Events about the steppe. Scenario of the holiday for the implementation of the Kalmykia EDS “How beautiful is my steppe in April

Gilana Boldyreva
Scenario of the holiday for the implementation of the Kalmykia EDS “How beautiful is my steppe in April”

Holiday scenario

"How my steppe is beautiful in April»

Goals and objectives:

Fostering a conscious sense of responsibility for the Earth, love for native land, conservation of natural resources;

Introduce the history of the appearance of tulips in Kalmyk steppe;

Developing a sense of patriotism and a tolerant attitude towards each other.


In the spring steppe- that same wondrous paradise,

Music is playing. Background. Kalmyk melodies"Tsetsgyarich".

Dance with the Hadaks

1 presenter. Mendtv, kundte uurmud boln enkr bichkdyd!

2 presenter. Hello, dear guests, guys! We invited you to holiday"How my steppe is beautiful in April» .

1 presenter. How our Kalmyk steppe is beautiful in spring, you know everything. Thick grass, green as a carpet, covers it. Clean air! And against the background of greenery, tulips bloom in bright carpets, red, yellow, orange, burgundy, two-tone, purple. Beauty!

1 child. How are you beautiful, my steppe, V April

Crystal clear air and space;

And the bell - the lark trills!

You are the music whose sounds have long been

Some genius, having sunk into obscurity,

Transferred to painting tulips.

1 presenter. Tulip in Kalmykia is more than just a flower. This is a symbol steppes, spring and the rebirth of nature, "the soul of our ancestors".

2 presenter. The massive death of tulips in the 80-90s of the twentieth century led to the need to solve the problem of preserving this species at the state level, so the tulip was listed in the Red Book.

1 presenter. June 16, 1994 President of the Republic Kalmykia signed the Decree on the organization national park "Bamb Tsetsg" on the territory Kalmykia, in order to preserve the reference area steppe landscape, whose symbol and decoration is the tulip.

2nd child. Tulips of my homeland!

What is more elegant and modest than them?

Facing the dawn,

They took in all the colors.

Breath of juicy petals,

Having broken through the dense layer of centuries.

The petals formed into a turban -

This is where the tulip came from.

Song "Bamb Tsetsg" "Tulip"

1 presenter. The tulip is considered the flower of Holland. But it has been brought here for four hundred years

back from Turkey, and the tulip culture came there from Iran.

The 17th century was the golden age of the Dutch bourgeoisie, which amassed enormous treasures through the brutal exploitation of its vast colonies. The rich spent huge amounts of money on luxury, and of course, on flowers. The Dutch's favorite flower was the tulip. Once, for one bulb of a varietal tulip, 4 bulls, 8 pigs, 12 sheep, 2 large barrels of wine, 4 barrels of beer, 2 barrels of oil, 1 bed with accessories, 1 bunch of dresses and 1 silver cup were paid. Farmers realized that growing tulips would bring them great income. Trade in tulips expanded widely. Because one carpenter almost ate a tulip bulb, the judge sentenced him to 4 years in prison.

In 1673, a competition was announced to breed a black tulip, for which a reward of 100 thousand gold guilders was promised. The black tulip was grown, and the award for it was presented by the head of state, William of Orange. Holland became a country of floriculture.

2 presenter. IN international book To date, about three and a half thousand varieties of tulips have been registered. Among them there are also new varieties of the famous Dutch royal tulips. But not everyone knows that their story began in Russia, in Primanych steppes. IN civil war ended up in Primanychskie steppes with the white army, Dutch officer Derrick Leferb. Seeing in steppes wild tulips of unprecedented beauty, he dug up several bulbs, hid them in a duffel bag and, even when he fled from Budenov’s men, managed to save them and take them home to Holland. For a long time collectors "they cast a spell" over the bulbs until they finally turned into the famous "royal tulips". Derrick Leferb became the owner of one of the large flower growing companies, but did not forget this story, and in gratitude to the country that gave him the magic bulbs, he gave new varieties to the Russians names: "Yuri Gagarin", "Galina Ulanova", « Bolshoi Theater» . Holland has been famous for its magnificent varieties of tulips for more than 400 years, but it still owes their appearance to « steppe Primanych roots» .

Older children and preparatory group read poetry.

3 child. I love Kalmyk steppe,

It's easy to breathe here,

And my life is not easy

I have been given the opportunity to live here.

ABOUT, my beautiful steppe!

The aroma of flowers is alluring.

Carpet of live tulips,

Which I'm so glad about.

Above the mysterious land

colorful meadows

Soars smoothly in the sky

A pair of strong eagles.

Cutting through the air

Wings of a crane,

My sad song

Hears my steppe!

4 child. In the spring steppe- that same wondrous paradise,

A continuous carpet of flowers in the green grass.

And who ever sees this land,

He will forever remain in love with her.

5 child. Where else can you see

Such a variety of tulips?

How will they be reflected in the mirror?

Only the waters of simple estuaries.

6 child. So let the flowers show off in steppes

Let them drive us crazy with their satin shine!

My friend, please don’t tear them,

Let steppe In the spring she will dress up as a bride again.

1 presenter. A legend came to us from the distant past “about the tulip, the repository of human happiness”, which says that human happiness is stored in a golden, tightly closed bud, and no one could get to it, neither old nor young. Neither by cunning nor by the power of spells. But one day, where such a flower grew, a poor, exhausted woman was passing by, leading her son by the hand, when she suddenly noticed from a distance a golden bud, about which she had heard a lot. She did not think of opening it, as she thought. That this was completely impossible, she wanted to look at the flower that contained happiness. Which she had not seen all her life. The woman slowly, with a sinking heart, approached him, like her boy. Breaking free from his hands, and with a loud laugh, waving his little arms, he rushed to the flower. And - oh, miracle! - at that very moment the bud opened on its own, something happened that neither strength nor spells could do, but the laughter of a child did.

2 presenter. Hungarian proverb reads: “He who loves flowers cannot be evil”. Each of us should know that when picking a flower, it kills the plant, and a new one will not appear in place of the one picked, because the tulip bulb, without having time to accumulate nutrients due to the loss of the flower, leaves and stem, it also dies.

7 child. The tulip petals fluttered.

And the bud slowly unfurled,

It was as if a pink wound had opened...

I think I even heard a groan.

By the will of secret forces,

From the beauty that is so sweet,

From the bitterness of wormwood

The music of the flower is created.

(D. N. Kugultinov "Music of Verse".)

8 child. The tulip is burning.

Trembling over steppe flame.

And there is no strength to calm him down,

Fire April!

Scarlet flowers

Raging steppe. And it makes me happy!

Fills the soul with an alarming light

This is the contemplation of beauty.

And I'm afraid to break the silence.

I'm standing. I look at the bright flowers.

9 child. But very soon the scarlet light will go out.

Nature, you are clearly right here.

Well, you couldn’t have arranged it.

So that the tulip lives all summer like grass?

Or maybe the beauty is in this flash?

And maybe this is the meaning of my flowers?

And maybe life is too long

They would forget who they are and what?

(B. Dzhimbinov "Tulip".)

1 presenter. In spring, sakura blooms in Japan - a barren, beautifully blooming cherry tree - and all residents and guests Japanese islands come to this tree ( national symbol countries rising sun, admire the color. Meet friends in nature. Show children the beauty of nature and respect for it. Of course, no one would even think of picking an armful of blooming sakura branches and taking them home or as a gift to acquaintances and friends, much less selling them. No, the Japanese come to the tree and admire it. It became cultural tradition, national holiday of the islanders.

2 presenter. Tulip blossom in Kalmyk steppe became a national holiday, which attracts not only residents Kalmykia, but also guests from all over the world.

1 presenter. Mana halmg teegin keerul – bamb tsetsg. Once upon a time there lived Bolhn Tsetsgin to Bahrad Yovna. Teged madn, shulg bichlevidn. En shulgern zug emtnd bamb tsetsg heerlj hadhly gizh duudvr kezhenavidn:

Verse on Kalmyk language.

2 presenter. Remember that there will be more tulips if we don’t pick them and leave them in steppes so that they can go through the period of development intended for them by nature from the first leaf to flowering and ripening of the seeds with which they reproduce.

10 child.

Wonderful tulip lights

Seen less and less these days

People mercilessly tear them

And they sell it in the markets.

Or they will pick such a bouquet,

Which is hard to hold in your hand.

For what? After all, they are in the room

The lights of the petals will be extinguished,

They will hang their proud heads,

You cannot revive with living water.

And the tulip degenerates

This is how the tarpan disappeared.

And it hurts me, dear tulip,

How they treat you

Fools, ignoramuses, hucksters,

Who has little kindness of soul.

Should tulip shoots

Tolerate robberies?

The dawns are carried away in petals

On foreign cars, "Zhiguli".

Tulips are running from the roads,

So that no one can rip them off.

They are in a hurry to get the window:

Danger is visible all around.

But to reserved places

Beauty is calling tulips.

(G. Kukareka "Tulips".)

Dance "Tulips".

1 presenter.

Due to the fact that the tulip islands in the Priyutnensky district are a natural monument, they are listed in the Red Book.

In subsequent years, there has been a significant decrease in the number of tulips on the islands. Their color diversity, as well as some species on the verge of extinction.

This suggests that people mercilessly pick flowers, they destroy them. And if this continues, then soon these flowers may disappear completely.

In connection with the decrease in the number of relic plants in the district, a resolution was adopted on March 27, 2002 “On measures to protect the population of tulips in the Priyutnensky district” in order to comply with the regime of the ornithological branch "Manych-Gudilo" and creating conditions for the restoration of tulip flowering sites in the area in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On specially protected natural areas”. This resolution also includes protection state reserve "Black Lands". Now they provide organized visits to the islands during the tulip blooming period, when visiting flowering places tulip picking is prohibited.

11 child. Why is there less and less every year?

Tulips bloom in steppes?

Why do we tear it down without regret?

After all, tulips are holy flowers!

Why are we destroying nature?

After all, she has been dear to us since childhood!

In words we love her so much

But in reality? We tear it down, we tear it down...

Don't destroy nature, people!

Don't let evil have a feast

After all, everyone has known for a long time

Beauty will save the world.

Song "I. Scarlet tulip"

vocal group MKDOU " Kindergarten "Tulip"

2 presenter. Because of this attitude of people, many plants have disappeared. In the end, they realized that if nature is not helped, then animals and plants will disappear from the face of the earth. To prevent this from happening, scientists have compiled a special book - "RED BOOK".

295 species, subspecies of animals and 312 subspecies of birds are already listed in the Red Book of the World. This is already an alarm signal to humanity. The Red Book itself does not protect, but only establishes, records, and warns.

12 child. If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower

If everything: Both me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

1 presenter. How important it is to protect the Earth so that the Eternal Pole does not occur on the entire planet. We must take care of our village as a beloved part of the Earth, and for this we need to know it well, know its problems. First step in learning environmental problems we did today.

13 child. Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

14 child. You're walking along steppes, don't touch the animals!

Don’t pick flowers in vain, don’t hit swans!

You save everything that needs to be protected!

All our nature must be protected!

15child. If you cut down forests, then beauty will leave us,

If you destroy the fields, the earth will become bare,

If you pick out all the flowers -

There will be no former beauty,

Never destroy what nature has created.

Song "Tag" (Steppe)

vocal group MKDOU "Kindergarten" "Tulip"

Good wishes on Kalmyk language.

Event scenario

"Day of the Steppe"

Completed by: Goryaeva B.N. methodologist of MKOU DOD "Chernozemelsky DDT"

P. Komsomolsky, 2015

Scenario of the event “Day of the Steppe”

The topic of protecting nature is currently relevant to everyone. For children school age it is interesting not only for its factual material, but also for its rich emotional content.


    introduce students to the Earth Day holiday;

    to develop interest in the surrounding world and environmental awareness;

    cultivate desire careful attitude to nature, active participation in environmental protection.


computer and projector.

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 - International holiday clean water, Earth and Air. Scary Reminder Day environmental disasters, a day when every person can think about what they can do to solve environmental problems, overcoming indifference in themselves.

Since 1997, Earth Day began to be celebrated in Russia. This is the most massive and large-scale environmental action. On this day, the most important tasks for the improvement and greening of cities are solved, rural settlements, expanding the area of ​​green spaces, reducing land pollution from industrial emissions and solid household waste.

There are many plains, mountains, and deserts on earth, and today we will talk about our native steppe. The steppe spreads out into endless expanses on the plains. Even in ancient times, the steppe was called a “wild field,” but now fields of agricultural crops lie here.

Animal world in the steppe it is not as diverse as in dense dense forests, but it is also very interesting. Among the animals of the steppe there are saigas, bustards, little bustards, marmots, jerboas and many other inhabitants of the endless fields.

Let's test our erudition now. I will ask questions, and you must answer them.

Quiz “Nature Experts”

    Reserved place, where rare and valuable plants, animals, unique areas of nature are protected and preserved, cultural values. (RESERVE)

    The science of the relationships of plant and animal organisms to each other and to the environment. (ECOLOGY)

    A book containing rare and endangered animals, plants and mushrooms that need protection and conservation. (RED)

    A large wading bird with long legs and long neck. a symbol of hope and good luck, inspiring people to create the most beautiful works of art throughout the centuries. (CRANE)

    The small short-tailed rodent is a serious pest of agricultural crops. In spring and summer it destroys succulent shoots of cereals, and in autumn – grain. Having accumulated fat, he prepares for hibernation. In the spring, having come to the surface, the animal likes to bask in the sun, standing in a column near the hole. Disturbed, it whistles loudly and immediately disappears into a hole. (GOPHER)

    He jumps like a kangaroo on his hind legs. It gallops quickly and does not crash in the dark, because it orients itself well thanks to its fine hearing and sensitive whiskers. The long, very long tail with a large fluffy tassel at the end serves as a rudder and balance beam for the jerboa when jumping. And with its short front paws the animal catches and eats insects, seeds, juicy bulbs and roots. (JERBOA)

    This bird loves open spaces, lives in steppes and semi-deserts. Looking out for prey, it soars high in the air, slightly bending its wings. With a keen eye he notices the slightest movement on the ground. If something edible appears, this bird folds its wings and dives down. Only at the very ground does it open its wings and grab the victim with its claws. (STEPPE EAGLE)

    They call her steppe antelope– thin-legged and fast. Their herds rush at a speed of 70-80 kilometers per hour, raising clouds of dust, but the animals do not suffocate, because they have an air purification device hanging over their mouth. They are unusually hardy. They travel long distances without rest. They can withstand heat and can go for long periods without water. And they are not capricious when it comes to food: they eat grass, lichens, even wormwood and poisonous plants. It turns out that there is a lot of copper in their body, and it neutralizes the effect plant poisons. (SAIGA).

The steppe expanses of our republic are home to many species of animals. One of them is the saiga. Now it is considered a rare, endangered animal. The saiga is listed in the UNESCO Red Book.

Back in the 80s, more than 400 thousand of them lived in the steppes of Kalmykia, which made it possible to annually hunt over 10 thousand animals, receiving from them valuable dietary meat and medicinal raw materials. At the time of the mammoth, saigas inhabited all of Europe as far as England. The remains of saigas have been found even in Alaska. Now they can only be found in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan, and here in Kalmykia. In Kalmykia, it lives in semi-desert and desert zones.

Now we will play with you. I will give you excerpts of proverbs, you must find a pair for yourself to make up full text proverbs

    One log does not burn in a stove, two logs do not go out in the steppe.

    If it spills in the mountains, the steppe will bloom.

    The one who walks will cross the steppe.

    If you have friends, you are as wide as the steppe; if you don’t have it, it’s as narrow as the palm of your hand.

    He who has friends is like a steppe, he who has no friends is like a handful.

    The hare (hare) loves the field.

    The steppe is no better than the forest.

    In the steppe there is space, in the forest there is land.

    The Kalmyk steppe is wide, but people are cramped on them.

Our lesson has come to an end, thank you everyone for participating. Let's sing a song to the tune of "From a Smile..."

Steppe song:

How beautiful is my steppe in spring!

How joyfully and radiantly she shines!

And they fly and circle above me

The trills of larks in the silver sky!


The grasshoppers are yawning behind the tulip!

The sun is shining, April is in the air,

And the steppe is painted in rainbow colors!

A crane will fly to visit us,

And he will tell us new tales!


Zhu-zhu-zhu, a bug sang, there was a spider near a blade of grass,

Grasshoppers yawn behind a tulip

The baby saiga galloped away, didn’t even recognize his mother,

And feather grass and butterflies fly around!

I really liked how you all worked today, I prepared these medals for you. Well done everyone today.

At the height of the tulip bloom in April, Kalmyks celebrate Steppe Day. It was celebrated for the first time in the spring of 2015. The authors of the idea hope to draw attention to the problems of the flora and fauna of Kalmykia.

Every year spring breathes life into thousands of kilometers of the Kalmyk steppe. The endless plain is covered with a tulip carpet. The life of a tulip is short - only two to three weeks. The height of the flower is ten centimeters, which makes it easier to protect from the continuous wind. For many centuries, the tulip was the pride of Kalmykia, but now it needs protection.

Previously, the steppe was almost completely covered with yellow, purple, white, red and even black tulips. But his love for the flower played a cruel joke on him: people cut off the plants, picking off the largest ones. These tulips will no longer produce new flowers. Their numbers are also declining due to land plowing, natural fires and livestock grazing. Today the flower is listed in the Red Book as an endangered plant species.

Kalmyks have always called the steppe the nurse. To a visitor, it seems deserted and lifeless. But the Kalmyk hunter will always find prey here. In the old days, the archer's family was always well-fed. Several centuries ago, Kalmyks obtained food by hunting. It was necessary to hit the victim at full gallop - the animal would not allow the hunter to come closer than 200-300 meters. If you miss, you'll be left without lunch. Nowadays, hunting has ceased to be a vital trade, but Kalmyks preserve traditions and organize competitions on holidays.

The national ornament “Zeg” is a symbol of the difficult nomadic life and the cyclical nature of the world. Steppe motifs were decorated on clothes with silver and gold threads. The pattern is complex, there is a certain technique of “zega” embroidery. Today, only a few craftswomen in Kalmykia possess the unique skill of embroidery. Women pass on their knowledge to young students. Nowadays stage costumes are decorated with traditional ornaments. The famous Kalmyk dance Chichirdyk. The men wear black beshmets, symbolizing the earth, and the girls wear red dresses, a symbol of the blooming steppe.

Kalmyks belong to nomadic people. Nomads lived in portable yurts. This tent, consisting of wooden poles covered with felt, can be assembled and disassembled in a matter of minutes. The Kalmyk dwelling can be divided into three parts: folding bars, poles and the upper circle of the harachi. It allows the smoke to leave the room and illuminate the yurt. The doors of the wagon were always installed to the south, since this side was always light and brought warmth into the home. This tent is comfortable in any weather: cool in summer, warm in winter. The floor is covered with skins, there is a fireplace in the center, and the dome of the wagon, if necessary, is covered with a special lid.

Today Kalmyk carts can be seen both in the museum and in the steppe. The owners of such dwellings are engaged in animal husbandry and roam with camels. In the old days, almost every steppe family had these desert ships. Now camel breeding specialists have to be invited from Mongolia.

The Mongols are considered one of the best specialists in tanning skins and shearing camels. Animal wool is more valuable than sheep's wool, and camel milk contains more vitamins and microelements than cow's milk. A Mongolian family can have, from the benefits of civilization, solar panels, cell phone. The main luxury of the steppe is a well. The nearest store is tens of kilometers away, so the variety of food does not differ.

Steppe cuisine is predominantly meat and dairy. The owner of the yurt spends several hours every day near a wooden tub - whipping butter, making kumiss, cheese and arhi - steppe alcoholic drink. Meat here is a delicacy. It is not eaten often; usually the sheep is slaughtered for guests and on holidays. But not a single dish is complete without milk. For example, national tea is prepared with the addition of milk and salt. The hostess pours a cup of this drink to the altar every morning - this is an offering to the saints. There is a Buddhist altar in every yurt, where spouses pray for the well-being of the family.

Chermen Ulubiev

On May 30, 2015, within the framework of the International Steppe Forum of the Russian Geographical Society, the first official opening of the annual regional environmental holiday Steppe Day will take place.

IN festive events will be attended by the Vice-Governor - Deputy Chairman of the Government Orenburg region By social policy Samsonov Pavel Vasilievich, participants of the International Steppe Forum of the Russian Geographical Society, representatives of authorities state power and local government, the scientific community, representatives of non-governmental organizations, the press, teachers and students of higher education educational institutions, local population.

The idea of ​​organizing and holding Steppe Day belongs to the Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Orenburg branch of the Russian Geographical Society. The basic principles of holding the regional holiday of Steppe Day were developed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Aleksandrovich Chibilev and Doctor of Geological Sciences. Sergei Vyacheslavovich Levykin.

The events will begin with an excursion to the Pre-Ural steppe, located on the territory of the Belyaevsky and Akbulaksky districts of the Orenburg region. Participants of the holiday will enjoy a “Landscape Therapy Session” - a unique ritual of worship of the feather grass steppe, botanical, geological, archaeological excursions. As part of the holiday, there will be a presentation of the Center for Breeding Steppe Animals, created with the support of the Governor of the Orenburg Region Yuri Aleksandrovich Berg and a group of philanthropists led by Alexander Ivanovich Zelentsov.

Next, the events will move to the village of Ugolnoye Sol, Iletsk district. Here, in a solemn atmosphere, the opening of the holiday will officially take place by the Governor of the Orenburg Region, Yu.A. Berg. During the holiday, demonstration equestrian competitions, performances by young jockeys of the Orenburg Cossack Army, demonstrations of horse and dog breeds, horseback riding, a steppe ethnographic show and a folk costume competition, and demonstrations of national farmsteads with elements of traditional cuisine are planned.

There will be a variety of competitive program, dedicated steppe theme– competition of steppe muses and steppe quiz. Steppe Day participants will hear a Cossack folk choir, a Hungarian flute, a Bashkir kurai and steppe poetic masterpieces.

The culmination of the holiday will be the solemn adoption of a manifesto - an appeal to the residents of the Orenburg region and Russian regions with a request to preserve the unique features of the steppe landscape of Eurasia.

Day of the steppe is very important event for the Orenburg region and all of Russia, as it draws attention to serious problems conservation, restoration and rehabilitation of steppe landscapes of Northern Eurasia. Unfortunately, most of them were destroyed in the 19th and 20th centuries. Pristine steppe nature nowadays replaced by arable land, agricultural wastelands, settlements, quarries, dumps, etc. The remaining steppe territories are used as pastures and hayfields, and are partially occupied by a special land fund and hunting grounds. Steppe ecosystems of Russia are the least represented in the system of specially protected natural areas. Preservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural-historical heritage of the steppes over time can become the most important component national idea modern Russia. Like V.I. Vernadsky, we believe that the former “silence and power of natural forces” will return to the steppe and that the steppe landscape, “which we know from previous descriptions ... can be restored on the basis of the few surviving corners of the former world.”

Scenario of the event “Day of the Steppe”


    introduce students to the holiday “Steppe Day”;

    to develop interest in the surrounding world and environmental awareness;

    to cultivate a desire to respect nature and actively participate in environmental protection.


computer and projector, presentation

Today on class hour dedicated to the holiday Steppe Day. In the Republic of Kalmykia, “Steppe Day” was established by the Law of the Republic of Kalmykia dated March 6, 2015 3 108-V-З “On amendments to the article of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On holidays and memorable days in the Republic of Kalmykia." (slide 1)

There are many plains, mountains, and deserts on earth, and today we will talk about our native steppe. The steppe spreads out into endless expanses on the plains. Even in ancient times, the steppe was called a “wild field,” but now fields of agricultural crops lie here.

The fauna in the steppe is not as diverse as in dense dense forests, but it is also very interesting. Among the animals of the steppe there are saigas, bustards, little bustards, marmots, jerboas and many other inhabitants of the endless fields.

And now I will ask questions, and you must answer them.

Quiz “Nature Experts”

    A protected place where rare and valuable plants, animals, unique areas of nature, and cultural values ​​are protected and preserved. (RESERVE)

    The science of the relationships of plant and animal organisms to each other and to the environment. (ECOLOGY) (slide 2)

    A book containing rare and endangered animals, plants and mushrooms that need protection and conservation. (RED) (slide 3)

    A large wading bird with long legs and a long neck. a symbol of hope and good luck, inspiring people to create the most beautiful works of art throughout the centuries. (CRANE) (slide 4)

    The small short-tailed rodent is a serious pest of agricultural crops. In spring and summer it destroys succulent shoots of cereals, and in autumn – grain. Having accumulated fat, it prepares for winter hibernation. In the spring, having come to the surface, the animal likes to bask in the sun, standing in a column near the hole. Disturbed, it whistles loudly and immediately disappears into a hole. (GOUSLIK) (slide 5)

    He jumps like a kangaroo on his hind legs. It gallops quickly and does not crash in the dark, because it orients itself well thanks to its fine hearing and sensitive whiskers. The long, very long tail with a large fluffy tassel at the end serves as a rudder and balance beam for the jerboa when jumping. And with its short front paws the animal catches and eats insects, seeds, juicy bulbs and roots. (JERBOA). (slide 6)

    This bird loves open spaces and lives in steppes and semi-deserts. Looking out for prey, it soars high in the air, slightly bending its wings. With a keen eye he notices the slightest movement on the ground. If something edible appears, this bird folds its wings and dives down. Only at the very ground does it open its wings and grab the victim with its claws. (STEPPE EAGLE) (slide 7)

    It is called the steppe antelope - thin-legged and fast. Their herds rush at a speed of 70-80 kilometers per hour, raising clouds of dust, but the animals do not suffocate, because they have an air purification device hanging over their mouth. They are unusually hardy. They travel long distances without rest. They can withstand heat and can go for long periods without water. And they are not capricious when it comes to food: they eat grass, lichens, even wormwood and poisonous plants. It turns out that there is a lot of copper in their body, and it neutralizes the effect of plant poisons. (SAIGA). (slide 8)

The steppe expanses of our republic are home to many species of animals. One of them is the saiga. Now it is considered a rare, endangered animal. The saiga is listed in the UNESCO Red Book.

Back in the 80s, more than 400 thousand of them lived in the steppes of Kalmykia, which made it possible to annually hunt over 10 thousand animals, receiving from them valuable dietary meat and medicinal raw materials. At the time of the mammoth, saigas inhabited all of Europe as far as England. The remains of saigas have been found even in Alaska. Now they can only be found in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan, and here in Kalmykia. In Kalmykia, it lives in semi-desert and desert zones. " (slide 9) (slide 10) (slide 11)

Now we will play with you. I will give you excerpts of proverbs, you must find a pair to compose the full text of the proverb (slide 12)

    One log does not burn in a stove, two logs do not go out in the steppe.

    If it spills in the mountains, the steppe will bloom.

    In the steppe there is space, in the forest there is land.

    And behind the high mountain lies the steppe.

    The one who walks will cross the steppe.

    If you have friends, you are as wide as the steppe; if you don’t have it, it’s as narrow as the palm of your hand.

    He who has friends is like a steppe, he who has no friends is like a handful.

I really liked the way you all worked today. Well done everyone today.