The article a, an, the in English: examples, features of use and rules. Article - The Article

Article- this is a special function word in English language, which is used before a noun. The article is often not translated into Russian. In English, the article is a noun determiner and is not an independent part of speech. Additionally about.

the definite article the used in English in the following cases:

1. The definite article is used before countable nouns, if it is clear from the situation/previous experience/context what object or person is being discussed.

Examples: We met a girl in the park. The girl was a famous actress. – We met a girl in the park. This girl was a famous actress. (In the second sentence the noun girl used with the definite article the, because the girl was already discussed in the previous sentence)
Please close the book. - Close the book, please. (It must be clear to the interlocutor what book we are talking about, otherwise the speaker could not use the article in this case the)

2. The definite article is used before a noun with a modifier, which indicates what kind of subject we are talking about.

Examples: Show me the magazine that I gave you 2 weeks ago. – Show me the magazine that I gave you 2 weeks ago.
The key lying near the pillar is mine. – The key lying near the counter is mine.

3. The definite article is used with nouns that denote unique, one-of-a-kind objects, or the only objects under given conditions.

Examples:the sun – sun (does not indicate the name of the planets, therefore it is used with the definite article as a phenomenon that is unique in its kind),
the moon – moon (does not indicate the name of the planets, therefore it is used with the definite article as a unique phenomenon),
the sky – sky (one of a kind),
the Eiffel Tower – Eiffel Tower (the only one),
the captain - captain (since he is the only one on the ship),
the chief – chef (since he is the only chef in the restaurant),
the window – window (since it is the only one in the room),
the Earth – Earth (Earth as a planet, one of a kind),
Noun Earth in the meaning of one of the planets (as Venus - Venus or Saturn - Saturn) used without an article and written with capital letters , since according to the rule, the names of the planets are used without an article.

4. The definite article is used before a noun, which denotes not a separate object, but the whole class as a whole.

Examples:The lion is a wild animal. – A lion is a wild animal.
The pine is an evergreen tree. – Pine is an evergreen tree.

5. The definite article is used with the names of cinemas, hotels, museums, galleries, newspapers and magazines, ships.

Examples:the Odeon - Odeon cinema,
the Astoria – hotel “Astoria”,
the British Museum - British Museum,
the Tate Gallery – Tate Gallery,
the Times - The Times newspaper,
the Santa Maria - ship "Santa Maria", etc.

Note! If the name of a city facility (cinema, hotel, museum, gallery, etc.) contains the name settlement or a person's name (ending in –s or ‘s), then no article is used.

Examples: St. Paul's Cathedral - Cathedral of St. Pavel
Madame Tussaud’s Museum – Madame Tussaud’s Museum
Covent Garden - Covent Garden Opera House (named after the nearby market)
MacDonald's - McDonald's
Westminster Abbey - Westminster Abbey (named after the area)
Buckingham Palace - Buckingham Palace (named after the county in England)
Edinburgh Castle – Edinburgh Castle
London Zoo – London Zoo
Scotland Yard - Scotland Yard

6. The definite article is used with names of rivers, canals, seas, oceans, groups of islands, mountain ranges, deserts, lakes(if they are used without the word lake).

Examples:the Dnepr - Dnieper,
the Panama Canal - Panama Canal,
the Black Sea - Black Sea,
the Pacific Ocean - Pacific Ocean,
the Hawaiian Islands - Hawaiian Islands,
the Bahamas - Bahamas,
the Urals - Ural Mountains,
the Sahara desert - Sahara desert,
the Ontario - Ontario et al.
Lake Superior - Lake Superior
Leech Lake– (lake) Lich
Loch Ness – (lake) Loch Ness (loch – Scottish version of the word “lake”)

7. The definite article is used with country names consisting of more than one word.

Examples:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Union of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
the United States of America – the USA – United States of America,
the Philippines - Philippines,
the United Arab Emirates - United Arab Emirates,
the Netherlands – Netherlands, etc.

As an exception, the definite article is used with the following countries and localities:

Examples:the Sudan - Sudan,
the Congo - Congo,
the Argentina Argentina,
the Ukraine - Ukraine,
the Crimea – Crimea,
the Caucasus – Caucasus, etc.

8. The definite article is used with the following city names:

Examples:the Hague - The Hague,
the Athens - Athens,
the Vatican – Vatican, etc.

9. The definite article is used with the following words (when they are used as adverbs of place):

Examples:beach- beach, cinema- cinema, city- city, country(side)- countryside, ground- Earth, jungle– jungle, library- library, pub– bar, radio- radio, sea– sea, seaside– coast, station- railway station, shop- shop, theater- theater, world– peace, etc.

10. The definite article is used with adjectives only - only, last - last, first - first.

Examples: It was the first time I was ever in love. – It was the first time I fell in love.
I had the only dream to become an engineer-designer of the electronic devices. – My only dream was to become an engineer-designer of electronic equipment.

11. The definite article is used with .

Examples:the rich - rich,
the young - youth,
the homeless - homeless people, etc.

12. The definite article is used c .

Examples: Nicole is the best friend. – Nicole is my best friend.
Winter is the coldest season of the year. – Winter is the coldest season of the year.

13. The definite article is used with ordinal numbers.

Examples:the first - first,
the second - second,
the fifteenth – fifteenth,
the second Unit - second lesson,
Unit 1 – Lesson 1, etc.

14. The definite article is used with words morning - morning, afternoon - day, evening - evening.

Examples: in the morning - in the morning,
in the afternoon - during the day,
in the evening - in the evening.

15. The definite article is used with names of musical instruments.

Examples:the piano - piano,
the violin - violin,
the double-bass - double bass,
the guitar - guitar, etc.

16. The definite article is used with names of nationalities.

Examples:the Ukrainian - Ukrainians,
the Belorussian - Belarusians,
the English - Englishmen,
the Dutch - Dutch, etc.

17. The definite article is used with a surname when talking about the whole family.

Examples:the Petrovs – Petrov family,
the Browns - Brown family, etc.

18. The definite article is used with titles.

Examples:the Queen - queen,
the Prince - prince,
the Lord - lord
Queen Victoria - Queen Victoria,
Prince William - Prince William,
Lord Byron - Lord Byron, etc.

Hello my wonderful readers!

You can probably guess which word is the most frequently used in English, right? Of course it is article "the". And today we will analyze where its use in English is appropriate and where it is not. We will study the rules for its use, look at numerous examples, let's look at a table with fixed expressions that you can always have at hand. And then you can go to and to consolidate everything you've learned here.

Go ahead, friends!

A little grammar

If the article “a” (more about it!) is used only with nouns that can be counted, then “the” is used with all nouns: and in singular and plural; with both countable and uncountable objects .

By the way, the pronunciation of the article also changes depending on which letter the next word begins with. If the word begins with a consonant, then the article is pronounced as [ðə], for example the banana - banana. But if an object begins with a vowel, it is pronounced like [ði], for example, the apple - apple.

When to use

  • If in speech or writing subject already mentioned, then in the future you can use this article with it.

I received an e-mail from my friends. The letter told me that they would visit me on the weekend.- I received a letter from my friends. The letter said that they would visit me on the weekend.

  • With unique items that are one of a kind, we also use the - the sun, the moon, the Earth.

The moon today is extremely beautiful.- The moon is incredibly beautiful today.

  • With geographical names at the article and at all special relationship. With names rivers, deserts, oceans, island groups and mountain ranges We can confidently use the article, but we must not forget about exceptions. I talk about them in great detail.

The Atlantic Ocean is the most beautiful ocean on the planet. - Atlantic Ocean- the most beautiful ocean on the planet.

The Comoro Islands attract lots of tourists every year.- The Comoros Islands attract many tourists every year.

  • With titles hotels, cinemas, ships, museums, galleries and newspapers We most often also use the definite article.

The Hilton hotel is about to open in our city.- A Hilton hotel is about to open in our city.

The Louvre is the most attended museum in Europe.- The Louvre is the most visited museum in Europe.

  • With adjectives of the highest degree of comparison: the most, the best, the worst.

The most beautiful place I’ve ever been is Japan in spring.- The most a nice place the best I've ever seen is Japan in the spring.

The best books I’ve ever read were about Harry Potter. - Best books that I read is Harry Potter.

  • With musical tools and names dancing.

The violin is my most beloved musical instrument.- The violin is my favorite musical instrument.

The contemporary has become very popular among dancers some years ago.- Contempo became very popular among dancers several years ago.

When not to use

Knowing when the definite article is used is extremely important, but it is also equally important to know when it is used. Not used.

  • With plural nouns that can't be counted when we tell something general.

Trees produce oxygen.- Trees produce oxygen. (Any trees, in general)

  • With names own and before names we never use it.

Jinny is very talented. She can play 3 different musical instruments.- Ginny is very talented. She can play three different instruments.

  • With titles countries, cities, streets, parks, mountains, lakes, bridges and islands we try to avoid it.

Spain is mostly famous for its football club Barcelona. - Spain is mainly known for its football club Barcelona.

I dream of climbing Everest.- I dream of climbing Everest.

  • With names sports, activities, games, colors, days, months, drinks, lunches he's not friendly.

I can speak Turkish a little.- I can speak a little Turkish.

I was born in July. - I was born in July.

My favorite color is green. - Green is my favorite color.

  • If we have pronouns this, that, those- We Not we use "the". In addition, with possessive We also do not use pronouns (and the possessive case in general!).

This the ball was signed by a famous football player.- This ball was signed by a famous football player.

Kathy's dress is ready. I've already cleaned it.- Casey's dress is ready. I cleaned it yesterday.

  • With words school, church, hospital, college, university, court, prison we use it or we don't use it depending on the meaning. Let's see an example:

I go to school from Monday to Friday.- I go to school from Monday to Friday. (as a student)

My mother went to the school for a meeting. - My mother went to school for a meeting. (As a parent, not as a student)

  • With titles diseases we can also use or do not use article.

I've got (the) flu. - I got sick.

Set expressions

Both the and a form stable expressions that cannot be changed in any way. So let's get to know them (By the way, if you need general information about articles in the English language, then you).

I am sure that now that you have a hint in the form of a table and structured rules in your hands, it will be much easier for you to master the ones that I have prepared for you. And after them you can move on. Practice as much as possible, study, learn new rules and improve your English.

And I’m ready to help you with this. The materials on my blog are constantly updated, and my subscribers receive them even before they appear on the site. I’m waiting for you there to share important materials with the very first.

And for today I say goodbye.

The English language is full of mysteries and amazing things. But more often for a Russian-speaking user they are rather “troubles”. Today we will try to deal with one of the simplest “problems” in the English language – the definite article the. It is worth mentioning that in addition to the definite article there is also an indefinite article. We will talk about it in the next article.

So, why do they need it? Definite article (the) accompanies those nouns that should already be known to the listener from the context, situation or general knowledge. He also often points out unique, one-of-a-kind items.

Let us describe cases of its use with examples:

  • If we are talking about the only thing in the world: The sun is in the sky - The sun is in the sky.
  • If the subject has already been mentioned in conversation: "I ve got a very interesting book," says Mike. "Please show me the book," says Nick.- " I have an interesting book" - Mike says. "Show me this book, please" - Nick says.
  • When talking about an object (or person) that is the only one in a specific situation: The teacher is in the classroom - Teacher in class (there is only one teacher in this class).
  • If we talk about a certain (by context) amount of a substance: Is the milk on the table? - Is there milk on the table? (i.e. exactly milk (in a certain package/in a certain volume).
  • With a noun preceded by a superlative adjective: He is the best student in our group - He is the best student in our group.
  • With a noun preceded by an ordinal number: We are on the fourth floor - We're on the fifth floor.
  • Before the names of seas, mountain ranges, islands, rivers, deserts, ships, hotels, cinemas, theaters; before words country(In the countryside) , sea(sea) , seaside (by the sea) , mountains (mountains) and when generalizing: Did you go to the Black Sea or to the Volga? - Have you traveled to the Black Sea or the Volga?
  • Before a noun in singular, denoting a whole class of objects, people (i.e., in generalization): The whale is a mammal, not a fish - Whale- It's a mammal, not a fish.
  • After the words one of(one of)) , some of(some of)), many of (many (of)), each of (each (of)), most of (most of the)), often after words all (All) , both of (both): Give me one of the books - Give me one of (these) books.
  • Before the names of the four cardinal directions: the Northern part of our country - north of our country.
  • Before the plural surname (when denoting all family members): - The Petrovs are at home - Petrov's houses.

We have listed the main cases of using the definite article. But it's not that simple. There is also an indefinite article, we will talk about it in detail in the next article. Good luck in learning English! And to ensure that the result pleases you, contact TutorOnline tutors =)

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In English - unlike Russian - special words - articles - are widely used. The article and the rules for its use in English are presented below in examples to make it easier to understand required material. In English there are two articles: the definite the and uncertain a (an) . The article is generally placed only before nouns. The indefinite article applies exclusively to singular countable nouns, but the definite article can be applied to various singular and plural nouns, whether they are countable or not.

First, let's remember in what cases the article is not used. The article is not used if the noun is preceded by (one, two, six, etc), a possessive or (this, that, my, our etc.), another noun in the possessive case (my father's, Mary's etc.), or the negation “no” (Not not!). Examples:

  • My room is not big, but comfortable - My room is small but comfortable.
  • There are two boys in the yard - there are two boys in the yard.
  • I have no brother - I don’t have a brother.

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Note: if a noun in the possessive case performs the function of an adjective, the use of an article is possible, for example: Paul is a man's name(male name). Paula is a woman's name(female name). It's a children's bicycle(children bicycle).

The article is not used with uncountable nouns, denoting an indefinite amount of substance or an abstract concept:

  • I don’t like tea, I prefer coffee. — I don’t like tea, I prefer coffee ( Tea coffee- at all)
  • Friendship is one of the most important things in my life. — Friendship is one of the most important things in my life (friendship is an abstract concept)

The article is not used with names of sports:

  • I am fond of football, and my sister prefers badminton. — I love football, and my sister prefers badminton.

Also, the article is not used with proper names (except for some geographical names, which will be discussed below).

Indefinite article "a"

The indefinite article is “a” / “an” - this is not an independent article, but a form of the indefinite that is used before nouns that begin with a vowel sound: an apple, an orange.

  • The forms a and an are remnants of the Old English word for "one", so indefinite article used only with singular nouns.

The indefinite article is used in the following cases:

  • When the item is mentioned for the first time. For example, I live in a house.
  • When designating a profession or occupation. For example, She is a teacher. My friend is a student.
  • After: This is, That is, It is, There is. For example, This is a computer. There is a rose in the vase.
  • If an adjective characterizing it is used with a noun, in such cases the article is placed before the adjective. Example: This is a flower. This is a red flower.
  • Remember the use of the indefinite article in sentences of the following type

- What a beautiful color!
- What a tasty cake!
- What a good girl!

The definite article "the"

The definite article is used in the following cases:

  • If we are talking about a specific subject that we have already talked about, or we understand from the context what we are talking about. For example, Yesterday I saw a film. The film was not interesting.
  • With items that are one of a kind - Thesun, thewind, themoontheearth
  • After . For example, There is a cat in front of the monitor.
  • C – the smallest – the smallest, the quickest – the fastest
  • C, for example: the first book, the fifth floor (BUT: if the ordinal number indicates a number, the article is not used: Lesson 7, Bus 15, page 45)
  • With cardinal directions: In the north; in the south; in the east; in the west
  • With the surname - if we are talking about the whole family - the Ivanovs - Ivanovs, the Smiths - Smiths
  • In stable phrases: In the morning; in the evening; in the afternoon; to the cinema/theatre; to the shop/market; at the cinema/the theater; at the shop/the market

Definite article with geographical names

The definite article must be used with the following geographical names:

  • seas - the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea
  • oceans - the Pacific ocean
  • rivers - the Voilga, the Nile
  • channels – the English Channel
  • bays, straits - the Gulf of Mexico, the Bosphorus Straits
  • archipelagos - the Seichelles
  • deserts - the Sahara, the Gobi
  • mountain ranges - the Alps
  • countries, if the name contains the word Republic, Federation, Kingdom, it is in the plural (t he Netherlands) or abbreviated as (the USA, the UK)

The article is not used with the names of countries, lakes, mountains (peaks), islands, cities, continents, streets, squares, airports. Exceptions:

  • theGambia— Gambia,
  • the Hague - The Hague

The definite article is also used with the names of hotels, cinemas, theaters, newspapers and magazines.

We have reflected the basic rules for using the article. There are many nuances, and the scope of one article does not allow mentioning everything. But we have prepared another video lesson about some difficult cases of using the article:

We hope that the above will help you understand articles in English and use them correctly in your speech, but do not forget that repetition is the mother of learning, do not be lazy to revise the rules as often as possible.

Today we will talk about the rules for using articles in English. There is no such concept in Russian grammar, so this topic is considered one of the most difficult. But in our article we will try to clarify everything. Using clear examples, we will show when the definite article the is used, and in which cases the indefinite article a/an or the zero article is used.

General rules for using articles in English

Why do we need an article in English at all? Its main function is to indicate the definiteness or uncertainty of a noun. Therefore, there are two articles in English - the indefinite article a/an (indefinite article) and the definite article the (definite article). There is also such a thing as a zero article.

The choice of one of the articles is inextricably linked with:

  • Indefinite article a/an is used with singular countable nouns.
  • Definite article the can be used with countable nouns (regardless of their number) and with uncountable nouns.
  • Zero article used with uncountable nouns or with plural countable nouns.

I heard a story(singular countable noun). - I heard history.
It is good advice(uncountable noun). - This one good advice.
I liked the films(plural countable noun). - I liked movies.

Students often make three common mistakes when choosing an article:

  1. Use the indefinite article a/an with plural countable nouns:

    I'd like to buy a books. - I would like to buy books.

  2. Use the indefinite article a/an with uncountable nouns:

    I love a modern furniture. - I love modern furniture.

  3. Use singular countable nouns without articles:

    You should visit doctor a doctor. - You should go to doctor.
    Give this toy to dog the dog. - Give me this toy dog.

If a noun is used with an adjective, then the article is placed before the adjective.

It is a hot day. - Today hot day.
It is the hottest day of this week. - This hottest day for this week.

We do not use the articles a, an or the if the noun already has:

  • (my - mine, his - his);
  • (this - this, that - that);
  • numeral (one - one, two - two).

This is my house. - This my house.
I have one sister. - I have one sister.

The main principle of choosing an article in English: we use the indefinite article a/an when we are not talking about a specific object, person or phenomenon, but about one of many. If we are talking about something or someone specific, we use the definite article the.

Articles are not translated into Russian, but if you try to translate according to their meaning, the indefinite article means “one”, the definite article means “this”, “that”.

I need a purse. - I need handbag. (just one handbag)
I need the purse I took yesterday. - I need handbag which I took yesterday. (that same, specific handbag)

I had an orange for lunch. - For lunch I ate orange. (just one orange)The orange was delicious. - Orange was delicious. (the same orange I ate for lunch)
My parents bought a car. - My parents bought car. (just one car, we don’t know which one)The car is incredible. - Car amazing. (the same car that my parents bought)
Would you like to watch a film? - Do you wanna take a look movie? (we don’t know what movie yet)Sure, let's watch the film that has been released this week. - Of course, let's see movie, which came out this week. (specific movie)

Watch two video clips: the first is about any film, and the other is about a specific one:

To make it easier for you to remember the general rules for using articles in English, we suggest keeping our author’s diagram for yourself.

The indefinite article a/an in English

The choice of the indefinite article a or the indefinite article an depends on the sound with which the word following the article begins.

We put the article a, if the word begins with a consonant: a f ilm /ə fɪlm/ (film), a c ake /ə keɪk/ (pie), a p lace /ə pleɪs/ (place).

We put the article an, if the word begins with a vowel sound: an a rm /ən ɑːm/ (hand), an e gg /ən eɡ/ (egg), an i nteresting /ən ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ book (interesting book).


The words house (house) and hour (hour) begin with the letter h. In the word house /haʊs/ the first sound is a consonant, which means we put the article a - a house in front of it, and in the word hour /ˈaʊə(r)/ the first sound is a vowel, which means we choose the article an - an hour.

The words university (university) and umbrella (umbrella) begin with the letter u. In the word university /juːnɪˈvɜː(r)səti/ the first sound is a consonant, which means we need the article a - a university, and in the word umbrella /ʌmˈbrelə/ the first sound is a vowel, which means we use the article an - an umbrella.

In addition to the general rules, there are also special cases of using the indefinite article a/an:

  1. When we classify someone or something, that is, we indicate which group, type, genus this someone or something belongs to.

    She's a nurse. - She works nurse.
    Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink. - “Coca-Cola” - non-alcoholic carbonated drink.

  2. To indicate singularity when expressing measures of time, distance, weight, quantity, periodicity.

    Lemonade costs 2 dollars a liter. - Lemonade costs two dollars per ( one) liter.
    I drive at 50 kilometers an hour. - I drive at a speed of 50 kilometers in ( one) hour.
    I want a hundred roses. - Want one hundred (one hundred) roses

You will find more information on this topic in the article “The indefinite article in English".

The definite article the in English

IN general rules We have described the main cases of using the article the, now we will consider many special cases:

  1. The definite article the is used with one-of-a-kind, exceptional objects: the sun (sun), the environment (environment), the internet (Internet).

    An adjective will help make objects unique: the tallest building (the tallest building), the best singer (the best singer), the most expensive car (the most expensive car).

    And thanks to the words only (single), same (same), first (first), objects also become unique: the same exam (same exam), the only person ( only person), the first time (the first time).

    Yuri Gagarin was the first person in space. - Yuri Gagarin was first person in space.

  2. To describe or indicate a group of objects, a certain class as a whole, use the construction “the + singular countable noun.”

    The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. - Cheetahs- the fastest animals in the world. (we are not talking about one cheetah, but about a species of animal)
    I play the piano. - I play on piano.
    I consider the telephone to be the most important invention. - I believe that telephone- this is the most important invention.

  3. Also, when talking about a group of people, use the construction “the + adjective”. Please note that the verb in this case will be plural.

    For example: the young (youth), the poor (poor), the homeless (homeless).

    The young always argue with their parents. - The youth always argues with his parents.

    The same construction is used with adjectives that end in -ch, -sh, -ese, if all representatives of a nation are meant.

    For example: the French (French), the English (English), the Chinese (Chinese).

    The French are charming. - French people adorable.
    The Vietnamese are very hard-working. - Vietnamese very hardworking.

  4. When referring to all family members as a group of people, use the definite article the and the plural surname: the Joneses.
  5. The definite article the is often used with names:
    • buildings (hotels, cinemas, theaters, museums, galleries, restaurants, pubs) - the Plaza hotel, the Odeon, the Kremlin, the Red Lion pub (Red Lion pub);
    • newspapers (the article is part of the name and is written with a capital letter) - The Times (the Times newspaper), The Guardian (the Guardian newspaper);
    • sporting events - the FIFA World Cup (World Cup);
    • historical periods and events - the Bronze Age (Bronze Age), the Vietnam War (Vietnam War);
    • famous ships and trains - the Mayflower (ship "Mayflower");
    • organizations, political parties, institutions - the Red Cross (Red Cross), the Democratic Party (Democratic Party);
    • with those names in which there is a preposition of - the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Leaning Tower of Pisa), the University of Cambridge (Cambridge University)
  6. The definite article the is also used with some geographical names:
    • with countries that contain the words states (states), kingdom (kingdom), federation (federation), republic (republic), emirates (emirates) in their names - the United States of America (United States of America), the United Kingdom (Great Britain) , the Dominican Republic ( Dominican Republic), the Russian Federation (Russian Federation);
    • with the names of rivers, seas, canals, oceans, deserts, groups of islands, chains of mountains: the Amazon, the Maldives, the Black Sea, the Sahara, the Panama Canal ).
  7. With the words theater (theater), cinema (cinema), radio (radio), when we talk about pastime.

    I often go to the cinema with my friends. - I often go to movie with friends.

Zero article in English

In English there are nouns with which the article is not used; such an article is called zero.

The article is not used in the following cases:

  1. With uncountable nouns that denote food, substances, liquids, gases and abstract concepts.

    I don't eat rice. - I do not eat rice.

  2. With plural countable nouns, we talk about something in general.

    Wolves are predators. - Wolves- predators. (all wolves)

  3. With names and surnames of people.

    James likes golf. - James loves golf.

  4. With titles, ranks and forms of address, followed by the name - Queen Victoria (Queen Victoria), Mr Smith (Mr. Smith).
  5. With the names of continents, countries, cities, streets, squares, bridges, parks, isolated mountains, individual islands, lakes.

    He went to Australia. - He went to Australia.

  6. With names of pubs, restaurants, shops, banks and hotels that have a last name or first name that ends in -s or -"s - McDonald's, Harrods.
  7. With the names of sports, games, days of the week, months, meals, with the word TV (television).

    Let's meet on Thursday and watch TV. - Let's meet at Thursday and we'll see TV.
    I don't play football in February. - I don't play football V February.

  8. With the words church (church), college (college), court (court), hospital (hospital), prison (prison), school (school), university (university), when we talk about them in general as public institutions. However, if we mean a building, we use the definite article the or the indefinite article a/an depending on the context.

    Noah is at school. - Noah in school. (He's a student)
    His mother is at the school on a parents’ meeting. - His mother is in school at the parent meeting. (she came to a certain school building)

  9. In some stable expressions, For example:
    • go to bed / be in bed;
    • go to work / be at work / start work / finish work;
    • go home / come home / arrive home / get home / be at home;
    • go to sea / be at sea.

    My husband is a night-watchman, so he goes to work when I go home. - My husband is a night watchman, that's why he he's going to work, when I I am going home.
    Did you go to sea while I was in bed? - You went to the sea, while I was in bed?

  10. When describing a method of transportation with the preposition by: by bus (by bus), by car (by car), by plane (by plane), by foot (on foot).

Finally, we suggest you take our test to consolidate new material.

Test for the use of articles in English

If you think that the meaning of speech will be clear without using articles in English, you are right. They will understand you, but for native speakers it will sound about the same as for us the speech of foreigners without genders and cases: “I want water,” “My car is fast.” If you want to speak English fluently and fluently, we recommend that you save this article.

Please note that we have given the basic rules for using articles in English. In addition to them, there are many more nuances, exceptions and special cases that students with a level and above study.