About Lisa sand. From Instagram blogger to shipbuilding experts

Elizaveta Peskova (daughter of Dmitry Peskov, a famous Russian political figure), or rather her photo, in last couple has not left the pages of magazines and newspapers for years. She is quite independent, manages to do almost everything: live in France with her mother, come to visit her father in Moscow and meet a guy here, study at the institute, take up painting and become interested in fashion. It was this active girl who became the heroine of our article today.

From Lisa's childhood

Peskov's daughter, Elizaveta, was born in 1998, on January 9. Her father is known to us as the press secretary of Vladimir Vladimirovich himself, and her mother is a successful philologist.

Before her parents’ divorce (in 2012), the girl was a student at a Moscow school, and even then her teachers noticed her attraction to painting. She drew excellently, and her parents were advised to send her to art school.

When the couple divorced, her mother decided to go to France, and Elizabeth went with her. She also loves her father very much; on any extra day off, the girl hurries to board a plane to fly from the capital of France to the capital of Russia, where her father is eagerly waiting for her.

Elizabeth about her parents

Peskov’s daughter, Elizaveta, whose photo is in this article, says that she loves her parents equally strongly. Her mother teaches her all the tricks of a woman, supports her in all her endeavors and is best friend, with whom you can talk on any topic. The daughter and her mother love to go shopping in Paris, try on various things, and then take pictures in new clothes and post the photos on Instagram.

For Elizabeth, dad will always remain the rear, defender and head coach. Elizaveta Peskova says that her father plays sports and she likes to go skiing and skating with him in the winter, and in the summer just walk in the park, go to the cinema and very rarely go to restaurants. Also, Dmitry Peskov’s daughter, Elizaveta, receives lessons from her father hand-to-hand combat and boxing. She says that every girl should be able to stand up for herself, and is grateful to her dad for the self-defense skills she acquired.

The girl is not torn between her parents, she manages to be with both, without depriving anyone of attention. She got used to this from the first year of living in Paris and now takes constant flights for granted.

Polyglot Lisa Peskova

WITH early years In addition to painting, Elizaveta Peskova was intensively studying foreign languages. Of course, she didn't teach them from great love, but at the insistence of her parents, but over time the girl realized that this was really necessary.

She admits that she loves to travel, and her perfect knowledge of several languages ​​and inclinations in some of them greatly help her in communicating with people, and she loves to communicate.

Now Elizaveta Peskova speaks fluent English and French, and is improving her Arabic, Turkish and Chinese.

Elizaveta says that as a child her parents forced her to memorize up to a hundred foreign words, and checked in the evening. If she didn't remember some, they could take away her phone for a whole week, so she tried hard. But she says that her annual visits to language camps in France and Scotland, where, again, her parents sent her, helped her more.

After Elizaveta Peskova realized that she liked learning languages, she began to watch films without translations. In some of them, she understood practically nothing and spent time with a dictionary to grasp the meaning of the film.

Elizabeth's training

Elizaveta Peskova studied at a boarding school in Normandy, after which she entered the Paris School of Art at the Louvre. The mother insisted that her daughter receive a standard Russian education, so Lisa went to Moscow and entered the ISAA where her father and grandfather received their education. A year later, the girl realized that she missed her friends in France and Paris itself, and, quitting her studies, returned to her mother.

In Paris, she entered a business school. The girl did not forget about Russia for a minute, especially since during her studies at ISAA she met a guy and they began dating.

Lisa's opinion on Russian education

Elizaveta believes that the education system in Russia urgently needs to be changed. She says, comparing with education in other countries, that Russian schools resemble hell. She speaks a little rudely, but it is immediately clear that education in Russia is equated with overeating, after which you feel sick.

Elizaveta Peskova believes that all the knowledge of the world that is crammed into children’s heads is useful only when passing exams, but in life they are not at all needed and are forgotten a year after leaving school.

The girl notes that in no case does she want to insult Russian education and make it look worse than European education. She says that she is simply comparing the severity of training, because she has been there and here. According to Elizaveta, Russian education needs to be adjusted, everything unnecessary should be removed from the curriculum and attention should be focused on important subjects that will be useful throughout later life.

Of course, the majority of Russian students who consistently view her Instagram and like her will agree with her!

Relationships with younger brothers

Elizaveta Peskova is not the only child of Peskov and Solotsinskaya. She has younger brothers Mika and Denis. The girl loves them immensely, tries to help them learn, instill a love of art and learning foreign languages.

Elizabeth also tries to spend a lot of time with her brothers. She doesn't forget to post joint photos on Instagram, where they hang out or just fool around at home.

Elizabeth about her father's wedding

When the girl was asked why she did not appear at her father’s wedding with figure skater Tatyana Navka, she said that she did not want to be a participant in another staged show.

The girl explained that it was not a wedding, but a public disclosure of her relationship and proof of serious intentions.

Tatyana comments on this stepdaughter’s statement by saying that the girl is simply very emotional about her dad’s new relationship and is jealous of him. However, Lisa did not agree with her, but did not prove anything.

Further relationship with stepmother

After some time, Lisa and Tatyana began to communicate quite well. Elizaveta Peskova also posts photos online where she is pictured with Navka’s daughter Sasha. The girls became friends, but did not become friends - they attend different parties and are interested in different things.

Elizaveta Peskova says that Tatyana has become a close person to her, and she regrets that she did not notice this woman earlier. She shares in an interview that Tatyana gives her a lot practical advice relating not only to personal life, but to life in general. They spend a lot of time together when Lisa comes to visit her father, and even call each other when the girl is in Paris with her mother.

Lisa’s mother is not against such communication from her daughter. She is glad that the girl has finally matured, understood her father and sorted out her feelings for Tatyana.

Elizabeth about her future life

The girl says that she will never associate herself with politics. She prefers a free life, without barriers. She considers herself creative personality, writes poetry, draws and dreams of writing a novel. This is still in the plans, but now she loves to travel.

Elizaveta Peskova says that she will only live in Europe; she likes Russia, but only as a place to visit. She believes that you can live happily in Russia only if you are a wealthy person. In this regard, she prefers Paris, where everyone can live: romantics, the most ordinary people. She loves France very much and plans to live there all her life.

From personal life

While studying at ISAA, the girl met a guy named Yuri Meshcheryakov. The young people began an affair, and soon sympathy grew into true love. They are the same age and understand each other perfectly.

Elizaveta Peskova, the daughter of Dmitry Peskov (photo can be seen in our article), is in a hurry to go on dates to Moscow, and Yuri is looking forward to his beloved girl. When they were only 17 years old, news appeared in the media that Lisa and Yura announced their engagement. Everyone was shocked by this statement and discussed this fact for a long time.

Elizabeth decided to reassure the citizens and said that a wedding was not yet included in the plans. They want to wait until they turn 22 and only then go to the registry office. Yuri completely agrees with the bride’s opinion and confirms her every word.

Lovers prefer to travel, attend parties, parks, and attractions. They want to take as much as possible from their youth, and only then start a family and have children. They announced their engagement rashly, under the influence of emotions, but do not regret it.

Elizaveta Peskova says that she is very happy, because she lives her life according to her own scenario, her parents do not interfere, leaving her the right personal choice. And her parents say she hasn't made a single wrong move in her life. free life, which they provided her, and are very proud of it.

Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Moscow into a family of hereditary Russian diplomats: both her grandfathers, Sergey Peskov(May 24, 1948 - May 27, 2014) and Vladimir Solotsinsky(born September 25, 1948) worked abroad.

Lisa's father Dmitry Peskov - famous Russian statesman, member of the Council for international affairs Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration, Press Secretary of Vladimir Putin (since May 2012).

With the future mother of Elizabeth, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, Peskov met in Ankara, where her father then worked at the embassy. I came there after graduating from ISAA Dmitry Peskov. 4 years later, in 1994, 18-year-old Katya and 27-year-old Dmitry, who by that time had already managed to dissolve his first marriage, in which he had a son, got married. Catherine took her husband’s surname and lived in marriage with him for almost 20 years, giving birth to three children: a daughter Lisa and two sons Mika And Dani.

Elizaveta Peskova and foreign languages

Almost from the cradle Elizabeth started studying foreign languages. By the age of 17, daughter Dmitry Peskov changed several educational institutions, including a boarding school in Normandy, a prestigious school in Paris, and the Institute of Asian and African Countries in Moscow. Having left ISAA, where the girl entered at the insistence of her father, in the fall of 2015 she returned to Paris to her mother and younger brothers.

There I entered a business school and began to study marketing and study oriental languages ​​closely.

Lisa’s interest in the latter arose during her studies in Moscow. The daughter of a statesman speaks five languages. Speaks English and French fluently, and is improving Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. On her Instagram page, the girl shared how her parents taught her to cram foreign words every day.

Being a cosmopolitan, I have always loved meeting new people. Now I am grateful to my parents, who at one time contributed to my development in the language field. At the age of 7, they began to force me to learn a certain number of English and French words per day - from 10 to 100. I took them from foreign books. Then at the end of the day they checked me. If I didn’t teach them or made a mistake, my phone was taken away for a week,” the girl wrote.

Lisa spent every summer in language camps, which turned out, according to the heiress Dmitry Peskov, much more effective than studying at her Moscow school.

Every year I was sent to language camps in Scotland and France for a month in the summer, where I began to speak English and French. Having gained the basics in practice, I myself began to read and watch films, TV series and TV only in English, even if at first I didn’t understand half of it. Well, at 12 I was sent to France, to a boarding school in Normandy, where I ended up living. I studied French in special courses for two years, and then I was transferred to full-time schooling. Thanks to traveling and studying at an international school in France, I made a lot of acquaintances and friends from all over the world,” Lisa shared.

In Paris she became a school graduate Ecole des Roches. The teachers, by the way, insisted that Peskova, who draws well, enter the art school at the Louvre, but the father wanted a classical education in Russia for his daughter, so she moved to Moscow and entered ISAA, where her grandfather and father studied at one time. At homeLisa missed her Parisian friends, mother and brothers and, after studying for a year at the capital’s university, returned to France and became a studentParis Business School.

But Elizabeth was not going to forget about Russia. She often comes to her homeland. So, in the fall of 2015, Lisa appeared at the Debutante Ball Tatler, having arrived there accompanied by her 17-year-old boyfriend, a Muscovite Yuri Meshcheryakov and also a French friend Ekaterina Peskova graph Jacques von Pollier, grandparents - Galina Nikolaevna And Vladimir Dmitrievich Solotsinskikh. And in In January 2016, Elizaveta celebrated her coming of age in one of the Moscow restaurants, later writing gratitude to her parents on social networks.

Elizaveta Peskova. Opinion about Russian education

In his Instagram in the spring of 2016, the daughter of a Russian press attache said that the education system in the Russian Federation needs to be changed, sincereceived during schooling redundant information becomes unnecessary after the exam.

I was preparing for a marketing exam and remembered how I came to Russia (not the USSR) three years ago to pass two exams in a year and pass the Unified State Exam. Honestly, it was hell. I think I’m not the only one who believes that the education system in Russia needs to be changed. (...) Excuse me, do they really think that it is useful to try to cram into yourself all the information that exists in this world, so that later after the hour of judgment they can take it and put two fingers in their mouth? Food must be properly distributed throughout the day and consumed in small portions. “I understand perfectly well that there are supergeniuses whose bodies quickly digest, but even they don’t need everything that people spend 11 years on,” the girl said.

In Europe, according to Lisa, teachers, sitting at the table, tell everything as if the students are their grandchildren, and they are grandparents, who enjoy sharing their stories! INAbout France, the daughter of a politician gave an example, students are not used to cheating, unlike Russian students, who are “kept under constant pressure.”

It is really difficult to perceive and remember all the information in Russian schools and universities. Honestly, I learned more in a year at a university in France than in a year at school and at Moscow State University in Russia. Recently I discussed with my mother that children in Russia are under constant pressure, but in Europe everything is done in a fun, pleasant way. interesting game, - noted Lisa.

Peskova Jr. I am sure that the “dead” education system in Russia can be resurrected and this must be done so that generation Z will regain the desire to acquire knowledge.

Many followers did not share Lisa’s opinion, and the girl continued her thoughts on this topic, noting that she respects a number of her friends who were educated in the Russian Federation, but with the change of society, the education system built in the USSR, she believes, is no longer relevant.

Do not think that I am pushing Europe ahead of Russia. And I studied at school in Moscow. I give examples. We can follow them, or we can someday, taking them into account or not, do better! (...) Of course, everything depends on the person and his desire to gain knowledge and constantly learn something new. But I believe that educational institutions should at least awaken this desire. And it seems to me that teachers, first of all, can awaken it.

Elizaveta Peskova and her parents' divorce

Lisa's mother is getting divorced Ekaterina Peskova, who moved to France after this event, filed, according to her, because of the infidelity of her politician husband, who in August 2012 married Olympic champion Tatyana Navka. The couple has a daughter, Nadezhda.

Ekaterina Peskova: “I remember one moment. 2011 I’m 35. I’m sitting in my house on Rublyovka, I have three children, expensive car, my own business, everyone loves and accepts me. I have achieved everything. I achieved exactly that. It wasn't handed to me on a silver platter. And I caught myself thinking: “Is this really all? Is this how I’m going to sit for the rest of my life?”

After parting with Dmitry Sergeevich, Catherine lived in France according to her own scenario, outside the framework of the Kremlin protocol. And the statesman’s daughter found herself between two fires at that time and even gave a series of interviews dedicated to the wedding of her father and figure skater Navka, thereby becoming a media heroine for the first time.

About what dad got new love, Lisa guessed, but her mother opened her eyes.

From Elizabeth’s interview with gazeta.ru in August 2015: “At first, Dad didn’t say anything about Tanya, but at the same time he brought her to different places where we crossed paths, and he pretended that the meetings were an accident. Then my mother told me everything. At first I felt very bad. Mom was very worried about the divorce, but did not lose heart and built her life. It was also difficult for me, as a child, to experience this situation. I love both dad and mom. Here I found myself, as it were, between two fires.”

Meanwhile, the relationship between Tatyana and Lisa cannot be called strained. According to my daughter Peskova, she communicates with Navka, who has done a lot to please her stepdaughter and her younger brothers.

Tatyana gave me a lot of different advice regarding my personal life, she never put pressure on me, she was not like those evil stepmothers from fairy tales, on the contrary, she is like a friend to me. My father and I are also very warm and friendly relations. If he has free time, we spend it together.

Elizabeth, understanding the position her father occupies, does not at all want his position to extend to her. The girl shared this with the press in 2015, also noting that she and her dad try not to discuss political issues - they have different views.

I’m still more of a creative person: I write poetry, draw, and dream of writing a novel. (...) I want mine future profession was associated with a free lifestyle. I know for sure that my life will never be connected with politics.

Speaking about Russia, Lisa admitted that she does not like the fact that in this country it is wonderful to live only in a wealthy family, but Europe is more suitable for the life of ordinary people.

I feel better in a European environment. But if I leave, it doesn’t mean that I don’t love Russia. I love the whole world, I love to travel and I am grateful that I have this opportunity. I am generally a very cheerful person and I really want to be useful to people in the future. For example, I would like to do charity work. It is clear that in Russia I have much more opportunities for any of my projects, but I want to live where I grew up and achieve everything myself, and not thanks to the Peskov surname.

Career of Elizaveta Peskova

Since 2017, Elizaveta has been a journalist Russian version Forbes magazine. Lisa received the opportunity to publicly express her opinion in a well-known publication at the age of 19. As the first topic for publication, she chose education and its development in the light of modern technology.

Her "glamorous ally of Putin." But this is not the only heir of the presidential press secretary: Dmitry Peskov has five children. Business patriotism, influential Chechen friends and undeclared American real estate - how the family of the chief Russian press secretary lives - in the material of Sofia Savina.

Eldest son: energy propagandist

The eldest son - Nikolai - was born in 1990 in his first marriage Dmitry Peskov. In his youth, he married Anastasia Budennaya, the granddaughter of a marshal Soviet Union Budyonny seeds.

Nikolai grew up with the surname Choles in London, where his mother lived, and moved to Russia five years ago. In 2012 he went to serve in rocket troops Russian army- At the same time he took part in the Victory Parade on Red Square. Afterwards - work on a Russian TV channel Russia Today, which broadcasts to Western audiences.

According to declaration of Dmitry Peskov for 2016, one of the minor sons already owns an apartment measuring 140 square meters. m. Two land plots total area 9373 sq. m and a residential building of 779 sq. m are in his use. The second son has two apartments - one with an area of ​​140 square meters. m in Russia, and the second - 180 sq. m in France.

The third daughter, Elizaveta Peskova, lives in France. There she received her education. At age 12 she was sent to boarding school in Normandy. The Ecole des Roches website published information about the school: “Come to our school by private jet.”

Tuition fees only in primary school Roche school - up to 2.6 million rubles per year, and among its graduates - royal families Morocco and Thailand, the President of Lebanon and the princely family of Golitsyn. Peskova is currently studying at the Paris Business School (EDC Paris Business School). A year of study at this school costs €8960, or 631 thousand rubles per year.

People started talking about the daughter of the press secretary after her appearance on social event in Moscow - at the Tatler debutante ball in 2015. Peskova began leading an active public life in Russia this summer. In June, she took part in a meeting of the council of bloggers in the State Duma. According to its creator, deputy Vasily Vlasov (LDPR), the council was needed to advise State Duma committees and help deputies interact with citizens on the Internet. Peskova did not say a word at the meeting.

Lisa Peskova blogs on her Instagram page. There she calls herself a “cosmopolitan,” criticizes the Russian education system, and advertises dresses from the Firdaws fashion house for Aishat Kadyrova, the daughter of the head of Chechnya. In one of Peskova’s posts stands against demonstrations in defense of the rights of sexual minorities because they “prevent” her from “walking down the street to her home.”

Business patriotism in Chechen style

This summer, Lisa Peskova found a job in Russia. On her Instagram, she announced that she would be developing patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship. And in June she took up the post of adviser to the president of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism Avanti. Translated from Italian - “forward”.

Among other things, the organization advocates renaming the central street of Simferopol to V.V. Avenue. Putin. The author of the initiative is the chairman general council Association for the Development of Business Patriotism Umar Dzhabrailov. It is with his money that Avanti exists.

Umar Dzhabrailov is a businessman and statesman, close to Ramzan Kadyrov. Until 2009, he represented Chechnya in the Federation Council.

The organization he heads, “Avanti,” has its own youth movement, “Strength.” It includes Sergey Belokonev- ex-head of Rosmolodezh and former secretary of the pro-Kremlin youth movement "Nashi". It was he who was called the “Nashi” ideologist by the media.

One of the goals of Avanti is declared to be “the development of the future business elite of Russia.” Elizaveta Peskova herself stated on the RBC TV channel that she sees her task as helping “Putin’s generation.” So far, Peskova has only helped her boyfriend.

In June, the head of Avanti and assistant to Umar Dzhabrailov, Rakhman Yansukov, published video meetings with French entrepreneur Louis Waldberg and Lisa Peskova. On it, Yansukov states that Avanti will implement the French guest’s project in Russia - the production of Tazer Lighter electric lighters.

It is Peskova who is the curator of the project competition for young entrepreneurs at Avanti. Louis Waldberg is her boyfriend: the couple publishes photos together. Louis accompanied Lisa to the Cannes Film Festival, to visit Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya and even to shipyard in Sevastopol.

Peskova went to the Southern Sevastopol plant, which owed landlords 32 million rubles, in August, in her words, “to help people.” The plant management called Avanti to Sevastopol to sign a cooperation agreement. However, Peskova’s visit to the plant did not help solve his problems: the Sevastopol government intends to fully recover the rent arrears.

[Znak.com, 08/03/2017, “And at the same time she advertised a dress from Kadyrov’s daughter”: Elizaveta Peskova also posted on Instagram about her visit to the enterprise and took a photo with the factory workers. “It’s a great happiness to be able to make this world a little better by helping people,” she writes.
Moreover, judging by the comments of subscribers, the post also contained an advertisement for a dress in which the daughter of the press secretary posed in Sevastopol (at the time of writing this material she was already deleted). “Well, a little humor also helped the factory and inserted an advertisement for the dress into the post so that everyone knew that Lisa solves business issues in proven dresses,” writes one of the users (the author’s punctuation has been preserved - editor’s note). You can also find information about advertising dresses on the Echo of Moscow website, where the original text of the post was posted. In particular, Elizaveta Peskova arrived in Sevastopol wearing outfits from the Firdaws Fashion House, created by the wife of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Medni in 2009. Now its director is Kadyrov’s daughter Aishat. - Insert K.ru]

Beyond declarations

Peskov’s fifth child, daughter Nadezhda, appeared in marriage with Tatiana Navka. In 2016, Peskov’s third wife became the wealthiest among the relatives of officials of the Presidential Administration. Her annual income, according to the declaration, amounted to 120 million rubles. This is 10 times more than the annual salary of the press secretary himself.

Peskov’s wife declared two land plots with a total area of ​​9,373 square meters. m, two residential buildings - 353 sq. m and 779 sq. m and three apartments in Russia measuring 367 sq. m. Tatyana Navka also indicated three cars and an all-terrain vehicle in the declaration.

Another apartment measuring 126 sq. m, owned by Navka, is located in the USA. It is located in an elite residential complex in Manhattan - in the historical part of New York. Bamboo garden, fitness center, 24-hour doorman - all included. The apartment, registered in Navka, is now up for sale for $2.2 million, or 129.8 million rubles.

Tatiana Navka's apartment in Manhattan
Foreign real estate declared as an apartment new family Peskova is not limited. Tatyana Navka and her ex-husband Alexander Zhulin still owns a house in New Jersey. This is evidenced by data in the tax registry of the state Department of Finance.

House with an area of ​​398 sq. m was bought by the couple in 2006 for $1.4 million. Since then, the owners have not changed, and every year Alexandre Jouline & Tatiana Navka pay taxes on this property. Dmitry Peskov’s wife did not indicate this American house in her declarations for 2015 and 2016.

Tatyana Navka also has a child from her first marriage. Alexandra Zhulina graduated from 10th grade this year. She writes on social networks that she is currently studying at a gymnasium, plans to get an economics education, and plans to complete her master’s degree “abroad.” The girl spends every summer in foreign camps - in Switzerland, England, France, and the USA. The new member of the Peskov family already has American citizenship. As well as a joint photo with Putin.

The daughter of the press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin (64) (19) has been running “Lisa’s Diaries” for a long time: on her Instagram account she talks about her life. She recently shared a story about the first time she went to study in France.

She admitted that she felt uncomfortable in the company of other students: “I’m 11 years old. Height – 1m50cm, weight – 40kg. January. Sheremetyevo-2. A pink sweatshirt and jeans with adjustable elastic bands, carefully bought by my mother at the GAP store before my trip abroad, pink Converse, two braids. For full image“Bonjour, I am Ron Weasley, loser” - there were not enough points. With an IKEA pillow in my hands, I try to load two huge suitcases onto the belt, while my mother pays for the excess luggage. Periodically turning to the already “advanced” party of Russian students of the Roches school, Anna-Sofia, one of my friends to this day, with with a contemptuous look tells me about the rules that prevail in the La Colline girls' home. I have no idea that with this stamp about crossing the Russian border in my passport, my life will turn 180 degrees and will never be the same. I realized that no one was going to get to know me, so after the border and customs check, I started talking on the phone right up until takeoff, so as not to look, as it seemed to me then, like a complete loser (Spelling and punctuation of the author have been preserved - Approx. ed)".

Peskova’s acquaintance diligently pretended that she did not know Lisa: “Now I know that during the flight, when asked about “who is this scarecrow,” Anna-Sofia answered that she was seeing me for the first time, although we had already met for two years in a row before that moment with her at the summer camp of the same school. But then, reading about koala bears in children's magazine“GEOLenok” and solving Sudoku in an airplane crossword puzzle, I imagined myself as the heroine of the recently released film “Passport to Paris” with the Olsen sisters, and so far I didn’t care what they thought about me! Barely keeping up with the group, I run through the CDG airport, barely holding the IKEA pillow slipping out of my hands with bitten nails and aching hangnails, hand luggage and two trunks with things vital for life in a boarding house... the school’s Russian agency strongly advised me to take a pillow with me to France, unless of course stained five-year-old “sausages” are a fetish for me. We are met by a rather friendly woman, the head of one of the girls’ homes, and escorted to the school bus.” Lisa promised to tell subscribers the continuation of the story very soon. We are sure it will be interesting.

One of the most popular personalities in lately is Elizaveta Peskova. Photos, biography and interesting ones do not leave the pages of newspapers and online publications. What did the daughter of a high-ranking official deserve? Russian official such popularity? Why so much criticism of her? These and other questions about Lisa Peskova can be answered in our article.


The biography of Elizaveta Peskova originates in Moscow. The girl was born on January 9, 1998 into an elite family. Lisa's father, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov, was a prominent politician, worked at the Russian embassy. Now he is the press secretary of the head of the Russian state. The girl’s mother is Ekaterina Solonitskaya, the second wife of Dmitry Peskov. He is a scientist in the field of philology.

The girl's parents divorced in 2012. Ekaterina Solonitskaya left for France, her daughter decided to go with her. Before her parents' divorce, Lisa studied at a Moscow school and was interested in painting. The father advised the girl to enroll in an art school. Today Lisa lives abroad, but often comes to Russia.

Girl's father

Why such close attention to the biography of Elizaveta Peskova? The reason is obvious: the girl is a daughter high-ranking official, assistant to the main man in the country. Dmitry Peskov for a long time worked as a secretary at the Turkish Embassy of the Russian Federation. During the election of Vladimir Putin to the presidency, Dmitry Sergeevich headed the department for working with the media under the administration of the head of state. A little later, Peskov became deputy head of Putin’s press service. At the same time, the official worked as a translator since In April 2004, Dmitry Sergeevich was appointed deputy press secretary of the president. His main responsibilities were to ensure information communication between the head of state and the executive branch.

In 2008, Peskov became the press secretary of the prime minister, who at that time was Vladimir Putin. In 2012, the official was again appointed deputy head of the presidential administration.

Thus, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov is the most important official in the Russian state. The media pay close attention to this official, monitoring his personal life and family. whose biography is discussed in our article is today the focus of many magazines, online publications and newspapers.

Relationships with parents

Elizaveta Peskova was 14 years old when her family broke up. The media began to especially exaggerate the topic of the personal life of the Russian press secretary. Newspapers tried to find out the attitude of young Lisa to the problem with her parents. Then the girl said that she loved both mom and dad equally much. The mother supports the girl in everything, talks to her on any topic and takes her for walks around Paris. Lisa’s father is her main defender and coach. Dmitry Sergeevich goes skiing and skating with his daughter, walks with her in the park and takes her to the movies. Moreover, Elizabeth receives hand-to-hand combat lessons from her father.

Lisa often expresses her rather eccentric opinion on certain issues. This allows us to evaluate the character of the so-called “golden youth”. Today the girl has many fans and haters - Elizabeth is truly popular.


What role does education play in the biography of Elizaveta Peskova? Where did the girl receive her knowledge? Until 2012, Lisa studied at a simple Moscow school. After her parents' divorce, she entered a Norman boarding school. After receiving a general secondary education, the girl entered the Paris School of Art, which is located in the Louvre. At the same time, Lisa becomes a student at the Moscow ISAA (Institute of African and Asian Countries). The girl did not stay at Moscow University. Having quit her studies, our heroine returns to Paris. Elizaveta Peskova (see photo below) entered business school there.

Lisa is disgusted by Russian system education. On her social networks, the girl has repeatedly noted that domestic schools resemble hell. The daughter of a high-ranking official said that she was “sick” from large quantity academic disciplines, which, in her opinion, cannot be useful in later life. The beauty actively advocates for the global reform of Russian education.

Knowledge of languages

Considering the biography of Dmitry Peskov’s daughter, Elizaveta Peskova, one cannot help but note that the girl has polyglot talent. As a child, Lisa intensively studied foreign languages. In her own words, studying was difficult. The girl wanted to pay much more attention to painting, but her parents insisted on classical training. Soon Lisa herself understood the importance of education.

The girl learned a hundred foreign words every day. For each forgotten word Lisa could be punished, and therefore she had to try harder. A visit to language camps in Scotland and France, where the girl studied for several months, also helped.

Today Elizabeth travels actively. Knowing several languages ​​helps her communicate with different people. Dmitry Peskov's daughter is fluent in English and French languages, and also studies Arabic, Chinese and Turkish.

Statements by Elizaveta Dmitrievna Peskova

The biography of the daughter of the Russian press secretary is filled with quite interesting moments. The girl travels often and looks at the Western lifestyle. That is why Lisa often compares Russian state with advanced European countries. Not everyone likes this. Many people find Peskova’s statements inappropriate and sometimes downright Russophobic. It is worth giving a few examples.

In August 2016, the girl compared French and Russian medicine. Lisa made a very unexpected conclusion about the “worthlessness” of Western healthcare and supposedly high quality medicine in Russia.

On October 18, 2016, the girl expressed her opinion about the LGBT community. Elizabeth's position is moderately homophobic: she declared neutral attitude towards gays and disgust towards lesbians.

In her messages, the girl often uses rather rude and harsh expressions. I must say that not all subscribers like this. Most netizens find Elizabeth's statements stupid and meaningless.

Family of Elizaveta Peskova

Personal life in the biography of the heroine of our article occupies special place. Today the girl is trying to combine life in France and Russia, visiting either her mother or her father. The girl treats her parents with equal love.

It must be said that Elizaveta is not the only child in the family of Peskov and Solotsinskaya. The girl has younger brothers - Denis and Mika. Lisa often travels with them, helps them learn foreign languages ​​and instills a love of art. Often a girl posts photos together with her brothers in social network"Instagram".

Lisa treats Dmitry Peskov’s new marriage with the famous figure skater Tatyana Navka with some indignation. The girl did not attend her father’s wedding, and called the celebration itself “a ridiculous show.” The stepmother explained her stepdaughter's behavior with strong emotional experiences. The wife’s position was supported by Dmitry Peskov.

Personal life of Elizabeth

The biography of the daughter of the famous official is not yet complete enough, because the girl is only 20 years old. At the same time, Lisa managed to meet several suitors at once. At the annual Moscow Tatler ball, Lisa introduced her first boyfriend. It turned out to be a young businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. At the same time, the girl announced her engagement, but the wedding did not take place: Meshcheryakov and Peskova broke up shortly after Liza came of age.

Soon Peskova found a replacement for Yuri. It turned out to be a young education worker, Mikhail Sinitsyn. However, Lisa did not stay with him either. Already in the summer of 2017, French businessman Louis Waldberg, founder of a company producing electric lighters, became the girl’s new lover.

Elizabeth today

For last year Several uncomfortable situations happened to Lisa. In July 2017, the girl went to the Crimean ship repair plant, where she gave a lecture to the factory workers on the importance of shipbuilding. Many netizens considered Peskova’s visit absurd. For example, Elizabeth did not see the difference between “shipbuilding” and “legal proceedings.” Some people were outraged by the very fact that the young lady was without higher education can give lectures to adults and experienced professionals.

At the end of September 2017, Peskova experienced another embarrassment. The girl wrote an article “The Illusion of Knowledge” for the famous Forbes magazine. As it turned out, the published text consisted of large, unrevised excerpts from various publications: BBC, Passion, Chalk, etc. More than 10% of the article was taken from scientific work in pedagogy 2012. As soon as the scandal began to gain momentum, the girl hastened to completely delete her profile from the Instagram social network.