Climate weapons are a cover for other developments.

Operation Spinach is the only proven fact of the use of climate weapons November 13th, 2017

Humanity is constantly looking for a way to come up with some perfect and most destructive weapon. "Contenders" for the title of new special powerful weapons There are several mass destructions. Some of them relate to so-called geophysical weapons. This category of currently non-existent types of weapons should use certain technologies to influence environment, with the help of which you can cause various natural disasters on enemy territory or, for example, earthquakes. Despite the fact that thoughts about geophysical weapons have been around for more than a century, there is still no information about their existence.

The only exception to this rule is climate weapon.

As the name implies, it is designed to bring down various weather-related “surprises” on the enemy’s head. These can be long and heavy snowfalls, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. However, to date only military use rain.

Operation Spinach was an experimental operation developed by the US State Department and the US Department of Defense. All technical development of the operation was led by Dr. Donald F. Hornig, the authorized adviser to the President of the United States on science and technology. The Laotian government was not informed about the operation, its methods and goals.

From March 1967 until July 1975, the Americans sprayed silver iodide and similar chemicals over Vietnam during the rainy season. The essence of these actions, called Operation Spinach, was simple: when released into a rain cloud, particles of silver iodide become centers of condensation, which, when enough of the substance is sprayed, ultimately leads to the onset of rain. Over the five-plus years of Operation Spinach american planes poured about 5.4 thousand tons of silver iodide onto the clouds. According to American estimates, as a result of these actions, the amount of precipitation over Vietnam increased three times relative to the average annual level. The ultimate goal of spraying the chemicals was to flood crop fields and impede transportation along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. As practice has shown, spraying silver iodide really had the desired effect.

Since then, there have been no documented cases of the use of active weather influencing agents. And in 1977, the UN adopted a resolution prohibiting climate change for military purposes. We could close the topic here, but practice shows that it is too early to do this. In the last few years, the topic of climate weapons has again become relevant. In the matter of “popularization” of this species geophysical weapons Various conspiracy theorists played a significant role. According to their assumptions, the result of the abnormal heat of the summer of 2010 in Russia was the activity of American scientists working at the HAARP complex (Alaska). True, there is no documentary evidence of this and is not expected. Indeed, the presence of evidence automatically transfers a person from conspiracy theorists to scientists, journalists, etc., depending on the field of activity. However, there is a theory about an attack on Russia using HAARP emitters.

At the same time, there is another version overseas, which is as similar to the domestic one as two peas in a pod. According to the fabrications of foreign gentlemen, Hurricane Katrina (category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale), which struck the United States in August 2005, also did not form on its own. It is alleged that it is the result of someone's hostile activity. As potential “authors” of this weather sabotage with a beautiful female name called China and Russia. It is noteworthy that in the wake of talk about the involvement of the “Russians” in Katrina, an even older conspiracy theory surfaced. Some Americans remembered the so-called. "Russian Woodpecker"

All kinds of theories arose in the late 80s regarding strange signals on the radio: sometimes the “Woodpecker” was declared a psionic weapon, supposedly the Russians zombified decent Americans with these signals. True, over time it became known that these strange phenomena on the air are nothing more than the radiation of the Soviet over-the-horizon radar station for early detection of missile launches "Duga". As for the reception of signals in the United States, the station’s antenna was directed precisely there for the purpose of timely detection launched missiles. In addition, the Chernobyl-2 facility - as the "Russian Woodpecker" was called in Soviet documents - was mothballed shortly after the Chernobyl accident and has not worked since then. So think about why they remembered him almost twenty years later.

And yet, despite the abundance of counterarguments, conspiracy theories about the existence and, moreover, the use of climate weapons continue to exist. You can ask psychologists about the reasons for this, but there are other reasons of a military-political nature. Let's try to figure out why climate weapons are so attractive. First of all, the military and some civilians are seduced by the enormous power that this type of weapon may have in the future. Just look at the footage of the consequences of the same Hurricane Katrina or the destruction left by the tsunami in Indian Ocean at the end of 2004. Settlements literally wiped off the face of the Earth and the enormous number of victims and dead speak directly to one thing: our planet has a potential that humanity cannot yet equal. Imagine what would happen if a country were able to send a Katrina-sized hurricane onto its enemy's coastline? The enemy will have activities that are much more interesting than war. Of course, many civilians will suffer and this “operation” will be more cannibalistic than military. But... People are characterized by cruelty, especially in war.

As another example of the military utility of climate weapons, we can consider the already mentioned Operation Spinach. Intense rains significantly worsened conditions and hampered North Vietnamese logistics. It is unlikely that any military leader will refuse the opportunity to “hang” clouds over the enemy’s main cargo transportation routes and “give” him a long, heavy downpour. And simple presence storm clouds in the desired area, at a minimum, will complicate the transportation of goods and people by air. Finally, it is not necessary to “blow away” the enemy or sprinkle him with precipitation. You can simply change the air temperature. Of course, no one will die from warming or cooling, but it can significantly complicate many seemingly simple things.

Why, until now, has all active influence on the weather been limited to provoking rain? The fact is that the essence of the method of artificially inducing precipitation is quite simple - place an object in the water vapor of a cloud, which will cause condensation with the subsequent precipitation of the contents of the cloud in the form of precipitation. This procedure is relatively simple: just sprinkle the cloud with a condensing substance in time. When provoking rain over enemy territory, this should be done so that the clouds do not have time to leave the given area, and when “dispersing the clouds” - as is done before mass events - so that the rain has time to fall before the clouds approach the area of ​​festivities or parades. As you can see, all that is required here is a supply of chemicals (silver iodide, dry ice or cement of the required grade) and proper interaction between the meteorological service and aviation navigators.

As for more serious weather “surprises,” they are not so easy to arrange. For example, to create windy weather, it is necessary to warm up a certain volume of air so that, when interacting with cold air, it causes movement air masses. Knowing the heat capacity of air, it is not difficult to calculate how much energy is needed to warm up a certain amount of air by a certain number of degrees. And here we are faced with the main problem of “powerful” climate weapons. To warm up a sufficient amount of air masses, simply enormous amounts of energy are required. In addition, the method of delivering energy from the “heating unit” to the air must have good ratio useful action, otherwise energy will flow anywhere, but not where it needs to be.

Nevertheless, both in Russia and abroad, experiments on the impact on the atmosphere have been and continue to be conducted. So, in our country, not far from the city of Vasilsursk (Nizhny Novgorod region), there is an antenna field of the Sura multifunctional radio complex. There are 144 dipole antennas located on a site measuring 300x300 meters. The three transmitters of the complex have a power of 250 kW each. The effective radiated power of Sura is 190 megawatts. Electromagnetic radiation frequencies from 4.5 to 9.3 GHz can be “sent” to an altitude of up to three hundred kilometers. Thus, the entire ionosphere is “under the gun” of the complex’s antennas. Typical research“Suras” looks like this: the transmitter is turned on for a while. The complex's antennas send modulated pulses with pre-calculated parameters to the desired layer of the atmosphere. At the same time, a considerable part electromagnetic waves absorbed along the way. Some part of the signal, reflected from the target layer of the atmosphere, returns back. It is this signal that scientists receive and analyze. The work of the emitters is accompanied by the real northern lights. After the heating of the atmosphere stops (the complex workers call this “pampering the ionosphere”), the flashes disappear within a few seconds. This happens for a simple and understandable reason: even those 190 megawatts that Sura is capable of providing are not enough to maintain the caused phenomenon for a long time. Employees of the American HAARP complex encountered a similar effect. The power of their transmitters is also not enough to maintain a charge for a long time. upper layers atmosphere.

It is this rapid return of the atmosphere to its original state that is main problem in the creation of climate weapons. At the current stage of development, humanity simply does not have such energy sources that will at least make it possible to create a stable glow in the ionosphere. Natural processes in the atmosphere, as well as in the lithosphere and other spheres of the Earth, are based on much greater energies than a person can afford. Thus, at present, people only know those methods of actively influencing the weather that can exist with the current development of technology and technology. Naturally, in the future, it is possible that orders of magnitude more powerful energy sources will appear, which will make it possible to begin to create practically applicable means of influencing the climate.

With the start of such work, the problem that was mentioned at the very beginning of our conversation will come up again. To such promising project the attention of the military will immediately be attracted, or even they themselves will initiate it. Therefore, humanity in the relatively distant future may receive not only weather control and correction systems, but also a dangerous geopolitical argument. If a climate weapon is created, it is unlikely that it will be used for military purposes. Most likely, such a powerful “means of persuasion” will become another method of deterrence probable enemy. Because of this, leading countries will try to make their own climate control systems for military purposes as quickly as possible, so as not to find themselves in the unpleasant position of having nothing to respond to the first blow. A parallel can be drawn here with nuclear weapons. However, such an analogy can have very unpleasant consequences. As you know, the incredible power of nuclear weapons became known to the whole world after American bombers dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities. Since then combat use there were no nuclear weapons - everyone understands how terrible this is and tries not to lead to attacks. It is quite possible that to understand the dangers and potential of climate weapons on a global scale, someone will first have to experience a major natural disaster.

Of course, the analogy with Hiroshima and Nagasaki seems a little forced. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that people did not learn anything from their previous mistakes. I really don’t want humanity to have to sacrifice people’s lives again in order to create a new means of restraining hotheads from politics. Of course, man-made natural disasters can be prevented. All that is required is compliance with the 1977 UN resolution and prudence in updating deterrence and destruction capabilities.

Based on materials from sites:

The hypothetical climate weapon is a source of trepidation for many people. The reason for this is human fragility in the face of natural disasters, provoked by modern technologies. Man-made natural phenomena of a deadly nature can cause the death of the population of entire countries.

What are climate weapons?

Climate weapons are an artificial impact on nature designed to cause mass destruction of the enemy. The Americans were among the first to use climate or meteorological weapons during the military operations in Vietnam. This action was called "Rage of the Storm". Using active substances, including silver iodide, the Americans managed to provoke heavy torrential rains, which helped paralyze partisan movement enemy.

In 1977, the UN banned the testing of climate weapons and any impact on nature. This resolution led to the emergence of many weather stations around the world, officially dedicated to scientific activity, however, for example, American complex for the study of the ionosphere, which is called HAARP, many call it a climate weapon. In addition, the following are considered dangerous from the point of view of climate change:

  • the Sura system in Russia;
  • EISCAT/Heating complex in Norway;
  • Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

What does a climate weapon look like?

When wondering what a climate weapon is, people imagine huge, fantastic-looking installations. To some extent this is correct, because... impact on anticyclones, cyclones and atmospheric fronts requires enormous technical and energy costs. The HAARP complex, for example, is located on 13 hectares, and most of the territory is occupied by 180 high-frequency emitters consuming about a billion watts. In essence, it is a huge microwave, the radiation of which affects not only the weather, but also equipment, and even the consciousness and psyche of people.

Climate weapons - myth or reality?

People who are interested in whether climate weapons exist are studying various facts, indicating the artificial nature of various disasters. The existence of installations that influence the weather is considered a myth by those who realize the enormity of the required impact. A rain cloud, for example, stores energy comparable to the energy of several atomic bombs, and the energy used must be no less.

Those who consider the use of climate weapons a reality recall adopted by the UN convention and believe that it would not have been signed by the major powers without the existence real threat. IN different time cataclysms occurred that required the use of climate weapons. This:

  • Hurricane Katrina;
  • unprecedented snowfall in New York in March 2015;
  • extreme heat of 2010 and cold summer of 2017 in Russia;
  • drought 2012 in Iran, etc.

Types of climate weapons

Based on the type of impact, climate weapons are divided into types:

  • hydrosphere meteorological weapons are complexes that cause floods, mudflows, tsunami;
  • lithospheric – avalanches and earthquakes in the mountains, movement of the earth’s crust;
  • atmospheric – droughts, cyclones;
  • biosphere – environmental disturbances;
  • tropospheric – the appearance of ozone holes;
  • ionospheric – disturbances in the functioning of the ionosphere;
  • cosmic - falling meteorites;
  • magnetospheric – strongest magnetic storms, worsening people's health and disabling equipment.

How climate weapons work

Meteorological atmospheric weapons were created based on the basic physical principles. Work on the first sample of climate weapons was carried out by Nikola Tesla, who pursued a completely peaceful goal - to learn how to transmit electrical energy through the atmosphere. Some consider a possible result of his experiments to be an explosion that occurred in 1908 over the taiga of Siberia and which was considered the result of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite.

The principle of operation of HAARP antennas is well known - they emit radio rays that heat the ionosphere. Even if we assume that this radiation does not affect the weather, it has been proven harmful to all living things - animals and birds exposed to the rays die. Radio radiation is also harmful to equipment. For these reasons, the area above the base is closed to aircraft flights. Today, the impact of HAARP reaches as far as the coast of Crimea, and, perhaps not coincidentally, incidents are increasingly occurring in this area. natural disasters.

Lithospheric climate weapons direct their impact on tectonic tension fields in earth's crust. When the level of tension reaches its maximum peak, a bifurcation point occurs, exploding into earthquakes and eruptions. Magnetospheric climate weapons are dealt with by a special structure - the US Department of Advanced Weapons. Employees of this department conduct tests by exposing living beings and devices to waves of various frequencies. Such artificial magnetic storms can cause depression, panic attacks, aggression, and equipment breakdown.

Signs of the use of climate weapons

The impact of climate weapons can be determined by several factors:

  • uniqueness of cataclysms - if certain disasters have never been observed in the studied area natural phenomena, this may be a sign of the use of climate weapons;
  • frequency of disasters - this sign also indicates a possible artificial influence on the climate;
  • a significant deterioration in people’s health, frequent equipment failures are a “side” effect of the impact on nature.

Climate weapons - consequences

The consequences of using climate weapons, according to experts, are always terrifying. Tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, floods, earthquakes, abnormal weather- climate weapons don’t just provoke cataclysms, they cause global change climate throughout the planet. No country can consider itself protected if somewhere will pass the test climate weapons - everyone will be under attack, even the death of all living things is likely.

Film about climate weapons

In searching for an answer to the question of whether there are climate weapons in the world, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with films on this topic.

  1. HAARP. Climate Weapons (2010). Russian documentary details the HAARP project, as well as various other types of climate weapons.
  2. Flowers Thienly (1973). Vietnamese Feature Film tells about a military conflict during which the US military used climate weapons and caused severe flooding.
  3. The Avengers (1998). The American film, based on the 60s TV series, tells the story of the struggle of super agents against a villain trying to control the weather.

Humanity has long tried to use the power of nature to destroy the enemy. It turns out that developments to create climate weapons have been successful. Unofficial sources claim that the arsenal has already been prepared and has been used repeatedly.


In the mid-50s, scientists studied climate. Ultimately, it was possible to artificially create clouds and cause rain, as well as disperse clouds. But the research didn't end there. The US military first used its arsenal during the Vietnam conflict. They sprayed over a small area chemical elements that caused heavy rains, blurring the partisans' communications. The effect was short-lived, but the costs were enormous. John Von Neumann developed a weapon that could create hurricanes in enemy territory. The UN adopted a resolution in 1977 banning the use of climate weapons.

American HAARP and Russian "Sura"

In Alaska, in the early 90s, the Americans built a HAARP complex that occupies 13 hectares. According to official data, the object studies the planet’s ionosphere. The Russian "Sura" is studying electromagnetism in the layers of the atmosphere. All information about the activities of the complexes is kept in the strictest confidence. According to unofficial sources, the HAARP complex is capable of causing earthquakes and tsunamis, but the creators deny this fact. A scientist from the United States accused Russia of creating Hurricane Katrina using the Sura installation, but the Russian side completely denies this fact.


Climate weapons are a reality of our time. There is no doubt that there are more powerful developments that create earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis. It is very risky to use such installations on a large scale, as they can cause irreparable harm aggressor's infrastructure. Fully control the climate and weather conditions humanity cannot yet. Developments in this area have been going on for decades, but about the creation effective weapon there is no need to talk yet. Hundreds of weather balloons monitor the climate, and the use of climate weapons will not go unnoticed, which will cause a wide resonance in the global community.

More frequent natural disasters and weather anomalies sparked rumors that some countries already possess top-secret climate weapons. And it is these treacherous countries that cause weather anomalies in other regions. But is this really so? Pravda.Ru, together with experts, looked into this difficult and controversial issue.

It should be noted that this is not even a matter of climate weapons - for some reason, the majority of ordinary people are confident that in any country in the world there are two parallel sciences (and with them a corresponding set of technologies). One of them, the most advanced, is “military”, which is strictly classified. And the other is “peaceful”, she always lags behind her formidable “sister”, which is why all the achievements that we owe to her appear in everyday life later than their analogues in the military sphere.

Some, having become so convinced of this myth, even believe that “military” science has long discovered unknown laws of nature and created absolutely mind-blowing technologies of the future, but from “ ordinary people“All this is carefully hidden - just in case.

In fact, such a representation is, of course, clean water delusion. Let's look at history - there is not a single example where military technologies are much ahead of their peaceful "namesakes." In general, it would be more correct to say that for war and peace in general the same technologies are used, which emerged from the discovery of successive laws of nature. Moreover, peaceful use often goes in parallel with military use - just remember the atomic programs of all countries that have nuclear weapon, because in parallel with missiles and bombs, they appeared as nuclear power plants, and radiation medicine.

Of course, it also happens that technology developed for military purposes is first used for its intended purpose and then becomes peaceful - for example, the Internet for a long time was in a secret way communications between military departments, and only a few years later it became the “World Wide Web”, which could be accessed by anyone with a computer and a modem. But there are other examples - for example, the laser was used for a long time exclusively for peaceful purposes, and it became a weapon much later. The same is with the installations that appeared two years ago that generate electromagnetic “pain rays” - they are no different from those in microwave ovens, which humanity has been using for decades.

Why am I talking about this - but to the fact that it is quite difficult to imagine a state that owns climate weapons, but does not use these technologies for peaceful purposes at all. Let's take the United States - imagine for a moment that they really have such weapons, and secret service employees can cause hurricanes, rains, frosts and droughts in other countries by simply pressing a button. Introduced? Fine! And now we urgently turn on the logic - why, in this case, cannot these same specialists prevent annual hurricanes, droughts, rains and everything else on the territory of the United States itself? After all, from these natural Disasters Not only ordinary Americans, but also large corporations constantly suffer - fires in California alone bring them billions in losses every year! And not only for them - eliminating the consequences also places a heavy burden on the state budget, which is already almost empty.

One can think differently - there has never been a case in history when the emergence of a new weapon was ahead of the scientific and technical base that existed at that time. For example, nuclear weapons appeared only when physicists finally figured out how the atom works. It is logical to assume that since climate weapons exist, it means that some (apparently that same “secret”) part of humanity knows almost everything about climate. But why in this case the most accurate forecast Is it still always the one that was done the next day, and can you trust anything longer than that with great caution? After all, if we knew everything about climate, then we could easily predict the weather for a month or even a year with 100 percent accuracy (after all, nuclear scientists can predict the decay mechanism of any unstable atom with such accuracy)!

So, as you can see, it seems that in the question of the reality of the existence of climate weapons, we should not be like Dr. Watson, to whom Sherlock Holmes rightly pointed out that he “first endows the criminal with a very rich imagination, and immediately denies him this property.” However, have there been any attempts to create technologies that can be used to specifically influence the climate? Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Igor Ostretsov, in a conversation with a correspondent of Pravda.Ru, said that there were such attempts - and some of such technologies were developed in the USSR.

“From my point of view, rumors about climate weapons are greatly exaggerated,” says Igor Nikolaevich. “True, in the 70s of the last century I had the opportunity to participate in one research project, which could lead to the creation of one. We assumed that the Earth's climate could be controlled by influencing the magnetosphere of our planet. By the way, there were many such projects, but ours was the most effective - we were going to inject very powerful plasma flows into the magnetosphere. These flows would begin to collide with particles trapped in space in the Van Allen belts, and they would, figuratively speaking, fall down due to a change in the direction of their velocity vector (from longitudinal to transverse).

According to our assumption, after the precipitation of such particles in the region of the poles of our planet, the strong impact on the local air masses, and this, in turn, would provoke climate change. However, I can say with absolute certainty that this project remains only on paper - we have not even started the first stage of experiments. And, probably, it’s for the better. Therefore, now the only “climate weapon” is the exhaust from factories going directly into the atmosphere. That is, all the unwanted by-products of civilization. And I saw what it looks like when I flew to China, whose industry still runs mainly on coal - these are rows of tall chimneys spewing all sorts of nasty things into the sky. Other climate weapons in modern world fortunately does not exist."

So, as we see, everything is completely obvious - there are no climate weapons, other than the one mentioned by Igor Nikolaevich (and which cannot be considered a weapon in the literal sense of the word). However, I will not deny that people already have technologies for influencing the weather - just remember the technique of forced concentration of water vapor in clouds, popularly known as the “cloud acceleration” technology. And sometimes its use can accidentally create an effect similar to the use of climate weapons - although not purposeful, but accidental. A senior lecturer at the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, meteorologist Pavel Konstantinov, told a Pravda.Ru correspondent about this episode:

“There was one case in the mid-90s of the last century - then our specialists entered into a contract with one of the countries in the Middle East and, as part of this contract, presented them with the technology of “decanting” rain. This is the same as the notorious “dispersal of clouds” - in In rain clouds, a substance is dispersed, the crystals of which serve as condensation nuclei for water vapor, that is, they cause rain exactly where it should fall.

And so this country began to successfully deposit precipitation over its territory, while its neighbors, whose harvests depended on the same air masses, no longer received a drop. As a result, they started having crop failures and all this resulted in a real international scandal with a bunch of lawsuits that were also brought against us. Since then, we have become more cautious in disseminating such technologies on the foreign market."

It can be assumed that there were quite a few cases similar to the one that Pavel Igorevich spoke about, but they do not speak of the use of some special climate weapon, but of the careless use of completely peaceful weather control technology. Perhaps it was these situations that gave rise to the myths that climate weapons exist. However, this is a difficult question - many people are interested in spreading rumors about such weapons. This is beneficial both to employees of meteorological departments and rescue services, who “missed” the next weather disaster, and to officials who did not have time to prepare for it and organize evacuation, and, finally, to the military - often myths about non-existent weapons are a good disguise for real ones. secret developments in a completely different area.

Conversations about climate weapons regularly appear in the press and on the Internet. Since there are no reliable sources about it, most of those who believe in the existence of climate weapons are inclined to one thought: only superpowers such as the United States and Russia have climate weapons. Let's try to figure out whether climate weapons are a myth or reality?

Where did the talk about climate weapons come from?

Although the use of climate weapons has never been recorded in the entire history of mankind, many believe that its appearance is closely connected with the name of the outstanding scientist Nikola Tesla. This scientist, who adhered to “unofficial” physics, left after his death many discoveries and mysteries that have yet to be solved.

Nikola Tesla, observing the atmosphere, came to the conclusion that climate weapons could be created based on their influence on the ionosphere. During this exposure, air flows will appear that can be regulated artificially. Like many other ideas of the outstanding scientist, the idea of ​​​​creating and using climate weapons was mothballed, but not destroyed.

Since military laboratories throughout the world are not open facilities, the possible use of climate weapons is only a matter of time. One way or another, world powers take the issue of influencing the weather quite seriously. Although such research could significantly improve the lives of mankind, the military only considers weather control for the purpose of creating lethal weapon mass destruction.

Tesla's research and experiments with weather

Although for some all talk about climate experiments belongs to the realm of science fiction, it is enough to familiarize yourself with Tesla’s work to change your mind. The Greatest Inventor In the 20th century, Nikola Tesla created many devices that, according to eyewitnesses, could influence the weather. Some believe that climate weapons were used against Russia in 1908, although this was only unsuccessful result Tesla experiments. Of course it's unlikely to fall Tunguska meteorite associated with physics tests, but this possibility is not completely ruled out.

Having his own research center, the scientist could cause lightning, while saying that resonance could be caused in the atmosphere. It was Tesla who developed the theory of an energy dome that could protect vast areas from any influence. Although the scientist died at the age of 87, presumably from old age, many still blame American financial tycoons for his death, for whom Tesla's revolutionary developments only suffered huge losses.

Is the Haarp system a US climate weapon?

After Tesla's death, his development was continued by Bernard Eastlund, who even received a patent for one of his devices related to further testing of the resonance effect. It was on the basis of Eastlund’s developments that the Haarp system, which is called America’s climate weapon, was created. Although this system officially engaged in research atmospheric phenomena, journalists are confident that climate weapons are being tested in Alaska under this cover.

Although the Haarp project has an official website, where all the information about it is available, journalists are still confident that all this is being done as a distraction, but in fact they are testing in Alaska American system climate weapons.

Supporters of the idea that Haarp is a climate weapon cite many facts indicating the military purpose of the facility in Alaska:

  • The first fact that indirectly points to inconsistencies in the official version is the financing of the project in Alaska by the Pentagon. This organization I have never been known for my love of research work, however, Pentagon representatives answer all questions that they are studying the phenomenon of the northern lights. Even the Americans themselves are skeptical of such statements by the military department;
  • A resolution banning climate weapons was adopted by the UN in 1974. Although it was called a little differently, the essence remained the same. There is no doubt that this resolution was adopted not without reason;
  • In 2003, America openly announced that it would test a certain “gun” in Alaska. In the same year, an earthquake occurred in Iran, which claimed more than 41,000 lives;
  • In 2004, an undersea earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean. It is noteworthy that it occurred exactly one year and one hour after the Iranian earthquake. This cataclysm caused many hurricanes, cyclones and floods that swept across Europe like a whirlwind in January 2005;
  • The 2011 Japanese earthquake also occurred during the work of the Haarp project.

Despite these events, the US government stubbornly denies all rumors about the military purpose of the Haarp project.

What is the Haarp project really?

Although the Haarp project is secret, some information on it is in open access. Haarp includes the following devices:

  1. Antennas;
  2. Radar emitters;
  3. Magnetometers;
  4. Laser locators;
  5. Powerful computers capable of controlling the entire complex and processing incoming signals;
  6. Gas power plant that powers the entire system and 6 diesel generators.

The complex is located near the town of Gakon, where the phenomenon known as the northern lights often occurs.

Numerous antennas of the complex are capable of creating a narrowly directed beam of waves of incredible power. There is an opinion that by concentrating radio waves, the installation is capable of creating in the atmosphere optical phenomena, called spectra or lenses. These phenomena can reach sizes of several tens of kilometers, and they can be located almost anywhere in the world. If this is true, then no country in the world can feel completely safe, especially if it has poor relations with the United States of America.

The problem with using climate weapons is that storms and disasters that occur in one part of the world will certainly cause similar disasters in other parts of the world. Some scientists who have conducted research on global natural disasters over the past 15 years prove the involvement of the Haarp complex in this. The US military does not provide any refuting data, causing the world community to worry even more.

Russia's climate weapons

The development of Russian climate weapons began back in Soviet times. Moscow gave the go-ahead for the development of the Sura project in the second half of the 70s of the 20th century. The complex itself was built in the late 70s, and the Sura project was put into operation in 1981. The Sura project is the only climate weapon (although it is not officially recognized as one) that was officially developed in Russia.

After the collapse of the USSR this project was completely abandoned, and unofficial versions all secret documentation was sold to the United States, which used the Sura documentation to develop their Haarp project. There is no other data on the creation of climate weapons (except for “Sura”) in the Russian Federation. If it is developed, then all research takes place in the strictest secrecy.

Americans have a completely different opinion regarding Russian climate weapons. IN last years The United States has been hit by a wave of various climate anomalies. For example, in the spring of 2015 in New York there were such heavy snowfalls that have never happened in the entire history of this city. You can talk as much as you like about the melting of glaciers, global warming and the ozone hole, but most ordinary Americans are confident that abnormal snowfalls in the United States are directly related to the Russian Federation, which thus shows the United States that it was not worth conflicting with the “Russian bear.” Although it seems strange, ordinary Americans are confident in military power Russia, just like ordinary Russians, are confident in military force and the hostility of the United States of America.

Hurricane Harvey—consequences of Russia's use of climate weapons?

Hurricane Harvey, which was considered the most powerful and destructive hurricane in the last 12 years, unexpectedly gave rise to a strange conspiracy theory. Since for Lately Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Katya unleashed their might on the US territory; many Americans are sure that the Russians are to blame for everything. Moreover, a certain publication “The Liberty Beacon” claims that these are not just tests that are carried out Russian Federation, but targeted attacks, which were approved by the Chairman of the Federation Council V. Matvienko.

In addition, this publication reports that tests of Russian climate weapons took place in Europe, and it was the Russians who caused powerful downpours that flooded Paris and Berlin. It is worth understanding that in the United States there is very high competition in the field of print media, and often unscrupulous journalists resort to such “sensations” in order to increase the overall ratings and sales of their publications.

A funny incident happened during Hurricane Irma in the USA. A video of clouds that have taken on a shape resembling Putin’s face has gone viral. Some simple-minded Americans perceived this accident as an act of cynicism by the Russians, who are not only openly harming America, but also sending them similar signs.

An objective look at the problem of the existence of climate weapons

Although the UN resolution was adopted more than 40 years ago, it is still unclear whether climate weapons actually exist or are just fabrications of the “yellow” press. Judging by the fact that this topic widely used in the political arena, superpowers allow their opponents to have such weapons.

Conversations about climate weapons come at the height of Cold War, when the USSR and the USA tried to show each other their superiority in military terms. There is an opinion that the Russians were the first to develop climate weapons, and the United States immediately joined the arms race.

The presence of similar weapons in other countries is not even considered as an option, because these developments simply required huge investments. That is why such projects have now been practically curtailed (at least officially).

Conversations regarding the presence of climate weapons in the United States and Russia are still ongoing. Moreover, neither side wants to admit the absence of such developments, so as not to lose credibility.

As for Russia itself, the president has lately been pursuing his line very harshly, not giving in or reacting to US attacks and sanctions against Russia. Based on this, many military experts conclude that Russia really has some kind of new super-powerful weapon. Many ordinary Americans share the same opinion.

What remains to be done in such an uncertain situation? First of all, you should put aside panic and remember that there is such a type of weapon as nuclear. This weapon can bring much more destruction than climate weapons. Moreover, in the event of a sudden use of a new climate weapon, nothing prevents the attacked side from using it as a counterattack nuclear missiles. Politicians understand this very well and resolve global security issues calmly and without emotion.

The UN resolution was adopted to protect the planet from the rash actions of the leaders of some states. Many people remember how it turned out nuclear bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the test of the Soviet “Tsar Bomb” almost turned into a tragedy for the whole world.

Scientists who develop new technologies strive for some transcendental achievements, trying to surpass their colleagues from other countries. In their excitement, they forget that most of these developments immediately interest the military, who use them exclusively for military purposes. Currently, climate weapons are a tool to intimidate peoples, used by unscrupulous politicians and journalists. Reliable information about the development of climate weapons is kept in the strictest confidence.