Ani Lorak teeth before and after. Ani Lorak: singer’s plastic surgery, before and after, surgeon’s comments

During the Middle Ages, the method developed and even a number of treatises were created on giving the nose the required shape. However, nose surgery became most widespread in the twentieth century.

This method is used if it is necessary to work with cartilage or bones. The operation is performed only under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is up to 2 hours.

During this operation, a skin incision is made along the bridge of the nose at the level of the nostrils. With this method of incision, the skin is removed over a large area and the doctor carries out all manipulations under visual control.

Sometimes the skin is cut in the area of ​​the columella ( nostril separator). In some cases, this method allows one to achieve good results. As for the scar, it is so thin that it is difficult to notice. Recovery after this type of surgery takes longer, and swelling goes away more slowly.

With this method, tissue is cut inside the nasal cavity. Therefore, all manipulations are carried out by touch.

In any case, nose correction surgery is a rather complex intervention.

Indications, contraindications and at what age is it best to do it?

The most optimal age for rhinoplasty is from 18 to 40 years. Sometimes operations are performed on young patients if, in the opinion of the doctor, their appearance is already sufficiently formed and no changes should be expected.

As for the upper threshold, after 40 years the skin becomes more flabby, tissue metabolism is inhibited, the patient’s rehabilitation is delayed and more difficult. And the result may not be at all what was expected. Therefore, in most cases, a competent doctor will advise against performing surgery to change the shape of the nose for a patient over 40 years old, although cases vary.

Examination before surgery

At the first examination, the doctor explains to the patient what the risks of the operation may be, complications and what the final result is likely to be.

If there are no contraindications to surgery, the preoperative period begins: the time between examination and surgery. At this time, the client undergoes all the necessary tests, draws up an agreement with the clinic, and sets the date for the operation.

Preparing for surgery

Nostril rhinoplasty

After removing excess tissue, the doctor tightens the wounds with a special suture material of increased fineness. The suture material is removed five days after the operation. But it takes at least 6 weeks for the stitch marks to completely disappear. During this period, you should protect your body from stress and your nose from ultraviolet radiation.

Septal alignment (septorhinoplasty)

Physiological curvatures appear because the nasal septum includes different tissues that sometimes develop with at different speeds. And then the shape of the septum may be disrupted, growths may form on it, or it may move to the side. This disorder is usually detected in adolescence.

In some cases, the curvature interferes with normal breathing, and sometimes it does not interfere. It can be detected only when examining the patient with special devices.

  • Snoring in your sleep
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose,
  • Drying of the nasal mucosa,
  • Allergic manifestations,
  • Inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses in a chronic form,
  • Obvious deformation of the nose.

Removal of the nasal mucosa (conchotomy)

  • Impaired nasal breathing due to hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa.

Often this procedure is carried out simultaneously with surgery to change the shape or size of the nose.

The procedure is performed only under general anesthesia and is carried out various methods: cutting nasal loop, electrocoagulation and laser destruction.

Columella correction

In order to enlarge the columella, the area is grafted cartilage tissue. And in order to reduce it, the lower parts of the wings of the nose are excised. Sometimes columella correction is carried out together with correction of the tip of the nose.

The intervention is carried out under general anesthesia and lasts from 30 to 40 minutes. After the operation, the patient will have to stay in the hospital for 5 days. For 4 to 8 weeks, swelling of the tissues may be observed, which two weeks after the operation is no longer so noticeable.

After the intervention, the patient should avoid physical strain, hot food and drink, and hot baths. Sleeping on your side is also not recommended.

Nose shape correction

If the nose is flattened, in addition to reducing the width of the nostrils, augmentation rhinoplasty is also performed - raising the bridge of the nose. A similar operation is performed to enlarge a nose that is too small and short. It's called "grafting". Cartilage and bones taken from other parts of the patient's body are used as a frame for the nose. Most often, bones are taken from a rib, skull or elbow, and cartilage from the ear.

In rare cases, synthetic materials are used, but they may take root less well. Such operations are considered almost the most complex of all plastic surgeries, so you should trust your face only to highly qualified surgeons.

Plastic surgery of the tip of the nose

If only the tip of the nose is changed during the operation, it is simple and recovery after it is quite quick.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

The non-surgical technique is most recommended for those whose nose shape and length are generally acceptable, but there are minor shortcomings: for example, asymmetry or a too sharp tip of the nose, depressions on the wings of the nose.

This is a very convenient method to correct some inaccuracies after surgery. But in some cases, after surgery it is prohibited to use the injection method.

  • Fill in the holes
  • Slightly change the shape of the tip of the nose,
  • Eliminate the hump on the bridge of the nose and smooth it out sharp corners,
  • Make the nose symmetrical.
  • The effect lasts from 6 months to 3 years depending on the drug used,
  • There is a possibility of gel migration. This happens if the procedure was performed by a not very professional doctor.

Injection rhinoplasty (using fillers)

Temporary substances include primarily hyaluronic acid. It is infused intradermally. Before the injection, the skin is treated with an anesthetic drug. This injection will help enough long time change the shape of the nose.

Contour plastic

Today, this technique is not used too often, since it is much easier to use the biogel injections described above.

Laser rhinoplasty

The course of operations using a laser is usually the same as with classical surgery. The operation can also be closed or open. Incisions are usually made along the bridge of the nose and at the bottom of the nostrils.

Reconstructive rhinoplasty

Reconstructive surgery is necessary to restore the normal appearance of cleft palate or lip. Sometimes a series of operations is necessary.

Reconstructive surgeries are also performed after injuries that lead to damage to bone or cartilage. In severe cases, patients who have completely lost their nose come to the surgeons' table.

One of the most common nasal deformities that a reconstructive surgeon works with is the saddle nose or boxer nose. Such a lesion can be caused by either a severe bruise on the bridge of the nose or infection nasal cavity. With this type of deformation, the cartilage that forms the septum can be completely destroyed, and the doctor completely restores the cartilaginous septum and nasal frame.

After surgery for fixation new form nose, tampons are inserted into the nostrils and kept in place for three to six days. The plaster cast is removed after five to twelve days, depending on the complexity of the operation. But within a day after the intervention, the patient is allowed to go home. And in a week he will come to remove the stitches.

Patients are not recommended to wear glasses for 8 weeks and exercise for 2 weeks. After just three weeks, the shape of the nose approaches the final version and further changes are practically invisible visually. However, the traces of the operation heal completely only after six to twelve months.

The patient should be observed by a doctor for a fairly long period.

Rehabilitation in the postoperative period

  • In the first few days after surgery, refrain from tilting your head down,
  • Don't sleep on your stomach
  • Eat soft food, not hot,
  • For quickest elimination bruises and swelling should be given as a lotion with an aqueous solution of furatsilin,
  • Rinse the nasal cavity with any special solutions ( sold in a pharmacy), injecting 2 injections into each nostril seven times a day, then gently blow out your nose,
  • Antibiotic to prevent infection of the wound surface Zinnat 250 mg twice a day for five days,
  • To prevent the development of fungal infection, Fluconazole 150 mg, take one capsule orally on the 3rd day of treatment Zinnat,
  • Clean the entrances to the nostrils daily with a cotton swab and hydrogen peroxide 3%,
  • Two days after the intervention, you are allowed to take a shower,
  • When swimming, keep your nose area from getting wet.
  • Applying cosmetics is allowed 14 days after the intervention.
  • 7 days after the intervention, do exercises, carry children in your arms and lift other heavy objects,
  • 14 days after the intervention visit the pool and sauna,
  • 30 days after the intervention, wear glasses and take sunbathing.

Recovery is happening at approximately the following rates:

  • Swelling after 4 weeks decreases by approximately two thirds,
  • After 12 months, the swelling subsides completely,
  • In some patients, swelling subsides asymmetrically,
  • After 14 days the bruises disappear completely,
  • 7 days after the intervention, nasal breathing may worsen as dried crusts of blood appear in the nose.

Swelling, callus and other complications

However, in most cases both types of complications are observed.

Aesthetic: drooping of the tip of the nose, too raised tip of the nose, drooping of the bridge of the nose, beak-shaped nose, curvature of the bridge of the nose. Nasal asymmetry is very often observed after surgery. If the asymmetry is caused by the fact that the doctor “missed” a little tissue, then this problem is not at all difficult to solve. But if, on the contrary, more than necessary was removed, tissue transplantation will have to be done. Some time after the operation, you may find that the skin on the nose is too thin or its color is different from the color of the skin on your face.

Ideally, after surgery, respiratory function should remain the same or even improve. If breathing worsens, the doctor must find the cause and eliminate it.

Too much impact on the nasal mucosa can provoke the development of atrophic rhinitis.

Excessive narrowing of the nasal bone structure can lead to deterioration of the nasal valve and nasal obstruction.

Cutting the lateral crura too much sometimes impairs the function of the nasal valve.

1. Individual reaction of the body. This is one of the main reasons. In some people, the body has a high degree of self-healing.

2. Doctor's experience. This is a big part of the success of the operation. A doctor with extensive experience has enough secrets and best practices to prevent the growth of bone calluses. If the operation was performed by a doctor with experience in plastic surgery, the usual complications are swelling and bruising and nothing more.

Scars after rhinoplasty

With open surgery, thin scars, upon close examination, can be detected for several years. Then they disappear completely. But here everything again depends on the skill of the surgeon.

Revision rhinoplasty

Sometimes the first operation was performed correctly, but the results did not satisfy the patient. In this case, repeat surgery is easier and takes less time.

Price issue

A day in hospital will cost approximately rubles. Moreover, in some clinics the cost of dressings is not included in the total cost services.

For each dressing you will have to pay a couple of hundred rubles.

You should be especially careful if a good clinic offers services cheaper than its colleagues. Most often, many more necessary and sufficient expensive services, for example, they may charge a separate fee for anesthesia during surgery.

Free rhinoplasty

Not everyone knows that some clinics hold promotions: free plastic surgery. Moreover, they are not done by students - trainees, but by experienced and eminent surgeons.

Such promotions are announced in advance on clinic websites or on thematic websites. Anyone interested can send their details. Usually you need a photo and a few lines about yourself. On some sites, contestants receive points based on the number of contestants involved in the process. And on other sites, a blog competition is held between participants. The winner receives a free rhinoplasty.

As incentive prizes, two or three more participants may be offered an operation at half the cost.

Very often such events are held in summer time, since the influx of clients to aesthetic surgery clinics subsides at this time.


There are a number of complaints about bad job anesthesiologists. Therefore, you also need to approach the choice of this specialist carefully. After an incorrectly chosen anesthesia, it will be difficult and long to recover. But a day of sleep after the intervention is normal.

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Plastic surgery of the nose (rhinoplasty)

As a rule, the main indication for nose shape correction is the patient's desire. However, there are also absolute indications for plastic surgery of the nose, namely congenital (cleft lip, cleft palate) and acquired deformities and defects (as a result of injuries and accidents).

Any plastic surgery is preceded by a consultation, at which the patient is informed about the features of the operation and the postoperative period. The surgeon examines the respiratory function of the nose and its internal structures, identifying the patient’s health level, the presence of allergies, and a tendency to keloid scars. Learn more anatomical structure and functional features are helped by computed tomography or x-ray examination. Based on the obtained test results, the presence of possible risks associated with rhinoplasty is identified, and the necessary procedures after plastic surgery are discussed.

The columella is a septum of skin between the nostrils. It is its size and position that influence the shape of the nose. The appearance when the columella is located below the wings of the nose is considered beautiful. Columella plastic surgery is aimed at correcting curvatures that are too small or large. The enlargement of the columella is carried out by transplantation, and its reduction is carried out by partial excision of the tissues included in its structure. As a rule, these are the inner legs of the large cartilages of the wings of the nose. Correction of the shape of the columella is carried out using in various ways, the most common of which is a change in the entire shape of the tip of the nose.

Today, an anomaly of the wings of the human nostrils is not uncommon. Long nasal wings or too wide nostrils require surgical intervention. Surgery to reduce the wings of the nostrils is aimed at removing part of the wings on the outer part, when the wing is too long, also at the level of the passage of the nostrils, when this passage is too wide. Often a combination of the two methods is necessary. When the wings of the nose are retracted, after injury or excessive removal of the alar cartilages, it is necessary to restore the support of the wings of the nose, which is carried out by transplanting cartilage from the nasal septum or from the patient’s auricle. Correction of the wings of the nose is also possible during the main operation.

Open rhinoplasty is performed using incisions along the skin bridge between the nostrils on the outside. This method of plastic surgery is used for very complex deformities of the nose, allows the surgeon to see the changes occurring during the operation, and provides better access. All manipulations during open rhinoplasty are performed directly on the osteochondral part of the nose. The scar after this method of rhinoplasty appears in the form of a small thin line, which will disappear over time.

This method of plastic surgery is the most aesthetic and often used than open; it does not leave any scars on the columella. The operation is performed by making an incision in the nasal cavity, and all manipulations are done by touch, blindly. Closed rhinoplasty is considered to be less traumatic for tissues; in addition, they heal faster than with open rhinoplasty.

If the patient needs to correct minor flaws, for example, correct the tip of the nose, correct symmetry, smooth out sharp corners, but there is no need to change the shape of the nose, rhinoplasty with the help of fillers will help. The recovery period after this method of rhinoplasty is easier and much faster, and the cost of the operation is lower.

Secondary rhinoplasty is necessary when the result of the first rhinoplasty did not give the expected result. The operation lasts about two hours. It is most often performed under general anesthesia. You should know that at least six months should pass between rhinoplasty operations, and better year. Predicting the healing process after rhinoplasty is very difficult; no one will immediately tell you whether another operation will be needed or whether one operation will be enough. If the first rhinoplasty operation was performed by an inexperienced or incompetent surgeon and was performed poorly, then the second rhinoplasty may turn out to be much more difficult, so this issue should be approached more seriously, as well as the choice of a surgeon. If the first nose surgery is performed poorly, its reconstruction and, consequently, tissue transplantation are often required. Most often, this tissue is taken from the inside of the nasal septum or cartilage from the ear, and to reconstruct the bridge of the nose, tissue is taken from the scalp and cartilage from the rib.

After conducting a postoperative examination of the patient, the surgeon determines how long he will stay in the blade. The recovery period after rhinoplasty is accompanied by mass discomfort which are associated with inconveniences and restrictions: sleeping only on your back, breathing through your mouth (since the nose is filled with tampons that maintain its shape and absorb postoperative discharge), do not smoke, do not wet the bandage, etc.

Early complications after rhinoplasty may include:

  • lacrimation;
  • excessive swelling;
  • bleeding;
  • inflammation;
  • hematoma;
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands.

Complications can also be unexpected, due to unpredictable tissue scarring or cartilage deformation.

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Columella plastic surgery

Columella (column, column of the nose) is the bridge, the skin part of the septum between the nostrils. It should be below the level of the nasal wings and have proportional dimensions. However, nature does not always give us an ideal appearance. If the columella is too large or small, as well as curved, the perception of the nose, and therefore the entire face as a whole, is greatly deteriorated. Aesthetic deficiencies in this area can be corrected with the help of plastic surgery performed by a qualified surgeon.

What defects are corrected by columellaplasty?

The columella has not only an aesthetic, but also a mechanical function: it supports parts of the nose, promoting normal nasal breathing. That is why plastic surgery in this area is resorted to not only to achieve an aesthetic ideal of appearance, but also for physiological reasons.

In general, nasal column plastic surgery is performed in the following cases:

  • excessively high location of the jumper or its omission;
  • too large or small nasolabial angle;
  • “hanging” columella due to incorrect position of the wings or an excessively long nasal septum.

What is the essence of the operation?

Correction of the skin part of the nasal septum is achieved depending on the defect by increasing or decreasing it. The increase is made using transplantation, and the decrease is made by partial excision of columella tissue. One way to correct its shape is to change the shape of the tip of the nose. The technique and extent of surgery required for correction are chosen by the surgeon and the patient individually in each case.

The procedure takes place under anesthesia and takes an average of minutes. However, long-term recovery after surgery is usually not required.

Columella plastic surgery in Moscow is performed at the clinic of Dr. Pavlyuchenko. Professor L.L. Over more than 30 years of successful practice, Pavlyuchenko has developed his own methods for surgical correction of nasal defects, which allow him to make almost any wishes of his patients come true.

Example 1. The patient, in addition to an enlarged and humped nose, also has sagging of the skin part of the nasal septum (columella).

After the operation, the nose is in correct proportions with normal form and the position of the columella.

Example 2. The patient has a columella that is sagging in the middle and retracted at the base.

The photograph after the operation shows the correct position of the columella.

Example 3. In the first photo, attention is drawn to the crooked, strongly shifted nasal septum and columella to the right (BEFORE the operation) and their corrected median position after the operation.

Sign up for a consultation

© Clinic “Beauty Surgery” of Professor Pavlyuchenko, Moscow

Columella plastic surgery

Columellaplasty is an aesthetic rhinoplasty aimed at correcting the size and shape of the skin septum separating the nostrils. The columella, or column of the nose, plays an important role in the aesthetic perception of the face as a whole. The standard is considered to be the columella, located below the level of the wings of the nose. Columella plastic surgery may be required if it is curvature, too large or small in size, smoothness or sharpness of the nasolabial angle, and in other cases. Reduction of the columella is achieved by partial resection of the skin septum and pedicles of the alar cartilages. In order to increase the size of the columella, cartilage grafts, lipofilling and contour plastic surgery. If the nasolabial angle is smoothed, resection of the quadrangular cartilage is performed, and if the nasolabial angle is sharpened, suture plasty or implantation of expanding prostheses is performed.

In Moscow, columella plastic surgery costs 0 rubles. (average). The procedure can be completed at 3 addresses.

Columella plastic surgery - prices in Moscow

Moscow, Shmitovsky pr-d, 16, building 2

Making an appointment at the clinic

Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 30, bldg. 2

Moscow, Vernadskogo Ave., 92

Plastic surgery


Associated diseases

  • © 2018 “Beauty and Medicine”

for informational purposes only

and does not replace qualified medical care.

What is rhinoplasty

The term plastic surgery describes a certain surgical intervention to change the anatomical shape of an organ or part of the body for cosmetic or functional (medical) purposes.

The term rhinoplasty is translated from Latin as correction of the shape of the nose; accordingly, in modern plastic medicine it is defined as a surgical intervention to correct the shape of the nose.


Conventionally, indications for surgery are divided into 2 groups – cosmetic and functional.

Cosmetic indications include:

  • excessive length of the nose;
  • convexity of the back - nose with a hump;
  • saddle-shaped dorsum of the nose;
  • thickened - a potato nose, or a very thin tip of the nose;
  • large nostril diameter.

Functional ones include changes in the shape of the nose, in which the passage of air through it worsens:

  • curvature of the nasal septum due to injury;
  • congenital changes in the nose, leading to a narrowing of one of the nostrils;
  • congenital defect of the cartilage of the nose.


As with any other surgical intervention, there are a number of contraindications to rhinoplasty:

  • children's age up to 18 years, when the formation of nasal tissues, its growth and development is still ongoing (with the exception of pronounced birth defects shape or septum of the nose) and age after 40 years, due to poor postoperative tissue regeneration;
  • inflammatory process in the skin or tissues of the nose;
  • acute infectious pathology, regardless of the localization of the process, with symptoms of general intoxication (increased body temperature and fever);
  • chronic somatic pathology internal organs in the acute stage (relapse);
  • pathological processes in the organs of the cardiovascular system with increased blood pressure or cardiac failure;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2 with pronounced fluctuations in blood glucose levels;
  • oncological pathology with development malignant tumor any localization;
  • diseases of the blood system with a decrease in its coagulability.

Depending on the surgical technique and the scope of the operation, there are several main types of rhinoplasty:

  • closed - correction of the shape of the nose is carried out through an incision in the mucous membrane from the side of the vestibule of the entrance to the nose, while postoperative scars there is no nose on the skin;
  • open – a more extensive operation with a skin incision in the area of ​​the vertical fold separating the nostrils (columella);
  • plastic surgery of the nostrils - an incision in the area of ​​the wings of the nose (the side part, which is the wall of the vestibule of the nasal cavity and nostrils) in order to correct the diameter and shape of the nostrils;
  • columella plastic surgery - incisions and excision are performed in the columella area (the skin part of the nasal septum located between the nostrils) in order to change its shape and size;
  • plastic surgery of a wide nose - involves making an incision at the base of the wings of the nose with partial excision of the skin, which makes it possible to make the nose narrower;
  • plastic surgery of the tip of the nose - a complex surgical procedure with small skin incisions to correct the shape of the tip of the nose;
  • secondary rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention that is performed after some time (not earlier than six months) if there have been failed operations nose job before.

Open rhinoplasty technique

Accesses during surgery

The surgical technique for nose correction involves two main types of access to the osteochondral base of the nose and its subcutaneous tissue:

  • closed access - the incision is made from the inside, on the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the nose, the skin remains unaffected from the outside, such access is performed during a non-volume operation, since there is limited visibility of the base of the nose for the surgeon, an option for closed access is endoscopic rhinoplasty, in which microinstruments and a manipulator are inserted under the skin and micro camera;
  • open access - an incision is made in the skin of the nose, most often in the columella area, this access allows you to clearly see the structures of the nose, it is used for large-scale operations - the hump of the nose or its depression, plastic surgery of the nose after a fracture.

Access for closed rhinoplasty

How it goes (stages)

Rhinoplasty is performed in several stages, which follow in strict order one after another, these include:

  1. preparation for surgery - includes consultation with a plastic surgeon joint determination type of rhinoplasty and surgical approach, undergoing mandatory laboratory examination;
  2. anesthesia - depending on the scope of the operation, it can be performed under local anesthesia (numbing the tissue in the area of ​​​​the operation while maintaining the patient’s consciousness) or general anesthesia ( complete absence all types of sensitivity and consciousness);
  3. access - the stage of surgical intervention in the form of an incision, providing the surgeon with the opportunity for subsequent manipulations on the basis of the nose;
  4. modeling is the process of directly correcting the shape of the nose or part of it;
  5. suturing the wound - depending on the size and location of the incision, sutures made of catgut (absorbable material) or silk (removed after some time) are placed on it;
  6. rehabilitation – includes the early and late postoperative period and the implementation of measures to prevent complications of the operation and achieve a lasting result.

What anesthesia is used

The choice of pain relief during rhinoplasty is determined by the volume of surgery and the amount of tissue trauma.

  • plastic surgery under local anesthesia - an anesthetic (Novocaine or Lidocaine) is injected into the nasal tissue in the area of ​​incisions and manipulations, which blocks their pain sensitivity, while consciousness is preserved;
  • surgery under general anesthesia - this anesthesia is performed for volumetric interventions on the nose; a special drug is injected intravenously, which leads to the development of anesthesia sleep during the operation.

Implants for nose surgery

Use of implants

To correct the shape of the nose and increase its volume, special implants are used that are implanted under the skin of the nose or its base.

There are 2 types of implants used in rhinoplasty:

  • autograft – a section of the patient’s own tissue (a piece of a rib or its cartilage, adipose tissue);
  • heterotransplantate – a silicone implant is mainly used.


Recovery after nose surgery includes 2 periods:

  1. early period - before the stitches are removed, lasts about 7-10 days, an aseptic bandage is applied to the nose;
  2. the late postoperative period is the time of swelling and complete healing of postoperative wounds.

Complications, side effects, consequences

Rhinoplasty is surgical intervention, which can give certain side effects and complications - bleeding, swelling on the bridge of the nose, hematomas (bruises).

Therefore, the doctor must inform the patient about the risk of their occurrence, after which he gives written consent to the operation.

There are several points to consider when agreeing to surgery:

  • pros and cons - you need to carefully weigh the need for such an operation, its implementation is indicated by pronounced changes in the shape of the nose, bringing psychological discomfort or disruption of its function, against - the presence of contraindications or improper preparation;
  • An alternative is non-surgical rhinoplasty, which is based on the injection of a special gel (filler) containing hyaluronic acid under the skin.

Effect durability

The results of rhinoplasty last a long time and last for years. Possible with age minor changes forms of the nose associated with decreased elasticity of the skin and tissues of the nose.

Compatible with other operations

For certain indications, rhinoplasty is combined with other surgical interventions:

  • vasatomy - surgical treatment of chronic runny nose by removing part of the inferior concha; with the same access, it can be combined with rhinoplasty;
  • Septoplasty – correction of the nasal septum; if necessary, combined with rhinoplasty is indicated.

The average cost of rhinoplasty in Moscow clinics is presented in the table:

Photos before and after rhinoplasty


What are the consequences of rhinoplasty?

In the early postoperative period, bleeding from damaged vessels, swelling of the tissues of the nose and cheeks, and hematomas (bruises) may develop. Subsequent scarring is possible with residual scarring in the incision area.

At what age is this operation performed?

Rhinoplasty is performed from the age of 18, when the growth and formation of the base of the nose has already completed. In more early age This operation is performed only for strict indications - injuries, fractures.

What time of year is best?

Nose shape correction has no seasonal contraindications, so it can be performed at any time of the year.

Is sick leave provided after surgery?

A certificate of incapacity for work is issued for the duration of the operation and the rehabilitation period, usually for 7-14 days, depending on the volume of rhinoplasty.

When is smoking and alcohol allowed after rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty, it is advisable to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol for at least 3 weeks. The right decision there will be a complete rejection of them.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Carrying out this operation during pregnancy is possible in case of a small volume of intervention with local anesthesia. But it is still better to refrain from surgery and carry it out after childbirth.

What do you need to know before surgery?

Before the operation begins, the patient should be aware of the measures to prepare for it, follow recommendations in the early and late postoperative period and possible complications and consequences.

How long does it take for a postoperative wound to heal?

The healing process lasts on average 7-10 days. Then a scar forms and gradually dissolves over several months.

Video: Full nose job

Video: When is rhinoplasty needed?

Video: Closed rhinoplasty technique

Hello. I always had a wide tip of the nose, the classic “potato nose,” so I finally decided to have plastic surgery on the tip. The operation was performed under local anesthesia, then I went through dressings for another week until the stitches were removed. Only then did I examine the result, since before that the swelling of the nose was terrible. Now the tip of the nose is sharp, the doctor said that the result will last a long time.

Good afternoon. I have my father’s nose, with a large hump on the back. I decided to have rhinoplasty and have it removed. The operation was performed in the clinic under general anesthesia. After the operation on the 2nd day, during the dressing, I looked in the mirror and was horrified. The nose was swollen, the cheeks were swollen and there were bags under the eyes. The doctor said it would do. After the stitches were removed, the swelling also gradually went down. The nose is now straighter and more feminine.

Hello. I play soccer. A year ago I suffered a nose injury. At first I didn’t pay attention, then I noticed that the nostril on the right was practically not breathing. The doctor recommended surgery. A month ago I had rhinoplasty and corrected the shape of my nose, now I breathe evenly through both nostrils. I also continue to play football.

The beautiful singer Ani Lorak does not leave indifferent not only listeners in her native Ukraine, but also our compatriots, confidently climbing to the very top of the pop Olympus. Naturally, not only the voice, but also external charm plays an important role in this. Therefore, it is quite logical that this topic is full of guesses, gossip and idle conversations. ABOUT plastic surgery Ani Lorak They wrote repeatedly, even spoke on various talk shows, but this issue remains controversial to this day.

In the photo - Ani Lorak, 2016

Like many of the performer’s colleagues, the singer herself has made it a rule not to comment on such speculation about the metamorphoses in her appearance. Three years ago, one of the famous plastic surgeons, based on the photographs of Ani Lorak different periods(from start solo career to date) claimed that the celebrity had the tip of her nose corrected and had breast implants. True, he did not express 100% confidence, but gave a guarantee of only 70%. This is due to the fact that the singer, whose outfits often delight the eyes of fans with a luxurious neckline, often uses banal bras with a push-up effect to create it. For this reason, on different photos Ani Lorak and her breasts have different sizes, depending on the model of clothing that the star chooses.

In the photo - Ani Lorak at the beginning of her career and now

Last year, celebrities were credited with lip augmentation using silicone, although no one has evidence of this either. At the same time, another specialist in the field of plastic surgery claims that this type of plastic surgery Ani Lorak I certainly didn’t resort to correcting the shape of my lips solely with the help of decorative cosmetics. Wherein latest photos the stars clearly hint that the singer’s breasts have increased in size again. Real verbal battles broke out among the artist’s fans. Fortunately, all those who advocate natural beauty their favorite, may well turn out to be right, taking into account all of the above. At the same time, even if there was a more radical intervention in Ani Lorak’s appearance, in addition to the usual salon cosmetic procedures care (which she undoubtedly resorts to), it was done so carefully that rumors about Ani Lorak’s plastic surgeries will not develop into verified facts for a long time.

On the subject of breasts...

In order for you to be able to clearly evaluate the metamorphoses in the appearance of the Ukrainian pop diva, here are photos of Ani Lorak from different periods - from the beginning of her career to the present day.

Carolina, known to the public as Ani Lorak, became recognizable back in 1995 after participating in the television project “ morning Star" At the same time, her first music album was recorded.

After releasing her second album in 1999, she devoted almost everything free time touring cities in the USA, Ukraine and Europe. And soon the public’s favorite received the honorary title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Today the singer is a caring wife and a happy mother. Few people know that in addition to her merits on stage, Carolina is a successful restaurateur, and since 2006 she has owned her own establishment.

The singer’s bright appearance more than once brought Ani Lorak the title of beautiful woman Russia and Ukraine, it also became the cause of controversy about whether beauty is natural or the matter could not have happened without the intervention of plastic surgeons.

For the first time, controversy about the naturalness of her lips began in 2012 during a speech in honor of the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then most fans came to the conclusion that the singer’s luscious lips were the result of decorative cosmetics, not plastic surgery. Moreover, this part of the performer’s body has always been especially sexy.

Ani Lorak's breasts are causing no less heated discussions. Photos before and after plastic surgery are compared by many experts in the field of plastic surgery, and fans themselves see a very noticeable difference between the photographs of the time when the singer was not yet so popular, and the photographs of today.

Some people justify their enlarged breasts by the birth of their daughter Sofia. However, big breasts appeared long before this happy event. One of the popular plastic surgeons, analyzing the pictures of the singer, came to the conclusion that the celebrity had implants installed and also corrected the tip of her nose. However, he did not express 100% confidence.