime;

manages the creation of forces and means of civil defense of the city;

organizes the management and interaction of forces and means during emergency rescue and other urgent work in the affected areas;

organizes planning and control over the implementation of civil defense measures in the city;

organizes control over the state of civil defense in Moscow and compliance with the requirements of governing documents on civil defense issues;

organizes control over the planning, design and construction of protective structures for civil defense;

organizes control over maintaining the collective protective equipment fund in readiness.

organizes the training of government bodies and civil defense units, education of the population, plans and conducts exercises and training;

carries out organizational and methodological management and coordination of the activities of civil defense management bodies of districts, city districts, city services, departmental structures and facilities;

ensures combat and mobilization readiness of the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergencies of Moscow, subordinate departments of Civil Defense and Emergencies and other civil defense institutions, as well as formed units.

The Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations has the right:

make decisions within their competence, issue binding instructions on civil defense issues to the heads of civil defense of districts, city districts, departments, facilities, as well as heads of city civil defense services;

develop and submit for consideration of the Moscow Government proposals for further development civil defense, increasing its readiness, improving forms and methods of work when solving civil defense problems;

listen to the heads of civil defense on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, demand from them compliance with governing documents, orders of the head of civil defense of Moscow, take measures to eliminate identified deficiencies, initiate a petition to bring to justice officials guilty of violating these requirements;

develop draft regulations in the field of civil defense and submit them in the prescribed manner for consideration by the Moscow Government;

request and receive, free of charge, from government bodies and facilities located in the city, regardless of organizational and legal forms, information on the progress of fulfilling civil defense requirements and other information necessary to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations;

use the insurance fund of documentation for carrying out emergency rescue operations during emergency response;

have special vehicles equipped with duly approved identification marks, special signals and means of communication.

4.3. Authorities of administrative-territorial units of the city:

carry out general management and ensure constant readiness of civil defense of administrative-territorial entities;

plan and organize the implementation in terms of the district, district, city-wide civil defense activities, as well as activities envisaged for implementation by the executive authorities of their administrative-territorial entity;

organize the development of a civil defense plan for an administrative-territorial entity, provide methodological guidance for the planning of civil defense activities in subordinate structures;

carry out measures to maintain the readiness of subordinate management bodies, forces and means of civil defense;

organize the implementation of civil defense measures by facilities located on the territory under their jurisdiction;

organize notification of subordinate government bodies and the population using civil defense signals;

organize emergency rescue and other urgent work and manage their implementation;

carry out the preparation and maintenance of readiness of the fund of collective means of protection, forces and means of civil defense of the administrative-territorial entity, training in civil defense of the population living on its territory;

organize the planning and implementation of measures to increase the sustainability of the functioning of facilities located on the territory of the district in wartime;

organize control over the accumulation, storage and maintenance of individual and collective means of defense, special civil defense equipment;

create monitoring and control systems for radioactive contamination, chemical and bacteriological contamination;

provide control over compliance with the requirements of governing documents and decisions made on civil defense issues in the district;

bear responsibility for the state of civil defense in the territory under their jurisdiction.

4.4. Sectoral and functional bodies of the city administration.

General responsibilities of sectoral and functional bodies of the city administration:

manage the preparation and conduct of civil defense in the industry;

develop taking into account the specifics of the industry and bring to the subordinate structural units and facilities industry requirements, regulations on planning, organizing and conducting civil defense;

plan and ensure the implementation of measures in the industry for the protection of personnel, training of civil defense forces and means;

ensure compliance in subordinate structures with the requirements of governing documents and decisions made by higher authorities on civil defense issues;

plan and ensure the implementation of measures to increase the stability of the functioning of subordinate structures in wartime;

ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on civil defense in the process of industry development;

develop a civil defense plan for the industry, provide methodological guidance for planning civil defense work in subordinate structures;

create and maintain in constant readiness an industry management system in wartime, as well as forces and means of civil defense of the industry;

organize the accumulation and maintenance of a fund of collective protective equipment;

organize civil defense training for industry workers;

take measures to ensure emergency rescue and other urgent work in subordinate structures, and, according to their functional purpose, at other city facilities;

plan and organize preparations for evacuation to safe areas of subordinate management bodies and facilities to continue their production activities;

organize and ensure, in the interests of the industry, research and development work on civil defense issues, develop and make proposals to citywide programs;

exercise control over the implementation of civil defense measures in subordinate structures;

bear responsibility for the state of civil defense in the industry;

interact with the administration of districts and districts, other departments when jointly solving civil defense problems;

ensure the creation and functioning of civil defense services.

In addition to general responsibilities, sectoral and functional bodies of the city administration perform special responsibilities for civil defense related to their functional purpose, which are determined by the Moscow Government.

4.5. Objects of the national economy.

At enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, activities aimed at fulfilling the tasks of civil defense are carried out in full. All enterprises, institutions and organizations are accounted for in the civil emergency management department of the administrative district at their location.

When an organization or enterprise leases premises, the issues of protecting employees of the leased enterprise from the effects of modern weapons and emergency situations are reflected in the lease agreements.

The head of the facility directly manages civil defense and is personally responsible for its constant readiness, timely implementation of civil defense measures and the safety of his employees.

Heads of facilities:

plan and implement measures to protect workers and employees, essential production assets, raw materials and other material assets from the effects of destructive weapons in accordance with the standards established in the Russian Federation and Moscow;

develop civil defense plans;

carry out activities aimed at increasing the sustainability of the functioning of their production in wartime;

create, equip and maintain readiness for non-military civil defense formations, organize the training of personnel;

organize the accumulation, storage and maintenance in readiness of individual and collective means of protection, special civil defense equipment;

carry out training in civil defense for workers and employees, as well as the population living in departmental residential buildings;

organize emergency rescue and other urgent work at the site;

create and maintain local and on-site warning systems in constant readiness;

create necessary conditions facility personnel to perform their civil defense duties.

5. Rights and obligations of Moscow citizens
in the field of civil defense

Citizens of Moscow, in accordance with current legislation and these Regulations

5.1 have the right:

to protect their life and health from the consequences of military operations;

use collective and personal protection, as well as other civil defense property;

for victims of military operations to receive medical, material, financial assistance, provision of housing, food, and basic necessities in the manner and according to the standards established by the Moscow Government;

undergo training, gain knowledge and practical skills on issues of protection against modern weapons and actions in areas of destruction;

receive compensation for damage caused to health during civil defense activities;

for pensions and other benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the event of injury or loss of ability to work while performing civil defense duties;

for pension provision for family members in connection with the loss of a breadwinner (dead, injured or disabled) while performing civil defense duties;

enjoy free food, equipment, transportation and housing for the period of participation in the civil defense forces in wartime and during civil defense exercises in peacetime;

for personal insurance in the event of death or injury to health during civil defense activities and liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations caused by accidents, catastrophes, natural or other disasters.

Insurance for military personnel is carried out on the basis of the provisions of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”. Persons who are not military personnel involved in carrying out these activities by decision of the Moscow Government, authorities of administrative districts and city districts, heads of departments and facilities are subject to insurance at the expense of these bodies and facilities.

5.2. Citizens of Moscow are obliged to:

comply with the requirements of legislative and other regulations on civil defense, as well as orders, instructions and instructions of civil defense authorities;

take part in the implementation of civil defense measures;

undergo civil defense training;

know civil defense signals and skillfully act when they are given;

know the basic methods and means of protection from the consequences of the use of modern weapons, be able to provide self- and mutual assistance to victims;

treat the material and technical base and property of civil defense with care.

6. Financing and logistics
ensuring civil defense

6.1. Employees of the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergencies of Moscow, the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations departments of administrative districts, the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations departments of city districts, the Civil Defense and Emergency Management Center, control points, laboratories and other civil defense institutions of the city, administrative districts and districts of the city, departments and facilities, with the exception of military personnel, are held in custody account of the budget of the city of Moscow, as well as the own funds of departments and facilities.

6.2. Military personnel of the regular administrative bodies and civil defense institutions of Moscow are supported at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

6.3. Moscow civil defense activities are financed by:

in the administrative-territorial entities of the city, at facilities subordinate to the city administration at the expense of the city budget, the own budgets of the administrative-territorial entities, as well as at the expense extrabudgetary funds prefectures and district governments;

in organizations subordinate to the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation - at the expense of the federal budget;

at other facilities and in non-state departmental structures - at the expense of the own funds of these facilities and departmental structures.

6.4. Civil defense activities may be financed from public funds.

6.5. Financing of civil defense activities that require capital investments, including the construction of protective structures, control points, communication and warning systems, warehouses for storing civil defense property, is carried out from the city budget in accordance with the established procedure.

6.6. Expenses associated with carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent work are carried out at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, funds of financial and material resources, as well as at the expense of departments and facilities in whose interests the specified work is carried out.

6.7. Financing of research and development work on civil defense problems is carried out from the budget of the city of Moscow, as well as funds from departmental structures and facilities in whose interests they are carried out.

6.8. Financing of civil defense activities is carried out along with other defense activities as a matter of priority.

6.9. To provide civil defense institutions, non-military forces, protective structures, workers, employees and the city population with civil defense property in Moscow, departments and facilities, regardless of organizational and legal forms, reserves of this property are created.

The property of the Moscow Civil Defense includes:

Personal protective equipment;

Radiation, chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric monitoring devices;

Devices and kits for special processing;

Means of filtering and air regeneration of protective structures of civil defense;

Personal medical aids;

Communication and warning means and other material and technical means created or purchased at the expense of the budgets of the city, districts, districts, departments and facilities for use in the interests of the city’s civil defense.

6.10. In case of changes in forms of ownership, departmental structures and facilities must retain the intended purpose of civil defense facilities (defensive structures of civil defense, control points, warehouses, etc.), as well as tasks for their creation, maintenance and accumulation.

6.11. The procedure for the accumulation, storage and use of civil defense property is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Government.

6.12. The Moscow Government establishes tax benefits for government bodies for civil emergencies for the use of land, office premises, utility and operating costs.

Appendix No. 5. Regulations on the Moscow city territorial subsystem of the unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations (lost force)

Lost power.
Decree of the Moscow Government
dated September 20, 2005 N 715-PP approved
new Regulations on the Moscow City Territorial
subsystem of the unified state warning system
and emergency response


Appendix No. 6. List of buildings, structures and premises occupied by the Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow and its structural divisions

Object name, address

Composition of the object
(buildings, structures)

Area m2


Legal basis

Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow, Tverskaya St., 8/2, building 4

Brick, 1st and 2nd floors of a residential building

Agreement 1-91/94 dated 01/14/94

Garage st. B. Ordynka, 19, building 9

Brick, 2nd floor

Agreement 1-1621/93 dated 10/7/93

Warehouse 4410 Velozavodskaya St., 6

Brick basement of a residential building

Protective room

Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Central Administrative District, Donskaya St., 6/17

Brick, 1st floor

1-22127/94 from 11/16/94

Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Northern Administrative Okrug
Z. and A. Kosmodemyanskikh st. 31 k.3

Brick, 4th floor

Documents in Moskomimushchestvo

Headquarters of the Civil Defense Forces of the North-East Administrative District, Sushchevsky Val St., 14/22, building 3

Brick, 1st floor

3-665/92 from 11/18/92

Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Eastern Administrative District, Krasnoprudnaya str., 28/1

Brick, 1st and 2nd floor

1-22415/94 from 12/27/94

Headquarters of the Civil Defense Forces of the South-East Administrative District

sh.Entuziastov, 22/18
Lyublinskaya st., 111

Brick, 1st floor
basement of a residential building



05-307/95 from 04/28/95

Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Southern Administrative District
Kashirskoe highway, 28, building 2

Brick, 1st floor


1714 from 04/27/92

Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergencies of the South-Western Administrative District

Molodezhnaya st., 4
Novoyasenevsky prospect, 25

Brick, 1st floor
residential building



7-44/94 from 02/3/94
7-403/96 from 05/17/96

Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergencies CJSC
Bogdanova st., 58

Panel extension,
2nd floor

8-275/96 from 04/25/96

Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations North-Western Administrative Okrug, N. Militia St., 33

Brick, basement 1st and 2nd floor

9-525/94 from 9.11.94

9-283/96 from 7.06.96

669/96 from 07/17/96

9-281/96 from 5.06.96

Headquarters of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations in Zelenograd,
Central Avenue, 1


Agreement No. 9 dated January 21, 1991

UMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Central Administrative District,
1st address: B. Fakelny lane, 2/22

Brick, residential,
1st and 2nd floors

01-02016/95 hundred 10.10.95

2nd address: Bakhrushina st., 28

Brick, residential, 1st floor

01-02262/95 from 11/27/95

UMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Northern Administrative Okrug,
Kosmodemyanskikh st., 31, building 3

Brick, non-residential,
5th floor

The lease agreement is being finalized.

MMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of North-East Administrative District,
1st address: 1st Botanical Ave. 1a, building 2

Brick, residential, 1st floor

3-716/93 from 07.27.93

2nd address: Goncharova str., 17, building 3

Brick, residential, 1st and 2nd floors

3-244/96 from 04/02/96

UMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Eastern Administrative District,
3rd Bogatyrskaya st., 1, building 4

Brick, non-residential,
2nd floor

04-04062/92 from 07/28/92

MMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the South-Eastern Administrative District,
1st address: Mariupolskaya st., 4

Brick, residential, basement and 1st floor

05-00334/95 from 03.23.95

2nd address: Fergana st., 12

Brick, non-residential,
1st floor

1185-93 from 04/13/93

MMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Southern Administrative Okrug,
1st address: Avtozavodskaya str., 17, building 2

Brick, residential, 1st floor

06-01901/92 from 06/10/92

2nd address: Kashirskoe highway, 8, building 3

Brick, residential, 1st floor

06-01994/92 from 07/16/92

MMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the South-Western Administrative District
Molodezhnaya st., 4

Brick, residential, 1st floor

1040/1 from 04.11.93

UMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations CJSC,
1st address: Udaltsova st., 3, building 12

residential 1st floor

08-942/95 from 08.12.95

2nd address: Bogdanova st., no. 58

Panel, non-residential,
1st (partial) and 2nd floors

08-1872/92 from 07.14.92

MMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations North-Western Administrative Okrug,
Nelidovskaya st., 13, building 1

Brick, residential, 1st floor

9-7/95 from 01/05/95

Training Center for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations in Zelenograd,
Central Avenue, 1

Block, non-residential, 2nd floor

Agreement No. 9 dated January 21, 1991

MMC for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow
Zhivopisnaya st., 28

Block, non-residential, 2nd floor

Documents in Moskomimushchestvo

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
CJSC "Kodeks"