Name Alevtina: meaning, origin, influence on fate. The meaning of the female name Alevtina

Alya is disgusted by the very concept of conflict and betrayal, so she will faithful wife and a real keeper home comfort. She is an excellent student, talented, masters all subjects easily, and is a good needlewoman. It would be nice to teach Alevtina to periodically take a break from work for a five-minute rest, so as not to undermine her health. And home appliances will become hers faithful assistant and will free up her time to pursue many other projects. Her attention to detail makes her an indispensable worker. Teach Alevtina to plan her day from childhood, writing everything down in a notebook, and not to get caught up in trifles.

Alya prefers to relax in nature: at the dacha, hiking and traveling. It is possible that her name is a derivative of the name Alevton, a descendant of Hercules, meaning “wanderer.”

Family and work are the main horizons in her life. Knowledge, skill and an active life position will help her take leadership position, but she always remembers her family. Stable family well-being invariably increases her self-esteem and helps in career growth.

Please note that the meaning of the name Alevtina and Alla is completely different. The name Alevtina is Latin and means “strong”, “healthy”, simplified from the name Valentina. And translated from Greek it means “alien to evil.” Alla is an Arabic name and its meaning is “other.”


To avoid complications in family life and the breakdown of marriage, you should not connect your life with men named: Anton, Arthur, Albert, Adam, Andrey, Bogdan, Vilen, Vladimir, Valentin, Vladislav, German, Georgy, Denis, Demyan, Zakhar , Irakli, Ivan, Kirill, Naum, Oleg, Platon, Stepan, Savva, Stanislav, Savely, Philip, Felix, Yuri, Yaroslav, Jan.

Favorable talismans of the name are considered:

  • white,
  • tree - poplar,
  • plant - angelica,
  • fish – mirror carp,
  • stone - .

The name Alevtina is shortened and affectionately

How often do we become convinced of the correctness of the statement of the cartoon character Captain Vrungel: “As you name the ship, so it will sail!” And babies, like sponges, absorb everything. Therefore, we need to call them sonorous more often and pet names, as for example, for the name Alevtina: Alya, Alechka, Alenky (flower), Alyusha, Tina, Tinochka, etc.

Angel for Alevtina and her name day

Our ancestors named their newborn children according to the calendar, in which the names of Orthodox saints are recorded for each day of the month; it was believed that the child not only acquired the patronage of the saint, but also by name - “life”. In the last century, it was fashionable to come up with names, to call a child simply beautiful name. Now, even if there is no such name in the calendar, then at baptism the child is definitely named appropriate name from the calendar and it becomes his second and secret name.

The patron saint of all Alevtines is Alevtina of Caesarea, a martyr who suffered for her faith in the Lord in 308. Her fortitude amazed the torturers. Angel Day Everyone celebrates the day when, at baptism in the church, the Lord gives him a guardian angel. But All Alevtins celebrate their name day on July 29.

At this time, the zodiac constellation Leo rules, and the patron planet is the Sun. From this day on, summer begins to decline, having passed its sultry age. The sun no longer burns, the birds become quiet. Which is true and leaves its mark on Alechek’s character.

Troparion to the Holy Martyr Alevtina:
Thy Lamb, Jesus, Alevtina calls with a great voice: I love Thee, my Bridegroom, and seeking Thee I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Thy baptism, and I suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign in Thee, and that I die for Thee, that I may live with Thee ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

We magnify you, passion-bearer of Christ Alevtina, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

Alevtina is becoming less and less common in the choice of young parents, although the literal translation of the name is interesting: “far from bad”, “rubbing herself with incense”, “fragrant”.

Origin of the name

How this appeal arose is explained by two versions. One says that Alevtina, like most modern names, comes from ancient Greece. Another claims that the name is a colloquial form from the Latin - Valentina. One thing is certain: the beginning of the spread of the nickname in Rus' is attributed to the time after the 13th century.

General characteristics

Alevtina is a sweet child and her father’s favorite, she not only looks like her dad in appearance from a young age, this little girl takes on his character as well. She is always more attached to her father than to her mother.

Being a leader by nature, Alevtina strives to succeed in everything, including matters of the heart. Once married, she will strive to ensure that her family is exemplary.

Often girls with this rare name hearing is well developed, so it would be a good idea for parents to send their daughter to a music school to develop her sense of beauty. Perhaps the game is on the selected musical instrument Alya will like it so much that the world will be replenished with another talented virtuoso musician.

Positive character traits

Alya is a dreamy girl. This trait is inherent only good people. Feeling herself unlike others, she nurtures self-love, complete confidence in her superiority and uniqueness, which attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

Straightforwardness and the desire to always seek justice make staying in female society unbearable for Alevtina. It's much easier for her to find common language with men.

She will never calmly watch how a crowd humiliates a single person, and will always stand up for the injured party.

Her integrity of views and resistance to stress make Alevtina independent and decisive; with such qualities she easily manages to climb the ladder. career ladder And for a long time be in leadership positions.

Negative character traits

Sometimes the pride of “a stranger to bad things” develops beyond measure, incontinence appears, as a result of which Alevtina is included in the ranks of brawlers with an explosive character.

If a woman gets carried away, then it is almost impossible to stop her: she begins to be sarcastic to everyone with or without reason, even to the point of humiliating her dignity. People try to avoid communicating with her. To prevent this from happening, parents need to control the sense of their own greatness inherent in nature from childhood.

Zodiac sign

Which zodiac sign is suitable for a brave person who defends justice? Of course - the sign of Leo, and no other.

    The patron planet for the zealous defender of justice will be the Sun. A stone that will protect against negativity and bring happiness is quartz.

    When it comes to clothes, it is preferable for a girl to choose white or blue.


You can call the girl Alya, Alechka, Alenka, Alevtinka, sometimes she likes the dry, laconic address - Tina.

Name options

IN Japanese the name sounds like Arefutina, in Arabic it is pronounced as Alfeina. The name is also found in France and China, but it sounds familiar to the Slavs - Alevtina.

Historical figures

  • 1929 –2011 – film actress Alevtina Rumyantseva.
  • 1941 – 2013 – Deputy of the Russian State Duma Alevtina Aparina.
  • Our time: Soviet skier Alevtina Olyunina and her colleague Alevtina Kolchina, Russian actress Alevtina Dobrynina, public and politician Alevtina Fedulova.

Origin and meaning: 1) Presumably comes from the Greek aleuō - “reflect”, “repel”. 2) Russian Orthodox tradition attributes the origin of the name Alevtin to a distorted Latin name Valentina (strong). 3) Presumably this female uniform the ancient Greek male name Alevton (Alet), which means “wanderer”: this was the name of the descendant of Hercules.

Main character traits: Alevtina has a sharp and impetuous character. Devoted, knows how to keep other people's secrets. Quite ironic. Categorical in her judgments.

Emotional manifestations: In terms of its energy, this name is quite soft and light, but there is still some explosiveness felt in it. In addition, the melody of the name can awaken in Alevtina dreaminess and a feeling of being different from others. Her sensitive pride and lack of self-control often allow her to start, as they say, in a half-turn - and where there could be slight discontent, a serious conflict arises.

Health: As a child, Alevtina was susceptible to tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Appearance and sexual temperament: Alevtina strictly monitors her appearance, will not go out into the street unkempt. And yet, not every man can withstand her commanding tone.

Work and career: Alevtina finds it difficult to tolerate female groups: she often stops communicating with the female half of the team altogether, preferring to communicate with men, with whom she feels much better and much more confident. Conflicts in the team headed by Alevtina are inevitable, even if she takes care of her subordinates.

Love and family: Most likely, Alevtina will take a long time to choose a husband for herself, and will try to choose him from some high circles, which is connected both with her dreaminess and ambition, and with the search for an opportunity to assert herself. It is difficult to be married to Alevtina, although she is a homebody, an economical housewife, and a good mother.

Derivatives: Alevtinka, Tina, Alya, Ala.

Favorable alliances: Anatoly, Victor, Peter

Unfavorable alliances: Alexander, Georgy, Nikolay, Ostap, Semyon

Zodiac sign: Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries.

Celestial body: Mars

Color: Red, blue, light green, green, white.

Talisman stone: Emerald, jade, onyx.

Totem Creature: Mirror carp.

This is an emotional, sociable, cheerful, but stubborn girl. Little Alevtina often has poor health and gets sick a lot. This girl studies well at school, but sometimes she behaves noisily in class and gets into mischief. Alevtina is often friends with boys and loves to play football and hockey with them. She helps her mother little around the house and does not like household chores.

Adult Alevtina is sociable by nature, but very independent. She is independent and does not tolerate anyone trying to lead her. Alevtina can be flexible and friendly, but it is better not to irritate her or make her angry. This woman rarely considers anyone an authority for herself, but if she does admit it, it will be very difficult to convince her. In general, Alevtina relies exclusively on her experience in everything; she never takes her word for it and prefers to see, hear and check everything herself. A woman with this name is usually punctual and does not like it when anyone is late. Alevtina is self-critical, but also very strict towards the shortcomings of others, often intolerant. This woman is principled, she will never remain silent if she notices injustice, as well as dishonesty. She always keeps her promises and never forgets about them. Alevtina does not like to throw words to the wind, she speaks a little and is always to the point, however, she is not silent; in the company of friends, of which this woman has quite a lot, she can be talkative. In unfamiliar company or at work, this woman is usually reserved.

Alevtina often chooses heavy ones, male professions. And since she begins to play sports in her youth, the adult Alevtina no longer has any health problems. At work, she is responsible, reliable, collected and copes well with her duties, in no way inferior to men. Before doing anything, Alevtina carefully thinks through everything. She is persistent and not afraid of difficulties. A woman with this name always achieves what she strives for. She is very purposeful, ambitious and usually has a career. Always tries to help others. She is not selfish, and, despite her difficult character, she is a kind and sympathetic woman. She is not boastful and does not like to attract attention to herself. IN free time Alevtina usually works at garden plot or goes hiking; she also really enjoys walking and cycling.

Alevtina always dresses fashionably and very extravagantly, but to suit the person. Usually this woman attracts the attention of men and gets married early. Her family life is not always successful. A woman with this name easily meets men. Although she has many male friends, Alevtina never forgets that she is a woman. But she is not flirtatious and does not like to play with the feelings of fans. Usually Alevtina chooses a partner who is close to her interests and equal in experience. This woman is very demanding of her partner.

Alevtina, born in winter, is often simple-minded, trusting and curious. She is always aware of all the gossip and affairs of her friends and colleagues. This woman is lazy. She is kind, willing to help, but you absolutely cannot trust her with any secret - she will definitely spill the beans. She dresses well, is easy to talk to, and men really like her. This woman often changes partners. Alevtina is married several times, but usually only last marriage happens to be successful.
Summer Alevtina is an intelligent, secretive and often proud woman. In all her actions, she never forgets about her own benefit. This woman is marrying for convenience. Since she knows how to get along with people in order to use them to her advantage, this Alevtina’s relationship with her husband is going well. Being under her heel, he nevertheless considers himself the head of the family.

Energy and Karma of the name: In terms of its energy, this name is quite soft and light, but there is still some explosiveness felt in it. In addition, the melody of the name can awaken in Alevtina dreaminess and a feeling of being different from others. This is further enhanced by the fact that today such a name is quite rare, which makes Alya noticeable in almost any team. Moreover, it is very likely that this very visibility will play a role in the development of Alevtina’s significant pride, since, on the one hand, the name is quite beautiful, on the other hand, something old-fashioned can be heard in it, and in her youth this can cause a lot of trouble. It is possible that Ali’s pride will be very painful, and she will feel somewhat uncomfortable among her friends, although in her soul she may have confidence in her uniqueness and even in her superiority. Perhaps if the name were firmer and more intense, this would not be so dangerous, but it is precisely the firmness in the name that is lacking.

All this leads to the fact that most often Alevtina is not able to calmly transfer the usual into women's team the exchange of barbs, her sensitive pride and lack of inclination to restraint often allow her to get wound up, as they say, half-heartedly and where there might be slight dissatisfaction, arises serious conflict. It must be said that in such a situation it is already difficult to figure out where the cause is, where the effect is, since here it turns out vicious circle- the more conflicts arise, the more easily Alevtina begins to break into causticism, which, accordingly, gives rise to new conflicts. Often Alya stops communicating with the female half of the team altogether, preferring to communicate with men, with whom she feels much better and much more confident.

Most likely, Alevtina will take a long time to choose a husband for herself, and will try to choose him from some high circles, which is connected both with her dreaminess and ambition, and with the search for an opportunity to assert herself. However, here, as in communicating with her friends, she should be more careful, because any life together, even if the husband is one hundred percent angel, is fraught with many misunderstandings and resentments, so if Alevtina does not overcome her explosiveness, frequent family quarrels can cause family on the brink of divorce.

Secrets of communication. A man need not be afraid when he accidentally entrusts Alevtina with some secret related to women - if she gossips with someone, it’s certainly not in a women’s group. In addition, if you communicate with Alevtina, it would be useful to prepare for her causticity and barbs. They are often quite painful.

The meaning of the name Alevtina for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Full analysis character, compatibility and fate of the name Alevtin, read in this article!

Full name: Alevtina

Meaning: strong, strong, healthy

Similar names: Alena, Alya, Albina, Alisa, Alana

Church name: Alevtina

What does the name Alevtina mean?

The name Alevtina is not widespread in the territory Russian Federation and is almost unknown in other countries. If the parents of a newborn girl want her to have an unusual and interesting fate, then they can safely call her by this name. Its origin is ancient Greek and is translated in different ways - smelling of incense, reflection, alien to evil. Often the last translation is chosen as the basis, which means that the girl named Alevtina does not accept bad habits and bad human tendencies. Parents often call their daughter Alya.

The name Alevtina in different languages ​​of the world

In Armenian: Ալեւտինան

In Belarusian: Alyautsina

In Ukrainian: Alevtina

In Greek: Αλεβτίνα

In Georgian: ალეტინა

In Spanish: Alevtina

In Italian: Alevtina

In French: Alevtina

Characteristics and astrology of the name Alevtin

Favorable day: Tuesday

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Patron Planet: Venus

Talisman stone: jade

Color: orange

Plant: carrot

Animal: fox

What does the name Alevtina mean for a girl, girl and woman?

As a girl, Alya behaves like a real princess. Her manner of speaking and walking mark her as a young aristocrat, although she may have been born in ordinary family ordinary workers. The girl has many natural talents that she loves to demonstrate. She easily makes new acquaintances, is sociable and cheerful.

Alya does not allow herself to be offended, not even kindergarten, neither at school, nor in the yard. And when the offender is stronger and taller than her, the girl can fight with particular cruelty. Of the parents, he loves his father more and constantly follows him like a tail. The girl loves to study and always brings home a diary full of A's and B's. Therefore, she performed control homework or no, it’s not necessary.

Alya takes parental assignments responsibly and loves to help her mom around the house and her dad in the workshop. But the girl is not always so sweet and flexible. If she doesn't get what she really wants, she can become irritable and moody. But daddy spoils his girl, so foot stomping rarely happens.

As a girl, Alevtina is less capricious, but she knows how to influence her dad so that he buys her what she wants. The girl easily achieves her goals, is strong, attractive and beautiful. Hardworking, responsible, disciplined. In studies, she is diligent and obligatory.

Alevtina is sociable and friendly, but can be secretive and withdrawn in the company of people unfamiliar to her. Although, this is only the beginning, as soon as you start talking to someone, the girl blossoms and there is no stopping her. Having many friends, he only lets some of his peers into his circle of close friends. But to the one who became for her true friend, can entrust a secret secret.

Alevtina doesn’t pay attention to the guys, but they like her. When her girlfriends meet and send love notes, she thinks about her studies and her achievements in sports. The girl loves to catch the admiring glances of the opposite sex, but does not dare to accept an invitation even to a slow dance, which disappoints and upsets any guy.

Alevtina is a strong and powerful woman. Everything should be under her control. However, this is not enough to occupy a leadership position or create your own business. She is confident in herself, but does not show it to others, and therefore does not take a leadership position.

She lacks knowledge, experience and desire for entrepreneurial activity. Alevtina can hold a high position at the enterprise, but without a leadership function, because she simply does not know how to manage a team and under her leadership everything goes wrong.

A woman is capable of defending herself. There are friends in her circle, communication with whom continues for more than a dozen years. She considers such people as members of her family - their problems are her problems. Alevtina does not like noisy events and parties. He prefers to sit quietly at home with his friends and acquaintances, watch a movie, and discuss something interesting.

The character and fate of the name Alevtin

  • cheerfulness
  • romance
  • obligation
  • punctuality

Alevtina constantly comes up with something new and interesting. A creative and dreamy woman. If he does not hold a leadership position, he has trusting relationships with colleagues. He likes to joke, but does not support those who laugh at the human feelings or appearance of someone from the team.

The woman knows that her neighbors and colleagues are spreading various gossip behind her back, but this does not bother Alevtina. But if he hears some bad word addressed to his friend, he will definitely stand up for her in order to achieve justice and truth. A woman has more men among her friends, because it is easier for her to find a common language with the opposite sex.

  • snideness
  • moodiness
  • pride
  • excessive emotionality

Alevtina finds it difficult to accept criticism addressed to her, especially in adolescence. The woman is hyper-emotional, so she often starts quarrels and conflicts at work and at home. Then he can’t calm down for a long time. The emotional state is not stable, especially during the period of premenstrual syndrome.

Alevtina does not notice when she switches from white humor to black, and thereby offends her interlocutor. She may be sarcastic in someone's direction, and then not understand why this person no longer wants to communicate with her. A woman loves to manipulate people who are weaker than her. The strong do not succumb to this kind of provocation. From such people she receives a worthy rebuff and understands that this person is too tough for her.

Alevtina's fate

Alevtina's fate is easy and relaxed. Since childhood, she has received all the best - beautiful dolls, bright outfits. In adolescence - a popular guy among boyfriends, in adulthood - a prestigious job with a decent wages. A woman is often called the darling of fortune.

She loves herself more than anyone. She is rarely ready to compromise and act to her own detriment. In my own opinion and will not compromise his position. Life path shows her that such an attitude towards others is not always justified, but Alevtina continues to live as she lived. She is happy with her position and rejoices at everything she has achieved. Her dreams come true and her desires come true.


and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

He doesn’t like a lot of responsibility in his work and career and tries to shift some of it to another colleague. She wants to have a certain amount of power in the team, to become the leader of at least a small staff, but the wise director understands that such a position is contraindicated for Alevtina and does not give her such an opportunity.

Study entrepreneurial activity it won’t, because it requires a lot of labor and nerves. Even her husband cannot become a good assistant in business. It is better for her to work in production, from bell to bell, and where the managers do not have her friends and acquaintances, because in this case she will not be able to maintain subordination.

Working without a strict schedule is closer to Alevtina. This is something creative and not limited by time frames. She doesn’t know how to earn a lot of money, but thanks to the wise distribution of funds she has enough for everything. Not poor, but not luxurious either. Everything that needs to be bought is acquired.

Marriage and family

Alevtina has a hard time with the fact that, having become a mother, she needs to behave more seriously and look at some life situations like an adult. Even after giving birth to several children, she talks about many things like a little naive girl. She lacks the desire and determination to reassess her worldview.

While raising children, she may be constantly busy with something (work, hobbies, training), so she resorts to the help of nannies, grandmothers or friends with children. But this does not mean that she does not pay enough attention to the children. When they are with her, she is completely immersed in games and conversations with her heirs.

When irritated, Alevtina can yell at the children and then regret it. A woman doesn't always choose the right words when explaining why a child is punished for a particular offense. Her excessive emotionality is not so clearly reflected in the children if the offspring are raised together with the spouse. They find a middle ground in this matter.

Sex and love

Alevtina’s sex is a real tsunami, covering her partner completely. In no relationship can this woman be calm and completely balanced. Some conflicts and quarrels constantly arise with men. She is suited to someone who will be lenient towards her outbursts.

He wants to see his father’s charisma and habits in his chosen one. In his youth, he tries to introduce every guy to his dad, because he wants to get his approval for building a relationship. If the father does not like the chosen one, he breaks off friendship with him and begins to look for another candidate.

Alevtina can sort things out and quarrel with her man in front of her friends and colleagues. At such a moment, she is not interested in what others might think, because she is unrestrained and jealous. But after she calms down, she begins to apologize to everyone for her behavior. Which is puzzling. If Alevtina meets a man who fulfills all her desires, then she becomes calm and flexible.


Alya was healthy as a child. And when my classmates, one after another, fall ill with the seasonal flu and miss classes, I don’t even suffer from a runny nose. Such strong immunity is given to her by nature and is supported by her parents, who advocate proper nutrition and hardening.

In adolescence, Alevtina may begin to have problems with nervous soil due to the stress associated with preparing for entrance exams to the university. The girl’s vision may deteriorate, headaches, migraines may begin, and her blood pressure may increase or decrease.

Any illness of Alevtina is connected with her emotional state, so the doctors recommend that she not take everything to heart, not sort things out with her husband, and not yell at the children. But the woman is skeptical about this, because she understands that it is almost impossible to do this. Admit to herself that she simply does not want to behave calmer.

Interests and hobbies

Alevtina is a creative person. He remains like this until the end of his days. Likes to invent something. As a child, she can do everything - sing, dance, write songs and poems, do gymnastics, draw, play any musical instrument. A teenager may become interested in photography.

If by nature Alevtina has beautiful appearance, then he can try himself as a fashion model. But he will not dare to devote himself to this profession, because he will encounter a lot of lies and falsehood along the way. Often you will have to give up your desires and dreams, and the girl categorically disagrees with doing this. Spoiled since childhood, Alevtina will not be able to endure the tough schedule of filming and touring.

More than anything else, a woman likes shopping - she can spend hours walking through hypermarkets. If she is lonely, she can spend the whole day walking around the shops. She loves beautiful and expensive things, which she spares no expense on. He knows how to earn enough to buy branded products. And if she can’t afford something, she turns to her dad again, just like in childhood. He won't refuse her.

Compatibility of the name Alevtina with male names

Alevtina’s relationships with Boris, Varlaam, Victor and Kuzma will be harmonious and joyful. The more non-standard and more unusual name chosen one, the closer the relationship between the woman and her partner will be.

Alevtina will be crazy about Bronislav, Vasily, Zakhar and Svyatoslav, but none of them will be able to withstand her emotionality and reluctance to sort things out without quarrels and conflicts. They will look for common ground with a woman, but will not be able to find it.

Among the men who could become a worthy husband for Alevtina and keep her character in check are Arthur, Plato and Julius. Quarrels are inevitable, but any of them will be able to find an approach to the woman, will be like her dad, and will thereby achieve respect and recognition from Alevtina.

A woman should avoid Igor, Dmitry, Andrey, Stepan and Rudolf, because during conflicts, having failed to calm the woman down, they will often resort to violent methods, for which, of course, they will pay before the law, but they will manage to inflict many emotional wounds on Alevtina, which provoke diseases associated with the nervous system.

The name Alevtina was born in Ancient Greece from the word “reflection”, “protection”.

Diminutive form of the name: Alya, Alevtinushka, Alevtinka, Alechka, Levtinka, Leva.

There is a masculine form of the name - Alevton.

Alevtina will celebrate her name day on July 29th Orthodox calendar on the day of the holy martyr Alevtina, who died in 308 AD.

Pros: Uniqueness, dreaminess, justice, straightforwardness, intercession.

Cons: Intemperance, pride, causticity.


Little Alevtina always tries to be loved and be the center of attention, which sometimes pushes some people away. She gets angry when she doesn’t get what she wants, and she gets jealous when others pay more attention than her. It is difficult to tolerate criticism addressed to him. Despite these shortcomings, Alevtina grows up to be a good girl, she will always help her parents with household chores and will protect her weak friend from offenders.

At school, Alevtina is an average student and does not stand out among other kids in her grades. Alevtina has the most developed creative talents; she draws, sings, and dances well. He often performs in school plays and likes to go to discos. During school, Alevtina chooses a hobby that will have a great impact on her future life. In her company, boys predominate, because Alevtina cannot be calmly friends with girls without breaking into conflicts and tugging at the popularity blanket.

Adult Alevtina has no close friends because of her high self-esteem. He still hangs out in men's company, where he likes to smoke and drink along with men while talking. In any company he tries to be a leader, speaks loudly, looks impressive and bright. Often judges people, often even harshly and categorically, which they do not like. Doesn't tolerate other people's shortcomings well. In communication, he can throw a sarcastic barb at the interlocutor. He is punctual and is almost never late for meetings.


Physically, she grows up as a weak girl, often suffers from various diseases and has an unstable nervous system. In adult Alevtina it is not uncommon nervous breakdowns and depression. She should protect herself from stress and follow a daily routine.


Alevtina can change several jobs throughout her life until she finds her own and, preferably, a prestigious one. So that the work is not only interesting, but also well paid. Alevtina will achieve high results in creativity. Because of his conflict and caustic nature, he does not get along well with the team. If Alevtina can pacify her conflict, then she will be able to climb the career ladder and earn more money.


Since her early youth, the spectacular Alevtina has always had many fans with whom she easily finds a common language. If she likes a man, then she is charm and tenderness itself. But not for long. When her love for a man passes, she leaves him without regret and finds the next one. Alevtina is not afraid of loneliness.


Alevtina gets married late, always to a rich and promising man. She is not interested in ordinary men in ordinary positions. Alevtina will make a conflicted wife, but her husband appreciates her loyalty and ability to arrange her life. Alevtina will open up mentally only to her husband, who will know about all her experiences and thoughts. Alevtina is an excellent cook, loves to cook gourmet dishes and furnish your home according to the latest fashion. The mother from Alevtina is surprisingly very caring and calm, able to endure all the antics of her children.

Compatibility with male names

  • Excellent: , .
  • Bad: , .

Horoscope named after Alevtin

Aries - Pleasant to talk to, calm. He will listen, he will give good advice. He surrounds himself with time-tested friends, and keeps the rest in the category of acquaintances.

Taurus - Confident, optimistic. He has a positive attitude towards life, loves communication, meeting new people, and traveling. He does not tolerate the monotony of life well and tries to somehow diversify his every day.

Gemini - Arrogant, loving. Prone to criticism. He tries to be a leader in the company and strictly weeds out irresponsible and boorish people. There are many men in her life.

Cancer - Friendly, balanced. It reveals itself completely only in the circle of the closest people. He will always come to the rescue and help out with money.

Leo - Contradictory, receptive. Her mood changes often, she can be both good and evil in one day. He takes criticism hard. He tries to have so much fun that he will remember this event for a long time.

Virgo - Truthful, sharp. He always says directly what he thinks about a person. Able to benefit from the right people. Avoids noisy companies, prefers to spend his days at home doing his favorite pastime.

Libra - Emotional, vulnerable. She is friendly to others, knows how to have fun and attract people around her.

Scorpio - Idealist, demanding. She is difficult to get along with because of these qualities, but she will make a wonderful mother and wife.

Sagittarius - Eccentric, irresponsible. You cannot rely on her; she will easily let you down in matters or requests. Only a responsible and responsible person can get along with her. serious man, who will manage to slightly change her character for the better.

Capricorn - Explosive, unrestrained. She does not know how to restrain her caustic tongue, which is why she has many enemies. But there are still more fans because of her natural charm.

Aquarius - Positive, kind. She gets along with almost all people and is respected in their society. Incapable of offending her interlocutor, avoids conflict situations.

Pisces - Shy, insecure. He has his head in the clouds and is afraid to take responsibility. Her husband should be strong man capable of taking on problems.


  • Planet - Sun.
  • Name color - Brown
  • Time of year - Winter.
  • Happy day of the week is Friday.
  • Lucky number is 6.
  • Metal - Copper.
  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Element - Fire.
  • Totem animal - Mirror carp.
  • Plant - Angelica.
  • Tree - Poplar.
  • Talisman mineral - Quartz.

Famous people with the name Alevtina

  • Alevtina Olyunina - Soviet skier.
  • Alevtina Dobrynina is a Russian actress.
  • Alevtina Leontyeva is a Russian singer.
  • Alevtina Fedulova is a Russian politician.
  • Alevtina Rumyantseva is a Soviet actress.
  • Alevtina Aparina - deputy State Duma RF.