Apricot jam with kernels and lemon - a simple recipe with photos for preparing it for the winter. Apricot jam with kernels

Cover the apricots with the required amount of sugar and leave them for several hours, or better yet overnight, so that they release juice.

All apricot pits need to be split and the kernels removed. Unfortunately, their shell is very hard and can only be cracked with a hammer. This is the most time-consuming part of making jam.

Let's return to apricots. To make jam, you will need a wide, non-oxidizing container - a large saucepan or frying pan, and ideally, a special bowl for jam.

Place the apricots and sugar in this bowl and place on low heat. Stir the jam very carefully, so as not to damage the apricot halves, until the sugar dissolves.

Once the apricots have boiled, cook them for 5-7 minutes and then remove from the heat. If foams form, they should be removed. Cool the jam completely and let it sit for a couple of hours.

Repeat this procedure one more time - bring the jam to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes and then cool completely. For the third time, add apricot kernels to the jam and boil the jam again for 5-7 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the apricots.

Choose only ripe, elastic and fairly hard fruits, otherwise they will boil in the process and lose their appearance.
Rinse the selected apricots thoroughly, dry them and make a shallow cut along the pit on each one. Using tweezers, carefully remove the seeds from the fruit.

Step 2: prepare the kernels.

Now one more painstaking point. You need to split each seed using pliers and remove the kernels without damaging them.
Attention: Be sure to try the kernels extracted from apricots, they can be very bitter, it is better not to use them for making jam.
If the kernels taste okay, place them back into the apricots through the same cut you used to remove the pits. Prick the stuffed apricots with a fork or toothpick on several sides. Thanks to the resulting small holes, the syrup will better penetrate the fruit pulp.

Step 3: cook apricot jam with kernels.

Take a large, wide saucepan and cook the syrup in it by mixing sugar and water and bringing to a boil. Cool until the liquid is slightly warmer than room temperature. Dip the apricots into the warm syrup and drown them slightly. Cover with a lid and let soak overnight, only checking occasionally to lower any floating apricots deeper into the syrup.
After one day, boil the contents of the pan and let simmer for 1-2 minutes. Then leave it to brew again at least 18 hours, preferably 1 day. After this time, repeat all procedures again. Cook the apricot jam until the fruit becomes translucent and the syrup thickens. This usually requires 4 days. During the last boil, add citric acid and immediately after that pour the jam into clean jars.

Apricot jam with kernels should be stored only in sterilized glass containers with tightly closed lids. The newly poured jam should be wrapped in a kitchen towel or blanket and cooled to room temperature, and then sent to a dark place, such as a pantry.

Step 4: serve apricot jam with kernels.

Serve apricot jam with kernels with tea as an independent dessert. It turns out to be much tastier than all kinds of store-bought canned apricots, not to mention healthier.
Bon appetit!

Instead of apricot kernels, you can use peeled almonds or ginger.

You can also buy apricot kernels in the store and put several pieces inside each fruit.

It is best to make jam from sugar, which contains pectin. Usually in stores it is called “Jam Sugar with Pectin.” It is with it that the preparation will turn out sweet, but not cloying, and it requires 2 times less than regular sugar.

This recipe indicates the amount of ingredients needed to make jam from 1 kilogram of apricots, and if you have more fruit, increase the amount of water, sugar and citric acid accordingly, maintaining the proportions.

How long do you think it will take to cook it? No longer or more complicated than classic apricot jam. As usual, cook in three batches, waiting for the fruit to cool completely, and in addition to sugar, add carefully removed kernels from the seeds and lemon juice for flavor. The active cooking period is only 15 minutes. The rest of the time will be spent passively waiting.

You will get a very tasty apricot preparation that will retain its beautiful color and wonderful aroma. Therefore, be sure to prepare apricot jam with seeds this winter, roll up at least a couple of small jars to treat your dearest guests. I'm sure you'll be asked for the recipe!

Total time: 15 hours / Cooking time: 15 minutes / Yield: 500 ml


  • pitted apricots – 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • kernels from seeds - 30 g
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.


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    For harvesting, firm apricots are suitable, always not overripe, maybe even slightly greenish (but not green!), juicy, with fleshy pulp. I sort through them, discarding the crushed and damaged ones.

    I rinse the apricots in cold water and dry them on a towel. I divide each fruit in half, cutting with a knife so that the edges of the cut are smooth and neat. I take out the seeds, but don’t throw them away; the secret of our delicious jam lies in them.

    I sprinkle the apricot slices with granulated sugar. I shake so that the sugar is distributed evenly. I cover the pan with gauze or a towel and leave it for 3-4 hours at room temperature so that the fruits release their juice. If you cook the night before and want to leave it overnight, then be sure to put the pan in the refrigerator, otherwise the apricots may ferment!

    When the apricots release their juice, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for exactly 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. Important! You cannot stir the jam; you are allowed to shake the pan in the air so that the fruit maintains its integrity. After the first cooking, I remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for 6 hours until it cools completely. During this time, the slices will absorb the syrup and become transparent.

    For the second cooking we need to prepare our secret ingredient - apricot kernels. Everything here is extremely simple. We arm ourselves with a hammer and split the apricot pits, inside of which are hidden cute almond-shaped kernels. They will give a special, piquant taste to the jam. The next point is important here. Depending on the apricot variety, their kernels can be either very bitter or sweetish in taste (usually in large fruits). If they are very bitter, scald them with boiling water and remove the outer skin with a knife, exposing the white kernel. I came across a sweet variety, so I preserved the kernels with the skin.

    The second cooking is carried out according to the same scheme. I wash the kernels and put them in a saucepan with jam. I boil for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling and again leave to “rest” for 6 hours.

    In the last, third stage of cooking, you need to add lemon juice. It will add a charming aroma to our preparation, and will also extend the shelf life, acting as a preservative. I squeeze the juice from the lemon directly into the pan, bring it to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. If there is foam, do not forget to remove it with a wooden spoon, otherwise the jam may turn sour or mold.

    I pour the apricot jam into sterilized hot (!) jars and seal them. I turn it over, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it until it cools completely. After which it can be transferred for storage to a cellar, closet or other dark and cool place.

This is such a wonderful preparation. Apricot jam is very tasty, beautiful, aromatic, the halves are whole, with kernels, and the syrup is fragrant and light. Agree, it’s worth the effort!

We will prepare a real delicacy for children and adults - apricot jam with kernels for the winter!

This jam is not only very tasty, appetizing and beautiful, it is a real storehouse of vitamins. Because When fruits lose their vitamins when cooked, the apricots themselves in jam are “only” incredibly tasty. And in the nucleoli, according to some authors, substances are stored that have a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. I don’t dare to confirm, but in that short moment of pleasure that you will get when drinking tea with such jam, you can forget about everything!

There are options for preparing such jam with whole fruits, with the kernels hidden inside. Maybe it's beautiful. But in my opinion, it’s not very convenient to eat: after all, apricots are not such small fruits, and biting into a large apricot from jam in a company is not very nice. You can sprinkle the syrup or pour it on yourself, so I always cut the apricots and dip the kernels in the syrup. It is no less beautiful.

So, to prepare apricot jam with kernels for the winter, take the necessary products.

Rinse the fruits and dry. Cut each one in half and remove the pits. I have Shalah apricots, which are quite large, so I also cut each half in half.

Sprinkle the apricots with sugar, shake until each slice is coated in sugar. Leave it like this for 2-3 hours at room temperature. If you make jam in the evening, then put this preparation in the refrigerator overnight. The apricots will release their juice.

The next day, when the apricots have stood overnight in the refrigerator with sugar, place them in a saucepan, add water and bring it all to a boil, skim off the foam. Cook the jam over low heat for 5 minutes, stir gently, shake better. Cool completely.

Break the seeds and remove the kernels. Try them. There are varieties with bitter kernels; they need to be doused with boiling water and the outer skin removed. Mine were sweet, so there was no need to remove the skin.

Now boil the jam again for 5 minutes and cool again. Try the apricots; if they are all cooked evenly, then the jam can be put into dry jars and stored. You can repeat this step again - get a thicker jam, you can add lemon juice if desired.

We have such a bright, aromatic apricot jam with kernels!

Try it, bon appetit!

Apricot with kernels, very tasty, thick, amber in color and aromatic. A thrifty housewife never wastes food, so in this case, you can not just throw away the apricot pits, but extract the kernels from them and prepare unusual jam. The kernels retain their shape and crispness and perfectly complement the taste. Just be sure to check the taste of the kernels, bitter ones will only ruin everything. In addition to apricot kernels, you can use walnuts or almonds, and also make assorted nuts. You will definitely like the taste of such an original jam, but if you still don’t want to bother with seeds, use this apricot jam without them. Detailed description of the process in step-by-step preparation of delicious apricot jam with kernels with photos.

Ingredients for making delicious apricot jam with kernels

Apricots 1 kg
Sugar 750 g
Apricot kernels all with 1 kg apricot

Step-by-step preparation of delicious apricot jam with kernels

Thick apricot jam is suitable for making pies and other sweet pastries. You can simply enjoy it with tea and fresh bread. Bon appetit!