1 biology is the science of living nature. Lesson summary "biology - the science of living nature"

Lesson type - combined

Methods: partially search, problem presentation, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative.

Target: introduce the rules of behavior in the biology classroom, safety rules; give an idea of ​​the place of biology in the system of natural sciences, the structure of the science of biology, introduce the basic biological disciplines, give an idea of ​​the kingdoms of living nature, the diversity of living organisms; form an idea of ​​the basic properties of life, the general and distinctive features plants and animals, about mushrooms as a separate kingdom with general signs both with plants and animals; give general idea O characteristic features, uniting the plant world; show the diversity of plants on Earth, their connection with the environment; give an idea of ​​the importance of plants in nature and human life.


Educational: show the multiplicity of factors acting on organisms in nature, the relativity of the concept of “harmful and beneficial factors”, the diversity of life on planet Earth and the adaptation options of living beings to the entire range of environmental conditions.

Educational: develop communication skills, the ability to independently obtain knowledge and stimulate one’s cognitive activity; ability to analyze information, highlight the main thing in the material being studied.


Formation of an ecological culture based on recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for a responsible, careful attitude to the environment.

Forming an understanding of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle


1. education of Russian civic identity: patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland;

2. Formation of a responsible attitude towards learning;

3. Formation of a holistic worldview, corresponding modern level development of science and social practice.

Cognitive: ability to work with various sources of information, transform it from one form to another, compare and analyze information, draw conclusions, prepare messages and presentations.

Regulatory: the ability to organize independent completion of tasks, evaluate the correctness of work, and reflect on one’s activities.

Communicative: Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, seniors and juniors in the process of educational, socially useful, educational and research, creative and other types of activities.

Planned results

Subject: know the concepts of “habitat”, “ecology”, “ environmental factors“their influence on living organisms, “connections between living and nonliving”;. Be able to define the concept " biotic factors"; characterize biotic factors, give examples.

Personal: make judgments, search and select information; analyze connections, compare, find an answer to problematic issue


1. The ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways solving educational and cognitive problems.

2.Skill formation semantic reading.

Form of organization of educational activities - individual, group

Teaching methods: visual-illustrative, explanatory-illustrative, partially search-based, independent work with additional literature and a textbook, with the COR.

Techniques: working with textbook text , analysis, synthesis, inference, translation of information from one type to another, generalization.

General recommendations . You should prepare thoroughly for the introductory lesson. The general education program is structured in such a way that learning begins with the most difficult objects, so efforts must be made to make the first lesson as interesting as possible

Key concepts and terms: biology, botany, zoology, mycology, microbiology, living organisms, kingdoms of the organic world, microorganisms, fungi, plants, animals, prenuclear organisms (prokaryotes), nuclear organisms (eukaryotes); signs of living things, differences between animals and plants, signs of fungi, diversity of plants, the meaning of plants.

The lesson should begin with a story about the rules of behavior in the biology classroom, since failure to comply with safety precautions when working in the classroom can be associated with a risk for students and the possibility of damage to equipment and visual materials. It is also advisable to have a stand in the office with a detailed statement of safety rules, since children will have to be constantly reminded of them.

Lesson progress

Learning new material

Teacher's story with elements of conversation

This year you are starting to study a new subject - biology. You have already encountered this science in the course “Nature Science” (or “Natural Science”, or “The World Around You”).

What do you think the science of biology studies? (Students’ answers.)

Biology studies the world of living organisms, their structure, and life activities.

What groups of living organisms can you name? (Animals, plants, fungi, lichens, microorganisms.)

What does the word "biology" mean? Can you find words with the same root? (Geology, ecology, philology, biography, etc.)

Absolutely right, these words have common Greek roots, “bios” means life, and “logos” means teaching, biology translated from Greek. - “the doctrine of life”, or, in other words, the science of living organisms. The term itself appeared only in 1802, it was proposed by the French scientist Jean Baptiste de Lamarck.

But, as we have already said, life on Earth exists in various forms. Therefore, biology is divided into several independent sciences. One of them is botany, a science that we will study this year. The founder of botany is considered to be the ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus. He lived from 370 to 286. BC e. and was a student of the famous Aristotle. Theofastus collected and united disparate knowledge about plants into a single whole.

Who knows what the word "botany" means? (Students’ answers.)

This word also comes from Greek. “botane”, which means grass, greenery, plant.

What other branches does biology fall into?

Let's fill out the table together.

Structure of the science of biology

What is biology. You have opened a biology textbook. What is biology? This word is made up of two Greek words: “bios” - life and “logos” - teaching. This means that biology is the study of life) or, in other words, it is the science of living nature.

From the natural history course you have already learned that living nature consists of plants and animals. They live in different conditions. Just as living conditions are varied, so are animals and plants.

What organisms make up living nature. Is it only animals and plants that constitute living nature? There are also non-green organisms similar to plants. These are primarily fungi - a separate group of organisms. Everyone knows edible mushrooms: white, new boletus, boletus and many others. Various molds are also classified as fungi.

A special group is represented by bacteria - the smallest living creatures visible only under a microscope.

So, living nature consists of four groups, or kingdoms: bacteria, fungi, plants, animals

Vegetation cover of the Earth. We will begin our study of living nature with plants. All of the earth's land, except Antarctica, the northernmost parts of the Arctic and very high mountain peaks, is covered with plants. Meadows, forests, steppes, tundra, deserts together form the vegetation cover of the Earth. It is called natural vegetation cover. Fields, gardens, vegetable gardens, parks, squares, city lawns are artificial vegetation cover.

Botany is the science of plants and vegetation. The word “botany” comes from the Greek “botane”, which means herb, plant. Botanical scientists find out what structural features different plants have, how their nutrition, growth, reproduction, development and settlement occur, and what conditions they need. By studying the remains of long-extinct plants, scientists are trying to reconstruct the history of development flora on Earth since those ancient times when life first appeared on it. And of course, it is very important to know and study in detail those properties of plants that are beneficial to humans or, conversely, harmful to them

Independent work

1.Fill out the table using the textbook text

Science name




Greek words from which the name came

"bios" - life "logos" -

What does he study?

the relationship of organisms with each other and with their environment

Where can you apply the acquired knowledge?

determine the timing of agricultural activities in the fields, work in the garden and vegetable garden, etc.

2. Using the picture in the textbook, fill in the diagram.

Questions and tasks

1.What is the subject of studying biology?

2. What is the subject of botany?

3. What kingdoms are living nature divided into?

3. Representatives of which kingdoms will be discussed in this textbook?


Introduction. Biology - the science of living nature | Biology 6th grade


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Presentation hosting

Biology - the science of living nature 1. 1 Biology as a science, its achievements, research methods, connections with other sciences. 1. 2 Signs and properties of living things: cellular structure, features of chemical composition, metabolism and energy conversion, homeostasis, irritability, reproduction, development. 1. 3 Main levels of organization of living nature: cellular, organismal, population-species, biogeocenotic, biosphere.

1779 German anatomy professor Theodor Ruz first used the term “biology.” The term “biology” was introduced independently by several authors: Friedrich Burdach in 1800, Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus. 1802 French naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck proposed using this term to refer to the science that studies living organisms. Carl Friedrich Burdach 1776 - 1847 Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus 1776 - 1837 Jean Baptiste Lamarck 1744 - 1829

Biology (from the Greek “bios” - life, “logos” - science) is the science of life, its patterns and forms of manifestation, its existence and distribution in time and space. She explores the origins of life and its essence, development, interconnections and diversity. Biology belongs to the natural sciences.

Each science has its own object and its own subject of research. In biology, the object of study is LIFE. The carriers of life are living bodies. Everything related to their existence is studied by biology. SUBJECT OF STUDY 1. LIFE 2. LIFE 3. LIFE 4. LIFE as a SPECIAL SIGNIFICANT NATURAL. HISTORICAL BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENON GROUP ADDITION UNITS OF ORGANIZATION COMMUNITIES (GENE, CELL, MOU ORG-OV INDIVIDUAL) (POPULATION, DIFFERENT SPECIES) SPECIES (BIOCENOSIS) The subject of study of science is always somewhat narrower, more limited than the object. For example, some scientists are interested in the metabolism of organisms. Then the object of study will be life, and the subject of study will be metabolism. On the other hand, metabolism can also be the object of study, but then the subject of study will be one of its characteristics, for example, the metabolism of proteins, or fats, or carbohydrates.

The main directions of modern biology Classical biology It is represented by natural scientists who study the diversity of living nature. They objectively observe and analyze everything that happens in living nature, study living organisms and classify them. It is wrong to think that in classical biology all discoveries have already been made. Physicochemical Evolutionary biology researching in the 19th century. The author of the theory of the structure of living natural selection, Charles of objects with the help of Darwin, began as an ordinary modern naturalist: he collected physical and physical objects, observed, and chemical methods. described, traveled, quickly revealing the secrets of living nature. developing However, the main result of the direction of his work, which made his biology, important both in famous scientists, became theoretical and a theory that explains practical organic diversity. respect.

Science in the modern sense of the word was formed in the 17th century, when the scientific method was introduced into it everywhere. However, some fundamental ideas about living nature were born much earlier.

Stages of development of biology 1. The period before the advent of agriculture and cattle breeding 2. The period of agriculture and cattle breeding Accumulation of knowledge about humans, plants, animals Further accumulation of knowledge about humans, plants, animals

3. The emergence of ancient states (Greece, Rome) Aristotle described about 500 species of animals. Created the first system of their classification. Laid the foundations of comparative anatomy. He believed that living matter arose from nonliving matter. Systematization of knowledge about humans, plants, and animals. Theophrastus Galen “Father” of botany. Described different plant organs. Laid the foundations of plant classification. He believed that living matter arose from non-living matter. An outstanding Roman physician. "Father" of medicine. Described human organs. Laid the foundations of human anatomy The basis for the development of European biological science did not change until the 8th century. n. e.

Antiquity Hippocrates gave the first relatively detailed description structure of humans and animals, pointed out the role of environment and heredity in the occurrence of diseases. He is considered the founder of medicine. Hippocrates ca. 460 - approx. 370 BC e.

Aristotle divided the world around us into four kingdoms: the inanimate world of earth, water and air; world of plants; the animal world and the human world. He described many animals and laid the foundation for taxonomy. The four biological treatises he wrote contained almost all the information about animals known at that time. Aristotle's merits are so great that he is considered the founder of zoology. Aristotle 384 - 322 BC e.

Theophrastus studied plants. He described more than 500 plant species, provided information about the structure and reproduction of many of them, and introduced many botanical terms into use. He is considered the founder of botany. Theophrastus ca. 372 - approx. 287 BC e.

Guy Pliny the Elder collected information about living organisms known by that time and wrote 37 volumes of the encyclopedia “Natural History”. Almost until the Middle Ages, this encyclopedia was the main source of knowledge about nature. Gaius Pliny the Elder c. 23 - 79

Claudius Galen was a Roman (Greek) physician, surgeon and philosopher. in their scientific research made extensive use of mammalian dissections. He was the first to make a comparative anatomical description of man and monkey. Studied the central and peripheral nervous system. Historians of science consider him the last great biologist of antiquity. Claudius Galen c. 130 - approx. 200

4. The Middle Ages (V-XV centuries AD) Slowdown in the development of biology, the predominance of religious views about the creation of matter by God. Biology developed primarily as a descriptive science. The accumulated facts were often distorted. For example, there are descriptions of various mythical creatures, for example, the “sea monk” who seemed to appear to sailors before a storm, sirens, mermaids, octopuses, etc. Only a few European scientists gained fame in the Middle Ages. Among them, Hildegard of Bingen, Albertus Magnus and Frederick II (Holy Roman Emperor) compiled a canon of natural history for the early European universities, in which medicine was significantly inferior to the teaching of philosophy and theology

5. The Renaissance and Enlightenment period (XVI–XVIII centuries AD) Robert Hooke (1635–1703) Invention of the Microscope, introduction of the term “cell” Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) Observed single-celled organisms, blood cells Development of biological science, study of the structure and functions of various biological objects Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) Introduced the term “species”. He founded modern taxonomy and also developed his own classification of plants and animals. Introduced the Latin scientific names of species, genera and other systematic categories, described over 7,500 plant species and about 4,000 animal species

Leonardo da Vinci Described many plants, studied the structure human body, cardiac activity and human function. Leonardo da Vinci 1452 - 1519

Andreas Vesalius Wrote a book “On the structure of the human body.” Accurately described and depicted the internal organs of the human body and skeleton. Described the heart valves. Andreas Vesalius 1514 - 1564

Drawings from the atlas of Andreas Vesalius “On the structure of the human body, in seven books” (De humani corporis fabrica libri septem), a textbook on human anatomy written by Andreas Vesalius in 1543.

Opened 2 circles of blood circulation. Study physiological functions using experimental methods Wrote the book “Anatomical study on the movement of the heart and blood of animals.” William Harvey (1578 -

English physicist and botanist Robert Hooke (1635 -1703). first used a microscope to study plant and animal tissues. Studying a section prepared from the cork and core of an elderberry, R. Hooke noticed that they included many small formations similar in shape to the cells of a bee honeycomb. These were the cells of a plant organism (more precisely, the shells of plant cells). Coined the term "cell".

Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (1632 -1723) The microscope improved by the famous Dutch researcher made it possible to see living cells at a magnification of 270 times. Leeuwenhoek was the first to examine red blood cells and spermatozoa and discovered a variety of protozoa in a drop of water, many of which he sketched from life.

He proposed a system of classification of living nature and introduced a binary (double) nomenclature for naming species. Carl Linnaeus (1707 -

He established that the embryos of all animals in the early stages of development are similar, and formed the law of embryonic similarity. Carl Ernest Baer

6. Creation cell theory and the development of evolutionary ideas (nineteenth century AD) Theodor Schwann (1810–1882) One of the authors of the cell theory (Schleiden and Virchow) Jean. Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829) Author of the first evolutionary doctrine A sharp surge in the development of biology, the struggle between materialistic and idealistic views on the origin of matter Charles Darwin (1809–1882) Author of the first evolutionary theory Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) Introduced the term “ecology”. Laid the foundations of phylogeny

The cell theory played a huge role in the development of biology, which scientifically confirmed the unity of the living world and served as one of the prerequisites for the emergence of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Theodor Schwann 1810 - 1882 Matthias Schleiden 1804 - 1881

In 1859, based on numerous observations, Charles Darwin published his main work, “On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Breeds in the Struggle for Life,” in which he formulated the basic principles of the theory of evolution, proposed mechanisms of evolution and ways of evolutionary transformations of organisms. Darwin's finches Charles Darwin 1809 - 1882

Founders of immunology: In 1883, Russian biologist Ilya Mechnikov developed the theory of phagocytosis and substantiated the cellular theory of immunity. In 1891, the German physician Paul Ehrlich developed the humoral theory of immunity. In 1908 they were awarded the Nobel Prize. Phagocytella according to Mechnikov Ilya Mechnikov 1845 - 1916 Paul Ehrlich 1854 - 1915

7. “Genetic” period (since 1900) The predominance of materialistic views, the discovery of patterns of heredity and variability William Betson (1861–1926) The term “genetics” (1908) Gregor Mendel (1822–1884) Thomas Hunt Morgan Chromosomal theory of heredity Watson and Crick The Structure of DNA (1953)

The laws of G. Mendel were rediscovered in 1900 by Hugo de Vries (1848–1935) The term “mutation” Erich Tsermak (1871–1962) focused his attention on practical application genetic patterns in the selection of cultivated plants. Karl Correns (1864–1933) works on the genetics of sex, cytoplasmic. heredity.

Period Ancient centuries (antiquity) XV - XVIII - XIX Biological scientists Problems and achievements studied Aristotle, Guy Pliny the Elder, Claudius Galen Study of species diversity, appearance, habits, internal structure of animals. First ideas about the classification of organisms. Development of methods for physiological experiments, study of functions nervous system L. da Vinci, A. Visalius, W. Harvey Study of the structure of the human body, development of ideas about the physiology of the nervous system and metabolism in humans and animals. The first attempts to use mathematics to characterize biological phenomena R. Hooke, M. Malpighi, A. Leeuwenhoek, J. Ray, K. Linnaeus Discovery and study of the cellular structure of plants, the world of unicellular organisms, red blood cells, sperm. Formation of ideas about biological form, creation of classification organic world J. B. Lamarck, J. Cuvier, K. F. Wolf, K. M. Baer Justification of evolutionary ideas. Promotion in opposition evolutionary idea doctrine of disasters, based on data from comparative anatomy and paleontology. Embryological studies confirming the correctness of evolutionary ideas.

Period Biological scientists Problems and achievements studied XX Justification of the cell theory, leading to an understanding of the unity of the organic world. Laying the foundations of a materialistic understanding of the processes of higher nervous activity. The final refutation of the possibility of spontaneous generation of organisms. T. Schwann, M. Schleiden, Creation of an evolutionary doctrine, convincingly I. M. Sechenov, L. Pasteur, Ch. revealing the mechanisms of historical Darwin, A. O. Kovalevsky, I. development of the organic world. Development of Mechnikov, V. O. problems and methods of evolutionary embryology Kovalevsky, G. Mendel, H. Development of ideas of evolutionary paleontology de Discovery of patterns of heredity. Frieze, T. Morgan, J. Watson, The creation of mutation theory, which was one F. Crick, I. P. Pavlov, S. S. Chetv from the starting points of the development of genetics. Erikov, R. Fisher, J. Justification and development of Huxley's chromosome theory, E. Mayr, I. I. of heredity. Establishment of the structure of DNA, Shmalhausen, A. I. Oparin, disclosure of the principle genetic code. Teachings of V. I. Vernadsky, V. N. Sukachev, A. about conditioned reflexes and higher nervous Tansley, W. Shelford, Ch. activities. Development of a synthetic theory by Elton and others of evolution, developing and complementing Darwinism. The first scientific theory of the origin of life. Development of the doctrine of the biosphere. Laying the foundations of biogeocenology, developing the ideas of ecology as a science about the relationship of organisms with each other and with the external environment

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES science definition of what anatomy studies the structure of the human body, the science of the form and structure of individual organs and tissues of individual organs, human systems; tissues of plants and the organism as a whole, etc. anthropology, human morphology, the science of the origin and doctrine of anthropogenesis and human evolution, race studies, botany, plant science, external and internal structure of plants; their species diversity; features of their life activity; patterns of their geographical distribution

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES the science of genetics definition of what the science studies about heredity and patterns of variability of inheritance and features of variability of traits; theoretical basis selection health science the influence of various environmental factors on human health, performance and life expectancy animal science diversity of the animal world, the structure and vital activity of animals, their distribution hygiene zoology

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES science definition of what the science of fungi studies morphology, taxonomy, distribution of fungi, their role in nature and human life the science of the form and structure of animal and plant organisms - the science of fossil remains of organisms of past geological eras extinct organisms, their imprints and traces of their vital activity mycology morphology paleontology

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES science selection systematics theory of evolution definition of what science studies about methods of creating plant varieties, animal breeds, strains of microorganisms methods of influencing microorganisms, plants and animals in order to change their hereditary qualities in the direction necessary for humans classification of organisms into groups (taxa) and establishment family ties between them is the diversity of all existing and extinct organisms; determining their place in the system of the organic world, the science of general patterns And driving forces historical development of living nature, origin and evolution of life, formation of adaptations, driving factors of evolution

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES science physiology definition of what the science studies about the functions of living organisms and their constituent organisms, their cells, tissues and organs the patterns of their interaction with the environment the science of the cell the structure, chemical composition, functions and evolution of cells the science of the relationship of organisms with the environment composition, properties, patterns of development of ecosystems and biosphere, energy flow, circulation chemical elements cytology ecology

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES science definition of what the science studies about the individual development of organisms gametogenesis, fertilization, embryonic and postembryonic development the science of animal behavior innate forms of animal behavior (instincts) embryology ethology

Science as a sphere of human activity The concept of science is defined as “the sphere of human activity in obtaining and systematizing objective knowledge about reality.” In accordance with this definition, the object of science - biology is life in all its manifestations and forms, as well as at different levels.

A scientific fact (Greek factum - done) is only one that can be reproduced and confirmed. Scientific method (Greek: methodos - path of research) - a set of techniques and operations used in building a system scientific knowledge. A method is a path of research that a scientist goes through when solving a scientific problem or problem.

METHODS (METHODS) OF RESEARCH – 1. OBSERVATION – a method by which the researcher collects information about an object. 1 a. With the naked eye or using optical and other instruments (magnifying glass, microscope, electron microscope, differential centrifugation, X-ray diffraction analysis); 1 b. Visualization of living structures and processes (radiation diagnostic methods - X-ray, ultrasound, tomography).

2. EXPERIMENT (EXPERIMENT) is a method by which the results of observations and the put forward assumptions are tested - hypotheses. Examples of experiments are crossing animals or plants to obtain a new variety or breed, testing a new medicine, identifying the role of a cell organelle, etc. An experiment is always the acquisition of new knowledge through experience. 2 a. In Vivo - used living creature. Feature – ethical problems; 2 b. In Vitro – living biological objects (cells, tissues, organ structures) grown outside the body under cultural conditions are used. Feature – problems of interpretation; 2nd century Natural “experiments” - mutations (N.I. Vavilov’s law of homologous series), deformities.

3. MODELING: 3 a. MATHEMATICAL; 3 b. COMPUTER (drug design, including on nanocarriers); 3rd century BIOLOGICAL (creation of living forms (cells, organisms) with specified properties of knock in, knock out technology, etc.).

A problem is a question or task that requires a solution. Solving a problem leads to gaining new knowledge. A scientific problem always hides some kind of contradiction between the known and the unknown. Solving a problem requires a scientist to collect facts, analyze them, and systematize them. An example of a problem would be: “How does organisms adapt to their environment? ” or “How can you prepare for serious exams in the shortest possible time? ". It can be quite difficult to formulate a problem, but whenever there is a difficulty or a contradiction, a problem appears.

A hypothesis is an assumption, a preliminary solution to the problem posed. When putting forward hypotheses, the researcher looks for relationships between facts, phenomena, and processes. That is why a hypothesis most often takes the form of an assumption: “if ... then.” For example, “If plants produce oxygen in the light, then we can detect it with the help of a smoldering splinter, since oxygen must support combustion.” The hypothesis is tested experimentally.

A theory is a generalization of the basic ideas in any scientific field of knowledge. For example, the theory of evolution summarizes all the reliable scientific data obtained by researchers over many decades. Over time, theories are supplemented with new data and developed. Some theories may be refuted by new facts. True scientific theories are confirmed by practice. So, for example, the genetic theory of G. Mendel and the chromosome theory of T. Morgan were confirmed by many experimental studies in different countries peace. Modern evolutionary theory although it has found a lot of scientifically proven evidence, it still encounters opponents, because not all of its provisions can be modern stage the development of science is confirmed by facts.

Particular scientific methods in biology method determination where the determination of the degree of influence of the genotype and environmental conditions on the manifestation of a particular trait is used; construction and study of pedigrees; their traits in the inheritance of traits over a number of generations

Particular scientific methods in biology, the method of labeled atoms, the study of metabolism, light microscopy, determination of where it is used, the use of the study of the metabolism of radioactive isotopes to determine the place of inclusion in the body of those substances that contain them, the use of the phenomenon of X-ray diffraction by crystal lattices molecules study of the structure of DNA, tertiary structure of proteins study of biological objects using a light microscope study of large parts of the cell: nucleus, chloroplasts, vacuoles; study of single-celled organisms

Particular scientific methods in biology: the centrifugation method, electron microscopy, cytological, or cytogenetic determination, which uses the separation of cell components in the field of action of centrifugal forces, depending on their mass and volume, the isolation of ribosomes or other organelles for their further study, the study of biological objects using an electron microscope, the study of small parts cells: mitochondria, ribosomes, centrioles, etc. study of the structure of the cell, its structures using various microscopes. study of chromosomal mutations

DEFINITION OF LIFE as a PHENOMENA – 1. BY CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTIES (ARISTOTLE nutrition, growth and decrepitude, G. TREVIRANUS uniformity of processes with differences external conditions, M. BISH - a set of functions that resist death, I. P. PAVLOV - a complex chemical function); 2. ESSENTIAL (F. ENGELS - the method of existence of protein bodies, A. I. OPARIN - a special very complex form of movement of matter, V. I. VERNADSKY and a number of other researchers - a method of stabilizing planetary geochemical cycles).

DEFINITION OF LIFE as a PHENOMENA 3. DESCRIPTIVE: LIFE is an open, homeostasis, highly organized hierarchical system with increasing complexity of forms over time. It is represented by discrete self-organizing units of different levels, capable of coordinated changes, which are controlled by natural selection based on matrix synthesis with information noise of carbon-containing biopolymers. Earthly life– an integral and most active component of planetary material-energy cycles, the core of order in a less ordered Universe.

Engels: Life is a way of existence of protein bodies, the essential point of which is the constant exchange of substances with the nature surrounding them, and with the cessation of this metabolism, life also ceases, which leads to the decomposition of proteins. Wolkenstein: Living bodies exist on Earth; they are open, self-regulating and self-reproducing systems, built from biopolymers - proteins and nucleic acids.

However, none of the definitions reflects the entire essence of life, so give a definition by listing the basic properties of living organisms.

SIGNS OF LIVING MATTER sign definition examples self-regulation (homeostasis) maintaining constancy thermoregulation of composition and properties internal environment organism variability the ability of organisms to change their signs and properties heredity seasonal changes in fur color in the hare the property of organisms hemophilia in royal courts to repeat similar signs and properties in a number of generations in the courts of Europe

SIGNS OF LIVING MATTER sign metabolism growth and development irritability definition examples consumption, transformation, cellular respiration, use, accumulation and photosynthesis, storage loss of substances and energy in glycogen in the liver living organisms in the process of life a set of qualitative changes in cells, tissues, organisms, etc. e. from their inception to death, the transformation of a tadpole into a frog, the succession of ecosystems, the property of cells, tissues and the rotation of leaves towards the light, the whole organism responds to the pond snail retracts the tentacles of the influence of the external environment or the touch of the internal environment by changes in its state or activity

SIGNS OF LIVING MATTER sign unity chemical. composition rhythmicity energy dependence definition examples All organisms are made of polymers: 98% of the cell composition is nucleic acids, proteins, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, fats, carbohydrates nitrogen. periodic changes Hibernation in animals, changes in sleep intensity and wakefulness of physiological functions with different periods of fluctuations (diurnal, seasonal rhythms) living beings are alive until Chemosynthesis as long as they receive energy and matter from environment

SIGNS OF LIVING MATTER sign definition examples discreteness direct division of bacteria, formation of seeds in flowering plants The system consists of parts reproduction inherent in all organisms the property of reproducing their own kind, ensuring continuity and succession of life The cell consists of organelles, the population consists of individuals

LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION OF LIVING MATTER level molecular cellular tissue definition examples inorganic and organic substances characteristic of living organisms water, proteins, lipids cell - a unit of structure, functioning, growth and reproduction of an organism amoeba cell, nerve cell tissue - a collection of cells, bone tissue, conductive, having a common structure, tissue function and origin, and the intercellular substance formed by them

LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION OF LIVING MATTER organismal level population species definition examples organism is one independent individual from the moment of its inception until death ciliates, oak, mongoose population - a group of individuals of the same species living in the same territory for a long time and freely interbreeding species - a set of individuals similar in morphological, genetic, reproductive, geographical, ecological, physiological and biochemical criteria of birch, growing in the same forest; tits of one park rank meadow, Homo sapiens

LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION OF LIVING MATTER level biocenotic (ecosystem) biogeocenotic biosphere definition biocenosis - a set of populations different types, living in the same territory and interconnected examples all the inhabitants of the pond, all the inhabitants of the steppe biogeocenosis - a set of forest, ocean populations of different species living in the same territory and interconnected, plus all factors inanimate nature, characteristic of a given territory, the biosphere - the shell of the Earth - inhabited by living organisms


Tests for self-control A 1. Seasonal changes in living nature are studied using the method: a) experiment b) observation c) historical d) experience A 2. Distinctive feature of living from nonliving: a) change in the properties of an object under the influence of the environment b) participation in the cycle substances c) reproduction of their own kind d) change in the size of an object under the influence of the environment

Tests for self-control A 3. Mushrooms cannot be classified as a plant kingdom, since their cells lack: a) membranes b) nuclei c) plastids d) mitochondria A 4. Metabolism and energy conversion is a sign... a) characteristic of living and inanimate bodies b) by which living and nonliving things differ c) by which prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ d) by which animals and humans differ

Tests for self-control A 5. A creature not only biological, but also social is: a) chimpanzee b) ant c) lion d) human A 6. The structure and vital processes in the organs and organ systems of plants and animals is studied by biological science at the level of living organization nature: a) biocenotic b) population-species c) organismal d) tissue

Tests for self-control A 7. Heterotrophic mode of nutrition, the absence of a dense shell and plastids, the presence of a nucleus in the cell - signs of organisms of the kingdom: a) bacteria b) animals c) plants d) fungi A 8. What level of organization of living nature is the totality of all ecosystems globe? a) biosphere b) ecosystem c) population-species d) biogenetic C 1. Why is a cell considered a functional unit of living things?

Lesson topic: Biology is the science of living nature.

Main goals and objectives: To give 5th grade students a basic understanding of what biology is and what it does.

Particular attention is paid to the diversity of biological research and the formation of differences between living and nonliving nature.

Lesson Plan:

  1. What does biology study?
  2. Subsections of biology
  3. Where are the achievements of biology used?
  4. Representatives of the living world
  5. How do living organisms differ from nonliving ones?

Lesson progress

1. What does biology study?

Biology, as the science of living nature, studies all its manifestations. Its name contains two Greek words: “bios”, which means life, and “logos”, which means science.

In biology, all living organisms without exception are important, from the largest to the tiniest. Biologists (that’s what scientists who study biology are called) study life in all its manifestations. What exactly do they do:

  • Study the structure of organisms;
  • Explore the process of reproduction;
  • Tracing the origins and relationships between separate groups;
  • They study the connections between objects of living and inanimate nature.

Practical task:

Like any other complex science, biology has many subfields. Each of them focuses on different aspects of nature:

  • Botany - the science of plants;
  • Zoology - the science of animals;
  • Genetics - the science of heredity and genes;
  • Physiology is the science of the life activity of the whole organism;
  • Cytology is the science of cells, studying their structure, functioning, and reproduction;
  • Anatomy - the science of internal structure living organisms, location and interaction internal organs;
  • Morphology is the science of the form and structure of organisms;
  • Microbiology is the science of microscopic substances (microbes);

Practical task:

Think about what the following sciences focus on: embryology (the science of embryo development), biogeography (the science that studies the geographical distribution and placement of animals on the planet), bionics (the science of how to apply technical devices and systems principles that work in living and non-living organisms), molecular biology(science of storage and transmission genetic information, at the level of proteins and nucleic acids), radiobiology (dedicated to the study of the effect of radiation on biological objects), space biology (studies the possibilities of life of organisms in flight conditions on spacecraft and life support at space stations), phytopathology (the science of plant diseases), biochemistry (studies the composition of living cells and organisms).

3. Where are the achievements of biology used?

Biology is a theoretical science, but the research results of biologists are often of an applied nature. Where can biological discoveries be used?

  • Agriculture - in order to increase the level of harvesting, increase livestock productivity, and invent ways to combat pests.
  • Medicine - study useful properties objects of living and inanimate nature helps to invent new medicines.
  • Environmental protection - biology shows in which directions man destroys the existing order of things in nature and helps to find ways to combat these phenomena.

4. Representatives of the living world

In the living world today, like 4 billion years ago, there are:

  • Precellular organisms are viruses. They become alive only when they have the opportunity to manifest themselves in the cells of living organisms.
  • Prokaryotes. They have a cell, the cell does not have a nucleus. Another name for bacteria is bacteria.
  • Eukaryotes. This includes fungi, plants and animals. Their cells have formed nuclei.

Bacteria, fungi, plants and animals form the 4 kingdoms of living organisms.

Practical task:

What viruses do you know? (virus that causes ARVI, various types flu, etc.).

5. How do living organisms differ from nonliving ones?

If we have already talked about objects of living nature, we have not yet touched upon the questions of what objects of inanimate nature are. These primarily include stones, ice, sand, etc. What are the distinctive properties of living beings?

  • They are breathing.
  • They are feeding. No living organism can exist without drawing energy from the outside. But what he will consume and process - meat, milk, cereals or carrots - is no longer so important.
  • They reproduce, that is, they reproduce their own kind. Every Without this, life on the planet would have dried up and ended long ago. It is in this property that the infinity of life on planet Earth is manifested.
  • They react to environmental influences and depend on the conditions in which they live. That is why bears hibernate for the winter, and hares change their color.
  • Living organisms have a cellular structure. They can consist of one cell (there is a special class of unicellular organisms), or they can consist of many (for example, animals or humans). Only viruses do not have cells, so they can live exclusively in the bodies of other animals, plants or humans.
  • Living beings are similar in chemical composition- their structure contains organic compounds (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), as well as inorganic ones (the most common of them is water).
  • Most living organisms are capable of movement. Everyone knows about this possibility of animals, but what about plants? The presence of roots and being in the mail makes them incapable of exhibiting this property. However, this is not entirely true. A sunflower, for example, changes its position depending on the movement of the Sun. In the same way, the leaves of many plants react to sunlight.

By these characteristics they can be distinguished, however, in a state of rest, some living objects do not show signs of vital activity (for example, plant seeds, flower pollen).

Assessment: Ask students to answer test questions. Based on their answers, it will be possible to determine how much they have learned the lesson material:

  • What is biology?
  • What does biology study?
  • What subsections of biology do you know?
  • What kingdoms of living organisms do you know?
  • What are the main differences between a living organism and inanimate objects?

6. Lesson summary:

During the lesson, students became acquainted with:

  • With what biology is, what questions it studies, what its main focus is.
  • What are the branches of biology and what do they do?
  • In what areas are biological achievements used?
  • How do living organisms differ from nonliving ones?


As homework, students should be given the opportunity to write a creative work “Where the achievements of biology are used”, since this question The lesson was discussed very superficially.



Tasks: give an idea of ​​biology - the science of living things, botany - the science of plants; introduce a variety of flowering plants; continue to get acquainted with the importance of plants in nature and human life.
Equipment: fertilizers (for violets), medicine, fabric, vitamins, yogurt, cheese, table " Life forms plants", dummies of fruits, mushrooms, stuffed birds, collections.

Homework: article, introduction, questions, bring a magnifying glass, remember the structure of a microscope and magnifying glass.
Lesson outline:

I. Rules of conduct in the biology classroom, safety precautions.

II. Learning new material.

  1. Updating knowledge.
Lesson Objectives: Learn what biology studies? What branches exist in biology? What is the name of the science that studies plants? What is their role?

Option 1.(at the discretion of the teacher) Creative task (work in pairs): The words are written on the board: science of living things, living kingdoms, biology, plants, nutrition, nature, metabolism, animals, growth, mushrooms, reproduction, bacteria, cellular structure, breathing, biosphere, nutrition, animals.

Make up a story about what biology studies?


    Read § 4, article “What is fabric”

  • Write it down in a printable notebook and learn the definition

  • Look at Figure 11 on page 24. Are the cells the same in appearance?

  • Read the article “Types of fabrics” in the paragraph and fill out diagram No. 15, table No. 16 in a printed notebook.

  • Enter data into the table about storage fabric:The cells of this tissue are often round in shape. Their cytoplasm contains droplets of fat (for example, in sunflower seeds, flax), protein granules (for example, in pea seeds, beans), starch granules (for example, potato tuber cells). The cells of such tissue perform a storage function.
Examine plant cell preparations under a microscope. Notice that the cells are indeed grouped into tissues.

  1. Consolidation.
Checking the completion of the task. Summarizing the material by the teacher.

The teacher checks the work of several students.

Topic: Biology - the science of living nature

Target: get acquainted with biology as a complex science about living nature, the significance biological knowledge in modern life, professions related to biology.

Updating knowledge


1. What does biology study?

2. What biological sciences do you know?

3. What biological scientists do you know?

Biology is the science of life. She studies living organisms, their structure, development and origin, relationships with their environment and with other living organisms.

Biology is one of the oldest sciences, although the term “biology” itself to denote it was proposed only in 1797 by the German professor T. Ruz (1771-1803). However, it became generally accepted after J.B. Lamarck (1744-1829), L.K. began to use it in their works in 1802. Treviranus (1779-1864).

Man has accumulated knowledge about living organisms over thousands of years.

Nowadays, biology is a complex science, formed as a result of the differentiation and integration of various scientific disciplines.

For example, from botany they emerged mycology(science of mushrooms), bryology(science that studies mosses) algology(science that studies algae) paleobotany(studying the remains of ancient plants) and other disciplines.

Differentiation also occurs in relatively young biological sciences. Thus, genetics differentiated into general And molecular genetics, genetics of plants, animals, microorganisms, humans, population genetics etc.

As a result of the integration of sciences, biophysics, biochemistry, radiobiology, space biology etc.

Biological knowledge not only allows us to create a scientific picture of the world, but can also be used for practical purposes.

Thus, the connections of biological knowledge with medicine and rural farming go back into the distant past. And in our time they have acquired more higher value.

Thanks to the achievements of biology, medications, vitamins, and biologically active substances are produced industrially. Discoveries made in genetics, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry make it possible to give a sick person a correct diagnosis and develop effective ways to treat and prevent various diseases, including those that were previously considered incurable.

Thanks to knowledge of the laws of heredity and variability, breeding scientists have obtained new highly productive breeds of domestic animals and varieties of cultivated plants. Based on the study of relationships between organisms, created biological methods pest control of agricultural crops.

The mechanisms of protein biosynthesis and photosynthesis are currently being studied. Scientists hope that in the future this will solve the problem of industrial production of valuable organic matter.

Study of structure and operating principles various systems living organisms helped to find original solutions in technology and construction.

Thanks to the achievements of biology, a new direction of material production is becoming increasingly important - biotechnology. Already now it has a significant influence on the solution of such global problems, such as food production, search for new energy sources, environmental protection, etc.

Until recently, people believed that nature's restorative abilities were limitless. But it turned out that this was not the case. Ignorance or ignoring the laws of nature leads to severe environmental disasters, which threaten the death of all living organisms, including humans. The time has come when the future of the planet depends on each of us, which is why the importance of biological knowledge increases every year. Biological literacy is necessary for every person - just like the ability to read, write and count.



1. What does biology study?

2. Why modern biology considered a complex science?

3. What is the role of biology in modern society?


1. Paragraph 1, on pages 4-5 of the textbook.

2. Questions 1-3 on page 5 of the textbook.

3. Dictionary: biology, mycology, bryology, algology, paleobotany, genetics, biophysics, biochemistry, microbiology, radiobiology, space biology.

4. Prepare a presentation about a profession related to biology using computer technology.