Permissible degree of intoxication while driving. Permille of alcohol - permissible limit while driving

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there has long been an article for exceeding the legal limit of alcohol while driving, that is, for driving in drunk. This is logical, given the number of accidents that occur as a result of the driver being drunk.

Starting from September 1, 2013, the law on the amount of ppm in a driver’s blood was changed. According to this law, “zero ppm” is abolished.

What is the permissible limit of alcohol in a driver’s body?

The question remains relevant, since alcohol is found not only in alcoholic drinks, but also in many other products: in overripe fruits, fermented jam or jam, in kvass or some carbonated drinks, as well as in fermented milk products.

In addition, do not forget that when using some medications(Corvalol, Valocordin, herbal tinctures), you also increase the level of alcohol in the blood, that is, exceed permissible alcohol limit. It turns out that the tester can detect a certain amount of ppm even in a person who does not drink alcohol at all. Accordingly, this cannot go unpunished.

Amendment made to the law. Following this amendment to Article 12.8 of the Administrative Code Russian Federation, as well as part three 12.27, the amount of alcohol in the blood should not exceed 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. Otherwise, there will be consequences in the form of taking action for drunk driving.

Before amendments are made, excess blood alcohol limit at 0.01 ppm resulted in unfair punishment, such as a fine or other kind.

To date permissible norm is 0.16 ppm. So you can drink kefir or kvass while you are driving, but you should avoid drinking alcohol, as this will lead to negative consequences.

There are two ways measuring the amount of alcohol in the blood.

1. Using a special device (tester) that records the amount of ppm in the air exhaled from the lungs.

while it is 0.16 ppm. 2. Donating blood, in which amount of alcohol

should not exceed 0.35 ppm.

Moreover, the second method is considered a more informative and objective research method. The breathalyzer has an error of 0.05 ppm. That is why the figure was changed up to 0.16. Thanks to this, prosecution is excluded after drinking kvass or kefir, or eating bananas.

What is ppm?

The value that shows the amount of alcohol in the blood is called ppm. 0.1 ppm is only 0.045 mg of ethyl in the human body. Thanks to this value, it is possible to accurately measure amount of alcohol in blood. This must be taken into account especially when alcoholic beverages are consumed before an upcoming trip.

When and how much can you drink?

After determining the acceptable blood alcohol standards, drivers became interested in the question of what they can drink on the eve of a trip and in what quantities so that the level of alcohol in the body does not exceed the level in the morning.

Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, so it is impossible to give a definite answer. But some factors are still worth considering:

  • Height, weight and gender;
  • The presence of diseases in a person;
  • Amount drunk;
  • Features of metabolism.

On average, one bottle of beer drunk by a man weighing 75 kilograms takes three hours to be eliminated from the body. Moreover, the excess amount of alcohol in the blood will be twice the permissible alcohol limit - 0.16 ppm.

Thus, on the eve of the trip, limit the amount of alcohol you drink to one glass of vodka, a glass of wine or weak beer. In this case, in the morning you will not exceed the permissible blood alcohol level. More information You can see in the table about the experiment on the amount you drink in the evening before your upcoming morning trip.

Should I drink kefir and kvass?

0.19 ppm is the value that a breathalyzer can show after drinking two glasses of kvass. But this is for a short time. Therefore, it is worth waiting a little so as not to exceed permissible alcohol limit. 0.00 ppm is the result after drinking 0.5 liters of kefir, so drink it for your health!

A bottle of non-alcoholic beer will show only 0.04 ppm.

Ten minutes after drinking these drinks, the device will show 0.00 ppm. So you can already get behind the wheel and drive on.

But don't forget individual characteristics the body of every person. Therefore, it is better to avoid drinking alcohol in the evening if you need to drive in the morning. This way you can avoid unnecessary problems.

Exceeding the permissible alcohol limit. Punishment.

Part three of Article 32.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment in the form of deprivation of rights for a period of no more than three years. But you need to take into account that in case of violation the next time, the period is added as soon as the previous one ends.

The second part of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation says that if another person is sitting behind the wheel drunk, the license is taken away for a maximum period of up to two years, and a fine of 30 thousand rubles is also charged.

Ethanol is excreted at different rates in people. In each case, the speed of cleansing the body is individual, depending on gender and health status. The alcohol calculator allows you to estimate the average, approximate level of alcohol in the blood plasma, and calculate when the driver can get behind the wheel of a car.

Alcohol calculator

The concentration of alcohol in the blood is calculated using a calculator that takes into account the strength, volume of drinks consumed, gender and weight. The calculator is based on a formula proposed in 1932 by Swedish chemist Erik Widmark for use in forensic practice.

Calculations using the Widmark formula are quite complex, and to make the task easier, an alcohol calculator was created based on it. It is easy to use; to get the result, you just need to enter your data correctly.

The calculation result reliably reflects the amount of ethyl alcohol supplied with drinks. The resulting value takes into account the average rate of decrease in blood alcohol content, equal to 0.15‰/hour.

Blood alcohol content calculator:

Table of intoxication in ppm

The table can also be of benefit to drivers who have not consumed alcohol. After all, ethyl alcohol is found in small quantities not only in drinks. A police breathalyzer on the road can show up to 0.6 ‰ after the driver consumes kvass, 0.2 ‰ after kefir.

Blood alcohol level table:

Degree of intoxication in ‰ (ppm) Well-being Effect on driving
0,2-0,5 The condition is slightly different from sobriety; excessive talkativeness and obsession appear, but within the bounds of decency.There is no reaction to moving cars, there is a desire to increase speed, and the ability to assess distance is impaired.
0,5-0,8 The condition is accompanied by euphoria, violation of morality, loss of control over behavior, and impudence.The adaptation of vision to changes in lighting and the perception of red color are weakened. The driver does not see the traffic light or red brake lights.
0,8-1,2 Events are assessed inadequately, and symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear - nausea, apathy, disorientation. The mood changes from indifference to outbursts of aggression and anger.The ability to adequately assess distances is lost, and the reaction slows down. The driver notices it late and does not have time to react when cyclists, fences, or parked cars appear in their field of vision.
1,2-2,4 Unpredictable behavior, tendency towards apathy. Signs of poisoning intensify, vomiting and involuntary bowel movements appear.Coordination is lost, visual response is reduced, and there is no adequate assessment of the situation. All of the above is accompanied by monstrous arrogance.

At a value of more than 2.4 ‰ it becomes real threat paralysis, heart attack. Above 3 ‰ - suppression of respiratory reflexes, decreased temperature, coma, risk of death.

At ppm 3.8 and above, a person can die from paralysis of the respiratory center in the brain.

Duration of effects of alcohol

The rate of ethanol utilization in the body depends on the characteristics of metabolism, condition digestive system, liver, pancreas. The breakdown of ethyl alcohol requires enzymes that may be inactive or even absent.

The degree of intoxication of a person depends on factors:

  • person's weight, height;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • state of the digestive, respiratory and urinary system.

By using alcohol calculator It is possible to assess the degree of intoxication, but it will not be possible to accurately determine the amount of ethanol in the blood using the tables. Ethanol elimination rates in humans different time and at different conditions differ considerably.

The speed of sobering up depends on the state of a person’s health, namely, on the functionality of his liver and pancreas. At chronic diseases the removal of alcohol from the body slows down, intoxication suddenly sets in, and the symptoms of alcohol poisoning become more pronounced.

Features of splitting

The liver plays a special role in detoxifying the body. Long-term abuse of alcoholic beverages worsens its functions, destroys the organ, and leads to cirrhosis. The more damaged the liver, the less alcohol causes intoxication and poisoning.

Absorption of ethyl alcohol begins almost immediately after drinking the drink; after an hour it accumulates in the blood maximum amount ethanol

The process slows down while consuming fatty foods. After being removed from the blood, alcohol is still contained in the urine and cerebrospinal fluid.

Strength matters alcoholic drinks. Strong alcohol are eliminated longer, so if it takes 4 hours to neutralize 100 grams of vodka, then intoxication from a bottle of beer goes away after 2 hours.

Beer will not be felt when breathing after 30 minutes, and alcohol vapors after taking 100 g of vodka can be felt in the exhaled air for 1.5 hours.


100 g of vodka converted to 96% ethyl alcohol equals 40 g of pure alcohol. To determine the degree of intoxication, the amount of alcohol (‰) must be divided by the total weight of body fluid.

All fluid in the body in men on average corresponds to 65-70% of body weight, and for a person weighing 70 kg, the weight of all fluid will be: 70 kg × 70% / 100% = 49 kg.

To calculate the degree of intoxication, the amount of pure alcohol contained in 100 grams of vodka, which is 40 g of alcohol, is divided by the total amount of water in the body. The total liquid in this case is 49 kg. Dividing 40 by 49, we get 0.82 ppm.

The degree of intoxication of a woman is also calculated, taking into account that the share of water in female body accounts for 55% to 60%. With a high fat content, the body contains less water. The more muscle, the higher the fluid percentage.

To make it easier to calculate what your blood alcohol level is, a calculator has been developed. It allows you to determine the degree of intoxication without making any special mental effort.

Absorption in the body

After ethyl alcohol enters the stomach, it is absorbed into the blood and then spreads through the bloodstream. 90% of alcohol is absorbed in the liver, the rest is broken down in the kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs.

In particular, the difference in the rate of elimination of toxins in women and men depends on the vital volume of the lungs. male body. Alcohol is eliminated from average speed 0.1 ‰ per hour. And with intoxication of 1.2 ‰, sobering will occur after 12 hours.

In women, the rate of ethanol elimination is 1.2 times lower than in men. Accordingly, a woman with a degree of intoxication of 1.2 ‰ will sober up in 12 × 1.2 = 14.4 hours.

Complete removal of alcohol from the blood

Permissible amount of ethanol in the blood

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, vehicle drivers are prohibited from using intoxicating substances. Maximum permissible level alcohol in the blood is legally equal to 0.16 mg/l in the air exhaled during testing, introduced as a possible error of the measuring device.

In ppm, the permitted blood alcohol level is 0.336‰. This concentration in the blood occurs within an hour if a man weighing 80 kg consumes:

  • 50 g vodka;
  • 50 g cognac;
  • 200 g champagne;
  • 200 g wine;
  • 500 g of beer.

Women are more sensitive to alcohol. The level of ethanol in their blood will not exceed the norm one hour after consumption:

  • 30 g vodka;
  • 30 g cognac;
  • 100 g wine;
  • 100 g champagne;
  • 330 g beer.

A man weighing 80 kg and drinking 100 g of vodka will be able to confidently drive in 3 hours. A person who drinks 200 g of wine – after 1.5 hours, and someone who drinks 1 liter of beer – after more than 4 hours. During this time, the ethanol level in the blood will drop to the permissible 0.336‰.

To maximize the removal of alcohol from the blood of a man weighing 80 kg, a longer period of time will be required: 100 g of vodka is eliminated in 4 hours, and 100 g of champagne in 1 hour.

A person who dares to get behind the wheel several hours after drinking strong drink poses a danger to himself and other participants traffic and pedestrians. It is for this reason that traffic police officers have the right to force any driver suspected of drinking alcohol while driving or immediately before driving a car to undergo a test for the content of ethyl alcohol in their exhaled air or blood. If it turns out that the permissible limit of alcohol while driving was exceeded, you can count on a fairly long-term deprivation of your driver's license.

Not only alcohol

Until September 1, 2013, according to the law (Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), drivers could be punished even for containing 0.01 ppm of alcohol in their exhaled air. Today, according to the new law (amendment to Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), this figure is 0.16 ppm, and this is already the optimal solution.

The fact is that a certain dose of alcohol in the blood and air accumulates in the human body during metabolic processes, as well as within several hours due to the use of certain products and means:

  • fermented milk products;
  • kvass;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • overripe citrus and other fruits;
  • jam or marmalade that has exceeded its expiration date;
  • alcoholic herbal tinctures;
  • some medications.

If the driver has any of the above in his stomach, after some period the permissible level of alcohol in the blood will be exceeded - slightly, but the breathalyzer will show this. It was precisely in order to reduce the number of unfair decisions of the traffic police leading to unjustified punishments that an amendment was adopted abolishing the so-called “zero ppm”. And that is why today it is possible to enjoy kvass or kefir without fear of exceeding the ethanol content in the blood.

Acceptable quantity

The unit of ppm is a human-identifying value that is an indicator of how much alcohol is contained in a driver's blood sample. You can drive, as stated above, with a volume of no more than 0.16 ppm in the exhaled air and no more than 0.35 ppm in the blood. This indicator means: the maximum permitted dose has been drunk, after which it is assumed that the breathalyzer will correctly record a violation. Knowing the specific permitted amount of ppm, each person can approximately calculate how much alcohol he can drink in order to get behind the wheel without the danger of getting fined and deprived of his license, as well as how long it will take for the intoxicating drink to disappear from the body.

Take a short survey and receive a free brochure “Drinking Culture”.

What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

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When calculating, many things must be taken into account:

  • dose taken;
  • regularity of alcohol intake;
  • age, weight and gender of the driver;
  • presence or absence of concomitant diseases;
  • normal metabolism.

For example, from the body of a middle-aged man weighing no more than 75 kg, a bottle of beer of a standard volume will be eliminated to 0.21 ppm in 1 hour, and completely within 3 hours. If a man weighing at least 100 kg can recover within 3 hours after drinking 100 grams of vodka, his “drinking buddy” weighing 60 kg will have to take control vehicle It will be possible only after 5-6 hours, otherwise he risks, after a pleasant pastime, running into a fine and even deprivation of his rights. In general, if you need to drive in the morning, in the evening (no later than 21:00) you can allow yourself no more than a mug of beer, a glass of wine or a shot of vodka. After such volumes, the next day the breathalyzer will not record that the permitted dose has been exceeded.

In order to get behind the wheel in the morning without the danger of getting caught by the traffic police and “earning” the deprivation of your license, in the evening men can drink no more than 25 ml of vodka, 240 ml of wine, and 50 ml of red dessert wine. For women, the allowed limit is vodka - 20-21 ml, beer - 200 ml, wine - 40 ml. Only after such doses the breathalyzer will not be a threat. In this case, it is important not only how much a person drank a few hours before driving, but also how he rested during the night (approximately from 21:00 to 07:00). Symptoms such as headache, attention disorder, dizziness, nausea and weakness serve as a warning, and in the event that a person who has been drinking is “caught” by the traffic police and proof of one thing simple fact: Alcohol and driving are bound to lead to problems.


For being behind the wheel of a car after abusing alcohol, the driver is prosecuted under Art. 12.8 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If a breathalyzer detects more than 0.37 ppm in the blood and more than 0.16 ppm in the exhaled air, the violator may receive a fine of up to 30,000 rubles and deprivation of a driver’s license for up to 2 years - provided that the incident occurred for the first time.

A “repeat offender” who decides to drive while drunk again can safely count on a fine of up to 50,000 rubles and deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for 3 years. Additionally, a driver who is “caught” by a breathalyzer at the crime scene with a large dose (from 0.16 to 0.21 ppm) of ethanol in the blood has every chance of receiving a prison term of 15 days.

A driver caught with alcohol while driving and refusing to determine by medical examination how much ethyl alcohol is in his body faces a fine (30,000 rubles) and deprivation of his license (for 2 years).

Data on some standards

The legal limit of alcohol while driving is 0.37 ppm in the blood or 0.16 in the breath. How many and what drinks will be drunk to achieve maximum results, individually in each case. For example, so-called non-alcoholic beer raises the alcohol level to 0.21 ppm, and you don’t have to wait several hours to reduce the level - the breathalyzer will demonstrate normal level ethanol in the blood and air literally after 15-21 minutes.

It is important to remember that modern instruments for measuring how much alcohol a person has drunk before driving are very accurate. It is almost impossible to deceive them; they detect serious alcohol that has not had time to dissipate several hours before the test, and low-alcohol drinks that have just been taken. A modern breathalyzer is accurate and unforgiving; its “authoritative opinion” is the basis for the fine and deprivation of rights of unreasonable drivers caught with a hangover or drinking alcohol while driving.

The amendment repealing the “zero ppm” law was great news for people who do not disdain drinking, but are forced to limit themselves due to the need to drive a car. New law does not prohibit driving a person who has drunk kvass or non-alcoholic beer, as well as more serious alcohol, provided that a certain period has passed since its consumption. And what the law does not prohibit, it allows - driving with an ethyl alcohol content in the body of up to 0.16 ppm (0.21 if not caught by the traffic police).

In this article we will talk about the permissible level of alcohol in the blood of a driver, how they are measured, how to understand that the maximum permissible level has long been exceeded, and much more regarding the use of alcohol by a motorist.

Let’s not lie, but situations sometimes develop unpredictably, and yesterday’s supporter of sobriety behind the wheel, having taken a “hot drink,” gets behind the wheel and becomes a participant in traffic. This is associated with high risk become a participant, or even the culprit, in a traffic accident. However, many people consciously accept this risk when getting behind the wheel after drinking a glass of beer, wine or an alcoholic cocktail.

How and in what way is blood alcohol measured?

If we're talking about about driving a vehicle while intoxicated, then the term “ ppm».

This word is closely associated with the degree of alcohol intoxication; the concentration of alcohol is measured in ppm, or rather, the quantitative ratio of the volume of alcohol to the volume of blood.

Literally translated from Latin, per mille is one thousandth of the volume of something or a tenth of 1%. But, as mentioned above, when they hear the term “ppm”, the vast majority of people know that we are talking about drunk driving or a medical examination for blood alcohol content. Experts also interpret this term as equivalent to the volume of pure alcohol in the blood: 1 ppm = 1 ml of pure alcohol in the blood.

What is the blood alcohol limit in Ukraine 2018?

In Ukraine, alcohol intoxication for drivers behind the wheel is considered to be a blood alcohol content of more than 0.2 ppm. This norm is enshrined in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 400/666 dated 09.09.2009. Thus, the determination of the driver’s state of alcoholic intoxication is carried out by a traffic police officer using special measuring instruments, which are also called breathalyzers.

The blood alcohol level of 0.2 ppm in Ukraine is considered background and does not entail any sanctions. However, this figure is negligible, and you can exceed it even without drinking alcoholic beverages.

There are cases where an indicator of 0.2 ppm and higher was noted in:

  • People suffering from diabetes;
  • For certain stomach disorders;
  • For diseases of caries;
  • For gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea;
  • When using certain medications.

In practice, there have been cases where the permissible alcohol level in the blood was exceeded after drinking kvass and even kefir. This should be kept in mind by those who are confident in their impunity, balancing on the fragile border that lies at around 0.2 ppm. It is more prudent to completely abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages if you have to drive a car, even if it is a short trip, and you only drink a glass of dry wine.

How long does alcohol leave the blood?

In practice, many experts are trying to find the most accurate algorithm that can be included in the formulation: “How much and what can you drink in order not to break the law and avoid punishment?” An exact answer has not yet been found, because the concentration of alcohol in the blood depends on a person’s body weight, age, metabolic level and other specific factors.

For example, if an average man weighing 70-75 kg drinks a 500 ml bottle of vodka, he will have 2.5 ppm of alcohol in his blood. This may qualify as severe alcohol intoxication.

A blood alcohol level of 5 ppm is considered life-threatening and can be fatal. 5 ppm = 2 bottles of vodka with a volume of 0.5 each.

Let's try to understand how long alcohol remains in a driver's blood.

The time of alcohol in the blood, the period of its withdrawal, as well as its concentration in the blood, depend on a combination of factors. The main ones:

  1. Person's weight;
  2. Age;
  3. Health status;
  4. Metabolic level;
  5. Amount of food before drinking alcohol;
  6. Amount of food after drinking alcohol;
  7. Qualitative indicators of products consumed as snacks.

For clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table, which shows averaged data obtained experimentally. When using the results presented in the table, do not forget that it is important to take into account the weight and gender of the person.

For example, after 3 hours, drinking 100 grams of vodka will not be considered a violation of the rules, since alcohol vapors will no longer be detected by a breathalyzer.

Considering that the data presented in the table are average indicators, nevertheless, the information contained in it can give an approximate answer to the question “How much alcohol comes out of the blood.”

It should be understood that an accurate result about the blood alcohol content can be provided by medical examination with a laboratory blood test for alcohol.

Blood alcohol tables, or How long does it take for a particular drink to be eliminated?

Our article would not be useful enough if it did not contain information about how much alcohol is contained in a particular drink. The table below shows the time indicators for men and women during which alcohol remains in the blood.

In the following two tables you can see the readings of a breathalyzer, which will show how many ppm of alcohol is in the blood, depending on the amount drunk, as well as the gender and weight of the driver:

One dose in this case corresponds to the following servings of different drinks:

  • 50g of any 40-proof drink - vodka, cognac or whiskey
  • 100g 20 degree port
  • 150g 12-degree dry wine
  • 1 bottle (0.5l) 4% beer
  • half a can (0.25 l) of 9-degree tonic.

In this case, the amount of ppm will be maximum a few minutes after drinking alcohol, since the vapor contained in the oral cavity will have a maximum concentration. Half an hour after consumption, this figure will decrease significantly.

For example, after drinking 0.25 liters of beer (a conventional half bottle of light beer), the “output” breathalyzer will show 0.16 ppm.

Therefore, a 0.5 liter bottle of beer will increase the alcohol concentration to 0.3 ppm. Of course dark varieties will be stronger and, at the same volume as light varieties, will lead to a higher alcohol content. You should also take into account the features different manufacturers and brands within each variety.

Drinking a conventional bottle of wine with a volume of 0.7 liters and a drink strength of 12% will lead to a result of 0.7 ppm.

After drinking 100 grams of vodka, the blood alcohol level will be 0.55 ppm. Once again, it is worth emphasizing the conditionality of these data, since the results of 0.7 ppm were experimentally recorded after drinking 200 grams of vodka.

Blood alcohol calculator

To assist in calculating blood alcohol levels, some specialized resources offer their users an online alcohol calculator service. This simple service was created by analogy with the algorithm that was described in the section “How long does alcohol stay in the blood” (see above).

However, the creators of such online calculators use a more accurate calculation method called the Widmark formula. The formula, compiled by a Swedish chemist, contains data on the amount of alcohol consumed, a person’s body weight, and a distribution coefficient of 0.6 for women and 0.7 for men.

To take advantage online service and to calculate blood alcohol, you need to enter data about your weight in kilograms, the amount of alcohol you drank, the type of alcoholic drink (if several types of alcohol were consumed, then you need to indicate the corresponding value for each). Then put a mark on the degree of fullness of the stomach while drinking alcohol and the result will be obtained in a second.

Degrees of intoxication and number of ppm

  • Light degree - with a result of 0.5-1.5 ppm;
  • Average - 1.5-2.5 ppm;
  • Strong degree - 2.5-3 ppm;
  • Heavy alcohol poisoning with a threat of death - 3-5 ppm.

How can you speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body?

To ensure that your breathalyzer test shows nothing, you should take some steps to speed up the elimination of alcohol from your body.
Most effective way is medicinal deintoxication using a complex of drugs.

If alcohol intoxication mild to moderate severity, then you should:

  1. Stop further drinking of alcohol;
  2. Drink plenty of water (still water);
  3. Sweet and strong tea or coffee;
  4. If necessary, gastric lavage should be performed;
  5. Moderate physical activity will help speed up your metabolism;
  6. A contrast shower also helps improve sweating and eliminate toxins;
  7. Ammonia diluted in a glass of water can sober a person (10 ml per half glass of water).

Alcohol intake should be strictly dosed, especially for those who plan to drive a vehicle in the coming hours. For those who have already gotten behind the wheel, drinking alcohol should become a strict taboo, which cannot be violated under any circumstances. It is better to save yourself and other road users from the possible disastrous consequences that can result from distracted attention, decreased motor skills and impaired reaction speed after drinking alcohol.

Even if the dose of alcohol taken does not exceed the notorious 0.2 ppm, the driver’s coordination, spatial orientation, attentiveness and ability to instantly respond to external circumstances on the road are impaired.
