Amulets and amulets of ancient Rus'. Russian folk amulets

Ancient world a canopy of riddles and secrets. Many of them are magic items. These are amulets, talismans and amulets that people made to help themselves. Each of them is a gift from the gods, secret knowledge. Charms they helped in difficult times, protected from illness, brought joy, punished enemies. A lot of mysterious Slavic symbols have survived to this day. It is a pity that even more was lost over the centuries. Each Slavic symbol and amulet carries a special meaning and semantic load. It was possible to make one only if you knew all the details. This was done by the oldest family members or wise men. Human life was closely connected with mysticism, and amulets came into use back in the days ancient animism. The Slavic gods were fair and strong, and always responded to people’s requests for help. In battle, in the field or at home, with children, during childbirth - there is a place everywhere special amulet, which made life and suffering easier for people.

Religion, beliefs, gods

Since ancient times, the sun god has lived in the sky.. It shines so brightly that it is capable of warming the entire earth, every stone, small animal, and, of course, a person with its warmth alone. The Sun God had several names. The very first thing - Yarilo. The bright, kind god of the ancient Slavs created his own heavenly army, which fought every night with the army of darkness for life in the world. The sun goes down at sunset, the battle begins. Night is not a quiet time, then ghosts, devils and demons walk around the world. They are all trying to take over the human soul.

The morning comes Yarilo wins, a new bright day begins. Therefore, a person spends the night in the house, next to his family. They surround him familiar things and, of course, amulets. If a person decorates frames and doors with amulets, then evil will not get into the house. nightgown, cutlery, children's toys - all this was decorated with intricate coastal drawings.

While the god Yarilo is fighting in the underworld, people have the opportunity to defend themselves from the forces of evil. His wife goddess Lada patronizes all women, girls, girls on earth. The goddess cries bitterly if woman suffering from fatigue, injustice or pain. She taught me how to make them amazing amulets that protect beauty for many years and help in the household.

In addition, there is a very strong progenitor god - Rod. It is much older than Yarilo itself. Life on the whole Earth began with Rod. He protects family ties, protects family and children.

The wise but cunning Veles lives in the underworld. He revealed to people great knowledge about mysticism, taught how to heal, showed what herbs and roots can be collected and brewed against fever, nausea, to relieve pain or to give a healthy, sound sleep.

Gods and heroes of the ancient Slavic world are known to many. they were brave, courageous, but kind. Often the gods descended to earth from their golden palaces to help people and to see how life goes on earth.

Mysticism and animism

The most ancient period in the life of the Slavic tribes is the era of animism. In those distant times, everything acquired a soul in the eyes of people. stones, trees, natural phenomena were endowed mystical properties. The Slavs believed that gods are everywhere. This made the world an amazing place where anything is possible. Then people were very close to nature, treated her with care.

Animism didn't last that long, beliefs evolved. The gods received new functions, more complex. If Previously, each deity was responsible for only one thing, then during the period of late animism, one God could represent a whole range of functions.

The gods punished and bestowed, encouraged, scolded, were angry with people, pouring rain, showering them with hail and lightning. All this is part of the great history of the people. Today many people follow pagan beliefs their ancestors. Who knows, perhaps they have unraveled some special mystery? Exists many communities, which reproduce ancient customs, life and life of people.

Workshops produce amulets, talismans, household items according to old recipes. The significance of this is great, because this is how we maintain the memory of generations. If you are interested in life pagan Rus' , it is necessary to learn more about how people lived in those years. This is easy to do, because the information is publicly available. Mysticism of the ancient Slavs- one of the most interesting in world history.

Charms, talismans, amulets

There are important differences between these three concepts. What is it and how to use it?

The meaning of the word “amulet” is clear without translation. This is an object that protects and protects from something. They can be of different sizes, forms, material. The amulets come from:

  • stone;
  • wood;
  • clay;
  • gland;
  • precious metal.

They were worn openly or under clothing, and hidden at home. Such an item has strong protection function from negative impacts of various kinds.

The amulet has different functions. It usually gives a person special character traits or properties. Amulet for strong health, good studies, from the evil eye and damage... There are a lot of different combinations that, on the one hand, protect from evil, like a talisman, and on the other hand, they help a person.

The talisman most often directs its energy towards good luck, success, luck. Such lucky objects are not uncommon even now. A special coin, a lucky sweater, for example. We ourselves often create it without even knowing it. Items that bring us good luck are talismans. They can be specially made, but you can only make sure that this or that thing always brings you success.

Talismans for family and home

These symbols of the holy race were widespread. At home they occupied a place of honor. They had to be placed where people gather most often, or else, they hid under the bed. Very often, talismans for the home were made from a soft natural material - clay. It was fired and added to the clay composition various magical herbs to give them strength.

Such an object of power was kept carefully, because even though baked clay becomes hard, it is still fragile. The second most popular material for home amulets is wood. Warm, natural, malleable. Craftsmen made very beautiful patterns on them. This amulet took a long time to make, carefully. Perhaps several years. It was given a special shape, traditional patterns and runes, and the names of the gods were applied. The value of such an item is very great - it could even be passed on by inheritance.

Family mascot it was necessary to honor and respect. Children were brought to it to worship, on religious holidays it was decorated, and taken out into the yard. Exists a lot of traditions associated with home amulets. This is an item that maintains a good atmosphere, calmness, and comfort in the house. Many of them depicted gods. Aromatic oils were kept nearby for smoking daily. women they brought fresh flowers, water from a clean stream, bread and sweets to them.

The most famous symbols of home protection:

Wedding party

Only one day a year it was worn and used. The rest of the time the Wedding Party is in a place of honor in the house. This interesting geometric symbol made for a wedding. On this great day, the blessing of the gods was asked for a marriage between a man and a woman. The gods gave their consent, but required people to take an oath of allegiance to each other.

The vow of the oath was this beautiful amulet. Taking it in their hands in the face of the elders and the entire people, they swore to love each other and honor, not betray, respect, honor the father of their husband or wife as their own. Such a vow cannot be broken, because it is given before all the supreme gods of the Slavs.

After the wedding Wedding party was kept at home, but was no longer used for ritual purposes. Its purpose is to fasten vows of husband and wife, and after that it is just a beautiful reminder of this day. Therefore, you should not give Wedding party to your friends on their wedding anniversary or just like that - the amulet will not work since the wedding has already been concluded.

Mokosh symbol

Goddess Makosh I taught women a lot. She showed me how to weave, sew, run a household, and care for livestock. She also helps them during pregnancy and childbirth. When women have a hard time with household chores, they feel tired and their bones ache, they need to approach the Mokosh symbol and ask the goddess for advice. She will teach you how to handle things. This beautiful amulet was placed in the female half of the house, in the wife’s room. Most often, she made it herself, or bought it from sanctuary of Mokosh.

In more early era all amulets for the house were made by the eldest woman or man. Later, this role passed to the temples, sanctuaries and temples of the gods. The significance of such a change is very great for the history of the religion of the ancients Slavs. These changes show how faith transforms, moving into a more complex stage when money and the opportunity to purchase religious objects are poured into it.


The symbol is very useful for everyone without exception. Usually, Alatyr They were made when the children in the family began to walk and actively explore the world. In a simple, everyday sense, Alatyr is an increase in intelligence, symbol of learning and development, in this way the children were helped to quickly get on their feet and take up their studies. It was believed that if there is Alatyr in the house, then the children will study well. They will achieve success and glorify their parents.

On a more complex note, Alatyr is a symbol of the development of the Universe, according to the ancient tribes. This symbol is very old, much older than most Slavic symbols. He demonstrates constant, continuous development, change for the better. Universe does not stand still, but is constantly in motion. Likewise, the human mind should not stop; a person needs to move on, to understand the world.

Charms for women

Women in ancient times had it no easier than their husbands ranks They had heavy household responsibilities, cutting, harvesting, caring for children and the elderly, and working in the fields. They worked equally with men, although the woman herself in the theory of Slavic mysticism is a being sublime and fragile. But when there are “seven on benches”, and even animals and crops, there is no need to rest. In addition, after their long working day, women found time to spin, sew, embroider, and do a variety of decorative items for home decoration.

The favorite Slavic symbol of the amulet for women is the symbol of Lada. The Goddess loves to help girls and women of any age. When a woman suffers and cries, then the goddess Lada herself is not herself, she cannot sit still. Prayers are addressed to her, she is asked for help and support. She always responds by sending help. To maintain their feminine health and attractiveness, women use these amulets. They are worn on the body under clothes, or kept at home where no one will see. Such items traditionally were made from the most feminine material - silver.

Lada Star

This amulet has several functions at once.. It could be bought or made for a girl at an early age, but it can be worn all her life. It protects women's health, makes it easy to get pregnant and bear healthy children. During pregnancy

The Lada Star protects not only the woman herself, but also her child. Such protection is necessary because babies and newborns are not yet protected by their own energy. They are very susceptible to the influence of evil forces. If a woman wants to protect her child, she will keep the Star of Lada under his crib.

The second is a symbol of a woman’s longevity. Unfortunately, in those days, life was not so long. Illness, hard work, cold in winter and damp autumns are merciless. especially to the weak. To prevent trouble from happening, a woman must wear this amulet on herself constantly. Then everything will be fine, illnesses will not come. A powerful source of women's health in silver. This is a symbol goddess Lada, and also - silver has amazing properties to kill pathogenic bacteria.

Lada Bogoroditsa

Second Lada symbol, which was also often worn or kept at home. He supports marriage and family. Just like now, many centuries ago, people’s marriages were not always smooth sailing. In order for a husband to love and not to cheat, it was necessary to wear this amazing amulet. Lada the Mother of God protected the family, everyday life, and helped resolve complex issues of relationships between people. Girl and boy those getting married were very young. Some were 13-14 years old, so it was impossible to expect special consciousness from the very beginning from such young people. The amulet kept them from bad deeds, quarrels, scandal.

This is how love was born in the house, and then it was passed on to the younger generation. Lada Mother of God of children I also kept it, so mothers hid a small amulet made of clay under the child's bed. They lived in reverence for adults, and from early childhood they learned to manage a household.

Men's amulets

Life for a man in ancient times was hard. He is not just a protector and provider, he is also the head of the family. Work at home, in the field, in the forge, hunting and trading - all this fell on men's shoulders. Of course, the woman worked on an equal footing with him, but the most difficult responsibilities in the field and at home went to the men. Moreover, from the very early age. A boy of 10-12 years old already knew how to shoe a horse, plow and sow, grind flour, went fishing and hunting with my father. In those distant times, hunting and fishing were not entertainment, but a vital necessity. Boys were taught to work from childhood.

The very meaning of the amulet for a man is very great. Who else can we hope for? harsh winter- on the gods, and on yourself. So, amulets for men there were a lot. This symbols of courage, patience, intelligence. They helped make difficult choices - who are you? In battle and in the field, with children, his wife, at work - a man always had to remain brave, reasonable, strong man. About Russian heroes there were legends, because they could do anything. With divine help, they were an amazing people.


The symbol belongs to the god Veles. This is a wise god who belongs to the underworld. Although Vesel is recognized as a devil, his influence on people’s lives is great. Veles is not looking for a moment to deceive the human soul, he helps people, instructs them. It was this god who gave people knowledge about magic, healing, and mysticism.

The amulet is made of dark wood or iron. It must be worn discreetly under clothing, otherwise someone might see it. Then the amulet will not help. Protects from the evil eye, protects from rash actions. Symbol of wisdom, enlightenment. Not everyone dares to wear it, because Velesovik develops psychic abilities in people.


A very valuable amulet. Valkyrie - solar symbol of the Sun, light, wisdom. It was recommended to be worn by those young men and women who did not know how to control themselves and who interfered with their marriage. A real man must be brave, courageous, courageous. If you need to defend your innocence or protect loved ones- He can also use force.

True, not all battles are won with fists, sometimes you need ingenuity and cunning. To do this, the head must be “cold”. For those who could not hold back their fists, this amulet gave wisdom and helped look at any situation soberly without anger. The most correct solution is young man suggest that you carve this amulet out of wood yourself, and think about your life.

Solar cross

Brave warriors glorified Ancient Rus'. Of course, the point here is not at all in amulets and talismans, but in the hearts of people. But, in order to make it easier for a person to endure the hardships of wartime, and to go into battle bravely, carved the Solar Cross on swords and shields. This symbol called men to perseverance and helped them in terrible moments of battle.

It was believed that cutting such shield is simply impossible, because he is distracted by the symbol supreme god Sun. The Solar Cross inspired courage and perseverance, pride in one’s people. He brought out all the best in a man. Such the army will definitely win, if it is fair and will please the gods. The cross on the shield was carved by the warrior himself, and the elder of his family had to bless it with his word.


Most Popular Male Sim ox of the ancient Slavic world. Its meaning is patronage, help of the gods. This is one of the oldest solar symbols, which became synonymous with the times of the pagan gods. It was made from the most different materials, worn around the neck, belt, embroidered on shirts. Such a talisman was highly valued, especially if it was made by a clergyman in accordance with all the canons and rules.

It was worn openly so that evil forces could immediately see it - it is better not to mess with this person. he is under the protection of the gods, their mark is on him. Kolovrat and today does not lose its strength, more and more often you can see followers of Slavic paganism who choose it as their everyday amulet. It can be worn every day, even while sleeping.

For happiness, good luck, prosperity

When the world is ruled by gods, and people only obey their will - luck is perceived as a special favor of one or another god. Pray for wealth and find a gold coin on the street, ask for happiness, and the next day meet your betrothed. Everyone is happy present from good god who follow life common man. To appease the gods and ask them for what they want, people wore things like that. They attract good luck, prosperity and happiness. What more could you ask for?

Lucky amulets had to be made from bright metals and light woods. They were decorated with stones, intricate script of symbols, people did not skimp on buying such a talisman, because with it one could expect any miracles from life.


Good luck symbol, healing from illnesses and successful completion of the case. The serpent with four heads is a mystical symbol from the times of ancient animism. It is worn on a leather cord over a shirt. Moreover, it could be worn by both a man and woman. Almost all good luck talismans did not require belonging to one gender or another.

The snake drove away everything bad from the person, and the snake heads vigilantly ensured that the person did not missed my luck. Very often it was promoted, finding out in which direction it was worth going in search of happiness. This amazing talisman was most often made of metal, but wooden images are also found. The main rule is that you cannot transfer or give your Coil. It's the same as giving your luck to someone else. Who would do this voluntarily?


Very often it was worn precisely with the aim of bringing happiness into life. Not only brave warriors wanted happy life, but also for women. Rarely, they wore such amulets. Most often - secretly, because by its nature, Kolovrat male sign. Women It was not appropriate to use it, but many people always carried a small image with them secretly under their clothes.

Black Sun

Universal security symbol, which protected not only on the battlefield, but also in Everyday life. Dark forces tried to penetrate the soul of a person, to take away all that was bright and pure from him. This symbol helped against them. He fenced person from harmful influence dark magic, helped him cope with difficulties.

This sign brought good luck to those who honor their fathers and grandfathers and follow the chosen path with their heads held high. It is not suitable for the weak, so... strong-willed loved ones chose it for themselves as a lucky amulet.

From evil, damage, evil eye

IN old times mysticism and magic were something common. Everyone knew that a person can have amazing abilities. So, white magic was practiced, but there was also black magic. Evil eyes, damage, black love spells were energy hazards. Young girls could be bewitched by boys, and adult men for your own pleasure. They appeared to them at night in their dreams, forcing them to do various pleasant and not so pleasant things.

Evil spirits who wanted to take possession of his soul could also sneak into a person’s dreams. The man believed that I had a bad dream, but in fact, his soul was captured by evil forces. Symbols that were worn on oneself, embroidered on nightgown or hidden under the bed, they took care of people in dreams and in reality.


This the symbol was worn exclusively by women. He protected them from the eye, damage or curse. Bewitch the girl who wears it around her neck silver Lunnitsa it was impossible. Everyone knew this. This is another symbol of the goddess Lada, who patronized young, inexperienced girls so that trouble would not happen to them.

The symbol protected them feminine, protection from problems with conception. If someone wanted to harm, then the woman was cursed with infertility. Then about happy family life and I didn’t have to think. To prevent this from happening, it was necessary Wear a lunnitsa around the neck, and embroider the nightgown with symbols of the goddess Lada.

Symbol of the Family

Powerful protection against the forces of evil - Rod. All your ancestors stood up for your defense, driving away evil, damage, curses and evil words from you with their own strength. He acted only when a person led a righteous life and honored the memory of his ancestors. Ultimately, everyone was related in some way. Huge people held on to each other, helped each other like that. Remember the story about the broom? It’s easy to break one twig at a time, but to break a whole one? This is impossible. There is no force that could break an entire people.

Faith in their ancestors helped the Slavs in difficult times and protected them from adversity. To them asked for advice and support. The symbol of Rod is also solar. because this is one of ancient symbols that scientists managed to find.

Perunov Color

Protects from all misfortunes, and especially from diseases induced by magic . A person can

curse illness, so then he doesn’t know how to be treated, what to do. If no means help, then someone cursed or jinxed. Then they put on this amulet. In general, it was recommended to always wear it in your belt. Then the disease will not get through. If it was not worn, then it was only allowed to wear it for the duration of the illness, and then Perunov Tsvet had to be buried bury, because he took on all the negativity.

Popular questions for practitioners of Slavic magic

Not all questions are easy to find answers to. People often ask from council practitioners, so this is just a small list of popular questions. The answer to them is always very simple. But, every little thing matters if you decide get a real Slavic amulet.

Should I wear it every day?

Not all amulets or amulets must be worn every day. If you have made or purchased an item that has powerful protective properties, then you do not need to wear it every day. You can put it on when life begins unplanned (unpleasant) change, or you are in danger.

His energy is very strong, you won’t always be able to stand a whole day or night with them. In a dangerous situation, all its strength is spent on protection; you do not feel so keenly how strong the protective symbol is. The most important - you should be comfortable. If you have a severe headache, nausea, low blood pressure, or constantly want to sleep, the energy of the amulet is overwhelming you. This symbol is not suitable. Perhaps a woman wears a man's or vice versa.

Should you make a talisman yourself or is it better to buy it?

Nobody can answer this question for you unambiguously. The point is that both good ways. For
for those who are just starting their practices, it is best amulet or buy a talisman. Of course, it’s ideal if you buy it from a trusted specialist, practice. He will do everything according to the canons, so he will act flawlessly.

If you have already reached a certain level, then you can do it yourself. Be sure to study the images and tips from the masters. Otherwise, you may make a mistake the amulet will be damaged. It is better not to carry such an object of power on yourself; it is not known how it will work.

I heard that amulets need to be cleaned with salt

This is true. Once a year, or more often, amulets need to be cleaned. Salt is a universal remedy. She takes on all the energy of the object, clearing it of negativity. You need to immerse the amulet in a bowl or other container filled with coarse sea salt. Leave it like this for 1-3 days.

After this, the amulet can be used again, he gave away all the accumulated negativity. This salt should not be kept at home or eaten. This way you will take everything back onto yourself. She needs bury in the ground or let it go with the flow of the river.

Where to buy a good amulet?

Many esoteric shops offer a choice of wooden or metal amulets. There you can also find out the names and contacts of the masters. It matters how long he has been working with wood, how well he knows the rules for creating these objects. It is best to take the master’s contact from trusted people who are well versed in this tradition. Then you will get something really valuable, charged correctly energy thing.

The amulets of the ancient Slavs contain the deepest sacred meaning. They are endowed with incredible strength, the power of the Family, interconnected with nature, which was the shrine of our ancestors. They took amulets on the road and used them in everyday life, trying to protect themselves, their relatives and their home. How Slavic amulets and their meanings will help us, the descendants of the ancient Slavs?

General information about Slavic amulets

The amulets of the ancient Slavs depict not only solar signs, personifying the cult of the sun. Some of them contain swastikas. Our galaxy has a similar shape. Human DNA is also similar to the swastika. This serves as evidence that Slavic amulets and their meanings are endowed with a deeper meaning than is known.

Modern Slavic amulets have retained the appearance they had originally. In ancient times they were made from available materials:

  • metals;

    teeth or animal bones.

Currently, amulets are made mainly from silver and gold, but preference is given to the first metal, as it repels evil forces and, therefore, provides powerful protection. Gold amulets, in addition to everything, demonstrate the high social status of their owner.

When choosing Slavic amulets, you should rely on their meanings and your own sixth sense. If a certain amulet seems particularly attractive, it means it has the right energy. There are symbols that protect against evil eyes, bestow favor of fate, peace, tranquility, material success, etc.

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Slavic amulets for men

Since ancient times, amulets for men have had significant differences from those for women, since they protected the stronger sex during the hunt, protected health, and gave good luck. Traditionally, men's talismans were copper or silver and had a more strict and laconic design than women's. Wearing the sign as a bracelet or pendant was not a prerequisite - embroidery on a shirt or engraving on a weapon was enough.

The most powerful energy was endowed with amulets made by mothers or spouses, since a sincerely loving woman put exclusively bright intentions into the talisman. Amulets woven from spouses' hair were often mentioned - they gave husbands strength on the hunt and the battlefield. After the hunt, the fangs and claws of defeated animals were woven into talismans, which gave the stronger sex additional confidence.

A talisman worn by a man when he reaches the age of a warrior. This symbol helps in mastering a new profession, gives peace and confidence. God Svarog helps family people in strengthening marriage bonds, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house, and acquiring the wisdom of their ancestors.

This amulet is filled with sacred meaning, so its image was often used on the weapons and equipment of warriors, priestly attire and on the Standards of the Family. Rasich is a sign of integrity and power. It gives its wearer endurance and the greatest wisdom.

The talisman, which for centuries was used exclusively in military craft, is now used in everyday life. This is a traditionally male amulet that emits solar energy. Under no circumstances should women wear the Thunderbolt, as it will have the opposite effect, having a detrimental effect on fate.

This talisman helped warriors resist enemies. It was often depicted on military attributes, as it served as a symbol of Indra, the god of war. Today Grozovik helps men whose professions are connected with natural elements: aviators, sailors, workers fire department etc.

This sign is more suitable for married women of Balzac's age. It protects the family from the interference of evil forces, gives health to all household members, brings prosperity and well-being.

This amulet is charged with powerful positive energy; it protects the newlyweds. However, both spouses must put on the talisman at the same time, wear a ring with it, remove it only after the birth of the baby and hide it in the house. Those who do not have a partner should not wear the Wedding Dress, otherwise it may further increase loneliness and bring misfortune.

This amulet was worn by middle-aged women with a strong character, an iron will and noble thoughts, but not by young girls. Ognevitsa will benefit its owner only if she has already become a mother, otherwise the sign can ruin the fate of the young girl.

This is a talisman of the Slavs, which not only provides for its owner, but also gives her true feminine happiness. Ladinets protects women from magical influences and various ailments, helping to heal as soon as possible.

Universal amulets

Our ancestors treated all kinds of amulets with special respect. Amulets were made mainly of silver due to the miraculous properties of this metal, although there were also gold talismans. Most amulets have survived to this day slightly modified, more intricate and more advanced in production terms. There are Slavic amulets, the meaning of which is suitable for representatives of both sexes.

This sign is often used as an element of jewelry, which later serves as an amulet. It is not advisable for boys and girls who are not yet married to wear Colard, because instead of helping, it will provide Negative influence to their fate.

This Slavic amulet symbol is suitable for any adult household member, but only if everyone fulfills their duties in the house. Thus, the man receives the necessary energy to provide financially for the family, and the woman begins to engage in needlework, playing music, drawing and, of course, procreation.

The amulet is suitable for men and women. From ancient times it was believed that a talisman, on one side of which is depicted a Fern Flower, and on the other, a Overpowering Grass, contains double power.

The purpose of this amulet is to protect the well-being of the family. He gives peace, tranquility, hard work and the greatest wisdom.

The patron of this amulet is the god Rod, who provides assistance to all living creatures. As a rule, this talisman was hung over the cradle or placed near the baby. The family member protected not only the baby, but also all the household members. When the child grew up, the amulet was still left at home.

This talisman protects against evil and disease. Our ancestors made Alatyr not for themselves, but as a gift to loved ones, passing on their love and warmth along with the heavenly stone.

This Slavic amulet is capable of changing its meaning and energy depending on the way it is worn. The owner of Cres is not just some kind of pawn in the game of life, but a queen, endowed with powerful power and independently making decisions about how to act.

This talisman helps its owner to obtain a strong base with a combination of both base and highly spiritual needs. Thanks to him, a person comprehends the foundations of the universe. The source is effective for both sexes.

The negative influence of this sign can only be felt by those who have nothing sacred. And for a person striving for spiritual knowledge, the amulet will become a faithful friend and helper. Veles opens access to secret knowledge, enhances creativity, and teaches attentiveness. A properly charged amulet allows you to communicate with deceased relatives.

This talisman guides you on the true path, teaches you to live according to your conscience, and achieve a state of harmony. Svarog is the god of justice, so you shouldn’t expect help from him in dark matters. And if the owner of the amulet nevertheless commits an illegal act, he will be severely punished with this amulet.

But there are those who believe that this is a purely male amulet, since it has a rough, angular shape. A wonderful gift for the father of the family and children. Rodimich protects boys from danger, makes them calm and balanced.

Ancient Slavic women often decorated towels and children's clothing with this sign. Tattoos depicting this sign were widespread. Nowadays such tattoos are also popular - the main thing is to apply them correctly.

This amulet will give its owner a truly wolfish desire for freedom and life in compliance with the main principles of existence. The main point when choosing this talisman is determination and the desire to gain the authority of others.

This sign conveys to its owner the wisdom of centuries, the awareness that one must live according to honor and the dictates of the soul. Otherwise, there will be retribution for dark deeds.

To enhance the effect, it is desirable that the talisman be silver or wooden. Triglav will help you achieve the state inner harmony and cleanse the house from the influence of evil forces.

This amulet helps to reconcile the heart with the mind. Rubezhnik teaches a person to fight his own laziness and phobias. It protects from the enemy, sweeps away all obstacles on the way. In ancient times, not everyone could use such a symbol!

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Since ancient times, this amulet was worn by warriors. He imparted power and courage on the battlefield. Garuda was put on boys from birth to calm violent temperament and indicate true path. The amulet gave women magical power and allowed them to hear the voice of the earth.

The owner of the silver talisman Svetoch receives reliable protection, as well as the ability to comprehend the very essence of phenomena. This is the optimal amulet for bosses, sharks of the pen, philosophers and musicians. The symbol sharpens the sense of justice and serves as a wonderful assistant in everyday life.

This sign was applied to windows and walls to protect the home from dark interference. He possessed powerful power and protected the family foundations. The Slavic amulet Duniya is intended for constant wearing, allowing you to receive the age-old wisdom of your ancestors.

This sign will be useful for those who are faced with a difficult choice. The power of Perunitsa pushes towards acceptance optimal solution. The amulet helps men in defending own opinion, and bestows youth and natural beauty on the fair sex.

Everyone who wore this amulet knew how to be grateful to nature and constantly strived for self-improvement. The talisman helps in a variety of life situations. Its owner feels powerful energy for a successful hunt, victory on the battlefield or success in work. Fatigue and illness recede, faith in yourself and your own strength comes.

This symbol is often found among girls who dream of strong family ties, prosperous life. The goddess of love and beauty Lada protects the house from the invasion of evil, and married couples from the turmoil of life.

This amulet guides men in the right direction, develops a sixth sense, and provides the opportunity for self-realization. The Star of Rus' helps women in difficult circumstances, especially during a period when there is no reliable male shoulder nearby.

This is an amulet with a huge supply of energy. Only those whose thoughts are noble and innocent and who treat their relatives with warmth can wear it.

This is a powerful amulet that protects the house and its inhabitants from disease, the evil eye and conflicts. The source of the Tree of Life is inexhaustible, since it has a direct connection with the spiritual principle.

Race Symbol

This is unique Slavic amulet, created by people themselves, and the energy that is contained in it can only be controlled by a person. The symbol of the Race means unity with the ancestors and receiving age-old wisdom from them.

The amulet is suitable for men whose work involves a threat to life: military personnel, sailors, climbers, etc. It is also intended for anyone who is faced with difficult choices or many challenges.

This Slavic talisman serves as a kind of generator of positive energy that allows you to get what you want. The main condition for wearing this amulet is to open your soul towards the light and good deeds.

The sacred sign serves as the personification of the protection of the Family, as well as the preservation of the boundaries of personal territory. According to legend, the meaning of this Slavic amulet is similar to the Roman Bath, which protects the ancestral fields.

The talisman will become a devoted assistant for someone who strives for spiritual development. The owner of this amulet will be able to comprehend the fundamentals of the universe and feel harmony with nature.

This universal amulet can be worn by everyone without exception. Those who constantly balance on the brink as part of their duties should especially think about purchasing it: doctors, police officers, fire department employees, etc. Rysich protects from any danger.

This Slavic talisman reveals inner potential, awakens ancestral memory and the ability to spiritual knowledge. The most effective amulet is made from silver, since this metal is endowed with truly outstanding magical properties.

The strongest amulet, endowed with exceptional healing abilities. Since ancient times, he has cured deadly diseases in the shortest possible time. To enhance the effectiveness of the Fern Flower, it is regularly cleansed by passing it over a fire or dipping it into water.

The talisman heals the body and soul, and has a complex effect. The healer cures ailments, promotes the speedy healing of wounds, cleanses the aura and gives its owner long years of life.

This Slavic symbol protects the home from quarrels and fires. However, it is predominantly worn by the stronger sex as a body amulet. Vseslavets will support those who want to get a job and improve relationships with management and colleagues. He helps a newly-made family avoid the first conflicts and come to a compromise.

Vseslavets gives strength to overcome trials, fills with energy. This amulet also protects the home from fire and leaves property safe and sound - for this purpose the sign is applied to the walls.

Legendary sun sign, representing abundance, cheerfulness, well-being and protection from evil. The owners of this Slavic talisman do successful career, create strong families and give birth to healthy children. The main thing is to achieve everything honestly.

This amulet gives enlightenment, confidence in the future, and creative inspiration. Provides powerful support to athletes, creative people, and military personnel. The solar cross is traditionally worn by people of wisdom.

This sign means the unity of the clan and spiritual strength. It protects a person from various adversities in life. A wonderful amulet for those who seek to pass on their knowledge to others. A house guarded by this symbol is reliably protected from the evil eye, and family members are protected from strife.

In addition to wisdom and calm, this amulet is also characterized by aggressive protection, since the Valkyrie is not only the messenger of death, but also the patroness of brave defenders. The solar symbol is charged through sunlight. It grants men success in the military field, and helps women strengthen their character.

An excellent talisman for people who revere nature and ancient traditions. Strong-willed will draw energy from it, and those who hesitate will draw strength to move on. It has the greatest effect on those who achieve everything through hard work, and not by passively waiting for the weather by the sea.

Charms for children

Slavic symbols are also used for children. Some signs are hung over the baby's cradle to protect against the evil one. Previously, mothers made amulets for their children on their own. Today they can be purchased in specialized stores.

To protect her beloved child, a mother can make this Slavic doll herself. The main thing is not to use needles or scissors during its manufacture. They make a flagellum from snow-white fabric, tie a scarf on top, then swaddle it and wrap it with red thread. There is no need to draw the face. This doll is placed in the baby's crib - it reliably protects him from the evil one.

Amulets can be used both for people and to protect homes from thieves, fires, and floods. For this, images of any amulets and hand-made folk dolls are used. The exception is Slavic symbols, which should only be worn by the person himself.

All Slavic amulets and their meanings provide effective protection, but only to those who sincerely believe in their miraculous power and connection with their ancestors. It is necessary to understand that this is not a panacea for all ills, but only a concentrate of energy, which everyone must manage independently.





project participants: students of group TS-71

supervisor: Kupriyanova Inna Vladimirovna, teacher of the discipline “Floristry and papermaking” (elective)

Objective of the project:

· introduce students to one of the phenomena of Russian folk art - the amulet.

Project objectives:

· consolidate knowledge about symbols and ancient images;

· develop the creative potential of students;

· cultivate a love of folk art, respect for one’s work, and perseverance.


Project Execution Plan

1. Study of Russian amulets, their meaning in the life of Russian peasants

2. Making amulets

3. Project presentation

The topic “Amulets” has interested me for a very long time. Once upon a time, my mother and I were at an exhibition of paintings at the All-Russian Exhibition Center (All-Russian Exhibition Center) and there I saw these funny and amusing brownies. We stood next to the display case for a long time and looked at the crafts. These were various brooms, wickers, spoons, braids, little shoes, brownies. Each amulet was different from each other, but at the same time, each work had its own character, its own soul, there was so much warmth and kindness in these works. I was especially struck by what they were made of. These were various cereals, grains, pine cones, herbs, dried flowers, berries, mushrooms (from salt dough), seeds, tree bark and twigs, various braids, scraps of fabric, etc. It seemed like nothing special, but at the same time I wanted to pick them up and look at them and look at them.

Therefore, I would like to introduce others to amulets - house-elfs, because people believed that in everyone there lives a house-elf who must be appeased, otherwise he will get angry and harm the inhabitants of the house.

Project goals and objectives


The centuries-old history of culture is inextricably linked with popular beliefs. They came to us from the depths of time as a memory of our ancestors, the first attempts to understand the world around us, to protect ourselves from unfavorable events. Folk customs and beliefs changed over time along with changes in the culture of the people.

Ancient Slavic customs and rituals were not forgotten even after the arrival of Christianity in Rus'. Orthodox Church showed wisdom and tolerance. Therefore, Christianity only supplanted, but did not destroy the traditional worldview.

For thousands of years, not a single house in Rus' could do without amulets. Miniature images of an axe, a bell, spoons, as well as ordinary household items: a mixing bowl, a broom, a poker, bast shoes, etc. were widely used in rituals. People believed that amulets protected them from diseases, the “evil eye,” predatory animals, natural disasters and various misfortunes. Going to long journey, a person took a talisman with him so that the goodness, faith and love put into it would warm his soul and remind him of his father’s house and land.

Gradually, a person’s view of the events happening around him changed. Life, utensils, housing and other aspects of life changed. But the inherent desire of people to protect their home and family members from adversity remained unchanged. Our ancestors protected it with the help of the correct location on the site, observed special rituals when choosing a place and construction, and after construction - with the help of a wide variety of symbolic images. A properly built house in itself was the best protection against possible troubles and troubles.

Our ancestors knew very well that everything depends on how correctly the site for building a house is chosen. future life in a new place. For this reason, they attached so much importance to the issues of choosing a site and observing the ritual of construction. These beliefs originate in ancient times, and today many of them may seem to us unusual superstitions, while others, on the contrary, are full of deep hidden meaning.

So, in ancient times it was impossible to build a house on a place where lightning struck, abandoned by people due to natural disasters or disease. They did not build a house and together, where human remains were found, serious crimes were committed, someone was seriously injured, where a shaft broke or a cart overturned. Respect for cemeteries was traditional.

Therefore, the traditional Slavic house was usually built as a model of the Universe. The stove was a symbol of the Earth, and the opposite red corner with icons was the Sun and God in the sky... The cult of the house is one of the oldest, which is why ideas about the need to protect the house from real and invisible enemies are so old.

The main natural boundaries of the house are the walls, openings and roof, which in wooden houses were protected with the help of symbolic carvings. The door also served as a natural talisman. In houses, specially woven curtains were hung at the doors, and the opening was outlined with red clay.

When a child was born, the door frame was notched with an ax as a message about a new addition to the family. There was also a custom in villages not to lock the doors, but to keep them open for everyone who came with good intentions.

The threshold was endowed with the greatest protective power. There are well-known signs that you cannot pass anything across the threshold, talk or say hello across the threshold, or stand on the threshold. When crossing this line, there are numerous, both pagan in origin and Christian, prayers and amulets.

Our ancestors tried to protect the courtyard. The boundary of personal space runs along the fence around the yard and is protected with the help of a number of symbolic objects. These could be, for example, pots and jars, horseshoes, old bast shoes, etc., which are hung on gates and fences, or a net that is thrown over a fence or fence. It was believed that in this way it was possible to scare away birds of prey and protect domestic animals. Also, pebbles with holes, the so-called “chicken gods”, also having a talismanic meaning, were hung on fence or fence stakes. Nowadays, attention to the outer border of the yard - the fence - has almost disappeared, however, the tradition is still alive - nailing a horseshoe to the gate for good luck.

The figurines - amulets - are weather vanes that were placed on the roofs of houses. In Rus', most often it was a horse or a rooster. This amulet protected the house from all sorts of misfortunes.

Charms accompanied the life of a peasant from birth to death. The main everyday amulets of Russians in the 19th – early 20th centuries were pectoral cross and a belt. The cross was often put on the baby during childbirth, so that the child would not die unbaptized. According to popular beliefs, his guardian angel could not intercede for an unbaptized person.

Your next amulet, by folk beliefs, was given to the child by nature itself as soon as his first baby tooth. Before that, he was considered especially susceptible to the machinations of evil spirits, which is why it was not customary to leave him alone for a minute.

The cape on the float, which was usually sewn from the mother’s skirt, also had a protective function. Under the pillow, in a shaky place, it was customary to keep two crossed knives, scissors open with a cross, a handwritten prayer “Saints of Help” (90th Psalm) or “Prayer to the Honorable Cross” as a talisman.

The child was protected from spirits, which, according to legend, entered the house from the outside with a floor broom placed on the threshold at night. Instead of a broom, an ax was often placed on the threshold with the blade facing up. Smears of soot behind the ear or on those parts of the body where the bones formed a “cross” served as a talisman against the evil eye for the baby.

The belt was first put on the baby at the stove pillar when he reached one year, but if he died before this period, then he was placed in the coffin belted.

From the age of seven, people began to wear a pin as a talisman against the evil eye. Men carried a nail or other sharp object in their pocket as a talisman.

At the wedding, the bride and groom took the “Vacation” prayer as a talisman against witchcraft, which they bought from a relative or friend’s sorcerer. For the bride, needles with a broken eye were stuck into the hem; for the groom, such needles were stuck into the waist part of his trousers. The bride and groom could carry with them onions and garlic, mercury in a goose feather as a talisman, the groom put a silver ruble or a flat stone under the heel of his right boot. An additional amulet on his wedding day was a belt that was never worn by a person. Wedding amulets were worn by newlyweds for 40 days after the wedding.

The entire life of the Russian people was permeated with a grateful and respectful attitude towards nature, in which there are mythical creatures, living in water, earth, air, fire, forest, field (goblin, water, field, brownies, kikimoras, beregins, etc.). One or another owner or assistant was responsible for different aspects of life and everyday life. Charms have long been prepared to protect houses and their inhabitants from bad spirits, diseases, to attract the brownie and appease him.

In Rus' they believed that no house would stand without a brownie. The brownie is the soul of the house, the patron of the home and the people living in it. He lives in a house, preferring a place where it is warm and nourishing - a stove, a kitchen. The well-being of the home depended on a respectful attitude towards the brownie. The “neighbor” causes minor troubles for careless owners: knocking at night, hiding things, dropping clothes, etc. If the brownie is on friendly terms with the owner, the house is under his protection. The brownie loves to transform into different animals, especially a cat. When moving to a new place, they always invited “Neighbor” with them. He was transported in a bast shoe, on a bread shovel, on a broom: “here are those sleighs, come with us.”

Continuing these traditions, our modern artists create the image of a brownie and a “brownie”. This is a broom, a braid, a spatula, a wreath, a picture, etc. they depict household items made specifically for the brownie. They are composed of folk Slavic symbols.

“Domovushki” are most often hung on the wall in the kitchen. They are made from natural materials: leather, bast, cereals, salt dough, dried berries and flowers. The basis of a “housewife” can be a broom, a bag, a wooden spoon, a horseshoe, a wreath.

All “housekeepers” contain a similar set of symbolic figures and objects: miniature brooms, bast shoes and wreaths, wicker tablecloths, pots of porridge, pastries, bouquets of dried flowers. According to tradition, there should be 12 symbolic objects on it, no more and no less.

Each item has its own meaning:

v a broom symbolizes cleanliness in the house;

v garlic and pepper drive out evil spirits;

v dough products, cereals - hospitality and prosperity;

v a bouquet of dried flowers - comfort and beauty;

v sunflower seeds - children in the house;

v bag – wealth, abundance;

v peas and beans - peace and friendship;

v braid – longevity;

v figures of a man and a woman - love and inextricability of bonds;

v coins, cone - success in business, business;

v croup – peace and harmony in the family;

v house - family, home, comfort;

v corn - health in children, mutual understanding in the family;

v symbol of a jug - water, health;

v Bay leaf– fame and success;

v immortelle – longevity;

v poppy – wish fulfillment


Charms have long been prepared to protect houses and their inhabitants from bad spirits, diseases, to attract the brownie and appease him. There are a huge number of different amulets and areas of their application.

Collected and dried magical plants are suitable for a broom amulet.

When creating amulets, you must follow some rules:

1. Amulets cannot be made for yourself.

2. No one can force someone to make a talisman for themselves or beg them to do it. Amulets are made only of good will and from a pure soul.

3.. The most strong amulets- those that are made, made for you by your blood relatives: father, mother, brother, children. Marital ties are traditionally not considered consanguinity, but if the marriage is harmonious and happy, mutually created amulets also have great strength.

4. You need to be very careful when choosing materials for amulets, because often a material (stone, wood) that is good for you is completely unsuitable for the person for whom you are creating this amulet.

5. In the process of creating a talisman, you must constantly think about the person for whom you are making it, keep his image before your mental gaze, feel his energy, mood, character, needs.

If you strictly follow all five rules, it is likely that the amulet you made will really be able to protect its owner from many troubles and misfortunes.

Amulet broom

that beautiful little thing (broom) is at the same time a decoration, a talisman and a whole fairy tale. The broom is known among many peoples as a symbol that protects against evil entering the house. In Rus', it was customary to change the ritual broom annually, throwing it at a crossroads. It was believed that with a broom the troubles that had accumulated throughout the year would go away. The more beautiful and neat your broom, the greater its power.

A broom can be easily made from plants of the bluegrass family. To do this, you need to tie the plants into small bunches (about forefinger). Make a bandage in the middle of each bunch. Place several bunches side by side, conditionally divide the lower parts (panicle inflorescences) in half and make one more bandage below the existing one, but this time capturing two halves of adjacent bunches in one bandage. The upper part is the panicle itself, and the lower part is the butt. The butt needs to be tightly tied with linen or paper twine, creating a neat and comfortable handle. The upper part of the panicle and the lower part of the butt must be carefully trimmed using scissors and a knife. The basis for the “housewife” is ready.

Now you need to attach decoration elements and symbols to the panicle. For everyone, this decoration can be individual, depending on the meaning put into its creation.

If you place the broom amulet with the whisk facing down, it helps sweep quarrels out of the hut and drives out evil spirits.

A broom positioned with the whisk up attracts money into the house.

Amulet panel

The role of the amulet panel is the same as that of the broom; various objects are also placed on it that protect the house from evil and bring goodness and understanding.


The bag has always been associated in Rus' with wealth; it can be decorated with various symbols, or it can simply stand in the corner, protecting the house and bringing wealth to it. The bags are stored until the herbal smell is felt.

Painted eggs

In Rus' it was also believed that painted eggs protected from troubles and diseases

Harvest amulet

Prosperity next year can be attracted already this year if you decorate your house with a harvest amulet for the Veils. This symbol is created based on the generous gifts of nature and serves not only as a talisman for your family’s well-being, but also as an excellent decorative element. Indeed, today the “country” style is very popular in interior decoration, so such a talisman will be fashionable and appropriate in almost any apartment. Dried flowers, nuts, rose hips, garlic, and wheat ears are perfect.

We simply push light details (dried flowers, spikelets, twigs, dry dill, physalis) under the ribbons. We glue the heavier ones (garlic cloves, halves of a nut: broken in half, it looks more impressive - onions, beans) to the ribbons. We attach the heaviest elements (a whole head of garlic, a decorative pumpkin) to the foam rubber with long sewing pins in several places, and the rowan branches with a stapler.


Horseshoes of happiness have a decorative function, as well as a talisman and an amulet. For centuries, the horseshoe has been considered an amulet that brings happiness and protection in all countries where horses are shoed. This is partly because it is made of iron and forged by a blacksmith in a purifying fire, and partly because its shape resembles, and therefore symbolizes, the new moon.

Since ancient times, in Rus', finding a horseshoe on the road was considered a very good omen. In some regions, the correct sequence of actions was even developed for such a lucky find: pick up a horseshoe, spit on it, make a wish, throw it over your left shoulder and go your way without looking back. But another practice has taken root: take a horseshoe with you and nail it over front door or to the doorstep.

Legends and all kinds of beliefs about a horseshoe bringing happiness have deep historical and psychological roots. IN early centuries, when iron first began to penetrate into Europe, it was so expensive that any thing made of iron was considered valuable. And in the peasant economy, iron was even more rare, and therefore finding a horseshoe from which one could make something for the home: a knife, a scraper or just a nail was truly a blessing.

Different European peoples There are legends about the meaning of the horseshoe as a symbol of good luck, grace and happiness. The most famous of these is the Anglo-Saxon legend of St. Dunstan and the Devil. The devil himself appeared to the future Archbishop of Canterbury Dunstan (909-988) and asked him to shoe his hoof. Dunstan, who was also a blacksmith, agreed to such a deal. However, he shod the devil so tightly that he, experiencing incredible pain, asked for mercy. In exchange for freedom, the devil swore that he would never enter the door over which the horseshoe hung. Probably, this Christian version of the meaning of a horseshoe as a protective object was adopted by Christians from the ancient pagan Celts, who believed that a horseshoe nailed above the doors had the power to repel the invasion of otherworldly guests.

In Ancient Babylon and Egypt, a horseshoe, its shape resembling the shape of a waxing moon, was associated with the cult of the fertility goddesses Astarte and Isis.

Horseshoes have always had some kind of magical power, and many the mighty of the world That's why they collected them. In the office of the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I there was a large collection of all kinds of horseshoes. Modern riders and jockeys strive to preserve the horseshoes of a horse that has won a prize or set a record.

But how to hang a horseshoe? Horns up or horns down? And where exactly should I hang it?

In the East, Europe and Latin America, horseshoes are hung on the wall with their horns facing down so that happiness will flow to you. But the English and Irish are convinced that it is necessary to hang it with its horns up so that happiness does not leak out. The Mexican horseshoe - decorated with ribbons and coins, the faces of saints, hangs high - no one can touch it. The Italians, on the contrary, hang a horseshoe so that everyone who enters touches it.

In Russia they hang people with their horns down. But not adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui. Here the opinion is different - a horseshoe with its horns up so that the house is a full cup.

Nowadays, the horseshoe as a talisman is used in different ways:

Nailed above the doors with the horns facing down, it protects the house from evil;

Horns up - attracts prosperity to the house;

Placed on the inside of the door, it evens out the energy of the room if it contains geopathogenic zones that are harmful to health. For the same purpose, you can keep souvenir horseshoes at the head of your beds;

In a car it will protect the owner from accidents and bring him good luck in business;

Placed on the windowsill with the ends inward on the first night of the full moon, it will begin to attract money into the house and contribute in every possible way to material well-being;

Buried in the ground near the northwestern wall of the house, it will bring good luck in the field of help and support;

If flowers grow poorly in your house for unknown reasons, place a horseshoe near them.


Not a single Slavic house could manage in ancient times without amulets, and one of the most important, undoubtedly, was the fence. After all, the traditional Slavic farmstead represented a real model of the world and the first barrier on the path of hostile forces was precisely the fence, the fence. It performed protective functions, not allowing strangers and enemies into the yard; horseshoes, clay pots and old bast shoes were hung on it to ward off evil forces.

Nowadays, an elegant wicker amulet hung on the wall will protect the family from hunger, cold and disease. In addition, the interweaving of twigs symbolizes close family ties, pleasant new acquaintances and strong friendly relations.

The material from which our wattle fence is made is also interesting. Few people know that in fairy tales different nations it was from willow that “magic wands” were made, and in Ancient Greece The willow tree was dedicated to the goddess of witchcraft, Hecate. Many great healers of the past wrote about healing properties and you. Avicenna, Paracelsus and other scientists recommended willow bark and juice for various diseases.

In Rus', the fluffy balls of goat willow that bloom in early spring have become the main symbol Palm Sunday, one of the most important Orthodox holidays preceding Easter. Perhaps this is due to the amazing ability of the willow to revive - folk wisdom says about this: “The willow grows even from a poke,” or “The willow was mowed down, but it grew again.” Indeed, a cut willow twig stuck into moist soil will almost certainly germinate, and it happened that willow wattles also began to grow!


Brownies are the mischievous and mischievous spirits of your home. They can steal sweets or some little thing, tangle a horse's mane, make noise and rattle at night - scaring the owners. But if you respect the brownie, you give him a treat - you won’t find a better helper. He manages the housework, looks after the domestic animals, protects from fire, and helps in case of illness!

According to the belief of many peoples, brownies lived near the fire - both warmth and goodies from the oven were just a stone's throw away. You wouldn’t envy the owner who didn’t let the little brownie warm up by the stove! Brownies, of course, are kind creatures, but they will not tolerate disrespectful treatment - they will begin to take revenge and play pranks!

The brownie is changeable and unpredictable, like life, like the fate of a home or the fate of a family. He can be kind, cunning, mischievous, indifferent and even harmful. The happiness and well-being of the home depended on a respectful attitude towards the brownie. The brownie is the invisible soul of the house, the patron of housing and the people living in it. He is the ideal owner, an eternal busybody, sometimes grouchy, sometimes mischievous, but always caring and kind. For careless owners, the “sedulka” causes minor troubles - knocking at night, hiding things, dropping clothes, etc. If the brownie is on friendly terms with the owner, the house is under his protection. It was believed that in the absence of people, the brownie takes on the appearance of its owners at night, walking around the house and around the yard, scaring thieves. People tried to maintain good relations with the brownie, did not forget to address him with kind words, leave some tasty food and small gifts. Then the brownie will repay good for good: he will preserve peace and tranquility in the family, he will warn and save the house from troubles and ruin, he will take care of the livestock, and help with the housework.


An elegant house braid can serve not only for interior decoration. She has one more wonderful feature - to appease the invisible patron of your home - the brownie. You can give a luxurious braid to your brownie, or you can give it to the house of your relatives, neighbors or friends. Anyone would be pleased to receive such a gift. Such a braid symbolizes increasing well-being, and its weaving signifies the consent and unity of all family members. The braid is also a symbol of the infinity of your family.


Shoes could also be a talisman.

Gifts were hidden in shoes, and the shoes themselves could be a valuable gift - they were given by young people. Those who want to tell a girl about their feelings.

It was believed that red shoes protect a person from negative energy.

There are many fortune-telling and superstitions associated with shoes - during fortune-telling, girls stood with their backs to the gate and threw their felt boots onto the street. In which direction the sock points, wait for the matchmakers from there.

Bast shoes have long been a talisman in Rus' family happiness And home comfort, gifts for the brownies were placed in it.

Safety precautions

1. Labor protection requirements before starting work

1.1. Put on overalls and tuck your hair under a scarf.

1.2. Check for rusty needles and pins.

1.3. Prepare workplace back to work, remove everything unnecessary.

1.4. Make sure that the protective grounding (grounding) of the body of the electric sewing machine is present and in good condition, and that there is a dielectric mat on the floor near the machine.

2. Labor protection requirements during work

2.1. Store needles and pins in certain place(pads, special boxes, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace.

2.2. Do not use rusty needles and pins when working, and do not put needles or pins in your mouth under any circumstances.

2.3. Sew with needles only with a thimble.

2.4. Attach patterns and fabrics with the sharp ends of pins facing away from you.

2.5. Store scissors in a certain place, place them with their sharp ends closed, away from you, and pass them to each other with the handles forward.

2.6. Do not lean close to moving parts of the sewing machine.

2.7. Do not hold your fingers near the sewing machine foot to avoid getting pierced by the needle.

2.8. Before sewing a garment using a sewing machine, make sure there are no pins or needles along the seam line.

2.9. Do not bite the threads with your teeth, but cut them with scissors.

3. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

3.1. If a problem occurs in the operation of the sewing machine, stop working, release the start pedal of the electric sewing machine and inform the teacher (teacher, foreman) about this. Continue work only after eliminating the problem.

3.2. If a sewing needle or pin breaks, do not throw the broken pieces on the floor, but put them in a trash bin.

3.3. If an injury occurs, provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical institution and inform the administration of the institution about this.

3.4. In case of electric shock, provide first aid to the victim, if the victim does not have breathing or pulse, give him artificial respiration or chest compressions until breathing and pulse are restored and send the victim to the nearest medical facility.

4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

4.1. Disconnect the electrical machine from the network.

4.2. Check the availability of working tools and tidy up the workplace.

4.3. Carry out wet cleaning of the room and its ventilation.

4.4. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


The exposition of amulets participated in the exhibition of student creativity of the State Educational Institution Secondary Professional Education KPTK, the regional student exhibition creative works students at the exhibition of the Days of German Culture.


Cost of raw materials, materials, accessories

Name of materials


Unit costs

Consumption rate

price, rub.

Amount, rub.

Cotton fabric

Adhesive fabric

Floss threads



Calculation of cost items

Name of cost items

Cost per unit, rub.

Raw materials, materials and accessories

Sales waste

Transportation and procurement costs

Salary PPP

Additional wage

Contributions for social needs

General shop expenses, 1.5%

General expenses, 1.5%

Other production costs, 10%

Total cost of products


The implementation of projects in student groups TShP-41, TShP-31, PZ-31 aroused interest among students. This work brought moral, emotional and creative satisfaction. Through the costume, students learned the history, culture, way of life, traditions of the Russian people, learned to see beauty, understood how important it is to preserve national culture and how to use elements of Russian folk costume in modeling a modern costume.

The main result of the work was not only the costume itself, but those educational, developmental and training goals that are set by the teacher at each lesson: independent activity of students, realization of their personal creative potential, increased independence, responsibility, development of skills to work in a team, plan and make decisions , evaluate the results obtained. Students gain invaluable experience in solving real problems in their future independent lives.

Of course, working using the project method requires a lot of effort, preparation and patience from the teacher. It is the teacher who is the initiator of interesting endeavors. In a certain sense, the teacher ceases to be a “subject specialist”, but becomes a generalist teacher. To do this, he, as a project manager, must have high level culture and creativity. The teacher, by his personal example, must show students how work can and should be correctly coordinated, how difficulties can be overcome. Love for the business you serve is the key to success.


1. Artemyeva, E. Aleshinsky outfit [Text] / E. Artemyeva // Wonderful moments. Series: Traditional costume.- 2005.- No. 5.- P.5-34

2. Ivanovskaya, V.I. Russian ornaments [Text] / V.I. Ivanovskaya - M.: Publishing house "V. Shevchuk". - 2006. - 224 p.

3. Karshinova, L. Russian folk costume. Universal approach [Text] / L. Karshinova - M.: White Alva. - 2005. - 64 p.

5. Russian traditional costume [Text]: illustrated encyclopedia / A. Sosnina, I. Shangina. - St. Petersburg: Art-SPB. - 2006. - 400 pp., ill..


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“Keeps the amulet from the evil eye, keeping out evil forces...” - dozens of proverbs and sayings once again confirm the power and unique protective properties of the amulets of the ancient Slavs. All the amulets of our ancestors are based on a close connection with Mother Nature and are endowed with a deep sacred meaning. Are they capable ancient Slavic amulets and symbols help us in modern life? The answer to this question is in our article.

Ancient Slavic amulets: history and modernity

Amulets and talismans were deeply revered by our ancestors - the ancient Slavs. They kept them in their homes and took them with them on the road and on military campaigns. Old Russian amulets had powerful protective properties.

The beliefs of the ancient Slavs were always based on the deification of the forces of Nature.

It is important to note that our pagan ancestors perceived and assessed the world around them completely differently. Based on these views, special beliefs and rituals were formed. Paganism is based on respect, worship, and fear of the power and strength of Nature. In order to protect themselves from all kinds of negative influences, the ancient Slavs came up with a whole series of amulets. Their meaning could be different, but most of them embodied the function of protecting a person from evil forces and influences.

Ancient Slavic symbols and amulets have not changed at all over time. They look exactly the same as they did centuries ago. Many of them have survived to this day through the connection of generations. The lost symbols from the amulets were recreated as a result of archaeological excavations and historical research. That is why modern amulets and charms depicting ancient pagan signs have the same power as in ancient times. They will also protect their owner from all danger and evil.

When choosing a talisman for yourself, listen to your feelings - the talisman will tell you everything

Ancient Russian amulets have long brought good luck to a person and contributed to the successful completion of any business or idea. How to choose a suitable amulet for yourself? Very simple! You need to listen carefully to yourself, and you will immediately understand which pagan amulet is “yours” and which is not.

The amulets of the ancient Slavs were divided into two types:

  • women's;
  • men's

Women's amulets of the ancient Slavs

The owner, the eldest in the family, was always responsible for making amulets

Women initially needed to wear more amulets on themselves. After all, they are the guardians of the human race. In ancient times, in families, the woman was usually responsible for selecting and making amulets. Moreover, this had to be the oldest representative of the family. The amulets were made by her alone and in complete silence. It was extremely important to set all your thoughts in the right way during this sacred process.

“Keeps the amulet from the evil eye, keeping out evil forces. A man became related to him, not parting until the grave. Keeps within itself the warmth of hearts and the memory of the Old Testament..."

The amulets of our ancestors contain a deep sacred meaning. Behind them is the strength, the power of the Family, a close connection with nature, which was the shrine of the ancestors. All talismans had a strong protective effect. They were taken with them on the road, used in everyday life and protected their lives, homes and families. How can Slavic amulets and their meaning help us, our contemporaries?

Pagan traditional amulets

Our great-grandfathers perceived the world around us completely differently. Paganism was based on respect and worship of nature and fear of its strength and power. To protect themselves from various misfortunes, negative influences and falling under low vibrations, the Slavs came up with protective symbols.

Modern Slavic amulets look exactly the same as their ancestors. The basis is taken from photographs of amulets found during archaeological excavations. Therefore, modern pagan talismans have the same strength and power.

They will also protect their owners from attacks by evil spirits, dangers, black eyes and injustice. In return, bringing good luck, prosperity and fortune in all matters and endeavors. To choose a pagan protective sign, first of all, listen to your own feelings - look at the photos of talismans, listen to yourself. And you will immediately feel which of the amulets is “yours”.

The ancient Slavs divided symbols into female and male.

Protection of Slavic beauties

Women were supposed to wear more amulets - after all, they were the bearers and guardians of the Family. In every Russian family, the eldest woman was responsible for making magical talismans. She did them in complete solitude and silence. In the process of creating a sacred thing, all thoughts must be pure and thoughts clear.

Ancient Slavic symbols were used as the basis for the magical item. They were applied to robes in the form of embroidery, household items and, of course, protective jewelry.


A powerful sacred sign that brought health and female happiness to the Slavic woman. Its significance included the protection of pregnant women and safe childbirth. It was believed that through Lunnitsa the baby received a strong birth element. These amulets are symbols of life, fertility and prosperity.


Slavic men could also use such a sign, but initially it was considered a female symbol. Yarilo protected love, revived feelings and did not allow it to fall apart married couples. The Rusinka, through this talisman, influenced harmony and prosperity in the house, and protected her Family.


Lada is the goddess of youth, beauty, health and love. Protective symbols protected the house from all misfortune and evil. These amulets were intended for young girls who dreamed of family happiness.


One of the strongest sacred signs. In its meaning, the Slavic people laid down power over time and the course of life. This talisman could also be worn by men, but in legends such a sign was always considered as a female sign. For a young girl, Alatyr gave powerful protection to the entire Family.


A protective talisman for mature, family women. Those who sacredly honor the traditions of the Family and carry warmth and kindness within themselves. The Great Makosh takes under her protection the family, the Slavic way of life, the family hearth and all family members. Abundance and happiness go hand in hand with Mokosh.


In ancient legends, this name was given to a sacred herb with magical powers. Such symbols protected against the attacks of demonic spells. And Mother Earth herself gave birth to this grass. Charms meaning Odolen-grass protected Rusyn women and their families from ill health and illness.

Wedding party

The newlyweds' talisman, which was given to the young bride. With his help, the young wife protected family values ​​and maintained harmony and prosperity in the house. The wedding dresser protected the newlyweds from an accidental evil eye during the wedding feast and attracted favorable energies.


The strongest amulet that was given to the Slavs by their patron - the God of the Family. Thanks to him, Slavic women carried the baby safely and were relieved of their burden. These talismans also protected the newborn from the evil eye. They wore this sign throughout their lives.

Woman in labor

Sacred symbols with Rozhanitsa (goddess of fate) were intended for women dreaming of children. The symbol was also suitable for pregnant women, for whom these amulets had a special meaning: they protected newborns and helped the mother prepare for childbirth.

Any women's Slavic amulets are a source of colossal strength, carrying goodness and care for others. Those who have a warm, open and sincere soul will only enhance the power of protective talismans.