Dream interpretation of a new women's bag to choose. Why do you dream about a bag? Let's look into the dream book

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing travel suitcases in a dream means travel, as well as failure. Packing your bags means that very soon you will go on a pleasant trip. Seeing that the contents of your suitcase are in terrible disorder foretells a quarrel for you, as well as some short trip that will end ingloriously for you. An empty suitcase means disappointment in love and marriage. If a person who often travels on business matters dreams of a suitcase, then for him a promise of success will be a dream about how he checks the contents of his luggage. If he dreams that the suitcase is small and does not hold all his things, then such a dream promises him a promotion, a reward for his efforts. If a young woman tries in vain to unlock her suitcase in a dream, this means that in real life she will try to win the heart of a very wealthy man, but circumstances will prevent her from succeeding. If she cannot lock her suitcase in a dream, this means that the desired trip will bring her only disappointments.

The meaning of a dream about a suitcase

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, packing your bags for a trip means a quarrel with a loved one, during which you will say a lot of unnecessary things to each other. Buying a suitcase - this dream suggests that you find yourself in a difficult situation and are counting on some help from a trusted friend, and then you will be fully prepared for the upcoming difficulty. Carrying heavy suitcases - you have already collected a “whole cart” of different complexes that are preventing you from living a normal life, but you are too lazy to deal with them. Be careful, otherwise you risk getting hopelessly bogged down in problems.

Why do you dream about a suitcase?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

departure; receiving a suitcase with gifts - personal love joys (for a woman); buying a suitcase means a new close friend (for a man); suitcase in a suitcase - birth or desire to have a child (for a woman).

Why do you dream about a handbag?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


I dreamed about luggage

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing luggage in a dream foretells unpleasant worries. You will have difficulties because of people who want to harm you. If you carry your own baggage, you will be so busy with your own experiences that you will remain indifferent to the suffering of others. Losing your luggage means an unsuccessful game on the stock exchange or family quarrels. For unmarried people, this promises a failed engagement.

Seeing luggage in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Today it is common to talk about the emotional baggage of a person. This modern term makes it possible to take a fresh look at the problem of a person’s relationships with others. Bulky and heavy luggage is evidence that your life is too hectic and lacks emotional boundaries. The mystical nature of luggage is a symbol of something secret, hidden from prying eyes, for example, a secretly hatched idea. Maybe your luggage is blocking your path? Has the loss of something in your luggage caused you unexplained anxiety? If so, you should reconsider your things - perhaps you can get rid of some of them without any harm to yourself.

Why do you dream about a package?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to carry is a bad case; to receive - a quick change of circumstances; wrapped - promised; unexpected circumstance; responsibility for someone else's; a trick with a baby; see Wrap.

I dreamed about a package

according to Miller's dream book

To see a package delivered to you in a dream means that you will be pleasantly surprised by the return of someone who has been away for a long time or has been very busy with business. If in a dream you are carrying a package in your hands, you will have unpleasant work to do. If you dropped a package while carrying it to someone, you will be convinced of the failure of the business you have undertaken.

Expert answers


In a dream, we pack everything we have into trunk bags. There are a lot of bags, we pack them together with relatives who are offended at me and do not talk to me in reality or in my dreams. I manage to go to the latrines three times, first to the left, then to the right, then to the left again, and when I arrive, these relatives have already taken out my things (that’s what I wanted), and I take one handbag as if to help carry things. The empty hall remains as a trading room. I’m going to the latrine, the toilet is curtained with a thick curtain, I’m trying to get to the toilet and got tangled up in the curtain, it was very “lush” and enveloped me that I can’t even see the toilet, the curtain is clean, but someone’s voice says “that’s how it is.” it’s convenient to wipe your ass with a curtain,” I looked closely, there were no traces of poop anywhere on the curtain, so we hugged with the curtain and I went to another place. What does such a dream mean? (K, Svetlana)

The dream reflects your perception of relationships with your relatives in reality: it seems that you would like to pack up your things and stop communicating with them. Your constant trips to the toilet in a dream symbolize the desire to get rid of pressing problems and start living from scratch.

You can definitely tell why you dream of choosing a bag. As a rule, this indicates that a person is expecting big changes in life. Therefore, it is necessary to properly prepare for future events. Such a dream is a warning.

What if you dream about choosing a bag?

People in dreams tend to continue to live with the emotions and events of the past day. If a woman sees a bag or many bags in a dream, this indicates that her day is filled with chores around the house, caring for loved ones, and is spent in labor. In a dream, a woman has to choose a bag. The bag can be different: large or small, filled or empty. You may dream of a travel bag or a small handbag. It can be new, shiny, chic. Or maybe shabby, old, shabby. The woman’s future fate depends on the choice made.

It is important not to pick up someone else’s bag in a dream. This is a very bad sign. Especially if someone else’s bag is shabby, torn and empty. But even if someone else’s bag is fashionable and elegant, it is still not needed, as it means that you will have to take on other people’s burdens. .

If you think about why you dream about choosing a bag, it turns out that we're talking about about receiving help in a dream from the subconscious in resolving the current situation that does not give peace. If a woman chooses a travel bag, then this indicates her desire to go on a trip and that this desire will soon come true. If a school bag is chosen, then the woman who had such a dream suffers from a gray, boring and dull life. If you had to choose a heavy bag, then you won’t be able to escape the problems that life is filled with and you need to gain strength to solve them.

What does it portend?

You can choose a bag for a long time and in the end it turns out that you chose a ridiculous, awkward bag that is absolutely not suitable for the outfit in which the sleeping woman was wearing throughout her sleep. This suggests that the situation that haunts the woman who saw such a dream will turn in a completely unexpected way. If you choose a bright handbag, then you can hope for an exciting romantic adventure. Choosing an empty bag foreshadows the imminent receipt of an inheritance. If a filled bag is chosen, then the possibility of receiving an inheritance is lost.

The important thing is not that you had to choose a bag in a dream, but what kind of bag it was chosen. Because this can significantly affect the further development of events in real life. Correct interpretation of the sign of a turn of fate sent in a dream can help you take the necessary measures in time.

Many people are interested in dreams and want to understand the deeper meaning of a particular dream. You can turn to a specialist in dream interpretation for help, then you will be able to avoid inaccuracies in the interpretation of dreams, which will help you correctly use the clues of fate.

Do you have creepy and ominous dreams? If dreams begin to frighten you with their monstrous plots, know: your subconscious mind advises you to pay close attention to your health. If you want to learn how to recognize a barely emerging disease, compare the content of your dream with the interpretations that have come down to us from ancient times.

Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious

Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and development of one’s personality are only a small part of the opportunities that the world of lucid dreaming can provide. The ability to control your dreams is available to everyone, you just have to want it and find a path connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books that has ever existed. How did a representative of the scientific world manage to achieve such precision in the interpretation of a world that is practically beyond scientific comprehension?

Why do you dream about a Bag?

Bag in a modern dream book

A bag in a dream symbolizes the state of your property in real life - wealth, acquisitions, career success. The simpler and cheaper the handbag, the more dull and uninteresting life it portends. A luxurious and colorful handbag is a sign that many of the benefits of this world are available to you. In the near future you will fully enjoy vivid impressions from meeting friends and having a great time. Seeing a bag with torn off handles in a dream means your friends will refuse to help you at the very last moment, and you will have to sort out the business you planned together alone.

Bag in Miller's dream book

A bag that you sew with your own hands in a dream is a sign that you are ready to accept an inheritance and use it rationally. Bag. Which you cannot lift in a dream means that in real life you have overloaded yourself with obligations, it’s time to slow down until all the juices and strength are squeezed out. Stealing a bag in a dream means an unexpected win in the lottery. Seeing the bag empty and torn - your income will sharply decline, do not look for the culprits, devote more time to work, spiritual growth and training. Receiving a fashionable and practical handbag as a gift in a dream means becoming the owner of an important secret that will only be revealed to you in reality. If in a dream you scattered the contents of your handbag, in real life this can lead to thoughtless spending and losses

Bag in Vanga's dream book

Travel bag in a dream - a sign that you will stand on new way of your development, you will have the necessary means and strength for this. If this bag is filled with things or money, your plans are destined to come true soon and in full. Seeing a laptop bag or a briefcase for documents in a dream means a new position, professional advancement. In some cases, when you purchase such a bag personally, the dream will be a harbinger that you will open your own business and it will become quite promising and profitable in the coming years.

Bag in Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that a handbag containing documents, jewelry and other useful things was unexpectedly snatched from your hands, your trust in you sexual partner will be undermined. You will develop complexes about your inadequacy, and you will become shy and bashful. Losing a handbag symbolizes the loss of femininity and mystery. Giving away a purse that belongs to you in a dream means being disappointed in your abilities. You will begin a period of depression and prolonged work on yourself.

Every dream ends with you having to get out of bed.

This item is an integral part of a woman’s life. It contains all the most important and necessary things. Why do you dream about a woman’s bag? What does this accessory seen in the world of dreams mean for a person?

This symbol is not as simple as it may seem. Looking into a bag in a dream, you can find anything in it, and these can be completely unusual objects. Therefore, she personifies unpredictability, secrets, cunning ideas, etc.

Also, the meaning of this thing is interpreted as accumulated knowledge and wisdom, skills and abilities, i.e. baggage that a person carries throughout his life.

In turn, Freud argued that this beautiful and elegant object means, first of all, the female genital organs.

Meaning for a man

This accessory for a man predicts a romantic date, and a very unexpected one. A love affair may end in sexual contact. Probably, he will be lucky not only with physical intimacy, but also with the deep and sometimes inaccessible parts of the female soul revealed.

Meaning for a woman

In a woman’s dream, this object foreshadows something pleasant for her, positive attitude to those around you. She also likes herself, it increases her self-esteem. She can also count on a short romantic adventure.

Circumstances of sleep

Additional points that the person remembers will help explain the meaning of some situations in a dream.

  1. A new bag predicts the emergence of an interesting activity, a hobby, which will subsequently leave a positive imprint on your career. If you had to buy a bag, this means that your goals will be achieved and your plans will also be successful. This is due to labor activity: probation will be passed or the position will be obtained. Buying original unusual shape bags will indicate that even more will be achieved than expected.

Seeing a large bag store in a dream and choosing one from a huge number means that soon there will be many jobs offered from which you will have to choose. Also, if you have your own business, this may be a sign that you need to be extremely careful with clients and partners, keep your ears open.

  1. An open bag seen in a dream should alert a person, because... this means that soon one of his secrets will be revealed. Perhaps this will not happen on purpose, but due to negligence. Therefore, in the near future it is worth giving up long intimate conversations on sensitive topics in the circle of close people.
  2. A bag filled with money is an item that signifies one-time income of unexpected origin. The denomination of the banknotes can indicate its size: the higher it is, the more substantial the profit will be.
  3. What can you say about the color of the accessory? Bag white- a sign of the emergence of a love affair in the workplace. The red color will speak of quick, bright, uncontrollable feelings for a person you have known for a long time. A bag that is black or a similar color will symbolize sadness and sad news. But there is another meaning: black can be a harbinger of unexpected acquaintances.
  4. A sign of imminent losses can be an unkempt-looking women's bag, i.e. torn, dirty, with torn off handles. Large financial investments may not be worth it.

Any details of a dream may have their own omen, but sometimes a bag may be present in it just like that, without any meaning. Therefore, in this matter it is necessary to compare all the facts, put the picture together as much as possible, and then the dream will be interpreted quite correctly.

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Choose a bag according to the dream book

Did you happen to choose a bag in a dream? Future events will be much more interesting and meaningful than your current life. The dream book will help you find out exactly what the described plot is about in your dreams.

According to Miller

Selecting this accessory in a dream warns: you will be disappointed in your work and will begin to look for another place.

Did you happen to choose a bag at night? Try to think through your every action; the dream book believes that you are on the verge of a financial disaster.

The same plot in a dream promises a meeting with a person who has secretly loved you for a long time. If you dreamed that you were unable to find the right product, then a serious deterioration of the situation is coming.

Think about it!

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to choose a bag in a store? the dream book suggests that approximately the same situation will happen in reality over the next few days.

See yourself in a store with expensive goods means that you judge people solely by their financial worth.

At night in the store you caught your eye on an expensive clutch, but didn’t have the money to buy it? In reality you will envy a more successful person.

It will be fun!

In your dream, were you lucky enough to pick up a woman’s handbag? In reality, you will find yourself in an interesting adventure that will bring a lot of positive impressions. For a man to choose a woman's bag means that he is literally daydreaming.

Did you dream that you picked up a fashionable women's handbag? The dream book predicts communication with a very talkative or stupid person.

Did you dream of a man's purse? For some time you will have incredible luck.

Why does a man dream about this image? The dream book guarantees a successful purchase in reality. For a woman in a dream, choosing a bag, especially a shopping bag, can lead to numerous worries and troubles.

It’s good for a woman to see how a man chooses an accessory for himself. This means that she will meet an influential person who will provide assistance.

Exact variety

The dream book also reminds: the interpretation directly depends on the type of product.

  • A fashionable clutch is an unusual occurrence, a pleasant acquaintance.
  • A shopping bag - useful connections, troubles.
  • Business portfolio – change of activity, place of work.
  • School - repetition of familiar situations, mistakes.
  • Suitcase - trip, divorce.
  • Backpack - you will find happiness far from home.

Take action!

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to choose a completely new bag? You urgently need to organize your thoughts, deeds, and life.

If you happen to see a new handbag without a handle, you will be left without friendly support.

Did you dream that your new wallet was literally stolen from under your nose? The dream book is sure: you think for too long, and therefore luck often passes by.

Dreams will come true!

What does it mean if you happen to not only choose a bag, but also buy it? In reality you will make a friend, find out someone else’s secret, and get involved in an adventure. If you decide to buy an accessory, then there will be a need to maintain secrets.

In general, buying the specified product in a dream is good. This is a sign that your dreams will soon come true. But if you had to stand in line to pay for your purchase, then the interpretation of the dream is straightforward - it will take some time before what you want comes true.

Why do you dream about choosing a bag?

You can definitely tell why you dream of choosing a bag. As a rule, this indicates that a person is expecting big changes in life. Therefore, it is necessary to properly prepare for future events. Such a dream is a warning.

What if you dream about choosing a bag?

People in dreams tend to continue to live with the emotions and events of the past day. If a woman sees a bag or many bags in a dream, this indicates that her day is filled with chores around the house, caring for loved ones, and is spent in labor. In a dream, a woman has to choose a bag. The bag can be different: large or small, filled or empty. You may dream of a travel bag or a small handbag. It can be new, shiny, chic. Or maybe shabby, old, shabby. The woman’s future fate depends on the choice made.

It is important not to pick up someone else’s bag in a dream. This is a very bad sign. Especially if someone else’s bag is shabby, torn and empty. But even if someone else’s bag is fashionable and elegant, it is still not needed, as it means that you will have to take on other people’s burdens. .

If you think about why you dream about choosing a bag, it turns out that we are talking about receiving help from the subconscious in a dream in resolving a current situation that is not giving you peace. If a woman chooses a travel bag, then this indicates her desire to go on a trip and that this desire will soon come true. If a school bag is chosen, then the woman who had such a dream suffers from a gray, boring and dull life. If you had to choose a heavy bag, then you won’t be able to escape the problems that life is filled with and you need to gain strength to solve them.

What does it portend?

You can choose a bag for a long time and in the end it turns out that you chose a ridiculous, awkward bag that is absolutely not suitable for the outfit in which the sleeping woman was wearing throughout her sleep. This suggests that the situation that haunts the woman who saw such a dream will turn in a completely unexpected way. If you choose a bright handbag, then you can hope for an exciting romantic adventure. Choosing an empty bag foreshadows the imminent receipt of an inheritance. If a filled bag is chosen, then the possibility of receiving an inheritance is lost.

The important thing is not that you had to choose a bag in a dream, but what kind of bag it was chosen. Because this can significantly affect the further development of events in real life. Correct interpretation of the sign of a turn of fate sent in a dream can help you take the necessary measures in time.

Many people are interested in dreams and want to understand the deeper meaning of a particular dream. You can turn to a specialist in dream interpretation for help, then you will be able to avoid inaccuracies in the interpretation of dreams, which will help you correctly use the clues of fate.

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Why do you dream about women’s bags a lot?

Women's bag according to the dream book

If you find a woman’s bag in your hands in a dream, treat this vision with special attention. A number of dream books in this case promise losses and all kinds of losses. Do you want to know in more detail what this accessory means in dreams? Study as many interpretations as possible.

Buy a bag in a store

If you dreamed that you became the owner of an elegant, high-quality women's bag, then in reality all your dreams will come true. The universal dream book advises not to be afraid to dream, now best time to fulfill even the most daring desires.

Miller explains in detail why you dream about choosing this item. women's wardrobe at the market or in a luxury store. Miller's dream book believes that this dream is a sign that soon in reality a rather serious choice will have to be made. Be sure to think about the consequences of any decision you make.

Buying a woman’s bag in a store in a dream means being in search of your feminine happiness. If a man dreams about something like this, then he should understand his sexual desires and fantasies. Everything may turn out to be much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

The modern dream book believes that if you dream of a new woman’s bag, then you are about to enter a new stage of life. It will be different from the previous one, but filled with all sorts of pleasant events and interesting meetings. In a similar way, it is worth interpreting a dream in which a new thing was painted in bright colors.

The women's dream book believes that buying a new woman's bag in a dream means that life has prepared a huge number of new discoveries and achievements for you. Let go of your fears and open yourself up to something new. A series of significant incidents will change your life for the better. You will become a truly happy person.

Another option for explaining why you dream of buying a woman’s bag in a dream is the acquisition of some large property. It is possible that you will become the owner of treasured square meters or a quality car. Especially if the thing seen in the dream was expensive and solid.

Accessory color

If you dreamed about a red women's bag, get ready to make a substantial monetary profit. If she was white, expect a quick marriage. If you dream that the white surface is stained with dirt, then the marriage will be overshadowed by numerous quarrels and omissions.

If the bag you dreamed of was large and beautiful, then you will be very happy in your future married life.

Miller's dream book is convinced that a black women's bag is a symbol of empty hopes. If in a dream it was filled to the very brim with food, in reality you will have to worry a lot about something. Despite the seriousness of what is happening, try to pull yourself together and not worry unnecessarily.

Another option for why you dream of a black string bag is health problems. You should not wait for the development of a serious illness. Take care of your body in advance by making a preventive visit to the doctor.

Lose her

The modern dream book believes that losing a woman’s bag in a night’s dreams is a bad sign. Most likely, the ones you have on at the moment capital will dry up, and new ones will not be found for a very long time.

If you dreamed that you chose it in a store, purchased it, and then suddenly lost it for some reason, then your planned business will end in failure. Even the help of influential friends will not help. The Wanderer's Dream Book advises you to muster up courage and survive the unpleasant fiasco with dignity.

If in a dream you lost a new woman's bag, then in reality serious difficulties will arise in the workplace. A number of colleagues are jealous of your professional success and dream of pointing out to your boss your weak points. Be as careful as possible while on duty if you don’t want to lose your job.

If the lost accessory you dreamed of was black, then you will be able to solve the most unpleasant problems. To dream that you unexpectedly found something missing is a sign of a happy resolution to a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation Women's Bag

Why do you dream of a woman's Bag in a dream according to the dream book?

A woman's bag in a dream symbolizes psychological state its owner in real life. More attention should be paid to the person who owned this bag in the dream. Perhaps right now she needs help so much.

If the bag belongs to the dreamer herself, then it is worth paying attention to the experiences and feelings of yourself and your beloved.

What did you do with a woman's bag in your dream?

If in a dream you bought a woman's bag

The dream book interprets the dream of buying a woman’s bag as the dreamer’s desire to find happiness in her personal life. If a man dreams of this plot, it is a hint that he needs to be more attentive to his erotic and sensual desires. There may be serious problems in this area.

I dreamed that you were choosing a woman’s bag

If in a dream you saw yourself choosing a woman’s bag, it means that in real life you will have to accept important decision, the consequences of which will directly affect your entire later life. Analyze the situation, think about your actions and make the right choice.

What kind of women's bag did you dream about?

Why do you dream about a new women's bag?

When you dream of a new women's bag, it means that everything you have in mind will come true with incredible ease. The dreamer expects a cheerful mood, excellent health and good luck in all matters.

Seeing a white women's bag in a dream

If you saw a white woman's bag in a dream, it means you are no stranger to romance. You are prone to daydreaming, and perhaps overly idealize the world around you.

If you dream of a black women's bag

A black women's bag in a dream indicates that you are a rather modest and shy person. Your restraint is often to your advantage.

Why do you dream about a lot of women's bags?

If you saw a lot in your dream women's bags, this means there will soon be a move, during which something will be lost. In general, the atmosphere, as with any move, will be tense and nervous.

Why do you dream about a new bag?

It is believed that if you see your bag in a dream, you can exhaust certain reserves equity And cash, lose accumulated knowledge and experience. Seen in a dream old bag symbolizes loss, loss, theft of material and spiritual values.

If you make a purchase for a bag in a dream, it means that in the near future one will acquire valuable benefits and confidence in the near future. A new bag seen in a dream is considered a symbol of achieving a set goal, realizing a plan and fulfilling an old dream. If the purchased bag in a dream looked careless and shabby, it means that it is worth taking on a previously failed business or plan and bringing it to the end. Since the active implementation of the plan will take new turns and achieve the highest results. It is important to understand that dreams are parting words, but in order not to make certain mistakes, not to go astray the right way, and not the exact result of the future.

Many people are confused prophetic dream with a prediction of fate, because every person is free to do what is important and necessary for him at a certain point in time, and not hope for a miracle and that all existing problems will be resolved on their own, without any effort.

If in a dream you see many new bags of various designs and choose one that you like, a durable and high-quality handmade bag, then a person will have to make a difficult choice in a certain field of activity among a mass of new tempting offers. Therefore, having found out what a new bag is for in a dream, you should not be afraid to plunge headlong into new promising projects that can make a good contribution to replenishing your knowledge base, a guarantee of success and get a lot of pleasure in the process.

Buying a new travel bag in a dream foreshadows an unplanned trip, a move, or a long journey that will bring good results. If the travel bag was full and heavy, then this means that the person has accumulated a lot unresolved problems questions that are worth deciding before going on a business trip or trip. A light bag symbolizes the unexpected appearance of easy money. If the bag in a dream turns out to be a sports bag, then most likely the person will be in for a heavy bag. physical work. The meaning of a new bag found in a dream has a characteristic dual meaning.

First of all, a found bag means the acquisition of new relationships with the opposite sex, which will have a material basis. But the second and important meaning is that acquired new relationships based on materialism can lead to a material division of values, which will greatly fray the nerves of both partners.

Since ancient times, people have tried to interpret and decipher their dreams. It was believed that falling into sleep, human soul goes to the land of dreams, where another life lives. Today people still resort to folk beliefs for the interpretation of what he saw.

Why do you dream of losing your bag?

Well, a man lost his bag in a dream! But we need to make some clarifications: what size was the bag, what color, was it new or already shabby? May be lost bag was half empty or, conversely, full of all sorts of good things - all this matters for correct interpretation dreams.

Just losing your bag in a dream is not enough. In general, seeing a bag in a dream means that some acquisitions will soon be made or a large sum of money will be received. But if the bag is lost, such a dream speaks of significant changes in life, unpleasant changes.

The bag itself is such an attribute of a semi-secret nature. There are items in a purse that a woman does not want to talk about and hides them from prying eyes. Losing a handbag in a dream suggests that some women's secrets will become known to everyone!

Actually, if you dreamed of an empty bag, it means that soon the person will receive a large sum money, there will be good profits in business! And if you lose an empty bag in a dream, it means losing everything you expected. This is why you dream of losing your bag, even if it is empty.

But to see a large bag full of goods in a dream means losing last hope and opportunities, collapse of plans. If such a bag is lost in a dream, this dream is very positive. This portends that all plans will come true, and there will be no collapse of hopes and loss of opportunities.

What if in a dream you dreamed of a completely new beautiful handbag? And besides, they lost her in the same dream. What does it mean to lose a bag in this case? It's a shame to lose new thing and not only in a dream, but also in reality. A new bag speaks of luck in life and the implementation of grandiose, fantastic plans.

And now, for a second: all this is lost! Yes, yes, we lost a wonderful new bag in a dream - all these fantasies and plans are not destined to come true. In a dream, everything is the other way around. You shouldn’t despair about this: you just need to set realistic plans for yourself.

Seeing a bright, colorful bag in a dream is a wonderful dream. Especially a red handbag means life without any problems, financial independence, huge profits. Or beautiful life in all its manifestations. And now: what does a dream promise in which this wonderful bag is lost?

A person should always be very attentive, responsible in work, and honest with friends. Because life is striped, and the dark streak may drag on. But in difficult times, even a dream will warn you. And your close circle will always support you and lend a helping hand!

Choose a bag in the store

Dream Interpretation Bag choose in the store dreamed of why you dream about choosing a bag in a store? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see choosing a bag in a store in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Bag

A bag in a dream is a symbol of prosperity. An empty bag in a dream indicates that luck will turn away from you. A full bag in a dream foretells prosperity, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans. The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the greater the benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of loss, loss and grief. A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing it in a dream means that someone may find out your secret. Opening someone else's purse or looking into it is a sign of deception or betrayal.

Dream Interpretation – Bag, burden

Seeing a burden or a person with a burden or a bag in a dream is a harbinger of change. Changes can be either good or not so good. The symbol of burden and scrip is traditionally associated with the road, orphanhood, poverty, but it can also indicate the opposite.

Dream Interpretation – Bag

The bag symbolizes what is hidden, but also accessible. Running with a huge bag along a bad road, there will be obstacles in your business that you want to overcome alone. Helping carry someone else's bag, you need help. Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and changes in fate. Find someone else's bag, find out a secret, perhaps about someone close to you, find a new friend.

Dream Interpretation – Bag

You left the house, taking your usual briefcase, which you always carry. But on the way, you suddenly notice that in your hands instead of a briefcase you are holding an old, tattered bag. This may mean that today you may be unlucky, that circumstances are not favorable to you and nothing good can be expected.

Dream Interpretation – Bag

Dream Interpretation – Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lost, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become reality. Buy, receive, take - your wildest and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary the dreams that have already been “accepted for fulfillment.” Travel bag full - to have a nice trip, in which acquisitions are possible. Lost or stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can rest assured about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Dream Interpretation – Bag

A dream in which you put things in a bag in disarray, afraid of being late somewhere, means that you are needlessly jealous and fear for your personal happiness.

Dream Interpretation – Bag

If you are carrying an empty bag, the dream foreshadows poverty, but if the bag is full, wealth awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Bag. road

The appearance of the Sack bag in a dream suggests that the contents of the future are more interesting than the present.

Dream Interpretation – Shop

Seeing empty store shelves in a dream means that in reality you will receive a message that is extremely important to you. If you dreamed of a completely empty store without a single customer, it means that your offer will be rejected.

Since ancient times, humanity has been using items made of different fabrics to carry and store their accessories. Be it a briefcase, suitcase, package, purse or a beautiful women's clutch - every accessory is important in all modern dream books.

Most often, such a thing is dreamed of as a sign of significant changes, and their character is completely determined by the color, shape, material of the attribute and the very content of the dream.

  • Red may mean the beginning of bright love relationship with an old friend, black - bad news, white - the emergence of feelings for a colleague.
  • An accessory filled with money portends profit. The more impressive the contents of the luggage in the dream, the large amount waiting in reality.
  • The dream book interprets seeing more than one clutch as a harbinger of an exciting move, during which several valuable things will be lost.
  • Difficult - expect successful progress through career ladder. An unliftable suitcase is a burden of new obligations that have fallen on the dreamer’s shoulders.
  • An empty one symbolizes the collapse of a business or a false offer from partners, a full one symbolizes a successful investment, the fulfillment of desires.
  • Finding unexpected objects inside a package, according to Miller’s dream book, means that the past is of greater interest to the dreamer than the present or future.
  • Leather foretells a woman the appearance of an ardent lover who will completely change her life.
  • Packing your bags means big changes that you shouldn’t resist.
  • Helping someone carry luggage means the dreamer himself needs help from loved ones.

What does it mean to lose a bag in a dream?

  • The dream book interprets losing a bag as a harbinger of impending changes in the life of the sleeper. Changes will not necessarily be positive. This could be a deterioration in financial situation or the loss of significant material property.
  • Dreaming of losing a bag is usually before making a bad investment or signing a futile contract. An unpleasant meeting with bank representatives is possible. If there are credit obligations, then the vision foreshadows problems in repaying them.
  • When you dream of losing a bag, but you are happy about this circumstance in a dream, then this good sign. Financial situation Although he will stagger, his deterioration will be avoided, escaping with a slight fright.
  • Forgetting it means confusion in affairs and one’s own judgments. It is best to prevent any dream of similar content by dealing with the randomly lying important documents, as well as checking concluded contracts. This will help avoid confusion and save a significant amount of money if an error is found.
  • Losing the contents of luggage is a waste. Be careful when investing your funds.

Why do you dream that your bag was stolen?

  • The modern dream book, if a bag is stolen, interprets this as good news about the end of current troubles and the successful resolution of the problems hanging over the dreamer. If your accessory was stolen while it was in the possession of another person, then in reality take a closer look at your surroundings: there is a person nearby who can make all your secrets public.
  • If a bag with money and documents was stolen in a dream, then in real life important papers that were considered lost will miraculously be found, and debts that the dreamer has long given up on will suddenly be returned in full. Such a dream could also be an omen of a profitable deal or receiving an unexpected bonus.
  • Theft of a bag is a dream of people who may suffer from their own kindness. Try to weigh the pros and cons without emotional overtones, showing responsiveness to others.

Why do you dream of a new women's bag?

  • A new thing promises the discovery of an unexpected talent or ability. If you dream of a new woman, then try to better guard your own secrets: otherwise they may end up at the disposal of ill-wishers.
  • When a man dreams of such a lady's accessory, it means the beginning of a serious relationship for him. Love will help you create a strong and friendly family.
  • An old or torn thing is a symbol of future losses and disappointments. The dreamer will have to go through an unpleasant experience from which a valuable lesson will be learned. Minimize possible losses by handling your savings carefully.

Why do you dream about a travel bag?

  • A travel suitcase in a dream reflects a person’s urgent need to understand his own feelings and emotions. The dreamer has a need to step away from the bustle of everyday life and look inside himself. Good decision There will be a short vacation that will allow you to be alone with yourself.
  • If in a dream you happened to put things in a suitcase, a large-scale move or change of residence is coming.
  • Vanga mentioned a travel accessory as a sign of personal growth and the development of professional skills. Briefcase - a harbinger career growth. Buying it means starting your own successful business.

What does it mean to find a bag in a dream?

  • The dream book interprets such a find ambiguously. On the one hand, a familiar acquaintance will open up to the dreamer in a new light, on the other hand, a new trusted friend may appear who will walk through life next to him for a very long time.
  • If you look for an accessory for a long time and find it, you will unexpectedly discover hitherto hidden skills that will come in handy in the near future. Such a vision can also be interpreted as a symbol of meeting your soulmate.


Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

bag in a dream

If you lose a heavy bag in a dream, you will get rid of hassle and problems, it’s time to relax.

Loff's Dream Book

why do you dream about a bag?

Seeing yourself carrying a bag means changes await you, both good and not so good. Seeing someone carrying a bag - Travel, road. If in a dream you carry bread in a bag, your worries are in vain. Walking quickly with a heavy bag - you are determined, no one can stop you or stand in your way. You will overcome all obstacles on your way. You are helping someone carry a bag - you yourself really need participation and are waiting for help from the outside. Find someone else's bag - you will find it random friend. You will become a witness to someone else's secret or secret. See yourself with a large number bags - worries and worries, possibly due to moving.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing an empty bag means you want to achieve financial stability by receiving an inheritance. If your bag is full, you will lose the opportunity to receive an inheritance.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

dreamed of a bag

Seeing a bag - You will develop or acquire new abilities, talents.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

dreamed of a bag

String bag - family ties will also be useful. Suitcase - you will be counting something.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

bag in a dream

Seeing a bag is good luck on the road. Empty bag - you hope to receive an inheritance. Full bag - you won’t receive an inheritance. Handbag - a secret will be revealed to you. Losing your purse means borrowing something. Student bag - Your life is gray, diversify it.

Love dream book

bag according to the dream book

If you dreamed about a lot of bags, you will soon need all your worldly knowledge and experience. I dreamed of a travel bag - a road, a journey, a long journey. If you dreamed of a new handbag (for a man), you will meet your beloved. If you dreamed of a new handbag (for a woman), beware of your rival. Buying a new bag means you will gain new knowledge and experience. Your bag was stolen - you are too worried about your property, calm down. Lost your bag - You will lose something through your own fault. I dreamed of a red bag - cash receipts. Carrying a gym bag is hard work. If you can’t find something in your bag - In real life, you are very confused in your problems, stop and think about everything carefully. Unexpectedly bought a new bag - unexpected offers, acquisitions or investments. Buying what you want - changes to life path. Choosing a bag is not reliable for a trip. If the handles of your bag are torn off, you will lose the support of trusted friends and business partners. A black bag means loss of hope, grief, dispelled illusions. A new bag - your wildest and most cherished wishes will come true.

Modern dream book

bag in a dream

Putting things in a bag in disarray - your jealousy and distrust of to a loved one, are groundless. The handle of the bag has come off - be attentive to close friends and enemies, otherwise you will lose support. Losing your bag - You feel defenseless. You feel lonely.

Dream book sonniq.ru

what does it mean if a bag is in a dream

Losing a bag brings back memories of past love. If your bag is stolen, an unexpected gift awaits you. A new bag with a hole means cash receipts. A lot of unnecessary things in a bag - pleasant communication in a male company.


To correctly interpret a dream about a bag, look in the dream book. A bag seen in a dream can predict your future, as well as become an explanation for your hidden experiences.

Why do you dream about a bag? It depends on its type and the nuances of the dream! Having remembered in detail what you saw, it will be much easier to interpret the dream.


If you dreamed of a woman's handbag, be sure to remember what color it was. Black speaks of your modesty; red is a harbinger of a passionate night, while white means that you are a very romantic person.

A brown leather handbag is a sign that your business is going according to plan. And you dream of a bright women's handbag when your relationship with a young man lacks spice.

  • Losing her means remembering past love.
  • It was stolen from you - a valuable find or gift.
  • A new women's handbag with a hole means cash receipts.
  • If she is petite, look for a new style.
  • A lot of unnecessary things in a woman’s handbag is a sign of communication in a male company.

Losing a woman's purse and soon finding it means meeting your first love. And if it was stolen, but then returned, it means you will receive an expensive gift from a loved one.

When in a dream you cannot find some thing in it, this means that in reality you have not decided on your choice of partner. And ideal order within characterizes you as a very well-mannered, decent person.


As the dream book writes, a bag with things standing near the threshold is dreamed of when an old friend arrives. And if it is half empty, then strangers will come to your house.

A dirty travel bag speaks of your vulnerability. And washing it and hanging it out to dry means getting ready for big holiday.

  • Losing a travel bag means a new life filled with pleasant events.
  • Putting things in it is a sign of a romantic rendezvous with your loved one.
  • It was stolen at the station - to get rid of old problems.
  • Walking around the city with her means a trip to an unfamiliar place.
  • A small dog sits in it - to meet a good person.

Wealth and decent pay for work are what you dream about when you dream of a bag in the hands of your boss. And seeing a lot of money in it means finding an additional source of income.

You dream of a travel bag that was given to you by relatives or friends for safekeeping on the occasion of a big holiday. And if it belongs to a stranger, then you will become a participant in a party in someone else's house.


A leather men's bag is usually dreamed of before important negotiations. And if it is made of jeans, then this is a sign that at heart you are much younger than your age.

Women's cosmetics in a man's bag speaks of uncertainty in love. And to see toys in it means to gain confidence in your charm.

  • A man's bag on the desk indicates an important task.
  • Losing it means the partner’s unreasonable jealousy.
  • An old, battered briefcase means communicating with a wise person.
  • Finding a man's bag with important documents means restoring old business ties.
  • Receiving it as a gift means flirting with a work colleague.

A heavy man's bag dreams of simply overcoming complex problems. And empty means a lack of communication with the opposite sex.

If in a dream it is carried by a handsome young man, then you are a completely self-confident person. And to see it in the hands of an old man means to think about procreation.

Other dreams

As the dream book says, a homeless person dreams of a bag in his hands dear gift or bonuses. And to see her famous actor- means dreaming of wealth and fame.

Losing a bag in a foreign city means planning a vacation. And to look for it in your home means to hope for financial assistance relatives.

  • Dropping your purse on the floor means surprising your friends with your action.
  • Hang it on a hanger - it will bring back school memories in a big company.
  • Walking around the market with her means waiting for news from a business partner.
  • A string bag with groceries is a sign of a chic feast in pleasant company.
  • Losing a friend’s bag means reconciliation with the offender or neutralization of the enemy.

If in a dream you check your luggage into a storage room, then in reality a long journey awaits you. And waiting for your train, sitting on a large bag, means seriously thinking about the future.

Hitting someone with a bag is trying to defend your point of view. And to throw it high up means to be glad that there are reliable people next to you.

I dream about a bag of garbage before spring cleaning. And if you find tools in it, then you will be consumed by household chores.

A handbag with jewelry is a sign that your gentleman is ready to carry you in his arms. And see in her wedding ring− to be happy with your man.

Among the explanations of why you dream of a bag, you will definitely find moments that will lift your spirits and inspire you to new victories.

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Also, a bag in a dream indicates an upcoming trip, but it can also have other meanings. However, you should pay attention to the details of the dream. For example, for color and appearance bags. All this can give clues when interpreting a dream.

Why do you dream about a handbag? According to psychics, a bag indicates financial well-being. If she looked beautiful and expensive, then the sleeper will have a constant income. If in a dream a girl bought a new handbag, then in reality she is promised the fulfillment of her desires or the emergence of a new source of money. If the bag was empty, then luck may leave the dreamer; this dream warns of deception. But a full bag promises wealth and success in all matters. An old, dirty and torn bag speaks of losses and grief, perhaps even a serious illness. If the handle of the bag has been torn off, then the person is not confident in himself and his own abilities.

If a sleeping person looks into someone else's purse, then in reality he may be deceived or betrayed. If the handbag was modest and inconspicuous, then in reality the person exists rather than lives. A handbag of an unusual design that does not match your outfit promises the fulfillment of any desire. A colorful bag is a sign of pleasant impressions; it portends joyful meetings and conversations. If there was a mess in the purse, then the dreamer is expected serious relationship with your loved one. If in a dream you were lucky enough to carry a heavy bag, then in reality a reward for your efforts awaits you.

If the dreamer himself is to blame for stealing the bag, then something may interfere with the things he planned in reality. A dream calls a person to vigilance. If something doesn’t work out, then don’t worry. Everything will be fine anyway.

If you dreamed about a lost handbag, then in reality the girl may lose her femininity, and the dream also warns that secret romance will soon open. If a person lost a large bag full of all sorts of things in a dream, then the dream speaks of the implementation of plans. A bright red handbag in a dream promises the dreamer a carefree life with money. And if he has lost such a handbag, then he should be attentive to friends and colleagues, be an honest and responsible worker. What does it mean to dream in which a person finds a lost handbag? Most likely, all problems will end successfully.

But picking up someone else’s found bag means meeting a pleasant person. For a woman, losing her bag promises loneliness. A travel bag speaks of a long trip in reality; if the bag was large, then the dreamer will have good luck. If a man dreams of a woman’s handbag, then in reality he will meet with new lover. If the handbag fell, the contents spilled out of it, and the dreamer began to collect things, then waste awaits him in the future. If a person leaves the house with a new handbag, and then he realizes that the bag is not new at all, then the dream is negative. You should control yourself.

If the dreamer caught a thief by the hand in a dream, then in real life he will begin to doubt the sincerity of his lover’s feelings. But, all this is nonsense. There is no need to trust the gossip of envious people.

The appearance of a clutch in a dream indicates that the sleeper is too dreamy and his dreams are not destined to come true. If the handbag is bright, for example yellow, green or purple, then in reality the dreamer faces a choice. Between the old place of work and the new one, the old apartment and the new one... Many bright colorful large bags promise a rosy life, full of pleasures and adventures. If a person in a dream hurriedly puts things into a bag, then jealousy is groundless and nothing and no one threatens family happiness.

Why do you dream of having your purse stolen? Firstly, this is not a very good sign, meaning problems of various kinds: in the family and at work. Theft of a bag in a dream, when you don’t know who to think of, foreshadows a problem that will require someone’s help to resolve. Since the matter is too sensitive, you will have to think carefully about who to ask for help.

If a woman saw in a dream that her husband was trying to steal her purse in order to check for infidelity, then in reality he was sure that she had a lover. Most likely, her best friend makes him doubt, throwing out ambiguous hints out of envy. If in a dream a friend of a sleeping person stole his bag and rummaged through it in search of money, then in reality the person will have to ask him for a loan. It’s better not to do this, because he will still refuse due to distrust of the sleeping person.

Dreams can warn a person about danger or bring good luck into his life. However, dreams can be empty and mean nothing. The main thing is to remember the details and build on them when interpreting.
