Find out the results of the Unified State Exam Crimea. In the Republic of Crimea successfully passed the exam in mathematics

For eight years now, all graduates have had to take the Unified State Exam, and criticism of the exam does not stop. The Unified State Exam is blamed for all the troubles Russian education, forgetting that the exam is just a tool, a microscope that shows all the shortcomings and gaps in the knowledge of schoolchildren. And only in the last two or three years this microscope began to work normally, and the scale of cheating and cheating dropped significantly.

And, as befits a properly tuned instrument, the Unified State Exam highlighted serious problems in our education, with which, unfortunately, the students themselves cannot do anything.

I was able to take part in a large-scale study by the International Laboratory for Educational Policy Analysis at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, which was dedicated to the results of the Unified State Exam. We collected data on average scores in Russian language and mathematics for almost all regions of the country from 2009 to 2016, and analyzed where the scores are higher and what this may be related to.


The difference in USE results between regions is huge. For example, metropolitan schoolchildren passed specialized mathematics in 2015, on average, 13 points better than graduates from Buryatia. IN Perm region Unified State Exam scores in Russian are consistently 5 points higher than in the neighboring Komi Republic. And the worst thing about passing the exam is not North Caucasus, as is commonly believed, but the Far East.

It turns out that the results of the Unified State Exam are directly related to the state of the economy. The poorer the region, taking into account prices and the cost of living in it, the lower the scores! On the one hand, people have less money for tutors or preparatory courses for their children. On the other hand, in such regions schools receive less funding.

Simply equalizing the level of funding for schools is not enough to equalize the chances of children, says Olga Lazareva, associate professor of the Department of Applied Economics at the Higher School of Economics. - Large income inequality in the region also negatively affects Unified State Exam scores, even with the same funding.

It turns out that children's grades are related to where they were lucky enough to be born and study. Economics determines Unified State Examination points in mathematics by a quarter, and in Russian by a third! It is much more difficult for children in some regions to achieve high scores than in others.


In theory, such an economic barrier can be overcome - you just need to find a child good school and good teachers. And in fact: the level of teachers and schools explain another third of the grades in Russian and mathematics. For example, in those regions where there are more teachers with higher education, graduates pass exams 4-5 points better.

But in practice it turns out vicious circle - good teachers They go where they pay better. Those teachers near Moscow who can, are trying to get a job in the capital. And teachers from regions bordering Moscow get jobs in schools near Moscow.

As the 2012 PISA study shows, in regions where teacher salaries are higher, teachers are more motivated, enthusiastic, and driven to achieve. Accordingly, where salaries are lower, Unified State Exam scores are lower. But the lion's share of the school budget is spent on teachers' salaries.


It turns out that graduate scores are highly correlated with a region's economy, funding, and other school characteristics. Students from the Altai Republic receive 70 points, and Muscovites receive 80-85 on the same exam. But when entering universities, the score goes to tenths of a point.

This situation complicates the road to good universities capable guys from the outback. Yes, the Unified State Exam has simplified the path to Moscow State University for modern Lomonosovs. But he cannot completely remove all barriers. At the same time, not only children, but also teachers themselves are assessed based on the results of the Unified State Exam. But all these factors - both the economy and the composition of teachers - are something that neither schoolchildren nor their teachers can influence. It's like fining a snail for last place in a time trial.

“You can’t put all the responsibility for solving this problem on the exam itself or on the teachers,” says Andrey Zakharov, head of the International Laboratory for Analysis of Educational Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. - Equalization of educational opportunities is a task of state policy.


Sergey Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor:

Unified State Exam results, as well as State Exam scores and All-Russian data verification work give us a more complete picture of the quality of education in the country. The Ministry of Education and Science and I have developed an algorithm for using the results of all assessment work for the teacher training system - for pedagogical universities and institutes for advanced training. Now we have taken the first step in diagnosing the quality of education, and it is important to take the next one.

In addition, we conduct special promotions and programs to work with different regions. We analyze not only what prevented schoolchildren from gaining minimum score, but also what problems high-scoring students encountered. And throughout academic year our experts come to schools, work with teachers and help children achieve better results.

State exam, open your face

Alexander MILKUS

When Rosobrnadzor (the agency responsible for conducting the Unified State Exam throughout the country) was headed by Lyubov Glebova, the results of exams passed by regions were classified. The explanation is so that governors are not tempted to “inflate” exam results in order to show how well they are developing education in their region.

During the leadership of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov (he is still in office), the data on how the Unified Schools passed the exam was also classified. For a similar reason - so that directors do not take the soul out of children by demanding outstanding results, and then wave them in front of the noses of their colleagues.

The researchers who prepared the materials we are talking about today painstakingly collected data from open sources, practically “sifting through” regional news sites.

Question: is it good or bad that it’s official? Unified State Exam data classified? That local authorities and administrations educational institutions are not averse to using the State Exam for self-affirmation, and that is why this opportunity should be taken away from them - a weak argument. If we were able to organize the exam without massive cheating, forgery and other fraud, we would need to take the second step. Show people who is worth what: which school has the highest quality of education, which region saves money on educating its children. Competition (fair and fair) in education has never bothered anyone. Look, there will be money for better funding of schools, and it will be possible to shake off the sleepy cobwebs from teacher retraining courses, and programs to support lagging educational institutions will start working (they have been developed and some regions are successfully using them).

The education system cannot be swept under the rug. It's only good for catching fleas under it.


In Italy, southerners are stupider than northerners

This problem exists not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

For example, in Italy are sounding the alarm with all their might: the difference in the knowledge of students from the northern and southern regions is several years of study! Constantly arriving migrants add fuel to the fire - without knowledge of the language, it is difficult for their children to study. And when there are a lot of such guys, it often slows down the whole class. So the state is developing special support programs for schools in southern regions, and provides teachers with additional grants and subsidies.

The situation with inequality is similar in China. The difference between schools in Hong Kong and in Tibetan villages is not even years, but an eternity. Therefore, Chinese universities have introduced special coefficients for applicants from remote regions. To enter the same specialty, a graduate from Shanghai needs to score entrance exams 700 points, and his peer from the northern provinces will need 600.

However, this did not completely solve the problem. Such “beneficiaries” do not always have enough knowledge to stay at the university. So going to university is not enough, what is more important is whether the student can learn something there.

Unified State Exam 2017 in Crimea: who needs to take it and how not to get into trouble?

Despite the fact that Crimean schoolchildren have been studying and passing exams for three years now Russian program, many still have not figured out the nuances. Moreover, every year some innovation is added. And every year, in this regard, the editors receive indignant appeals. Those who have not previously faced the need to take the GIA are lost in the whole sea useful information, moreover, often stated in dry, official language. We will help you figure it out. Experts from the State University answered questions from the Crimean Telegraph newspaper. government institution Republic of Crimea “Center for Assessment and Monitoring of Education Quality”.

One of the forms

Unified State Exam (Unified state exam) is one of the forms of passing the GIA (state final certification). This is convenient primarily because, having passed the Unified State Examination well, you can apply to a number of universities at once, both in Crimea and outside the peninsula. You do not need to travel to remote regions to enroll, but only arrive to study if you are accepted.

In 2017 and 2018, for applicants of the Republic of Crimea, admission to OO HE will be based on the results of the Unified State Examination and (or) the results of entrance tests conducted by the organization in any specialties and areas of training (unlike admission to allocated places in 2014-2016) . Entrance tests can only be taken in the year of receiving the certificate.

The years for Crimean graduates have been extended for 2017 and 2018 transitional conditions regarding the state final certification. That is, graduates of schools on the peninsula can take the GIA in the form of the Unified State Exam or in the form of the State Final Exam (state final exam) of their choice. However, the allocation of budget places for applicants from Crimea has not been provided since 2016, and admission to study in educational organizations higher education will be carried out on a general basis.

How to register for the Unified State Exam?

If a student or graduate from previous years wants to take the Unified State Exam in 2017, he will need to register from December 1, 2016 to February 1, 2017 (inclusive).

Registration takes place by collecting a set of documents and then entering information about the participants (about the State Examination Form and the subjects to be handed over) into the Regional Information System.

Set of documents:

1. Application (for graduates of the current academic year and for IDPs - different shapes statements).

2. Written permission to process personal data.

3. A copy of an identity document.

Additional documents:

For students in secondary organizations vocational education- certificate from educational organization A secondary vocational education certificate confirming the completion of educational programs of secondary general education or completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year.

For foreign citizens - a copy of a foreign document on education and a duly certified translation into Russian.

Persons with disabilities health - a copy of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission with a list of conditions that must be created for the participant to pass the state final certification.

For disabled people (disabled children) - a copy of a certificate confirming the fact of disability.

Is it possible to be exempt from taking the State Exam for health reasons?

There are no regulatory documents providing for exemption from the GIA for health reasons. Students with disabilities are provided with all necessary conditions so that they can pass the exams. The only category of students with disabilities who do not pass the GIA are persons with various forms mental retardation who are trained according to adapted basic general educational programs and do not receive basic general and secondary general education. Based on the results of training, this category of students is issued not a certificate, but a certificate of training (FZ-273, Article 60).

If you haven't passed the Unified State Exam, you won't be able to enroll on the mainland?

This statement is unfair. The procedure is the same for all Russian universities (nowadays they are increasingly called OO HE - see the “Educational Education” section) - they provide an alternative to applicants. But not all.

That is, an applicant can be accepted even if he has passed the State Exam. But in order to get acquainted with the list of entrance tests at the university that you have chosen, you must first contact its admissions committee.

How long are the results valid?

According to the new Law “On Education in Russian Federation", Unified State Examination results are valid for four years following the year in which they were received. The law covers USE participants who took the exams after January 1, 2012, since the validity of the USE results obtained in 2012-2013 did not expire when the new law came into force.

If for some reason an applicant who previously took the Unified State Exam missed the expiration date for the Unified State Exam results, he must take the exams again.

Thus, the validity of the Unified State Exam results obtained in 2012 expires on December 31, 2016, and the validity of the results obtained in 2013 expires on December 31, 2017, respectively, and so on.

What kind of animal is an IDP?

Graduates of previous years can take the Unified State Exam at any age. Even if you are 90 years old, if you want to get a higher education.

IDPs are also registered for the Unified State Exam from December 1 to February 1. But we must take into account that you will have to take the exams not at the end of May, but at the end of March! So there will be two whole months less time for preparation.

Entrance tests instead of presenting USE results are not for IDPs: they can only be taken in the year of receiving the certificate. So, if you are not a 2017 graduate, you won’t be able to get anywhere without the Unified State Exam.

I passed the Unified State Exam with a bad mark - what should I do?

If you failed Russian or mathematics, you can retake the so-called reserve days, that is, in a few weeks. If you passed both Russian and mathematics with a bad grade, you will only be able to retake it in the fall.

But if you received a low grade in the subjects that you took of your choice, then you can correct the matter only after a year by registering for the Unified State Exam again.

By the way, in order to improve the result, you can retake it as many times as you like—at least every year. If you don't mind the time.

Is it possible to take some subjects in the form of the Unified State Exam, and others - the State Examination?

Yes, you can. It all depends on the results in which subjects will be required upon admission to the university. It is recommended to take compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) in the form of the GVE, and elective subjects in the form of the Unified State Exam.

How does the Unified State Exam 2017 differ from the Unified State Exam 2016?

One of the features conducting the Unified State Exam in 2017, categories of graduates began to be divided according to the timing of exams. Graduates of the current academic year will take the Unified State Exam during the main period of the State Examination - from May 29 to June 19, 2017.

Graduates of previous years will be able to take the Unified State Exam only during the early GIA period - from March 23 to April 14, 2017 or on reserve days of the main period - from June 20 to July 1.

In addition, it is planned to increase the number of points using control printing technology measuring materials(CMM) in classrooms directly in the presence of exam participants and scanning examination materials at examination points (PPE).

These technologies will completely eliminate the possibility of unauthorized access to the CMM before the exam, which will allow the exam to be conducted more objectively and openly. By 2019, it is planned to completely transition all PES of the Republic of Crimea to the use of these technologies.

Also in 2017, it is planned to change the format of CMM in the following subjects: chemistry, biology, physics. Structure optimized exam paper and tasks with a choice of one answer are excluded.

Where do I check in?

Schoolchildren are registered in the schools where they study.

Graduates of previous years and those receiving secondary vocational education are in education authorities.

The list of registration places is posted on the official website of the State Public Institution “Center for Assessment and Monitoring of Education Quality”, in the GIA-11 section, subsection “GIA-11 participants - this is for you”, as well as in official group Center "VKontakte" "Unified State Exam, OGE, GVE in Crimea."

Where to take the Unified State Exam?

At exam sites. Their locations are approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Crimea in agreement with the State Examination Commission.

The network of Unified State Examination points is planned to be expanded to 28 in 2017 (for comparison: 20 points were organized in 2016).

Is it possible to register for the Unified State Exam if there is no passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, but only a Ukrainian birth certificate?

A birth certificate is not an identity document, therefore, based on of this document You can't register. In this case, the school where the child is studying must issue a certificate of identification of the student. This certificate must contain a photograph of the child, indicate the date of birth, full name and information that he is a student of this educational organization. The certificate must be certified by the signature of the director and the seal of the school, and also have all the necessary details.

There is a whole list of documents on the basis of which you can register for passing the State Examination.

Identity documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation:

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Passport of the Russian Federation for exit and entry into the Russian Federation (foreign);

Diplomatic passport;

Service passport;

Seaman's passport;

Military personnel identification card;

Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport.

Identity documents of a foreign citizen:

Passport of a citizen of a foreign country;

Resident card.

Identity documents of a stateless person:

Temporary residence permit;

Resident card.

Refugee identity documents:

Refugee certificate;

Certificate of consideration of an application to recognize a citizen as a refugee.

Educational program

If this is your first time encountering the topic of the Unified State Exam, you will need this hint so as not to get confused in the abbreviations that are full of official websites dedicated to the Unified State Exam. So, here are the most frequently used ones:

USE - Unified State Exam;

GIA - state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education;

GVE - state final exam;

OO VO - educational organizations of higher education;

IDP - graduate of previous years;

SPO - secondary vocational education;

PMPK - psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

CMM - control measuring materials;

PPE - examination point.

Natalya Goncharova, Minister of Education, Science and Youth of Crimea:

“Currently, Crimean applicants do not have quotas as such for admission to Russian universities. Graduates who have passed the Unified State Exam are admitted on a general basis. And those who enter based on the results of the state internal exam will take internal exams conducted by the university. There should be no exams more than three, one of them is mandatory - Russian language and literature.”

In total, today 13 Crimean graduates of 11th grade received 100 points according to the Unified State Examination results

In Crimea, the results of the Unified State Examination in two compulsory subjects and 6 elective subjects have become known. The Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, Natalya Goncharova, spoke about this on air on the radio program “Sputnik in Crimea”.

“The results are expected and fully comparable with the results of last year. In particular, we note improved results for specialized mathematics(less percentage of “failures”, higher percentage of high results (above 80 points). 545 people out of 2.5 thousand participants received results of 70 or more points, three guys received highest score in specialized mathematics,” the minister noted.

The main period of state final certification takes place in the Republic of Crimea from May 24. To date, the main stages of the exams have been completed. All exams were conducted in an organized manner, without technical failures or violations, and were highly appreciated by management Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science. On reserve days, exams are held mainly for graduates of previous years who did not participate in the early period of the Unified State Exam.

In total, to date, 13 graduates of the 11th grade have received 100 points according to the Unified State Examination results, including: 1 - in literature, 3 - in specialized level mathematics, 3 - in chemistry, 6 - in the Russian language.

According to Natalya Goncharova, it is too early to talk about how many 11th grade graduates are applying for a certificate with honors or will receive a medal. Graduates who received a borderline number of points (68-69 points) had the opportunity to file an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points. We are now awaiting the results of the appeals processing.

The main exam days were also held in 9th grade. Starting this year, the Main State Exam (OGE) has become a mandatory form of State Examination for 9th graders. To obtain a certificate, it was necessary to pass exams and obtain positive results in 4 subjects: Russian language, mathematics and two subjects of the students’ choice.

Among the elective subjects there are also native languages, in which more than 600 people took the exam. OGE results in all subjects are now analyzed and compared with the results of last year. The final analysis will be given at the August meeting of the Ministry.

All 9th ​​graders who receive no more than 2 unsatisfactory results in the exams will be able to take part in a retake on reserve days, and if they fail again, in September. Those participants who received more than 2 failures on the main days will also be scheduled for September.

Starting this year, for graduates of 11th grade, the unified state exam has become a mandatory form of state final certification. To pass the unified state exam in 2019, 10,342 participants were registered in Crimea; more than 9,700 graduates of the current year took the Unified State Examination in compulsory subjects.

In addition, starting this year, new requirements have been introduced for obtaining a certificate for grade 11 with honors and a medal “For special achievements in learning”, which return the medal to the status of the highest distinction: at least 70 points for the Unified State Examination in Russian language and mathematics at the profile level, or a grade of “5” in basic mathematics.

In Crimean schools, as throughout Russia, unified state exams are being passed.
06.27.2019 SIMFEROPOL, June 24 – RIA Novosti Crimea. The results of the Unified State Exam, which this year graduates of Crimea and Sevastopol took for the first time without fail, cannot be disclosed,

In October, the State Duma of the Russian Federation decided that our schoolchildren still do not have enough knowledge and, after lengthy “disputes,” in the third reading they adopted a bill allowing graduates to choose between the Unified State Examination and the State Final Examinations (GVE).

There is still time to decide on the form for passing the final state certification. Registration of schoolchildren and graduates of previous years who decided to obtain a certificate for further income, will last until February 1.

There is a choice

Just as theater begins with a hanger, so the final certification begins with an essay. It is the result of this written work that will show whether the student can be admitted to the exams or not. Crimean schoolchildren were supposed to write theirs back in December, but due to the regime in Crimea emergency, the writing of the final essay was postponed to February 3, 2016. Registration ends two days before; those who did not have time to submit documents will take the tests in 2017.

However, those who failed the essay or missed a class good reason, will be able to re-write the essay in the additional deadline of May 4, 2016. According to the program compiled by the Solzhenitsyn Foundation, the first four thematic areas were: keywords“time”, “home”, “love”, “path”. The fifth direction is called “Year of Literature”.

This year, schoolchildren can, if they wish, combine both forms of passing the State Exam in different subjects, for example, the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, history and the State Examination in mathematics. However, you cannot choose both forms of passing the State Examination in one subject, for example, the State Examination in mathematics and the Unified State Examination in specialized mathematics.

There are no fundamentally new changes in the system: everyone’s favorite multiple-choice tests are removed and descriptive questions are added, and foreign language, in addition to the written test, they added a pronunciation and speaking test. The GVE is taken according to a five-point system, a three is considered a passing grade here, but in the Unified State Exam you need to score minimum quantity points on a 100-point scale. But this result is not included in the general education certificate: if a medalist passes the State Examination Test with a C, he will still receive a medal.

“The Unified State Exam is both a graduation and an entrance exam at once. With these results, children can apply to 5 universities at once for three specialties each, and then, after the results of the admissions campaign, choose which one to stay in. But after the GVE, the applicant will have to take entrance tests. But the problem is that most universities accept applicants only with Unified State Examination results or leave a minimum quota for those without these tests,” noted Elena Ermak, consultant of the department of secondary general education of the general education development department of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Crimea. — 9th grade graduates are also taking the State Examination this year. Two compulsory subjects: Russian and mathematics, and two electives, which do not yet affect the certificate. But next year, if a student fails elective subjects, they will have to be retaken.”

Students of the secondary vocational education system still remain in “suspense.” Only two educational institutions received a license to issue certificates. The rest, in order to pass the GIA, must “assign” students to local schools. Unfortunately, not all directors heeded the orders of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: for example, students of the Crimean College of Irrigation and Mechanization agriculture complain that the administration sends them to schools to register on their own.

How will it be

Final exams for eleventh graders will be held in two stages: early - for graduates of previous years or those who did not receive certificates in 2015 (March-April), and the main one - in May-June. By the way, students who plan to take many subjects can undergo early certification. There are also reserve deadlines that allow children who missed the exam due to illness or valid family circumstances to pass the certification.

This year, 16 specially equipped Unified State Examination points will be opened in Crimea: 5 in Simferopol, 2 each in Kerch, Yalta, Yevpatoria, Feodosia, and one each in Alushta, Armyansk, Dzhankoy, Saki and in the village of Petrovka in the Krasnogvardeysky district. Last year, a wave of “USE tourists” poured into the republic, counting on the insufficient level of censorship during exams.

“We took the courses at the right time, probably not so much to improve our qualifications as to get acquainted with this phenomenon, and we were ready for it. But they organized their work correctly, and as a result, there were practically no so-called “USE tourists” in Crimea,” said Natalya Goncharova, Minister of Education, Science and Youth of Crimea. However, a similar influx is expected this summer, although “tourists” have nothing to count on: the points are equipped in the same way as on the mainland: with metal detectors, video surveillance, and means of suppressing mobile communications signals may even be used.

During the exam, you cannot use means of communication, transmission, storage and reproduction of information, printed or handwritten notes, talk, get up from your seat, change seats, move around the room, or exchange any materials or objects with other participants. If a student is caught cheating, he will be disqualified and will only be able to receive a certificate in a year.

Participants will be able to find out their results in 7-15 days. The results of the State Examination will be brought to the attention of their educational organization, but the results of the Unified State Examination will not be handed out; the graduate can learn about his successes in personal account on a specialized website, the same database is available to all universities. Such results, they say in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, cannot be faked, as was the case with last year’s certificates.


Sergey SIBIRTSEV, psychologist:

Any exam is stressful for a child. It manifests itself in anxiety, self-doubt, and in severe cases there are even hysterics. The main help of parents in such situations is communication. It is necessary to repeat that you believe in him, to inspire him that he can handle it. Let your child know that you love him and, regardless of the result, you will love and be proud of him.

On the eve of testing, the child should be well rested and get enough sleep. Talk about your exams, grades, share your past fears. Previously, it was more difficult to pass exams, because the grade depended not only on the level of knowledge, but also on the relationship with the teacher, and sometimes on his mood. Here these factors do not affect the results. The teenager must understand that the exam is not an execution, not the end of the world, but just a test and life does not end after that, in case of failure. There's always a second chance.

On May 29, Crimean 11th grade graduates took an exam in one of the compulsory subjects - mathematics.

“According to the innovations of 2019, graduates had the right to choose only one of the levels of the Unified State Exam in mathematics: those students who needed mathematics to enter universities chose the specialized level of the subject. Participants who needed mathematics only to obtain a certificate could choose the basic level,” says Maxim Donenko, director of the regional information processing center, in an interview with the Crimea 1 television and radio company.

In Crimea to pass specialized level mathematicians registered 2662 people, in PPE appeared 2651 of them. For mathematics basic level registered 7127 eleventh graders, arrived at the points 7043 . All registered participants took the exam in the form of GVE - 51 graduate.

At all examination points, the exam began in accordance with the regulations, the printing of control measurement materials started on time and took place without technological failures. The average time for printing sets was 20 minutes.

“Today, not only our graduates took the exam, but also the employees of the exam points. In 2019, there are 60 USE PPE operating in the republic, of which 18 were created this year. All points of Crimea, where the unified state exam is held, work using the technology of printing control measuring materials in the exam rooms and scanning participants’ answer forms at the point, and are equipped necessary equipment. In all Unified State Examination classrooms, video cameras are connected with live broadcast to the “Watch Unified State Examination” website,” comments Natalya Goncharova, Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea.

The progress of the examinations was monitored by federal and public observers, as well as representatives of the control and supervisory authorities of the republic.

After the tests were completed, the stations began scanning the participants’ work and transmitting the forms in encrypted form via secure communication channels to the regional information processing center.

“We were very worried before today’s exam,” says Olga Yuryeva, the mother of a Simferopol college graduate, “we prepared for mathematics with the whole family, solved the tasks that caused the greatest difficulties - these are the ones that give greatest number points, but involve logical reasoning and often a non-standard solution. They even developed their own system: they solved tasks separately from each other, and then argued the correctness of the answer, and ultimately turned to the ubiquitous Internet for confirmation. The daughter has chosen a profession that is unconventional for a girl - she wants to be a specialist in information security, so among the difficult exams we will also have to take physics.”

The results of basic mathematics will be known to participants no later than June 11, profile mathematics – no later than June 12. Also, no later than June 12, GVE participants in mathematics will learn their results.