The tragedy of Svetlana Druzhinina's family. Svetlana Druzhinina: the first parts of “Midshipmen” were filmed on crutches

Name: Svetlana Druzhinina

Age: 81 years old

Place of birth: Moscow

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Activity: actress, film director

Marital status: Married

Svetlana Druzhinina - biography

A beautiful actress who has won the hearts of many representatives of the stronger sex. She played difficult women, but she did it so magnificently that film critics were ashamed to say that Druzhinina did a poor job in the role. When the conversation is about beautiful women, it always becomes interesting what her biography became in later life.

Children's and teenage years, family of the actress

Maryina Grove, known to all Muscovites, became the homeland for little Sveta. She inherited her strong, purposeful character from the Don Cossacks, whose blood flowed in the veins of her mother, Anna Danilovna Myznikova. Father, Druzhinin Sergei Ivanovich, he was the son of a priest, went to the front as a driver and died in battles for the city of Smolensk, the girl was then a little over six years old. The family huddled in a communal apartment, the mother worked as a teacher. Children played the game “Cossacks-Robbers” in old cemeteries. Sveta was the most important in these games.

At the age of eleven, she successfully passed all the tests and was accepted into the troupe. After a year of training and performing as a rubber girl, Svetlana wanted to leave with the circus acrobats, but her mother did not let her. This is not how the biography of the circus performer turned out. One day she was sent to summer period to a pioneer camp, where an acquaintance began with new girlfriend. As it turned out later, the well-known girl is also a grandmother and granddaughter. A friend attended a choreography class that was opened by the Bolshoi Theater. Returning home, Sveta declared her desire to dance. She entered, but to a different theater.

Druzhinina studied with Maris Liepa and Natalya Kasatkina, but a hand injury crossed out this possible biography of the ballerina. The restless Svetlana continued to search for herself. She hosted evenings that were broadcast on television. She was noticed and invited to host episodes of the KVN program. He became Druzhinina's partner. The television broadcast only in live. This work taught the girl to work on camera, speak to the audience without pompous phrases, and learn her role by heart.

Svetlana Druzhinina - films

The twenty-year-old beauty was noticed by Samson Samsonov. The director was selecting a cast for his next film. Svetlana got a minor role, but, thanks to her partner Anatoly Kuznetsov, she received recognition from the audience. Finally, it became clear that it was time to enter VGIK. Many students gained fame while still studying at the institute. Druzhinina starred in five films during her student period.

The film “It Was About Penkov”, in which he also starred. Having a simple name and simple story love in the plot, became at that time and still retains the status of the most beloved film for Soviet and Russian audiences.

Then “Girls” came out, with famous actors: , and others. This film is part of the country's golden film fund. Druzhinina cannot stop there; she no longer wants to play roles, even the most stellar ones. She wants to invite actors herself, study the script, and plan episodes.

Svetlana Druzhinina - directing

The actress decides to study at the directing department. Successful admission, the debut film received the highest praise during the thesis defense. Svetlana works at the Mosfilm film studio, the films that the aspiring director makes are popular. It is enough to name just a few of them. Who doesn’t remember “The Hussar’s Matchmaking” or “The Circus Princess”? Movie stars agree to the offers that come from Druzhinina. Her midshipmen created a sensation, the songs became hits, many catchphrases.

After some time, she decides to make a film based on real historical events. This is how the series “Secrets” appeared palace coups" It’s so good that Druzhinina the acrobat and Svetlana the ballerina did not come to fruition at one time. If not for chance, the audience could have seen Svetlana Sergeevna dancing as part of the Beryozka group, led by Nadezhda Nadezhdina. It’s good that this didn’t happen either.

Svetlana Druzhinina - biography of personal life

Svetlana Druzhinina's husband studied with her at the faculty of directing, he received a diploma in cameraman. Anatoly Mukasey, like Svetlana, was the captain of the men's volleyball team, and Druzhinina was the captain of the women's team. The romance began with rivalry, but in life this union is unique. It was impossible not to fall in love with Svetlana, because she is still a beauty. And practicing ballet for ten years taught her to keep her shape and posture, she is slim and elegant, as before. They have two sons. Trouble happened to the eldest Anatoly, he passed away, and soon his wife left after him, leaving baby Daniel in the care of his grandparents.

In the family of the wonderful director Svetlana Druzhinina and cameraman Anatoly Mukasey, terrible tragedy: their eldest son Anatoly, a young talented artist, died. His death was for the family a terrible blow. And for what reason he died, on for many years became a family secret.

I first heard about this tragedy, which happened in 1978 in the family of director Svetlana Druzhinina, from actress Larisa Luzhina.

I once filmed with Svetlana Sergeevna, we talked in the same circle, we knew everything about each other. And even then I heard that her eldest son Tolik died from drugs,” said Larisa Anatolyevna. - Alas, many actors and directors’ children indulged in this, and it often ended badly.

I was very surprised to hear these words. Druzhinina herself willingly talks about youngest son Mikhail, and to questions about the elder he answers: “I don’t comment!” Even in official biographies His name is not always mentioned. People around Svetlana Sergeevna say that her eldest son died in a car accident. However, I soon had to make sure that Larisa Luzhina was still right.

On the Internet I found the blogs of Anatoly Mukasey’s friends - Ivan, Yulia and Sergei (these entries can be read on the Internet at and http://bardolimvoronza.

According to their memories, full of sadness and regret, the image of Svetlana Anatolyevna’s eldest son was gradually built up. At the age of 28, he was a promising artist, moving among the golden youth. According to Yulia, they showed their rebellious spirit in bold antics, for which they often ended up in the police. For example, they wandered the streets in pajamas from the Kashchenko clinic, poured several bottles of “Red Moscow” on themselves and went into the subway, dyed their hair wild colors...

“I still think he was a genius,” Ivan writes about Anatoly in his online diary. - Being a half-educated artist, he, however, fundamentally did not bring anything to the end. Consistently squandered his talent, blurted it out, drank it away... He was terrible person in everyday life, as befits a star. Egoist with capital letters, an alcoholic and a heartbreaker."

One of Anatoly’s close friends was Nikolai Danelia, the son of the famous director Georgy Danelia and actress Lyubov Sokolova. Friends organized music group“Sorcerers” also composed “rebellious” songs.

“Usually our rehearsals took place in Nikolai’s apartment near the Airport metro station,” recall Yulia and Sergei. - We drank, smoked, painted, played music, in short, we became friends. The purpose of our rebellious antics was not to prove anything to anyone, we did not represent any political system and were not looking for benefits. The fact of the matter is that we did it just like that..."

For the sake of a successful joke, any of the guys could, without hesitation, risk their lives, just to surprise their friends or impress a girl.

Nikolai Danelia entered VGIK to study directing, but devoted little time to studying, mostly hanging out with free artists and pursuing girls. With great difficulty, over the course of ten years, he still managed to graduate from college, but his career did not work out - he made only two short films. Looking ahead, I will say: in 1985 Danelia died from a drug overdose.

In this company, alas, they could not do without alcohol and weed... By 1977, 28-year-old Anatoly Mukasey realized that he could not continue like this, and made a pilgrimage to the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery.

Into this holy place Usually people come to us who want to, but cannot, get rid of drug addiction and alcoholism on their own.

There they perform a ritual of “exorcism”, after which many cannot recover for a long time. Here is what one of the pilgrims who underwent it says about this procedure:

People live there for a week, fast, and go to services. Then the most powerful monk-priest appears in front of them and begins to read prayers to cast out demons. People are crippled: some are screaming, swearing, some are banging their heads... One was foaming at the mouth at the end of the session. And the priest reads, looks around - he himself is scared of what is happening to the people there.

Anatoly returned from the monastery gloomy and stopped communicating with many friends. At that time, he already had a family - he lived with a girl, Irina Muravyova. In February 1978, she gave birth to his son. They named the boy Daniel, they say, in honor of one of the clergy Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. It seemed that everything was getting better in the family. However, being carried away by church literature, Tolya felt worse and worse. He considered himself a mentally ill person, unable to bear responsibility for his family. Which is what he wrote in his suicide note.

“One day in the morning, at a special “dark hour,” he slammed on some cologne and jumped from the 12th floor,” writes his friend Ivan. - He left a note that he didn’t want to be a mentally ill father for his son. My wife tore up the note in her hearts.”

Falling from such a height left him no chance to survive. Anatoly fell to his death.

For Svetlana Sergeevna and her husband, the death of their eldest son was, of course, a grave grief. In 1978, Svetlana Sergeevna filmed the film “Matchmaking of a Hussar,” and only work helped her survive. Grandson Danilka also distracted me from sad thoughts. At the time of his father’s death, he was not even a year old, and he does not remember him at all. When the boy grew up, he was told that his dad had died in a car accident.

Tolik's wife Irina was a synchronized swimmer. Alas, she died too ahead of schedule when she was not yet 40 years old. This is another one family secret Druzhinins. Some say it was due to illness, others write in their memoirs that she was attacked during a domestic fight. Be that as it may, Daniel does not consider himself an orphan, because his grandparents replaced his parents from the very beginning.

Svetlana Sergeevna dreamed of him becoming an actor and cast him in episodic roles in her films. In 2008, in the film “Vivat, Anna!” he played the role of a monk. Meanwhile, Daniil did not go to a theater university, but graduated from an English-language college. He is well versed in computer technologies and helps his grandmother edit films.

Our whole family works together,” Svetlana Sergeevna says with joy. - I am a director, my husband and son are cameramen, my grandson is an editor...

After the death of her eldest son, Svetlana Sergeevna was left with her youngest, Mikhail, at that time he was only 12 years old. Like his older brother, in his youth he was also fond of rock music and played in the Obermaneken group. But, unlike Anatoly, he did not lose his head and was able to get an education, graduating from the camera department of VGIK. In the 90s, Mikhail became a fashionable music video director. He shot videos for many of our artists, worked as a cameraman at Alla Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings”. Now he is trying himself as a producer; in 2010, he and his father made the film “On Treason.” Mikhail has a family, and he gave Svetlana Sergeevna a grandson, Maxim, who has not yet entered the “family film contract.”

Her marriage to cinematographer Anatoly Mukasey, after whom her eldest son was named, connected Svetlana Druzhinina with a unique family of intelligence officers. Anatoly's parents, Mikhail and Elizaveta Mukasey, were legendary personalities, she lived to be ninety-eight years old, and he lived to be one hundred and two!

Until 1955, Svetlana Druzhinina was a circus performer, and then a ballerina; she has a professional choreographic education. Due to a hand injury, the dream of ballet had to be forgotten, and Druzhinina became an actress, graduating from VGIK in 1960. She became famous for her roles as the beautiful Anfisa in “Girls” and the village girl Larisa in “It Was About Penkov.” During this decade, Druzhinina managed to give birth to two sons. And in 1968 she made a sharp turn in her life and retrained as a director.

The squad was glorified “Midshipmen, forward!”, “Vivat, midshipmen!” and the series “Secrets of Palace Coups.”

The actress and director shared the secrets of longevity and told how she plans to film Midshipmen IV.

Svetlana Druzhinina and cameraman Anatoly Mukasey have been together for 59 years. Photo: Persona Stars

Svetlana Druzhinina (Anfisa from “Girls”, director of the film “Midshipmen, Forward!” and the TV series “Secrets of Palace Coups”) celebrated her 82nd birthday on December 16. But even 40-year-olds will envy her energy! Svetlana Sergeevna works actively, constantly appears on television, but does not forget about rest.

“I’m drying out without the sea”

- With such rich life don't you feel your age?

— There is no need to talk about age... There is such an anecdote. A boy met an old man with a long gray beard and said: “Grandfather, how old are you?” - “Oh, baby, I forgot. That’s how old the beard is, that’s how old I am.” - “Grandfather, when you sleep, where do you put it - under the blanket or on the blanket?” Grandfather thought about this, lost sleep and died. You don't have to think, you just have to move on with your life.

— They say you manage your Instagram yourself. How did you catch this wave?

— This expands the boundaries of the viewing audience. Cinema is a perishable product, so you need to know exactly how the audience is breathing.

— You also share personal photos. Recently the Internet blew up, by the pool. Were you preparing a bomb?

“It was unexpected, I didn’t see how my beloved husband, amazing cameraman Anatoly Mukasey, filmed me. We were on holiday in Cyprus with my friends. I then swore: “Why are you filming me - I’m not made up, I’m unkempt.” After this shot I leave and swim. I swim very well, and I also post these pictures. Not because I'm bragging, but because it's how I keep in shape. I only swim in the sea. Without this I'm dry. I used to swim almost to the horizon. Then Tolya forbade me and said: “I’m worried.” That's why I swim for a long time along the shore. Yogis say: you need to swim where you see your shadow at the bottom. That's when all three energies come together in you. This is the energy of space, the energy of water and the energy of the earth. I firmly believe in this.

Tatyana Navka and Kristina Orbakaite will star in the film “Midshipmen IV”. Photo:

— People never tire of complimenting your figure.

- Well, very good. They ask: “How does this happen?” I answer: you just need to eat less, move more, work, read, love life and swim, swim and swim.

— The wife of your son Mikhail Mukasey is the famous volleyball player Ekaterina Gamova. What kind of relationship did you have? Do you see each other often?

- Excellent. Katya travels a lot. Thank God, she is in demand - she supervises our young volleyball players and travels with them to competitions. She does this with great dedication. And then, Katya is very good wife, mistress, my daughter-in-law, daughter. She is always affectionate and friendly. I love her very much.

— Do you give advice to your son and daughter-in-law? After all, you and your husband have been married for 59 years!

“We must behave with dignity and, if possible, as delicately as possible.” You know, there is such a prayer of the Optina elders: “Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone.” This is very difficult, but it is very important. Anatoly Mukasey and I took part in, where with young people and those who have already lived for a long time In marriage, couples came to the conclusion that marriage should only be for love. And love must be protected. This is a very big job.

Svetlana Druzhinina with her son Mikhail Mukasey and daughter-in-law Ekaterina Gamova. Photo: Vyacheslav PROKOFIEV/TASS

— Where and with whom do you plan to celebrate? New Year?

— Today I talked to my son Mishechka. She and Katya, of course, draw us to their place in Snegiri (a village in the Moscow region - author), to their beautiful house that they built. They live very well, and may the Lord give them strength and health.

"I decided to fight"

— Many celebrities are speaking out in support of your project, the film “Midshipmen IV.” But the Cinema Foundation. How will you proceed next?

— Maxim Galkin promised to place me in his social networks appeal, as well as my actors, friends. A script was written that received a prize as one of the best scripts. In 2015, 5 million rubles were allocated for the so-called pre-preparatory period, which was always present in the work on complex productions. We managed to choose a location in Sevastopol, conducted photo and video tests with the actors, signed all the agreements of intent - with Kristina Orbakaite, Mikhail Boyarsky, Mikhail Mamaev, Dmitry Kharatyan, Alexander Domogarov, Dima Bilan, Tatyana Navka, Leonid Kanevsky, Anna Semenovich. I will only need to find two young ones, but I know where I will look for them. I have all the suits for social events trimmed. The only thing that hasn’t been fully covered is the war, and even then I have a lot of military costumes left over from “The Secret of Palace Coups.”

The same photo of Svetlana Druzhinina that blew up the Internet. Photo:

At all festivals and creative meetings, I always ask: “Would you like to see a sequel to Midshipmen?” And, as a rule, the audience, even young ones, says yes. If you remember, then in “Viva, midshipmen!” there is an episode when Annushka accompanies Korsak to Prussia, the baby is already beating in her arms. Anastasia and Sasha Belov give birth to a daughter, Alexandra, who will remain an orphan because her mother dies. So they will be the very young heroes who will work one third of the new film. And our experienced guys will start. Of course, Kristina Orbakaite is the mature Empress Catherine, who will conclude the Kyuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty and issue a manifesto on the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Part of the film is dedicated to the battle of Kinburn. It is from there that our Marine Corps originates.

Katya Gamova is a good wife, housewife, my daughter-in-law, daughter. Always affectionate and friendly

I decided to fight further. Why Instagram? To expand your audience. I'm interested to know how many people will want to watch this film, and whether they will want to help with rubles as a result. Rolan Bykov once said: “Sveta, there are 200 million of us. If everyone chips in a ruble, you’ll make so many more “Midshipmen”! I’ll open an account and consult with lawyers so that everything is done correctly so that no one makes claims. I will account for every ruble.

“I passed out from pain”

— What did you like about what you watched recently?

- Now I’m looking forward to the film “” with pleasure, I will definitely watch “”, because I am interested in the works of director Dzhanik Fayziev. I watched “” - the picture was made with talent. I saw "". Alexey Uchitel - talented person, and everything was done at a decent professional level, delicately, . There is one big minus - there is not the most best scenario. But for one moment in this film I want to say thank you - with amazing respect and knowledge of the ballet profession, the hard work of a ballerina is shown. After all, my first profession is a ballerina - I graduated from the choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theater together with Maris Liepa. This is hellish work, behind which there is sweat and blood. When you do shene (rotations - author) in a circle and your hand guides you like a pointer, the upper vessels burst and bloody sweat often splashes down the ballerinas’ hands. And I had the same thing. One day my hand crashed into the iron clutch of a ballet barre. I lost consciousness from pain. This trauma still makes itself felt. But because of this injury, I got the opportunity to conduct the graduation concert of my course. And it was at this moment that director Samson Samsonov had to see me on a live broadcast from the Tchaikovsky hall and say: “Bring this girl tomorrow, I will film her in the film “Behind the Windows of a Department Store.” This is how my situation with the transition from ballet to cinema was resolved.

— What would you wish for yourself for 2018?

- There is such a small formula for happiness - I once heard it somewhere, and time has confirmed it. I always wish everyone health, love and good luck. When all this is together, then a person is happy.

Personal matter

Svetlana Druzhinina was born on December 16, 1935 in Moscow. She graduated from the choreographic school of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater. Having been injured, she graduated from the acting and directing departments of VGIKA. In 1961, she starred in the film “Girls,” which brought her popularity. As a director and screenwriter, she has made dozens of films, including “Matchmaking of a Hussar,” “Circus Princess,” “Midshipmen, Go!”, “Secrets of Palace Coups.”

Svetlana Druzhinina - outstanding Soviet and Russian film actress, director, screenwriter. Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Early years

Svetlana Sergeevna Druzhinina was born in Moscow (Maryina Roshcha) on December 16, 1935. Her mother, Anna Danilovna Myznikova, was a teacher at kindergarten. Father, Sergei Ivanovich Druzhinin, worked as a driver. When the war began, he went to the front and died in battles near Smolensk.

The girl grew up brave and energetic, and was often the leader in the pranks of the local children, for which she received the nickname “Atamansha from Maryina Roshcha.” This courage and early formed independence played a role when 11-year-old Sveta one day saw an advertisement on the street about admitting children to circus school. She went to the screening, deciding to do whatever it took - and she was accepted! But a year later I had to part with the circus: the troupe was going on tour, and the mother did not allow her daughter to interrupt her studies at school for this long trip.

However magical world art had already captivated the girl’s heart, and soon Sveta began studying at the choreographic school at the Theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. She was prompted to choose ballet by her acquaintance at a summer pioneer camp with the granddaughter of the famous Isadora Duncan. And the next 10 years were devoted to hard work leading to the realization of the dream of becoming a ballerina.

After some time, Sveta went to school at Bolshoi Theater. There the girl studied with Natalya Kasatkina and Maris Liepa - future stars of world ballet. Unfortunately, her ballet career did not take off: during a rehearsal of “The Nutcracker,” Svetlana broke her elbow on the machine, and her arm “hung” (a hematoma formed), so she had to temporarily stop studying at the school. Subsequently, S. Druzhinina, recalling this situation, said with humor: “Fortunately, cinema appeared in my life. I got to become a movie star."

But before appearing on the silver screen, the girl appeared on television. While in academic leave Due to her injury, Svetlana held performance evenings for students of the choreographic school and attracted the attention of Valentina Nikolaevna Sharoeva, director of the Central Television Studio. Sharoeva invited Svetlana to host children's television programs together with Mikhail Derzhavin. Then came KVN, whose hosts were first Druzhinina and Derzhavin - Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova were second, not first!

Working live taught Svetlana to always be fully prepared: to know the role by heart, to act confidently and naturally, not to be afraid of the camera - all that was so useful to the girl later when she came to cinema.

Acting career

S. Druzhinina’s debut role – tableware saleswoman Sonya Bozhko in the film “Behind the Department Store Window” (1956) – also comes from television. Director Samson Samsonov saw the stately beauty Svetlana when she was hosting another TV show. Samson Iosifovich immediately realized that he had found an actress who would successfully complement the trio of young and bright actors - Anatoly Kuznetsov, Oleg Anofriev and Mikaela Drozdovskaya.

The film had great success among the audience, but this fact did not turn the debutante’s head: Svetlana clearly realized that she needed to learn the basics of a new profession. And the girl entered the acting department of VGIK, the workshop of talented mentors B.V. Bibikova and O.I. Pyzhova. It is not surprising that, studying with such teachers, even during their studies, both S. Druzhinina herself and her fellow students Leonid Kuravlev, Ariadna Shengelaya, Sofiko Chiaureli were able to become popular film actors...

Svetlana Druzhinina: queen of palace coups

The next role - Larisa (film “It Was About Penkov”, 1958, directed by S. Rostotsky) - brought Svetlana deafening fame. S. Druzhinina’s partners were Maya Menglet and Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Thanks to the brilliant performances of young actors, this film entered the treasury of Russian cinema.

The actress’s second star role was the bright and broken Anfisa in the film “Girls” (1961) directed by Yuri Chulyukin. All the girls of the USSR strived to be like the self-confident, beautiful and cheerful “firebird”, easily breaking men’s hearts.

Svetlana Druzhinina in the film “Girls”

After graduating from high school in 1960, S. Druzhinina continued acting (“You Can’t Cross the Bridge,” 1960; “Eagle Island,” 1961; “On the Seven Winds,” 1962, and many others), but felt that she wanted more and more change your role: be a film director, the creator of this complex creation, and not a cog in it. Therefore, the actress returned to her native walls of VGIK, but now - to the directing department, to the workshop of Igor Talankin.

Svetlana's directorial debut was her thesis– an excellently staged film “Zinka”. After graduating from university in 1969, Svetlana Sergeevna began working at Mosfilm. Among her first films are “Wishes Fulfilled” (1973) and “The Sun, the Sun Again!” (1976). But soon Druzhinina switched to creating television films.

The whole country greeted with delight her wonderful films “The Matchmaking of a Hussar” (1979), “Dulcinea of ​​Toboso” (1980), “Circus Princess” (1982), “Midshipmen, Go!” (1988-1992), in which the best actors of those years shone - the stars of Soviet cinema Mikhail Boyarsky, Elena Koreneva, Natalya Belokhvostikova, Andrei Popov, Natalya Gundareva, Dmitry Kharatyan, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Sergei Zhigunov.

From 1994 to 2013, Svetlana Sergeevna worked on a grandiose project in the historical adventure genre - the epic “Secrets of Palace Revolutions. Russia, XVIII century”, releasing films on television screens, one better than the other.

Svetlana Druzhinina also always found time to do a lot of social work. She headed the council for organizing film festivals of historical films “VECHE” in Veliky Novgorod, which have been held regularly since 2003. On her initiative, the All-Russian Film Festival of Historical Cinema “UGRA” has also been held in Kaluga since 2013.

Svetlana Sergeevna’s selfless service to the domestic film industry was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989), the National Olympia Prize (2002), and the Order of Honor (2006) and Friendship (2012).

Personal life of Svetlana Druzhinina

Svetlana Sergeevna got married back in student years for Anatoly Mikhailovich Mukasey, who studied at VGIK at the same time as her, only in the camera department. Decades have passed since then, but they are together: the love that united them in their youth does not cool down, despite the passing years. It was not for nothing that Druzhinina said: “My husband was sent to me by God.” In 2018, Druzhinina and Mukasey celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.

They had two sons, but their paths in life were different. The eldest, also Anatoly, drew very well and might have become a wonderful artist, but drugs ruined him. At the age of 30, he committed suicide. Anatoly suffered due to drugs mental disorders and didn't want him little son Daniel saw his father as a mentally disabled, sick man. After Anatoly’s death, his wife soon died, so Svetlana Sergeevna took baby Danya to her place and raised the child together with her husband.

The topic of the tragic fate of her eldest son is so difficult for Druzhinina that she categorically refuses to discuss this chain of bitter events in her life.

“On the set of the film “It Was About Penkov,” Rostotsky had a hard time with me. To prevent me from habitually standing in the first ballet position, the assistants crawled up to me on the ground and, trying not to get into the frame, hit my feet with a stick. And I just couldn’t fall in love with Slava Tikhonov. But to make a film about love, you need to have feelings for each other. The love scene between Tikhonov and I just couldn’t work out, and Rostotsky said very sharply: “If you don’t fall in love with at least Tikhonov’s button, get out of this profession!”

On the plump cardboard ledger with drawstrings was written: “Three from the navigation school.” And inside there is a wild number of handwritten pages. It was given to me by Nina Sorotokina, about whom I knew only two things: that she liked my films and that she was a plumbing engineer by profession. When Nina brought me her manuscript, naturally, I took her for a graphomaniac. The folder was collecting dust in my apartment for a long time. And then there was a fire. All the books from our huge library were damaged - burned or fell under water and foam. Only Nina Sorotokina's manuscript was not damaged! I took this as some kind of mystical sign. And she began to read. And after reading it, I immediately called the author: “If you agree that there will be a lot of music and songs in the film, I will think about this work.” This is how “Midshipmen” began, which turned my life upside down. However, I had many such revolutions...

"What's your name?" - “Sveta Druzhinina.” In the corridor of the choreographic school she grabbed me by the hand unknown woman. “I’m an assistant from Mosfilm and I’d like to talk to you.” - “No time, I’ll be late for class.” The woman jogged after me and said: “I’ll call you. What phone?" - “No phone. There’s one phone number for the entire entrance, and then only for business, and I don’t know you.” But she herself put a piece of paper with a phone number in my hand. I lived in the Maryina Roshcha area, in a communal apartment. There really was only one telephone - on the third floor.

I will never forget the number: D1-80-92. I was allowed to call Mosfilm, but I knew that everyone in the next room had their ear to keyhole to hear whether I told the truth about the film studio or whether I deceived him in order to call some boy... The assistant was happy about the call and said: “Do you know such a poet Sergei Mikhalkov? He organized his association “Fitil” at our Mosfilm film studio. For the first film, “I Don’t Remember Anything,” he wrote a script about how a drunk driver crushes a young violinist. The driver will play Petr Glebov, and we are looking for a heroine. We would like to invite you to audition.” She explained how to get to Mosfilm.

I've never been there before. There were many candidates for the role of the dying violinist, but they approved me. Filming took place at night near the Kievsky railway station. It was a frosty November, I was extremely cold, caught a cold, missed rehearsals and the performance in which I was involved. That is, the impression from the first meeting with cinema turned out to be depressing. But I must admit - to the old days good times The system for searching for young talents was ideally set up.

I also got into my first feature film by accident. Due to a severe elbow injury, she was unable to dance in graduation party ballet school. The arm hung like a whip in a sling. Everyone felt sorry for me and offered to become a presenter in order to somehow brighten up my sadness. The graduation took place in the Great Hall of the Conservatory and was broadcast live. This broadcast was seen by director Samson Samsonov. And the very next day, when I returned home from school, my grandmother handed me a stack of typewritten pages and said: “Some woman brought you a hospital.”

This was the script. And it was called “Heart of Stone,” however, later it was renamed “Behind the Department Store Window.” Screenwriter - Alexey Kapler. He recently returned from exile, where he ended up due to romantic relationships with Stalin's daughter Svetlana. And when Stalin died, Kapler returned to his profession. In those years senior management gave the instruction: people need to be entertained, they need a holiday, a comedy. And Kapler clearly carried out this installation. Remembering my first experience at Mosfilm, I didn’t want to act. But the neighbors in the communal apartment read the script out loud in the kitchen and said: “Svetka, we need to film!” Big role - Sonya Bozhko! Bigger than the one where you were run over! And here comes love. True, with a policeman... (In Maryina Roshcha they didn’t like the police.) And you see, you see who will play your father - Tenin! But everyone loved Tenin. So by general decision communal apartment 38, building 14, fraction 42, I went for a screen test with Samson Samsonov and was approved with lightning speed.

Also an accident - the role of Sonya was already played by a very good actress, beautiful, subtle, talented, professional Lenochka Dobronravova, whom the audience fell in love with after her role in " Big family" But something didn’t work out with Samsonov, and he ordered an urgent change of artist. I arrived home, turned on the TV and saw a live broadcast of the same concert from the conservatory that I hosted. This is how my fate was decided... I never talked about it, but Lenochka Dobronravova looms in the general plans and in crowd scenes... That's why all her costumes were inherited by me. They disfigured me terribly...

On film set I really liked it. I did important discovery: There is such an amazing profession - film director. But at the same time, I understood that at the age of 19 you don’t become a director. And you need to find out what life, cinema and profession are... In this sense, everything worked out for me by itself. On the last day of filming, one of the assistants said: “Svetochka, tomorrow an additional enrollment starts at VGIK, for the acting department.” From the deck of the ship, where the filming took place, I came to VGIK. That’s really it - from the ship to the ball... And she did it! Easily! Because I wasn’t nervous for a second. After all, I had ballet in stock!

On September 4, I was enrolled in Bibikov and Pyzhova’s course. At the same time, another acting and directing course was being recruited. married couple- Gerasimov and Makarova. It would seem that there should be competition between the courses, but nothing like that happened. Sergei Apollinarievich often chose students from a parallel course for his work. In his "Young Guard" they play Nonna Mordyukova and Slava Tikhonov - students of Bibikov and Pyzhova.

The participation of VGIK students in the filming was not encouraged. When I was in my second year and started acting with Stanislav Iosifovich Rostotsky in the film “It Was About Penkov,” I was expelled. But the result turned out to be excellent, and I was enrolled again... Now I think: Rostotsky was only 35 years old! He seemed like an old front-line soldier to me. He had an unerring nose for female actors. Each of his paintings is a discovery female name. In our film Maya Menglet played her first role. He also discovered names such as Larisa Luzhina, Irina Pechernikova, Olga Ostroumova , Irina Shevchuk, Elena Drapeko...

The roles that we played with Slava Tikhonov were considered “ground-level”. Rostotsky had to fight for us. The claims were that I was a ballerina, and Slava was a “tailed hero”. But Rostotsky insisted on his choice. And Tikhonov had to brutally fight his natural aristocracy. He bleached his own hair, trimmed his eyebrows and plucked them in the middle so that they did not grow into one line. Slava rejoiced: “Thank God, my hands are helping me out.”

He really had working hands; he was a turner by first profession. Therefore, in the film, Tikhonov gestures a lot to demonstrate them. He runs his dirty palms over his face and stains his perfect straight nose and cheekbones to throw off the aristocratic symmetry of his face. Slava had everything thought out. But Rostotsky had a hard time with me. To prevent me from habitually standing in the first ballet position, the assistants crawled up to me on the ground and, trying not to get into the frame, hit my feet with a stick.

The role of my rival Tony was to be played by Nina Menshikova, a magnificent artist and Rostotsky’s wife. But she found out that she was pregnant. And she and Rostotsky really wanted a child for a long time. And according to a common family decision, Nina refused the role. She was perfect though! Then the confrontation between two women would be understandable: busty, bright, large Larisa and spiritual, thin, fluffy ash hair Tony. There would be a contrast of spirit and flesh between the two heroines. And as a result, two hip and fleshy young ladies played as rivals. A more primitive story came out - Tikhonov was rushing between two beds.

U Mayi Menglet- heiress of a famous theater family - probably the most luxurious in the film close-up Soviet era: Maya lies in bed for a very long time to the music with her eyes directed somewhere upward blue eyes. Rostotsky was captivated by her. Stories like this happen on set. Sometimes this is how stars are born... And Rostotsky, by nature, was also incredibly passionate. Later, his wife Ninochka and I became friends on the set of “Girls” and communicated warmly for many years. Ninochka told me frankly: “I always know about his hobbies. But it’s easier for me to survive this platonic romance, after which he will have a successful film, than to cry with him over his failure and feel that it’s my fault. He is Pygmalion after all. All male creators are Pygmalions. They create a statue, fall in love with it. And then this statue becomes uninteresting and the creator returns “to his stall”... She was a wise woman...

But it’s true, to make a film about love, you need to have feelings for each other. And the actors know this and themselves strive to fall in love with their partner on the set. It’s not at all necessary to run to bed, but to gravitate towards each other and be passionate is a must. I learned about this rule while filming with Rostotsky. The love scene between Tikhonov and I just couldn’t work out; the director said very sharply: “If you don’t fall in love with at least Tikhonov’s button, get out of this profession!”

With Slavochka Tikhonov, love to play is not a problem yet. But it happened with Rybnikov too... Volodya Treshchalov, a blue-eyed, charming handsome man, with whom we all became friends and flirted with all our might, giggled, hugged, and fell in love, was cast for the main male role in “Girls.” Volodya Treshchalov so accurately fell into this pocket! If he played, it would be a miracle! But those at the top decided that Rybnikov would be the ideal protagonist. Inna Makarova, who was also recommended to us from above, said: “Well, now you’ll know what’s what.” They said about the two of them: they were brought down from the “Heights”. The film “Height”, where they both starred, was adored by the party leadership... Everything would have been fine, but Rybnikov behaved arrogantly, like a star. He looked down on everyone and dictated his terms. He insisted that Anfisa be played not by me, but by his wife Alla Larionova. But he failed, and Rybnikov did not hide his antipathy towards me. By the way, I almost lost my role in “Girls.” But, I must admit, not at all because of Rybnikov. The Arts Council, having reviewed the original material, said: “No one will believe that the hero left the beautiful Druzhinina for this short Rumyantseva! Get rid of Druzhinin!” Instead of me, they had already invited another actress - Vasya Lanovoy’s sister, Valya, who at that time was graduating from theater school - big-eyed, large-faced, with large breasts... Only thanks to the wisest and most experienced Yuli Yakovlevich Raizman, the artistic director of the association, Anfiska remained mine. Raizman advised the director: “Don’t change the squad, she’s doing everything right. Just remove all the close-ups of her and trim off her long legs.” Of course, when I saw what was left of my role, I cried!.. But these are my personal complaints, the audience does not notice these nuances. They sincerely love this film for 55 years already!.. By the way, critics did not notice the film after the premiere. They were silent. This hurt the wonderful comedian Chulyukin. He once shared with me: “You can’t make a career with comedies. Nobody needs them...” It was believed that this was a movie for cooks, for the working class. And in fashion among people of art there was a search for thoughts, spirit...

After the acting department, I worked for three years in my specialty, as required by the diploma, and entered directing. Not for courses, no... At VGIK! This was a test for myself: do I dare to engage in this unique profession?.. I made mainly comedies, genre and adventure films, in which there is a lot of music. Circus, ballet and music left an indelible mark on me! I enjoyed filming “The Circus Princess” based on Kalman’s operetta. On main role invited Natasha Belokhvostikova. This was a completely atypical job for her. Everyone believed that subtle psychological roles were hers, but operetta was absolutely not. And Natasha did a great job! This role revealed her feminine essence, which few people knew about. Natasha is very attractive erotically! And after this picture she gained a huge number of fans. Because everything is for the audience!

“Circus Princess” did not receive critical acclaim. Like all my other films, except for the very first one - “Fulfillment of Desires”. This was my only film made in the “serious” genre of social drama. A very famous critic Kapralov wrote in a leading newspaper: “...we have a new generation...” - and named three names: Kolya Gubenko, mine and someone else... They starred in “The Fulfillment of Desires” Innokenty Smoktunovsky , Eremenko Jr., Natalya Bondarchuk, Evgeny Lebedev, Larochka Luzhina. Smoktunovsky was perhaps the most demanding of all. Someone complained about him complex character, but I didn’t notice anything like that.

My relationship with him was excellent. Kesha was very a modest person and a unique artist, and the more talented the artist, the more soulful and easier it is to work with him. Good actor He doesn’t think about anything else except doing his job well. He will not waste himself on intrigue, gossip, envy and all sorts of nonsense. So Smoktunovsky never did anything nasty, wasn’t late, didn’t chatter during breaks, didn’t tell jokes. His wife gave him home-cooked food, and he calmly sat on the sidelines, ate and rested...

It was Smoktunovsky who was the first to call me after the premiere of “Dulcinea of ​​Toboso”: “Sveta, congratulations! Today you have made a huge number of enemies.” - “What is it, Kesha?” - “You made a very good picture! You are a master! And therefore there will be enemies. And one of them is very serious. At the Moscow Art Theater, this “Dulcinea of ​​Toboso” failed miserably.” I don’t know who he meant...

There were many problems with the filming of “Dulcinea...”. The role of Sancho Panza was cast Evgeniy Leonov- we even made costumes and recorded a soundtrack exactly to match his voice, because the film is musical, and he is not a singing artist. But Leonov, at the very last moment, left to star in Ryazanov’s film “Say a word for the poor hussar”... For me, this loss was very serious - Leonov would have been an amazing Sancho!.. And I came to talk about it with Eldar. Ryazanov was silent, and his wife Nina, who was his editor, spoke for him: “Sveta, but he won’t think about you and won’t think about himself.” I have been convinced many times that we pay for everything...

As a result, Leonov did not play his most successful role with Ryazanov, because he agreed to simultaneously star in the film “Behind the Matches” together with the Finns. He let down one film crew and another. On set he had very tense relationships with the actors. And when according to the script it was necessary to beat him, the artists conspired and beat Leonov for real, they were so angry with him. He screamed and moaned, but they didn’t listen to him and continued to bludgeon and throw each other. After filming ended, Evgeny Pavlovich silently, without removing his makeup, went to the station and left. But I never looked at the picture. And he admitted to me: “Well, of course, I was stupid. It was necessary to play Sancho Panza, the role was good, and the movie turned out... True, I don’t like to sing to someone else’s soundtrack.”

The main character was played by the handsome, talented Boris Plotnikov. True, I initially wanted to see Misha Boyarsky in this role. He passed the audition brilliantly, but at the last moment I was warned that no one would approve him, ever!... There was talk about scandalous story when he got tipsy and destroyed shop windows on Nevsky, cursing Soviet power... He is the grandson of a repressed metropolitan!.. And I understand him: my grandfather was a priest.

I must say that I adore Misha Boyarsky! We met on the set of the film “While the Dream Goes Wild,” on which my husband (Anatoly Mukasey - editor’s note) was the cameraman. Due to the emigration to America of Vasya Aksenov, who wrote the script, the film went on the shelf. It's a shame, it turned out great. And the company that filmed there was wonderful - Kolya Karachentsov, Rolan Bykov, Kolya Grinko and a wonderful, charming, sociable and handsome man Misha Boyarsky. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, I invited him to play the main role in the film “Matchmaking of a Hussar.”

The brilliant composer Gena Gladkov wrote music especially for him. He also believed that there was no better hussar than Boyarsky in the country. But Misha resisted for a long time. He was already a star! And here is some kind of vaudeville. But when Gladkov played him romances, Misha, who knows a lot about good music, could not refuse. The filming was easy and fun, and there was no sign of drama... At the 29th kilometer of the Kyiv highway, Misha got into terrible accident. The doctors said: “Boyarsky is a suicide bomber, and if he survives, he will remain crippled.” But we hoped and prayed, and a miracle happened - Misha got back on his feet...

During his illness, he was replaced in wide shots by an understudy. Misha knew about this and was worried. When he was released from the hospital, he was categorically forbidden to sit in the saddle due to problems with his spine. But on the first day of shooting, Misha impressively rode out to our camera on a horse. I gasped, but didn't say stop. The stuntmen pinned Misha's horse with their horses so that it wouldn't buck. And so they carefully took him to the point. And in a close-up, they carefully lowered him from the horse, placed an iron frame on which he held on, bouncing as if he was sitting in the saddle, and sang...

As for Dulcinea, it was not easy with her either. I really wanted to shoot Natasha Gundareva, but her candidacy was not approved for a long time, we had to seriously fight for her. I won, but then difficulties began with Natasha herself. “Dulcinea” greeted me warily. She was used to working with blocks - Heifetz, Goncharov - and here was some girl. She snorted and complained about me to the director of the film studio, Sizov, but he answered her very harshly: “Calm down and say thank you to Druzhinina for getting approved. Everyone was against...” The problems were instantly resolved. She worked selflessly. Filming took place in Azerbaijan - partly in Baku, in the Old City, partly on the Gobustan plateau - in the place where snake hunting takes place and there is a fence factory snake venom. We found ourselves there at the very peak of the season, when the viper breeds and is being caught. Local residents are very careful at this time.

Unknowingly, I was glad that they allowed us to work there so easily and there were no curious spectators! But we quickly realized what was what. To reach the desired point, we performed a complex ritual: first, our cameraman Anatoly Mikhailovich Mukasey walked in high rubber boots (it was with her husband that Druzhinina made almost all her films. - Ed.), I followed him in sneakers, turning over stick every pebble so that the scorpions scatter. Behind me is Natasha Gundareva in slippers. More precisely, in one slipper, because the other leg was in a cast; Gundareva then had a fracture of her foot. Natasha filmed barefoot in front of the “Motor!” team. took off the splint and easily moved along the established path. She played Dulcinea brilliantly. I was happy about a completely new heroine for myself: “Everyone lets me play the Motherland! I'm tired of it!

As a result, we became great friends. She had so much life and strength! She said about herself: “I’m a bulldozer!” If she needed something, she got it. I carried huge bags of groceries home. She was friends with all the cooks in the canteens, with all the saleswomen in the buffet at Mosfilm. They adored her and even in the most hungry times they left her chicken legs and all sorts of scarce products... When she played Empress Elizabeth in “Midshipmen” and Tolya and I drove her home from filming, Natasha insisted: “Well, let’s go, I’ll feed you!” She cooked very quickly and deliciously, everything danced in her hands. I was modest: “We’re in a hurry.” And she categorically declared: “Eat, you skinny ones! I’ll also wrap it up for you at home!” I knew we had children.

She was a hospitable, friendly hostess. Needlewoman. I could sit in the dusk in the dark and knit crazy sweaters, sweaters for my husband, scarves, fantastic scarves, gloves by touch. She had golden hands and a golden heart. She drew superbly. After all, Natasha once worked in an architectural bureau... She rebuilt apartments for herself and her comrades with pleasure and talent. Gundareva knew that I was preparing “Secrets of Palace Revolutions” and the place of young Elizabeth was waiting for her there. She laughed: “I’ll lose weight and play Little Fox!” She really lost weight, looked prettier, looked younger and laughed boisterously: “Well, well, well, we’re getting ready! We’ll still sit on the throne!” And suddenly I got sick...

For me, the loss of friends and favorite artists is an irreparable loss. My artists are my family... And by the way, I never yell at them from across the stage, like many directors. It’s very easy to assert yourself on set; it’s a contagious place for such illness! My director's chair is always free, I am either next to the camera or with the artist. If necessary, I’ll come up and quietly talk in our own bird language, understandable only to us, sometimes about unpleasant things... And the actors are always grateful for this. The director's power can be humiliating for an artist. You have to love artists, no matter what they are, because, as Lenya Filatov said, artists are sons of bitches, but they are children! Many actors, one might say, grew up before my eyes. I'm glad that now Sasha Lazarev, whom I once invited for virtually one shot - just to smile, became a powerful artist. We are friends with him. Sanechka Domogarov- our friend. I saw him on the dubbing and was simply stunned - a handsome, athletic guy, eager to work, without idiotic pretensions, adequate, which is now a rarity... Misha Mamaev is an indomitable poet and musician... And of course, we are friends with the Kharatyanov family.

Initially, the role of Alyosha Korsak in the film “Midshipmen, Forward!” should have played Yuri Moroz. He starred in the episode, but didn’t go to equestrian and fencing classes - he was then graduating from the directing department and, apparently, had already set his mind on another career... So they changed him to Dima Kharatyan. "Look, good boy“, my husband, who directed him in the Soviet-Mexican film Esperanza, told me. They approved Kharatyan for the role, but, alas, they had to change Sophia - Marina Zudina. She looked older and larger than Alyosha Korsak. But Olechka Mashnaya was mounted perfectly with Kharatyan.

I really hope to film a sequel to “Midshipmen” with my favorite artists. It will be built around what is important historical event- conquest of Crimea during the reign of Catherine the Great. The painting is expensive - a costume one. But I know how to work economically. After all, I have fifteen hundred costumes left over from previous historical projects! The group was already ready, and the actors were happy new meeting with the audience, but at the last moment we were refused funding. No money. This is the situation we all have... But I don’t give up. I was recently in Crimea, and they promised us help there... Meanwhile, Midshipmen fans wrote a petition on the Internet in support of the project. The addresses, of course, are naive and touching to the point of tears, for example: “The Kremlin, to Putin”... But to those who love my films - many thanks and bow. After all, all my life I have been making films not for critics and awards, but for audiences. So everything is in order, dear friends. Let's live happily ever after!