How to learn dark magic at home. Spells

Where to start?

Magic, like any other serious science, is almost impossible to study from books. You can master a couple of techniques, master a simple mantic instrument at a basic level and learn how to remove simple damage and evil eyes, but this is not enough to be called a Magician. Serious knowledge does not fit into books, but this does not negate the fact that you need to read, at least for inspiration.

Still, what is needed to start an independent magical practice? Firstly, you should devote a lot of time to studying information about the magical path and magic in general. Already at this stage you will have an understanding of what you want to master. This understanding does not necessarily appear as a thought, rather it comes as a feeling. However, I warn you to obey this desire in everything. Serious steps in Magic can be taken guided by the Heart in alliance with the Mind. If at the beginning it’s good to study what you want, then literally after taking the first steps, you need to change this attitude to the desire to study what you need. Secondly, when accumulating information about magic, try to systematize it. An important component of your learning will be developing a conceptual framework. Unfortunately, the entire magical community of our time suffers from the lack of a unified conceptual and terminological base. And the whole point is that a huge number of authors, striving to make a profit from publishing books, are passionate not about the search for perfect knowledge and certainly not about the desire to share it, but about the banal dilution of porridge with water.

In parallel with collecting and accumulating information about magic, you should do various kinds practices that will allow you to master the power of the mind. These practices include energetic ones, which are aimed at developing the skill of managing one’s own energy, and mental ones, which allow one to change the state of one’s consciousness.

An important stage in learning magic is finding a School or Teacher. And you should be puzzled by this too. But, I’ll warn you right away, with good teachers and mentors the situation is even worse than with good books. Good professionals who have already proven themselves without unnecessary movements have a sufficient flow of clients and a good profit from this. And there are those who do not practice openly at all. And on the contrary, people who only pretend to be Magicians are distinguished by posturing. Who are the different kinds of participants in famous shows who introduce themselves? hereditary Witches or Mages in the 35th generation, decide for yourself.

Learning with a teacher or mentor is not the same as learning from books. To be a disciple means to belong to some kind of continuity. A good teacher there will be someone who was once a student himself. Knowing about the difficulties that await the student on his path, the teacher will not get rid of them, but will help him overcome them without losing heart or suffering any damage. When choosing your teacher, do it wisely!

Now let's talk about everything in more detail:


  • Scott Kenningham's Guide to Witchcraft. This book is interesting due to its unusual approach - it teaches you to live magically, spiritually, in harmony with Nature. The book is devoted to the theory and practice of witchcraft. You will definitely find something for yourself in it.
  • The Art of Magic and Witchcraft by Paul Hasson. The book simply and consistently sets out the secrets of witchcraft and witchcraft techniques developed by the centuries-old practice of masters of magic.
  • Northern Magic by Edred Thorsson. The book is devoted to 2 topics at once. On the one hand, the book talks about the use of magic in the modern world, and on the other, it reveals the age-old wisdom of the runes. Interesting language the author will help you find inspiration.
  • Voodoo in the metropolis by Jason Black. A wonderful book about how a modern magician combines life in big city millennia-old wisdom. Rituals, ceremonies, calling Spirits and all this in a city apartment.


  • Tarot tutorial by Hayo Banzhlof. Quite an interesting tutorial for those interested in Tarot. If you are just starting to study tarot, then this book is for you. However, if you already know something, I still recommend reading it.
  • Mysteries of the tarot by Alla Khshanovska. A book by one of the popular and respected authors in tarot reading circles. There is certainly something to be learned from it. An interesting view and reasoning about cards, algorithms for reading layouts, this and much more is in this book.


  • The Magic of Runes by Kenneth Meadows. The book talks about the most mysterious and powerful means of influencing fate - runes. They can be treated in different ways: as a means of achieving wealth and power or predicting fate. However, this is not the true meaning of the runes - a blessed gift to humanity.
  • Runes and mysteries northern peoples Freya Aswin. The book presents treasures of esoteric, mythological and religious traditions Northern Europe- British Isles, Scandinavia, Germany and Holland. After reading this book, you will discover the mysteries of the North, reflected in runic symbols.
  • Donald Tyson runes. A book about the use of runes in the practices of ceremonial magic, creating amulets and predicting the future. The author tells how to work with runes in accordance with ancient tradition to achieve the best result.

Astral travel:

  • Astral Travel for Beginners by Richard Webster. The book talks about how a person can leave the physical shell and rush into unknown distances, despising space and time. Using the practices from the book, you can begin to explore other worlds, meet outstanding personalities past or visit your friends in the present. And all this without leaving home.
  • The Astral Dynamics of Robert the Bruce. In this book, Robert Bruce brings together personal accounts, guidance, and a forward-looking theory of the nonphysical structure underlying the strange and multidimensional lives we all lead...
  • Astral projection of Edward Peach. The book talks about how to get to the astral plane and return from there along with knowledge and experience. The book contains good examples and descriptions of techniques.

Books are available for download in our group VK - "Wizard" .

What practices should I do?

There are several fundamental practices, without mastering which the study of magic will be ineffective.

The practice of contemplation is a practice that allows you to clear your consciousness of the noise of thoughts, become holistic and tune in to something specific. Regularly performing this practice allows you to maintain yourself in good psychological shape.

Contemplation is an exercise in which all the senses and mind are tuned to the perception of some action or object. It can be something material (picture, landscape, person), it can be some kind of idea (Love, Faith, Light, Reason), or you can contemplate into nowhere (objectless contemplation). Only by being able to tune in to the goal of your magical work, being extremely focused and at the same time immersed in the process, will you achieve good results. Read more about how to perform this practice in the article “The ability to contemplate”. In addition, this practice opens the way to another equally important practice - the ability to enter a trance.

Trance Practice is a practice that allows you to change your consciousness, see the future and perceive Spirits. This is a rather complex practice both to understand and to implement. ASC or altered states of consciousness - in this case, these are various trances, and lucid dreams (LU), and astral travel, and out-of-body experience (OBE), and bright or prophetic dreams, and visit subtle worlds from a awake state of consciousness, and clairvoyance. Read more about this practice in 3 articles: “How to achieve ASC?” , “In the depths of yourself”, “Concentration”.

Practice of energy interaction is a whole set of practices that will allow you to learn to sense and manage energy. To do this you need to do a special exercise. The exercise consists of several stages. Sit down, take a comfortable position, place your hands on your elbows, raise your forearms up, palms should be approximately at face level or slightly lower, bring your palms together. Slowly begin to spread your palms a short distance - 15-20 centimeters. Then, with each exhalation, gradually bring them together, moving 2-3 cm. As you inhale, your hands do not move. With each new exhalation they move further. Focus all your attention on the sensations between your palms. If you are careful, you will feel a slight resistance at some distance between your palms, as if there is something elastic there. As the distance decreases, the “elasticity” will increase. Moreover, sensations will arise in both palms at the same time. From time to time, bring your palms together and hold them like that for a while, then spread them apart again and try again.

With the help of the described exercise, you can develop the basic skill of sensing energy, which in turn will allow you to develop further in the areas of both perception and energy management. When you are confident in feeling the elasticity between your palms, try creating an energy ball.

Remember, there are a lot of exercises, but you shouldn’t try to do everything that is written on the Internet or in books. It is enough to master several exercises well.

Where to study?

This is very difficult question. And, as a rule, I leave the right to answer it to Life itself. If you have a strong intention and feel that you are ready, then you will certainly find a teacher. Well, if you want to learn from me, then This address email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. . But I warn you right away, I don’t take everyone!


However, having the ability, great desire and perseverance, you can learn. Moreover, finding a mentor on your own magic almost impossible, since most of them are charlatans who simply chose this exotic form of income to lure your money. Moreover, as we know, a real “teacher appears when the student is ready.”

So you've decided to learn magic on one's own. The first thing to keep in mind is to learn magic possible in practice and personal experience, and not just from books. And this practice requires self-discipline, since practicing magic must be regular. Therefore, it will be useful to create a study plan for yourself and stick to it.

Another useful thing for a magician is keeping a magical diary, which should become a habit. In the pagan Wiccan tradition, such a diary is called the “Book of Shadows.” What can be written down in magic? Analysis of magical operations, phases of the Moon and planetary influences of the day, your thoughts and feelings related to magic and other comments that you deem necessary.

Prerequisite in teaching magic- developing the qualities of a magician. This is a strong will developed imagination, self-confidence, unshakable calm, self-control and other qualities. These qualities are extremely important in magic. To have these qualities, best way- do not fight something (laziness, lack of will, impulsiveness, etc.), but imagine that you already possess these qualities. Always act as if you already possess these qualities. This method is called self-hypnosis. And one more thing: you must remember about responsibility, because... if yours is directed towards someone for evil, it will boomerang back to you. For example, this applies to a love spell that violates free will and belongs to the black magic.

Develop your sensitivity: smell, touch, hearing, vision, taste. For example, you poured yourself jasmine tea. Don't rush to drink it right away. Inhale the aroma, enjoy the aroma, and then take a sip of tea. Feel the taste of tea, its shades. Another example. You are walking in the park. You inhale the smell of leaves, admire the sunset, listen to the silence or sounds. And so on. That is, you are aware of every moment, and at the same time all your five senses are revealed. Thus, you learn to look at the world with different eyes - not with an ordinary view. You learn to see what is not visible at first glance.

Next step- this is the development of intuition, the sixth sense. At the beginning of the day, try to predict what events it will bring. At the same time, try to feel the energy of the day (it is useful to pay attention to the phases of the moon and the days of the week). When talking, try to predict what he will say or what he is thinking. In this case, you can concentrate on the “third eye” chakra - ajna. In general, there are many ways to develop intuition. The main thing is to learn to trust your feelings and inner understanding.

In training magic Nutrition also plays an important role. It's best if it's vegetarian. Try this experiment: one day there is meat food, the other - vegetable (salads, nuts, etc.) and compare your feelings. If a vegetarian diet is not for you, follow a magical diet on the day of the ritual or ceremony.

As for magical exercises, you must decide for yourself where to focus your efforts. At the beginning of training magic It is useful to do exercises for visualization, concentration, and relaxation. You can also work with tarot, runes or hexagrams of the I Ching, scrying (for example, working with a magic mirror or crystal ball), lucid dreaming, entering a trance or meditation. However, it must be remembered that exercise should be done in a gradual manner and caution must be exercised.

And, of course, if you want to learn magic, you need to read occult literature. In order to implement something in practice, you need to study the issue thoroughly. Another important point. Although nowadays you can find a huge number of books on magic, not all of them contain true information. Therefore, you need to be able to “separate the wheat from the chaff” and be able to analyze so as not to get lost in the wilds of pseudo magic or not harm yourself. In general, information can and should be filtered.

To learn magic, you need to be prepared to devote a significant part of your time to practicing magic. If you read somewhere that you can learn magic you can simply and quickly - know that you are simply being scammed. For example, there is an opinion that one can learn magic easily and quickly, devoting one hour a day or a week to magical exercises. It sounds tempting, of course, but it's funny. For example, you want to learn how to play the . If you learn a few notes and learn to play a simple melody, this does not mean that you have learned to play. But if you play scales for several hours a day, learn pieces of music, and devote most of your time to music, you can become a real virtuoso. So, magic is also an art. If you are serious about learning magic, it will become your thinking and way of life. You will have to put in a lot of effort to go “through the thorns to the stars”, other ways to learn magic No.

Water is the basis of all life on earth. According to various sources, a person consists of 80 - 90% water. In ancient times there were many traditions using it force. Over time, people have lost a significant part of their traditions and stopped appreciating and respecting water. Nowadays, not only healers and psychics speak and prove healing properties water, this is what scientists do. An ordinary person, without being a scientist, magician or healer, can use force water.

You will need

  • Clean water.


Purify the water. The water that comes from the tap is technical, especially if you live in the city. Today there are 3 types of filters. The first ones purify water from solid impurities (for example, dirt) and are usually installed on the water supply system, the second ones purify water from rust, chlorine, and heavy salts. If you do not have a second type of filter, the water must be left to settle for at least a day, otherwise, when boiled, impurities turn into toxic substances. The third type of filters, and, as sellers say, removes almost all impurities.

Drink clean water every day. After the water has been purified, boil it to a “white key” state.

The most good water– melting. It can be obtained after cleaning with filters of the first and second types. The water is placed in the refrigerator. The first crust of ice that forms is discarded and placed back in the refrigerator. The water should freeze to about 50x50%. Break the resulting ice and pour out the water. Defrost the remaining ice naturally. This is melt water. Centenarians living in the mountains drink this water.

Upon receipt of the thawed water and boiling destroys memory water, containing the negativity that it absorbed on the way to your tap. It can also be destroyed by “tuning” the water to good. To do this, pour water into a glass. Get in touch with her. Think about the good, the kind. Ask her what you need (for example, to heal your knee). Do this consciously. Don't forget to thank the water.

Wipe your face, neck, and hands with an ice cube. This will improve blood circulation and give the skin life-giving force clean water.

Take a cold shower or ice water. This improves blood circulation, energizes and tones. To douse, you must be mentally prepared so as not to cause harm to the body. When taking a shower, visualize how the water washes away everything unnecessary from you and down the drain. And in the morning imagine how the water gives force, fills with vigor. To relieve fatigue and negativity, take a bath. Adjust the water before you lie in it.

Wash your clothes more often, especially since modern means it's not that difficult. Water washes away accumulated information on clothing. Buy a mop and clean more often. There is no need to do this globally, just wet the floor, brushing off the dust. If you buy a mop that wrings itself, this will not be difficult. But the resulting effect is worth it.

You must completely rid your life of unnecessary fuss and attachments, then magical powers and they will pay attention to you, and you will certainly meet a strong mentor.

Video on the topic


  • How to become a magician

Many people, especially in adolescence, dream of having supernatural abilities. A person grows up reading numerous fairy tales and films about magic, which gives him an incredible desire to learn how to do magic.

Magic for beginners really exists, and almost anyone can learn to cast magic.

The most popular is white magic, the spells of which are aimed for the benefit of a person. Through the forces of light, it is possible to heal a sick person, attract luck to an unlucky person, improve their financial condition and make their family happy.

Black magic is used only by incredibly powerful dark magicians who have renounced the church and faith, and have dedicated their lives to the use of forbidden powers. Through such witchcraft, many problems can be solved - money, love, career, but you will have to pay for everything in this life. You never know when retribution will overtake the dark magician.

Light sorcerers direct their powers for the benefit of man, dark sorcerers direct their powers to his detriment.

All practical magic has light foundations. White witchcraft originated in the era of paganism, when it was customary to worship several gods, spirits and natural elements. Paganism is still gaining popularity today. So, in order to learn magic, you need to learn how to control the elements.

Where does training begin?

Many of modern people Having learned that they can learn to master magic, they immediately pronounce the verb “I want!”, while completely unaware of what will be required of them. In order to learn how to master magic, you first need to believe in yourself and your strength. Only faith can lead learning to a positive result. No one can learn magic without faith. The next important point is the will of the student. And the last one is his imagination. So, before you start casting magic, you should learn to master the three above aspects.

During the ritual, it is absolutely unacceptable for novice magicians to be distracted by extraneous factors, so they should practice in quiet and remote places where no one can interfere. At the moment of distraction from performing a magical act, something irreparable can happen. In addition, a person should get rid of the feeling of fear, learn to draw energy from foreign objects, receive necessary information and learn to meditate.

Difficulties in mastering light witchcraft

Many people wonder how to learn to use the magic of natural elements, because it lies at the basis of light witchcraft. Teaching practice shows that mastering such skills comes down to memorizing numerous spells. Thus, white magic represents an inextricable connection between the performer and higher powers. At the moment of its development, the teacher is the mediator. Instead of the word “I want,” a novice magician should dedicate long time studying different situations, searching for multiple answers and in various ways their decisions.

The second point is to learn to suppress fear. White magic does not accept the participation of fear in witchcraft, since it can be directed by evil forces against him. Positive side light magic - using the energy of natural elements. Practical magic sucks large number energy from a person, therefore it is recommended to reinforce it with energy from water, fire, earth, metal, air and other substances.

It is completely unacceptable to draw energy from living beings and people.

The use of living energy can lead to the transformation of a novice magician into an energy vampire. Other energy sources are strong human feelings. However, this practice is very dangerous - you can burn yourself.

I want to be a dark magician - is it dangerous?

Is it possible to learn black magic? Black magic practice is extremely dangerous not only for the victims, but also for the performer. It is important to know that dark spells facilitate contact between the magician and evil spirits- devils, demons and others. After a while, evil forces begin to control the magician, especially if the latter is weak or a beginner.

In order to start witchcraft from a dark point of view, it is necessary to renounce faith and excommunicate from the Church. This procedure is performed at midnight on the first day of the waning moon. Of course, excommunication from the Church will leave an extremely negative imprint on a person. To continue learning magic, it is necessary to master all phases of the Moon, since dark forces are most powerful on the days of the waning Moon.

It is very important to understand that black witchcraft practice will bind a person forever and there will be no turning back.

After excommunication, a follower of dark witchcraft must be initiated into black magic. Initiation is carried out on the full moon at night by reciting a spell. All dark rituals are performed near an altar with a pentagram and an inverted crucifix. Most often, candles and personal belongings of the victims are used. Rituals are cemented with blood.

Black magic is stronger than white magic, and can be used not to harm a person. But all spells are aimed at suppressing the will of the victim. And dealing with its consequences is much more difficult.

Not everyone who practices black or white magic is hereditary sorcerers and warlocks. Many came to magic on their own, i.e. quite consciously, having guessed in himself, if not, then, quite obviously, the desire to change his own reality. And bear responsibility for this, by the way. This point must be understood very clearly. Is it possible to learn white magic at home, on your own? Obviously it is possible. Learning is a process. Long and arduous. With a mentor, it is, of course, somewhat easier to comprehend the wisdom of magic, but not much, since witchcraft and its results are a purely individual matter.

How to learn white magic - where to start learning at home

Start off self-study White magic needs to search for information. Information is the oxygen of human society, and the Internet is capable of providing almost any information in the required quantities. The main thing in teaching white magic to a novice adept is not to get confused at first, not to get confused in the huge number of rituals aimed at correcting certain life events. But there is no need to rush right off the bat and start performing serious rituals.

A beginner should start learning white magic on his own with simple spells, with rules that undoubtedly exist and that cannot be broken. The rituals and rituals that you will find on magic forums are effective, but the point is that they work individually for everyone. You can only understand which of the hundreds of rituals will work for you by independently practicing and studying the basics of white magic.

Before doing white magic rituals for yourself, say, for good luck, do a diagnosis, see if there is someone else’s harmful witchcraft on you, destructive programs, and sometimes there is self-damage. Here's where to start. Remove all energetic dirt, and only then, using the magical resources of white magic, attract luck, money or a soul mate.

Is it possible to learn white magic at home for free?

The sphere of influence of white magic is vast. Using these resources, you can influence such matters as money and trade, you can initiate debt repayment, you can perform rituals for wealth, and literally change your life.

If you want to learn white magic at home in order to influence your health and beauty, you have every right to do so, because a white witch or sorcerer has the power to perform rituals for beauty and rejuvenation. And treating diseases with magical methods is one of the main sections of white magic, where there is a huge amount of information and practical experience.

Studying white magic as a beginner and constant practice will help you in solving complex social issues.

Effective white rituals for money, various ways of influencing government officials, rituals for good luck and the fulfillment of desires will help you change the course of events and solve problems in your favor. Protection and amulets, rituals from enemies are one of the most serious sections of white witchcraft. If you are unable to start a family, white magic rituals for marriage will help. And in order for the family to be happy and the relatives to be kind, also use the power of magic - not to harm anyone, but to your own benefit.

Learning white love magic will expand your capabilities. With the help of white harmful rituals, you can make the necessary adjustments to other people's relationships, taking into account your desires. Removing damage and the evil eye, including strong ones generational curses– this is also within the competence of the white magician. And now I would like to pay attention to such an issue as the discovery and development of strength.

Self-taught white magic for beginners - discovery and development of power

IN free training White magic cannot do without helpers. For black sorcerers, these are usually Demons; the dead can also help if someone makes a necro-settlement. White magicians, as a rule, have Guardian Angels as their assistants. They are called upon for help and protection; they are a very powerful and useful force. In classical white magic, this is a spirit that is always nearby, which carries out any instructions of the practitioner, including cruelly taking revenge on enemies.

One way or another, magic is present in the world around us and in the people themselves. Therefore, with great desire and perseverance, you can learn to use magic. What needs to be done in order to master magic?

  • The best place to start is with theoretical foundations. There are a large number of books that will help you master white, black or other types of magic. IN lately Video lessons on some magical techniques began to appear, as well as courses, by signing up for which you can learn a lot of new things. And all this under the guidance of an experienced magician.
  • By the way, a wonderful way is to become a student of a magician. The method of transferring magical knowledge from teacher to student is not only the most ancient, but also the most effective.
  • In order to become a magician, you need dedication and a strong belief in your success.
  • In addition, you need to train your concentration skills and willpower. The best way to do this is to start with meditation.

One of the most interesting directions magic is the magic of the elements. In order to master the magic of the elements, you need to immerse yourself in the chosen element and become part of it.

How to master water magic?

Water is a truly magical substance that can bring both life and death. Try to understand water. Step into it, relax, let it flow through you, become water. Now that you feel like water, you can increase your strength: imagine yourself rushing river or a waterfall. Remember this feeling and learn to evoke it. Now you can begin to practice causing ripples on the surface of the water or changing its temperature.

How to master ice magic?

Ice is frozen water. If you managed to master water magic, then ice magic is the next step. Concentrate your energy on changing the temperature of the water, clear your head of extraneous thoughts, and calm down.

How to master fire magic?

At the first stage, it is important to feel your unity with the flame. A large fire in a secluded place is good for this. Look at the fire, absorb it, immerse yourself in it. When you realize that you have completely dissolved in it, imagine how people rise from the fire long tongues flame. Try to control them, put out the fire or, conversely, rekindle it. After the fire, you can practice with a candle, and soon the flame will appear out of nowhere at your request. The main thing is perseverance and self-confidence.

How to master air magic?

Air magic is beautiful, free and very powerful. Air surrounds us everywhere, it is life itself.

First you need to learn how to breathe correctly, consciously, feeling every molecule of air and realizing its power and importance. Learn to feel the wind, perceive any air movement as the movement of a living creature. Try to evoke the feeling of wind in enclosed spaces and gradually direct it in the direction you want.

Remember that there are conspiracies and spells that will help you speed up the process of subjugating the elements. More useful tips Read about how to master magic in these articles.