Alexandria Theater poster for September. Heroes Square


Subtle and powerful

Moscow Theater named after. Vakhtangov will show the play “Oedipus the King” based on the tragedy of Sophocles, directed by Rimas Tuminas. The project combines the skill of Greek theater and the Russian school of psychology. Played by Lyudmila Maksakova, Viktor Dobronravov, Evgeny Knyazev and others.

Where: Alexandrinsky Theater, pl. Ostrovsky, 6. When: 19:00


The musical about Monte Cristo

On Saturday the Russian premiere of the musical “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Grammy Award winner and world-famous composer Frank Wildhorn will take place. The libretto is based on the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas. staging Russian version The musical will be carried out by the Hungarian director Miklós Gabor Kerenyi - his play “Jekyll and Hyde” has been running in the theater for the fourth season to a full house. The unfortunate count will be played by Kirill Gordeev, who will sometimes be replaced by Rostislav Kolpakov.

Where: Musical Comedy Theatre, Italianskaya st., 13. When: 19:00


Conversation with Solovyov

On Saturday the tour of students from the workshop of director, screenwriter, VGIK professor, people's artist Russia by Sergei Solovyov. He is the creator of the famous films “Assa”, “Tender Age”, “One Hundred Days After Childhood”, “The Station Agent”, “Melodies of the White Night”, “Black Rose - the Emblem of Sadness, Red Rose - the Emblem of Love” and many others. The tour will open with a creative meeting with Sergei Solovyov and the St. Petersburg premiere of the digital version of his film “Tender Age”.

Where: Kamennoostrovsky Theatre, second stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater, pl. Old Theater, 13. When: 19:00



The XI International Festival opened wildlife"Golden Turtle". The program includes an exhibition of photographs of wildlife by the laureates international competition Photos by GoldenTurlte. Hermitage photographer Yuri Molodkovets and official Fujifilm photographers Alexander Medvedev and Alexander Chaban will share the secrets of photography. IN music program will include concerts by the Cuban band Samba de Maria, the cover band Party Rock Band and the Zimavsegda group. Will be shown documentaries from Discovery Channel and Animal Planet.

Where: ArtPlay, Krasnogvardeyskaya square, 3. When: until 11/19, 15:00–23:00


Starring Richard Gere

The psychological thriller “Dinner,” directed by Oren Moverman based on the best-selling book by Hermann Koch, was released in Russia. A virtuoso acting quartet - Richard Gere, Steve Coogan, Laura Linney and Rebecca Hall - plays out an ancient drama about a brutal confrontation between two married couples at an elegantly set table in an expensive restaurant. Two married couples decide what to do after their children commit a crime and post the video online.

Where: in city cinemas


Laughter about the revolution

Veniamin Smekhov staged the play “Please speak! Year 1917" with Garik Sukachev in leading role. It will feature poems and memories of contemporaries of the revolution. Starring: Smekhov himself, Daria Moroz, Evgeny Dyatlov and others.

Where: Great Philharmonic Hall, Mikhailovskaya St., 4. When: 11–12.11, 20:00

Moreover, on this day


"Visiting Kafka." Library named after Mayakovskogo, emb. Fontanka River, 46. When: 12:00–16:00

From Tadeusz Kantor to Jan Fabre. How to watch modern theater. Theater Museum, pl. Ostrovsky, 6. When: 18:00


Tour. "Dinner with a Fool" House of Culture "Vyborgsky", st. Komissara Smirnova, 15. When: 19:00

Opera "Tosca" by Puccini. Mikhailovsky Theater, pl. Arts, 1. When: 19:00


St. Petersburg Biennale of Design “MODULOR-2017”, Space “Tkachi”, emb. Obvodny Canal, 60. When: until 19.11, 12:00–20:00


Dragonforce group (UK). Club "Waiting Room", emb. Obvodny Canal, 116. When: 20:00

Adam Gontier (Canada). Club “Cosmonaut”, Bronnitskaya st., 24. When: 20:00

Stand-up show by Alexey Shcherbakov. DK im. Lensoveta, Kamennoostrovsky pr., 42. When: 19:00

Sunday, November 12


Borenka for an encore

The Quartet I Theater will perform an encore performance of the play “... There’s something missing in Borenka.” Starring Maxim Vitorgan. Unlike Conversations of Middle-Aged Men and Letters and Songs of Middle-Aged Men, this play has plot, conflict, and characters.

Where: DK im. Lensoveta, Kamennoostrovsky pr., 42. When: 19:00


The best from the outskirts

The VIII International Festival of Chamber Theaters and Small Form Performances “ArtOkraina” has opened. The festival will feature the play “Shop” by the Almetyevsk Tatar Drama Theater, which has just received five nominations for the “Golden Mask”, the play “ True story Miss Hildur Bock, the same age as the century” from Nizhny Novgorod, the Serbian play “Slingshot”, which was included in the 2017 award longlist, which received the prize for “best male role” at “Kolyada-plays” this year, and much more.

Where: Theater “Behind the Black River”, Bogatyrsky Ave., 4. When: 11-19.11, 19:00


Foot of Fate

A large-scale exhibition “The Leg of Fate” opens, dedicated to the work of director Sergei Solovyov. This is a report on the work done over the past 5 years. Visitors will see portraits of Bashmet, Shnurov, Yankovsky, Abdulov, Bodrov Jr. and others. A special place in the exhibition is occupied by joint photographs with Tatiana Drubich, photos with Adele Exarchopoulos and Fani Ardant. The exhibition on two floors will be dedicated to the director’s “pre-Assov” crazy St. Petersburg youth and the people who accompanied him through life.

Where: Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art, 29th line V.O., 2. When: 10:00-22:00


Russian premiere

The chamber ensemble “New Vocalists of Stuttgart” will perform for the first time in the program “New Music on the New Stage”. The concert program includes the Russian premiere of Sergei Nevsky's work Pazifik exil, as well as works by Luciano Berio, Carola Baukholt, and Evis Samutis. The team, created in 1984, consists of seven performers. Since 2000, composers have been writing works specifically for the ensemble, and the ensemble annually includes up to 25 new works in its repertoire.

Where: New stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, emb. Fontanka River, 45. When: 19:00


Experiments with sound

Shortparis are the winners of the Golden Gargoyle award in the Experimental Project category. This is an avant-pop/experimental band from St. Petersburg, founded in 2012, which feels itself in opposition to modern music scene. The group's live performances tend to be contemporary art performances.

Where: Erarta Stage, 29th line V.O., 2. When: 20:00


Cinema of Switzerland

As part of the 4th Swiss Film Festival, the drama “Periphery” will be shown: the story of five heroes, filmed in the format of a film almanac by 15 graduate students of the University of the Arts Zurich. The heroes will spend one day fighting for their rights. Admission is free.

Tour of Sergei Solovyov's Workshop. "Princess Mary" BDT im. Tovstonogova, small stage, emb. Fontanka River, 65. When: 19:00

Verdi's opera "Aida". Mariinsky Theatre, Teatralnaya Square, 1. When: 19:00

Ballet for children "Cipollino". Mikhailovsky Theater, pl. Arts, 1. When: 13:00, 19:00


"One Hundred Years That Shook the World." International Laboratory for 100th Anniversary October Revolution with nightly screenings of “Cross of the Revolution” for viewers. Theater of Generations, Lakhtinskaya st., 25. When: 20:00


"Symphonic Cinema". Ice Palace, Pyatiletok Ave., 1. When: 19:00

"Ball of Fairy Tales" Ballet extravaganza with the participation of Farukh Ruzimatov, Nikolai Tsiskaridze and Ivan Vasiliev. Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky", Ligovsky Ave., 6. When: 19:00

Valentin Strykalo. Aurora Concert Hall, Pirogovskaya embankment, 5/2. When: 20:00

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Repertoire Bolshoi Theater as of September 2017

More than two centuries New Year in Rus' it was celebrated in September. Times passed, a lot has changed. But the long-standing tradition of starting business in the first month of autumn resonates to this day. In September, schoolchildren sit down at their desks and students begin their studies. And at the Bolshoi Theater it opens new season - 242!

The repertoire for September 2017 at the country's main theater pleases with a constellation of familiar and already beloved productions. Large-scale, epic operas from Russian history “Boris Godunov” and “Prince Igor”, exemplary buffa operas “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Don Pasquale”, a cheerful and unrestrained ballet “Don Quixote”, a lyrical and tragic performance “The Flames of Paris”.

The Bolshoi Theater opens the parade of premieres of the new season with a wonderful performance for the whole family. The musical works “Carnival of the Animals” and “A Guide to the Orchestra for Young Listeners” are recognized as the best educational works for growing theatergoers. For all children who are partial to music, tickets to the Bolshoi Theater in September will be a wonderful gift.

In September, the Bolshoi Theater will celebrate the anniversary of the outstanding director Yuri Lyubimov - 100 years since his birth. First will be the opera "Boris Godunov", one of the last productions of the master. And at the end of the month, September 30, Lyubimov’s birthday, a gala concert will be held at which the meter’s personalized awards will be awarded.

Masquerade. Memories of the Future

Tours of the Alexandrinsky Theater. A large-scale, mystical painting about the torments of jealousy and suffering. The story described in Mikhail Lermontov’s drama “Masquerade” and interpreted by Vsevolod Meyerhold as a director formed the basis for Valery Fokin’s production. Despite the historical scenery and costumes, the action of the performance is outside of time and outside of space.

Boris Godunov

The greatest in meaning and musical language work. Modest Mussorgsky's opera is based on real historical events. The composer himself defined its genre as “folk musical drama.” And quite rightly so, because main character operas are common people. “Boris Godunov” is rightfully considered a standard example of the “grand style” and is the most popular Russian opera in the West, revealing the “mysterious Russian soul.”

love potion

The State Academic Symphony Chapel is recognized as one of the highly professional and creatively interesting musical groups in Russia. The unique group unconventionally combines an orchestra, choir and soloists. The “universal” structure of the chapel allows the performance of works of various genres. Concert versions of operatic masterpieces sound especially delightful in her performances. Gaetano Donizetti's opera “Elisir of Love” is no exception.

Swan Lake

Russian legend classical ballet- “Swan Lake” is a marvelous, amazing choreographic performance about kindness and cruelty, love and betrayal. A mystical plot, magical, bewitching dance, magical, captivating music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky are the components of success and a guarantee of the love and adoration of the audience.

The Marriage of Figaro

A modern version of the “ideal comic opera” to the delightful music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The action of the cheerful and spectacular holiday performance was transferred to the 60s of the last century, the heroes gladly “tried on” the expressive aesthetics of a bright, turning point time. This is not the first time director Evgeny Pisarev has worked with Beaumarchais's work - he has also produced a production about the brave and resourceful Figaro in the drama theater. .

Don Quixote

Funny, ironic and charming story to the cheerful music of Ludwig Minkus. The enchanting production is replete with unbridled passions and love affairs. All that remains of Cervantes' work in the ballet is the name of the glorious hidalgo, and the main characters - Kitri and Basil - are the fruit of the imagination of the director Marius Petipa. “Don Quixote” is the only ancient ballet that “was born” on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

Sometimes music embraces the spirit like the sea

Masterpieces of French music of the 20th century performed by artists of the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra. The concert is a wonderful opportunity to look from the present at the charming music of the past, to feel the enchanting musical pictures of France and enjoy the amazingly beautiful works.

Don Pasquale

An ancient comedy, an exemplary opera buffa “Don Pasquale” by Gaetano Donizetti, presented in a modern setting. Directed by Timofey Kulyabin, known for unexpected and bold decisions, the result is an elegant, slightly sad production about very real, living people with their own biography, about old age and about love.

Carnival of animals. A Guide to the Orchestra for Young Listeners

Wonderful, fascinating compositions, the world's most popular educational musical works for children. Comical in form and seriously ironic in content, the suite “Carnival of Animals” by Camille Saint-Saëns is a “zoological fantasy”, consisting of laconic, original in instrumental composition 14 numbers. Enlightenment musician Benjamin Britten's magnificent Guide to the Orchestra reveals the wonderful and vibrant world of symphonic music.

Prince Igor

Large-scale epic presentation key points Russian history with emotional and patriotic overtones. Alexander Borodin’s work “Prince Igor”, with its deep content, sweeping narrative, melody, harmony and indescribable national flavor, is a masterpiece of Russian operatic art and an example of Russian monumental opera.

Flame of Paris

The beautiful and merciless events of the Great French Revolution, framed by the music of Soviet composer Boris Asafiev. The choreographic version by Alexei Ratmansky is a rethought and reworked original work. Handling the musical component with care, the director completely excluded political ups and downs from the play and focused on the complex, confused relationships between peasants and nobles.

Etudes, Carmen Suite

Two wonderful one-act ballets - in one evening on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. The skillful “Etudes” to the virtuoso music of Karl Czerny, staged by the Danish choreographer Harald Lander, have conquered the whole world - a hymn to dance, an ode to the ballet lesson. And the passionate, unrestrained “Carmen Suite”, staged by Alberto Alonso to the music of Georges Bizet and orchestrated by Rodion Shchedrin.

Concert for the 100th anniversary of Yuri Lyubimov

A tribute to the memory of the outstanding director Yuri Lyubimov, who performed his last magnificent productions on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. At a beautiful concert, awards named after the meter will be presented.

On October 29, the Alexandrinsky Theater hosted the Onegin National Opera Award ceremony, and the name of the Natalia Sats Children's Musical Theater was heard twice. The first time was when the special prize “Soul of Opera” was awarded to the head of the artistic and production department of the theater Nikolai Yezhov, and the second time when Georgy Isaakyan’s performance based on Vladimir Martynov’s opera “Exercises and Dances” was declared the laureate in the “Event: Innovation / Experiment” category Guido!...

Futuristic ballet by Kirill Simonov to music by Reinhold Gliere

Libretto by Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina

"Aelita" is a romantic and futuristic ballet, spectacular, dynamic - and very ironic. Revolution - and love, these are his main themes.

“I’m staging a romantic ballet - with a totalitarian poster-like content, and I perceive the whole story of flights to Mars partly as a comic book about beautiful deceived people, revolutionaries and dreamers who believed that they could change the world...



based on the composer's libretto

based on the fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky

Dearboys and girls!

N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

"Christmas Eve"

Libretto by the composer based on the story of the same name by Nikolai Gogol from the cycle “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”

Musical and dramatic editing by Evgeny Brazhnik and Georgy Isaakyan

The composer called this opera his opera “Carol Fact”. At the Children's Musical Theater named after Natalia Sats, she will continue the line of creating performances that should introduce young viewers to famous works of Russian literature and the great heritage of world and domestic opera music.…

The Moscow State Academic Children's Musical Theater named after Natalia Sats and the Association of Musical Theaters of Russia invites listeners to participate in the CONFERENCE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF MUSICAL THEATER, which will be held from November 1 to November 3, 2017.
Within the framework of the Conference, creative laboratories and scientific and practical seminars are planned, the presenters and leaders of which will be representatives of theaters and theater organizations from the UK and Russia.…

Dear friends!
Our theater’s performance “The Ugly Duckling” (composer Mikhail Bronner, director Georgy Isaakyan) is included in the shortlist of the international annual theater audience award “Theater Star” in the category “Best Performance for Children and Youth!”...

Dear colleagues and friends! Artists and musicians! Listeners, spectators and fans of the Natalia Sats Children's Musical Theater! Congratulations on the International Day of Music, which we all admire and serve always and everywhere - behind the scenes and in the hall, at the piano and at the microphone, in the orchestra pit and on stage.…