Holiday season in Bali by month: rainy season, beach holidays. When is the best time to go on holiday to Bali? Holiday season in Bali When the rainy season ends in Bali

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Indonesia includes dozens of islands, but the smallest of them, Bali, is the most beautiful and most visited island and resort in the archipelagos. Three million tourists visit Bali every year, and they know exactly when it is beach season in Bali and when it is dry season. Since they know, then you and I will know in order to plan our trip to the luxurious island in advance.

Bali is a tourist island.

Yes, three million people make their choice in favor of this particular island every year. But this is not the limit. Bali could accommodate even more tourists, but its size does not allow it. But they don’t want to build additional hotels here to the detriment of nature and ecology. And it's not necessary. Three million tourists make up the budget of the entire state.

In recent years, it has been considered a destination for wealthier tourists. Holidays in Bali have become a vacation for the rich and wealthy. This is not entirely true. The country's authorities understand that all the rich people will not fly to them, so you can relax in Bali on a budget, but also in luxury. The whole difference is in the hotels and their location. The more luxurious the hotel and the closer to the ocean, the more expensive it is. But why check into a hotel with a room rate of $500 per night? Eat beautiful hotels with a fee of 35 dollars per night, and they also provide everything necessary for tourists. Moreover, they are located a five-minute walk from the beach. In general, everyone can relax here according to their own budget.

What attracts tourists to Bali?
Firstly, Bali is a beautiful and chic island. There are white beaches here. The beaches are quite large and we can say that the entire coast of the island is one big beach. Palm trees grow on the beaches, under whose leaves you can hide from the sun at lunchtime.

Rich and diverse nature is the second reason why tourists fly here from the very different parts peace. Fields, mountains, forests, nature reserves - all this is nature that only exists here, and it is unique. It is worth climbing to the top of the mountain and you will see all the charm of life on the island. The endless waters of the ocean will open up to you, you will be able to enjoy a landscape that you will not find anywhere else. A variety of plants and crops grow on the slopes of the mountains. The locals are harvesting and are always very friendly.
There are many holidays in Indonesia. The country has its own history and traditions are honored here, many of which are more than three hundred years old. Tourists come to Bali to experience the festivals themselves and see how holidays are celebrated here.

High beach season in Bali.
Bali is an island in the ocean. The weather here is very unpredictable, as winds can blow from any direction. But still, Bali has its own laws of nature that divide calendar year for seasons. The most favorite season among tourists is the high beach season.
These months have the least rainfall. And the daytime air temperature is not so hot. This season lasts a long time, from May to October. These days, the island is visited by almost 80% of all tourists who come here during the year.

Since the dry season falls in the summer. There are many families with children here. It's school holidays. Parents take vacations and go on vacation with them, and often choose Bali. After all, besides the beaches, there is something else to see. You can go and see nature with your children. Or you can go on an excursion and learn about the culture of the country and its values.
The main tourists in Bali are Europeans. They rank first among all tourists. The Americans are in second place. But the Russians are taking a step up every year, and already occupy fifth place on this list. Even a long-distance flight does not frighten our tourists. According to statistics, about one hundred thousand Russians vacation in Bali every year. And again, according to statistics, many of these tourists vacation here after vacationing in Thailand and Goa. After all, in fact, the flight is approximately the same, and the prices are the same, but the difference in beauty and quality of recreation is colossal and in favor of the island of Bali.

Low season in Bali.
From November to April there are not many tourists here. After all, the tropical winter begins, when the temperature rises to +40 and above, and it rains very often. But tourists still fly to the island to enjoy its beauty and swim in the ocean, which does not cool down at any time of the year. Although it rains frequently, there are intervals when the sun shines. You can find yourself in a week-long period of sun and heat, or you can get caught in the rain and not leave your room for several days. But, as they say, those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne. After all, at this time of year prices here are five or more times lower. Therefore, for a modest amount you can relax luxuriously in a hotel, and if you’re lucky with the weather, even on the beach.

The only week when there are many tourists here in winter is Christmas and New Year. first the Europeans come here to celebrate Catholic Christmas. And towards the end of December, Russian voices are heard at the resorts. It was the Russians who came to celebrate the New Year.
But in low season It’s not very pleasant to relax here, and Russians also have problems with flying. In winter there are no direct charter flights, so you have to travel with transfers, sometimes it takes more than a day.

Beach season to Bali – when?
It's warm in Bali all year round. and the ocean temperature is always within +27 degrees. Therefore, you can relax here in any month at any time of the year. But still, each season has its pros and cons. For example, in winter, it’s hot here. Humid and heavy rains. At this time, there are often storms in the ocean and huge waves rise.
But in the summer months it is not hot and there is no rain. But there are many tourists who occupy the beaches and the ocean shore. There are also many surfers in the water, who are in a hurry to enjoy and ride the medium waves. Plus, at this time of year, prices go through the roof and hotel rooms are very difficult to find.
But no matter what time of year you fly here, know that the beach season in Bali lasts all year round, but with its own characteristics.

Attracts tourists from all over the world. Bali is a fascinating place with pleasant warm climate, where relaxation can be excellent. However, it is worth understanding that the weather even in Bali can be changeable and fickle. Before your trip, you should study the weather conditions, as well as read tips from experienced travelers.

Climate of Bali - weather by month

Every season shows up here differently. To be prepared for travel, you need to carefully study the weather.


If you are planning a trip to winter time, it is necessary to take into account that in Bali there are monsoons that bring heavy rains.

The air temperature can reach +30 degrees. The humidity level increases several times.

You should consider the weather in more detail:

  • . Average air temperature: 28 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night. Humidity level 80%. The water temperature in the sea is 27 degrees. December is characterized by rain and cloudy weather;
  • . The air temperature does not drop below 27 degrees. At night it reaches 20 degrees. Humidity levels are still high: 82%. Average sea water temperature: 25 degrees. In January the wind is strong and the sun appears a little more often than in December. Rains short, showers are becoming less frequent;
  • . The air becomes warmer: 30 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night. The humidity level is 78%. The sea water is warm, the temperature does not drop below 25 degrees. Continues in February rainy season, Although cloudy days much less than in December. The wind is still strong.


The weather is sunny, warm days. However, rains often occur at the beginning of spring; they disappear only at the end of March. Each month has features:

  1. . The rainy season is ending. They happen less and less often, the wind subsides. The average air temperature is 30 degrees during the day and 21 degrees at night. The humidity level becomes slightly lower: 75%. Sea water temperature: 25 degrees. It gets much better in March more sunny days;
  2. . This warm month, it rarely rains. The wind becomes weak. The air temperature during the day reaches +31 degrees, at night 23 degrees. The humidity level drops to 70%. The water in the sea is warm, equal to 27 degrees. April attracts tourists warm weather . There is little rain, there are more and more sunny days, although cloudiness is often observed;
  3. . The beginning of the tourist season. There is no rain, it happens very rarely. Sunny weather pleases travelers, the wind is warm and weak. Average temperature air 32 degrees during the day with a plus sign and 23 degrees at night. Humidity level: 60%. Sea water temperature: 27 degrees. May is suitable for a beach holiday.


Summer in Bali is hot, the sun is shining and there is no rain. Each summer month has certain characteristics:

  • . The air temperature during the day reaches 32 degrees, at night 25 degrees. The humidity level is 60%. Sea water temperature: 28 degrees. This month beach season in full swing. The weather is warm, sunny every day, light wind;
  • . The air temperature during the day is 31 degrees Celsius, at night it drops to 27 degrees. Humidity level short: 60%. The sea water is very warm and does not fall below 27 degrees;
  • The weather is sunny every day, cloudiness is rare. July is great for boat trips and beach holidays.

  • . The average air temperature is +30 degrees, at night the mark is 25 degrees. Humidity reaches 65%. The sea water is still warm: 27-28 degrees. The weather is sunny, but periodically It rains. They are short and do not interfere with tourists. In August you can also sunbathe, swim in the sea, and enjoy the sunny weather.
  • Autumn

    With the onset of autumn, the weather becomes a little less warm and it rains more. The wind becomes a little stronger. To study the weather in autumn in more detail, you should familiarize yourself with each month:

  1. . The average air temperature during the day reaches 31 degrees, at night 25 degrees above zero. The humidity level remains the same: 65%. The water in the sea does not cool down, does not fall below 27 degrees. Beach season in September ends. There are often sunny days, but rain reminds us of its presence. The wind is picking up;
  2. . The air temperature indicator is slightly is decreasing: 29 degrees Celsius, at night it reaches 23 degrees. The humidity level becomes slightly higher: 75%. The sea water is warm: 27 degrees. The amount of rain is increasing and cloudiness is observed. Sunny days are becoming less and less common. The wind is getting stronger;
  3. . The air temperature during the day is 28 degrees, at night it drops to 21 degrees. The humidity level rises to 80%. The sea remains warm, water temperature: 25 degrees. It rains almost every day, there is cloudiness. There is little sun, the wind is gusty. Beach holidays are not developed at this time. It's better to go on excursions.

So, we can conclude that the temperature in Bali varies very little throughout the year.

When is the best time to go on vacation?

Each month in Bali comes with certain advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them before your trip.

High season

Happens high season in Bali from June to September.

There is a very large influx of tourists at this time, which can cause problems finding hotels upon arrival.

The tours are selling out quickly. Has a high season of some advantages:

  • The weather happens sunny and warm;
  • Almost no rain doesn't happen;
  • Many entertainment events;
  • Hotels conduct show programs;
  • Excursions are carried out daily.

But in all this splendor there are certain flaws:

  1. Queues to excursion sites;
  2. Need to go to the restaurant book in advance table;
  3. Hot weather might be nice not everyone;
  4. Cost rises for hotels and entertainment.

At this time, in addition to tourists who want to soak up the warm sand and explore the local... surfers, since these months are considered the best for practicing this water sport.

Rainy season

Despite the tropical rainy season, Bali is still very popular in New Year and Christmas. But the number of Russian tourists in winter is noticeably smaller, since at this time there is no direct communication with the Russian capital. More often in winter period In Bali you can meet New Zealanders and Australians.

Tourists should be aware that the rainy season in Bali is from November to March. This time has both pros and cons. Benefits include:

  • Cost of entertainment and hotels is decreasing;
  • There are no queues on excursions, to museums;
  • Restaurants and cafes free, no need to reserve tables;
  • The weather is comfortable.

From shortcomings worth highlighting:

  1. It rains almost every day;
  2. The wind is strong, the waves in the sea become high;
  3. Sunbathe on the beach it's unlikely to work;
  4. Little entertainment.

Beach holiday

The beach season in Bali begins in May and ends in September.

It's time in the best possible way Suitable for swimming in the sea, relaxing on the beach. There is a lot of entertainment.

The best beaches are:

  • Geger. Located in Savangan. There are no high waves here, they are prevented coral reef. There is no heat, there is a fresh, slightly cool wind. The beach stretches for many kilometers. The descent is gentle and the bottom is shallow. There are beautiful, mesmerizing landscapes here;
  • Sanur Beach. It is ten kilometers from the capital of the island to the beach. There is always a lot of entertainment here. The picturesque landscapes will please everyone. The beach is large, so there is enough space for everyone;
  • Jimbaran Beach. The beach is very well maintained, covered with snow-white sand. Located twenty minutes drive from Kuta. The sea water is calm and the slope is gentle. It can be calm on the beach, you can enjoy the silence and relaxation.

In winter beach holiday not entirely comfortable due to the rains, and in February the winds blow from the southwest, which causes frequent storms. As a result, the water becomes dirty, and algae and debris wash up on the shore.

Best time to surf

There is a surfing season from April to October. The waves at this time are average. In October they become very high and can be dangerous for beginners. Recommended learn to surf when the waves are small: June-August.

Surfers choose the southwestern part of the island, e.g. Uluwatu And Kutu. In winter, it is better to do this water sport in the east.

IN summer period The biggest surfing contest takes place on Padang Padang Beach "Rip Curl Cup Padang Padang". No one can name a specific day, since everything depends on nature. The organizers are waiting for the sea “curls” to be more than 3 meters high.

This island has a huge number surf schools. During your vacation, you can take surfing classes and learn the basic rules.


Experts say that Bali is the best place for diving, because the water temperature does not drop below 25 degrees even in winter. You can go diving all year round. The place is suitable for both beginners and professionals.

There are diving schools all over the island. First, tourists undergo instruction, become familiar with the basic rules, and later practice their acquired knowledge at sea.

Experienced guides and instructors will teach you the basics of diving quite quickly. For professionals, there are also classes that allow a person to advance one step further. new level, achieve more great success. Active tourists will find diving very interesting.

Fishing on the island

Fishing in Bali always brings excellent results. There is also freshwater fishing in rivers and lakes, and maritime. There are a lot of fish in the reservoirs, you can catch:

  1. Mahi-mahi;
  2. Tuna;
  3. Sea bass;
  4. Spanish markel;
  5. horse mackerel;
  6. Barracuda and many other varieties.

Fishing is excellent with both spinners and live bait. There are centers where you can rent a fishing rod. You can fish on a variety of beaches. There are no most famous or popular places, there are literally fish everywhere.


Many tourists come to Bali to celebrate a wedding. The beautiful island with warm weather is perfect for this. In Bali, the wedding season runs from June to September. The weather is sunny, the holiday will not be ruined by rain. And the mystery of wedding ceremonies is particularly beautiful and fabulous.

To definitely have time to celebrate the most important day in your life, you should find an organizer in 6-7 months before the desired date. If you start preparing for the wedding later, you may simply miss your day, because there are so many people who want to attend.

Best times for excursions

If a tourist really loves history and studies new cultures, he should go to Bali from October to May.

The air temperature drops slightly there is no hot weather. The sun is not so hot, so walking is quite easy, and the likelihood of getting sunstroke is reduced.

During this time you should visit:

  • Temple Tanakh Lot;
  • Rice terraces Zhatiluvih;
  • Holy spring Tirta Empul;
  • Monkey Forest in Ubud;
  • Bird Park;
  • Volcano Batur.

At this time there are not many tourists, which means you don’t have to stand in lines and you can fully enjoy cultural values islands.

Vacation with treatment

If we talk about health season, it occurs from September to May, although most wellness treatments are available all year round. The weather can be warm, but not hot. Works large number health centers, beauty salons. There are no queues, so you can attend wellness treatments from morning to evening. This will not only allow you to take a break from work, relax, but the tourist will strengthen various systems body, stock up on vitamins.

The following are very popular:

  1. Thermal baths near the crater lake Batur;
  2. Hot springs Air Panas, located one kilometer from the village of Banjare.


Followers of various religions flock here, although Bali has its own religion - hindu dharma. Here they believe in evil spirits and make daily offerings to them in the form of baskets of rice and flowers.

Sometimes tourists who witness Balinese rituals are left in complete shock by their conduct.

For example, on the beach you can stumble upon a crowd of dancing and having fun Balinese who have just spent last path relative.

Usually pilgrimage season begins at the end of summer - beginning. It lasts quite a long time. This is the rainy season, when there are fewer sunny days, and the island is empty, because tourists are leaving. At this time, many people gather together, say prayers, and enter a special state of consciousness. Treks are made to sacred mountains and places on the island.

It is difficult to determine the exact beginning of the pilgrimage, because locals or specialists in this field know about it.

It's time for the holidays

It is difficult to say which month has more holidays on. Almost every month there is significant days for local residents when there are festive events on the island:

  • Balinese New Year. Occurs on the new moon in March or April. This is a day of meditation; the island is quiet and calm. You can't work and have fun;
  • The day after the Balinese New Year comes merry and joyful holiday. At this time, there are a lot of people on the island, various festivals take place;
  • Happens in June-July Art Festival. There are many exhibitions, performances, dances, and entertainment events;
  • Jazz Festival. Takes place in November in Kuta. There is a lot of music, they come talented musicians from all over the island, as well as from other countries.

To save money while on holiday in Bali, there are some important tips to keep in mind:

  1. It's better to buy a ticket in advance, in a few months. You can choose a more profitable hotel option, the most convenient location;
  2. It is better to visit not restaurants for tourists, but local cafes. They have a lot of delicious local dishes, and their cost is much less than in tourist places;
  3. Central, most famous more expensive. There are lesser-known, but incredibly comfortable resorts a little further from the center. Accommodation in such places is much more profitable.

Holidays in Bali 2019: When is the best time to relax?

We are going to Indonesia to relax in Bali in 2019

With the opening of beach holidays, the rainy season begins. What dates are best for surfing? Among other things, we will learn about the weather of the wonderful island in different times year, with situational price changes depending on the current season.

Characteristic of the island tropical climate, with high air humidity of 70-80% during the main period of time. Approaching the coast, the climate changes to warmer compared to the mountainous areas. Temperature ocean water is at +28C, the air is practically unchanged: +30C in daytime weather, +23C at night.

What about inexpensive tickets? Using the search engines Aviasales and Momondo, you can choose the most suitable price, look at the options offered on both sites, and compare by date. Also included are instructions for you to read on the correct method to find cheap tickets.

Reasonable prices for hotels on the island can be found using the Hotellook service - they offer a variety of options various types reservations.

Hotels on the Map of Bali (click to enlarge)

Top rated Hotels in Bali

Hotel Stardom Discount Price per night, from Select dates

W Bali - Seminyak


29 862 23 681

Mercure Bali Legian


6 896 5 595

Novotel Bali Ngurah Rai Airport


8 889 6 690

The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali


9 499 7 156

Amnaya Resort Kuta


11 327 7 636

Grandmas Plus Hotel Legian


1 692 1 379

Grand Hyatt Bali


13 857 8 132

Pullman Bali Legian Beach


13 532 8 523

Courtyard by Marriott Bali Seminyak Resort


10 800 8 197

Ayodya Resort Bali


8 913 7 156

Padma Resort Legian


22 250 12 882

Movenpick Resort & Spa Jimbaran Bali


15 159 13 012


18 216 14 703

Grandmas Plus Hotel Airport


1 583 1 486

Courtyard by Marriott Bali Nusa Dua Resort


7 300 6 272

Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Beach Resort


15 809 13 532


1 978 1 731

Citadines Kuta Beach Bali


7 026 6 115

The Stones - Legian Bali, Marriott's Autograph Collection Hotel


12 947 7 417

AYANA Resort and Spa, BALI


23 616 17 891

Rainy season

This time period usually lasts about 5 months from November to March, and the maximum rainfall in terms of the volume of precipitation falls in the winter. Most of them fall in the southern and western territory islands.

Clear “gaps” appear periodically during rare precipitation events. Among the unusual natural wonders, there is often a phenomenon where it is raining in one area of ​​the island, and in another at a considerable distance the weather is completely clear.

When the rainy season arrives, it is difficult to plan future excursions. The beach remains a good place to spend time, but the ocean is raging and can cause a storm, the water subsequently becomes very cloudy, and large amounts of algae and debris are washed up on the coast. But the obvious advantages are the small number of vacationers, and the cost during these months is quite normal, along with various tours.

For some of the tourists best time Holidays in Bali are becoming low season in order to spend time in spas.

According to vacationers, this season is too high humidity– more than 85%, and in combination with the heat this fact It’s not easy to take it out of the blue; the night stuffiness is also very debilitating, so it’s better to stay in rooms with air conditioning.

Search for a tour to Bali

When is the beach holiday season?

Judging by the reviews of vacationers, the best time is the dry season. That’s when it’s more pleasant to be on the coast for days. It comes in April. May-October is in high demand for tourists. At this moment, the most suitable conditions are created for excursions, sports activities, etc. There is no excess humidity and the rains stop.

Surfing in Bali

In principle, you can engage in this hobby for a whole year, but, of course, weather conditions change monthly. Surfers like July and August best; this is when the monsoons begin to be active on the island, which, combined with cool air, contribute to the formation of waves of a certain shape.

The downside is the overall financial cost. There are many visiting holidaymakers from all over the world, and the cost of various types travel services are increasing significantly. Considering the season and standard cost, the most profitable start for travel will be May-June. You can also save money by purchasing a tour in advance.

Weather in Bali


Rains prevail mainly at night, but during the day the weather is fine. Humidity is around 65%. The water reaches its warmest state.


The opening of the season for visitors begins. Not very high prices are the key reason to visit these places. Daytime weather +32C, at night +22C, water +28C. Short rains occur mainly at night, and air humidity drops to 60%. Vacationers have fun mainly on the coast.


The sun is at its most active, so we strongly recommend using sunscreen. There are practically no showers, air humidity is 60%.

This period is the most attractive for relaxation, thanks to the heavenly weather conditions: in the daytime +31C, and the sea is like fresh milk. The most suitable months for travel and walks. There are a lot of different events going on at any time of the day.

Here are a few ways to have a great time:

– watch dolphins and other local inhabitants of the ocean;

– surfing;

– diving;

- fishing;

– water skiing;

– jet ski.


The tropical winter is ending. But it’s still comfortable to rest at this time. The hottest area is in the southern part of the Bukit Peninsula, a little cooler in Ubud and the mountains on the northern coast.

Dampness prevails, in general it is warm, the weather is cloudy and with few sunny days. Rainfall is the highest and humidity is 80%. For January, a hot day is usual with the air warming up to +34C, and at night +24C. The water temperature is approximately +29C.

Conditions are similar in February. Swimming stops due to the roughness of the ocean. Surfers move to eastern region islands due to the formation of high waves there.

Despite the unpleasant conditions, the demand for the opportunity to relax and visit these places does not subside. Especially on New Year Merry Christmas. Popular resorts are Nusa Dua, Sanur and the Gili Islands. The beaches of Kuta are the most crowded on New Year's Day. For those who want to do yoga or visit a spa, Ubud is the place to be.


There is little precipitation in May, mostly falling at night. About half the month is cloudy, with a humidity of 75%. Winter winds subside, and in the last days of March, spots for surfers begin to operate. Those who want to spend their holidays in a quiet, peaceful place should visit the beaches of Nusa Dua.

The climate in Bali is equatorial-monsoon, thanks to which the island enjoys excellent weather all year round. The average daily air temperature does not fall below 26-30 degrees, the water temperature in the ocean is not lower than 26 degrees.

It gets light in Bali around 6 am, it starts to get dark after 6 pm, regardless of the season.

There are 2 seasons in Bali: dry (April - October) and wet (November - March). During the dry season, the sky is cloudless and the weather is clear almost every day.

Rainy season in Bali

The greatest amount of precipitation falls in January-February, when humid north-east winds blow. However, this does not mean that during these months in Bali you will experience incessant rain and greyness. During the rainy season, precipitation falls locally, usually at night in the form of short-term tropical showers (1-2 hours), after which the nature of the island is transformed. The rest of the time the sun shines.

When is the best time to go to Bali?

Bali is the island of eternal summer, where tourist season does not end throughout the year. You can have a great time in Bali, soak up secluded beaches, swim in the refreshing azure ocean, enjoy a magical Balinese spa and therapeutic massage, and visit the most interesting and picturesque places on the island of the gods. any time of the year. During the New Year and Christmas holidays, there is a large influx of tourists who want to celebrate an unforgettable New Year on the paradise island of Bali. The most comfortable weather lasts from May to September.

Weather in Bali by month

Month Temperature °C Humidity(%) Precipitation (mm) Number of rainy days
Daily (min) Daily (max) Ocean water temperature
January 24 33 29 85 345 27
February24 33 29 75 274 22
March 24 34 28 70 234 20
April 25 34 28 65 88 9
May 24 33 28 60 93 8
June 24 31 28 60 53 6
July 23 30 27 60 55 4
August 23 30 27 60 25 4
September 23 31 27 65 47 8
October 24 34 27 75 63 12
November 24 33 27 80 179 16
December 24 33 28 85 276 22

Weather in Bali in January

January in Bali is the middle of the rainy season. However, it rains mainly in the evening and at night. Rain is local and short-lived. As a rule, a tropical downpour, after which nature transforms, everything blooms and turns green, lasts no more than 1-2 hours. The rest of the time the sun shines.

This month is characterized by high humidity.

However, the weather in Bali in January is suitable for a beach holiday: the weather is hot, the water in the ocean is warm.

You can see the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises in Bali in January. They will amaze you with their brightness, variety of colors and play of light.

Bali weather in February

In February, the rainy season and high humidity continues in Bali. Tropical rains occur mainly in the evening and at night and are short-lived. Therefore, in the evening, when going for a walk, take an umbrella with you, and if you are traveling on a moped, a raincoat.

The rainy season in Bali does not mean that the entire island is drowning in rain and downpours. The rains occur locally, that is, if it rains in one area of ​​Bali, then the sun may shine in another.

The weather in Bali in February is suitable for a beach holiday: the weather is hot, the ocean is warm.

Weather in Bali in March

In the first month of spring, the rainy season in Bali begins to decline. However, the weather in Bali in March is still wet and windy. Tropical showers are short-lived and occur locally. After the rain, Balinese tropical nature transforms, delighting us bright colors and freshness.

In March it's worth high temperature air, the water in the ocean is warm.

Weather in Bali in April

With April comes the dry season in Bali, which means that it rains very rarely. The weather this month is clear, sunny and warm.

The weather in Bali in April is ideal for sunbathing by the ocean, as well as amazing excursions around the island.

Weather and climate in Bali in May

In May the weather in Bali is very comfortable. This is one of the most have a good month for a holiday on the island of Bali. The weather is magnificent, the influx of holidaymakers has not yet reached its peak, prices on the island are lower than in the summer months.

May is characterized by persistently good weather, high daytime temperatures, alternating bright sun and light clouds, fresh ocean breezes.

Weather in Bali in June

June - great time for a holiday in Bali. Beach season is in full swing.

In the first month of summer, the weather on the island is very hot, sunny, the ocean is warm, and a light ocean breeze gives coolness.

Air humidity is low, which makes holidays on the island very comfortable.

The weather in Bali in June is ideal for water activities: snorkeling, diving, you can ride a banana boat or fly a parachute.

Weather in Bali in July

In July, Bali has excellent sunny weather. It rarely rains, sometimes there is pleasant cloudiness. Air humidity is low.

The ocean is warm, the air temperature is high - it's time to go to the beach and soak up the gentle sun rays on the shore Indian Ocean. An ideal time for boat trips and water sports. Well, if the heat and the beach are boring, you can go deeper into the island on an excursion. There you will find fresh mountain air, picturesque temples, mountain lakes, waterfalls and the famous volcanoes of Bali.

Weather in Bali in August

In August, the dry season continues in Bali, the humidity is low and the sky is sunny, so the weather in Bali is unusually comfortable for relaxation.

The weather in Bali in August will delight you with hot days, sunny beaches and refreshing ocean waves. August is the perfect month for a beach holiday on the paradise island of Bali.

Weather in Bali in September

The first month of autumn in Bali is characterized by sunny summer weather. September is ideal for a beach holiday: it's time to soak up the snow-white beach in the rays gentle sun, enjoy the pleasant ocean breeze, jump in the warm waves of the Indian Ocean.

The weather this month is very warm, pleasant, and low humidity. However, compared to summer months rains occur more often, but they are short-lived and cannot ruin your vacation.

Weather in Bali in October

October in Bali is last month dry season. The probability of precipitation increases, the temperature and humidity gradually increase. If it rains, it is short-lived, after half an hour everything dries up and you can go to the beach.

The weather in Bali in October is hot, sunny, with pleasant partly cloudy skies in places, the ocean is warm - a great time for a beach holiday!

Weather in Bali in November

The rainy season comes to Bali in November: it's worth hot weather with high air humidity. The rainy season in Bali is characterized by tropical downpours, which are short-lived and often fall over the island at night.

In November, Bali is often cloudy, but the air temperature is high and the ocean is warm.

Weather in Bali in December

Continues in December in Bali wet season. The weather at this time is very unpredictable: tropical rain can fall in the early morning, late at night or in the evening. The nature of Bali transforms during this period. It will undoubtedly amaze you with its riot of colors and abundance of tropical vegetation.

The air temperature is high, the ocean is warm, but during this period it can be turbulent due to monsoon winds.

In December, many travelers come to Bali who want to celebrate the holidays on a tropical paradise island, admire the sunsets, enjoy the hot weather and the warm ocean.

The island of Bali has a hot, dry and humid climate all year round. But wind direction, humidity and rainfall divide the year into two periods: the dry season and the rainy season. And if you don’t take this into account, you can ruin your vacation. Therefore, the decision when it is better to go to the “Island of the Gods” must be made based on the desired weather and the type of planned vacation. And to make it easier for you to do this, I described in detail the seasons in Bali.

The dry season in Bali runs from May to October, when southeast winds bring dry air from the Australian continent. This half of the year is characterized by low humidity, minimal precipitation, warm weather (+28-30°C), sunny days, which provides ideal conditions For summer holiday. Features of each month during the dry season:

  • May– a hot month with an average temperature of +29°C, dry and cloudless weather, suitable for sunbathing, swimming and active recreation, including water sports (surfing, scuba diving), mountaineering, mountain tours.
  • June. June brings clear weather with an average rainfall of 70mm, ideal for a beach holiday. The coastal areas of the island experience pleasant cool breezes along the coast in the evenings.
  • July– a hot month with an average of 4 rainy days. Locals consider July and August to be “cool” months, as these months have the most low temperature air per year. Good visibility of the water allows for diving and snorkeling. With the school holidays approaching, many tourists visit the island, so Bali resorts are often busy.
  • August- most sunny month in the year with the least rainfall (30 mm), which creates ideal weather conditions for a beach holiday. Resorts on the south coast are crowded, so you need to book hotels in advance or go to the central region of the island.
  • September– dry hot month with light precipitation(40 mm). With school holidays and summer holidays ending, the beaches on the south coast are becoming less crowded, making for a more comfortable experience.
  • October. Temperatures remain very warm in October and tourists enjoy good visibility of the water around the protected dive sites. But about 8 days a month there are short-term showers.

The dry season is considered the ideal time for a holiday in Bali, as the calm ocean provides conditions for diving and other aquatic species sports But from June to August (along with New Year's holidays) is the peak tourist season, during which resorts are usually very busy and prices for services increase by up to 50%. For a combination of sunny and dry weather, affordable prices and a more relaxing holiday, the island is best visited in May, September and October.

Rainy season

The rainy season in Bali lasts from November to April, when the northwest winds bring humid air. This period is characterized by high humidity and a large number precipitation. At this time average temperature remains at +30°C, but the weather is often windy and rainy, with cloudy skies. What features does each month of the wet season have:

  • November. In November there is increased level precipitation (110 mm) compared to previous months, especially at the end of the month. Tropical showers are short-lived but strong. Due to wet conditions, mountain climbing and trekking are not recommended.
  • December. The monsoons begin in December, although tourists can enjoy the sun and warmth. Beaches on the south coast become windy and visibility is reduced. Despite the wet weather, Christmas and New Year are popular times of year for tourists.
  • January- the height of the rainy half of the year. It rains for half the month, although precipitation (340 mm) is usually not constant. Hot sunny days with maximum temperature+31°C interrupted by short-term tropical showers. Due to rain, visibility at underwater sites is reduced. During this period, the island is usually less visited by tourists, resorts and villas offer discounts.
  • February– almost as rainy as January, with intense tropical rain followed by sunshine. The temperature reaches +29°C. Snorkeling or diving plans may fall apart big waves or poor visibility.
  • March– a month with a high probability of daytime rain. The days are hot, the amount of precipitation decreases (210 mm), and the number of sunny hours increases. Humidity is even higher than in January and February, but ocean water temperatures are falling.
  • April. At this time, the rainy period is coming to an end, precipitation begins to decrease significantly (90 mm). Holidaymakers enjoy mostly sunny days and warm weather with fewer winds along the coast and improved visibility of diving waters.

Visiting Bali during the rainy season has its advantages: clean and fresh air due to heavy rains, not crowded beaches and more low prices. This great opportunity peaceful and relaxing holiday.

Season for a beach holiday

You can relax on a Balinese beach at any time of the year thanks to the warm Indonesian climate. But best conditions for swimming and sunbathing in the dry season, that is, in months without precipitation, with the largest number sunny days. The resorts provide all the amenities for a comfortable stay.

Quiet, windless weather allows you to enjoy the magical ocean horizon and recharge with positive energy. Local residents are extremely concerned about nature.

Surf season

The water temperature in Bali ranges from +27 to +29°C throughout the year, making surfing possible at almost any time of the year. July is considered best month for this lesson. But the presence of waves also depends on the direction of the winds and the side of the island:

  • Surfing on the West Coast– from April to October, during the cooler, dry period. Winds blowing from east to west, waves from the Southern Ocean create conditions for surfing, providing surf: tide, wind, waves.
  • Surfing on east coast – from November to early March. Surfing during the rainy season is also a lot of fun. The winds change direction from west to east, so waves can be caught on the east coast.

Diving season

Diving requires good visibility, requiring calm, clear weather without precipitation. A good time to dive is during the dry season. Diving is not advisable during the monsoons from December to February when heavy rain impairs visibility of the underwater world.

Each season there can be strong winds that raise ocean levels and thereby make diving on the tourist's side of the island difficult. Ideal time for diving – transition months, usually April or October, as the winds are usually light and the oceans are calm. Balinese use lunar calendar Saka, according to which the best time for diving is September-October, the worst is February-March.

Bali is beautiful at any time of the year thanks to its warm, pleasant climate and majestic nature. The best time to visit the island depends on your personal preferences. The best period The dry season (from May to October) is considered to be the months with low humidity levels and the least amount of precipitation.