What month is the end of summer? Summer months

The beginning and end of four seasons in different countries Europe and America are counted by two methods - astronomical and calendar. In addition, there are meteorological, phenological and cultural principles for determining the beginning of the seasons of the year.

In Russia, it is customary to count according to the calendar principle, so March 1 is congratulated on the first day of spring, and March 8 is considered a spring holiday. But if you read books by American writers, you will notice phrases like “it was at the end of winter, on March 10.” The fact is that in the USA. In Canada and many European countries, it is customary to count the beginning of the seasons according to the astronomical principle.

According to astronomical principle, the beginning of the seasons occurs on the days of the solstice:

- spring(March 20 or 21);
- summer(June 20 or 21);
- autumn(September 22 or 23);
- winter(December 21 - 22).

But the solstice is different years falls on different days(the difference is 1 - 2 days). Therefore, for convenience in countries where it is used astronomical method, usually new season start from the 21st day of the corresponding month. That is why it is believed that Catholic Christmas- a holiday that occurs at the beginning of winter. However, in everyday life, many Europeans use a simpler calendar principle.

This difference in approach often surprises expats and travelers. It must be taken into account when reading national literature (however, translators usually provide explanations in footnotes in such cases).

The astronomical approach also explains the reason for the widespread start of summer holidays in Europe at a later time than in Russia. End of holidays in European countries ah often falls in mid-September, which also corresponds to the end of the main holiday season.

From a meteorological point of view, the astronomical principle for most European countries is closer to the actual beginning of the seasons than the calendar one. December, although the darkest month of the year, is usually less cold than March (this is explained by climate inertia - the earth, which has accumulated heat, releases it more slowly than it warms up). The beginning of June is usually cooler than the beginning of September (this is especially noticeable at sea).

But from the point of view of meteorologists and climatologists exact date the beginning of the seasons does not exist at all! Winter comes at a time when the average daily air temperature, having crossed 0 C, tends to fall. Therefore, in Yakutia, for example, winter begins at the end of September, and in Krasnodar - at the beginning of January. And summer, which begins when the average daily air temperature rises from +15 C, does not come at all in some regions of Russia. For example, in Murmansk it happens only in warm years.

In different eras in different countries, the beginning of a particular season was determined according to cultural and religious traditions. In Ireland, for example, August refers to the autumn months, according to Celtic traditions. And in Rus', until the 18th century, seasons were counted in accordance with major holidays: spring came at the Annunciation (March 25) and lasted until the Nativity of John the Baptist (June 24).

Finally, there is also the phenological principle of determining the onset of a new season - according to the behavior of nature. According to this principle, spring will come when thawed patches appear in the field. And it will end when the rose hips bloom.

Summer- the warmest and most pleasant time of the year. The sun is shining brightly and warming, birds are singing, the fields are making ears. This is the time of vacation, holidays, relaxation at sea or near a river. No wonder they say: “Summer is the golden time, don’t waste a minute.” At this time of year, the days become longer and the nights become shorter. In summer, many berries and fruits ripen. By using folk signs summer by natural phenomena, crops, and animal behavior can determine future weather and what winter will be like.

Signs about the weather in summer

  • Rainy summer leads to snowy winter.
  • Summer is dry and hot - leading to a frosty winter with little snow.
  • Increased wind in the evening means worsening weather. If at this time its direction changes counterclockwise, there will be prolonged precipitation.
  • If high temperatures appear during the day cumulus clouds- expect thunderstorms again at night.
  • A clear sunset is a sign of stable clear weather.
  • Evening dew is the first sign of clear weather for tomorrow.

Summer signs about nature

  • Earthworms are crawling out - expect bad weather and rain.
  • Sparrows bathe in dust or sand - it could be rain.
  • If there are few inhabitants around the anthill, it will soon rain. Life is in full swing around the anthill - no rain is expected.
  • Pigeons coo to warm sunny weather.
  • The appearance of the dung beetle - sure sign good weather.
  • Late in the evening, crickets sing loudly - good weather.
  • Mosquitoes fly in swarms - the weather will be good.
  • An abundance of berries in summer foreshadows a cold winter.
  • There are many insects circling around the acacia - expect bad weather.

Started weather anomalies The year 2017 inevitably makes us think about what the weather will be like in 2018. Of course, no weather center guarantees an accurate result, but thanks to modern technologies and statistical observations, the probability of coincidence is quite high. In addition, everyone is interested preliminary forecast weather for 2018.

Winter forecast

The weather for the winter of 2018, according to forecasters, promises to be stable and without anomalies. Snow is expected to fall at the end of November.


It is December of the outgoing year that determines the calendar beginning of winter. Average temperature will please everyone, there will be no severe frosts and heavy snowfalls. Sunny day lovers must be patient; December will be mostly gray cloudy days accompanied by frequent but not heavy snowfalls. Especially a lot of snow will fall in the northern part of Russia.


Father January will remain true to its traditions - Christmas and Epiphany frosts, clear sunny days guaranteed. The beginning and end of the month will bring heavy snowfall. The temperature background will be comfortable, which will allow many lovers active recreation Make the most of the New Year holidays.


Winter will put its whole soul into this month, not wanting to give way to the coming spring. The beginning of the month promises to be calm with comfortable temperature, but by the middle of the month the influence of the anticyclone will increase, which means the onset of cold weather. Only by the end of the month will winter loosen its grip, and the cold will be replaced by warm air currents.

Forecast for spring

You can relax and expect a favorable weather forecast for spring 2018 after the sharp warming at the end of February, but it is not in the rules of winter to give up without a fight.


Immediately after the February surge of heat, the first days of March will bring seemingly forgotten frosts. One thing will please you is that during the day the sun will warm like spring. After March 10th, warmth will slowly but surely begin to assert itself. March drops will turn into streams, and at the end of the month the first rains, accompanied by windy weather, are possible. Thanks to the rains and sun rays, the snow will melt by the end of March, revealing the first spring flowers - snowdrops.


Hooray! Fans of picnics and barbecues will be able to open their season in April. Comfortable above-zero temperatures without sudden changes, sunny days, awakening nature - April promises all this. The stability of spring will be felt throughout the month. The second half of the month promises rain, which will help melt the last snow. Summer residents can safely begin their chores in the garden beds, but they should remember about night frosts.


Tender May... This is exactly what this month can be called, unlike May 2017. Only the second half of the month will be marked by significant cooling, but the above-zero temperatures will remain. Usually the May cold is associated with bird cherry blossoms. Those who did not have time to plant vegetables should not despair, because the warmth will return quite soon. There will be little precipitation.

Summer forecast

What surprises does the summer of 2018 have in store? The weather in general promises to be favorable.


June should not be called hot and solar month. The beginning of June will be moderately cool and rainy. Sunbathers will be puzzled as there will be few sunny days. A cyclone is also possible at the end of the month, which will bring rain. Temperatures will be below average for June.


July will be hot for everyone. Instead of cloudy and rainy June Sunny days will come. There is virtually no precipitation expected, which could lead to drought. During these scorching July days, you should handle fire with extreme caution to avoid causing fires. Only the end of the month promises average July temperatures.


The decline in heat at the end of July will continue into early August, but then the heat will return again and maintain its position almost until the end of the month. At times, showers with thunderstorms are expected, which forecasters predict in large quantities. The end of August will allow you to feel the smell of autumn. The heat will go away and the nights will be quite cool.

Forecast for autumn

Autumn can rightfully be called the golden time. Forecasters promise a lot warm days in every month.


The beginning of September will be moderately warm, and in the second decade there will be truly summer days. Only the night will remind you with dampness and coolness that it is September. Of course, it will rain, but not for long. They are promised in the second half of September.


October will retain the warm positions of September for a long time, but the inexorable nature will remind you that November is coming. Interspersed with the prickly October rains, frosts will begin. By the end of the month, the temperature will remain above zero during the day and below zero at night.


November will also receive the baton of heat. The temperature will remain above zero for all three decades. Only the fourth decade promises to show a mark below zero on the thermometer. Precipitation is likely in the form of rain. Snow will not fall until December.

To determine for yourself what the weather will be like in 2018, you can resort to three methods:

  • Start a diary and keep weather records.
  • Don't forget about folk signs.
  • Conduct an analysis and make your forecast.

Important to know!

The weather of one season determines the weather of the next. For example: winter - summer, spring - autumn. Similarly, you can conduct an analysis by month, make your own forecast and compare it with the forecasts of meteorologists.

According to the civil calendar summer comes on the 1st day of June and lasts 92 days.
Including sub-seasons:
June 1-10 - Predletye
June 11 - July 5 - Beginning of summer (Proletye)
July 6 - 26 - Full summer
July 27 - August 26 - Summer decline
August 27 - 31 - Beginning of autumn.
Asytronomy summer begins on June 21-22 and lasts from the entry of the sun into the sign of Taurus (May) until its transition to the constellation Leo (September).
The most long days per year: 17 hours 35 minutes. day and 6 hours 25 minutes. - night.
The phenological calendar indicates that summer begins when the rye begins to sprout, the seeds of the winged elm fly, and the rose hips bloom. It is divided into two periods:
1) Before the linden blossoms, this is on average the first ten days of July;
2) From the flowering of linden to the first frost on the soil.
Summer begins on June 11 and ends on August 26, including 76 days with subseasons:
Beginning of summer - 26 days,
Full summer - 21 days,
Summer decline - 29 days.
Some calendars give other data, for example, the beginning of summer from June 10, and not from the 11th; full summer- 19 days, etc.

According to the calendar of meteorologists, the beginning of summer is considered to be the time when the average daily air temperature steadily passes through +10...+15 C.
According to the folk calendar young summer begins in mid-June, when white and purple lilacs completely fade, rowan and rosehip flowers open.
But in the summer, “day does not fall on day, hour does not fall on hour.” There may be frosts and heavy rains. " Rainy summer worse than autumn." “The early rain makes you rich, but the late rain ruins you.” “The Red Summer bothered no one.” Summer corresponds to the sacred stone ruby, reminiscent of the brightness and heat of the summer sun.
Orthodox holidays occur in the summer: Ascension, Trinity, Midsummer's Day, Elijah's Day, Savior, Dormition, Transfiguration;
fasts: Petrov fast and Assumption fast;
folk holidays: Land Reclamation Day, Light Industry Workers Day, Medical Worker Day, Inventor and Innovator Day, Youth Day, Cooperation Day, Sea and River Fleet Workers Day, Fisherman Day, Metallurgist Day, Trade Workers Day, Day navy, Railwayman's Day, Sportsman's Day, Builder's Day, Day air fleet, Miner's Day.

Folk signs of summer.

People say about summer:

If you lie in the summer, you will run away with your bag in the winter.
Summer is stormy - winter with snowstorms.
Summer is rainy - winter is snowy and frosty.
Summer is dry and hot - winter is light and frosty.
A fruitful summer foreshadows a cold winter.
Breadbeard - for a harsh winter.
As is the summer, so is the hay.
Wet summer and warm autumn- for a long winter.
A summer day feeds the year.
Don't pray for a long summer, pray for a warm one.
If there is no dew at night in summer, it will rain during the day.
If in clear weather in summer distant objects are not clear, as if in fog, it will rain.
When visible objects seem unusually large from a distance, you can wait north wind and rain.
If the air above the forest turns blue, it will be warm.
If in the summer the rooster crows before nine o'clock in the evening, it means rain.
The crane (at the well) creaks - a change in the weather.
Wind turbines (windmills) creak - there will be a storm.
If the voice rings, it will be clear.
If the ringing of a bell is clearly heard, it will be clear; if it rings dully, it will be raining.
Rooks graze on the grass in summer - it will rain soon.
The first fog of summer is a sure sign of mushrooms.
Clear Milky Way in the summer - to the bucket.
If in the summer there are no spiders at all, it will inevitably rain.
If you see a lot of spiders, you need to wait for good weather.
Crows often cry - signifies rain or stormy weather. When ants create large ant heaps in the summer, expect an early and cold winter.
If field mice In the summer they haul a lot of bread into their holes, then we can expect a cold and long winter.”

At the transition from spring to summer, Trinity is celebrated - a poetic and joyful holiday. The seventh week after Easter is called “semikova”, “rusal”, “green”, “dirt”. All days of the week were considered holidays, but Semik - the seventh Thursday after Easter - stood out especially parent's Saturday and Trinity-Pentecost (50th day of Easter), Sunday.
The Trinity was a whole complex of rituals. In terms of their abundance, this holiday is comparable only to winter Christmastide. It is no coincidence that Trinity was called the green Christmastide.
In terms of fun, it is close to Maslenitsa. Trinity rites have come down to us in an ancient, archaic form; much of them relates to the pagan past of Russia. The main meaning of the Trinity rites is the veneration of the earth, the cult of vegetation, and the desire to convey to man the strength and power of nature.
Trinity is a girls' holiday. The girls went into the forest or meadow, wove wreaths, curled a birch tree. They curled the birch tree in different ways. They twisted branches like a wreath; they braided their hair, sometimes tying the branches with ribbons, bent the branches to the ground, and braided them to the grass. Then they came to develop the wreaths - they looked at whether they were preserved or developed.
The ceremony at the birch trees went like this: two girl friends approached a wreath curled on a birch tree (bent into a ring with branches) from both sides and kissed through it three times. The murdered girls became like blood relatives and promised to be friends all their lives.
The girls wove wreaths of flowers, threw them into the river and used them to tell fortunes: whose wreath landed on the shore, she would remain among the girls; whose one floats away, she will get married; Whoever drowns, she dies.
The first Monday after Trinity is celebrated as Spiritual Day. The people perceived it as a continuation and completion of the Trinity rites. The main event was “seeing off the mermaid”. Therefore, the entire Trinity week, including Monday, was called “Rusal”.
During this week, according to legend, mermaids came out of the water and ran through fields and forests, swung on trees, pounced on those they met and could tickle them to death. The mermaid is a beautiful pale girl with long flowing hair - the soul of a drowned woman or children who died unbaptized. This interpretation of the image of the mermaid developed in the later, Christian period and was widespread mainly in Ukraine and the regions bordering it. In the ideas of southern Russians, a mermaid often approaches a witch.
On the Spirits day there was another very ancient rite- This is the holiday of Morena, or rather, the rite of “expulsion of Morena from the forest.” Morena is a female mythological character, the spirit of the forest, a kind of forest mermaid, mistress of the forest. According to legend, this woman is a ghost, possessing beauty and devilish power, capable of leading a young unmarried man astray and destroying a young heart. In fact, Morena is close to the Ukrainian Mavka. Its power can be hidden in a tree trunk, herbs, even in the body of a bird.
On the holiday of Morena, like Kupala, bonfires are lit, but people do not jump over them. In these fires they try to burn as many branches as possible. Morena does not bathe in water or douse herself, but she is afraid of strong fire, so during the night celebration they keep very bright bonfires. Only young people take part in the ritual.
The rite of expulsion of Morena also contains agricultural magic. The fact is that it is carried out during the beginning of haymaking. Morena is asked not to interfere with haymaking in the forest meadows and not to send rain.
July 7 (June 24, old style, summer solstice) falls Orthodox holiday Nativity of John the Baptist. The most important calendar holiday of the Slavs - Ivan Kupala - falls on this day. A lot of legends and beliefs are associated with the holiday of Ivan Kupala; it is distinguished by its wealth ritual actions. This milestone served as folk calendar the starting point of many signs necessary for a peasant in everyday life and work.
They are preparing for the celebration of Ivan Kupala on July 6 - on Agrafena Kupalnitsa. From Agrafena they begin to swim and “shop.” On this day people douse themselves with water, especially on the night of July 6-7.
On this day they went to collect herbs and roots for medicinal and healing purposes. On the eve of Ivan Kupala, girls used herbs to tell fortunes. They collected 12 herbs (thistle and fern are a must), put them under the pillow at night so that the betrothed would dream: “Mummed betrothed, come to my garden for a walk!” In the morning they checked: if there were twelve herbs left, this promised marriage.
On the night of Ivan Kupala they also used wreaths to tell fortunes. Wreaths were thrown onto the water, saying:

Swim, float, wreath,
To that corner
Where does my dear friend live?

Towards which village the wreath will float, and wait for the groom from there.
At the dawn of the Ivan Kupala holiday itself, it is customary to swim, and not only water, but also dew is considered healing. On Ivan Kupala they ran through the streets with buckets and doused everyone they met.
Traditionally, on Kupala they lit bonfires, danced around them, jumped over them, paying tribute to cleansing magic.
The fires were set outside the village, on a high place. Sometimes they tied straw around old wheels, set them on fire and lowered them from the hills as a sign that the day was beginning to wane from that time on.
There is a belief that it is on Kupala night that the fern blooms once a year. Whoever sees this flowering, picks a flower and eats it, will be an “expert”, will know everything and will be happy all his life.
According to legends, you cannot sleep on Kupala night, as all evil spirits come to life and become especially dangerous - witches, werewolves, mermaids, mermen. Witches gather on Bald Mountain in Kyiv and celebrate their night there, take milk from cows, spoil bread; mermen strive to drag a person under water; goblins lead people into the thicket, etc. They also told about miraculous phenomena that happened to plants on the Ivanovo night. It was widely believed that trees talked on this night and even moved from place to place.
Summer continues, the harvest is ripe.
On July 21, the day of the summer Our Lady of Kazan, preparations for the harvest begin. The first compressed sheaf is kept specially, it is called the birthday boy, threshing begins with it, cattle are fed with its straw, its grains are healing for people.
August 2 is celebrated as Elijah's Day, the day of Elijah the Prophet. "Ilya thunderstorms, holds and guides." According to legends, on Ilya there are usually “sparrow nights”, when deafening thunder is heard throughout the night, lightning flashes, all living things are in fear, especially birds, it is heavy on the heart and man. According to other beliefs, "sparrow nights" are very short nights- shorter than a sparrow's tail. Since there were thunderstorms on Elijah, they did not work in the field that day, fearing that the formidable saint would burn the crops.
In August, the harvest is in full swing, the bins are filled with grain and fruits.
The time of Spasov is coming. The first one was honey, the second one was apple, the third one was nut, linen, bread.
On the Assumption (August 28 - according to the new style), the holiday of the end of the harvest (dozhinka) was celebrated. On these days, an ancient ritual associated with the veneration of Mother Earth was previously performed. Upon completion of the work, the reapers rolled around in the fields with words.