Home exercises for pregnant women. Kegel exercises for pregnant women

Charging is the key to beauty physical condition a pregnant woman and the health of her unborn baby. Physical exercises are recommended at any time. The load level is determined individually and depends on physical training women, as well as the duration of pregnancy.

Exercises for pregnant women: its meaning

Unfortunately, not all representatives of the fair sex in this position understand the importance of physical exercise and not all do it. Some people don’t want to do exercises, while others are simply afraid of harming the baby and don’t know what kind of exercises can be done during pregnancy.

It is worth noting that physical activity has a positive effect on the muscles of the body. Thanks to it, you can keep yourself in shape, not gain excess weight, and prevent the formation of stretch marks. Breathing is trained during physical exercise. It has great value. Thanks to proper breathing, childbirth will be easier, and the likelihood of asphyxia in the baby will be reduced to zero.

Physical exercise also affects psychological state. A woman who performs them daily feels a surge of strength and vigor. Exercises for pregnant women give energy and good mood for the whole day.

But not all pregnant women are allowed to bear weight. You will have to refuse physical exercise if there are any contraindications. To avoid harming yourself and your baby, you should definitely visit a doctor and discuss this issue with him.

When is it not advisable for pregnant women to do exercises?

A woman should not perform physical exercise, If:

  • there is toxicosis, and it is accompanied by vomiting;
  • I had a miscarriage during my last pregnancy;
  • the uterus is in good shape;
  • gestosis is observed in the second half of pregnancy;
  • the placenta is too low;
  • have any diseases (for example, ARVI, gastritis, diabetes);
  • abdominal pain occurs.

If morning exercises for pregnant women cause discomfort, then it should be stopped. Thus, when choosing a set of exercises, the expectant mother should not only listen to the recommendations of medical specialists and instructors, but also listen to her body.

How should a pregnant woman do exercises?

A pregnant woman should exercise while in a good mood and feeling great. All movements must be smooth. You cannot make sharp turns or bends, jump, run, or lift weights.

If you experience symptoms of poor health while doing gymnastics, then you should stop it, take a break, and then, instead of physical exercises, do a few breathing exercises or completely free that day from classes. During pregnancy it is unacceptable to overwork.

You can’t do exercises with the goal of losing weight. Physical exercises for pregnant women are designed to maintain muscle tone and prepare the body for childbirth.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

The first 12 weeks are the most important period for the expectant mother and her fetus. At this time, dramatic changes occur in a woman’s body, and important organs are formed in the fetus. Exercises for pregnant women early stages should be aimed at breathing training, maintaining good mood and a cheerful spirit, relaxation of the body.

Morning exercises in the 1st trimester should be performed every day for 15-20 minutes. You can start gymnastics with cross step.

Next exercise - lean forward, while exhaling and returning to the starting position while inhaling. It is recommended to repeat this 5 or 6 times.

Then, placing your hands on your belt, you can perform backbends while inhaling. When returning to the starting position, you need to exhale.

Finish daily morning exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester it is possible circular rotations of the feet and standing on your toes. This exercise will help avoid leg cramps and varicose veins.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

The 2nd trimester is the safest period during pregnancy. This time is favorable for physical activity. The chance of miscarriage is low, so simple exercises will not harm the fetus, but will only benefit him and the mother. In addition, charging will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Toxicosis at this time will no longer torment, and the woman can enjoy her position and physical exercise. The recommended duration of charging for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester is no more than 30-35 minutes.

You can start charging in a sitting position, crossing your legs in front of you and doing head turns to the right and left. Then, spreading your arms to the sides, you should make several smooth body turns.

The second exercise is aimed at strengthening chest muscles. It can also be included in exercises for pregnant women in the early stages. A woman, bringing her hands together at chest level, should try to close her palms as tightly as possible. By performing this exercise, you can feel the work of the pectoral muscles.

Then you can sit on the floor. The buttocks should be in contact with the heels. It is recommended to spread your knees slightly so that your tummy is not compressed. Hands must be extended forward bend down and touch your forehead to the floor.

You can finish charging rotation of the torso. The pelvis should remain motionless while performing this exercise.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to perform any physical exercise. On this period It is recommended to exercise on a special ball - fitball. Exercises on it are interesting, comfortable and safe for a pregnant woman. Thanks to exercises on a gymnastic ball, blood pressure is reduced, heart function and blood circulation are normalized, well-being improves, and mood improves. The fitball allows you to perform exercises for your arms, chest, buttocks and thighs.

You can start daily exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester while sitting on a ball, gently swinging to the right and left. Then, taking light dumbbells, alternately bend your arms.

A woman in a position, sitting on the floor in Turkish style, can rhythmically squeeze the ball with your hands. This exercise has a positive effect on pectoral muscles.

You can continue gymnastics turns V different sides. While sitting on the ball, you should turn to the right, turning left hand for the right leg. It is recommended to remain in this position for 1-2 minutes. Similar actions must be performed after turning to the left. This exercise stretches the back muscles.

Next you can roll the ball in different directions, standing on your feet, spreading them shoulder-width apart and bending your back. The fitball can be rolled back and forth, smoothly moving your hands. This exercise allows you to relieve tension from your shoulder joints.

You can complete the exercise with an exercise for strengthening legs. A woman should lie on the ball, with her feet shoulder-width apart, and roll back and forth on the fitball in this position.

Exercises for pregnant women later may cause uterine tone. There is no need to be afraid of this. Such is the physiology. If you feel pain and increased heart rate, you must immediately stop charging. It is better to do some breathing exercises instead of physical exercises.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women

A pregnant woman should do more than just physical exercise. Breathing exercises are very important. It is known that during childbirth you can reduce pain with the help of breathing, so every representative of the fair sex should know specific techniques that will help her in the future. Before giving birth, they should be performed regularly, as they serve as a kind of relaxation.

One of the exercises should be aimed at training diaphragmatic breathing. It is necessary to take deep breaths and exhales, placing one palm on your chest and the other on your tummy. You should breathe through your nose. It is very important that the chest is motionless and the stomach rises when inhaling.

The following exercise should be aimed at training chest breathing. It will be the same as when practicing diaphragmatic breathing. The only difference will be that the stomach should be motionless, and the chest should rise when inhaling.

Pregnant women always have to deal with endless do’s and don’ts, do’s and don’ts and other advice and thoughts from others. Of course, during the entire period of waiting for the baby, it makes sense to trust, first of all, the advice of professionals. And they insist that the expectant mother needs to start leading a healthy lifestyle as early as possible. It includes proper rest, absence bad habits, proper nutrition, and also moderate physical activity, which helps to easily overcome the entire period and give birth to a healthy baby. Exercise for pregnant women is great way improve the condition of the body, tone it and lift your mood. But you need to figure out what kind of physical activity the expectant mother should have, and to whom it may be contraindicated.

Not all pregnant women do exercises. Some are even afraid to walk so as not to harm the unborn baby. However, the benefit physical activity huge. Exercises for pregnant women useful due to the following factors:

  • Exercise helps keep muscles toned, reducing the risk of stretch marks and extra pounds after childbirth.
  • Breathing training is important to help ease childbirth.
  • Regular warm-up lifts the mood of a pregnant woman, charges her with energy and soya.
  • Blood circulation improves, which means the fetus is better supplied with nutrients.
  • Exercise helps prevent a number of problems characteristic of pregnancy, including swelling, varicose veins, heartburn, constipation, pain in the back, lower back, and legs.
  • Physical activity helps improve coordination.

When should pregnant women not exercise?

Many women refuse exercise during pregnancy, considering it dangerous. This may be justified if the pregnant woman is not feeling well. Before you start doing the exercises, it is better consult with a specialist.

Physical activity is undesirable in the following cases:

  • With severe toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting more than twice a day;
  • Toxicosis (preeclampsia) in late pregnancy;
  • If a previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage;
  • With uterine hypertonicity;
  • With a low placenta;
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage and bleeding;
  • For pain in the abdomen;
  • At elevated temperature, ARVI, diabetes mellitus and gastritis.

If the expectant mother feels good and there are no contraindications, you can safely start doing exercises. However, it happens that a few days after the start of classes, a pregnant woman feels discomfort. Then you should refrain from physical activity for a couple of days to listen to your body. Muscles may react this way to stress, especially if you did not exercise before pregnancy. Then it is better to rest, recover, and then return to physical activity again. During pregnancy, you should not put too much stress on yourself, since you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of the unborn baby.

Breathing exercises: basic exercises for any period

Breathing exercises will be useful for the expectant mother at any stage, and most often it is recommended to perform it even if other exercises are contraindicated. The importance of proper breathing is very great during labor and childbirth. It will determine how you can help the baby be born. It is recommended to perform breathing exercises throughout pregnancy. Also, proper breathing helps saturate the blood with oxygen and prevents oxygen starvation of the fetus. It is recommended to perform breathing exercises every day for half an hour. You can do them before and after the main gymnastics.

Exercise 1

You need to lie on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Now slowly inhale through your nose, then exhale. Inhale as deeply as possible, while trying not to expand your chest when inhaling, but to breathe only through the diaphragm, raising your stomach and lowering it.

Exercise 2

In the same lying position, place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your abdominal area. Take a deep breath, slightly raise your shoulders and head, while trying not to change the position of your stomach. Change hands and repeat the exercise. Do several reps.

Exercise 3

You need to sit down, cross your legs, lower your arms along your body. Bend your elbows and lift them, keeping your fingers at chest level. Inhale at the same time, maintaining the position of your abdomen and chest. Exhale as you slowly lower your arms.

Slowly lower your arms while exhaling.

Exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester

In the first months of pregnancy, changes may not be felt so clearly, however, very significant changes occur in the body. important processes the birth of a new life. The embryo at this time consists of only a few cells, and is very vulnerable relative to external factors. At this time, you must take utmost care to protect it and provide all the conditions for normal formation.

You should not perform any abdominal exercises, as well as jumping and sudden bending - they can lead to dangerous consequences up to termination of pregnancy.

Exercises for pregnant women 1st trimester may include the following exercises:

Exercise for the muscles of the perineum and thighs

You need to lean on the back of a chair. Slowly squat down, spreading your knees wide. Stay in the half-squat position, and then smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise for the calf muscles and the prevention of swelling

Stand straight, keeping your heels together and toes apart. Hold onto the back of the chair and slowly rise up onto your toes. You should feel tension in the calf muscles, and then smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times. The pace should be slow.

Exercise for the muscles of the perineum, legs and abdomen

With both hands, lean on the back of the chair. Stretch your right leg forward, then slowly move it to the side and back, then return it back. The same must be done with the second leg. Repeat 3-4 times for both legs.

Exercise to maintain breast shape

Clasp your palms in front of your chest, spread your elbows parallel to the floor. Squeeze your hands tightly, then slowly release the tension. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a slow pace. Watch your breathing as you do it.

Exercise for the abdomen, sides and thighs

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down slightly with your knees bent. Slowly rotate your pelvis in both directions alternately. There should be no unpleasant sensations during the execution process.

Exercises for the second trimester

In the second trimester discomfort Toxicosis usually passes, and the body gets used to the changes occurring. The risks of miscarriage are lower than in the first months. Exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen, back and hips. This way you can prepare yourself for the heavy loads that await you later.

From the second trimester, it is better to perform exercises by wearing a special bandage.

You can perform Kegel exercises - they perfectly help strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent urinary incontinence.

Exercise for the back and abdominal muscles

You need to sit on the floor, spread your arms to the sides and slightly back, and lean on them. Turn your head and body alternately in different directions. Do 4-5 times in both directions, without holding your breath.

Side exercise

You need to lie on your left side, extend your left hand in front of you and place your right hand on it. Slowly raise your right hand up and move it back as far as you can without turning your head and body. Then return it to its original position. Do the same while lying on the other side. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times in total.

Exercise for the stomach and back

Sit on the floor with your heels under your buttocks and your hips and knees pressed together. Extend your arms in front of you. Slowly tilt your head and body forward, trying to touch the floor with your forehead. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Breathing exercise

Sit down, bend your knees and cross them slightly. Straighten your arms, place your palms on your thighs. Raise your arm slowly and pull it up, inhaling deeply and slowly, and tilt your head back a little. Exhale also slowly, returning your hands to their original position. Do the same with the other hand. For each, repeat the exercise 4-7 times.

You can also repeat the chest exercise from the previous block, which will help maintain its shape. This is an exercise for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, a video of which will help you understand it correct technique, will make the further course of pregnancy easier for you.

Exercises for the third trimester

Exercising for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester is complicated by those who already have an impressive tummy that prevents them from performing most exercises. A fitball can help you, with which you can perform very effective exercises to prepare for childbirth.

Exercise with dumbbells for abdominal and back muscles

You need to sit on a fitball, take dumbbells weighing up to 1 kg in your hands, and lower them along your body. Bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells to armpit level, then slowly lower them to the starting position, without tilting your body. Then bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells to your shoulders and slowly lowering them. Alternate movements, watching your breathing.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and thighs

Lie on the floor, put one leg on the fitball. Now try to roll the ball, moving your leg to the side and returning it to its original position. You can also move the ball by bending your knee. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times. The same thing is repeated for the second leg.

Chest exercise

Take the fitball in your hands and hold it, stretching them out in front of you. Now try to slowly squeeze it with your palms, and then slowly relax your hands. It is important to ensure that your stomach does not become tense during this exercise. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

Exercising for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester at home using a fitball becomes effective and safe. Don't forget to use a bandage to support your tummy. Exercises designed specifically for expectant mothers will also be useful. Watch the video of exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester to understand more about its implementation.

Video exercises for pregnant women

Every expectant mother knows that exercise is very beneficial during pregnancy.

But how to develop the ideal set of exercises, based on the characteristics of the woman and the duration of her pregnancy? How not to harm yourself and your baby during classes?

We learn about this and much more from our article...

Why do you need gymnastics during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and childbirth - This is a huge burden on the body. The more trained the body, the easier it will cope with these loads. From here it becomes clear what you need to make it easier for your body to cope with pregnancy and childbirth.

Doctors say that proper and regular physical activity is the key to an easy birth.

Natalya Dankovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, reproductive specialist, laureate of the National Medical Award, general manager network of clinics "Mother and Child": "Expectant mothers need moderate loads, which allow you to be in good shape and maintain health. It is advisable that a woman begins to take care of her health even before pregnancy and includes physical activity in her daily routine also before pregnancy. If I, while in Berlin, see that a pregnant woman is jogging with her husband, and I see that she is pregnant, that is, she is 28-30 weeks pregnant, then I understand that she did not start doing this yesterday. Instead of taking pills that improve microcirculation, she simply goes jogging, this is how she prepares for childbirth. And I really like it, so I want to tell all women that if they want an easy birth, they should take care of their health before giving birth and, of course, during pregnancy.”

Gymnastics for pregnant women: choosing loads by trimester

Gymnastics for the first trimester

Important! Before we talk about the types of exercise routines for pregnant women, it is worth noting: do not start exercising during pregnancy without your doctor's permission. Remember, it is not safe to exercise during pregnancy without your doctor’s permission; it can harm you and your baby.

Of course, it would be good if all women, even before pregnancy, took care of their health and regularly exercised, and did not remember healthy way life after seeing two lines on the test. But, be that as it may, the decision to exercise during pregnancy should be approached carefully. The most important thing is to get the go-ahead from the doctor and listen to his recommendations, and in the future you should follow a few tips:

  • physical activity during pregnancy should not be tiring;
  • they should be fairly uniform and not overstrain certain muscle groups;
  • if some exercises bring discomfort, you should refuse them;
  • if during class you feel unwell, stop classes for a few days and at your next visit to the doctor, tell him about this case;
  • If you are prohibited from physical activity, don’t be upset - it’s for the good, try walking more - this is also a wonderful exercise.

What exercises are prohibited during pregnancy?

You cannot perform abdominal exercises, squats, crunches, or any other manipulations that stretch the abdominal muscles that can harm the baby:

  • back bends and bridge;
  • “bicycle”, “birch tree”, handstands, some yoga poses;
  • splits and other exercises that help stretch the muscles of the inner thigh.

Exercises for the first trimester

If you exercise regularly, you can continue to do your usual exercise routine, replacing too-intense exercises with gentler exercises and avoiding exercises that may cause harm.

It is very important to include the following important exercises in your complex in the first trimester:

  • - strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina;
  • standing gymnastics - smooth exercises are suitable to strengthen the muscles of the back, legs, arms, you can use elements of yoga and Pilates;
  • exercises in the knee-elbow position - “cat”, “downward-facing dog”;
  • exercises - lying on your back, which help to loosen the chest;
  • Meditation and relaxation exercises are also useful.

Gymnastics for the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to continue to perform the usual set of exercises that you have already mastered in the first trimester, only now it is worth diversifying it with breathing exercises, elements of yoga, and also water procedures. But don’t get carried away, remember that gymnastics should not take more than 10-15 minutes a day, and you can spend about 30-40 minutes on swimming so as not to overexert yourself.

Breathing exercises

There are a huge number of different breathing exercises; during pregnancy, the one you like best will do. The simplest breathing exercise is from a lying position on your back, stretch your arms along your body, palms up, inhaling, slowly raise your arms up in front of you, gradually lowering them behind your head. On the way out, do the exercise in the opposite direction.

They not only strengthen our muscles and make all ligaments and cartilage of the body elastic, but also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems.

Information In order to prepare your body for the increasing demands during pregnancy and directly for the birth itself, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle both before and after conception.

Long evening walks are recommended for all pregnant women. fresh air, as well as, if possible, swimming and gymnastics. Whatever you choose as physical preparation for childbirth should bring you joy and satisfaction. Then your baby, feeling all this, will grow and develop intensively, knowing that they are eagerly waiting for him and preparing for his birth.

If you were involved in any sport before pregnancy, then the intensity of your training should be significantly reduced or completely canceled. During the first pregnancy, that is, during the formation of the placenta, the risk of miscarriage is high, so it is advisable to protect yourself from excessive physical and emotional stress. Also, during pregnancy, you should forget about running, cycling and all kinds of jumping, that is, any sports where sudden shocks and shocks to the body are possible.

Currently, many different exercises and special techniques have been developed for pregnant women to prepare for the upcoming birth. You can sign up for group gymnastics or water aerobics classes, or go to the pool yourself or train at home. In any case, it is worth discussing your desire to exercise with your doctor, as there are a number of contraindications to playing sports during pregnancy.


Possible contraindications:

  • Threat of miscarriage (bloody);
  • Complications of pregnancy (preeclampsia);
  • Periodic increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • Period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • Acute inflammatory conditions of any localization;
  • A history of spontaneous miscarriages and.

important Currently, there are a huge variety of different sets of exercises for expectant mothers. However, they are all aimed at certain muscle groups involved in the birth process.

If classes are held centrally, then groups are formed taking into account the duration of pregnancy. Since in different periods It has its own characteristics and, taking them into account, different muscle groups are worked out and the intensity of the load changes.

  • Up to 16 weeks because of high risk termination of pregnancy, during classes pregnant women learn to breathe correctly and control the processes of relaxation and muscle contraction. These skills will be very useful during childbirth, when in the intervals between contractions you need to relax as much as possible to restore normal blood flow in the uterus.
  • 16 – 24 weeks of pregnancy – the most optimal period for intense sports. The symptoms of toxicosis have already passed, the risk of spontaneous abortion has decreased, and the tummy is not yet large and does not interfere with performing exercises in the supine position.
  • 25 – 32 weeks of pregnancy– the abdomen gradually increases, and it is no longer worth exercising while lying on your back, since there may be compression of the inferior vena cava, and blood will stagnate in the vessels of the legs and pelvis.
  • 32 – 40 weeks of pregnancy– during this period the load on the spine is maximum, and you need to continue to strengthen your back muscles. Also, as the moment of birth approaches, the excitability of the uterus increases, so you need to reduce the load on the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. To prevent the appearance of edema, it is recommended to lie for 10-15 minutes a day with your legs raised on the wall, and also perform leg exercises from this position.

Types of exercises

All exercises can be divided into several groups:

  • Exercises that improve blood flow throughout the body, activate not only the muscles, but also many internal organs:
  1. Circular rotations of the head, tilting the head - activate the work of the brain.
  2. Exercises for the shoulder girdle - strengthens the pectoral muscle and increases blood flow in the mammary glands.
  3. Circular rotations of the hands and feet tone the entire body, and also improve blood flow through the veins of the lower extremities and prevent the development of edema.
  • Exercises to strengthen the back muscles and increase the flexibility of the spine:
    • Exercise “good cat - evil cat” - in a position on all fours, round and arch your back. This exercise can be done before childbirth, as it relieves stress on the spine.
    • Stretching exercises for the inner thigh muscles. During childbirth, especially in the second period, when the fetus is expelled from the uterus, long time the woman is in an uncomfortable position - her legs are spread apart and pressed to her stomach. Therefore, it is very important to prepare this muscle group for the upcoming load.
  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes spread to the sides - shallow spring squats. You need to perform the exercises slowly, feeling how your muscles stretch.
  2. Rolling from one leg to another, transferring the weight of the body.
  3. From a position on all fours, move your leg bent at the knee to the side. This exercise not only stretches the thigh muscles, but also strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which is necessary both for childbirth and for a quick recovery after it.
  4. From a standing position, you can also move your straight or bent leg forward or to the side.
  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles. This is a very important muscle group, since during pushing they bear the maximum load. It is advisable that even before pregnancy the abs should be well worked out, because while pregnant you need to work out these muscles very carefully so as not to cause premature birth.
  • Exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and Kegel exercises promote faster recovery after childbirth.

Also very useful for pregnant women. Water reduces the load on the spine, makes it easier to perform all exercises and improves the tone of the whole body. Many centers organize yoga classes for pregnant women. In addition to general muscle strengthening, they teach you to control your breathing, your thoughts and body, and this is very important not only during childbirth, but also in everyday life.

And if the mother is happy, her baby will be happy, too, even if he is still in the tummy, he feels how you are preparing for his birth. It has already been proven that women who have undergone physical and psychological preparation to childbirth, give birth faster and easier, and their children adapt better to new living conditions. The postpartum period also occurs with fewer complications because the uterus contracts faster and less risk development of atonic bleeding.

Useful video

Having learned about pregnancy, a woman changes her habits and rhythm of life, trying to protect her baby. Many pregnant women mistakenly believe that physical activity in an “interesting” position is contraindicated, as it can harm their health and pose a risk of pregnancy. This is not entirely true. Physical therapy classes, as well as breathing exercises help women stay in excellent health physical fitness, facilitate the birth process, have a positive effect on the development of the fetus, and at the time of birth the baby will be more active. Therapeutic exercise (physical therapy) for pregnant women includes simple exercises, the purpose of which is to improve the condition of the expectant mother and solve certain problems associated with her health. Let's look at the most effective exercise therapy and breathing exercises by trimester.

Therapeutic exercise during pregnancy. What are the benefits of therapeutic exercises for pregnant women?

Therapeutic exercise during pregnancy is useful both for the woman herself, helping her body prepare for childbirth, as well as ensuring the normal course of pregnancy, and for the fetus. Regular physical activity, designed specifically for expectant mothers, helps strengthen all the muscles of the body, maintain flexibility and allows you to feel active throughout your pregnancy. Thanks to strong and strong muscles of the abdomen, back, legs, childbirth will be much easier, and you will regain your figure former slimness after the birth of the baby you can for the most the shortest possible time. It was noticed that in women in labor who regularly engaged in exercise therapy during pregnancy, childbirth proceeds quickly and safely, with minimum quantity perineal ruptures, and the postpartum period proceeds favorably.

In the event that a pregnant woman completely deprives herself physical activity, moves little, possible manifestations of such unpleasant pregnancy companions as lumbar pain, general weakness and malaise, irritability. Physical inactivity leads to weight gain excess weight, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation), contributes to weakness of labor.
Excessive exercise and intense sports are also dangerous for pregnant women. With increased physical activity, changes occur in many systems and organs of a woman, which adversely affect the development of the fetus.
The main principle of physical therapy is a balanced set of exercises that will help not only strengthen muscles, but also improve the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems, lift your mood and give vital energy.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy:

  • Childbirth takes place much faster and with virtually no complications.
  • The body recovers faster after the birth of the baby.
  • A pregnant woman is less likely to experience malaise and nausea in the morning.
  • Durable muscle corset.
  • The risk of bone fractures (osteoprosis), joint dislocations, and sprains is reduced.
  • Maintaining beautiful, healthy posture, reducing lumbar pain.
  • The pelvic floor muscles are ready for the upcoming birth.
  • The risk of varicose veins and swelling is reduced.
  • Normalized blood pressure.
  • Shortness of breath disappears.
  • Sleep is normalized.
  • Increases vitality and tone.

It should be remembered that you can start physical education only if your pregnancy is progressing normally, without complications. A pregnant woman must obtain permission from a gynecologist managing the pregnancy, who will determine whether there is a risk from physical exercise for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Contraindications to physical therapy during pregnancy

Physical activity is contraindicated if a pregnant woman has the following diseases or complications during pregnancy:

  • inflammatory and infectious diseases and inflammation of internal organs;
  • tuberculosis in a destructive and progressive form;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • severe toxicosis in early and late stages;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • placenta previa;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • high blood pressure, circulatory system disorder.

When can you start physical therapy exercises during pregnancy?

It is necessary to start exercise therapy only in the absence of contraindications and only after consultation with a gynecologist. If there are no contraindications to exercise therapy, you can exercise at home, or in special groups under the guidance of an instructor who will select a load appropriate to the woman’s age, physical fitness, and stage of pregnancy.

It is more effective to conduct classes in the morning, one hour after the morning meal. In the first days, you should devote no more than 15 minutes to physical education, then you can gradually increase the time to 30-45 minutes.
When performing physical exercises, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Don't try difficult exercises right away. Start the complex with simple exercises that are accessible to you, especially if you have not previously engaged in physical activity. Later, when the muscles get used to the load, make the exercises more difficult.
  2. Try to load all muscle groups.
  3. Watch the rhythm of your breathing, it should be measured and calm.

Physical therapy during pregnancy for the first trimester

The first trimester is an important period in fetal development, when vital organs are formed. Excessive load on the abdominal muscle area is undesirable, as it can provoke rejection of the embryo from the uterus. Exercises in the first trimester should be the simplest, the main emphasis should be on strengthening and developing the muscles of the legs, hips, and chest. Let's look at a few simple, effective exercises for the 1st trimester; to perform them you will need a chair with a high back that helps maintain balance.

  1. Lean your hands against the back of the chair and slowly squat shallowly, try to spread your knees to the sides as far as possible, the number of repetitions is up to 6-8 times.
  2. Bring your hands together at chest level (can be done while sitting on a chair or standing). Squeeze your palms forcefully, sharply, so that you feel the tension in the chest muscles. The number of repetitions is from 15 to 20 times. The exercise strengthens the pectoral muscles and improves the shape of the breasts, helping to maintain beautiful breasts after breastfeeding.
  3. In a standing position, rest your hands on the back of the chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Start left leg cross forward, then move it to the side and back. Return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement for right leg. This exercise strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles and is excellent prevention cellulite and stretch marks on the body, prepares the abdominal muscles for childbirth.
  4. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Perform slow rotations of the pelvis alternately to the left and right sides, the number of repetitions is 6-8 times for each leg.
  5. While standing or sitting, move your feet in a circular motion. The number of spins is unlimited, as long as you want. Exercise helps strengthen calf muscles, prevents seizures and varicose veins veins It is especially recommended for pregnant women who spend a lot of time sitting and walk little.

Physical therapy during pregnancy for the second trimester

The second trimester is considered a calm period for the mother and safe for the fetus; the well-being of the expectant mother is stabilized, and her body is ready for moderate, reasonable stress.

  1. After a short warm-up - walking in place (1-2 minutes), stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, do a deep squat, trying not to lift your heels off the floor. To maintain balance, you can lean on the back of a chair. After sitting down, hold your breath for 5 seconds, while tightening the muscles of your thighs, buttocks and perineum. Retract your anus without straining your stomach. Exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat up to 5 times.
  2. Lie on your side, resting on one hand, the other hand in front of you. Swing your leg back and forth without touching the floor. Repeat 7-8 times. Do the exercise for both legs.
  3. Take the same position, lying on your side. First perform a large upward swing with your leg, then springy, frequent swings. Alternately changing legs. Number of repetitions 6-8 times.
  4. Lie on your back, bend your knees, keep your feet together and your shoulder blades pressed to the floor. Very slowly, without making sudden jerks, lift your pelvis, leaning on your legs and shoulder blades, helping yourself with your hands. Hold the body position for a few seconds, return to the starting position. Number of repetitions up to 6 times. You can complicate the exercise a little and raise your pelvis, leaning on only one leg, while the second leg should lie bent on the knee of the supporting leg.
  5. Lying on your back, pressing your shoulder blades and feet to the floor, as in the previous exercise, lift your pelvis and swing it from side to side, imitating a pendulum.
  6. Sit on the floor, spread your legs to the sides. As you exhale, try to reach right hand to the left foot, while inhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the action for the other leg, the number of repetitions is from 4 to 6 times.

Therapeutic exercises during pregnancy for the third trimester

In the 3rd trimester, women are not recommended to carry heavy loads due to their growing belly. Expectant mothers become less flexible and agile. Perform the exercises smoothly, without haste. The following exercises are useful in the 3rd trimester:

  1. Mountain pose. Stand up and bend your knees slightly, squeezing your tailbone. Inhaling, stretch your arms up, and exhaling, fold your arms in the chest area, bringing your palms together in a greeting pose.
  2. Cat. Take a knee-elbow position. Inhaling deeply, arch your back, lifting your tailbone up. As you exhale, round your back as much as possible, tuck your chin to your chest, repeat 5 to 10 times. Performing the exercise, the back is perfectly unloaded and lower back pain goes away.
  3. Sit on a chair, your back should be straight and level. Squeeze your shoulder blades together about 10 times. This exercise is a wonderful prevention of straight posture, which suffers in pregnant women due to a shift in the center of gravity.
  4. Stretch your arms forward and clasp them, then lift them up, bending your spine as much as possible, repeat up to 10 times.
  5. Butterfly pose. Sit on the mat, feet together, knees apart. Stay in it for up to 10 minutes.
  6. Kegel exercise. Take a comfortable position. For several minutes, actively alternately tense and relax your pelvic floor muscles, simulating holding urination. Hold the muscles for a few seconds, then relax. Kegel exercise will strengthen the vaginal muscles, helping to avoid tears and cracks during childbirth.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy

In addition to physically preparing the body for the upcoming birth, it is important for a pregnant woman to observe peace of mind and psychological peace. Now neither mommy nor the baby needs stress and worry. The complex helps to cope with nervous excitement, frequent mood swings, and irritability breathing exercises. In addition to relaxation and improvement of well-being, breathing exercises allow naturally relieve pain during childbirth.

Breathing exercises - benefits

The benefits of breathing exercises are undeniable:

  • anxiety is eliminated, the whole body relaxes;
  • the work of all organs and systems of the body is improved and stimulated;
  • provides the mother and fetus with oxygen and nutrients;
  • They teach the expectant mother to breathe correctly, since in pregnant women, due to the growing uterus, the volume of the lungs decreases. The flow of oxygen into the pregnant woman’s brain and into the fetal bloodstream increases;
  • teach relaxation, relieve nervous tension;
  • proper breathing improves performance cardiovascular system and blood circulation;
  • helps normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, bronchi, and cleanse the lungs
    prepares the body for childbirth;
  • in the 1st trimester reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.

Breathing exercises - techniques

Breathing exercises are of two types: static and dynamic.
Static gymnastics is performed in a relaxed and comfortable position, so it has no contraindications. Dynamic breathing exercises are accompanied by certain movements, sometimes too active and pose a threat to maintaining pregnancy.

There are several various techniques breathing exercises for expectant mothers. Today, the most popular method of proper breathing for pregnant women is Strelnikova’s breathing exercises. This technique is simple and understandable, aimed at supplying oxygen to the entire body, improving metabolic processes and increasing immunity.

Advantages of the technique:

  • breathing practice helps normalize blood pressure, relieve depressive state, fatigue;
  • When performed regularly, the incidence of colds is reduced several times.

Breathing exercises for uterine tone during pregnancy help relieve severe tension in the uterine myometrium, relieve mental stress and increase vitality. There are two types of gymnastics for hypertonicity: passive, when breathing exercises are performed in a comfortable, relaxed position, and active, which can be performed in combination with light physical activity. The essence of breathing exercises for hypertonicity is that at first breathing should be calm, shallow, and then it should be deepened and inhalations and exhalations should be made deeper and less often. When inhaling, inhale as much air as possible, while exhaling, exhale as much as possible. When performing the exercise, the abdominal muscles and diaphragm work.

Breathing exercises for expectant mothers

Expectant mothers can practice breathing exercises from the 1st trimester; if the pregnancy proceeds well, there is no threat of miscarriage. Breathing exercises are useful during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester; they can be included in the main complex of exercise therapy. Breathing exercises during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are excellent relaxation, and regular repetition of the exercises will teach the pregnant woman to breathe correctly at all stages of childbirth. Let's look at the basic breathing exercises:

  • Take the most comfortable position for you, you can lie down, put a small pillow under your head or knees. Inhale slowly through your nose, filling your stomach with air, and hold your breath for a few seconds. Now exhale slowly through your mouth, while all the muscles of the body should be relaxed.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing: place one palm on your stomach, the other on your chest. Alternate deep inhalations and exhalations through your nose, so that when you inhale, only your stomach rises and your chest remains motionless.
  • In a comfortable sitting position, breathe quickly and shallowly for a few minutes – “like a dog.” This breathing technique teaches you to breathe during intense contractions and also relaxes all muscles.
  • Inhale slowly, count to four, then hold your breath for 4 seconds and exhale, counting to four again. Don't breathe for 4 seconds and repeat the exercise again.

When performing breathing exercises, it is important not to hold your breath for a long time so as not to cause fetal hypoxia. The duration of classes is no more than 30 minutes per day.

A pregnant woman should remember that physical exercise and breathing exercises will only benefit her and the baby; there is no need to be afraid of light physical activity, which should be moderate and not tire the expectant mother or bring her discomfort. By regularly performing simple but effective exercises, you can strengthen your immune system, keep your body in good shape, prepare for childbirth and feel cheerful and energetic. It is worth remembering that exercise therapy exercises and methods of performing breathing exercises should be discussed with your doctor.