Recipes for quick sauerkraut in a jar: without vinegar, classic, spicy and vitamin-packed. Quick and tasty sauerkraut

In Rus', cabbage was called the second bread. And it’s not surprising, because she all year round was on the table - fresh or pickled. And the second one more often! We also shouldn’t forget the good old traditions. Sauerkraut recipe - let's look at a few ways you can quickly ferment it yourself, at home.

Pickling is a natural fermentation process. The acid it produces serves as a preservative that inhibits growth and development. pathogenic bacteria, including E. coli. Perhaps this best way preparing vegetables: less salt is used than when pickling, and vinegar is not added, as when pickling.

Now remember what culinary masterpieces you can prepare using sauerkraut. These are excellent first courses; cabbage soup (at least rinse your finger...), (I call him “mother-in-law”). Which kind of cabbage? Consolidation.

Let's move on. If you stew sauerkraut with tomatoes, onions (I’ll write this recipe soon...), and a couple of good sausages, how do you like that? You can even add such cabbage to it; it certainly won’t be spoiled by the presence of a salty-sour product. On the contrary, it will give the roll a refined and unique taste.

In this article you will find:

Yes, you can probably remember a lot, or even come up with a dish yourself where such an ingredient as sauerkraut. So. let's start fermenting!

Sauerkraut - a classic instant recipe

A classic of the genre, a simple recipe for sauerkraut is cabbage itself, carrots, salt and a little granulated sugar. You can add bay leaf, dill seeds, caraway seeds, potted black or allspice, cranberries. This is optional.

Choose mid-season and late-ripening varieties white cabbage, large and tight, without green leaves. The cabbage should be sweet and crisp and creamy white when cut. It's better to add rock salt coarsely ground, but not iodized: the product will taste bitter and smell unpleasant.

The dishes need to be enamel or glass.

So let's get started

1. Let's prepare workplace, we will need to occupy almost the entire table. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage head.

2. Shred the cabbage into strips of approximately 5 mm, removing the stalk.

3. Add chopped carrots and seasonings if desired. Add salt, for 1 kg of cabbage - 30 g of carrots and 20 g of salt.

4. Now, the hardest part lies ahead: mix and firmly mash the cabbage with your hands. If you have a lot to chop, divide this process into portions. I’ll say right away that this process is not easy. The cabbage must be mashed until the juice comes out.

5. Place the mixture into the bowl, pressing firmly. You can use a pusher, I prefer to just press with my hand made into a fist.

You need to ensure that the juice squeezed from the cabbage covers it. Cover cloth napkin and place a plate on top. Press down with pressure so that the juice comes out. Leave to ferment room temperature.

4. Pierce the contents daily wooden stick to the bottom of the container to release fermentation gases, otherwise the product will turn out bitter. Skim off the foam.

5. After 3-5 days (depending on what temperature the process is underway) fermentation ends. The readiness of cabbage can be determined by taste.

Next, you need to remove the cabbage from heat, place it in the refrigerator or on the balcony, but keep in mind: in the cold, as well as in warm temperature storage, cabbage may become soft. The most comfortable temperature for storing sauerkraut; zero - minus five degrees.

As you can see, the recipe for sauerkraut is quite simple and it’s quite easy to quickly prepare it at home. There is another way to leaven.

Recipe for sauerkraut with brine

This method of sourdough will not require much physical effort, like the previous one.

Take two medium heads of cabbage and chop them.

Carrots will follow; they can be chopped using a shredder to Korean carrots.

Now, everything needs to be mixed and squeezed a little.

Immediately place the cabbage in the container where it will ferment and compact it quite tightly.

Preparing the brine

The proportions are like this; I take it at the rate of two liters of water, four tablespoons of salt and two of the same spoons of sugar. That's all the wisdom. Mix everything well.

Take cold water and preferably not from the tap. Pour brine into the cabbage until it completely covers it. Place a plate on top and place a weight on it.

We are waiting for our harvest for three to four days. We remove the pressure and transfer the cabbage to another container, where it should stand for ten to twelve hours. What will this give? Excess bitterness will come out of the product.

All! You can put the cabbage in jars. Yes, right here! Before laying, you need to squeeze the cabbage a little. When compacted into a jar, there will be enough liquid.

It has been noticed that from two medium cabbage rolls it is possible to fill one three-liter jar.

This recipe is proven, if you follow it, you won’t be disappointed. Store this sauerkraut according to the same principle as written in the first recipe.

An old, simple recipe for cabbage starter (video)

This recipe is really simple and the final product is very worthy. The end result will be juicy, crispy sauerkraut. This is how our ancestors fermented (in the correct understanding of this word...).

A little about sauerkraut

When pickling, cabbage is not subjected to heat treatment, so the substances included in its composition are not destroyed and do not lose their properties. beneficial properties. And such a product can be stored for up to ten months.

According to all the rules, cabbage is fermented for at least 3-7 days. Unscrupulous manufacturers use acetic acid to speed up the process: the product is ready in two days, but there is no benefit from it. And the taste is not the same.

Many housewives add sugar to cabbage, which also speeds up fermentation, which should take place naturally. You can sweeten the appetizer when serving.

High-quality sauerkraut, whether industrially or home-made, should turn out juicy and crispy, light straw, slightly yellowish in color, the taste of the right cabbage is a little salty with sourness.

If seasonings and spices were used during preparation, they will slightly affect the shade. Cabbage should be chopped into strips of approximately 5 mm (if thinner, valuable substances are less preserved), without large particles, leaves and stalks. Here is a recipe for sauerkraut.

The benefits and harms of sauerkraut for the human body

  • Fiber promotes the digestion of food, vitamin B6 - the breakdown of proteins, so the snack is good to serve with meat.
  • Cabbage juice improves heart function. Normalizes cholesterol levels.
  • Thanks to antioxidants and a vitamin-mineral complex, it improves immunity and helps resist colds and flu.
  • Suitable for allergy sufferers, since vitamin U has an antihistamine effect.
  • Promotes rejuvenation. Vitamin C, a natural antioxidant, slows down premature aging of cells, vitamin A improves skin condition.
  • Slows down the division of cancer cells and prevents the development of malignant tumors.

Don't overuse

Due to the abundance of organic acids, sauerkraut is contraindicated for people with increased acidity, as well as those with chronic gastritis or ulcers. In addition, it causes increased gas formation.

Due to the presence of salt, it should be used with caution by hypertensive patients and heart patients. When preparing cabbage, a lot of salt is often used, and this causes swelling. Before eating, cabbage can be doused with boiling water to make the product less salty.

People prone to high blood sugar should also be careful with sauerkraut.

Sour cabbage is low in calories. But it’s still difficult to call it a dietary product. It turns out that any product with sourness increases your appetite, and if you are prone to overeating, it is better to exclude it from your diet, otherwise you can provoke yourself. Those who are on a diet should not pour oil on cabbage - this increases its calorie content.

That's all I was ready to say. I think you will find a sauerkraut recipe suitable for you here.

If so, write in the comments, maybe someone has their own?

Good luck and all the best!

Oh, what skilled cooks our great-grandmothers were, how long they in various ways they came up with food preparations for future use. Pickling the gifts of summer has become a kind of cult for us, and the whole autumn is regularly devoted to twists, among which special place It takes quick salting of cabbage. Winter diet It’s hard to even imagine eating without such a delicacy: sour cabbage soup, salads and pies, yes, without a barrel of “kvashenka” winter is an orphan.

They have been fermenting cabbage in Rus' since time immemorial. Every autumn, women gathered and compacted wooden barrels of planed cabbage, sprinkled with salt.

Today, such tubs are rare guests in modern kitchens, so this preparation is carried out in large metal vats or glass jars. In this case, glass containers are the most best choice, but if you still choose from large-sized pans, then optimal solution enameled or steel utensils will be used, but it is better to categorically refuse an aluminum jug.

But in addition to selecting containers, you also need to be able to choose the vegetable itself, because each variety of cabbage has its own purposes, pros and cons.

Cabbage varieties for pickling

When choosing cabbage, you need to focus on its long shelf life, because we are not going to fill our cheeks at once, like hamsters, but intend to enjoy the dish all autumn long. winter period. In this case, you need to choose dense and heavy forks of late varieties.

Among other things, such specimens are quite juicy, which is good for sourdough the most important factor, because real sauerkraut is prepared exclusively in own juice.

The most popular of the late species, which are ideal for pickling, are the following varieties: “Moskovskaya”, “Belorusskaya”, “Slava”, “Yubileinaya”, “Menza”, “Turkiz”, “Geneva” and “Amager”. But most often, preference is given to the “Podarok” variety of cabbage for pickling; this white cabbage can be successfully pickled, fermented or salted, in any form it will turn out crispy and tasty.

The classic way to pickle cabbage

Oddly enough, it is not realistic to ferment cabbage quickly in its own juice, as our ancestors did for a long time, because chopped and salted vegetables need to be given time so that, at a minimum, the vegetable brine comes out, and, at a maximum, our whole “venture” perfectly fermented. Only in this case will we be able to get that tasty, sour cabbage that my mother served with mashed potatoes, flavored with purple onion and seed-scented oil.

I also remember that to heighten the mood, cranberries were added to this pickling. This still life looked picturesque and fit perfectly into our winter menu, which was dominated by canned food and twists. However, this recipe is a must-have for any cook.


  • White cabbage - 1 fork;
  • Carrots – 2-3 root vegetables;
  • Cranberries - 1 tbsp.;
  • Black peppercorns – 1 tsp;
  • Table salt – 1 – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Bay leaf - 3 leaves;


  1. There are no special tricks in our preparation, so we, as usual, proceed to washing and peeling vegetables and berries. You need to remove the top wilted and weathered leaves from the head of cabbage, peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. After this, we cut the forks into 4 parts for convenience and chop them into strips using a knife, or you can use a flat grater attachment, so the work will go much faster, and the cutting itself will be more accurate.
  3. After the vegetables are chopped, we must put them in a large container, season them with spices and salt and mix thoroughly, thoroughly kneading the cabbage with our hands so that the juice comes out of it, which will act as a marinade. At the end of this action, add cranberries and mix everything thoroughly again.
  4. Now we need a large 2-3 liter sterilized jar, into which we must compact our cabbage salad as tightly as possible.
  5. After this, cover the container with a fabric “lid” and leave it to salt in a warm place for three days. During this time, you need to regularly pierce the cabbage with a knife to the very bottom of the glass so that the gas escapes.
  6. After the allotted time, close the jar with a plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator or cellar for storage.

This cabbage turns out great: crispy, juicy, and incredibly tasty. With it we can make dumplings and solyanka, cook borscht and prepare pie filling.

As we have noticed, it takes at least 3 days, or even more, to fully ferment vegetables, but how can such a preparation be made in the shortest possible time? In general, quick sauerkraut using any quick method means to a greater extent salad recipes rather than actually fermented products. However, they turn out no worse than their predecessor.

Sauerkraut without vinegar. Instant recipe

This method of express fermentation is designed for the same express eating, because it is not recommended to leave this salad for the winter. This pickled cabbage tastes very, very good, but still differs from real barrel cabbage, a kind of version of lightly sauerkraut. At the end we get a crispy and juicy deliciousness, and most importantly, without vinegar.


  • White cabbage - 1 fork;
  • Carrots - 2 root vegetables;
  • Table salt - 50-60 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 40-50g;
  • Purified water – 1 l;


  1. Any recipe for pickling cabbage, with the exception of pickled cabbage, involves chopping the head of cabbage into strips, and grinding the peeled carrots on a coarse grater. So we will do the same chopping of vegetables.
  2. After this, we start cooking the marinade, for which we pour water into a saucepan and put it on the fire, add salt and all the spices there. When the salt crystals dissolve, the brine is ready, and we leave it to cool to room temperature.
  3. While the broth is cooling, we need to stuff the cabbage and carrots tightly into a jar, and then pour the cooled marinade into it.
  4. In this form, without closing the glass container with a lid, we leave our cabbage warm for a couple of days, periodically piercing it with a knife.
  5. After 48 hours, pour the brine into the pan, add sugar to it, and stir until the sweetness dissolves, and then pour the liquid into the jar again.
  6. After all the simple manipulations, we must let the cabbage settle in the new marinade for 10 hours, after which we close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator or directly on the table.

Before serving, the cabbage should be seasoned with vegetable oil, onions and dried dill. You can decorate our dish with carrot figures, green or basil leaves, as well as cranberries or gherkins.

Sourdough cabbage in a quick way


  • White cabbage— 1 kg + -
  • — 300 g + -
  • - 5 cloves + -
  • — 180 ml + -
  • For those who don’t really feel like waiting, because they have work to do, children or are just lazy, a quick way to pickle cabbage is suitable. instant cooking. This recipe is quite simple, without unnecessary clutter, overseas plants and other exotic attributes, just what we need.
    1. As usual, the first thing we do is wash and chop the cabbage into strips, and grate the carrots on a grater with large holes.
    2. We need to remove the husks from the garlic cloves and then pass them through a garlic press.
    3. In a deep and wide container, mix all the vegetables and knead thoroughly.
    4. Now it’s time to cook the marinade. To do this, we need to pour water, vinegar and oil into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and salt. After boiling, cook for a couple more minutes and turn off.
    5. Pour the hot brine over the vegetables without cooling and mix everything thoroughly. After this, we cover our salad with a wide plate and place a weight on top so that the cabbage can be salted under pressure.
    6. After a day in the warmth, we have an amazing appetizer ready for meat, fish and vegetable side dishes.

    Such splendor should be stored exclusively in a refrigerator.

    Winter pickles have always been a desirable dish at any festive or everyday feast. In addition, the use of “sauerkraut” in cooking, as it turns out, is quite extensive, and most importantly, progress does not stand still, and recipes have already been noted where such cabbage is used for stuffing peppers and game. So quick pickling of cabbage will be an excellent solution for the housewife.

During winter time best snack Sauerkraut is rightfully considered. And it’s probably impossible to count how many recipes there are for preparing it. I think that trying to collect them all in one place, or trying to describe them, will end in failure.

Each housewife or owner has their own treasured recipe, according to which they ferment this beloved vegetable year after year. And among them you can find how completely simple options with a minimum of ingredients, like ours today, and more complex ones - with various spices and additives. After all, if you look at it, what is not added to this snack as additional components. And what fermentation methods are not used.

Add dill seed, cumin, coriander, various peppers, bay leaves, apples, beets... You can’t list everything! They are also prepared in different ways: with vinegar, without it, with brine (hot, cold), using natural fermentation processes. There are recipes where the cabbage is pasteurized at the end of fermentation, and there are recipes where the fermentation process, on the contrary, is stopped at the right moment.

I have already described some of these methods in one of my previous articles. In one of them, we looked at... In another one - and quick ways.

But it remained and will remain the most popular for a long time. We have also given this option due consideration.

But I have another very easy and quick way to sauerkraut, which can also be classified in this category. In it, fermentation processes occur naturally, and even without the presence of sugar, which, as we know, is simply necessary for this.

Here, everything you need is already in the cabbage itself - this is the sugar that has accumulated in the leaves over a long period of growth, and the lactic acid bacteria located there. Sugar will start the fermentation processes, and the lactic acid formed from this will act as a preservative and guarantee storage. It will also help ensure that our snack turns out crispy, and of course tasty and healthy.

It's about benefits of this product Probably not worth talking about. Everyone already knows about this. Besides everything famous vitamin C, which is contained in sauerkraut more than in any other preparations, there is a whole complex of vitamins. You could write a whole article about this.

And in addition to vitamins, the snack also contains macro- and microelements, enzymes, phytoncides, and healthy fiber.

Therefore, it is imperative to ferment this vegetable crop! Moreover, there are very fast methods for preparing it, requiring minimal labor and time costs. So today I decided to pickle just one head of cabbage per 2.5 kg. I will store the snack in jars in the refrigerator, and they won’t take up much space there.

It will take me no more than half an hour. And it will ferment for two to three days. Of course, it gets eaten quickly too, I don’t think it will last a week, but that’s good. You can also ferment another head of cabbage here. This is a good way to cook quickly!

Delicious, crispy, instant sauerkraut without vinegar

This is the simplest, easiest and quick recipe of all that I know. Starting with the simplest calculation of ingredients, and ending with the fact that after just two days a delicious fermented snack can be served on the table, this recipe is extremely attractive, and one of the most beloved and in demand.

It is especially convenient for those who have neither basements nor the ability to salt and store the workpiece in large quantities. Since fresh cabbage We now sell it from the beginning of summer until spring, that is, until a new fresh harvest, then in this form it can be prepared at least every week a little, so as not to clutter the usable area of ​​​​the refrigerator.

It turns out very tasty and crispy, that is, exactly the way it is valued and loved most of all.

We will need:

  • white cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 150 - 200 g (less possible)
  • salt - 2.5 tbsp. spoons without a slide

I have written this calculation of ingredients for the reason that this is exactly what I am going to use today. In general, you can take any number of kilograms of vegetables.

That is, as you can see, for 1 kg of cabbage you need 1 level tablespoon of salt. You can add as many carrots as you like. If you like it more, add 200 grams; if you like it less, you can get by with 100 grams.


We will store the snack prepared according to this recipe in jars. Their size doesn't matter. Which jars are convenient to put it in, those are the ones we use. The only thing I want to note is that this amount of ingredients will yield approximately 2 liters finished product. Keep this in mind when preparing your jars.

1. For this recipe you need fresh, juicy white cabbage. It will be fermented by natural fermentation, without adding sugar and brine to it, that is, only in the juice that it will secrete itself. Therefore, the presence of the resulting juice is a prerequisite for the processes that will occur during fermentation.

We have already discussed in detail how to choose cabbage, and which varieties are best to buy, in one of the previous articles on this topic, namely, when fermented.

I just want to remind you that the choice of cabbage is almost the most important in the entire cooking process, so study this issue if you want to get a product of such quality that will not disappoint you.

2. Remove the vegetable from the top rough and contaminated leaves. Usually in the fall, heads of cabbage are sold with intact outer leaves, and therefore it is enough to simply remove them. But if you bought a product not during the period of its collection, but which was already in storage, then the upper leaves may turn out to be rotten. Naturally, we remove them, cut off all excess, and be sure to rinse the head of cabbage under running water, holding it by the stalk. We do this to prevent water from getting between the leaves.

Then we let it drain and wipe the head of cabbage paper towels or a napkin.

3. Next important stage- This means cutting the vegetable into thin strips. I remember that at first, when I was still very young, this was a difficult task for me. It is not always easy to ensure that the straws are not large but of the same thickness. You need to be patient and take your time.

First, cut the head of cabbage into two to four pieces, depending on its size. Then cut out the stalk, although this is not necessary. You can leave it and, holding it with one hand (for convenience), cut it with the other so that the leaves do not fall apart. Start chopping the vegetable from the end where the leaves are thinnest. And then stick to the given size.

I have always been especially annoyed by the rough thick veins that are on the upper leaves. It seems like you are trying to cut thinner, but when you get to the vein, it turns out thin on one side, but thick on the other. Therefore, you can either cut them in advance, or cut them again, or simply eat the thickened piece. If the cabbage is juicy, then the veins are juicy, and eating them is a pleasure.

And now many people also have various shredders. Therefore, if you have one, then you can chop the vegetable without any effort or time. I have the simplest shredder, but I don’t really like it. Every time I start with it, and then I put it aside and pick up the usual knife.

Yes, another important point. The weight of cabbage is given in pure form, that is, without the stalk and cut cover leaves. That is, let me remind you again, for 1 kilogram of cabbage you need one tablespoon of salt.

4. It is also best to buy juicy carrots. By appearance Such carrots have an elongated shape, are not very thick, and their nose is rather blunt. My mom always calls this variety “Punisher,” no matter what its proper name is. I’m not very good at carrot varieties, but when my mother voices this name, we both understand perfectly well what we’re talking about.

Juicy carrots will add their own portion of juice, and therefore their percentage of juiciness will also be very important.

Peel the sunny orange vegetable and grate it on a coarse grater. You can use a regular grater, which is found in every home. Or you can use a Korean carrot grater with its medium-sized attachment. What am I doing? In my opinion, in this form the finished snack will look more attractive.

5. If you have a large basin, you can place chopped cabbage in it so that it is convenient to mix all the contents at once. If there is no such basin, then you can use a smaller container for this and mix everything there in parts.

That is, simply put, we need to mix all the chopped and grated ingredients with salt. If the cabbage we used was quite juicy, then there is no need to mash it. If you come across a fork that is not at all juicy, then you can mash it a little before adding carrots to it. Otherwise, such cabbage will not release any juice at all, and the fermentation process will not even be able to begin.

You can mash it with the addition of salt, but as I already said, add carrots only after that. Then mix all the contents.

My cabbage turned out to be small, but strong and juicy. My mother brought it to me from her dacha, and she always grows special varieties for pickling. That's why I didn't crush it. I just added carrots and salt and mixed everything.

Already during this action, the vegetables were slightly moistened. This is a good signal, it means they will stand and give a lot of juice. And we will help them with this.

6. Transfer the chopped and mixed vegetables into a saucepan of appropriate volume. I will use a five liter saucepan. Of course, I won’t be able to make it completely, but during pickling and fermentation the juice won’t run away anywhere.

7. Compact the contents tightly using both fists. Then cover with gauze.

8. Place a large flat plate on top of it. And put pressure on her. This could be a pan filled with water, a three-liter jar, also with water, or you could also put a jar of cucumbers. I haven’t yet had time to put away the ones I mothballed not long ago in the basement, so they will be a burden to me.

9. Leave at room temperature for the fermentation processes to start. The warmer it is in your kitchen, the more like cabbage will start to ferment.

10. I fermented the cabbage in the evening, and within 4 hours juice began to form. It can be clearly seen by lightly pressing on the oppression.

In the morning, having removed the pressure, plate and cheesecloth, you can simply pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick, or lightly toss it with a wooden spatula or a regular fork.

Apparently the kitchen is not warm enough, so gas bubbles have not yet appeared. Although there is quite enough juice, and I think that by the evening bubbles will appear.

Stirring, or piercing the contents, is necessary precisely for the reason that these bubbles are released. If this is not done, then accumulating inside, they will make our snack slightly bitter. After all, cabbage itself is slightly bitter, and the gas produced during the fermentation process will make it even more unattractive in this regard. And then all the bitterness will come out, and you’ll just want to eat the cabbage without stopping.

11. Then crush the snack again with your fists, cover with gauze and put pressure on top.

12. The next evening, pierce the cabbage again or lightly toss it. Rinse the gauze in cold boiled water and cover again and set pressure.

13. The next day, repeat the procedure twice, morning and evening.

At the same time, if the room is warm, then the cabbage already turns out appetizing and tasty, with the same pleasant smell. And it can be sorted into jars, closed with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator for storage.

Do not pour out the juice, be sure to pour it into the jars, and it is advisable that it covers the contents. This way the cabbage will be stored better and longer.

14. If by the end of the second day you try the preparation and it seems to you that it has not yet acquired the desired taste, then leave it for another 12 or 24 hours. At the same time, repeat the already known procedures with piercing the vegetable mass, rinsing the gauze and installing pressure.

In principle, this is the whole recipe. As you can see, everything is simple to such an extent that it couldn’t be simpler. And it's also quite fast. Of course, you can cook cabbage faster. For example, adding vinegar will speed up the process. But in this version the product will turn out to be pickled rather than fermented. But today we have another task, namely, obtaining tasty and crispy instant sauerkraut. Which we did a great job with.

And the Russian proverb “A good appetizer is sauerkraut!” It goes very well with this recipe.

I hope this one is simple and quick classic recipe You will also like it, just as our whole family once liked it. My grandmother used this recipe to ferment cabbage, and my mother still ferments it to this day. And for the past 35 years I have been fermenting it too.

The same recipe can be used for fermenting vegetables in large volumes - in tubs and large pans. At the same time, there is no need to transfer them to jars. We leave it in the pan, covering it with gauze and applying pressure. The only thing is that after two to three days the container with the contents should be taken out into the cold. Store it there.

Even if the snack becomes covered in ice, this usually happens when you store it on the balcony, you can prick it with a knife, bring it to a warm room, let it thaw and eat it the way you want.

And we used to store it in the woodshed, and dad would chop off pieces of cabbage with an ax. When I brought it into the house, we couldn’t wait for it to thaw. They took the frozen pieces and ate them just like that, giving it the opportunity to melt in the mouth.

You can use this appetizer as you wish: simply season with onions and oil, prepare a vinaigrette, cook cabbage soup and borscht, prepare vegetable stew, bigus. Use as a filling for pies and pies. That is, whatever you can cook with cabbage.

Well, the recipe is good, so I don’t even want to stop. The words just flow. But still it's time...

I wish you good and tasty preparations.

And bon appetit!

Sauerkraut is an excellent snack and a rich source of vitamins, which are so lacking in winter. You can prepare a lot of dishes with sauerkraut; you can use it to cook soups, prepare main courses, and bake pies.

It takes up to several weeks to prepare the snack in the usual way, but there are also quick recipes and there are many of them. We offer six of the most popular recipes for cabbage starter using accelerated methods.

Instant sauerkraut recipes - general technological principles

Since ancient times, wooden containers have been used for pickling cabbage, but modern housewives prefer to do this in enamel pans. There is a certain nuance: the enamel should not be damaged, otherwise the interaction of acids with metal will cause the snack to acquire an unpleasant taste. The most common option is to quickly pickle cabbage in glass jars.

It is important what kind of cabbage to use for quick fermentation. Strong, dense forks of autumn varieties of the vegetable are ideal for fermenting cabbage in a quick way. They have white and their leaves are usually juicier.

When preparing for pickling, wash the forks well and be sure to remove the top leaves. After cutting in half, remove the stalk, then chop or cut into pieces the right size. Cabbage can be shredded with a knife or a special shredder, cut into checkers or large pieces.

If vegetables or apples are added, their amount should not be more than 3% of the mass of the prepared cabbage. To speed up fermentation, cabbage is poured with hot brine, in which, in addition to salt, sugar is also dissolved. Vinegar is often added to this dressing, and less often vegetable oil is added.

The optimal temperature for rapid fermentation should not be below 24 degrees, so containers with cabbage are left warm and, after readiness, placed in the refrigerator.

Instant sauerkraut recipe - two-day recipe


Five kilos of white cabbage;

300 grams of sweet carrots.

To prepare brine, per liter of purified water:

A level spoon of sugar;

Two full spoons of garden salt.

Cooking method:

1. After washing the forks, remove the top dense leaves. Cut the head of cabbage and chop it thinly. It is convenient to use a special shredder or potato peeler for these purposes, although this can be done carefully and simply with a sharp knife.

2. After peeling the carrots, grate the root vegetable into a coarse grater or thinly cut into strips.

3. Combine cabbage and carrots in a wide bowl and mix thoroughly. If the cabbage is a little tough, lightly knead it with your hands. Place the vegetables in a pickling container and prepare the brine.

4. Fill the pan with two liters of water, add salt and add sugar. Stirring, bring to a boil, then pour into the cabbage. If there is not enough brine, and it should completely cover the vegetables, you can slowly prepare an additional portion.

5. Cover the cabbage with a plate of suitable diameter or a wooden circle and press down a little. Place a small weight on top and leave it warm for two days.

6. Move the container with pickled cabbage to a cool place for storage.

Instant spicy sauerkraut: sourdough recipe in a jar


Large fork of white cabbage;

Two bay leaves;

Three large carrots;

Two small pods of hot pepper;

Six peas of allspice.

In brine:

Two teaspoons of evaporated (fine) salt;

Liter of settled drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Using a special device or a knife, finely chop the cabbage. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater or grate them using the one used to prepare Korean carrots.

2. Pour the carrots and cabbage into a large bowl and mix well. If in the previous recipe the cabbage needed to be kneaded a little, then this time, on the contrary, we mix it carefully. It is best to do this with your hands, “fluffing” the vegetables.

3. Place the vegetable mixture in a clean three-liter jar, fill halfway and lightly compact. Place a bay leaf, a hot pepper pod and three peppercorns on top. Fill the jar a centimeter below the shoulders with the remaining cabbage, lightly compact it and lay out the spices. Don't forget to add hot pepper, although if you don't like it spicy, don't add it at all.

4. Prepare brine for cabbage. Dissolve salt in cool, preferably room temperature water; the brine should be a little saltier than the cabbage you want to get. Pour the brine into a jar and do it gradually. First, pour in about a third of the brine, carefully pierce the cabbage layer with a long stick and slightly push the cabbage apart so that the water fills all the voids. After this, pour out all the brine, fill the jar, not adding 1 cm to the neck.

5. Place the container in a deep dish, bowl or pan and, without covering, leave it warm. Every day, during the day and evening, we slightly push the cabbage layers apart with a stick to allow gases to escape. We stand for three days.

6. Store in the refrigerator, under a tightly closed, preferably non-metallic, lid.

Instant sauerkraut: recipe with garlic and vinegar in 5 hours


A kilogram of late cabbage;

Two large carrots;

To fill:

Half a glass of unrefined sugar;

Half a liter of drinking water;

Black pepper - five peas;

A spoonful of coarse “pickling” salt;

Allspice - 4 peas;

Half a glass of refined oil;

Ten tablespoons of food vinegar.

Cooking method:

2. After mixing the vegetables in a large bowl, press four large cloves of garlic into the bowl with a press and mix again. It is convenient to do this with your hands.

3. Bring the water to a boil, dilute sugar and salt, add oil and vinegar, and drop the peppercorns. After stirring, boil the brine for at least a minute.

4. Pour hot sauce over the cabbage, cover with a suitable plate and place a weight on top of it. Let the instant cabbage steep for at least 5 hours at normal room temperature. Then we transfer it to a glass jar and store it, sealing it tightly.

Instant sauerkraut: recipe with beets and garlic poured with vinegar


Two kilograms of fresh cabbage;

Large head of garlic;

Two large beets;

Six peppercorns;

0.5 spoons of cumin (optional component).

Brine, per liter of filtered water:

Spoon of sugar;

35 ml food vinegar;

Two level spoons of garden salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the head of cabbage into checkers - square slices up to 4 cm in size.

2. Peel the beets and wash them. We grate one root vegetable using the coarsest grater, and cut the other into thin strips. Finely chop the peeled garlic cloves.

3. Wash a three-liter jar in hot water and soda and wipe it dry with a towel. Place beets and garlic cut into strips along the bottom of the container, add peppercorns and spices (cumin).

4. Place the cabbage in the jar tightly, without compacting it. There should be some space left between the pieces for filling. Place grated beets on top of the cabbage.

5. Prepare the filling. Bring a liter of water to a boil, pour sugar into it, then salt, stir, completely dissolving the bulk ingredients. Pour in the vinegar and bring almost to a boil again, but do not boil.

6. Pour in hot pour in a jar with vegetables. Having tied the neck with several layers of gauze, we leave it to salt for two days in a warm place. Then we put it in the refrigerator, where we store it under a nylon lid.

Instant sauerkraut: Georgian recipe in twelve hours


Large forkful of white cabbage;

Small carrot;

Dark beets are a large root vegetable;

Onion head;

Hot pepper - 1-2 small pods;

Black or, optionally, allspice - 5 peas.

To fill with one liter of water:

A glass of vinegar;

Coarse salt - 2 full spoons;

Half a glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Peel, thinly cutting off the peel layer, carrots, beets and onions. We cut the carrots into thin circles, the beets into strips, and the onion into half rings.

2. Peeled large cloves of garlic, in the amount of 5-6 pieces, are pressed into a small bowl with a special device. Alternatively, chop finely with a knife.

3. Cut the cabbage forks into four parts and completely remove the stalk. Cut the cabbage into large pieces.

4. Place the vegetables in a large bowl, add hot peppers and peppercorns, and add garlic. Mix everything thoroughly, no need to crush the cabbage. Packing it tightly, fill a three-liter jar with the vegetable mass, do not compact it.

5. Dilute the specified amount of salt and unrefined sugar in a liter of water. Bring the dressing to a boil; if debris has collected at the bottom, filter and boil again. After mixing the hot sauce with vinegar, pour it into a jar with cabbage.

6. Seal with a clean lid and leave in a warm place for 12 hours to “ripen”.

Instant sauerkraut: recipe without adding vinegar with apples

Ingredients for a liter jar:

Sweet and sour apples - 200 gr.;

50 gr. carrots;

A spoonful of sugar;

White cabbage without stalk - 700 gr.;

Two carnation umbrellas;

Allspice - two peas;

A spoon of special salt for pickling and pickling.

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the cabbage and transfer it to a spacious bowl.

2. Coarsely grate the carrots and mix.

3. Wash the apples, cut into six slices, remove the core.

4. Place half the cabbage in a clean liter jar, top it with apple slices and cabbage again. We lay it tightly, lightly compacting the cabbage layers.

5. Pour sugar and salt into a container, place peppercorns and cloves on top of the cabbage. Let's pour hot water so that it completely covers the top cabbage layer.

6. Tighten the neck of the jar with gauze and place it close to heat for two days. Several times throughout the day we pierce the mass with a wooden splinter to release the air accumulated inside.

Instant sauerkraut recipes - useful recommendations and advice

It is strictly forbidden to use aluminum utensils to ferment cabbage using quick methods. Such a metal upon contact with acid quickly oxidizes and even the most quick cabbage will have time to acquire a grayish tint and an unpleasant metallic taste.

Before shredding, tear off and taste one leaf. If the pulp is juicy, with a slightly sweet taste, you can ferment it. It is better to stew cabbage that is not juicy and tasteless with fatty pork.

It is best to store sauerkraut prepared according to accelerated recipes in the refrigerator, tightly closing glass jars with nylon lids.

Hello dear readers and blog subscribers! Do you think that I usually make the last of the preparations? Of course, sauerkraut. Since the most delicious cabbage, as they say, should be cut from our gardens at the first frost, which means that this falls in such a time period as October, or November, depending on where you live.

Without this treasure, you can’t cook a single one, or rich cabbage soup, which my whole family simply adores. Therefore, today I dedicate this article to pickling sauerkraut for the winter.

Choose any recipe you like and make this dish, because compared to other types of preparations, it is the simplest and fastest to prepare. Minimum effort, maximum pleasure from such work. And then you can not only make soup from it, but also use it in pies; I also really like to make bigus or fry it with potatoes.

This is my favorite version of cabbage, since it was prepared according to the GOST technology of those times, namely 1956, back then in the USSR. Probably every home has such recipes, so I have this old book that I treasure, this is how my mother and grandmother cook.

The most important thing is that this option does not require much time from you, and a lot of different products. It perfectly combines only cabbage, carrots and salt. Without any seasonings and spices, and without adding vinegar.

We will need:

  • cabbage - 3 kg
  • carrots - 300 g
  • salt - 75 g

Cooking method:

1. Shred the cabbage by hand or on a special grater, depending on how much you are going to prepare.

2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Important! According to GOST carrots, 10 percent of the total mass of cabbage is taken. Therefore, consider for yourself that 1 kg of cabbage equals 100 g of carrots. Salt is taken at 2 - 2.5 percent by weight of cabbage; 1 kg of cabbage will require 25 g.

Mix the shredded cabbage with salt and mash it well with your hands.

4. Once the cabbage has released its juice and started to shine, it’s time to mix it with the carrots.

5. Now transfer all the vegetable mass into the pan. Take a lid with a diameter smaller than the pan itself. Put it in plastic bag or bag and cover the cabbage with it.

6. Place a pressure on top of the plate or lid. Typically a three-liter jar of water is used.

7. In this form, the cabbage should stand for 3 days at room temperature.

Important! To make sauerkraut tasty, you need to release it with a wooden stick. carbon dioxide. That is, make punctures on the surface of the cabbage several times during the day. And most importantly, if you don't know why your cabbage tastes bitter, here's the solution, it's all because of this chemical process.

Therefore it is very important that the carbon dioxide escapes and ready dish It didn't taste bitter.

8. After three days, place the cabbage in a jar or jars. But remember that you must first stir the whole mass with your hands again so that the carbon dioxide is completely released.

Using a special funnel, pour into jars.

9. Fill the jars with the juice, or you can say brine, marinade that has separated.

10. Close with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator. You need to store such cabbage in a cool place, a cellar or refrigerator is best, so that the fermentation process does not resume and the finished sauerkraut does not become over-acidified.

This is such a simple and cool cooking option! Bon appetit!

Video: Cooking crispy and juicy sauerkraut at home

I found a similar cooking option in this video, so you can once again see live how and what is done. But, remember one more trick: if you take a lot of carrots, according to the wrong proportions, such as by eye, then the result may not upset you much. Because if you transfer carrots, the cabbage will lose its crispness, will not be as crunchy and will become soft.

Recipe for quick sauerkraut in a jar

So light and one of best options pickling cabbage at home in a very quick and instant way. This, of course, does not take 15 minutes, but on the third day you can already use it, can you imagine?! Add your favorite spices to add variety and enhance flavors.

The secret and super trick here is that the brine will be prepared separately, but don’t be afraid there’s nothing difficult about it, everything is very simple and easy. Well, of course, as soon as the brine or marinade gets into the cabbage, the same phenomenon called fermentation or pickling will begin, with this method I speed up this process and the dosage of salt will be slightly higher than always. That's the whole trick of science))).

We will need:

  • cabbage - 2-3 kg per 1 three-liter jar
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 4 tbsp
  • dill seeds - optional
  • pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

1. First of all, do the prep work of the vegetables. Wash the cabbage and carrots well.

Next, shred the cabbage or cut it with a knife, usually it looks like a thin strip, although I have seen other options for pickling with petals and pieces, but it seems to me that this is not appropriate if used for general use somewhere in dishes, although anything is possible. It depends on what purpose you are making this blank for.

2. Next, grate the carrots using a grater or using a special attachment in a food processor.

3. Mix the cabbage with carrots, don’t be afraid to knead, the mass should be uniform so that the juice begins to appear.

It is in this that the cabbage will be fermented. Add allspice, bay leaf and dill seeds. The cabbage should lie quite tightly in the container. In this case, a 5 liter container is used.

Important! Use only rock salt, coarsely ground, and not fine.

Stir the jar of water until the salt is completely dissolved. And then pour this solution over the cabbage. Since all vegetables must be completely covered with brine, make another identical jar of brine. Or you could take a 2-liter jar at once and add 4 tablespoons of salt and water into it.

6. Well, the water completely covered the cabbage. Take a lid or plate and place a weight on it, place a jar with plain water. The next day, after it has been kept warm for a day, fermentation will begin.

And then you will need to use a spoon or stick to push the cabbage apart and release the gas so that it does not become bitter. This needs to be done several times during the day. So all the days until the end of fermentation.

7. On the third day it will completely ferment and gases will no longer be released.

Important! I also forgot to say, place another one under any container, since during the fermentation process it will additionally begin to release its brine, which means that the liquid will increase and it will run.

8. Here’s another interesting, original cooking option, try it, it’s very tasty! Store in a cool place in the refrigerator to prevent it from becoming sour and pungent.

Delicious sauerkraut in 3 liter jars for the winter

Do you want to make tender, juicy and crispy cabbage? Then here's this for you step by step description with a photo, just to help. The recipe is tried and true.

We will need:

  • cabbage - 1 head 2 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 2 heaped tbsp
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp
  • water - 1.5 l

Cooking method:

1. First of all, cut the cabbage in half and remove the stalk. Chop very, very finely, at least try to cut it that way.

Important! If you take young cabbage, then the preparation will only be juicier and more tender. Because old cabbage tends to be tough.

Next, take carrots from the current harvest, not the old one, so that they are juicy. You can grate the carrots on a regular coarse grater, but in general it’s better to grate them on a Korean carrot grater so that it comes out fine. Mix the vegetables with your hands, squeezing the cabbage so that it releases its juice.

2. After this, take a 3 liter jar. And morning with the help of improvised means, such as a rolling pin))). So that there is a maximum of cabbage and carrots in the jar and a minimum of air.

3. Make a marinade or brine. Add 1.5 tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp salt to 1.5 liters of water. Stir with a spoon, or put a lid on the jar of water and stir until all the dry ingredients have dissolved.

4. Pour this mixture over the cabbage, just to the maximum, just like in the picture. Leave in a warm place, after one day bubbles will appear. This means that the fermentation process has begun.

5. Therefore, take and speed up this process yourself, pierce it with a stick or other object, in the form of a knife, to release the gas. You will immediately see that the brine is sinking.

Do this procedure at least 3-4 times a day. As soon as the bubbles appear, pierce it immediately))). After three days, close the lid and place in a cool place.

6. This is such a nice cabbage, then you can season it vegetable oil and onions, and use dill as decoration. Bon appetit!

Sauerkraut with apples

Well, this option, just a hero, so to speak, immediately brings to mind our Rus' and the stove at my great-grandmother’s. The cabbage will be fermented in a Russian barrel, like in the old Slavic ones. good times, and even with apples.

We will need:

  • cabbage - almost 20 kg
  • Antonovka or Bogatyr apples - 2 kg
  • carrots - 1.5 kg
  • salt - 70 g per 3 kg of cabbage

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the cabbage, cut the carrots into strips or grate. Then mix everything in a deep container and add salt, mash well to release the juice. Next, place it in a barrel.

2. Next, cut the apples into thin slices. Stir gently to avoid damaging the fruit.

Important! Before slicing apples, wash them well and remove the cores.

3. Then cover with a lid and put a stone or something like that.

4. Leave in a warm place, after a while you will see bubbles, this is how it should be.

Important! The main thing is not to miss this moment, because if you do not remove the bubbles in time, then bad smell and aroma, and therefore taste.

5. To do this, remove the pressure and pierce the cabbage with a stick.

After three days, put the sauerkraut in a cool place in the cellar or on the balcony. And after two weeks you can eat it! Yum-yum, simply delicious! The longer it stands, the better it will ferment.

Cabbage, pickled with heads of cabbage

Impressed? When I first tried this thing, I said “cool!” This is Serbian technology, it is light and time-saving, you don’t need to chop anything, but you will have to wait much longer than usual for it to be ready. Then cabbage rolls are prepared from such whole cabbage; in Serbia they are called sarma.

As they say, live and learn, and that’s true))). For 20 kg of cabbage, take approximately 1.5 kg of salt. Carrots are not used in this form.

We will need:

  • cabbage - 12 kg
  • non-iodized salt - 800 g

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cabbage well, remove any bad dirty leaves.

2. Cut out the stalks. Take a head of cabbage and use a knife to cut this place as shown.

3. Hold the knife slightly at an angle to make a pyramid-shaped cut. You will not remove the entire stalk, just the top.

4. Place the head of cabbage in a tank or large pan and fill the cut area with salt. Do this with all the heads of cabbage. And leave them like this until tomorrow, until the next day.

5. After this time, the salt will change a little, it will absorb cabbage moisture.

6. Now cut the cabbage in half and place it in a bowl or pan. For 10 kg of cabbage, take 0.5 kg of salt, of which 300 g will be used to fill the holes in the stalk and 200-250 g for brine; fill the container with water (5 l). Place a weight (5 kg) on ​​top and let it stand for a couple of days (2 days) in a warm place.

Interesting! You can put a few apples in there too.

7. During this time, gurgling will begin in the pan and it will begin to ferment. Therefore, after two days, drain the brine into another container. This is done so that the brine is enriched with oxygen and fermentation occurs more actively. Next, place the cabbage again in the same poured brine and apply pressure. This procedure is done once a day. It will be completely ready in 2 weeks.

8. Store it in the cellar and you will need to eat it before spring.

Bonus: Sauerkraut with beets

Ecologically clean and very tasty cabbage without vinegar with beets and carrots. Well, just lick your fingers, and look how it looks on a plate, just fantastically beautiful and awesome:

I can also advise those who have very little space in the cellar to store cabbage not in jars, but in bags, but the air will need to be removed from them using a special device, that is, done under vacuum. That's all for me, I hope now you have learned how to properly make sauerkraut for the winter in different ways.

Have fun and delicious discoveries! See you all! Bye bye!