Woof looks at the famous Pskov-Pechora Lavra. Pskov-Pechersk Monastery

Address: Russia, Pskov region, Pechory city
Date of foundation: 1473
Main attractions: Cathedral of the Assumption Holy Mother of God, Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Church of St. Lazarus, Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Gate Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, belfry
Shrines: relics of the saints: Mark, Jonah, Lazarus, Simeon (Zhelnin), Venerable Vassa, Martyr Cornelius, right hand of Saint Tatiana, miraculous icons: Assumption Mother of God, Mother of God "Tenderness", St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Coordinates: 57°48"36.7"N 27°36"51.2"E
An object cultural heritage Russian Federation

This famous building, erected in the name of fortification, dates back more than five centuries. Orthodox faith. Not entirely accurate, sometimes abrupt references in the chronicles that have survived to the present day send us to the end of the 14th century. The legend says that at first local hunters visited the place where the holy monastery was subsequently formed. Here they felt an unprecedented elation and complete harmony surrounding nature.

Pskov-Pechersky Monastery from a bird's eye view

Later, the land came into the possession of a local peasant, Ivan Dementyev. During deforestation, under one of the fallen trees, an entrance to a cave miraculously opened, crowned with a mysterious inscription: “Caves created by God” (created).

The legends of local residents, passed down from generation to generation, preserve information that people who came from the distant Kiev Pechersk Lavra found refuge here. It was here that they found salvation from the devastating raids of the Tatars. It was the people's memory that preserved for posterity the name of St. Mark, the first monk to settle in these places.

Assumption-Pokrovsky Church

History of the formation of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

The year 1473 is considered to be the date of formation of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, and its founder is St. Jonah.

This year the Assumption Church was dug out of the sand hill and consecrated by St. John. The fate and history of the monastery from the first years of its creation was not simple. Before Jonah's successor, the Monk Misail, had time to build the Temple and cells for the monks, he was subjected to an insidious attack by the militant Livonians. Many buildings were burned and looted; they managed to escape only thanks to the Russian squad that arrived in time, defeating and driving away the enemy.

Chapel on the Holy Mountain

Further development is also punctuated by raids and attempts to destroy the monastery. Western conquerors sought with all their might to destroy the stronghold of Orthodoxy near their borders, as well as to reduce their influence on the peoples living around them. In addition, it was impossible not to notice the increasing trade, economic and military importance of the existence of an outpost of the Russian state.

Construction of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery It is the 16th century that can be confidently called the period significant development

monastery. Special credit for this lies with Abbot Dorotheos.

Under his leadership, the Assumption Church was not only updated and repaired, but also significantly increased in size - expanded. The construction of other temples and the construction of other buildings that were so important and necessary for the entire complex were actively underway. History has preserved for descendants the name of the envoy of the Grand Duke of Moscow to the city of Pskov - Misyura Munekhin. This clerk organized work on a completely different scale, significantly developing and improving the entire complex. Recognition of his services to people and the Lord was the decision to bury the deceased in a monastery cave. Here his grave became the first.

Tower of the Upper Lattices The year 1521 is considered to be an important date for the monastery. The icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God “in Life,” endowed with miraculous powers, was transferred to the shrine.. From then to this day, the strict rule of daily worship held in the Assumption Cathedral has been unquestioningly followed.

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael

Recognition and fame of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

The name of Abbot Martyr Cornelius should definitely be mentioned. It was during the time of his activity that the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery reached the highest point of its development. The fame of the shrine in the world also grew steadily. Rumors about miraculous healings, saving human lives and souls here spread more and more widely throughout the surrounding area. The number of pilgrims and pilgrims increased year by year. The place, which until recently was considered “poor”, received, along with its visitors, significant wealth, precious contributions and offerings. The lands subordinate to the monastery expanded, and the number of estates grew. All this made the monastery the richest and very influential in the area. Along with the growth of prosperity, the number of good “godly” deeds also increased. Substantial assistance was provided to refugees and displaced persons, destroyed buildings were restored, and their people were rescued from captivity. Gradually, other monasteries that were part of the Pskov diocese gave up their leading positions to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, whose role was steadily increasing.

Carriage of Empress Anna Ioannovna, Gate Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Defense capability of the Holy Dormition Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery

Since approximately the middle of the 16th century, tensions have been increasing in the areas adjacent to the shrine. The German Livonian Order declares its claims to these lands, intensifying preparations for their conquest. This forces us to make a decision to rebuild the structure of the monastery, turning Special attention for defense capability. Thus, in the mid-16th century, the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery gradually turned into a powerful fortification of high strategic importance.

The trace left in history was left by the heroic defenders of the monastery during the wars of conquest by the Polish-Lithuanian army. The guard troops stationed at this outpost inflicted damage on the enemy who was trying to capture besieged Pskov. The greatest danger loomed over the defenders of the wasteland when an enemy army of many thousands tried to capture the settlement, protected only by walls and several hundred archers.

Gate Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The fortress wall was smashed by artillery shelling, the invaders launched a decisive assault, and the forces of the defenders were running out. And then the monks brought to the doorway the main shrine of the monastery - the icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Desperate prayers of the monks and the heroic defense of the soldiers did not allow the enemy to break into the territory; all of his attacks were successfully repulsed.

Miraculous events of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

The history of the monastery is full of many different events, in which the incredible beneficial power and role of the holy place where this complex was located was confirmed over and over again.

The enemies of the Russian people who attacked more than once themselves stated that the fortress was held by some high power. They noted that it was impossible to enter the territory and completely break the resistance of the defenders even through impressive holes in the walls of the monastery. And gradually they began to be afraid to continue the attack.

House of the monastery governor

The icons of the monastery also helped the defenders of Pskov, besieged by the enemy, to survive. The icons of the Mother of God “Assumption” and “Tenderness” sent to the city confirmed their miraculous power. The city's defenders repelled about 30 attempts to capture the city and survived.

In the first years of the 17th century, hordes of Poles, Lithuanians and Swedes again poured into Russian soil. Taking advantage of temporary difficulties in Rus', they pounced on its possessions like vultures, trying to conquer new lands.

Tsar Peter the Great played an important role in strengthening the monastery precisely in military terms. By his decree, the monastery was surrounded on all sides by a high earthen rampart and a deep ditch, along the bottom of which the waters of the Kamenets River flowed. Defensive bastions were built and cannon batteries were installed. Now the fortress-monastery was ready to resist the most evil, insidious and powerful enemy.

Petrovskaya gate tower above the Holy Gates

Later, the territory of the monastery turned out to be relatively deep in Russian lands, and life there took on a more peaceful way of life. But already during the invasion of Napoleon miraculous icons The monastery again helped to protect Russian statehood, its people and lands.

The difficult 20th century of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

During this difficult period of time, the monastery experienced two wars, through which it heroically went through together with the Russian people. After the treacherous peace agreement, the territory of the monastery was under Estonian control for several years. It so happened that for several years the monastery was subordinated simultaneously to two dioceses - Tallinn and the Baltic.

Great damage was caused to the shrine during the Great Patriotic War by the Nazi occupiers. Not only the destruction suffered by the buildings and temples of the complex, but also the removal of many valuables a serious blow for spiritual brotherhood.

Assumption Cave Church

The picture of the troubles that befell the monastery was completed by the persecution and oppression of its inhabitants, first by the Germans, and then, after liberation, by the Soviet regime. The clergy had to go through many troubles, suffering and persecution.

Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, which does not remember a single day of its closure, but perfectly remembers the actions of Ivan the Terrible, Stefan Batory and Charles XII and is famous for the legend that God himself practically pointed to his place. Half cave monastery from the 13th century firmly holds the position of the monastery of souls yearning for peace, where other souls, tormented by life, came for instruction.

Where is the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery located?

What's the best way to get there?

How to get to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery from :

  • take the daily train to Pskov;
  • then either by taxi or by bus from the Pskov bus station via Pechki or Stary Izborsk to Pechory.

How to get to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery from Pskov:

  • your car;
  • by bus No. 207 through Stary (flights daily, from 7:30 to 20:10);
  • by bus from the bus station through Pechki (flights daily, from 8:30 to 22:00).

Visit. Operating mode

The territory of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery is limited to guest visits only a few days a year: this applies to caves (January 6–9 and August 26–29). Of course, it’s worth planning a visit to the monastery in advance. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see the caves of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery or enter the temple: it’s better to tailor your visit to the services being held and the days of the week. This means that on Monday and Friday no one will be allowed into the Far Caves, and the Near Caves begin cleaning about an hour before the start of services in the monastery.

  • On an excursion you can get there from 9 to 16, someone conducts them every hour (either local bureaus or the monks themselves). The payment is donations. You need to sign up for excursions either by phone (up to 5 people) or by filling out an application form on the website (pilgrims).
  • Appearance must be appropriate for the establishment: no uncovered parts of the body; for women, a covered head and a long skirt are required (bring your own, in case those offered at the entrance are not enough for everyone).
  • It is better to clarify what exactly you can photograph when entering the monastery.
  • In addition to the excursion program and worship services, you can draw water from the Kornilievsky consecrated well.
  • When the liturgy lasts, you can go to confession and communion in church.
  • The priest on duty will gladly answer questions from guests from 10:00 to 18:00. Sretensky Church.

Schedule of services

Monday and Friday

  • evening service at 17:00.
  • morning prayer, liturgy, confession at 6:00 (Assumption Church);
  • to order - prayer services and memorial services;
  • confession at 9:00, liturgy at 10:00 (Cornilievsky Church);
  • evening service at 17:00.
  • morning prayer, liturgy, confession at 6:00 (Sretensky Church);
  • to order - prayer services and memorial services;
  • confession at 9:00, liturgy at 10:00 (Assumption Church);
  • evening service at 17:00.
  • morning prayer, liturgy, confession at 6:00 (Assumption Church);
  • to order - prayer services and memorial services;
  • confession at 9:00, liturgy at 10:00 (St. Nicholas Church);
  • evening service at 17:00.
  • morning prayer, liturgy, confession at 6:00 (Assumption Church);
  • to order - prayer services and memorial services;
  • confession at 9:00, liturgy at 10:00 (Sretensky Church);
  • prayer to the Mother of God at 11:00 (Sretensky Church);
  • All-night vigil at 17:00 (St. Michael's Church).
  • confession at 6:00, liturgy at 7:00 (Assumption Church);
  • to order - prayer services and memorial services;
  • confession at 9:00, liturgy at 10:00 (St. Michael's Church);
  • evening service at 17:00.

Where to stay

The distance from Pskov to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery is 53 km, so both the city and the monastery itself offer many options for overnight accommodation.

  • First of all this Hotel "Pilgrim's House" in Pechory (Yuryevskaya St., 82a). Donations serve as payment for food and cells, and buses take him to the monastery.
  • "Pilgrim's Progress" in Pechory (Mezhdunarodnaya St., 10). Prices for studios with biblical names start from 3,200 rubles. The monastery is just a stone's throw away.
  • No less close to the monastery and from private hotels “Pechory-Park”, “Your Coast”, “Wanderer” And "Planet"(5–10 minutes).

History of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

  • Many people like the story of how local hunters found a number of caves in this area with an inscription as if from God. But in fact the place only became religious in 1473., When monk Jonah dug into the hill and consecrated the Assumption Church. His successors built a temple and cells (already on the mountain), but the attack of the Livonians thoroughly devastated the monastery. The monastery never ceased to be attacked: it was as if they saw it as a defense of the Russian land.
  • In the 16th century. the monastery became stronger thanks to the funds of patrons and gifts Icon of the Mother of God “Assumption”. At this time, the monastery seems to be sliding down the mountain, settling in the valley. The fame and treasury of the monastery grew steadily; they were able to help the surrounding villages and ransom prisoners.
  • The same century also gave the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery its defensive fame. With the help of religious processions with his icons, attacks by the army of the Polish ruler were repelled Stefan Batory, assaults Livonian Order, Swedes, Lithuanian and Napoleonic troops.
  • While on the territory of Estonia since 1922, the monastery was slowly settling down. During World War II, she acted, helping captured Russians, intelligence officers and those in need. Since 1960. Restoration work has begun on the territory of the entire monastery complex, and the decoration of the buildings is gradually returning to life.

Architectural landmarks

The complex of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery pleases with its color diversity: if you look at it in the photo, you can see the tints of yellow, white, red and again yellow. And besides color, the eye has something to focus on.

  • Sources of holy water. Kornilevsky is covered with a dome, and Life-Giving is even hidden within the walls of the chapel of the early 20th century.
  • Assumption Church. Founded in 1473, literally dug into the mountain. Its vaults are supported by 13 pillars, and inside are the remains of Abbot Cornelius, where services are held daily in his memory. The Intercession Church was built on top already in the 18th century. and is distinguished by 5 onion domes, designed in the same baroque style as the domes of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.
  • 2-tier stone belfry. There is a 16th century clock hanging in the tower, which makes a collection of no less ancient bells ring at certain times. They say that the clock used to play the melody “God Save the Tsar.” Now there are 17 bells, the largest of them are “Festive” with icons (1690), “Polyeleos” with animal ornaments (1598) and “Sentry” with prayers (1765). Small bells “Tinka” hang above them, and the middle bells (“Burlaki” and “Perebry”) are controlled by bell ringers. Among these bells there are creations of foundry workers of the 16th century.
  • Sretensky three-domed temple, 1870 This white brick building houses icons of the Mother of God, the relics of monk Simeon and hosts services.
  • St. Michael's Cathedral. It was completed in 1827 in memory of the next liberation of Pskov from enemies, receiving the name in honor of the patron saint of Orthodox warriors, Archangel Michael. The largest building, the dome of which is visible from a distance, is also distinguished by the fact that two shrines of the monastery are preserved inside it - the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” and the right hand of Tatiana.
  • God-given caves. These are the words that were discovered on their arch in 1392. Later, the inscription was covered with masonry, but the name remained. There are Near Caves, where the remains of the first monks lie, and Far Caves, which are essentially cave streets-cemeteries with rows of memorial slabs (ceramides). Warriors, monks, pilgrims, righteous laymen and elders of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery are buried here. TO last people Since ancient times they have come for help and intercession. Among them are the hieroschemamonks Lazar, Simeon, Agapius, Pimen and John (Krestyankin).
  • Holy Mountain. There is a garden here, there is a stone at which, according to legend, the first monk of the monastery prayed, and here there is a small traditional cell church, similar to a simple wooden hut.
  • St. Nicholas Church. This stone church was founded by Cornelius over the holy gates, from which the “ Bloody path» Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. According to legend, it was from these gates to the Assumption Church that the body of the abbot was carried by Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who beheaded Cornelius out of rage, but repented.
  • Walls and towers of the fortress. Due to fear of enemy raids and destruction, a stone fence surrounded the monastery in 1565. It is worth seeing with your own eyes the powerful walls 810 m long, in the middle of which there are 9 named towers.


  • Icon of the Mother of God “Assumption”. It came to the monastery in 1521 and was painted by order of local residents. The icon is considered healing and is located in the Church of the Assumption.
  • Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Copied by the monk Cornelius himself in Moscow.
  • Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. Copy of the icon Our Lady of Vladimir, has been in the monastery since the time of Cornelius and participates in religious processions.
  • The right hand of the executed

The Pskov-Pechersky Monastery is one of the most famous monastic monasteries in Russia. It is famous for its elders, such as Archimandrite John (Krestyankin), Schema-Abbot Savva (Ostapenko), Venerable Simeon (Zhelnin) and many others.

Throughout its existence, the monastery was never closed, despite the devastating raids of the Germans, Swedes, Lithuanians and pressure Soviet power.

Located 50 kilometers from Pskov. The monastery got its name - Pechersky - thanks to natural caves near the Kamenets stream. In the church tradition they are usually called “God-created (that is, created) caves.”

The first to settle in these places were monks who fled to the north from the raids of the Tatar-Mongols in the 13th-14th centuries. The chronicle has preserved the name of one of the first monks - St. Mark.

The year of foundation of the monastery is considered to be 1473, when the Assumption Church was consecrated. It was dug into the hillside by the Monk Jonah (priest John before becoming a monk). He and the Venerable Vassa (before monasticism, John’s wife Maria) are considered the founders of the monastery. Among other revered saints of the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery are his comrade-in-arms, the Monk Vassian, who were killed by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, and the Monk Simeon (Zhelnin).

In the twentieth century, the monastery was famous for its elders, wise spiritual leaders of monks and laity. People came to the monastery for advice from Archimandrite John (Krestyankin), Schema-Abbot Savva (Ostapenko), Schema-Archimandrite Agapius (Agapov) and other elders. In 1957, elders Mikhail (Pitkevich), Luka (Zemskov) and others who returned to the USSR from the New Valaam Monastery (Finland) settled in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery.

Spent in the monastery last years his life, Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov), an outstanding church writer, preacher and elder.

Among the recent abbots of the monastery, Archimandrite Alipiy (Voronov), a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, especially stood out. Patriotic War. He bravely resisted the Soviet authorities, who sought to close the monastery and harassed the monks in every possible way.


Interesting facts about the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

    In 1547, Tsar Ivan the Terrible visited the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. The abbot of the monastery, Abbot Cornelius, came out to meet him outside the gate, but the king was angry and ordered the abbot’s head to be cut off, which the royal servants immediately did. The martyr's head rolled all the way to the gates of the monastery, leaving a bloody trail. Since then, the path to the monastery gates has been called the Bloody Path.

    The monastery houses three miraculous icons - and the ancient miraculous image of St. Nicholas of Myra-Lycia.

    Unlike most Russian monasteries, the Pskov-Pechersk monastery is located not on a hill or high river bank, but in a hollow between the hills.

    The abbot of the monastery from 1949 to 1954 was Archimandrite Pimen (Izvekov), later Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. Having already become a patriarch, he said that the happiest time in his life was when he was a simple monk in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery.

    Pskov caves have a peculiarity - at any time of the year the temperature in them is +5 degrees. Therefore, the caves were not used for the life of monks, as in Kyiv, but as a place for burial.

    In 2007, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), rector of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery, released the film Pskov-Pechersk Monastery. The film is based on unique photographs of monastery elders made in the 1980s by Archimandrite Tikhon (at that time not yet a monk, but a VGIK student Georgy Shevkunov).

Not every monastery was a fortress, and not every fortress in the Russian North serves as a monastery for monks. But if we're talking about about the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechora Monastery, then its uniqueness should be noted.

The monastery is located in a lowland, protected by hills and fortress walls

What, you ask, is its feature? Yes in everything! The Pechersk Monastery was built, contrary to common logic, in the valley of a stream, while other fortresses were always built on a hill.

Architects and builders succeeded in this idea quite well

The holy temple and monastery in Pechora, from the moment of its foundation, never stopped its monastic life and services, even if it was besieged and plundered by enemies.

It has all the attributes of a real fortress

What else is unique about the male Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechora Monastery? The fact is that, like all strongholds, it has:

  • High walls.
  • Observation towers.
  • Fortified entrances.

As an object of early serf architecture, it is simply magnificent. And, if you have the opportunity to see the fortress in Pechora, be sure to go for a bright and strong impression. And the Sharm Travel company will help you organize it with maximum comfort.

A trip to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, inspection of the courtyard and ancient burials, visiting the caves, walls and ramparts of the fortress will allow you to better understand the significance of a unique shrine in the history of Russia.

Flight over the monastery

Pechora Fortress in Pskov: the story of a miracle

The founding date of the Pskov Pechora fortress is considered to be 1472, when the fugitive presbyter who became the founder of the stronghold, John, settled in a cave on the slope of the Kamenets River. A niche dug in sandy soil marked the beginning of the settlement and became known as the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Under the next head of the monastery, Hieromonk Misail, cells for the inhabitants and a temple were built on a hill above the caves.

However, soon the Livonians plundered and burned the monastery

The history of the Pechersk Monastery is directly connected with the Russian tsars

After the Pskov Republic fell under the rule of Moscow in the early 16th century, the Tsar ordered the construction of fortifications, the construction of a temple and the renovation of cells in the monastery. The very first Assumption Church was surrounded by a façade, and the caves in the mountainside that served as the burial place for the monks were expanded and deepened.

The heyday of the monastery is considered to be the mid-16th century, when Ivan the Terrible turned his highest attention to it and ordered the construction of new fortifications of the monastery

The construction was supervised by abbot Cornelius, who gained the favor of the king. Thanks to the established relationships, the monastery:

  • Received rich donations.
  • It blossomed quickly.

But fate played a cruel joke on the abbot, and his high patron, Ivan the Terrible, became his killer. Visit to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery by the most cruel autocrat in Russian history ended in tragedy.

History says that the fortress-monastery was under siege more than once, was looted and burned, but invariably rose from the ruins and began life anew.

Over time, the fortifications were improved, the Petrovskaya Tower appeared next to St. Nicholas Church, the entrance to the fortress was reconstructed, and the walls became higher. By order of Peter the Great the monastery was strengthened:

  • Earthen ramparts.
  • Moat.
  • Five bastions.
  • The battery next to St. Nicholas Church.

Thus, the monastery of the monks turned into a real stronghold, and the shrines of the Pechersky Monastery in the Pskov region are still kept deep underground.

Even a video shot on a phone allows you to imagine the sacred beauty of the place

You can see the unique buildings, cathedral and churches of the monastery during an excursion, which can be booked on the official website of Sharm Travel. Time is merciless, and while it has not yet reached the unique attractions, hurry to see Pechory (monastery), Izborsk.

Pskov-Pechersky Monastery on the map: address, how to get there, photos and videos

The wonders of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery are available to anyone who wants to see them: the fortress is located 5 hours away from St. Petersburg. The Sharm Travel company offers a trip to the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery in a comfortable bus and accompanied by guides. The trip schedule is designed so that on the way to the monastery you can:

  • Stop in the most interesting places.
  • See the sights.
  • Take their photo.
  • Listen to our guides about the sights.

The distance to the monastery from St. Petersburg is on average (depending on the road chosen) 400 km. You can get to the fortress on your own, by car or by bus.

Now Pechory is a well-groomed and a nice place. Photos of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery are pleasing to the eye:

  • The domes are covered with gold.
  • The roofs sparkle with copper.
  • The territory is decorated with beautiful flower beds.

It is not for nothing that the monastery is a fortress: it withstood medieval raids, survived collectivization, industrialization, and the construction of communism in a single country

And today he warmly welcomes those who are not afraid of distances or even the opportunity to get there on foot, as a pilgrim

Tourists come here on excursions, and those who need help for consolation. The bells of the Holy Dormition Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery can be heard far beyond its borders, and on holidays the laity gather to listen to the incredibly beautiful crimson ringings.

Pechersky Monastery: video procession and raspberry ringing

To find out how to get to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery as part of a tourist group, you can contact the numbers listed on the Sharm Travel website. You can also find out the exact travel plan, departure day and time, and book a weekend tour.

We don't have many places left where you can not only admire beautiful ancient architecture, but also think about the eternal

Be sure to visit the Pechersky Monastery! Read reviews about the wonders of this holy place, join trips with Sharm Travel, come to the fortress with your children and friends, and become involved in the history of our region. If you're lucky, you'll get to the liturgy. But even if you don’t plan to attend a service, you can just go into the cathedral and see how well-preserved the paintings and frescoes are, and what peace and harmony permeates the space inside. Together with our guides you will see how beautiful and majestic the Ascension Cathedral in Pskov is.

The special silence and strong energy of the place attracts to the monastery those who need the protection and patronage of the saints

You will have an excursion to the caves storing the mummified bodies of the inhabitants of the monastery. Be sure to come to this holy and bright place, where the traditions of faith and spirituality of our land still live. Contact us, we will find it for you the best program trips around our region.