Interactive algorithm. In order to better understand the essence of interactive methods, let's look at diagrams that will help us see the differences between passive, active and interactive methods

Elena Anatolyevna Kursheva, Deputy Director for SD

The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education formulates social requirements for the Russian education system. In particular, it is said that a developing society needs educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions, predicting them possible consequences capable of cooperation, mobile, with a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

The changes taking place in our society have created real preconditions for updating the entire education system, which is reflected in the development and introduction into school practice of elements of new content and new educational technologies.

Today, many methodological innovations are associated with the implementation of interactive learning, since it is this kind of learning that has great potential for fulfilling the social order of modern society.

In Russia, the use of active and interactive methods was widely practiced in the 20s. XX century (project, laboratory-team method, industrial, labor excursions, practices). Further development of these methods is present in the works of Sukhomlinsky (60s), as well as “pedagogy - cooperation” (70-80s) - Shatalov, Amonashvili, Lysenkova and others. In the last decades of the twentieth century. American colleagues conducted numerous experiments and scientific research in the field of interactive methods, and developed detailed manuals for teachers. All these methods and developments contribute to the active use of interactive media in public schools.

However, it should be noted that teachers often believe that in order to introduce interactive learning in educational process You just need to have a computer, a projector in the classroom, and best of all, a Smart board. Moreover, among mathematics teachers there is often an opinion that the only condition for introducing interactive learning into educational practice is the direct use of computer teaching aids. Thus, the understanding of what exactly stands behind the term “interactive learning” has not yet become the property of widespread pedagogical practice.

In pedagogy, there are numerous classifications of teaching methods. We are interested in the basis of which is the role of the student in the learning process; traditionally there are three methods:

1) Passive method

2) Active method

3) Interactive.

Let's look at the last two in more detail.

Active learning methods - methods, allowing to intensify the learning process and encourage the student to creatively participate in it.

The task of active teaching methods is to ensure the development and self-development of the student’s personality based on identifying his individual characteristics and abilities.

Active learning methods allow students to develop their thinking; promote their involvement in problem solving; not only expand and deepen knowledge, but at the same time develop practical skills and abilities.

Active learning methods are a set of ways of organizing and managing educational and cognitive activities of students, which have the following main features:

§ forced learning activity;

§ independent development of solutions by students;

§ high degree of involvement of students in the educational process;

§ primary focus on the development or acquisition of mathematical skills;

§ constant communication between students and teachers, and monitoring of independent learning.

Active learning methods provide and targeted activation of students’ mental processes, i.e. they stimulate thinking when using specific problem situations and conducting business games, facilitate memorization when highlighting the main thing in practical classes, arouse interest in mathematics and develop the need for independent acquisition of knowledge.

For organization in class actively The optimal combination of active learning methods is crucial for the cognitive activity of students. The selection of these methods can be carried out according to an algorithm that includes: analysis of the content of educational material, determination of lesson goals.

A chain of failures can turn talented children away from mathematics; on the other hand, learning should proceed close to the ceiling of the student’s capabilities: a feeling of success is created by the understanding that significant difficulties have been overcome. Therefore, for each lesson it is necessary to carefully select individual tasks and cards that take into account the individual abilities of students. Differentiated learning promotes the development of children's interests and abilities. Experience shows that there are many factors that shape interest in mathematics: tasks that arouse curiosity, the influence of a teacher, parents, ambition, etc.

The surest way to increase the likelihood of sparking interest is to ensure that all of these factors are present. Group discussions and work have a significant impact on the development of mathematical abilities.

In view of this, in our work we use all kinds of team competitions such as: lesson - mutual learning of students, lesson - KVN and others.

I will give an example of a lesson - mutual learning of students in the form of a game"Mathematical Banker" The class is divided into teams (preferably two people), each of which represents a bank (the president of the bank and his deputy). Cards with tasks are laid out on the table upside down; each card has a cost from 50 to 300 conventional units, depending on the complexity of the task. These are possible deposits, investments, etc. The starting capital of each bank is 500 conventional units. Having chosen a card with a task and solved the problem, the bank replenishes its capital by the specified amount if the problem is solved correctly and suffers losses by the specified amount if the solution is incorrect. Irga goes for a lesson or two. At the end, the results are summed up for the bank’s capital.

This game can be used to practice problem solving skills on any topic. Gives children the opportunity to work at their own pace and choose their level of difficulty for assignments on a given topic.

As another example, the game Mathematical brain-ring (it can be used both in class and in math circle classes). Its main goal is to create a situation for the student where he needs to solve a problem correctly and quickly.

By the beginning of the game, the presenter must have a certain list of tasks to which the answers are indicated.

Schoolchildren are divided into teams. Each team is given a piece of paper on which they will write down their answers. Next, the tasks are played out. Each one is analyzed like this:

1. The presenter gives (or simply reads) the condition of the problem to the teams, after which they begin to solve it.

2. The price of the problem is immediately announced using the “points for answer” + “points for solution” system.

3. As soon as the team has found the answer to the problem, they write it down on a piece of paper and hand it over to the presenter.

4. The presenter collects answers, taking into account the order in which they were received.

5. Solving the problem stops when answers from most of the teams have been collected.

6. Teams that give correct answers receive “answer points.” The first team to answer correctly gets the right to tell the solution. The solution is scored on a “yes or no” basis: the team receives either all “solution points” or none.

The total number of tasks used depends on the time spent and is not announced in advance.

When the drawing of tasks is completed, the results are summed up. The winner is the team that scores greatest number points.

This game forces schoolchildren to work very hard high tempo. So, with sixth graders you can solve about 15–20 problems in 2 hours.

Brain-ring can be held on a specific topic. At the same time, students solve the very first problems of the topic themselves, using their own methods. The presenter can show another solution, more convenient. Then the same situation is repeated on the second, third task. As the complexity of the tasks increases, participants have no choice but to use the new method.

This is very mobile game. So, in high school, where tasks require not only ideas, but also manual work, several tasks can be given at once. In this case, answers are submitted separately for each task. Once all teams have given their answers, the problem is solved. Tasks can be added during the game.

Thus, active learning methods- these are ways to intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students, which encourage them to active mental and practical activity in the process of mastering the material, when not only the teacher is active, but the students are also active.

One of effective forms Both classroom and extracurricular activities, to enhance students’ mathematical knowledge and increase interest in the subject, is a mathematical regatta. (or movie)

Description in various ways problem solving – the most important means development of creative thinking in students. There are wonderful problems that can be used to perfectly demonstrate various mathematical methods and techniques.

A benefit lesson for one problem serves to develop children’s interest in the solution process, and not just in finding the correct answer, and developing mathematical thinking. Such exercises develop students' mathematical speech.

Recently, such a form of group cognitive activity as a public review of knowledge has been forgotten. Although this form takes the main place.

So in preparation for oral exam in geometry in 7th grade, we conduct a review of knowledge on one of the topics such as “Parallel lines.”

Each group was divided into three teams of 5 people. A list of questions (definitions and theorems) was compiled in advance that students must repeat in groups outside of class time. On last lesson Before the review, a dictation was conducted on basic concepts and the solution of simple problems that required a little time to complete, the results of which were taken into account when summing up the results.

In this case, each student:

§ I saw a sample answer at the board (Answer plan, its completeness, logic, validity);

§ Assessed his knowledge and skills with the knowledge and skills of his classmates and students in a parallel class;

§ Was an active participant (since the review plan provides for the participation of every player on the team).

In developing interest in a subject, one cannot rely entirely on the content of the material being studied. If students are not involved in active activity, then any meaningful material will arouse in them only a contemplative interest in the subject, which will not be educational. Therefore, when forming the cognitive interest of schoolchildren, such effective pedagogical means, How extracurricular activities by subject.

In our work we try to use the most common forms extracurricular activities: electives, clubs, mathematics weeks, research work, Olympiads, tournaments.

Math games have cognitive significance, therefore they highlight a task for the solution of which comparisons, analysis and synthesis, judgments and inferences must be used in mental activity.

This year we held a city puzzle-solving competition among students in grades 5–8.

1. Main objectives of the Puzzle Solving Competition– increasing students’ interest in the subject; development logical thinking; students gain experience in participating in competitions.

2. Competitors– teams of 4 people.

3. All teams participating in the Competition are given the same set of different tasks, which are given 30-40 minutes to solve.

4. For a correct solution to a task (answer), its value in points is awarded; for an incorrect solution (answer), half the value of the task in points is deducted.

I will give examples of games that can be used on any subject by changing its content.

“Battleship” is a favorite game for junior and senior schoolchildren. The playing field is a square consisting of 10 columns and 10 rows. The target coordinates are determined by the column and row names.

This game is played by three teams. One field for all teams. All ship cells are painted over. The cells touching the sides of the ship are indicated by a letter corresponding to the topic of the question.

Participants must master all ships. The teams take turns making shots. The presenter opens the indicated square. If one of the ship’s decks is underneath it, then that team is immediately awarded 1 point and given the right to make the next move. If there is a letter under it, it means that the side of a ship is nearby. The team is asked an appropriate question and given 30 seconds to think about it. If a team answers incorrectly, then the answer can be given by another team, whoever is faster, the price of a correct answer is 2 points, there is no third attempt. If no one could give the correct answer, then the turn passes to the next team. If the field is clear, move forward.

The team with the most points wins, the rest are awarded the title of “participant”.

Another example is the well-known Own game. The game involves five teams who select the topic of the question and its cost from the screen.

There are subrounds in the game:

- "Pig in a poke".

- "My own game

- "Super game".

The winner is the team with the highest number.

Traditionally, our school hosts celebration of initiation into young mathematicians in the 5th grade. The main purpose of which is to increase interest in mathematics, therefore, in its implementation Active participation accepted by the students themselves.

Taking into account children's craving for the bright, mysterious and enigmatic, each mathematical holiday is accompanied by a presentation.

Mathematical KVN has traditional tours:

I round – Historical

2nd round – Captains Competition

Round III – Logical chains

Round IV – Word problems.

But our children especially love math evenings in the form of

Open lesson of the mathematical circle:

§ For example, for 6th grade students on the topic “Number. Number systems"

§ For 7th grade students, “The Mathematical Living Room”, the heroes of which are young high school students Isaac Newton, Nikolai Lobachevsky, Sofya Kovalevskaya, René Descartes, Mikhail Lomonosov. They all managed to discover the beauty of mathematics and began to try their hand at independent work and reports.

The largest An annual event in mathematics at our school is subject week. During the “Week of Mathematics” there is a merging of all active forms and methods of extracurricular, extracurricular activities, which is a kind of review of work results for the year.

“Mathematics Week” is held at the beginning of the fourth quarter. We try to change the events, but according to tradition, these are entertaining lessons and extracurricular activities and parallel games. The week ends with a tournament of mathematical battles among students in grades 5–10 with students from Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 39. (In this academic year The XIV tournament is planned in the city of Ozersk.)

Extracurricular work in mathematics provides schoolchildren with additional opportunities to develop their abilities and instills an interest in mathematics. The main purpose of extracurricular work is not only to expand and deepen the theoretical material studied in class, but also to develop the ability to apply knowledge gained in class to solving non-standard problems, instilling in students a certain culture of working on a task and developing the intellectual potential of each student.

The interactive method is a form of interaction focused to broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and to the dominance of student activity in the learning process.

It follows that the main feature of interactive learning is that the learning process occurs in joint activities, and all types of group forms can be classified as forms of interactive learning. This also includes the collective method of learning, which is understood as this form of organization educational activities when one teaches everyone, and everyone teaches everyone.

The main objectives of interactive learning tools:

· ensure the dialogical nature of training, eliminate the monologue presentation of educational material;

· eliminate duplication of information that can be obtained by students independently from available sources;

§ contribute to the development of students’ communicative competencies in various forms.

One Chinese proverb says:“Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; Let me do it and I’ll understand.” These words reflect the essence of interactive learning.

Interactive learning methods include those that promote involvement in the active process of acquiring and processing knowledge:

§ "Brainstorm";

§ Mini-lecture;

§ Work in groups;

§ Role-playing game;

§ Project development;

§ Solving situational problems;

§ Staging;

§ Playing out situations;

§ Acting as a teacher;

§ Discussion of plot drawings, etc.

The basis for the implementation of interactive approaches to learning content is the development and use of interactive tasks and exercises that will be performed by students. The main difference between interactive exercises and assignments and ordinary ones is that they are aimed not only and not so much at consolidating already learned material, but at learning new things.

That is why each interactive task is a creative educational task that requires students not to simply reproduce information, but contains more / greater or lesser element of uncertainty and, as a rule, has several approaches.

I will give an example of tasks on the topic “Trigonometric equations”. In the first lessons on solving trigonometric equations The textbooks give tasks to practice formulas for the roots of the equation. We add questions to these equations:

§ Select roots belonging to the interval;

§ Select roots that satisfy the condition.

And students should use previously studied material on the properties of trigonometric functions.

Creative tasks activate emotional-volitional and intellectual mental processes, contribute to the formation of creative abilities of schoolchildren.

1. Composing mathematical problems.

2. Making mathematical crosswords.

3. Writing fairy tales whose characters are numbers or geometric shapes.

4. Mathematical essays.

5. Reports and abstracts.

6. Drawings or applications to individual topics of the mathematics course.

Children especially like to perform creative tasks that help them actively participate in the development of lesson elements:

ü while preparing and defending solutions to non-standard problems, they present historical material;

ü give various methods of proving theorems, various ways of solving problems;

ü create projects based on repetition materials: “Equations and inequalities with a module”, “Graphical method of solving word problems", "Application of derivatives in solving problems."

Interactive work can be used both in lessons on mastering the material and in lessons on applying knowledge, and can also be done instead of questioning or generalization.

Group work, as a form of interactive learning, offers many opportunities for individualization, especially if groups are made up of students who are similar in some way, and then special tasks are selected for each group. In a small group, the student is more favorable conditions than with frontal work.

Organizing work in small groups requires special attention when it is necessary to solve complex problems with collective intelligence. There are several conditions for effective organization such work. First of all, students must have the knowledge and skills to complete the task. In each group, the student plays a specific role, which is chosen by the teacher (speaker, secretary, mediator, rapporteur). The speaker’s responsibilities include: reading the task to the group, organizing the implementation, involving the group in the work, summing up the work and assigning a speaker. The secretary keeps records of the group’s work, and at the same time he must be ready to express his thoughts when summing up the results. The mediator keeps track of time and encourages group work. The speaker expresses the group's thoughts, showing the results of the group's work.

Each group receives tasks and clear instructions on how to complete them. At the same time, the teacher should help organize the work of groups without attracting special attention to himself.

When summing up the work, students offer the results of the work. The teacher comments on the work of the groups from the point of view of educational tasks. At the end of each lesson, students express their opinions on the proposed form of work.

One of the types of group work is the game of mathematical battle - This is a competition between two teams in solving mathematical problems. It consists of two parts. First, teams receive task conditions and a certain time to solve them. After this time, the actual battle begins, when the teams, in accordance with the rules, tell each other solutions to the problems. If one team tells the solution, then the other opposes him, that is, he looks for shortcomings in him. After the end of the report, the opponent has the right to ask questions to the speaker. Based on the results of the report and answers to questions, the opponent has the right to give his assessment of the report.

Students enjoy working in groups, like to consult and exchange opinions. They not only find ways to solve interesting problems, but also develop mathematical speech, acquire the skill of writing a scientific report, the ability to listen and understand the speaker’s solution, ask clear, substantive questions, work as a team, and choose certain game tactics. Children develop a taste for good work.

I would like to bring to your attention a fragment of a mathematical battle by 6th grade students.

Interactive methods in no way replace lecture forms conducting classes, but contribute to better absorption lecture material and, most importantly, they form opinions, attitudes, and behavioral skills.

I bring to your attention a fragment of the mathematical evening Criminal geometry or a matter of principle. You will become active listeners of the mathematical circle. At the end of which you need to name the principles for solving many problems and not only geometric ones. So, the meeting of the mathematical club “Criminal Geometry or the Matter of Principle” takes place at Sverdlova, 8 Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 125.

I hope you have been attentive and can easily name these principles:

Reverse principle - solution from the end
The principle of simplification - first you need to go through the simplest and most natural ways
solving the problem.

Principle of analogy- similar reasoning.

Dynamic principle– change in the process of solving the problem of its data.

Principle of completeness of solution– you need to use all the given tasks and remember all the time that they must be used somehow.

What are the positive aspects of using interactive teaching methods? When using interactive methods, the role of the teacher changes dramatically, ceases to be central, he only regulates the process and is engaged in it general organization, prepares in advance necessary tasks and formulates questions or topics for discussion in groups, gives consultations, controls the time and order of implementation of the planned plan.

Psychologists have found that in the conditions of educational communication there is an increase in the accuracy of perception, the effectiveness of memory work increases, and such intellectual and emotional properties of the individual develop more intensively as - stability of attention, the ability to distribute it; observation in perception; the ability to analyze a partner’s activities, see his motives and goals. Interactive learning helps a child not only learn, but also live. Thus, interactive learning is undoubtedly an interesting, creative, promising direction in our pedagogy.

They are in great demand. They involve studying the material based on cooperation, in which the teacher and student are the subjects of the learning process. Interactivity is an interaction, a mode of dialogue, as a result of which students interact with their teacher.

primary goal

The goal that is set when introducing interactive teaching methods is to create conditions that allow students to feel their success and experience intellectual growth. This increases the productivity of the entire study. The application of such training is carried out by introducing different types classes, interactive games that allow you to learn the art of communication.

Main advantage

Interactive teaching methods teach creative thinking, a person looks for extraordinary solutions, independently analyzes situations, finds a way out difficult situations while listening to other points of view. Partnership communication plays a significant role in life. Such training instills in people the ability to be tolerant and tolerant of others. As a result of these lessons, students not only acquire additional knowledge, but also discover new abilities in themselves and develop them.

Types of interactive training

Let's look at the most interesting methods of interactive learning:

  • Interactive games. This type of activity is liked not only by children, but also by adults. It is important that the game teaches a correct understanding of various problems; students must correctly perceive the material. The introduction of role-playing and business games can diversify the learning process, turning it into an entertaining process, increasing the motivation for further study of the subject. The effectiveness of gaming techniques has been proven in practice.
  • Case method. This technique uses a description of everyday, socio-economic and other real problems. Students collect and analyze information from many areas of knowledge. Students comprehend certain life situations, gaining new experience. This method teaches: making decisions; apply acquired knowledge in practice; take responsibility when necessary. Many leading institutes and universities use the case method. It has been noticed that interactive teaching methods at universities increase interest in the subject of study.

  • Educational discussions. Students communicate and exchange their opinions. This method is also widely used in educational institutions. Fascinating conferences, seminars and symposia, interactive lectures are of interest to many.
  • A project method, which can be based on individual student activity or group classes. This is a student-oriented technology, which is based on improving the cognitive skills of students. Work on projects is aimed at comprehensive consideration of problems.
  • "Brainstorm"- a method aimed at generating interesting ideas for solving a problem. It is based on the process of jointly solving assigned problems.

Interactive teaching methods are constantly being improved and are used in different countries. They can be used to teach different disciplines.

Pedagogical sciences/5. Modern teaching methods

Adilbekova A.K.

North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev, Republic of Kazakhstan

Interactive teaching methods and their classification

In order to better understand the essence of interactive methods, let's look at diagrams that will help us see the differences between passive, active and interactive methods.

Fig. 1 - Passive method

Passive method(Fig. 1) is a form of interaction between students and teachers, in which the teacher is the main actor and manager of the lesson, and students act as passive listeners, subject to the teacher’s directives. Communication between the teacher and students in passive lessons is carried out through surveys, independent, tests, tests, etc.

Rice. 2 – Active method

Active method(Fig. 2) is a form of student-teacher interaction in which the teacher and students interact with each other during the lesson. Students here are not passive listeners, but active participants in the lesson. If in a passive lesson the main character and manager of the lesson was the teacher, then here the teacher and students are on equal rights. If passive methods presupposed an authoritarian style of interaction, then active ones presuppose a more democratic style. Many equate active and interactive methods; however, despite their commonality, they have differences. Interactive methods can be considered as the most modern form of active methods.

Rice. 3 – Interactive method

Interactive method (Fig. 3). Interactive (“Inter” is mutual, “act” is to act) - means to interact, is in the mode of conversation, dialogue with someone. In other words, unlike active methods, interactive ones are focused on broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process. The teacher's place in interactive lessons comes down to directing the students' activities to achieve the lesson's goals. The teacher also develops a lesson plan (usually, these are interactive exercises and assignments during which the student learns the material).

Therefore, the main components of interactive lessons are interactive exercises and tasks that students complete. An important difference between interactive exercises and assignments and ordinary ones is that by completing them, students not only and not so much consolidate already learned material, but learn new ones.

Interactive teaching methods: Interactive games; couples and groups; "Brainstorm"; "General Discussion"; projects; seminars; "General hubbub"; word associations; everyone teaches everyone; “Mosaic” (“Openwork Saw”).

Game classification:

- By area of ​​activity: intellectual, social, psychological, physical, labor;

- By gaming environment: computer, technical, desktop, television;

- By gaming technique : subject, plot, role-playing, business, simulation, dramatization;

- The nature pedagogical process : educational, cognitive, reproductive, creative, generalizing, diagnostic, training, controlling, developing.

Role-playing game. An entertainment game, a type of dramatic action, the participants of which act within the framework of their chosen roles, guided by the nature of their role and the internal logic of the action environment, together create or follow an already created plot. The success of the actions of the game participants is determined in accordance with the accepted rules. Players are free to improvise within the chosen rules, determining the direction and outcome of the game.

Its goal is to visually imagine, see, and revive circumstances or events familiar to students.

Business game– simulation of a real process in a game using a model. Its features are:

Differences in interests of game participants;

Having a common game goal;

Implementation of a chain of decisions;

Using a flexible time scale.

Pairs and groups.This is one of the most popular methods because it gives all students (including shy ones) the opportunity to participate in work, practice collaboration skills, interpersonal communication(in particular, the ability to actively listen, develop a common opinion, and resolve disagreements), which is often impossible in a large team.

Working in pairs and groups gives students more opportunities to participate and interact.Groups can be formed arbitrarily, at the request of the students, but most often when planning group work in a lesson, the teacher divides the class into groups in advance, taking into account the level of educational skills, student success and the nature of interpersonal relationships.

When organizing group work, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

You need to make sure that students have the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the group assignment. If there is a lack of knowledge, students will not make an effort to complete the task;

You should try to make your instructions as clear as possible;

It is necessary to write down instructions on the board and/or cards;

The group must be given enough time to complete the task.

"Brainstorm". This is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which participants in the discussion are asked to express the largest number of solution options, including the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice. This technique can be used to solve a specific problem or find an answer to a question.

General (educational) discussion. An educational discussion is a purposeful, collective discussion of a specific problem, accompanied by the exchange of ideas, judgments, and opinions in a group.

Types of discussions:

- Thematic:the issues discussed are related to the topic of the lesson;

- Biographical: focused on the individual past experience of the participant;

- Interactive: the structure and content of the relationships emerging “here” and “now” are discussed.

Project activities. Independent research of various topics carried out by students over a period of time.This technique can be used to change the value orientations of students, improve the climate in the team, individualize and differentiate learning.It is best to use it when children can already perform independent searches, that is, at an older age.

"General hubbub."A technique used to change the pace of the lesson, a kind of physical education, the opportunity to communicate in pairs or groups.

Drawing.The technique is used for the purpose of development:


Teamwork skills;


Method "everyone teaches everyone" can be used when learning new material or summarizing basic concepts and ideas. The essence of this method is that students teach each other in rotating pairs. Teaching each other is one of the most effective ways learn information on the subject and apply in practice important skills and abilities to explain difficult material, ask questions, listen, communicate, etc. Students will also be able, with the help of their friends, to review the overall picture of the concepts and facts that need to be studied during the lesson, which, in turn, will raise questions and increase interest. Thus, this method initiates interest, encourages asking additional questions, allows students to take an active part in the learning process and share their knowledge with classmates.

Classification of interactive teaching methods

According to Yu.S. Arutyunov– based on the presence of specified models of activity and the presence of roles.

Table 1. Classification of interactive teaching methods





Problem-based learning

Case Study Analysis

Business game

Practical lesson

Simulation exercises

Game Design


Action according to instructions



Problem lecture


According to O.S. Anisimov– based on the result achieved:

- traditional – lectures, seminars, practical classes, trainings (provide a broadcast function);

- new (imitation) - (ensure the strengthening of the role of thinking and the development of motivation of students);

- the newest ones are innovative games, organizational and activity games, organizational and mental games (ensure the formation of an intellectual culture and a culture of self-development).

According to S.S. Kashlev– at the core – the leading function in pedagogical interaction:

- methods of creating a favorable atmosphere, organizing communication;

- methods of organizing the exchange of activities;

- methods of organizing mental activity;

- methods of organizing meaning-making;

- methods of organizing reflective activity;

- integrative methods ( interactive games) .

According to D.V. Chernilevsky and N.V. Borisova – based on: the presence of a model and the presence of roles:

Imitation - imitation or imitation-game modeling, i.e. reproduction in learning conditions with one or another measure of adequacy of processes occurring in a real system (game and non-game forms and methods);

Non-imitation – building models of the phenomenon being studied (discussions, brainstorming sessions, etc.).

So, interactive forms and methods of teaching show new opportunities related, first of all, to the establishment of interpersonal interaction through external dialogue in the process of mastering educational material. Certain interpersonal relationships arise between students in the group; and the success of their educational activities largely depends on what they are. interaction of students based on educational material can become a powerful factor in increasing the effectiveness of educational activities as a whole.


1 Abylkasymova A.E., Ushurov E.A., Omarova R.S. Development of the general secondary education system in the modern world. Textbook. - Almaty: Scientific Research Center " Gylym", 2003. - 112 p.


3 Arutyunov Yu.S. On the classification of active teaching methods // V Interdepartmental school-seminar on intensive teaching methods. - Riga, 1983. – P.11-15.

4 Korneeva L.I. Modern interactive teaching methods: foreign experience // University Management. - 2004. - No. 4. - P. 78-83.

5 Internet encyclopedia. Interactive teaching methods.

6 Innovative teaching methods in higher education: educational and practical guide / Gusakov V.P., Pustovalova N.I., Khrushchev V.A., Kartashova E.B., Isakova E.K. – Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after. M. Kozybaeva, 2007. – 92 p.

2.8. Round table, discussion, debate

Round table -This is an active learning method, one of the organizational forms cognitive activity of students, which allows them to consolidate previously acquired knowledge, fill in missing information, develop problem-solving skills, strengthen positions, and teach a culture of discussion. Characteristic feature"round table" is a combinationthematic discussion with group consultation.

The main purpose of the round table is to develop in students professional skills to express thoughts, argue their ideas, justify proposed solutions and defend their beliefs. At the same time, information is consolidated and independent work with additional material, as well as identifying problems and issues for discussion.

An important task when organizing a round table is:

    discussion during the discussion of one or two problematic, acute situations on this topic;

    illustration of opinions and positions using various visual materials (diagrams, diagrams, graphs, audio, video recordings, photographs, film documents);

    careful preparation of the main speakers (not limited to reports, reviews, but to express their opinions, evidence, arguments).

When holding a round table, it is necessary to take into account some features:

a) it needs to be really round, i.e. the process of communication, communication, took place “eye to eye.” The “round table” principle (it is no coincidence that it was adopted at the negotiations), i.e. arrangement of participants facing each other, and not at the back of the head, as in a regular lesson, generally leads to an increase in activity, an increase in the number of statements, the possibility of personally including each student in the discussion, increases the motivation of students, includes non-verbal means of communication, such as facial expressions, gestures , emotional manifestations.

b) the teacher was also located in the general circle, as an equal member of the group, which creates a less formal environment compared to the generally accepted one, where he sits separately from the students, who face him. IN classic version participants address their statements primarily to him and not to each other. And if the teacher sits among the students, the group members’ addresses to each other become more frequent and less constrained, this also helps to create a favorable environment for discussion and the development of mutual understanding between the teacher and the student.

It is advisable to organize the “round table” as follows:

1) The teacher formulates (it is recommended to involve the students themselves) questions, the discussion of which will allow a comprehensive consideration of the problem;

2) Questions are distributed into subgroups and distributed to participants for targeted preparation;

3) Specialists (lawyer, sociologist, psychologist, economist) can be invited to cover specific issues;

4) During the lesson, questions are revealed in a certain sequence.

Speeches by specially trained students are discussed and supplemented. Questions are asked, students express their opinions, argue, and justify their point of view.

The main part of a round table on any topic consists of discussion and debate.

Discussion (from lat.discussio- research, consideration) is a comprehensive discussion of a controversial issue in a public meeting, in a private conversation, in a dispute. In other words, a discussion consists of a collective discussion of any issue, problem or comparison of information, ideas, opinions, proposals. The purposes of the discussion can be very diverse: education, training, diagnostics, transformation, changing attitudes, stimulating creativity, etc.

1. Preparation of the lesson. When organizing a discussion in the educational process, several educational goals are usually set at once, both purely cognitive and communicative. At the same time, the goals of the discussion are, of course, closely related to its topic. If the topic is extensive and contains a large amount of information, as a result of the discussion only such goals as collecting and organizing information, searching for alternatives, their theoretical interpretation and methodological justification can be achieved. If the topic of discussion is narrow, then the discussion may end with a decision being made.

During the discussion, students can either complement each other or oppose each other. In the first case, the features of a dialogue appear, and in the second, the discussion takes on the character of an argument. As a rule, both of these elements are present in a discussion, so it is wrong to reduce the concept of discussion only to an argument. Both mutually exclusive dispute and mutually complementary, mutually developing dialogue play a big role, since the fact of comparing different opinions on one issue is of paramount importance.

In order to organize a discussion and exchange of information in the full sense of the word, so that the “round table” does not turn into a mini-lecture, a teacher’s monologue, the lesson must be carefully prepared. To do this, the organizer of the round table must:

    prepare questions in advance that could be raised for discussion at the conclusion of the discussion in order to prevent it from dying out;

    do not go beyond the scope of the problem under discussion;

    Ensure that the conversation is as inclusive as possible more students, or better yet, all of them;

    do not ignore any incorrect judgment, but do not immediately give the correct answer; Students should be involved in this, organizing their critical assessment in a timely manner;

    do not rush to answer questions regarding the round table material yourself: such questions should be redirected to the audience;

    ensure that the object of criticism is the opinion, and not the participant who expressed it.

    compare different points of view, involving students in collective analysis and discussion, remember the words of K.D. Ushinsky that the basis of knowledge is always comparison.

Various organizational techniques are used to conduct the discussion.

Question-answer technique. This technique is a type of simple interview; the difference is that a certain form of asking questions is used for interviews with participants in the discussion-dialogue.

Procedure "Discussion in a low voice." This technique involves holding a closed discussion in microgroups, after which a general discussion is held, during which the opinion of the microgroup is reported by its leader and this opinion is discussed by all participants.

Clinic methodology. When using the “clinic method”, each of the participants develops their own version of the solution, having previously presented their “diagnosis” for open discussion. problematic situation, then this decision is assessed both by the manager and by a group of experts specially allocated for this purpose on a point scale or according to a pre-adopted “accepted or not accepted” system.

"Labyrinth" technique. This type of discussion is otherwise called the sequential discussion method; it is a kind of step-by-step procedure in which each subsequent step is taken by another participant. All decisions, even incorrect (dead-end) decisions, are subject to discussion here.

Relay race technique. Each participant who finishes his speech can pass the floor to whoever he sees fit.

Free floating discussion. The essence of this type of discussion is that the group does not come to a result, but the activity continues outside the lesson. This group work procedure is based on the “B.V. effect.” Zeigarnik”, characterized by a high quality of memorization of unfinished actions, so participants continue to “think through” in private ideas that turned out to be unfinished.

The effectiveness of the discussion depends on factors such as:

    preparation (awareness and competence) of the student on the proposed problem;

    semantic uniformity (all terms, definitions, concepts, etc. must be understood equally by all students);

    correct behavior of participants;

    The teacher's ability to conduct a discussion.

The correct organization of a “round table” in the form of a discussion goes through three stages of development: orientation, assessment and consolidation.

2. Introduction. At the first stagestudents adapt to the problem and to each other, i.e. At this time, a certain attitude towards solving the problem is developed. In this case, the teacher (discussion organizer) is given the following tasks:

    formulate the problem and goals of the discussion. To do this, it is necessary to explain what is being discussed, what the discussion should yield.

    introduce the participants (if a group of such composition is meeting for the first time). To do this, you can ask each student to introduce themselves or use the “interviewing” method, which consists of participants breaking into pairs and introducing each other after a short introductory (no more than 5 minutes) directed conversation.

    create the necessary motivation, i.e. state the problem, show its significance, identify unresolved and controversial issues in it, determine the expected result (solution).

    establish rules of discussion, or rather, rules of speeches.

    formulate rules for conducting discussion, the main one of which isEveryone must speak. In addition, it is necessary to: listen carefully to the speaker, do not interrupt, justify your position, do not repeat yourself, do not allow personal confrontation, remain impartial, do not evaluate speakers without fully listening and understanding the position.

    create a friendly atmosphere, as well as a positive emotional background. Here, the teacher can be helped by personalized appeals to students, dynamic conversation, the use of facial expressions and gestures, and, of course, smiles. It should be remembered that the basis of any active method learning isconflict-free!

    achieve an unambiguous semantic understanding of terms, concepts, etc. To do this, with the help of questions and answers, you should clarify the conceptual apparatus and working definitions of the topic being studied. Systematic clarification of the conceptual apparatus will form in students the attitude and habit of using only well-understood terms, not using obscure words, and systematically using reference literature.

3. Main part. The second stage is the assessment stage- usually involves a situation of comparison, confrontation and even a conflict of ideas, which, in the case of inept management of the discussion, can develop into a conflict of personalities. At this stage, the teacher (organizer of the “round table”) is given the following tasks:

    begin an exchange of views, which involves giving the floor to specific participants. The teacher is not recommended to take the floor first.

    collect maximum opinions, ideas, suggestions. To do this, it is necessary to activate each student. When speaking with their opinion, everyone can immediately make their proposals, or they can simply speak first and formulate their proposals later.

    not to go away from the topic, which requires some firmness of the organizer, and sometimes even authoritarianism. You should tactfully stop those who deviate, directing them into a given “channel.”

    maintain a high level of activity for all participants. Avoid excessive activity of some at the expense of others, follow the rules, stop protracted monologues, and involve everyone present in the conversation.

    promptly analyze the ideas, opinions, positions, and proposals expressed before moving on to the next round of discussion. It is advisable to do such an analysis, preliminary conclusions or summary at certain intervals (every 10-15 minutes), while summing up intermediate results. It is very useful to entrust summing up to students, offering them a temporary role as a leader.

4. Conclusions (reflection). The third stage is the stage of reflection- involves the development of certain common or compromise opinions, positions, and decisions. At this stage, the control function of the lesson is carried out. The tasks that the teacher must solve can be formulated as follows:

    analyze and evaluate the discussion, summarize the results. To do this, it is necessary to compare the goal formulated at the beginning of the discussion with the results obtained, draw conclusions, make decisions, evaluate the results, and identify their positive and negative aspects.

    help the participants in the discussion reach a consensus, which can be achieved through careful listening different interpretations, searching for general trends for decision making.

    make a group decision together with the participants. At the same time, the importance of diverse positions and approaches should be emphasized.

    V closing remarks lead the group to constructive conclusions that have cognitive and practical significance.

    achieve a feeling of satisfaction among the majority of participants, i.e. thank all students for their active work, highlight those who helped in solving the problem.

When holding a “round table” in the form of a discussion, students perceive not only the ideas expressed, new information, opinions, but also the bearers of these ideas and opinions, and, above all, the teacher. Therefore, it is advisable to specify the main qualities and skills that the organizer must have in the process of holding a “round table”:

    high professionalism, good knowledge of the material within the curriculum;

    speech culture and, in particular, fluent and competent knowledge of professional terminology;

    communication skills, or rather, communication skills that allow the teacher to find an approach to each student, listen to everyone with interest and attentively, be natural, find the necessary methods of influencing students, be demanding, while maintaining pedagogical tact;

    speed of reaction;

    ability to lead;

    ability to conduct dialogue;

    predictive abilities that allow you to foresee in advance all the difficulties in mastering the material, as well as predict the course and results of pedagogical influence, and anticipate the consequences of your actions;

    ability to analyze and correct the course of a discussion;


    the ability to be objective.

An integral part of any discussion isquestion and answer procedure.A skillfully posed question (as the question is, so is the answer) allows you to get Additional information, clarify the speaker’s positions and thereby determine further tactics for holding the “round table”.

From a functional point of view, all questions can be divided into two groups:

    clarifying (closed) questions aimed at clarifying the truth or falsity of statements, the grammatical sign of which is usually the presence of the particle “whether” in the sentence, for example: “Is it true that?”, “Did I understand that correctly?” The answer to such a question can only be “yes” or “no”.

    replenishing (open) questions aimed at clarifying new properties or qualities of phenomena and objects that interest us. Their grammatical feature is the presence of question words:what, where, when, how, why etc.

From a grammatical point of view, questions can besimple And complex, those. consisting of several simple ones. A simple question contains a mention of only one object, subject or phenomenon.

If we look at the questions from the perspective of the rules of discussion, then among them we can highlightcorrect Andincorrect both from a content point of view (incorrect use of information) and from a communicative point of view (for example, questions aimed at the individual rather than at the essence of the problem). A special place is occupied by the so-calledprovocative orcatching questions. Such questions are asked in order to confuse the opponent, sow distrust in his statements, turn attention to himself, or inflict a critical blow.

From a teaching point of view, questions may becontrolling, activating attention, activating memory, developing thinking.

In a discussion, it is preferable to use simple questions, since they do not carry ambiguity and are easy to give a clear and precise answer. If a student asks complex questions, it is advisable to ask him to divide his question into several simple ones.

At the base of the “round table” in the formdebate - free expression, exchange of opinions on the thematic thesis proposed by students. Debate participants give examples, facts, arguments, logical arguments, explanations, information, etc. The debate procedure does not allow personal assessments or emotional manifestations. The topic is discussed, not the attitude of individual participants to it.

The main difference between debate and discussion is the following: this form of “round table” is devoted to an unambiguous answer to the question posed - yes or no. Moreover, one group (affirmers) are supporters of a positive answer, and the other group (deniers) are supporters of a negative answer. Within each group, 2 subgroups can be formed, one subgroup selects arguments, and the second develops counterarguments.

The debate is shaped by:

    the ability to form and defend one’s position;

    public speaking and dialogue skills;

    team spirit and leadership qualities.

“Round table” in the form of debates develops abilities and forms the necessary skills for conducting dialogue:

    development of critical thinking (rational, reflective and creative thinking necessary in formulating, defining, justifying and analyzing the thoughts and ideas discussed);

    development of communication culture, public speaking skills;

    formation of research skills (the arguments presented require evidence and examples, the search for which requires working with sources of information);

    formation of organizational skills (implies not only the organization of oneself, but also the materials presented);

    developing listening and note-taking skills.

Two teams take part in the debate (one affirms the thesis, and the other denies it). Teams, depending on the debate format, consist of two or three players (speakers). The point of the game is to convince a neutral third party, the judges, that your arguments are better (more convincing) than your opponent's.

Each stage of debate has its own structure and system of methods and techniques used.

1. Preparation of the lesson. Development of the preparatory stage for the “Debates”. To do this, together with proactive students, determine the following:

    academic subject;

    “Debate” topic (several options);

    the purpose of the Debate;

    principles of team formation;

    types of work with information on the topic of “Debate”;

    preparing teams for “Debates”;

    evaluation criteria for “Debates”;

    form of analysis and evaluation of “Debates”.

Implementation of developed classes with students or colleagues. The discussion of the results.

Preparing for a debate begins with identifying the topic (thesis). In debates, as a rule, it is formulated in the form of a statement, for example: “Technological progress leads to the death of civilization.” When selecting a topic, it is necessary to take into account the requirements according to which a “good” topic should:

    provoke interest by addressing issues that are significant to debaters;

    be balanced and give equal opportunities to teams to present quality arguments;

    have a clear formulation;

    stimulate research work;

    have a positive wording for the approving party.

In general, the structure of the preparatory stage can be presented as follows.

Working with information

What is interactive learning?

The urgent task of a modern school is the implementation of a competency-based approach in education, namely, the formation of key competencies, generalized and applied subject skills, and life skills.

Issues of enhancing schoolchildren's learning are among the most significant problems of modern pedagogical science and practice. The implementation of the principle of activity in learning has a certain significance, because learning and development are activity-based in nature and the result of learning, development and education of schoolchildren depends on the quality of learning as an activity.

Modern textbooks and manuals for teachers allow, with proper preparation, to structure a lesson in such a way as to develop students’ thinking, attention and other types of cognitive activity. A productive lesson should form not only deep and lasting knowledge, but also the ability to use it in various situations, independently obtain knowledge, and develop experience in solving problems. In this regard, the issue of targeted work on the development of students - intellectual, physical, emotional-volitional, cognitive skills - is urgent. The best results in solving this problem can be obtained only if students have an active position in the educational process.

The principle of the child’s activity in the learning process has been and remains one of the main ones in didactics. This means a quality of activity that is characterized by a high level of motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills, effectiveness and compliance with social norms. This kind of activity in itself occurs infrequently; it is a consequence of purposeful interaction and organization of the pedagogical environment, i.e. application of pedagogical technology (teacher work system). In recent years, technologies have been developed that are designed to solve a number of problems that arise for teachers.

Such technologies include:

Technology of humane and personal education Sh.A. Amonashvili;

Intensive developmental training L.V. Zankova;

Problem-based learning A.M. Matyushkina.

How should learning be structured so that the learning process becomes mutually interesting and meaningful for both the teacher and the student?

Pedagogy offers various ways: instilling responsibility, developing motivation, adapting educational material to the learning capabilities of the student, etc. The modern educational situation requires the search and development of new forms of educational interactions between participants in the learning process.

Today in the very general view a mandatory minimum content of social science education for school graduates has been determined. Teachers became aware of the list of basic didactic units. Gradually, ideas emerge about what to do in social studies lessons and what to teach. However, teachers and methodologists are still concerned with the question of how to teach and train, how to teach and learn.

The main methodological innovations are associated with the use of active or, as they are also called, interactive teaching methods. I would like to clarify the concept itself. The word "interactive" came to us from English from the word interact (inter - mutual, act - to act). Interactive means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person). Consequently, interactive learning is, first of all, dialogue learning, during which interaction takes place. This approach turned out to be the most realistic way to ensure positive motivation for students to study mathematics, to form students’ sustainable cognitive interest in the subject, to improve the quality of knowledge, and to create pedagogical conditions for the development of students’ abilities.

Interactive learning is learning immersed in communication. Moreover, “immersed” does not mean “replaced”. Interactive learning retains the ultimate goal and main content of the educational process. It changes forms from broadcasting to dialogical, i.e. including the exchange of information based on mutual understanding and interaction.

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a joint interaction strategy, perception and understanding of another person.

Traditionally, there are three sides of communication.

– informative (exchange of information);

– interactive (strategy development and coordination of joint actions of individuals);

– perceptual (adequate perception and understanding of each other).

Communication is complete when all three named parties are present.

Communication can take place both at the verbal and non-verbal level.

Psychologists have found that in the conditions of educational communication, there is an increase in the accuracy of perception, the effectiveness of memory work increases, and intellectual and emotional properties of the individual develop more intensively, such as stability of attention, the ability to distribute it; observation in perception; the ability to analyze a partner’s activities, see his motives and goals; imagination (in this case we mean the ability to put oneself in the place of others). In the conditions of communication, self-control processes actively occur, “failures” and “doubtful places” (those parts of the material that neither of the partners can reproduce) are more clearly recognized. In the process of communication, a culture of feelings and emotions is fostered, the ability to sympathize, empathize, the ability to manage one’s behavior, and to know oneself is developed.

Cooperation is considered by psychology as a special form of human interactions that requires taking into account many factors (the level of team cohesion, the presence of effective feedback, reactions to conflict situations, readiness for mutual exchange, mutual assistance, etc.).

The mental mechanisms of joint activity rely on fundamental personalities in self-expression, self-affirmation, and self-determination. In the age periodization of children D.B. Elkonin, a special role is assigned to leading activities, which have their own content for each age. In each leading activity, corresponding mental new formations arise and are formed. The importance of communication with peers is a leading activity for adolescents aged 10-15 years.

The structure of learning interactions can be viewed from different perspectives. First of all, the interaction between teacher and student is related to the form of organization of individual, frontal and group educational activities.

In the first two cases, the construction is similar (teacher - student), the difference is in the scale of implementation. The group form of organization of educational activities has a more complex structure. Here, in the process of educational interactions, productive connections are established not only between the teacher and students, but also within the student body. Thus, from the point of view of interactivity, it is the group form that turns out to be more effective and rich, although this can affect the effectiveness of the educational process in different ways.

Group work as a form of collective learning activity is a way of organizing the joint efforts of students to solve the educational and cognitive task posed in the lesson.

The group form of training must simultaneously solve three main problems:

Specific cognitive, which is associated with the immediate learning situation;

Communication and development, during which basic communication skills are developed within and outside the given group;

Socially oriented, cultivating civic qualities necessary for adequate socialization of the individual in the community.

What are the main characteristics of "interactive"?

Interactive learning is a special form of organizing cognitive activity. She has very specific and predictable goals in mind. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions, that is, conditions under which the student feels successful, intellectually competent, which makes the learning process itself productive. The essence of interactive learning is such an organization of the educational process in which almost all students are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think.

The joint activity of students in the process of cognition and mastering educational material means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution to this process, that there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, and methods of activity. Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to obtain new knowledge, but also develops the cognitive activity itself, transfers it to higher forms of cooperation and collaboration.

Interactive activity in the classroom involves the organization and development of dialogue communication, which leads to mutual understanding, interaction, and the joint solution of common but significant tasks for each participant. Interactivity eliminates the dominance of either one speaker or one opinion over others. During dialogue learning, students learn to think critically, solve complex problems based on analysis of circumstances and relevant information, weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, participate in discussions, and communicate with other people. For this purpose, individual, pair and group work, research projects, role-playing games, work with documents and various sources of information, creative work, drawings, etc. are organized in the lessons.

Interactive training simultaneously solves several problems:

Develops communication skills and helps establish emotional contacts between students;

Decides information task, since it provides students with the necessary information, without which it is impossible to implement joint activities;

Develops general educational skills (analysis, synthesis, goal setting, etc.), that is, ensures the solution of educational problems;

It provides an educational task, as it teaches students to work in a team and listen to other people’s opinions.

Interactive learning partly solves another significant problem. It's about about relaxation, relieving nervous stress, switching attention, changing forms of activity, etc.

What are forms of interactive learning?

Interactive learning technologies.

1) Work in pairs.

2) Rotational (replaceable) triples.

3) Carousel.

4)Work in small groups.

5) Aquarium.

6) Unfinished sentence.

7) Brainstorming.

8)Brownian movement.

9)Decision tree.

10) Court on its own behalf.

11) Civil hearings.

12) Role-playing (business) game.

13) Press method.

14) Take a position.

15) Discussion.


Currently, methodologists and practical teachers have developed many forms of group work. The most famous of them are “big circle”, “spinner”, “aquarium”, “brainstorming”, “debate”.

These forms are effective if the lesson discusses any problem in general, about which schoolchildren have initial ideas obtained earlier in lessons or in everyday experience. In addition, the topics discussed should not be closed or very narrow. So, for example, there is no point in a group discussion about what the penalty for theft should be or what the tax rate should be. It is also important that the level of the problem being discussed allows us to move from narrowly economic (legal, political, etc.) issues to a broad formulation of the problem. The problem should be relevant, interesting and meaningful to students. Thus, when discussing the legal aspects of social studies, the subject of group discussion may be a controversial legislative norm (for example, on alternative military service), a court decision or a document (a fragment from the Civil, Family, Labor, Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure). In this case, the subject of group discussion will be the question of compliance of legal norms or court decisions with international standards in matters of protection of human rights and freedoms.

When working with students in grades 6-8, it is more appropriate to start with the simplest forms of group work ("spinner", "big circle", "aquarium"). These are forms of joint discussion of a problem and development of a common solution. They allow the child not only to express his opinion, view and assessment, but also to hear the arguments of his playing partner, and sometimes to abandon his point of view or significantly change it. In social science education, this is especially relevant, because issues of cultural studies, politics, and law are always ambiguous and require from a person not only logical thinking, but tolerance and respect for other people’s opinions.

The simplest form of group interaction is the “big circle”. The work takes place in three stages.

First stage. The group sits on chairs in a large circle. The teacher formulates the problem.

Second phase. For a certain time (approximately 10 minutes), each student individually, on his or her own sheet, writes down the proposed measures to solve the problem.

Third stage. In a circle, each student reads out their proposals, the group listens silently (does not criticize) and votes on each item - whether to include it in the general decision, which is recorded on the board as the conversation progresses.

The “large circle” technique is optimal in cases where it is possible to quickly determine ways to solve a problem or the components of this solution. Using this form, you can, for example, develop bills or instructions, local regulations.

“Aquarium” is a form of dialogue when children are asked to discuss a problem “in front of the public.” The small group chooses someone whom it can trust to initiate a particular dialogue on the issue. Sometimes there may be several people willing. You and all other students act as spectators. Hence the name of the technique - “aquarium”.

What does this organizational technique give to schoolchildren?

It gives schoolchildren the opportunity to see their peers from the outside, that is, to see:

How do they communicate?

How do they react to someone else's thoughts?

How to resolve a brewing conflict?

How do they argue their idea, etc. How to implement interactive learning in practice? Let us list some rules that are useful to consider when starting to organize interactive learning in social studies lessons.

Rule one. All participants (students) must be involved in the work to one degree or another. To this end, it is useful to use technologies that allow all seminar participants to be included in the discussion process.

On the other hand, teachers’ mastery of active teaching methods is simply impossible without the direct involvement of teachers in one form or another. You can read mountains of literature about active learning methods, but you can only learn them by trying them directly, only through personal participation in a game, brainstorming or discussion.

Rule two. We must take care of the psychological preparation of the participants. The point is that not everyone who comes to the lesson is psychologically ready for “direct involvement in certain forms of work. This is due to a certain enslavement, constraint, and traditional behavior. In this regard, warm-ups, constant encouragement of students for active participation in work, and providing opportunities for student self-realization.

Rule three. There should not be many students in interactive technology, no more than 30 people. Only under this condition is productive work in small groups possible. After all, it is important that everyone is heard, that each group is given the opportunity to speak on the issue.

Rule four. The work area should be prepared in such a way that it is easy for all interactive participants to change seats to work in large and small groups. In other words, maximum physical comfort should be created for students. It is better to arrange the tables in a herringbone pattern so that each student sits half-turned to the leader of the lesson and has the opportunity to communicate in a small group. It is good if manuals or handouts necessary for creative work are prepared in advance.

Rule five. Issues of procedure and regulations should be discussed at the very beginning of the lesson and try not to violate them. For example, it is important to agree that all participants will be tolerant of any point of view expressed, will respect everyone’s right to freedom of speech, etc.

Rule six. It is better to divide the seminar participants into groups on the basis of voluntariness. Then it is appropriate to use the principle of random selection.

During group work, the teacher performs various functions:

Monitors the progress of work in groups;

Answers the questions;

Regulates disputes and work procedures;

In case of emergency, provides assistance to individual students or groups.

Joint activity of students is effective not only for lessons in the formation of knowledge or skills; the use of group forms for repeated and generalizing lessons is no less effective. The studied material provides extensive information for repeated analysis, clarification, systematization, and conclusions on the topic. Forms of group work are used: conference lessons, mathematical battles, consultation lessons.

The most difficult, but also the most effective form at this stage of studying the topic is discussion.

After completing work in groups, in many cases it is necessary to organize intergroup communication (in order to clarify the overall picture, build a system, generalize, provide opportunities for reflection and mutual assessment). This is an additional opportunity to organize communication training (speech culture, logic, the art of argument, etc.).

As experience shows, group work is a form of organizing activity, but the main thing remains the content of the group’s activity. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of the most effective use of this form of work, i.e. it is necessary to create conditions for the development of thinking, to select material according to the principle “from simple to complex.” To work in a group, after practicing primary skills, it is necessary to provide tasks of a constructive, creative nature.

The use of interactive learning technology in work gives

to the student:

Development of personal reflection;

Awareness of involvement in the overall work;

Formation of an active subject position in educational activities;

Development of communication skills;

Acceptance of moral norms and rules of joint activities;

Increased cognitive activity

Formation of a class as a group community;

Increasing cognitive interest;

Development of skills of analysis and self-analysis in the process of group reflection;

Non-standard attitude to the organization of the educational process;