Russian male celebrities of bisexual orientation. The most famous gays who conquered the world

The LGBT community is developing every day. All new public faces come out and admit their sexuality without hiding anything. This is a serious trend, since in the 21st century the attitude towards gays has completely changed. And now you can almost calmly talk about who you really are.

In Russia, unlike in the world, this is a little more problematic. While Australia and Germany have legalized same-sex marriage, Russian Federation passed a law banning LGBT propaganda among minors. Therefore, in Russia, openly public gays are mainly LGBT activists who defend the rights of homosexuals. Among representatives of show business, politics and other fields of activity, there are only rumors. But no one openly admits their sexual preferences.

The most famous “gays” in Russia according to society

As he says, not only the Earth is full of rumors. Many fans and media conducted investigations trying to figure out the stars Russian stage. But in the end - only rumors, guesses and conjectures. To keep abreast of all the events, let’s go through the main list of who is included in the LGBT community.

Sergei Zverev. Famous showman, winner of the World Hairdressing Championship. His appearance can be described in one word – “shocking”. Due to his appearance and his occupation, Zverev is classified as a person of non-traditional sexual orientation.

According to the same criteria, the “rainbow community” also includes Boris Moiseev. In fact, his grandfather Boris Moiseev is a real gay, which he spoke about publicly more than once.

An information boom was caused by the news that Sergey Lazarev- homosexual. He famous singer, presenter, performed at Eurovision 2016. This is not the first year that he has been credited with a fascination with men. This topic became especially relevant after he broke up with his girlfriend Lera Kudryavtseva. The media literally exploded with headlines that Lazarev was gay. According to them, this was confirmed by his mother ex-girlfriend, all his friends talk about it. The singer himself has never said that he considers himself to be part of the LGBT culture. He only advocates support, but, according to him, is not part of it.

Maxim Galkin- comedian, presenter, husband of Alla Pugacheva, has two children from her. But the label “gay” hangs on him even after the wedding. According to most media: handsome, well-groomed, successful man- definitely homosexual.

For the same reason, the list included Nikolay Baskov. The media has visited the “Golden Voice” of Russia more than once: for the hairstyle, for the behavior, and for the songs. Like others, Nikolai does not say anything about his identity in the context of homosexuality.

The list of possible “gays” on the Russian stage does not end there. But these are just guesses, and you shouldn't pay much attention to them. Moreover, considering that they also like to call “non-traditional” Philip Kirkorov.

The most famous real gays in Russia

Moving from possible homosexuals to those who actually openly admit their orientation, it should be remembered that these are mainly activists who defend LGBT rights. You cannot hear about them on federal channels; they are not actors or singers. There is little, if any, information about these people. But they exist and are not ashamed to be themselves.

Pavel Samburov– coordinator of the LGBT Rainbow Association. Simple, kind person. His organization is engaged in promoting the ideas of tolerance, getting rid of various forms of discrimination in different levels life - from everyday to political.

Igor Kochetkov– LGBT activist, public figure. Considered one of the founders of the Russian LGBT Network. By education, he is a candidate of historical sciences.

Initially, Igor became known as a publicist. Worked in projects such as GayNews and GayRussia. After the creation of the LGBT Network, he was its executive director. IN at the moment is the head of the LGBT organization “Coming Out”.

Igor Kochetkov is a well-known human rights activist, author of reports and articles on the situation of LGBT people in Russia. Was nominated for Nobel Prize World in 2014. Married. But, since same-sex marriage is impossible in Russia, he got married in New York with his loved one.

Igor Kochetkov He is a very nasty and aggressive person. He is very hostile towards non-gay people.

Evgeny Pisemsky- head of the organization "Phoenix PLUS", the main directions of which are information about sexual health and LGBT relationships. Talks about HIV in the gay community.

Maxim Lapunov– LGBT rights activist who suffered at the hands of homophobic offenders. He spoke at a conference on the persecution of LGBT people in Chechnya. He was forced to openly oppose the current situation because he was subjected to torture and death threats. According to him, Maxim is far from the only one who ended up in a Chechen prison on suspicion of homosexuality. But he is the only one who was not afraid to announce this to the whole world and at least somehow try to change the situation.

The most famous homosexuals in the world

Unlike Russia, in the rest of the civilized world things are much more positive with openly gay people. Many representatives of the LGBT community can be found among actors, singers, cultural figures and politicians.

Sir Elton John- composer, musician, singer. He received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II herself. At the same time, he periodically acts in films. Elton John is 70 years old today. In addition to his creativity, he is known as a public figure. Especially for his participation in the fight against the AIDS epidemic.

In 1994, Elton John was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Initially, he declared his bisexuality (gives equal preferences to both sexes), but later called himself a pure homosexual. In 2005, he legalized his relationship with David Fisher. Over time, the couple used the services of a surrogate mother, and their first son was born in 2010, the second in 2013.

Elton John is also known for writing the soundtracks for the cult cartoon “The Lion King.”

Sir Ian McKellen- the magnificent Magneto, the mysterious Gandalf... And these are not all of his roles! For his excellent acting talent, he was awarded the title of knight in 1990. At 78 years old he doesn’t leave acting career, just recently starring in the film “Beauty and the Beast.”

McKellen came out back in 1988 live BBC radio stations. Then this step required extraordinary courage. Ian risked public wrath and a lot of problems. However, his talent could not be stopped - and after admitting his homosexuality to the whole world, the actor received his best roles.

Ian McKellen is a civil activist. He does not ignore events concerning the LGBT community. Including in the Russian Federation. He even called Sergei Sobyanin a coward when he decided to cancel the gay pride parade in 2011.

Neil Patrick Harris- the main “playboy” of the series “How I Met Your Mother”. For this role he received two Golden Globe nominations and four Emmy nominations.

Also known for the films “Gone Girl” and “Starship Troopers”. He became the first openly gay man to host the Oscars in 2015.

The actor admitted his sexuality in 2006 in an interview with People magazine. The actor said that he was glad to finally dispel misconceptions and rumors. And that he can openly declare that he is gay and lives a happy and fulfilling life.

In 2014, Neil Patrick Harris married actor David Burtka.

Jim Parsons became famous for his role in the series “Theory Big Bang", where he played Sheldon Cooper, a theoretical physicist who believes that he knows everything, that he is a genius, and loves to teach other characters.

For this role, the actor received four Emmy awards and a Golden Globe award.

Rumors about his orientation circulated for days. It was only in 2012 that he spoke about his relationship to the New York Times. His partner Todd Spivak is an art director. Jim also shared that he does not consider his life to be anything special. He never considered himself an activist. The actor lives an ordinary life with Todd: they have breakfast, drink coffee, and walk the dogs.

Matt Bomer is an actor who people remember as the charming swindler Neal Caffrey from the TV series White Collar. He also played in the film “The Normal Heart,” dedicated to the problems of sexual minorities.

The actor's coming out was quite simple - a correspondent from Details magazine simply asked him about Matt's orientation. However, the actor decided not to answer directly, but only hinted that he was gay. And only two years later, Bomer publicly admitted his homosexual orientation.

Xavier Dolan- a film director who dropped out of school at the age of 16 and was left without an education, but received a prize at the Cannes Film Festival at the age of 20 for the film “I Killed My Mother.” He is extraordinarily talented. In 2015, Xavier was already on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival - this is unthinkably fast. In addition to his directing career, he sometimes acts as an actor, but only in his own films - for example, “I Killed My Mother.”

Xavier Dolan's homosexuality is nothing new. The director never hid his orientation. His films often contain discussions about homosexuality. But that’s not all he films about. The paintings are distinguished by their depth.

Zachary Quinto remembered as the villain Sylar from the TV series “Heroes” and as the unsurpassed Spock from “Star Trek”. There was also an unusual, even partly tragic role - in “ American history horror" Zachary appeared in the role of a homosexual lead. While alive, it committed suicide along with its lover, and now the gay ghosts are unable to rest.

In 2011, Quinto publicly came out as gay in an interview with New York Magazine. It all started innocently enough - with a simple discussion of the prospect of legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States. But then he expressed his opinion from a gay point of view, which was the beginning of his coming out.

Moriarty also did not stand aside. Andrew Scott- an openly gay man who played the role of the main antagonist in Sherlock Holmes. Andrew is Irish-born and plays on television, film, and theatre. Received a BAFTA Award for best actor background. He also participated in the next James Bond film, which was released in 2015.

When talking about the gay community, it is impossible to leave out of sight Stephen Fry. He is best known as a British comedian. But he is also an actor, writer, playwright. He became famous for such TV series as “Black Adder”, “Jeeves and Wooster”. His work together with Hugh Laurie also brought him popularity. Stephen has repeatedly been included in the ratings of the most funny people on the planet. He played the role of a gay man in the dystopian film “V for Vendetta” based on the script by the Wachowski brothers (now transgender women, the Wachowski sisters).

For a long time, Fry hid his sexuality. He discovered it for himself a very long time ago, when he was at school. But information about his homosexuality became public only in 1997, when the actor was already 40 years old. Fry writes about this in his autobiography. From 1995 to 2010 he lived with his colleague Daniel Cohen. Since 2010, he dated another actor, Stephen Webb.

Later, Stephen began new relationships. And on January 6, 2015, he announced his future marriage to comedian Elliot Spencer, who was 27 years old at the time. The relationship was formalized on January 17. It is Spencer who is called the person who gave Fry a new thirst for life, thereby helping him get rid of depression and loneliness.

Fry became equally famous as an LGBT activist. He is interested in the problem of the homosexual community in Russia. In particular, in 2013, Stephen personally met with Vitaly Milonov, a homophobic deputy of the Russian Federation. Moreover, he expressed support for the campaign against the human rights-violating gay propaganda law in Russia.

The world did not stop at Sherlock Holmes's opponent. Hodor from Game of Thrones joined the rainbow ranks. Or rather, an actor Christian Nairn. His character is stupid, but also strong and loyal to the Starks. The actor admitted that he was gay while filming the fourth season of the famous series was underway. This happened when the topic of same-sex marriage was raised on the Game of Thrones forum. Christian responded to everyone who was dissatisfied that when they try to hurt the LGBT community, they hurt his community.

After this, he stated that he had never been ashamed of his sexuality. And, moreover, he did not make it a secret. They just didn't ask him. Nairn's greatest pleasure was that he was able to destroy everyone's favorite stereotype of what gay people are like. After all, many see them as cute boys who for some reason are more inclined to wear feminine clothes, because they are so fragile and cute. And it was Christian who, with his powerful shoulders, destroyed this stupid stereotype, showing that gays are different. And for this, the “rainbow” community thanked him more than once or twice.

Wentworth Miller– the main sex symbol of all prisons. Performer of the main role in the TV series "Escape". Where, in order to save his brother from execution in the electric chair, he himself ends up in prison. And then he pulls him and himself out, relying on his brilliant mind and cunningly developed plan. After which, Wentworth can be found in series such as The Flash, where he plays Captain Cold. He later plays the same character in Legends of Tomorrow, where he happily kisses the hero Lucha.

And, although today Miller is openly gay, he had to go a long way to admit it. In 2007, Wentworth proudly announced that he was going to get married, after which he would have children and continue to happily build his family life. The media never raised suspicions about his orientation. And he explained his lack of a girlfriend quite easily - he was too busy filming.

The actor opened up to society in 2013, when he refused to attend the film festival in St. Petersburg. With this, he supported the action against the new Russian law “on the promotion of homosexuality.” It was strange for him to attend an event in a country where open love is prohibited and where there is no understanding of basic human rights.

Later, the actor honestly stated that it was difficult for him to admit to himself that he was homosexual. And, when he was 17 years old, he even tried to commit suicide, afraid of how society would react to his coming out. As an adult, Miller became frightened that coming out could harm his career or simply end it.

Ben Whishaw- a person who is easily recognized by his role as a maniac in the film “Perfume”. This film brought him fame in 2013. Like many stars, he did not hide his personal life, but simply did not talk about it. In August 2012, he entered into a civil partnership with Mark Bradshaw, an Australian composer. They met when they worked together on the film " bright star", this happened in 2009. Mark played music and Ben played main role. And they had an office romance, which eventually became something more. About what he has official partner(common-law spouse), Ben reported through his agent.

Ruper Everett ( Quiet Don), Richard Chamberland ("The Thorn Birds", also played an elderly gay man in the TV series " Desperate Housewives"), Jesse Ferguson ("Class", "Modern Family").

The list of openly gay people in the world does not end there. But to describe all the people who are openly ready to admit their love and their true selves, several volumes the size of Les Misérables are not enough.

They are talented artists, commanders, writers. Gays whom the whole world knows. Crazy and desperate love for men led many of them to death.

1. Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was accused of prostitution. The author of the book “Gay History” Jiří Fanel talks about the situations that helped Caesar achieve the imperial chair. For example, for three years Julius sold his body for a very modest sum to Nicomedes IV, the last king of Bithynia. Later, the ruler of Rome spent huge amounts of money from the state treasury on his pleasures with the youths.

2. Michelangelo Buonarroti

Paul Russell in his book “100 Brief Lives of Gays and Lesbians” mentions that the brilliant sculptor, only at the age of 57, suddenly experienced the feeling that lyricists of all times describe. Michelangelo fell in love with a young man named Tommaso de Cavalieri. He wrote letters to the young boy and painted him as an angel on the Last Judgment fresco.

3. Oscar Wilde

According to the memoirs of Oscar Wilde’s contemporaries, it is known that after the creative success of the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” and the play “The Importance of Being Earnest,” the writer began openly dating men. However, fame could not protect him from prison: in 1985 he was accused of obscenity and sent to hard labor. This broke the writer.

4. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov

5. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are a creative duo, known to the world elegant ideas, a variety of fashionable lines of clothing and accessories. In 1985, the Dolce & Gabbana brand first participated in the show of emerging fashion designers at Milan Fashion Week. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were waiting for success. From the beginning of the collaboration, it was clear that the Dolce & Gabbana fashion house is a partnership between two talented designers, as well as people in love with each other. In 1986, at an unofficial ceremony, they took touching vows, which they still keep.

6. Elton John

The British rock singer, composer and pianist has given the world more than 300 million recordings that inspire people around the world. Fans of Elton John are not at all confused by the artist’s orientation. Already in 1993, he met his future husband, David Farnish, and today the couple has two sons. However, everything was not so smooth: before the happy family life Elton had an affair with secretary Linda Woodrow and a wedding with sound engineer Renata Blauel. It was only in 1988 that he publicly admitted his sexuality.

7. Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury is a legend. He was in love with his fiancée Mary, who until recently did not know that he was bisexual. He could not choose one person and canceled the wedding. “I can sleep with anyone,” Mercury admitted. “There are days when I live only for sex.” According to the stories of his friends, he had many lovers, most of all he liked mustachioed brutal men. Perhaps it was this passion that destroyed the brilliant artist. Freddie Mercury died at 45 from AIDS.

8. Sergei Diaghilev and Vaslav Nijinsky

Sergei Diaghilev was a talented theatrical and artistic figure, founded the Diaghilev Russian Ballet troupe, a truly significant phenomenon of the 20th century, and revealed the beauty of Russian ballet to Europeans. In 1908, he met Vaslav Nijinsky, a graceful dancer and choreographer who later became a living legend for his high jumps. For more than five years, Nijinsky was at Diaghilev’s complete disposal both on stage and in life.

9. Christian Dior

The French fashion designer hid his relationships with men for most of his life; the famous couturier’s affairs each time ended in a severe shock for him. At the age of 51, he met the young Algerian singer Jacques Benit, who was 25. Dior lost his head: he went out with the singer and tried to lose weight. Such activity and carelessness led the maestro to an attack - the lover’s heart stopped.

10. Adolf Hitler

Lothar Makhtan, head of the department of modern and modern history University of Bremen, has been studying Hitler's homosexuality for many years, he believes that this is what influenced the horrific decisions that ruined people's lives. Lothar claims that Hitler shot Nazi officials with whom he slept to hide his sexuality, and also supported the persecution of gays for the same reason. The most famous love affair Hitler had with Rudolf Hess, Adolf's deputy.

The Richest portal has compiled a rather unusual list - TOP 15 richest celebrities gay. Many names may seem unfamiliar to you, but among them are the CEO of Apple, a music tycoon, the famous Armani and others. Let's go in order...

15. Bella Thorne - $2 million.

Once upon a time, 18-year-old Bella Thorne came out in one tweet (to a fan’s question “are you bisexual?”, she simply answered “yes”). And it seems like just a week after breaking up with Gregg Sulkin, whom she dated for a year, Miss Thorne was already promoting her relationship with her friend Bella Pendergast. Anyway, this beauty is already worth a couple of million bucks, and her most notable film, by the way, is called “Dirty Wet Money” (2007).

14. Clay Aiken - $7 million

Clayton Aiken - American singer, an American Music Award and Billboard Music Award winner, got his start on a folk show similar to The Voice. He is completely unknown here, but in the USA he is very popular and is considered one of the most beloved graduates of the American Idol competition in its entire history. Aiken came out in 2008 after his son was born, and he appeared on the cover of People magazine holding the baby, telling the world that he couldn't raise him while living a lie. Previously, People asked Aiken about his sexuality, and he replied: “What I say doesn’t matter because people will still believe what they want to believe.” A well-known gay portal sadly writes about Akin: “alas, we still live in a world where all people are considered heterosexual by default, so coming out famous person only counts if she does it in public.” Well, we believe that this cunning man will earn the 8th million, and he will go far!

13. Ellen Page - $14 million

Well, here's the first one real actress on the list, we can talk about her roles, and not about coming out...Ellen is known for her leading roles in many great films: “Juno” (for this role she received an Oscar nomination), “Inception”, “Tallulah”, “Face” to the face” and a dozen others. She excels at portraying complex, psychologically authentic characters. And it is logical that her fees grow from year to year.

Most recently, she starred opposite Evan Rachel Wood in Into the Woods and earned $1.16 million. Well done, Ellen!

12. Neil Patrick Harris - $16 million

Oh, times, oh, morals! Neil Patrick Harris is known mainly as an actor in the series How I Met Your Mother, as well as a couple of rom-coms. As reported in 2013, Harris takes home $225,000 per episode of How I Met Your Mother, which certainly says a lot about the times in general and decent pay in particular. His partner, David Burtka, a news and entertainment correspondent, has equity in the amount of $2 million. They have not hidden their relationship since 2007, and they have two children. We wish the same for you - both millions and children!

11. Anderson Cooper - $100 million

Now Russians will recognize this name - Anderson Cooper. But this is a highly respected person in the global news industry. His show, Anderson Cooper 360, has aired over 1,500 episodes on CNN. And that's not to mention his wealth of reporting experience. Over the course of his career, Cooper has won multiple Emmy Awards, covering such important events, like the death of Princess Diana, the death of Pope John Paul II and the wedding of Prince Charles.

Anderson came out publicly in 2012: "The fact is, I'm gay, always have been and always will be, and I've never been happier and prouder and more comfortable being gay." He told DailyMail that his loved ones always knew about his “secret”, and he did not consider it necessary to expose this fact to the public, because the main thing is that he always strived to be a good and honest journalist.
The American publication OUT included Cooper in the ranking of “The Most Influential Gay Celebrities of 2012,” and he took sixth place on this list.

10. Christina Aguilera - $130 million.

Christina, how did she get here? She, of course, collaborates with LGBT representatives (Linda Perry, and Sih with Le Tigre) ... In 2005, Aguilera said in an interview, without thinking, that scenes of lesbian love turn her on: “Two women in bed are sexier than two men. I love experimenting with my sexuality. Sex is a wonderful thing, I love having sex.” And then many viewed her as bisexual, but since then she has married twice and become a mother, and the public has finally lost interest in her sexuality. And Christina herself never spoke out on this topic, and even more so, she never considered herself LGBT. But, nevertheless, they put it on the list...

Her career peaked in 2013, when she brought home $82 million from various royalties, appearances and a concert tour. Aguilera also had a major success in 2010 when she appeared in the film Burlesque, which grossed more than $100 million and proved that Aguilera is a star in more than just the recording studio.

9. Miley Cyrus - $165 million

This girl has everything in order with both her brains and her sense of humor. When she appeared on the cover of men's magazine Maxim, readers ranked her first on the list of the sexiest girls. Miley rightly notes: “Everyone says that I’m a lesbian, but I say that for me it’s a compliment, and if you want to insult me, then call me something else. People think that if I have short haircut, that means I’m a lesbian... But it was after I cut my hair that I ended up on the cover of Maxim magazine, in which I took first place.”

Miss Cyrus told the press, which is so worried about her sexuality, that she is pansexual: sex and the gender of her partner do not matter to her. However, many celebrities began to declare themselves as pansexual - this is such a new fashion among celebrities who do not want to classify themselves as heterosexuals or the LGBT community. Pansexuality means being interested in a person regardless of their gender, orientation, or gender identity. And bank accounts... but Miley is okay with that in perfect order! She earns decent money both as a musician and as an actress. When she participated in the show Hannah Montana, she received $15,000 for each episode. By the age of 17, she had already earned more than $100 million. Not bad at all, isn't it?

8. Lady Gaga - $280 million

An outrageous singer and actress (have you seen her in American Horror Story?), having earned a net $280 million, Gaga, in principle, can already retire. She earned $33 million in 2014, and her best year so far was 2015 ($59 million). And the question of the crazy Gaga’s orientation doesn’t interest us too much. She herself says this: “I love sex, and it doesn’t matter to me what gender my partner is, but not all of my boyfriends understand this. They're scared that I like women. Having learned about this, they begin to feel out of place, whining that we are good together and do not need a third person in our relationship.”

7. Ellen DeGeneres - $400 million

DeGeneres is the host of the entertainment talk show “Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and a favorite of the American public. She wrote three books, opened the Eleveneleven record company and received thirteen Emmy statuettes." Ellen became the first openly lesbian to play a lesbian character in film. Ellen's popularity peaked in February 1997, when the comedian appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" (The Oprah Winfrey Show). Oprah Winfrey Show) has come out as gay and has earned over $70 million in the last three years. In case you're wondering, her partner and fellow actress Portia de Rossi has a net worth of $20 million.

6. Tim Cook - $400 million

You probably guessed that in the position general director Apple pays well. But so good! Tim Cook has earned $400 million so far. Before that, Cook was chief operating officer and received $73.9 million in 2013. As you can imagine, Cook's income is fairly closely related to iPhone sales (sorry, not to the quality of their chargers ).
If you care about his personal preferences, then he says it this way: “I am proud to be gay, and I believe that this is God’s greatest gift.”

5. Sir Elton John - $480 million

This guy is known and loved all over the world, which, in fact, confirms the size of his fortune. After all, $480 million doesn't fall from the sky.

Sir Elton John says he has never spoken about his sexual orientation before because no one has ever asked him about it. Yes, they didn’t ask him about the details of his personal life until 1976, when Rolling Stone magazine published an interview with him. Currently, he is married to David Furnish and happily talks to the press about himself and his life. The couple has two children – Zachary and Elijah. Interestingly, the millionaire is not going to leave his children a large inheritance. "Children must learn the value of hard work; wealth can ruin their lives." Here it is...the original!

This very wealth of Elton John would have been even more substantial if he had not squandered money left and right. He cannot deny himself a bunch of different expensive collections (photos, glasses, art and antiques, etc.), and owns real estate all over the world.

4. Michael Kors - $1 billion.

Billionaire, first on the list of American special celebrities... Michael Kors may be an incredibly rich fashion designer, but, as you will see below, he is not the richest on this list. However, with $1 billion in the bank, there is nothing in this world that is out of Mr. Kors's reach. His brand produces a line of clothing, bags, accessories, jewelry, shoes and fragrances. It also probably helped that he was a judge on Project Runway for five seasons.

In 2011, the US tabloids (and not only) were filled with funny headlines like “Michael Kors is getting married.” Michael Kors has never hidden his sexuality. He has been living with Lance Leper for about 20 years (Lance holds the position of creative director of the Michael Kors brand). Office romance, practically: once upon a time young Lance came as an intern to the Kors company.

3. Jennifer Natalia Pritzker - $1.76 billion.

According to Forbes, Jennifer Natalia Pritzker has become the first transgender billionaire. Before her gender transition, she was known as James Pritzker, a retired lieutenant colonel who served 11 years on active duty in the U.S. Army and 16 years in the National Guard. Jennifer is one of 11 Pritzker family members on the list. richest forbes. In 2007, the family sold its stake in industrial conglomerate Marmon Holdings to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway for $4.5 billion, but continues to control the Hyatt Hotels chain. This is how a woman made it to the top of the richest Americans for the first time...

Natalya donated $1.35 million to a project related to transgender people on military service, which is designed to improve the quality of public dialogue on the issue. To open trannies in American army serving is still prohibited: the abolition of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy applied only to gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

2. Giorgio Armani - $6.8 billion.

His biography is well known to the general public, we will not repeat it. From the latest paparzzi reports it is known that the world famous Italian couturier, 81-year-old Giorgio Armani, rested with his young lover Jano on ski resort Sir Moritz. The old man is still wow!

1. David Gaffan - $7 billion.

When we're talking about About the show business tycoons and the most influential people in the music industry, one cannot fail to say about David Gaffen. He created the labels Asylum Records (1970), Geffen Records (1980) and DGC Records (1990), which recorded The Eagles, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Share and many other stars. Elton John, Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses and Nirvana are just some of the big names who have signed contracts with his company. He sold Asylum Records in 1990 for $550 million.

They say that when Gaffen took up filmmaking, his lover for many years became Tom Cruise. And Tom soared to the very top of Hollywood Olympus, and Gaffen helped him get into the films of cult directors such as Coppolla, Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Scorsese, Barry Levinson and Oliver Stone. They say it, but we don't believe it.

Perhaps the most impressive fact about Gaffen is this: he was kicked out of college for a fake UCLA diploma, which he forged to get a job at the William Morris Agency.
In 2007, OUT magazine named Gaffen the most influential gay man in America (congratulations!).

A person who is different from others often has a hard time - society rarely treats other people's characteristics calmly. What was it like for homosexuals in the Soviet Union, where there was criminal prosecution of gays... The orientation of many creatively gifted people in the USSR became the cause of their tragedies...

Rudolf Nureyev

The great dancer, the ballet legend, was unbearable to communicate with. But because of his talent and, most importantly, his willpower, he was forgiven for his intolerable character. However Soviet power the ballet genius was annoying, and what they definitely couldn’t forgive him for was his sexual orientation.

During the tour of the Kirov (Mariinsky) Theater troupe in Paris, KGB surveillance was sent for Nureyev, which confirmed that “Rudolf Khamitovich, despite preventive conversations, meets with homosexuals».

After the Paris concerts, the troupe flew to London, but Nureyev was told to return to the Union - supposedly to perform in the Kremlin. Of course, the dancer understood that it was not an ovation awaiting him at home, and he was right: Nureyev was sentenced in absentia to prison with confiscation of property.

At the Paris airport, a couple of hours before departure, Nureyev made the legendary “leap to freedom,” escaping from his escorts and literally falling into the hands of French police. Later, Nureyev successfully beat this jump in his games.

In Europe, 32 years of free life awaited Nureyev: he toured, gave 300 performances a year, won fans, grew rich - and loved. Nureyev was credited with connections with Yves Saint Laurent, actor Anthony Perkins (who also died of AIDS), ballet dancers and conductors.

Nureyev began to suspect his diagnosis in 1984 and took a blood test at the same time. HIV was confirmed, and diagnostics showed the presence of the virus in the blood for several years. At that time, very little was known about the disease: the dancer did not begin treatment immediately and took experimental medications, but still continued to decline year after year.

Nureyev danced as long as he had the strength, although his performances increasingly exhausted him, which caustic critics could not help but notice. IN recent years throughout his life he worked as a conductor. Nureyev died in Paris on January 6, 1993.

Georgy Millyar

"All evil spirits our cinematograph” - that’s what the actor called himself. Often in his films Millyar played several roles at once. For example, in “Vasilisa the Beautiful” he played both an old father and Baba Yaga, and in “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” he played the chief master of ceremonies and the queen!

Georgy Millyar, née de Milieu, was born into a family of aristocrats - the French engineer Franz de Milieu and the heiress of the Irkutsk gold miner Elizaveta Zhuravleva, who was widowed when Georgy was three years old. The boy was raised by governesses and studied music and languages. Millyar was fluent in German and French languages, but in Soviet era didn't advertise it.

In 1917, he and his mother were left without funds, their Moscow apartment was turned into a communal apartment, allocating one room to the family, and the house in Gelendzhik, where the artist grew up, was taken away. After graduating from school, Georgy changed his surname Milye so as not to raise unnecessary questions, and returned to Gelendzhik, where he spent his childhood.

There he made his debut on stage in a very unexpected way: having got a job at the theater as a props man, he once persuaded the management to let him replace the sick actress who played Cinderella! Millyar began working on stage, then moved to Moscow to the Theater named after. Mayakovsky, began auditioning for film roles and eventually began working with Row in his fairy tales, which brought fame to the artist. At the same time, Millyar continued to live with his mother in a communal apartment and did not have affairs.

There were various rumors surrounding the actor’s lack of personal life. Some attributed this to the trauma of his youth due to the betrayal of his first wife, others said that Millyar was not interested in marriage, since he knew that he could not have children. Of course, the actor was also credited with a love for men.

As a result, Millyar married at the age of 65 - to his neighbor in a communal apartment, with whom he had been friends for many years. Until the end of their lives, the couple maintained a warm relationship.

Yuri Bogatyrev

Denial of one's own nature has led famous actor to depression and, as a result, alcoholism. The artist, according to his friends and colleagues, began relationships with men, but this only tormented Bogatyrev, who was extremely sensitive to his peculiarity.

Successful works in cinema - “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own”, “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano”, “Two Captains”, “Kinfolk” - did not make Bogatyrev happy. The actor was lonely, acutely worried about grievances, and struggled with his gentle nature.

As a result, the war with myself ended in defeat. Dependence on alcohol in combination with antidepressants caused a heart attack - Bogatyrev died at only 41 years old.

Sergei Parajanov

The famous Soviet director was bisexual: Parajanov was married twice, but did not deny relationships with men. At the same time, the director loved his women sincerely and tenderly, and his second wife supported Parajanov during his imprisonment.

In 1974, he was convicted under the article “Sodomy” and spent 4 years in prison. Four terrible years, during which he tried to commit suicide out of despair and the horrors of prison. The article of the convicted Parajanov left him no chance in the zone: the director was humiliated and tortured by his cellmates, his superiors starved him and forced him to do hard work. In prison, Parajanov fell ill with diabetes.

All this time, the director was actively supported by his famous colleagues and friends: Andrei Tarkovsky, Lilya Brik, Yuri Nikulin, Jean-Luc Godard, Federico Fellini, Luchino Visconti, Roberto Rossellini, Michelangelo Antonioni, Bernardo Bertolucci, Robert de Niro, John Updike, Irving Stone .

After his release, the director was prohibited from living in Moscow, Kyiv, Leningrad and Yerevan, so Parajanov returned to Tbilisi, where he was born and raised.

Gennady Bortnikov

It is known that in the mid-60s, during a theatrical tour in Paris, Bortnikov communicated with the famous choreographer Serge Lifar, the lover of philanthropist Sergei Diaghilev.

The actor’s colleagues were worried that this connection could affect Bortnikov’s career in his homeland, but he never gave any reason to discuss his personal life - he lived quietly and modestly. Although there were rumors in the theater community that in student years Because of his love for Bortnikov, his classmate committed suicide.

website- Sexual orientation is a phenomenon comparable in unpredictability to natural disaster. Is it worth describing the disappointment that arises in a girl who finds out that the handsome man she had her eye on prefers men? And yet, this happens all the time - and even more so among the “celestials”. No, no, and a stingy female tear will roll down involuntarily when you think about such universal injustice.

So, gays, we're sorry.

George Michael

The personal life of the super-popular British singer George Michael was shrouded in mystery at the beginning of his career, and later acquired distinct dramatic notes. Evil tongues, however, claim that Michael did meet with girls, and there were three of them. But at the same time, the megastar actively experimented, simultaneously entering into relationships with men. And then came that dark day when all the women on the planet at once lost George Michael irrevocably - as a heterosexual. In the early 90s, he first admitted that he was gay.

This happened after the death of Brazilian designer Anselmo Feleppa, the first great love Michael. It was Anselmo who the singer dedicated perhaps his best album Older and the endlessly touching songs Jesus to a Child and You Have Been Loved. For George, this was a real shock also because a loved one died of AIDS. But it all worked out, or it was just luck, and Michael didn’t get sick.

Soon after this, the singer began to openly enter into relationships with men, without fear that such behavior would ruin his career. In April 1998, he was arrested for having sex with a police officer in public toilet. Since then, George seems to have gone completely off the rails - the tabloids often write about his intense personal life.

Elton John

Sir Elton Hercules John (this is his full pseudonym) managed to shame all the Puritans and followers of Queen Victoria's sanctimonious morality by becoming a knight and Commander of the Order of the British Empire while being gay. The brilliant musician, who won love and recognition all over the world, spoke about his bisexuality in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine back in 1976. However, he still made an attempt to enter into a traditional marriage, marrying Renata Blauel and courageously holding out for four whole years. This was followed by a divorce and vague hints in the press about his homosexual preferences.

Uncertainty in his personal life led the singer to drugs and alcohol addiction, which David Furnish, who appeared in his life in 1993, helped him get rid of. Since then, Elton and David have been inseparable. They registered their relationship in 2005, and in December 2010 they finally had a child with endless and wonderful name Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John, born from a surrogate mother.

Tom Ford

Worldwide famous designer, fashion star Tom Ford is another inescapable sadness for women on both sides of the Atlantic. Before becoming a designer, Tom worked as a model for quite a long time and very quickly realized how much girls liked him. But - alas and ah! — girls worried him no more than seagulls over the Hudson.

At the age of 25, he was seduced by one Richard Buckley, a journalist who was 13 years older. Since then, Tom and Richard have not parted. They had to go through a lot - terrible disease, long treatment, Tom's development as a designer. Tom Ford is convinced that same-sex couples have a chance to survive difficult times life trials much more. And, apparently, no one will ever convince him of this.

Hugh Jackman

Few people know how to torment women's hearts the way Hugh Jackman does. Most sexy man planet (according to People magazine) is actually gay. Or no, wait! Maybe he's not gay after all? He is married and has two children!

But Jackman seems to be in the same situation as the fence that says what it is not. There is no smoke without fire: handsome Hugh has long been breathing unevenly and intermittently in the presence of John Palermo, the producer of the film “X-Men”. In 2009, a couple came to Moscow, stayed in the same room and continuously ordered champagne all night.

Tired of uncertainty, journalists (surely they were women) settled on the star and demanded the truth and nothing but the truth. But sly fox Hugh continues to evade the answer, citing his iron-clad alibi - his wife and two children. They say that Jackman is strongly discouraged from openly admitting his sexuality by a whole staff of image makers, PR specialists and other smart guys who understand that such recognition is a direct path to oblivion. And so - our female brother continues to hope for fragility Hollywood marriages and the attention of a man with the most attractive stubble on the planet. And go to all the films with his participation.

Ricky Martin

The Latin American singer who burst into our dreams with the song Living La Vida Loca is another irrevocable homosexual loss. His popularity was rapidly gaining momentum, and his personal life was surrounded by rumors. He was repeatedly declared gay, but with the temperament characteristic of a true Latino, he indignantly rejected all these dirty hints.

At first, he was in no hurry to emerge from the darkness, but when he finally got ready, he did it gradually. In 2005, the star unexpectedly disappeared for three whole years. Then she returned to the musical horizon with a new album, simultaneously hinting to journalists about her bisexuality. And you don’t need to be Nostradamus to understand what kind of profound circumstance his next subtle hint followed.

In March 2010, he acted like a real man, publishing on his official website an official confession of his own erotic preferences. True, honest gays were very skeptical about this statement, suspecting Martin that in this way he was trying to attract attention to himself. Meanwhile, the singer himself talks in all interviews about his intention to marry his beloved man in Puerto Rico. Now Ricky Martin is the father of twins born from a surrogate mother.

Robbie Williams

The English land is generous - and not only in talents. Robbie Williams is another subject of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and another hero of our novel. Sir Elton John himself called Robbie Williams the Frank Sinatra of the 21st century. How Sinatra himself would have reacted to this comparison, we will never know. But Williams should be flattered by this.

Rumors about his non-traditional sexual orientation appeared in the early 2000s - that’s when Kevin Kinsella, former manager The band Take That, in which Williams performed, said that Robbie was hiding his true passions. This information was immediately picked up by the tabloids, who tried to give the star a public flogging - but that was not the case. William sued the slanderers, which he triumphantly won. In 2010, Williams married American actress Ayda Field, which incredibly disappointed his fans, both sexes.

However, on one BBC show, former spice Mel C, known for her outspokenness and loose tongue, laughed in the presenter's face when she asked her a question about Williams. "What do you! Neither Victoria nor I have ever met him in our lives! And in general, he prefers men in bed.”

John Galliano

World-renowned couturier John Galliano ranks 45th on The Independent's 2008 list of the most influential gays and lesbians. Known for his talent and often accompanying addiction to alcohol and drugs, the designer continues to attract everyone's attention.

Most recently, he found himself at the center of a scandal involving anti-Semitic remarks, for which he was removed from his position as creative director of Christian Dior. The fashion designer clearly takes pleasure in shocking the public, although no one has doubted his sexuality for a long time: John is openly gay.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana

Fortune smiled on all 32 teeth of this sweet Italian couple. It took them less than 10 years to transform a tiny studio in Milan into a global fashion empire. But luck without talent and hard work is nothing. And they didn’t care about that. Well done, what can I say.

They dressed the most beautiful and most famous women planets. Monica Bellucci, Nastassja Kinski, Catherine Deneuve, Nicole Kidman, Sophia Loren - the list goes on and on. But they loved only each other, and not at all biblical sense. Today Domenico and Stefano are not together. They remember the breakup with pain: “I still wonder how we survived this terrible blow... It would have been painful for any couple - homosexual or heterosexual. We are still together because we have history behind us true love. Now I have a different relationship, but Domenico is the most important person in my life. We remained friends and business partners - that's reasonable. Instead of dividing the business, we continued cooperation. It was difficult, but we managed,” says Stefano Gabbana.

PatrickNeil Harris

Actor Harris is openly gay, and officially confirmed this in November 2006 with the statement: “I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions, and I am very proud to say that I am completely happy with the gay lifestyle and take great pleasure in being I had the privilege of working with wonderful people on common cause which I love."

His partner is David Burtka. In the summer of 2010, the couple announced that they were expecting twins through a surrogate mother. On October 12, 2010, twins, a girl and a boy, were born.

Mark Jacobs

Probably Mark the only man, who suits the skirts.

Clothing designer of his own brand and creative director of Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs - alas, will also not be given to the female gender. He married Lorenzo Martone in March 2009, a year after their engagement. In the spring of 2010, the couple separated. In 2009, Mark released T-shirts supporting the rights of gays to marry freely in the United States.