Lilith stones. Black Moon (Lilith) in the body chart

Everyone knows the story of Adam and Eve - the first people to appear on Earth. However, not everyone knows that Adam's first wife was Lilith. But she did not agree with her secondary role, became proud and stopped fulfilling the feminine duties assigned to her.

Since that time, there have been many rumors about Lilith: some say that she became a demon, and others are sure that she disappeared as a being, but her desire to resist the “norm” turned into a curse called the Dark Moon.

Today, the name Lilith is used to refer to a point in the horoscope, the appearance of which neutralizes the role that a person is intended to perform.

In astrology, it is believed that the Dark Moon is another Moon that revolves around the Earth. He is rarely seen. But astronomers who managed to capture it claim that it is 3-4 times smaller than the ordinary Moon.

The return period is 119 days, that is, Lilith stays in each sign of the Zodiac for 10 days. They first learned about it in 1918. In one of the astronomical publications of that time, it was noted that the Black Moon is a kind of cloud of dust (presumably cosmic) that absorbs the light of the sun.

In astrology, it is believed that the Moon, which is in the zodiac sign at the time of a person’s birth, focuses his attention on personal, irrational experiences.

In turn, the Dark Moon forces a person to search for self-identification and demonstrate primitive transpersonal instincts.

Simply put, the Moon is responsible for the high spiritual development of a person, the Black Moon activates the subconscious, showing basic instincts, complexes, and behavior unworthy of a person.

If we assume that the Earth's core is the gravitational force of the Moon and Earth, then Lilith is the core's twin. In astrology, it represents the “mind” that the sensitive and emotional Moon is unaware of. But it consists in moving away from one’s own “I”.

A person’s transition to the so-called point of danger, where there is no warmth, care, or education. At this point, the individual unconsciously surrenders himself to be torn to pieces by his vices and complexes.

A person falling under the influence of Lilith can be considered a karmic return. Those born during the Black Moon period carry with them the entire burden of sins and vices from past lives. And when the Dark Moon is most active, then the worst qualities of the carrier are subconsciously turned on.

Simply put, once every 8-9 years every person experiences turning points in life. And only if he has the courage to realize his mistakes can he avoid a difficult fate. Otherwise he will be persecuted dangerous situations, and a person can again make mistakes of past lives and pay for them.

Dark Moon

In the signs of the zodiac, the Black Moon manifests itself as opposition to the patron planet. For example, if Lilith falls into the constellation Capricorn, whose patron planet is Saturn, then she appears as Black Saturn.

In the human psyche, the influence of Lilith manifests itself latently and subtly, but this has significant consequences. The Black Moon works on three levels:

  1. As in previous lives, a person continues to serve evil. The Black Moon returns every 9 years and until a certain point a person will not receive any punishment. But at one point, all the accumulated negative karmic experience will gather and demand retribution. Then the person runs the risk of ending up in a life-threatening situation. And how it will be resolved depends on the severity of the actions committed.
  2. Every 9 years a person is influenced by dark forces that tempt him to take risky actions. If at this moment a person responds with evil for evil, then he worsens his karma. Everything that happens must be taken for granted.
  3. A person who has recognized his vices and weaknesses can see them and confront them.

The dangerous influence of Lilith is especially acute during the years of testing. During this period, all events occur much more harshly, but the higher the spiritual level of a person, the less influence the Dark Moon has on him. But if everything in life starts to go awry, then you need to solve problems with dignity, without offending anyone, without offending or taking revenge. Then, there is a possibility that this will not happen again.

To be prepared for the “attack of Lilith,” astrologers introduce such a concept as the “age of checks.” As already mentioned, the Dark Moon invades a person’s life every 9 years (plus or minus six months). Lilith first comes to a person at the age of eight, but since he has not yet had time to commit much evil, her influence is not felt.

The next key dates are 17, 26, 35 years. In the case when a person has a chance to work out his bad deeds, he faces them face to face. As if he is looking at his true dark essence. This is, of course, a shock, but it is important to accept everything that happens with dignity. Then the door to a bright future will open before a person.

The main meaning of the Dark Moon is that, reflecting the deep essence of the human soul, it shows everyone their weaknesses and it depends only on the bearer what to do with them next - accept them or continue to run away.

If we personalize this phenomenon, we can say that Lilith does not get any pleasure from showing a person his vices; it is a kind of gift of fate, albeit not presented in the best possible way. Seeing and being aware of the problem makes it much easier to fix it.

The main essence of Lilith is the manifestation of karmic shortcomings of past incarnations. Depending on which house Lilith is in at the time of a person’s birth, the main source of fate can be determined. For example, if the Dark Moon is in the house of Pisces, then the person is prone to hysteria, chaos and complicates everything.

The Black Moon is a teacher and a punisher rolled into one; it appears to show a person all his ugliness. And having fulfilled his duty, he retreats to give the opportunity to think and make a decision. Then Lilith will come again and, depending on how much the negative qualities are corrected, she will decide whether to punish or have mercy.

Calculations and Zodiac signs

When making astrological forecasts, a lot of attention is paid to the Dark Moon. It has a powerful influence on a person's destiny.

The question may often arise as to how to calculate the position of Lilith at the time of birth. To do this, you can use the services of experts or turn to special online programs that are freely available. Or try to calculate it yourself, but it will take a lot of time.

However, if someone has a question about how to determine the days of the Black Moon on their own, then you can use a little mathematical calculations.

The main role in these calculations will be played by the table of degrees of zodiac signs:

Zodiac signAbsolute degrees

Then you need to use simple formula, the designation of which is as follows:

L = L 0 + 40.6903*Y + 3.391*M + 0.1114*D

L - Designation of the Lilith formula. L 0 is a set number for those born in the 20th century, its value is 150.94

Y – last two digits of year of birth, M – month of birth, D – actual date of birth. Let's take, for example, the date of birth 10/23/1992 and substitute everything into the formula.

L = 150.94 + 40.6903*92 + 3.391*10 + 0.1114*23 = 150.94 + 3743.5076 + 33.91 + 2.5622 = 3930.9198

From the result obtained, you need to subtract 360 until you get an integer that will lie in the range from 0 to 360 degrees. In this particular case, it was necessary to subtract 360 10 times from the result to get 330.9198. That is, this person’s Lilith was under the influence of Pisces.

The energy of the Black Moon is most often destructive; if it falls into a certain zodiac sign, it enhances its negative qualities:

  • Aries – aggressiveness, unceremoniousness, impulsiveness in decision making. Falling under the influence of Lilith, these qualities can not only intensify, but will become the root cause for committing irreparable acts.
  • Taurus – obsession with the material sphere of existence and carnal pleasures, laziness, inertia.
  • Gemini - superficial judgments about the situation, excessive talkativeness, lies, nervousness, passion for rumors and gossip, in particular their dissemination.
  • Cancer - a person is completely dependent on mood swings, shows obsessiveness and excessive anxiety.
  • Leo is an unjustified boaster, takes on too much, but does nothing, but has excellent arrogance and a desire to teach.
  • Virgo - a person is fixated on formalities, but he will never miss his goals, as he is too petty and stingy. May be a scammer or a pedant.
  • Libra is a person with “two faces”, he is not confident in himself, he cannot act independently, as he constantly hesitates in making decisions.
  • Scorpio loves thrills, sometimes even loves them too much, is vicious, loves to dramatize, strive for occult sciences.
  • Sagittarius is prone to shocking behavior, his actions are difficult to predict, and he takes part in any adventure with pleasure.
  • Capricorn – lack of warmth; goals are achieved through emotional and psychological pressure.
  • Aquarius - a person simply amazes with his irresponsibility and sloppiness. He is unreliable, he has no sense of proportion, he is ready to betray anyone and considers this the norm, the main thing is that his “significance” does not suffer.
  • Pisces - a person has an interest in the hidden side of existence, always complicates everything and keeps things in a state of complete chaos.

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Astronomically Lilith- this is a fictitious point, which is the second focus of the Lunar orbit, the point of the Moon’s orbit that is furthest from the Earth, or the apogee of the Moon. Symbolically, this is something mysterious, dark, not illuminated by moonlight, a place where some mysterious things can happen. And everything that is incomprehensible is dangerous, carries temptation, seduction, and this has a corresponding influence on us.

Lilith- this is nothing more than the serpent from Eden, who in the Garden of Eden gave the forbidden apple to Eve in order to seduce the inhabitants of the garden, seduce them, and lure them into the abyss. Lilith symbolizes this serpent seducer (as Rahu in Indian astrology). It is quite natural that this seductress is involved in building a couple relationship. Sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, while it is quite clear that indirect relationships are less strong (we are talking only about Lilith) than direct ones.

According to Andreev D.L., Lilith- one of the “god-created monads”, “sculpting the chains of the race” in the worlds of dense materiality, the mistress of the sexual sphere. “She participates in every act of human intercourse and conception. Andreev insists on the difference between the elemental - albeit fallen - Lilith and the demoness “Great Harlot” - the female face of Gagtungr. Once Lilith, combining with the Planetary Logos (Christ), gave rise to the angels. “ The idea of ​​original sin should be understood as what happened between Lilith and Gagtungr, who invaded her world,” as a result of which “her subtlest material body has absorbed a certain demonic element” - eitsekhore. "It was a disaster." Since then, all the chains of the clan created by Lilith have been poisoned by Eycechore.

In astrology also, the main feature Lilith, which plays the most active role in relationships, is the stimulation of erotic perception, sensory organs and the genital area. The influence of Lilith is the strongest animal instinct, and it can only be fought on a spiritual level. The potential and strength of its activity indicates Zodiac sign in natal chart, and on the circumstances and place of action - natal chart house .

For example, Lilith in the 1st house indicates a person who is trying with all his might to impress, Zodiac sign Capricorn gives the ability to manipulate people, go over their heads and achieve power. And so, on the one hand, this is a very good skill, but, on the other hand, it is not from God, since destroying other people’s lives is not particularly good. This person meets another person with the same indicators, and they begin to prove to each other which of them is better, and try to show power, which is not particularly possible given Lilith’s position. People literally butt heads with each other, showing particular obstinacy. Working through this alliance can result in a strong friendship between two people who can stand up for each other.

If the question concerns the union of a man and a woman, then the strongest (almost love spell) connections arise when Lilith and Venus conjunction partners. With this aspect, two people are literally drawn to each other like a magnet, and it is not in their power to resist this attraction. If connects Lilith and Mars partners, there is an energy surge here, and depending on the aspect to this connection of other planets in the synastry, this connection can result either in something constructive, for example, joint active walks in nature, or in aggression.

About the same thing happens when at the point Lilith a transiting planet is passing through. In the case of Venus And Mars everything is clear, with such a transit a sexual relationship can arise. What will happen if Lilith goes along the point planet Uranus? This aspect will no longer relate to love (although the possibility of such an influence is not excluded). More likely, revolutionary ideas may arise. IN in a positive sense, If spiritual world is already present, there may be an opportunity to become a major scientist and make revolutionary discoveries, but at worst, you can become a revolutionary-minded terrorist. Moreover, the latter can happen in cases where there is a substitution of concepts: the mind will be replaced by the desire for “holiness”, and sanctimonious morality will be replaced by the laws of higher morality.

So, Lilith is a “karmic matrix”, dark side Togo zodiac sign or natal chart houses, in which it is located.

Lilith in the signs of the Zodiac

Lilith in Aries

Strengthens sensuality and craving for the opposite sex, on the one hand, and aggressiveness, a tendency to coercion and violence, on the other. Often future criminal actions are projected in the subconscious long before implementation. This position is found among many military personnel, mercenaries, killers, executioners, rebels, rebels, rapists, as well as among surgeons, pathologists, venereologists, sexologists, and radiologists. Commandment: do not kill, do not be rude, develop fearlessness. Considered in conjunction with Mars , Pluto , Sun And I house of the horoscope .

At the first level in this life, one again has the urge to be rude, use force, and kill. Following these desires pushes you onto the harmful path of worsening Karma and does not provide redemption.

Lilith There is no conscious “evil creativity” in this life. Circumstances punish for what was done in the past - in any case, a lot of obstacles arise, rudeness, rudeness from others, a desire to interfere, and attempts at beating are possible. Fears, obsessions, fear of being killed may appear, cowardice appears, a painful attraction to sharp objects, fire, firearms. If you respond to rudeness with rudeness, you can attract open enemies, even murderers, while remaining defenseless, since the previous sign - Pisces - has water element. You should avoid activity, pressure, increased physical dynamics, swiftness, and do not come into contact with bladed weapons, firearms, fire, or sharp objects.

At the third level, it is possible to immediately distinguish between murderers and rapists, and to see situations where Evil can manifest itself in the form of violence. It turns out that such situations pass by and do not affect the person.

Lilith in Taurus

Lilith in Taurus gives strong sensuality and sexuality, a sense of possessiveness, the desire to completely take possession of a partner. A strong interest in material values ​​can play a negative role both in the intimate sphere and love, and in the spiritual sphere. The first one is too exciting and activating, while the second one is held back. This is especially pronounced in the first half of life. Commandment: do not hoard, do not be greedy, do not be jealous. Considered in conjunction with the situation Venus , Chiron , Moon And II house of the natal chart .

According to the first level of manifestation Lilith There is greed, misery, stinginess, jealousy, that is, possessiveness in love, a repetition of previous vices. Money, no matter how it is acquired, will turn into dust, since this money is from the devil. Accumulations do not bring any benefit; they disappear. At worst Lilith gives you the opportunity to feed yourself at someone else’s expense, materially and energetically, and live from it.

At the second level, punishments for sins come in the form of constant financial difficulties, debts, loss of savings, and fear of hunger. Efforts to provide for oneself in old age for fear of being sick or abandoned do not bring any benefit; savings are lost or wasted. In the worst case, there may be a lack of digestion of food at a purely physiological level. There is a loss of health ( Taurus associated with health). The Black Moon here is associated with deprivation of energy. Redemption can be illnesses or weakened energy. But you need to know that not every illness or suffering can be atonement, a way to pay for sins.

At the third level, liberation is given from all types of material dependence, financial matters are resolved as if by themselves, but this does not mean that there will be a lot of money - as much as is necessary for life and development, so much will come. There is no thirst for accumulation, no fear of poverty, old age or illness if humility and understanding are developed that everything comes and goes according to the will of God.

Lilith in Gemini

Here Lilith enhances sensuality with a tendency to love correspondence, foul language, indecent notes and drawings in public places (elevator, toilet, landing, etc.), theft, denunciations, deception, slander, gossip, fraud. Commandment: do not repay evil for evil, gossip for gossip, deception for deception, etc. Considered in conjunction with Mercury , Proserpina And III house of the horoscope .

According to the first level, a person enjoys deception, theft, gossip, slander, various distortions of information, fraud, and enmity with close relatives and neighbors.

At the second level, punishment and atonement are bullying from brothers and sisters, relatives, and neighbors. Deceptions, slander, intrigues due to envy haunt a person. An Oedipus complex may develop. An indicator of the correctness of the Path and spiritual growth is the absence of bitterness, forgiveness of the guilty.

When you move to the third level, such situations begin to push away from you. You can immediately spot scammers, gossips, and deceivers. It is impossible to deceive you, you see the deception. If someone tries to spread gossip or rumors about you, then no one believes them, it does not stick to you.

Lilith in the sign of Cancer

This is a very difficult situation, because in past lives some crime was committed against the family or traditions, perhaps betrayal or desecration, insult to parents. Therefore it may be generational curse- “Karma of ancestors.” A curse can be implemented through heredity, through genetic information. The Oedipus complex often manifests itself here, so in no case should you betray your partner, children, mother or other woman close to home. With this position, Lilith should honor not only her parents, but also her homeland, the traditions of her ancestors, her kind. Commandment: return to basics, be more part of the family, honor and respect your elders. Considered in conjunction with the situation Moon , Jupiter And IV house of the horoscope .

At the second level or on the “middle” path, a person is pressed by the walls of his own home, and blows are struck by family members and household members. Misfortunes can come through parents, parents are enemies, they bully. This can lead to vagrancy, homelessness, and therefore uncertainty and suspiciousness. And sometimes fears, persecution mania, aggravated Oedipus complex, homosexuality. All vicious attractions must be burned out with a red-hot iron, we must get to the roots, the origins and causes of such states, clean it all out, then the sins will be worked out.

Sometimes a person again experiences a generational curse, but this must be perceived as atonement for the sins of a past life. Possible bad relationships with one’s family, non-recognition in the homeland, bullying. This is one of the indicators of forced emigration, when a person is thrown out of his home, his native country. Here a person must go through this and not become embittered, such is his price in life. Fear of drowning or fear of poisoning may develop. There are indeed dangers from water, ranging from periodic floods in the house to poisoning by liquids and drowning.

When you move to the third level, you are given a vision of situations related to pollution and desecration of traditions; you can immediately distinguish traitors and desecrators of traditions. There is extreme attentiveness to one’s relationships with parents, with the Motherland, with occult sources. There appears a desire to choose pure sources of traditions, the ability to distinguish a defiled teaching from a pure occult tradition, and a sense of these differences.

Lilith in Leo

In a past life, the measure of power was exceeded, a person could be egocentric, a poser, could corrupt others with vicious creativity, torment his loved ones, seduce children or torment them, could be a child killer. Commandment: do not climb into power, do not strive for fame, give everything to your children and do not expect gratitude. At Lilith in Leo sensuality and sexuality can be sublimated, if not into spiritual strength, then into creative energy, the application of which a person can find in art, especially in cinema, theater, and music. Sports activities are also useful. Temptations can be resisted by a strong, focused will, which is able to control sensuality and promotes a conscious refusal to play the role of a seducer. Considered in conjunction with the situation Sun , Pluto And V house of the horoscope .

At the first level, parvenus, upstarts, and impostors appear. He is drawn to creating vulgar, corrupting works. Repeating previous mistakes, a person may experience a vicious attraction to children, an upstart complex, unsatisfied vanity, and envy of everyone who is talented. When Uranus is strong, gambling attracts. In most cases, this gives life as a closed system without feedback.

At the second level of manifestation Lilith, walking along the path of redemption, a person himself experiences suffering from strong, powerful people, insidious and vengeful opponents. Upstarts with unsatisfied vanity will envy you and bully you out of envy, especially if you are a talented and creative person. This situation gives rise to unhappy love, this is retribution for the fact that in a past life you hurt your loved ones. Big problems with children are possible: children do not accept, they cause harm. You have to take the blows from your opponents, you shouldn’t be upset because of unhappy love, you need to raise your children, give everything to them and not expect gratitude, since they did a lot of bad things in a past life.

At the third level, with high awareness and spiritual work, life situations are somewhat normalized - relationships with children are leveled out, the desire to get out and be in the center of attention disappears. You begin to carefully monitor your position in life in relation to people and power. Situations involving abuse of power are not provoked, there is no reason to commit violence against loved ones or children. These situations just pass by. At the third level, you immediately distinguish people who are vicious creators or child killers.

Lilith in Virgo

Position associated with the desecration of Purity, the “fallen” Virgo. Past sins - sycophancy, servility, bureaucracy, freeloading, petty tyranny dependent people, perhaps there was a violation of the Hippocratic oath, or the doctor left the patient without help in a previous incarnation. Often there is either a tendency towards self-restraint and puritanism, or, on the contrary, sexual perversion under the guise of external coldness. Commandment: work, be patient, do not become embittered, bear your cross, do your duty, care for the sick. One should abandon formalism, bureaucracy, careerism, servility, flattery and slavish admiration, as well as the use of position for selfish purposes. Considered in conjunction with the situation Mercury , Proserpina And VI house of the horoscope .

On the first level in this life, such people are distinguished by serviceism, careerism, lackeyism and lackey psychology. In their value system, intelligence and information are above all, and behind this the human element is lost. Friends and surroundings are selected below their level.

At the second level, on the middle path, your bosses will harass you, pile on you with a lot of small tasks and hard, tedious work. They will also scold you for this, no one respects you, they constantly emphasize your stupidity and incompetence, rub you off, point out your low rank, and catch you in small things. Lots of small obstacles. Every nine years all sorts of scum piles up. There may be poor health, illness, and there are always unscrupulous and unqualified doctors who bring misfortune.

You should be wary of suspicion about your health. Avoid penny-pinching. Don't be afraid that someone might be smarter. Avoid pedants, those who like to “teach life.” A senseless waste of money, inevitable in this position of Lilith, is a return karmic debts. Potential enemies are colleagues, doctors.

At the third level, with high self-control, all these vicious situations begin to push away from you. You see and distinguish bureaucrats, lackeys, unscrupulous people, charlatan doctors, people who violate their duty. Immunity is created against this, and you do not fall into the space of these situations.

Lilith in Libra

The dark karma you collected in past lives is associated with violations of justice, or the fight against justice. Perhaps you were an unjust judge, a traitor, violated contractual obligations to partners, or were a pimp, a traitor, a gigolo, or an intriguer. Commandment: be fair to other people, improve family relationships, do not intrigue, do not judge people. Sensuality in this position Lilith in all its strength can be experienced in marital relationships, in intimate intimacy. And yet it can be sublimated, if not into spiritual strength, then into creative energy directed into the world of art or with complete immersion in social activities or some cultural events. Considered in conjunction with the situation Venus , Saturn , Chiron And VII house of the horoscope .

At the first level of self-awareness, this is the same traitor, scoundrel, seducer, clingy, double-dealer, intriguer. His destiny in this life is litigiousness, unreliability, squabbles, eternal showdowns, pitting everyone against each other in everything, dark secret affairs. Usually own opinion absent. Constant hesitation, using other people for selfish purposes, and at the same time advocating for justice - all this only aggravates karma.

At the second level and the path of redemption, you can be dragged through the courts, you can be imprisoned innocently. Poor relationships with partners, which can become a source of unhappiness. Because you have been unfaithful in the past, your husband or wife will cheat on you. Exposures and dirty stories threaten during marital cohabitation. Surrounded by vile and unreliable people, often haunted by an abundance of meaningless papers.

Tensions with the law, legal problems, many difficult situations, false accusations. They may steal often. A bad marriage, the marriage partner may inform, try to pin down or imprison. Big problems with society, under no circumstances should you get out with social activities, avoid noise and publicity.

At the third level, if you are constantly very attentive to justice and do not break your word, then you will see unreliable people and situations, and there will be no clashes with the law. Family relationships are stabilizing. Here you need to work a lot on yourself and carefully monitor - justice is a delicate matter and if there is a violation, you can move from the third level to the first, but in a more sophisticated form. In this situation, you cannot calm down, as it is very easy to break down.

Lilith in the sign of Scorpio

This is a very strong position for Lilith. It says that in a past life you went through all the vices - there is nowhere to try. This was a man who crossed all boundaries, believed that everything was allowed to him, hated everyone, took revenge on everyone, seduced everyone. This could be a black magician who abused his knowledge, deliberately using Cosmic Law to cause harm, for black purposes. Animal instincts, passions, gluttony, masturbation, hedonism, sybaritism, and prostitution are strongly expressed here. Commandment: purify yourself, be reborn, remove the stigma. Sensuality can be sublimated into both spiritual power and creative energy, depending on the spiritual level of the individual. In this situation, Lilith should renounce sexual excesses, sexual perversions, unnatural attractions, manifestations of sadism, witchcraft and black magic. Considered in conjunction with the situation Pluto , Mars , Uranus And VIII house of the horoscope .

According to the first level, when a person follows the lowest path, and Lilith in Scorpio gives the most powerful temptations, then the person becomes a sexual maniac, a sadist, a criminal, a mafioso. Such a life is universal hatred and universal revenge. Such people have a very strong craving for black magic.

At the second level, when a person follows the middle path and pays off debts, he is haunted by the fear of death and the desire to commit suicide. A person becomes an object of hatred and revenge. Criminals, rapists, and sexual maniacs are attracted. Both women and men are at risk of rape. Life in constant fear. There is a danger of falling under the rule of the mafia or becoming a victim of black magic. With this position of Lilith, people are characterized by constant vigilance.

In life, a fatal passion or love threatens, leading to fatal consequences. A partner leads to death, for men it is a meeting with a “fatal” woman, for a woman vice in any form is very attractive. To avoid all dangers, she needs to have magical protection and learn how to do it. These people are often forced to have low surroundings. There are blackmailers around, harassing them for a long time and secretly, a lot of crazy people. The danger comes from criminals, robbers, rapists. You cannot work as a sapper, especially with evil Uranus.

Children under 9 years old, that is, before the first return of Lilith to her place in the horoscope, need to be taught the concepts of Good and Evil and necessary information about safety, about what they might encounter. Otherwise they will absorb vice like a sponge. Monstrous stories can happen to children, like retribution for a past life.

At the third level of development, you immediately see maniacs, rapists and perverts, sadists, black magicians. You know how to distance yourself from them. Avoid situations of violence and seduction, do not attract black magic influence.

Lilith in Sagittarius

A person could be a false teacher, a false prophet, a major adventurer, an impostor teacher, he could instill an ideology of vice, or undermine ideological foundations. All this is connected with the corruption of souls. Commandment: do not teach, do not mentor, reach for religion, do not wander. Sensuality at Lilith in Sagittarius is expressed more measuredly, as it is under strict control based on upbringing, moral and religious dogmas, philosophical beliefs or the influence of the traditions of foreign cultures. This requires a rejection of false teaching, from the perception of an alien ideology, from the desire to rule over others in order to lead them. Considered in conjunction with the situation Lunar Nodes , Jupiter , Neptune And IX house of the horoscope .

At the first, lowest level of spiritual awareness, the same trends continue - you can strive for fame, honors, positions, power at any cost. This position is also associated with pouting and swaggering. In this state, you can easily succumb to ideological seduction and confuse others. There is a tendency to attribute one's shortcomings to others, but always consider oneself to be right. This includes contempt for everyone, suppression and misplaced ambitions. This is a pop figure, an impostor teacher, and a runaway student of an esoteric school who has appropriated the merits of others.

At the second level, when purification and redemption occurs, you can suffer from false teachers and get lost in ideological deceptions. It is tense with questions of religion, Hamlet’s questions constantly arise, constant and fundamental hesitations torment, and confusion in contradictions interferes. It is difficult to gain authority for yourself, no one listens to you, everyone despises you. Fate beckons a person with something, and then takes everything away. Man is doomed to long, difficult roads and vagrancy.

With such a standing Lilith in a horoscope it is better not to delve into the sphere of ideology, but one must be a student, a novice. The craving for long trips, foreigners, out-of-towners, and adventurers should be avoided. Don't get involved in adventures. We must try to be a mediator, a guide, and not a carrier of ideas. Usually these are people who are rejected by the official ideology.

At the third level, when you have worked through all this, you instantly see false teachers, careerists, ambitious people, and strive to avoid an authoritarian position. Such a person will try not to speak, but to remain silent, monitor his thoughts, and not get involved in ideology. Such a person has developed humility.

Lilith in the sign of Capricorn

One of the most powerful and insidious positions. In a past life, a person committed difficult deeds associated with despotism, oppression of people, was a fascist, sacrificed everyone to himself, walked towards the goal, not disdaining anything, trampling on everything sacred. Such standing is associated with cynicism, merciless torment, and deceit in achieving the goal. Commandment: accept the role of an innocent victim, maintain your dignity, go towards your goal, choosing your means carefully. In this situation Lilith sensuality is repressed in youth and experienced in later years. Education in childhood and self-discipline in adulthood can play a certain role, and mainly, victory over internal contradictions and the confrontation between desires and self-restraint. Here it is required to abandon all types of tyranny and despotism, the cold-blooded and calculating destruction of one’s enemies, adversaries, competitors, and the sacrifice of innocent people. Considered in conjunction with the situation Saturn , Uranus , Mars And X house of the horoscope .

At the first level, when there is still no desire for Good, and a person follows the path of Evil, he repeats all the mistakes of the past - he abuses petty power, makes everyone scapegoats for his own atrocities, suppresses and considers them nonentities. At this stage, it can be very difficult to discern the true essence of such a person: with internal coldness, outwardly these people are very affectionate, seductive and it is completely unclear what they can do in the next moment. Deep down, this man mocks everyone. They are characterized by cruelty, cold cynicism, prudence, criminality of plans with external restraint and secrecy. Possible father complex. They are very cunning in achieving their goals, since the earthly element of Capricorn gives perseverance and perseverance.

At the second level, on the middle path, experiencing punishment for your sins, you yourself sometimes turn into a “scapegoat” - the crimes of others, the sins of an entire people, can be blamed on you and sacrificed. Sometimes you yourself can voluntarily take on someone else's guilt. Often such people attract criminals and can become victims of bullying and slander. Maybe it's standing Lilith is realized in the image of a cruel boss. Manifestation Lilith There will also be situations in which you are used as a thing, as a mechanism, mocked, despised, considered a nonentity. Evil comes from bosses, even small ones.

At the third level, following the Light Path, you already clearly distinguish between fascists, rapists, despots, and know how to get out of such situations. Somehow it turns out that if someone wanted to blame you, nothing will come of it. Bosses also cannot make life difficult; somehow they fail to touch or offend you. That is, not only does a vision of people come who carry exactly this Evil and you yourself know how to get out of these situations, but life somehow develops in such a way that such troubles bypass you.

All this, of course, is the unity of external and internal, that is, by working through the Black Moon within yourself, you avoid such situations, and they themselves repel you. A person living according to a high program will most carefully monitor and determine whether he has chosen sufficiently worthy means to achieve the goal, whether the means he has chosen can cause at least some desecration of the goal.

Lilith in the sign of Aquarius

Past dark karma was acquired by a person through violation of freedom. In a past life, a person deprived others of freedom - in order to achieve his own freedom, he loved it too much and achieved it by any means, using it to harm others. He destroyed their prospects for development, broke their faith, undermined the spiritual foundation in people, and this is worse than blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - one of the most negative manifestations of the Black Moon. Perhaps you were an anarchist, a sharper, a destroyer of other people's plans, a desecrator of sacred things, a Herostratus. Commandment: do not mix good and evil, do not hibernate, do not make long-term plans. Here the sensuality is very anarchic and excludes any conventions. With such Lilith New, more progressive concepts about relations between the sexes or sex education are born and spread. Refusal from sacrilege, seduction of friends and like-minded people, guardians or other well-wishers is strictly required. Considered in conjunction with the situation Uranus , Saturn , Neptune And XI house of the horoscope .

According to the first level of development, following the path of Evil, you again allow sacrilege, take pleasure in destruction, and laugh at holy things. These are cynics, detractors, incestuous people, traitors. Repetition occurs previous mistakes, no awareness, no work on oneself, no desire to become better and cleaner.

At the second level of manifestation Lilith, if you have taken the path of redemption and punishment, that is, working through Black Moon, you will be betrayed, deprived of your freedom, and may be sent to prison. All plans are destroyed, everything comes at the wrong time, you are deprived of development prospects, they don’t care about you. They destroy faith and deceive. Boredom and constant loneliness overcome. It is often impossible to distinguish between good and evil. Having conquered Evil in small things, a person is deluded by the idea that he has completely defeated Evil, and, scattered about the little things, forgets about the big things.

For such people, there is nothing stable at all - as soon as something stabilizes, it immediately begins to collapse. Seduction by freedom, lack of initiative, and, consequently, a disregard for people.

At the third level, when you reach a high spiritual level of development, with constant self-control, you get rid of situations associated with unreliability, deprivation of freedom, bad adventurism on the external and internally. On the one hand, you recognize such people, on the other, you acquire magical protection from Evil. Here, increased attention should be directed to non-betrayal, support of friends, correct use the freedom you have been given to separate Good and Evil.

Lilith in Pisces

As in all Water signs, Lilith manifests itself especially strongly in Pisces. It is associated with temptation, subtle intoxication, abuse of authority through spiritualism, and access to subtle planes. Dark karma is defined as follows: in a past life a person could have been a spy, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a criminal, a violator of commandments, a black magician, or a secret killer. Lilith in Pisces enhances sensuality of a secret and hard-won type, which is not always perceived at the level of consciousness. Here she can choose both an illegal direction and a wrong way of behavior. With this placement, Lilith requires a categorical rejection of the role of a seducer, tempter, child molester, distributor of alcoholic beverages and drugs for the purpose of profit and self-enrichment or satisfying one’s animal instincts. It is also necessary to renounce pimping, owning brothels, pimping, as well as espionage, harboring criminal elements or subversive activities. Considered in conjunction with the situation Neptune , Jupiter , Venus And XII house of the horoscope .

At the first level, when a person unconsciously or consciously chooses Evil, he becomes a coward, a spy, a traitor, a drug addict, a black magician, and an abuser of hypnosis. On a low path of development, such people are subject to suggestions, illusions, everything bad habits and vices, fears, madness, drugs.

At the second level, on the path of redemption of Karma, you are secretly taking revenge, or you may have hard work in secret organizations. People with unstable mental health have nightmares in their sleep and the possibility of schizophrenia. This position also predisposes to damage, the evil eye, memory loss, and there may be hallucinations. This is a pitiful, helpless man floating at the mercy of the waves. One should beware of a vicious society, secret and hidden enemies who come in the guise of friends, as well as revenge and hypnosis. There is a danger of the influence of black magic. Characterized by sleepwalking and hallucinations.

At the third level, after working through one’s vices and painful habits, which are best overcome in solitude, immunity from black magicians and seducers arises. Situations related to secret societies, secret organizations, black occultism are distinguished and avoided.

Lilith in the houses of the natal chart

Lilith in the natal chart indicates past mistakes that a person must avoid in this life, so as not to repeat previous mistakes and not burden his Karma with this. Horoscope house will show the area of ​​life that is associated with the sins of a past life and the need to avoid sin in this one.

Lilith in the 1st house

Lilith in the 1st house forces a person to pay for his actions in a past life, placing him in the power of that person or those people whom he mocked in the previous incarnation, for whom he became a seducer, a seducer, whom he forced into cohabitation or even into crime. In a past life, he was drowned in disputes, quarrels, conflicts, he was the instigator of putschs, riots, riots, uprisings, revolutions, wars, palace coups, which led to coups in his own life. He was prompted to certain acts of violence by his unconscious increased sexual potential, of which he was a slave. The mental power of people with Lilith in the 1st house is incredibly great; they easily manipulate both individuals and masses of people.

Now they must sublimate their sexual potential either into spiritual strength or creative energy, directing them into science, art or good deeds - helping the sick, suffering, infirm, offended. Or give all your strength and knowledge to your marriage or business partner, to whom they should bring physical relief, peace of mind or moral satisfaction. In this way you can soften your Karma and leave behind a spiritual legacy. Aspects of Lilith with other planets will show in what way and in what way this can be done.

Most unfavorable situation Lilith- her conjunction with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, with the lord of birth or with malefic planets.

Lilith in the 2nd house

In a past life, the individual accumulated money and other material assets, stopping at nothing, neither before blackmail, nor before coercion, or simply taking from others what he liked. These people, for the most part, themselves led a frivolous lifestyle and sought victims among the same frivolous people, mostly rich and morally unstable. They were never famous for their wealth, so they spent everything they earned on drinking and pleasure. Now these people must abandon the worship of the “golden calf” and help those who would benefit from their help. If they do not give voluntarily, then they will be taken away by force, i.e. they may become a victim of robbery or fraud. Money may be lost, property may burn, etc. This position for a given individual can become quite a strong stumbling block. He should seek relief and mitigation of Karma in the position White Moon - Selena .

Lilith in the 3rd house

Lilith in the 3rd house confirms the correctness of the saying “your tongue is your enemy.” In a past life, the individual was so lustful that he did not miss a single chance so as not to feast on the forbidden fruit, even from the neighboring garden. He involved his brothers and sisters in his love affairs. They were intermediaries in his love affairs, in which the epistolary genre was also involved. He bombarded his chosen ones with love notes of very frivolous content, decorating them with no less frivolous drawings. Now you will have to abandon your previous habits and express your thoughts in a higher style. Old problems will trouble the individual for a long time, but he must face and survive them with dignity.

Lilith in the 4th house

Lilith in the 4th house indicates that the individual received his negative Karma from his parents or even from more distant ancestors. Now he is ready to pour out all his bitterness and bile on them. To avoid serious troubles, it is better for an individual to leave his home and change his place of residence, go to another region, to another country, so that Lilith moves from the IV house of the natal chart to the III or V doi. In the first case, he will not have literary talent associated with eroticism and sex, and in the second, he will not be tormented by those sexual needs that would torment him if Lilith were in the radix V house. Many people who remained with this position of Lilith and continued to live with Lilith in the IV house of the horoscope experienced the following consequences: in one case, their home forever remained cold and uncomfortable, in another, the house was simply turned into a brothel or brothel.

Lilith in the 5th house

Here Lilith indicates that negative Karma will spread to children and subsequent offspring. With this position of Lilith, a person from an early age is attracted to vicious pleasures, sex, perversity, which can lead to sybarism, prostitution and an immoral lifestyle with all the ensuing consequences. Women here may experience infertility due to an accident, unsuccessful abortion or miscarriage, and in more severe cases, the death of the child. In men, this manifests itself in an immoral lifestyle and indicates extramarital love affairs, random fleeting relationships, or illegitimate children. Children can provide cover for reckless behavior. Now the individual is required to have a noble attitude not only towards partners, but also towards children, including those born out of wedlock. It is necessary to help them financially and spiritually, to give them education and a decent upbringing. This also requires a sober assessment and careful analysis of your professional problems and strict control over your private life.

Lilith in the 6th house

Lilith in the 6th house often makes the individual a scapegoat. The stumbling block in his life may be his official position. In one case, everyone will use it, while the individual himself will endure and bear this burden for the rest of his life due to his weakness of will. In the second case, due to increased sexual potential, he can use his official position, forcing his subordinates to have sexual intercourse with him. In the third, it is possible to simulate an illness, which over time can turn into mania and poison life. Now Karma demands that increased sexual potential be sublimated into either spiritual strength or creative energy and be used in intellectual work or in the liberal professions. And definitely for the benefit of others.

Lilith in the 7th house

Here Lilith warns that any marriage partner or business partner can become a source of injustice, misfortune, and legal proceedings for an individual. Here, seduction awaits the individual in married life, in business partnerships, and in any other relationship. This is one of those rare cases when it would be useful for an individual to refuse any kind of cooperation, co-authorship and do things only alone, individually. A free profession or one of the artistic crafts is very suitable for this. But still, the main thing here is that the less contact there is with the opposite sex, the better for the person himself.

Lilith in the 8th house

Lilith in the 8th house enhances animal instincts - passion, sensuality, sexuality, craving for the opposite sex, gluttony. Sybarism and prostitution are possible here. Lilith in this field activates problems associated with life and death, “other life”, awakens the instinct of destruction and self-destruction or the instinct to kill. Suicidal tendencies are also possible. Lilith's power in this field is limitless, since she is in her own horoscope field. On the basis of increased sexual potential, often suppressed, tyranny, despotism, sadism, and looting flourish. This position was held by the world's largest executioners and most murderers. Now you will have to abandon the negative character traits that manifested themselves due to the increased need for sex, since, in the end, this can lead to hospital, prison, premature violent death through one’s own fault, or suicide.

Lilith in the 9th house

Here Lilith enhances the attraction to vicious exoticism. Problems most often arise during long journeys, long journeys or in contact with foreigners or people of a different faith or culture. Far from his home, a person may find himself abandoned to the mercy of fate and undergo many trials, insults, and humiliations, since the grievances of other people, both his own and those of others, will be taken out on him. Increased sexual potential, seduction, seduction can boomerang on the individual himself. Missionary activities the individual may also be problematic. At first it may be taken for granted, but later it is possible high-profile scandals and revelations. Now it would be better if the individual lived peacefully in his home, in his homeland and went about his business among his relatives and friends, since happiness does not shine for him far from his native hearth.

Lilith in the 10th house

More from old life there remains a strong desire for power over others. According to old memory, an individual can go to the goal in any way, even walking over corpses. He is driven to this path by his increased sexual potential, which forces him to seek and find victims from elite circles of society, who, due to their seduction and intoxication, help to make a brilliant career. But here the desire for excess of power, arbitrariness, tyranny, despotism, sadism and cynicism will dominate. But man himself also faces a host of evil enemies and serious dangers created by the same machine that he himself launched to destroy others who refuse to submit to his will and lustful demands. Here only the renunciation of everything illegal and dishonest, from undeserved fame and honors can save. He should give his strength, knowledge and all his skill for the benefit of others, otherwise he will lose all his regalia, will be dishonored, crushed and destroyed.

Lilith in the 11th house

In a past life, a man seduced and seduced friends and like-minded people; no one could resist him. His sexual power was so uncontrollable that he himself led an immoral lifestyle and involved his friends in this circle. Now we need to put an end to our old way of life and get out of the vicious circle by any means necessary. In the first half of life, previous experiences still have a strong impact on the individual, therefore, in order to get rid of the harmful consequences of increased lust, it is better to choose marriage and the birth of children. True, this position of Lilith may indicate that the child may be illegitimate or illegitimate. These people should avoid those with the Sun, Moon, ruler of the XI field of the horoscope, Ascendant or Meridian forms a connection with Lilith, since such a person can carry problems, grief and disappointment and, with some additional indicators, can become the culprit of premature death.

Lilith in the 12th house

In a previous life, the individual seduced and seduced everyone with his charms, seduced, suppressed the will, using occult knowledge and using powers black magic. Those who did not give in to him and did not submit to his will, he brought to psychiatric hospital or to prison. This Karma is one of the most difficult, and XII house is the worst place for Lilith, since it is here that its fatality operates at full power. Lilith, being the Demon’s closest sexual assistant, participates in all transactions concerning the sale of a person’s soul to Satan. If an individual manages to avoid this transaction, he is faced with a swamp of alcoholism, drug addiction and other “pleasures” in the basements of life. There is, of course, the opportunity to avoid this, but only through complete self-restraint, self-denial and self-sacrifice. A fatal relationship is foreshadowed with a person whose planet forms a conjunction or some strong aspect with the Lilith of the individual.

Black Moon in the natal chart - this is the dark side of personality, which exists in any person, although everyone has it with its own nuances, and which will inevitably lead a person to collapse if he indulges it. These are our temptations lurking at a deep level of consciousness, and the craving for wicked moral and ethical actions leading to self-destruction of the individual. Lilith is not capable of bringing happiness, nor is she capable of shaping events, but she has an influence on psychology, on deep desires and passions. The Black Moon generates astral vortices that cause strong emotions and desires that prevent consciousness from controlling its influence.

Lilith also shows what kind of people will meet on our way and play the role of provocateurs and enemies. But the appearance of this category of people in our lives in no way gives grounds for any accusations against them. The role given to them is realized against their will, and a person must first of all concentrate on the manifestations of the negative properties of his own Lilith in his own psyche and behavior. If they are realized and worked out, then a person is no longer afraid of any provocation. Lilith is also associated with the most terrible sin of man - suicide, which is probably the ultimate goal of all passions. But the choice here always remains with the individual, and Lilith is powerless against a person’s will.


06.08.1931 - 02.05.1932 31.10.1975 - 26.07.1976
11.06.1940 - 07.03.1941 05.09.1984 - 31.05.1985
16.04.1949 - 11.01.1950 11.07.1993 - 06.04.1994
19.02.1958 - 16.11.1958 17.05.2002 - 09.02.2003
26.12.1966 - 21.09.1967 23.03.2011 - 16.12.2011

A person feels like a pioneer in any business and asserts himself at the expense of others. He shows aggressiveness when people identified as leaders do not want to follow his “selfless” impulse, at the same time he strives not to let anyone forward, bringing his passions to the fore. A person can go over his head without thinking and will crush those who interfere with him. In his attitude, the unpredictability of actions and permissiveness are clearly expressed. Excessive activity, pioneer complex, strong sensuality, cruelty, tendency to demonstrate. Playing Robin Hood.

Employees and male peers act as provocateurs.

Lowest level

A person supports the cult of brute force, arrogance and rudeness; he may experience a morbid attraction to fire, iron, sharp objects, and feel a connection with the underworld and criminal affairs. This is the karma of a killer, a warrior, a butcher, who in a past life violated the commandment and killed not for the sake of fulfilling his duty in war, but for the pleasure of killing. In this incarnation, he is a slave to his destructive instincts and uses people for his own purposes, using strong-willed blows and vampirism. He is characterized by such traits as violence, egocentrism, sadism, bloodlust, and uncontrollable sexual impulses.

Intermediate level

A person risks becoming a victim of violence or even murder, suffering from fire and weapons, he is rude and rude, he has many open enemies and opponents, he often experiences acute, crisis situations, obstacles. In past lives, a person exceeded his authority, was too proud, rude and cruel, and unscrupulous in the means to achieve his goals. In this incarnation, he may be haunted by obsessions, madness, and fear of being killed. A person may experience a morbid attraction to sharp objects, fire and firearms, which he should avoid, as well as activity, swiftness and pressure in behavior. You should not succumb to provocation and return evil for evil.

Highest level

At the internal level, a person is fearless, he cannot be broken, because even if he is forced to face open and cruel manifestations of evil, rudeness and rudeness, he immediately recognizes them and purposefully fights them. In past lives, a person defeated his destructive tendencies, hatred of enemies, he emerged victorious in the fight against evil, probably showed heroism, perhaps even was killed defending a just cause. Now his mission is to re-educate and enlighten murderers and rapists. At this level, a person acquires oratorical abilities, he is able to inspire other people to great feats.

Basic commandment: “Thou shalt not kill,” but develop fearlessness.


03.05.1932 - 26.01.1933 27.07.1976 - 23.04.1977
08.03.1941 - 01.12.1941 01.06.1985 - 26.02.1986
12.01.1950 - 07.10.1950 07.04.1994 - 01.01.1995
17.11.1958 - 13.08.1959 10.02.2003 - 07.11.2003
22.09.1967 - 17.06.1968 16.12.2011 - 11.09.2012

A thrifty person can become greedy, a gourmet can become a glutton, and a normal desire to earn a living can turn into greed. A person strives to maintain control over everything he can reach; he also experiences pleasure when someone is financially dependent on him. He pays off debts with great difficulty and hates his creditors. Excessive attachment to material goods and pleasures, the desire to possess everything in the world, passion, inactivity, inertia, laziness.

The role of provocateurs is played by female peers, as well as persons related to the fine arts or material values.

Lowest level

Man is completely cut off from higher currents and his consciousness is immersed in matter. In past lives, he put the material above the spiritual, and in this life he is ruled by a passion for money and wealth, unbridled hoarding. This is the karma of a miser, a grabber, a greedy person, who was perhaps a dishonest banker, moneylender, glutton and glutton. A person is possessed by rough carnal instincts, lust, painful jealousy, he wants to try all the pleasures of life. For the sake of material well-being such a person is ready to make a deal with his conscience, because... the evil that comes through Taurus does not use fear and pain, but promises wealth and pleasure.

Intermediate level

A person may be haunted by financial difficulties, endless debts, all savings may immediately be wasted or lost, even though the person tries to save up for fear of remaining poor and abandoned. The fear of hunger and failure to assimilate food at the physical level can also manifest itself very strongly, which entails a decrease in energy potential and illness. In past lives, a person attached great importance to money, was greedy, led an unaesthetic lifestyle, and his feelings were too mundane. In this incarnation, he always lacks money, he loses what he values ​​most, he is looking for love and cannot find it, because he is possessive and in love. There is a great danger of earthquakes and falling asleep. A person must part with the material, transitory without regret; he must understand that he is a spiritual being, and he will be given exactly as many material benefits as are required for his development.

Highest level

At this level, a person completely lacks the fear of poverty, he does not have a single debt, he affirms true, spiritual values, fights against art that instills vulgarity and awakens dark instincts. In past lives, he realized that any excesses and luxury impede spiritual development and tie him to matter. He conquered the sense of possessiveness, abandoned hoarding and excesses in nutrition and the sensual sphere, and thereby developed immunity against “gluttony.” At this level, a person acquires the ability to benefit from everything, to make money literally out of thin air.

Basic commandment: don’t hoard, don’t be greedy, don’t be jealous, don’t worship the golden calf.


27.01.1933 - 21.10.1933 24.04.1977 - 17.01.1978
03.12.1941 - 26.08.1942 27.02.1986 - 22.11.1986
08.10.1950 - 02.07.1951 02.01.1995 - 29.09.1995
14.08.1959 - 07.05.1960 08.11.2003 - 03.08.2004
18.06.1968 - 13.03.1969 12.09.2012 - 09.06.2013

The person believes that everything he says has a very high value, both in terms of information and as valuable instructions. In his opinion, everyone is just waiting for his weighty word, which will solve all problems and dot all the i’s. Irresponsibility, dishonesty, talkativeness, superficiality, nervousness, tendency to intrigue, lies, gossip, denunciations. Intellectual and material theft. Game of "voice of God".

Friends, acquaintances, brothers and sisters, students and teachers act as provocateurs.

Lowest level

A person steals, slander, deliberately distorts the truth, distorts spiritual teachings, seduces and corrupts other people with the help of words. This is the karma of a thief, a deceiver, a gossip, a plagiarist, an informer, a secret employee. In a past life, a person could have been a deceiving merchant, a swindler, could have spilled other people's secrets, committed a crime against relatives, or been mired in intrigue and meanness. Such a person can easily scatter curses and practice verbal magic.

Intermediate level

A person himself becomes a victim of denunciations, gossip, slander, intrigue, theft, he is haunted by failures in business, trade, travel and business trips, he is betrayed by friends and acquaintances, brothers and sisters. In past lives, a person was not completely sincere, truthful and honest: he deceived, perhaps slandered or stole, so his greatest temptation now is to appropriate someone else’s property, to deceive, to lie, to embellish. Possible attraction to people of the same sex. There is a high risk of gas poisoning, suffocation or plane crash. It is necessary to endure attacks and not loosen your tongue.

Highest level

At this level it is very difficult to deceive a person, because... he recognizes thieves and gossips well, sees and does not accept falsehood and lies, because in past lives he learned what methods the dark forces use for misinformation and deception. He consciously fights slander, exposes all sources that deceive, seduce, corrupt people, and encourage them to do evil. At this level, a person gains the ability to simulate circumstances and turn any, even the most unfavorable, situation to his advantage.

Basic commandment: Don't lie, don't steal, don't mislead others.


22.10.1933 - 18.07.1934 16.01.1978 - 12.10.1978
27.08.1942 - 23.05.1943 23.11.1986 - 17.08.1987
03.07.1951 - 27.03.1952 29.09.1995 - 22.06.1996
08.05.1960 - 30.01.1961 04.08.2004 - 28.04.2005
13.03.1969 - 06.12.1969 09.06.2013 - 03.03.2014

A person claims exclusive personal relationships, special home living conditions, playing the role of a weak, humiliated and downtrodden creature who, without outside help, is simply not able to achieve anything on his own. It may also be a desire to make others humiliated and insulted. The need to play with shades of emotional experiences, to always provoke others to be frank, restless, changeable, obsessive, dependent on mood and circumstances.

Close relatives, as well as older women, possibly parents, but most often the mother, act as provocateurs.

Lowest level

A person is a carrier of deep, hidden evil, knows how to mask his bad intentions, and is therefore especially dangerous. Indulges in his secret vices. Knows the weak points of another, knows how to gain trust. This is the karma of a traitor to the Motherland, parents, a desecrator of traditions and graves. In past lives, a person could be a coward, a scoundrel, a defiler of the maternal principle, an opportunist, an individualist who has gone into his own skin, and therefore he is strongly attracted to betrayal, insulting traditions, and desecrating shrines.

Intermediate level

It is difficult for a person to achieve recognition in his homeland, his native walls put pressure on him, he faces troubles in his home, all the worst things in life come through the closest people who do not understand him or even become enemies. Other people try to get into his soul, to hurt him where it hurts most. In past incarnations, a person did not fully or not quite honestly fulfill his duty to his family, homeland, and broke away from his roots. Therefore, in this incarnation he may be doomed to vagrancy, homelessness, he may be kicked out of his home, thrown out of the country, or there may be a need to leave his homeland. He is haunted by fears, manias, and an Oedipus complex. The dangers of water range from flooding in the house to liquid poisoning and drowning. A person must survive all this and not become embittered, and emerge from the test as a human being.

Highest level

At this level, a person has excellent mutual understanding with his parents, he has a flair, an intuition for traitors, scoundrels, defilers, for people with an unclean soul who are up to no good. In his past lives, a person emerged victorious in the fight against his inner evil, refused to defile national ideas and therefore, in this incarnation, he is also the bearer of the karma of his clan, country, cleansing the cultural and spiritual traditions of his people from dirt, acting as an internationalist. At this level, a person acquires the ability to easily adapt to any circumstances and understands what he should do in order to feel “at home” everywhere.

Basic commandment: honor your parents, ancestors, love your Motherland, return to your roots.


19.07.1934 - 14.04.1935 12.10.1978 - 08.07.1979
24.05.1943 - 18.02.1944 18.08.1987 - 13.05.1988
28.03.1952 - 23.12.1952 23.06.1996 - 18.03.1997
31.01.1961 - 28.10.1961 29.04.2005 - 21.01.2006
07.12.1969 - 02.09.1970 04.03.2014 - 27.11.2014

A person is ready to extol the object of his love and the fruits of his creativity, but he demands a similar attitude towards himself from people for whom he does not feel a strong passion. He behaves like a narcissistic poser, an egocentric, an excessive power-hunger, radiating an exaggerated awareness of the importance of his presence in the world. Boasting, arrogance, tendency to take on too much, abuse of power, desire to teach, dislike of children. Playing “slave of love” or imposing such a role on a partner.

The role of provocateurs is played by bright and visible people, possibly children.

Lowest level

A person is obsessed with excessive pride and vanity, he envies and takes revenge on everyone who is talented, behaves like an impostor, an upstart, uses sex and eros for base purposes. This is the karma of a gambler, a reveler, a playmaker, a child molester or child killer, a pimp. In a past life, a person could exceed the measure of power, hurt loved ones, be a self-centered person, a poser or bury his talent, an organizer of brothels and brothels. In this life, such a person is attracted by debauchery, prostitution, pornography, gambling, vandalism in art.

Intermediate level

A person himself suffers from strong, powerful, insidious and vindictive opponents; his punishment may be childlessness, infertility, or suffering because of love. If he is talented, then upstarts with unsatisfied vanity envy him and take revenge. In a past life, a person exceeded his authority, was too self-centered or used his talents to harm people, was unfair to children or abandoned his child. In this incarnation, he may have conflicts with his own children, mockery from children, the environment and events will cast a shadow on his reputation. Danger from fire, weapons, sunstroke, strokes, danger of public ridicule and shame. You should not suffer because of unhappy love; you should raise children without expecting special gratitude from them.

Highest level

At this level, a person subtly senses the manifestation of evil in art and in the entertainment industry, his relationships with children are normalized, and there is no painful desire for fame, power and honors. He wages an uncompromising fight against vulgarity and pornography, protecting young people from the harmful influence of civilization and from empty sensual entertainment. A person consciously cleanses love from lust, engages in enlightened creativity, and is responsible for his children, for his creations, for his love. At this level, a person acquires excellent acting skills, allowing him to easily turn the heads of unfamiliar people and charm them.

Basic commandment: don’t climb into power, don’t strive for fame, give everything to your children without expecting gratitude.


15.04.1935 - 09.01.1936 09.07.1979 - 04.04.1980
19.02.1944 - 13.11.1944 14.05.1988 - 07.02.1989
24.12.1952 - 18.09.1953 19.03.1997 - 14.12.1997
29.10.1961 - 25.07.1962 22.01.2006 - 19.10.2006
03.09.1970 - 31.05.1971 28.11.2014 - 24.08.2015

Lilith in Virgo makes a person petty, vindictive, dependent on the powers that be, who manipulates others out of a sense of duty and responsibility, and seeks to develop a guilt complex in them. A person is internally unprotected from conflicts and therefore tries to always do the right thing in everything, without violating instructions and regulations, thereby camouflaging the internal storm of emotions, and tends to exaggerated critical introspection. Pettiness, greed, quarrelsomeness, cynicism, dryness, formalism, boringness, pedantry. A game of “white, fluffy and innocent creature.”

Colleagues, as well as controllers of any kind, act as provocateurs.

Lowest level

A person puts intelligence and information above all else, with cold calculation he tries to force everyone to work for himself, and deceives his bosses. This is the karma of a slave, a lackey, a careerist, a sycophant, a parasite, a sadistic doctor or a murderous doctor who violated the Hippocratic oath. In a past life, a person was petty, greedy, quarrelsome, cynical, deprived and used his loved ones, and despised noble feelings. In this life, he is characterized by coldness, frigidity in love or sexual promiscuity, moral decline.

Intermediate level

A person is constantly humiliated in the service, pushed aside, proven to him that he is an empty place, and found fault with little things. He is haunted by eternal health problems, his everyday life is boring, which forces him to waste money on senseless expenses. In a past life, a person humiliated his human dignity, was a suck-up, a lackey, burdened other people with his problems, did not think about eternal values. In this incarnation, he is given second roles, he is made a fool, he is not allowed to live by his own wits, he has to care for the sick, and perform unpleasant duties. Danger of poisoning from poor quality food, from earthquakes, subway. The risk of becoming a victim of medical error, bureaucracy, bullying at work. It is necessary to avoid petty dirty tricks, beware of suspiciousness about health, and not be afraid that someone is smarter.

Highest level

At this level, a person is well versed in the material side of life, he is a professional with a capital P, he knows how to make the most of modern technologies and scientific achievements, he easily recognizes true doctors and real medicine, and he has excellent health. In a past life, a person got rid of the slavish principle in himself, realized the danger of knowledge and science, devoid of spirituality, and now he is waging an irreconcilable struggle with everything that grounds a person, ties him to the everyday, he fights with the influence of civilization, turning a person into a mechanism. At this level, he is given the ability to notice details and nuances that will allow him to find a non-trivial solution to any problem.

Basic commandment: don't be afraid dirty work, drive your cart, look after the sick.

There are several key points in each person's birth chart. They determine character traits, life paths, and destiny. These are the givens with which a person comes into this world. We each develop from our own starting position.

Black is a powerful development factor. This is a tough teacher who reveals our negative qualities, weaknesses, fears and complexes. They prevent you from going further. The Black Moon opens our eyes to our true essence.

People themselves have the right to choose which path they will follow after this discovery. But the Black Moon will definitely sum up all our actions.

General essence

Astrology is a very serious, deep science. The Black Moon is also called a fictitious planet. It cannot be seen in space using even the most advanced technology. The opposite entity is the White Moon (Selena). It also cannot be seen in the night sky. These categories are applicable only in astrology.

They reflect our deepest images, thoughts, feelings. The Black Moon shows our negative qualities. These are human weaknesses.

The White Moon, on the contrary, opens up those areas in which a person receives a reward for his good deeds and help. The struggle between good and evil is endless. Therefore, it is impossible to completely renounce both one and the other state. These are two sides of the same coin.

Essence of Lilith

The Black Moon in astrology, the position of which in the natal chart today can be calculated very accurately using special programs, is one of the most important points in the horoscope. Passing through the signs of the zodiac, the Black Moon reveals shortcomings and negative karma of the past.

Finding herself in one house or another at the moment of a person’s birth, Lilith determines from which area temptations and fatal fate should be expected. The Black Moon is a teacher. But her lessons are very tough, sometimes extremely painful. But only during periods of hardship and suffering do we become stronger.

Lilith makes you look at yourself from the outside. Moreover, at this moment we are able to see all our most disgusting qualities and weaknesses. Having realized them, a person makes a choice: to live with what he is, or to develop and improve.

The next time the Black Moon appears in fate, she will appreciate the entire sum of the actions committed during her absence. And she will reward everyone, assessing the degree of development or degradation.

Return period

The full cycle of Lilith is 9 years (or, more precisely, 8.85 years). She returns to the point in the horoscope where she was at birth. In the position of Lilith, astrology must be studied. The Black Moon cannot be ignored. Her return periods are a test. What they will be like depends on the level of human development.

5 months before and after her return may occur various events affecting the rest of your life. Lilith will ask for everything that a person has done wrong to himself and others.

Conventionally, 3 levels of development can be distinguished. At the lowest of them, the person openly takes the side of evil. During the period of karmic testing, such an individual is lucky. He succeeds. The Black Moon helps him. This is a symbol that the dark side has been chosen by man. But such success ends tragically and abruptly.

At the average level of development, a person is attacked by various troubles. He must take it for granted and survive everything. At the same time, one cannot return evil for evil. This is redemption. On high level development, a person avoids temptations. During the testing period, neither good nor bad happens to him.

Age of checks

At a certain age, Lilith invades a person’s life. The Black Moon occupies an important place in astrology. She comes for the first time at 8 years old. At this point, the person has not yet done much evil. Therefore, he does not feel this presence. But at 17, 26, 35 years old, etc., a certain path has already been passed.

If a person still has a chance to work off his bad deeds, he will definitely face them. It sometimes looks like a severe shock. But everything that happens during this period must be accepted and concluded.

Lilith does not take pleasure in people's pain. This is her kind of gift. After all, for those who did not lose heart and survived a difficult period, the doors of a new, better life. There will be no deception, insults and everything that fettered a person before.

White Moon

In the birth chart, both the Black and White Moon determine their influence. Astrology indicates periods of return of light karma. Every 7 years Selena rewards a person for his good deeds. Moreover, this happens exactly in the same area where the person showed himself to be good.

If a person has taken the side of evil, during this period failures occur to him, plans collapse. The highest justice does not allow evil plans to be committed. White Moon is a guardian angel. She repays good with good.

Lilith in the zodiac signs

The Black Moon in astrology and zodiac signs enhances negative qualities. She highlights the most negative traits, putting them on display. Each zodiac sign has its own. Knowing these features, we can guess where to expect the crisis to come from.

Lilith indicates in which area a person’s weak point is indicated. In this area, intensive work on yourself is required. This is a clue where personal growth is most inhibited. And this is where other weaknesses and mistakes come from.

Lilith in Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer

To understand what the Black Moon means in astrology, it is necessary to consider its manifestations in all signs of the zodiac. First in this goes to the system Aries. A person whose Lilith is in this sign is overly active. He squanders a sea of ​​energy around, wasting it thoughtlessly. It is necessary to treat information with respect, and you should not do or say rash things.

The Black Moon in Taurus makes a person greedy and greedy. He can deceive others or take away money and valuables. Moreover, he spends them only on himself and in large quantities.

Lilith in Gemini gives a person the gift of persuasion, which he uses for bad purposes, deceiving others. With their words, such individuals can cause great harm.

If this fictitious planet is in the sign of Cancer, you need to reconsider your attitude towards relatives. There is a great danger of betraying your family and being left without ties with them.

Lilith in Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio

The Black Moon in astrology gives people a certain gift. But it is precisely this quality that sometimes leads to collapse. Lilith in Leo gives a person the talent to please people and easy success. The important thing here is not to be selfish. You need to be more modest. You need to become a warm sun for everyone, and not a sizzling, ruthless star.

The Black Moon in Virgo makes a person petty and picky. He does not tolerate the mistakes of others. It is necessary to learn to show sensitivity, understanding, and tolerance.

Lilith in Libra gives a person the quality of a bad partnership. These are, for example, kept women or gigolos. This situation may manifest itself in the desire to give advice, often bad. A person must understand responsibility when coming into contact with other people.

In Scorpio, Lilith endows a person with witchcraft attractiveness. But this gift is used for the worst purposes. The partners of such people find themselves in a web from which they cannot escape. If the level of development of a person with Lilith in Scorpio is low, this leads to madness or even the death of the partner. In case of poor development, a person drinks juices from those who like him.

Lilith in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

The Black Moon in astrology shows the sphere of temptation. Lilith in Sagittarius gives a person the gift of an orator. But he uses his philosophical ideas for selfish purposes. You cannot be led by your egoism.

Black gives a despot and a tyrant. He does not accept compassion. Such a Capricorn simply destroys people he dislikes, morally or physically.

Lilith in Aquarius makes a person irresponsible in friendship. He is ready to set up his friends for the sake of a new selfish idea. It is necessary to value people and friendship. Self-sacrifice and humanism are required.

Lilith in Pisces clouds the mind, preventing one from distinguishing good from evil. Such people feel too sorry for themselves, but do not see the pain of others. It is necessary to learn to distinguish between what is bad and what is good for everyone.

Lilith in houses

Astrology distinguishes 12 spheres of life in the natal chart. The Black Moon in houses also highlights all their negative qualities. This is the area from which all the most terrible events come into fate. This is the part of life that will never be perfect.

Every person experiences fatal events and shocks. It makes you move forward and get through difficult times. If development occurs under these circumstances, the personality grows above itself. Not wanting to deal with difficulties, people can take the easy but wrong path. This leads to collapse.

Therefore, the house into which the Black Moon falls must be worked out especially carefully and responsibly.

Lilith in houses 1-6

When studying what the Black and White Moon are in astrology, it is necessary to pay attention to the influence of houses on fate. If Lilith is in the 1st house, she gives a sharp mind, but it will be used for selfish purposes. The danger to a person comes from his own personality.

Once in the 2nd house, the planet makes a person fixated on material wealth. In this case, you need to earn honestly.

In the 3rd house, the danger lies in the process of transmitting information, in relationships with brothers, sisters or neighbors.

In the 4th house, Lilith indicates orphanhood, the loss of one’s own home, homeland. The condition of the home may be poor.

The Black Moon in the 5th house causes problems with children. Doom can also strike in the area of ​​gambling.

The 6th house indicates health problems. Hard, uninteresting work is possible. However, you should not immediately get upset, knowing such features of fate. This provides an opportunity for a person to carefully prepare for tests and soften the blows of karma as much as possible.

Lilith in 7th-12th houses

In the 7th house, the Black Moon speaks of problems with a partner. This could be personal life or friendship. It is difficult for a person to establish connections with other people.

Getting into the 8th house, Lilith endows the character with hysteria and greed. A person may suffer irreparable losses. Possible tendency towards violence. You need to give up your own pleasure and start helping others for free.

In the 9th house, the planet gives a person the influence of false other people's views. He might end up in a cult. Such people should not travel abroad. There is a high probability of deception outside the homeland.

In the 10th house, Lilith gives a person social recognition. However, over time, this illusion will collapse. The test will be in such circumstances to maintain one’s dignity and not stoop to appropriating the achievements of others. Only dedicated work in this case will yield results.

At 11, the Moon attracts bad company. Betrayal and collapse await here. A lot also depends on the zodiac sign that astrology considers. The Black Moon in the 11th house in Virgo gives, for example, blindness to the global problems of one’s environment. Such a person finds fault with every little thing and mistake, not seeing the global deception and deceit of his friends.

If Lilith is in the 12th house, the person will face imprisonment. This may mean prison, as well as impossibility of implementation. In his imprisonment, a person goes through humiliation and deprivation. But in its isolation it must still develop. This leads to the light.

Having studied the place of the Black Moon in astrology, you can look into the depths of your personality. By understanding the areas in which growth is inhibited, you can find ways to development and self-improvement. Lilith sometimes teaches us this very cruelly.

Goes back to the names of three Sumerian demons: Lilitu, Lilu and Ardat Lili. The first one is a succubus and the second one is an incubus, suggesting Lilith's androgynous nature. But in the European tradition, Lilith most often acts as a succubus. She takes possession of men against their will in order to give birth to children from them, which is why the Talmud does not recommend that men spend the night alone at home. According to one legend that emerged from a dark place in Genesis 1 (“For before Eve there was Lilith”), Lilith was Adam’s first wife, created for him from clay. But Adam and Lilith immediately had an argument. Lilith, unable to convince Adam that they were equal, since both were made of clay, flew away from him. In the Red Sea, three angels sent by God overtook her, but Lilith refused to return, declaring that she was created to harm newborns. The angels took an oath from her that she would not enter the house in which she would see them or their names. In addition, she accepted the punishment that from now on one hundred of her children should die every day. Another legend said that Adam entered into a relationship with Lilith only after being expelled from paradise, as a result of which the world was overrun with demons. In the translations of the Septuagint, the name Lilith was dropped because, created by the Creator equal to Adam, she did not correspond to the concept of ancient Jewish marriage, where a woman’s rebellion was impossible. In Jewish life, the hairy and winged Lilith is especially known as a pest of childbirth. It was believed that she not only spoils babies, but also kidnaps them, drinks the blood of newborns, sucks the marrow from the bones and replaces them. She was also credited with spoiling women in labor and infertility of women. Amulets and spells for a woman in labor against Lilith should contain not only the names of the three angels who tried to return her, but also some of the names of Lilith herself: Batna (womb), Odem (redness) or Amorpho (formless). In the Middle Ages, the legend changed somewhat: Lilith no longer became a snake, but the spirit of the night. Sometimes she appears as an angel in charge of the birth of people, sometimes as a demon besieging those sleeping alone or wandering alone along the road. In the popular imagination, she appears as a tall, silent woman with long black flowing hair. According to the Kabbalistic book "Zohar", Lilith became the wife of Samael (Satan) and the mother of demons. In the looking glass, where Satan plays the role of god, Lilith becomes a reflection of the female aspect of God, the Shekinah, so the inhabitants of the Valley of Sodom, supposedly the surviving children of Adam and Lilith, worshiped Lilith as the Great Mother, bestowing upon them earthly fire. Thanks to the great interest in Kabbalah, in Renaissance Europe the legend of Lilith as the first wife of Adam became known to literature, where she acquired the appearance of a beautiful, seductive woman. A similar idea of ​​Lilith appears in medieval Jewish literature, although in the Jewish tradition beautiful appearance Lilith is associated with her ability to change her appearance. The legend about her inspired the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828–1882) to write the poem “The Abode of Paradise,” in which Lilith the snake became the first wife of Adam, and God created Eve later. To take revenge on Eve, Lilith persuaded her to eat the forbidden fruit and conceive Cain, Abel's brother and murderer. This is the original form of myth that Rossetti developed. The image of Lilith has been played out many times and in different ways in world literature. So, in Goethe, Faust sees a beauty and is warned that this is Adam’s first wife and that touching her hair means leaving forever. Anatole France's "Daughter Lilith" is a ghost with green eyes and black hair. Whomever she touched with them, oblivion awaited him. For the Russian symbolist writer Fyodor Sologub in his collection “The Circle of Flames” this is not a gloomy image, but a piece of moonlight. Lilith also received a romantic coloring in A. Isaacin’s poem “Lilith,” where the beautiful, unearthly Lilith, made of fire, is contrasted with the ordinary Eve. We find the same contrast between Lilith and Eve in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “An Attempt at Jealousy.” The symbolic legends of antiquity have also spread to the sphere of astrology, where there is a fictitious planet Lilith (its other metaphorical name is the Black Moon), depicted as an oval with a crossbar in the middle. She has original meaning in every destiny, marking the point in the Zodiac where the destined comes true. Lilith in conjunction with the sun and moon brings glory, which is associated with the ultimate qualities - either a genius or a criminal. Complementing Saturn, the Black Moon emphasizes the love of immense risk inherent in gamblers who are unable to pay for a loss. Therefore, the black secret of the loser is hidden in this sign. Source: Borges X. L. Bestiary: Book of Fictitious Creatures. M., 2000; Woman in myths and legends: Encyclopedic reference. Tashkent, 1992; Encyclopedia of symbols, signs, emblems. M., 1999.