Trial versions of tests for grade 9 Russian. GIA online tests in Russian language


Option 1.


We wish you success!

Part 1

Part 2

How to show love and kindness?

(1) Love is one of the greatest mysteries of humanity. (2) A great many works are dedicated to her. (3) Everyone wants to understand the magical nature of love. (4) And most want to feel the taste of this beautiful enchantress.

(5) What is the most valuable gift anyone can give? (6) Of course, this is love and kindness. (7) They always walk side by side, they are like one whole. (8) Love and kindness can be given selflessly and with the best intentions.

(9) How to do this? (10)Easy and simple. (11) No special effort is required. (12) Little things that we sometimes don’t pay attention to can lift our mood to the skies. (13) And it is in our power to make the day joyful and happy for others. (14) And that means for myself.

(15) Simple responsiveness to people already means good.

(16) You can smile, and you will definitely be guaranteed a smile in return! (17) Try doing this on public transport. (18) You can start with the baby. (19) This is the most grateful man. (20) He won’t think anything bad, he’ll just smile back, showing a couple of his teeth.

(21) Support your colleague. (22) Help him do a difficult job or give him a sincere compliment.

(23) Men can shake hands with a young mother with a child or an elderly woman (old man) getting off the bus.

(24) Perhaps a sick friend or relative is waiting for attention. (25) If it is not possible to visit in person, you can send a postcard signed with your own hand, or a bouquet of flowers with a box of delicious chocolates.

(26) Perhaps the old lady next door is waiting - can’t wait for someone to buy her a loaf of fresh bread. (27) And it doesn’t matter that she has children who love her very much. (28) Perhaps right now they cannot be close. (29) And you can bring joy to an elderly person.

(30) And most importantly, do not forget about those closest to you - your parents! (31) They need our love and kindness no less than others. (32) It is they who receive the least pleasant words from us. (33) Because most often our love exists as a fact, as something taken for granted. (34) However, parents also have the right to our love and gratitude. (35) Call and tell them about it! (36) Or write.

(37) Or maybe someone just needs to be listened to. (38) Even if it’s a complete stranger.

(39) Perhaps right now he really needs this. (40) It’s easy to give love and kindness. (41) You just need to start. (42) A little time will pass, and you will not notice how good deeds will cover your whole life.

*(From the article by Victoria Bessonova “How to show love and kindness?”. Internet magazine “School of”)

2. justification answer to the question: “ How to show love and kindness?”

1) Parents don’t have to talk about their love, they already know about it.

2) An old neighbor needs help if she doesn’t have close people nearby.

3) It is customary to smile only to people you know.

4) You can sign the card yourself or give flowers.

3. epithet.

1) They need our love and kindness no less than anyone else.

2) Try this on public transport.

3) Love and kindness can be given selflessly and with the best intentions.

4) And most importantly, don’t forget about those closest to you – your parents!

Answer: ________________________________.

4. From sentences 5 – 12, write down the word, spelling consoles in which it is determined by the rule “At the end of the prefix it is written – C, if it is followed by a voiceless consonant.”

Answer: ________________________________.

5. From sentences 1 – 8, write down a word in which the spelling is N- (-NN-) obeys the rule “In an adjective formed with the help of a suffix - N- from a noun with a stem on –N-, is written –NN-.”

Answer: ________________________________.

6. Replace book word "enchantress" in sentence 4 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Answer: ________________________________.

7. Replace the phrase in sentence 22 « sincere compliment» , control.

8. Write out grammatical basis sentences 35.

Answer: __________________________________________.

9. Find an offer among offers 15 – 22

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. denoting a commaintroductory word.

Little things (1) that we sometimes don’t pay attention to, (2) can lift our mood to the skies.

Perhaps (3) right now they cannot be close.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 12. Write the answer in numbers.

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. creative communication

Perhaps (1) the old lady neighbor is waiting - can’t wait, (2) for someone to buy her a bun of fresh bread.

You can smile, (3) and you will definitely be guaranteed a smile in return!

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Among sentences 25–30, find a complex sentence with consistent

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Find among sentences 33 – 42 complex sentence With coordinating and subordinating communication

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3

15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov: “Introductory word or sentence - in grammar: an intonationally isolated word or sentence within another sentence, expressing different types of attitude of the speaker to what he is talking about.”

You can write a paper in scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with words from the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

15.2 . Write an essay based on the material in this article. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentences in the text: “Giving love and kindness is easy. We just need to start.”

When giving examples, indicate numbers necessary proposals or use citation.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.3 . kindness? your definition. "What is kindness?" one example – give an argument from other sourcesfirst text, and the second

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.


Option 2.

Instructions for performing the work

The work consists of 3 parts, including 15 tasks.

3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to perform diagnostic work in the Russian language. The work consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text ( summary). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is written down in answer form No. 2.

Part 2 is performed based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2–14).

Answers to tasks 2–14 are written as a word (phrase), number, or sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in Part 2, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

Starting part 3 of the work, select one from the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer. This task is completed on a separate sheet (answer form No. 2).

You are allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

We wish you success!

Part 1

Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2 – 14.

(1) People want to be happy - this is their natural need.

(2) But where does the very core of happiness lie? (3) Let me note right away that I am only thinking, and not expressing the truths that I myself am striving for. (4) Does it lie in a comfortable apartment, good food, smart clothes? (5) Yes and no. (6) No - for the reason that, having all these shortcomings, a person can suffer from various mental hardships. (7) Does it lie in health? (8) Of course, yes, but in the same time and no.

(9) Gorky wisely and slyly noted that life will always be bad enough so that the desire for the best does not fade away in humanity. (10) And Chekhov wrote: “If you want to be an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and they write, but observe and delve into it yourself” (11) Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase: “If you want to be an optimist...” (12) And also – “ delve into it yourself.”

(13) In the hospital I lay in a cast on my back for almost six months, but when the unbearable pain passed, I was cheerful.

(14) The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?” (15) And I answered: “What? It’s my leg that hurts, but I’m healthy.” (16) My spirit was healthy.

(17) Happiness lies precisely in the harmony of the individual; they used to say: “The Kingdom of God is within us.” (18) The harmonious structure of this “kingdom” largely depends on the individual himself, although, I repeat, external conditions human existence play an important role in its formation. (19) But not the most important one. (20) With all the calls to fight the shortcomings of our life, which have accumulated in abundance, I still first of all highlight the fight with ourselves. (21) You cannot expect someone to come from the outside and will do it to you good life.(22) You must fight for the “honest fellow” in yourself, otherwise there will be trouble. (V. Rozov)

*V.S. Rozov - Russian Soviet playwright, screenwriter.

The answers to tasks 2 – 14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which answer option contains the basic information needed to justification answer to the question: “Where lies the very core of happiness? ”.

1) The core of happiness lies in health.

2) The core of happiness is in a comfortable apartment, good food, elegant clothes.

3) The core of happiness depends on the individual himself.

4) The core of happiness depends on the good people around you

Answer: ________________________________.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

1 ) People want to be happy - this is their natural need.

2) F Life will always be bad enough for the desire for the best not to fade away in humanity.

3) The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?”

4) Does it lie in a comfortable apartment, good food, smart clothes?

Answer: ________________________________.

4. consoles in which it is determined by the rule “At the end of the prefix it is written – Z-, if it is followed by a voiced consonant.”

Answer: ________________________________.

5. From sentences 9 – 16, write down a word in which the spelling is N (-NN) obeys the rule “In full passive participles past tense is written –NN-».

Answer: ________________________________.

6. Replace spoken word "get into it" in sentence 12 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Answer: ________________________________.

7. Replace the phrase in the sentence « in a comfortable apartment» , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: __________________________________________.

8. Write out grammatical basis proposals 4.

Answer: __________________________________________.

9. Among sentences 1–8, find a sentence With isolated circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number denoting a commahandling.

The sisters asked: “Rozov, (1) why are you so cheerful?”

Of course, (2) yes, (3) but at the same time no.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication

Let me note right away that (1) I am only thinking, (2) and not expressing truths, (3) to which I myself am only striving.

And yes, (4) and no.

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Among sentences 2–10, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Among sentences 1–8, find a complex sentence with non-union and subordinate connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3

Using the read text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky: “There are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language.”

When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with words Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. The essay must be at least 70 words.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.2 . “You can’t expect someone from the outside to come and make your life good.” ». In your essay, provide two arguments from this text that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the wordhappiness? Formulate and comment yesyour definition. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is happiness?" taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your reasoning: one example – give an argument from other sourcesfirst text, and the second – from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

OGE-2015 Option 3.

Instructions for performing the work

The work consists of 3 parts, including 15 tasks.

3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to perform diagnostic work in the Russian language. The work consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is written down in answer form No. 2.

Part 2 is performed based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2–14).

Answers to tasks 2–14 are written as a word (phrase), number, or sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in Part 2, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

Starting part 3 of the work, select one from the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer. This task is completed on a separate sheet (answer form No. 2).

You are allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

We wish you success!

Part 1

Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2 – 14.

(1) Compassion is an active helper.
(2) But what about those who don’t see, don’t hear, don’t feel when someone else is in pain and bad? (3) An outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. (4) How to help both those who suffer from indifference and the indifferent themselves?
(5) From childhood, educate yourself—first of all, yourself—in such a way as to respond to someone else’s misfortune and rush to the aid of someone in trouble. (6) And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, a sentimentality alien to us.
(7) Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a benefit and a duty. (8) People who are endowed with such an ability or who have alarmingly sensed a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to transform sympathy into assistance, have a more difficult life than those who are insensitive. (9) And more restless. (10) But their conscience is clear. (11) As a rule, they have good children. (12) They are usually respected by others. (13) But even if this rule is broken and those around them do not understand, and their children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position.
(14) It seems to the insensitive that they feel good. (15) They are endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries. (16) But it only seems to them that they are not endowed, but deprived. (17) Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond!
(18) I recently had the good fortune to meet an old, wise doctor. (19) He often appears in his department on weekends and holidays, not out of emergency, but out of spiritual need. (20) He talks to patients not only about their illness, but also about complex life topics. (21) He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. (22) Many years of observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone’s suffering, when faced with his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it. (23) He faces such a test pitiful and helpless. (24) Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. (25) Blind fear. (26) Loneliness. (27) Belated repentance.
(28) One of the most important human feelings is sympathy. (29) And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. (30) By assistance. (31) One must come to the aid of someone who needs it, who feels bad, although he is silent, without waiting for a call. (32) There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than human soul. (33) If it is tuned to the wave of high humanity.
(According to S. Lvov) *S. Lvov is a famous author of articles on moral and ethical topics, critic, prose writer.

The answers to tasks 2 – 14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which answer option contains the information needed to justification answer to the question: “How to help those who suffer from indifference?”.

1) Insensitive people don’t need to be helped, they’re already fine.

2) People endowed with empathy have an easy life.

3) Cultivate compassion in yourself from the day you are born.

4) Cultivate empathy when you have your own children.

Answer: ________________________________.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is metaphor.

1) It seems to the insensitive that they are having a good time.

2) If you tune it to the wave of high humanity.

3) Sympathy is a great human ability and need, a benefit and a duty.

4) One of the most important human feelings is empathy.

Answer: ________________________________.

4. From sentences 24 – 33, write down the word, spelling consoles in which is determined by the value "approximation".

Answer: ________________________________.

5. From sentences 13 – 19, write down the words, spelling - N- (-NN-) in which it is subject to the rule “In short passive participles of the past tense it is written -N-».

Answer: ________________________________.

6. Replace the word "wise" in sentence 18 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Answer: ________________________________.

7. Replace the phrase in sentence 19 « according to spiritual need» , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: __________________________________________.

8. Write out grammatical basis proposals 20.

Answer: __________________________________________.

9. Find an offer among offers 24–33 with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. introductory word.

They (1) as a rule, (2) are respected by others.

But even if this rule is broken and those around them do not understand, (3) and their children deceive their hopes, (4) they will not deviate from their moral position.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 13. Write the answer in numbers.

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. subordinating communication

From childhood, education is first and foremost yourself - so (1) to respond to someone else’s misfortune and rush to the aid of someone (2) who is in trouble.

But it only seems to them, (4) they are not endowed, (5) but deprived.

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Among sentences 18–26, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Among sentences 14–21, find a complex sentence with a non-union connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3.

Using the read text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky: “There is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in Russian words.”

When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.2 . Write an essay based on the material in this article. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentence in the text: “To someone who needs it, who feels bad, although he is silent, one must come to the aid without waiting for a call.” You can’t expect someone from the outside to come and make your life good.” In your essay, provide two arguments from this text that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the wordcompassion? Formulate and comment yesyour definition. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is compassion?" taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your reasoning: one example – give an argument from other sourcesfirst text, and the second – from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

OGE-2015 Option 4.

Instructions for performing the work

The work consists of 3 parts, including 15 tasks.

3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to perform diagnostic work in the Russian language. The work consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is written down in answer form No. 2.

Part 2 is performed based on the text read. It consists of 14 tasks (2–14).

Answers to tasks 2–14 are written as a word (phrase), number, or sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in Part 2, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

Starting part 3 of the work, select one from the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer. This task is completed on a separate sheet (answer form No. 2).

You are allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

We wish you success!

Part 1

Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2 – 14.

(1) What does enormous human love for everything that fits in one word - Motherland - grow from?

(2) Homeland is a lot. (3) This is a path with a ford across a stream, and a space of one-sixth of the entire earth’s map. (4) This is a plane in the sky, and birds flying north over our house. (5) The homeland is growing cities and small villages of ten courtyards. (6) These are the names of people, the names of rivers and lakes, memorable dates stories and plans for tomorrow. (7) This is you and me with our world of feelings, our joys and worries.

(8) The homeland is like a huge tree on which you cannot count the leaves. (9) And everything that we do good adds strength to him. (10) But every tree has roots. (11) Without roots, even a slight wind would have knocked it down. (12) Roots feed the tree, connect it to the earth. (13) Roots are what we lived with yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, a thousand years ago. (14) This is our story. (15) These are our grandfathers and ancestors. (16) These are their works, silently living next to us, in steppe stone women, carved frames, in wooden toys and outlandish temples, in amazing songs and fairy tales. (17) These are the glorious names of commanders, poets and fighters for the people's cause.

(18) It is important for a person to know his roots - an individual, a family, a nation - then the air we breathe will be healing and tasty, the land that raised us will be more valuable, it will be easier to feel the purpose and meaning of human life.

(19) Without the past, it is impossible to understand well or appreciate the present. (20) The tree of our Motherland is one whole: a green crown and roots that go deep into the ground.

(21) From a children's toy, from folk tale, from the first school conversation about the world around us... (22) A person’s idea of ​​the Motherland should consist of the past and present. (23) Only under this condition will a person grow up capable of looking into tomorrow, capable of being proud of his Fatherland, believing in it, defending it...

(24) A person must grow up to be a son of his country.

(25) When doing great things, we must know where we came from and where it all began. (26) Our deeds, together with the past, together with the surrounding natural world and the fire of the hearth, are expressed by the dear word FATHERLAND. (27) It is impossible to force people to love the Fatherland by decree. (28) Love must be cultivated. (V. M. Peskov)

*Vasily Peskov - famous journalist, photojournalist, writer.

The answers to tasks 2 – 14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which answer option does not contain the text information necessary to justification answer to the question: “What does love for the Motherland grow from?”.

1) Growing cities and small villages.

2) Toys, fairy tales, the whole world around you.

3) The symbol of Russia is the birch tree.

4) Pride in your Fatherland.

Answer: ________________________________.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is an epithet .

1) A man must grow up to be a son of his country.

2) This is you and me with our world of feelings, our joys and worries.

3) Roots nourish the tree and connect it to the earth.

4) These are the glorious names of commanders, poets and fighters for the people's cause.

Answer: ________________________________.

4. From sentences 1–8, write down the word, spelling consoles in which it is determined by the rule “At the end of the prefix it is written - Z-, if it is followed by a voiced consonant.”

Answer: ________________________________.

5. From sentences 8 – 16, write down the word, spelling – N- (-NN-) in which it obeys the rule “– N- written in adjective suffixes -AN- – -YAN-, meaning “what it’s made of” (exception word).

Answer: ________________________________.

6. Replace book word "ancestor" in sentence 15 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Answer: ________________________________.

7. Replace the phrase in sentence 16 « in wooden toys» , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: __________________________________________.

8. Write out grammatical basis proposals 12.

Answer: __________________________________________.

9. Find an offer among offers 19 – 25 with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) denoting comma(s) whenisolation of clarifying members of the sentence.

When doing great things, (1) we must know (2) where we came from and how we started.

The homeland is growing cities and small, (3) ten courtyards, (4) villages.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 9. Write the answer in numbers.

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication

This is a plane in the sky, (1) and birds, (2) flying north over our house.

And everything (3) that we do good, (4) adds strength to him.

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Among sentences 19–25, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Among sentences 12 – 19, find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3.

Using the read text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of V.V. Vinogradov’s statement “A high culture of spoken and written speech, good knowledge and development of a sense of the native language, the ability to use its expressive means are the best support, the surest help, the most reliable recommendation for every person in his own life and creative activity.”

When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of V.V. Vinogradov. The essay must be at least 70 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.2 . Write an essay based on the material in this article. Explain how you understand the meaning of a sentence in the text “When we do great things, we must know where we came from and where it all began.” In your essay, provide two arguments from this text that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the phrase love for the Motherland ? Formulate and comment yes newYou definition. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is love for the Motherland?" taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your reasoning: one example – give an argument from other sourcesfirst text, and the second – from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Option 1. Key

For true completing tasks parts 2 incorrect answer or him absence zero points are given.

Job number

Correct answer



compliment with sincerity

call tell me

Option 2. Key

For true completing tasks parts 2 diagnostic work, the student receives one point for each task. For incorrect answer or him absence zero points are given.

Job number

Correct answer

I'm thinking


understand, understand. think

in an apartment with amenities

she is hiding (she is hiding)

Option 3. Key

For true completing tasks parts 2 diagnostic work, the student receives one point for each task. For incorrect answer or him absence zero points are given.

Job number

Correct answer



according to the needs of the soul

he's talking

Option 4. Key

For true completing tasks parts 2 diagnostic work, the student receives one point for each task. For incorrect answer or him absence zero points are given.

Job number

Correct answer




toys made of wood


Task formulation:

Among offers 24-28, find an offer with separate homogeneous definitions. Write the number of this offer:
- (24) Why do we need your copies? - the older girl suddenly inserted herself into the conversation with defiant aggression, and Anna Fedotovna marveled at how officially inhuman a child’s voice could become. - (25) The museum will not take copies. - (26) He won’t take it, and you don’t take it. - (27) Anna Fedotovna really didn’t like this tone, defiant, full of claims that were incomprehensible to her. - (28) And please return all the documents to me.

Correct answer: 27

Comment: tone (what?) defiant, full of claim

What you need to know:

Simple sentence

SIMPLE SENTENCE is a unit of syntax, grammatically organized group words, complete in meaning. The grammatical basis of a sentence is a subject and a predicate. IN simple sentence there can be only one grammatical stem.

Often taken as a complicating component subordinate clause, and, conversely, the subordinate part of a complex sentence is mistakenly understood as a complication.
In order not to make a mistake, you need to clearly understand: the complicating component does not contain a grammatical basis , but represents an additional, additional utterance that correlates with the main one, which has a formalized grammatical basis.

Complicating components in a sentence

Complicating components may be:

  • homogeneous members (Neither cake, nor new toys, nor cheerful entertainment- nothing didn't make the girl happy);
  • isolated definitions (Road, paved cobblestones, climbed the rampart);
  • separate additions (The whole society excluding Sergei Lvovich, was assembled);
  • standalone applications (We, philologists, we know the power of words);
  • special circumstances (Lisa, despite mother's intervention, arranged everything in my own way);
  • introductory words (I, in all likelihood, I won’t stay here long);
  • introductory combinations (This dignitary according to the apt remark of one contemporary, had a strong intelligence and arrogant figure);
  • introductory sentences (He arrived in Suzdal - I've been to this town too- and, imagine, he began to make inquiries about Modest Petrovich);
  • plug-in structures (... the younger one is a fool ( or rather, a kind, honest simpleton) - all good things are given fairly);
  • appeals (ABOUT, Pavel Ivanovich, let me be frank);
  • comparative turnover (Her hands are cold like ice );
  • clarifying members of the sentence (At the fence on a pile of boards, Vaska and Dran were already waiting).

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 05

(1) In the winter of 1899, doctors sent Levitan to Yalta.

(2) At that time Chekhov lived in Yalta. (3) Old friends met aged, alienated. (4) Levitan walked, leaning heavily on a stick, was out of breath, talking to everyone about near death. (5) He was afraid of her and did not hide it. (6) His heart ached almost continuously.

(7) Chekhov yearned for Moscow, for the north. (8) Despite the fact that the sea, in his own words, was “big,” it narrowed the world. (9) Apart from the sea and quiet winter Yalta, it seemed that there was nothing left in life. (10) Somewhere very far beyond Kharkov, beyond Kursk and Orel, there was snow, the lights of poor villages blinked blindly in the gray snowstorm; she seemed sweet and close to her heart, much closer to the Beklin cypress trees and the sweet seaside air. (11) This air often gave her a headache. (12) Everything seemed sweet: forests, rivulets - all sorts of Pekhorki and Vertushinki, and haystacks in deserted evening fields, lonely, illuminated by the muddy moon, as if forever forgotten by man.

(13) The sick Levitan asked Chekhov for a piece of cardboard and in half an hour he sketched an evening field with haystacks on it with oil paints. (14) Chekhov inserted this sketch into the fireplace near his desk and often looked at it while working.

(15) The winter in Yalta was dry, sunny, and warm winds blew from the sea. (16) Levitan remembered his first trip to Crimea, and he wanted to go to the mountains. (17) He was haunted by the memory of this trip, when from the top of Ai-Petri he saw a deserted cloudy sky at his feet. (18) The sun hung overhead; here it seemed much closer to the ground, and its yellowish light cast precise shadows. (19) The cloudy sky smoked below in the abysses and slowly crawled towards Levitan’s feet, covering the pine forests.

(20) The sky was moving from below, and this frightened Levitan just as the never-heard-of mountain silence frightened him. (21) Occasionally it was disturbed only by the rustle of scree. (22) The slate slid down the slope and shook the dry, prickly grass.

(23) Levitan wanted to go to the mountains, he asked to be taken to Ai-Petri, but he was refused: the thin mountain air could be fatal for him.

(According to K. G. Paustovsky)

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why was Levitan denied his request to take him to Ai-Petri?”

  1. It was very far from Ai-Petri.
  2. The thin mountain air could be fatal for him.
  3. Chekhov was afraid to climb the mountains, and it was he who would have to accompany Levitan.
  4. The trip to the mountains did not take place due to bad weather.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is an epithet.

  1. The lights of the poor villages blinked blindly in the gray snowstorm.
  2. Levitan remembered his first trip to Crimea, and he wanted to go to the mountains.
  3. The sick Levitan asked Chekhov for a piece of cardboard and in half an hour sketched an evening field with haystacks on it in oil paints.
  4. This air often gave me headaches.

4. From sentences 10-11 write down the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by its meaning “closeness to something.”

5. From sentences 13-14 “In denominate adjectives formed with the help of the suffixes -AN-, -YAN-, -IN-, N is written.”

6. Replace the colloquial word "BEGGAR" from offers 10

7. Replace the phrase “evening field”(sentence 13) , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with the connection adjacency. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write down the first grammatical stemcomplex sentence 23.

9. Among offers 3-6 Find a sentence with a separate circumstance expressed by an adverbial phrase.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in introductory words.

Despite the fact that (1) the sea, (2) in his own words, (3) was “big,” (4) it narrowed the world. Besides the sea and quiet winter Yalta, (5) it seemed (6) there was nothing left in life.

sentence 20 . Write the answer in numbers.

Levitan remembered his first trip to Crimea, (1) and he wanted to go to the mountains. He was haunted by the memory of this trip, (2) when from the top of Ai-Petri he saw a deserted cloudy sky at his feet. The sun hung overhead, (3) here it seemed much closer to the ground, (4) and its yellowish light cast precise shadows.

13. Among offers 13-16

14. Among proposals 17-19

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 06

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) In 1879, the police evicted Levitan from Moscow to the dacha area of ​​Saltykovka. (2) A royal decree was issued prohibiting Jews from living in the “original Russian capital”; Levitan was eighteen years old at that time.

(3) Levitan later recalled the summer in Saltykovka as the most difficult in his life. (4) It was very hot. (5) Almost every day the sky was covered with thunderstorms, thunder grumbled, dry weeds rustled from the wind under the windows, but not a drop of rain fell.

(6) Twilight was especially oppressive. (7) The lights were turned on on the balcony of the neighboring dacha. (8) Night butterflies beat in clouds against the lamp glasses. (9) Balls were knocking on the croquet court. (10) The schoolchildren and girls fooled around and quarreled, finishing the game, and then, late in the evening, a woman’s voice sang a sad romance in the garden:

(12) That was the time when the poems of Polonsky, Maykov and Apukhtin were better known than simple Pushkin melodies, and Levitan did not even know that the words of this romance belonged to Pushkin.

(13) In the evenings he listened to the singing of a stranger from behind the fence; he remembered another romance about how “love wept.”

(14) He wanted to see a woman singing so loudly and sadly, to see girls playing croquet, and schoolchildren driving wooden balls towards the canvas with victorious screams railway. (15) He wanted to drink tea from clean glasses on the balcony, touch a slice of lemon with a spoon, wait a long time for a transparent thread to flow from the same spoon apricot jam. (16) He wanted to laugh and fool around, play burners, sing until midnight, rush with giant steps and listen to the excited whispers of schoolchildren about the writer Garshin, who wrote the story “Four Days,” banned by censorship. (17) He wanted to look into the eyes of the singing woman - the eyes of those singing are always half-closed and full of sad charm.

(18) But Levitan was poor, almost beggar. (19) The checkered jacket is completely worn out. (20) The young man grew out of him. (21) Hands, smeared oil paint, stuck out from the sleeves like a bird's legs. (22) All summer Levitan walked barefoot. (23) Where was it possible to appear in such an outfit in front of cheerful summer residents!

(24) And Levitan was hiding. (25) He took a boat, swam into the reeds on the country pond and wrote sketches - no one bothered him in the boat.

(26) Writing sketches in the forest or fields was more dangerous. (27) Here one could come across the bright umbrella of a dandy reading Albov’s book in the shade of the birches, or a governess cackling over a brood of children. (28) Of course, no one knew how to despise poverty as offensively as governesses.

(29) Levitan hid from the summer residents, yearned for the night songster and wrote sketches. (30) He completely forgot that at home, at the School of Painting and Sculpture, Savrasov predicted Corot’s glory for him, and his comrades - the Korovin brothers and Nikolai Chekhov - always started arguments over his paintings about the charms of a real Russian landscape. (31) Corot’s future glory was drowned without a trace in resentment for life, for tattered elbows and worn out soles. (According to K. G. Paustovsky)

*Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968) – famous writer XX century, author of a number of essays about famous people.

The answers to tasks 2–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why in 1879 did the police evict Levitan from Moscow to the dacha area of ​​Saltykovka?”

  1. He owes rent.
  2. He had to paint rural landscapes.
  3. A royal decree was issued banning Jews from living in the “original Russian capital.”
  4. His clothes were unfashionable for the capital.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is comparison.

  1. He remembered another romance about how “love wept.”
  2. His arms, smeared with oil paint, stuck out from his sleeves like bird legs.
  3. My voice is both gentle and languid for you...
  4. A royal decree was issued prohibiting Jews from living in the “original Russian capital”; Levitan was eighteen years old at that time.

4. From sentences 18-22

5. From sentences 13-14 write down the word whose spelling N (NN) in the suffix is ​​an exception.

6. Replace the colloquial word "OUTFIT" from proposals 23 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase “checkered jacket”(sentence 19)

proposals 27.

9. Among offers 9-12 find a sentence with a separate qualifying circumstance of time. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) in the introductory word.

Of course, (1) no one knew how to despise poverty so offensively, (2) like governesses. Levitan hid from the summer residents, (3) yearned for the night songster and wrote sketches.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 5 . Write the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinate connection.

In the evenings, from behind the fence, he listened to the singing of a stranger, (1) he remembered another romance about (2) how “love wept.” He wanted to see a woman, (3) singing so loudly and sadly, (4) to see girls, (5) playing croquet, (6) and schoolchildren, (7) driving wooden balls with victorious screams towards the very railroad bed.

13. Among proposals 29-31

14. Among the offers are 2-5 find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and a conjunctive coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 07

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) Levitan wrote a lot in the air that summer. (2) Savrasov ordered so.

(3) Levitan strove to paint in such a way that in his paintings one could feel the air, embracing with its transparency every blade of grass, every leaf and haystack. (4) Everything around seemed immersed in something calm, blue and shiny. (5) Levitan called this something air. (6) But this was not the air as it seems to us. (7) We breathe it, we feel its smell, cold or warmth. (8) Levitan felt it as a boundless environment of transparent substance, which gave such captivating softness to his canvases.

(9) Summer is over. (10) The stranger’s voice was heard less and less. (11) One day at dusk, Levitan met a young woman at the gate of his house. (12) Her narrow hands turned white from under the black lace. (13) The sleeves of the dress were trimmed with lace. (14) A soft cloud covered the sky. (15) It was raining sparsely. (16) The flowers in the front gardens smelled bitter. (17) Lanterns were lit on the railway booms.

(18) The stranger stood at the gate and tried to open a small umbrella, but it did not open. (19) Finally it opened, and the rain rustled on its silk top. (20) The stranger slowly walked towards the station. (21) Levitan did not see her face: it was covered with an umbrella. (22) She also did not see Levitan’s face, she noticed only his bare dirty feet and raised her umbrella so as not to catch Levitan. (23) In the wrong light he saw a pale face. (24) It seemed familiar and beautiful to him.

(25) That same fall, Levitan wrote “Autumn Day in Sokolniki.” (26) This was his first painting, where gray and golden autumn, sad, like the Russian life of that time, like the life of Levitan himself, breathed from the canvas with careful warmth and pinched the viewers’ hearts.

(27) Along the path of Sokolniki Park, through heaps of fallen leaves, a young woman in black walked - that stranger whose voice Levitan could not forget. (28) “My voice is both gentle and languid for you...” (29) She was alone in the autumn grove, and this loneliness, of course, surrounded her with a feeling of sadness and thoughtfulness.

(30) “Autumn Day in Sokolniki” is the only landscape of Levitan where a person is present, and it was written by Nikolai Chekhov. (31) After this, people never appeared on his canvases. (32) They were replaced by forests and pastures, foggy floods and poor huts of Russia, voiceless and lonely, just as man was voiceless and lonely at that time.

(33) The years of studying at the School of Painting and Sculpture are over. (34) Levitan wrote the last one, thesis- cloudy day, field, stacks of compressed bread.

(35) Savrasov glanced at the picture and wrote with chalk on the back: “Large silver medal.” (According to K. G. Paustovsky)

*Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968) is a famous writer of the twentieth century, the author of a number of essays about famous people.

The answers to tasks 2–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did Levitan write a lot in the air that summer?”

1) So Savrasov ordered.

2) Levitan did not have the money to rent a studio.

3) He learned to draw walking people.

4) He was stalking a young woman in black.

1) The flowers in the front gardens smelled bitter.

2) “Autumn Day in Sokolniki” is the only landscape of Levitan where a person is present, and it was written by Nikolai Chekhov.

3) This was his first painting, where gray and golden autumn, sad, like the Russian life of that time, like the life of Levitan himself, breathed from the canvas with careful warmth and pinched the viewers’ hearts.

4) A young woman in black walked along the path of Sokolniki Park, through heaps of fallen leaves.

4. From sentences 6-8 write down the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by its meaning “add”.

5. From sentences 12-15 write down the word, spelling N (NN) in which it obeys the rule:“N is written in short passive past participles.”

6. Replace the word "SAD" from proposals 26 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase “silver medal” ( sentence 35

8. Write down the grammatical basis proposals 13.

9. Among offers 1-5

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

She was alone among the autumn grove, (1) and this loneliness, (2) of course, (3) surrounded her with a feeling of sadness and thoughtfulness. “Autumn Day in Sokolniki” is the only landscape by Levitan, (4) where a person is present, (5) and it was written by Nikolai Chekhov.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in proposal 18 . Write the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinate connection.

But it was not the same air (1) as it appears to us. We breathe it, (2) we smell it, (3) cold or warmth. Levitan felt it as a boundless environment of transparent substance, (4) which gave such a captivating softness to his canvases.

13. Among proposals 18-21 find a non-union complex sentence. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among offers 21-24

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 04

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) Levitan's life was uneventful. (2) He traveled little. (3) He loved only central Russia. (4) He considered trips to other places a waste of time. (5) This is how the trip abroad seemed to him.

(6) He was in Finland, France, Switzerland and Italy.

(7) The granites of Finland, its black river water, the icy sky and the gloomy sea made me sad. (8) “Once again I was moping beyond measure and bounds,” Levitan wrote to Chekhov from Finland. - (9) There is no nature here.”

(10) In Switzerland, he was amazed by the Alps, but for Levitan the view of these mountains was no different from the views of cardboard models painted with loud colors.

(11) In Italy, he only liked Venice, where the air is full of silvery shades, born of dim lagoons.

(12) In Paris, Levitan saw Monet’s paintings, but did not remember them. (13) Only before his death did the artist appreciate the painting of the Impressionists, realized that he was partly their Russian predecessor, and for the first time with recognition he mentioned their names.

(14) In the last years of his life, Levitan spent a lot of time near Vyshny Volochok on the shores of Lake Udomlya. (15) There, in the family of landowners Panafidins, he again fell into confusion human relations, shot himself, but was saved...

(16) The closer to old age, the more often Levitan’s thought stopped at autumn.

(17) True, Levitan wrote several excellent spring works, but it was almost always spring, similar to autumn.

(18) В « Big water"The grove flooded by the flood is exposed, like late autumn, and was not even covered with the greenish smoke of the first leaves. (19) In “Early Spring” black deep river stands dead among the ravines, still covered with loose snow, and only in the painting “March” is the real spring brightness of the sky above the melting snowdrifts conveyed, yellow sunlight and the glassy shine of melt water dripping from the porch of a plank house.

(20) The softest and most touching poems, books and paintings were written by Russian poets, writers and artists about autumn.

(21) Levitan, like Pushkin and Tyutchev and many others, waited for autumn as the most precious and fleeting time of the year.

(22) Autumn removed the rich colors from the forests, from the fields, from all over nature; it washed away the greenery with the rains. (23) The groves were made through. (24) Dark colors summers gave way to timid gold, purple and silver. (25) Not only the color of the earth changed, but also the air itself. (26) It was cleaner, colder, and the distances were much deeper than in summer. (27) Thus, among the great masters of literature and painting, the youthful splendor of colors and elegance of language is replaced by mature age severity and nobility.

(28) Autumn in Levitan’s paintings is very diverse. (29) It is impossible to list everything autumn days, applied by him to the canvas. (30) Levitan left about a hundred “autumn” paintings, not counting sketches.

(According to K. G. Paustovsky)

*Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968) is a famous writer of the twentieth century, the author of a number of essays about famous people.

The answers to tasks 2–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did Levitan mope “without measure and boundaries” in Finland?”

  1. He had nowhere to live in Finland.
  2. He wanted to go to Venice.
  3. He did not understand the paintings of Finnish artists.
  4. The granites of Finland, its black river water, icy sky and gloomy sea made me sad.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is personification.

  1. The softest and most touching poems, books and paintings were written by Russian poets, writers and artists about autumn.
  2. Autumn removed the rich colors from the forests, from the fields, from all of nature; it washed away the greenery with the rains.
  3. Levitan, like Pushkin and Tyutchev and many others, waited for autumn as the most precious and fleeting time of the year.
  4. Levitan wrote several excellent spring works, but it was almost always spring, similar to autumn.

4. From sentences 24-25 write down the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by the sonority of the subsequent consonant.

5. From sentences 11-12 write down the word, spelling N (NN) in which it obeys the rule:

6. Replace the colloquial word "PAINTED" from offers 10 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase “sunlight”(sentence 19) , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write down the grammatical basis proposals 9.

9. Among the offers are 28-30 find a sentence with a separate definition. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number indicating the comma in the introductory word.

The closer to old age, (1) the more often Levitan’s thought stopped at autumn. True, (2) Levitan wrote several excellent spring things, (3) but it was almost always spring, (4) similar to autumn.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in proposal 13 . Write the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating connection.

There, (1) in the family of landowners Panafidins, (2) he again fell into the confusion of human relationships, (3) he shot himself, (4) but he was saved... The closer he got to old age, (5) the more often Levitan’s thought stopped at autumn .

13. Among offers 21-24 find a non-union complex sentence. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among the proposals are 10-13 find a complex sentence with a conjunctive coordinating and a conjunctive subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 44

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) I have been experiencing this feeling constantly for many years, but with particular strength - on May 9 and September 15.

(2) However, not only on these days does it sometimes completely take possession of me.

(3) One evening, shortly after the war, in a noisy, brightly lit “Gastronom”, I met Lyonka Zaitsev’s mother. (4) Standing in line, she looked thoughtfully in my direction, and I simply could not help but greet her. (5) Then she took a closer look and, recognizing me, dropped her bag in surprise and suddenly burst into tears.

(6) I stood, unable to move or utter a word. (7) Nobody understood anything; they assumed that money had been taken from her, and in response to questions she only shouted hysterically: “Get away!!! Leave me alone!.."

(8) That evening I walked around as if dumbfounded. (9) And although Lenka, as I heard, died in the first battle, perhaps without having time to kill even one German, I stayed on the front line for about three years and participated in many battles, I felt somehow guilty and infinitely indebted to this old woman, and to everyone who died - friends and strangers - and their mothers, fathers, children and widows...

(10) I can’t even really explain to myself why, but since then I’ve been trying not to catch the eye of this woman and, when I see her on the street - she lives in the next block - I avoid her.

(11) And September 15 is Petka Yudin’s birthday; Every year on this evening his parents gather the surviving friends of his childhood.

(12) Forty-year-old adults come, but they drink not wine, but tea with sweets, shortbread cake and apple pie- with what Petka loved most of all.

(13) Everything is done as it was before the war, when in this room a big-faced, cheerful boy, killed somewhere near Rostov and not even buried in the confusion of a panicked retreat, was noisy, laughing and commanding. (14) Petka’s chair is placed at the head of the table. , his cup with fragrant tea and a plate on which the mother carefully puts nuts in sugar, the largest piece of candied fruit cake and a crust of apple pie. (15) As if Petka could taste even a piece and scream, as he used to, at the top of his lungs: “This is so delicious, brothers! Pile on!..”

(16) And I feel indebted to Petka’s old men; the feeling of some kind of awkwardness and guilt that I returned, and Petka died, does not leave me all evening. (17) In my thoughts, I don’t hear what they are saying; I’m already far, far away... (18) My heart is pinching painfully: I see in my mind the whole of Russia, where in every second or third family someone has not returned... (O. V. Bogomolov My heart hurts)

2Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why does the narrator feel indebted to Petka’s parents?”

1) And September 15 is Petka Yudin’s birthday; Every year on this evening his parents gather the surviving friends of his childhood.

2) I can’t even really explain to myself why, but since then I’ve been trying not to catch the eye of this woman and, when I see her on the street - she lives in the next block - I avoid her.

3) And I feel indebted to Petka’s old people; the feeling of some kind of awkwardness and guilt that I returned, and Petka died, does not leave me all evening.

4) I stood, unable to move or utter a word.

1) Forty-year-old adults come, but they drink not wine, but tea with sweets, shortbread cake and apple pie - with what Petka loved most of all.

2) And September 15 is Petka Yudin’s birthday; Every year on this evening his parents gather the surviving friends of his childhood.

3) When I’m thoughtful, I don’t hear what they’re saying; I'm already far, far away...

4) Everything is being done as it was before the war, when in this room a big-faced, cheerful boy, killed somewhere near Rostov and not even buried in the confusion of a panicked retreat, was noisy, laughing and commanding.

4From sentences 1-5 write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning.

5From sentences 6-7 write down the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the fact that it is in the 1st person form singular present tense, the original verb ends in -IVAYU.

6Replace the colloquial word “turmoil” in proposal 13 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7Replace the phrase “Petkin’s chair” ( sentence 14 ), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

proposals 3.

9Among offers 12-15 find a sentence with isolated common definitions. Write the number of this offer.

10In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) when addressing.

At the head of the table is Petka’s chair, (1) his cup of fragrant tea and a plate, (2) where the mother carefully puts nuts in sugar, (3) the largest piece of candied cake and a crust of apple pie. As if Petka could taste even a piece and scream, (4) as usual, (5) at the top of his lungs: “This is so delicious, (6) brothers! Pile on!..”

sentence 7 . Write the answer in numbers.

12In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinate connection.

Forty-year-old adults come, (1) but they drink not wine, (2) but tea with sweets, (3) shortbread cake and apple pie - with what (4) Petka loved most of all.

13Among offers 12-15 find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14Among offers 16-18 find a complex sentence with all types of connections - non-union and allied subordinating and coordinating connections between parts. Write the number of this offer.

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 41

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) It all started during the break before the sixth period. (2) Lena Boldyreva, a languid, bushy-haired beauty, became capricious:

– (3) Listen, people, I’m already sick of this chemistry!

(4) Someone said in the same tone as her with a crying intonation:

- (5) Who didn’t she get?

(6) These remarks were enough for the hectic, sparkling thought of escaping from class to flash like lightning. (7) Our class was considered exemplary, there were eight excellent students in it, and there was something funny and piquant in the fact that it was we, respectable, exemplary children, who would amaze all the teachers with a strange, unusual trick, decorating the dull monotony of school everyday life with a bright flash of sensation. (8) My heart skipped a beat with delight and anxiety, and although no one knew what our adventure would lead to, there was no turning back.

- (9) Only, people, so that the whole team! – Vitek Noskov warned us.

(10) Since I got a controversial B in chemistry for the first half of the year, to be honest, there was no reason for me to run away from class, but the will of the team is higher than personal interests. (11) Everyone moved towards the doors, only Petrukha Vasiliev remained in the class, who calmly, not paying attention to anyone, wrote something in a notebook.

- (12) Cornflower, why are you dry?! - Noskov shouted. - (13) Time, you know, is running out: the whole class is tearing its claws...

- (14) Don’t I let you in? - answered Petrukha.

(15) Noskov narrowed his eyes angrily:

- (16) Petrukha, you’re going against the team!

– (17) Am I doing something wrong? (18) You don’t need it - you leave, I need it - I’ll stay.

– (19) Stop writing, I say, and let’s get ready...

- (20) He’s probably already slandering us! – Boldyreva joked.

- (21) Petrukha, coward, traitor!

(22) Petrukha looked worriedly at Noskov, who was frowning, but did not answer.

- (23) Do you want to become a favorite at the expense of the others? (24) Just know: they don’t like sycophants anywhere! (25) So you decide what is more important to you: the half-year grade or our attitude! – Noskov said menacingly. (26) It became quiet, and in this tense silence Vasiliev’s voice sounded clearly:

- (27) I’m not going anywhere!

- (28) Well, look! - said Noskov and looked at the apostate with implacable anger.

(29) But suddenly Igor Eliseev separated from us. (30) He sat down in his place, next to Petrukha, and began to take textbooks out of his briefcase.

- (31) What are you doing, Harry? – Noskov asked in bewilderment.

- (32) I’m staying too...

- (33) Are you saving a friend? - Noskov chuckled.

- (34) Yes, I’m saving you. (35) His mother had a heart attack, the rigmarole with our escape will begin - they will start dragging her to school... (36) God knows how this will end! – answered Eliseev.

- (37) If only the chemist asked you and gave you a couple! - the enraged Noskov growled and plopped down on his chair. (38) Everyone else, groaning in disappointment, returned to their seats.

(39) Vasiliev and Eliseev were sitting in front of me, and I saw how Petrukha looked at Igor, who was leafing through the textbook, held a grateful gaze on him and lightly touched him on the elbow, and he nodded encouragingly in response. (40) A true friend! (According to N. Tatarintsev)*

* N. Tatarintsev (born in 1947) is a Russian writer and publicist.

The answers to tasks 2-14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did Petrukha Vasiliev refuse to leave the chemistry lesson?”

1) (10) Since I got a controversial B in chemistry for the first half of the year, to be honest, there was no reason for me to run away from class, but the will of the team is higher than personal interests.

2) (20) He’s probably already slandering us! – Boldyreva joked.

3) (21) Petrukha, coward, traitor!

4) (35) His mother had a heart attack, the rigmarole with our escape will begin - they will start dragging her to school... (36) God knows how it will end! – answered Eliseev.

3Indicate a sentence in which metaphor is the means of expressive speech.

1) These remarks were enough for the hectic, sparkling thought of escaping from class to flash like lightning.

2) Everyone moved towards the doors, only Petrukha Vasiliev remained in the class, who calmly, not paying attention to anyone, wrote something in a notebook.

3) Petrukha looked worriedly at Noskov, who was frowning, but did not answer.

4) He sat down in his place, next to Petrukha, and began to take textbooks out of his briefcase.

4From sentences 13-22 write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on its meaning - “incompleteness of action.”

5From sentences 1-6 write out active participle, in which the spelling of the unstressed vowel in the suffix depends on the conjugation of the original verb.

6Replace the colloquial word “probably” from offers 20 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7Replace the phrase “school everyday life” ( sentence 7 ), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

8Write down the grammatical basis proposals 16.

9Among offers 1–9 find offers with standalone application. Write the numbers of these sentences.

10In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas when addressing.

- Only, (1) the people, (2) the whole team! – Vitek Noskov warned us.
Everyone moved towards the doors, (3) only Petrukha Vasiliev remained in the class, (4) who calmly, (5) not paying attention to anyone, (6) wrote something in a notebook.
- Cornflower, (7) why are you dry?! - Noskov shouted. - Time, (8) you understand, (9) is running out: the whole class is tearing its claws...

11Indicate the number of grammatical bases in proposal 18 . Write the answer in numbers.

12In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinate connection.

Since I got a controversial B in chemistry for the first half of the year, (1) for me, (2) to be honest, (3) there was no reason to run away from class, (4) but the will of the team is higher than personal interests.

13Among sentences 33–39find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14Among proposals 6–9 find a complex sentence with a conjunctive coordinating and subordinating connection between its parts. Write the number of this offer.

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 40

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) The sun was setting. (2) There was a smell of evening coolness all around. (3) The birds fell silent, giving way to our hero. (4) He climbed onto the remains of a rotten stump to be higher and began to sing. (5) It was a firefly - a little insect, and he sang his simple song about what he saw: a beautiful picture of a sunset, beautiful sky, green sea of ​​grass, silver tears of dew and love. (6) He sang about the love of life. (7) He saw love in everything. (8) And although his vocal abilities were not rich, he thought that he sang beautifully, because he had so many listeners, they admired him, everyone wanted to be his friend. (9) But the stupid firefly did not understand that this was all only because it had a very unusual property: unlike the shells of all other fireflies, its shell did not just glow with a green light, but shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, like a cut diamond. (10) And as soon as one is told that he is familiar with a wonderful firefly that shines like a diamond, then the other, of course, will decide at all costs to become his friend, followed by a third, a fourth, and so on, and why - no one knows, it just happened that way.

(11) One day the firefly noticed that a blond boy was listening to him, sitting nearby in the grass, turning his head towards the setting sun.

(12) The firefly sang to the boy until the morning, describing what he saw and coming up with more and more new comparisons, and at dawn he ran away to his friends. (13) But, disappearing amid flattery and admiration, he still sometimes ran to the clearing, where the boy was waiting for him at any time.

(14) Time passed, mercilessly devouring minutes, hours, days, years, the firefly grew old, faded, he no longer had friends, he was not invited to visit, he was not admired. (15) It was all over, and the firefly, in despair, wandered into the same clearing where the boy was waiting for him, approached him and sighed heavily. (16) The boy heard this and, without turning his head, asked:

- (17) What happened? (18) You were gone for so long, and I missed you.

- (19) Don’t you see?

“(20) No,” the boy answered.

“(21) Well, okay,” said the firefly.

“(22) Tell me what you see,” the boy asked.

- (23) What? – the firefly was surprised.

- (24) Sing your song. (25) I really like listening to how you beautifully describe nature, the sky, the sun, the grass... (26) I wish I could take a look at this at least once.

(27) And then only the firefly realized that the boy was blind and he didn’t care whether the firefly’s shell was shiny or not. (28) He needs it even without glitter. (29) He needs it!

- (30) Let me tell you today about friendship.

- (31) What is this? (32) You haven’t sung to me about this before.

– (33)Before, I simply didn’t know what it was, but now I know (Parable)*

* A parable is a short instructive story.

The answers to tasks 2-14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: “Why did everyone want to be friends with the firefly?”

1) (6) He sang about the love of life.

2) (8) And although his vocal abilities were not rich, he thought that he sang beautifully, because he had so many listeners, they admired him, everyone wanted to be his friend.

3) (9) But the stupid firefly did not understand that this was all only because it had a very unusual property: unlike the shells of all other fireflies, its shell did not just glow with a green light, but shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, like a cut diamond.

4) (7) He saw love in everything.

3In which answer option is comparison used as a means of expressive speech?

1) But, disappearing amid flattery and admiration, he still sometimes ran to the clearing, where the boy was waiting for him at any time.

2) Time passed, mercilessly devouring minutes, hours, days, years, the firefly grew old, faded, he no longer had friends, he was not invited to visit, he was not admired.

3) I really like listening to how you beautifully describe nature, the sky, the sun, the grass...

4) But the stupid firefly did not understand that this was all only because it had a very unusual property: unlike the shells of all other fireflies, its shell did not just glow with a green light, but shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, like a cut diamond.

4From sentences 10-13 write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on its meaning - “approximation”.

5From sentences 1-5 write down a word in which the choice of Н/НН is determined by the spelling rule of denominate adjectives formed with the help of the suffixes –AN-/-YAN-, -IN-.

6Replace the colloquial word “unpretentious” from offers 5 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7Replace the phrase “mercilessly devouring” ( sentence 14 ), built on the basis of adjacency, a synonymous phrase with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

8Write down the grammatical basis proposals 2.

9Among offers 1–7 find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

10In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

And as soon as one person is told, (1) that he knows a wonderful firefly, (2) which shines, (3) like a diamond, (4) then the other, (5) of course, (6) will decide to become his friend, (7) followed by a third, (8) a fourth and so on, (9) and why - no one knows, (10) it just happened that way.

11Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 4 . Write the answer in numbers.

12In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating connection.

It was a firefly - a little insect, (1) and he sang his simple song about (2) what he saw: a beautiful picture of a sunset, (3) a beautiful sky, (4) a green sea of ​​grass, (5) silver tears of dew and love .

13Among proposals 11-16 find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14Among offers 1-8 find a complex sentence with a non-conjunctive and allied subordinating relationship between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 39

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) - She feels bad, she’s dying!

(7) - Save her, doctor!.. (8) This is the best child in the world!..

(9) - She died?.. (10) Isn’t it true?.. (11) Oh, is it really true?..

(12) All these exclamations, screams and screams - everything was mixed up in one desperate noise. (13) There were so many people crowded behind the scenes of the theater, strangers and their own, equally ardently interested in the fate of the wounded woman, that it was impossible for the doctor to answer all the questions. (14) He, however, did not think about it: all his thoughts were occupied with the unfortunate girl.

(15) Sibirochka was still lying stretched out on the sofa in Mr. Bill’s dressing room. (16) A sobbing Gerta bent over her. (17) Supporting Sibirochka’s head, Andryusha stood on his knees by the sofa, not noticing that the blood pouring abundantly from the wounded girl’s chest was staining his hands and his clownish clown outfit.

(18) Ernest Ernestovich, all five Ivanovs, Ella, Duroy and Robert and, finally, Mr. Bill himself stood around the girl, waiting for what the doctor would say. (19) The latter, with skillful, dexterous hands, had already begun bandaging and, opening the child’s wounded chest, began to examine the wound, trying at all costs, first of all, to stop the bleeding.

(20) Everyone froze in anticipation of his verdict. (21) Everyone was silent... (22) Sibirochka still lay unconscious.

(23) Suddenly the door opened, and the excited, trembling Princess Alya Gordova, hand in hand with her father, entered the dressing room.

(24) - She’s here, dad!.. (25) Oh, my poor Siberian! (26) Dad! (27) Dad! (28) Please find out if she will be alive!.. - Alya babbled, shedding tears, dragging her father by the hand to the restroom, where her friend was lying.

(29) Prince Gordov quickly walked up to the patient. (30) His aristocratic figure, elegant suit and excited face - all this forced those present to step aside and give him way.

(31) He bent low over the unconscious girl, wanting to find out if she was still breathing, and suddenly recoiled from her, pale as death, with a loud cry of either horror or amazement... (32) A strange, familiar flashed right into his eyes the object for him is a cross, which the people present here hardly paid attention to. (33) With trembling hands, the prince grabbed the cross and turned it reverse side and, bending even lower, to the very chest of the girl, to the considerable surprise of those around him, he read the inscription made on the cross: “Save, Lord, your servant Alexandra!”

(34) And with a cry he grabbed his head... (35) It was a well-known gold cross on a gold chain (based on the story “Sibirochka” by L. Charskaya)*

* “Charskaya” is a literary pseudonym taken by Lidia Alekseevna Churilova, actress of the St. Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theater. The heroines of Lydia Charskaya are girls with persistent characters.

The answers to tasks 2-14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did Prince Gordov recoil from the insensitive girl?”

1) He was frightened by the sight of her wound.

2) He recognized her gold cross.

3) He thought that the girl was already dead.

4) He wanted to see her before the doctor.

3Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is a phraseological unit.

1) Suddenly the door swung open, and the excited, trembling Princess Alya Gordova, hand in hand with her father, entered the dressing room.

2) It was a gold cross on a gold chain that was familiar to him.

3) Prince Gordov walked up to the patient with quick steps.

4) The latter, with skillful, dexterous hands, had already begun bandaging and, opening the wounded chest of the child, began to examine the wound, trying at all costs, first of all, to stop the bleeding.

4From sentences 4-10 write down the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by its meaning “approximation”.

5From sentences 18-19 write down the word, spelling N (NN) in which it obeys the rule:“In complete passive past participles, NN is written.”

6Replace the colloquial word “bad” from offers 1 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7Replace the phrase “GOLDEN CROSS” ( sentence 35 ), built on the basis of CONCORDING, a synonymous phrase with the control connection. Write the resulting phrase.

8Write down the grammatical basis proposals 7.

9Among offers 16-19 Find a sentence with two isolated common circumstances. Write the number of this offer.

10In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory phrase.

With trembling hands, the prince grabbed the cross, (1) turned it around and, (2) bending even lower, (3) to the very chest of the girl, (4) to the considerable surprise of those around him, (5) read the inscription, (6) written on the cross : “Save, (7) Lord, (8) your servant Alexandra!”

11Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 14 . Write the answer in numbers.

12In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating connection.

Suddenly the door opened, (1) and the excited, (2) trembling Princess Alya Gordova, (3) hand in hand with her father, (4) entered the dressing room.

13Among proposals 31-33 Find a complex sentence with a attributive clause. Write the number of this offer.

14Among proposals 13-17 find a non-union complex sentence. Write the number of this offer

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 33

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) Uncle Sasha, unbuttoning his cloak, from under which a red medal star sparkled on his jacket, took out side pocket a cigarette and, having lit it in the quiet behind the cabin, continued to look detachedly at the road running towards him.

(2) The Great Russian Plain in these places gradually began to hill, supporting the sky with slopes, the height marks were already going, perhaps, two hundred meters and higher. (3) In ancient times, this ridge of hills could not be overcome by the glacier advancing from Scandinavia. (4) It split into two tongues and crawled further, to the south, flowing around the ridge on the left and right.

(5) And, perhaps, it is no coincidence that at these heights, not overcome by the glacier, almost thirty years ago an unprecedented battle broke out, from which, as Uncle Sasha thought, the saved peoples could begin a new reckoning. (6) The enemy, who threatened Russia with a new glaciation, was stopped first in the area between the Dnieper and Don rivers, and then defeated and thrown from the watershed heights. (7) In August '43, being a young lieutenant, then just Sasha, he dropped by home for a few days and managed to capture traces of this massacre on the southern front. (8) To the small station of Prokhorovka, where one of the enemy’s pincer attacks was aimed, sappers brought mutilated tanks from the surrounding fields - their own and others. (9) Deadly, stinking of burnt-out diesel fuel, gaping with ragged holes, they stood side by side, forming a gigantic cemetery of many hundreds of cars. (10) One could get lost among him. (11) Uncle Sasha smoked in the wind, looking around at the heights now dormant under peaceful fields.

(12) Then, in Prokhorovka, waiting passing car Uncle Sasha walked home to the sugar factory for a long time among the tank rubble. (13) The sultry August wind howled in the drooping cannon barrels, and hummed organically and mournfully in the steel bellies heated by the sun. (14) But even the dead tanks, with the empty eye sockets of their triplexes, seemed to still hate each other. (15) Uncle Sasha looked at the holes, trying to recognize who met their end and how.

(16) Now this tank cemetery does not exist. (17) It is plowed and sown, and the iron scrap of war has long been swallowed up by open-hearth furnaces. (18) The pockmarked potholes from mines and land mines were leveled and smoothed out, and only mass graves remained on the hills.

(19) Uncle Sasha, sometimes visiting the fields with a gun, noticed how the tractor drivers sidestep the plows, leave the red bald patches among the arable land untouched, and how the shepherds, driving out the herds to the stubble, do not allow the cattle to trample the clumps of grave grass. (20) Only sometimes will an old woman from a neighboring village wander among the grain to such a place, stand bowed in silent thought and, overcome with grief, begin to weed out the hard Chernobyl from a barely noticeable hillock, leaving grass that is gentler, more tender: white bindweed, chamomile, blue flowers chicory, and when leaving, he will cross this grass with dried pinch. (21) It happened that Uncle Sasha himself accidentally came across an island where quails willingly huddle in the withered autumn grass among the arable land, and he lingered for a long time in front of the rusty helmet that crowned the head of the grave. (22) Sometimes he would sit here, tired, until the evening dawn, alone with his thoughts, watching the sunsets ooze with sadness over these hills, and it seemed to him as if the bones buried in the ground were sprouting here and there like white obelisks, and as if he himself it, which only miraculously did not end up in the ditch, sprouts as one of them... (According to E. Nosov)

The answers to tasks 2–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

2 Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why does Uncle Sasha, driving along the Great Russian Plain, think about war?” Write down the number 1-4.

1) He sees a tank cemetery.

2) He himself fought in these places.

3) He sees potholes from mines and landmines.

4) In ancient times, this area was overcome by a glacier.

3Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is an epithet.

1) The enemy, who threatened Russia with a new glaciation, was stopped first in the area between the Dnieper and Don rivers, and then defeated and thrown from the watershed heights.

2) Then, in Prokhorovka, waiting for a passing car home to the sugar factory, Uncle Sasha walked for a long time among the tank rubble.

3) The sultry August wind howled in the drooping cannon barrels, and hummed organically and mournfully in the sun-hot steel wombs.

4) It is plowed and sown, and the iron scrap of war has long been swallowed up by open-hearth furnaces.

4From sentences 3-4 write down a word with an unchangeable prefix in which deafening occurs when pronounced.

5From sentences 8-11 write down the active present participle, in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the fact that it is formed from the verb I conjugation.

6Replace the colloquial word MASSACRE in sentence 7 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7Replace the phrase ENEMY STRIKES ( sentence 8 ), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

8Write down the grammatical basis proposals 16.

9Among offers 2-5 find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these sentences.

10In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) in the introductory word.

Then, (1) in Prokhorovka, (2) waiting for a passing car home, (3) to the sugar factory, (4) Uncle Sasha walked for a long time among the tank rubble. The sultry August wind howled in the drooping cannon barrels, (5) hummed organically and mournfully in the steel wombs heated by the sun. But even the dead, (6) tanks with empty eye sockets of triplexes, (7) seemed to (8) still hate each other.

11Indicate the number of grammatical bases in proposal 19 . Write the answer in numbers.

12In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinate connection.

Uncle Sasha, (1) unbuttoned his raincoat, (2) from under which a red medal star sparkled on his jacket, (3) took a cigarette from his side pocket and, (4) lit it in the quiet, (5) behind the cabin, (6) continued to look detachedly at the road running towards him.

13Among offers 2-5 find the difficult one non-union proposal. Write the number of this offer.

14Among proposals 17-20 find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

OGE in Russian language. 2016 Option No. 32

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) Mom, mom! (2) I remember your hands from the moment I began to recognize myself in the world. (3) During the summer they were always covered with a tan, it didn’t go away even in the winter - it was so gentle, even, only a little darker on the veins. (4) Or maybe they were rougher, your hands, - after all, they had so much work to do in life - but they always seemed so tender to me, and I loved kissing them right on the dark veins.

(5) Yes, from the very moment I became aware of myself until last minute, when you were exhausted, quietly, for the last time, you laid your head on my chest, escorting me to the hard way life, I always remember your hands at work.

(6) I remember your hands, unbending, red, turning blue from the icy water in the hole where you rinsed the laundry when we lived alone - it seemed completely alone in the world - and I remember how imperceptibly your hands could remove a splinter from your finger with your son and how they instantly threaded a needle when you sewed and sang - you sang only for yourself and for me. (7) Because there is nothing in the world that they would abhor!

(8) But most of all, for all eternity, I remembered how gently they stroked your hands, slightly rough and so warm and cool, how they stroked my hair, and neck, and chest, when I lay half-conscious in bed. (9) And whenever I opened my eyes, you were always next to me, and the night light was burning in the room, and you looked at me with your sunken eyes, as if from the darkness, yourself all quiet and bright, as if in vestments. (10) I kiss your clean, holy hands!

(11) Look around you too, young man, my friend, look around like me, and tell me who you offended in life more than your mother - wasn’t it from me, wasn’t it from you, wasn’t it from him, wasn’t it from our failures? mistakes, and is it not because of our grief that our mothers turn gray? (12) But the hour will come when all this will turn into a painful reproach to the heart at the mother’s grave.

(13) Mom, mom!... (14) Forgive me, because you are alone, only you in the world can forgive, put your hands on your head, like in childhood, and forgive... (According to A. Fadeev) *

*Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev (1901-1956) – Russian writer.

The answers to tasks 2-14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why does the author ask for forgiveness from his mother?”

1) because he did not help his mother

2) because he left his mother alone

3) because he offended his mother more than others

4) because he did not listen to his mother’s advice

3Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is comparison.

1) But most of all, forever and ever, I remembered how gently they stroked your hands, slightly rough and so warm and cool, how they stroked my hair, and neck, and chest, when I lay half-conscious in bed.

2) And, whenever I opened my eyes, you were always next to me, and the night light was burning in the room, and you looked at me with your sunken eyes, as if from the darkness, yourself all quiet and bright, as if in vestments.

3) Yes, from the very moment I became aware of myself, and until the last minute, when you, exhausted, quietly, for the last time, laid your head on my chest, seeing me off on the difficult path of life, I always remember your hands at work.

4) But the hour will come when all this will turn into a painful reproach to the heart at the mother’s grave.

4From sentences 3-5 write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicedness/voicelessness of the subsequent consonant.

5From sentence 6 write down a word in which the spelling of НН is determined by the rule: “As many Н are written in an adverb as were in the adjective from which it was formed.”

6Replace the phraseological unit FOR ETERNAL from sentence 8 a stylistically neutral synonym word. Write this synonym.

7Replace the phrase WAY OF LIFE ( sentence 5 ), built on the basis subordinating connection MANAGEMENT, a synonymous phrase with the connection CONORDATION. Write the resulting phrase.

8 Write down the grammatical basis proposals 10.

9Among offers 5-11 find a sentence complicated by an isolated circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

10In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number indicating the comma in the introductory word.

Or maybe (1) they were rougher, (2) your hands, (3) - after all, they had so much work to do in life, (4) - but they always seemed so tender to me, (5) and I loved kissing so much them right into the dark veins.

11Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 4 . Write the answer in numbers.

12In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts connected by a coordinating connection.

And, (1) whenever I opened my eyes, (2) you were always near me, (3) and the night light was burning in the room, (4) and you looked at me with your sunken eyes, (5) as if from the darkness, ( 6) she herself is all quiet and bright, (7) as if in vestments.

13Among offers 1-5 Find a complex sentence with parallel subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14Among proposals 8-12 find a complex sentence with different types connections (subordinating and coordinating). Write the number of this offer.


Option No. 32

Option No. 3045229

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. There is no need to write units of measurement. When writing a grammatical basis (task 8), consisting of homogeneous members with a conjunction, give the answer without a conjunction, do not use spaces or commas. Do not enter the letter E instead of the letter E.

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Exam options consist of a text and tasks for it, as well as text for presentation. This version could have included other language. Full list presentations can be seen in the Catalog of assignments.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

A statement that begins with words "What is friendship?"

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both the micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Use the player to listen to the recording.

Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “What is the reason for the quarrel between friends?”

1) Each of them was sure that the other started a fight for no reason.

2) Vanka Zhukov refused to teach his friend to whistle with four fingers.

3) The narrator did not wait for Vanka after school.

4) The narrator was jealous of Vanka Zhukov.

(According to M. Alekseev)


Indicate a sentence in which the means of expression is a phraseological unit.

1) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either.

2) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”.

3) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

4) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)


From sentences 13–17, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicelessness of the subsequent consonant.

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

(13) You... why are you asking me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend.


From sentences 18–20, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In complete passive past participles, NN is written.”

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

(18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.


Replace the colloquial word “bludgeon” in sentence 16 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class.


Replace the phrase “at the school door” (sentence 10), built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection coordination. Write the resulting phrase.

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class.


Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 2.

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

(2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.


Among offers 13–20, find an offer with a separate, undistributed application. Write the number of this offer.

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

(13) You... why are you asking me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.


In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory construction.

And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, (1) it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, (2) and, (3) unfortunately, (4) we were embarrassed to open the door and let it out.

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)


Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 17. Write the answer in numbers.

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class.


In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating connection.

I wanted to learn a lot from him, (1) and I learned from Vanka, (2) I was happy, (3) if something worked out.

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)


Among sentences 16–19, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?..

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

(6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved offense, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free.”

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP? Formulate and comment on this

Your definition. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is friendship”, taking into account

the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

(1) I was waiting for my faithful friend Vanka Zhukov, whom our teacher detained in class. (2) Of course, I couldn’t leave without Vanka.

(3) Firstly, it would look like betrayal. (4) And everything without Vanka would not make sense: without him the river is not a river, the forest is not a forest, the gardens are not gardens, and why do I need all this when Vanka Zhukov is not around! (5) His cute lisp will not exist, and his robber four-finger whistle will not exist either. (6) No matter how hard I tried, I never learned this art, which was the subject of my envy: Vanka whistled so shrilly that all over the forest magpies rushed from their places and raised a startled, panicked cry. (7) Vanka reassured: “It’s okay, Mish, you will learn too.” (8) I wanted to learn a lot from him, and I learned from Vanka, I was happy if something worked out. (9) Even, like him, he brushed his teeth by chewing resin, or var, as this viscous, elastic mass was called in our village.

... (10) And finally, his face appeared at the door of the school. (11) I rushed towards him with a cry of “hurray”. (12) And I was stunned when Vanka immediately hit me in the chin, so hard that sparks fell from my eyes.

- (13) You... why do you want me, Vanka?! – I screamed, choking both from terrible pain and from burning resentment. (14) – For what?!

- (15) And you... what are you for?! – Vanka shouted in turn and suddenly swung and hit me in the face.

(16) Having lost our minds, blind and enraged, we began to bludgeon each other with great zeal. (17) How were we to know that our classmate imperceptibly, very skillfully pushed Zhukov so that he hit my chin with his head at the moment when I rushed to my friend. (18) He pushed and immediately disappeared, accurately calculating his move: now both Vanka and I were completely sure that one of us started this fight - it’s just not clear why. (19) But could we, children, inflamed by battle, seek the truth when the war began between us?.. (20) Now I had no enemy more fierce than Vanka.

(21)…The consequences of our disagreement became more and more obvious. (22) Something felt a bit cramped in my soul. (23) The losses and losses became more and more noticeable. (24) Neither ice skating, sledding, nor snowball fights, nor a trip with my father for firewood, nor even a caught hare brought joy. (25) Everything lost its attractiveness without a friend.

(26) I had to give up a lot. (27) From many things that were infinitely dear to the heart, that are deposited in memory for a lifetime as warm and bright grains and germinate, blooming from time to time on the face with the same warm and bright smile even in moments that are not at all bright. (28) And although the thirst for reconciliation lived in us, it lived in parallel with a feeling of undeserved resentment, and, unfortunately, we were embarrassed to open the door and let it go free...

(According to M. Alekseev)

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The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

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GIA in Russian language grade 9 with answers.

GIA in Russian for grade 9 with answers.

Part 1.

Listen to the text and complete task C1.

Listening text.

Not so long ago, scientists believed that success in life is directly related to our intellectual abilities. The more a person knows and can do, the greater the likelihood that he will achieve a lot in life.
However, it turns out that future professional prospects are determined not only by the volume and quality of everything we were able to learn at school. According to modern scientists, a head filled with knowledge is not yet salvation from serious life failures and failures. The intellectual abilities and skills necessary for subsequent work are just the basis, the foundation. On this foundation, the building of professional success can only be built if a person has certain personal qualities.
And one of these the most important qualities is the ability to understand others, feel their mood, and empathize with them. Through empathy, a person feels his involvement in those who live next to him and participates in what is happening around him. Therefore, having the ability to understand, feel and empathize, a person will be able to maintain harmonious relationships with the world, and therefore will be able to achieve success in this world.
How to develop this ability? Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the perception of art, in particular, can help with this. A person who receives pleasure from picturesque or sculptural images, feels the beauty of a poem or melody, feels the rhythm of a pattern - such a person is capable of the emotional experience necessary for life. And scientists have no doubt that these experiences are vital. You just need to be able to feel. And through the perception of art, we ennoble our feelings, educate them. Cinema, theater, music - everything enriches the personality, because thanks to the perception of any type of art, we develop the so-called emotional intelligence, that is, the optimal combination of emotional and intellectual abilities our personality.

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole. The volume of presentation is at least 90 words.

Part 2.

Read the text and complete tasks A1-A7.

(1). Kintel saw the little violinist on the last day of August, when he was walking to the market to buy potatoes.
(2). First he heard music.
(3). At the fence of an abandoned construction site, about fifteen children and adults stood in a semicircle.
(4). And against the backdrop of dark and torn posters, a girl played the violin.
(5). Same age as Kintel.
(6). She was thin, snub-nosed, with short and disheveled hair, like a boy's.
(7). She swayed on her tanned legs, looking thoughtfully past people and moving her bow.
(8). At the girl’s feet, in the dusty plantains, lay a violin case, with a white sheet of paper in its folded lid.
(9). On it was written large:
(10). "I earn money for a violin."
(11). The girl’s current violin was probably someone else’s.
(12). Or not very good.
(13). But even on it the girl played amazingly.
(14). At least, Kintel was immediately captivated by the sad and bright music, and so was the girl herself.
(15). Kintel looked at the young violinist, and his heart sank in sweet melancholy.
(16). There was something surprisingly sweet in this violin melody and in the one who played it - in the fast thin fingers, in the trembling of hair, in thoughtful eyes and stern eyebrows.
(17). And there was also a trusting defenselessness and loneliness in the girl.
(18). And there were people standing around.
(19). People listened attentively, and the violin case already contained a lot of crumpled pieces of paper.
(20). Kintel had only money in his pocket that his grandfather had given him and which could only be spent on potatoes.
(21). And if he had his own money - at least a hundred rubles! - He would immediately put them in a case, at the girl’s feet.
(22). Although... would he dare?
(23). Everyone would immediately start looking at him.
(24). And she would look at the awkward man with a prison crew cut, a wrinkled shirt tied in a knot on his belly...
(25). He had already been standing here for probably half an hour, so everyone, of course, guessed that he was fascinated...
(26). Kintel backed away, feeling his ears and cheeks fill with warmth.
(27). And he walked and walked, not daring to look back.
(28). And for a long time I heard the violin...
(According to V. Krapivin).

Complete tasks A1-A7 based on an analysis of the content of the text you read.
For each task A1-A7 there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct.

A1. Which of the statements below contains the answer to the question:
“Why was the hero immediately “captured” by the little violinist?”

1) The girl who played the violin had an extraordinary appearance.
2) The girl attracted the hero’s sympathy primarily because she knew how to earn money herself.
3) The girl seemed to the hero defenseless and at the same time independent, deep.
4) The girl did not pay attention to the hero, and this hurt him and aroused interest in her.

A2. Why did the hero think that “the girl played amazingly”?

1) The girl played confidently and loudly, although she had someone else’s or a bad violin in her hands.
2) The hero was influenced by the fact that many stopped to listen to the girl play.
3) For bad game people won’t pay money, but they threw a lot of it at the girl.
4) The girl knew how to put her soul into a melody, as if merging with the music into a single whole.

A3. How does the information contained in sentences 20-21 characterize the hero?

1) Kintel was a prudent man who knew how to spend money economically.
2) Kintel was a responsible person, but at the same time he was capable of emotional outbursts.
3) Kintel knew how to find an excuse for himself in a difficult situation.
4) Kintel did not understand anything about music and therefore was ready to pay a lot of money for the girl to play.

A4. Indicate the meaning in which the word “fascination” is used in the text (sentence 25).

1) fascination
2) witchcraft
3) love
4) immobility

A5. In which answer option is the content of the second sentence opposed to the content of the first?

1) (1) Kintel saw the little violinist on the last day of August, when he was walking to the market to buy potatoes.
(2) First he heard music.
2) (11) Probably, the girl’s current violin was someone else’s.
(13) But even on it the girl played delightfully.
3) (17) And there was also a trusting defenselessness and loneliness in the girl.
(18) And people stood around.
4) (23) Everyone would immediately start looking at him.
(24) And she would look at the awkward man, with a prison crew cut and crumpled hair,
a knot in the belly of a tied shirt...

A6. Choose the correct continuation of the answer to the question: “Why do the author and the hero call the violinist not “girl”, not “girlish”, but “girl”?” This form of the word says...

1) about the pity of the author and hero for the little violinist.
2) about the lack of genuine sympathy of the author and hero for the young violinist.
3) about the condescending attitude of the author and the hero towards the poor street violinist.
4) about the serious and respectful attitude of the author and hero towards the violinist.

A7. Indicate the sentence that contains the metaphor.

1) She swayed on her tanned legs, as if on stalks, thoughtfully looked past people and moved her bow.
2) At least, Kintel was immediately captivated by the sad and bright music, and so was the girl herself.
3) There was something surprisingly sweet in this violin melody and in the one who played it - in the fast thin fingers, in the trembling of hair, in the thoughtful eyes and stern eyebrows.
4) If he had his own money - at least a hundred rubles! - He would immediately put them in a case, at the girl’s feet.

Complete tasks B1-B14 based on the text you read.

B1. Replace the word PAPER from sentence 19 with a synonym for formal business or scientific style. Write this synonym.

B2. From sentences 6-7, write down a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

B3. From sentences 6-10, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the dullness/voice of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix.

Q4. In sentences 24-25, find a word in which the spelling of NN is determined by the rule: “If an adjective formed from an imperfective verb has dependent words, then this adjective becomes a participle and NN is written in its suffix.” Write down the found participle with a dependent word.

B5. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas for clarifying circumstances. She swayed on her tanned legs, (1) as if on stalks, (2) thoughtfully looked past people and moved her bow. At the girl’s feet, (3) in the dusty plantains, (4) lay a violin case, (5) in its folded lid there was a white sheet of paper.

B6. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts compound sentence. At least, (1) Kintel was immediately captivated by the sad and bright music, (2) and the girl herself, too. Kintel looked at the young violinist, (3) and his heart sank in sweet melancholy.

Q7. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts complex sentence. He’s already been standing here, (1) probably, (2) half an hour, (3) so everyone, (4) of course, (5) guessed that he was fascinated... Kintel backed away, (6) feeling, (7) how ears and cheeks fill with warmth.

B8. Replace the phrase listened attentively (sentence 19), built on the basis of adjacency, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

B9. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 23.

Part 3.

Using the read text from part 2, complete only one of the tasks: C2.1 or C2.2.

Check out the opinions of Anton and Kirill on the role of punctuation marks1 in written speech.

Help Anton prove his point. Write an essay-reasoning: “Why are punctuation marks needed?” When thinking about the answer to the question, read V. Krapivin’s text again. Give 2 examples from the text you read that illustrate the different functions of punctuation marks. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic only on linguistic material and/or in general cultural terms. You can start your essay either with a phrase belonging to Anton or with your own statement. You can write a paper on your own behalf or on behalf of Anton.

Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “Kintel backed away, feeling his ears and cheeks filling with warmth. And he walked and walked, not daring to look back. And for a long time I heard the violin...”

In your essay, provide two arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.
The essay must be at least 50 words.