What you need to take for medical school after 9. Best medical colleges

I chose the technical school right away. High reputation and big number star alumni speak for themselves. It is very interesting and prestigious to study; the technical school has an excellent composition of social partners and employers. I plan to continue to study further in my specialty at the University with which TSiT No. 29 cooperates. I'll study in the evening. I have been working in my specialty since my second year. I’m very glad, I studied at TSiT No. 29!

I graduated from college in 2014 and I can confidently say that the level of training here is at top level! Great option for those who do not want to waste time, but want to gain quality knowledge. The college has kind and understanding teachers who found an approach even to me. Thank you for the wonderful time and excellent preparation, my dear and beloved college!

For those who have an internal dilemma about entering this place, and for those who are trying to survive in it...

Disclaimer: Each person's perception is subjective. One, looking into a puddle, sees dirt in it, and the other sees stars reflected in it.

I give Luzhe KMPO 2 stars out of 10 - for the obtained certificates of secondary specialized education and life experience.

The situation is overwhelming, starting from appearance six-story building and steps leading into it with chipped tiles.
It is better to enter the gate to the right, with a barrier - there is less smoke from cigarettes.
The cleaning of the premises was of poor quality, the trash cans were rarely emptied, smoke of dust flew like tumbleweeds, the desks and floors were dirty. Half of the toilets were locked, the rest were often dirty even in the morning, there was no soap, toilet paper- luxury, the dryers could barely breathe, you shouldn’t touch the stall doors - they were always smeared with snot (it’s better to use the toilet on the 2nd floor). On the 4th floor there was a crack in the wall that went from the floor to the ceiling, it seemed that that circus was about to split into pieces. There are wooden benches in the corridors, there were always not enough of them (there is an option to sit in the library, there are several semi-soft ottomans), Wi-Fi was available, but it was not available everywhere. There was an office on the 6th floor where students with their own paper were allowed to print for free.
In winter, the staff smoked on the ground floor near the emergency exit under the stairs in the right wing. It was cold in some places in the corridors and some offices, the radiators only worked partially (warm clothes and a thermos would help). The windows in the corridors did not open; some were broken. There were elevators that were prohibited for use by students. There were cockroaches.
In general, the student population is young, teenagers who left school after the 9th grade. Sometimes students from the academy stopped by.
There were few adequate staff; a nice woman worked in the dining room. It’s better not to go to the first aid station and not to mess with the guards.
Long break from 12:10 to 12:50. Because of the queues and the hungry tension of teenagers, it is better to run to the small dining room (there are good pastries there) 15 minutes before big break, or towards the very end.

1 pair 9:00-10:30
2nd pair 10:40-12:10
3 pair 12:50-14:20
4 pair 14:30-16:00
5 pair 16:10-17:40

Organization of the educational process:
The work of the department - the place where they make the schedule, make inquiries, give out information and have power over the students - is disgusting, probably due to its poor organization or lack of staff.
O.V. Sadovskaya, the deputy of the department, is a separate person; you shouldn’t have any conflicts with her.
Regular all kinds of errors in the schedule, rude attitude towards students, poor quality information. If you are going to solve problems with the help of a department, then take care of this in advance and be patient.

Most have hordes of cockroaches. Think for yourself, will self-confident, highly qualified people, professionals in their field, take up work in a vocational school? There are desperate or altruistic people out there. Teachers are chronically overworked; they are burdened with a large volume of various unnecessary work.
A lot of time from couples will be spent discussing topics not related to studies, as well as on the personal affairs of teachers and their extra work - you will have to constantly be on standby.

Absolutely all educational program rotten, ineffective. Most of the information is outdated: 10% is useful, the rest is water, oceans. During the lectures you will have to rewrite more than one textbook under the dictation of teachers. There are tons of tasks just for show, you will have to type a lot, a lot. Basically, some pretend that they teach, while others pretend that they study.
A significant number of teaching hours were devoted to non-core subjects: physical education, life sciences, history, philosophy, computer science, statistics, English. (If this point is important to you, the English program is very weak).
If you really care about the positive human qualities of teachers and the quality of information, then without the accompaniment of cockroaches you can squeeze out useful information in pairs (core): Nikitina S.V., Kalinkina O.A., Boldyreva A.N., (non-core): Maskarina T.A., Khrapacheva T.K., Zorina E.G.

1) Access to electronic libraries
2) Free access to MS Office
3) Free printer
4) Computers in the library

Duration of training is 2 years.

First year of study:
In the first half of the year, the curriculum consisted mainly of non-core subjects. On a few specialized ones (Economics, management, fundamentals accounting) walked slowly through the material. At the end of the year, tests were taken in non-core subjects (history, philosophy, physical education, life sciences).
In the specialized areas we passed exams and one differentiated test.
In the second half of the year, the curriculum was replenished with specialized subjects. There was an educational practice. The most useful thing, one might say, during the entire study period as a whole, was working in 1C on educational practice.

Second year of study:
Passed mostly
profile objects, the material was driven at the speed of light.
In pairs legal support professional activity there was an opportunity to understand the legislation and work with Word and PowerPoint (you can download it for free using your credentials, most likely they will not tell you about this opportunity).
The greatest “educational burden” fell in the second half of the year:
1) credits/differential credits in the remaining non-core and some core subjects
2) educational practice
3) course work
4) industrial practice
5) examination session
6) pre-graduation practice
7) diploma defense
Teaching practice is sluggish and terribly organized. Place industrial practice better choose for yourself.

Intimidation (practised by some faculty and staff):
1) expulsion for absences and poor performance
2) the formidable uncle director and his deputy
3) the complexity of exams, tests, passing a diploma (they intimidated me like a fool with everything they could. In fact, technically everything went simply and quickly).

There are internal rules followed by staff and students, depending on the number of cockroaches:
Unspoken rules:
1) “silent greeting” with teachers: standing at the desk before the class starts (Like in elementary school)
2) you need to ask for time off to go to the toilet. Leaving is allowed only when necessary; you should not have other personal matters during the couple’s time. (Like in elementary school)
3) gifts for teachers. (Before exams, tests, be prepared to invest in flowers/sweets, + a buffet table before the exam session and diploma. Be prepared for quirks such as buying a microwave or a tea set for the department)
4) the doors of the physical education department are locked with a key during classes. (No one cares about a clear violation of the rules fire safety)
Default rules:
1) outerwear must be handed over to the cloakroom (it is better to pick it up in advance, because during rush hour you are likely to stand in line for about half an hour; or you can put it in a large bag and carry it with you)
2) teachers are prohibited from sending students home a few minutes before the end of classes (even if there is nothing to do, you will wait for a call. Or when the teachers leave for the whole class on personal matters, you will be left waiting in the office)
3) passes must be closed with certificates of good reason, or in advance - statements (in your academic record, this will not cover up the fact of your absence, it will just become your excuse, an alibi. There is a list of absences. They will probably assure you of the dangers of absenteeism and tell you stories about expulsion - but this is all feigned, twisted finger. Be more cunning if you can’t avoid it)

If you feel like a fish out of water in such a system, or you want to go through a survival school, observe different social strata of society, feel the importance of self-education, see how to live and work is not worth it - congratulations, you have found your place!

If you still have doubts after reading this review, then re-read it again, and don’t get into a puddle. Respect yourself and your time.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to enroll in Medical College after 9th grade? Many colleges offer such a training program for those who have completed only 9 grades and wish to acquire a medical specialty.

Nowadays, getting a medical education is quite prestigious. There are no particular differences in the admission rules; they are the same for all schools. The only thing you should not forget about is the priority of the subjects “Chemistry” and “Biology”.

How to get into medical college

Everything is quite simple. Admission takes place in almost the same order as in all other educational institutions. Admission to study requires writing an application for admission directly by the applicant himself in the prescribed form. Documents are due from June 2 to August 1. If there is free places, then you can submit documents on October 1.

Certain documents are required for admission. These include:

A duly completed application.

Applicant's passport.

A document confirming completion of 9th grade (certificate).

6 photographs in passport format – 3*4.

Certificate received from a local clinic in form o86/u.

To obtain such a certificate, you must undergo a commission at the clinic. You need to check with the reception desk about which doctors to see. For foreign citizens wishing to study at a medical college, there is a separate package of documents. In principle it is the same, however, you need to attach a translation of the documents. At the same time, the education received in another state must correspond to the standards of our country.

What information should the application contain? Full name required, exact full date birth, passport details, including by whom and when it was issued, information about previous education, indication of the specialty that the applicant wants to receive upon graduation. If the information that the applicant left was incorrect, then the college has the right to return the documents.

If any deviations were identified by the commission, the college staff warns about the consequences in case of studying at a medical college, and also in some cases have the right to refuse to accept documents. The rules do not prohibit sending an application for admission by mail.

As a rule, these documents are required by all colleges and institutes. But the list of documents can be determined individually by each educational institution and cannot be exhaustive. So, it is possible that the applicant is a beneficiary, of which he provides documentary evidence, or may be a citizen of another country, from whom he will also be required additional documents. That is why such information needs to be clarified directly with the educational institution you are going to enroll in. Of course, the most important document currently is the result of the Unified State Examination.

As mentioned above, colleges accept students after successful completion of basic school. Therefore, exclude the fact that you may have to pass an exam in the Russian language in writing and in biology orally, and for some specialties in chemistry. Requirements for admission to some faculties are becoming stricter, and therefore an exam in mathematics is taken. If you have completed 9 grades, then enrollment will directly depend on how you passed the state final certification.

Having completed 9 grades, you should prepare yourself for the fact that the period of study will be slightly longer than for those who have studied for 11 years. This period is 3 years and 10 months.

But before you enroll, you should start preparing for admission. Almost every school now provides additional courses in one discipline or another. You can also simply hire an outside tutor. And this is very important.

Let's take a closer look at the specialties at the medical college.

First and foremost it is nursing. Those who graduate with such qualifications as “nurse” can work in a variety of medical institutions. The purpose of their activities is to prevent diseases and provide first-aid care.

Medicine. Graduates receive the qualification “paramedic”. For such a specialist, the range of activities is varied. This could be pediatrics, therapy, intensive care, surgery, as well as working in an ambulance. As a rule, the duration of training for a paramedic lasts slightly longer than that of a nurse and midwife, about 4 years. This specialty is one of the most responsible among medical specialties of secondary specialized education.

Orthopedic dentistry. Graduates receive the qualification “dental technician”. The work of such an employee is aimed at making prosthetics. During the training process, students are trained to work on various equipment and various devices used in dental prosthetics.

Laboratory diagnostics. Graduates are awarded the qualification “medical laboratory technician”. Such specialists work in various laboratories. These include biochemical, clinical, and laboratories at blood transfusion points. It is worth noting that it is the laboratory technician who comes to the aid of the doctor when it is necessary to make an accurate and quick diagnosis using computer and other equipment.

Obstetrics. The graduate becomes an obstetrician. They provide various assistance to women during childbirth, accompany pregnancy, and also work with gynecological patients.

Pharmacists. Such workers are especially in demand, because this area is progressing, as more and more pharmacies are opening every day. And as always, there are not enough workers.

Medical College Exams

If you decide to devote your future life medicine is accurate, and the choice fell on medical school as a continuation of post-secondary education, then you need to prepare well for the exams that you need to take when entering college. Usually they are examined in two subjects. This is Russian, which is taken in writing, as well as biology, which is taken orally. However, in certain departments, such as laboratory diagnostics, oral chemistry and written algebra are added.

As mentioned above, for applicants after completing their studies at a basic school, admission depends on the results of the State Examination, and those who have completed 11 grades submit the results of the Unified State Exam.

However, many medical schools give the future student the right to choose between taking entrance exams and receipt by Unified State Exam results or GIA. You need to study for 3 years and 10 months. This period of study is established for those who have completed 9 grades, but the rest study for a year less. Often, medical schools offer preparatory courses that run at the school.

Here materials will be given that can help a future applicant enter this educational institution, where questions for entrance exams will be covered. They vary in duration - from 1 month to 6 months. It is worth noting that the deadlines for filing necessary documents are different. They depend on what you chose: take exams or enroll based on the results of the Unified State Exam or State Examination. Usually, the application for admission immediately indicates what type of admission has been chosen.

If you have chosen to apply for the Unified State Examination and the State Examination, but have not achieved the required number of points, then, as a rule, a second attempt is not granted. Although, of course, every rule has its exceptions. There are certain days for retaking state exams. As elsewhere, there are currently benefits for applicants. Beneficiaries include: disabled children, children who are dependent on a disabled parent, as well as orphans and children from large families, and some other categories. They apply out of competition.

However, the main condition is to pass the entrance exams well. In this case, the benefit must be documented. The supporting document is a certificate either from a medical institution or from authorities social protection or from another local government body.

To enroll you must: choose a medical school and specialty; decide what to do - based on the results of the state examination or take exams; Write an application for admission within the established time frame and attach the necessary documents to it.

Medical professions are the most necessary and humane on earth. Some of them can be obtained not only at a university, but also at a college after completing 9 years of study in a secondary school. How to become a student at a secondary specialized educational organization, from which specialties you can choose - questions that arise for many applicants who want to enroll in medical school. college after 9th grade. They have to be sorted out.

Honey. college after 9th grade: specialties, choice of future profession

If you have already decided to go to college, then first of all you should decide on your specialty. For applicants who have completed 9 grades in a comprehensive school, secondary specialized educational organizations offer the following main areas of training:

  • "Nursing."
  • "Midwifery."


Many applicants upon admission to medical school. College after 9th grade choose the direction of training “Nursing”. During their first and second semesters, students study general education subjects that they would have studied in grades 10 and 11. In the second year, professional disciplines begin to be taught (anatomy, physiology, fundamentals of nursing). In the final years, nursing is studied in specific areas of medicine (pediatrics, surgery).

Graduates of "Nursing" receive the qualification or medical brother. After receiving a diploma, young specialists are employed in clinics, hospitals, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums, schools, and private medical centers.


A very noble, important and most beautiful medical profession is the midwife. Thanks to her, new lives are born. Speaking figuratively, we can say that the midwife has all of humanity in her hands. This profession can be obtained by choosing any honey. college after 9th grade. All educational institutions have a training direction “Midwifery”.

In this specialty in all universities educational process built according to the lecture-seminar format. Students undergo practical training several times during their studies. It is held in antenatal clinics Students also visit regular hospitals and oncology clinics.

Other areas of training

Specialties related to nursing and midwifery are available in every medical secondary specialized educational institution. Some applicants are offered other areas of training, but this depends on the university. Part educational organizations does not have a wide range of specialties, so this is worth taking into account. What additional specialties can be offered? Here is the answer to this question:

Entrance tests and passing scores

A few years ago, it was quite difficult to get into any school. It was necessary to take biology and Russian. Now the conditions for admission to educational institutions have changed. There are no entrance tests for general education subjects (since there are no exams, the question of passing scores becomes irrelevant). The only condition that needs to be fulfilled before entering medical college after 9th grade is to pass the written psychological testing. It allows you to find out whether applicants have physical and psychological qualities, which are simply necessary in medicine.

What traits should be present in a person who wants to devote his life to medicine? Here are the main qualities:

  • affectionateness;
  • tenderness;
  • mercy;
  • compassion;
  • politeness;
  • responsibility;
  • limitless patience.

Collection of necessary documents

When a specialty has been chosen and all questions regarding admission have been clarified, you should begin collecting documents. For admission to medical school. College after 9th grade required:

  • photo cards measuring 3 by 4 cm;
  • an application addressed to the director indicating a specific specialty;
  • original or copy of passport;
  • original or copy of the certificate;
  • certificate of completion of a mandatory medical examination.

Medical colleges are institutions of secondary vocational education that accept graduates of the 9th grade of secondary schools. You can enroll in a medical college after 9th grade either on a budgetary basis or on a paid basis.

The duration of college education upon admission after finishing 9th grade is usually 3 years 10 months. During this time, the college student receives both completed general secondary education and secondary specialized education.

When studying at college, students can receive both specialties corresponding to the average professional level and specialties at the initial professional level. After graduating from college, the graduate receives educational documents. If the college is certified, then the document confirming qualifications will have the form state standard. If the educational institution has not passed certification, the document will be drawn up according to the standards of the educational institution.

List of areas of training and specialties that can be entered after 9th grade

Popular materials


Students who have completed training in the specialty of Midwifery in a basic or advanced program receive the qualification of an obstetrician or midwife. With this qualification, a specialist has the opportunity to provide obstetric and gynecological care in specialized institutions healthcare.

As part of their professional activities, obstetricians deal with:

  • Women at different periods of life;
  • Newborn children;
  • Families at different stages of babies' lives;

Obstetricians gain skills in handling medical records. They also have the skills to work with specialized tools, medications and equipment.

You can undergo training in midwifery through basic or advanced programs. Graduates who have undergone in-depth training can provide high-tech services medical care pregnant women, women in labor and newborns. Another advantage of studying in advanced programs is the opportunity to engage in work on organizing and managing personnel in your field of work. Duration of training for advanced training programs regulatory documents one year longer than in basic programs.

More full information about the specialty obstetrics

Laboratory diagnostics

Training in the specialty Laboratory Diagnostics is possible in basic and advanced training programs. After completing the basic program, students receive the qualification of a medical laboratory technician. Students who complete the advanced program receive the qualification of a medical technologist. Specialists with similar qualifications receive the right to conduct research of a clinical, microbiological, and immunological nature. They have the right to work in healthcare institutions and specialized institutes.

As part of their professional activities, medical technicians and technologists will work with biological materials, objects external environment, food products.

Students who have completed the specialty Laboratory Diagnostics in an advanced program receive the right to conduct high-tech research. They have the right to carry out work to manage the quality level of research.

full description of the specialty Laboratory Diagnostics for 9th grade graduates

Medical and preventive care

Graduates who have received the specialty of medical and preventive care in a basic or advanced program receive the qualification of a sanitary paramedic. As part of their work, sanitary paramedics carry out sanitary and hygienic observations, conduct examinations, and research various factors human habitats. All this work is carried out in order to ensure the proper level of sanitary and epidemiological condition of human habitats.

As part of their professional activities, medical assistants deal with the human environment and the state of public health. To ensure their duties and resolve professional issues, paramedics work with laboratory equipment, special devices and materials. The scope of activity of sanitary paramedics also includes the preparation of relevant documentation.

Medical optics

Students who will study in the specialty of Medical Optics can count on studying in basic or advanced programs. After completing the basic program, the graduate receives the qualification of a medical optician. Graduates who have completed training in an in-depth program receive the qualification of an optometrist. Specialists with these qualifications will be in demand in organizations that provide services for the creation of optical vision correction devices. There is a need for similar personnel in specialized healthcare institutions.

As part of their professional activities, Medical Optics specialists will have to deal with optical vision correction devices. To solve their professional problems, they will use specialized components and devices, as well as auxiliary materials.

Graduates who have completed training in advanced programs receive the right to select vision correction tools and diagnose refractive errors and others complex species works


Applicants entering secondary educational institutions for the specialty of Nursing will receive the qualification of a nurse or brother upon completion of their studies. This qualification is awarded to both students who have completed the basic program and students who have completed the advanced program. As part of their activities, nursing specialists will provide nursing services to the population. Their activities are necessary to preserve and maintain the health of citizens in different periods their lives.

As part of my professional activities nurses and the brothers will deal with patients and their environment. Often these specialists have to work with healthy populations. To provide specialized services, specialists with such qualifications are trained in the use of means of providing medical and diagnostic care, as well as means of prevention and rehabilitation.

Students who have completed advanced programs will have access to organizational functions and to conduct research activities related to nursing.


Graduates of secondary educational institutions with a specialty in Pharmacy receive the qualification of a pharmacist, regardless of whether they studied in an in-depth or basic program. Pharmacists receive the right to work in specialized pharmaceutical organizations and healthcare institutions. Their functionality includes manufacturing medicines, distribution of medicines and goods.

To qualify, students must master information about medicines and raw materials for its production plant origin. As part of their studies, they become familiar with auxiliary materials and special substances. To qualify as a pharmacist, students must master the skills of working with equipment used in the manufacture of medicines, as well as with instruments and equipment intended for pharmacies.

In addition to the issues listed above, the pharmacist’s competence also includes issues related to regulatory support for production, trade and information activities in pharmaceutical organizations. Future pharmacists receive the basics of working with suppliers and consumers.

Graduates who have completed training in advanced programs receive the right to solve problems in the field of organization and management in the field of pharmacy. They can also advise and inform consumers on the provision of pharmaceutical services.

Groups of areas of training and specialties that can be entered only after 11th grade:

  • Medicine
  • Medical massage (for training persons with disabilities vision health)
  • Orthopedic dentistry
  • Preventive dentistry

Many medical workers began their path to the profession by studying at a college or technical school. Having received secondary vocational education, it is easier to enroll and study at a medical institute. If your child dreams of becoming a doctor, then it is for you that we have collected in one article the leading medical colleges of the capital, where you can enroll after 9th grade.

In most colleges, with a certificate of completion of the 9th grade, you can only enroll in the areas of “Nursing” or “Laboratory Diagnostics”. The specialty "General Medicine", "Massage", "Dentistry", "Obstetrics" and others are mainly accepted after the 11th grade. The competition is high, practically as in medical academies. We present to you the top three educational institutions.

Medical College No. 1

It is the leading medical college in the capital. In 2015, the college united many well-known medical colleges in Moscow - medical schools No. 4, 5, 19, medical college named after. S. P. Botkina and others. Educational institution was one of the first to begin multi-stage training of nurses and laboratory diagnosticians. The medical college is a participant in international educational programs,

Recruitment has been announced for 9th grade graduates in the following areas:

  • “Nursing”, 75 budget and 100 paid places are allocated;
  • “Laboratory diagnostics”, 75 budget and 75 paid places are planned.

Applicants who have applied for “Nursing” undergo entrance tests of a psychological nature. All applicants are required to undergo a medical examination. There are preparatory courses. Admission is based on the results of a certificate competition.

Medical College No. 2

The college cooperates with the First Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, so the competition here is very high. In college, some of the courses are taught by university professors.

This year, ninth graders are accepted to full-time training in the field of “Nursing”, 200 budget places have been allocated. All applicants are required to undergo psychological testing. Attending three-month preparatory courses will help increase your chances of admission.

Medical College No. 2 is a partner of well-known foreign medical universities and medical colleges in the USA, Finland, Great Britain, and Canada.

Medical College of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

The college prepares highly qualified nurses, laboratory diagnosticians and paramedics for internal system health care of government agencies. After 9th grade, you can apply to major in Nursing. 100 people will be able to study on the budget. In addition to the main specialty, college students have the opportunity to become a massage therapist (for children, adults), a cosmetologist, and a specialist in physical therapy. Graduates are guaranteed employment.

Where to go to study to become a pharmacist?

After ninth grade, you can apply to become a pharmacist; this is a sought-after and well-paid profession. True, getting an education is not easy, since there is practically no place to study. The fact is that several years ago Moscow pharmacy college became part of Medical College No. 6, but enrollment in this area is not conducted there at all. In some places, the Pharmacy budget areas have been preserved - for example, in the Moscow State Educational Complex (Western Administrative District).

On this moment There is only one specialized college in Moscow - the New Knowledge College of Pharmacy. This is a private college, so there is a tuition fee, but the cost is quite reasonable. If you meet a number of conditions, you can get a significant discount. The college cooperates with famous medical universities. Graduates are guaranteed to find work in metropolitan pharmacies.