Biography of Natalia Vodianova, photos, personal life. Vodianova's ex-husband Justin Portman: “Natasha was ashamed of me”

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of the daughter of the lead singer of the group A"Studio Keti Topuria and businessman Lev Geikhman - Olivia, and today the hero of our column is the son of the model and founder of the Naked Heart Foundation Natalia Vodianova, who recently became a mother for the fifth time, and the British aristocrat Justin Portman - Victor.

click on the photo to view the gallery:

Click on the photo to view the gallery Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman with daughter Neva and son Victor

On September 13, 2007, in one of the clinics in London, Natalya Vodianova became a mother for the third time: after that, her second son, Victor, was born. The baby was born strong and healthy - weighing 3600 grams and 55 centimeters tall.

The boy was born at 11 am, mother and baby are doing well,

Natalya’s stepfather, Alexander Vladimirovich, told the press. Later, his grandfather Viktor Filippovich spoke about Victor’s birth, after whom, by the way, Vodianova’s son was named:

When I was undergoing treatment in France, I learned that my granddaughter would name her son after me. This is the greatest happiness!

Unfortunately, Natalya’s grandfather passed away in 2012, and now, according to her, it is her son Victor who is the living memory of Victor Filippovich:

Victor, my second son, was named after his grandfather, Viktor Filippovich Gromov, a war veteran. Grandfather went to war at the age of 16 and served as a radio operator on a submarine. After the war, already in Peaceful time, participated in mine clearance in the Black Sea for another 5 years. Little Victor is a living memory of his grandfather.

Natalia Vodianova with her son VictorNatalia Vodianova with children
Neva and Victor Portman
Victor Portman
Neva and Victor Portman
Victor Portman

For the first time, little Victor visited the homeland of his great-grandfather and mother - Nizhny Novgorod - in 2011, when Vodianova and her Naked Heart Foundation opened a Family Support Center there. Journalists asked the boy his name in Russian, and he answered with an English accent: “Victor Portman.” According to Natalya, her children honor their Russian roots and understand the Russian language, although they speak it only at an elementary level.

In the same 2011, Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman broke up, and after some time the model began an affair with businessman Antoine Arnault. According to Natalia, Antoine and her children easily found mutual language. The whole family moved from London to Paris, where Victor went to study at a French school.

But even here, in Paris, Vodianova did not forget that her children were born in England and the English style of clothing is much closer to them. From childhood, Victor looked like a real gentleman - reserved and unpretentious. His wardrobe contains many classic shirts - plain and checkered, corduroy items - jackets and trousers, as well as cardigans - both neutral shades and ironically printed ones.

Victor Portman
Justin Portman with childrenLucas and Victor PortmanJustin Portman with childrenNatalia Vodianova with children

Speaking of shades: despite the English restraint, Victor loves bright colors, so he can easily combine beige trousers with a bright pink shirt, a gray T-shirt with a yellow-green cap, and a nude coat with a boring striped hat. Sometimes Victor and his brother and sister don’t mind getting a little naughty and dressing up, for example, in terry overalls with images of Disney characters or in monster costumes for Halloween. But Victor’s most striking outfit, without a doubt, can be considered his orange football uniform. Perhaps football is only a boy’s temporary hobby, but who knows, perhaps the boy will want to connect his future with this sport. In any case, the star mother will support him in everything - we have no doubt.

Natalia Vodyanova was born in the city of Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod), and her childhood years cannot be called fabulous. But now that modest girl can appear before us almost everywhere: on the cover of a magazine, on the catwalk, in television advertising and in feature film. But the biography of Natalia Vodianova is not woven entirely from fairy-tale moments - it also contains dark spots, left in childhood.

  • Real name: Natalya Mikhailovna Vodianova
  • Date of birth: 02/28/1982
  • Zodiac sign: Pisces
  • Height: 176 centimeters
  • Weight: 50 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 61 and 86.5 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 38.5 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Blue, blond.

The essence of the model Natalia Vodianova can be accurately conveyed by slightly adjusting the text modern song: “...Everyone knows HER name.” And this statement is 1000 percent true.

The first and perhaps the most serious problems started with Natalia Vodianova’s father, Mikhail. Because of his departure from the family, the future top model and her sisters were deprived of the care of both parents. Natalia Vodianova’s family also suffered financially. Her mother, Larisa Viktorovna, had to cope with life's adversities alone. Later, when Natalya was 11 years old, she began to help her mother and sold fruit at the local market.

It is clear that all education went to hell, because there was simply no time for full-fledged and diligent study. This is how Natalia Vodianova spent her childhood behind the counter. Neither she nor her sisters could then even dream of branded items so familiar to the current supermodel Vodianova. All the girls were content with were clothes given “off the shoulder” by relatives or neighbors.

Tired of the endless life of a Nizhny Novgorod merchant, she and her friend began to live in a rented apartment, separately from her mother and sister. Vodianova was only 15 at the time. But that life brought its own benefits: making the girl’s character firm and instilling determination in the teenage girl.

A sharp turn occurred about a year later, when the girl decided to go into education and had already entered a pedagogical college. But fate, through the efforts of the same friend, brought her to the Evgenia modeling agency. Having seen a promising model in Natalia Vodianova, the school teachers recommended that she study English and also sent her to a casting in Moscow, which she passed with success.

After that viewing in the capital, the story of Natalia Vodianova as an aspiring model began, because the girl was invited not just anywhere, but to the Paris modeling school of the Viva agency. Already there, at one of the 1999 shows, the famous fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier found himself in the hall. He drew attention to the beautiful external data of the Russian girl. Her height already reached 175 centimeters, her physique was the most model-like. It was the invitation from the famous celebrant that marked the beginning of her great career for Natalia Vodianova.

Covers and podiums

Since then, Natalia Vodianova has become a sought-after model, and her life has turned into a series of continuous shows and filming. During her career, the native of Nizhny Novgorod managed to work with so many famous brands of perfumes and clothing that she couldn’t be counted. Almost every name of a popular fashion house or cosmetic brand could boast that fashion model Natalya Vodianova collaborated with them. And what for Natalya herself at the age of 16 seemed just fun, now brought her fame and prosperity.

Thanks to fashion shows, our heroine’s personal life also sparkled with new colors. At one of the parties dedicated to the next fashion show, a a real prince, which was the only missing link to completely recreate the wonderful fairy tale of Cinderella. At the age of 19, Natalya tied the knot for the first time.

Natalia Vodianova's first husband, Justin Portman, comes from an aristocratic family British family and at the same time the brother of Viscount Christopher Portman, owner of several billions of dollars. Natalya once recalled that evening of acquaintance, when both she and her future chosen one were pretty drunk and tried to resolve some controversial issue that unexpectedly arose during the conversation. This debate took place in a raised voice, and it lasted about two hours. After such a lively exchange, all the friends vied with each other and began to joke that it seemed that Justin had found himself a wife.

Natalia Vodianova's happy marriage to Portman lasted about 9 years. During this time, they had two sons, Lucas Alexander and Victor, as well as a daughter named Neva (with emphasis on the first vowel). It was Natalia Vodianova’s children who became the subject of litigation, which took a lot of energy from her in what was already not the easiest period of her life after her divorce from her husband.

After the birth of her first child, Natalia Vodianova’s career became less active. But she still accepted invitations from time to time for filming and individual shows. She also tried herself as a presenter and even managed to take part in such grandiose shows and projects as the Eurovision semi-finals in Moscow and “Voice.Children”. The girl also tried herself in the acting field. In 2001, the fashion model starred in the film “Agent Dragonfly”, and in total there are 5 works in her track record, the last of which was in 2013.

"On the path of goodness"

Natalia Vodianova is a very warm and friendly person. This is not an image invented by someone to “promote” her. This is nature Russian model. After all, only an open-hearted person could give the world “Naked Hearts.” And my own, of course, is among them.

In 2004, shocked by the tragedy in Beslan, Dagestan, Natalya Vodianova organized charitable foundation, whose activities, according to plan, were to be directed to children. For more than 10 years of its existence, the organization has held a huge number of events and festivals, during which it collected large amounts, which went towards the development of children and providing children in need with the minimum necessary goods of life.

Natalya and her foundation have implemented many projects to improve existing playgrounds and open new ones. In particular, “Naked Hearts” became the first to organize a playground specifically for children suffering from developmental disabilities. Later, caring for “special” children became one of the activities of the foundation, which in 2011 launched a program with the goal of reducing the number of families where children are abandoned after childbirth due to deviations in their development.


Natalia Vodianova is now a happy wife and mother again. At the beginning of June 2016, it became known that the fashion model gave birth to her second husband, Antoine Arnault, another child, for the fifth time, having experienced the happiness of motherhood. The baby was named Roman. The first child from Arno was Maxim, who was born in 2014.

Having devoted herself entirely to her family, our heroine continues to be active charitable activities, whenever possible, attends shows of popular fashion houses, tries to be in the center of attention, not only male, which she was able to correctly discern at the age of 16, but also universal.

Natalia Vodianova is the muse of a huge number of popular designers around the world, wonderful actress and most importantly, a popular top model. Born in the city of Nizhny Novgorod on February 28, 1982. Full 35 years. Height is 176 cm and weight is about 50 kg.

Little Natasha's childhood

The family of the popular girl was never famous for its enormous wealth; on the contrary, they lived very modestly. Unfortunately, when Natasha was still very young, her parents divorced and the mother alone had to raise three daughters, one of whom had health problems - cerebral palsy. Natalya was the eldest among the sisters.

In the literal sense, the girls wore things after strangers who helped their family during these difficult years. Due to the fact that there was never enough money, already at the age of 11 the girl went to work - she helped her mother sell fruits and vegetables at the market.

Naturally, because of this, the child had absolutely no time left for studying, so the grades in her diary were always not the best; very often little Natasha was forced to come to classes with unprepared homework.

At the market, a girl could carry a huge number of boxes a day, the weight of which sometimes reached 30 kg. Unfortunately, the girl was unable to achieve at least some respect in society in this way. And already at the age of 15, young Natalya, together with her boyfriend, decided to start an independent adult life, moving to live in a rented apartment.

After Natasha graduated from school with difficulty, she managed to enter a pedagogical college, and the girl never even thought about a modeling career. Thanks to her friend, who once brought her to a casting for the French modeling agency Viva, and the girl passed it successfully, the girl was almost immediately sent to the Madison agency competition, which was held in Paris.

The beginning of a girl's career as a model

At the competition in Paris, which took place in 1999, the girl was awarded second place. The jury at that time included Jean-Paul Gaultier, who noticed the young lady in order to subsequently offer her a decent job, which the girl simply could not refuse.

Of course the girl at the beginning modeling career it was very difficult, as there was always serious competition. The model very much limited herself in everything, since renting an apartment was quite expensive big money. But, fortunately, young Natalya received good offer to appear for the German magazine Elle almost immediately, and after the girl took part in the week high fashion in New York, she received a huge number of other offers.

In addition to being a model, the girl also took part in the filming of films. For example, in 2010, her face was chosen as the face of the Gorgon in the film Clash of the Titans. And two years later, the girl herself starred in a film called “Lovers” in the title role.

Personal life

In the personal life of the popular model, fortunately, everything is now great. Once, in Paris, she met a very interesting young art collector and artist, Justin Portman, at one of the closed parties. As the girl herself admits, initially she did not even plan to go to this party.

Plus, Justin himself also did not pay attention to the girl, but flirted with her friend. In fact, when Justin decided to approach her, Natalya, due to the fact that she was under alcohol intoxication responded to him with rudeness, from which the young man decided to respond in kind. As Vodianova recalls: “We just stood there for about two hours and shouted at each other. Then my husband’s friends said that it seems that he has found himself a wife.”

The couple had their first child in 2001, who was named Lucas. The young couple got married after the birth of their son in St. Petersburg. The couple’s second child was a girl, Neva, who was born in 2006. And a year later the couple also had another son, Victor. In mid-2011, the girl announced to everyone that she and her husband were getting a divorce.

Already in the summer of the same year, the girl began a new relationship with Antoine Arnault, and two years later the couple had a child, Maxim. In 2016, the woman again became the mother of a boy, whom they decided to name Roman. While the couple is in no hurry to legitimize their relationship officially.


Natalia Vodianova was born on February 28, 1982 in Nizhny Novgorod. The girl was raised by one mother; Natalya Vodianova does not remember her father; besides her, 2 more sisters grew up in the family, one of whom was disabled as a child.

The family lived poorly, Natalia Vodianova was forced to wear other people's things and worked from the age of 11. Natasha does not hide the fact that she made money by selling fruit at the local market. At school, the girl studied poorly because there was no time to study; Natalya Vodianova spent almost all her days at the market, helping her mother with trading.

Star Trek supermodels

Already at the age of 15, Natalia Vodianova began an independent life, renting an apartment with her friend.

When Vodianova was 16 years old, she was noticed by a representative of a local modeling agency, and at the age of 17, Natalya Vodianova flew to Paris for the Madison agency competition. In 2001, W magazine named the former saleswoman a sensation modeling business.

Jean-Paul Gaultier drew attention to Natalia, who awarded her second place. After the model’s participation in American Fashion Week, she received offers from major representatives of the media market.

Natalia Vodianova began working on the catwalk for Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Valentino and many other fashion houses. Leading glossy magazines competed for the cover with Natalya. In 2003, Calvin Klein signed a contract with the Russian model for one million. In 2002, Vodianova became the highest paid person of the CK label in the entire history of the brand.

In 2008, Natalia Vodianova announced that she was leaving the modeling business. The girl decided to devote herself to raising children and charity. Vodianova is the founder of the Naked Hearts Foundation, which builds playgrounds in the cities of the Russian hinterland. The show of the Haute Couture Valentino collection was the last in the fashion model’s career. However, Natalia Vodianova’s photos still appear on the covers of the world’s leading fashion magazines— she is being cast as a guest star.

Natalia Vodianova is 176 cm tall and weighs 45 kg.

Personal life of Natalia Vodianova

In 2002, Natalia Vodianova married the English lord and artist Justin Portman. The dress for the bride was personally created by the creative director of the Gucci fashion house, Tom Ford.

In 2009, secular society and show business were shocked by rumors about Natalia’s infidelities and the impending divorce of the model and the lord. In 2011, the couple officially filed for divorce. In the summer of the same year, Vodianova began dating, the son of the owner of the luxury brand conglomerate LVMH and richest man planets of Bernard Arnault.

Children of Natalia Vodianova

In 2006, Natalia Vodianova gave birth to a daughter and named her Neva. In honor of the birth of her daughter, Natalya received a platinum ring with diamonds from Justin Portman. The couple also had two children: sons Lucas Alexander (December 22, 2001) and Victor Portman (September 13, 2007).

On May 2, 2014, the supermodel gave birth to her fourth child - son Maxim from Antoine Arnault. And on June 4, 2016, the couple had another baby. The boy was named Roman.

A clear example of how an ordinary provincial girl can become famous model and a successful woman, is the biography of Natalia Vodianova.

The young beauty was able to get into the world of fashion not only due to chance. Her success is her own merit. A sweet girl with a naive appearance, from an early age she showed persistence and perseverance, which helped her achieve colossal results.

Our article will tell you where the “Russian Cinderella” Natalya Vodianova began her path to success and what difficulties she encountered along her life’s path.

The childhood of a modern Cinderella

It is not for nothing that Natalia Vodianova is considered and often called Cinderella from Nizhny Novgorod. Her life - real story, which resembles a fairy tale familiar to us from childhood, with only one difference - in this case, the heroine had to achieve everything herself.

A simple girl Natasha, who was born on February 28, 1982, was able to pass thorny path and achieve worldwide popularity by becoming a famous top model, an active philanthropist, philanthropist and simply a wonderful mother of five children.

Natalia Vodianova, whose biography and personal life will be described in detail below, began her life path in the usual Russian city called Nizhny Novgorod (previously it was called Gorky). Her family was small. Natasha's father, Mikhail Vodyanov, abandoned the family when the girl was about 3 years old. After the breakup, the mother, Larisa Viktorovna, had three children left; besides Natasha, she had two more daughters:

  • Oksana, the middle sister, who was born with a congenital pathology - a severe form of cerebral palsy.
  • Christina, the most younger sister Natalia Vodianova, who currently lives abroad.

After her divorce from Mikhail Vodyanov, Natasha’s mother, Larisa Viktorovna, found it difficult to support her family. She had to work a lot, but still could not make ends meet. That is why Natalia Vodianova had to quit school and start helping her mother. How old was she then? It’s hard to imagine, but the girl went to her first job in her life while still a child, when she was about 11 years old!

Like many other girls, she wanted to dress beautifully. But the family was tight not only with clothes, but even with food. The future celebrity had to alter his grandmother’s old skirts, dresses and blouses with his own hands. As she grew older, Natalya's appearance changed: her features, while remaining slightly naive, concealed willfulness, pride and assertiveness. In addition, Natalya was sweet and charming.

The first person to notice the provincial beauty’s talent was one of Natasha’s acquaintances. He invited her to try herself as a model. Just at that time, a casting was planned in their city. Natalia Vodianova's mother helped her remake another of her grandmother's clothes to meet the competition requirements. Dressed in a new outfit, the heroine went to her first casting in her life. Oh, if she could then imagine what awaits her in the future...

The first smile and the sweetness of victory

Natalia Vodianova was only fifteen years old when she first decided to try on the image of a model. And having bet on her appearance, she was right. In 1997, Natasha was enrolled in the local modeling agency "Evgenia", which was headed by Evgenia Chkalova.

Working in this agency not only helped the girl gain new experience and many useful skills, but also opened up new opportunities. At one of the shows, a representative of the French fashion house “Viva Model” notices the young beauty and invites her to attend a casting in the capital.

Having withstood the competition with dignity, model Natalia Vodianova was awarded a ticket to the city of lovers, Paris, to participate in the upcoming competition, organized by the Madison agency. These were the first victories, thanks to which 17-year-old Natalya Vodianova began to sincerely smile in public (as a child she was so unhappy that she could not afford such luxury).

Vodianova’s career in the fashion business began in Paris, where the girl was invited after her enchanting debut on the capital’s catwalk. It was there that Natalia Vodianova and her charming Slavic appearance was noticed and appreciated by the famous couturier Jean-Paul Gaultier. It was he who offered the Russian provincial beauty a job.

At first, Vodianova’s modeling biography did not develop too quickly. She doesn't eat well because she lives in a rented apartment and most of her earnings go towards paying rent. Despite this, a girl of Slavic origin living in Paris tries to regularly send money to her mother and sisters.

So Natalya lived alone in the capital of France for quite a long time. But one fine day the course of her life changes when she meets and becomes acquainted with wealthy man, which not only sheltered young model, but also solved some of her financial problems. Thanks to him, Natasha began to study English diligently. She will keep in touch with him many years later, and when she already has her own family, she will ask this man to become the godfather of her child...

Success on the catwalk and auditions in cinema

But let’s return to how the career of Natalia Vodianova, a Russian by nationality, developed. A new round in the life and modeling biography of the young Slavic girl began when Natalya was lucky enough to take part in High Fashion Week in New York.

After this show, Natalya was literally bombarded with offers from famous fashion houses and popular glossy publications. Thus, the pages of the magazines “Harper's Bazaar”, “Vogue” and others began to be decorated with photographs of our “Cinderella”. In addition, fashion shows from the famous couturiers Calvin Klein, Ives Saint-Laurent and others now did not take place without the participation of the provincial beauty.

With the beginning of the new century, a new page began in the life of the top model: for the first time she tried on the role of a movie actress. So, in 2001, the film “Agent Dragonfly” was released, where Natalya played the role of Bridget.

In a few years, viewers will be able to see other films with the participation of the Slavic model:

  • The film “Clash of the Titans” (2010), in which Natasha talentedly created the image of the Gorgon Medusa.
  • The film “Lovers” (2012), where Natalya played Ariana.
  • Biographical film “Mademoiselle Si” (2013), directed by F. Constant.

The filmography of the top model Vodianova includes another film with her participation, which was filmed, but never released higher - the drama “Traffic” (2008). As it turned out, cinema did not bring the girl from the Russian outback great success. Vodianova enjoyed much more popularity when performing on the podium. Gradually she conquered the world.

Peak of career and departure from the fashion world

Peak career growth Vodianova's models can be considered 2002 and 2003. During this period, the girl was one of the most sought-after world-class models performing at Fashion Week in New York.

Around the same time, she managed to sign an agreement with the famous company “Calvin Klein”, for which Natalya literally became “face and body”. In parallel with photography and work in advertising companies models have to take part in annual demonstrations of collections of fashion houses and world-class couturiers (Ives Saint-Laurent, Christian Lacroix, Ungaro, Valentino, Givenchy, Ready-to-Wear, Chanel).

The most significant event in the biography of our “Cinderella” was a photo shoot held as part of the traditional annual project of the Pirelli company. In 2003, Natalya was lucky enough to be invited to a photo shoot for the Pirelli calendar, in which Vodianova had to appear naked.

It is worth noting that Vodianova received recognition not only in the modeling business. According to the famous Sunday Times magazine, the Russian model was in the top 30 richest people in the world. At that time, Vodianova managed to earn just under 3.7 million pounds sterling.

At the end of the contract with Calvin Klein, Vodianova entered into a new, no less profitable deal. In 2007, she became the face of the famous French fashion house Chanel. Actively shooting for magazine covers and advertising for cosmetic companies, even then she planned to say goodbye to the world of fashion, because she already had a family and children in her life.

The last fashion show, which Vodianova marked the end of her modeling career, was the show of the spring-summer 2008 haute couture “Valentino” collection. In the future, Natalya planned to devote herself entirely to her beloved husband and children, as well as to engage in charitable activities.

Supermodel family values

The biography of the “Russian Cinderella” has been a hot topic for several years now, closely watched not only by fans, but also by the paparazzi. Of course, she’s a successful beauty and simply attractive woman Natalia Vodianova, whose height and weight allow her to appear in public without embarrassment (for reference: the model’s height is 1 m 76 cm, and her weight is within 50 kg), simply cannot be ignored. And even more so - her personal life.

Vodianova was married twice. The first man who managed to win the heart of a proud Russian girl was an attractive gentleman from Foggy Albion, a British aristocrat and famous artist - Justin Trevor Berkeley Portman.

Natalia Vodianova and Justin Portman first met at a party for VIPs held in the French capital in honor of the past Fashion Week. Their meeting was spontaneous, and Natalya did not immediately respond to Portman with mutual sympathy.

The wedding of Vodianova and Portman took place, at the girl’s insistence, in Russia, in accordance with all Russian canons and traditions. The wedding took place on September 1, 2002. Of course, all of Natalia’s relatives came to the ceremony. And the guests from the groom’s side, who, of course, were also invited, honored the couple of newlyweds with their visit.

The couple lived happily for almost 10 years. During this time, Natalia Vodianova's husband had the opportunity to experience the joy of fatherhood three times. The top model and fashion model gave birth to her lover's first child Lucas, daughter Neva and youngest son Victor.

The divorce was a surprise to everyone. According to Wikipedia, in 2010, Vodianova announced a disagreement with her husband, and a year later - about the official divorce. It is worth noting that rumors about the model’s new hobby have appeared in the media more than once. And this may well be true, because Natalia Vodianova and Antoine Arnault (her current husband) met, both in relationships. Moreover, Natasha received a marriage proposal from Antoine even before the official announcement of her divorce from Portman.

The lovers stopped hiding their relationship when Vodianova accepted Arno’s proposal. In August 2013, Natalia Vodianova and her children moved to her new husband and 9 months later (May 2, 2014) gave birth to his son, who was named Maxim. Not long ago it became known that the supermodel became a mother for the fifth time, giving birth to her beloved husband another heir - Roman (September 13, 2017).

If you type on the Internet the query “Natalia Vodianova, last news", then you can find out that after leaving the modeling business, the woman began to engage in charity work, becoming the organizer of the Naked Heart Foundation. As Natalia Vodianova herself believes, charity and family are her true calling.

Despite the fact that the celebrity tries to devote a lot of time to her family, she also manages to be active social activities, participating in various shows as a presenter, as well as appearing for glossy magazines and performing on the catwalk for very decent fees. Author: Elena Suvorova