Mark Zuckerberg - the most interesting facts from the life of an American programmer. Mark Zuckerberg: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Michael Zuckerberg

Mark Eliot Zuckerberg(English: Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, in English transcription Zuckerberg) is an American entrepreneur in the field of Internet technologies, one of the developers and founders of the social network Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg today is the head of Facebook Inc, a billionaire; his fortune in 2017 exceeded $74 billion.

Childhood and education of Mark Zuckerberg

Father - Edward Zuckerberg- practicing dentist. He did not give up his career as a doctor even after his son became a billionaire.

Mother - Karen Zuckerberg- psychiatrist.

The Zuckerberg family has four children. Mark, the only boy, was the second child. Mark's sisters - Randy, Donna, Ariel.

In the photo: Mark Zuckerberg with his sisters (Photo:

The biographies say that parents immediately noticed Mark Zuckerberg's great abilities. But he was raised in religious strictness, as was customary in Jewish families. But, apparently, something didn’t work out with religion, because now Mark openly tells everyone that he is an atheist.

Edward Zuckerberg gave his son his first PC (Quantex 486DX based on the Intel 486 processor) when Mark was 10 years old. Edward Zuckerberg had plans to give Mark good education. He was the first to teach his son the Atari BASIC programming language.

Mark sat at the computer for hours. His friends brought their primitive drawings, and Mark Zuckerberg created his first computer games. According to the writer Jose Antonio Vargas, when "some kids played computer games, Mark created them."

As a schoolboy, Mark Zuckerberg created a simple, but quite acceptable software product ZuckNet. Mark's father was delighted with his son's creation and installed ZuckNet in his office, being able to communicate with his assistant from home. Zuckerberg's ZuckNet is considered a "primitive" version of AOL's Instant Messenger, which came out the following year.

In the photo: young Mark Zuckerberg at the computer

And little Zuckerberg came up with a computer version of the then popular game “Risk”.

Edward Zuckerberg hired a private tutor for his son, who immediately realized that it was already quite difficult to stay ahead of the knowledge of this prodigy Zuckerberg Jr., who was clearly destined for a career as an excellent programmer.

Mark Zuckerberg began his education at Ardsley School, then moved to the private school Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. There Mark was the first student in mathematics, astronomy, physics, natural sciences, foreign languages— there was time for all this. When applying to college, Mark Zuckerberg indicated that he speaks French, Hebrew, Latin and Ancient Greek. Mark's friends recalled how easily he could quote passages from the Iliad in the original. In addition, Mark was actively involved in fencing, excelled in this sport and was captain of the school fencing team.

And yet Mark Zuckerberg put programming first. His abilities, which have now manifested themselves in development software, attracted attention. While still receiving secondary education, Mark Zuckerberg developed the Synapse music player, which combined elements of artificial intelligence.

Programmer career Mark Zuckerberg

After graduating from school, Mark Zuckerberg entered the prestigious Harvard University, choosing, on the advice of his mother, to major in psychology. But programming continued to fascinate Mark. While still in his second year at university, he created a program for students, CourseMatch, which helped students at the beginning of each semester in choosing the courses they would like to study. Using CourseMatch, they could see the number of students enrolled in a given course and the names of those who had already signed up for it, allowing them to make informed choices. Zuckerberg's second project was Facemash, which played main role in Mark's biography.

In the photo (left): Mark Zuckerberg begins his studies at Harvard University. Pictured (right): receiving a degree at Harvard University (Photo: AP/TASS)

A talented young man decided to use the Facemash software to create a communication masterpiece in the form of the social network “Facebook”, which was supposed to expand the communication of Harvard students across local network. His fellow students helped him with this Chris Hughes, Eduardo Saverin And Dustin Mockowitz. As friends recall, Mark did all this for fun.

In the photo: Mark Zuckerberg with other co-founders of the world's largest social network Facebook: Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz

By the way, Mark Zuckerberg had the idea for Facebook while he was receiving secondary education at the private school Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. This school had its own Facebook or “book of faces,” a directory with names, addresses and photographs of students. At Harvard, Zuckerberg took the initiative to create a similar online resource, but he was refused, citing privacy policy. I had to create Facebook for the whole world at once.

But first, after Zuckerberg hacked into protected sections of the Harvard University computer network and copied private photos, the site was closed by the administration and Mark was accused of violating security, copyright, and integrity privacy. Zuckerberg had to apologize.

Facebook Career

However, he appreciated the scale of the idea and already on February 4, 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched Thefacebook at Zuckerberg left Harvard and invested all the money his parents had saved ($85,000) into the social network—he saw it as the best way to develop his career. In 2004, having moved to Palo Alto, Zuckerberg registered his project as legal entity, becoming CEO of Facebook.

Zuckerberg, Moskowitz and other friends moved to Palo Alto in Silicon Valley, where they rented a small house that served as an office. Initially, they thought of returning to Harvard, but work dragged on.

At this stage, among Zuckerberg's friends, a role in the successful development of his career was played by Sean Parker, who found the first investors of Facebook - the founder of the PayPal system Peter Thiel And Reed Hoffman. Parker ensured that Mark Zuckerberg retained 3 of the 5 seats on the board of directors.

In 2005, Mark Zuckerberg purchased the domain for $200 thousand, and managed to get rid of article The. At that time, the social network already had more than 5 million users.

In the photo: the founder of the network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg (Photo: DPA/TASS)

Finally, in 2007 year Microsoft valued Mark Zuckerberg's project at $15 billion and acquired a 1.6% stake in the company for $240 million. Further, the career of Zuckerberg and his brainchild only gained momentum.

In 2012, Mark Zuckerberg visited Russia. The billionaire took part in two programs on Channel One and spoke to students at Moscow State University. At the Moscow Facebook World Hack developer conference, Zuckerberg named the main advantage for developers as access to an audience of almost a billion people, this is the maximum number of users on the Internet.

In the photo: founder and general manager social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg while walking along Red Square (Photo: Facebook press service/TASS)

In 2015, Facebook became the second most visited site in the world, the number of social network users reached one and a half billion people.

And Mark Zuckerberg was the youngest dollar billionaire With official 1 dollar. The programmer also won the “titles” of one of the most influential people on the planet and the most successful businessman under the age of 40.

In the fall of 2018, Free Press wrote that Mark Zuckerberg could lose his post on Facebook. The news reported that the idea was put forward by Facebook investors back in June, and then some investment funds that own shares of the company also came out against Mark.

Personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

The founder of the social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, one of richest people world, in his personal life he is an absolute monogamist - since his student days he has been dating an old girlfriend Priscilla Chan.

In the photo: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan (Photo: AP/TASS)

Priscilla Chan was born on February 24, 1985. Her parents were Chinese refugees who fled Vietnam by boat. Zuckerberg's wife is a pediatrician by training. Born and raised in Massachusetts, she studied at Harvard University and received her medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

WITH future wife sophomore Mark Zuckerberg met at a frat party at Harvard. Since 2003, Mark and Priscilla began dating. In 2010, the future wife moved to Zuckerberg in Palo Alto.

On May 19, 2012, Mark Zuckerberg married Priscilla Chan. The couple celebrated Priscilla's receiving her doctorate in medicine, but when close friends and family showed up in the backyard of the couple's Palo Alto home, they were told they were attending a wedding. As the couple's representative said, the wedding was not timed to coincide with Facebook's IPO, but rather to coincide with the end of Priscilla's education.

On December 2, 2015, the couple had a daughter, Maxima Chan (Max), and on August 28, 2017, a second daughter, named August.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg took maternity leave due to the birth of his second daughter.

In the photo: Mark Zuckerberg with his wife and daughters (Photo:

“I will spend one month of vacation with my wife and girls, and then we will spend a whole month together in December,” he wrote on his Facebook page. At the end of his message, Zuckerberg joked that he hoped his office would be "standing still" when he returned.

Mark Zuckerberg did the same after the birth of his first daughter. Zuckerberg explained this decision by the results of studies according to which the temporary departure of parents from work after the birth of a child has positive influence for the family as a whole.

Zuckerberg's wife is a Buddhist; Mark himself has become a less zealous atheist over the years, in particular, he noted the importance of religion, including Buddhism.

Mark Zuckerberg's income

Mark Zuckerberg's net worth as of February 2016 Forbes version amounted to almost 50 billion dollars. And by the end of 2017, income from Facebook made Mark even richer; as of November 2017, Zuckerberg’s fortune was estimated at $74.2 billion. He is one of the five richest people in the world.

In the photo: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Photo: AP/TASS)

Celebrity biographies


13.09.16 10:14

When organizing an “online beauty contest,” he did not even think about the stunning consequences this would lead to. The biography of Mark Zuckerberg, the youngest billionaire in history, began with a student prank.

Biography of Mark Zuckerberg

The son of a dentist from the suburbs of New York

Mark was born in large family dentist Edward Zuckerberg and his psychiatrist wife Karen Kempner on May 14, 1984. The Zuckerbergs lived in a small Westchester County village 21 miles north of midtown Manhattan. Jews Edward and Karen raised three daughters (Randy, Donna, Ariel) and only son.

At the age of 13, Mark underwent a Jewish bar mitzvah, but later admitted that he is an atheist and does not support any faiths. Despite this, he believes in karma and believes that the most amazing religion in the world is Buddhism.

Mark Zuckerberg's school biography is replete with bright pages. He excelled at Ardsley High School and was transferred to Phillips Exeter Academy in Hampshire, where he won prizes in mathematics, physics, astronomy and classical studies. When Mark entered college, he indicated on his application that he could read and write French, Ancient Greek, Latin and Hebrew. In addition, he was the captain of the fencing team.

Programming prodigy

By the time he began his studies at Harvard in 2002, Zuckerberg had already earned a reputation as a programming prodigy. Despite the fact that Mark entered the psychology department, the newly minted student studied computer science and joined the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. In his second year he wrote computer program CourseMatch, which helped form study groups.

And soon Mark created another program, initially called "Facemash", which allowed students to choose best photos. It was simply an entertainment site where pictures of two guys or two girls were posted and visitors had to vote on who was “hot.” This is how the rating of this or that participant was formed. Over the course of a couple of weekends, a record number of students visited the site. But by Monday morning the college had closed it because Harvard's computer network simply collapsed under such pressure. The college authorities did not know that this was the beginning of the Facebook era.

Youngest billionaire

Mark left Harvard in his second year to bring his project to fruition. Together with several friends (including Dustin Moskovitz), Zuckerberg moved to Palo Alto. There they rented a small house, which became their “headquarters”. During the summer, Mark found a sponsor (Peter Thiel), who invested money in new company. At the initial stage of the work, Harvard student from Brazil Eduardo Saverin, who later sued Zuckerberg and received 5 percent of Facebook shares, helped financially.

The company's first office appeared in mid-2004, and soon Mark, who owns 24% of the shares of the company he invented, became the youngest billionaire on the planet.

Released in October 2010, Fincher's biopic " Social network"is a detailed story about the start, formation of Facebook and litigation surrounding the company. Zuckerberg did not welcome the idea of ​​making such a movie: “I didn’t want anyone to film the biography of Mark Zuckerberg while I was alive.” However, he later appreciated the drama (which received two Oscars and four Golden Globes). The role of Mark in the film was played by Jesse Eisenberg.

The actor and his hero shook hands for the first time on Saturday Night Live. live"in January 2011.

Generosity is his middle name

On December 9, 2010, Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett signed a promise called The Giving Pledge. This agreement stipulates that every millionaire (billionaire) who signs it must donate 50% or more of his wealth to charity. Later, other billionaires joined the “oath.”

Mark not only traveled the world, widely promoted his social network, contributed to the creation of numerous applications, but also remained one of the most famous philanthropists.

So, on December 19, 2013, Zuckerberg donated part of his Facebook shares to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (the amount of donations was approximately $990 million). As of December 31, 2013, this gift was recognized as the largest charitable contribution. Every year, Mark is among the 50 most generous Americans; his total contribution to a good cause has already exceeded $1 billion.

In the fall of 2012, Mark visited Moscow, and his lecture at Moscow State University. Lomonosov caused a huge stir.

Personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

Together with Priscilla

Mark met his future wife, Priscilla Chan, at a fraternity party during his sophomore year at Harvard. In 2003 they started dating. Priscilla is the daughter of Chinese-Vietnamese refugees who came to the United States after the fall of Saigon in 1975. She was born in Braintree, a suburb of Boston (Massachusetts). Chan attended medical school at the University of California.

In September 2010, Zuckerberg invited his friend to move in together, and they began to live in Palo Alto. In December of the same year, the couple traveled to China. Before this, Mark managed to master the basics of Mandarin.

On May 19, 2012, Zuckerberg and Chan got married on the back patio of the groom's home, combining the wedding celebration with Priscilla's graduation from medical school.

Gratitude for the birth of Max

One thing darkened the personal life of Mark Zuckerberg and his wife - they could not become parents. Priscilla suffered three miscarriages. But on July 31, 2015, Mark announced that his wife was pregnant again, and this time the risk of losing the child was minimized.

On December 1, 2015, the billionaire’s first-born daughter, Maxim (“Max”) Chan Zuckerberg, was born. In an open letter to Max, Mark and Priscilla promised to donate 99% of their Facebook shares - this is how they expressed gratitude to fate for the birth of their daughter.

“The most important thing in business is to concentrate on creating something important enough. Working on what you would like to use yourself is the main task.”

Mark Zuckerberg

According to Forbes ratings in 2015, Mark Zuckerberg's fortune amounted to 33.4 billion US dollars, which is 4.9 billion US dollars. more than in the previous year. Everyone knows his name. Founder of the social network Facebook, young billionaire. What is his secret?

Talent? Luck? Or hard work? What helped the founder of the world-famous social network achieve such heights? Let's figure it out...

The life of a millionaire is somewhat reminiscent of a Hollywood movie. And in some places it’s hard to believe that his story is real.

Mark Zuckerberg is an American programmer and entrepreneur. Together with his roommates at Harvard University - Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Makowitz and Chris Naget - he launched the social network Facebook, which became the largest social network in the world.

  • Years in the family

The future genius was born into a very prosperous Jewish family in New York. At the age of 10, he and his parents realized what their son wanted to do in the future - programming. It was at this age that little Mark received his first computer, from which he practically never left, like all his peers at that time. The only thing that distinguished him from his comrades was his love and special interest in programming. Soon he began to read specialized literature; his serious hobby attracted him to the creation of a program with which he could exchange messages. Programming for him is like creativity for an artist.

While still in school, the billionaire and a friend wrote a program for the MP3 player Winamp, which allowed the computer to analyze musical preferences and independently create playlists that were ideal for it. Microsoft wanted to buy it for $2 million. But Mark Zuckerberg said that the “miracle of music” is not for sale and made it publicly available.

Surprisingly, with such enthusiasm, Zuckerberg found time for other activities: he understood mathematics and natural sciences very well. He took up fencing with enthusiasm. I immersed myself in antiquity and studied ancient languages. Once I spent three months of school holidays at a summer school taking ancient Greek language courses. True, I changed my mind about enrolling in the corresponding department, but I retained the ability to read and write in both classical languages. And at the university I chose a rather unexpected direction - psychology.

When Zuckerberg studied at the university, there was no database with photographs of students and information about them. Although this was practiced in other educational institutions.

He hacked the university database and created a website where almost everyone could appreciate the beauty local girls. This idea interested the students. And soon the server crashed due to the number of visits. University management reprimanded Mark Zuckerberg. Within a few hours, it was visited by half a thousand users. University officials quickly backed down.

After creating a social network that facilitated communication between students, first at Harvard, then at others educational institutions. But the creation was not smooth. On the contrary, he was dragged through the courts by two brothers who studied with him. The brothers claimed that Mark simply stole their idea. This is partly true. They invited him as a programmer to create a similar project.

The brothers did not win a single lawsuit, but received compensation in the form of 45 million dollars. USA in 2009.

Facebook has become popular among students mainly because of its convenience. They could organize themselves into groups, courses and parties that already existed offline at universities. They were asked to post photographs and any information about themselves - from scientific and creative interests to gastronomic and love preferences.
Zuckerberg's company sees two fundamental differences Facebook from other social networks. Firstly, here real people they are really looking for existing people. Secondly, on Facebook you yourself determine which user groups have access to your information - only classmates or all campus residents, only fellow countrymen or, say, all fans of Pushkin’s work. Many users like the intuitive interface.

A film was made about Zuckerberg and the history of his creation in 2010 called “The Social Network.”

Some interesting facts about Mark Zuckerberg (instead of a conclusion):

  • Born into a family of doctors, he chose programming. Zuckerberg's parents were a dentist and a psychiatrist and he has 3 sisters. He did not follow the path of his parents and chose computers. He started programming as a child.
  • Mark confuses green and red. This means that it distinguishes blue colors best. It is not surprising that it is made in this color.
  • He dropped out of Harvard to pursue his dream.. At first the social network was called Thefacebook. Zuckerberg developed a website for students to communicate with each other. Then he moved to California and found an investor for his project. He bought in 2005.
  • The 2010 film The Social Network is a metaphor. It begins with the phrase “You won’t find 500 million friends without making a few enemies.” The film shows an unflattering side of Zuckerberg. When he won 4 Golden Globes in 2011, the producer thanked Mark for allowing him to use his life and work as a metaphor. Through it, the director depicted the ways people communicate with each other.
  • Zuckerberg has had several legal battles. He became a billionaire at the age of 23. He was accused of intellectual theft, blasphemy and failure to defend the contract.
  • He sets himself goals to improve each year. Every year, the founder of Facebook sets himself new challenge. For example, in 2009, he wore a tie to work every day. In 2010, I learned Mandarin. In 2012, he wrote code every day. In 2014, he set himself the goal of writing one thank you note every day by email or regular mail.
  • In 2010, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates and Warren Buffett signed an agreement, the main point of which was donate at least half of your wealth to charity.
  • He wears a gray T-shirt with the Facebook logo almost every day. He explains this by saying that he is very busy and it saves him time in the morning.
  • If you type @ in the Facebook comment box and press enter, his name will appear.

Some life principles, learned from Mark Zuckerberg, can inspire you to achieve your own goals. This is a great example successful person who achieved high results following his dream.

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Mark Eliot Zuckerberg is a young programmer who managed to make a decent fortune from his hobby. He managed to find a place for literally everything: career, love and conscious fatherhood.

Zuckerberg is known throughout the world as a programmer, an entrepreneur who makes money from computer technologies, and a renowned philanthropist. At the same time, the billionaire became famous thanks to the social network Facebook he created with his own hands.

An interesting fact is that millions of Facebook users do not know why its interface is colored blue. The fact is that Mark Zuckerberg simply cannot distinguish between half the colors, but the color of the sky is the main one in the palette young man.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mark Zuckerberg

The youngest businessman, computer scientist and hacker in the world has always attracted the attention of the public, who were eager to find out what the guy’s height, weight, and age were. How old is Mark Zuckerberg is, of course, a pretty easy question, because this information is publicly available.

It is worth noting that the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, was born in 1984, so his age was thirty-three years old. At the same time, the zodiac sign - Taurus - gave Mark such character traits as hard work, patience, endurance, calmness, practicality, stability, and intelligence.

Eastern horoscope gave Zuckerberg the sign of the sociable, lucky, charming, resourceful, intuitive, talkative Rat.

Mark Zuckerberg's height is one meter and sixty-six centimeters, and his weight computer genius stopped at eighty-four kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

The biography and personal life of Mark Zuckerberg are simply unique, they are incredibly similar to the strange fairy tale. Mark Eliot Zuckerberg was born in the American town of White Plains, located near New York.

Already at the age of ten, the boy not only did well at school, but also independently understood a programming language such as Atari BASIC. At the same time, Mark practically could not draw, so he created computer games using graphics provided by friends.

At the age of twelve, the guy created a home social network that allowed members of the Zuckerberg family to communicate. After graduating from junior school, he went to a boarding school for future programmers, Phillips Exeter Academy. Before leaving it, Mark wrote thesis, which Microsoft decided to buy from the young genius for two million dollars. Employees of the mega-giant offered the guy to become their employee, even before he graduated from school, but he proudly refused.

The guy got it higher education at Harvard, but it was related to psychology. It was with the light hand of Mark that the University created the CourseMatch program, which allows you to exchange knowledge on certain academic disciplines.

By the way, Mark was an excellent hacker, as he repeatedly hacked databases, including those of his native university. This was done in order to launch a project through which you could vote for one of the students, while Facemash was created in order to make Harvard more transparent.

Based on the above program, the Facebook project was created in collaboration with Hughes, Moskowitz and Saverin, which was supposed to unite people all over the world. It was created in a week and gained popularity in a matter of days as students from other US campuses joined in.

The guy left his studies and invested money for his studies in the development of a social network; already in 2004 he became the CEO of his own company, Facebook. Mark found investors and continued to develop the capabilities of his project.

Since 2015, Zuckerberg has managed to become the richest and most popular businessman in the world, whose age does not exceed forty years.

Mark's personal life was incredibly boring, because he was head over heels in love with programming, which left no time for love or romance with girls. The guy did not like to attend parties and meet representatives of the fairer sex. It just so happened that Priscilla became Zuckerberg's first girlfriend, love and wife.

Family and children of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's family and children are very unusual; they are used to constantly supporting each other. Little Mark Eliot was born into a family of doctors, and these were not just doctors, but a whole medical dynasty. The Zuckerberg family had many children, was devout, they observed all the ancient Jewish traditions and raised their children in strictness.

The guy's ancestry was a complex interweaving of various nationalities, including Poles, Jews, Germans, and Austrians. Mark is the second child and the only boy in the family.

Father: Edward Zuckerberg– had a private dental practice until 2012. It was his father who discovered ten-year-old Mark’s inclination towards computer graphics and programming. He gave the boy his first personal computer, and he himself demonstrated what exactly could be done with it.

Soon the father and older sister they realized how much the little prodigy had surpassed them in computer literacy and could no longer compete with him in this area.

Mom - Karen Zuckerberg– worked as a qualified psychiatrist.

Mark had three more sisters growing up, who were his most best friends. It was Randy, Ariel and Donna who supported their older brother in all his endeavors and were happy for him.

Mark Zuckerberg's children are his joy and pride. While the programmer has a two-year-old daughter growing up, it was recently announced on a social network that Priscilla is pregnant again.

Mark claims that the ultrasound showed that another daughter was about to be born. Zuckerberg said he was ready to go to work for the sake of the baby. maternity leave. At the same time, he posted his photographs and childhood photographs of his wife and sisters on Facebook, pointing out that having a loved one is a great happiness.

Mark is madly worried only about the fact that his beloved Priscilla will again give birth to a baby as difficult as her first daughter.

Daughter of Mark Zuckerberg - Maxima Chan Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's daughter, Maxima Chan Zuckerberg, is a long-awaited and beloved girl who was born in 2015. The happy dad announced the birth of his beloved princess through his own social network Facebook.

Maxima is a long-awaited baby, as she gave birth after three miscarriages from her mother. After the birth of the baby, Mark and Priscilla began to develop her in every possible way, using innovative developments.

Mark loves to tinker with the girl, constantly posting his innovative ideas online that help make life easier for parents. He constantly dresses Maxima as characters from his favorite TV series, which have finally appeared in theaters.

The girl is taught to swim from infancy, she loves animals, and especially her dog Bist. The baby's first word was “dog.”

Daughter of Mark Zuckerberg - Augusta Chan Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's daughter, Augusta Chan Zuckerberg, was born at the end of August 2017. One of the richest businessmen in the world traditionally announced the birth of another princess through his social network, specifying that he welcomes the baby and is already thinking about her future, which will be bright.

Mom and baby feel great, and their star dad is already planning to go on maternity leave a couple of times - in September and December. He plans to take care of little Augusta on his own while his Priscilla gains strength after giving birth.

Mark Zuckerberg's wife - Priscilla Chan

Mark Zuckerberg's wife, Priscilla Chan, appeared in the guy's life absolutely by accident, since he did not intend to fall in love or start a family. Moreover, in 2002, in line in toilet room At Harvard University, after a party, Mark met Priscilla.

The girl appreciated the guy’s computer humor and believed that he could create his own social network. Priscilla never demanded decisive action from Mark, so she was very happy when the guy proposed marriage to her in 2012.

This event was timed to coincide with the day when Facebook shares began to break all records on the stock exchange. The most interesting thing is that after five months of preparation, the wedding took place in the backyard of the house.

Priscilla Chan graduated from Harvard as a pediatrician, translator, and physician. The woman devotes a lot of time and effort to charity aimed at the development of medicine and pedagogy.

By allowing people to share information, we make the world more transparent.
Mark Zuckerberg.

The versatility of human nature knows no bounds. Who would have thought that the youngest billionaire in the world and the most tastelessly dressed male celebrity, an inventive programmer and a prominent polyglot, the most influential Jew on the planet and a budding swordsman - all these are characteristics of the same person.

His name is Mark Zuckerberg.

I will dwell in a little more detail on the legal conflicts that befell Mark Zuckerberg after the launch of Facebook.

The offended guys from Harvard Connection were the first to take on Mark. Just 6 days after the historic launch of, they filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg. According to them, the talented programmer not only did not fulfill his promise (see above), but also used their ideas to create his world-famous brainchild. In fact, it was about the theft of intellectual property. Litigation in this case lasted from February 2004 to June 2008, when the injured party received 1.2 million common shares of Facebook and $20 million in cash as compensation. In total this is about 65 million dollars.

The second person who laid claim to part of the social network Facebook was its first sponsor, Eduardo Saverin. It is not entirely clear what exactly the once friends Mark and Eduardo did not share, but the result of their disagreement in 2009 was 5% of the company’s shares for Eduardo. At that time it was about 1 billion dollars.

In 2010, a certain Paul Seglia appeared on the life horizon of Mark Zuckerberg. The latter, insisting on his investment in a programmer back in 2003, laid claim to 84% of Facebook.

However, Paul never managed to benefit from the generosity of the creator of Facebook. In 2012, he was arrested on suspicion of fraud and fabrication of evidence against Mark Zuckerberg.

The most, the most, the most...

With legal claims - reverse side wealth and popularity. And they grew and continue to grow by leaps and bounds for Mark Zuckerberg. Along with them, all sorts of “titles and regalia” rained down on him. Only the most interesting of them are listed below.

  • 2010- Forbes magazine recognizes Mark as the youngest billionaire in the world (in March his fortune was estimated at $4 billion). In addition, another world-famous publication, Time, calls Mark “person of the year.” This year can also be considered a landmark year for Mark Zuckerberg due to the fact that David Fincher’s film “The Social Network” is being released on big screens. Who do you think served as the prototype for the main character?! Thus, Mark was filmed during his lifetime. But he was only 26 then...

  • 2011- Mark Zuckerberg is hailed as the most influential Jew on the planet. By the way, he retains this “title” to this day. In the same year, Mark received very dubious recognition from the world community - GQ magazine named him the most tastelessly dressed billionaire.

  • 2013- the same Forbes estimates Mark’s fortune at $19 billion, which means that the creator of Facebook has increased his income almost 5 times in 3 years. This absolute record for young self-made billionaires.

Another Mark Zuckerberg

With the title “the very best,” Mark was forced to begin to behave more publicly. Just like the rich and famous do. At least that part of them that is conscientious.

In September 2010, Mark Zuckerberg spun off own funds$100 million to save the Newark public school system (New Jersey, USA). Evil tongues say that this was done for the sole purpose of whitening his name after the release of the aforementioned film “The Social Network,” in which the image of the young billionaire turned out to be very controversial.

I would not share this point of view, if only because already in December 2010, Mark Zuckerberg joined the so-called “Giving Pledge” - a philanthropic initiative of Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and George Lucas. Let me remind you that at one time these billionaires were the first to declare that after their death at least half of their fortune would be used for charitable purposes.

Having taken on such noble obligations, Mark did not stop doing charity work. In December 2012, he donated $500 million to further development young companies in Silicon Valley.

Mark Zuckerberg’s philanthropic thoughts were also manifested in the development of Internet projects other than Facebook. Let's say he became the leader of the movement, whose goal is to optimize immigration legislation and the US education system.

Moreover, in August 2013, Mark Zuckerberg launched the Internet new project- Its task is truly epoch-making - to enable 5 billion people who still do not have the Internet to use it. How this will happen and whether it will be implemented in practice at all, time will tell. But the idea itself is worthy of the highest praise!

Rich "nerds" are people too...

And nothing human is alien to them. It turns out that Mark Zuckerberg has a personal life and it is connected with Priscilla Chen. He met her in his second year at Harvard.

The couple’s relationship has stood the test of time, for it was only in 2010 that Mark invited his future wife to move in with him in Palo Alto. The girl agreed and on May 19, 2012 they got married.

It is especially worth remembering the originality of the wedding ceremony. About 100 people gathered in Mark's backyard. They all thought they were visiting Zuckerberg on the occasion of his wife's graduation as a doctor (Priscilla is a pediatrician). However, it turned out that they were invited to a wedding. Another joke from Mark, you know...
