Teaching an infant to swim. Methods of teaching swimming to infants in the bath

IN recent years Infant swimming is very popular. Parents entrust their child to the skillful hands of a coach in the pool or enthusiastically teach him to swim in the bathtub. Exercising with a newborn baby in the water is not only a fun and fashionable procedure, but also brings great benefits to the developing body of the newborn.

Many mothers and fathers are surprised by the fact that their baby feels great in the aquatic environment, floundering and rowing with arms and legs with great pleasure. In fact, there is nothing strange in this behavior of the baby, because for nine whole months he remained in the amniotic fluid in his mother’s womb. Once born, a child can hold his breath under water for about three months, but gradually this instinctive skill is lost.

If you know about the benefits of infant swimming and would like to teach your child to swim in the bathtub, then the video at the end of this article will help you achieve your goal. If you came to this article for the first time, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with why infant swimming is so beneficial for babies. I would also like to start the article with a teaser video to give an idea of ​​what infant swimming is in action.

Infant swimming - Olya 6 months

How did the history of infant swimming begin?

In the mid-60s of the last century, an ordinary swimming instructor, for whom water was his natural element, had a premature daughter. Since Igor Borisovich was left alone with his problem, the first thought that came to his mind was to place the child in a bathtub with water in order to create gravitational conditions for the body until the moment of adaptation to new conditions comes. In order to survive in new conditions, the baby’s body needed strength, which she did not have enough at that time. And that's what happened. The body, constantly being in water, used all its resources to build the necessary tissues. And three months later, the girl began to outstrip the development of newborn children who were born on time. Moreover, she was ahead not only physically, but also on an intellectual level. The girl calmly dived to a depth of several meters in a pool intended for adults, and by the age of 11, she became the national swimming champion.

Simple, safe and effective method was so unusual that it instantly spread throughout the world. It is not surprising that in our country it was recognized as dangerous and did not receive permission to be put into practice. But in foreign countries they became seriously interested in this technique, and approached the issue of the development of children in the aquatic environment with all seriousness. Special institutes began to open to study the development of children in water and to practice infant swimming. And then schools began to open in European countries, America and Japanese cities.

Having seen such a success of the method, our Ministry of Health by the end of the 70s allowed infant swimming to be carried out in our country. And very soon, health-improving water swimming courses began to open in children's treatment centers.

The chairman of the swimming federation, a physician by profession, Zakhary Firsov, provided enormous assistance in bringing infant swimming to life by publishing a book about children's swimming called “Swimming before walking.” In his book, he described in detail the influence of the aquatic environment on the child’s body from the first days of his birth. He proved that the child's brain is in a state of weightlessness i.e. in water, freed from gravity, it develops much faster. First sports school swimming school was opened in Leningrad in 1934, and Firsov himself became its director.

Features of infant swimming

Many parents are well aware of the possibility of conducting water activities with their infants. But not all mothers and fathers are delighted with this idea. It is very strange and unusual to watch a newborn baby calmly and freely move its arms and legs in the water. Adults count aquatic environment unnatural for human life, but for small child and completely dangerous. But is this really so?

It is worth remembering that for nine months the embryo floats in the fetal fluid, which is a reliable protective shell for it from unfavorable conditions. external influences, supplier nutrients. Therefore, for a newly born baby, the water environment is more natural and pleasant than air.

A newborn baby perceives the air space as something foreign and heavy, forcing him to breathe on his own. For a few more weeks after birth, the baby retains the instinct of swimming, which allows him to float perfectly on the surface of the water and dive without suffocating.

This amazing feature behavior infant used by medical specialists for developmental and therapeutic purposes. Pediatricians claim that infant swimming allows a newborn not to forget about the swimming instinct, and even develop it even more. Health swimming for infants is used for effective prevention and treatment of childhood diseases, promotion of health and full development of the newborn baby.

The benefits of infant swimming

Regular swimming for infants in a pool or bath helps improve physical and mental well-being. Swimming for infants stimulates the respiratory function of the pulmonary system, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, increases flexibility and mobility of the skeleton, develops muscles, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Infant swimming normalizes metabolic reactions in the body, activates the immune system, and accelerates blood circulation. Swimming for infants in the bathtub has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of the child’s central and autonomic nervous system.

A baby who has been practicing infant swimming since birth has a good memory, thinks quickly, does not show mental disorders, moodiness or anxiety, and rarely suffers from diseases of the digestive tract.

How swimming for infants affects the body:

  • Heart and blood vessels. In water, the child makes active movements of the limbs, which helps strengthen the heart muscle, the walls of arteries and capillaries, and increases the speed of blood flow.
  • Respiratory organs. While swimming, the baby makes deeper and rarer breathing movements with the chest. The lungs are intensively supplied with oxygen, the nasopharynx is well ventilated with air currents. Therefore, a baby who loves bathing is less likely than his peers to get colds and catch viral infection, suffers from a runny nose.
  • Nervous system. Infant swimming stimulates blood circulation and metabolism in the vessels of the brain, accelerates the removal of decay products from tissues. Swimming a newborn in the bathtub improves the child’s tone and mood and helps maintain a normal mental state.
  • Musculoskeletal system. When a baby is in water, his bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles are subject to equal stress. The skeleton develops correctly and proportionally, muscle tissue strengthened due to the need for constant resistance to the pressure of water flows.
  • Urinary organs. While swimming, the child’s torso muscles actively contract, which accelerates blood circulation and metabolism in the kidneys and pelvic organs. Toxins and toxic substances are removed from tissues.
  • Skin. Water is a mild and safe irritant for the baby's skin. It causes increased activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, opens pores, helps remove accumulated harmful substances from them, and allows cells to breathe easily and fully.

What else is useful for infant swimming?

  1. With regular swimming lessons, children's immunity is strengthened, resistance to temperature changes, as well as colds, appears. Children who go in for swimming develop physically better and are less likely to develop health problems.
  2. Little swimmers are distinguished by correct posture and a strong muscle corset. They almost never have problems with the spine.
  3. Infants performing water exercises are not prescribed a massage, since in water the muscles of the whole body are strengthened and relaxed at the same time. Such children begin to walk earlier than their peers.
  4. In an aquatic environment, under survival conditions, the body releases an additional portion of red blood cells, which increase the level of hemoglobin.
  5. During swimming, the respiratory system is trained, which activates the blood supply process internal organs.
  6. Water rinses and cleanses the maxillary sinuses and nasal passages from bacteria and viruses. Therefore, infant swimming is an additional prevention against runny nose and allergies in a child.
  7. In water, a child becomes self-confident. His fears disappear, and he perceives his body language better. Charkovsky’s method also talks about inspired fears and experiences that interfere with the development of the child, which the mother experienced during pregnancy.
  8. Having learned to swim in a bathtub or pool from infancy, the child will never be afraid of open bodies of water.
  9. An important and biggest advantage of swimming lessons is adequate sleep for little swimmers. If children swim, they sleep soundly, and, therefore, good health. After all, it is in sleep that the body’s strength is restored and the immune system is strengthened.

Infant swimming in the bathtub. Infant swimming rules.

  • Suitable age. You cannot teach a newborn to swim in the bathtub immediately after birth. A baby should be taught to swim and dive from 3 to 4 months of age, when the umbilical cord has completely healed. The baby must at least get used to the new environment and unusual living conditions. At four months, the baby is already quite strong and tall, but has not yet forgotten about the swimming instinct.
  • Preparing the bathroom. You should not start your first water activity in the pool. The child may be scared strangers and a strange room. It is better to start exercising in a calm and relaxing home environment. Before filling the bathtub with warm water, you must wash it thoroughly with ordinary laundry soap. It is not recommended to use extracts for bathing babies medicinal plants or potassium permanganate. When a child swims, he may accidentally swallow water with additives and become poisoned. Once a week, the bathtub in which the baby is bathing should be cleaned with soda.
  • Optimal water temperature. It is advisable to carry out the first exercises at a water temperature of +35°C. When the baby gets a little used to swimming, you can use slightly colder water. But the mother needs to remember that a newborn baby cannot be bathed at temperatures below +32°C. It is easy to understand how comfortable a baby feels in the bath by his behavior. If the baby cries heart-rendingly, without stopping, when immersed in water, then he is cold, but if, on the contrary, he is silent and looks lethargic, then he is too hot. The temperature is ideal when the baby is cheerfully and actively waving its arms and legs. While the child is bathing in the bath, the water slowly cools, but it is not necessary to return it to the original temperature. It is useful for a newborn baby to harden up.

Indications for baby swimming

Swimming and diving for babies is useful, and even necessary, to improve health. There are diseases in which water activities are a real salvation for a child. The list of such serious congenital and acquired childhood pathologies includes:

  • hypotonicity or hypertonicity of muscle tissue;
  • severe underweight;
  • birth by caesarean section;
  • developmental anomalies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • curvature of the cervical vertebrae;
  • dysfunction of the joints.

Contraindications to infant swimming

Before swimming with your newborn baby, you should contact your pediatrician for permission. The doctor does not allow the baby to do water exercises if he has the following diseases:

  1. skin inflammation with ulcers;
  2. open wounds;
  3. acute respiratory infections accompanied by high fever;
  4. renal or liver failure;
  5. any dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  6. the presence of purulent discharge on the skin;
  7. hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis and other infections transmitted from parents;
  8. mental disorders accompanied by epileptic seizures.

How to teach a newborn to swim in the bathtub?

Teaching a newborn baby to swim is much more interesting than it may seem to inexperienced mothers and fathers. At home, of course, it is difficult to show a child the exercises that a trainer teaches in the pool. But in the videos prepared in this article on infant swimming will help you teach your child the following exercises:

  • Push-ups and flips. The mother should bring the baby's feet closer to the walls of the bathtub. When a child rests his feet on a smooth surface, he will certainly try to push off and swim on his own. The baby can roll over from his back to his tummy. In this case, you need to lightly support him.
  • Splashing. The child must be immersed in the water with his stomach down, holding his head by the chin with his palm. Mom should show the baby how interesting it is to splash the water with your arms and legs, watching the circles radiating towards the walls of the bathtub.
  • Ships. You can use any toy as a boat. The mother places the baby in the water, tummy down, and places an improvised boat in front of his eyes. The baby must reach the toy, actively rowing with its arms and legs.
  • Eight. This exercise should be started when the child learns to swim in a straight line. It can be performed both on the stomach and on the back. Supporting the baby by the chin or the back of his head, the mother rolls him through the water, writing out the number eight. The speed of movement depends on the desire of the baby.
  • Swing. The mother should turn the child over on his stomach, immerse him in the water, holding his head by the back of his head and chin, and smoothly move left and right, up and down.

How to teach a baby to dive in the bathtub?

Infant diving is the most challenging of all aquatic activities. Inexperienced parents are terribly worried before this procedure, they are afraid that their beloved baby will swallow water and stop breathing. How to teach a child to dive? In fact, no problems usually arise.

The baby has known how to hold his breath since birth, he just forgot a little. There is no need to rush through this exercise: the baby must be well prepared for new impressions.

First you need to teach the baby to hold his breath on command. The mother clearly pronounces the word “dive” and blows lightly on the child’s face. The baby closes his eyes, frowns and short time stops breathing. The procedure must be repeated ten times. Further the task becomes more complicated. Now the mother should not only blow after the word “dive,” but also sprinkle some water on the baby’s face. After such manipulations, you can safely move on to diving. First, it is advisable to immerse the baby in water shallowly and for only two seconds, so that he does not have time to get scared. The dive time can then be increased to six or seven seconds.

Summing up

Children who have been swimming since birth adapt faster to the conditions kindergarten and schools. Even if the baby floats in the water with the help of a lifebuoy, he will always be several steps ahead in development of his peers who do not come into contact with water.

All parents, without exception, want to see their children healthy. The basis of health is motor activity, which the child receives fully in water. You just need to give him this opportunity.

Video: How to teach a newborn to dive and swim

Infant swimming a set of exercises from 1 to 4 months

Video: First swim for a 3-month-old baby

Video: Infant swimming in the bath

More and more parents are trying to learn the basics of swimming for newborns. This is understandable: teaching infants to swim is useful for the prevention of many diseases and is suitable as a gentle hardening method. Parents learn this method with the help of an instructor in the pool or conduct classes for the baby themselves at home.

The ability to swim is inherent in a child before birth: he spends the entire pregnancy in amniotic fluid. A newborn retains the ability to involuntarily hold his breath until three months of age, then it gradually fades away. Therefore, supporters of infant swimming advise starting as early as possible.

From this article you will learn

The benefits of early swimming

Water exercises are the most gentle sport, and also the most accessible for newborns. Here are some reasons why you should teach swimming from the cradle:

  • Hypertonicity decreases, characteristic of almost all newborns.
  • Coming improving the functionality of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus, in a non-traumatic environment, unlike other sports, correct posture is formed.
  • This is great prevention of spinal curvature and flat feet.
  • Exercise in water helps muscle toning, and evening swimming is for general relaxation.
  • Developing coordination of movements of the whole body that for a small child the issue is paramount, negative phenomena in the field of neurology are smoothed out.
  • Mastering the skill of proper deep breathing, holding inhalation stimulates increase in red blood cells. Happening healing effect: Natural stimulation of blood flow. As a result, the cardiovascular system is strengthened.
  • During water procedures occurs cleansing the nasopharynx from mucus, dust, bacteria, other types of allergens.
  • Infant swimming increases immune system functionality, heals the entire body.
  • Swimming for a baby is a return to the conditions of being in the mother’s body, a gentle adaptation. Water calms and relieves excess stress.
  • Water massage provides favorable effect on work digestive system baby.
  • Swimming skill relieves fear of the aquatic environment, which persists throughout life.

Look how cool it is little Sophia (4.5 months) swims in the children's pool with a trainer.

Possible contraindications

Before you start infant swimming at home, you should consult your pediatrician. There are few contraindications to classes, but they still exist, these are:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • viral infections;
  • diseases that impair the integrity of the skin.

Where to swim: at home or in the pool

In this table we have clearly shown the benefits of swimming at home and in the pool.

Advantages:In the home bathIn the swimming pool
By degree of convenience:The baby has just adapted to the home environment, he will be calmer with his mother in familiar conditions.There are other mothers and children in the pool, more noise and water. This may frighten the baby. Plus of classes in the pool: mom is also in an aquatic environment.
By efficiency:If you learn the rules of swimming at home, you will have to call an instructor, but a private visit is more expensive and fraught with problems.Pool specialists have the necessary qualifications and work flexible hours.
Safety:The main problem with infant swimming at home is ignorance of the basic principles of operation, which leads to the risk of injury and the danger of water getting into the baby’s lungs.In the pool, lessons are taught by an instructor, he controls the actions of the mother, so she and the child are safe.
Maintaining cleanliness and risk of infection:The water in your home bath is not saturated with chlorine solution; for the first lessons, you can boil it. The risk of infection at home is minimal.In the pool there is a high probability of contracting an infection; chlorinated water contributes to allergies, respiratory and digestive dysfunction if swallowed.
Possibility of group classes:At home, even with brothers and sisters, group activities are difficult: too crowded.In the pool, a little swimmer can imitate other children. A group of young mothers is a suitable group for sharing experiences.

Important! Research in Europe has shown that frequent swimming in indoor pools increases susceptibility to allergies and asthma. Chloramines contained in the water and air of an institution are toxic and can easily penetrate children's skin. Chlorine oxides also enter the lungs, making their surface more vulnerable to pathogenic microflora.

The risk of transmitting harmful microorganisms through water is minimal due to water chlorination. But still, this possibility remains when in contact with other children, in contact with sides or benches.

Where do you plan to start infant swimming?

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In this video infant swimming specialist Olesya Kochina He will tell you in detail and show you where and how to start bathing your newborn.

Bathing equipment

To make staying in the bath enjoyable for mother and baby, modern industry provides many devices:

If classes are held in the pool, you will need to purchase waterproof diapers. The baby can leave in the water unexpected surprise. Of course, it's better to swim naked at home.

Important! some doctors, for example teledoctor Komarovsky, consider the neck circle a useful invention. Others advise using baby support equipment carefully: staying in a cap or inflatable collar for a long time can lead to microtrauma to the neck.

It also matters from how many months you start wearing the device. Use it after the baby learns to hold her head up, do not exceed the bathing time and do not make sudden movements.

Getting ready for classes

To make your stay in the water comfortable and safe for your baby, it is advisable to follow several rules:

  • The optimal age for classes is 2-3 weeks: earlier there is a risk of infection entering the umbilical wound; later the child may lose the ability to involuntarily hold his breath.
  • For procedures can use bath or swimming pool for kids. The container is disinfected with soda and laundry soap, which is easily washed off with ordinary tap water. When using traditional herbal decoctions and potassium permanganate, you must avoid getting water into the digestive tract. In addition, grains of potassium permanganate that are not dissolved in water can cause a burn. It is better not to use strong chemicals containing chlorine, as a small amount of them remains and ends up in the water.
  • It is important that the water temperature is comfortable for the baby, optimal 32 degrees. The baby himself will let you know if he is comfortable: if he cries, perhaps he is cold. A sign that the water is hot is the baby's lethargy. Crying and whining are not always a consequence of the fact that the child is cold or hot, perhaps he is afraid or has a stomach ache. During classes, it is advisable to gradually reduce the water temperature.
  • Engage with a child better an hour before feeding or an hour after it. The baby should be well-rested and alert. If you feel unwell, it is better to postpone classes.

See how he advises you to start swimming with babies infant swimming specialist on the program with Dr. Komarovsky.

All necessary supplies must be prepared in advance. A towel, diaper, cap and collar should be at hand. For safety, an adult bathing a baby should place a rubber mat under his feet.

Techniques and techniques

Water exercises from the cradle are not a new phenomenon. Back in the 80s, during the USSR period, doctor and scientist Zakhary Firsov An instructional book was written about the benefits of swimming for children under one year old. It was approved by the Ministry of Health.

At the same time, it became widespread Vladimir Guterman's technique, With detailed description training of infants. Particularly progressive parents adopted tough Igor Charkovsky's method, which still raises doubts today.

Currently, Guterman's technique is recognized as optimal for infants. It assumes the main thing: activities should be enjoyable for the baby. Its application is designed in four stages:

  1. Preparatory. Includes massage, gymnastics, the elements of which are used first outside the water, then in the bath. Preparation begins on the fifth day after birth and ends at the age of 3 months. During this period, the baby gets used to the water space around him.
  2. Second period: learning to swim is that over the course of three months, the child’s swimming reflexes are strengthened in response to the mother’s commands. The baby masters movement techniques and gradually loses the habit of support.
  3. Independent swimming. At six months or later, at 9 months, with the support of parents or instructors, the baby swims and dives on his own.
  4. Final stage– consolidation of skills. An active one-year-old butterfly masters scuba diving and can swim across a small space.

Here's how to hold your newborn while bathing.

The technique includes the following exercises: at the initial stage, the mother leads the child along the bathtub in her arms in different positions and with to varying degrees support. Here are the basic techniques:

  • Jumps and turns. Supporting your baby with your hands, bring his feet closer to the wall of the bathtub or pool. Feeling support, he will instinctively push away from it. This will be an incentive for further swimming.
  • splashing. For this exercise, the baby should be placed in a face down position. Mom holds her chin with one hand and pats the surface of the water with the other, asking her to repeat the action.
  • Swimming. Position the baby as in the previous exercise. Place a bright toy in front of him and invite the baby to grab it. Repeat several times, constantly increasing the distance between the child and the toy.
  • Zigzags and eights. Having mastered swimming in a straight line, move in a zigzag pattern, drawing figure eights. At the same time, turn the little swimmer onto his back and stomach. Using an inflatable ring will make the task easier.
  • Swing. Rock your baby up and down on his tummy so that he rises and sinks. The baby's head should be completely above the surface of the water.

The strengthened baby walks along the bottom, jumps up, and reaches for a toy. If all the instructions are followed correctly, at one year or earlier the child will be able to walk, swim and dive.

We invite you to see how a specialist conducts the first lesson in a regular bath at home with a baby.

As a rule, parents who have mastered the art of swimming with their child before the age of one year are very satisfied. Children grow up healthier and are ahead of their peers in development. Here are some tips from mothers who support infant swimming:

  • Teach the first lesson at the age of 5 days, gradually accustom your baby to the bath. First, try practicing mom immersion with your baby. As soon as the baby adapts, you can call a specialist for instructions.
  • If you hold your baby in the bath for a long time, your back and neck will hurt, so It's better to alternate with someone.
  • When practicing diving first give the command “Dive!” and blow into your nose to the baby involuntarily held his breath. When the skill is established, move on to diving with your head, start learning to dive.
  • Use salt water for swimming: dissolve 300 grams of salt in water per bath. This water will not cause eye irritation.
  • In summer at the age of 2-3 months classes can be conducted on fresh air in an inflatable pool.
  • Do not say unnecessary words during the learning process, only commands “We work with our legs!”, “We work with our hands!”, "Let's dive!" We will definitely praise you for the job.
  • When the baby will feel cramped in the bath, you can go to the pool. If the environment allows, after six months you can swim in the sea or lake with an adult.

Here's how to do it teach your baby to dive at home in the bath.

IMPORTANT! *When copying article materials, be sure to include an active link to the original

Infant swimming is becoming increasingly popular these days. Parents themselves teach their children to swim from birth at home in a bathtub with a support circle or entrust this to an instructor in the pool. For some it is simply fashionable and interesting. If you thoroughly study this question, you can see how beneficial swimming is at such an early age.

It should be immediately noted that newborn children already know how to swim. This is not surprising - for 9 months the child lived in water element in the mother's womb. After birth, for about 3 more months, he retains the ability to instinctively hold his breath under water, to fourth month this ability is gradually lost.

Water is a natural element for babies, so the introduction of bathing in the first months of life can be a wonderful developmental and physical activity for a child

The benefits of swimming for babies

Swimming for infants as a widespread practice was proposed back in the 60s of the 20th century. Among modern pediatricians, more and more specialists recognize this method and talk about its undoubted benefits:

  1. Swimming infants in a bath or pool is an excellent way to harden (see also:). It not only strengthens the general immune system, reducing the risk of colds and generally increasing the body's resistance to various viruses and infections, but also has a beneficial effect on the physical development of children.
  2. If this practice is done regularly, the child develops correct posture and strengthens the back muscles that support the spine.
  3. The musculoskeletal system benefits significantly more than from massage. Exercises in water tone muscles if done in the morning and relax before bed. It is also noteworthy that children who engage in infant swimming begin to crawl and walk earlier.
  4. Short-term breath holdings during swimming and diving, accompanied by a slight lack of oxygen, stimulate the formation of red blood cells in the body. As a result, hemoglobin levels increase.
  5. There is a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Blood supply to internal organs is stimulated and normalized blood pressure.
  6. During diving, water enters the nasopharynx and washes away accumulated bacteria, dust, pollen and other allergens. The maxillary sinuses are washed and a good prevention runny nose.
  7. Water relieves all tension, calms, removes fears and has a positive effect on the entire nervous system. Also, water activities help strengthen the intuitive connection between mother and baby.
  8. Children who swim from birth (even only at home) in the future do not experience fears of large and open bodies of water - a swimming pool, lake or sea.

Swimming in the pool is a great workout for little man! Almost all children sleep peacefully throughout the night after water activities. This gives parents the opportunity to sleep and relax

Principles of infant swimming

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Some parents believe that only an experienced pool instructor who specializes in infant swimming can teach. In fact, everything is not so difficult. Let's see what you should pay attention to when preparing.

  • It is better to start water activities at the age of 3-4 weeks. At this time, children have not yet lost their innate reflex to hold their breath under water. In addition, the umbilical wound has already healed, and the child has gained weight and become stronger.
  • The bathtub or small pool (if available) must be kept clean. Before the procedures, the container must be thoroughly washed with soap (ordinary household soap will do), and cleaned once a week baking soda, rinsing off the product well a large number running water. If a swimming ring is used for swimming, it must also be washed well. It is better not to use a solution of potassium permanganate or herbal decoctions, since when bathing, water can enter not only the respiratory tract, but also the digestion (we recommend reading:). For the same reason, there is no need to use aggressive chemicals that are difficult to wash off and small quantity remain on the surface.
  • The water temperature for infants during the first three months should be no lower than 32 degrees. You can start with 35 degrees and after several sessions gradually reduce it by 3 degrees. After immersing the baby in the water, you need to watch him. If he starts crying and doesn’t stop for several minutes, it means he’s cold. If it is too sluggish, then the water is hot. If the child quickly gets used to the water and makes all sorts of movements with his arms and legs, then the water temperature is optimal.

Many parents have doubts and fears about diving. The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky, who speaks positively about infant swimming and water procedures for newborns, also has a good attitude towards diving. He claims that diving is very useful and not dangerous, however, if parents have fear, it is better to refuse diving or postpone it.

It is necessary to choose the right time for classes. You should not do this when the baby is hungry, or immediately after feeding; It is better to wait an hour for the milk to be absorbed. Also, the child should be well-rested and alert.

Mom should also think about her own convenience. To prevent your back and shoulders from becoming numb, it is better to sit near the bathtub and lay a rubber mat on the floor to prevent slipping. It’s good to prepare a clean diaper in advance. When the procedures are completed, you can wipe the baby with it and take him to the room in it. Although you can also wear it naked - this will be additional hardening.

When the bathtub or mini-pool is filled with water, you can begin to introduce your child to the water by gently touching it first with one or both handles. Then you can wet your feet, your entire legs, and gradually your entire body. The child should be immersed in water in an upright position. At the same time, you need to constantly talk to him and smile.

Mom needs to try both types of supports used in infant swimming: under the chin and under the back of the head. When the baby lies on the water with his tummy, the mother supports his head so that his chin rests on her palm. If the baby is lying on his back, the mother needs to support the back of his head. You can choose any position that your baby likes best, or use both in turn. You can also try swimming with a swimming ring. After home exercises are well mastered, it is recommended to move to a large pool.

Exercises and techniques

If a mother works with her baby only at home, this does not mean at all that the child will not be interested in an ordinary bath, and not a large swimming pool. To minimize the risk and ensure peace of mind, you can purchase a foam cap that will allow your baby to float on his own. Using a circle will free up the mother’s hands for the most part, and make the child’s movements more relaxed.

The technique includes the following exercises:

  1. Pushes and turns. The baby needs to be brought closer to the walls of the container so that, feeling support with his legs, he begins to push off and swim. Mom only needs to support him when he rolls over. A circle holding the head will also help and ensure safety.
  2. Splashing. When the baby lies on his stomach and his chin is supported by his mother's hand or circle, with his other hand the mother can show how the water trembles when splashing.
  3. Swimming. When the baby is lying in the same position, you can place a boat or another toy at a short distance in front of him and help the baby catch up with it. Each time the distance to the boat and the speed of movement need to be slightly increased.
  4. Zigzags and figure eights. You can start learning this exercise when swimming in a straight line has already been mastered. Now you need to, with the help of your mother, “draw” zigzags and “figure eights” on the water, turning over onto your back and tummy. Here, too, it is better to equip yourself with a swimming ring.
  5. "Swing". The baby must be placed on his stomach, and his head must be held with your hands or in a circle so that it is completely above the water. You need to guide the baby very smoothly so that he makes movements back and forth and up and down, plunging and rising.

Exercises in water require clarity and composure from the mother, because she is the one who helps the baby accept desired position, supports it

Any mother can cope with such simple activities. To make it clearer what the exercises look like in practice, you can watch video lessons with an instructor in the pool.


Despite the fact that infant swimming is very useful and loved by children, it can also have contraindications. To identify them, you need to contact your pediatrician: if he does not find any prohibiting factors and does not speak out against it, you can safely start water activities with your baby.

A positive attitude is also very important. If a child does not want to swim or dive, under no circumstances should you insist or force him. Such actions by parents can easily traumatize the child’s psyche.

What developmental disorders can prevent an infant from swimming:

  • problems of the musculoskeletal system requiring immobilization of limbs;
  • congenital heart pathologies;
  • dermatitis complicated by purulent discharge;
  • neurological disorders accompanied by seizures;
  • colds during the course of the disease.

As you can see, there are not many contraindications to infant swimming, and they are not common among newborns. For most children, swimming is indicated. Except great benefit, it gives kids a lot positive emotions, since water is initially their native element. Such children are physically healthier and better adapt to different social conditions, and every mother cares about the physical and spiritual health of the child.

Contents of the article:

Infant swimming has gained great popularity recently. This is not surprising - modern parents try to ensure that their child grows up healthy and use various complexes physical exercise and methods of improving the health of the baby. A baby in the water is causing conflicting opinions among doctors. Some experts argue that it is too early for a baby to get acquainted with water on such a large scale. Others, on the contrary, argue: swimming for an infant brings him many benefits and promotes active development.

What is infant swimming?

It is known that swimming is beneficial for any person. It strengthens the immune and nervous systems, increases the body's resistance to infections, improves mood and sleep. However, the innate swimming reflex begins to fade in the child after birth, several months later. Therefore, many experts in infant swimming recommend starting to practice with the baby before the age of three months. Swimming with a baby is required under the supervision of a specialist. An infant swimming instructor will show and tell you how to properly hold a baby’s tiny body and what exercises to perform.

In the mother's tummy, the fetus is constantly in water. Therefore, the baby is familiar with this environment. The smaller the baby, the better it adapts to water procedures and holds its breath when diving. Such skills will help the baby not to forget the rules of swimming.

It is better for a child to start swimming from 1 month. The baby is still able to hold his breath well under water. Early swimming is necessary in order to teach a child to swim well. The main goal of early swimming is general strengthening of the whole body.

No matter how desperately committed to infant swimming parents may be, they must definitely agree on this issue with their pediatrician and technique specialists. It is also necessary to consult with an orthopedist and neurologist to see if specialists will allow children to visit the children's pool for infants. In some cases, bathing a baby may be limited to a home bath only.

For the first time, infant swimming in the bathtub began to be practiced in the Soviet Union in the 60s of the twentieth century. Rescue instructor Igor Charkovsky has developed a set of exercises in the water for his premature daughter. Thanks to early swimming, the baby quickly recovered and caught up with her peers in physical development. Swimming sessions for infants gradually began to become a practice. A couple of years later, the technique was considered unsatisfactory and was banned. However, a decade later, the infant swimming technique was approved by the chairman of the federation, Z. P. Firsov.

Today the method is a set of classes and exercises in water for infants. You can start practicing infant swimming from 1 month, when the excitement of the first baths of a newborn is behind you. A preserved swimming reflex after birth will help the baby quickly get used to the bath or pool. Classes can begin when:

The umbilical wound will heal;

The innate reflex will not fade away;

The baby will get stronger and gain weight after birth.

Infant swimming lessons should be taught by an experienced, qualified instructor. The specialist knows how not to harm the baby. You can contact a specialist when the baby is 3 weeks old. It is best to sign up for an infant swimming course and study with an instructor.

Basic principles of procedures

Classes must be held in absolute cleanliness, maintaining the necessary hygiene. A bathtub or other bathing container should be ideally hygienically clean. It can be washed with laundry soap, which will not harm the baby. If you start visiting a swimming pool for infants, you need to make sure that the organization complies with all hygiene and sanitary standards in the premises.

It is important to pay attention to water quality. To swim in a regular bath, you should use purified or boiled water. In the pool, the water is purified with chlorine, but this is not entirely beneficial for a small child. It is best when the baby's pool is cleaned using ultraviolet light.

The water in the swimming pool for infants should be quite comfortable - 37 degrees. The baby may cry if the water is too cold. Parents should take this into account when their baby shows signs of anxiety. The baby's adaptation to new conditions should occur gradually. It is important to create conditions that are familiar to the child, to eliminate noise and loud sounds so that he does not get scared during the procedure. You can play and have fun in your home bathtub to make your classes enjoyable. maximum comfort and pleasure.

Should be created for the youngest children optimal conditions. Water must be hygienically clean, without harmful bacteria. If you decide to cooperate with an instructor, then you need to pay attention to his experience and qualifications. It is better for young parents to listen to the advice of a professional.

During classes, it is important to pay close attention to the child’s mood and behavior. It is important to take care of clothes for swimming in the children's pool - you will need special panties for the pool. You also need a pool cap with additional foam elements. It will allow the baby to glide smoothly across the surface of the water. If swimming gives the baby a lot of pleasure, then the young parents are on the right track, and they can continue their studies.

Swimming in the bath

Initially, the baby should be accustomed to movements in the water. To do this, you can watch video lessons of infant swimming on the Internet. The mother should carry out preliminary preparation of the baby on the changing table. To do this, the baby should be placed on a table and his body, arms and legs, as well as fingers should be thoroughly stretched with massage movements. Movements must be performed in a circular motion from the spinal column to the shoulders.

1. With your right hand, hold the baby by the lower jaw in the water. Four fingers are on the chest, and thumb on the lower jaw. This position of an adult’s hands will prevent the child from choking.

2. Massage movements continue in the water - knead the buttocks, back and leg muscles.

3. The baby is held in an upright position while “dancing” on a rubber mat that lies on the bottom of the bathtub.

4. It is necessary for the baby to take steps - for this, the baby is lured with a bright toy.

5. Walking in the bathtub is replaced by double manual support and, holding the baby with a hand, the baby is rocked in the water.

6. It is necessary to stimulate the strokes with your hands.

7. Perform the figure eight movement.

8. They apply watering - they say “dive” and pour water on the baby’s forehead. This exercise helps stimulate the protective reflex and hold your breath.

After all the exercises, the baby is taken out of the bath and wrapped in a towel. Infant swimming in the bath must be carried out for at least 3 weeks. Afterwards, you can go with your baby to the pool to see the instructor.

The second stage of infant swimming is the baby's diving. However, it is necessary to move on to the exercise when the baby has already mastered “walking” and “figure eight” in the bath. Then watering the baby's head is replaced by immersing the baby under water. To do this, tilt the baby’s head with your left hand and clearly pronounce the command “Dive!” With your right hand, immerse the baby in water for a second.

It is important to clearly control the child’s immersion and removal under water. After diving, the baby should remain calm. Next, the baby’s usual “figure eight” on the reins is performed. The figure-of-eight wiring should be 2-4 bath lengths.

The standard version of infant swimming includes the following points:

Pre-warming the body with massage;

“walking” along the bottom of the bathtub;

Figure-of-eight wiring;

Watering the head with water;

Exercise “Dive”;

Massage in water;

"dancing" in the water;

Short-term contact of the baby with the cold area of ​​the bath for hardening;

Taking the baby out of the bath and ensuring harmony for the baby.

Since it will be difficult for the mother to be in an inclined position over the bathtub, it is better to keep the baby in a sitting position. To do this, you need to place a chair next to the bathroom. You can hold the baby either by the chin or by the back of the head. The head must be held so that the baby’s chin is located in the palm.

The baby can be brought closer to the sides of the bathtub. He will feel support and will push off from the side of the bathtub. You can also teach him to splash around in the bathtub. The baby will be happy to watch the circles diverging from the hands. To encourage your baby to swim, push the toy away from your baby. Let him try to catch up with her by swimming.

Swimming in the pool

Swimming in the pool is not much different from procedures in the bathroom. The baby is in the water with his mother, he is provided with reliable help from his mother’s hands or the palms of the instructor. The baby already knows the aquatic environment well, thanks to the preparation at home. He enjoys spinning in a figure eight shape and even knows how to hold his breath underwater.

In the pool with an instructor, your little one will learn to swim very quickly. If there is no such desire, then you can simply perform all of the above exercises not only in the home bath, but also in the pool. Small children enjoy bathing and swimming. These skills need to be supported and encouraged in every possible way.

The benefits of infant swimming

Infant swimming triggers important biological processes for development and cellular metabolism. The benefits of a swimming pool for infants are obvious. Process:

Strengthens the immune system and stimulates the immune defense;

Teaches you to calmly react to temperature changes;

Tempers the body;

Strengthens the muscular-ligamentous apparatus;

Develops muscles;

Strengthens transport useful substances to internal organs;

Strengthens and relaxes the muscles of the legs, arms, neck, back;

Promotes the growth of hemoglobin in the blood due to increased production of red blood cells during swimming;

Provides dynamic physical health child;

Promotes beautiful posture for the baby.

Pediatricians are increasingly talking about the benefits of swimming for infants. The child’s immunity is strengthened through regular hardening, which comes from swimming in a bath or pool. In the process of water procedures, the central nervous system, strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs. It's no secret that baby swimmers begin to crawl and walk earlier than other children.

Swimming stimulates blood supply to internal organs and stabilizes blood pressure. It has a beneficial effect on circulatory system. Diving has a positive effect on the respiratory system and stimulates the functioning of the lungs and respiratory tract. Today there are many medical works by famous professors who speak positively about infant swimming. Young parents should listen to the advice of famous pediatricians who highly appreciate the obvious benefits of infant swimming.

Water acts on the child's body like a massage. It increases blood circulation, improves microcirculation of blood masses in organs. The functioning of the intestinal tract is normalized, intestinal colic disappears, constipation and digestive disorders disappear. Swimming also prevents seizures in your newborn. A set of exercises in water has a beneficial effect on the entire respiratory system. Swimming is especially necessary for children who were born with an umbilical cord or by caesarean section.

During the water procedures, the baby calms down and gets rid of fear. He begins to confront various negative factors, his immunity, defensive reactions and reflexes are strengthened. The mother also pays more attention to the baby, which makes the baby happy and satisfied. Develops and strengthens during swimming emotional connection mother and child. A child who knows how to swim from birth is not at all afraid of open water in adulthood. It is important to conduct all classes in the presence of a competent specialist.

Infant swimming is a fun and rewarding process. The child is not afraid of a familiar environment and learns the world around us with pleasure. After such a bath, he sleeps well, does not suffer from intestinal colic and remains in good health. in a great mood. However, before starting classes, you should consult with your pediatrician about the advisability of water procedures.


Not always infant You are allowed to enjoy water procedures and gymnastics in the water. The main contraindications to swimming are:

Severe neurological disorders;

Viral and colds;

Purulent dermatitis;

Congenital heart defect;

Fixation of limbs in case of musculoskeletal disorders.

Parents should take into account contraindications to water procedures. You should not get involved in swimming if the doctor categorically insists not to engage in infant swimming. If there are contraindications, the procedure will not add any benefit to the baby and may even cause serious harm.