Dispersion radius of lethal fragments f 1. Domestic weapons and military equipment

Drawing. Manual fragmentation grenades poster 2000X1333 pixels

Anti-personnel hand grenades

Anti-personnel hand grenades are divided into two types: offensive and defensive.
In essence, they are similar and the principle of operation is the same, but there are differences, knowing which allows maximum efficiency to be achieved when using hand grenades. Many served in the army, but not everyone had the opportunity to use real, not training grenades, and most only know about them from films. But as you know, in films, entertainment and special effects come first, and no one thinks about realism. Now let’s figure out the differences between offensive grenades and defensive ones.
The main difference is the number and weight of fragments scattered when a grenade explodes. Offensive grenades are lighter and can be thrown over a greater distance. Offensive grenades have a smaller damage radius and smaller fragment weight. This is necessary so that during the attack you do not injure yourself and your comrades with a large number of heavy fragments. Attackers, as a rule, are in worse conditions, compared to defenders, who, as a rule, have shelters, buildings, trenches at their disposal. Any grenade that hits the target accurately will incapacitate the infantry, but fragments from an offensive grenade will not fly back.
Grenades are defensive, have a larger damage radius, and fragments that are heavier and more dangerous in terms of destructive power. Such grenades are thrown from trenches, buildings, and shelters. The scattering of fragments is greater, the probability of destroying the advancing enemy is greater. And since the person throwing the defensive grenade is in cover, he is not afraid of fragments from his own grenade.

RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade

RGD-5 - (hand grenade, remote, GRAU Index - 57-G-717) offensive hand grenade, belongs to the anti-personnel fragmentation hand grenades of the offensive type. This means that it is designed to destroy enemy personnel with hull fragments when it explodes. The grenade reaches its target by throwing it with the hand. Remote action means that the grenade will explode after a certain time (3.2-4.2 seconds) after it is released, regardless of other conditions. Offensive type - means that the grenade fragments have a small mass and fly at a distance shorter than the possible throw range.

Characteristics of RGD-5

Weight, kg: 0.31
Length, mm: 114
Diameter, mm: 56.8
Explosive: TNT
Mass of explosive, kg: 0.11
Detonation mechanism: UZRG, UZRGM, or UZRGM-2 fuse
The burning time of the retarder is 3.2-4.2 seconds.

Externally, the grenade has an oval body made of thin steel. The streamlined body is assembled from an upper and lower part, each of which includes an outer shell and a liner. The igniter hole is closed with a plastic plug during storage. The weight of the grenade with the fuse is 310 g. The explosive charge is TNT weighing 110 grams. The scattering range of fragments is 25 - 30 meters.

The grenade fuse is universal, also suitable for RG-42 and F-1 grenades. Fuse brand: UZRG, UZRGM (from the second half of the 1950s), or UZRGM-2. All these fuses are interchangeable.
RGD-5 and the fuse for it. The hole for the fuse in the grenade body is closed with a plastic plug to prevent dirt from getting in.

UZRGM grenade fuse

Application of RGD-5

To use a grenade, you need to straighten the antennae of the safety pin, take the grenade in right hand(for a right-handed person) so that your fingers press the lever to the body.

Before throwing a grenade, thread index finger with your left hand into the pin ring, pull out the pin. The grenade can continue to remain in the hand as long as desired, since until the lever is released, the firing pin cannot break the primer.

After choosing the moment of the throw and the target, throw the grenade at the target. At this moment, the lever will rotate under the influence of the striker spring, releasing the striker, and fly off to the side. The drummer will puncture the capsule and after 3.2-4.2 seconds an explosion will occur.

The RGD-5 grenade was adopted for service in 1954, replacing the RG-42 offensive grenade. The experience of World War II showed that the range of RG-42 fragments sometimes exceeded the throwing range, creating a threat of hitting the thrower.

The training and simulation modification of the grenade is called URG-N (training hand grenade - offensive).

RGD-5 fragmentation grenade

Drawing. Fragmentation grenades RGD-5 F-1 RGN RGO

F-1 anti-personnel hand grenade

(GRAU index - 57-G-721)

The F-1 grenade is designed to destroy manpower in defensive combat. Due to the significant radius of scattering of fragments, it can only be thrown from behind cover, from an armored personnel carrier or from a tank.

Characteristics of F-1

Diameter, mm 55
Case height, mm 86
Height with fuse, mm 117
Grenade weight, kg 0.6
Explosive mass, kg 0.06-0.09
Explosive type TNT
UZRGM fuse
Deceleration time, sec 3.2-4.2
Throwing range: 35-40 m
Shrapnel damage radius: 5 m
200 m - safe distance
Fuse deceleration time: 3 2-4.2 sec
Number of fragments up to 300 pcs.

F1 (GRAU index - 57-G-721) - hand-held anti-personnel defensive grenade. Designed to defeat manpower in defensive combat. Due to the significant radius of scattering of fragments, it can only be thrown from behind cover, from an armored personnel carrier or from a tank.

The names “F-1” and the slang “lemon” came from the French fragmentation grenade F-1 model 1915 weighing 572 g and the English Lemon system grenade, which were supplied to Russia during the First World War. Another possible origin of the slang name is its shape, which resembles a lemon.

Initially, F-1 grenades were equipped with F.V. Koveshnikov's fuse. In 1941, E.M. Viceni and A.A. Bednyakov developed a universal UZRG fuse; after the war it was modified and serves to this day under the name UZRGM (modernized universal hand grenade fuse).


Due to numerous technical shortcomings of the RGD-33 grenade, which was in service in the Soviet Union at that time, a decision was made to develop a reliable and technologically advanced defensive infantry grenade. The development of this device was entrusted to the designer F.I. Khrameev. In 1939, two months after receiving the technical specifications, he developed the F-1 grenade. According to the designer himself, the greatest difficulty for him when developing this grenade model was the selection of shell material and ensuring the reliability of the fuse.

Preliminary testing of this type of weapon was minimal; 10 prototypes were made, which were soon tested, and then the design was put into mass production. Here is what F.I. Khrameev himself said in an interview with journalists about this:

Was some kind of selection committee created? - Not really! Again I'm alone. The head of the plant, Major Budkin, gave me a chaise and sent me to our training ground. I throw grenades one after another into the ravine. And on you - nine exploded, but one didn’t. I'm coming back and reporting. Budkin shouted at me: he left a secret sample unattended! I'm going back, alone again.
- Was it scary? - Not without that. I lay down on the edge of the ravine and saw where the grenade lay in the clay. He took a long wire, made a loop at the end and carefully hooked it onto the grenade. Tugged. Didn't explode. It turned out that the fuse had failed. So he pulled it out, unloaded it, brought it, went to Budkin and put it on his table. He screamed and jumped out of the office like a bullet. And then we transferred the drawings to the Main Artillery Directorate (GAU), and the grenade was put into mass production. Without any experimental series.

The most common belief is that the F-1 grenade originated from an English grenade from the First World War, known in Russia as the Mils grenade. For those times it was the most destructive grenade. They are similar in shape and principle of the fuse. F. Leonidov in the magazine “Weapons” (No. 8, 1999) in the article “Prepare grenades” states that the basis for the development of the F-1 was the French F-1 model of 1915 and the English Lemon system. It was not possible to establish whether this is so.

Khrameev, in an interview with Kommersant magazine, acknowledged the origin of the grenade from the French F-1 model. Below is an excerpt from of this interview.

In February 1939, I received the task of developing a defensive grenade... in Moscow I saw an album released by the Russian General Staff in 1916, which presented images of all those used in the first world war pomegranate. German and French were corrugated, egg-shaped. I especially liked the French F-1. It exactly corresponded to the task received: easy to throw, safe fuse, sufficient number of fragments. The album contained only a drawing. I developed all working drawings. I had to suffer. He replaced the plain cast iron from which the F-1 was made with steel to increase the destructive power of fragments.

British analogues of "lemon" - Mils grenades

This version is also confirmed by a comparative analysis of the design of the French F-1 grenade, the English Lemon system grenade and the modern F-1 grenade. Structurally, the early versions of the F-1 are virtually identical to the French counterpart, and the only differences are in the mass of the grenade, the design of the fuse and the material of the metal shell. Mutual position The nodes and shape of the grenades are identical. The Lemon grenade has a spherical or, in a later version, ovoid shape, without a finned shell, and with a slightly different location of the fuse in the grenade body. It is believed that the Lemon grenade of the 1906/1913 model, which is indeed somewhat similar to the F-1, was created precisely under the influence of the French F-1 grenade. Also, the connection between the origin of the Soviet grenade and the French F-1 is confirmed in textbook Artillery Academy of the Red Army, published in 1943 under the title “Hand Grenades”.

Shown is a French hand grenade F-1 mod. 1915, weighing 550g... The F-1 grenade has been used in the USSR since 1926 with a Kaveshnikov fuse, which provides more reliable action, safety when throwing and ease of handling.

This is another confirmation of the version about the origin of the Soviet grenade from the French F-1.

When the F-1 grenade was created, it had a Kaveshnikov fuse, then it was replaced by a standard unified UZRG fuse, after the end of the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War The fuse was improved, the reliability of operation was increased, and it received the designation UZRGM.


The F-1 grenade has the following tactical and technical characteristics.

  • Throwing range: 35-40 m
  • Shrapnel damage radius: 30 m (most likely the enemy will be hit by shrapnel), 200 m (maximum flight range of shrapnel)
  • Fuse deceleration time: 3.2-4.5 sec
  • Number of fragments up to 300 pcs.

The F-1 grenade is a hand-held anti-personnel, remote-action fragmentation defensive grenade. Its design turned out to be so successful that it has existed to this day without fundamental changes. The design of the fuse was slightly changed and modified in order to increase operational reliability.

  • Manual - delivered to the target by throwing the soldier’s hand.
  • Anti-personnel - designed to destroy enemy personnel.
  • Fragmentation - damage is caused mainly by fragments of the metal body of the grenade.
  • Defensive - the radius of dispersion of fragments exceeds average range throwing a grenade using the muscle strength of a fighter, which necessitates throwing a grenade from cover in order to avoid being hit by fragments of one’s own grenade.
  • Remote action - the grenade detonates some time after the throw (from 3.2 to 4.2 seconds).

Like most anti-personnel grenades, the F-1 consists of 3 main parts.

  • Fuse. The grenade has a universal fuse UZRGM (or UZRG), which is also suitable for RG-41, RG-42, RGD-5 grenades. The UZRGM fuse differs from the UZRG by changes in the shape of the trigger guard and the design of the striker, which made it possible to reduce the frequency of weapon failures.
  • Explosive. The explosive charge is 60 g of TNT.
  • Metal shell. Externally, the grenade has an oval ribbed body made of steel cast iron. Initially, the fins were created to produce fragments of a certain size and mass during an explosion; the fins also perform an ergonomic function, helping to better hold the grenade in the hand. Subsequently, some researchers expressed doubts about the effectiveness of such a system for forming fragments. The total weight of the grenade with fuse is 600 g.

The composition of the UZRG fuse includes, in addition to the body itself, the following elements:

  • A safety pin, which is a ring with two pieces of wire, which, passing through the holes in the fuse body, are secured by extension in the hole on the opposite side of the fuse and protect the pin from accidental falling out. In this case, the pin blocks the firing pin, preventing it from hitting the detonator capsule.
  • The firing pin is a metal rod, sharpened on the side directed towards the capsule, and having a protrusion on the opposite side, with which it holds the trigger guard. Also, a shock spring is attached to the firing pin, ensuring its impact on the primer.
  • The trigger guard is a curved metal plate that, after removing the safety pin, locks the firing pin in its original position. After the grenade is thrown, the trigger guard is pushed out by the pressure of the firing pin spring, which hits the primer, activating it.
  • The capsule ignites the retarding fuse, which, after burning for some time, directly activates the detonating mixture - the grenade is detonated.
  • The delay fuse creates a time interval between the throwing and detonation of the grenade.
  • The detonating mixture detonates the grenade's explosives.


To use a grenade, you need to straighten the antennae of the safety pin, take the grenade in your right hand so that your fingers press the lever to the body. Before throwing a grenade, insert the index finger of your left hand into the pin ring and pull it out. The grenade can continue to remain in the hand for as long as desired, since until the lever is released, the firing pin cannot break the primer. After choosing the moment of the throw and the target, throw a grenade at the target. At this moment, the lever will rotate under the influence of the striker spring, releasing the striker, and fly off to the side. The drummer will puncture the primer and after 3.2 - 4.2 seconds an explosion will occur. Defensive type - means that the grenade fragments have a fairly large mass and fly to a distance exceeding the possible throwing range (that is, when the grenade explodes, it is dangerous for the soldier who threw it, if he did not take cover in a trench, behind a wall, etc.) .

The grenade is designed to destroy manpower and unarmored vehicles. The damaging factors are the direct high-explosive action of the explosive and the fragments formed when the metal shell of the grenade is destroyed.

Labeling and storage

Combat grenade painted in green(from khaki to dark green). The training and simulation grenade is painted black with two white (vertical and horizontal) stripes. In addition, it has a hole at the bottom. The fighting fuse has no color. In the training-imitation fuse, the pin ring and the lower part of the pressure lever are painted scarlet.

F-1 grenades are packed in wooden boxes of 20 pieces. UZRGM fuses are stored in the same box separately in two metal hermetically sealed jars (10 pieces per jar). Box weight - 20 kg. The box is equipped with a can opener designed to open a can of fuses. Grenades are equipped with fuses immediately before the battle; when transferred from the combat position, the fuse is removed from the grenade and stored separately.

The purpose of packaging fuses in sealed containers is to ensure maximum safety during the entire storage period, to prevent corrosion and oxidation of the components of the detonating mixture.

Combat use

Tactical Features combat use

In open areas, the effective range of destruction of the enemy when a grenade explodes directly with the high-explosive action of ammunition is 3-5 meters. At a distance of up to 30 meters, the further the enemy is from the center of the explosion, the lower the chances of him being successfully hit by shrapnel. The chances of injury from grenade fragments remain at a distance of up to 70-100 meters, but this statement is true only for large fragments of the shell. The larger the fragment, the higher its potential damage range. Initial speed grenade fragments are 700-720 meters per second, weighing on average 1-2 grams, although both larger and smaller ones are found.

Peculiarities damaging factors grenades naturally determine the areas of application in modern conflicts. Grenades have the greatest effect indoors and confined spaces. This is due to the following factors. Firstly, in a relatively small room, up to 30 meters in size, the entire space is in the destruction zone of fragments, and fragments can also ricochet off the walls of the ceiling and floor, which again increases the chances of hitting the enemy, even if he is in cover. Secondly, the high-explosive effect of a grenade in a closed room is multiplied many times over, causing concussion, barotrauma, disorienting the enemy, which allows one to take advantage of the moment to enter the room and use other weapons to destroy it.

The F-1 grenade is more effective compared to offensive grenades when storming confined spaces and premises, due to its higher mass it gives more quantity fragments and has a more pronounced high-explosive effect, all this makes it more likely to incapacitate the enemy.

Tactical features of sabotage use

Also, F-1 grenades are often used when setting tripwires, this is due to the number of fragments, which increases the chances of hitting the enemy, and a reliable fuse, which will not be damaged by prolonged exposure to unfavorable conditions before the trap is triggered.

Application in military conflicts

At the beginning of World War II, grenade bodies were filled with explosives available instead of TNT; Searchers find grenades filled with black powder in the Leningrad area. A grenade with this filling is quite effective, although less reliable.

During the Great Patriotic War, the F-1 was widely used on all fronts.

In the late 30s and early 40s of the 20th century, tactical instructions for infantry units recommended the F-1, including as an anti-tank weapon. Several grenades were tightly tied into a bag so that the detonator of one of them remained outside, the bag was thrown under the tracks or wheels of enemy armored vehicles in order to disable the chassis. Subsequently, this method was not widely used due to its relatively low efficiency.


Thanks to its simple and reliable design, the F-1 grenade has been in service for about 70 years without significant changes and will probably not be removed from service for a long time. The advantages that ensure such a long service life are as follows:

A body of natural crushing, from which destructive elements are successfully formed even when the metal jacket is damaged.

The remote igniter has a relatively simple design and is highly reliable.

The all-metal housing is easy to manufacture and can be manufactured in virtually any industrial facility. The simplicity of the internal design allows, in war conditions, to use any available explosive instead of standard TNT.


The disadvantages of this grenade are due primarily to the obsolescence of its design, and not to design flaws. These include:

The corrugation of the body cannot always ensure uniform formation of fragments. The remote fuse does not lead to an explosion when it hits the target, but goes off after some time. The grenade is relatively heavy, which somewhat reduces the maximum throw range.



In connection special purpose The Western Military District (WMD), stationed in the Tambov region, will receive new reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) Granat-1, which will replace the Grusha UAV, by the end of this year.
The Granat-1 UAV is designed to conduct reconnaissance in real time. It represents a mobile portable complex remote monitoring and relay, which is capable of conducting aerial reconnaissance using photo, video and thermal imaging equipment at a range of up to 15 km, which is 3 times greater than the capabilities of the previous model.
The stealth characteristics of the new UAV have been significantly improved, thanks to the special composite materials from which its body is made, as well as its small dimensions - the wingspan is only about 2 m, and the weight is less than 5 kg.
Press service of the Western Military District


The complex with unmanned aerial vehicles "GRANAT-1", as a sub-complex, is included as a component of the "Navodchik-2" complex. There are four “Granat-1...4” subcomplexes, they differ in the types of UAVs used, respectively, also in the radius of combat use and a number of tactical and technical characteristics.
The device inherits common features with the Dragonfly UAV (ZALA 421-08) from ZALA, as a reminder of the cooperation that took place some time ago. Currently, Granat-1 is mass-produced by Izhevsk Unmanned Systems LLC (previously called Izhmash - Unmanned Systems, renamed at the request of the Kalashnikov Concern).
The complex with unmanned aerial vehicles "GRANAT-1" is designed for monitoring the underlying surface, various objects, highways, manpower, equipment in a time scale close to real.
At the Russian military base stationed in the Republic of Armenia, in June 2014, military personnel of the UAV unit, after carrying out routine work to transfer the Navodchik-2 complexes to summer operation, resumed training test flights.
According to the press service of the Southern Military District, the first samples of UAVs arrived at the unit at the end of 2013. The Navodchik-2 complex is easy to operate and includes four types of Granat UAVs. Their characteristics make it possible to perform tasks at a range of information transmission within direct radio visibility.
Within the framework of the Agreement on collective security classes using modern unmanned equipment will be held at the high-altitude training complexes Alagyaz and Kamkhud.
Military personnel will gradually practice all the controls of the Granat UAV - launch, flight control, data collection and transmission, as well as landing during the day and at night.
At the beginning of July 2014, calculations of self-propelled artillery installations"Msta-S" at the Totsky training ground ( Orenburg region) hit camouflaged command posts of a mock enemy using coordinates received from unmanned aircraft
“During the execution of tactical missions, the artillerymen of the Central Military District destroyed more than 200 different single and group targets,” the press service of the Central Military District said in a statement. Unmanned aerial crews aircraft(UAV) "Granat-1", located at altitudes from 800 to 1500 m, were transmitted via a digital communication channel to command post exact coordinates of targets.

F-1 hand grenade - reliable and effective remedy defeating enemy personnel in a defensive battle. The effectiveness of the grenade is ensured by the scattering of fragments formed from its cast-iron body at the moment of explosion. The destructive power of these fragments remains at a distance of up to 200 m, which is its destruction radius.

The history of the creation of the Russian F-1 grenade

Basic for the development of the first option Russian grenade The following systems, which were in service at the beginning of the last century, became:

  • French F-1 hand grenade;
  • English grenade of the Lemon system.

This is precisely what explains the markings of the grenade that is used in Russian army to the present day, as well as her widespread nickname "Limonka".

In the early Russian version, a far from perfect fuse of the Koveshnikov system was installed, the explosion delay time of which was 6 seconds. This defensive grenade was first modernized in 1939. Two years later, in 1941, a Vinzeny system fuse was installed in it, which delayed the grenade explosion by 3.5 - 4.5 seconds. Later, this element began to be called a unified fuse for hand grenades (UZRG), which until the eighties of the last century was a single fuse for all fragmentation hand grenades being developed. Its characteristics have satisfied and continue to meet the requirements of modern close combat.

Technical characteristics of F-1 grenades

  • F1 grenade weight – 600 g;
  • explosive mass – 60-90 g.
  • case diameter – 55 mm;
  • body height, including fuse – 117 mm.

F-1 grenade device

A hand grenade consists of:

  • metal case;
  • UZRGM fuse;
  • explosive charge.

The body is the location of the trigger mechanism, the firing pin of which is guided by a washer fixed inside the grenade. In addition, an igniter equipped with a threaded bushing is screwed into the body.

The design of the trigger mechanism assumes the presence of:

  • safety lever;
  • safety pin with ring;
  • striker with mainspring.

The detonator is in a metal case, and its device includes:

  • blasting cap;
  • igniter primer;
  • powder retarder.

How does the F-1 grenade fuse work?

In the normal state, the striker is loaded with a mainspring and secured with the fork of the safety lever, which is associated with its shank. The upper end of the mainspring rests against the chamfer of the guide washer, and the lower end rests against the chamfer of the firing pin washer. Fixation of the safety lever is ensured by a safety pin inserted into the holes of the housing and lever.

After removing the safety pin, the fighter must hold the lever with his hand. When thrown, the spring forces the lever to rotate, resulting in the release of the firing pin. The mainspring pushes it, and it punctures the body of the igniter primer, which causes the moderator to ignite. After the latter burns out, the fire reaches the detonator charge, which causes the F1 grenade to explode.

Features of using "Limonka"

The explosion of the combat charge causes the grenade body to be crushed into fragments having the following indicators:

  • quantity – about 290 pieces;
  • initial speed – 730 m/sec;
  • damage radius – 200 m;
  • the reduced affected area is up to 82 sq. meters.

Grenades are delivered to military units in wooden boxes, each containing 20 lemons and two metal boxes containing 10 fuses. The boxes are opened using knives located there. The weight of each box is 20 kg.

The markings on each box indicate:

  • name of fuses and grenades;
  • number of grenades;
  • weight of grenades;
  • manufacturer's name;
  • batch number;
  • danger sign.

The resulting ammunition is placed in grenade bags or in special pockets of unloading vests. Each hand grenade is placed separately from its fuse. Grenades are equipped with fuses immediately before battle; the fuse is removed from a grenade that is not used in battle and stored separately. When transported in armored vehicles, grenades and fuses are also placed separately in special bags.

Fuses and grenades are thoroughly inspected before being placed in the bag. The body of each grenade and each fuse must be free of dents and rust marks. If the fuse has cracks or a green coating, it should not be used. In addition, you need to make sure that the cheeks of the safety pin are spread apart and that there are no cracks on the bends.

All ammunition should be protected from moisture, fire, shock, impact and dirt. If they are dirty or wet, if possible, they should be thoroughly wiped and dried, but not near a fire. Drying grenades must be done under constant supervision. A defensive fragmentation grenade, like any other, can only be used by soldiers who have undergone special training.

Preparing and throwing the F-1 defensive grenade

Preparing a grenade and throwing it is carried out in three steps:

  • the ammunition is taken in such a way that the safety lever is pressed tightly against the body;
  • the antennae on the safety pin are unclenched;
  • the pin is pulled, and the grenade is immediately thrown at the target.

Video about the F1 defensive grenade

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The performance characteristics and design of the F-1, RGD-5, RGO, RGN grenades and UZRGM, UDZ fuses are given.

Hand fragmentation grenades are designed to destroy enemy personnel with shrapnel in close combat (in open areas, in trenches or communication passages, when fighting in locality, in the forest or mountains). Depending on the range of scattering of fragments, grenades are divided into offensive (RGD-5, RGN) and defensive (F-1, RGO).
Hand fragmentation grenades are equipped with UZRGM fuses (unified fuse hand grenade modernized) and UDF (impact-remote fuse).

F-1 hand fragmentation grenade

The F-1 hand fragmentation grenade is a remote-action grenade designed to destroy manpower primarily in defensive combat. You can throw a grenade from various provisions and only from behind cover, from an armored personnel carrier or tank (self-propelled artillery unit).

Characteristics of the F-1 fragmentation grenade
Grenade type – Defensive
Grenade weight - 600 g

Ignition type - UZRGM

The radius of dispersion of lethal fragments is 200 m
Radius of the zone of effective destruction of manpower - 7 m

F-1 grenade device
The F-1 hand fragmentation grenade consists of a body, an explosive charge and a fuse.
The grenade body serves to house the explosive charge and fuse, as well as to form fragments when the grenade explodes. The grenade body is cast iron, with longitudinal and transverse grooves. In the upper part of the body there is a threaded hole for screwing in the fuse.
When storing, transporting and carrying the grenade, a plastic plug is screwed into this hole.
The explosive charge fills the body and serves to break the grenade into fragments.

RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade

The RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade is a remote-action grenade designed to destroy enemy personnel in offensive and defensive situations. Throwing a grenade is carried out from various positions when operating on foot and on an armored personnel carrier (vehicle).

Characteristics of the RGD-5 fragmentation grenade
Grenade type: offensive
Grenade weight - 310 g
Bursting charge weight - 60 g
Ignition type UZRGM
Moderator burning time - 3.2-4.2 seconds
The radius of dispersion of lethal fragments is 25 m
Radius of the zone of effective destruction of manpower - 5 m
Design of the RGD-5 grenade
1 - igniter tube with cuff
2 - cap with liner
3 - tray with liner

The RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade consists of a body with a tube for a fuse, a bursting charge and a fuse.
The body of the grenade serves to house the explosive charge, the fuse tube, and also to form fragments when the grenade explodes. It consists of two parts - upper and lower.
The upper part of the body consists of an outer shell, called a cap, and a cap liner. An igniter tube is attached to the upper part using a cuff. The tube serves to attach the fuse to the grenade and to seal the explosive charge in the body. To protect the tube from contamination, a plastic plug is screwed into it. When preparing a grenade for throwing, instead of a plug, a fuse is screwed into the tube.
The lower part of the housing consists of an outer shell, called the pan, and a pan liner. The explosive charge fills the body and serves to break the grenade into fragments.

F-1 and RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenades are equipped with a modernized unified fuse for hand grenades (UZRGM).

Unified hand grenade fuse modernized UZRGM

The UZRGM grenade fuse (modernized unified hand grenade fuse) is intended to explode a bursting charge.

The impact mechanism serves to ignite the igniter primer. It consists of a firing mechanism tube, a connecting sleeve, a guide washer, a mainspring, a firing pin, a firing pin washer, a trigger lever and a safety pin with a ring.

The impact mechanism tube is the basis for assembling all parts of the igniter.
The connecting sleeve serves to connect the fuse to the grenade body. It is placed on the bottom of the impact mechanism tube.
The guide washer is a stop for the upper end of the mainspring and directs the movement of the firing pin. It is fixed in the upper part of the impact mechanism tube.

UZRGM device
It consists of a striking mechanism and the fuse itself.

In official use, the striker is constantly cocked and held by the trigger lever fork. The trigger lever is connected to the percussion mechanism tube by a safety pin. Before throwing a grenade, the plastic plug is turned out and the fuse is screwed in its place.

When throwing a grenade, take it in your hand so that the trigger lever is pressed with your fingers against the body of the grenade. Continuing to press the trigger lever tightly, with your free hand you compress (straighten) the ends of the safety pin, which is pulled out of the fuse by the ring with your finger. After pulling the pin, the position of the fuse parts does not change. At the moment the grenade is thrown, the trigger lever separates and releases the firing pin. The firing pin, under the action of the mainspring, pierces the igniter capsule. A beam of fire from the primer ignites the moderator and, after passing through it, is transmitted to the detonator primer. The explosion of the detonator capsule initiates the detonation of the explosive charge. The explosion of the explosive charge crushes the grenade body into fragments.

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RGO fragmentation grenade

Characteristics of the RGO fragmentation grenade
Grenade type – Defensive
Grenade weight - 530 g
Bursting charge weight - 92 g
Fuse type - UDZ

The radius of dispersion of lethal fragments is 150 m
Radius of the zone of effective destruction of manpower - 12 m
Average throw range - 20-40 m
The device of the RGO grenade
1 – glass with cuff
2 – upper outer and inner hemispheres
3 - lower outer and inner hemispheres

RGN fragmentation grenade

Characteristics of the RGN fragmentation grenade
Grenade type - Offensive
Grenade weight - 310 g
Bursting charge weight - 114 g
Fuse type - UDZ
Moderator burning time - 3.3-4.3 seconds
The radius of dispersion of lethal fragments is 24 m
Radius of the zone of effective destruction of manpower - 8 m
Average throw range - 30-45 m
RGN grenade design
1 – glass with cuff
2 – upper hemisphere
3 - lower hemisphere

Hand-held fragmentation grenades RGO and RGN are equipped with a shock-remote fuse UDZ

Impact-remote fuse UDZ

Interaction of parts and mechanisms

Starting position
In the initial position, the striker with the sting (3) and the plug with the igniter primer (7) are held by the trigger lever. The trigger lever is connected to the igniter body by a safety pin. The engine (11) with the igniter capsule (10) is offset relative to the tip (13) and is held by the powder fuses stoppers (9), its spring (12) is in a compressed state. The bushing (16) under the influence of the spring (14) presses the load (17).

Position of parts and mechanisms in official circulation

When preparing a grenade for throwing, the trigger lever is pressed tightly with your fingers to the body of the grenade, the ends of the safety pin are straightened with the fingers of your free hand, then it is pulled out by the ring, while the position of the fuse parts does not change. At the moment the grenade is thrown, the trigger lever separates and releases the striker with the sting (3) and the bar (6). The plug (7) with the igniter capsule comes out of the igniter housing socket. The firing pin, under the action of the mainspring (4), pierces the igniter primer (8) with its sting. The fire beam ignites the powder press-fit fuses (9) and the pyrotechnic composition of the self-liquidator moderator (18). After 1-1.8 seconds. burn out powder compositions fuses and their stoppers, under the influence of springs, disengage with the engine (11). The engine, under the influence of the spring (12), moves into the firing position.
The long-range cocking mechanism prevents the grenade from being detonated if it accidentally falls from the hand.

Interaction of parts and mechanisms when throwing and meeting a grenade with an obstacle (surface)