At what ppm is alcohol intoxication considered? How many ppm are allowed to drive a car?

The mortality rate on the road exceeds all acceptable standards. After all, many motorists get behind the wheel in drunk. But current legislation allows you to drive a car with a small amount of ethyl alcohol in your blood.

Alcohol limit

Many citizens want to know how many ppm are allowed in 2017. In accordance with the amendments to the Russian article, every motorist has the right to drive if the amount of alcohol in the volume does not exceed 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. Previously the figure was in accordance with part of the same legal act was 0.01 ppm in the blood. Now an amendment has been made according to which it is allowed to drive a car in this state.

If previously the driver was worried about the indicator after drinking kvass and kefir, now there is no need to worry.

But taking pills and alcohol-containing products is not worth it. Certain boundaries in paragraph 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses allow this without penalties.

Many drivers are irresponsible when driving and therefore actively break the rules. On this moment ppm are slightly different from previous years, as amendments were made annually. And they were added in accordance with the impurities that are often found in products and show ethyl alcohol indicators on the tester.

These products include:

  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • kvass and kefir, including yogurt and other fermented milk products;
  • chocolate and candies;
  • warm juice;
  • cigarettes and oranges, bananas;
  • mouth fresheners;
  • sandwiches with sausage and black bread.

Each of the products presented above has a specific amount of ethyl alcohol content, for which they were previously punished. Alcohol, of course, disappears, but after a certain time. On the Internet you can find quite a few ways that can increase the rate of metabolism and weathering of alcohol. But you should not use such methods and get behind the wheel. You will have to answer according to the law in accordance with 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in the Russian Federation.

These are the reasons that led to the abolition of the zero limit. Indeed, in accordance with Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia, a driver who is found to have increased coefficient, loses driver's license 18-24 months for repeat offence. traffic.

Determination of quantity

In other words, ppm is considered the degree of intoxication of a person. And they are often calculated based on the ethyl alcohol content in the blood. The calculation takes 0.1 ppm, which contains 0.045 mg of alcohol per 1 liter. Now establishing intoxication has become much easier. But you should understand that alcohol wears off quite a bit. a large number of time. And this period directly depends on the alcohol consumed and the person’s body weight.

Withdrawal time

Breathalyzers allow you to accurately determine the presence of ethyl alcohol. It is worth understanding that different alcohol dissipates differently.

Let's take an average person weighing 70 kilograms to calculate:

  1. beer up to 4% 100 grams – 30 minutes;
  2. 200 grams – 1.29 hours;
  3. 300 grams – 2.29 hours;
  4. beer up to 6% 100 grams – 45 minutes;
  5. 200 grams – 2.14 hours;
  6. 300 grams – 3.44 hours;
  7. champagne 11% 100 grams – 1.22 hours;
  8. 200 grams – 4.06 hours;
  9. 300 grams – 6.50 hours;
  10. liqueur 30% 100 grams – 3.44 hours;
  11. 200 grams – 11.11 hours;
  12. 300 grams – 18.39 hours;
  13. vodka 40% 100 grams – 4.58 hours;
  14. 200 grams – 14.44 hours;
  15. 300 grams – 24.51 hours;
  16. cognac 42% 100 grams – 5.13 hours;
  17. 200 grams – 15.4 hours;
  18. 300 grams – 26.06 hours.


If the fact of exceeding the amount of ethyl alcohol is proven, the driver faces the following liability:

  • primary stop - administrative offense– 30 thousand rubles, additionally deprivation of a driver’s license for up to 2 years;
  • the next time you stop and exceed the specified amount, the fine will be 50 thousand rubles and deprivation of your driver’s license for up to 3 years;
  • in case of repeated violation, the driver faces imprisonment for up to 15 days;
  • if the motorist refuses to pass medical examination he is entitled to a fine as in the first paragraph.

If the driver transferred the right to drive the car to his friend, who is also there, then the first one pays a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles in accordance with Article 12.8 of the Administrative Code.

Legislation on permitted ppm

All amendments to legislation are reflected in Articles 12.8 and Part 3 of Article Russian Federation. As was already said earlier, now permissible degree intoxication is 0.16 ppm per liter of exhaled air.

Liability is also governed by Article 12.8. To begin with, the driver faces a fine of 30,000 rubles. In addition to the administrative fine, he is prohibited from operating the vehicle for a period of two years. And the more often the driver gets behind the wheel while drunk, the greater the punishment will be.

If he refuses, he is automatically equated to the status of a drunkard, and accordingly, a fine or other punishment is imposed. The issue is further regulated by the article of the Russian Federation. The main aspects of the offense and penalties for them are outlined here.

How much can you drink

Before drinking alcohol, you need to know exactly how many ppm are in the bottle. And only then can you relax in the evening. The calculation directly depends on the percentage of alcohol and the amount of product consumed. This is also affected by a person’s weight and metabolism.

It is worth understanding that in men it is much faster than in women. And accordingly, alcohol dissipates somewhat differently.

Other products

Many motorists are concerned about their rights. That's why they are interested in ppm. After all, they are also found in everyday products. For example, in kvass. Kvass contains 0.4 ppm, which will allow an employee to send medical examination . Therefore, you must also wait after drinking this drink.

Non-alcoholic beer contains even less ppm – 0.2. Every car enthusiast should understand that now new technology it is impossible to deceive.

The same thing happens with a breathalyzer. If previously it was possible to exhale a little, now it’s impossible to cheat like that.


Taking medications also affects the level of ethyl alcohol in the blood. And often this is stated in the annotations.

For example, during the period of illness, many take antiviral drugs, which also contain ppm:

  1. Aflubin;
  2. Rhinital;
  3. Pertussin;
  4. Vertichel;
  5. Bittner;
  6. Biovital.

It is also worth noting the alcohol content in various tinctures of motherwort and valerian. Corvalol is also not recommended for use by drivers.

Alcohol level measurement

At the moment, you can measure your alcohol level using several methods:

  1. when exhaling. When a car enthusiast breathes into a tube and this allows you to measure ppm. Must be less than 0.16 ppm in accordance with Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  2. measuring the presence of alcohol in the blood. He voluntarily donates blood for testing. In this case, the indicator should be 0.35 ml/l.

Naturally, a blood test is in the best possible way for alcohol determination. It is also considered decisive in the final determination of alcohol level.

Data on the amount of alcohol is entered into the documentation. And this document is already the basis for accusing the perpetrator. The patrol service uses a breathalyzer to detect alcohol intoxication. These devices change the level of alcohol in the blood in ppm.

You can independently determine the ppm level before the trip.

There are several methods for this:

  • use of test strips for driving;
  • indicator tubes.

The first and second methods do not give results about the amount of ethanol content. But it is convenient to use to determine the fact of alcohol intoxication.

Types of breathalyzers

Breathalyzers are considered the optimal devices for obtaining information about the level of alcohol in a person’s blood.

There are several types:

  • electronic allows you to measure the electrical conductivity of steam and indicates the value on the screen;
  • electrochemical allows you to determine the composition of exhaled air. Clearly determines the number of ppm;
  • spectrophotometric. More often used only in medical institutions where accurate indicators exist.

The most accurate here are electrochemical sensors installed in electronic devices. This item can be used long time. The advantage of this method is its ease of use, since it does not require additional settings.

Now there are breathalyzers with infrared detection. Often intended for analysis in clinical settings. The indicator directly depends on temperature regime. Not an accurate indicator.

Experts advise not to drink while driving. alcoholic drinks. And if a person drank the day before, it is better not to drive the next day. You must wait at least 24 hours after your last use. alcoholic products with high alcohol content.

You should not trust known means for quickly removing alcohol from a person’s blood. There are no such things in nature. This is all a marketing ploy.

The harm of alcohol has long been proven, but people are not ready to completely give up its consumption at the moment. Alcoholic drinks can be different, and they differ, first of all, in the number of “degrees” - alcohol content. Depending on the degree of alcohol, its effect on the human brain varies. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the reaction time to ongoing events increases. In order to reduce the number of traffic accidents, driving while intoxicated is prohibited.

Table of contents:

Allowable ppm while driving in 2019

In 2010, the government of the Russian Federation approved that drivers must have zero levels of alcohol in both their breath and blood when tested. This law was in force until 2013, when it was decided to revise it. This is due to the fact that the consumption of some non-alcoholic foods and drinks can cause reactions, as a result of which the presence of ppm will be recorded when checking the driver’s condition on a breathalyzer. For example, “intoxicating” products include:

  • Chocolate;
  • Kvass;
  • Kefir and other fermented milk products;
  • Oranges, apples, bananas;
  • Mouth fresheners, chewing gum;
  • A number of medications.

The above is far from full list products, after consumption of which the presence of alcohol in the form of ppm can be recorded in the exhaled air and blood.

Note: This list includes non-alcoholic beer. After it, the breathalyzer will show the presence of alcohol in the driver’s blood, but no more than after kvass. Thus, drinking non-alcoholic beer before traveling is not prohibited in 2019.

In 2013, the “zero ppm” law was reviewed and adjusted. This is due to the fact that sober drivers were fined and deprived of their license for the minimal presence of alcohol in the blood, while they could not drink alcoholic beverages for several weeks, months or even years before the trip, and the appearance of ppm was caused by other products.

In 2019, the following were established in Russia: permissible ppm behind the wheel:

  • In the blood: no more than 0.35 ppm;
  • In exhaled air: no more than 0.16 ppm.

If, during the test, the breathalyzer shows values ​​less than acceptable, the driver has the right to drive the car.

What threatens drivers for exceeding permissible ppm standards in 2019

A drunk driver driving a car is a potential threat to other people. IN State Duma There is an active discussion of the idea of ​​tightening liability for driving while intoxicated. In 2019, the following penalties are provided for drunk drivers:

  • If a driver is caught under the influence of alcohol for the first time, he is punished with a fine of 30 thousand rubles. He will also be deprived of his driver's license for a period of 1.5 to 2 years, for which he will need to pass a theoretical exam at the traffic police;
  • If a driver is caught driving a car while intoxicated for the second time, he is punished with a fine of 50 thousand rubles. He will also be deprived of his driver's license for 3 years, the restoration of which will require passing an exam at the traffic police.

Important: Refusal of a medical examination for alcohol intoxication is actually a confirmation of the driver that he is drunk while driving. In this case, the punishment is identical - a fine of 30 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for 1.5-2 years.

It is necessary to note some important points, which relate to the punishment of drivers while intoxicated while driving:

Note: If a drunk driver gets into an accident, Insurance Company has the right to refuse to pay him insurance.

When can you drive after drinking alcohol?

There are various “legends” among drivers who tell how soon after drinking alcohol you can get behind the wheel of a car. Some say that after drinking a bottle of beer you need to wait 4 hours before getting behind the wheel, others say that 2-3 hours is enough. In fact, the time is calculated for each person individually, depending on his body weight, degrees of alcohol consumed, metabolism, and some personal medical indicators.

The average values ​​when you can drive after drinking alcohol so that the breathalyzer shows acceptable ppm are given in the following table:

Each driver must individually calculate the number of ppm in the blood to avoid penalties for driving while intoxicated. For example, if a man weighing 60 kg drank a liter of beer at 5.8 degrees in the evening after work at 22:00 and went to bed, he received about 2.14 ppm. In an hour from male body comes out about 0.1-0.15 ppm, and from the female one about 0.085-0.1 ppm. Accordingly, the driver can get behind the wheel and not be afraid of being deprived of his license around 16:00 the next day.

Some car enthusiasts claim that “you can’t waste professionalism,” but in practice the situation is completely different. This is evidenced by the bleak statistics of road accidents - in Russia, many fatal accidents occur due to the fault of drunk drivers. A responsible motorist will never allow himself to drive while intoxicated, as he will not be able to adequately assess the situation and react quickly. Let's discuss what ppm is and what value of this indicator is acceptable when driving a car.

What is ppm of alcohol?

When making measurements, it is sometimes easier and more convenient to operate with fractions of a whole value. The simplest and most intuitive options are half, third, fourth, etc. But what to do when you need to calculate tiny particles? Then ppm comes into play. In the driving environment, everyone hears this beautiful word, used to determine the concentration of ethanol in the human body. Permille is a unit of measurement representing one thousandth (or one tenth of a percent). The ppm sign ‰ is similar to the percent sign %, but the term in question is an even smaller quantity. That is, 1 percent = 10 ppm, and 1 ppm = 0.1 percent. It is logical that percentages are not used when determining the alcohol content in a person’s blood, since, for example, 1 percent of ethyl alcohol in the blood is too high for a person to be alive.

Scientists have proven that the level of alcohol in a person’s blood increases to its maximum approximately 30 minutes after drinking alcohol-containing drinks. If you know the ppm value, you can quite easily obtain (calculate) the following information:

  • How much ethanol is in the blood after a certain period of time.
  • How much alcohol was consumed?
  • How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Of course, in calculations an important role is played individual characteristics person (gender, age, weight), as well as the amount drunk and the percentage of fluid in the body of the driver under study.

How many ppm are allowed?

Before 2013 Russian legislation did not allow the ppm value to exceed zero. That is, absolutely nothing alcoholic could be consumed in any quantity. Even because of banal Corvalol, the driver could be deprived of his license. Sweets with liqueur, sedatives and many other products could affect the breathalyzer readings, giving traffic police officers a far from zero ppm result. This situation was widely discussed and condemned by society, since huge number motorists fell into the category of pedestrians, being “guilty without guilt.” The authorities became imbued with the problem and introduced permissible norm alcohol in the blood. What is the current value of permitted ppm?

Important: From September 1, 2013, the alcohol content in exhaled air should not exceed 0.16 milligrams per liter of air. This figure corresponds to 0.356 ppm per liter of blood.

Degree of intoxication in ppm - table

It has long been known that alcoholism is a disease, psychological and physical dependence. It is very dangerous when people with such an illness get behind the wheel, violating traffic rules, since they have neither responsibility nor the ability to sensibly perceive the road situation. The degree of intoxication in ppm is in practice determined by measuring the alcohol content in the blood. Scientists distinguish several stages, presented in the table:

The main stages can be described as follows:

  • Mild degree of intoxication – characterized by mental and emotional comfort. The person becomes cheerful and spontaneous, talkative and active, and movements, as a rule, are impetuous, and coordination is slightly impaired. People usually speak louder and more confidently, and think inconsistently and superficially. Traffic police inspectors most often identify drivers in a mild stage of intoxication by eye - by their manner of communication, color change skin etc.
  • The average degree of intoxication is determined by gross behavioral changes in a person. Inexpressive facial expressions, monotonous slurred speech with constant repetitions are observed, coordination decreases, and the reaction slows down. Cheerfulness gives way to irritability, and sometimes aggression - people easily get involved in a fight or argument. The most unpleasant thing is that the driver cannot evaluate himself critically; it seems to him that he is not drunk at all and that he is “knee-deep in the sea.”
  • Severe intoxication - usually people at this stage lose coordination and consciousness, and do not perceive other people's speech. What happens does not remain in the memory, that is, in the morning a very drunk driver caught by the traffic police will have nothing to remember, unless he doesn’t have a driver’s license in his pocket.
  • Severe degree of intoxication – accompanied by impaired consciousness and work respiratory organs, heart rate slows down. The person is in a completely inadequate state, not perceiving either what is happening or the people around him. Due to significant disruptions in the body's functioning, coma or death are possible.

Time to remove alcohol from the body

In the well-known film “The Diamond Arm” it is said that “even teetotalers and ulcer sufferers drink at someone else’s expense.” Probably, any person has had moments when it seemed like he was not going to drink alcohol, but it happened. There are holidays, birthdays and corporate events in everyone's life. Often, under the pressure of tipsy guests and friends who want to share their joy with you, it is almost impossible to ignore a glass of wine or something else. Therefore, car enthusiasts face a reasonable and exciting question How long after drinking alcohol can you drive? legally? Only a breathalyzer or blood test can give a definite answer. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that these devices also have errors. As a matter of fact, it was for this reason that the permissible limit for alcohol while driving was introduced in ppm. But drivers who do not have a breathalyzer for personal use can approximately calculate the time it takes for ethanol to be removed from the body. How to do it? You should pay attention to some points. The time it takes for a person to return to normal sobriety is influenced by:

  • Amount of alcohol consumed. Everyone understands that the more you drink, the longer you remain intoxicated.
  • The strength of the drink, that is, the number of degrees. It is logical that forty-proof vodka will be eliminated from the body much longer than six-proof beer with the same amount drunk.

But it’s not just these aspects that determine how soon a person will become crystal sober. Personal characteristics such as:

  • person’s weight – body weight affects the concentration of alcohol in the blood, so the more kilograms the driver’s scale shows, the sooner ethanol will be eliminated from the body;
  • gender – men usually sober up faster than women;
  • age category - over the years, metabolic processes in the body proceed more slowly, therefore, intoxication will last longer;
  • existing health problems - the presence of diseases also reduces the rate of return to the ranks of sober citizens;
  • frequency of alcohol consumption - in people who often abuse alcohol, in most cases the functioning of many organs is impaired, which leads to a slowdown in the process of alcohol withdrawal.

It is difficult to take into account all factors, since each person is individual, however, as a result of the experiment, a table was developed that informs about the approximate time for alcohol removal from the body. Calculations are made for men (for women it is recommended to increase the presented figures by approximately 20%).

How is the amount of alcohol in the body measured?

Traffic police officers determine the sobriety of motorists using a breathalyzer - a device that measures the concentration of alcohol in the air that a person exhales. The standard unit of measurement is milligram per liter of air. The resulting value can be converted to ppm. The breathalyzer, like all measuring devices, has an error, which was taken into account when the law on the permissible ethanol level was developed. Drivers call checking with such a device “breathe into a tube.” If there are any suspicions regarding the sobriety of a motorist, the traffic police inspector has the right to offer testing. Usually the reason for this is following features driver:

  • unclear speech;
  • pronounced changes in behavior;
  • impairment of fundamental motor skills;
  • increased expressiveness;
  • other characteristics indicating a person's inadequacy.

The car owner has the right to refuse inspection and not breathe into a tube. Then he must undergo a medical examination at specialized institution. In case of refusal, the driver risks receiving a fine and losing his license.

To calculate the concentration of alcohol in the blood, the formula of the Swedish scientist Erik Widmark is taken: C = A / (m*r), Where

  • C – concentration of ethyl alcohol in blood in ppm;
  • A – volume of alcohol consumed in grams;
  • m is the person’s weight in kilograms;
  • r – Widmark distribution coefficient (for men – 0.7; for women – 0.6).

In order for the calculated ethanol concentration to be close to reality, it is necessary to subtract 10-30% from the mass of alcohol consumed (A). This is due to the fact that some of the alcohol does not enter the peripheral blood, it simply does not reach it.

Example of calculating ppm of alcohol:

  • A man weighing 75 kg drank 400 ml of vodka (40 degrees).
  • The Widmark coefficient is 0.7, since the subject is male.
  • Vodka contains ethanol, its net value will be 400 * 0.4 = 160 ml. Let's convert to grams, knowing that the density of undiluted ethanol is 789 kg per cubic meter: 160 * 0.79 = 126.4 g.
  • Subtract 10% from the mass of the drink: 126.4 * 0.9 = 113.76 g.
  • The level of alcohol in the blood of a man weighing 75 kg after drinking 400 ml of vodka: 113.76 / (75 * 0.7) = 2.17 ppm.

There are also now a huge number of Internet calculators on the Internet that allow you to calculate the time after which you can safely get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol. As a rule, most of them perform calculations based on the Widmark formula. Usually you need to enter the following data: gender, body weight, age, strength and volume of alcohol consumed, stomach fullness, etc.

Let's look at an example: a man weighing 80 kg and height 180 cm drank 100 ml of vodka (40%) and 500 ml of beer (6%). Let's assume that he drank with a snack, that is, on a full stomach. The concentration of alcohol in the blood will be 0.69 ‰, that is, the person is in the stage of mild intoxication, which is almost twice the permissible ppm. He will sober up completely in 6 hours and 6 minutes.

Important: If, for example, you constantly need a car for work, then the best option will be the purchase of a personal breathalyzer, since all the calculations presented above are approximate.

Punishment for exceeding the permissible alcohol limit

Driving a car while intoxicated is one of the most serious violations of traffic rules, therefore, responsibility for such an action will not please anyone. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for the first violation the driver faces:

  • Confiscation of rights for a period of one and a half to two years.
  • A fine of 30,000 rubles.

Those motorists who have not learned anything from bitter experience and are caught drunk while driving a car for the second time will have to say goodbye to their license for up to three years and bear criminal liability under Article 264 of the Criminal Code (one of the following):

  • Monetary recovery in the amount of 200,000–300,000 rubles.
  • A fine equal to the violator’s earnings for one to two years.
  • Mandatory work (up to 480 hours).
  • Forced labor (up to two years).
  • Imprisonment (up to two years).

Important: A repeat violation is one that occurs within one year after the driver's license was revoked for drunkenness.

Medicines and foods that increase blood alcohol levels

Of course, everyone understands that alcohol medicinal tinctures (for example, calendula, valerian, hawthorn, etc.) contain alcohol in small quantities. But some absolutely familiar foods also contain ethanol, so even non-drinkers, when tested with a breathalyzer, can see that there is a certain amount of ppm in their blood. As a rule, it is small, however, even “innocent” foods can be eaten in such quantities that the permitted ppm limit will be exceeded. These include:

  • Nonalcoholic beer;
  • Sweet bakery products;
  • Kvass;
  • Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • Citrus fruit;
  • Chocolates, for example, with rum or liqueur filling;
  • Warm drinks containing natural juice;
  • Cigarettes;
  • Too ripe bananas;
  • Sandwiches made from black bread, for example, Borodino bread with sausage.

Usually in summer period drivers are let down by kvass. It is very easy to drink a lot of kvass. Of course, some ppm value is allowed, namely 0.356 in the blood. However, if you drink one liter of kvass, the permissible limit will most likely be exceeded.

What to do and how to behave when communicating with a traffic police inspector?

A driver whom the traffic police suspects of drunkenness should first of all calm down and pull himself together. Of course, it is quite difficult to talk with government officials without feeling nervous, but stress in this case only interferes with building a constructive conversation. During the dialogue, you should behave respectfully and correctly, try to operate with facts and traffic rules, remember your rights. To maintain your driver's license, it is important to pay attention to some points:

  • Capture the situation on camera or record it with a voice recorder.
  • Show the inspector that you are aware of how the intoxication test is carried out. First, there is a suspension from driving a vehicle, and then a sobriety test. If you do not know the main points, it is better to study them in advance.
  • Read and fill out the documents carefully, do not sign thoughtlessly.
  • When signing the protocol, do not forget to note that you do not consider yourself guilty of the offense charged.
  • Before you are asked to “breathe into a straw,” make sure that the breathalyzer is certified and that the device’s calibration period has not yet expired.
  • Agree to a medical examination if the test results are unfavorable for you. Sometimes the blood test gives different results, and the motorist retains his license.

Important: There are cases when traffic police officers do not want to take motorists for a medical examination, saying that the institution is not working or something else. The refusal must be written when filling out the protocol. You can use the wording: “I demand that I be sent for examination to a medical organization.”

By drinking alcohol while driving, a driver can not only lose his license and face a fine of 30,000 rubles, but also become a potential murderer. Those who have broken the law again will face criminal liability. Momentary joys in the form of strong drinks are not worth other people's lives, especially since it is also easy to part with your own. If you've been drinking (and who doesn't?), then don't drive, call a taxi or take a walk.

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on a person’s condition, significantly reducing visual acuity and speed of reaction to what is happening, slowing down thought processes, and sometimes completely depriving a person of the ability to behave adequately. It's no surprise that driving while sober causes many accidents and is punishable by law.

The level of alcohol in the blood of a driver in 2016 in Russia in ppm

Since September 2013, this value has remained unchanged and according to Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, up to 0.16 ppm in the air or 0.35 ppm in the driver’s blood. Or translated into grams - no more than 1.6 grams of vapor and 3.5 grams of ethyl alcohol per liter of blood.

According to the rules, when assessing the degree of alcohol intoxication, much attention is paid to physiological factors in human behavior, such as coherence of speech and coordination of movement. The standard also takes into account possible instrument errors.

What is special about the introduced norm?

In practice, this norm is much more flexible and correct compared to the previous one, requiring “zero” ppm.

Such global changes were introduced due to the fact that many products such as:

  • Nonalcoholic beer;
  • Chocolate;
  • Bakery products and kvass;
  • Juices, especially orange juices;
  • Kefir and various yoghurts;
  • Overripe bananas

And also some medicines and cigarettes contain a small amount of quickly disappearing alcohol impurities that affect the breathalyzer readings and previously expose the driver to the risk of a fine.

To avoid such controversial issues, the norm was increased to a more flexible indicator.

How to drink wisely: what, in what quantity and for how long?

It’s definitely not that simple to answer the question posed, because many factors matter, starting from the alcohol consumed and the rate of its weathering and ending with individual physiological characteristics the person himself (for example: gender - in women, weathering occurs much more slowly and metabolism).

Special programs can come to the driver’s aid here, many of which can be used directly online, as well as tables. We will give only some examples and the general calculation mechanism.

How can you independently calculate how much you can drink?

So, let's take an average man weighing 75 kg and a beer with 6% alcohol. 6% alcohol can be deciphered as the fact that 100 grams of the drink contains only 6 grams of alcohol. After drinking them, a person will receive only 0.08 grams per kg or 0.08 ppm, which is about 4 times less than the permissible limit! Thus, right before the trip, our fictional hero can drink 400 grams of beer.

If you are faced with the task of determining the time after which you will be able to get behind the wheel, calculate the approximate alcohol content in your blood at the moment, its difference with the permissible limit and divide it by the rate of weathering. The rate at which alcohol breaks down depends on your metabolism and averages about 0.1 ppm per hour for men and 0.85 for women.

It must be admitted that the results obtained will be quite approximate, and you can trust them only at your own peril and risk, since they do not allow you to take into account all factors (for example, the characteristics of the drink and the fact that the more alcohol in the body, the slower it disappears ). A special online calculator or telephone application will help to significantly simplify calculations and make them accurate. The latter is especially interesting, since even at the most fun party will help you tell yourself “Stop” in time and stop drinking.

The most popular examples of general calculations:

  • Before the trip, you can drink 1.5 cups of kvass or 4 cans of non-alcoholic beer without harming others and your wallet, and eat any food.
  • 0.1 liter of vodka will completely leave the body after 4 hours, and it’s acceptable to get behind the wheel after 3 hours of waiting. If the amount consumed is 2 times less, you can take it in an hour to an hour and a half.
  • 200 grams of red wine will completely disappear after 3 hours, and the permissible concentration of 0.3 ppm will occur after 90 minutes. The same amount of white wine will require 2 hours and an hour of time, respectively.
  • A couple of drunk bottles of beer will irrevocably leave your body after 4 hours from the time of consumption. One bottle you drink will wear off in 3-2.5 hours and will allow you to drive after 100 minutes.

These examples were designed for a physically healthy, middle-aged man weighing about 80 kg.

Finally, I would like to note that you should not trust only numbers. Be attentive to your body and don’t drive if you don’t feel very well after a stormy night, don’t take the risk.

How much does drunk driving cost a driver? Punishment for drunk driving

Exceeding the cherished ppm is severely punished and is usually not limited to a fine. The following measures are currently in place:

  • When a driver is initially stopped while intoxicated, a fine of 30 thousand rubles is imposed, as well as a ban on driving vehicles for 1.5 to 2 years, depending on the court’s decision. Similar penalties apply to those who refuse to undergo a medical examination.
  • Secondary excess will cost 50 thousand and will deprive the driver of the right to drive for 3 years.
  • If a person who has already been fined is again caught driving while drunk, he will face imprisonment for a period of 10-15 days and a trial.
  • Sanctions also apply to individuals who hand over transport to an intoxicated person. They face a similar punishment in the form of a fine and the same period of deprivation of a driver's license.

Bottom line

As you can see, driving in drunk leads to the deprivation of your driver's license and a rather large fine, and this is not counting the serious danger to yourself and others. So think twice before you get behind the wheel, even after drinking a little. Especially modern norm She is quite loyal, and calculating the amount of alcohol permissible for you is not so difficult. Attention to yourself and others is the key to safety on the road, and alcohol is certainly not a good driver’s friend.

Permille is a specific measure of quantity that denotes 1/1000th of a fraction and 1/10th of a percent. Many have encountered such indicators when it comes to measuring blood alcohol. But few people know that the value is officially used to measure the level of salinity of water or the slope of railway tracks. As it may seem at first glance, the presence of 1 ppm of alcohol in the blood is mere nonsense. But as practice shows, this value is quite enough to determine that the driver is under the influence of alcohol. What amount of ppm is allowed in 2018? Find out these and other details in this article.

Permissible alcohol limit

Alcohol and driving is one of the most pressing problems in Russia, so law enforcement officers are trying to fight this vice as harshly as possible. Tightening sanctions, introducing fines, criminal penalty- these are just a few methods of dealing with malicious troublemakers. But it is difficult to scare the Russian people with anything, which leads to more and more accidents on the roads caused by drunk drivers.

Let's start with the fact that today there are two ways to measure blood alcohol levels:

1) Determination of alcohol in the air that the driver exhales into a special tube. The amount of alcohol should not exceed 0.16 ml per liter = 0.16 ppm;

2) Determining the amount of alcohol in the driver’s blood. For testing, a driver suspected of driving while intoxicated is taken to a medical facility. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein. The permissible limit is 0.35 ml per liter = 0.35 ppm.

The second method is more objective, since it is this indicator that is entered into the protocol and in the future will serve as evidence of the accusation. It should be remembered that even for such an accurate analysis there is an error of 0.05 ppm. Current legislative standards take into account the permissible error of the device used, as well as the use of products containing alcohol. Also in the presence of diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus or pathologies digestive system, endogenous alcohols can accumulate in the body, which affect the presence of ppm in the blood.

How has the ppm rate changed over the past 5 years?

The permissible ppm rate for drivers in 2017-2018 differs significantly from that which was established from 2010 to 2015. During this period, Russian legislation provided for only a 100% zero indicator. Thus, the amount of alcohol in the blood and exhaled air was strictly prohibited. Today, such a law has lost force due to several circumstances.

First of all, some food products and drinks, which at first glance do not contain alcohol or alcohol impurities, came into question. In fact, numerous tests carried out on various products showed the presence of a hundredth of a ppm per special devices. These products include:

- nonalcoholic beer
chocolate candies
— kvass
- dairy products
- unrefrigerated juices
- brown bread with some types of cereals
tobacco products
- oranges
- mouth fresheners
- overripe bananas.

This may seem strange, but all of the above products contain minimal amount alcohol, which disappears after a certain time. For example, a driver who drank a glass of kefir, yogurt or kvass in the morning was found to have hundredths or tenths of a ppm in his blood. Such situations were not isolated, and often led not only to fines, but also to the deprivation of a driver’s license for up to two years. This fact caused conflicting opinions among Russians, which led to the adoption of a new law to abolish zero ppm in July 2013.

What are the blood alcohol standards for a driver abroad?

If we take into account the data of the Pan-European System of Road Traffic Regulations, the permissible level of alcohol in the blood is no more than 0.5 ppm. But this rule is followed in all countries, where in some of them the permissible norms range from 0.00% to 0.8%. For example, in Moldova, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Armenia and Slovakia permissible level ppm in the blood is 0%. In these countries, if you exceed the permissible blood alcohol limits, you can say goodbye to your driver's license for a period of 3 to 5 years. In Romania, for example, a driver with alcohol in his blood can be imprisoned for up to 5 years.

More “modern” countries believe that if you drink a glass of beer or red wine before a trip, this will not affect your driving skills. Still, the permissible level of alcohol in the blood is up to 0.8% ppm. Such laws apply in the UK, Malta and Liechtenstein. However, if you believe the statistics of fines in these countries, such loyalty of representatives of the law to drivers shows the opposite effect. For example, in the UK, if the permissible blood alcohol limit is exceeded, the driver can receive a fine of 5,000 euros, lose his driving license for one year, or even go to prison for up to 1 year. Such penalties are applied if driving a car while intoxicated does not provoke serious violations on the road. If, due to the fault of a drunk driver, an accident occurs with injuries or deaths, the culprit faces imprisonment for up to 14 years and colossal fines.

The zero ppm rule applies in Japan, Equatorial Guinea, the United States United Arab Emirates, Libya, Cuba, Iran, Brazil and a number of other countries. The fine for alcohol while driving in Japan is provided not only for drunk drivers, but also for their passengers, who face about $3,000. The driver will have to pay at least $8,700, and can also go to prison for 5 years. A bar that sells alcohol to a driver knowing he is driving could lose its license.

Permitted norm per mille in Russia in 2018

At the moment it has become known that the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is considering a new bill that will make it possible to increase the possible concentration of alcohol in the driver’s blood vehicle up to 0.3 grams or more.