Lesson press conference. Methodological developments for geography teachers

8th grade
Topic: Geological chronology and geological map.
Goal: to form ideas about the features geological structure territory of Russia.
Introduce the structural features of the earth's crust and the geochronological scale;
Develop the ability to work with maps (tectonic, geological) and draw conclusions, identify patterns;
Develop cognitive interest in Russia through the material being studied.
Equipment: physical, tectonic, geological maps, geochronological table, atlases
Organizing time
During the classes
New material.
Magnificent science - geology -
About the turbulent past of our mother Earth.
Many people have dreamed about geology in their lives,
But few were able to devote their lives to it.
(Valery Sergeev)
Geology is a science that studies the structure and history of the development of the Earth
Geotectonics is the study of the structure of the earth's crust and its movements.
Geochronology is a branch of geology that deals with the study of the age, duration and sequence of formation rocks.
The result of the research of geologists was a geochronological table, which reflects the geological history of the development of the Earth’s nature
Analysis of the geochronological table. (Working with the table).
The table is read from bottom to top.
The table necessarily indicates eras - time periods that correspond to major stages in the development of the earth's crust and the organic world. An era is a time during which a group of rocks with the remains of groups of animals and plants accumulated. Eras are very large periods of time, including millions, hundreds of millions and billions of years.
How many time stages (eras) is the geological history of the earth's crust divided into?
Name the eras, the duration of the eras?
What events took place during the Proterozoic era?
Which era was the longest?
What periods are eras divided into?
Name the periods Paleozoic era, Mesozoic era, Cenozoic era?
Which period is the shortest?
What period are we living in?
Working with the textbook. Read and tell me how the age and time of formation of rocks is determined?
How is the absolute age of rocks determined?
The earth's crust within modern Russia formed over a long period of time as a result of various geological processes. Therefore, its parts are different:
a) on the structure, composition and occurrence of rocks,
b) by age and developmental history.
a) Based on structural features, mobile and stable sections of the earth’s crust are distinguished.
Most of the territory of Russia is occupied by stable sections of the earth's crust - platforms: East European, West Siberian and Siberian. The platforms have a two-tier structure. Their lower part is the foundation. These are the remains of collapsed mountain systems. Loose sedimentary rocks (sedimentary cover) lie on top of the foundation. They were formed during the destruction of mountains and the slow subsidence of the foundation, when it was filled with sea waters. In some parts of the platforms there is no sedimentary cover. Such sections of platforms are called shields.
(Write in notebook)
A platform is a stable section of the earth's crust. It has a two-tier structure: a foundation made of crushed metamorphosed rocks and a cover composed of sedimentary rocks.
Shields – exit of the platform foundation to the surface.
Working on a map.
- Find the platforms on the tectonic map (East European or Russian, Siberian)
- Overlay a physical tectonic map and determine which landforms are located on the platforms
- What conclusion follows from this?
Conclusion: Large plains are located on ancient platforms.
There is another large plain in Russia - the West Siberian. Find the section of the earth's crust to which it corresponds. (This is the West Siberian plate)
- The slab is a young platform.
- Find shields on the tectonic map.
- What relief forms correspond to the shields?
The most ancient sections of the earth's crust in Russia are the East European and Siberian platforms. Their foundation was formed in the Precambrian more than 1.5 billion years ago.
In the history of the Earth there were several eras, related to planetary-cosmic reasons, when the speed of rotation of the Earth changed, the mobility of plates increased, their collisions became more frequent and processes of folding (mountain building) occurred. These epochs were called folding epochs. There were several of them:
Baikal folding
Caledonian folding
Hercynian folding
Mesozoic folding
Cenozoic folding
Using the atlas maps, you can now find out the time (age) of formation of each section of the earth’s crust in Russia.
Working with maps: By overlaying physical and tectonic maps of Russia, find out which mountains were formed in different eras folding?
Caledonian folding (Sayan).
Hercynian folding (Ural, Byrranga mountains).
Mesozoic folding (Verkhoyansk Range, Sikhote-Alin, mountains of North-Eastern Siberia).
Cenozoic or Alpine folding (Caucasus, Kuril - Kamchatka region).
At the end of the Proterozoic - the beginning of the Paleozoic (1000-550 million years ago), the Baikal folding occurred. In the Paleozoic there were two folds - the Caledonian (550-400 million years ago) and the Hercynian (400-210 million years ago). In the Mesozoic - Mesozoic. About 100 million years ago, the last Cenozoic (Alpine) folding began, which continues to the present day. As a result of each folding, a new continental crust emerged and folded mountain belts were formed, bordering and connecting the East European and Siberian platforms. The largest belts stretching across the territory of Russia: the Ural-Mongolian, Alpine-Himalayan (Mediterranean), as well as part of the Pacific belt.
A fold belt is a mobile section of the earth's crust that has a complex folded structure. (Write in the definition notebook)
The formation of fold belts is associated with the collision of lithospheric plates and the crushing of rocks accumulated on their margins into folds.
The processes of folding are accompanied by magmatism, metamorphism and earthquakes. Cenozoic (alpine) mountains are formed as a result of the interaction of modern lithospheric plates. Mountains are located on the earth's crust of Cenozoic age and at present.
Fold belts of Mesozoic and Paleozoic age were located at the boundaries of ancient lithospheric plates. Their number, size and shape have changed repeatedly throughout geological history. Many of them were later destroyed. In their place, young platforms formed, the largest of which is the West Siberian. But some areas of Paleozoic and Mesozoic folding, due to active movements of the earth’s crust, again became mountain structures.
Sign the concepts
Exit of the crystalline foundation of the platform to the surface - ______________
The doctrine of the structure of the earth's crust - __________________________________________
Map containing information about the location and age of tectonic structures - _____________________________________________________________________
A moving section of the earth's crust that has a complex folded structure -___________________________________________
A stable section of the earth's crust with a two-tier structure -________________________
Homework: p. 11 Answer the questions at the end of the paragraph.

Attached files

Municipal educational institution

"May Gymnasium, Belgorod district, Belgorod region"

Geography lesson

9th grade


"Electric power industry of Russia"

Prepared by:

Akhapkina Raisa Grigorievna

geography teacher,

I offer a training session "Electric power industry of Russia" for 9th grade students, which can be carried out in a lesson system on the topic"Economy of Russia" in accordance with the geography course program for grade 9 of general education institutions Dronova V.P., Barinova I.I., Roma V.Ya., Lobzhanidze A.A.

Type training session : study and primary consolidation of new material.

Form of implementation: business game.

Teaching methods and techniques: explanatory - illustrative, partially exploratory, discussion, frontal, group and individual work.

Technologies elements of educational and research activities were used

Techniques general organization educational activities - techniques of listening, observing, examining, planning work with a textbook and other media, mutual control, self-control, organizing educational communication, organizing homework.

Techniques of cognitive activity - techniques of verbal description, explanation, comparison, formulation of questions, highlighting the main problem, defining the topic and purpose of the study, formulating and selecting useful hypotheses, planning an experiment to test the hypothesis, planning the result, conducting an experiment, systematizing the research results, establishing a connection between the obtained data and the stated goal problem.

The purpose of the lesson: to form in students an idea of ​​the Russian electric power industry as a vanguard industry National economy countries.


ensure students’ perception, comprehension and primary understanding of the concepts of “electric power industry”, “energy system”, “factors for locating power plants of various types”, improve students’ ability to work independently with various geographical maps and other sources of information;

— to form the formation and development of search and research skills and abilities, focused on the application of existing knowledge and the acquisition of new ones; ideas about the features of the electric power industry in the Belgorod region.

the formation and development of search and research skills and abilities, focused on the application of existing knowledge and the acquisition of new ones, to continue the formation of the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and build logical chains; carry out interdisciplinary connections history - biology - geography;

upbringing creative personality and sustainable interest in the subject;

Creating conditions for development creative activity schoolchildren and the formation of patriotism, pride in our country, in our small homeland;

- sense of camaraderie, ability to work in a team; positive motivation for learning, communication skills, feelings of mutual respect, environmental education; develop correct self-esteem.

Preliminary work: The class received an advanced creative task (in groups) “Electric power engineering”

in the form of messages “History of the emergence of the electric power industry in Russia”, - “Environmental problems”,

— presentations “Chernobyl years later”,

— “Development of the electric power industry in the Belgorod region.”

Planned result:

— to identify the level of assimilation of program material on the Russian fuel and energy complex;

— develop the ability to assess the anthropogenic impact on the environment and develop the information competence of students.

Basic concepts:

— Electric power, thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power, power lines, “Unified Energy System of Russia”, hydropower resources, heating plant, power plant, alternative energy, “Clean energy”, man-made disaster.

Means of education:

- computer, projector, video materials

— exhibition of books, magazines, posters on the topic;

— photographs from the book “Chernobyl Reporting”;

- tables, supporting notes,

— map “Electric power industry of Russia”.

— contour maps.

Design of the board (epigraph, plan).

Distribution of working time during a training session:


The course of the training session and the sequence of presentation of the main issues of the topic content

Time min.

Organizational stage.


Update stage.



The stage of learning new material.

2 3



The stage of consolidating and generalizing the topic.


Stage of control and self-control.



Reflection stage.


Knowledge is only then knowledge,

When acquired by effort of thought, and not by memory.

L. N. Tolstoy

During the classes

I . Organizing time.

1. Greeting. Hello! Today we will have an unusual lesson. I invite you to take part in the conference.

2. Opening speech by the inspector of the nature conservation committee.

Currently, society is interested in the consequences of the widespread construction of power plants, their impact on nature and humans, and the consequences of radioactive contamination. Energy problems will be discussed at today's press conference.

2. Explaining to students the purpose of the game at the same time as communicating the topic. Today during the game we will review the previously studied material; We will strengthen the ability to work with various sources of information. Here are supporting notes that indicate the main stages of our work.

I'm sure everything will work out for you. The conference is attended by: ecologists, historians, doctors, and journalists.

I wish you success in your work!

Conference program:

1.Opening speech by the inspector of the nature conservation committee.

2. Information from the department “History of Energy”.

3. Information from the Department of Economics.

4. Information from the Department of Ecology.

5. Viewing and discussion of the photo report “Chernobyl twenty years later.”

6. Information from the Department of Medicine.

7.Final speech of the inspector of the nature conservation committee.

8. Photo for memory.

Conference goals:

1) identify the importance of the electric power industry for the country’s economy;

2) show the inextricable connection between ecology and economics;

3) identify the positive and negative aspects of energy;

4) using the knowledge of different school disciplines, to convince of the necessity of rational environmental management to preserve people’s health;

5) Formulate the problems of the electric power industry and outline ways to solve them;

6) contribute to the development and strengthening of a sense of collectivism, the ability to listen to others, and respect their opinions.

II. Work in supporting notes.

    Supporting summary No. 1. Repetition is consolidation.

Composition of fuel and energy complex. Check yourself!

II . Learning new material.

    Supporting notes No. 2 -1. Working with the textbook.

Task No. 1. Using the text of § 3 and the data from table No. 2 “Electricity production in Russia”, answer the questions:

    The importance of electric power for modern man.

    Using table No. 2 p. 19, determine - (by year, total production, share of electricity production per different types power plants), draw a conclusion: (production decline or growth, types of power plants)

Electricity production in Russia

Table 1


Total production, billion kW. H

Share of electricity production at different types of power plants,


hydroelectric power station







Your opinion. Will the development of this industry influence the development of other industries?

Analysis of diagrams Main consumers of electricity

    Structure of the Russian electric power industry

Taking part in our conference are: representatives of the departments of History, Economics, and Ecology.

    Basic summary No. 2 - 2. Work in groups by departments

    The floor is given to the representative of the Department of History

3. Historical background.


Historical facts…


The first mention of the use of hydropower in Moscow. The will of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy indicated water mills on the Yauza and Khodynka rivers.


The beginning of the use of electric lighting in Moscow. The first 100 electric lamps were lit, of which 24 illuminated the area near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov - the first Russian engineer

At the World Exhibition in Paris, engineer V.G. Shukhov was awarded a Diploma and a Big Gold Medal for creating the most economical universal steam boilers.


In Russia, the first 70 kV power transmission line was built from a power plant near Moscow to Moscow. Electricity consumption by this time was only 12.8 kW/hour per year (!) per capita. And only 20 percent of the country’s inhabitants enjoyed this benefit of civilization.


Production of medium and small turbines began in Moscow. The first stage of the Shatura power plant with a capacity of 5000 kW on peat was put into operation.


The State Electrification Plan of Russia (GOELRO) was developed and adopted.


The country's first power transmission line with a voltage of 110 kV was commissioned - the Kashirskaya State District Power Plant in Moscow, and in 1933 a twice as powerful line - 220 kV - was put into operation in Leningrad. The unification of the Gorky and Ivanov power plants through the networks began, creating the energy system of the Urals.


Slide No. 11

Launch of the first hydroelectric power stations - Skhodnenskaya and Ivankovskaya on the Moscow-Volga canal, Uglich hydroelectric power station and power transmission line - 220 kV Uglich-Moscow.


Launch of the first nuclear reactor F-1 on the territory of the current Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute. Creation of the first radiochemical plant for isotope separation.

The frontal form of organizing students' educational activities allows all students to simultaneously perform the same work, common to all, and the whole class discusses, compares and summarizes the results.

    The floor is given to the representative of the Department of Economics

4. Department. Economy.

Electricity is produced in various types of power plants.

1.Listen carefully to the scientists’ messages and make a short note in reference summary– table and identify the geography of location of types of power plants using atlas maps, put the main power plants of Russia on the contour map

Types of power plants

Power plant type



Placement factors



hydroelectric power station


Alternative sources

Economy. TPP. Production is constant, there is no seasonality. Thermal power plants are located in areas of fuel production and energy consumption.

Thermal power plants generate both electrical and thermal energy.

Economy. Hydroelectric power station. Hydraulic power plants. Hydroelectric power plants are very efficient sources of energy because they use renewable resources. They are easy to control and have high efficiency (more than 80%). As a result, the cost of energy produced at hydroelectric power plants is 5-6 times lower than at thermal power plants.

Economy. hydroelectric power station In the eastern regions of the country, where huge reserves of hydro resources are concentrated in the rivers: Angara, Yenisei, Ob, Irtysh, Lena, Vitim and others - natural conditions allow the construction of powerful hydroelectric power stations. A characteristic feature of the construction of hydroelectric power stations was the construction of cascades on rivers to generate electricity, supply production and population with water, eliminate floods, and improve transport conditions.

The total technical hydropower potential of Russia is 1670 billion kWh of annual output.

Economy. For one of the most powerful in the country - Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant (power 4 million kW) for a year of operation only a few cars with uranium raw materials are needed, while with the same power for a conventional thermal power plant, 200 thousand cars with fuel are needed.

Technical and economic indicators of nuclear power plants:

— small amount of nuclear fuel;

— low transport costs;

— lack of connection to large rivers or fossil fuel deposits;

- low cost of electricity.

Economy. 5. (Advanced task) Messages - “Development of the electric power industry in the Belgorod region”

    Physical exercise.

Poster – diagram of visual-motor trajectories. Using special arrows, the main directions in which the gaze should move during physical education are indicated; forward-backward, left-right, clockwise and counterclockwise, figure eight. Each trajectory has its own color. This makes the design bright, colorful and eye-catching. Exercises are performed only while standing, with the electric lighting turned off.

Is production possible? at power plants? Let's think!

6. Energy systems.

1. Power lines

2. Unified Energy System of Russia.Her goal:

— Reliable supply of electricity.

— Covering “peak” loads.

— Use the time difference on the territory of Russia (in one territory it is night and minimum power consumption, and on another evening there is peak power consumption).

3.Place the main power plants on the contour map using the “Electricity” map.

    The floor is given to the representative of the Department of Ecology

7. Ecology.

The thermal power plant runs on coal.

    Problematic question

Could it be a source of radioactive contamination?

Ecology. Thermal power plants pollute the air; slags from coal-fired stations occupy vast areas;

often coal contains small amounts of radioactive impurities, such as uranium, thorium and others;

When a huge amount of coal is burned, unburnt radioactive impurities are concentrated in soot particles and slag. Ecology. Reservoirs of lowland hydroelectric power stations flood fertile floodplain lands, leading to their waterlogging.

Ecology. In addition, nuclear power plants are more favorable in terms of radiation safety than coal-fired power plants.

Thus, the dose of radioactive radiation due to emissions from nuclear power plants is 5-40 times less than the dose from emissions from thermal power plants of similar power.

Ecology. During normal operation, nuclear power plants practically do not pollute the environment.

Electricity generation at nuclear power plants does not emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and therefore does not aggravate the problems associated with the greenhouse effect.

Ecology. It would seem that nuclear power plants are very profitable stations! But the trouble is that in the event of an accident, their radioactive fuel enters the environment, causing radiation sickness, which is fatal to humans and contaminating the area for 300 years.

The contaminated area is surrounded by barbed wire, making it uninhabitable.

Ecology. Nuclear power plants turned out to be unsafe. Before the Chernobyl accident, the most severe accident in nuclear energy was considered to be the 1979 accident at the American Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Harrisburg (Pennsylvania).

    III . Food for thought

The Bible says that bitter times will come on Earth when a star named Wormwood falls on it. Translated from Ukrainian - Chernobyl - “Black Wormwood”. The terrible prophecy came true.

Overgrown vegetable gardens
Biblical wormwood.
And the fires on the rivers went out...
The villages quietly call to each other
“Headache and nausea.”
Quiet in the forests and fields,
Quiet on the empty stretch...

    What a terrible danger they pose to all living things
    "works of human hands"

    Chernobyl 2011

On April 26, 1986, an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The Chernobyl bell struck. He was heard by the inhabitants of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, and people all over the planet. It still sounds today. What happened in Chernobyl? "Bitter trail" of Chernobyl...

Life is defenseless
And love is tender.
And Mind the Earth
Imposes tribute.
And exact responsibility
Must Accompany
Great knowledge...

M. Dudin (inscription on nuclear reactor, 1985)

Fallout of radioactive products occurred in many areas of the western part of the European territory former USSR, on the Kola Peninsula, in the Caucasus. Radioactive rain fell in Austria, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Romania and Finland.

    “Bitter trace” of Chernobyl... in the Belgorod region

— Areas of the Belgorod region with a critical environmental situation, exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

— are represented in eight administrative districts: Alekseevsky, Krasnensky, Novooskolsky, Krasnogvardeysky, Starooskolsky, Chernyansky, Veidelevsky and Rovensky.

    Monument to the Victims of Chernobyl.

Installed in 1998 in Belgorod on Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue on the initiative of victims of radioactive disasters. Sculptor A.A. Shishkov

IV . Department of Medicine (radiobiologist) Symptoms of radiation poisoning: dry mouth, sore throat, numbness of lips, tongue, damage to all internal organs. Consequences: death is almost inevitable.

Terrible consequences...

Medicine. For improvement environmental situation A number of events aimed at regulating environmental management and environmental protection activities were carried out in the Belgorod region:For the first time in Russia, a state environmental inspection has been created, regional, city and district interdepartmental commissions for environmental control and environmental protection are functioning.

Medicine. Monitoring the nuclide composition in food samples makes it possible to assess the impact of nuclear power plants on environmental objects.

    Is production possible?"green energy" at power plants?

    V . Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

    Supporting note No. 3. Consolidation of the studied material. Consolidation of the studied material.

    Mark in contour mapsLocation of the power plants mentioned during the lesson.Questions for consolidation: -Why is the electric power industry considered the vanguard sector of the country's national economy?

— List the main types of power plants. — Why do work at nuclear power plants require highly qualified specialists? — The placement of what types of power plants depends on the terrain? — What is an “energy system”? — What are the main factors for locating all types of power plants? — What place does Russia occupy in the world in terms of the amount of electricity produced?VI . Your opinion. Is it possible to produce “green energy” in power plants? Fill the table.

Item no.



Item no.



Small amount of nuclear fuel

Nuclear stations can pose a global threat.

Low transport costs

Accidents at nuclear power plants entail dangerous environmental consequences over vast areas, affecting huge numbers of people.

No connection to major rivers or fossil fuel deposits

The geoecological consequences of a nuclear power plant accident remain acute for a very long time.

Low cost of electricity.

Air currents and water distribute radioactive emissions to territories very remote from the nuclear power plant (at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the height of emissions from the emergency unit reached a height of 1200 m)

Radioactive fuel leaks into the environment, causing deadly radiation sickness and contaminating the area for 300 years.

The problem of radioactive waste disposal.

    Let's think!

Is production possible?"green energy" at power plants?

VII . Homework.

    § 3, questions on page 23.

    Message – presentation

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 32 named after "Young Guard"

Oktyabrsky district of Rostov-on-Don

Development of a lesson-conference on geography for

using multimedia presentations

on the topic “European South. Republic of the North Caucasus"

Compiled by:

Geography teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 32

9th grade

Economic and social geography of Russia

lesson-conference “European South. Republic of the North Caucasus"

Geography teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 32

Lesson type: lesson - conference

Lesson objectives:

· continue to form ideas and knowledge among schoolchildren about the economic regions of Russia;

· introduce students to the features geographical location and the main features of the nature of the republics of the North Caucasus;

· study the characteristics of the region’s population, its composition and structure;

· analyze the main problems of the region - social, economic, environmental and possible ways to solve these problems.

Tasks lesson:

· develop students’ ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

· promote the formation of information culture ;

· formation of skills to work with different sources geographic information;

· contribute to the awakening of cognitive interest in studying the native region and socio-emotional, patriotic feelings for the Motherland;

· develop the ability to interact in small groups (communicative activities);

· understanding the importance of tolerance and social behavior in a multinational country;

· respect for the history and culture, traditions of the peoples of Russia;

Lesson technologies:

· setting up the educational process on a proactive basis;

· pedagogical cooperation;

· critical thinking.

Lesson methods:

· integrative

· person-oriented


maps of Russia - political-administrative, physical, North Caucasus, computer and projector; presentations by students on the republics of the North Caucasus; atlases.

Preparing for the lesson

The class is divided in advance into groups, these are representatives of the republics, experts, correspondents. There are 5-6 people in a group. Each group makes an electronic presentation on the republic.


I. Activation of reference knowledge

Teacher asks the audience questions:

1. List the features of the economic and geographical position of the North Caucasus?

2. Describe the relief features of the area. 3. What is the main branch of specialization of this area?

4. What are the features of the agricultural specialization of these territories?

5. Why is Rostov-on-Don called the “gateway of the Caucasus”?

The main reason for uniting these territories is the commonality of social and economic problems. The purpose of our lesson: to get acquainted with the economic and geographical features of territories using the example of the republics of Adygea, North Ossetia-Alania, Dagestan, Ingushetia;

reveal the socio-political prerequisites for the development of civil society in the North Caucasus; determine ways to resolve religious and national problems (lesson objectives, conference work plan are written on the board).

III. Greetings to the participants of the lesson - conference:

(music of the peoples of the Caucasus sounds)

Representatives of the republics address the participants in Armenian, Lezgin, Azerbaijani, Assyrian, Adyghe Ingush languages:

“Hello, dear guys! The friendly family of the peoples of the North Caucasus welcomes you. Russia is a multinational state. Its history is the history of the relationship between its peoples. Each people has its own language, way of life, customs and traditions, culture, and labor skills. The tasks of today are to create conditions for peace and prosperity on our Earth!”

Pupil reads a poem by a Russian language teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 32 “Friendship is dearer than all”

Don Land - Motherland for everyone,

Various peoples live on it.

After all, they are all like fingers in a fist,

Fought for life on Earth

And for the sake of happiness and freedom!

Tatars, Russians, Armenians,

Chechens, Germans, Ingush,

Lezgins, Turks, Ukrainians,

Georgians, Greeks, Latvians.

And we won the war only because

That friendship united us,

And friendship of all peoples is strength,

Which nothing can replace,

This is what makes the world worth living for!

Student reads the words of Rasul Gamzatov

“Every person from a young age must understand that he came to earth in order to become a representative of his people, and must be ready to take on this role.

A person is given a name, a hat and a weapon; a person is taught native songs from the cradle.

No matter where fate takes him, he must always feel like a representative of that land, those mountains, that village where he learned to saddle a horse.

When they ask you who you are, you can present a document, a passport. When you ask the people who he is, the people, like a document, will present their scientist, writer, artist, composer.”

Teacher The North Caucasus is pain point on the map of Russia. Let's remember and honor the memory of those who died in terrorist acts in Beslan, Moscow, Kaspiysk, Volgodonsk and other cities.

(quiet mournful music sounds)

Main productions of the republic:




Folk crafts

Oil production

Power generation

In Dagestan, the Lezgin poets S. Kochkhyurov and E. Emin, the Kumyk poet I. Kazak, the Avar poet Makhmud (M. Magomedov), and the Dargin poet Batyray are widely known. Rasul Gamzatov is a world-famous poet of the republic. The folk poetry of the Dagestanis is rich - songs, fairy tales, traditions and legends.

The old buildings of Dagestan are of great interest. In Derbent, the Juma mosques and the citadel of Naryn-Kala have been preserved. Numerous buildings and fortresses remained in the mountainous regions of Dagestan. The terraces of mountain villages are also old monuments. Residential buildings built in the 18th and 19th centuries. c form a single stepped structure. Domed mausoleums, arched bridges, and architecturally designed springs were common.

Jewelry in women's clothing is a special topic for Dagestan women. In the past, gold and silver were most valued.

Dagestan women's clothing is extremely diverse in shape, material used, artistic composition and decor. Each costume has its own artistic image, its own individual expressiveness.

The peoples of Dagestan value the virtues of man and condemn his shortcomings. Popular wisdom teaches:

The first virtue of a person is intelligence

The second human dignity is friendship

The third human dignity is conscience

The fourth human virtue is good upbringing

The fifth dignity of a person is happiness

Lezginka is a folk dance of the Caucasian highlanders. The famous dance “Lezginka” is known in Iran under the name “Lazgi, Lezgi”, in Georgia “Lekuri”. Lezginka dance is a competition demonstrating the dexterity and tirelessness of dancers. It is impossible to unambiguously characterize modern Dagestan cuisine. Dishes that exist in each individual region of Dagestan have a special flavor. For example, in every national region they prepare khinkal, which is served as the first or second course. Common dishes are “kurze” and “chudu”, which are prepared from herbs, cottage cheese, and vegetables.

Republic of Adygea

The land of Adygea has been inhabited since ancient times. Written evidence about the ancestors of the Circassians is available in the works of ancient Greek writers starting from the 5th century BC. e. The Adygs, the people who gave the name to the republic, are the most ancient inhabitants of the North-West Caucasus, known since the 13th century. like the Circassians. The Adyghe language belongs to the Adyghe-Abkhaz group of Caucasian languages.

In the Middle Ages, the famous Great Silk Road from Europe to Asia passed here.

The ancestors of the Circassians created a culture known in world archeology as Maykop. Dozens of mounds connected by legends and mysterious dolmens testify to its brightest flourishing among the ancient Caucasians, their close ties with Europe and the East.

Adygea Autonomous Region - formed on July 27, 1922. On June 28, 1991, at the V session of the regional Council of People's Deputies, the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea was adopted. The Law of the Russian Federation of July 3, 1991 formalized the transformation of the Adygea Autonomous Region into the Soviet Socialist Republic within the RSFSR.

The area of ​​Adygea is 7790 sq. km., the length of the borders is 900 km, the length of the territory of the republic from north to south is 208 km, from west to east – 165 km, 441.2 thousand people live in it. The republic includes 7 administrative districts: Giaginsky, Koshekhablsky, Shovgenovsky, Krasnogvardeysky, Maikopsky, Takhtamukaysky, Teuchezhsky. Adygea is part of the Southern Federal District.

The position of Adygea in the south of Russia, in the foothills and mountains of the Caucasus, in the interfluves of large rivers, is favorable for the development of the territory and convenient for connections with its neighbors.

One of the large rivers of Adygea, its natural border in the east is the Laba River. She is the most major influx R. Kuban. Its beginning is considered to be the confluence of the Bolshaya and Malaya Laba rivers. Length of the river itself Laba is 214 km, together with Bolshaya Laba it is 341 km; the total area of ​​its drainage basin is 12,500 square meters. km. Water regime of the river Laby is unique, its water content varies significantly according to the seasons of the year. Heavy spills and floods are possible in almost all seasons except winter. The causes of floods are spring snowmelt, summer melting of glaciers and autumn showers.

The main forest resources are located in the Maykop region, where 98% of all forests are concentrated. The low-mountain forests are dominated by English oak and Gartvis oak. Here you can also find maple, ash, Caucasian pear, apple, dogwood, and hawthorn.

At an altitude of m, oak forests give way to a belt of beech forests. Sessile oak and Caucasian hornbeam also grow. Among the tertiary relics, you can find yew berry here.

The fauna of the uppermost landscape zones is represented by a significant number of endemic species and subspecies. The Caucasian mouse, the Promethean vole, the Kuban tur, the Caucasian chamois, and the stone marten are common only in the Maykop region. The main attraction of the republic's fauna is the mountain bison. The forests of mountainous Adygea are inhabited by Caucasian red deer, Caucasian tur, chamois, Caucasian Brown bear, Caucasian species of otter, badger, lynx, wild cat, fox, pine and stone marten, etc.

The leading industry is the food industry, specific gravity which accounts for more than 35% of total production. They produce canned meat, fruits and vegetables, confectionery, pasta, wine and vodka products, various dairy and meat products. Availability in the republic forest resources determined the development of the woodworking and pulp and paper industries,

The products of which are industrial wood and products made from it, parquet, semi-cellulose, cardboard. Mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises produce and supply medium and heavy cylindrical gearboxes to various regions of the country and beyond, technological equipment for logging, metal-cutting and woodworking machines, machine normals, etc.

Agriculture is one of the priority areas of economic development. The leading place is occupied by the growing and processing of grain, sugar beets, oilseeds and essential oil crops, vegetables and fruits, tobacco, raising cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry, and horse breeding.

The unique natural and climatic conditions of Adygea contribute to the growth of such southern crops as peach, cherry, dogwood, quince, pear, grapes, and tea. Industrial products of the agro-industrial complex account for 32% of the total industrial output of the republic.

The territory of Adygea belongs to the mixed tourism zone. There are favorable conditions for organizing both sports and recreational and educational routes. The territory is saturated with natural objects, many of which have high excursion value.

The government of the Republic of Adygea is doing a lot of work to attract tourists and vacationers to the region, forming its positive image.

The population of the Republic of Adygea, as of January 1, 2007, is 441.2 thousand people, including 69.6 thousand people - children under 14 years of age. The average population density is 56.6 people per 1 sq. km, which is almost three times higher than the corresponding figure for Russia. The highest population density is in areas located on the plain - up to 141 people per 1 km.

North Ossetia

North Ossetia is rich in recreational activities. The balneological resorts of Karmadon, Tamisk and the mountain-recreational complex in the Tseysky Gorge are very popular. The republic is one of the centers of tourism and mountaineering in the North Caucasus.

The Republic of Ingushetia

The name of the republic comes from the Russian name of the population (Ingush - from the name of the village of Angusht) and from the Georgian suffix –eti-, which in total means “the place where the Ingush live.” But this name began to be used only in the 18th century. The very name of the people is “gIalgIay” - which means “builder”, “dweller of towers”

The Republic of Ingushetia occupies an area of ​​19.3 thousand km2, the population is 460 thousand people by 2009 standards.

The capital of the republic is the city of Magas.

It borders with the Chechen Republic, but the borders are only conditional.

President of the Republic – Yevkurov Janus-Bek

Urban population – 198 thousand people

Rural population – 269 thousand people

Population density – 127 people per km2

Average age – 26-28 years

National composition: Ingush 77%, Chechens 20%, Russians – 2%

The most important resources of the republic are oil, natural gas, marble, clay. Oil, of course, is the basis of the fuel and energy complex. Approximately 11 million tons of oil are produced per year. Thermal springs are used as water for health bathing and as drinking mineral water.

Mountain and clean air is the secret of the longevity of the Ingush. The republic has many thermal springs, beautiful landscapes, and a great variety of historical monuments. A special feature of the republic is the unique, traditional construction of houses. Most of the population lives in mountainous areas, so their homes are simply unique! The buildings can withstand landslides from the mountains and falling rocks.

The most favorite food of the Ingush is meat. The most consumed meat in the republic is lamb and poultry. The national dish is lamb fried over coals, decorated with vegetables.

The national costume of the Ingush is very similar in appearance to the costume of the Don Cossacks. But the Ingush are distinguished from the Cossacks by the brightness and diversity of the costume fabrics (in this case, women’s) and the addition of sheep’s wool. For women it was a sundress dress made of several layers; the hair, as a rule, was partially covered with a scarf. For men, we cannot repeat the national costume. It consists of a vest and a high hat made of sheep's wool. Previously, wearing a black hat and vest was only allowed married man, but now this has lost its meaning.

The most important tradition for the entire existence of the Ingush is respect and veneration of ancestors. On every holiday, it is customary to visit relatives at the cemetery. This same tradition includes complete obedience to parents. Another interesting tradition is hospitality. Any person who entered an Ingush house immediately became a guest. The guest was given food and, if necessary, accommodation for the night.

Ingush are Muslims. The dominant religions in the republic are Sunni Islam and Orthodox Christianity. There are 45 Mosques in operation. And in the village of Sleptsovskaya there is an Islamic Institute.

Industry in the republic is poorly developed. Only the oil industry is thriving, everything else is in decline. In addition to oil production, the republic has chemical, knitting, metalworking, and confectionery industries (factories).

VII. Summing up the lesson

Teacher Guys, we got acquainted with the presentations that helped us answer the main questions of our lesson. I offer you houses in workbook answer the following questions in writing:

(questions are projected on the screen)

1. The North Caucasus has always attracted residents from other parts of the country, why? Specify at least three factors.

2. Highlight the most pressing contemporary problems of this region.

· Grading

· Homework

Lesson-conference on geography on the topic:

"Folk crafts of Russia".

(9th grade)

Epigraph to the lesson: “Work is good if there is benefit and soul in it.”

Lesson Objectives : to introduce students to the geography of Russian folk crafts, the history of their origin, artistic value; cultivate patriotism; provide vocational guidance.

Equipment: Khokhloma, Gzhel dishes; Gzhel products; weaving; knitted products; literature on the topic; physical map of Russia indicating places of development of industries.

During the classes.

1.Information of the topic of the lesson, setting goals and objectives.

2.Teacher. You can love Russia only when you see all the charm of shy nature, when you let the tragic and heroic story Russian people, you will be surprised by the beauty of architectural ensembles, listen to the famous Rostov bells and touch with your heart the beautiful creations of the Russian people.

Man has long sought to decorate his home and everything he encountered in everyday life. When making any thing, the folk craftsman not only thought about its practical purpose, but also did not forget about beauty. From the simplest materials - wood, metal, clay, stone - he created true works of decorative and applied art. The secrets of mastery were passed on from father to son. In order to love, you need to see and know all this. Today we will get acquainted with the art of folk crafts.

So, let’s open the lesson – the conference “Folk Crafts of Russia”. Let's start getting acquainted with them in Gzhel. I invite you all to the Moscow region, to the village of Gzhel, where we will get acquainted with a craft known throughout Russia - Gzhel porcelain.


Pupil . To the southeast of Moscow, along the Yegoryevskoye Highway, about three dozen villages and hamlets are located side by side. One of them, the former volost center, is Gzhel. The origin of this name is associated with the word “burn”. Clay products were fired in a kiln at high temperature. Gzhel was first mentioned in written sources in 1339 in the Spiritual Letter of the Russian Prince Ivan Kolita. Since then it has been one of the most profitable volosts. In the middle of the 17th century, white-burning clays were discovered in those places, which were superior in quality to the clays of Western Europe. In the second half of the 18th century, the production of Gzhel wine was established here. majolica - glazed red clay products painted with white, yellow, blue, green and brown paint. Clay was used to make jugs, mugs, wash basins, dishes, beautiful toys in the form of birds and animals, figurines of peasant women, little boxes and much more. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Gzhel residents decided to add lime to their clay. It turned out semi-faience . From this moment, the famous blue flowers, leaves and buds on a white background begin to grow - an exclusively Gzhel tradition. The style of painting with cobalt blue paint is becoming classic. One paint gives up to thirty shades. Masterly execution of a flower with a simple combination of wide strokes with a set of paint on one side is called agashka. The production of semi-faience was a huge step forward. But still, its shard was quite thick. The development of fine earthenware technologies began. The peasant Afanasy Kiselev succeeded in this, and spent ten years on it. He mastered the basic types artistic painting: brush painting, color glazing, relief, chandeliers; coating with metal salts, giving the products a metallic shine like “gold”, “copper”, “silver”, “mother of pearl”. In 1820, having mastered fine faience, Gzhel craftsmen began to comprehend the secrets of porcelain. The first of the masters was Pavel Kulichkov.

There was a time when the Gzhel fishery fell into decline and factory production decreased. The reason for this is the wars of the early 20th century, the devastation after the revolution, the lack of raw materials and fuel. In 1925, a large artel, “Art Ceramics,” was founded in the village of Turygino. During the Great Patriotic War it closes. And it started working again in 1945 thanks to A. B. Saltykov and N. I. Bessarabova. In 1972, the Gzhel partnership was founded. Russian painter B.M. Kustodiev said that Gzhel teapots and cups bloom with “witchcraft” blue flowers».


Teacher. For a long time in Rus', a scarf was an accessory of a woman’s costume. The peasants wove scarves, decorated them with embroidery, and printed dense patterns on them.

(Demonstration of scarves).

Pupil. IN XIXcentury, the production of scarves and shawls arose in Russia. The fashion for them came from France. She is still alive today. In Pavlovsky Posad, near Moscow, craftsmen make beautiful shawls and scarves, which are in demand both here in Russia and abroad. (Performance of ditties).

    You, my friends, don’t stand on the sidelines,

And sing ditties about scarves more cheerfully.

    There are two flowers on the handkerchief - blue and blue.

No one knows about love, only me and my dear.

    I will tie the scarf tightly so that the wind does not tear it.

I'll drive the car through the meadow so my dear can see it.

    My adversary in a white scarf

    It twirls in front of the darling like a snake on a hummock.

Orenburg downy scarf.

Pupil . Orenburg scarves are no less famous in Russia and in the world. Pyotr Ivanovich Rychkov was the first to tell about them. In 1762, his article “Topography of the Orenburg Province” appeared in the magazine “Monthly Works for the Benefit and Amusement of Employees.” Rychkov was one of the first to become seriously interested in goats. He visited the shepherds, saw samples of down products and proposed to establish a down knitting industry in the region. Among the Kalmyks and Kazakhs, down knitting was “deaf”. Ural Cossack women used floral patterns in knitting - living motifs of nature. Winter evenings They knitted delicate shawls and thin, gossamer-like, snow-white openwork scarves.

1861 A simple Cossack woman, Maria Nikolaevna Uskova, in Orenburg submitted a written request to the governor to accept and send her down scarves to the World Exhibition in England. The request was granted. Before the exhibition closed, all the scarves were sold out. A few months later, a representative of the Cossack army delivered and, against receipt, gave her a medal “For shawls made of goat down,” a diploma and 125 silver rubles. After the exhibition, the English company Lipner organized a large enterprise for the production of Imitation for Orenburg products. But the Orenburg down scarf owes its glory largely to the art of goat breeders.


Pupil . Tying knots in ropes for practical use is one of the ancient inventions humanity. The ability to tie knots on a rope and weave nets in ancient times was highly valued and was considered a family virtue. It was passed down from father to son, from generation to generation. Today we use knots and weaving, without even thinking about the fact that their age is calculated not even in centuries, but in millennia. Such knots as bleached, straight and arbor served the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt 5 thousand years ago. This is confirmed by archaeological finds. So, a gazebo knot was found on scraps of the rigging of the sailing ship of Pharaoh Cheops. The straight knot was widespread among the Romans and Greeks. However, the inventors of the most ingenious and practical knots were sailors. By the time of the heyday of the fleet, there were about 500 types of knots in maritime affairs.

Sailors, upon returning to shore after a long separation, gave wicker items that were amazing in design and magnificent in execution to their wives and loved ones. Over time, women learned from sailors the art of turning a simple rope into an elegant and delicate thing. Weave from thin threads various decorations: pendants, belts, earrings, shawls, hats, bags, shoes.


Student . Hand knitting has become very popular. Hand knitting is a beautiful, ancient, but not aging handicraft. It is truly mass art, collecting bits and pieces of experience artistic creativity of all eras and peoples. Knitting is constantly developing and improving, so no knitting work can be completely complete and complete.

( Demonstration of knitted items).

Knitting is one of those leisure activities that combine business with pleasure. Many people claim that while knitting they “think well” and that their nerves calm down. Patterned knitting is an area of ​​traditional folk art that has acquired commercial significance and is developing today. Knitted stockings, socks and mittens made from home-spun sheep wool are an indispensable part of Russian peasant clothing. Usually they come in one color. But in some areas, festive knitted items attract attention with their elegant patterns. They were made in the North and in the regions of Ryazan, Penza, and Tula provinces. Russian villages along the Mezen and Pinega rivers are especially distinguished. Ornamental knitting is especially common among the Finno-Ugric peoples, the Komi, from whom this art could have passed on to the Russians living next door. Modern patterned knitting crafts also exist in traditional areas. Now they knit items of fashionable women's and sportswear, as well as additions to the costume: hats, women's handbags, scarves, vests, etc.

In the city of Tengushev, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, there is a craft of Russian patterned knitting. In their ornamentation, along with geometric ones, there are plant motifs reminiscent of the printed designs published at the end ofXIX– beginningXXcenturies for needlewomen. Currently, the traditions of folk patterned knitting are acquiring particularly relevant and promising significance. There are many varieties of wool from which threads are spun for hand knitting. These are varieties of Angora, Merino, camel wool and mohair.

Teacher. In conclusion, we will get acquainted with the golden Khokhloma.

Pupil. Khokhloma brush!

Thank you very much!

Tell a fairy tale for the joy of life!

You, like the soul of the people, are beautiful,

You, like people, serve the Fatherland!

V. Bokov

Let's take a look at the small exhibition “Wood Painting”, which presents Gorodets and Khokhloma paintings. Golden Khokhloma delights us with a riot of colors, enchants, caresses the soul, arouses delight and respect for the masters who created this beauty.

Khokhloma is an ancient village, lost in the wilderness of the dense Trans-Volga forests. This village is mentioned for the first time in documents.XVIcentury. Under Ivan the Terrible, Khokhloma was known as a forest area called “Khokhloma Ukhozheya” (a place cleared of forest for arable land). The painting of dishes was carried out by peasants who lived in villages located around Khokhloma: Novopokrovskoye, Semino, Khryashi and Kulichino. The Khokhloma painting technique is associated with hot processing of products and requires great experience and skill. Decorated with paintings different types wooden utensils. White unpainted cups, bowls, stands and salt shakers were first dried and then covered with a liquid layer of clay, which closed the pores of the wood. After drying, these items were smeared with raw linseed oil and placed in the oven overnight. Then they were covered with drying oil and dried again. The dried items were ready by noon. A pattern was applied to the surface with black and red paint with a thin brush. The painted item was again oiled and placed in the oven. Khokhloma paintings used images of plant forms (grass ornaments). Khokhloma art flourished in the 60s and 70sXXcentury. At this time, they began to make sets of dishes for the festive table.

In exquisitely graceful drawings, fairy-tale flowers similar to irises and tulips appear, the subtlety of graphic writing is reminiscent of miniature painting. Gold represents a happy, rich life, contentment, purity and beauty. And grass, flowers, berries and leaves remind people of youth and strength.

Conclusion .

Teacher. Everything that surrounds man, with the exception of nature itself, has been created over thousands of years by his hands. Time sweeps away entire states from the face of the Earth, somewhere islands sink to the bottom of the ocean, and continents change the shape of the continent. Many species of animals, birds and fish are leaving the green spaces and depths of the sea forever, the climate of the planet is changing, the ancient languages ​​and customs of many peoples are disappearing. In the most difficult conditions, with amazing speed, the first inhabitants of the Earth for some reason comprehended harmonies and sought to make objects that were not only necessary, but also expressive in form, decorated with even the most primitive ornaments. The world's largest museums and private collections hold works of both high class and unremarkable items. They are made of wood and precious metals, stone, bone, mother of pearl, birch bark, leather or porcelain.

Folk decorative and applied art is the result of the creativity of many generations of masters. Today, artistic products made by folk craftsmen from various materials serve as an indispensable part of human daily life; they entered everyday life as necessary items.

It's not as expensive as red gold,

And it’s expensive that good craftsmen.

Thanks everyone. The lesson is over.

Target: to formulate the concept of public health among students,


To acquaint students with the anthropogenic impact on geographic shells,

To attract students’ attention to the environmental problems of their native land,

Forming their ability to independently acquire knowledge, work with additional literature, statistical data,

To instill in students a love of nature and a responsible attitude towards the environment.

The conference will be attended by: representatives of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the Rossoshansky District, a representative of the Environmental Protection Committee and natural resources, nurse of secondary school No. 6, correspondents for the magazines “Health”, “Ecology”, newspapers “Boomerang”, “Geography”, “For Abundance”, demographers.


Dear guests! Dear conference participants! Today we have gathered in this room to discuss very important questions. Our conference is dedicated to the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the Rossoshansky district. All over the world, concern for the ecological state of the space around us is growing. The attention of all living on Earth is drawn to issues that require a serious approach to their solution and require the immediate participation of all humanity in preventing the impending catastrophe.

The word “ecology” translated from Greek means “home, the immediate environment of a person.” Every person needs to acquire knowledge about our “home”. What is the environmental situation in our city and region? What impact does it have on the health of residents? Today we will touch on the state of the air basin and its impact on the health of the younger generation.

Correspondent for the newspaper “For Abundance”.

Readers of our newspaper are interested in the demographic situation in the Rossoshansky district. Everyone is talking about the demographic crisis in the country, but what are things like in our city?

Representative of CSES.

Russia is the largest country in terms of area and ranks sixth in the world in terms of population. In my opinion, one of the main indicators of a country’s development should be the demographic situation in it. The demographic crisis is one of the most pressing topics in the economic geography of Russia. What is happening in the Rossoshansky region? As of January 1, 2001, the total population was 97,000 people. Of these, 44,907 are men and 52,093 are women. The urban population is 64,400 people, and in rural areas 32,600 people live. The table shows that last years The population is increasing. But is this really so? The number of births in 2000 was 808 people, and 1654 people died. The number of deaths exceeds the number of births, i.e. the rate of natural increase became negative, and the process of depopulation became a reality. The population of the region is increasing only due to immigrants from the former Soviet republics of the USSR.

What is the cause of the demographic crisis?

Scientist - demographer.

As you know, the life expectancy of the population is greatly influenced by its material well-being. It is determined not only by the achieved consumption of material, spiritual and social goods and services, but also by the entire set of conditions that shape the modern way of life of the population. Transition to market economy accompanied by liberalization and a sharp increase in prices for food and industrial goods, medicines, housing and communal services, etc. This is reflected in the level of well-being, health and life expectancy. Many people are not sure about the future. The difficult environmental situation in our area also affects our health.

Correspondent for the newspaper Geography.

What consequences await us if the birth rate declines?

Scientist - demographer.

The consequences of the demographic crisis will be felt by everyone, economic growth may stop due to a shortage of workers, schools and kindergartens will be empty, “we will become a decrepit nation.


Is it possible to solve this problem?

Scientist - demographer.

Urgent government measures are needed. Increasing the birth rate is the most profitable investment into the economy. This has long been understood all over the world and everyone is stimulating the birth rate as best they can. In Japan, large companies reward their employees with cars and substantial bank accounts for every child born. In Great Britain, the state pays citizens £1,000 for newborns. In 1983, the USSR extended paid parental leave for mothers. So the birth rate has jumped one and a half times in two years. So maybe our government should think about how to help young families.

Correspondent for Health magazine.

Can you name the most common diseases of the younger generation in our area?

Representative of CSES.

Correspondent for the newspaper “Be Healthy.”

Using the example of any school in the city, can you tell us about the incidence of illness in children?

Nurse of secondary school No. 6.

In many ways, the reason for the increase in morbidity in school No. 6 is the deterioration of the environmental situation in the city. Cases of bronchial asthma, acute pneumonia, and allergic reactions have become especially frequent. The number of days missed due to illness is constantly growing. As a result of an in-depth medical examination, a positive MANTU reaction was found in 56 people, bronchial asthma in 5. Every fifth student who has had an acute respiratory infection has a complication of respiratory diseases.

Correspondent for the newspaper "Boomerang".

We are talking about respiratory diseases, but this is all directly related to the atmospheric air that we breathe. How are things going in the city and region regarding air pollution?

Representative of the Environmental Protection Committee.

Among the harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere are dust, nitrogen dioxide, phenol, formaldehyde, lead, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide. Main pollutants atmospheric air are operating industrial enterprises of Minudobreniya JSC, an asphalt-concrete plant, boiler houses operating on solid fuel, and vehicles.


We have a pulmonologist present. Could you give us a scientific basis for respiratory diseases? How can an air ecologist view the increase in the percentage of lung diseases?


Breathing is one of the reflex acts. Saturation of blood with oxygen is very important for the normal functioning of the body. Brain cells and heart muscle are especially sensitive to lack of oxygen. Brain cells respond to its deficiency with a decrease in performance, and the heart muscle responds with pain. The supply of oxygen to the body depends on the quality of the air we breathe. The air in poorly ventilated rooms is poorly saturated with oxygen and contains a large amount of harmful impurities. It accumulates ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, fatty acids, and hydrocarbons formed during the decomposition of organic substances (sweat, sebum, desquamated epithelium). The oxygen content in it decreases, and the amount of carbon dioxide increases. The result is decreased performance, increased fatigue, and increased headaches.


We have heard information about the effects of air pollution on the respiratory system, but how do other organ systems react?

It is known that the condition endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland, can serve as an indicator of environmental pollution. Especially in children with their high sensitivity to the effects of pollutants. During a survey of schoolchildren in the city of Rossoshi and the region, an enlarged thyroid gland was found in 25% of children. It occurred three times more often in girls than in boys.

The problems that were discussed at our conference concern every inhabitant of our Earth - be it an adult or a schoolchild. What assistance can young citizens of our country provide in solving the problems raised at the conference?


Firstly, we must improve our level of environmental education. Do not pollute the environment with household waste, do not burn garbage or leaves. Remember: clean air is the key to health. Engage in landscaping our city. Take part in a competition of environmental ideas. Demand environmental transparency from officials. Indifference to environmental problems is disastrous for all of us. Clean air, clear skies above our heads, flowery streets and green squares for all of us.

We “improve” nature, forgetting that we ourselves need improvement. It is not nature that requires further transformation - humanity needs new foundations of life. I appeal to YOU, the conference participants and our guests, to all residents of our city, because in the current situation, only through joint efforts can we ward off trouble.

General lesson on the topic: “Global problems of humanity.”

Lesson objectives: consolidate and generalize knowledge about global problems of humanity, their essence, causes of occurrence and ways to solve each of these problems. Be able to substantiate the main ideological idea of ​​the topic: nuclear war cannot be a means of achieving political, economic, ideological, or any goals. Know and correctly apply the key concepts of the topic: global problem, environmental crisis, population stabilization, energy crisis, marine economy, global forecast. Taking part in the conference: President Geographical Society, correspondents for the magazines: “Problems of Ecology”, “Questions of History”, “Health”, “New Time”, as well as observers on environmental, political and social issues.

President of the Civil Defense.

Global problems cover the whole world, all of humanity, pose a threat to its present and future, and require united efforts and joint actions of all states to solve them, forming a triangle: population - social and economic development - environment.

Correspondent for the magazine "Problems of Ecology".

We did not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We take it from our descendants. What are the forms and factors of environmental impact? To what extent does the solution to the environmental problem depend on each inhabitant of our planet?

By “conquering nature,” people have largely undermined the natural foundations of their own life activity, the stability of the world’s ecological systems, and reduced biological diversity on the planet, leading to significant environmental degradation. " Previously nature frightened man, and now man frightens nature,” said French oceanologist Jacques-Yves Cousteau. In some countries and areas ecological situation has reached the level of an ecological crisis. A global environmental threat has emerged not only to the present, but also to future generations. Dramatic situation with water supply. Approximately 40% of humanity feels “water hunger”, 60% of the land is occupied by desert and semi-desert lands. The Earth is a small ball in the Universe, and it is the only place where humanity can survive or perish. An environmental disaster has affected our planet.

Second columnist on environmental issues.

The human impact on nature is enormous: deforestation, desertification of the land, plowing of the last areas suitable for agriculture, water pollution, contamination of the land with chemicals. Emissions of various gases into the atmosphere create the greenhouse effect. Over the past 100 years, the temperature on earth has risen by 0.6 degrees.

First columnist on environmental issues.

The UN motto is “We have one Earth!” " World Strategy Nature Conservation" is a comprehensive program of action for all countries of the world community, adopted by the UN. The main solution environmental problem– organization of production and non-production activities of people.

Correspondent for the magazine “Questions of History”.

What is the essence of the problem of peace and disarmament, prevention of a new world war, i.e. global problems number 1?

Columnist on political issues.

Scientists have calculated that over the past 5.5 millennia there have been 15 thousand wars on our planet. But nowhere before was there a real possibility of destroying entire countries and continents. It arose in connection with the creation of nuclear, chemical, and bacteriological weapons in combination with missile technology. In the 1980s, the world spent more than 1 trillion on military purposes. dollars per year. The armed forces of all countries numbered 30 million people, and in total about 100 million people were involved in military preparations. The world has already accumulated monstrous means of mass destruction, sufficient to repeatedly exterminate all life on our planet. The world has come to such a critical point when Hamlet’s question “To be or not to be?” stood up no longer in front of individual people, but in front of the entire human race. This is how geographers assess the possible climatic consequences of a nuclear war. The occurrence of massive fires after the exchange nuclear strikes would contribute to the formation in the atmosphere of a continuous cloud of soot, smoke, burning, would cause a darkening of the entire earth's surface- “nuclear night”, which would lead to a drop in temperature by 15-20 degrees, and in some areas - up to 40, i.e. to the onset of “nuclear winter” and mass death of flora and fauna. That is why the problem of peace and disarmament, prevention of a new world war, survival and self-preservation of mankind has truly become problem No. 1.

Correspondent for Health magazine.

What is the demographic portrait of the planet in the 20th century?

Columnist on social issues.

The demographic problem is one of the problems of the century. The demographic crisis in developed countries has led to a disruption in population reproduction and a reduction in its population. Population explosion of Africa, Asia, Latin America, on the one hand, provides a surge of fresh strength and growth of labor resources, and on the other hand, it creates additional difficulties in the fight to overcome economic backwardness and complicates the solution of social issues. Demographic policy - regulation of population reproduction - is determined by the demographic situation in the country.


Is there a connection between energy and raw materials problems?

On a global scale, energy and raw materials problems - problems- twins. They appeared in the 70s. Problems of resource availability have previously acquired a certain severity, but usually this applied to individual regions and countries. In just 3 post-war decades, more mineral fuel and raw materials were extracted from the bowels of the earth than in the entire previous history of mankind. According to scientists' calculations, 180 billion tons of coal, 85 billion tons of oil, 40 billion tons were extracted from the bowels of the earth iron ore, 280 billion tons copper ore, 100 thousand tons of gold. Of this amount, the last thirty years account for 50-85% of all production.


Why has the food problem become most acute in developing countries?

Columnist on economic issues.

Currently, according to the UN, only 1/3 of the world's population is provided with food. Currently, an extremely difficult situation with food supply is observed in Africa, South, South-East Asia. To solve the food problem, it is necessary to make fuller use of the resources of crop production, livestock farming, and fishing. The natural way is to expand arable, pasture, and fishing grounds. The area of ​​land suitable for agricultural cultivation on our planet is 3.2 -3.4 billion hectares, and less than 50% is still used. All fertile and conveniently located lands have been developed, so large expenses will be required to develop new lands. This is the extensive way. The intensive path, i.e. promotion biological productivity existing lands is associated with the use of biotechnology, the use of new high-yielding varieties, new methods of soil cultivation, the development of mechanization, and land reclamation. In order to feed the world's population, the volume of agricultural products must be doubled. The intensive path is the main one in solving the food problem. food shortage in modern world is explained not by natural, but by socio-economic reasons. In developing countries, irrational, predatory use of natural resources prevails. As a result of soil erosion, salinization of irrigated lands, excessive grazing, primitive agricultural technology, cultivation of the same crops in conditions of high population density, soil degradation and a decrease in fertility occur. Therefore, the share of agricultural production in developing countries is in the world is 53%, and the share of the population is 77%. Hence, malnutrition, which affects the health, performance, and mental development of people.


What is the relationship between global problems of humanity? How is space exploration going? Observer on the latest technologies. Space is a global environment, the common heritage of humanity. Space programs have become significantly more complicated; their implementation requires the concentration of technical, economic, and intellectual efforts of many countries and peoples. Space exploration has become one of the most important international global problems. Peaceful space exploration is possible using the latest achievements of science and technology, production and management, which provides enormous space information about the Earth and its resources. The features of the future space industry are becoming more and more clear, space technology, applications of space energy resources. Scientists have developed projects for the construction of space solar power plants. Each of the global problems has its own specific content, but they are all closely interconnected: energy and raw materials with environmental, environmental with demographic, demographic with food, etc. Special place The problem of peace and disarmament, the prevention of a new world war is occupied. Military production diverts enormous human, energy and raw material resources, and material resources that are withdrawn from the sphere of peaceful labor, education, health care, and environmental protection. The transition from an arms economy to a disarmament economy is beginning.

President of the Civil Defense. Global problems are complex. The bowels of the Earth and the World Ocean still conceal many untapped and undiscovered riches; traditional ones will be replaced by new resources; scientific and technological revolution will help improve the ecological balance between society and nature, and the modern population explosion is not an eternal phenomenon. Global problems are related to the solution of scientific, technical, economic, social, political issues. In conditions of peace and the scientific and technological revolution, human civilization is not in danger of destruction due to overpopulation, lack of resources and environmental pollution.

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