Yulia Abdulova year and place of birth. The mysterious friend of Yulia Meshina, Abdulov's widow

Alexander Abdulov is an icon of Soviet cinema. He starred in films that are now considered classics and an example of what “was better before.” He has “An Ordinary Miracle”, “Carnival”, “The Most Charming and Attractive” and many others to his credit. I was crazy about the tall handsome guy huge country. Abdulov won recognition not only as a film actor, but also as a theater and voice actor, and as a director.

Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov spent his childhood in a family of theatergoers. Abdulov's father, Gavrila Danilovich, worked as a director in Fergana, and his mother, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, worked as a make-up artist. By nationality, Alexander is recorded everywhere as Russian, but most likely had Tatar roots.

Before Alexander, the mother gave birth to two boys, but did not want a third. When it became known that a boy would be born again, it was quite difficult to make a decision. Conscientious doctors dissuaded the woman, saying that she was carrying a girl under her heart. Whether it was a mistake or a deliberate deception, it doesn’t matter whether a boy was born.

For the first time, Alexander Gavriilovich touched art on the stage of a theater in Fergana, where his father brought him out from behind the scenes. First experience in creative biography Alexandra Abdulov took place in the play “Kremlin Chimes”. A very young heart imprinted for life touching moment. The memory of my father is perhaps the most beautiful of childhood memories. The main character of the Fergana Drama Theater raised his son’s love for drama, as if he was preaching the truth.

The acting path was predetermined by fate, but the active, inquisitive boy did not deliberately delve into the distant future. Little Abdulov became so involved in music and sports that he free time made guitars from improvised instruments. His idols were the Beatles. A loyal fan performed such compositions on homemade guitars that he became known among his peers as the “fifth Beatle.” Often he got it from his older brother, who always tried to persuade his younger “brother” to take the right path. In order to tie the boy to the house, the elder brother cut off a piece of hair, hoping that the young man, having nothing better to do, would sit down to books.

Abdulov studied well, but he was always drawn to trouble: he broke a window, took part in a brawl, etc. Alexander Abdulov made his first achievements in sports, namely, fencing. Regular and persistent training made the talented guy a master of sports of the USSR. As a result, fencing came in handy in cinematography when the actor starred in the film “An Ordinary Miracle” without a stunt double. The family assumed that one of the sons would certainly repeat the fate of their parents and become an actor.

Following his father's instructions, Alexander Abdulov attempted to enter the theater Sliver, however, he was refused. At the direction of his mother, he settled for a year at a pedagogical university, in the physical education department, so as not to fall into the army snare. In parallel with his studies, he worked on the stage of the theater where his father was.


A year later, Alexander Abdulov, as planned, again went to Moscow to try his luck. This time I entered GITIS under I.M. Raevsky. The older brothers also decided to become actors, but their attempt at admission was a failure. The eldest of the sons studied at the Petrochemical Institute named after. Gubkina. The middle one suffered a misfortune - he was found dead. The cause of death has not been established. The main version was that he was killed by hooligans.

The career of Alexander Abdulov, like all provincials, was not easy. He compared himself to a mongrel who set out to conquer Moscow. During the 13 years he lived in Moscow, he wandered around dorms, worked unloading cars, and never complained. During the same period, Abdulov Alexander Gavrilovich began to take part in extras.

At a graduation performance in 1974, he noticed the talented young man and invited him to Lenkom. On the stage of the theater, Alexander Abdulov played the main role in the play “Not on the Lists” based on Vasiliev’s story. For the role of Lieutenant Pluzhnikov he was awarded the “Theatrical Spring” award. Since that time, Alexander Gavriilovich lived and breathed the brainchild of Mark Zakharov.

The native stage did not let go of Abdulov until last days. The production “Juno and Avos” is considered to be a significant performance.

The role in the play “The Barbarian and the Heretic,” a stage adaptation of Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot,” was also successful. For his participation in this production, he received the independent non-state award “Crystal Turandot” and the “K.S. Foundation” award. Stanislavsky." Abdulov’s acting was also noted by the E.L. Leonov International Theater Foundation.

In 1985, the film “The Most Charming and Attractive” was released, which instantly captivated Soviet viewers, became the most popular film during Perestroika and remains one of the favorite Soviet comedies among modern audiences.

Abdulov played the role of handsome Volodya Smirnov, love interest main character Nadezhda Klyueva. She played it too. The role of Nadezhda was specially written for Muravyova, and the director literally followed on her heels and begged her to play in the film, Irina for a long time refused: after “Carnival” she firmly decided not to act in comedies. If in the end the actress had not agreed, the film simply would not have been made.

But the director was still able to persuade his heroine, and the country received a comedy that remained in the hearts of the audience for many years, and Alexander Abdulov received one of his iconic roles. Despite the choice of the main character, many girls gave their preference to Abdulov and his character, a well-groomed music lover with tall and good looks.

Second half of the 70s. had a productive impact on Abdulov’s career. He took part in the productions of a series of famous films: “12 Chairs”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”, “The Lost Expedition”. But popular recognition and incredible love came to the artist after the film adaptation of “An Ordinary Miracle” under the direction of Zakharov.

An extraordinary talent expands his role and successfully plays diverse roles. A wide creative range and unique appearance allowed Abdulov to actively act in comedies, adventures, detective stories, historical films, lyrical, romantic, and even take on deep dramatic images. In addition, Abdulov himself performed all the stunts in his numerous films and even received awards as the best stuntman.

The film “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones,” where Alexander played Mitya, was a massive success. Early 80s the actor gains wide popularity and is in demand among directors. Most of all, Abdulov is filmed by Mark Zakharov and Sergei Solovyov. Often I had to shoot several films at the same time due to a busy schedule.

The most memorable roles of the actor of this period are Nikita from “Carnival”, Ivan from “Sorcerers” and Robert de Charens from “Look for a Woman”. In addition, Alexander Abdulov played in films that are still popular to this day, such as “That Same Munchausen”, “Midshipmen, Go!”, “Formula of Love” and in many other films.

Popularity also brought official recognition. In 1986, the actor received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

In 1991, Alexander Abdulov became People's Artist of the RSFSR.

In the same year, the actor played the main role in the film “Genius” by Viktor Sergeev. Abdulov’s collaboration with the director began with this picture. The film tells the story of a talented inventor who, due to his poverty and general lack of demand, smart people became a fraudster. The film became a revelation for the viewer and firmly entered the box office leaders; it is recognized as one of the most interesting works that period.

Later there was a popular melodrama with a criminal slant, “Strange Men of Ekaterina Semyonova” and “Schizophrenia,” for which Abdulov himself wrote the script. The last movie, however, was not particularly beloved by audiences or critics.

In the 90s, Abdulov presented his new brainchild, the “Backyards” festival, to the public. The actor not only headed the event, but also organized it himself. It was a charity festival in which Lenkom actors and various invited celebrities, mostly musicians and rock stars, took part. Such charity evenings enjoyed great respect among the intelligentsia, both creative and entrepreneurial.

The proceeds from the event were used to restore the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Putinki, located next to the theater. But mostly the actor gave money from concerts to orphanages and other people in need.

The actor actively took part in the restoration of the Moscow International Film Festival, and until 1995 he worked as its general director.

In 2000, Alexander Abdulov made his debut as a director. Based on the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen,” Abdulov made a musical.

In 2004, the country saw its favorite actor as the TV presenter of the “Natural Selection” program on REN TV.

In 2005, the actor played Koroviev in the TV series “The Master and Margarita,” which added to Abdulov’s collection of successful and iconic roles.

Personal life

Abdulov has always been a hero-lover, both on screen and in life. He had many fans all over the country, and the press attributed to him affairs with the most different women, famous and not so famous. His romantic and impetuous nature was simply not compatible with the quiet harmony of a calm family life, which he demonstrated in all his relationships.

In the early 70s, Abdulov felt his first love pangs and even tried to commit suicide when he found his beloved girl Tatyana in the arms of another man. To the girl’s credit, it should be noted that Alexander himself was not faithful to her, and Tatyana only cheated when she found out that her chosen one loved not only her. Alexander was saved from blood loss by a friend from the hostel, who, by a lucky coincidence, returned earlier. Even greater luck was that the future actor miraculously avoided being placed in psychiatric clinic after such an incident. The actor recalled this situation with a smile and said: “He was a fool!”

Next came another Tatiana. The still unknown Abdulov charmed the successful dancer Tatyana Leibel. It was a really beautiful romance, but it ended quickly. Tatyana realized that Alexander’s feelings for her had faded away, and her place in his heart was taken by another, young actress and his future wife Irina. The separation was peaceful, the couple supported friendly relations until the dancer moved to Canada.

Alexander Abdulov met his first wife on the set of “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones.” The lives of the plot characters mirrored the couple’s relationships outside of work. They were deservedly called the most romantic and beautiful couple of Soviet times.

Alferova got married while pregnant from foreign businessman Boyko Gyurov. Abdulov and his wife carefully hid this fact from curious newspapermen; Alexander Gavriilovich raised his adopted daughter Ksenia Alferova as his own. The actor did not have his own children until he was over fifty years old. But he never considered Ksenia a stranger. The girl always felt the support of her famous stepfather, even after her parents’ divorce. Much later, she made the film “The Inventor,” dedicated to the memory of her stepfather.

Despite the fact that Abdulov and Irina Alferova were married, in 1993 the exemplary family broke up. Alexander lived with his wife for 14 years. But the amorous adventures of the incorrigible ladies' man could not pass without a trace.

The romance between Abdulov and Larisa Steinman lasted for two years. Larisa worked as a journalist and, on duty, came to interview a celebrity. The actor always disliked representatives of the press, which did not stop him from starting a relationship with one of them.

Alexander Abdulov had to endure complex operation, but he pulled out and continued his career. After a miraculous recovery, the successful artist began building a house, where he later lived with his common-law wife, ballerina Galina Lobanova, and mother. Close friends often visited the house and helped Abdulov build the house.

Having lived in the same house with the woman he loved for 8 years, the actor never registered his marriage; moreover, he did not even dissolve his union with Irina Alferova. The artist’s first marriage was bound by church ties, and Alexander, as a believer, did not consider the possibility of breaking this oath in the face of God. As a real man would expect, Abdulov left housing for both of his women, while he wandered around the theater back rooms. It was difficult to bear parting with Galina; he suffered from depression for a long time, became haggard and aged.

Despite this promise, after antidepressant therapy, Alexander Abdulov’s personal life improved: he married a second time. The chosen one was Yulia Mashina. According to the artist himself, this girl brought him back to life. They met in 2005 completely by accident. We flew next to each other on a plane to Kamchatka. Alexander - to visit friends, relax, hunt and fish, and Yulia - on a work trip. The new acquaintances found out that they had many common friends on the plane, and on the peninsula they were once again convinced of this. Julia and Alexander met again in a friendly company.

The already middle-aged Abdulov behaved like a teenager in love, kissing the hands of his chosen one. Even then, they experienced warm feelings for each other that seemed unreal: there was too much difference in age, professions and worldview. But the future spouses flew back to the capital separately.

The holiday romance convinced Julia that her marriage no longer suited her. At that time, she was married to Alexei Ignatenko, a man of the highest circle. Many were surprised that the girl was divorcing her young, loving, wealthy husband from an intelligent family. After the breakup, there was little to keep Yulia in the capital, and she left for her small homeland, Odessa.

The actor tormented himself with love. He realized that he no longer wanted to live without his beloved Yulia. Abdulov ordered his director to contact his chosen one and invite him to St. Petersburg. Julia surprised everyone here too: the girl refused the recognized favorite of women, saying that if he wanted her attention, he should come to her himself. And the actor flew to Odessa. The couple celebrated their old age together New Year, and after that the lovers no longer parted, did not deny their relationship and did not try to hide it.

In 2006, a modest wedding took place in the restaurant of the Central House of Writers. Journalists were not allowed to attend the celebration; the celebration was only for the closest friends. There was no white dress, nor many photographs.

In March 2007, Yulia Abdulova gave the actor a daughter, who was named Evgenia.

Almost everyone condemned the family union of Alexander and Yulia. The girl was accused of a thirst for fame and commercialism. The age difference between the spouses haunted the public. The rumors had no basis in fact. The pretty brunette was not at all a hunter of star husbands; she had a stable job, career and numerous useful acquaintances.

In fact, at the start of the relationship financial condition Abdulaev was much less stable than that of his chosen one. Yulia's parents were also against it. From their point of view, everything was exactly the opposite, and the actor was already unworthy of their daughter. They did not like Abdulov’s profession, nor his age, and especially the age difference with their daughter, nor the couple’s relationship as a whole. But all the attacks only forced the lovers to unite.


At the end of August 2007, the media made noise about terrible disease actor. The examination in Israel shocked relatives - Abdulov was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer, which became the cause of the actor’s death; his passion for smoking could not pass without a trace. The most amazing thing is that just at that time Abdulov was filming his last film, where he played an artist dying of lung cancer. A monstrous coincidence.

A lifelong fighter, Alexander Abdulov, refused to accept reality until the very end, and, despite the support of millions of viewers, he died on January 3, 2008.

It was possible to say goodbye to the actor at the Lenkoma Theater. Despite the winter cold, a crowd of thousands of fans formed a crush in and around the theater, and law enforcement agencies They were seriously afraid that people might die in this disorder. At some point, some of the people were pushed out onto the street, promising that they would be allowed to say goodbye to the idol when those who were lucky enough to remain left. Fans tried to storm the theater several times.

People gathered from all over the country, some even flew from Siberia, to pay tribute to their favorite actor. But this did not happen. A huge number of people stood in the cold for several hours only to see the car with the coffin driving away towards the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

A scandal also erupted around Abdulov's grave. As the actor’s widow, Julia, quite naturally, supervised the funeral and gave orders. This did not suit the actor’s friends, and several men, in a rather harsh manner, told the unfortunate woman to keep quiet and not get involved in such an important process for her. According to eyewitnesses of the quarrel, Julia led very wisely and logically. Most likely, it was not a matter of what and how the widow did, but the hostility of the actor’s friends towards his new wife, which they expressed at such an inopportune moment.

Perhaps it was nerves due to the tragedy, but such an act of friends and relatives towards a woman who has lost a loved one still remains unforgivable. A widow with a small child in her arms became hysterical; for a long time they could not calm Yulia down. Article found on 24smi.org

Alexander Abdulov is a legend of Soviet and Russian cinema, who had no problems in his personal life, had children late, and the actor’s biography is filled with successful, sad and even mysterious episodes.

He lived only 54 years, but during this period he played many roles inscribed in golden letters in the history of cinema. He was recognized as a sex symbol of the 80s, an idol of millions. The sudden death of the actor became a tragedy for the entire nation.


In general, Alexander might not have existed. When my mother found out that she was pregnant, she considered having an abortion. The Abdulov family already had three sons, and she really wanted a girl. When she came for a medical examination and told about her plans, they decided to deceive her, saying that a girl would be born. This is how doctors saved a life future legend movie. The deception was revealed only after the birth.

Abdulov is remembered as an actor at the Lenkom Theater and a performer of many brilliant roles in films. Alexander also tried himself as a director and TV presenter, already at the end of his career. Abdulov also has a wonderful voice, and the actor performed many songs from the films in which he played. I tried not to use the services of understudies at all.

For his high achievements in art, the actor was recognized first as an Honored Artist and then as a People's Artist of the RSFSR. Alexander Abdulov was awarded many prizes, orders and gratitude from President Vladimir Putin for his contribution to the development of domestic theatrical and cinematic art.

Childhood and family

The future legend of theater and cinema was born on May 29, 1953 in Tobolsk, but the family soon moved to Uzbekistan, which became the actor’s homeland. Alexander's father, Gavriil Abdulov, founded the Russian drama theater in Fergana, and his mother Lyudmila worked there as a costume designer and make-up artist.

In the film "Don't Part With Your Loved Ones"

The family of Alexander Abdulov consisted of three more children - brother Vladimir, paternal brother Yuri and maternal brother Robert, but it was the biography of himself youngest child glorified the Abdulov family.

The future actor did not want to study at school, but he was a lot of hooligans. He broke windows, got into fights, stole chemicals and made explosives, stole makeup from his parents and scared the neighbors. That's another "track record". Parents did not want to punish Sasha, so his older brother Vladimir took over the upbringing. One day he even cut Alexander’s hair so that he would sit at home and take up his studies.

Somehow the youngest Abdulov finished school, was interested in music, and even made a homemade guitar. His father really wanted Alexander to enter the theater school. Shchepkin, but it didn’t work out in the first year. But on the second attempt, Sasha was enrolled in the circles of GITIS students, on a course with the wonderful Joseph Raevsky.

Alexander Abdulov in his youth

Work in the theater

Actually, Alexander’s theatrical debut was in 1958. At the age of 5, he appeared on stage in the play “Kremlin Chimes,” staged by his father, who instilled in his son a love of theater.

As a student, Alexander Abdulov began acting as an extra, and already in 1974, the actor was invited to Lenkom by Mark Zakharov himself.

Alexander got the main role in the play “Not on the Lists.” Abdulov coped with it perfectly and received the prestigious “Theatrical Spring” award.

In one of the roles

The young talent connected his life with Mark Zakharov’s Lenkom. He played more than 17 roles, the most significant of which were in the following performances:

  • "Hamlet";
  • "Optimistic tragedy";
  • "Marriage";
  • "Eclipse";
  • "Barbarian and Heretic."

However leading role Alexander Abdulov is recognized in the theater for his work in the musical “Juno and Avos”. The premiere took place in 1981, and subsequently the musical was staged more than 1,500 times.

Film career

Alexander Abdulov achieved all-Union fame in cinema, his biography is replete with bright roles, and the actor himself hid his personal life from everyone, fearing that only the handsome man in the photo will be remembered, and not his talent.

Alexander Abdulov and Irina Alferova

His film debut took place back in the 70s, when Alexander was a student, but he started out as an extra. Abdulov received his first role in 1973 in the film “About Vitya, about Masha and marines" Three years later, the actor starred for the first time with Mark Zakharov, in “12 Chairs,” where he played alongside such legends as Evgeny Mironov and Anatoly Papanov.

Abdulov's real fame came from his role in the film “An Ordinary Miracle,” a film adaptation of a touching fairy tale about love.

Despite the fact that the actor did not like to talk about his biography and personal life, Alexander Abdulov was quite amorous, so the role in good fairy tale for children and adults, it was a great success - photo episodes from the film were scattered throughout the Union.

Alexander Abdulov

Alexander Gavriilovich had many roles in his cinematic career, so he sometimes had to work at night. For example, he played Ivan in the film “Sorcerers” mainly at night, because due to his workload he could not choose another time. The director even had to sometimes use a double.

During his life, the brilliant actor managed to star in 104 films, his performance captivated the viewer. In 12 of them he performed the songs himself.

Personal life

In the biography of Alexander Abdulov, one can mention relationships with many women; popular love and his charm even harmed his personal life. Crowds of fans ran after the sex symbol of the late twentieth century.

With Irina Alferova

Alexander has not been deprived of female attention since childhood. In Fergana, all the girls from the yard and classmates were pining for him, but at the age of 14 he met his love, classmate Natalya. The feelings remained even after Abdulov left for the capital. After finishing his first year, he returned to Fergana and invited his beloved to go to Moscow and become his wife there. Natasha took it all as childishness. The actor returned back blacker than a cloud.

At one of the student parties, he met Tatyana, a stately blonde. They began a whirlwind romance. The actor tried to spend more time with the girl, putting his studies on the back burner. GITIS was already thinking about expelling him, when one day Abdulov caught Tatyana with someone else. And in the hostel I cut my wrists. Last year The actor’s life could have been 1974, but he was saved by his mother-in-law, Alexander Myagchenkov, who lived in the same room with Abdulov.

In 1976, the actor met his future wife Irina Alferova, who came to work at Lenkom. He sought her favor for a long time, despite the fact that Irina had a 2-year-old daughter from her first marriage. The actress once said that she would become Abdulov’s wife if he carried her in his arms through the park. Alexander didn’t have to be persuaded twice. They got married in the capital and even got married secretly.

In my youth

The couple never had children of their own, and Alexander Abdulov’s biography includes an episode when Irina’s beauty and recognition almost destroyed him - Alferova’s admirer was dissatisfied with her personal life and threw an ax at Alexander when he was leaving the entrance. The actor miraculously dodged.

The couple separated in 1993 after 17 years of marriage. Rumor has it that the reason was the actor’s constant affairs.

Abdulov swore not to marry again, but in 2006 he broke his promise - Yulia Meshina, whom he first passed off as his niece, became his chosen one. Alexander Abdulov did not even hope that such a bright streak would come in his biography - the actor enjoyed happiness in his personal life, his wife gave him a daughter, Evgenia, and photos of the happy couple appeared in newspapers, magazines and the Internet.

Yulia Meshina with her daughter Evgenia
  • In the 70s, Alexander Abdulov had an affair with an American woman, whom the KGB forced the actor to leave, claiming that she was a spy. For some time, Abdulov became restricted from traveling abroad.
  • Since childhood, Alexander loved the group The Beatles. They even called him “the fifth Beatle” because of his hair and his homemade guitar.
  • The actor realized himself well in sports. He was a master of sports in fencing, and in the film “An Ordinary Miracle” he did without an understudy. And in general, Alexander Abdulov was in excellent physical shape.
  • Alexander was a devoted fan of Moscow “Spartak” and on May 29 last year, on the actor’s birthday, the football players placed an inscription of red and white flowers on his grave: “Sasha, we are champions!” For the first time in 16 years, the “people's team” won the Russian championship, but Alexander Gavriilovich did not live to see it.

In the film "Sorcerers"

Illness and death

The date, January 3, 2008, shocked all of Russia. Alexander Gavriilovich died suddenly, a year after the birth of his daughter.

In August 2007, he underwent surgery due to an open stomach ulcer. Then the actor started having heart problems and flew to Tel Aviv for treatment. Doctors at the clinic there found Abdulov to have lung cancer. It was he who caused the death of the legend. The long-term love for tobacco has not passed without a trace.

You don't have to explain who he is Alexander Abdulov. He was so popular that students from other cities saved up their scholarship money for months to buy a train ticket to Moscow and stand near the service entrance to wait for the living Abdulov to pass. Women from 13 to 93 years old loved him, all of them. “Golden boy”, “sex symbol” - whatever his name was. He didn’t consider himself any kind of gold, he said “I’m a hooligan in in a good way words".

Abdulov did not consider himself a sex symbol and wanted to be perceived only as an actor. However, after his first leading role - in the film "An Ordinary Miracle" - he had a whole army fans Abdulov did not like to talk about his personal life. He was and remains the ideal man: stately, bright, romantic, with incredible energy. People fell in love with Alexander Abdulov to the point of self-denial, they adored him, and he reciprocated the women’s feelings...

The image of a male knight, which Alexander Abdulov has embodied all these years on stage and in films, still awes the fair half of our country. Thousands of women are still in love with the actor to this day.

But the girl Natasha from Fergana was the first to win Abdulov’s heart.

Because of Natasha he ran away from home

In Fergana, almost all of her classmates were in love with young Sasha Abdulov. Of course, he sang Beatles songs so well with a guitar. Moreover, despite his hooligan character, Alexander behaved like a real gentleman in relation to the girls and never offended them. They themselves made dates for him, invited him to the cinema, to dance.

For the first time, Alexander truly fell in love at the age of 14 - with his classmate Natalya Nesmeyanova. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, although sometimes the lovers fought.

After such quarrels, Sasha often asked us to call Natasha and tell her how good he is and that they urgently need to make peace,” Abdulov’s childhood friend Rustam Madaliev told KP. - He was always very worried about their scandals. Once Sashka had a serious quarrel with Natasha and even ran away from home. Spent the night on the sports ground. And we fed Sasha with sandwiches that his mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna prepared

Abdulov (bottom left) invited his first love Natasha Nesmeyanova (pictured above) to Moscow with him

He came to her when he was already in his first year at GITIS. He appeared all dressed up, with a bouquet of flowers. “Guys,” he says, “I’m going on a date with Natasha. Check out my suit and shirt." He really looked stunning, but his sandals didn't look right with his new suit. I remember the whole house was looking for other shoes for him. It was difficult to find, its size is huge. He went to see her. He came gloomy. He invited her with him, but she refused to go.

Natalya got married and left for Volgograd, where she now lives with her husband Sergei Rogozin and son Evgeniy. She has been married for almost 35 years and says that she and her husband live very happily.

You know, when I saw him in the movies, I still recognized my classmate Sashka Abdulov in the nationally famous artist. His movie characters have the same antics, gait, and expression in their eyes that Sasha had in childhood. He even gestured with his hands the same way as at school.

Have you ever regretted that you didn’t follow Abdulov to Moscow?

We were children. How can you do such a stupid thing! Although he called, it was like a joke; his proposal was not seriously considered.

When did Abdulov become famous artist, have you met?

He came to Volgograd with the theater. My husband bought flowers, tickets, and we went to the show. I went to Sasha’s dressing room. We talked for about fifteen minutes... Sasha introduced me to his wife, Irina Alferova. A charming woman, such nice people are rare to meet, she was almost without makeup, very natural. I told Sasha: “Abdulov, you always had good taste”...

Her name was Tatyana

1973 Abdulov, who dreamed of an acting career, entered GITIS on his second attempt. Tatyana was a student medical institute and worked part-time at a maternity hospital on Taganka. Alexander first saw Tatiana at a student disco.

The romance with a tall, slender blonde developed rapidly - because of his hobby, Alexander often missed classes, but as an excuse he always brought a certificate of illness. One day in the dean’s office they noticed the stamp that was on the certificates - there was a maternity hospital stamp there! A scandal broke out, and at a Komsomol meeting the question of Abdulov’s expulsion from the institute was raised.

However, the first time they forgave him and limited themselves to issuing a severe reprimand, and Alexander, as soon as the meeting ended, rushed to dear Tatyana.

An unpleasant surprise awaited Sasha: he found his beloved girl in the arms of an unknown man. What he saw so impressed the impressionable young man that, upon returning to the hostel, he opened his veins.

It was an accident that saved the day: Abdulov’s classmate Alexander Myagchenkov returned from class early that day because one of the teachers was sick. Myagchenkov and his friend broke down the door to the room, and Abdulov was saved.

After this incident, Alexander did not meet with Tatyana again. She still works in that same maternity hospital, but refuses any comments about her past. Abdulov himself spoke about that story: “He was a fool!”

American spy

After an unsuccessful romance, Alexander plunged headlong into his studies, and it bore fruit - the bright student was noticed by Lenkom director Mark Zakharov and invited him to join the troupe of the famous theater. Oleg Yankovsky, Inna Churikova, Tatyana Peltzer, Evgeny Leonov had already worked there... Abdulov became a star after the first performance (“He wasn’t on the list”).

U young actor instantly a mass of fans appeared, who were on duty at the exit of the theater, filling up mailbox love notes and dreamed of meeting their idol.

Abdulov became interested in a young beautiful American woman, Karen (he called her Katya), vice-president of a large Moscow bank. The romance, as usual, was stormy and passionate, things were heading towards a wedding, but one day Abdulov was summoned to the KGB. State security officials asked the actor to obtain the information they needed through Katya. Alexander refused and found the strength to break off relations with beautiful girl. Soon Katya was declared a CIA agent and expelled from the USSR.

“Don’t part with your loved ones”

With each new film, the number of Alexander’s admirers grew exponentially. Abdulov ignored the hysteria around him - his heart was occupied by the beautiful Irina Alferova, who came to work at Lenkom in 1976.

With his characteristic passion, Alexander confessed his feelings to Irina, but, to his great surprise, she did not immediately reciprocate. Shortly before meeting Alexander, the actress broke up with her loved one - Bulgarian businessman Boyko Gyurov - and alone raised her daughter Ksenia, born in 1974.

But Abdulov fell in love for real and was ready to wait for the favor of the desired woman as long as necessary.

Irina Alferova - femme fatale in Abdulov's life. After divorcing her, the actor vowed that he would never marry again.

He received consent to marriage during the Lenkom tour in Yerevan. Alexander invited Irina for a walk in the park and proposed to her. “If you carry me across the entire park in my arms, I’ll answer!” - said Irina. Alexander fulfilled her request without hesitation.

Returning to Moscow, Alexander and Irina officially registered their relationship and secretly got married. Abdulov adored Irina’s daughter Ksenia and raised her as his own. The actor acted a lot, played leading roles in the theater, and after a few years he was given a one-room apartment. He was enthusiastically engaged in renovations and arranging a corner for Ksenia.

Together with Irina, Alexander survived family drama: when the actor was only 27 years old, his father Gabriel Danilovich Abdulov died, and two months later Alexander’s brother Vladimir was killed...

Abdulov himself was on the verge of death: an attempt was made on his life near his apartment. A fan in love with Alferova threw a massive ax at the actor. Abdulov was saved by his intuition - he looked back and managed to jump to the side.
The Abdulov-Alferov couple was considered the most beautiful and happiest in Soviet cinema.

However, the characters of Irina and Alexander turned out to be too different: Irina was always distinguished by a calm disposition, while Abdulov was a gambling person, adored noisy companies, was always rushing somewhere, striving for something, skydiving, scuba diving, horseback riding, playing cards and roulette, easily got carried away beautiful women... Calm family life was not for him. After living together for 17 years, Abdulov and Alferova decided to leave.

Alexander left his wife and daughter an apartment, and for several years he huddled in the dressing room of his native Lenkom. Surprisingly, Abdulov did not officially break off his marriage with Alferova almost until his death: the actor asked for a divorce only in 2007, after the birth of his daughter Zhenechka.

Faithful friends

After breaking up with Irina, a young ballerina Galina Lobanova appeared in Abdulov’s life. She was able to keep the actor near her for eight whole years.

Perhaps she would have lived with the popular actor even longer if she had not insisted on an official marriage: Abdulov categorically refused to put a new stamp in his passport.

The break with Galina was long and painful - Alexander deliberately overloaded himself with work in order to be at home less often. As with the first breakup, he nobly left Galina a large apartment in the center of Moscow and a car.

I have never cheated on the women I love. It’s just that our relationship with Galya has exhausted itself,” Abdulov once admitted in an interview.

Young journalist Larisa Steinman helped Abdulov survive the depression that set in after his breakup with Galina - she came to borrow from people's artist interview and won him over not only with her beauty, but also with her intelligence and tact.

Paradoxically, Alexander, who always disliked representatives of the press, lived with the “shark of the pen” for two years. Larisa turned out to be jealous, the couple often quarreled loudly... After one of the scandals, Abdulov changed the locks in his apartment - this is how he put an end to his relationship with Larisa.

But even before Alferova, Alexander was passionately in love with the dancer and actress Tatyana Leibel, with whom he supported until the very end good relationship. Leibel emigrated to Canada, but sometimes came to Russia and met with Abdulov.

Dancer Tatyana Leibel met him when he was still unknown to anyone. According to her, he was a very romantic suitor.

He and I had amazing love! Such love that all of Moscow was jealous and went crazy! It was such a crazy relationship! Maybe envy ruined this love. We loved each other all the time. Regardless of any women... I know them all. He introduced me to everyone, except... I don’t really know his last wife, Yulia. On the 60th birthday of actor Nikonenko, Sasha introduced me to her. Beautiful girl. When I found out that she gave birth to a child, I said, well done for getting married. We had a good relationship with him until his last breath.

Last love

At the beginning of 2006, a pretty young brunette began to be noticed next to Abdulov. Alexander Gavrilovich introduced her as his niece, but already in February at the Spirit of Fire festival (the actor was one of the founders of the film forum), Abdulov stopped hiding the truth and called Yulia his bride.

The rather large age difference (22 years) did not bother the lovers. A new feeling inspired Abdulov, who had not been feeling entirely healthy for several years - everyone knew what torment a stomach ulcer was causing him.

In the spring of 2007, Alexander and Yulia had a daughter, Zhenechka. This event incredibly changed Abdulov. He affectionately called his baby “Slippers.”

The actor’s theater colleague Alexander Karnaushkin recalls: “We were sitting in the same dressing room, and I remember how he constantly called, asked, and lisped. He was so touching at that moment...”

A few months after the birth of his daughter, Abdulov went to star in the film “With Love from Nowhere, or Merry Funeral.” According to the script, Abdulov's hero dies of cancer at the end of the film. Alexander didn’t believe in omens - it’s just a role!

Having completed work in the film, Abdulov enthusiastically began filming his own project “Vykrest”. Filming took place in Crimea - heat, overload... The actor became ill right on the set, and he was taken by ambulance to the hospital. The emergency surgery on the stomach was successful, but during its course the doctors discovered that Abdulov had much more serious problems. The actor secretly flew to Israel and there he learned a terrible diagnosis - stage four lung cancer. There is no chance of salvation.

Alexander believed in his lucky star and hoped for a miracle until the very end. “Sasha reassured us all the time,” recalls his friend Leonid Yarmolnik. “He treated this illness like a runny nose, like a cold, although he knew that he was hopeless.”

Julia was next to Alexander until the last day, called his friends, asked to visit the actor. The table in the house was set every day full program: Abdulov was always an incredibly hospitable, generous host and adored his guests.

Alexander did not leave a will.

“Sasha believed that everything would be fine,” said Yulia. “How many times in his life did stories happen when he was on the brink, but he always came out victorious.”

Daughter Zhenechka

“When Sasha left, my life stopped,” says Yulia Abdulova, the actor’s widow. “For these five years, it was as if I hadn’t lived without him, but rather was watching a dream that never ended.” As if all this - Sasha’s illness, his departure, life without him - did not happen to me ... "

- Julia, we are meeting you in a Moscow apartment. But you loved your dacha in Vnukovo so much, where everything is permeated with the spirit of Abdulov...

Yes, all these years we lived with our daughter outside the city and only recently moved to Moscow.

It’s very good at our dacha - clean air, quiet and cozy, close kindergarten- the most ordinary, village one. You can't imagine anything better for a child. But next year my daughter will go to school. This is a very responsible and difficult period in a child’s life. So that life in a large group does not become stressful for my daughter, I prepare it in advance. Gave Zhenya to preparatory group- again, in an ordinary, municipal kindergarten... By the way, my daughter categorically does not like city housing. Zhenya declares: “I don’t want to live here - it’s cramped here. Let's go back to the dacha." But the apartment is normal, big. We have to explain that there are families where mom, dad and three children live in one room. But this is difficult for her to understand. And in the store, like all children, Zhenya begins to whine: “Buy this, and this, and this.” And I explain to her that she has a million toys and she doesn’t need another teddy bear.

I suggest: “Stop on one thing: a bear, a doll or children’s cosmetics...” And she has tears in her eyes - after all, it’s always difficult to make a choice. But I am teaching my daughter to do this. I don’t want to indulge all her desires, because nowadays it’s so easy to spoil a child.

- Does Zhenya understand that her father was a famous actor?

Of course she watches his films. And when she was two years old, she spent hours watching his 2000 film The Musicians of Bremen. But for her, this person on the screen is primarily her dad, not a star. Sasha left when Zhenya was nine months old. But my daughter still has some vague memories of him. For example, she remembers one of Sasha’s shirts, in which he held her in his arms... Zhenya is very similar to her father.

The same leader and ringleader as Sasha. In kindergarten, he always protects the kids, resolves some situations so that everything is “fair.” At photo shoots he is constantly bursting with ideas. She’s bored of simply following someone’s commands, so she directs herself and offers something of her own. And she is also as hyperactive as Sasha was, always rushing somewhere. This year, my friend Oksana Korostyshevskaya and her three daughters and I went on vacation to Turkey. So my heart sank when Zhenya jumped into the pool - like a bomb, with wild screams. My daughter finds extreme sports everywhere, she is absolutely fearless - like Sasha... In order to channel Zhenya’s ebullient energy in the right direction, I take her to choreography. Last year I enrolled her in the Loktev ensemble, but Zhenya didn’t like it there - either she was still young, or the discipline there was too strict.


In general, they abandoned it. In this case, we tried dancing again and... the process began. In a white swimsuit and Czech shoes, Zhenya is very funny. Especially compared to other girls - thin, with thin legs. My little one is large and tall. And this year Zhenya started studying in a theater studio.

- Do you dream of your daughter becoming an actress?

Not at all, although she has both artistry and charisma. But I know too well what a hard life life is for public people. It's only on top that it's beautiful and shiny. So she goes to the studio and dances for general development... Recently Zhenya was invited to a troupe gathering at Lenkom - there was an idea to introduce her to one of the children's roles. It’s very nice to see the kind attitude towards Zhenechka from Sasha’s “second home”, as her husband always called this theater...

Details Created: 06/02/2017 20:47 Updated: 08/25/2017 12:58

Alexander Abdulov is an intelligent, mysterious, romantic and simply charming man. He is still considered best actor and film director of the Soviet Union. What was his life and creative path? Let's find out below.


According to sources, little boy was born on May 29, 1953 in the small town of Tobolsk (the northernmost city of the Tyumen region). According to the horoscope, Gemini is a sociable, active, sociable, adventurous and bright man. His nationality is Russian, but they say that he also had Tatar roots.

As a child

The boy's parents were creative people and both worked in the same theater. Father Gabriel was the director, and mother Lyudmila selected costumes for the actors and applied makeup.Alexander is not the only child, but he was the youngest in the family. On his mother's side he had two brothers - Robert Krainov (from his first marriage) and Vladimir Abdulov (from his second). On his father's side he also had a brother, Yuri, but after the war he and his mother were never found.

What is known is that mother Lyudmila did not plan to give birth to a third boy (she really wanted a girl) and was going to have an abortion. But by coincidence, she still agreed not to terminate the pregnancy and gave the world a talented person.

Early years

According to media reports, when Sashenka turned 3 years old, the whole family moved to live in the city of Fergana, which is located in the east of Uzbekistan. There, for the first time, at the age of five, he appeared on the stage of a local theater and played a small role in the play "Kremlin chimes".

Although Sasha was born in creative family, he himself did not particularly show interest in art. He liked sports and music more.

I didn’t study very well at school and constantly got into some troubles. But he sang beautifully, was fond of music, played the guitar (he made his first guitar with his own hands) and practiced fencing (received the title of candidate master of sports of the USSR). These skills became indispensable in the future, during filming in various films.

As soon as the guy graduated from school, his parents insisted that he go to the capital and enter college.Theater School named after. Shchepkina.Sasha obeyed his parents, but entrance exams failed. After that, returning home, so as not to lose a whole year, I submitted documents toFergana State Pedagogical Instituteto your favorite physical education department. As a first-year student, I worked part-time for my dad in the theater (I did simple stage work). A year later, he again tries to enter a theater university, this time choosing GITIS and he was finally enrolled.

As you know, the brothers of Abdulov Jr. also tried to build acting career, but they didn’t succeed.


According to the media, it was very difficult for Alexander to build his creative path. After all, he was such a nondescript provincial that he wanted to conquer the capital. He lived poorly in hostels and, in order to somehow feed himself, unloaded carriages. But he never complained, but understood that such difficulties in life must be overcome.

His first works in student years become roles in crowd scenes. These were the films "Gold" (1969) and "Near these windows"(1973). And when I defended thesis, he was noticed by Mark Zakharov (director and screenwriter) and invited to work at the Lenkom Theater.

Alexander worked in this theater for a long time and even until his last days, he performed on its stage. He participated in about seventeen performances, and his most successful works can be considered: “Not on the lists”, “Hamlet”, “Juno and Avos”, “Optimistic tragedy”, “Dictatorship of conscience”, “Barbarian and heretic”, “Eclipse” and others.


According to sources, stellar career Abdulov's appearance in films begins around the mid-70s. For all my creative career Alexander managed to star in more than 100 films and was remembered by television viewers not only as talented actor, but more like a cute handsome guy and just a hero-lover.

Still from the film "Sorcerers"

Films with his participation:

  • 70s: “About Vitya, about Masha and the Marine Corps”, “Seventy-two degrees below zero”, “12 chairs”, “Prison Escape”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “The meeting place cannot be changed”, “The same one” Munchausen", "Don't part with your loved ones" and others.
  • 80s: “The Woman in White”, “Carnival”, “Look for the Woman”, “Sorcerers”, “Formula of Love”, “In Search of Captain Grant”, “Midshipmen Go!”, “Kill the Dragon”, “Black Rose” - an emblem of sadness, a red rose - an emblem of love", "For beautiful ladies" and others.
  • 90s: “Living Target”, “Waiter with a Golden Tray”, “Crazy Love”, “Prison Romance”, “Simple-minded”, “First Love”, “Schizophrenia”, “Women’s Property” and others.
  • 2000s: “Quiet Pools”, “Next. Next”, “Next 2 and 3”, “I Love You”, “Adjutants of Love”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Trap”, “From Nowhere with Love, or Merry funeral", "From flame and light..." and others.

"Next. Next"

The latest works that appeared on television after the actor’s death are "Anna Karenina" and "Justice of Wolves".

Alexander also performed songs, took part in voice acting, and was a film director ( "Backyards 3, or the Temple must remain a temple", "Bremen Town Musicians & Co", "Loser") and wrote a book called "I want to remain a legend" (2008).

Interesting facts

It is known that fans have repeatedly attempted to kill the actor. Once, one of them threw an ax at Alexander and he miraculously escaped, managing to dodge.

Since Sasha went in for sports and had good physical training, in many films he did without doubles. He also loved football and was on the KVN jury.

Personal life

Throughout his life, Abdulov was not deprived of female attention, because the fair sex was drawn to him like a magnet. And there is nothing surprising in this, because he was a handsome, intelligent man, and over time, also very popular. But Alexander never liked to talk about his personal life and tried to keep everything secret. Although on the Internet today, there is a lot of information about his beloved women.

According to sources, he romance novels started back in school years, when he was about 14 years old. His first love was Natalia Nesmeyanova(sweet and shy classmate). Abdulov took this relationship very seriously.After graduating from school, he even invited the girl to conquer the capital together, but Natasha only laughed at him, considering this idea frivolous.

Natalya Nesmeyanova now

The next romance began in his student years, when at one of the capital's discos he met Tatyana, a long-legged, blond beauty from the Medical Institute. Plunging headlong into this relationship, Abdulov abandoned his studies and even began skipping classes. He was almost expelled from GITIS, but this romance quickly ended. After all, Sasha caught his beloved with another man and could not forgive the betrayal. This incident could even be fatal for the actor, because he cut his wrists because of the woman he loved and almost died (he was saved by a friend who lived next door, who returned home in time).

Then rumors spread online that he had a love affair with an American woman whom the KGB accused of being a spy. At that time Abdulov had big problems Because of these relationships, I could not travel outside the country on my own for a long time.

But despite these troubles, he finds a new lady of his heart - Tatyana Leibel (dancer), who becomes his first actual wife. This novel was very colorful and noisy, because the whole capital was talking about it, but it quickly ended.

Tatiana Leibel

At this time, Abdulov was already working at the Lenkom Theater and became interested in a new passion - actress Irina Alferova. The actor had to court her for a very long time and win her favor, because Irina at that time was already going through her first divorce and had a little daughter in her arms. Alexander did not look for easy ways, but he knew one thing for sure - this woman should be his.

WITH Irina Alferova and Ksenia

And after some time, the actress gave up when he offered her his hand and heart, she agreed. The wedding took place secretly, and he accepted Irina’s daughter, Ksenia, as his own. It seemed that their family was strong and happy, but unfortunately their marriage lasted only 17 years. The couple divorced in 1993, and Sasha, like a true man, left his wife and daughter an apartment, and he settled in a small closet at the Lenkom Theater. Rumor has it that the reason for their breakup was the actor’s hectic life: endless noisy gatherings with friends, creative evenings, gambling, etc.

After this, Sasha cannot stand being alone and begins to look for new passion. She becomes Galina Lobanova (a newly minted young ballerina). She was second common-law wife Abdulov, and their relationship lasted about eight years. And when Galina began to insist on an official marriage, Abdulov freaked out and broke off the relationship.

With Galina Lobanova

With Larisa Steinman

Then for some time the press was silent about Alexander’s new novels, and only in 2006 they began to notice him in public, accompanied by a young dark-haired beauty. At first there were rumors that it was his niece, but it turned out to be his fiancée Julia. The age difference was colossal, almost 22 years, but this did not stop the spouses from loving and being happy.

Alexander and Yulia Abdulov photo

The wedding was very modest and closed; journalists were not allowed to attend. According to the media, several of the closest people were present at the ceremony; there was neither a white dress nor professional filming celebrations.

Many were against this marriage. On the one hand, the public called Julia a glory hunter who chose a star as her husband. But this was not justified, because the girl had a promising job and an excellent income. On the other hand, Yulia’s parents were against such a husband for their daughter - old, and also financially unstable. But despite the opinions of others, the couple were happy and loved each other.

In March 2007, the couple had a baby, Evgenia. Abdulov felt young again and was in seventh heaven. It seemed that no one could destroy this idyll, but then the actor’s old illness reminded itself and became the beginning of his end.

Latest events

In 2007, Abdulov was admitted to a hospital in the city of Sevastopol. There he had surgery because he had developed a perforated ulcer. Although it was successful, it had serous consequences and heart complications.The actor ended up in intensive care and, in order to somehow help him, he was sent by plane to Moscow Cardio Center named after. Bakuleva. After the flight, Sasha gets even worse and local doctors are no longer able to help him. Then he is taken to Israel, where he is given a terrible diagnosis, which currently cannot be treated - stage IV lung cancer. Alexander returns home and realizes that he does not have long to live.

On January 3, 2008, the famous artist passed away; his life was cut short at the age of 54. Alexander was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery (Moscow). A year later, a beautiful monument made of gray-white granite appeared on his grave.


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