How to make your fingers thinner.

The desire for perfection is inherent in man from the very beginning. Even if everything in it is perfect, there will be a detail that will haunt you. If there is no harmony in your soul with plump legs, you can hide them under a maxi skirt or trousers; if you are worried about the lack of a waist, you can wear loose-fitting shirts; full shoulders and forearms are hidden by long sleeves. But it’s difficult to hide your hands; mittens and gloves save you, but this is a temporary measure; you’ll still have to take them off someday. How to make your fingers thinner you will find out below.

There are several effective measures that will help solve the problem, but you need to start by going to the doctor. It may turn out that fullness of the arms is an indicator of a serious illness: cardiovascular failure or kidney problems.

If everything is in order and the problem is not a wide bone, you can begin planning a complex to bring your hands and fingers into ideal condition. Yes, this will be a whole program, which will need to be carried out in its entirety if you want to achieve a visible result.

  • It will be necessary to reduce total weight bodies, which means proper nutrition, refusal of fatty, sweet, salty, smoked foods. Preference for vegetables, fruits, dairy products, lean meat, fish.
  • Be sure to drink water; nutritionists recommend at least 1.5 liters per day. By the way, tea, coffee, juices are not water, they are tea, coffee and juices.
  • Salt your dishes less; salt retains moisture in the body and the limbs swell.
  • Moderate exercise will help reduce the volume of your entire body. physical activity. Before exercise, you definitely need to warm up, the fact is that the body will not start burning fat until it removes glycogen from muscle tissue.

Now you can approach your fingers directly. Have you noticed how beautiful thin fingers pianists have? No hearing - and don't, imitate Bach's performance on the table; the works of Bach himself will greatly help create the appropriate mood. Regularly perform the following exercises for your fingers and hands:

  • Raise your arms to shoulder level and rotate your hands 20 times back and forth.
  • Clench and unclench your fists forcefully, the result will be more noticeable if you use an expander or Chinese massage balls.
  • Rotate each finger in a circular motion.
  • Place your palm on the table and pull each finger up, leaving your palm in place.
  • Massaging each finger and the entire hand, in addition to its obvious usefulness, is incredibly pleasant, since there are nerve endings in the fingertips.

And now I suggest you look at how to massage your hands, how to make your fingers thinner:

Know moderation in everything, otherwise, if you get carried away, you will have to take the rings to the jeweler for alteration.

Almost all people on the planet would like to change something about themselves (98% of the population) and this is statistical data. The desire to lengthen the fingers and make them thinner only at first glance seems absurd, but in fact for some people it is a real mania.

Why do this?

In most cases, this is not an extreme necessity, but a desire to make the fingers more aesthetically attractive. One has only to look at the hands of musicians, especially pianists, their fingers are thin and long. But you shouldn’t think that all musicians are born with just such fingers - this is the result of their professional activities. This means that anyone can adjust the length and thickness of their fingers.

There are a lot of tips on this matter, among the most popular and effective:

  1. Game on musical instruments.
  2. Embroidery and knitting.
  3. Massage. It is the simplest of all methods, as it does not require too much time and material costs.

Visual lengthening

If the length and thickness of the fingers is not so critical, then you can give them the desired look using certain techniques, for example:

Exercises to lengthen your fingers

A whole set of exercises is designed to stretch, improve flexibility and strengthen the fingers. The first thing you need to do is warm up your fingers, to do this you should stroke each finger from tip to base, make movements as if you were washing your hands.


This is the next stage of gymnastics, it is carried out in the following steps:

  1. Take your finger by the base and extend it as far as possible. Hold in the extended position for about 15 seconds, then release. Do 20 repetitions for each finger.
  2. Grab your finger lengthwise and twist it. Also hold in this position for 15 seconds. Thus, twist all fingers 10 times clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. Grab your finger by the nail phalanx and pull 20 times. Repeat with all fingers in turn.
  4. Make finger tilts left and right, 30 repetitions for each.
  5. Bend and straighten each finger 40 times.
  6. For the last stretching exercise, you will need a book; it should be placed in the center of a table or other flat surface. Place your hands on the table, with your thumb going over the edge, and with the rest you need to reach for the book for 10-15 seconds. After this, relax your hands by shaking them and repeat 4 more times.


This complex consists of the following stages:

  • Place both hands on the table and alternately lift each finger. In this case, an important condition is that each finger rises one at a time, all the others must be pressed to the table.
  • Next is an exercise for the entire hand. One palm needs to be relaxed, the other should press on it, pulling it back. So stretch each palm in turn. Between approaches, relax your hands, as if shaking water from your hands.
  • Another exercise is to roll a small ball between the fingers of each hand in turn. At the same time, do not help yourself with your other hand. You can do this exercise without any limit on the number of approaches and anywhere.


These exercises are the final ones in the complex for lengthening the fingers, consisting of the following actions:

  1. Clench your fist 40 times for each hand.
  2. Fall onto the wall using your fingers.

Efficiency and features of the complex

The proposed complex belongs to the qigong technique and helps to clearly lengthen the fingers. The result can be seen after just a month of regular exercise. Since there is a mechanical effect on the fingers, all stages of the warm-up and any actions should not cause pain or discomfort. If you try too hard, you may damage your fingers rather than lengthen them.

How to make your fingers thinner?

In other words, how to lose weight in your fingers. Of course, such local weight loss is impossible; in order for your fingers to not look like sausages, you need to lose overweight. If everything is fine with your weight, but your fingers are still far from graceful, especially swollen, then you should visit a doctor; there may be pathologies internal organs, in particular, the kidneys and excretory system.

Often fingers become plump if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, that is, fat accumulates in the fingers. Often the visual effect of thick fingers is created by wrinkled skin; in this case, exercise alone will not correct the situation; you need to take special baths and moisturize the skin of your hands. A daily massage from the tip of the finger to the base will help.


It can also make your fingers thinner and also help you lose weight. To do this, you need to follow the following recommendations:

Conclusion. Fingers simply must be beautiful and well-groomed, especially for women. There is such a designation as “musical fingers”, which confirms that thin and long fingers are beautiful and therefore many strive to lengthen them using the above exercise technique.


Nature created us as we are, with our strengths and weaknesses. Often we are unhappy with certain parts of the body. To “correct and improve” them, it developed plastic surgery. But for various reasons, it is sometimes impractical, especially when it comes to the beauty of hands.

IN lately The problem of thin fingers is increasingly being voiced. Many women want to have beautiful thin fingers. Of course, the thickness of the fingers is genetically determined, but a set of special exercises and proper care can give them mobility, flexibility and make them visually thinner.

How to make your fingers thin with music?

The causes of swollen fingers may be their low mobility, accumulation of fat. There is a common expression - “musical” fingers. This is what they say about long, thin and even fingers, which are characteristic of musicians (pianists, flutists). Therefore, the easiest way to give your fingers an elegant look is to play the piano or flute. If you don't know how to play, it's worth taking lessons. Constant practice of playing musical instruments “develops” the flexibility of all fingers, which actually become thinner and more elegant.

A substitute for musical instruments can be activities that also involve fine motor skills of the hands: correct (with all fingers) typing on the keyboard, knitting, sewing.

Massage and gymnastics for fingers

One of the reasons for the visual thickness of the fingers is flabby, wrinkled skin of the hands. Special moisturizing and nourishing skin creams will help your hands look younger. Massaging your fingers also helps. Using your thumb, you need to massage each finger of your hand from the pad to the base with movements reminiscent of screwing. Be sure to press on the joints from the palm side.

Gymnastics for fingers not only solves the problem of thickness, but also affects general condition joints of the phalanges. Finger gymnastics includes a complex of rotational movements, flexion and extension of the fingers. You can use this exercise. The arms are spread to the side, preferably at shoulder level. The hands are relaxed. You need to wave your hands and fingers as if shaking water from your limbs. It is advisable to carry out massage and gymnastics every day for 10-20 minutes.

Feng Shui

How to make fingers thinner was known in China. Feng Shui balls, or health balls, are widely known. The simplest simulator for fingers and hands helps not only to give the fingers an elegant look, but helps improve their coordination, massages the palm and the nerve endings of other parts of the body.

If the bones do not stick out, then quickly start the exercises. Bend and straighten your fingers 10-20 times in five approaches in the morning and evening. You can do this everywhere: at home, at work, on the subway, in the cinema. And don’t think about shirking! The next method is no more difficult, but requires the presence of a horizontal surface nearby. Spread your fingers like a fan and tear off each of them alternately. Repeat 2-3 times a day, and in a couple of weeks you will see the result.

If you ever played the piano, you should remember what beautiful and aristocratic fingers your teacher had. Renew your playing skills, and if life has deprived you of musical talent, just imitate cheerful melodies or take a needle and thread or knitting needles, and go ahead - create beauty, just like in labor lessons in childhood. The exercise is extremely simple, but incredibly effective in terms of stretching, flexibility and strengthening.

Massage routine

The exercises themselves are not difficult and take only a few minutes a day, but require daily repetition. You can cheer yourself up with the thought that thanks to them, not only your fingers become more graceful, but also the health of your joints improves. After gymnastics, rinse your hands cold water and give yourself a massage with moisturizer. Wrinkles will smooth out, the skin will tighten, and your fingers will finally lose weight.

Finger exercises are rarely included in general training programs. Meanwhile, strengthening this area is advisable not only for people actively involved in sports, but also for those who want to remove fat in this area.

Muscles of the fingers located only on the side of the palms and is represented by muscle groups thumb and small.

The first group forms the eminence of the thumb on the hand, and the second forms a tubercle on the inside of the palm. Training these areas can not only strengthen the muscles and develop the phalanges, but also relieve pain.

Regular training of your fingers will give them graceful shape and flexibility in just a couple of weeks.

8 Finger Moves Training Program

Exercises for losing weight on your fingers should be carried out in compliance with several rules:

  • Before performing the main exercises, you should do a thorough warm-up, and before each repetition of the exercise, also stretch and knead the problem area;
  • There should be a break between sets no more than one minute;
  • The workout starts with more light exercise, and smoothly moves on to the most difficult, which will allow you to gradually load the muscles;
  • You should carefully monitor the sensations that arise during the execution process, and avoid feelings of discomfort and painful manifestations.

Movements should be carried out in a warm-up rhythm, without much effort, and in each subsequent repetition the tension increases to the maximum. You should try to perform exercises with the maximum range of motion. To achieve quick results, you need to train every day.


Warm-up or exercises for the fingers can include a huge number of movements suitable for a given muscle group and ligaments:

  1. Quickly squeeze and straighten your fingers several times, connecting them into a fist.
  2. Make a fist and straighten your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger. When the palm is fully opened, repeat the same movements in the reverse order, connecting them into a fist.
  3. With effort, fan out your fingers as wide as possible, fixing the last position for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Place your palms against each other and begin to press with maximum tension.
  5. Alternately push the phalanges of one hand into the palm of the opposite hand.
Pay attention! There are special exercise machines for developing and strengthening the muscle structure of the fingers, for example Chinese balls, which not only diversify your exercises, but also make them more effective.

Now that the muscles of the limbs are well warmed up, you can proceed directly to the exercises.

1. Falling against a wall

  • Get into the starting position parallel to the wall, stepping back 1-1.5 meters from it, with your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • Start falling onto the wall from the pelvis, keeping the body in a vertical position. The fall should be on the phalanges of the fingers;
  • Push them against the wall and return to the starting position.

Perform 10-15 times in 3-4 approaches.

2. Vis vulgaris

  • Hang on a beam or on an oblique ledge;
  • Hang for 15 seconds, then land on the floor and rest for the same amount of time.

During the exercise, it is advisable to place your fingers under scrap of fabric. Make the maximum permissible number of approaches.

3. Hanging with an open grip

  • Hang on a wide bar, 5 to 8 cm in diameter, using an open grip;
  • Stay in the position for 1 minute, then rest for the same amount of time and repeat the exercise.

3-6 repetitions should be performed. To increase the load, you can carry out alternate hangs, first on one arm, then on the other.

4. Reverse wrist flexion

  • Take the starting position: the forearm is on a flat plane (table), the hand clamps a small barbell or dumbbell weighing from 2 to 6 kg using a direct grip and hangs freely over the edge of the table;
  • Start moving your wrist, but do not lower it down. You only need to act upwards until you reach a horizontal position.

5. Wrist rotations using weights

  • Place an object weighing from 2 to 4 kg in your hand, holding it in the middle of your thumb and palm;
  • Place your hand on a horizontal plane, such as a table, and turn your palm up;
  • Start rotating your wrist, focusing on your grip.

Perform the exercise 20-40 times in 1-3 approaches. It is appropriate to use a heavy book, a wooden board, dumbbells, a water bottle and other household items as a weighting agent.

6. Curl with a barbell

The exercise is difficult, and you can do it under conditions gym, and at home. For training you will need rod and horizontal surface. First, you need to thoroughly stretch your fingers: perform squeezing and unclenching movements for 2-3 minutes, then perform 3-4 repetitions of hanging on the bar for half a minute, and only after these manipulations will your forearms be prepared for heavy loads.

  • Take the starting position: forearms are on the table, the barbell is taken reverse grip, and the brushes curl freely downwards;
  • Raise and lower the barbell, lingering in the highest and lowest positions, while opening the palms at the lower level significantly improves the training result.

It is recommended to do 3-6 intense repetitions of 10-15 times. Between approaches you should take a break of 5 minutes. Weight must be selected based on your own physical capabilities. If it is possible to do more than 6 repetitions, then the weight needs to be increased. If you run out of strength after the 3rd set, then it is appropriate to slightly reduce the weight of the barbell.

Before performing an exercise that involves weight, you should definitely wrap your wrists with special clamps or an elastic bandage. The wrists must remain motionless throughout the entire movement. It is recommended to do this type of training no more than twice a week.

7. Push-ups on your fingertips

Excellent. However, it must be performed with extreme care to avoid damage to the joints.

  • Accept emphasis on straight arms, the body is straightened from head to toe, arms are placed at shoulder level, and fingers are spread out on the supporting surface;
  • Lower yourself down, bending your elbows while keeping your body straight;
  • Push your body up to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 10-12 times in 2-3 approaches.

Beginners should start by simply standing on their toes to avoid injury. When the muscles adapt to the load, you can start doing push-ups, first strictly on five fingers, and over time remove one at a time to improve efficiency. How to pump up this muscle group at home? Perform this exact movement regularly.

Carefully! If your fingers bend too much or you feel severe discomfort, then you need to make the exercise easier by resting your knees on the floor. Also, this movement should not be performed by children.

8. Impact on loose surfaces

The exercise is widely used in various systems martial arts, and when performing it it is necessary to concentrate on the thought of passing the hand through the surface.

  • Open your fingers and make strikes on soft elevations such as sand or cereal mounds.
  • Perform the exercise until complete muscle fatigue.

As muscle training increases, you need to move on to hard surfaces - plywood, wooden and tin sheets, cardboard.

Other methods of strengthening the problematic body part

Fingers often look plump as a result of loose and sagging skin. Professional moisturizing and nourishing creams will help in solving this problem. Alternatively, you can prepare a paraffin bath, which evens out skin and removes excess fluid.

Sometimes fingers appear thicker due to lack of proper movement and activity. This can be corrected by practicing musical instruments. To give your fingers elegance and subtlety, a piano and a flute are perfect.

Self-massage also has a positive effect on losing weight and strengthening the problem area. In a good way There will also be a regular massage to another person, which will give the fingers unprecedented strength.

For good functioning of the body it is necessary drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. Not only will metabolic processes speed up in the body, but less salt will begin to be deposited, which is one of the causes of swollen fingers.

It is important to visit a doctor, because in some cases people mistake swelling for thick fingers. In this case, it is necessary to check the organs responsible for the accumulation of excess water in the body - the kidneys and heart.

Losing weight in any part of the body requires a review of the diet and restrictions in eating habits. An abundance of fried, fatty and sweet foods can cause excess volume.

It is also necessary minimize salt intake, and use vegetables more often in cooking.

Physical exercise will solve the problem of not only the elegance of the fingers, but also their health. Regular exercises can prevent the development of arthrosis or arthritis, improve hand motor skills and motor coordination, which is another significant advantage of such training.