Little rats. Why does a woman dream of rats? Dream interpretation of rats

When people see rats, they most often experience disgust and disgust, so even in a dream, meeting this animal leaves an unpleasant aftertaste on the soul. In addition, many dream books interpret night dreams with the presence of these rodents as a harbinger of conflicts, gossip and financial failures. But depending on all the nuances of such a dream, small rodents can also predict profit for the dreamer, a pleasant acquaintance, and even new romantic relationship. And in order to decipher what a rat dreams about in a dream, it is advisable to remember the smallest details and details of such a dream.

General value

Despite the fact that these animals are associated with dirt, destruction and sabotage, rats are endowed with positive qualities, such as insight, perseverance in achieving goals, intelligence and dexterity. Therefore, a dream with a cunning rodent should not always be deciphered as not auspicious sign, because in some cases such a plot promises success and prosperity.

  • Seeing a rat may indicate that a person harbors unclean thoughts and experiences remorse because of this. It is likely that such a dream is a sign that the observer should reconsider his attitude towards the people around him;
  • Also, a rodent in a dream can warn of quarrels and conflicts with neighbors, perhaps even a fight;
  • If a person experienced panic horror in a dream, then he should beware of intrigues on the part of his colleagues;
  • Night dreams in which an animal sits on the palm or crawls over the body predict a pleasant acquaintance, which over time can develop into a serious love relationship;
  • Seeing a decorative rat sitting in a cage in a dream means profit and improvement in financial situation;
  • Did you dream about an animal with small cubs? You should prepare for family troubles and conflict with loved ones;
  • Watching a rodent wash itself in a dream means gossip from ill-wishers;
  • If the dreamer caught an animal by the tail, then in the near future he will experience financial well-being or career advancement;
  • A characteristic squeak may warn that you have an envious ill-wisher who is trying to do harm;
  • If you dreamed of people with rat heads, then such a dream indicates that the observer is dissatisfied with his position in society and feels that he is not appreciated by his superiors;
  • A plot in which a cat chases a victim foreshadows prosperity and profit;
  • You can hope to receive an inheritance or win the lottery large sum if you dreamed that an animal gnawed furniture in the house or clothes;
  • You should be wary of thieves when in a dream a pest runs around the kitchen and steals food from plates or pots;
  • Feeding rodents in a dream means achieving your intended goal.

What does it promise a woman?

For representatives of the fair sex, a rat seen in night dreams predicts treason and betrayal. For a married woman, such a dream is a warning that she has a rival who is trying to take her husband away from the family.

A scenario is considered favorable if a woman throws a rodent out of the house or kills it, since one can hope that the controversial situation will be resolved in her favor.

For young girls a dream with the presence of these animals can mean meeting a guy or proposing marriage.

If you dreamed about a man

In most cases, a rat seen in night dreams is interpreted by representatives of the stronger sex as a sign of success and material well-being. Such a dream promises especially good profit if there were a lot of rodents.

At the same time, the animal can warn of deception and betrayal on the part of a companion or business partner. If a man dreamed that a rat was attacking him, he should be attentive and careful when concluding transactions.

Why do you dream of a white or black rat?

The color of a rodent seen in a dream is of great importance, since it depends on the color of the fur coat,
what awaits the dreamer in the near future - danger or success in business.

  1. An animal with a white color promises additional income and promotion. For businessmen, a dream with a light rat is a favorable sign, predicting profit and good luck in trading matters;
  2. A rodent with a black coat warns the dreamer that he may be deceived or set up by his colleagues. And also such a dream foreshadows the news of the death of a distant relative;
  3. Dreamed gray rat means that a person, finding himself in a critical situation, will be able to emerge victorious if he listens to good advice close friend;
  4. An animal with a brown or red fur coat symbolizes a cunning and dishonest person who spreads dirty gossip about the dreamer;
  5. A dream is considered especially unfavorable if it contains an albino rat with glowing red eyes, since the plot promises a clash with a dangerous and cruel enemy.

I dreamed about a dead rat

Despite the fact that a dream with a lifeless rodent can hardly be called pleasant, it is interpreted as a favorable sign, which means that all difficulties and adversities are left behind.

Killing with your own hands in your dreams means victory over your enemies and ill-wishers.

If a woman dreams that she killed a rodent, then real life she will be able to get rid of her rival.

If an animal attacks or bites

A plot in which a rodent attacks an observer is an omen that the dreamer will have to face financial difficulties.

An animal bite in a dream promises a person scandals and conflicts with relatives.

Did a rat bite your hand in a dream? This vision warns that in the near future you should not borrow money or take out a loan for yourself.

If you dream that you are bitten until you bleed, then perhaps separation from your loved one is coming.

Interpretations in different dream books

Most sources interpret a rodent in a dream as an unfavorable sign, promising quarrels with loved ones, as well as difficulties and obstacles in achieving goals. But, in some cases, as astrologers assure, a rodent visiting in a dream portends success and material well-being.

  • In Tsvetkov’s Dream Book, a rat that comes in a night’s dreams is a sign of future changes in life, most often unpleasant, such as divorce or dismissal;
  • According to Miller's Dream Book, a rodent in a dream warns a person that he should be prepared for deception and intrigues on the part of his colleagues;
  • Vanga also interpreted such images as a sign that betrayal of a close friend or loved one awaits in reality;
  • The Modern Dream Book interpreted what he saw as a symbol of prosperity and improved financial condition;
  • If you believe English Dream Book, a small animal appears to warn about the machinations of enemies and ill-wishers;
  • But Nostradamus deciphered dreams with the presence of these rodents as evidence that a new addition was expected to the family;
  • Sigmund Freud believed that such a dream indicates that a person is hiding within himself a desire to express sexual aggression and has a tendency towards sadism;
  • In Loff's Dream Book, such an image personifies the dreamer's fear of being alone due to the loss of loved ones or the fear of being rejected by society.

Why do you dream about a rat by day of the week?

From Monday to Tuesday. Most likely, in reality you are surrounded by hidden enemies. Whether you defeat them or not depends on the plot of the dream.

From Tuesday to Wednesday. Changes are expected in personal and social life, interaction with many people is possible.

From Wednesday to Thursday. Reflects material well-being. Profit or loss, depending on the nature of the dream.

From Thursday to Friday. Rely on your intuition. Dreams on Thursday suggest the right decisions and indicate the source of the problem.

From Friday to Saturday. Friendly rats - success in business, well-being. Aggressively inclined - towards minor troubles and quarrels.

From Saturday to Sunday. You are at the mercy of experiences, thoughts that swarm like rodents, giving you no rest.

From Sunday to Monday. Get ready for numerous meetings in reality.

Night dreams reflect a person’s hidden desires and subconscious fears and do not always pose a threat or foreshadow future misfortunes. But at the same time, it is worth analyzing your own dreams, because sometimes they warn the observer about what he should be prepared for and how to avoid trouble and failure in real life.

Large rodents from night dreams are a symbol of betrayal, betrayal or lies. This information will help to more accurately determine why a woman dreams of rats. Only in rare cases do they become positive harbingers.

Why does a woman dream of rats: interpretation from dream books

According to many modern dream books, a rat promises many unpleasant minutes for the sleeping person. Miller’s work notes that an animal that appears in night dreams becomes a harbinger of minor quarrels or conflicts. They will not occur with close people, but, for example, with colleagues, neighbors, friends or just random passers-by. The incident could even lead to a fight.

According to Vanga’s dream book, the fair sex is told by rats from a dream that the husband has begun to look to the side. Treason has already occurred or will happen in the very near future. The plot of the dream in some cases suggests how the situation will be resolved. If the rat ends up being killed by the woman herself or someone else, then the outcome will be positive. The wisdom and calmness of the sleeping woman will allow her to show herself with dignity and return her husband to the family.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, aggressive biting rats foreshadow unpleasant gossip from distant relatives. They can negatively affect a woman’s reputation as a whole.

Black, white rat

When interpreting a dream, you need to pay attention not only to its main plot, but also to small details, for example, the color of rats seen.

  • The black rodent is considered to be a symbol of a dangerous bloodthirsty enemy. Seeing a rat of this color in your dream is a very bad sign. The dream book suggests that you need to be more careful when choosing people for your immediate circle. The sleeper is too trusting and naive, which can lead to serious troubles in the future. Also, a black rat often symbolizes the negative attitude of his relatives towards the dreamer.
  • The white rat from a dream is an ambiguous symbol. It can mean both kindness and pure thoughts, as well as loneliness and internal discomfort. If a snow-white rodent talks in a dream human voice, such a guest can be considered a harbinger of ill-gotten gains. A tiny mouse of the indicated color suggests that you should get rid of your own fears and doubts. You can confidently move forward without fearing anything.

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying degrees of success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from

When falling asleep, a person dreams. Someone's dream is colorful and bright, beautiful and pleasant. Such that you don’t want to wake up, you want to stay longer in the kingdom of Morpheus. Someone sees black and white dreams, and when he wakes up, he doesn’t remember at all what events happened. Some people have nightmares or unpleasant dreams, the plot of which makes them break out in a cold sweat. Dreams are so different. And it turns out that what we see is connected with real life. Dreams help to avoid mistakes by pointing to the right decision, for example, a problem that has arisen. They suggest that an illness is hidden in the body. Dreams can even predict future events.

People often dream about animals. Having woken up, we open the dream book and look at what such a meeting could mean. For example, why do you dream about rats? Let's find out more.

What does meeting a rat in a dream promise?

Different interpreters have different interpretations of what mice and rats dream about. To accurately explain such an encounter, one must recall the details in detail. For example, whether the rat attacked or just looked into the eyes. Perhaps the rodent was eating quietly or simply basking in the sun. It is on such details that the entire interpretation will depend.

Also, when discussing why rats dream, we should note a very important detail. Pay attention to the color of the rodent's fur. Seeing a white rat in a dream means good luck, while a gray one means trouble.

Why do you dream about a gray rat?

If you dreamed of a gray rat, then know that you have troubles ahead. It symbolizes a person who is constantly nearby. These could be close relatives, employees, companions, friends. A mouse or rat seen in a dream is a sign of deception. Moreover, it is very difficult to say unequivocally why rats are dreamed of.

For example, you see in your dream how a rat is sitting next to you and washing itself. This means that very soon your home will have close relative, the purpose of his appearance is not entirely favorable for your family. If the rat is gray and dirty, know that at work your colleagues will throw mud at you or you will become the object of gossip. An attack by a gray rat in a dream means defeat in real life. Your endeavors will not bring success.

Also, when discussing why rats dream, think about safety. For example, if she stole food from your table, this is a signal that you will be robbed or your loved ones will be injured.

It is a favorable sign if the rat is afraid of you and runs away. This means that you can deal with problems on your own. But catching a rodent means danger, humiliation and conflict. Although killing a rat, according to Miller’s dream book, is evidence that in reality you will become a winner and cope with all difficulties.

White rat in a dream

Interpreters, when explaining why rats dream, pay attention to their color. White color is not just a favorable sign, but a harbinger of good luck and happiness. Moreover, it is believed that a dream in which you catch white rodents speaks of a huge win. Therefore, do not guess why rats are dreaming, but immediately run to buy a lottery ticket.

It is also a favorable sign if a white rat runs away from you. This means that, thanks to your persistence, you will achieve what you want. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether you catch up with her or catch her.

At the same time, it should be noted why we dream of rats and mice, who, huddling together, gathered in the corner. This dream signals that you are surrounded by the wrong people with whom you need to communicate. This is a kind of warning that it’s time to change your social circle and company.

Let's summarize what rats and mice mean in dreams. Although the interpretation of such a dream is generally positive and does not promise tragedy, nevertheless, having seen this animal in a dream, you should be more attentive to the information received during the night journey.

Rats with pups

Dream Interpretation Rats with pups dreamed of why you dream about Rats with little rats? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Rats with baby rats in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of. Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses. If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies. A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors. Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry. A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results. If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused. To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person. Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time. If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone. If in a dream you grabbed a rat, then you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies. If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation. According to Nostradamus, the rat is a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, luck and... death. A dream in which a huge number of rats eat crops speaks of a crop failure. If you saw an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage, keep in mind that appearances are deceiving and a penchant for luxury does not indicate strength of character and a tendency to compromise. If you dreamed about people with rat tails, take care of your health and safety. D. Loff wrote: “In modern world Rats are almost universally treated with contempt. For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts. According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has leaked. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually.”

Dream Interpretation - Rat

The rat is a symbol of pickiness, fastidiousness, fertility, death, and good luck. Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve the land and intelligently exterminate pests agriculture, this could turn out to be environmental disaster which will lead to famine. Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise. Seeing pairs of rats walking along the street like people is a harbinger of what conservationists will declare in 2020 as the year of the sanctity of living things. Seeing a ship driven by rats - this symbol means that before the era of universal prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066. Seeing people preparing a dish from rats means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans. Seeing people with rat tails is a sign that warns of illness and should make you think about health and concern for life safety. Seeing rats preparing to attack is a harbinger of aggression from Great Britain.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Why are there rats in a dream? You dreamed of rats... In general, rats, like other “carriers of infection” (!), dream exclusively of diseases. Pay attention to the size of rats in your dreams! How they behave, their quantity, quality... If there are 2-3 rats in a dream, then the illness will not be long and not severe; if there are a lot of rats, especially if they are large, and even worse, if the rats hiss, pounce, attack you, and even try to eat you (and there are such sizes, it’s a dream!), then the situation is bad: you will either have a sharp, either a protracted illness or its threshold... The beginning.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt. The reputation of garbage-eating carriers of infection always precedes them wherever they appear. However, some people keep rats as PETS, their attitude towards them is, of course, different. For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts. According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has leaked. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually. In reality, you perceive rats as pets or dangerous predators? In your dream, do rats pose a serious threat to your health and property, or are they simply a nuisance with their presence?

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Seeing rats means a lot of enemies. A woman sees herself holding a rat - foretells the birth of a child. Catching a rat means meeting an unreliable person or that people are preparing trouble for you. Seeing a cat catch a rat is a sign of prosperity. Seeing a rat in a hole means your home is being robbed. If a man saw that he was bitten by a rat, there would be trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief. Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy. Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy. See interpretation: animals, beasts. Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dreaming of rats are secret or obvious enemies that are difficult to get rid of. Such dreams are a sign of misfortune, failure, and illness. Quarrels with neighbors, partners, colleagues are possible. Fighting rats means suffering from deception, rudeness, arrogance, and betrayal. Catch a rat - to great luck. Kill a rat - defeat your enemy. A white rat is a hidden danger, someone’s location that you don’t need at all.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

The appearance of rats in a dream means serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means disdaining human baseness. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

do you dream about baby rats?



Seeing a rat in a dream means quarrels with friends, colleagues, neighbors. A dream in which you catch rats predicts your victorious struggle over your enemies. If you kill a rat, then you will be able to overcome all difficulties.

Always Smile

The rat is a symbol of pickiness, fastidiousness, fertility, death, and good luck. Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve the land and wisely exterminate agricultural pests, this could turn into an environmental disaster that will lead to famine. Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise. Seeing pairs of rats walking along the street like people is a harbinger of what conservationists will declare in 2020 as the year of the sanctity of living things. Seeing a ship driven by rats - this symbol means that before the era of universal prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066. Seeing people preparing a dish from rats means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans. Seeing people with rat tails is a sign that warns of illness, should make you think about health and concern for life safety

Lots of white rats

Dream Interpretation - Many dreams

The dreamer in her FRIEND’s apartment - for the dreamer, her recent “friendship.” Looking at some pictures on the walls - the dreamer is now trying to understand what happened to her friend and what it looked like (she wants to FORM HER PERSPECTIVE about the events that happened to her friend). A drunken FRIEND is a frivolous relationship, a sign of uncontrollable emotions and passions. A friend says: “Let’s go” - emotional attachment. Small bedroom, friend lies on a small bed - short-term and limited emotional connection. EX-WIFE friend and a little girl of 10 years old - the dreamer’s family life almost collapsed due to an imprudent friendship. The dreamer's husband at the table - the dreamer's desire to now establish friendly and close relationships with her husband. The dreamer in a large toilet - the dreamer has great opportunities to satisfy her needs in the existing relationship, but the dreamer is surrounded in them by one negative thing that has happened and is happening (around bowel movements). But the dreamer very wisely finds a place for herself next to her husband, even though it makes her feel sick and unpleasant (the dreamer walks small and has the taste of feces in her mouth). The dreamer passes by a STORE - the dreamer now intends to build a new relationship with her husband based on cooperation (employee) and mutual benefit (primarily for herself - the seller), although this will not be easy for the dreamer, but will ultimately lead her to her intended success (husband - a moron in general). A toy, passenger train on a string - the dreamer’s current life (temporary after all!), relationships for the dreamer are insincere and difficult (the train is a toy, but heavy), which the dreamer is trying with all her might to control. The dreamer is trying very hard to improve her life with her husband and is worried that she will not be able to withstand the difficulties and dangers that await her and will fall apart (the train begins to fall). And a small addition for the dreamer - don’t be afraid of anything, you are young and can withstand anything, and your mind will help you with this! (but not feelings and emotions, except maybe love, but that’s not what we’re talking about yet, although “patience and work will grind everything down,” they say). Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - White shoes and a dark red dress

Red is the color of sexuality; apparently, you still don’t know who to direct it at; self-doubt still creeps in.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of gold and jewelry

Seeing gold or gold jewelry in a dream means in reality a desire to change your life for the better (materially), since in reality things are not quite as you would like. This is a dream-claim, a dream-desire, but nothing more. All the best to you!

A dream may indicate the implementation of some idea, and one is pleased with an unexpected and strange path. The husband and father-in-law can point out former desires and opportunities that have been forgotten. New home- a new arrangement of life - for example, work, or new views on life, a new environment. Pregnancy is an idea that comes to fruition. Ex-husband wants to see it - your former direction in life or previous views on life want to return along with this idea. But you don't want to go back to the past. Milk - full of plans and desires. Perhaps this is connected with your current life and the current man - you have some desires in this regard, you are thinking about how to integrate your previous idea into your current life. Suddenly your daughter turns into a larva - your idea turns into trouble - you may want to remember your previous aspirations in life and fulfill some old dream, but this will not benefit your life today, and your dream will not be able to come true as you would like I wanted to. When trying to correct the situation, you will think that it can come true over time if you make an effort. Taking away an apartment may mean the opportunity to lose your usual way of life, taking things from home - adopting some experience or trying to adopt some character traits or something else. An attempt to take over. A fruit basket is a treat, a blessing, a chance. Sweet grapes are your dreams. May refer to the beginning of a dream about a child. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Many events in a dream... one dream continues another

In my opinion, fate (father of my husband) is dissatisfied with the current turn of events between you (decided to allocate a plot of land - wants to continue). But if, in your opinion, this is unrealistic and is a thing of the past, then the relationship must be ended for real: do not appropriate the best (I hide the child, I don’t want to show it) from your life together; we need to neutralize the situation. A child is a symbol of a born and born life experience that has enriched your soul 100% and, naturally, this happened thanks to the direct participation of b. Husband (child from him). Position b. You belittle your husband, you see only his negative role, and this is a mistake. Therefore, the child becomes smaller and degenerates (turning into a leech). The experience fades to nothing, into a negative. Learn to see your husband's positive contribution to your life. I think the next part of the dream with the apartment echoes the first: secret/unconscious/appropriation of merit to oneself (slowly taking things for oneself). Grapes - well-deserved female satisfaction (basket).

Dream Interpretation - Many rainbows, bubble

A beautiful dream can mean beautiful emotions! After a period of stagnation and empty expectations, hope for some accomplishments will appear, energy and mood will appear, you will find yourself as if in a fairy tale, where everything happens with the wave of a magic wand, and you will want to stay in it as long as possible. Perhaps all this will be connected with your mother. Only everything can burst, like a soap bubble, from the clot of energy contained in it. That is, you need to be very careful not to destroy such a fragile beautiful world

Dream Interpretation - Lots of water

In life you climb to the top, you want to achieve a high position. Well, you have too many ambiguities in your goals, you don’t see the very essence of what you want. Set your priorities, starting over. And a friend will help you with this.

Dream Interpretation - Many boots tied with rope

A building like a School - in reality this is the typical conscious appearance of the Dreamer. Bringing men's Shoes to school, tied together with a Rope - in reality means a lack of connection between the prevailing Consciousness and the Emotional sphere (the body and its needs) and the need to balance them. The cleaning lady surprises with the assumption that everyone is being drafted into the Army - symbolizes the Dreamer’s infringed emotionality, sacrificed to Consciousness, which is in excess (the Dreamer answers the Cleaning Lady that all the new Shoes are for Them). That is, where Emotionality is developed, there is a shortage of new Shoes (there are more desires than opportunities), and where Consciousness is developed, there is an abundance of Shoes (the presence of opportunities, the absence of desires). This is what the dream hints at, and the choice is up to the Dreamer.

Dream Interpretation - Bed linen, earrings, hairpin

I don’t know your marital status, so I’m writing as it is. Such a dream signifies a pleasant date with your loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Huge white bird

It is within your power to become a conductor of high, pure energies (sat on your hand). Maybe you have a dream (white bird) and then fate favors its fulfillment. A little doubt (doves) will not interfere with the plan. Success awaits you. Reach out your hand and show initiative. This could be a person who needs your help or some business is waiting for your involvement.

Lots of white rats

The dream suggests that some human - humane aspects of the Dreamer’s character (in her opinion) are holding her back social development(The Dreamer is a careerist), preventing her from moving forward (there are a lot of People at the beginning of the Train, the Dreamer is at the end of the Train, holding someone, hiding). Cutting someone's Throat, Blood from a cut Throat (communication, communication) - in this case acts as a sacrifice, these are moral, emotional Losses of the Dreamer. The Dreamer's Left Hand is in Blood - selfless connections with the world will suffer significantly. The desire to remain undetected in a crime, left hand behind - secret plans, unusual behavior, unpredictability of the situation, the desire to step over internal moral and ethical principles, acceleration of intentions (the Dreamer is afraid of being noticed and is in a hurry to complete her work). Wash Your Hand, but don’t Know How and Just Leave - already indicates that the Dreamer is Thinking about her place in the Sun, and also that Status always has and reverse side- VA-Bank, when you can lose what you already have - trust and respect (therefore, if you are not ready for such a turn of events, then you should not try to sit someone down, cut off someone’s oxygen, etc., but just leave in an amicable way , without complications - this is a good hint for the Dreamer from a dream for the future). This is what Dream wants to warn about. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Cut throat, a lot of blood

Hello. You have big problems with relationships with life (the world around us), and with people. Great need for updating. Feelings and intuition fail you. You need to urgently and sharply break with the past. Get out of the influence of social conventions. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Another reality, death, pain, a lot of blood, love, murder

It feels like an excerpt from a fantasy work. If this is really a dream, then I have a feeling that he is talking about change, rebirth or something. You may have to reconsider your attitude towards life.

Dream Interpretation - A strange chair and a lot of water bottles

The dream prophesies recovery, deliverance, improvement of affairs after prolonged difficulties or a bad streak.

Dream Interpretation - Abroad, deceased aunt, blind people and a lot of sun

The time for change is coming in your life and apparently it’s time to think about the meaning of life, set new goals for spiritual improvement, think about your family - do some kind of analysis or something. And a pleasant relationship with a man awaits you.

The dream tells you that you will have great anxiety associated with the waste of your vitality. The image of a bathtub, full or empty, in a dream foreshadows troubles that threaten to damage your reputation.

Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about a lot of blood

Julia, you urgently need protection, such a negative dream does not foretell good things. Write to me here, via internal mail, or find me through my website.

Good evening! “I’ve been meaning to publish one of my lucid dreams for a long time, but I didn’t dare because I was a complete mess. Even an experienced psychologist will not be able to figure out where the conscious part of the dream is, and where it is thought out or fantasized” - therefore, we can call them semi-conscious... “I am a single woman, without children, as they say, I am in an active search, since my childbearing age is nearing the end, my the biological clock strikes the brain like on New Year’s Eve, counting down the last seconds” - apparently the search has not brought any results yet, so good fun gives you a dream. “A century ago I would have been written off long ago and sent to a monastery to live out my life and beg, but in our time I still haven’t lost hope of acquiring a second half and at least one offspring” - since you practice lucid dreaming, therefore you should be lucid in life. Therefore, probably, these hopes of ending your life as 79% of the population ends it - you need the same for something, maybe just as additional life experience. PART ONE: “The first part is short, but very emotional” - most likely inspired by current life circumstances. “I see a hunt. The hunter himself remains out of sight for me, for some reason on the left side” - we can say that this part is inspired by kapmic and energy bindings in the past. We can recommend the practice of recapitulation: http: //www. Sunhome. Ru/magic/15947 “The target was hit using a mini harpoon with a cable at the end. The action itself, which I could see if I mentally zoomed in on the picture, was terrifying. A silent shot hit small animals (a hare or a fox) in the hind leg, leaving the animal itself alive, and then it simply pulled itself towards the hunter by that same paw” - again a hint of karmic connections in the past and energy “ropes”. It’s as if they are showing you the main idea from the outside. You are a woman, and for complete understanding you need to receive information twice (preferably from a different angle) so that it is conscious. “I tried to look at the picture in detail and really regretted it. The way the poor hare and the others fought and screamed at the same time cannot be expressed in words. With disgust, I turned away and tried to wake up” - the hare is an image of yourself. Therefore, the manipulations performed by life and the world on you cause internal disgust. “I woke up, got up and drank water, it was about four in the morning. She lay down, thought about this dream for a long time, and was able to fall asleep only at dawn. The second part was less dramatic and emotional, but much more meaningful” - well, the information was received on an emotional level. Maybe the second part of the dream will reveal more? Let's see what happened next... PART TWO: “In the second part, a young man whom I met a month ago in the temple followed me relentlessly from the left side” - again from the left side, again karmic attachments in the past. Why do they pay so much attention to them?! Apparently they do not allow you to move on and are causing confusion in your plans - “I will say that I really like him, but the relationship does not work out, we do not communicate.” And these plans, which are not realized due to the actions of the past, are connected in this dream with a specific person - “I didn’t see him himself, but I clearly knew that he was behind my left shoulder.” “In a dream, I met his mother, somehow very quickly and non-intrusively I ended up with them in the village at an impromptu market and chose from a huge number of different knives what I liked best. Mom showed me what kind of knife she uses at home. I took each one in my hands and tried it on for myself, and in turn chose from a huge pile of brand new Damascus steel cutlasses, and showed which one I use at home” - Your past connections conflict with the egregor of the kind of person you like. And this egregor gives, in the person of his mother, a good recommendation: take a knife and cut off all these hoses from the past (a knife is the practice of recapitulation). “Then we quietly moved to a small, very cozy cafe with a bar counter (this is all in the village), where right hand I turned out to be a very pleasant woman, at first glance it seemed to me that she was elderly, about 60 years old, but upon closer examination she turned out to be a very beautiful young woman, slightly plump, with unusually fair skin, stunningly beautiful and long lines of the face, neck and body in general . She was like a revived statue of an ancient goddess, with the same fluffy and voluminous hairstyle of almost white hair. (She was the most vivid impression from the dream) I sincerely admired her appearance and manners in the dream, but not for long, she turned out to be a close friend of my boyfriend’s mother, called her by name and with the idea that they needed to discuss some important matter, she took her away around the corner, but at the same time I could overhear what they were saying. They were talking about me! The point was to bring us (me and her son) together, or I would sit at home alone until I was 65(?) years old. I felt uneasy, and ashamed that I was eavesdropping, and I ran out of the room” - the egregor of their family took your fate seriously. “On the porch in front of the entrance there was a whole pile of someone else’s shoes, just like before entering a mosque, all the guests took off their shoes and put their shoes in pairs in rows. I found only one of my sandals - the left one” - a 100% indication of karma from the past, therefore the network of Intentions for the future is not realized - “The right sandal, I was sure of it, someone stole it” - the past “stole” from You are the future, sad as it may be. But the dream shows you a way out of this situation precisely for this reason - “When I went outside, I realized that it was more or less safe, the road was dirt, clean, well-trodden, without stones or other debris.” “But in reality it turned out to be a simple economy class bathhouse. It was not heated, inside, two half-naked people were doing something like a rearrangement, they kindly offered me to wash in it,” they suggest the practice of recapitulation. “I also kindly refused and, going out into the street, I found myself completely naked, but dry” - a great sense of self-worth and a high opinion of one’s spiritual development. “There were a lot of people hanging out near the exit, like in front of the only tavern in the village. The young people stood in pairs, some smoked, some drank beer, and some were just talking, but no one noticed me, because I understood that it was a dream and I didn’t care about this circumstance, I tried to wake up as quickly as possible” - your state of mind . Practice techniques to stop internal dialogue... Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Knives, shoes and much more

1 dream may indicate that you don’t like something in “the actions of men when they hunt”... But they want something differently... When you start to analyze it in detail (in a dream this is - I tried to look at the picture in details) - it becomes unpleasant for you... 2nd dream - a reflection of what is in reality.... A person who likes to eat, but there is no relationship..., so in a dream, then... One sandal, then... She herself is naked, i.e. The situation is still “not in your favor”...

Dream Interpretation - Black and white photography

Such a dream is a warning - An unexpected turn in relationships with women close to you is possible. One of them may be in danger. Long-forgotten connections and relationships may be renewed. Difficulties in sexual terms, conception is undesirable and can happen unexpectedly. Previous grievances and disagreements can lead to a breakdown in relationships, separation and separation are possible. Secret enemies are becoming more active, and there may be secret attacks from around the corner. You are unable to repel attacks, your will is constrained, your energy is chaotic, depression, negative uncontrollable emotions, the desire to do everything contrary, ridiculous ideas and unreasonable actions can have dire consequences. You are tormented by fears, a tendency towards self-destruction appears. You urgently need protection, a talisman. The roots are being undermined and the authority of family members is being reconsidered. No matter what age a person is, he wants to start a separate, independent life from everyone else. A long period of changes affecting your financial, property and economic spheres and especially family life

Lots of white rats

Dream Interpretation - My little white kitten

This dream reflects your current situation in terms of love and dreams about it, namely, you want a kind, affectionate guy who would take care of you. In general, I want romance at its best.

Both dreams 1 and 2 indicate that you may encounter “rather strange things and circumstances” that are rather unpleasant for you... With the participation of someone you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Tripped over a man's shoe, white salt shaker

You are at a loss (a mess in the apartment): your husband is losing his former importance for you (smaller in size). You think about your position (at the table): here it is (the shoe and the workpiece, the non-existent husband of a friend), but at the same time... The desire to understand the essence of your problem (salt). A question that requires your endurance, attention, and patience to answer. (weights). Remember what kind of problems your friend actually had with her husband (if he had one) or the father of her child - this is the key to your question.

Dream Interpretation - Black suit, black shoes and white socks

There is a high probability that the dream is prophetic

Dream Interpretation - Hanging out the laundry

“Some kind of inconsistency” may appear in the affairs.

Girl - generated by you and your husband as a result of living together/quite likely, a separate life situation (came out after the event). Between you is a reluctance, rather subconscious, to give in to each other, a lack of flexibility, seasoned with pride (bad knees, see Psychology of Diseases). Women's grievances (left knee). You understand that this is your concern, which you intend to solve (in your hands, so that it doesn’t hurt). A coat is a symbol of change in relationships, white is a symbol of positive change. Going outside means a way out is actually found, the problem is solved.

Dream Interpretation - Girl with sore legs, white coat

There are several options, here it is important to determine who your daughter symbolizes... Is it you yourself and the dream talking about your lame relationship with your husband, well, not really lame - some kind of painful problem between you... But in general, the problems will be solved judging by the dream, care and support provided

Dream Interpretation - Choosing underwear

You don't want your intimate relationships there was, so to speak, one physiology (sports jersey..). You desire attention, beauty and subtlety of feelings (beautiful openwork underwear).

Dream Interpretation - I bought underwear

Need for a sexual partner (bought a set of lingerie). Sex for health (cheap, indifferent, kitchen). Sample thoughts on this topic, but they are most likely from the past (former employee)

Dream Interpretation - Sheltered a white cat

Animals represent a certain facet of us. Buying an animal means “adopting” a new character trait. In this case, the white kitten is your character. It is a symbol of purity and innocence. However, it is not without its flaws. However, there may be a different meaning here. I assume that you see only good in some situation or person (white fluffy kitten), but you don’t notice at all negative aspects(feeling that something is wrong or that something is missing). Understanding this comes to you only some time later (when you “come home”). That is, a dream may indicate to you that before deciding on something, even if all conditions favor it (money was found, parents quickly agreed), you must first carefully consider possible consequences situations or possible negative character traits of the people you meet. Be more selective. And not to give in to the first impression (they hugged and rejoiced). Good luck to you!

Lots of white rats

Dream Interpretation - White boots with rabbit fur

You will need outside help in organizing any business, you can safely accept it. Perhaps it will be related to the trip.

Hello. You will have a wonderful, affectionate, kind friend in your life (a white dog in a white bed). The fact that a dog has soiled the bed means that perhaps this friend will leave an important mark in your life. Changes will happen. Perhaps, under the influence of your friend, you will look at the world with a different look, your worldview will change. At first it will be unusual and will cause some discomfort in the mind, which is quite understandable when views change. But you will understand that these changes are only for your benefit. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - White dog, white bed, dirty paws

I can imagine that a dog could mean some person whom you will be happy with and with whom you will feel good. But then unpleasant consequences appear. You will be faced with a dilemma: on the one hand - joy, on the other - a dirty “bed”. The bed could possibly mean conscience, thoughts. Think about who could have a bad influence on you or what could cause unpleasant consequences? It can be any hobby, not necessarily a person. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - White dog, white bed, dirty paws

Well, yes, a new friend/his new best feelings for you/cordial. And the traces are unpleasant - so he was walking (he lived as best he could, as he wanted, his right) before your appearance. But you will establish and harmonize relationships (I will wash the bed, I will wash my paws). You're a woman!

Dream Interpretation - White dog, white bed, dirty paws

Try to understand what is happening. Most likely, you were destined to describe your dream in exactly this format. I don’t see any signs in it, most likely it was a meeting with someone who managed to turn into a dog in a dream. Good luck!!!

Dream Interpretation - A polar bear helped me get out

You will probably climb too high in some matter... So high that there will be no one to help you - cold and emptiness and loneliness are everywhere. You will most likely help yourself. And the polar bear is you, your character or knowledge and skills. They are lightweight, but this will also be valuable to you... The village is better, at least there are people there...

Dream Interpretation - Polar bear and decorations

Perhaps you feel that there are expectations placed on you (both by others and by yourself) to soon arrange your destiny with permanent man and get married, according to ideas about women's destiny in your family. Perhaps you feel a hidden threat coming from men in general (if you are single) or the man you are dating. An emotional threat: fear that you will be manipulated, pressured, abused, fear of mistrust. Perhaps this is the reason that makes it difficult for you to realize the expectations described above.

Dream Interpretation - White Dove

For some reason I remembered that happiness is often compared to a bird: if you squeeze too hard, okay, you’ll choke, if you unclench, it will fly away... Our relationships with loved ones, of course, largely depend on ourselves, but there are things predetermined from above. When both partners respect each other’s freedom, something more than ordinary human feelings and affections is born from their relationship; they acquire a “vertical component,” what is called the “divine principle.” The white dove in many religions serves as the personification of the Spirit, the bearer of Light. But he really “lives” above the human dimension, although sometimes he descends to people to remind him of his existence, to allow us to see our relationships in a different light.

Dream Interpretation - White Dove

The dream speaks of the possibility of peace and harmony in relationships and a sense of security; you need to take the initiative, and your husband needs to respond and take a step forward. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - White dog with two subcutaneous wounds

You will witness someone's emotional wounds and torment... If you want to help this person, there is blood - there is a possibility that it will be one of your relatives

Lots of white rats

Dream Interpretation - Polar Bear

The dreamer is in a spacious room - symbolizes the dreamer’s state of mind in reality, associated with freedom of action and emotional comfort (there are no constraining or depressing factors). But in this spacious room (state), the Dreamer is attacked from behind by a Polar Bear - these are the emotional impulses of the Dreamer that are repressed (back), the onslaught of which is under his Force (the Dreamer breaks out of the Bear’s embrace and overcomes him - these are the strong Yang qualities of the Dreamer, the strength of the spirit ). The dream is notable for the fact that the Dreamer in reality is a confident master of his emotional desires-states, and this is very good quality for a young man who inspires confidence in others. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Little Rats

Good afternoon, Yana! Good sleep. The collective mind of rattus (rats) provides you with support. And this is strong support. Rodents are generally not the most advanced species among mammals. Individuals possess a soul only in its infancy. Their main mind is the collective mind, which (like an egregor) manages the species at the subtle energy field level. Individuals have only an instinctive mind. Rats went further in their evolution than other rodents - they developed individual souls for each individual. But this made collective intelligence even more popular and effective. You could say that all rats are one single being, and individual individuals are like individual members of a single body (like fingers on a hand). This is what allowed rats to become the true masters of the earth, for their biomass is one and a half times greater than the biomass of all mammals living on our Terra. Yes, happy are rat lovers and especially gene breeders, for they are on the path of the genetic birth of a new elite of life on earth. It has already been previously reported that all rats have a single common field mind. At critical moments that threaten the existence of a clan of rats in a certain area, this mind gives a command to give birth to the most prepared line for this - a biocomputer, which facilitates faster implementation of the commands of the general mind in a particular clan. For direct commands of the general mind are usually inhibited by the presence of a large number of species of rats, each of which, accordingly, lobbies its interests and promotes its energy-information space. This explains the legend that in the Middle Ages the Rat King was considered a harbinger of the plague. And so it was. It is a fact that rats always suffer the most from the plague. During medieval plague pandemics, they died in the millions. Accordingly, when a carrier of the disease appeared in the clan, which has incubation period, the common mind gave the command to conceive the Rat King. In a clan there are always several females capable of this, and usually one male, capable of passing on to the offspring a special structure of short-lived fast neurons for organizing a bioserver. In Rus' (in particular in the Principality of Novgorod) it was believed that the Rainbow Rats, called Seli, lived in those places where the ancient magic of pagan rituals was still preserved. They were more often talked about than seen. Thousands of legends were told about their wisdom and humility, their ability to determine people's thoughts and dreams, and their ability to purify water. But over time, the Seli disappeared. Those who managed to escape from the hunters went to their Rainbow World, where people cannot yet reach. Humanity is left with only memories and ancient relics: dried beards, gnawed sticks (which always tell a traveler the way), as well as images carved on stones and cross-stitched towels that capture the beauty of Selei - the wisest and brightest animals that lived at the dawn of the world. From the Bible we know that rats once saved Jerusalem from a siege, so one of the city’s gates was called the Rat Gate. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - White underwear train

You are probably clearing your thoughts, i.e., your “underworld.” Hang - “arrange” in order. Then some unknown force disrupts your integrity, and you have to “collect” your thoughts. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - White dress

Spinning in a waltz yourself in a dream is a warning that certain events risk turning your head. Often such a dream symbolizes some adventurous undertakings that you are about to undertake; try not to lose your mind and not succumb to excessive emotions. A waltz in a dream encourages you to soberly assess the situation! The episode with the handkerchief suggests that someone close to you or your intuition is urging you not to open up to strangers, but to show restraint. In some situation. (A headscarf in a dream symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable headscarf on your head is a sign that you may not want to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers)

Dream Interpretation - A white horse leads me

Fate invites you to believe in yourself. Express yourself in the world the way you internally feel is right. And success and victory (white horse) will come to you, and there will be support in implementation. The dream advises to show courage and trust. Square (field), cafe and cigarettes - opportunities, idleness and thoughts are yours.

Dream Interpretation - White Rat

The dream tells you... You shouldn’t help someone... This task may turn out to be thankless for you... You will suffer... Then you yourself will need help...

The platform for the dream was not chosen by chance by the subconscious! Elements of prediction indicate that the dream predicts certain events! And now in more detail! Disputes over the projections of former employees speak of your internal contradictions and, most importantly, they are aimed at assessing the situation - stay in your previous workplace, or change it! The second part of the dream gives answers to your questions! When making a decision to change jobs - (white field - a blank sheet of paper, snow...) you will be faced with the problem of inconsistency with reality and your internal perception of the world as a whole! This will lead you to the need for cleansing. That is, you will have to give up what you are so accustomed to. What you consider to be the norm, but the world around you considers a flaw or even a vice! Two columns of crusaders directed towards you at the top of the triangle indicate that these events will happen soon enough! You must be prepared for this! The emotional content of the dream, which you did not mention (fear, admiration, surprise) is the answer to the question: will everything be fine, or is there something to be afraid of!?

Dream Interpretation - White flags with crosses

Are you immersed in everyday problems. And apparently you have a very active internal dialogue of the mind. You are constantly thinking and thinking about something. All thoughts come to a person from the outside, the mind is only a receiver. Therefore, it is not surprising that in a dream this is expressed in disputes between these two people (related to work because the thoughts are precisely everyday ones). You only listen, because you are simply an observer of thoughts coming from outside. And they depend on what forces, egregors, etc. you are tuned to in the Upper Section. White snow is your soul, which wants to escape from the captivity of everyday life. But I think that the Crusaders will help you. Chivalry is a positive thing (at least for my perception). I myself am a representative in Russia of one of the Sovereign Orders of Knighthood. And, basically, if we do not take as an example purely Masonic organizations with such names, then true chivalry has always been at the forefront of spiritual transformation on Earth. You are called to spiritual improvement. But it’s not surprising that somewhere deep down you understand this; it’s not for nothing that you were brought to this portal...

Dream Interpretation - White flags with crosses

I think the dream is about something fateful (crosses), decisive later life choice (two people at a table, two columns), which is inevitably approaching (coming towards you, getting closer). And this really occupies your mind (table) a lot right now and this really should be a sincere decision - you understand this (pure snow between you). You are leaning towards a positive answer (the younger one is more pleasant)

Dream Interpretation - White owl with a white owlet

If we take the meaning of the owl symbol - “wisdom” - then we can assume that you are trying to cultivate this quality in yourself, nourish it, feed it with milk, take care of it. But someone wiser than you, older and more aggressive destroys this wisdom in you. Maybe, we're talking about about education. Do you have problems with teachers or those older than you? Or then, in adolescence? Perhaps you want to study, but circumstances or older relatives do not allow you to? It’s another matter if the owlet personifies, for example, softness, tenderness, and vulnerability of the soul. But here we also see a conflict between a teenager and adults. Or even life circumstances. This big owl looks like something that destroys innocence. Do you have any associations with such a symbol? What could have hurt you then? Sometimes certain events cause splitting of consciousness. That is, part of our consciousness remains in the past at the moment when it happened. If something happened to you at this age, then your consciousness through your subconscious (dream) can return to this moment. So it can indicate to you the importance of some event. Have you witnessed any tragedy? Or have you seen injustice shown to someone? Have you yourself been a victim of injustice? Could this be happening to you now? Answer these questions for yourself and at the same time try to understand for yourself what you associate this little white owl. There is such a way to do this: take paper and a pen and try to describe this owl in as much detail as possible, as if you were describing it to a person who has never seen these animals. This will help to identify your hidden associations with the symbol and understand the meaning of the message encrypted in the dream. Good luck!

Lots of white rats

Dream Interpretation - White-red cat (mainly white fur predominant)

Perhaps the cat in this dream is a symbol of laziness, pleasant, relaxing and somewhat heavy, which cannot be relieved. Perhaps laziness arises precisely in situations with relatives.

This is the first time I’ve heard about you and your friends, and I apologize in advance for any unpleasant feelings and sensations that may have been caused in you, but your dream has a slightly different coloring! You and your current girlfriend did not always treat the girl who left you well! I admit that children’s feelings are distorted by time, but the dream speaks precisely of this! The fact that a signal came to you from the other world, causing you positive emotions, means that they have just forgiven you! And your current friend somehow contributed to changes in your consciousness, which served as the key to the lost soul of the deceased! It is possible that this is only the first visit to you and soon SHE will let you understand what exactly she wanted to say with her short visit. And the fact that you saw only her face and not her dense body is only confirmation of my assumption! A dream can have many interpretations, or you have not fully covered the events of your dream, or it is still ahead... Take care of yourself!

Dream Interpretation - A classmate came after many years in a dream

Coming to you in a bright, colorful dream... Your friend is dead. "It's a sin. “Who are the judges? For which you and your friend prayed for many years... - “Maybe our prayers helped her THERE? " - ".. The Lord gave her forgiveness and she made it clear to me? » She smiles. And suddenly a face approaches me... Very close! She kisses me! What is this? » ________________________________________________________________________________ I don’t think too much time has passed for such an event to be forgotten! Moreover, the feeling of guilt really knows no time. The big is seen and realized only from a distance. Perhaps now that you are able to understand and experience everything fully - now your time has come! Now she smiles at you from above, from where there is no suffering.

Dream Interpretation - A classmate came after many years in a dream

Be careful when the deceased calls, gives or asks for clothes, or in this case kisses, this is a sign of illness. Be healthy! All the best to you!

Dream Interpretation - Black and white dream on stage

An objective understanding of the nature of some of your actions and their consequences.

Dream Interpretation - Black and white dream

Active movement towards happiness. Arrogance discolors the present moment.

Dream Interpretation - Oh, white ship!

If a ship has a first and last name, it means that in your dream it represents a person. If it's a masculine name, it means it's a man. If feminine - woman. Accordingly, there will be two people, just as in the dream - two ships. Your household will be familiar with one, but in connection with this you will not like your matchmaker... Hardly anyone will know the second, you will get confused in your relationship with this person. People in uniform and an embassy are something official that you will hope for, but the dream does not show that this official will come...

Dream Interpretation - Black cat with white spots

Maybe someone with whom the relationship has long ended will appear...

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother who died many years ago

Grandmother symbolizes wisdom. Most often it is a dream when it is necessary to show wisdom in life.

Dream Interpretation - Removing snow with a shovel

Perhaps you feel guilty about some event. You make a lot of efforts to resolve problems, but they are not effective. There is a possibility that you will be embroiled in a legal battle.

Why do mice and rat pups dream?


Eternal student

Dream Interpretation: Mouse * Feeling of insignificance. * Rashness; fear. * The need to sit quietly. Dream Interpretation: Mouse * Do you feel like a “gray mouse”? * This can be a sign of fear and apprehension. * Do you feel like you have to be quiet, or are you concerned about being too quiet? Are you too quiet? Isn't it time to put yourself out there so people know who you really are? * Mice are associated with the ability to notice the little things in life. Pay attention to detail and the big things will take care of themselves. Dream Interpretation: Mouse * Mice in a dream symbolize someone’s secret plans. If you see mice in a dream, get ready for the fact that your plans may be confused, and people whom you considered friends will let you down. * For a woman, such a dream foreshadows intrigues that could jeopardize her domestic well-being. * Catching or killing a mouse in a dream is a sign that the machinations of your ill-wishers can lead to loud scandal. Dream Interpretation: Mouse * Mice dream of domestic troubles and insincerity of friends. Things in business may also take a bad turn. * If you killed a mouse in a dream, in reality you will defeat your ill-wishers. * They allowed her to escape - the positive outcome of the struggle is in doubt. * A mouse seen in a dream warns a young woman about secret enemies plotting some kind of deception. Dream Interpretation: Mouse * Usually mice dream of minor troubles. If the mouse scared you, you will feel confused due to some incident. Caught mouse - sure sign that you don’t know how to stand up for yourself and allow others to push you around. Catching a mouse means receiving an unpleasant letter. Mouse in a trap - you will have to do something you didn’t want. Dream Interpretation: Mouse * hidden enemy or domestic troubles and insincerity of friends; if a mouse falls into a mousetrap or is eaten by a cat, it means getting rid of enemies and troubles. Dream Interpretation: Mouse * Mice in a dream - warn you about treachery on the part of a loved one. Dream Interpretation: Mouse * A white rat shows the way to the treasure. — Cooperation and support from someone. * A rat bites a man's clothes. - You will achieve what you set out to achieve. * A large rat runs by. - Foretells a joyful event. * The cat catches the mouse. - Portends great profit and wealth.

Dima Koval

to death)

Bespontov and bubbles.

to severe morning abstention syndrome... And you Lamurk at night - they will blow away like the wind... 😉

Svetlana Kushkhova-Dyshekova

Do you have any mice at home? Perhaps they have wound up, scratch somewhere at night and act on the subconscious. And in general, everything depends on your self-hypnosis, so consider that your dream is for something very good, then it will be so.

Lots of white rats

Dream Interpretation - White scarf

Are you inclined to decide to keep your thoughts about... Their relevance is obvious (dreams on a new moon), you don’t give thoughts food or outlet. The readiness to isolate oneself, to take a position of humility/as it should be was present earlier (on the shoulders of Muslim women nearby). Unmanifested will.

Dream Interpretation - White dress

Embroidered pratyya - to joy. White dress - for a wedding. An old dress - for extraordinary events, balls, presentations. Old-fashioned hairstyle - old love will return to you.

Dream Interpretation - White dress

Interpretation according to the karmic dream book. You will be placed in such circumstances that you will be forced to show: artistic flair, creativity and taste for entertainment (relates to making money).

Dream Interpretation - White dress

A sign of the coming spiritual Enlightenment, time, at the same time, slows down greatly. Continue working with your own Consciousness.

Dream Interpretation - White dress

IN after all it is your choice, your interest - self-knowledge and development (dress). As a result, it takes you away from the usual, instilled by family and society (you won’t be able to walk as you’re used to), and separates you from the generally accepted (through the crowd).

Dream Interpretation - White carnations

Hello. Good dream! The father of your boyfriend shows you sincere respect. White carnations represent the purity of his thoughts, his sincere love for you as a person. The fact that he took care of you in a dream means that he will take care of you in real life... All the best to you!

Dream Interpretation - White dress

Most likely, the dream means that you are trying out new tactics in life. Perhaps before you were in a hurry in solving problems, in your movement through life. Now you are more thoughtful, choose your next step more carefully, and are more collected in your words and actions. You are changing. White means pure, honest. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - White socks

A little late explanation of the dream, there was no inspiration! This means that your dream suggests that you have some new ideas (or knowledge) related to your work activities, but you do not want to make them public. You need them yourself, because your knowledge shows you from an independent and experienced side and is rewarded accordingly (i.e., this is your potential material stability and independence), and you are not going to share your experience with anyone. You have remorse, of course, but (c'est la vie) - that's life! In my opinion, this is it. All the best to you!

Dream Interpretation - Polar Bear

In this dream, you again make plans for the future and decide what to choose. Climbing into the sky on an invisible ladder means relying not on yourself, but on some happy circumstances (sent to you from heaven, so to speak) that contribute to social advancement in life. Polar bear in the sky is an influential male lover, promising exceptional honors and a high position in refined society. And your daughter (your female consciousness) tells you that this is not your path, and you go your own way. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - White shirt with flowers

Such a dream suggests that you are in some other world (most likely esotericism), in this world you find support for yourself in difficult times... Although it is possible that... There is something in this... WHAT confuses you (you see yourself with a man).

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying degrees of success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from