Ekaterina Dibrova President of the medical corporation rhana age. Founder of the RHANA longevity corporation: the success story of Ekaterina Dibrova

Since ancient times, clothing has been of great importance in people's lives. Now it not only protects a person from unfavorable climatic conditions, but also expresses his individuality. This is especially interesting for women. Women in all centuries have strived to dress attractively and tastefully.

The history of Indian clothing for women, like history in general, goes back centuries. It is still impossible to say exactly why it was created. Was it a desire to hide from the cold, shyness, or a woman’s desire to attract attention and be liked. One thing is certain: ever since a woman tried on the skins of wild animals, she does not want to deny herself the pleasure of having clothes - different and many. Women have long noticed that an outfit can both spoil a figure and hide all its flaws and highlight its advantages, both make it shapeless and emphasize the slimness, length of the legs and thinness of the waist.

New trends in fashion

Nowadays, stores provide the opportunity to buy women's clothing for any occasion. Now, fortunately, you don't have to spend hours shopping to find the thing you really need. Today there are online stores for this.

In our online store of women's oriental clothing, everything is laid out on the “shelves”. After reviewing our catalogs, you can find what you are looking for. Women always want to look stunning and unique. But we want to offer you something special, one might say exotic.

Oriental clothing for real women

In our store you can find all types of traditional Indian clothing - tunics, Indian saris, Afghani pants, Aladdin pants, harem pants and breeches, dresses with ethnic oriental patterns. The whole secret of oriental designer clothing is hidden in a certain type of cut and natural fabrics that are used to make it. When sewing, a loose cut is used, and the fabrics are only natural: cotton, silk, knitwear, specially treated linen. Even on the hottest days, wearing it, you will feel cool and light.

Traditionally, outfits are created by hand. Only specially treated materials are used. The variety of patterns conceals wisdom and unique aroma alluring and unlike any other country on the planet India. It is suitable for different cases life. Women's has a free style and can be used both at home and for sports, yoga or oriental dancing. We are ready to provide you with naturalness and quality, which we ourselves have tested and which we are happy to use in everyday life.

Photo: Jan Coomans
Thank you Hotel Metropol for help in organizing the photo shoot

Ekaterina Dibrova,

being a bright, energetic and ambitious person, an undeniably strong personality, she remains at the same time a gentle and somewhat vulnerable woman. We talked about how she achieved such amazing results, what the price of success is and what a woman needs for self-realization.

Ekaterina Liepa: Ekaterina, you are a woman accomplished in all respects, mother, wife successful man, who, it would seem, could simply enjoy life. Where do you find inspiration and strength for self-realization?

Ekaterina Dibrova : This is the source that never runs dry. As the Bible says, do not build obstacles for yourself, do not look back, always go forward, and then you will get what you want. The main thing is what settings I make for myself.

It feels like your life is a conscious choice of positive thinking, that you are in control of your feelings and thoughts. How do you do this?

I never set blocks for myself: neither in my personal life, nor in my career, nor in my work. The more ambitious the project, the more I want to participate in it. It happens that at first they tell me that I won’t be able to do it - then, as a rule, it’s someone close to me, they do it with love, they take care of me. But I always listen to what I need, and if I understand that it’s mine, then go ahead!

You told me that even when you wake up you need to be grateful. But if they arise difficult situations in life, it’s not at all easy to do?

I always think that failures are just lessons that you definitely need to understand. It is important to understand what is happening to you. Let's say I come to work, and the team starts talking about supposed problems. I always say that the word “problem” does not exist for me. There is an issue that needs to be resolved. Some action that leads you to the desired result. I am a person who consists of a sequence of actions. Thought, consciousness, action and beyond are the expected results that I enjoy. And this principle helps me a lot in life. Every day I deal with envy and condemnation.

This can often be found in women's team. You yourself are first and foremost a woman, not only a successful businesswoman. What's the best way to respond to envy?

First of all, love the person who treats you this way. For example, I am explosive, I am Aries, Fire, but I also make decisions quickly. Speed ​​and at the same time switching to the positive are important. Psychologists have this name - reframing, when you can find a positive even in a negative situation, and this is art. You can change the situation with the power of your thoughts. I've been living like this for quite a long time. I can even direct important projects in the direction I need.

Did you study this or did it all come from your family?

Certainly. For example, I come from a family that did not use such rules of life at all. A certain life situation brought me to this point in order to find these methods and move forward. Mom is from Poland. They came to Russia in the late 50s. The parents loved each other and were not afraid that dad’s career could go to waste. Consequently, genetically I have a core of determination.

Where did you spend your childhood?

I was born in the Urals. Then we moved to Moscow. At my dad's request, I graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute. That's probably why I'm so disciplined. This is important for your career. Despite the fact that she studied at the Faculty of Economics, being a creative person, she was always a mass entertainer and always the first in the Komsomol ranks. It was this initiative of mine that led me to creativity. I organized and participated simultaneously in all the events of the institute.

Did you want to become an actress?

Yes. Since I was young, I had a big dream of learning to play the guitar and sing. But my parents always influenced my desires; even in my first marriage, their recommendations prevailed. And so I constantly had the feeling that something was wrong, that they were always deciding something for me.

Was it a loveless marriage?

There was respect, sympathy, a decent family. But when I met true love, I couldn't do anything about it.

And this was already a conscious adult decision?

It was completely different for me new story. Because I come from a “prosperous family” and Boris (Boris Dibrov - a famous scientist, biophysicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - ed.) was from a prosperous marriage. These seemingly prosperous two people fall in love with each other, and can’t do anything about it.

What was the main difficulty?

In our first marriages, we were both “carried in our arms” and idolized, and we got used to it. Here are two people who are absolutely in love with their other halves, meeting and waiting to be loved.

Marriage is work. Do you agree with this statement?

This is work on consciousness, thoughts: how to act wisely? But, most importantly, love does not tolerate lies. Can't stand it when you are in discomfort for a long time. I need to resolve the issue right away. If we don’t find an answer, Boris says: “We need to consciously think about this.” And he taught me to calm down and make an informed decision. I realized that if I want to become a businesswoman, I must work on my consciousness. All this came to me because I began to receive feedback... .

You often talk about correct formation of your desires, at what point did this realization come?

I clearly understood the system of how consciousness works when I began to get a result that was not the one I expected and set for myself as a goal. It was impossible to break: at that time my team was created, to which I was responsible.

You collaborated directly with the Japanese. Were you afraid of such a large amount of work?

For me, if you take it, it’s the best, but if you do it, it’s only five. It turns out that my ancestors were zemstvo doctors, only later did I understand why I was so drawn to this particular direction. And so I began to approach the Japanese topic - there is a serious concern there, medicine that deals with longevity. I realized that I want to live long, and for my parents to live long. And I began to look for certain ways to do this. The Japanese at first tore up the proposals that I sent them, they have such a mentality - no one will listen to you without a high recommendation. Then I went a different way. I found a Japanese trading company, thanks to which I achieved what I wanted.

Did you thoroughly study the products then?

Of course, from all sides. I am currently a member of the Japanese Association of Placental Therapy Specialists. But this comes from Russia, the Japanese took the developments of the Russian scientist Vladimir Filatov! And they are proud of it. The most interesting thing is that Boris still asks me why I took this difficult topic. He understands how difficult it is for me to move in this direction. But I can’t take on other tasks. I need to do something in the name of something big, serious. It turned out like this for Boris and me: my competence is organizing the process, and his is science.

We are now talking about a successful, albeit difficult, business, and I can’t help but remember your words about how much there was along this thorny path.

Each round of my success is accompanied by the simultaneous solution of new problems. But I understand that there are different reactions from people and you shouldn’t take them personally. Otherwise you take it upon yourself. If you want to stay on top, you definitely need to forgive. Do not sing praises to the enemy, but forgive and let go.

What made you think this way?

The resulting construct came through testing. God loves to send trials. If you don’t have them, it means he has turned his back on you. Do you learn lessons so you don’t repeat them later? So, he passed the test. In any situation.

Let's say there are disagreements in every family, they sort things out - wait, why? Is it necessary? So fate will send you something different, and it will be “fun.” I still love my husband, but it varies. Boris is self-sufficient, whole. And I have always loved men with masculine charisma. A man should be reliable, and a woman should be wise and self-realized.

Often wise woman hides her strength from a man, tries to adapt, to be gentle and defenseless, what do you think?

What is unique in our story is the way Boris is “admired.” He never shows his feelings. Doesn't he sing my praises? I catch myself thinking that because of this I am always in good shape and always try to keep myself in great shape.

Our “competitions” also stimulate. My husband says: if you want to be in business, you must participate in the family budget. Or ours family traditions" Boris, for example, loves me to set the table when he comes home from work, he will even wait until I put the child to bed, he will sit there hungry. Although there is an assistant and she can prepare everything.

This also shows feminine wisdom!

Yes, life is made up of such little things. When something big comes up, he is calm and tells me everything is fine. But he pays great attention to the little things.

Katya, do you think the success of a man and a woman are different concepts?

Certainly. It is important for a woman to realize the talents that she must find and feel in herself. I am a believer at heart, I know that Saint Catherine is always next to me, and I always feel where is mine and where is not. It is important not to sell your soul for desires. For material things, for Bentleys, airplanes, yachts. Because everything will come back like a boomerang, and then I don’t need anything, just give me back to me!

On the issue of self-realization. We talked with you about some personal things, but if we return to your work: we now have a great opportunity to learn from you the very details about placental preparations. What should people who want to use these drugs be afraid of? There are so many opinions on this matter.

Great question because this is my life's work. You have to understand that, first of all, I did this for myself and my family. The placental drug Laennec has been included in Japanese insurance medicine for more than 50 years, after the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is a breakthrough in technology, the placenta is a placenta in Africa, but how to make it so as to leave all the useful substances? Can you imagine what a high-quality cleaning it is, that it is even injected into a vein and does not cause allergies!

But there is no need to confuse cell preparations, stem cells, and so on. The placenta does not contain cells and genetic material. Only vitamins, proteins, minerals, amino acids and everything that the child receives when he is in the womb. This is his milk for that period. And this is milk for the cell to function efficiently. The cell lives a certain cycle. The drug contains low molecular weight regulatory peptides that affect cell regeneration. To restore liver resources.

The donor woman receives a subsidy, is monitored according to standards before birth, and after its successful resolution, the placenta is taken from her and undergoes several stages of testing for viruses and bacteria. And then there is a multi-stage process of molecular fractionation. All that remains are vitamins, peptide sequences, amino acids and other active components. I know that everyone is afraid of stimulants now. But Laennec is not a stimulant, but a normalizer, so there is no dependence on the drug. If we talk about the course, then the IVs should be done from 3 to 10. Laennec can easily be classified as “smart” drugs. The action of its active components occurs precisely on the body system that needs treatment. He himself identifies weak links in the body and begins to restore them at the cellular level, replenishing internal resources. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes, restoring physical strength and efficiency, returning the body to its youthful state. I personally have been using this drug on myself for 15 years and am very pleased with the results. And, of course, my family and friends also use it.

What does a person who wants to get to you need?

You come to our clinic (Rhana - editor's note) and get a consultation. We do not prescribe the drug without tests and assessment of well-being. When preliminary preventive diagnostics were introduced, acute and chronic diseases. This once again confirms the lack of medical examination. Therefore, we are especially sensitive to assessing the health of the patient who comes to us. We work with many institutes, and if we see a sick patient, we send him for further examination.

Let me give you an example that is very important to me. My dad was operated on for colon cancer. He was discharged without chemotherapy because... the doctors didn't have much good forecasts about his health. The Rhana clinic prescribed a course of Laennec therapy drips. After her, dad has already lived for six years and feels great, goes fishing. And I am grateful to God that I have such opportunities.

Why is it important to get to you, since Laennec is now sold and used in many clinics and pharmacies?

Because innovative Japanese patented technologies are only available in RHANA. Yes, of course, we do not sell them, and these droppers can only be made in our network of clinics. I want to emphasize that Laennec works great as monotherapy, and sometimes even better intramuscularly. This is decided by the doctor. The only thing is that the packaging must be Russified. This is a requirement of the Russian Ministry of Health. Officially, only our company can import the drug, because registration certificate belongs to Rhana Corporation. And we are the exclusive distributor in Russia and 14 CIS countries.

What is your main desire?

Help as much as possible more people in Russia stay healthy and beautiful with the help of the Japanese active longevity program Laennec-Therapy. Introduce a culture of regular medical examination in order to work proactively and prevent possible changes in time.

And now my traditional business blitz:

Do you agree with the phrase: “Trust is the basis of a successful business”?

I trust, but I check.

What makes it different successful person from others?

It doesn't block success.

What words do you find for yourself in difficult situations?

Everything will be as it should be, even if otherwise...

Are you a superstitious person?

I don't like being embarrassed. Superstition is confusion. I don't acknowledge embarrassment when it happens, I only listen to positive news.

How do you relax?

Actively: alpine skiing, dancing, traveling by car. But I can also lie down with a book - I’ll choose something from the field of psychology or philosophy.

What are your favorite travel destinations?

Ischia, seaside hotel L’Albergo della Regina Isabella, a gorgeous pine tree grows there, in our favorite “end room” we have a geyser bath right on the balcony... More ski resort Ischgl and the Trofana Royal Hotel.

Favorite restaurants in Moscow?

I love “live” places like the Yacht Club and Shore House Restaurant. There are also a lot of beautiful things in the city center, I like Erwin.

What is your main flaw?

Hot temper. I’m “hot”, but I immediately move away.

What is love in your understanding?

This is all - children, husband, but first of all you need to remember to love yourself. This is always difficult for me, but I’m working on myself. This means this: do not criticize, forgive, do not condemn.

What is happiness?

To love and be loved. To be in harmony with yourself, in your family, in business and, of course, internal self-realization.

Personal secret to success?

You must often say: “I am successful” and do everything for this. Anyone can do this if they move away from fears. Life is wonderful. Every day you need to rejoice and be grateful for it. Every next day is the best. It brings fruits, results and lessons.

A wish for your daughter.

Find yourself! I really want to help her with this, not block her own desires, try to develop in herself what she wants, even if she makes a mistake. The main thing is to help in development, and not to build her path. You see, even in the kitchen a woman must be successful!

Secrets of successful people with Katya Liepa:

President of the RHANA Corporation Ekaterina Dibrova: “It is possible to manage age!”

Talented managers, thanks to whom brands flourish, are sometimes no less stars than the heroes we see every day on TV screens. The new guest of the “Star Business” column is the president of the RHANA medical corporation Ekaterina Dibrova.

The meeting with Ekaterina took place in her cozy office in the center of Moscow. At the request of HELLO.RU, the popular presenter of Channel One, Svetlana Abramova, went for an interview with the heroine.

Ekaterina, first of all, I can’t help but note that you look great.

Thank you! It's all about an active life position. And it doesn’t matter here whether you are a housewife or a businesswoman with a crazy schedule. Scientists have already proven that if a person wants to be in good shape, along with physical activity there must be active brain activity. I personally am fascinated by the idea that the functioning of our brain directly affects the state of our body.

So you don’t play sports on a regular basis?

When I was young, I did figure skating, I even had a rank. And now I run all over Moscow every day from one meeting to another. I don’t know if this action can be classified as a sport. But I still like it active recreation, it’s just that now he has become somehow domestic, or something. My child and I run races, go down the ice slides together, and sometimes, when we can find more time, we race side by side on the ski slope.

What can you say about food? Do you limit your diet in any way?

No way! I am firmly convinced that if you don’t overeat, you can do absolutely anything. My loved ones won’t let me lie, I’m crazy about all kinds of pies and cakes. I just have the right approach When it comes to nutrition, I listen to my body. If he wants harmful fried potatoes, which means I’ll eat it once and voluntarily for a long time I'll forget about this product. And if you deny yourself, you will become stressed and then think about these crispy slices for a whole week. You need to live in joy, otherwise what’s the point...

So, the main thing is to enjoy life, then no diets are needed?

I've never been on a diet. Although every morning I start with 1.5 percent kefir with bran, after which I always eat a little buckwheat porridge with olive oil. But this is not part of any diet, I just like this breakfast. I also always drink a liter of water after waking up.

Liter? I heard that people drink a glass, some even two, but a whole liter...

I like water, this is how I wash my body. Of course, no one says that you need to drink everything in one gulp. I calmly drink in small sips while I get ready for work and do my make-up.

Since you mentioned makeup, tell us what products you use at home?

I use Japanese cosmetics. This is not just cosmetics, but cosmeceuticals - a new word in the beauty industry. Plant and placental products are supplied to many medical institutions and pharmacies. By the way, in Japan great value They also add to the way a person cleanses his skin. They have about six stages of cleansing, which use various foams, lotions, scrubs and soaps.

European cosmetology is a trendsetter in the field of thread technologies and fillers, and Japan is famous for its developments in the field of placental preparations and excellent creams. It’s not for nothing that almost the entire Russian mass market is now filled with Japanese brands. Our clinic brings together the best of the best.

I also read on your website that you have a drug that can replace Botox.

And all its charm is that it is not injectable, but external influence. You apply the cream from the tube and immediately see the result.

Yes, technology has greatly advanced. So, now you can do all these procedures yourself and not turn to the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons?

No. I still recommend visiting a cosmetologist periodically. Express procedures and instant creams give results here and now if you need to be fully prepared for a date in the evening. But if we talk about fundamental skin health and beauty in general, then you cannot do without a cosmetologist.

At what age should a girl see a specialist?

You know, I have to regularly apply protective cream to my daughter’s face to protect her from the effects of frost and restore skin moisture. But my child is only five and a half years old! Then he will go adolescence, in which many people experience pimples and acne. And after thirty people periodically experience allergic reactions for various products and drugs. In general, every age has its pitfalls. But today's beauty industry makes it possible to effectively combat all these ailments without resorting to plastic surgery.

I host the program “Ten Years Younger,” in which, as the title suggests, we help women look better. And plastic surgeon Blokhin is involved in this process. He is firmly convinced that at a certain age no cosmetology can replace circular lift faces.

I adore Blokhin and I think he is right. But he is right only in cases where there is already excess tissue on the face, which appears due to the lack proper care behind you. Our generation may indeed need plastic surgery, as when we were young we did not have a wide range of cosmetic services and creams to choose from. But today's youth have this choice, and therefore they can easily avoid any need for plastic surgery.

You are a wife, mother and a wonderful entrepreneur who has created a corporation that includes many clinics, pharmacies and training centers. How did you manage to build such a business?

I did not set myself the task of building a dizzying career. I just love what I do, and recently I finally understood why I do it. Now getting up in the morning, I say to myself: “Lord, thank you for giving me a path on which I can realize myself as a person who has not lived my life in vain.”

Your words are inspiring! It's so wonderful that you have found your mission in life.

More likely, she found me. My ancestors were zemstvo doctors who treated people during the plague. So this mission was passed on to me genetically. And even though I myself am not a doctor, but an economist, I am still immersed in the medical profession. This is probably the reason for my success, because I do my work not for money, but for myself, because I see this as my purpose.

What are you striving for now?

I want to get medical tourism on its feet, because we have everything we need for this. Here you will find wonderful mud springs and mineral waters, and great technology. I am a romantic in life, so I believe that even despite the sanctions, our country will soon become even greater and more attractive!

The founder and president of the RHANA Medical Corporation, Ekaterina Dibrova, talks about biomedicine, innovative cosmeceuticals and active longevity.

Photo: DR

“I love living! My goal is to do everything possible to keep people healthy, so that everyone can maintain their health for as long as possible. high quality life, ability to work and activity, and also receive beauty as a reward,” says Ekaterina Dibrova, founder and president of the RHANA Medical Corporation, which she has successfully led for more than 17 years, corresponding member Russian Academy natural sciences, full member of the International Academy of Sciences, candidate economic sciences.

Ekaterina told us why biomedicine is needed and how to use it correctly, what placenta-based cosmeceuticals are and why your skin needs it, and much more.

Why is biomedicine needed and how to use it correctly

Modern level The achievements of biomedical technologies in Japan now make it possible in clinical practice to solve many problems related to human health and active longevity. This revolutionary breakthrough was achieved through the creation of a number of biocomponents that formed medicines, dietary supplements, and cosmetics aimed at restoring resource potential human body, the size of which determines our adaptive and defense mechanisms. We call this model the “natural matrix of longevity.”

The mission of our company is to integrate this model into professional community as an effective and safe age management tool. Moreover, this model has existed in Japan for more than 60 years and relates to insurance medicine.

Health is the first responsibility in life! Thanks to the desire for a healthy lifestyle, we began to look 55 to 35, we know everything about drinking regime, organic products, detoxes. And 20 years ago no one thought about this. We talk a lot about prolonging youth and life, about preventive medicine, and therefore I am proud of my choice; more than 17 years ago I brought Japanese “gold” to Russia - the unique drug Laennec. As a prediction that there will now be such a boom in healthy image life, it was at that moment that the appearance of the drug Laennec was more than timely.

It's not fashionable to get sick! Beauty, first of all, is health. You need to take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and eat right. The mission of our corporation is the return of bioplacental medicine to Russia and the creation of first-class domestic drugs available to Russians. My life's work: Laennec placental therapy.

My philosophy is a comprehensive fundamental approach to health. Everything is designed not for short-term external results, but for efficiency, for a long-term state of active health.

Placenta-based cosmeceuticals: why your skin needs it

  • recovery and rehabilitation during particularly difficult periods,
  • age-related changes,
  • hardware and injection techniques,
  • photography and chronoaging,
  • even out skin color, hyperpigmentation,
  • dehydrated and dull skin

The course of placental therapy is not addictive. Individual selection of composition for the patient with a huge range. These are phytoextracts, phytoextractens, essential oils, amino acids and placenta in different concentrations with high pharmaceutical purification. The entire section of drugs refers to medicinal pharmaceutical cosmeceuticals, which indicates increased requirements for production, composition and effectiveness of use and immediate visible effect.

Experience with Japan

Japanese society is very traditional and preserves a unique ancient culture, but at the same time is at the forefront of world civilization. Largely thanks to to the highest level medicine, education and culture, Japan became a country of centenarians in the twentieth century.

When I first arrived there, it seemed to me that this was a different world and a different planet, we were so different. First of all, because

The Japanese have a completely different approach to life: they are always committed to communication, they listen carefully to what is being said to them the world around us, and they know how to be incredibly grateful for everything the world gives them. But the main thing is that they listen to themselves and set their priorities. The Japanese are all about details, they are into the little things, they contemplate!

They care primarily about their health, and as a result, about their beauty. They are workaholics, this is a national trait, but at the same time they build their lives extremely rationally and protect their internal resources. Their environmental conditions are much worse than ours - and at the same time, according to statistics, they live much longer than us. Why is this happening? We called this concept “active longevity,” and this story is not about aging at all - it is about how to live well at any age. This is not only beauty, but also nutrition, replenishing the necessary supply of microelements, and clean water, which we drink and the mass introduction of biotechnologies, which the Japanese have long included in insurance medicine.

What cosmetics are the most innovative now?

The main trend is beauty through health. The second trend is natural bow. Japanese anti-age medicine states that the genetic program of the human body is designed for a life expectancy of 140–150 years. Japan is confidently moving towards this level, and we generously share with our patients the developments of our Japanese colleagues and our own patented techniques.

Today, the RHANA Corporation is the exclusive distributor of the Laennec drug and a number of other Japanese brands, which allows Russians and residents of neighboring countries to receive Laennec therapy in more than 5,000 clinics or purchase the drug with a prescription in pharmacy chains. RHANA constantly conducts research into the effectiveness of the drug and develops new protocols for procedures.

Biotechnology of the future is perhaps the most important news trend of our time.

Positive thinking as a way of life

Our life is filled with endless striving forward, deadlines, plans, work issues. We have learned to find time for ourselves, and an appointment at a beauty salon or aesthetic medicine clinic has become our must-do item in maintaining beauty and youth. Positive thinking, ecology and purity of our consciousness are main reason and the method of longevity of the Japanese nation and it does not come easy. On this, as on beauty, you need to work hard and be in harmony with yourself.

Most of all, I love my job for the results that my favorite thing in my life brings!