Alena what does it mean. The name Alena in different languages ​​of the world


According to the main version, the name Alena comes from the Greek word, translated meaning “torch”. Thus, apparently, the name Alena is purely Greek. But there is a second version of its origin, according to which it may have roots in Hebrew culture and come from a word translated as “oak.”

The female name Alena is found quite often today in countries former USSR, like many old names, which is not surprising, because it sounds beautiful and has quite good significance. Well, below we will talk in more detail about the issue of significance, and touch on the topic of the influence of the zodiac...

Popularity: Female Russian name Alena occupies 23-24 positions in the ranking of popular female names and accounts for no less than 12 girls out of a thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Lena, Lenochka, Lenusha

Modern English analogues: Olena, Olena, Helen

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Alena can give the bearer a whole list of good qualities. Usually Alena is the owner of such qualities as openness, cheerfulness, sociability, stubbornness, determination, charm, sociability, positive attitude, optimism and restraint.

The main advantage is good nature. She is not created for deception or betrayal, and she does not know how to hide her feelings. He will never lie, deceive, or pursue selfish goals in communicating with this or that person. It's nice to talk to such a girl. She can be trusted. And with age, she also becomes very reasonable...

Advantages and positive traits: positive attitude, hard work, dedication, always achieves set goals and never resorts to tricks, acts only according to conscience and is guided by common sense in making important decisions.

Alena treats him badly selfish and cunning, as well as negative and pessimistic people, injustice, lies, exaggerations, rash actions and insecure individuals.

There is an opinion that the name Alena has very strong energy and can give rise to traits in a girl that did not belong to any of her parents.

Character of the name Alena

The nature of the name Alena is such that it gives the bearer of this name a lot of good character istik. Usually the character named in this way, as mentioned earlier, is overcrowded leadership qualities. Alena is the owner of such willpower that one can only envy, a potential boss and leader, capable of achieving incredible results in any business. At the same time, this girl’s character is not always able to get along with people with similar traits - her demandingness towards people and the simultaneous fear of competition often leads to the fact that in her environment there are exclusively weak-willed and controllable people. But there is another side of the coin - the character of the girl, called the personal variation of Alain, is such that it promises her success, luck, determination and planning, and this, whatever one may say, can bring its own, rather desirable fruits...

On the other hand, the nature of the name is one of the most theoretical parameters, and in many ways it depends on a bunch of additional factors, including parental upbringing, the influence of the zodiac sign and even the season...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the girl named Alena is crowded good times, which is not surprising, because the meaning of this name usually endows the bearer with a good character and a bunch of important characteristics, including the gift of leadership, and emotionality, and activity, and energy, and goodwill, and cheerfulness, and mobility. The girl who is protected by the meaning of the name Alena has quite a lot of good qualities, and all of them arise in childhood, at the moment of the greatest impact of significance, but many excellent qualities are added as she grows up. As for childhood specifically, everything is simple here - firstly, Alena is a very active and active child, never bored or sitting still, secondly, she is purposeful and always achieves the goal set for her, whether it is set by her parents, or by herself, and thirdly, in childhood she may have incredible willpower that contributes to her fast learning any business. Which in turn affects everyone without exception. Plus, Alena, who is protected by the meaning of this name, is a very sociable child, this girl has many friends and comrades, and it is almost impossible to catch her alone.


A teenage girl, for whom her parents at birth decided to choose the female name Alena, has no less advantages. By nature she remains a leader and ringleader, always in first place, doesn’t let anyone get ahead of her and is ready to take on a ton of responsibility - she has a lot of friends and like-minded people, but there is one drawback. This disadvantage lies in the fact that she will never allow into her social circle a person who has a chance of becoming her competitor in terms of leadership. A girl who has reached adolescence, and is protected by such a parameter as the meaning of the name Alena, is a person with incredible willpower, self-confident, persistent, persistent, respectable and friendly. She is ready to take responsibility and be responsible for the people around her, she is ready to give her one hundred percent in the matter, but she is not ready to give in. Alena does not tolerate criticism and teaching, does not like selfish people, and most of all despises those prone to betrayal and deception. As for school, everything is very simple here - she can study well and even become the favorite of teachers, because she has all the data for this. The meaning endows her with excellent organizational skills, responsibility, commitment, diligence and determination - but all this may conflict with her femininity and desire to be a good girl. In the future, problems may begin to arise, but mainly in communication with men...

Adult woman

A girl named by the name form Alena and who has already reached maturity may exhibit many shortcomings at this stage. The main ones are such traits as stubbornness, persistence, perseverance, uncompromisingness, integrity, straightforwardness and aggressiveness. The latter only manifests itself in moments when someone tries, even if not on purpose, to hurt her dignity and self-esteem. Adult Alena loves to dominate the weak, but in return weak people gives what many crave - her protection, her willingness to help in difficult times, and the desire to be human, to take responsibility for the mistakes those people made. Actually, Alena good man in its essence - meaning endows her not only with leadership abilities, but also with conscientiousness, justice, and kindness, which in turn simply cannot but be appreciated. The only one negative point is that the girl who is protected by the meaning of the name Alena usually has big problems in his personal life, but this is not surprising, because not every man is able to withstand such an assertive, strong, self-possessed and self-confident woman next to him.

The interaction of Alain's character with the seasons

Winter - here the meaning of the season gives birth to the bearer of the name Alena, persistent and straightforward, principled and persistent. Such a joke is bad - she can easily see through lies and sycophancy, and especially does not like the latter very much. This is a demanding girl, ready to endlessly search for truly faithful friends. It’s the same in choosing a soul mate - he won’t love the first sucker he comes across and will look for a prince.

Summer - these girls are generally ambitious, calculating in nature, but too envious, and this is the main disadvantage. It is envy that will prevent such a person from achieving success in her career, and therefore it is not surprising if already in middle age she gives herself up headlong to family life. Everything is bad with friends, but she won’t need them if she finds someone who will charm her and love her.

Autumn - Alen brings practical and intelligent, comprehensively developed, far-sighted and scrupulous, decisive people into this world. She always makes decisions on her own, will never accept anyone’s opinion, and will never give up her position in proving that she is right. But there is a thirst for justice and an excellent character - you won’t get lies and deceit from such a person.

Spring - at this time, someone is born who will have stubbornness, prudence, selfishness and an incredible craving for material wealth. It is difficult to build a family life with such a person - its goal is power and money, but not to build strong couple. That is why such people remain lonely until the deadline, unable to justify their noble origins.

The fate of the name Alena

The fate of a name is the most theoretical parameter of all existing ones. He is able to determine the possible fate of the bearer of the name Alena in relationships with the opposite sex, in love and in marriage. But at the same time, it is worth noting its inaccuracy and the fact that often theoretical data, which is fate as such and its definition, do not coincide with reality...

However, there are several factors that even modern, advanced researchers believe in. They say that the fate of the name Alena can reward the bearer of this name form with a difficult fate in terms of her personal life, and the reason is in her character. She is a leader and a confident person who loves to dominate, surrounds herself with people who need her dominance, but wants to see next to her an equally strong but compliant man, and it’s rare to strong man was compliant. That is. In fact, fate may lead her to create a couple with a very difficult future.

On the other hand, fate is such that it can turn the owner of the name Alena into the perfect wife and mother. Such a woman will gladly take on both female and male responsibilities, and at the same time will never cease to be an exemplary mother and at the same time a leader.

Love and marriage

All Alenas, without exception, take relationships extremely seriously and responsibly. These are the girls who want strong and long-lasting relationships, monotony and constancy in love, and not the other way around. That is why all of Alain’s relationships usually last longer than those of other girls. The situation is exactly the same with marriage - or even more serious.

The fact is that marriage for Alena is not just a stamp in a passport and a legalized relationship. For her, marriage is, first of all, a sign that she has found her soul mate, a person destined by fate. That is why she will be looking for a man to play her husband for a very long time, choosing from a bunch of admirers (Alain always has enough of them). She will only bow to a man who will meet all her even the most unrealistic criteria.

She will only be happy in marriage with a brutal, tough, demanding, but at the same time restrained and not too emotional man. He must respect her opinion, support her in all endeavors, help her and please her in every possible way. She will give the same thing in return, and perhaps more...

Alena as Mother

It's hard to say what kind of mother Alena will become. On the one hand, these are, for the most part, very responsible, punctual, obligatory and serious girls who treat any task with the utmost responsibility. This means that Alena will treat the child responsibly. But on the other hand, Alena values ​​her freedom, independence and personal space too much. But a child can be deprived of all this...

Only her husband can make sure that Alena is happy and at the same time a responsible mother. He should give her a break from motherhood and maternal responsibilities more often. In response, she will increasingly want to experience everything that mothers experience. Hence maternal love, attention to the child, and care.

An example, a role model, can also provoke Alena to love maternal responsibilities. One has only to slightly offend Alena’s dignity by citing some “ideal mommy” as an example, and she will immediately begin to try to become even better.

Compatibility with male names

The issue of compatibility of the name Alena with male names has long been revealed by researchers in this field. Thus, today we know several important facts, namely...

The best combination of destinies and characters in terms of feelings is established with such people as Akim, Gabriel, Kazimir, Laurus, Ostap, Taras.

A lasting marriage can be achieved with Fedor, Pankrat, Igor, Laurus, Julius and Ermolai.

The name Alena means “sunny”, “spiritualizing”.

Origin of the name

Alena is a female Russian name of ancient Greek origin. There are many versions of the origin of this name. According to the main one, the name Alena is translated from ancient Greek as “shining”, “sunny”, “attractive”, “spiritualizing”. In addition, the origin of the name Alena is associated with the name Elena, as its non-church, folk version. Also, some researchers indicate that the name Alena is a female version of the European name Alan.

Characteristics of the name


As a child, Alena loved fairy tales. But not only listen or read. The girl often imagines herself as the heroine of these fairy tales, which, of course, develops her imagination and enriches her inner world. Alena is growing a little a withdrawn child, which is revealed only in a well-known team. She is a kind girl who can pick up an abandoned kitten on the street, but she is not strong enough to prevent her parents from throwing it back into the street.

In her youth, Alena at first glance seems shy and withdrawn. But upon closer acquaintance, it is clear that the girl is friendly and cheerful. She is an optimist and a big dreamer.


Always has his own opinion on different things and events. Thanks to this, she notices all the details and subtleties of any matter, drawing the right conclusions for herself.

Alena is often called a person of mood. If you offend her, the girl withdraws into herself for a long time. But sometimes one word is enough to bring her back good mood and the same friendliness.

Alena loves to change her environment and travel. Monotony tires her and makes her bored. Alena's kind and open character does not accept envy or vindictiveness.


She is interested in many specialties, but the professions closest to her are psychology, philosophy, design, archeology, and economics.

Personal life

Quite often, Alena does not combine career and family, but chooses one or the other. She attracts men with her charm and femininity. At the same time, the girl is well versed in men, which often allows her to choose the right spouse. Housekeeping and everyday life are not very attractive to Alena. She prefers to spend free time in a cinema, museum. But, at the same time, her home is always orderly and comfortable.

Name compatibility

The name Alena goes well with the patronymics Viktorovna, Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Andreevna, Anatolyevna, Yuryevna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Dmitry, Igor, Andrey, Konstantin, Roman, Zakhar, Stanislav.

Name day

Alena's Orthodox name day:

  • January – 28;
  • June - 3, 8;
  • July – 24;
  • November – 12.

Famous people

Most famous people with the name Alena: Alena Arzamasskaya, Alena Sidko, Alena Khomich, Alena Egorova, Alena Sviridova, Alena Akhmadullina.

What forces us to consider the name Alena separately from Elena is the fact that many parents, and Alena themselves, choose just such a variation of this name, and, in fact, they are right, because, as it turned out, Elena and Alena are two completely different names, with different origins and influence on its owner. So, Alena is not at all a diminutive form of the name Elena, but an independent name that goes back to pagan Rus'(there is also an assumption that it could come from the name of the Alan tribe that inhabited the current territory of Ossetia).

Characteristics of the name Alena

Alena has long been associated with something sunny, beautiful and kind, and it is not without reason that the main heroines of many Russian fairy tales bore this very name. However, Alen’s character is not always as radiant as the phonosemantics of this name. Contrary to the feeling that a girl with that name should sit at home, babysit children and bake pies, in real life Alenas are very adventurous, fearless and changeable (in the sense that they easily change their character to suit a specific person).

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

Who might suit such a difficult name? It would be best to call Alena girl, born under zodiac signs Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, because in each of these signs there is something inherent and close to Alena’s character. Just like Aries, Alena is subject to constant nervous tension, which from time to time splashes out on the people around her. Just like Leo, Alena is energetic, self-confident, has inner rod and painfully endures failures. And just like Sagittarius, Alena never sits still, she loves to travel, seeks and always finds adventures.

Pros and cons of the name Alena

The strengths of this name are its beauty, simplicity, traditionalism, as well as the rather good character of Alyon, who can win over any person with their cheerfulness and goodwill. Regarding weaknesses this name, then it should be taken into account that over the past centuries the names Alena and Elena have become so intertwined that a woman with the name Alena cannot avoid all sorts of confusion. It is precisely because this name is Old Russian that it was not included in the list of Orthodox names, so at baptism Alena’s parents will have to choose a middle name for their daughter. In addition, the combination of the name Alena with many common patronymics sounds somewhat strange, so do not be surprised if, again, many people try to “make sense” of you by pronouncing the patronymic name “correctly”.


If parents are not afraid of such little things, then it will be important for them to know that Alena usually has rather poor health. Special attention should be addressed to the spine, intestines and kidneys; sometimes owners of this name may experience mild nervous disorders.

Love and family relationships

Regarding family relations, then Alenas are often simply ideal wives and mothers. The charming Alena's choice of life partner is always rich, but she chooses a man with strong character and the attitude of the patron. Alena holds her husband with affection, which, along with optimism, she has shown for many years.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Alenas choose a wide variety of occupations: from archeology to economics, and all thanks to the fact that the owners of this name very often change preferences, work and hobbies. They don’t need to study much; they pick up everything new on the fly. Often Alena can do a little bit of everything and achieve success in all endeavors. She is hardworking and active, which, combined with the qualities of a good housewife, makes her practically the standard of a modern woman.

IN this material you will find information about the meaning male name Alik, his origin, history, learn about the options for interpreting the name.

Origin and meaning of the name Alena

The name Alena has several versions of its origin. The most commonly used version is that it is derived from female name Helen, which has Greek roots and means “light” or “radiance.” Another version indicates Ancient Rus' where it existed pagan goddess morning dawn. And the name was interpreted as sunny, beautiful, scarlet, chosen. There are other options for translating this name from Old Russian language– bewitching, attractive, spiritual.

There is an opinion that the name Alena came to Rus' from the ancient Caucasian tribes who called themselves Alans and are now considered the founders of Ossetia.

Interestingly, this name has translations from different languages ​​and is quite beautiful. So from Yakut it is translated as “rain rustling on the river.” From Hebrew it means “oak”, in Greek it means “torch”. Translation from Belarusian is “scarlet flower”.

Love named Alena

Alena associates this feeling with sympathy and sacrifice. Possessing great charm, many men like her madly, but she reciprocates only when she is sure that he needs her support and compassion. She has many fans, she is a very amorous person, but she is looking for a man who would respect her, have enormous authority in her eyes, and then she will give him not only her body, but also her soul. She values ​​spiritual fusion more than physical fusion, therefore she does not respond so passionately to love, which for her is rather sacrificial, and in return she expects the same.

Sexuality of the name Alena

Despite her high sexual potential, Alena often does not receive satisfaction in sex for fear of being misunderstood. The rules of decency and lack of imagination put her in strict restrictive limits, preventing her from receiving full pleasure from sexual relations. But such dissatisfaction accumulates and sooner or later an explosion occurs when the partner simply does not always recognize such a reserved and cold Alena. Alena approaches the choice of a partner carefully and prudently. She will never allow anything unnecessary with the first person she meets. Before you start intimate relationships, she thoroughly recognizes the candidate for her bed. Being married, she can afford a couple of short affairs on the side, out of a desire to prove her worth as a still young and attractive person.

Marriage and family named Alena

Having found a man who will love, respect and appreciate her, Alena becomes a good, caring mother, wife and housewife. She has order, peace and comfort in her house, and despite her dislike for culinary delights, the family is always fed tasty and satisfying food. She does not demand anything impossible from her husband; she can make do with what she has. More immersed in her emotional experiences, Alena pays little attention to everyday troubles.

Business and career

This woman can find herself in the role wonderful leader, albeit too demanding, an actress, translator or artist. She has an excellent ability to quickly find and make decisions in any given situation. But he hates bureaucratic red tape, chaos and boring routine work.

The meaning of the name Alena in character

While still a very little girl, Alena already has her own own opinion and demands that those around him take him into account. But otherwise, she is quite calm and kind child. The baby gets along well with all her peers, which cannot be said about the girl who goes by the name Elena. Alena has been a big flirt since a young age and loves to dress up in her mother’s clothes. Despite the fact that she has a kind character, she has her own independent judgments, which she largely copies from her father. Parents have to make a lot of effort to convince little Alena. Regarding the girl’s health, parents do not often have to consult doctors. In many ways, she is helped by the desire to spend her holidays actively, on the street.

Teen Alena

The girl has no problems at school. Having a good memory, she grasps everything on the fly and this can lead to the fact that Alena will not be able to understand things on her own in the future. educational material. By the way, this is where parents’ help comes in handy. At school, there may be disagreements with peers or teachers, since this child has his own clear idea of ​​everything, and it is very difficult to convince him. She seeks to impose her vision on everyone, without listening to counter arguments. But basically, Alena is a cheerful and sociable girl, she knows how to quickly establish contacts with the most by different people, doesn't like to be bored. But it happens that her mood changes sharply and she withdraws into herself.

However, despite her open and cheerful character, she, without realizing it, skillfully manipulates people. But for her this is a natural process, she has become accustomed to it from an early age. Only those closest to her know what Alena really is like. Although she does not show it, deep down in her nature she considers herself better than everyone else, so she often feels envious of other people’s successes.

When becoming a girl, Alena can gain a lot of weight, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. It is important not to miss the moment and follow the doctor’s advice.

The meaning of the name Alena for you will depend on the version of the origin of the name that you choose. But read on about the versions of the origin and meaning of the name.

The most popular version of the origin of the name Alena is considered to be the version of the origin of the name Alena from the name Elena. According to this version, Alena is one of the popular forms of the name, which has become an independent name. Fans of this version believe that the meaning of the name Alena is " sunlight" or " sunbeam" , just like the name Elena. These are not all versions of the meaning of the name Elena. You can view other versions by following the link.

There is a version that the name Alena is also a name pre-Christian Rus' and it is connected with the name of one of the tribes, the Alan tribe. This tribe lived on the territory of modern Ossetia. Until now, Ossetia is often called Alania. The Slavic tribes that inhabited Rus' and the Alans were in active contact, and this is how the name Alena appeared.

The name Alena is also a derivative form of the names Madeleine and Alina.

The meaning of the name Alena for a girl

A girl named Alena is a wonderful, calm child. She communicates well with other children and gets along with them quite easily. common language, which is a little different from Elena. The girl is kind and sympathetic, she has been very feminine since childhood. Despite all her innate femininity and coquetry, the girl’s character is more like her father. She has a fairly independent character, so you will have to learn to make quality arguments in order to convince the girl.

The girl studies well. Alena has a remarkable ability to quickly remember everything, but this leaves a certain imprint. Alena gets used to gaining knowledge without making any effort. If for some reason she falls behind the program, then self-study the material turns into flour for her. The help of parents and loved ones will be very helpful here.

The girl's health will, for the most part, please her parents. Alena loves to spend time actively, which has a positive effect on her health. IN adolescence she may have weight problems. During this period of hormonal changes, it is better to be careful with the child’s health. In any case, if there is a sudden change in body weight, seek professional help.

Short name Alena

Lena, Alya, Elya, Anya.

Diminutive pet names

Alyonka, Alyonushka, Alyonchik, Alyonochka, Lenochka, Lenchik, Lenusya, Elichka.

Name Alena in English

If we assume that the names Alena and Elena are identical, then the name Alena is English will be Helen, Elen, Ellen or Helena. If we consider that this is a completely independent name, then it needs to be transliterated. Transliteration of the name Alena is ALENA.

Name Alena for international passport, according to the rules of machine transliteration - ALENA.

Translation of the name Alena into other languages

Unfortunately, the name has very little distribution in other languages, so the name Alena just needs to be transliterated into the required language.

Church name Alena(V Orthodox faith) - Elena. This is one of the facts indicating the origin of the name Alena from the name Elena.

Characteristics of the name Alena

Since childhood, Alena has had her own opinion on every issue. She loves to prove that she is right, but she cannot stand listening to counter arguments. She is mostly cheerful and enjoys life every second. At the same time, she is prone to sudden changes in mood for no apparent reason. She may remember something unpleasant and immediately withdraw into herself, although just a minute ago she was happy and laughing. He loves to have fun and hates boredom.

Finding a common language, and even more precisely, making people like her is Alena’s talent. If she learns to also earn money from this talent, she will be able to combine her hobby and work. Alena easily establishes contact with strangers and finds general topics for interaction. She has a clear ability to separate work space and personal space. This allows Alena to remove her negative character traits from prying eyes and seem better.

Family is very important for Alena, but in her specific understanding. The man next to her should emphasize her success. This life approach Alena rarely changes, even after the birth of children. Alena knows how to please the opposite sex and uses it successfully. She always has many admirers and she loves when there is a choice. Alena loves her children, although in her youth she devotes little time to them.

The secret of the name Alena

Alena’s secret is that he is a born manipulator. She very skillfully achieves her goal. For Alena herself, this feature is also mostly a secret. She has been able to manipulate since childhood and considers this natural behavior. That is, she exploits people's weaknesses without thinking about it.

It’s fashionable to call Alena’s second secret her envy. She treats herself like a princess. Alena should have all the best. If someone is doing better, don’t expect sincere joy from Alena. She has a hard time with other people's success.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Aries or Leo.

Totem animal- Scarab.

Name color- Yellow and red.

Tree- Cherry.

Plant- Lavender.

Stone- Diamond.