American HAARP installation. American geophysical weapon - HAARP as a means of hidden genocide - Wanderer

HAARP, High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program or, translated, “program of active high-frequency research of the ionosphere” using ultra-powerful ionospheric heating stands. Project leader General John Heckscher.

The HAARP program began in 1990. The project is funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Since the HAARP facility consists of many individual elements, large and small, there is a significant list of commercial, scientific and government organizations that contribute to the construction of the facility, including universities and educational institutions in the USA, namely the University of Alaska, Stanford University, Pennsylvania State University, Boston College, Los Angeles, Clemson University, Dartmouth College, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland, College Park, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MIT, NYU Polytechnic and the University of Tulsa. BAE Advanced Technologies is the prime contractor for the design and construction of the Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI). video).

The phased array is built on a site measuring 1000 x 1200 (about 33 acres). It consists of 180 towers, 72" tall, mounted on thermopiles 80" apart. Each tower supports two pairs of intersecting dipole antennas near its top, one for the lower band (2.8 to 8.3 MHz), the other for the upper band (7 to 10 MHz). The larger the area occupied by the field with antennas, the greater the power. The antenna system is surrounded by a fence to prevent possible damage to the tower antenna or harm to large animals. According to the creator of HAARP Bernard Eastlund, this is enough to create an anti-missile shield or a tornado “calmer.”

According to the HAARP press service, the project strives for openness; all project activities are recorded and available to the public. The HAARP facility regularly (once a year) organizes days open doors, during which any interested citizen can view the entire center. In addition, scientific results obtained from HAARP are regularly published in leading scientific journals (Geophysical Research Letters, or Geophysical Research Journal).

However, a popular conspiracy theory is circulating in both the West and the East about the US military stationed in Alaska. secret program HAARP, which is credited with the ability to cause natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, hurricanes) in various regions of the world. Of course, the capabilities of HAARP in this theory are exaggerated, but there is no smoke without fire. There have been no cases of HAARP causing an earthquake in a geologically stable region, but such techniques can be used to amplify or otherwise modify natural disaster where there are certain geological conditions for this. Writer Michael Crichton, for example, substantiated this possibility taking into account all the cutting-edge technologies

Geophysical, based on causing disturbances in the ionosphere, is considered a “weapon of despair” among specialists. Because no one fully knows what can happen when it is used with the atmosphere and magnetic field Earth. But it was developed during the years of military confrontation between the USA and the USSR, and scientists apparently proceeded from the principle that when five thousand nuclear warheads are flying at you, you don’t have to choose 

But telling conspiracy theorists this is pointless. And sometime in 2020, the Pentagon may begin construction of a very, very large antenna field.

The effective radiation power of the installation at the first stage of the project will be about 1 billion watts. It will be used for the following purposes:

- "tomography earth's crust" (i.e. probing geological formations for the detection of underground complexes or mineral deposits), which, in combination with the Еmass system and a supercomputer of the "Crey" type, makes it possible to monitor compliance with non-proliferation treaties nuclear weapons and disarmament;
- more compact and advanced technology can replace bulky radio stations in Michigan and Wisconsin, designed to communicate with the submarine fleet at extremely low frequencies;
- creation of artificial plasma areas (plasmoids) in the ionosphere, weather control and transmission of electricity to different regions of the planet;
- the device can be used as an over-the-horizon radar and even as an anti-satellite weapon,

The most promising area of ​​research is the issues of monitoring processes in the ionosphere, the solution of which will significantly increase the efficiency of K-3 class systems (Command, Control and Communications). The main goal of this part of the program is to identify and study processes in the ionosphere that can be used in the interests of defense programs.

Over time, installations at the Hakkona military site in Alaska, Greenland, and Norway will create a closed loop with truly fantastic integral capabilities for influencing the near-Earth environment.

The significance of this qualitative leap in the weapons system is comparable to the transition from edged weapons to firearms or from conventional to nuclear weapons.

Is exposure to radiation from these installations capable of harming the biosphere? Unfortunately, scientists are now less and less inclined to conduct research outside their area of ​​specialization, on their own initiative. They are too dependent on the military-industrial complex, on bureaucratic structures, under the influence of which they decide who is awarded a lucrative grant, a consulting position or an academic degree. Therefore, information about the HAARP project is subject to significant distortion both from defense industrialists and the military, and from their opponents.

Nick Begich.

The initiative to draw public attention to other potential opportunities of the HAARP project belongs to scientist and politician Nick Begich Jr. Political activity in Alaska and his organizing activities in labor unions, a position on the Alaska State Council on Economic Education and two terms as president of the Alaska Federation of Teachers brought him public recognition. One day he learned something intriguing in the local press - it turns out that the federal government intends to build some kind of incomprehensible installation, figuratively speaking, “almost in his yard.” During the investigation, Begich learned the background to the project.

1. It turns out that HAARP originates in the late 80s. Atlantic Richfield Corp (Arco) has created a subsidiary called ARCO Power Technologies Inc. (APTI). ARCO is the largest privately owned firm in Alaska, primarily engaged in the development of oil fields in northern Alaska, where it controls trillions of cubic meters of natural gas and billions of barrels of oil. It was in ARCO's interests to find a buyer for this gas. The search for a new market, combined with the inventive genius of the scientist Bernard Eastlund, with whom the company had a contract at that time.

Eastland came up with a radical new concept. He proposed creating a huge field with special antennas covering an area of ​​4,150 square kilometers that would transmit the energy generated by natural gas into the sky. These beams of energy would create reflective surfaces that would direct microwave energy back to receiving antennas located in the main US or elsewhere, and then this energy would be converted into electricity.

Eastland believed that energy could also be reflected down from the top storm cloud, creating a tornado. A tornado is formed as a result of warm air rising through a layer of cold air, creating a downward air current. Computer simulations have shown that introducing heat into the downdraft stops this downward movement, preventing a tornado from forming, and can even calm a formed tornado.

Now both of these ideas have been reduced to zero. "Everyone lost interest because it required too much energy, up to a million megawatts," says Eastland. But on November 3, 1993, the US Air Force command announced that APTI had won the competition for the construction of a heating stand in competition with the large company Raytheon, specializing in defense developments and having a strong reputation in this field. The only thing that helped APTI in its uncompromising competition with the military was a set of twelve patents.

After the contract was concluded, APTI was quickly sold to E-Systems from Dallas, Texas. The deal was concluded on June 10, 1994. (E-Systems buys ARCO Power Technologies. \\ "New York Times", 06/30/1994). In 1992, E-Systems' annual budget was $1.9 billion, the company had 18,662 employees, and E-Systems is one of the largest contractors carrying out orders for technical equipment for intelligence services in the United States.

Then E-Systems was bought by Raytheon Corporation for $2.3 billion. Raytheon owns not only the patents of the HAARP project, but in addition to them also an agreement for the implementation of the second phase of the project. With the purchase of E-Systems, the company significantly increased its annual revenues, as well as its monopoly on siphoning funds from the budget under the heading “defense expenditures”. The combination of the resources of these two organizations led to the creation of the most powerful enterprise in the world, engaged technical support intelligence agencies.

When APTI still belonged to ARCO, it was relatively easy to monitor its activities, since it was a small company. It was not difficult to track patents, as well as related data about the authors of the developments, the transfer of copyrights, etc. The deal with E-Systems made it possible to hide the loose ends and reliably disguise the assets of a small branch in tons of corporate documents. Now he lies at the bottom of the deep corporate whirlpool of one of the largest private companies in the world.

2. Having studied the materials of the discussion around patents, Begich concluded that the goal of HAARP is not at all to study the northern lights, but to study the possibility of influencing the ionosphere in much larger ranges. Among the patents that did not become public (and also owned by APTI Inc.), Nick Begich discovered the following:
- US Patent No. 5,293,176 Issued: March 8, 1994. Inventor: Paul J. Elliott. Name: Cross dipole antenna.
- US Patent N 5,041,834 Issued: August 20, 1991. Inventor: Peter Coert. Name: An artificial screen in the ionosphere formed by a layer of plasma.
- US Patent No. 4,954,709 Issued: September 4, 1990. Inventors: Ari Ziegler, Joseph Elsin, Rishon LeZion, Israel. Name: Highly sensitive directional gamma radiation detector.
- Patent No. 4,817,495 Issued: April 4, 1989. Inventor: Adam T. Drobot. Name: Space object identification system.
- US Patent No. 4,999,637 Issued: March 12, 1991. Inventor: Ronald M. Bass. Name: Creation of artificial ionization areas above the earth's surface.
- US Patent No. 5,202,689 Issued: April 13, 1993. Inventors: Robert W. Bussard and Thomas G. Wallace. Name: Lightweight focusing reflector for space conditions.
- US Patent No. 5,068,669 Issued: November 26, 1991. Inventor: Peter Court and James T. Cha. Name: Energy transmission system using radiation. - 5.041.834 "Artificial ionospheric screen formed by a layer of plasma";
- US Patent No. 5,218,374 Issued: June 8, 1993. Inventors: Peter Court and James T. Cha. Name: A system for microwave energy transmission using a printed circuit emitter.
- US Patent No. 4,873,928 Issued: October 17, 1989. Inventor: Frank E. Lofter. Name: Atomic-scale explosions that are not accompanied by the release of radioactive materials.
- US Patent No. 4,686,605 Issued: August 11, 1987. Inventor: Bernard J. Eastlund. Name: Method and technique of influencing a section of the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere and/or magnetosphere.
- US Patent No. 5,083,664 Issued: August 13, 1991. Inventor: Bernard J. Eastlund. Name: A method for creating a screen in the atmosphere consisting of relativistic particles.
- US Patent No. 4,712,155 Issued: December 8, 1987. Inventors: Bernard J. Eastlund and Simon Ramo. Name: Method and technique for heating a plasma section using electron cyclotron resonance.

3. At the Anchorage Municipal Library, which had a microfilmed copy of the patents. In the section of the patent under the heading "Prior Developments", Begich found references to papers by Nikola Tesla. Since Tesla's name has always been associated with crazy projects, Begich wanted to find out why the creators of planetary engineering still refer to the works of the late inventor. Begich noted that the article to which the patent referred was published in the New York Times on September 22, 1940. “Nikola Tesla, one of the truly great inventors, who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on July 10, told the author that he was ready to bring to the attention of the US government the secret of “remote influence”, with which, as he said, it was possible to melt airplanes and cars at a distance a distance of 400 km, thus building the invisible Great Wall of China around the country... Powerful voltage will disperse microscopic charged particles of matter, which will cause destruction.”

May 5-7, 1997 during the 12th General Assembly UN Dr. Nick Begich made a report in the European Parliament on the problem of the activities of the US government in the Arctic and the creation of HAARP. Among those present were several deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, including Vitaly Sevastyanov. Dr. Begich's initiative, along with a public disclosure published in September 1996, launched an international investigation into the affairs surrounding the HAARP project.

Radio amateur Claire Zikur

In the early 90s, Claire Zikur could say about himself that life was good. He was about 50 years old and worked as an accountant for the multinational oil company ARCO. He had his own house of about 300 square meters on a cliff outside Anchorage, with a floor-to-ceiling window overlooking Cook Fiord. He spent at least two nights a week at his shortwave radio. No one would have thought that Zikur would take part in the activities of an eclectic team of environmental activists. However, a conversation with neighbors in October 1993 changed their serene life. Jim, an Alaska Airlines pilot, went on air one night and said that he had learned from his colleagues about the existence of something called HAARP, which was being built “in the thicket” northeast of Anchorage. Equipment with such characteristics could be the world's largest jammer.

Zikur began asking radio amateurs if they had heard anything about the HAARP transmitter. Clare summarized the results of the investigation in an article that was included in the list of “the most important unpublished news of 1994” in the book “The Censored Project” (The Censored Project, New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1995).

However, during ARCO's downsizing, Clare lost his job, sold his house and began wandering around the southern states; but his work was continued by the “guys from the wilderness.” These were two groups of local Americans. Firstly, hunters, geologists and representatives of other professions whose main work takes place in the forests. They have no telephone service and are heavily dependent on their own radio stations. Secondly, the pilots.

In most parts of the United States, this level of awareness might seem unusual, but in forested Alaska, radio communications are part of the everyday life, most residents have access to media and the Internet thanks to satellite dishes, and this allows them to be knowledgeable in many areas scientific knowledge. In addition, Alaskans have an independent streak that comes from years of struggle to develop a territory with some of the harshest climates in the world. They are prone to skepticism. For many of them, the press conferences held by the military raised more questions than they answered.

Bernard Eastlund

After graduating from Massachusetts technological institute and Columbia University, and after working for eight years in the fusion program under the auspices of the Atomic Energy Committee, Bernard Eastlund in the early 70s co-invented the “plasma torch”, thanks to which excess plasma could be used fusion reactor for recycling solid waste. His main invention is an ionospheric emitter, for which he submitted an application in 1985.

In the 80s, reaching an agreement with the patent office was not easy. When Eastlund applied for the first of a series of patents related to the invention of the ionospheric heating stand, an expert told him that it looked more like the work of a science fiction writer. Eastlund responded that a similar technique has existed for a long time. Step by step, he developed and submitted to the Bureau documentation and calculations that proved the performance of his brainchild. This was the only thing that had an effect on the officials. But before the materials were made public in 1991, the Navy command placed his patent number 5,038,664 under the heading "Secret".

The Pentagon became interested in the project. Further, Eastlund's main research took place under the auspices of the Office of Research Projects of the Ministry of Defense and was called "Energetic Missile Shield in Northern Alaska" (DARPA Contract No. DAAHDJ-86-C-0420 "Energetic Missile Shield in Northern Alaska").

Nicholas Tesla

In the 19th century, it was known that metals that were released into the universe during star explosions had invisible properties. force field. A significant part of the iron went deep underground, where it rests peacefully to this day. As the planet rotated, the metals rotated with it. This rotation generated a pervasive electromagnetic field.

It is believed that the prospect of unlimited possibilities and the importance of the electromagnetic environment was discovered by Nikolai Tesla, the inventor of the Tesla resonant transformer, which produces high voltage high frequency. The output voltage of a Tesla transformer can reach several million volts. This voltage at the frequency of the minimum electrical strength of air is capable of creating impressive electrical discharges in the air, which can be many meters long. These phenomena fascinate people for various reasons, which is why the Tesla transformer is used as a decorative item. But Tesla's invention in the future claims to create a truly cheap source of electricity, which will be used as a high-voltage power source for beam weapons.

The author of Tesla's biography, Mark Cypher, "Nikola Tesla: The History of Lasers and Beam Weapons" (based on materials from Tesla's international symposium, 1988), based, among other materials, on FBI documents, summed up the life of the inventor: "There is significant evidence of the hypothesis that archives and scientific works Tesla was systematically withheld from the public in order to hide the origins of the secret developments known today as Star Wars."

The road to HAARP

The study of the ionosphere began with a few astonished radio listeners. In 1933, a resident of the Dutch city of Eindhoven tried to catch a radio station located in Beromünster (Switzerland). Suddenly he heard two stations. The second signal - from a powerful transmitter in Luxembourg - had never before broadcast on this frequency, its wave was at the other end of the scale; and yet in this case the signal was superimposed on the Swiss station.

The Luxembourg effect, as it was later called, did not remain a mystery for long. A Danish scientist named Tellegen found that cross-modulation of radio signals was the result of wave interaction caused by the nonlinearity of the physical characteristics of the ionosphere.

Later, other researchers found that high-power radio waves changed the temperature of a section of the ionosphere and the concentration of charged particles in it, which affected another signal passing through the changed section. Experiments with the interaction of beams of radio waves took more than 30 years. In the end, the conclusion was made: powerful directed radiation causes instability in the ionosphere. Since then, the main tool of scientists has become a transmitter with an antenna array, called a heating stand (hereinafter, the term used in domestic science is used as the equivalent of the English “ionospheric heater”).

In 1966, specialists from Penn State University, a pioneer in this field of science, built a 500-kilowatt heating facility with an effective radiant power of 14 kW near the university campus. In 1983, the transmitter and antenna array were moved from Colorado to Alaska, to an area 40 km east of Fairbanks.

The waves that were then able to be generated were of no practical interest, but the Air Force and Navy found funds to create a larger ionospheric modulator - HAARP.

Long before HAARP was conceived, more powerful heating facilities were built in the former Soviet Union than in the West, and much more was involved in experiments to influence the ionosphere. larger number scientists. Recently, the German Max Planck Institute built a gigawatt heating facility in Norway near Tromsø. But HAARP differs from this and other stands in its unusual combination of research instruments, which allows control of radiation, wide-frequency coverage, etc. The significant difference in the characteristics of the stands is due to the fact that the HAARP design allows the radiation to be focused into a narrow beam. At the time of Eastlund's invention of the phased array antenna signal focusing method, the best that could be achieved by similar methods was a level of one millionth of a watt per cubic centimeter at an altitude of about one hundred kilometers. But using a full-size sample of Eastlund's heating bench, an energy density of one watt per cubic centimeter can be achieved, i.e., the amount of energy delivered is a million times greater. It is not easy to make comparisons even between the prototype of the installation and other heating stands, since even at the first stage, Eastlund’s development will be many times ahead of any other similar stand in terms of energy concentration. All other heating stands disperse energy rather than focus it like HAARP

The future of HAARP

The HAARP project is an integral part of US space policy. In 1993, Air Force Chief of Staff General Merrill McPeak, speaking at a meeting of the U.S. Space foundation, said that it is necessary to reconsider the point of view according to which activities to deploy offensive weapons in near space are prohibited. He especially emphasized that the country must create new weapons systems that in the future will give it the ability to control outer space. Air Force officials wouldn't reveal what was on their minds, but they insisted that creating such systems was more of a political problem than a technical one.

In 2000, on the occasion of the Budget 2000 vote, a commission was created by Rumsfeld, then a member of the administrative board of the Rand Corporation. For the Rumsfeld Commission, space is already a military sphere, like land, air and sea. And it must have its own troops, equal to the ground forces, aviation and navy. The United States must occupy this sphere and prevent any other power from entering it. Thanks to this asymmetry of means, their military superiority will become undeniable and limitless. The Rumsfeld Commission put forward ten proposals:

The conclusion of the Rumsfeld Commission is as follows: “History is replete with situations in which warnings were brushed aside and change was resisted until some event, coming from outside and previously considered “unbelievable,” prompted hesitant bureaucrats. The question is whether the United States has the wisdom to act responsibly and reduce its vulnerability from space as quickly as possible. Or, as has happened in the past, the only event that can awaken the energy of the Nation and push the government of the United States to action must be a devastating attack on our country and its people, the “Pearl Harbor of space.”

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How the aurora research program changed the planet.

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), the curiosity of many conspiracy theorists, has shut down. HAARP Program Manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico told ARRL that the Alaska Ionospheric Research Center has been closed since early May 2013.

“The facility is currently closed,” he said. “It's about money. We don't have them." Keeney said there was no one at the site, the roads to the site were closed, and the buildings had been cut off from power and sealed off. The HAARP website through the University of Alaska is no longer available - Keeney says the program can't afford to pay for the maintenance. “Everything is set to safe mode,” he says.

HAARP told the world it would be shut down two years ago if it wasn't passed as part of the FY 2015 budget, but, Keeney says, "nobody paid attention."

Funded jointly by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility.

As things stand, HAARP is owned by the Air Force, but if no agency is willing to take over HAARP, unique object, says Keeney, will be dismantled. He says bulldozing the structures would be cheaper than removing 180 antenna elements.

What is this conspiracy theory about HAARP floating around the internet? And I’ll tell you this now.

New physical principles, as a rule, are known and described in textbooks, but this “novelty” itself is due to the primacy of the use of “effects”, “properties” or “regularities” in new types of equipment or materials for military purposes (biological, chemical, psychotronic, information, geophysical, etc. .).

The road to HAARP

The study of the ionosphere began with a few astonished radio listeners. In 1933, a resident of the Dutch city of Eindhoven tried to catch a radio station located in Beromünster (Switzerland). Suddenly he heard two stations. The second signal - from a powerful transmitter in Luxembourg - had never before broadcast on this frequency, its wave was at the other end of the scale; and yet in this case the signal was superimposed on the Swiss station.

The Luxembourg effect, as it was later called, did not remain a mystery for long. A Danish scientist named Tellegen found that cross-modulation of radio signals was the result of wave interaction caused by the nonlinearity of the physical characteristics of the ionosphere.

Later, other researchers found that high-power radio waves changed the temperature of a section of the ionosphere and the concentration of charged particles in it, which affected another signal passing through the changed section. Experiments with the interaction of beams of radio waves took more than 30 years. In the end, the conclusion was made: powerful directed radiation causes instability in the ionosphere. Since then, the main tool of scientists has become a transmitter with an antenna array, called a heating stand (hereinafter, the term used in domestic science is used as the equivalent of the English “ionospheric heater”).

In 1966, Penn State University, a pioneer in this field of science, built a 500-kilowatt heating facility with an effective radiant power of 14 kW near the university campus. In 1983, the transmitter and antenna array were moved from Colorado to Alaska, to an area 40 km east of Fairbanks.

Radio physicists were at the origins of the creation of modern geophysical weapons. That's how American it is HAARP system(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). Distinctive feature a new geophysical weapon is the use of the near-Earth environment as a component element and an object of destructive influence on opponents.

The first tests of the new American radiophysical and geophysical weapons under the HAARP program show its great capabilities. The system, which increases its power, makes it possible to block radio communications, disable on-board electronic equipment of rockets, aircraft and space satellites, cause large-scale accidents in electrical networks and oil and gas pipelines, negatively affect the mental state and physical well-being of people, etc. The main disadvantage is that , that such weapons cannot be classified as high-precision. At the same time, the use by the military and intelligence services of the complex planetary features of the structure of the Earth and its electromagnetic fields makes it possible to reach weapons mass destruction.

An interesting fact is that the first powerful radiophysical installations in the United States for influencing the high layers of the atmosphere, heating it and focusing “death rays” on certain geographic areas are being built in such a way that the first three installations will create a closed loop covering our country. One station is located in Alaska, the other two are being deployed in Greenland and Norway.

The physical principles of radiophysical weapons were substantiated by the brilliant physicist Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the twentieth century. This scientist developed methods for transmitting electrical energy through natural environment to any distance. Further refinement of the theory and carrying out experiments confirmed the possibility of creating “death rays” propagating through the atmosphere or the earth’s surface, focusing it in the desired area of ​​the globe.

In the USA this project in the 60s it was called HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). The fundamental works of N. Tesla in the USA were hidden from the scientific world and the public for many years in order to hide the origins of secret developments called “Star Wars”, SDI, etc. Here is a quote from an article in the New York Times dated September 22, 1940. : “Nikola Tesla, one of the truly great inventors, who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on July 10, told the author that he was ready to bring to the attention of the United States government the secret of “influence at a distance,” with which, as he said, it was possible to melt down airplanes and cars at a distance of 400 km, thus building an invisible Great Wall of China around the country.”

In the early 60s, new principles for the use of atmospheric electricity by physicist W. Richmond, on the initiative of military experts from the US government, were classified as secret.

Already the first tests showed the possibility of initiating many natural disasters on the planet. In 1998, the first American Harp installation was put into operation in Alaska (near Anchorage).

According to experts, the power of this weapon is many times greater than that of an atomic bomb.

In general philosophical terms, the course of the history of civilization is clearly moving towards a new world order under the control of a world government. Latest achievements scientific and technological progress (technology, radiophysics, engineering genetics, etc.), some of which are deeply secret, make it possible to achieve the goals of political and economic globalization by force, with the participation of the military and intelligence services. The leader in this geopolitical process is the United States, where Nikola Tesla worked for many years, and whose work had a military orientation and was quickly classified.

Back in 1900, Tesla applied for a patent for a device for “transmitting electricity in a natural environment” (US patent issued in 1905 No. 787.412). In 1940, Tesla announced the creation of “death rays.”

In 1958, the Earth's radiation belts, filled with charged particles trapped in the magnetic field of a rotating planet, were discovered.

In 1961, the idea arose of creating artificial ion clouds and then inducing resonance in cosmic plasma with antenna electromagnetic beams.

In 1966, Gordon J. MacDonald publishes a concept for military applications of weather engineering.

1974 - targeted experiments with electromagnetic broadcasting were carried out under the new American HAARP program - Plattville (Colorado), Arecibo (Puerto Rico) and Armidale (Australia, New South Wales).

1975 - work on microwave technology and the creation of psychotronic weapons intensifies.

1980 - Bernard J. Eastlund, a specialist in the development of HAARP, receives a patent “Method and apparatus for changing layers of the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere and/or magnetosphere” and further patents a number of discoveries and inventions.

1980 - The US Department of Defense begins construction of the GWEN network (a network for creating waves in earth's surface V emergency situations), capable of transmitting extremely low frequency waves for defense purposes.

1985 - the outstanding American physicist Bernard J. Eastlund applies for a patent for the invention “Method and technology for influencing a section of the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere” (the first of the author’s three basic patents).

1994 - a large military contractor, E-Systems, acquires the rights to use Eastlund's patents and begins work on a military contract to build the world's largest ionospheric heating stand, the Harp, in Alaska. In 1995, the contract was transferred to the largest US military corporation, Raytheon.

1995 - Congress approves the budget to begin operating HAARP. Large-scale HAARP tests are beginning to aim concentrated beams of energy at various areas of the globe.

1998 - Commissioning of HAARP (information about activities is classified).

The secrecy of the information received is intended to reduce protests from the world community and various environmental movements. The essence of the military technology developed by the Americans is as follows. Above the ozone layer is the fragile ionosphere, a layer of gas enriched with electrical particles called ions. This ionosphere can be heated by powerful HAARP antennas. Further, it is possible to create artificial ion clouds, similar in shape to optical lenses. These lenses can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at specific geographic locations.

According to several sources, studies of the military, medical, environmental and other consequences of HAARP are being conducted by the Air Force and Navy without the participation of the US Environmental Protection Agency (ERA). However, this is dubious information, since everything federal ministries and departments take part in various defense and security activities national security USA under cover of the Official Secrets Act.

This fact is known. When, during an experiment, 350 thousand copper arrows 1-2 cm long were thrown into the ionosphere in 1961, an earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale occurred in Alaska. At the same time, in Chile, a significant part of the coastline slid into the ocean.

At the end of the 80s, 360 towers 24 meters high were actively being built in northern Alaska, with the help of which the US military would emit powerful beams of energy of various frequencies into the ionosphere. It is planned to create a network of regional HAARP centers.

All this will allow the formation of plasmoids for military purposes (localized areas of highly ionized gas). This semblance of ball lightning can be controlled by moving the focus of the antennas using a coherent laser beam.

A number of patents related to this project can be cited:

— 5.068.669 “System for transmitting energy using radiation”;

— 5.041.834 “Artificial ionospheric screen formed by a plasma layer”;

— 4.999.637 “Creation of artificial ionization areas above the earth’s surface”;

— 4.973.928 “Atomic-scale explosions not accompanied by the release of radioactive materials.”

During experiments in the USA, it was discovered that free energy or the energy of a physical vacuum takes part in the process of plasmoid formation. These artificial formations can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at specific geographic locations. Thus, radiophysical HAARP is a new powerful geophysical weapon.

Atmospheric geophysical weapons are divided into three main types: meteorological (rains, hurricanes, etc.), ozone (direct damage to living organisms) ultraviolet radiation Sun) and climatic (decrease in productivity agriculture from a military or geopolitical enemy).

The beginning of scientific experiments for military purposes is beginning to be discussed among scientists around the world, especially geophysicists and biologists. It is significant that European scientists have recorded the possibility of carrying out secret radiophysical sabotage (droughts, rainstorms, hurricanes) against the countries of the European Union. On February 5, 1998, the European Union Commission on Security and Disarmament held special hearings on the “Harp” project, in which a number of State Duma deputies took part, as well as one of the main opponents of this project in the United States - scientist and politician from Alaska N. Begich, whose book, co-authored with Canadian journalist J. Manning, was translated and published in Russia (Begich N., Manning D. The HAARP Program. Weapons of Armageddon (translated from English) M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007, 384 pp.).

Time gap between 2nd English edition and this Russian publication was 5 years. However, the data presented by the authors allows us to very fully and scientifically assess the prospects of the American military system of geophysical and psychotronic weapons.

Today, a new surge of interest in this classified information in biological and environmental issues around the world and in Russia is fully justified. There are also various alternatives when developing “defensive” or “offensive” measures.

Everything that happened in December 2004 in Indian Ocean, are the results of local tests of US radiophysical and geographic superweapons under the HAARP program (high-frequency active auroral research program). For short, our program is called HARP. Independent military expert Bobylov (more than 16 years of work in secret defense research institutes and design bureaus former USSR) I am sure that there was no tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

A distinctive feature of the new weapon is the use of the near-Earth environment as a component and object of destructive influence. HARP allows you to block radio communications, disable on-board electronic equipment of aircraft, rockets, space satellites, cause accidents in electrical networks, oil and gas pipelines, and also negatively affect the mental state of people. Military expert Bobylov writes about this in his book “Genetic Bomb. Secret scenarios of bioterrorism." “In my book,” continues Yuri Aleksandrovich, “I consider an extremely pessimistic scenario of an unfolding secret radiophysical and biological war, as a result of which the Earth’s population could be reduced to 1-1.5 billion people by 2025.”

But what is this same HARP? Let's go back to the beginning of the last century. In 1905, the brilliant Austrian scientist Nikolai Tesla invented a method for transmitting electricity through the natural environment to almost any distance. Then, by other scientists, it was refined several times, and as a result, the so-called “death ray” was obtained. More precisely, a fundamentally new system for transmitting electricity, with the ability to focus it anywhere in the world. The essence of the developed military technology is as follows: above the ozone layer is the ionosphere, a gas layer enriched with electrical particles called ions. This ionosphere can be heated by powerful HARP antennas, after which artificial ion clouds can be created, similar in shape to optical lenses. These lenses can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at a given geographic location.

In Alaska, a special station was built under the HARP program in 1995. 48 antennas, each 24 m high, were erected on an area of ​​15 hectares. With their help, a concentrated beam of waves heats up a section of the ionosphere. As a result, a plasmoid is formed. And with the help of a controlled plasmoid, you can influence the weather - cause tropical downpours, awaken hurricanes, earthquakes, and raise a tsunami.

Energy circuit

At the beginning of 2003, the Americans openly announced the testing of a certain “gun” in Alaska. It is with this circumstance that many experts associate the subsequent natural disasters in Southern and Central Europe, Russia, and the Indian Ocean. The developers of the HARP project warned: as a result of the ongoing experiment, a side effect is possible due to the fact that an immense amount of energy with gigantic power will be released into the outer spheres of the Earth.

High-frequency emitters built under the HARP program already exist in three places on the planet: in Norway (Tromso town), in Alaska (Gakhona military base) and in Greenland. After the Greenland emitter was put into operation, the geophysical weapon created a kind of closed energy circuit. “Given the growing military threat from the United States,” Yuri Bobylov continues his story, “the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2002 attempted to analyze the situation with the involvement of experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Ministry of Defense. But the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the State Duma, Alexander Kotenkov, demanded that the issue be dropped so as not to cause panic among Russian population. The question was removed.

Very strange tsunamis

In 2002, first deputy commander Space Forces Russia, General Vladimir Popovkin in his letter to the State Duma indicated that “if the upper layer of the atmosphere is handled carelessly, there can be catastrophic consequences of a planetary nature.” He was supported by Valery Stasenko, a specialist in active influences in the atmosphere of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring: “Disturbances in the ionosphere and magnetosphere affect the climate. By influencing them artificially with the help of powerful installations, it is possible to change the weather, including globally.” The result of the debate was a letter to the UN demanding the creation of an international commission to investigate experiments conducted with the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth. The head of the Japanese Storm Research Center, Hiroko Tino, sees a lot of strange things in the December 2004 events in the Indian Ocean. The fact is that the disaster occurred exactly one year and one hour after the earthquake in Iran on December 26, 2003, which claimed the lives of 41 thousand people. It was a kind of sign. Then the elements came to Europe: dozens of hurricanes, storms and rains were brought with them by Cyclone Erwin, which swept from Dublin to St. Petersburg on January 7-10, 2005. Later, natural disasters came to the United States: floods in Utah, unprecedented snowfalls in Colorado. The reasons for this are the earth tremors that caused the tsunami, changed the tilt of the earth's axis and accelerated the planet's rotation by three microseconds. Tino, like Yuri Bobylov, is inclined to assume that all consequences in the form of natural disasters are the result of the activities of HARP.

"Spinach" against the partisans

American specialists began their games with the weather a very long time ago. Soon after the end of World War II, research began to be carried out in the United States to study processes in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: “Skyfire” (generating lightning), “Prime Argus” (causing earthquakes), “Stormfury” (controlling hurricanes and tsunamis). The results of this work have not been reported anywhere. However, it is known that in 1961, it was in the USA that an experiment was carried out to throw more than 350 thousand two-centimeter copper needles into the upper layers of the atmosphere, which dramatically changed the thermal balance of the atmosphere. As a result, an earthquake occurred in Alaska, and part of the coast of Chile fell into the Pacific Ocean.

During the Vietnam War (1965-1973), the Americans used silver iodide dispersed in rain clouds. The operation was codenamed Project Popeye. Over five years, £12 million was spent on cloud seeding to artificially stimulate heavy rainfall to destroy enemy crops. The so-called Ho Chi Minh Trail was also washed away. Along this route, the South Vietnamese partisans were supplied with weapons and equipment. During Operation Spinach, rainfall levels in the affected area increased by a third: the climate weapon worked successfully!

It was the United States that was the first to try to extinguish hurricanes (in the mid-60s). In 1962-1983 Experiments on hurricane management were conducted in the United States as part of Project Furious Storm. The impetus for this was the data obtained by scientists that one hurricane contains as much energy as produced by all the power plants in the world combined. One of the successful experiments was carried out in 1969 off the coast of Haiti. Local residents saw a huge white cloud from which huge rings radiated. Meteorologists showered the typhoon with silver iodide and managed to turn it away from Haiti. In recent years, research of a different kind has been carried out: tens of thousands of gallons are being poured into the sea vegetable oil. Scientists have suggested that hurricanes gain strength due to heat generated at the surface of the sea. If the surface of the sea is covered with an extensive film of oil, the strength of the hurricane will decrease due to the cooling of the water. This means that in this way you can change the direction of the hurricane.

By 1977, Americans were spending $2.8 million annually on weather research. Partly as a response to Project Spinach, the UN passed a resolution in 1977 that prohibited any hostile use of environmental modification technologies. This led to the emergence of a corresponding treaty, ratified by the United States in 1978 (meaning the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modifications). The United States believes that the USSR did not remain aloof from experiments with weather: “The Russians have their own “weather control” system, it is called “Dya-tel,” they wrote in the 80s. many American newspapers. - It is associated with the emission of low-frequency waves that can cause disturbances in the atmosphere and change the direction of jet air currents. For example, the long drought in California in the 1980s was caused by moist air flows being blocked for many weeks.”

Where did the Woodpecker come from?

Indeed, the USSR also experimented with climate. In the 70s, at the Institute of Thermal Processes (now the Keldysh Research Center) they tried to influence the Earth’s atmosphere through the magnetosphere. From the Arctic region, from one of the submarines, it was planned to launch a rocket with a plasma source with a power of up to one and a half megawatts (but the launch did not take place). “Weather” experiments were also carried out by the 40th Institute of the Navy: at an abandoned training ground near Vyborg, installations for modeling influence are rusting electromagnetic pulse to radio waves.

Are we no longer interested in typhoons?

The USSR, together with Cuba and Vietnam, began studying typhoons in the early 80s. And they were conducted around the most mysterious part - the “eye” of the typhoon. Production aircraft Il-18 and An-12 were used, converted into meteorological laboratories. Electronic computers were installed in these laboratories to obtain information in real time. Scientists were looking for those “painful” points of the typhoon, by acting on which it would be possible to reduce or increase its power, destroy or change its trajectory using special reagents that could cause or, conversely, prevent immediate precipitation.

Scientists even then found out that by dispersing these substances from an airplane into the “eye” of a typhoon, its rear or front part, it is possible, by creating a difference in pressure and temperature, to make it walk “in a circle” or stand still. The only problem was that it was necessary to take into account many constantly changing factors every second. And it was necessary to have a huge amount of reagents. At the same time, a network of radar stations was created in Cuba and Vietnam, interesting data was obtained, including on the structure of the typhoon, which made it possible to begin modeling various methods of influence. Theoretical work was carried out to study the possibility of influencing cyclones in temperate latitudes and the weather in this region. But in the early 90s. work on active influences on the weather in Russia practically ceased to be funded and was curtailed. So today we have nothing special to brag about. The “eye” of the typhoon is no longer of interest to us.

Secret work continues

So, in 1977, within the framework of the UN, the Convention on the Prohibition of “Environmental Warfare” was concluded. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Means of Impact on the Natural Environment - Artificial Stimulation of Earthquakes, Melting polar ice and climate change.) But, according to experts, secret work efforts to create “absolute” weapons of mass destruction (WMD) continue. Recently, a group of American researchers working on the HARP project conducted an experiment to create artificial northern lights. More precisely, according to its modification, since the real northern lights were used as a screen on which the researchers drew their pictures. Using a 1 MW high-frequency radio emission generator and a set of radio antennas placed at a sufficient distance large area, scientists staged a small light show in the sky. Despite the fact that the mechanism for creating a man-made glow is not yet entirely clear even to the researchers themselves, the project participants believe that sooner or later the technology they are developing can be used to illuminate cities at night and, of course, to display advertising. Or for something more significant.

Meanwhile, the USA...

The US Army is openly beginning to develop plasma weapons. The new mobile “MIRAGE plasma gun” will disable enemy communications and navigation systems within a radius of tens of kilometers. The device is capable of changing the state of the ionosphere - the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere, which is used as a “reflector” for transmitting radio signals over long distances. A plasmoid generated in a special microwave oven will be launched by a rocket to an altitude of 60-100 km and disrupt the natural distribution of charged particles.

According to military experts, this method can get rid of several problems at once. Firstly, the “extra” plasma will create a barrier for enemy radars, which under normal conditions, thanks to the ionosphere, can see aircraft from beyond the horizon. Secondly, the “plasma shield” will prevent contact with satellites whose signals pass through the atmosphere. This will create difficulties with orientation on the ground if GPS receivers are used for it. The design is a small van that can be easily transported to the site of military operations.

What awaits us all next? In Russia, programs for active influences on the weather have been curtailed. We reacted sluggishly to the news that we found ourselves in a kind of energy circuit between Norway, Greenland and Alaska. The generation of ultra-low frequency signals is today the main task of the HARP program. In 1995, the facility consisted of 48 antennas and transmitters with a power of 960 kilowatts. Today there are already 180 antennas at the facility, and the power of emitted energy reaches 3.6 megawatts. This is enough to create an anti-missile shield and to “calm” a tornado.

Tractor with milkmaid in the sky

In our country, the frequency of mysterious natural phenomena has doubled over the past 15 years. They even came to Siberia hurricane winds, tropical showers and tornadoes - a phenomenon that was previously considered absolutely impossible in our climate, not to mention winter thaws and frosts in July. In July 1994, in the village of Kochki in the Novosibirsk region, a tornado lifted into the air a tractor with a tractor driver and a milkmaid. On May 29, 2002, in the Kemerovo region, a tornado destroyed the village of Kalinovka. Two people were killed and 20 were injured. Before this, such natural phenomena had not been observed either in the Novosibirsk or Kemerovo regions. A huge hail, the size of a pigeon's egg, fell this year in 2006 in the populated area of ​​Gagino in the Nizhny Novgorod region. 400 houses completely lost their roofs. And in general, in June 2006 alone, 13 tornadoes and hurricanes hit Russia. They walked through Azov, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod (they touched 68 settlements in the region), then moved to Bashkiria and Dagestan. The destruction was enormous."

For a more complete understanding of this problem, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the new translated book by Begich and Manning, “The HAARP Program. Weapons of Armageddon."

The authors highlight the significant difficulties in creating such a system, condemning the progress of weapons and military equipment. The first three installations with a radiation power of directed radio waves of about 1 billion W have already been built in Alaska, Greenland and Norway. They create a closed loop for a large-scale impact on the near-Earth environment, focused primarily on Russia, as well as the PRC and the European Union.

The use of the first stage of the “three-point” military system will allow: disrupting the sea and air navigation of aircraft and missiles; stop radio communications and radar; disable on-board electronic equipment of space satellites; provoke the occurrence of large-scale accidents in power grids; cause typhoons, storms, droughts, tornadoes and floods and, finally, purposefully influence the psyche of people. Further, the Pentagon will cover most of the planet with such installations, which will demonstrate the power of US military thought. The sophisticated military reader, of course, cannot fully accept all the arguments of the American pacifists.

However, the US military itself notes the “dual” purpose of the system. Thus, developing a system of geophysical influence on high-altitude layers of the atmosphere (up to 50 km) can lead to the elimination of the concept of “multi-month drought.” As a result, it is possible to cause regular rainfall over the Sahara Desert in North Africa.

One can recognize the undoubted danger of the secret scientific experiments launched by the Americans. In this regard, the European Union, Russia, and China have the right to insist on holding special international negotiations to limit the power of “scientific” radio emissions.

The creators of the HAARP system themselves admit that in addition to thermal and electromagnetic effects on the Earth’s atmosphere and its ionosphere for the purpose of controlling the weather or initiating destructive natural disasters, it is also possible to influence the brain and nervous system a person and changes in his psyche and behavior.

Targeted psychophysical influence can cause a person to have inhibited reactions, uncertainty, fear, anger, loss of the sense of self-preservation, inability to control one’s own actions, evaluate and analyze complex life situations, navigate time and space, etc. All this can be used for local and mass impacts.

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  • Partner News

    July 18th, 2013

    The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), the curiosity of many conspiracy theorists, has shut down. HAARP program manager Dr. James Keeney at Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico told ARRL that the Alaska Ionospheric Research Facility has been closed since early May.

    “The facility is currently closed,” he said. “It's about money. We don't have them." Keeney said there was no one at the site, the roads to the site were closed, and the buildings had been cut off from power and sealed off. The HAARP website through the University of Alaska is no longer accessible - Keeney says the program can't afford to pay for the maintenance. “Everything is set to safe mode,” he says, adding that everything will remain that way for at least the next 4-6 weeks.

    HAARP told the world it would be shut down two years ago if it wasn't passed as part of the FY 2015 budget, but, Keeney says, "nobody paid attention."

    The only bright spot on the horizon for HAARP at present is the hope that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is expected to complete some of its research there in the fall or winter. DARPA allocated about $8.8 million in its fiscal year 2014 budget to conduct research into “the physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric substorms, fire, lightning, and geophysical phenomena.”

    Funded jointly by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Naval Research Laboratory, HAARP is an ionospheric research facility.

    As things stand, HAARP is owned by the Air Force, but if no agency is willing to take over HAARP, Keeney says the unique facility will be dismantled. He says bulldozing the structures would be cheaper than removing 180 antenna elements.

    What is this conspiracy theory about HAARP floating around the internet? And I’ll tell you this now.

    New physical principles, as a rule, are known and described in textbooks, but this “novelty” itself is due to the primacy of the use of “effects”, “properties” or “regularities” in new types of equipment or materials for military purposes (biological, chemical, psychotronic, informational, geophysical, etc.).

    The road to HAARP

    The study of the ionosphere began with a few astonished radio listeners. In 1933, a resident of the Dutch city of Eindhoven tried to catch a radio station located in Beromünster (Switzerland). Suddenly he heard two stations. The second signal - from a powerful transmitter in Luxembourg - had never before broadcast on this frequency, its wave was at the other end of the scale; and yet in this case the signal was superimposed on the Swiss station.

    The Luxembourg effect, as it was later called, did not remain a mystery for long. A Danish scientist named Tellegen found that cross-modulation of radio signals was the result of wave interaction caused by the nonlinearity of the physical characteristics of the ionosphere.

    Later, other researchers found that high-power radio waves changed the temperature of a section of the ionosphere and the concentration of charged particles in it, which affected another signal passing through the changed section. Experiments with the interaction of beams of radio waves took more than 30 years. In the end, the conclusion was made: powerful directed radiation causes instability in the ionosphere. Since then, the main tool of scientists has become a transmitter with an antenna array, called a heating stand (hereinafter, the term used in domestic science is used as the equivalent of the English “ionospheric heater”).

    In 1966, Penn State University, a pioneer in this field of science, built a 500-kilowatt heating facility with an effective radiant power of 14 kW near the university campus. In 1983, the transmitter and antenna array were moved from Colorado to Alaska, to an area 40 km east of Fairbanks.

    Radio physicists were at the origins of the creation of modern geophysical weapons. This is American system HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). A distinctive feature of the new geophysical weapon is the use of the near-Earth environment as a component and object of destructive influence on opponents.

    The first tests of the new American radiophysical and geophysical weapons under the HAARP program show its great capabilities. The system, which increases its power, makes it possible to block radio communications, disable on-board electronic equipment of rockets, aircraft and space satellites, cause large-scale accidents in electrical networks and oil and gas pipelines, negatively affect the mental state and physical well-being of people, etc. The main disadvantage is that , that such weapons cannot be classified as high-precision. At the same time, the use by the military and intelligence services of the complex planetary features of the structure of the Earth and its electromagnetic fields makes it possible to develop weapons of mass destruction.

    An interesting fact is that the first powerful radiophysical installations in the United States for influencing the high layers of the atmosphere, heating it and focusing “death rays” on certain geographic areas are being built in such a way that the first three installations will create a closed loop covering our country. One station is located in Alaska, the other two are being deployed in Greenland and Norway.

    The physical principles of radiophysical weapons were substantiated by the brilliant physicist Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the twentieth century. This scientist developed methods for transmitting electrical energy through the natural environment to any distance. Further refinement of the theory and carrying out experiments confirmed the possibility of creating “death rays” propagating through the atmosphere or the earth’s surface, focusing it in the desired area of ​​the globe.

    In the USA, this project in the 60s was called HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). The fundamental works of N. Tesla in the USA were hidden from the scientific world and the public for many years in order to hide the origins of secret developments called “Star Wars”, SDI, etc. Here is a quote from an article in the New York Times dated September 22, 1940. : “Nikola Tesla, one of the truly great inventors, who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on July 10, told the author that he was ready to bring to the attention of the United States government the secret of “influence at a distance,” with which, as he said, it was possible to melt down airplanes and cars at a distance of 400 km, thus building an invisible Great Wall of China around the country.”

    In the early 60s, new principles for the use of atmospheric electricity by physicist W. Richmond, on the initiative of military experts from the US government, were classified as secret.

    Already the first tests showed the possibility of initiating many natural disasters on the planet. In 1998, the first American Harp installation was put into operation in Alaska (near Anchorage).

    According to experts, the power of this weapon is many times greater than that of an atomic bomb.

    In general philosophical terms, the course of the history of civilization is clearly moving towards a new world order under the control of a world government. The latest achievements of scientific and technological progress (technology, radiophysics, engineering genetics, etc.), some of which are deeply secret, make it possible to achieve the goals of political and economic globalization by violent means with the participation of the military and intelligence services. The leader in this geopolitical process is the United States, where Nikola Tesla worked for many years, and whose work had a military orientation and was quickly classified.

    Back in 1900, Tesla applied for a patent for a device for “transmitting electricity in a natural environment” (US patent issued in 1905 No. 787.412). In 1940, Tesla announced the creation of “death rays.”

    In 1958, the Earth's radiation belts, filled with charged particles trapped in the magnetic field of a rotating planet, were discovered.

    In 1961, the idea arose of creating artificial ion clouds and then inducing resonance in cosmic plasma with antenna electromagnetic beams.

    In 1966, Gordon J. MacDonald publishes a concept for military applications of weather engineering.

    1974 - targeted experiments with electromagnetic broadcasting were carried out under the new American HAARP program - Plattville (Colorado), Arecibo (Puerto Rico) and Armidale (Australia, New South Wales).

    1975 – work on microwave technology and the creation of psychotronic weapons intensifies.

    1980 – Bernard J. Eastlund, a specialist in the development of HAARP, receives a patent “Method and apparatus for changing layers of the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere and/or magnetosphere” and then patents a number of other discoveries and inventions.

    1980 - The US Department of Defense begins construction of the GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) network, capable of broadcasting extremely low frequency waves for defense purposes.

    1985 - the outstanding American physicist Bernard J. Eastlund applies for a patent for the invention “Method and technology for influencing a section of the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere” (the first of the author’s three basic patents).

    1994 - a large military contractor, E-Systems, acquires the rights to use Eastlund's patents and begins work on a military contract to build the world's largest ionospheric heating stand, the Harp, in Alaska. In 1995, the contract was transferred to the largest US military corporation, Raytheon.

    1995 - Congress approves the budget to begin operating HAARP. Large-scale HAARP tests are beginning to aim concentrated beams of energy at various areas of the globe.

    1998 – Commissioning of HAARP (information about activities is classified). ()

    The secrecy of the information received is intended to reduce protests from the world community and various environmental movements. The essence of the military technology developed by the Americans is as follows. Above the ozone layer is the fragile ionosphere, a gas layer rich in electrical particles called ions. This ionosphere can be heated by powerful HAARP antennas. Further, it is possible to create artificial ion clouds, similar in shape to optical lenses. These lenses can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at specific geographic locations. According to several sources, studies of the military, medical, environmental and other consequences of HAARP are being conducted by the Air Force and Navy without the participation of the US Environmental Protection Agency environment (ERA). However, this is dubious information, since all federal departments and departments participate in various US defense and national security activities under the guise of the Official Secrets Act.

    This fact is known. When, during an experiment, 350 thousand copper arrows 1-2 cm long were thrown into the ionosphere in 1961, an earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale occurred in Alaska. At the same time, in Chile, a significant part of the coastline slid into the ocean.

    At the end of the 80s, 360 towers 24 meters high were actively being built in northern Alaska, with the help of which the US military would emit powerful beams of energy of various frequencies into the ionosphere. It is planned to create a network of regional HAARP centers.

    All this will allow the formation of plasmoids for military purposes (localized areas of highly ionized gas). This semblance of ball lightning can be controlled by moving the focus of the antennas using a coherent laser beam.

    A number of patents related to this project can be cited:

    5.068.669 “Energy transmission system using radiation”;

    5.041.834 “Artificial ionospheric screen formed by a plasma layer”;

    4.999.637 “Creation of artificial ionization areas above the earth’s surface”;

    4.973.928 “Atomic-scale explosions not accompanied by the release of radioactive materials.”

    During experiments in the USA, it was discovered that free energy or the energy of a physical vacuum takes part in the process of plasmoid formation. These artificial formations can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at specific geographic locations. Thus, radiophysical HAARP is a new powerful geophysical weapon.

    Atmospheric geophysical weapons are divided into three main types: meteorological (rains, hurricanes, etc.), ozone (direct damage to living organisms by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun) and climatic (decrease in agricultural productivity of a military or geopolitical enemy).

    The beginning of scientific experiments for military purposes is beginning to be discussed among scientists around the world, especially geophysicists and biologists. It is significant that European scientists have recorded the possibility of carrying out secret radiophysical sabotage (droughts, rainstorms, hurricanes) against the countries of the European Union. On February 5, 1998, the European Union Commission on Security and Disarmament held special hearings on the Harp project, in which a number of State Duma deputies took part, as well as one of the main opponents of this project in the United States - scientist and politician from Alaska N. Begich, whose book, co-authored with Canadian journalist J. Manning, was translated and published in Russia (Begich N., Manning D. The HAARP Program. Weapons of Armageddon (translated from English) M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007, 384 pp.).

    The time gap between the 2nd English edition and this Russian edition was 5 years. However, the data presented by the authors allows us to very fully and scientifically assess the prospects of the American military system of geophysical and psychotronic weapons.

    Today, a new surge of interest in this classified information in biological and environmental issues around the world and in Russia is fully justified. There are also various alternatives when developing “defensive” or “offensive” measures.

    Everything that happened in December 2004 in the Indian Ocean is the result of local tests of US radiophysical and geographic superweapons under the HAARP program (high-frequency active auroral research program). For short, our program is called HARP. Independent military expert Bobylov (more than 16 years of work in secret defense research institutes and design bureaus of the former USSR) is confident that there was no tsunami in the Indian Ocean. A distinctive feature of the new weapon is the use of the near-Earth environment as a component and object of destructive influence. HARP allows you to block radio communications, disable on-board electronic equipment of aircraft, rockets, space satellites, cause accidents in electrical networks, oil and gas pipelines, and also negatively affect the mental state of people. Military expert Bobylov writes about this in his book “Genetic Bomb. Secret scenarios of bioterrorism." “In my book,” continues Yuri Aleksandrovich, “I consider an extremely pessimistic scenario of an unfolding secret radiophysical and biological war, as a result of which the Earth’s population could be reduced to 1–1.5 billion people by 2025.”

    But what is this same HARP? Let's go back to the beginning of the last century. In 1905, the brilliant Austrian scientist Nikolai Tesla invented a method for transmitting electricity through the natural environment to almost any distance. Then, by other scientists, it was refined several times, and as a result, the so-called “death ray” was obtained. More precisely, a fundamentally new system for transmitting electricity, with the ability to focus it anywhere in the world. The essence of the developed military technology is as follows: above the ozone layer is the ionosphere, a gas layer enriched with electrical particles called ions. This ionosphere can be heated by powerful HARP antennas, after which artificial ion clouds can be created, similar in shape to optical lenses. These lenses can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at a given geographic location. In Alaska, a special station was built under the HARP program in 1995. 48 antennas, each 24 m high, were erected on an area of ​​15 hectares. With their help, a concentrated beam of waves heats up a section of the ionosphere. As a result, a plasmoid is formed. And with the help of a controlled plasmoid, you can influence the weather - cause tropical downpours, awaken hurricanes, earthquakes, raise a tsunami.

    Energy circuit

    At the beginning of 2003, the Americans openly announced the testing of a certain “gun” in Alaska. It is with this circumstance that many experts associate the subsequent natural disasters in Southern and Central Europe, Russia, and the Indian Ocean. The developers of the HARP project warned: as a result of the ongoing experiment, a side effect is possible due to the fact that an immense amount of energy with gigantic power will be released into the outer spheres of the Earth. High-frequency emitters built under the HARP program already exist in three places on the planet: in Norway (Tromso town), in Alaska (Gakhona military base) and in Greenland. After the Greenland emitter was put into operation, the geophysical weapon created a kind of closed energy circuit. “Given the growing military threat from the United States,” Yuri Bobylov continues his story, “the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2002 attempted to analyze the situation with the involvement of experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Ministry of Defense. But the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the State Duma, Alexander Kotenkov, demanded that the issue be dropped so as not to cause panic among the Russian population. The question was removed.

    Very strange tsunamis

    In 2002, the first deputy commander of the Russian Space Forces, General Vladimir Popovkin, in his letter to the State Duma, indicated that “if the upper layer of the atmosphere is handled carelessly, there can be catastrophic consequences of a planetary nature.” He was supported by Valery Stasenko, a specialist in active influences in the atmosphere of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring: “Disturbances in the ionosphere and magnetosphere affect the climate. By influencing them artificially with the help of powerful installations, it is possible to change the weather, including globally.” The result of the debate was a letter to the UN demanding the creation of an international commission to investigate experiments conducted with the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth. The head of the Japanese Storm Research Center, Hiroko Tino, sees a lot of strange things in the December 2004 events in the Indian Ocean. The fact is that the disaster occurred exactly one year and one hour after the earthquake in Iran on December 26, 2003, which claimed the lives of 41 thousand people. It was a kind of sign. Then the disaster came to Europe: dozens of hurricanes, storms and rains were brought with it by Cyclone Erwin, which swept from Dublin to St. Petersburg on January 7–10, 2005. Later, natural disasters came to the United States: floods in Utah, unprecedented snowfalls in Colorado. The reasons for this are the earth tremors that caused the tsunami, changed the tilt of the earth's axis and accelerated the planet's rotation by three microseconds. Tino, like Yuri Bobylov, is inclined to assume that all consequences in the form of natural disasters are the result of the activities of HARP.

    "Spinach" against the partisans

    American specialists began their games with the weather a very long time ago. Soon after the end of World War II, research began to be carried out in the United States to study processes in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: “Skyfire” (lightning formation), “Prime Argus” (causing earthquakes), “Stormfury” (hurricane and tsunami control). The results of this work have not been reported anywhere. However, it is known that in 1961, it was in the USA that an experiment was carried out to throw more than 350 thousand two-centimeter copper needles into the upper layers of the atmosphere, which dramatically changed the thermal balance of the atmosphere. As a result, an earthquake occurred in Alaska, and part of the coast of Chile fell into the Pacific Ocean.

    During the Vietnam War (1965–1973), the Americans used silver iodide dispersed in rain clouds. The operation was codenamed Project Popeye. Over five years, £12 million was spent on cloud seeding to artificially stimulate heavy rainfall to destroy enemy crops. The so-called Ho Chi Minh Trail was also washed away. Along this route, the South Vietnamese partisans were supplied with weapons and equipment. During Operation Spinach, rainfall levels in the affected area increased by a third: the climate weapon worked successfully!

    It was the United States that was the first to try to extinguish hurricanes (in the mid-60s). In 1962–1983 Experiments on hurricane management were conducted in the United States as part of Project Furious Storm. The impetus for this was the data obtained by scientists that one hurricane contains as much energy as produced by all the power plants in the world combined. One of the successful experiments was carried out in 1969 off the coast of Haiti. Local residents saw a huge white cloud from which huge rings radiated. Meteorologists showered the typhoon with silver iodide and managed to turn it away from Haiti. In recent years, research of a different kind has been carried out: tens of thousands of gallons of vegetable oil are poured into the sea. Scientists have suggested that hurricanes gain strength due to heat generated at the surface of the sea. If the surface of the sea is covered with an extensive film of oil, the strength of the hurricane will decrease due to the cooling of the water. This means that in this way you can change the direction of the hurricane.

    By 1977, Americans were spending $2.8 million annually on weather research. Partly as a response to Project Spinach, the UN passed a resolution in 1977 that prohibited any hostile use of environmental modification technologies. This led to the emergence of a corresponding treaty, ratified by the United States in 1978 (meaning the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modifications). The United States believes that the USSR did not remain aloof from experiments with weather: “The Russians have their own “weather control” system, it is called “Woodpecker,” they wrote in the 80s. many American newspapers. – It is associated with the emission of low-frequency waves that can cause disturbances in the atmosphere and change the direction of jet air currents. For example, the long drought in California in the 1980s was caused by moist air flows being blocked for many weeks.”

    Where did the Woodpecker come from?

    Indeed, the USSR also experimented with climate. In the 70s, at the Institute of Thermal Processes (now the Keldysh Research Center), they tried to influence the Earth’s atmosphere through the magnetosphere. From the Arctic region, from one of the submarines, it was planned to launch a rocket with a plasma source with a power of up to one and a half megawatts (but the launch did not take place). “Weather” experiments were also carried out by the 40th Institute of the Navy: at an abandoned training ground near Vyborg, installations for simulating the influence of an electromagnetic pulse on radio waves are rusting.

    Are we no longer interested in typhoons?

    The USSR, together with Cuba and Vietnam, began studying typhoons in the early 80s. And they were conducted around the most mysterious part - the “eye” of the typhoon. Production aircraft Il-18 and An-12 were used, converted into meteorological laboratories. Electronic computers were installed in these laboratories to obtain information in real time. Scientists were looking for those “painful” points of the typhoon, by acting on which it would be possible to reduce or increase its power, destroy or change its trajectory using special reagents that could cause or, conversely, prevent immediate precipitation. Scientists even then found out that by dispersing these substances from an airplane into the “eye” of a typhoon, its rear or front part, it is possible, by creating a difference in pressure and temperature, to make it walk “in a circle” or stand still. The only problem was that it was necessary to take into account many constantly changing factors every second. And it was necessary to have a huge amount of reagents. At the same time, a network of radar stations was created in Cuba and Vietnam, interesting data was obtained, including on the structure of the typhoon, which made it possible to begin modeling various methods of influence. Theoretical work was carried out to study the possibility of influencing cyclones in temperate latitudes and the weather in this region. But in the early 90s. work on active influences on the weather in Russia practically ceased to be funded and was curtailed. So today we have nothing special to brag about. The “eye” of the typhoon is no longer of interest to us.

    Secret work continues

    So, in 1977, within the framework of the UN, the Convention on the Prohibition of “Environmental Warfare” was concluded. (Convention on the prohibition of military or other hostile use of means of influencing the natural environment - artificially stimulating earthquakes, melting polar ice and climate change.) But, according to experts, secret work on the creation of “absolute” weapons of mass destruction (WMD) continues. Recently, a group of American researchers working on the HARP project conducted an experiment to create artificial northern lights. More precisely, according to its modification, since the real northern lights were used as a screen on which the researchers drew their pictures. Using a 1 MW high-frequency radio generator and a set of radio antennas placed over a fairly large area, scientists staged a small light show in the sky. Despite the fact that the mechanism for creating a man-made glow is not yet entirely clear even to the researchers themselves, the project participants believe that sooner or later the technology they are developing can be used to illuminate cities at night and, of course, to display advertising. Or for something more significant.

    Meanwhile, the USA...

    The US Army is openly beginning to develop plasma weapons. The new mobile “MIRAGE plasma gun” will disable enemy communications and navigation systems within a radius of tens of kilometers. The device is capable of changing the state of the ionosphere - the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere, which is used as a “reflector” for transmitting radio signals over long distances. A plasmoid generated in a special microwave oven will be launched by a rocket to an altitude of 60–100 km and disrupt the natural distribution of charged particles. According to military experts, this method can get rid of several problems at once. Firstly, the “extra” plasma will create a barrier for enemy radars, which under normal conditions, thanks to the ionosphere, can see aircraft from the horizon. Secondly, the “plasma shield” will prevent contact with satellites whose signals pass through the atmosphere. This will create difficulties with orientation on the ground if GPS receivers are used for it. The design is a small van that can be easily transported to the site of military operations.

    What awaits us all next? In Russia, programs for active influences on the weather have been curtailed. We reacted sluggishly to the news that we found ourselves in a kind of energy circuit between Norway, Greenland and Alaska. The generation of ultra-low frequency signals is today the main task of the HARP program. In 1995, the facility consisted of 48 antennas and transmitters with a power of 960 kilowatts. Today there are already 180 antennas at the facility, and the power of emitted energy reaches 3.6 megawatts. This is enough to create an anti-missile shield and to “calm” a tornado.

    Tractor with milkmaid in the sky

    In our country, the frequency of mysterious natural phenomena has doubled over the past 15 years. Hurricane winds, tropical downpours and tornadoes came even to Siberia - a phenomenon that was previously considered absolutely impossible in our climate, not to mention winter thaws and frosts in July. In July 1994, in the village of Kochki in the Novosibirsk region, a tornado lifted into the air a tractor with a tractor driver and a milkmaid. On May 29, 2002, in the Kemerovo region, a tornado destroyed the village of Kalinovka. Two people were killed and 20 were injured. Before this, such natural phenomena had not been observed either in the Novosibirsk or Kemerovo regions. A huge hail, the size of a pigeon's egg, fell this year in 2006 in the populated area of ​​Gagino in the Nizhny Novgorod region. 400 houses completely lost their roofs. And in general, in June 2006 alone, 13 tornadoes and hurricanes hit Russia. They walked through Azov, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod (they touched 68 settlements in the region), then moved to Bashkiria and Dagestan. The destruction was enormous."

    For a more complete understanding of this problem, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the new translated book by Begich and Manning, “The HAARP Program. Weapons of Armageddon" ().

    The authors emphasize the significant difficulties in the process of creating such a system, condemning the progress of weapons and military equipment. The first three installations with a radiation power of directed radio waves of about 1 billion W have already been built in Alaska, Greenland and Norway. They create a closed loop for a large-scale impact on the near-Earth environment, focused primarily on Russia, as well as the PRC and the European Union.

    The use of the first stage of the “three-point” military system will allow: disrupting the sea and air navigation of aircraft and missiles; stop radio communications and radar; disable on-board electronic equipment of space satellites; provoke the occurrence of large-scale accidents in power grids; cause typhoons, storms, droughts, tornadoes and floods and, finally, purposefully influence the psyche of people. Further, the Pentagon will cover most of the planet with such installations, which will demonstrate the power of US military thought.

    The sophisticated military reader, of course, cannot fully accept all the arguments of the American pacifists.

    However, the US military itself notes the “dual” purpose of the system. Thus, developing a system of geophysical influence on high-altitude layers of the atmosphere (up to 50 km) can lead to the elimination of the concept of “multi-month drought.” As a result, it is possible to cause regular rainfall over the Sahara Desert in North Africa.

    One can recognize the undoubted danger of the secret scientific experiments launched by the Americans. In this regard, the European Union, Russia, and China have the right to insist on holding special international negotiations to limit the power of “scientific” radio emissions.

    The creators of the HAARP system themselves admit that in addition to thermal and electromagnetic effects on the Earth’s atmosphere and its ionosphere in order to control the weather or initiate destructive natural disasters, it is also possible to influence the human brain and nervous system and change his psyche and behavior.

    Targeted psychophysical influence can cause a person to have inhibited reactions, uncertainty, fear, anger, loss of the sense of self-preservation, inability to control one’s own actions, evaluate and analyze complex life situations, navigate time and space, etc. All this can be used for local and mass impacts.

    Psychotronic weapons refer to “non-lethal” (“non-lethal”) weapons, which are increasingly becoming important both for military operations and for special operations to influence the behavior of small or large groups population.

    Eat good aphorism“Military genius and villainy are not only compatible, but also do not exist without each other.”

    source - Yuri Nikolaevich BOBYLOV – Candidate of Economic Sciences, expert on science and technology policy

    Well, I can’t help but remind you about other conspiracy theories: or here. And of course The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made - Tuesday, September 27, 2011 17:25 + to quote book


    The earthquake in Japan could have been caused by the American HAARP system.

    As a result powerful earthquake In Japan, more than 10 thousand people were left homeless, thousands were missing, and more than 6 thousand were officially declared dead.

    The reason for all this may lie in the US corporate conspiracy using the HAARP system:

    [High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program]

    This is a high-frequency active auroral research program, according to the Whiteknightsreport blog.

    HAARP, launched in the spring of 1997 in the state of Alaska, is an American aurora research project.

    The HAARP station is a huge field of 14 hectares, consisting of 20-meter needles, 180 antennas and 360 radio transmitters. The project has featured in numerous conspiracy theories, including those claiming that HAARP is a geophysical or climate weapon.

    Officially, HAARP is intended to study the nature of the ionosphere and develop air and missile defense systems. It is assumed that HAARP is used for detecting submarines, underground tomography of the planet's interior and piercing the ionosphere.

    HAARP includes antennas, an incoherent radiation radar with a twenty-meter diameter antenna, laser locators, magnetometers, computers for signal processing and antenna field control.

    The entire complex is powered by a powerful gas power plant and six diesel generators. The deployment of the complex and research on it is carried out by the Phillips Laboratory, located at the US Air Force Base in Kirtland, New Mexico. The laboratories of astrophysics, geophysics and weapons of the Center are subordinate to it space technology air force USA.

    Since 2000, the cruiser "Wisconsin" has been part of the fleet, on which the appropriate equipment is installed.

    Conspiracy theories
    Numerous conspiracy theories claim that HAARP can be used for destructive activities. For example, they claim: HAARP can be used so that in a selected area, sea and air navigation is completely disrupted, radio communications and radar are blocked, and on-board electronic equipment of spacecraft, missiles, aircraft and ground systems are disabled.

    In an arbitrarily defined area, the use of all types of weapons and equipment may be stopped. Integrated geophysical weapon systems can cause large-scale accidents in any electrical networks, oil and gas pipelines.

    Defenders of the HAARP project put forward the following counterarguments: The amount of energy emitted by the complex is negligible compared to the energy received by the ionosphere from solar radiation and lightning discharges. Disturbances in the ionosphere introduced by the radiation of the complex disappear quite quickly. There is no serious scientific justification for such possibilities of using HAARP as the destruction of all types of weapons, power supply networks, pipelines, global weather manipulation, mass psychotropic effects, etc.

    Similar scientific projects:

    The HAARP system is not unique. There are two stations in the United States - one in Puerto Rico (near the Arecibo Observatory), and the other, known as HIPAS, in Alaska near the city of Fairbanks. Both of these stations have active and passive instruments similar to HAARP.

    Europe also has two world-class ionospheric research facilities, both in Norway: the more powerful EISCAT radar:
    [European Incoherent Scatter Radar site] located near the city of Tromsø, less powerful SPEAR:
    [Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar] - on the Spitsbergen archipelago.

    The same complexes are located: in Vasilsursk “SURA”; near Zmiev, Kharkov region, Ukraine, “URAN-1”; in Dushanbe, Tajikistan - radio system "Horizon" (2 vertical rectangular antennas); in Jicamarca, Peru.

    The primary purpose of all of these systems is to study the ionosphere, and most also have the ability to stimulate small, localized areas of the ionosphere. HAARP also has such capabilities. But HAARP differs from these complexes in its unusual combination of research instruments, which allows radiation control, wide-frequency coverage, etc.

    HAARP is also blamed for disasters such as:
    * 1999 A 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Turkey kills 20,000 people.
    * 2004 - 2005 An earthquake in the Indian Ocean that caused a tsunami. In Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia and other countries of Southeast Asia. About 300,000 people died.

    * 2005 A 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan kills more than 100,000 people.
    * 2008 In Chile, the Chaiten volcano, which had not erupted for 9,000 years, suddenly “awakened”.
    * 2010 Earthquake in Haiti. The first shock of magnitude 7 was followed by many repeated ones. More than 220,000 people died.
    * 2010 6.9 magnitude earthquake in China. More than 2,000 people died.
    * 2010. The Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull, which had been dormant for 187 years, paralyzed air traffic over Europe with its eruption.

    The fact that the HAARP system may be involved in the earthquake in Japan is being written today in many Internet blogs. One of the most reliable evidence of the HAARP attack is a video of the sky over Japan, which clearly shows the so-called HAARP clouds. They were noticed 10 minutes before the first tremors.

    Many Japanese felt the approach of a terrible disaster. In one of the blogs on the portal, a message appeared from a Japanese resident who, while walking in the park with his son, felt fear and anxiety a few minutes before the earthquake.
    “Everyone around me felt it. Even my son then asked me: Dad, are we going to die? And this happened literally just before the start of the tremors. This is the action of HAARP, this is its “work” with the electromagnetic field of the Earth,” says the Japanese.

    Similar activity was noticed before the earthquake in China in 2008, as well as in New Zealand in February 2011.

    Then a resident of the town of Rangiora, located 25 kilometers north of Christchurch, took a photo of the sky shortly before devastating earthquake at 6.3 points, which killed about 90 people.

    It is believed that the clouds get their strange appearance due to ionizing metal salts that are sprayed using chemtrails. Scientists have recorded the gradual transformation of a significant part of the earth's atmosphere into plasma. This plasma contains particles of barium salts and is used in HAARP technologies for man-made natural disasters and climate change.

    Research has proven that such technologies can cause earthquakes and climate change.

    Well-known conspiracy theorist Benjamin Fulford believes that the causes of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan were the uncontrolled actions of the US authorities in the underground bases of the states of New Mexico and Nevada. Fulford cites Pentagon and CIA sources. The next target, according to him, could be New Madrid, writes the portal

    Let us add that last year’s heat in the center of Russia was also associated with HAARP. Firstly, while in Moscow the heat reached 35-36 degrees, in European cities it was no more than 20. This proves that the action of the system was local and purposeful. Secondly, never before has there been such a gigantic cyclone hovering over the European part of Russia and pumping hot air from the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Thirdly, in the zone of the anomalous cyclone, according to scientists, part of the earth’s atmosphere simultaneously decreased by record values ​​over the past 43 years.

    The HAARP program [HAARP] is presented to the world community only as a research program, which is supposedly aimed at finding ways to improve radio communications. But the program has a military component, and it is the main one. The United States has set itself the goal of creating geophysical weapons in the course of this work. The near-Earth space - the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth can be modified, that is, changed. Five emitters of varying power have been created and are in operation to target the human environment with high-frequency radio waves. Three of them are located on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Tromso.

    In 1997, a radio-electronic station with a capacity of three and a half million watts was put into operation in Alaska. There are 180 antennas installed on a field of 13 hectares. About two years ago, another emitter was put into operation on the island of Greenland. It is three times more powerful than Alaskan.

    HAARP emitters are a qualitatively new level of technology. Their power is hard to imagine. When they are turned on, the balance of the near-Earth environment is disrupted. The ionosphere is heating up.

    The Americans are already managing to produce artificial extended plasma formations kilometers long - figuratively speaking, these are giant ball lightning.

    During the experiments, the Americans obtained the effects of the interaction of artificial plasma formations with the Earth’s magnetosphere. And this already allows us to talk about the possibility of creating integrated systems of geophysical weapons.

    There is no way to fully describe the effect of the full-scale use of geophysical weapons. Modern physics cannot say what will happen to the near-Earth environment if five HAARP emitters are turned on at full power.

    Integrated systems of geophysical weapons are scary because the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth become not only objects of influence of emitters, but also part of these weapon systems.

    With the use of HAARP, sea and air navigation in the selected area can be completely disrupted. Radio communication and radar are blocked. The on-board electronic equipment of spacecraft, rockets, aircraft and ground systems has been damaged.

    In an arbitrarily defined area, the use of all types of weapons and equipment may be stopped. Integrated geophysical weapon systems can cause large-scale accidents in any electrical networks, oil and gas pipelines.

    The next level is the negative impact on the biosphere, including the mental state and health of the population of entire countries.

    The coordinated work of five emitters can lead to geophysical, geological and biological disasters on a planetary scale. Including irreversible ones. In other words, people's living environment will be changed.

    The current HAARP system covers Northern Hemisphere from the pole to latitude 45° (southern coast of Crimea).

    Since 2002, every year in Europe and Asia there have been catastrophic floods and droughts, hurricanes like Katrina off the coast of North America, a giant tornado off the coast of Italy, where they never existed - all this suggests that all these phenomena are associated with testing the HAARP system .

    What will happen if the Americans create such a system in the southern hemisphere of the Earth?

    In 2002, left-wing deputies of the Russian State Duma sent an appeal to the leaders of all UN member states about the impending threat to humanity. The answer is silence.

    It should be noted that the Earth is a living being. And she accepted HAARP's teaching, and now, even if HAARP is turned off, catastrophic droughts and floods, hurricanes like Katrina, will be repeated off the coast of North America.

    Is there equipment to counter the HAARP system? Yes, but its use will destroy the fields of antennas and radio equipment. In a monopolar world, no one will dare to use it.

    Even US allies in Europe - Germany, France, Spain, Portugal and others - do not risk protesting. And it is necessary - before it is too late.
    Until now, natural sources of energy were considered the most powerful on our planet. What human thing can compare in strength to a tsunami wave? Or with emissions of thermonuclear energy in solar prominences?

    However, now the situation has changed. At least in two places on the globe: Alaska and Greenland. The radiation of the American HAARP in Alaska exceeds the power of natural radiation from the Sun in the range of 10 megahertz by five to six orders of magnitude. That is, one hundred thousand - one million times.

    Today, American HAARP emitters are primarily a problem for earthly civilization. The United States seriously threatens all of humanity.
    With its super-powerful radiation, HAARP primarily affects the Earth's ionosphere. This is a layer of near-Earth space that is filled with active ionized atoms.

    Radiation, acting on atoms, provides additional energy, and their electron shells increase approximately 150 times compared to the normal state. This process is called pumping. As a result, plasmoids appear. They are clearly visible on radar.
    An artificially created plasmoid can be used for peaceful and military purposes. With a certain pumping, it can stop all radio communication.

    If conditions are created for the ionized atom to “drop” the additionally created energy, then it will be like laser radiation. In this case, the problem of functional destruction of enemy electronic systems is solved.
    At certain pumping parameters, ultra-large atoms release wave impulses of a type and level that can affect the human psyche. This, in fact, is what is called a geophysical weapon.
    Besides, further work under the HAARP program they will give Americans a real and immediate opportunity to get their hands on not only geophysical and climatic weapons, but also psychotronic weapons.

    With its use, people will not even be able to understand what their thoughts, desires, tastes, their choice of food and clothing, mood and Political Views determined by the operator of the HAARP type installation.
    If the international community does not want to take control of the American HAARP program, then Russia must be ready for an adequate response - there are all possibilities for this.

    As we see, geophysical weapons affect the earth's climate. In addition, nature, as a living being, accepted training with these weapons, which also affects the climate of the earth!

    The earth's climate change is also affected by the greenhouse effect caused by production activities humanity; an interglacial period of warming that will last for many thousands of years; period solar activity lasting 1850 years, the peak of warming will occur in the 24th century.

    Three out of five factors depend on human activity, and the world community, before it is too late, needs to join forces in the fight against this evil.
    One example can show what kind of trouble awaits New York if nothing changes. Director of the US National Hurricane Center Max Mayfield said that a powerful hurricane will hit New York, and this will lead to terrible destruction and completely paralyze the life of the metropolis. “The question is, the question is, when will it happen,” Mayfield said.
    In his speech to the Senate committee, Mayfield said that the category three hurricane that would hit the city would cause water levels in some areas of New York to rise by 8-10 meters.
    Naturally, this will lead to flooding of metro lines and cause serious damage to the city’s infrastructure.

    “Fortunately, this is not new to emergency responders in New York City,” Mayfield said. - For 20 years now they have been constantly working with National Directorate Ocean and Atmospheric Research to develop a response plan in the event of such a disaster.”

    According to Mayfield, there is no doubt that a hurricane will come to the city sooner or later, it is only a matter of time: “They know very well that this will happen. Maybe it will happen this year, maybe next year, maybe in 100 years, but it will happen anyway, and they are preparing for it."

    Mayfield recalled that serious disasters had already occurred in New York in 1938, 1985 and 1991. In 1938, when a hurricane hit Long Island east of Manhattan, the city was flooded - the water level rose by 3-4 meters.
    Then 600 people died, and areas located in coastal zone, serious damage was caused. According to historians, if a hurricane of such force had occurred in 1998, the damage caused to the city would have amounted to $19 billion.
    According to a 1990 study by the Army Corps of Engineers ground forces USA, New York ranks fourth on the list of US cities most vulnerable to hurricanes, but city officials say they are doing everything possible to prepare for the disaster.

    Although it is difficult to imagine what effective measures can be taken when Kennedy International Airport, New York's main airport, is under five meters of water, which is what will happen if New York City is hit by a Category 4 hurricane.
    Eight to 10 hurricanes are expected to hit the East Coast this season, half of which will be quite strong.
    However, forecasting, especially now that the United States is experiencing a 10-year cycle of increased hurricane activity, is a thankless task. In 2005, forecasters predicted 15 hurricanes, but no one expected them to be so strong.

    From the above it is clear how the Pentagon leaders “love” not only all of humanity, but also their citizens.
    The world community needs to understand the threat looming over current civilization, not to mention viral and biogenetic weapons.

    Engineer-hydrographer Mozharovsky G.S.

    America's mobile and compact weapon.

    The HAARP complex in Alaska is the only US Department of Defense facility that has earned an official refutation of rumors that experiments with death rays or mind control are not being conducted there (photo from

    A real aura of mystery has developed around the complex of high-frequency effects on the Earth’s ionosphere, located in Alaska. What exactly is this object? Is it possible to use it to influence the Earth’s climate or hit us with “death rays,” as “lone gunmen” often try to imagine when exposing government conspiracies to hide the truth from the population?

    Alas, despite the fact that sometimes you really want to believe in the craziest plans of scientists, there are no special secrets in the high-frequency active auroral research program (HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). This does not negate the uniqueness of the complex and does not detract from its capabilities for studying the magnetism of the ionosphere and the propagation of radio waves of a certain frequency in it.

    However, to be completely honest, there is still a grain of truth in the chilling rumors about the project and its true purpose.

    HAARP is located 250 kilometers northeast of Anchorage (Figure from Nature magazine).

    Apocalyptic scenarios during the Cold War included the use of atmospheric nuclear weapons that would fill the Earth's ionosphere with killer electrons, disabling all satellites in low Earth orbit. This would, in turn, cause paralysis of the entire system of military communications or at least colossal losses for the “national economy.”

    Of course, today such a doomsday scenario seems a little strange, but then it was taken seriously, and the answer planned by the Americans was no less fantastic: directed radiation into the ionosphere with radio waves of a certain frequency to “knock out” these high-energy killer electrons into open space. And on a planetary scale...

    We would venture to suggest that it is unlikely that the American military managed to achieve its goal, if only because the complex was finally completed only in June 2007.

    In fact, the HAARP project was conceived a long time ago, during the Cold War, when submarines of the USSR and the USA periodically entered into mini-duels during combat duty in the World Ocean. While underwater, the submarines were unable to maintain constant contact with the command, and the US military entrusted the development of deep communication devices to scientists.

    The number of free electrons - the degree of ionization of the atmosphere - becomes significant already at an altitude of 60 kilometers and steadily increases with distance from the Earth. Thus, the ionosphere is a plasma, that is, a fully or partially ionized gas that readily interacts with high-frequency radiation (photo from

    After the idea of ​​​​the possibility of communicating with submarines through the reflection of radio waves by the Earth's ionosphere was confirmed experimentally, astrophysicist Dennis Papadopoulos from the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC took up the development of HAARP.

    HAARP affects the Earth's atmosphere at altitudes from 100 to 350 kilometers (Figure from Nature magazine).

    At the same time, the Pentagon was going to close one of its tracking stations in Alaska, and in the auroral zone - a place ideal for implementing a project to influence the ionosphere. Dr. Papadopoulos, who is now a scientific adviser to the University of Maryland, proposed building the complex there.

    Despite the favorable location of the former military base, an important role in the decision to build the complex, according to scientists, was played by the fact that the then Governor of Alaska Ted Stevens was a very successful lobbyist and achieved funding for the project in order to extend the life of the facility.

    And so, at a press conference dedicated to the start of construction of the station (and this was back in 1990), the aforementioned governor suddenly announced that the installation would “take the energy” of the northern lights and use it for the benefit of humanity. Apparently, inspired by his success in attracting funding, Stevens also felt like an astrophysicist.

    Let us remember that at that time discussions about the American “star wars” program, SDI, were in full swing, and the voices of those who argued that HAARP was part of a missile defense system with fantastic capabilities were very significant. In addition, many were confused by the fact that it was planned to generate ultra-low-frequency radiation at the high-frequency installation.

    High and low frequencies at the same time? Another secret the military is hiding from us? You probably noticed a certain contradiction: ultra-low-frequency radiation is generated in a high-frequency research facility. The fact is that high-frequency radiation, when interacting with the ionosphere at an altitude of about 100 kilometers, is capable of generating ultra-low frequency waves there: from 1 hertz to 20 kilohertz. In the photo: one of the radars included in the HAARP complex (photo from

    All this paved the way for fears, but the final touch was needed. A certain Bernard Eastlund, who worked as a consultant for one of the contractors on the construction of HAARP, proposed a number of developments to the US military that involved using the capabilities of the complex to create a defense shield by influencing the ionosphere and generating microwave radiation there that could destroy Soviet ballistic missiles.

    The idea was jokingly nicknamed the “killer shield,” and the military really became interested in it. Which is not surprising, I must say. But after research group JASON, working in the interests of the American Department of Defense, assessed the project; it was rejected with the wording “nonsense.”

    This is the brief history of rumors about the HAARP project. But the project is truly unique. What is he really like?

    On the territory of the HAARP complex you can find: 360 radio transmitters with a total power of 3.6 megawatts; 180 twenty-meter transmitting antennas on an area of ​​about 14 hectares; five generators with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts (photo from

    Construction of the complex took 20 years and ultimately cost $250 million. The fact is that the military did not have clear plans for its use, and, not yet being built, HAARP constantly changed its place of “registration”, moving from one military institution to another: it was subordinate to the Office of Naval Research (Office of Naval Research), the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Pentagon Research Agency (DARPA). Its potential technical capabilities changed accordingly, and, as they say, “in the process.”

    Although the site is run by the military, an official report from the main construction contractor, BAE Systems, states: “HAARP is a scientific project to study the properties and phenomena in the ionosphere, the main objective of which is to use such phenomena to improve communications and tracking systems, such as military and for civilian needs."

    From a scientific point of view, the project to “heat” the ionosphere makes it possible to study the interaction of ionized atmospheric gas (plasma) and electromagnetic waves. The radiation range of the installation is from 2.8 to 10 megahertz.

    It is worth noting that, despite the “exceptional danger” of HAARP being exaggerated in the press, there are similar projects in many countries, including Russia. The closest in terms of its capabilities is the European complex EISCAT, whose radiation range is from 3.9 to 8 megahertz. Also, according to Nature magazine, a direct competitor American complex is a radar-antenna “constellation” at our Sura training ground near Nizhny Novgorod.

    The European EISCAT includes 3 incoherent scattering radar complexes (photo from

    It turns out that the Americans are “hiding” an open secret from everyone? Almost like that, but not quite. The fact is that of all known installations of this kind, HAARP has the greatest power, as well as the most sophisticated observational optics and diagnostic equipment, including a real observatory located on the territory of the complex. But its most important gem is the electronically controlled phased array radar.

    Although scientific experiments tests were carried out on the complex’s equipment for several years; it was finally put into operation only last year. At this stage, the facility operates for both military and scientific purposes, according to Paul Kossey, HAARP program administrator at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Hanscom. Scientific research is usually carried out over a period of two to three weeks, when the equipment is rented by one or another university.

    In this case, the military future of the project may even be under threat. According to Dr. Papadopoulos, the military no longer needs to transmit low-frequency signals to submarines, at least with the equipment installed at this facility. In this regard, it is too early to assess its research potential and prospects for use.

    The green aurora at an altitude of 100-150 kilometers was caused by directed high-frequency radiation into the ionosphere, and the artificial aurora is “inside” the real one (photo from

    So now we are looking for opportunities to use truly first-class equipment installed at the HAARP site. Supporters of the development of the project on the part of the military proposed using its transmitters “for national security purposes” to scan the underground structures of a potential enemy, but such application options were subsequently assessed by scientists with skepticism.

    Most likely, its high cost plays a significant role in the desire to find a new use for the complex. And it is really impressive, especially if you compare it with the “price tag” on the EISCAT project, the construction of which cost $24 million, that is, ten times less.

    One of the most famous achievements of recent times is the artificial aurora produced using HAARP “powers”. According to the journal Nature, for the first time such an experiment was carried out at EISCAT, but a series of further studies using the unique equipment of the American complex will make it possible to better understand the intricacies of the mechanism of this amazing phenomenon.

    Also among the well-known experiments, we can mention the recent sending of a radio signal to the Moon and receiving a response. But this event, even by the scientists themselves, was held more as a performance for radio amateurs than in the interests of the scientific community.

    Nevertheless, scientists are optimistic about the future. There are plans to develop mechanisms for influencing the ionosphere to protect communication systems and satellites from charged cosmic particles (“multiplying” during solar activity) or the same high-altitude nuclear explosions using directed radio emission, causing so-called whistler waves in the magnetosphere.

    When solar wind particles collide with upper atmosphere ionization and excitation of atoms and molecules of gases that make up its composition occur. The radiation from excited atoms is observed as the aurora. So, scientists are looking for a way to quickly “calm” the ionosphere to eliminate communication interference. This is planned to be achieved by directed radiation in a certain frequency range with the aim of early “removal” of high-energy electrons arising during auroral phenomena (photo from the site

    According to the journal Nature, to create a system of protection against cosmic particles or the consequences of atmospheric nuclear detonations, a completely new complex is still needed, and no one knows whether it will work or not in principle.

    However, research is underway: several experiments have been conducted, including the One Hop project at Stanford University, but they have not yet brought concrete results.

    One of the scientists actively working on HAARP, Dr. Michael Kosch from Lancaster University, says that although he is a foreign citizen and even has to move around the complex with an escort, there are no real problems with access it never happened to him. In the photo: HAARP control center (photo from

    In conclusion, it can be noted that although the development of the HAARP program was not so cloudless, according to many scientists who conduct their research there, the project as a whole was successful. According to Dr. Papadopoulos, the object did not have clear specifics from the very beginning and was not “tailored” for fundamental scientific research, so the results that were obtained are a real success.

    Apparently, as the project further develops, rumors about “death rays” and their effect on the brain will fragmentarily evaporate in the spirit of the Cheshire Cat, leaving us with only a smile and giving rise to the discussion of new, no less fantastic military experiments.