I say as a writer whether a comma is needed. Sentences complicated by comparative phrases and clauses with conjunctions like

§114. Expressions that are integral in meaning

Expressions that are integral in meaning are not distinguished by punctuation marks.

1. A comma is not placed before a subordinating conjunction or allied word in indecomposable combinations, For example: do it right (as it should be, as it should be), do it as it should (as needed, as needed) grab whatever comes your way, show up as if nothing had happened, say whatever comes into your mind, achieve at any cost, come whenever you want, hide somewhere, don’t go where you shouldn’t, spend the night wherever you have to, do what you want, take whatever you like, save yourself whoever can, eat what they give, come what may, go wherever your eyes lead you, live as you wish, I’ll invite whoever I want to join me, paid God knows how much, screams at the top of his lungs, tell it like it is, they made up whatever they can , get what you need (But: get everything you need ),God knows what's going on with them, they're throwing up God knows what, they can profit from whatever they can, they don't mind giving what they can, the picture is wonderfully good, the passion is so interesting, the horror is so difficult, the trouble is so bad. Wed: You What Want think(L. Tolstoy); Be happy with whomever you want (Dostoevsky); Doesn't matter, call whoever you want (A.N. Tolstoy); Let him get the money Where wants and how he wants (Kuprin); I'm in a hurry what to eat... (Chekhov); I live wherever necessary (aka); When he's sober he lies on anything and is silent(aka); They remembered their youth and chatted God knows what (aka); He'll get there God knows until what with your games(Paustovsky); You'll see and hear enough here what not to do (Bitter); For some reason I can't do them properly consider(B. Polevoy); So, talk with whom it is necessary (Selvinsky).

This rule is based on the fact that phraseological units do not form a subordinate clause and, as a rule, are equivalent to a member of a sentence. Yes, in combination talks about it wherever he can last words matter "everywhere" . If any of the above and similar combinations are not used as a phraseological phrase, then it can form a subordinate clause (often incomplete) and set off with commas. Wed: Colloquial words began to be used where you need it and where you don’t need it (i.e. everywhere). – Put where needed missing punctuation marks(those. where needed).

2. Commas are not placed inside combinations not that, not that, not so, not otherwise than, For example : I him... not really I loved, not really I didn’t like it, because somehow...(Turgenev); AND Not That What three days, and wait ten days!(L. Tolstoy); Here now Not then what earlier, everything became more interesting; We spent time not so much it's a lot of fun; The note can be typed nothing less than petit. Wed. with a different nature of the combination: You speak not that think.

3. Commas are not placed inside combinations (not) more than, (not) less than, (not) earlier than, (not) later than and so on., if they do not contain comparison, For example: The parcel weighs not more than eight kilograms(cf.: ...no more than eight kilograms); He will return Not earlier than In the evening(cf.: ...not until evening); The work can be done less than in an hour; You were there for me more than friend; Submit your documents not later than Tomorrow; Overhead costs turned out to be higher than relies; Incubator temperature no lower than need to. Wed: Maslenitsa passed me worse how sad(Chekhov); But (if there is a comparison or comparison): doesn't work less than other; suffered from the cold more than from hunger; back earlier than expected; our ceilings are higher than those in the neighboring house; Sipyagin was much worried more than his guest(Turgenev).

4. The comma is not placed inside the combination unknown who, unknown what, unknown which (...where, ...where, ...from where, ...whose), unknown who, unknown what, unknown which (...where, ...where, . ..from where, ...whose), no matter who, no matter what, no matter what (...where, ...where, ...from), For example: came to us unknown where from , asked me it's not clear what we're talking about, accommodate visitors no matter where. Wed. Also: I can take a vacation no matter when ; appeared it's unclear why; So choose a dress or Not I know which one purchase, not love(L. Tolstoy); The old man saw a short gelding in the morning and began to tan: without a tail no matter what Headless- disgusting to look at (A.N. Tolstoy).

5. A comma is not placed before a combination of interrogative-relative pronouns who, what, which etc. or adverbs where, where, where etc. with words anything and everything , since in these cases whole expressions are formed with the meaning of one word: anyone (any), anything (everything), any (everyone), anywhere (everywhere), anywhere (everywhere), whenever (always), from anywhere (everywhere), as much as (many) ) etc.; whoever (it doesn’t matter who), whoever (it doesn’t matter how), whichever (it doesn’t matter which) etc. For example: I'll say the same anyone; We had free time as much as you like; Give me an answer any And whenever (Turgenev); Grandfather was torn by such anger that he stopped ten times and spat with rage anywhere (Kataev); Scolding the careless carters who dumped the firewood anyhow..., the grandmother began to stack the woodpile(Gaidar).

6. Expressions like this are not separated by commas there is something to do, there is something to work on, there was something to think about, I’ll find somewhere to turn, I can’t find anything to say, I have nothing left to live on and so on., consisting of a verb to be, to find (to be found), to stay and a few others in singular or plural form, interrogative-relative pronoun or adverb (who, what, where, where, when and so on.) and uncertainforms of another verb. For example:

Scold is there anyone, feed- no one(Dahl); There is something to do and like...(Pisemsky); Found how surprise: they saw it all without you; He couldn't find what answer and remained silent.

7. The comma is not placed before the conjunction What in expression only So what, followed by a noun or pronoun, for example: Only And money What a nickel in your pocket; Only And entertainment What cinema once a week; Only And conversations What about the two of them. But if a construction containing a complex particle in the first part only and, verb do (do, know) and union What, has a verb in the second part, then before What a comma is placed For example: Only and does , What chatting; Only and did , What refused; Only and knows , What walks from corner to corner. Wed: They are with grandfather that's all did , What played chess(Ch. Uspensky); And he turned to the priest, yes that's all did everything , What spat in his face(Leskov); From nine in the morning to six in the evening that's all You know , What you're stuck here(Kuprin). The same if the second part is formed by a subordinate clause, for example: Only and new , What all the hares are conferring on how to drive away the eagles(L. Tolstoy).

Note.Incomplete subordinate clauses, as well as phrases that do not have the nature of phraseological combinations, are separated by commas, For example: behave as you should; works wherever necessary; does whatever the boss wants; understand what's what; visits the sick when necessary; one must distinguish between what is important and what is unimportant; I can't figure out where it hurts.

Expressions that are integral in meaning are not separated or set off by commas.

§ 41.1

A comma is not placed before a subordinating conjunction or allied word in indecomposable combinations: do it properly (as it should be, as it should be); perform as it should (as needed, as needed); grab whatever comes your way; appear as if nothing had happened; to achieve at all costs; come whenever you want; they hid somewhere; don't go where you shouldn't; spend the night where you have to; take what you like; save yourself who can; live as you know; here you can always get what you need; everything was as it should be; say whatever you want; take what they give; tell it like it really is; swears at all costs; I’ll find something to do; I’ll find something to do; I will invite whomever I wish; get what you need(But: get everything you need);profit from what you can; paid God knows how much; you don’t mind giving anything; the picture is wonderfully good; passion is so interesting; work that is needed(But: Re-read what you need and answer); get what you need; God knows what.

Wed: in the language of fiction: And now, out of mercy, a corner has been set aside - and they live whatever God sends(T.); Come what may, and I’ll see Boris!(Acute); Be happy with whomever you want(Adv.); We God knows where are we going(L.T.); Finally, someone rushed from the crowd towards the guy and, grabbing him by the shoulders, shouted what strength was there(Grig.); “I’ll treat you!” I’ll treat everyone!” - shouted Ilya Ignatievich what to eat(Dec.); I live wherever you have to(Ch.); They remembered their youth and chatted God knows what(Ch.); “Cool old man,” Panteley muttered. - Trouble is so cool!”(Ch.); You'll see and hear enough here what not to do(M.G.); ...He never touched a finger, but lived where God will send(Boon.); Kuzma even shrugged his shoulders: God knows what in these steppe heads!(Boon.); He'll get there God knows until what with your games(Paust.); We have a grandfather terribly so brave(Paust.); Remained in the buff(Sh.); The headquarters remained as if nothing had happened where he stood(Sim.).

This rule is based on the fact that phraseological units do not form a subordinate part of a complex sentence and are usually equivalent to a member of a sentence. Yes, in combination talks about it wherever he can the last words mean "everywhere". If any of the above and similar phrases is not used as a phraseological unit, then it can form a subordinate clause (usually an incomplete sentence) and be separated by commas.

Wed: Colloquial words began to be used where it is needed and not needed("everywhere"). - Put, where needed missing punctuation marks(“where it is needed”).

§ 41.2

Verb expressions are not separated by a comma want, forming integral expressions: write as you want(“write in any way”); He is commanded by whoever wants; The only people who don’t drive him are those who don’t want to; come whenever you want; take as much as you want; hang out with whoever you want; Do whatever you want; dispose of it as you wish; write whatever article you want; drink whatever wine you want; marry whoever you want(But: married whomever he wanted; marry whoever he wants - p in the dismembered meaning of the verbs forming the predicate of an incomplete sentence).

You think whatever you want(L.T.); Doesn't matter, call whoever you want(A.T.); "Do what you want", - Dubrovsky answered them dryly(P.); Let him get the money where he wants and how he wants(Cupr.).

§ 41.3

Inside combinations not that, not that, not so, not otherwise than no comma is used: Here now not really earlier, everything became more interesting; Not really I’m very pleased, but I can’t complain; We spent time not so much it's a lot of fun; The note can be typed nothing less than petit.

Wed. in the language of fiction: I him… not that to love not that so as not to love, somehow...(T.); Today not really soldier, but I saw peasants(L.T.); At that moment I'm not really chickened out and was a little timid(Cupr.); Chichikov called the police officer nothing less than daddy(G.).

§ 41.4

(not) more than, (not) less than, (not) earlier than, (not) later than etc., if they do not contain comparison: The parcel weighs not more than eight kilograms(cf.: ...no more than eight kilograms); He will return no sooner than In the evening(cf.: ...not until evening); The job can be done less than in an hour; You were there for me more than friend; Submit your documents no later than tomorrow; Overhead costs turned out to be higher than expected; With your musical ability, you have to think. not less than about the conservatory; Incubator temperature no lower than need to; To the tests he more than ready; All this no more than idle dreams; He was more than artist - he was a poet; The calculations turned out to be more than approximate; Mission completed less than one third; This nothing more than slander; Product output increased more than doubled; Maslenitsa passed me worse than sad(Ch.).

But (if there is a comparison or comparison): Works no less than others; Suffered from the cold more than from hunger; Came back earlier than expected; This room higher than the neighboring one; He will return no later than circumstances require; There were guests less than expected; More than physical pain he suffered from the thought that he was now disabled(gas.); More than anything else the patient needs rest; Sipyagin was much worried more than his guest(T.).

§ 41.5

Commas are not placed inside combinations unknown who (what), unknown which (where, how, where, from, her), unclear who (what), unclear which (where, how, whither, from where, whose), indifferent who (what), indifferent which (where , how, where, where, whose), no matter who (what), no matter which (where, how, where, from, whose); came no one knows why; asked me it is not clear about what; pass it on it doesn't matter to whom; accommodate visitors no matter where.

Wed: The old man saw a short gelding in the morning and began to tan: without a tail no matter what without a head - disgusting to look at(A.T.).

§ 41.6

A comma is not placed before a combination of interrogative-relative pronouns who, what, which etc. or adverbs where, where, where etc. with words whatever And horrible, since in these cases whole expressions with the meaning of a word or phrase are formed: anyone("any"), anything("All"), any("any"), anywhere("everywhere"), anywhere("everywhere"), whenever("Always"), from anywhere(“from everywhere”), as much as you like(“a lot”), etc.; just anyone(“it doesn’t matter who”), anyhow(“it doesn’t matter how”), just any(“it doesn’t matter which one”), etc. For example: It can do anyone; He left home when, where and for as long as you want(But: I could sing as much as I wanted then - in case of loss of phraseological integrity); I came and took it whatever; Ryla anywhere.

Wed. in the language of fiction: Give me an answer whatever and whenever(T.); I ready to wait as much as you like(T.); ...Everyone lends me money as much as you like(G.); This is what you will find anywhere(Trif.); Grandfather was so angry that he stopped ten times and spat with rage. anywhere(Cat.); Scolding the careless carters who dumped the firewood anyhow... Grandma started stacking the woodpile(Guide.).

The same with combinations as much as you like And as much as you like: You can be indignant at people like Bazarov as much as your heart desires, but recognizing their sincerity is absolutely necessary(D.P.); Well guys, get warm now how much will fit(Ver.).

§ 41.7

The comma is not placed inside expressions like there is something to do, there is something to work on, there was something to think about, I’ll find somewhere to turn, I can’t find anything to say, I have nothing left to live on, consisting of a verb be or find (be found), stay and interrogative-relative place of noun or adverb (who, what, where, where, when etc.) and the indefinite form of another verb: Do you have anything in the world to forget?(L.); There is someone to scold, no one to feed(Dahl); There's a lot to like(Writing); And our intelligentsia has something to love, something to respect(M.G.); There is something to think about; We found something to surprise you with; I couldn't find anything to say; We will have something to trump; I found a place to be fashionable; There is time to chat with you!; There was reason to be depressed; Friends have a lot to talk about; The guys had a place to spend their free time; We had something to reproach him for.

§ 41.8

Combinations are not separated by commas whoever is, whatever is, whatever is and so on.: You will willingly allow someonenot at all...I personally corrected the symmetry in your face(S.-Sch.); It was the mostno matter whatordinary woman(Er.); ...I’d rather see how you work - that’s allno matter whatI'll take over the experience(EAT.).

§ 41.9

The comma is not placed before the conjunction What in expression only...that, followed by a noun or pronoun: The only money is a nickel in your pocket; The only thing is that the shirt is on the body; The only entertainment is a movie once a week; There is only light in the window; There's only talk about the two of them.

But if a construction containing a complex particle in the first part only and verb do (do, know) and union What, has a verb in the second part, then before What comma put: They are with grandfather that's all they did played chess(Usp.); From nine in the morning to six in the evening all you know is that you're stuck here(Cupr.); All he does is chatting; All I did was refused; He only knows that walks from corner to corner. The use of a comma in such sentences is explained by the fact that they are complex: the second part with the conjunction What shows that someone's activity is limited, and a complex particle that's all in the first part indicates this limitation.

The same if the second part is a subordinate part of a complex sentence: That's all that's new the hares are conferring on how to drive away the eagles(L.T.).

§ 42. Comparative turnover

§ 42.1

Commas comparative phrases beginning with conjunctions are highlighted or separated as if, as if, as if, rather than, than, precisely, that: The wind was blowing towards as if trying to stop the young criminal(P.); From above I saw Moscow as an anthill(P.); And the old cat Vaska seemed to be more affectionate towards him, rather than to someone in the house(Gonch.); ...And her hair[mermaids] green, what's your hemp(T.); However, these were more like caricatures, than portraits(T.); Towards the end of the duck hunt, like goodbye began to rise in flocks(T.); But precisely because Alexandra Gavrilovna gets excited, she loses more often, than husband(S.-Sch.); There was a smell of musty dampness coming from somewhere, straight from the cellar(M.-S.); Panteleimon... sits on the box, stretching straight forward, exactly wooden, hands(Ch.); Sometimes you shoot a hare, wound him in the leg, and he screams, like a child(Ch.); The moon rose very purple and gloomy, definitely sick(Ch.); On the Red Square, as if through the fog of centuries, the outlines of walls and towers appear unclear(A.T.); Better late than never(last).

Commas are not used in these cases if the phrases are of a phraseological nature: What stuck like a bath leaf?(T.); What are you? Are you sure you swallowed a fly?(M.-S); As I remember my old concepts, I suddenly as if someone is dousing it with varnish(Acute); Traitors as if they had sunk into the water (N.N.); Right out of the ground the stroller on tires has grown(Alt.); There was only Smolnikov as if on pins and needles(Copt.). In some sentences, phraseological units act as a predicate rather than a comparative phrase.

§ 42.2

Comparative phrases with the indicated conjunctions are not separated by commas if they are part of the predicate or are closely related to it in meaning: The stars in the dark sky are like sparkles scattered on velvet; He looks for life as if through rose-colored glasses; Bay water like black mascara; Mighty Oak like a warrior in armor; Happy song that a winged bird: carried away far, far away; To the past we we look as if through a crystal prism; He and I are like brothers; Stands rooted to the spot; Lantern lights like beacons(for the absence of a dash in these cases, see § 5).

§ 42.3

Commas comparative phrases with a conjunction are highlighted or separated How in the following cases:

1) if they denote similarity (How means "like"): With light fingers, like a dream, touched my eyes he (P.); Her lips like a rose are blushing(P.); Broken to dust, fleeing, he is careless, like a stupid child(P.); ...And the whole steppe was covered with the fallen, like a swarm of black locusts(P.); Like an unfortunate separation, Tatiana grumbles about the stream(P.); The air is clean and fresh, like a child's kiss(L.); And the sadness at the bottom of the ancient wound began to stir, like a snake(L.); And, like the silent victims of the tomb, they were both careless(L.); Like a desert leopard, angry and wild, I was on fire(L.); Under him, like the ocean the steppe all around is turning blue(Kr.); And he saw himself rich, like in a dream(Kr.); At the bottom, like a steel mirror, lake streams turn blue(Tyutch.); And embittered by the battle, like a fatal attack, the waves are howling again(Tyutch.); ... These luminaries like living eyes, looking at the sleepy earthly world(Tyutch.); And sweet thrill like a stream nature ran through my veins(Tyutch.); Here the stars will look from the sky, and, like a river The Milky Way will light up(Fet); Like a seagull the sail there is white in height(Fet); He behaves surprisingly well, is careful, like a cat(T.); At the very bottom, dry and yellow, like copper huge slabs of clay stone lay(T.); Like a woman you loved your homeland(N.); The words dragged on endlessly one after another, like thick saliva(S.-Sch.); The officer gasped and, curled up, sat down on the ground, like a shot bird in flight(L.T.); She's like a bee knew which place was more painful to sting him(L.T.); The old bridge was broken and in its place they made a basement, straight, like a stick embankment(L.T.); I suffered for dear, kind Ivan Andreich, like a son(L.T.); His existence is enclosed in this tight program, like an egg in a shell(L.T.); She looked at him like an icon with fear and remorse(L.T.); Tall, black chimneys loomed gloomily and sternly, rising above the settlement, like thick sticks(M.G.); ...Drinking grandma's liqueurs - yellow, like gold dark, like tar and green(M.G.); The moment I do something, he'll come eat me, like rusty iron(M.G.); Only the corners of the hall remained motionless, tightly like a pillow with a feather, packed with guests(M.G.); ...Nikita has girlish eyes, big and blue, like his shirt(M.G.); Our words, even the most important ones, become a habit and decay, like a dress(M.); I've been through all my life like in a thousand years, carried this memory(Priv.); The mystery is alluring, like an eternal spring, gushing from the deepest depths(Fed.); There were a lot of people on the street like a holiday(Quiet); Lightning, like ties they fly in the wind(Bagr.); And the wife is already at the door and the frying pan, like a gun holds at the ready(Sh.); And they hugged like brothers father and boy-son(TV).

Wed. Also: Year, What's up(the name of the movie), - “a year is like life”, and not “a year is life” (cf.: The sky is like the sea where is the union How predicate is added); A stately figure loomed, like a statue(“loomed like a statue”, not “loomed like a statue”; see below); The farmers are looking at us, I don’t know who; Friends, like in a dream, went outside; Low-hanging light bulbs glowed, like in fog; On that day, Mary like a storm flew into the hut; Let's talk like man to man; Have me at your disposal as a friend; His every word like fire burns; Slander spread like an infection; He said the last word how he chopped it off; She couldn't sit idle, she worked, how the bird sings - the comparison is expressed not by a phrase, but by a whole sentence; He wanted like a child pat her on the head - p repositive comparative turnover.

A comparative phrase may contain a connotation of causal meaning: Wasenda, as a positive and practical person, found the assigned place unprofitable(Pom.) (“being a positive person”); She was, like the smaller one, father's favorite(L.T.) (“because she was smaller”); As the eldest I order you, gentlemen, to disperse immediately(Cupr.); He cast aside this fleeting suspicion, as inspired by his suspiciousness; Release, like someone who couldn't do the job...(compare with the placement of a comma when applying with a conjunction How with a causal connotation of meaning; see § 19, paragraph 7);

2) if there is an indicative word in the main part of the sentence (so, so, that, so): The coachman was equally amazed at his generosity, like the Frenchman himself from Dubrovsky’s proposal(P.); Nowhere else at a mutual meeting do they bow so nobly and naturally, like on Nevsky Prospekt(G.); His facial features were the same like my sister(L.T.); Laevsky is certainly harmful and just as dangerous to society, like a cholera germ(Ch.); Everything around is somehow churchy, and the smell of oil is just as strong, like in church(M.G.); ...I will do everything to become like this how is she(Pan.); It's rare to meet such an interesting person How is he.

But: Our group passed all tests ahead of schedule, same as parallel - without dismembering a complex union (see § 34, paragraph 1);

3) if the revolution begins with the combination as well as: To Moscow, like the whole country, I feel my filiality, like an old nanny(Paust.); In her eyes as in the whole face, there was something unusual; Children, like adults, must be accustomed to comply with the rules of the hostel; Just like at last year's competitions, the athletes of the Russian Federation were ahead;

4) if the turnover is expressed in combinations as a rule, as an exception, as usual, as always, as before, as now, as now, as if on purpose and so on.: I see as it is now, the owner himself(P.); What a shame! How on purpose not a soul! (T.) - in the meaning of an introductory word; She has now become slender and thin again, like before(M.G.); The day has begun As always, in thick fog(Rev.); I remember like now, this meeting during the expedition; Commas, usually, participial phrases are highlighted; As an exception, you will be allowed to retake the exam; A dispute arose about rituals in general - are rituals permissible? as such, Do they harbor superstitions and prejudices?(Ver.); To complete the work you will need, least, whole month; Athletes were preparing for the Olympics, more than ever, tense;

5) in revolutions none other than And none other than: Rhine Falls in front nothing more than a low water ledge(Bug.); For a moment it even seemed to him that it was none other than Valko, could have given Volodya Osmukhin such a task(F.).

Wed. Also: Who, how not he can fulfill your request; He, like no one else knows how to come to the rescue in time.

§ 42.4

Turnovers with the union How are not separated by commas:

1) if the meaning of the circumstances of the course of action comes to the fore (turns with How can be replaced in these cases by the instrumental case of a noun or an adverb): Like hail buckshot rained down(L.) (cf.: rained down with hail); Like a demon treacherous and evil(L.) (cf.: demonically insidious); He's angry like thunder thundered like steel sparkled; Horse like a snowstorm flies like a blizzard in a hurry; Like lightning they flared in the sky, like rain of fire fell from the sky; I looked at her like a fool(T.);

Note. When analyzing such examples, we proceed from the author’s punctuation and try to explain it, which, as we know, is a very difficult matter. So, comparing the above two sentences from the poems of M. Yu. Lermontov with his own phrase She'll slip away like a snake will flutter and fly away, like a bird we can assume that in the latter case it was important for the author to create artistic images through, so to speak, pure comparison ( like a snake, like a bird, although the comparison remains true in combinations will slip away like a snake, fly away like a bird, but with an additional connotation of the manner of action).

Exactly the same in verse I see like crazy on a black shawl(P.) The meaning “like a madman” prevails over the meaning “I look like a madman.” Therefore, some sentences admit of double interpretation and, therefore, double punctuation; compare: He died, like a real hero(“like a hero”). - He died like a real hero(“died a hero”)

2) if the main meaning of the turnover is equating or identifying: …You loved meas property, as a source of joys, anxieties and sorrows(L.) (cf.: ...loved me, considering me his property- i.e. identifying me with my property); Try to look at melike a patientpossessed by a disease still unknown to you(L.) (cf.: ...equating me to my patients); [Judas] handed over his stoneas the only thingwhat could he give(S.-Sch.) ;

3) if union How has the meaning “as” or in conjunction with the conjunction How characterizes an object from one side (see § 19, paragraph 7): Rich, good-looking, Lensky was accepted everywhere like a groom(P.); So I advise you like a friend be careful(L.); I speak as a writer(M.G.); We know India as country of ancient culture; I will save this letter like memory; They are talking like strangers; We met like old acquaintances; Bought and sold as a product not labor, but labor power; Space explorers settled on dogs as fairly highly organized animals; Negotiations with him should have been conducted as with an equal side; Peter I did not consider it shameful to work like a simple carpenter; Yuri Gagarin made history as the world's first astronaut;

4) if the phrase forms a nominal part of a compound predicate or is closely related in meaning to the predicate (usually in these cases the predicate does not have a complete meaning without a comparative phrase): Marya Ilyinichna sat on pins and needles(P.); Some are like emerald, others are like coral(Kr.) (see § 5, note); She herself walked like wild(Gonch.); Like a child I became a soul(T.); “The city is like a city,” Bazarov remarked coolly(T.); Gamzat left the tent and approached the stirrup of Umma Khan and accepted his like khan(L.T.); Her father and mother like strangers(Voluntary); Our garden like a passage yard (Ch.); I looked fascinated(Ars.); My stories were assessed as funny or nasty jokes(M.G.); All belonged to Vanya how to treat your person(Priv.); Poem was spoken as a confession(Fed.); Splashes and waves were like in life(Fed.); I speak of the poet Nikolai Tikhonov as the happiest writer's fate(Fed.); Like the sun she(Safe.); He talked about familiar things like about something unusually interesting(Paust.); Prishvin thought About Me like a poet, "crucified on the cross prose"(Paust.); At the local market like at any bazaar; He was sitting thunderstruck; Everything is as in the pictures: and mountains, and forest, and water; Feel yourself like at home; He said these words as a well-mannered person; Everything is as usual, only the clock became; Forehead was like white marble; Our view was like the latter robbers; Everything is like with people; They have livestock like ants in an anthill; Girl's hair like straw; This sound was like an alarm clock; His whole life is so bright holiday; You have a darling like a hare; At war like in a war; She told him like a dear mother; In his best works the writer appears as creator deeply realistic pictures of reality; Clouds like lead; A few years later our village it will be like a city; You boil this fish, and it it will become like butter; dry it, and he will become like a stone; Dress became like a rag; Everyone understood this is a remark as an objection; They were worried neighbor's death How personal grief; They spoke of him as an honest man; She behaved like a hostess; He lives as if blindfolded; People always go to underground fires treated like to the terrible to the enemy; Play written as a comedy;

Him right away accepted as one of our own; Readers perceive his books like a textbook life; He looked like a sick person; Actor remained in the history of theater like a great artist; Animals in fables behave like people; This melody was created by Glinka, but it perceived as truly folk; I accept your feedback as a sign of approval; Opinion it is treated as a hypothesis; About “Hero of Our Time” by Lermontov Belinsky spoke as if it were a novel; He was treated like an uninvited guest; I'm behind them how I look after the children; Many performances look like self-reports; Lifetime plausibility enters as an obligatory element in artistic truth; This is a memory lies on me like a stone; Leave All as it is; The best thing keep as it was; We will accept data as such.

Other examples: feel like you are in your own element; behaves as if he were insane; understand as a hint; perceive as praise; recognize as a danger; greet as a friend; look like a child; evaluate as an achievement; be treated as an exception; take for granted; present as a fait accompli; qualify as a violation of the law; mark as a great success; interest as a novelty; put forward as a project; justify as a theory; develop as a tradition; express as an assumption; interpret as a refusal; define as a special case; characterize as a type; stand out as a talent; issue as an official document; sound like a call; be included as an integral part; appear as a representative; feel like a foreign body; exist as an independent organization; arise as something unexpected; develop as a progressive principle; perform as an urgent task; comprehend as something new; develop as an artist and so on.;

5) if the comparative phrase is preceded by a negation Not or words completely, completely, almost, like, exactly, exactly, simply, directly and so on.: I did not cultivate this feeling of celebration in myself as a rest and just a means for further struggle, but as a desired goal(Priv.); [Andrey Bely] devoted himself to the language precisely like a shaman self-stimulating(Fed.); It was light, almost like during the day; Children sometimes reason completely like adults; The girl's hair is curly like a mother;

6) if the turnover has the character of a stable combination: The deer ran away a little and stoppedrooted to the spot(Ars.); Leolike a mountain was lifted off my shoulders(Kr.); Robber of a manhow I stole the sticky stuff(Kr.); And after a few weekslike a bolt from the bluethe news spread...(Versh.); With a husband, with a dead man,like behind a stone walllived, did not enter into anything(Acute); The rain was pouring downout of a bucket(S.-Sch.); I ask you to stop these ridiculous lessons in English, which he has become accustomed tolike a cow's saddle(Laurel); The young couple were happy, and their life flowedlike clockwork(Ch.); [Organ grinder] works for human pleasurelike a running car(Adv.); I need your confessionlike a dog's fifth leg(Sh.); After all, she lived with a paramediclike a cat and a dog(Ch.); You'll get caught by a foollike chickens in cabbage soup,mark my words(Virta); You are writinglike a chicken paw(M.-S.); Loosening will help himlike a poultice for a dead man(Nick.); He will go. Those weren't the ones who got screwed.How cutewill go(Arb.); And if he had some kind of past - after all, everyone knows himlike peeling(F.); It's a pity, time is short, ten days will fly bylike one minute(Sayan.); Like an aspen leafAlena Dmitrievna shook(White); Why are you standing?How's the stump?(Laurel); There was nothing to do, I had to spend two nights on the ship; when he went back to Khabarovka, I found myselflike a broke cancer(Ch.); A guy will come into the compartment, stretch the bellows of an accordion or a three-row car, and all the worrieshow to remove it with your hand(Sol.); ...Old bookslike the back of my handknew(M.-P.); Our brother therelike herring in a barrel(G.-M.); Shut up your fountain of eloquence and don’t lielike a gray gelding(Mill.); My dad would fuck me with all his heartlike Sidorov's goat...(Ch.); You're running away from melike hell from incense(Bab.).


1. There is usually no comma in these cases if the comparative phrase acts as a predicate. When we are talking specifically about comparative turnover, then under the same conditions comma it may or may not be. Wed:

It was evening The same looks like any other evening(L.T.). - Curtained windows of houses similar to each other looked at Matvey from both sides of the street, The same(Cor.);

Tallow candles... cherished like the apple of my eye(S.-Sch.). - Necessary, like the apple of my eye, preserve the memory of the best people of your country;

The third battalion had a direct hit in a trench. Eleven people at once like a cow licked it with her tongue(Sim.). -... Everything is clean in the courtyards, under the barn, like a cow licked it with her tongue(Ser.);

From here the entire vast territory of the port was usually visible in full view(Cat.). - From the top all the surroundings were visible, in full view(Closed);

...Then together with you we would play out life like clockwork(M.G.). - The plan developed by the commander... was played out that day, like clockwork(Floor.);

...He assumed that it was enough to return home, change his overcoat to a zipun, and everything would go as written(Sh.). - The hostess will tell you in detail and without any omissions, as written, the history of all the prosperity around you(Usp.);

There were no troubles with him! They pulled him out of the hole twice, but that was all for him. like water off a duck's back(Sharp). - This, brother, is such a person: to another, like water off a duck's back, and he takes everything to heart(Ert.) (it would be better without a comma);

Behind such a sergeant major is the company commander like Christ in his bosom(Break.). - B thank the Almighty that you are sitting by the swamp, like Christ bosom(Sh.).

2. The question of punctuation in comparative phrases, in particular in comparisons of an idiomatic nature, cannot be resolved in isolation from the nature of the phrases themselves (comparisons of a general linguistic type or artistic comparisons, sometimes individual author’s), the composition of stable combinations, as it is presented in explanatory and phraseological dictionaries, etc.

Here is a list of the most common stable combinations with the conjunction How(according to dictionaries and observations of texts of different genres): white as a harrier (like paper, like chalk, like canvas, like snow); cherish as the apple of your eye; pale as death; shines like a mirror; the illness vanished as if by hand; fear like fire; wanders around like a restless person; rushed like crazy; mumbles like a sexton; ran in like crazy; spins like a squirrel in a wheel; clearly visible; I see as if during the day; squeals like a pig; hangs like a whip; hangs around the neck like a millstone; everything is as if chosen; jumped up as if scalded (as if spurred on, as if stung); stupid as a plug; goal like a falcon; hungry as wolf; dirty as a pig; as far as heaven from earth; trembled as if in a fever; trembles like an aspen leaf; wait like manna from heaven; tenacious like a cat; fell asleep like the dead; froze as if lifeless; healthy as a bull; angry as a dog; have at one's fingertips; rolled around like cheese in butter; sways like a drunk; beautiful as God(but before your own name: handsome as Apollo; compare: fast like Ajax; wise as Solomon; strong like Hercules and so on.); red like cancer (like blood); strong as an oak; screams like a catechumen; light as a feather; flies like an arrow; sticky like tar; burst like a soap bubble; to thrash like Sidorov's goat; bald as a knee; it's raining cats and dogs; waves his arms like a mill; slow as a turtle; rushes about like crazy (like a wild animal); wet as a mouse; silent as a fish; gloomy as a cloud; people like sardines in a barrel; you can't see your ears; silent as a grave; clumsy as an elephant; clumsy as a bear; running around like crazy; needed like air; one like a finger; remained broke like a crayfish; stopped dead in his tracks; razor sharp (like a knife); different as heaven from earth; turned white as a sheet; he wandered off like a beaten dog; repeated as if delirious; you'll go like a darling; remember your name; hit like a blow to the head; fluttered like a moth; sank like a stone; loyal like a dog; stuck like a bath leaf; swept by like a hurricane; disappeared as if into water; timid as a chamois; burned as if on fire; worked like hell; melted like snow; grow like mushrooms after rain; fell out of the blue; fresh as a cucumber; sat as if on pins and needles (as if chained, as if on coals); sweet like honey; blind as a mole; listened as if spellbound; looked as if enchanted; slept like the dead; stands like a stump; slender as a Lebanese cedar; hard like granite (like stone); dark as night; thick as a barrel; skinny as a skeleton; cowardly as a hare; stubborn like a sheep; stubborn as a donkey; tired as a dog; cunning like a fox; it gushes like a bucket; walks as if submerged; cold as ice; black as soot (like a chimney sweep, like the devil); feel at home; staggered like a drunk; walked as if to execution; hisses like a snake; clear as day and others. See: Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language, Ed. A. I. Molotkova. M., 1967 (corresponding dictionary entries). See also: Makarov M. M. Phraseological phraseology and punctuation, Rus. language at school. 1976. No. 1.

See: Nekrasova E. L. Punctuation in comparisons with a conjunction as in modern poetic texts, Modern Russian punctuation. M., 1979.

1. Ermolai shot, as always, victoriously; I - pretty bad (incomplete sentence, predicate omitted; parallelism of constructions). 2. Our job is to obey, not to criticize (the subject is a noun in I. p., the predicate is an infinitive, the connective is zero). 3. The earth below seemed like a sea, and the mountains looked like huge petrified waves (incomplete sentence, SIS copula omitted; parallelism of structures). 4. The artist’s job is to resist suffering with all his might, with all his talent (the subject is the noun in the I. p., the predicate is the infinitive, the connective is zero). 5. I love the sky, grass, horses, most of all - the sea (the second part of a complex non-union sentence is an incomplete sentence with an omitted predicate I love). 6. When I was walking to the tram, on the way I tried to remember the girl’s face (the main part of a complex sentence is an incomplete sentence with an omitted subject I). 7. Through the black huge branches of larches - silver stars (incomplete sentence with an omitted predicate visible). 8. He won’t get to his feet soon, and will he even get up at all? (the second part of a complex sentence is an incomplete sentence with an omitted subject He; there is no pause, so there is no dash). 9. The river became blue and the sky became blue (in the second sentence the copula is omitted became; parallelism of constructions of complete and incomplete sentences). 10. And the color of these fields changes endlessly throughout the day: in the morning - one, in the evening - another, at noon - a third (in a complex sentence, the second, third and fourth parts are incomplete, elliptical (subject and adverbial tense); part of the subject is also omitted - color; parallelism of constructions of incomplete sentences). 11. Who is looking for what, and the mother is always affectionate (in the second part of a complex sentence the predicate is omitted looking for). 12. A tree is dear for its fruits, and a person is dear for its deeds (the second part of the complex sentence is incomplete, the predicate is omitted roads; parallelism of constructions of complete and incomplete sentences). 13. In big people I love modesty, and in small people - my own dignity (the second part of a complex sentence is incomplete; the predicate is omitted I love and addition in people; parallelism of constructions of complete and incomplete sentences). 14. The bakery’s business was going very well, but mine personally was getting worse (the second part of the complex sentence is incomplete; the subject is omitted affairs and predicate walked; parallelism of constructions of complete and incomplete sentences). 15. Terkin - further. Author - after (incomplete elliptical sentences consisting of subjects and adverbials; in oral speech there is a pause between the adverbial and the subject, in writing there is a dash).

Exercise 31

1. There is someone upstairs under the ceiling not that moans, not that laughs. 2. Lukerya spoke quietly And weakly, But endless . 3. Empty, without command, with the flag of rebellion at half-staff The Potemkin moved slowly, surrounded by a dense convoy of smoke. 4. He was a thinker And didn't hide it. 5. Usually consent or refusal The coach recognized him by his gaze. 6. Thoughts overtook the artist That in the middle of the street, That on a cab, That in the middle of a conversation with friends. 7. He gave money to everyone who asked. not so much out of kindness, How many out of feigned gentlemanliness. 8. Finally I hear the speech not of a boy, But husband. 9. He was but loved ones, But not your best friend. 10. Lisa's eyebrows Not really frowned, A faltered. 11. He can talk whenever : awake, on an empty stomach, dead drunk, in a fever. 12. However, there is always a place And for the dog, And for a gun, And for fishing rods. 13. There is an aspen in this forest, And birch , And viburnum, a lot of bird cherry. 14. Sky That covered with white clouds, That suddenly it cleared up in places for a moment. 15. Grushnitsky hit the table with his fist And started walking backwards And forward across the room (Lermontov). 16. Kiryukha And Vasya wandered at a distance And collected weeds for the fire And birch bark 17. All feigned gaiety, self-control, restraint - All left Davydov at that moment. 18. She And erases, And washes the floors, And accepts babies, And woo, And begging. 19. Table, armchairs, chairs - All it was the hardest And restless quality. 20. The professor immediately showed me all the necessary tools How for catching butterflies, so and for unfolding their. 21. The defender did not receive an answer to his question, yes and I didn’t feel the need for it. 22. Alexander's apartment but spacious, But not graceful And gloomy 23. On the endless, in the free space, noise And movement, noise And thunder 24. In the serious silence, only Chapaev’s authoritative voice could be heard, Yes whistles, Yes snoring of sleeping soldiers. 25. I or I'll burst into tears or I'll scream or I'll faint. 26. These words did not seem to threaten no one : neither to her , neither running after him And people overtaking her, neither plant director, neither Savchuk. 27. Others colors: forget-me-nots, buttercups, porridge, cat's paws - were not here. 28. Tatyana finds in a short table of contents in alphabetical order words: forest, storm, witch, spruce, hedgehog, meadow, bridge, bear, blizzard And other . 29. From the house, from the trees, from the dovecote And galleries - from everything long shadows ran far away. 30. Hope And hatred - both disappeared at once. 31. Dogs, horses, chickens - All wet, sad, timid. 32. In the mornings in our hut there was not really smoky, A somehow nice. 33. I could never see with indifference Not only cut down groves, but even the fall of one large felled tree. 34. River How stood, so and costs . 35. Protopopov’s criticism will not harm anyone neither warm neither Cold . 36. He neither man, neither master, neither fish neither meat .

Exercise 36

1. To give lectures well, that is, not boringly and with benefit for the audience, you need, in addition to talent, to have skill and experience. 2. Almost all young fish, especially some of the not very large breeds, are so beautiful, or, better said, so pretty, playful and pure, that people in the south of Russia use the word “fish” as a word of endearment and tenderness. 3. In addition to the hostess, I found four more guests, officials, in the dining room. One of them, an old man without a mustache and with gray sideburns, who looked like the playwright Ibsen, turned out to be a junior doctor in the infirmary. 4. Absent-minded residents of the capital have no idea about many experiences that are so familiar to residents of villages and cities, for example, waiting for the postal day. 5. On a farm, three miles from the village of Solomennaya, the scouts left their horses and went on foot. 6. In Crimea, in Miskhor, last summer I made an amazing discovery. 7. Ten steps from the entrance to the tunnel, right next to the highway, stood a lonely house. 8. We set off and wandered for a long time, until the evening. 9. The next day, I and five Yakuts crossed the Lena, that is, through the narrow channels that separated countless islands. 10. The ringed seal, or ringed seal, is a pinniped. 11. The narrow road, big enough for one cart, wound like a snake. 12. Both had orders to military unit 113, that is, to a group of our troops stationed in Mongolia. 13. In fruitful, or mushroom years, mushrooms are often found in groups, families, and even grow in twins. 14. The admiral decided to stop on the Cape Verde Islands, five hundred miles from the African mainland, and precisely on the island of St. Jago. 15. His profession was the most peaceful - a teacher. 16. Art, together with speech, is one of the tools of communication, and therefore of progress, that is, the movement forward of humanity towards perfection. 17. In this regard, even one important event happened for them, namely Kitty’s meeting with Vronsky. 18. Sometimes you want to do something - read. 19. The Germans pretty much damaged the Popovs’ garden, especially the cherry trees. 20. All the hunters, including myself, heard their [swans] loud cry and dull cackling, very different from that of a goose. 21. Senior navigator Truk served on a battleship in his direct specialty, that is, he was in charge of the ship’s shop, carried out inquiries, and went to meet the bosses. 22. He then turned six years old, and not only did he turn six, but he turned six on that very day - May 1st. 23. Bazarov lives as a bob and will die as a bob, and a useless bob at that... 24. This feeling bothered him, especially in the first weeks of his command. 25. Don’t you think that if everyone, including the best people, thinkers and great scientists, participating in the struggle for existence, each for himself, begins to spend time breaking rubble and painting roofs, then this could threaten progress with serious danger? 26. In addition, he was no stranger to admiring himself and his voice, characteristic of very young, especially beautiful, people who, even when completely alone, constantly imagine that someone is looking at them with curiosity, and behave as if on stage . 27. Go home, and quickly. 28. Nikon was constantly angry with these two, and especially with the long, red-haired, cat-eyed Kolka, whom he called only Kolchaga. 29. It was incredible that one person, and even with a heavy suitcase, decided to go skiing on such a long journey. 30. I rode so many miles, and in such weather. 31. Already in the Caucasus, I learned, and not from the captain, that he was seriously wounded four times... 32. There is a lot of nobility in people, a lot of love, self-sacrifice, especially in women. 33. The most backward of the partisans, including the detachment commanders, became agitated and made noise. 34. He remained the same as before - calm, hardworking, modest. 35. Lisa, along with everyone else, had to look for service. 36. In addition, completely unexpectedly, other circumstances appeared that greatly favored the defendant. 37. During this lesson, it turned out that everyone on the boat, with the exception of Sizov and Zhadan, was older than their commander. 38. No one lived in Mrs. Kozlovskaya’s apartment except her and her son, infantry lieutenant Romuald. 39. This extensive work was interesting because, in addition to a general description of each region, its rivers and lakes, soil, climate, flora and fauna, historical destinies, life and culture, crafts and occupations of the population, it also described in detail not only all the cities, down to the most insignificant, “out of the ordinary” ones, but even all the villages and hamlets. 40. But we saw nothing but rusty swamp water, rotten bushes and sedges. 41. Besides, the picnic promised to be very entertaining. 42. The summary, with rare exceptions, corresponded to what was planned. 43. In a word, instead of studying, Styopa had to be on errands. 44. In the wardroom, almost no one spoke to the baron, excluding official matters, and he was some kind of stranger in the friendly family of Mighty officers. 45. It seemed to him that all children, with rare exceptions, were alike. 46. ​​In addition to our usual regular meetings, from time to time there were so-called weekends, or large “Wednesdays,” which attracted a lot of people. 47. Instead of answering, he tilted the engine towards himself so that the propeller protruded outward, and water flowed out of the cooler. 48. He had the habit of saying “you” to all his subordinates, including people older than himself. 49. So, in addition to the commander, the ship’s doctor, mechanical engineer, artillery lieutenants, navigators and political workers met me. 50. They went to see this place, but instead they found a huge new cargo port. 51. The carriage stopped. Now, in addition to rooks, human voices could be heard. 52. I really liked the story, except for some details. 53. The count wrote a will, according to which all his estate, in addition to his direct heirs and us, was given to Pierre. 54. No one, with the exception of her valet, saw him without powder. 55. The doctor in a hurry, instead of twelve drops, poured as many as forty. 56. The soil of the Sudan Valley, with the exception of the swamps at the mouth of the river, is extremely fertile. 57. The general assembly of the regiment was scheduled for ten o'clock, but not a single company commander, with the exception of Stelkovsky, came up with the idea of ​​​​letting people sleep and rest before the review. 58. Everyone, with the exception of the commissar, was doing well, and there was only talk about being discharged [from the hospital]. 59. The mood of the crew, beyond usual, was high.

Exercise 37

1. Her eyes, now wide open and bright and joyful, like day, now half-covered with eyelashes and deep and dark, like night, stood before his eyes. 2. Turgenev, like perhaps no other Russian writer, is suited to the title of master. 3. Kupfer, as one of the stewards, with a white bow on the cuff of his coat, fussed and fussed with all his might. 4. The thick foliage, caught in frost, was picturesque: yellow, purple, red, like blood, it was pleasing to the eye. 5. She holds and moves as if magnetized, like a somnambulist. 6. He, as a “fatal” person, had to do some extraordinary thing. 7. None of the writers make such festive seas rustle and shimmer on their pages as Greene’s. 8. Most people know Bunin mainly as a prose writer. 9. She seemed completely petrified. 10. His mobile face, like an actor’s, became cheerful again. 11. The sounds of a bell came towards me, clean and clear, as if also washed by the morning cool. 12. Sometimes it seemed like it was about to rain; but the outstretched hand did not feel anything, but, looking at the sleeve of the dress, one could notice traces of tiny drops, like the smallest beads. 13. The pulse is like a hammer, and the hands are cold. 14. Fine, hard snow was falling, pricking my face like needles. 15. She’s just still like a child. 16. If not for death, then perhaps A. Green would have entered the ranks of our literature as one of the most original writers who organically merged realism with a free and bold imagination. 17. The moon rose crimson and gloomy, as if sick. 18. Sometimes you shoot a hare, wound him, and he screams like a child. 19. Panteleimon sits on the box, stretching forward his straight, wooden arms. 20. But precisely because Alexandra Gavrilovna gets excited, she loses more often than her husband. 21. Cities are like magnets. 22. The traitors just sank into the water. 23. When I remember old concepts, it’s like I’m doused with varnish. 24. And the whole steppe was covered with the fallen, like a swarm of black locusts. 25. As a woman, you loved your homeland. 26. Valya was called in his case as a witness. 27. She needs it just as much as we do. 28. It rained like buckets. 29. Since pre-war times, I have been following you as an ordinary moviegoer and appreciate your talent. 30. I speak like a writer. I am used to looking at literature as a revolutionary matter. 31. And this little story is nothing more than fragmentary memories of those days of happy closeness to them. 32. It was clear that he was trying to get away from this large gray building as quickly as possible. 33. But in front of him was none other than Aigle, traveling on foot, a famous collector of songs, legends, traditions and fairy tales. 34. Days, like streams, run into a foggy river. 35. Gentlemen, I think that you, like all decent people, have been in love at least once during your life. 36. The smell of oil is as strong as in church. 37. To Moscow, as to the whole country, I feel my filial relationship, like to an old nanny. 38. I see, as now, the owner himself. 39. She has now become slender and thin again, as before. 40. I looked at her like a fool. 41. We treated Vanya as our own person. 42. The robber ripped the man off. 43. After all, she lived with the paramedic like a cat and a dog. 44. I answered him as best I could. 45. Like a telegram, the earth flies, the fields ring with an even ringing. 46. ​​Vera Pavlovna was constantly in the workshop, and they already managed to get to know her closely as a prudent, prudent, judicious woman. 47. Urbenin and the Pole, being heavy people, preferred to wait for us below, on the road. 48. He was afraid of familiarity like fire and behaved very dryly. 49. The sunset was clotted like a wound from the blood of the dead. 50. Like the Snow Maiden, the night outside the window is good. 51. Chichikov as an acquirer is no less, if not more, Pechorina is a hero of our time. 52. She was like her father’s little favorite. 53. Vasenda, as a positive and practical person, found a fixed place unprofitable.

Exercise 38

1. It seemed- “uncertainty, assumption”; at least- “assessment of the measure, degree of what is being said”; stands out together with a separate revolution, since it stands at the end of this revolution (in its language at least). 2. Apparently- “uncertainty, assumption.” 3. Really- “reliability, confidence.” 4. Against- “the order of thoughts, their connection.” 5. As usual- “the degree of commonality of the facts presented”; the introductory sentence is isolated on both sides, since it stands in the middle of an isolated member of the sentence (exciting, as usual, there is amazement in the children). 6. You see- “attracting the interlocutor’s attention.” 7. How he expressed himself- “message source”. 8. you understand- "to attract attention". 9. To our indescribable joy- “a feeling of joy, approval.” 10. According to Ermolai- “message source”. eleven. In your opinion, in my opinion- “message source”. 12. Eg- “the order of thoughts, their connection.” 13. So to speak- “evaluation of style, manner of speech.” 14. According to the ancient order- “the degree of commonality of the facts presented.” 15. Fortunately- “a feeling of joy, satisfaction.” 16. In my opinion- “message source”. 17. In a word The dash is placed because the introductory word is preceded by homogeneous members ( common sense, firmness and freedom, participation), and after it - a generalizing word ( all the advantages). 18. Of course- “reliability, confidence.” 19. Honestly admit it- “evaluation of style, manner of speech, method of presentation and presentation of thoughts.” 20. Hence- “the order of thoughts, their connection.”

Exercise 39

1. Realizing the enormity of his talent, Mayakovsky, however(an introductory word meaning “order of thoughts, their connection”), strived to always be in the “storm of life.” Some of the poet's forecasts seem naive now, however(conjunction meaning “but”) they do not lose their charm. 2. Tsvetaeva never tried to hide from life, against(an introductory word meaning “order of thoughts, their connection”), she wanted to live with people. The gymnasium where I studied was located against Cathedral of Christ the Savior. 3. Yes, By the way(an introductory word meaning “evaluation of style, manner of speech, method of presentation and presentation of thoughts”; can be replaced - by the way), he is easy to speak of. He didn't know how to bow By the way, bother on time. 4. In the thin twilight of a summer night, her face it seemed paler and younger Small pink clouds, it seemed(an introductory word meaning “uncertainty, assumption”), did not float past, but went into the very depths of the sky. 5. Here, They say(introductory word meaning “source of message”), give points. At the next table They say about gold. 6. And if this is not the case, then Means(introductory word meaning “order of thoughts, their connection”), no and nothing. Remembering what it is Means, Kashtanka jumped onto a chair. 7. Now he has no one to talk to in a word. My uncle replaced me with a father, raised me at his own expense and, in a word(an introductory word meaning “order of thoughts, their connection”), did for me what my own father would not always do. 8. No, friends, it’s a hundred times worse, this exactly I know. Potugin, exactly(an introductory word meaning “confidence”), and loved and knew how to speak. 9. It happens like this, but it also happens vice versa. Instead of slowing down, he vice versa(an introductory word meaning “order of thoughts, their connection”), stood on the box and desperately twirled the whip. 10. The time will come when everything will change In your, will live In your, and then you too will become obsolete, people will appear who will be better than you. [Tusenbach:] In your(introductory word meaning “source of message”), don’t even dream of happiness! But if I'm happy! 11. From the first glance at his face was obviously that he has no permanent occupation. The path we were on was rocky, wet and... obviously(an introductory word meaning “uncertainty, assumption”), was the bed of a dry river. 12. Balyasnikov made a daring speech in which by the way said that I was arrogant. Moral women, strict judges and, by the way by the way), Nil Andreevich reproached her out loud. 13. Is it true and the fact that until now he had never had the opportunity to go out on business. "AND Truth(an introductory word meaning “reliability, confidence”), disgusting on your part,” said Valya, proudly raising her upper lip, “when you came back and didn’t come in.” 14. It is seen(an introductory word meaning “assumption, uncertainty”), such a passage was not expected from me and no order was given to me. It is seen it was that Paul's words made a deep impression on them. 15. Their patterned edges, fluffy and light, like cotton paper, slowly but apparently changed. Apparently(introductory word meaning “assumption, uncertainty”), you will have to start by studying these documents. 16. My wound was healing slowly; But actually(particle meaning “directly”) I didn’t have any bad feelings against my father. Here, actually(introductory word meaning “attitude to style, manner of speech”; can be replaced as a matter of fact), and the story, and its plot is not surprising. 17. At the moment, conscientious and gifted popularizers at least(meaning “no less than”) are as necessary as original thinkers and independent researchers. I feel like everyone is working at least(an introductory word in the meaning of “attitude to the expressed thought”; the introductory word stands at the beginning of a separate member and stands out along with it) the majority will stand under arms if necessary. 18. On the one side silent distant mountains, on the other side the nearby sea rustled. AND, on the other side(an introductory word meaning “order of thoughts, their connection”), Kirsanov maintained his role with the same impeccable artistry. 19. Energy comes from somewhere, and, most importantly (introductory word meaning “order of thoughts, their connection”), you don’t feel tired. She couldn't remember her thoughts from the night, but The main thing what remained of them and filled her being with that “something” that was, should be, happiness. 20. Finally the path was found, and we walked on merrily. Sitting down somewhere on a mound in the steppe, or on a hill above a river, or, finally (introductory word meaning “order of thoughts, their connection”), on a well-known cliff, the blind man listened only to the rustle of leaves and the whisper of grass or the vague sighs of the wind. 21. All in all(an introductory word meaning “attitude to style, manner of speech”; can be replaced - generally speaking), the spring turned out to be unusually long and bad. I made a few comments regarding various little things, but All in all highly praised. 22. Perhaps from my point of view(introductory word meaning “source of message”), he is not stupid. I know a crime has been committed when you look at things from the point of view of general morality .

Exercise 40

1. I must admit, it stunned me. 2. By the way, copying documents is prohibited. 3. Of course, he clearly saw that I was dissatisfied with the task, that the task seemed strange to me and, to put it mildly, ridiculous ( And connects the nominal parts of predicates - seems strange and absurd, therefore separated from the introductory combination to put it mildly). However for some reason he couldn't tell me more than he said ( however- adversative conjunction, can be replaced by But). 4. As I expected, there was nothing in the folder except documents. My first instinct was to shove this whole pile of papers into the table, but I... of course, caught himself in time. 5. However, it must be said, in my attitude towards theorists I am not original. Fortunately, I rarely have to deal with people of this profession. 6. It turns out, the boss is mainly interested in a certain Tristan. For his sake, he got up incredibly early today and did not hesitate to get Slonov out of bed, who, as is known, goes to bed with the roosters. 7. But I am his, perhaps, I remember! Everyone called him (except Komov, Certainly) Lion-roarer, or just Roar, but not because of course that he was a crybaby, but because his voice was loud, roaring. 8. This is more likely, doesn't concern me. But I need to know where he can go? In my, it’s indecent to go to your mother in such a state. He doesn't look like a brat more precisely- should not be similar. Teacher? Mentor? It's possible. This is quite likely. 9. Since the boss didn’t explain to me why I need to look for Abalkin, Means, it does not matter. And then I realized one more thing. Or rather, I didn’t understand, but I felt it. And even more precisely- I suspected. All this abundance of papers, all this yellowed scribbling will give me nothing except, May be, a few more names and a huge number of questions, having noattitude to the matter. 10. Most of the papers were documents written by as I understand, by the hand of Abalkin himself. Firstly, this was a report on participation in Operation Dead World on the planet Hope. Secondly, there was another document in the folder - transaction report on planet Giant. Operation, however, was, In my opinion, trifling. eleven. As it seemed to me, this material was completely useless for me. Write reports like this - pure pleasure, read them, usually,- sheer torment. 12. I'm not a psychologist, anyway- not a professional, but I thought that, May be, I will be able to extract something useful from these reports about the personality of Lev Abalkin.

Exercise 41

1. By the way, rumors about the learning of university guards are greatly exaggerated ( by the way- “evaluation of style, manner of speech”). Is it true, Nikolai knows more than a hundred Latin names... but, For example, the simple theory of blood circulation is as dark for him now as it was twenty years ago ( Truth- “confidence, reliability”; For example- “order of thoughts, their connection”; But connects parts of a complex sentence and has nothing to do with the introductory word: Nikolai knows, but the theory is dark). 2. The painter is helping me, or what he calls himself, painting contractor (what he calls himself- “message source”; or in the meaning "that is" refers to a separate application with explanatory meaning ( painter or painting contractor) and is separated from the introductory sentence by a comma). 3. And this Greek teacher, this man in the case, can you imagine, almost got married ( can you imagine- “attracting the interlocutor’s attention”). 4. In my, the best thing you can do is leave medical school completely ( In my- “message source”; before the index particle This, relating to the predicate, a dash is placed). If you are unable to pass the exam, then obviously, you have neither the desire nor the calling to be a doctor ( obviously- “assumption, uncertainty”; no no...- a repeating conjunction connecting homogeneous members). But immediately I feel sorry for him, and I hasten to say: - However, as you know ( however- “assumption”). So, read a little more and come ( So- “order of thoughts, their connection”). 5. I probably don’t know, but, Seems, all this trick was deliberate, A not improvised (Seems- “uncertainty, assumption”). 6. Among birds, insects, in dry grass - in a word, everywhere, even in the air, one could feel the approach of autumn ( in a word- “evaluation of style, manner of speech, method of presentation and presentation of thoughts”; the introductory word comes after homogeneous circumstances before the generalizing word everywhere, therefore a dash is placed before the introductory word). 7. I’ll take a ride around the city, by the way, and buy some cigars ( By the way- circumstance of the course of action). 8. By the way, he was remarkably good-looking ( By the way- “evaluation of style, manner of speech”; can be replaced with a combination by the way). 9. The greasy cap with which Bredyuk, Seems like, did not part even in my sleep, was pulled over my forehead ( Seems like- “assumption, assumption”). 10. He was really interested in philosophy ( Indeed in the meaning of “really” is not an introductory word). 11. Key holder, at least, doesn't shave his beard, but this one, on the contrary, shaved and, it seemed, quite rare ( at least- “assessment of the measure, degree of what is being said”; on the contrary- “order of thoughts, their connection”; it seemed- “assumption, uncertainty”). 12. In a strict sense, about ten people, of course including me, were not worth this appointment due to lack of sufficient knowledge and youth ( of course- “confidence, reliability”; stands at the beginning of a separate turnover, therefore stands out along with it). 13. Someone ran past luckily who didn't notice us (luckily- “joy, approval”; stands at the beginning of a separate definition, therefore stands out together with it). 14. His literary works, need to say quite successful, brought him fame ( need to say- “assumption” and “evaluation of manner of speech, way of forming thoughts”; stands at the beginning of a separate definition and stands out along with it). 15. From the next room, apparently dining room, living room was separated by an arch, curtained heavy curtain (apparently- "assumption"; stands at the beginning of a separate addition with a clarifying and explanatory meaning and stands out along with it). 16. Misfortune did not change him at all, but on the contrary, he became even stronger and more energetic ( against A is not separated from the introductory word by a comma, since an introductory word without a conjunction cannot be removed from the sentence, it is impossible: misfortune did not change, but he became stronger and more energetic). 17. We know and therefore, we believe that fairy tales can come true and we can visit Venus, may be, still destined ( that is- “order of thoughts, their connection”; union A is not separated from the introductory construction by a comma, since an introductory construction without a conjunction cannot be removed from the sentence, it is impossible: we know, but we believe; may be- “assumption, uncertainty”). 18. And Pyotr Petrovich, at least on many grounds, a very respectable man ( at least- “assessment of the measure, degree of what is being said”; stands at the beginning of a separate phrase with an explanatory and connecting meaning, therefore stands out along with it). 19. At least twenty times and Seems, without particularly important reasons, he ran downstairs to the sleigh in only his coat and ran back upstairs ( at least has the meaning “at least” and is not introductory; Seems- “assumption, uncertainty”). 20. Terenty supplemented himself with minor plumbing work; But, Firstly, there was little work, and, Secondly, urgent matters took up a lot of time ( Firstly Secondly- “order of thoughts, their connection”; conjunctions but, and connect parts of a complex sentence and are not related to introductory words, cf.: Terenty supplemented himself with small work, but there was little work, and business took up a lot of time). 21. For them he is a hero, huh admit say, I imagine heroes differently ( admit say- “assessment of the manner of speech, the way of forming thoughts”; union A connects parts of a complex sentence and has nothing to do with the introductory construction, cf.: For them he is a hero, but I imagine heroes differently). 22. Not a year, but, May be, Ivan Georgievich lived ten years in one night ( May be- “uncertainty, assumption”; the conjunction a connects homogeneous members and has no relation to the introductory construction, cf.: Ivan Georgievich lived not a year, but ten years in one night).

Sections: Russian language

Classes: 10 , 11

Lesson type – a lesson in consolidating and comprehensive application of knowledge based on generalization and systematization of what has been learned.

Lesson Objectives:

  • educational– practicing the skill of placing punctuation marks with the conjunction HOW (by structuring and updating knowledge based on students’ past knowledge, systematizing knowledge in the form of convenient tables; by frequently changing types of activities, keep students active at all stages of the lesson)
  • developing- develop and improve skills in solving test tasks, analyzing text, taking into account the typology of Unified State Examination tasks - parts B, C (through the use of tests and tasks of various types of control)
  • nurturing– show the diversity of folk songs, their richness and ethical potential; to cultivate a sense of beauty in students, interest and tolerance for other national cultures (by using the educational capabilities of didactic material - Rasul Gamzatov’s articles on folk songs; as well as through expressive teacher reading)

Equipment: handouts in the form of cards and tables, control tests, electronic presentation for the lesson

Teaching methods: reproductive, partial search, research (for text analysis)

Levels of knowledge acquisition, educational information:

  1. perception, awareness, recording of information
  2. mastering methods of application using samples
  3. creative application of knowledge in text analysis


  1. visual (teacher observation of all students in the lesson)
  2. selective content (survey of individual students at the stages of repetition, consolidation, solving test tasks in pairs)
  3. frontal-content (conversation with the whole class at the stage of clarifying the table and the first (joint) solution of test tasks)

During the classes

The lesson is accompanied by a computer presentation. (Application)

I.Organizational stage (1 minute)

(Greetings to the class, checking the availability of educational supplies, a Grammar Notebook - a kind of handwritten reference guide for students from 5th to 11th grade.)

II. Goal setting stage (1 minute)

Subject our lesson today - a comma in constructions with the conjunction HOW, it is no coincidence that your homework was recall from the grammar notebook all the cases of using the conjunction HOW studied in grades 5-9. (Slide 1)

We have to systematize and summarize theoretical information on this topic, practice the skill of placing a sign in this position, work with tests, begin analyzing the most beautiful text - a journalistic article by Rasul Gamzatov about a folk song.

III. Stage of repetition and systematization of what has been learned (10-12 minutes)

The following types of work are carried out in parallel:

A) 3 students at the board work using cards.

Card 1

Give an example (in writing on the board) of sentences with the conjunction HOW... in an introductory construction... in a subordinate clause.

Card 2

Give an example (in writing on the board) of sentences with the conjunction HOW... in a compound (paired) conjunction... in a comparative phrase.

Card 3

Give an example (in writing on the board) of sentences with the conjunction HOW ... in the appendix with the meaning “as” ... as part of the predicate.

B) Frontal conversation with the class.

Would you use a comma in the sentence:

At this point our Ivan the Fool turned red like a cancer?

Why? ( No, since the conjunction HOW is part of the phraseological unit)

Indeed, we do not put a comma in the conjunction HOW in phraseological units, in set expressions, in phrases close in meaning to the nominal part of compound predicates. Let's remember together the models of expressions of this type. (Slide 2)

Is the conjunction HOW a coordinating or subordinating conjunction? Is it possible to give a definite answer? Give examples. ( The conjunction AS is subordinating, but a definite answer cannot be given, since it can be an integral part of paired coordinating conjunctions, for example AS..., SO AND)

Why in unions since, as, as Is it possible that the sign is set in two ways? And in which compound conjunctions is the sign before HOW unacceptable? (Slides 3, 4)

IN) Checking tasks completed at the board, clarifying positions, examples

G) Compiling a summary table “Comma in constructions with the conjunction HOW”. (Electronic presentation is used.) (Slides 5-17)

A comma is placed

There is no comma

1. When adding subordinate clauses (expository, comparative, measure and degree, etc.):

He saw how far the railway network stretched.

1. If HOW is part of the predicate:

The ravine was like a deep gorge.

2. When adding a comparative turnover:

He, like an angry lion, rushed at the enemy.

2. If in the comparative phrase there is a negation before the conjunction:

He picked up the tool not like a boy, but like an adult worker

3. If HOW is part of the introductory structure:

He seems to me to be an interesting person.

3. If AS is part of a paired union (AS..., SO AND):

Both big cities and small villages were left behind.

4. If HOW is part of an application with a reason value:

He, like a man of action, immediately approached the machine.

4. In applications with the value “as”:

The story was included in the book as a short chapter.

5. In combination with the union I:

She looked the same as she did three years ago

5. In set phrases (as part of phraseological units, in set expressions, in phrases close in meaning to the nominal part of compound predicates):

His hands were cold as ice.

6. If there are demonstrative words ( so, so, so etc.):

He was as quick to make decisions as before.

6. When repeating what is being compared to indicate the commonness, typicality of an object:

Everything is still fine here. Ice like ice, desert like desert.

7. In revolutions no more than... (not) earlier than... (not) more than... which do not contain comparison:

Classes will end in no more than half an hour..

! Remember:

none other than…
nothing more than...

Upon completion of the work on compiling the table, printed copies of it are distributed to each student for pasting into the Grammar Notebook.

IV. Stage of consolidation of acquired knowledge (8-10 minutes)

A) Work in pairs. (Reciting the contents of the table to each other - preferably from memory - according to options: one student - cases of placing a sign before the conjunction HOW, the other - cases of the absence of a comma with the conjunction HOW). The teacher listens to weak students. Required condition – give your examples for all the named cases of placing/not placing a sign.

B) Frontal work with the class - the placement of signs in each sentence is commented on in a chain. Handout - card with exercise ( see below) for each desk. Students applying for a “4” and “5” work with a closed table, and students applying for a “3” work with an open table.

Card 4

Mark the sentences that place a comma before HOW:

  1. The modern market in Russia...like any phenomenon...is developing through contradictions.
  2. Despite the fact that Russia is moving towards the market, for many people today... just like several years ago... it remains an abstract concept.
  3. The export of capital can be carried out ... both in entrepreneurial form and in the form of loan capital.
  4. The state budget acts...as the central link of the financial system and the main financial plan of the country.
  5. A deficit in the economic sphere manifests itself ... as an excess of expenses over income in the state budget.
  6. The fate of Russia...as a major power...cannot but worry politicians from different countries.
  7. Culture is studied by a number of sciences...as a social phenomenon.
  8. There is no national science...just as there is no national multiplication table.
  9. Audit services have...as a rule...highly qualified lawyers and economists of various profiles.
  10. Here is the sound of rain... like the sound of a dombra.
  11. According to Russian scientists, this failure is nothing more than... like an extinct volcano.
  12. I... as an experienced hack... immediately came up with a title for the radio script.

(Answers: 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12).

IN) Work in pairs - test tasks for 3 options, 10 sentences each (from option 1 to 3, the tasks become more complicated, which gives the teacher the opportunity to conduct differentiated teaching), perform independently - check using the instructional checklist, in case of uncertainty, consult with the teacher.

Card 4A

1 option

A- need to, b- no need.

  1. Man is created for happiness like a bird is created for flight.
  2. Youth is like the song of a lark at dawn.
  3. The days passed by like a shadow.
  4. A leaf fell from the birch tree and covered the ground like a carpet.
  5. Below him, the steppe all around turns blue like an ocean.
  6. The clouds are like lead.
  7. The received answer was considered as consent.
  8. Dubrovin walked like crazy for a year.
  9. Get as far away from here as possible.
  10. They blazed like lightning in the sky, like fiery rain fell from the sky.

(Answers: 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - b, 4 - a, 5 - a, 6 - b, 7 - b, 8 - b, 9 - b, 10 - a)

Card 4B

Option 2

Determine whether phrases with the conjunction HOW need to be separated with commas: A- need to, b- no need.

  1. The day began as always in thick fog.
  2. We met like old acquaintances.
  3. The robber robbed the man like crazy.
  4. The cranes screamed sadly as if they were calling us with them.
  5. The road was like an alley.
  6. I want to keep these letters as memories.
  7. Below him, the Caucasus shone with eternal snow like the face of a diamond.
  8. I speak as a writer.
  9. I'm like a stranger to you.

(Answers: 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - b, 4 - a, 5 - b, 6 - b, 7 - a, 8 - a, 9 - b, 10 - b)

Card 4B

Option 3

Determine whether phrases with the conjunction HOW need to be separated with commas: A- need to, b- no need.

  1. He behaved like an aristocrat.
  2. He was strong in body as an ox and brave as a lion.
  3. It was calm and quiet, like after a storm.
  4. Did you swallow this like a fly?
  5. The stars will look from the sky, and the Milky Way will light up like a river.
  6. There were a lot of people on the street as if on a holiday.
  7. It's rare to meet such an interesting person as him.
  8. Buckshot rained down like hail.
  9. The evening is like two peas in a pod, like any other.
  10. This melody was created by Glinka, but it is perceived as truly folk.

(Answers: 1 - b, 2 - b, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - a, 6 - a, 7 - a, 8 - b, 9 - a, 10 - b)

V. Knowledge control stage (5-7 minutes)

Control testing on the topic being studied, for 3 options, from options 1 to 3, the tasks become more complicated, which gives the teacher the opportunity to conduct differentiated control of knowledge acquisition.

Control testing, option 1

A – subordinate clause, a comma is needed;
b – comparative phrase, a comma is needed;
V - the nominal part of the predicate, a comma is not needed.

  1. These plains are like an endless sea.
  2. Look how the grove turns green.
  3. The earth is still like a vague negative; it cannot manifest itself in any way.
  4. Today is a month like a bright sickle.
  5. Bor was agitated around the lodge like a parting sea.
  6. Seryozha was the youngest in the family and grew like grass in the steppe.
  7. And the spruce tree knocks on the window with a thorny branch, like sometimes a belated traveler.
  8. The hot wind blows like an empty nut and sways the branches.
  9. The ray of a ruddy sunset covers your waist like a ribbon.

(Answers: 1 - c, 2 - b, 3 - a, 4 - c, 5 - c, 6 - b, 7 - a, 8 - a, 9 - b, 10 - b)

Control testing, option 2

Indicate what the conjunction HOW joins and whether commas are needed here:

A – subordinate clause, commas are needed;
b – comparative phrase, commas are needed;
V - the nominal part of the predicate, commas are not needed.

  1. Raindrops are like diamonds.
  2. Was like resin, fiction like water.
  3. You don’t choose your homeland just like you don’t choose your mothers.
  4. In the dark sky the stars are like bright sparks.
  5. In the distant years, the sea sang songs to me like a mother.
  6. The stars swell like willows in the transparent clouds.
  7. The pine forest is like a golden organ, permeated with the lightest fresh light.
  8. You could hear the sound of scythes being sharpened.
  9. Look, dear friend, how beautiful the earth is.
  10. On the clearing lies a meter of snow, loose like sand.

(Answers: 1 - c, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - c, 5 - b, 6 - b, 7 - c, 8 - a, 9 - a, 10 - b)

Control testing, option 3

Specify whether constructions with the conjunction HOW need to be separated by commas: A- Yes; b- No.

  1. From the village of Okoyomovo, as its residents say, you can see half of Russia.
  2. The speaker described him as our best artist.
  3. As a native of the south, it was difficult for the boy to get used to the harsh Arctic.
  4. The yard is like a blooming garden.
  5. Each branch was covered in pink petals, like a bride in her transparent dress.
  6. The rain is pouring down like buckets, and you don’t want to leave the house.
  7. He was calm like the calm water of mountain lakes.
  8. He looked the same as he did three years ago.
  9. Only then did I truly understand how difficult and dangerous the climb is.
  10. I was interested in the forest, both alone and with him.

(Answers: 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - a, 6 - b, 7 - a, 8 - a, 9 - a, 10 - b)

VI. Text analysis (10 minutes)

A) Brief information about Rasul Gamzatov from a teacher or trained student (no more than 1 minute)

B) Expressive reading of the text by the teacher (handout - the text of the article by Rasul Gamzatov (see below) to each student):

Old songs, new songs... Wedding fighting lullabies. Long and short. Sad and happy. All over the earth they sing of you. Words are strung like beads on a silver thread. The words hammer home tightly. Like nails. Words arise and flow lightly, like tear after tear when a beauty cries. Words fly and hit the target like arrows fired by an experienced hand. Words fly and hit the target like arrows fired by an experienced hand. Words flow and lead (into) the distance like mountain paths along which you can ultimately go to the ends of the world.

The space between the lines is like the street on which your beloved’s house is located. It’s like a boundary line in your father’s field. It is like the hour of Sunrise and the hour of sunset, separating day from night.

Songs recorded on paper and songs (not) recorded on paper. But whatever the song is, it must be sung. A (not) sung song (is) the same as a (not) flying bird (not) beating (not) beating.. heart.

Songs stream from the mountains. Songs are swift messengers from the battlefield. Songs of kunaki friends (un)expected arriving guests. Take pandur chongur chagan flute kemanchu zurna tambourine accordion drum, just take a basin or a copper plate. Hit your heels on the ground. Listen to sabers hitting sabers. Listen to the ringing sound of a pebble thrown at your beloved’s window. Sing and listen to our songs. They are ambassadors of sadness and joy. They are passports of honor and courage, evidence of thoughts and deeds. They make the young courageous and wise, the old and the wise young. They force the rider to get off his horse and be heard. They force a pedestrian to jump into the saddle and fly like a bird. They wake up the intoxicated person and force him to think about his fate; they make the sober person desperate and seemingly intoxicated. There are so many songs in the world about!

IN) Starting search work with the text on the following questions:

  1. What is the topic of the article? What problems does the author care about?
  2. What is the style of the article? What linguistic features of the text can confirm the conclusion?
  3. From what works of Russian classical literature can you select examples to argue the author’s position? ( Turgenev “Singers”, Leskov “Enchanted Wanderer”»)
  4. Can this article be considered an essay? Why?
  5. Punctuation: Find cases of placing//not placing a comma before the conjunction HOW, write down these sentences, graphically indicate the conditions for choosing a sign. (Option 1 – 1.2 paragraphs; Option 2 – 3.4 paragraphs)

VII. Homework (1 minute)

  1. Copy the entire text, adding punctuation marks and inserting missing letters. Group words with gaps by type of spelling.
  2. Row 1 - note the lexical features of the text, prepare an interpretation of national vocabulary, its functions in the text; Row 2 – mark all types of tropes in the text, their functions in the text; Row 3 – mark figures of speech and their functions in the text.
  3. Prepare (orally) an answer to the question: How now “song helps us build and live”?

VIII. Summing up the lesson (2 minutes)

What did you learn from today's lesson? Were you surprised by anything today?


  1. D.E. Rosenthal. A reference book on syntax and punctuation. – Any edition.
  2. A manual for preparing for centralized testing in RY. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2002.
  3. Malyushkin A.B., Ikonnitskaya L.N. Test tasks to test students' knowledge of the Russian language: grades 10-11. – Moscow, Sphere shopping center, 2005.
  4. Narushevich A.G. Methodology for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian Language... - Moscow, PU “First of September”, 2007
  • A comma is not placed before a subordinating conjunction or allied word in indecomposable combinations, for example: to do as it should (as expected, as it should be), to do as it should (as it should, as needed), to grab whatever comes along, to appear as if nothing had happened, to say whatever comes to mind, to achieve at all costs, to come when whatever they want, they hid somewhere, don’t go where you shouldn’t, spend the night where you have to, do what you want, take what you like, save yourself who can, eat what they give, come what may, go wherever you want, live as you know, I’ll invite anyone to come over I wish, he screams at the top of his lungs, tell it like it is, they made up who knows what, get what you need(But: get everything you need), the devil knows what's going on with them, the devil knows what, they can profit from whatever they can, they don't mind giving, the picture is so wonderful, how interesting the passion is, how terrible it is, how bad the trouble is. Wed: Think what you want(L. Tolstoy); Be happy with whoever you want(Dostoevsky); It doesn't matter, call whoever you want(A N. Tolstoy); Let him get money where he wants and how he wants(Kuprin); I hurry as fast as I can...(Chekhov); I live wherever I have to(Chekhov); When he is sober, he lies on anything and is silent(Chekhov); They recalled their youth and chatted God knows what.(Chekhov); You'll see enough, you'll hear enough of what you don't need here(Bitter); So, talk to whoever you need to talk to(Selvinsky).

    This rule is based on the fact that phraseological units do not form a subordinate clause and, as a rule, are equivalent to a member of a sentence. Yes, in combination talks about it wherever he can the last words mean "everywhere". If any of the above and similar combinations is not used as a phraseological phrase, then it can form a subordinate clause (often incomplete) and separated by commas. Wed: Colloquial words began to be used where necessary and where not necessary(i.e. everywhere). – Add missing punctuation marks where necessary(i.e. where needed).

  • not that, not that, not so, not otherwise than For example: I... it’s not that I loved him, it’s not that I didn’t love him, but somehow...(Turgenev); And not just three days, but ten days!(L. Tolstoy); Now it’s not like before, everything has become more interesting; The time was not spent very much fun; A note can be typed in nothing other than petite. Wed. with a different nature of the combination: You don't say what you mean.
  • Commas are not placed inside combinations (not) more than, (not) less than, (not) earlier than, (not) later than etc., if they do not contain comparison, for example: The parcel weighs no more than eight kilograms(cf.: ...no more than eight kilograms); He won't be back until evening(cf.: ...not until evening); The job can be done in less than an hour; You were more than a friend to me; Submit your documents no later than tomorrow; Overhead costs turned out to be higher than expected; The temperature in the incubator is not lower than necessary. Wed: Maslenitsa was worse than sad for me(Chekhov). But (if there is a comparison or comparison): works no less than others; suffered from cold more than from hunger; returned earlier than expected; Our rooms are higher than in the neighboring house; Sipyagin was much more worried than his guest(Turgenev).
  • Commas are not placed inside combinations unknown who, unknown what, unknown which (...where, ...where, ...from, ...whose), unclear who, unclear what, unclear which (...where, ...where, ...where, ...whose), no matter who, no matter what, no matter what (...where, ...where, ...from), For example: came to us from nowhere, asked me something unclear, it doesn’t matter where to accommodate the visitors. Wed. Also: I can take a vacation no matter when; appeared unclear why; So they choose a dress or I don’t know what purchase, not love(L. Tolstoy); An old man saw a short gelding in the morning and began to tan: without a tail it’s the same as without a head - it’s disgusting to look at(A.N. Tolstoy).
  • A comma is not placed before a combination of interrogative-relative pronouns who, what, which etc. or adverbs where, where, where etc. with words whatever And horrible, since in these cases whole expressions with the meaning of one word are formed: anyone(any), anything(All), any(any), anywhere(everywhere), anywhere(everywhere), whenever(Always), from anywhere(from everywhere) as much as you like(a lot), etc.; just anyone(doesn't matter who) anyhow(no matter how) just any(it doesn’t matter which one), etc. For example: I'll say the same thing to anyone; We had as much free time as we wanted; Give me any answer, any time you want.(Turgenev); Grandfather was torn by such anger that he stopped ten times and spat with rage anywhere.(Kataev); Scolding the careless carters who dumped the wood haphazardly, the grandmother began to stack the woodpile(Gaidar).
  • Expressions like this are not separated by commas there is something to do, there is something to work on, there was something to think about, I’ll find somewhere to turn, I can’t find anything to say, I have nothing left to live on etc., consisting of a verb to be, to find (to be found), to stay and a few others in singular or plural form, interrogative-relative pronoun or adverb ( who, what, where, where, when etc.) and the indefinite form of another verb. For example: There is someone to scold, no one to feed(Dahl); There is a lot to like...(Pisemsky); We found something to surprise you: everyone saw it without you; He couldn’t find anything to answer and remained silent..
  • The comma is not placed before the conjunction What in expression only... that, followed by a noun or pronoun, for example: The only money is a nickel in your pocket; The only entertainment is a movie once a week; There's only talk about the two of them. But if a construction containing a complex particle in the first part that's all, verb do (do, know) and union What, has a verb in the second part, then before What a comma is placed, for example: All he does is talk; All he did was refuse; All he knows is that he walks from corner to corner. Wed: All they did with their grandfather was play chess(Ch. Uspensky); And he turned to the priest and all he did was spit in his face(Leskov); From nine in the morning until six in the evening all you know is that you're stuck here(Kuprin). The same if the second part is formed by a subordinate clause, for example: The only new thing is that all the hares are conferring on how to drive away the eagles.(L. Tolstoy).

    Note. Incomplete subordinate clauses, as well as phrases that do not have the nature of phraseological combinations, are separated by commas, for example: behave as you should; works wherever he has to, does whatever the boss wants; understand what's what; visits the sick when necessary; one must distinguish between what is important and what is unimportant; I can't figure out where it hurts.

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    § 115. Comparative turns

    1. Commas highlight or separate comparative phrases beginning with conjunctions as if, as if, as if, exactly, than, rather than, what etc., for example: Sometimes you shoot a hare, wound him in the leg, and he screams like a child(Chekhov); On Red Square, as if through the fog of centuries, the outlines of walls and towers appear unclear(A N. Tolstoy); There was a smell of musty dampness coming from somewhere, as if from a cellar.(Mamin-Sibiryak); Panteleimon... sits on the box, stretching forward his straight, wooden arms(Chekhov); Ryzhik and the magician entered the forest along a wide, as if swept, path(Svirsky); Better late than never(proverb); It was safer to fly at night than during the day: the air ocean was more stable(Perventsev); ...And her hair[mermaids] green, that's your hemp(Turgenev); Nikolai Petrovich was born in the south of Russia, like his older brother Pavel(Turgenev).

      Note. Comparative phrases with the indicated conjunctions that are part of the predicate or are closely related to it in meaning are not separated by commas, for example: The stars in the dark sky are like sparkles scattered on velvet; He looks at life as if through rose-colored glasses; A mighty oak tree and next to it a white-trunked birch tree are like a warrior in armor and a girl in a wedding dress; A cheerful song is like a winged bird: it flies far, far away; He and I are like brothers(for the absence of a dash in these cases, see § 79, paragraph 1, note, subparagraph 2).

    2. Commas highlight or separate comparative phrases beginning with a conjunction How:

      1) if they denote likening, without other shades of meaning ( How has the meaning “like”), for example: And he saw himself rich, as in a dream(Krylov); Around the tall brow, like clouds, the curls turn black(Pushkin); His hands shook like mercury(Gogol); The air is clean and fresh, like a child's kiss...(Lermontov); The first star sparkled brightly in the sky, like a living eye.(Goncharov); Below, like a steel mirror, lakes of jets turn blue(Tyutchev); Like a seagull, the sail there is white in height(Fet); At the very bottom, dry and yellow as copper, lay huge slabs of clay stone(Turgenev); The words dragged on endlessly one after another, like thick saliva.(Saltykov-Shchedrin); The old bridge was broken, and in its place they made a basement, straight as a stick, embankment(L. Tolstoy); The old man cried like a child(Nikitin); Korolev is trying to introduce school discipline and treats students as students of the gymnasium where he was the director(Korolenko); ...They drank grandma's liqueurs - yellow as gold, dark as tar, and green(Bitter); With us, even the most important words become a habit and wear out like a dress...(Mayakovsky); He moved with restraint, like a man who knows how to manage his time well(Fedin); I have carried this memory throughout my entire life, as if through a thousand years.(Prishvin); And the wife is already standing at the door and holding the frying pan at the ready like a gun.(Sholokhov); The steppe stretched into the distance, vast and flat, like the sea(L. Sobolev); There were a lot of people on the street, as if on a holiday(Tikhonov); Lightning bolts fly in the wind like ties(Bagritsky); And they hugged like brothers, father and boy-son(Tvardovsky);

      2) if there is an indicative word in the main part of the sentence so, so, so, so, For example: The coachman was as amazed at his generosity as the Frenchman himself at Dubrovsky’s offer.(Pushkin); Nowhere do people bow as nobly and naturally when they meet each other as on Nevsky Prospekt(Gogol); His facial features were the same as his sister's(L. Tolstoy); Laevsky is certainly harmful and is as dangerous to society as the cholera microbe...(Chekhov); Everything around is somehow churchy, and the smell of oil is as strong as in a church.(Bitter). But: Our group passed all tests ahead of schedule, as well as the parallel(without dismembering the complex union, see § 108);

      3) if the revolution begins with the combination like, For example: To Moscow, as to the whole country, I feel my filial relationship, like to an old nanny(Paustovsky); There was something unusual in her eyes, as well as in her whole face; As at last year’s competitions, athletes from the Russian Federation were ahead;

      4) if the turnover is expressed by a combination as a rule, as an exception, as usual, as always, as before, as now, as now, as if on purpose etc. (some of them are introductory words), for example: I see now the owner himself...(Pushkin); Classes began as usual at nine o'clock in the morning; I remember, as now, my first teacher at school; As if on purpose, there was not a penny in my pocket; As a rule, participial phrases are highlighted with commas.

      Note. The indicated combinations are not separated by commas if they are part of the predicate or are closely related to it in meaning, for example: In autumn and winter, dense fogs in London are common; Yesterday went as usual(i.e. as usual);

      5) in revolutions none other than And nothing more than, For example: In front, the Rhine Falls is nothing more than a low ledge of water(Zhukovsky).

    3. Turnovers with the union How are not separated by commas:

      1) if the meaning of the circumstance of the course of action comes to the fore in circulation (to the question how?); Usually such phrases can be replaced by the instrumental case of a noun or an adverb, for example: Buckshot rained down like hail(Lermontov) (cf.: rained down like hail); Dreams disappeared like smoke(Lermontov); Like a demon is insidious and evil(Lermontov) (cf.: demonically insidious); The ring burns like heat(Nekrasov); In anger, he thundered like thunder, flashed like steel; The horse flies like a snowstorm, like a blizzard hurries; Like lightning in the sky they flared, like fiery rain fell from the sky;

      2) if the main meaning of the turnover is equalization or identification, for example: ...You loved me as property, as a source of joys, anxieties and sorrows...(Lermontov) (cf.: ...loved me, considering me his property); …He[Judas] gave his stone as the only thing he could give(Saltykov-Shchedrin);

      3) if union How has the meaning “as” or a turnover with a conjunction How(application) characterizes an object from any one side (see § 93, paragraph 5, note): Rich, good-looking, Lensky was accepted everywhere as a groom(Pushkin); I speak like a writer(Bitter); My ignorance of the language and silence was interpreted as diplomatic silence(Mayakovsky); We know India as a country of ancient culture; The public appreciated the early Chekhov as a subtle humorist; We know Lermontov more as a poet and prose writer and less as a playwright; I will keep this letter as a memory; These ideas are promoted among artists as progressive; Peter I did not consider it shameful for himself to work as a simple carpenter; Yuri Gagarin went down in history as the world's first cosmonaut;

      4) if the phrase forms a nominal part of a compound predicate (about the absence of a dash in these cases, see § 79, paragraph 1, note, paragraph 2) or is closely related in meaning to the predicate (usually in these cases the predicate does not have a complete meaning without a comparative turnover), for example: Some are like emerald, others are like coral(Krylov); She herself walked like wild(Goncharov); Like a child I became a soul(Turgenev); Gamzat left the tent, approached the stirrup of Umma Khan and accepted him as khan(L. Tolstoy); Her father and mother are like strangers to her(Dobrolyubov); I looked fascinated(Arsenyev); Everyone treated Vanya as one of their own(Prishvin); She's like the sun(Seifullina); He talked about familiar things as if they were something extraordinarily interesting.(Paustovsky); Prishvin thought of himself as a poet “crucified on the cross of prose”(Paustovsky); Ice like ice, desert like desert(Kaverin); Everything is as in the pictures: mountains, forest, and water; Everything was as usual, only the clock was standing; His cattle are like ants in an anthill.

      Wed. Also: feel as if in one’s own element, behave as if insane, understand as a hint, perceive as praise, recognize as danger, look at as a child, greet as a friend, evaluate as an achievement, consider as an exception, take for granted, present as a fact, qualify as a violation of the law, note as a great success, interest as a novelty, put forward as a project, justify as a theory, accept as inevitable, develop as a tradition, express as a proposal, interpret as a reluctance to take part, define as a case of a separate application, characterize as a type, stand out as talent, formalize as an official document, be used as a phraseological figure, sound like a call, enter as an integral part, appear as a representative, feel like a foreign body, exist as an independent organization, arise as something unexpected, develop as a progressive idea, carry out as an urgent task and so on.;

      5) if the comparative phrase is preceded by a negative Not or words completely, completely, almost, like, exactly, exactly, directly, simply etc., for example: I cultivated in myself this feeling of holiday not as rest and simply a means for further struggle, but as a desired goal, the completion of the highest creativity of life(Prishvin); It was almost as bright as day; Children sometimes reason just like adults; The girl's hair is curly just like her mother's;

      6) if the turnover has the character of a stable combination, for example: It's like a mountain has been lifted off the lion's shoulders(Krylov); Yes, tell the doctor to bandage his wound and take care of him like the apple of his eye(Pushkin); The young couple were happy, and their life flowed like clockwork(Chekhov).

      Wed. Also: white as a harrier, white as a sheet, white as snow, pale as death, shines like a mirror, the disease vanished as if by hand, feared like fire, wanders like a restless person, rushed like crazy, mumbles like a sexton, ran in like crazy, spins like a squirrel in a wheel , squeals like a pig, I see like in the daytime, everything is as if on selection, jumped up as if stung, looked like a wolf, stupid as a cork, naked like a falcon, hungry like a wolf, as far as the sky from the earth, trembling as if in a fever, trembling like an aspen leaf, he's like water off a duck's back, waiting like manna from heaven, fell asleep like the dead, healthy as an ox, knows like the back of his hand, walks along like a man sewn, rolled like cheese in butter, sways like a drunk, swayed like jelly, red as a lobster, strong like an oak tree, screams like a catechumen, flies like an arrow, beats like Sidorov's goat, bald as a knee, pours like a bucket, waves his arms like a mill, rushes about like a madman, wet like a mouse, gloomy like a cloud, people like herrings in a barrel, not to be seen like your ears, dumb as a grave, running around like crazy, needed like air, stopped dead in your tracks, remained like a stranded lobster, sharp as a razor, different as heaven from earth, turned white as a sheet, repeated as if in delirium, you'll go like a dear, remember what was the name, hit like a butt on the head, looked like two peas in a pod, sank like a stone, loyal like a dog, stuck like a bath leaf, fell through the ground, disappeared as if sank into water, just like a knife to the heart, burned like in fire, dissipated like smoke, grew like mushrooms after rain, fell out of the blue, fresh as blood and milk, fresh as a cucumber, sat as if on needles, sat as if on coals, sat as if chained, listened as if spellbound, watched as enchanted, slept like the dead, slender like a cypress, hard as a stone, dark as night, skinny like a skeleton, cowardly like a hare, died like a hero, fell like a man knocked down, rested like a ram, stubborn like a donkey, tired like a dog, whipped like a bucket, walked like being submerged in water, cold as ice, black as hell, feeling at home, staggering like a drunk, walking as if to execution and so on.