Stories about the wind for children. Good fairy tales

GOOD TALES ABOUT THE WIND Let's look at the wind through the eyes of a storyteller-creator! And we will see in it something amazingly beautiful and interesting that many are not given the opportunity to see.... Let's listen and play.... 1. A good fairy tale - a dramatization for kids “Where does the wind live? “The stupid Calf kept thinking about the wind: “Where does it hide when it’s not there?” The Calf looked into the dog's house and into the beehive, and then went to the meadow. I searched there and searched and suddenly I accidentally touched the bell with my foot. “Ding-ding-ding,” the bell rang, and the Calf understood everything: there, in the blue bell, the wind was hiding. "I found you! Come out, wind! - the Calf was happy. And the wind in the bell laughed: “Ding-ding-ding.” 2. Fairy tale - opening “The Tale of the Wind” Once upon a time there was a wind. At first I lived well and had fun. The time was hot, and therefore everyone and everywhere rejoiced at the wind... The wind will blow from the field and bring the aroma of hot ears. People are happy. The wind blows from the meadow and the smell of cut grass flies in. People are happy again. Well, if the wind brings moist, salty coolness from the sea, people are happy, they couldn’t be happier. The wind could do many things. He knew how to turn the pages of books. True, not always in the right direction. He could dry washed clothes as well as the sun. He also knew how to inflate the sail of a boat and drive it along blue sea. Everything worked out well for the wind. And therefore, if sometimes he slammed the windows too loudly, no one was offended by him. After all, what would people do in a hot summer without a good, fresh wind! That's how it was in the summer. But then autumn came. Cold, angry autumn. The sky was covered with gray-gray clouds. The rain poured down heavily. Everyone hid at home. And people, and cats, and dogs, and hares, and wolves. But the wind remained outside. He wasn't at home. The wind was left in the cold rain without a roof. He flew through the cold forest among the fallen trees without a single leaf. The wind flew in a field, in a gray field, without a single warm yellow spikelet. Flying over the cold sea. The sea was not blue like in summer, but gray like autumn rain. The chilly wind flew and flew, and the faster it flew, the colder it became. The wind completely froze. And people hid in warm houses. “I’ll ask people to let me into the house to warm myself,” the wind decided. The wind flew up to beautiful home, knocked on the window. - Let me in, please! It's me, the wind! We were friends in the summer, but now I'm cold. But people closed the frames more tightly and moved away from the windows. “They didn’t recognize me,” thought the wind. He knocked on the window again, again complained about the autumn cold and rain, and again asked to be allowed into the house to warm up. But people did not understand the words of the wind. It seemed to them that he was just humming outside the windows. People did not know the language of the wind. Instead of opening the windows and letting the wind warm them, people put in second frames. - What bad weather! What rain! - people said. - What a cold wind! “I’m not cold,” the wind cried, “I’m frozen.” But people didn't understand him. Suddenly someone called out to the wind. The words either rang like sharp, cold pieces of ice, or seemed soft and warm, like blankets of snow. Of course, it was the voice of winter. “Wind,” said winter, “don’t cry, wind!” I'll give you a cape made of snowflakes. Light, beautiful, warm. You'll warm up quickly. And winter threw a cape of beautiful snowflakes to the wind. The wind tried on the cape and was very pleased. She really was warm and beautiful. When people looked out the windows, they saw the wind in the snow cape and did not recognize it, it had become so beautiful. “Beautiful blizzard,” they said. “Beautiful blizzard!” And the wind flew through snowy forest, waved his beautiful cape of snowflakes, and he was a little offended. That’s why the wind was offended because it was not the wind that people rejoiced at, but the beautiful blizzard. But that's okay. Someday winter will end. The beautiful snow cape of the wind will melt. A hot summer will come, and people will again wait for it, for the fresh wind. They will rejoice at him, the good wind (text of the fairy tale by Natalya Abramtseva) 3. The Sun and the Wind (based on Aesop’s fable), K.D. Ushinsky Once upon a time the Sun and the Angry North wind started a dispute about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength against the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road. “Look,” said the Wind, “how I’ll fly at him: I’ll instantly tear off his cloak.” He said, and began to blow as hard as he could. But the more the Wind tried, the tighter the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled about the bad weather, but rode further and further. The wind became angry, fierce, and showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; Cursing the Wind, the traveler put his cloak into the sleeves and tied it with a belt. At this point the Wind himself became convinced that he could not pull off his cloak. The sun, seeing the powerlessness of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler. Feeling the warmth sun rays , he perked up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak himself, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle. “You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with affection and kindness than with anger.” 4. Sun, frost and wind (Latvian fairy tale) This happened in ancient times. The sun, the frost and the wind walked along the same path and carried on a conversation among themselves. The sun says: - I am stronger than both of you. Frost answers: - No, I am stronger. They understand that it is easy for the strong to live in the world: wherever he goes, everyone is afraid of him. But how do you know which of them is the strongest? They go, go and meet a person. Seeing the travelers, the man took off his hat, bowed and moved on. But before he had time to leave, the three called him back: they wanted to know who the man bowed to. Not all three? So they ask him: “Tell me, man, the truth: which of the three of us did you bow to?” Not all three at once? The man thought and thought, but didn’t know what to answer. If you say “to all three” - God knows whether it will be okay? If you say “to one,” you don’t know who: the sun can burn you, the frost can freeze you, and the wind can dry out the earth. The man thought: “Isn’t it better to say that I bowed to the wind? No matter how hard the sun burns, the wind will blow and it will be fresher. No matter how cold it is, the wind will blow from the south, and it will get warmer. He thought it over and said: “I bowed to the wind.” The sun didn’t like this, it threatens the man: “You will also remember that the wind was more kind to you than me.” And the wind consoles the person and says: “Don’t be afraid of the sun or the frost.” If they start to offend you, remember me. In the summer, the sun decided to take revenge on man and let its rays shine as long as it was hot. The man became so hot that he didn’t know where to go: there was no coolness either in the yard or in the hut, even save yourself in the water! How long can you sit in the water? Then the man remembered the wind and said: “If only the breeze would blow!” It wouldn't be so hot. The wind was right there - it blew from the north, and it immediately became cooler. The man got back to work, and the sun had to admit that the wind was stronger than him. In winter, the frost decided to take revenge on the man and sent such a cold that the man even wrapped himself in a fur coat in the hut. Again the man remembered the wind and said: “If only the wind would blow and drive the clouds, the frost would ease.” At the same hour, a wind blew from the south, swirled a snow blizzard, frost and felt better. The man left the house and began to get ready for the forest. Then the frost realized that the wind was stronger than him, that he could not compete with him. And the man calmly went into the forest to collect firewood. The wind met the sun and said to him: “He is stronger who does not boast of strength.” Only in reality you can see who has more power. What to discuss with children while reading these fairy tales? How to play a fairy tale? Read the article on our website "Native Path"

The wind is powerful, strong, all-pervasive, sometimes sad and quiet. He, like everyone else, wants to talk to a friend. But once upon a time he didn’t have a friend...

"How the Wind Was Looking for a Friend"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

The wind was severe that season. "Why don't I have friends?" - the Wind muttered. The Moon is friends with the Stars, Cloud with Rain, Pisces with Water. Only I don't have a friend.

The Wind sat down on a hillock and became sad. He looks and there is a flower standing next to it, and it seems to be quietly waving at it. The Wind took a closer look at the flower. Large red petals, thin stem, leaves pressed to the flower.

- What's your name, flower?

“My name is Anemone,” answered the plant. The Wind was very surprised. The name Anemone reminded the Wind of his own name.

“We live in the buttercup family,” answered Windflower. “And they called us that because when there is little wind, we begin to tremble, our flowers on thin stems sway even from weak gusts.

The wind sensed a kindred spirit in Vetrenitsa.

“Let’s be friends,” suggested the Wind.

Anemone was delighted, because she so liked to sway beautifully from the gentle blow of the Wind. And most importantly, she also wanted to have a friend!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale about the Wind

Did the Wind have many friends?

How did the Wind meet the flower?

What was the name of the flower?

For what reason was the flower called Anemone?

Do you think the friendship between Wind and Anemone will be strong?

Somewhere, once upon a time, there lived a king and he had a son and a daughter. Oh, what a couple they were. The boy is like a red sun, and the girl is like a clear dawn! How a brother and sister will walk hand in hand through the garden, a consolation for the old father, a sight for sore eyes for the whole world!

Once the king and his daughter went for a ride, but a whirlwind hit them, and the princess disappeared from the carriage!

The king screams, looks around, but there is already no trace of her. The king sent servants to all corners, they are scouring the country, the princess, like looking for a needle in a haystack, cannot be found anywhere.

The king was sunbathing, crying, lamenting. And his son says to him:

- Oh, father, and I have a stone in my heart. But don’t kill yourself, don’t lose hope. I’ll go look for my sister myself, maybe I’ll find her somewhere!

The king blessed his son, gave him weapons, and packed him for the journey.

The prince walks through the mountains, through the valleys, calling his sister, asking everyone he meets if anyone has seen or heard? But I haven’t heard or heard anything about my sister.

I walked and walked through the mountains, through the valleys and finally got to big lake, and there is a flock of ducks swimming. He pulled the gun off his shoulder and took aim at the biggest one.

- Stop, good fellow, stop! Don't kill me, I'll still be useful to you! the duck shouts to him. “I know where you’re going!” Go this way: your sister is in the castle at the Wind.

The prince was surprised, hung the gun on his shoulder and walked on. He walks and wanders, suddenly a large anthill stands in his way and prevents him from passing. The prince began to stir it. The ants started running around, got worried, then a big ant with wings crawls out and says: “Don’t destroy my palace, good fellow!” Go around it on the right side, and I’ll still be useful to you!

The prince smiled at such speeches and left the anthill standing in place.

He walked and walked and reached the dense forest thickets. So confused that he doesn't know where to go. He sees a path, and even that dry stump is overgrown, and that stump is full of bees. The prince pulled out a sharp sword and wants to chop the stump, but then the queen bee comes out.

“Don’t touch my house, good fellow, go around it on the right side, and I will serve you.”

The prince obeyed, walked around the stump and began to pave his way further. He finally made his way through the thicket and saw a tall castle standing on a bare peak.

- Well, thank God, I finally got there! – he sighed and began to climb the mountain. No such luck, a black whirlwind flew at him and knocked him off his feet. The prince crawled on all fours along the hard grass and with great difficulty found himself at the top. He went up to the lock, knocked, but no one answered. He enters the chambers, some, some - no one. And only in the third he sees - godfather Wind, the king of the winds, sits, blowing out the window with all his might.

The King of the Winds turned to the prince and said:

- Welcome, son-in-law, welcome!

And he, without delay, gets to work - he demands his stolen sister back.

“Look, you’re so nimble,” the Wind answers him. - Wait, don’t rush! Now you are in my power! - picked him up and Coast transferred He took the ring off his finger and threw it into the middle of the sea.

“If you bring me this ring by morning, I’ll give you my sister, but if you can’t, go back where you came from!”

Our prince is frozen, unable to say a word from fear. The King of the Winds laughed and soared into the air, only managing to shout, “I’ll see you in the morning!”

The prince wanders along the seashore, grieving. Suddenly a duck flies to him:

“Hey,” he shouts, “brother, don’t be sad, go to bed.” You gave me life. And I will help you. I'll bring you this ring!

At dawn the prince wakes up, and the ring is already on his finger. He was incredibly happy, and then the Wind King himself came to him:

“Well,” he asks, “what and how?” Where is my ring?

- Here he is! - the prince answers, - and gives him a ring.

“Okay,” the Wind grins, “but that’s not all, follow me!” The prince's wind raised to the highest high tower castle, took a bag of poppy seeds with me and let it go from top to bottom in the wind.

“If you collect this poppy by morning, I’ll free your sister and you along with her!”

The prince became sad, looked around and sighed heavily. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a winged ant appeared.

“Don’t be sad, brother,” he says to the prince, “go to bed, and we’ll collect all the poppies for you by morning.”

The prince's heart was relieved and he went to bed. In the morning, the Wind, the king of the winds, appeared at the tower, and the poppy was already all collected and lying in a bag.

“Be it your way,” he said, puffing, “take your sister, since you’re so quick, but first find her among your twelve girlfriends!”

- That's all! – the prince grinned. - What kind of brother is this if he can’t find his own sister!

Yes, the king just started showing him the red maidens, and they all looked the same! Everyone smiles at the prince, everyone says:

- Hello, brother, hello!

The prince’s eyes darkened and he realized that his affairs were bad. But then a bee flies up to him and whispers in his ear:

- Nothing, well done, don’t be afraid! The one I sit on is your sister. The prince was delighted and looked to see where the bee would land. He saw it, ran up to his sister, hugged her, shouted:

- Here she is, my sister.

“That’s right,” answered the Wind, the king of the winds, puffing out his cheeks, “I won’t hold you any longer, go on your way!”

The brother and sister did not take long to ask and hurried home. The father was delighted when he saw his brother walking hand in hand with his rescued sister. And everyone around had something to look at!