100 most dangerous animals. Rating of the most deadly animals and insects in the world (19 photos)

Those who love to travel and spend time actively in wildlife, especially in the forest, must know that a forest is, first of all, a complex set of relationships that have developed over thousands of years between plants, animals, soil, sunlight and the darkness of the night, air and water. And man has always been a guest in the forest. With the advent of civilization, I moved further and further away from the forest. Especially now, this difference is very noticeable. Many modern residents of megacities, besides nightclubs, expensive handbags, strawberry margaritas and pink smoothies, do not know real life, some (even I have such distant acquaintances) have never been to the forest at all in their lives. And of course, they do not know how to behave in difficult situations, finding themselves, for example, in the forest and encountering dangerous animals or insects. It can be assumed that such situations are very rare, but this does not make it any easier for those who find themselves in them.

From a personal point of view - when traveling to one of the tropical countries, none of the excursion participants expected any emergency situations, the route is “well-worn”, although the jungle is impassable in places, there are trails on all sides within a few kilometers, it seems impossible to get lost there, where you don’t go in an hour you will reach the road. But nevertheless, one couple of “urban fashionistas” turned off the main path for a moment and strayed from the excursion group. We searched for them for about two hours... When I saw them after returning, I realized how unprepared people were for such a turn of events. During these two hours they managed to meet a snake, it’s good that they noticed it in time, they were bitten by mosquitoes and stumbled upon a hive of wild bees or wasps, and escaped with only a couple of bites. But wild bees and wasps guarding their hive can attack people and animals, even if there is no allergy to their bites; several dozen bites can cause shock and even death.
A person is a guest in the forest, and from the point of view of forest and wild animals - an uninvited and uninvited guest, often not at all knowledgeable of the rules behavior. This is where accidents, emergencies, injuries, and fears arise. Also legends and
myths associated with both exaggeration and understatement of the danger that the forest conceals.

Any wild animals living in the forest can pose a danger to humans. The types of dangerous animals are very diverse and their behavior is different when meeting a person, but several general patterns can be noted:

Wild animals, especially birds and mammals, are much better adapted to life in the forest than humans. They have more advanced senses and are almost always the first to notice a person by smell and sound. Its smell is a strong danger signal for a wild animal.

The popular opinion about the timidity of animals, especially large predators, should not be exaggerated too much. For some of them, such as bears and tigers, a very common behavior trait is curiosity, which can sometimes turn into unprovoked aggression. In most cases, they want to avoid “communication” with a person and, having sensed and heard you, they move away, but this does not mean that they are afraid of you. It is wild animals that are in the forest on their territory, so they regard the appearance of a person as a violation of the border with all the ensuing consequences. Yes, a predator can leave when it hears you, but only if it is not hungry and does not protect its territory and young animals. But that's exceptional dangerous predator, a connecting rod bear, the sounds of a human voice can, on the contrary, attract.

In the animal world, unlike human society, the concepts of “alien”, “unknown”, “dangerous” often coincide, so count on a friendly attitude from the outside forest inhabitants not worth it.

Wild animals, to a greater extent than people, try to avoid danger: mobile animals go as far as possible from humans, sedentary animals use various ways passive or active protection and camouflage. Forest animals
good masters of camouflage, they know how to use all kinds of shelters.

The behavior of many wild animals (especially large ungulates and carnivores) changes significantly during certain periods of their life cycle(reproduction, migration, etc.). Animals become much more aggressive, and the danger for
person increases sharply. For example, during the breeding season, a shy elk becomes not so shy, but aggressive, and it is better not to stand in its way.

Any, even widespread species of wild animals prefer certain habitats, and here the likelihood of a chance encounter with dangerous animals of this species is higher. In order not to become a victim of a deadly animal, and even an ordinary fox that bites you can become such a victim (foxes can carry rabies), you need to remember two rules. It is necessary to have an understanding of the habits of animals and birds, as well as to be attentive and careful when moving through the forest.

Emergencies in the forest associated with dangerous animals can be divided into two groups: active attack - when a dangerous animal, without obvious reason for a person, begins to actively attack and accidents that occur as a result of careless or illiterate handling of an animal, which in a normal situation treats the person quite neutrally.

Dangerous animals of Russia and neighboring countries

In the main settlement zone of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, situations of the first type (active attack by an animal) are most often associated with large predatory and ungulate animals, bear, wolf, elk, wild boar, deer, and cats. Unprovoked attacks are quite rare. According to statistics, for example, a tiger attacks people for no reason in about 4% of all cases. Usually the animal attacks: for the purpose of self-defense, during a hunt, when caught near prey, when a person carelessly invades its territory, during the mating season (the so-called rut; animals are especially aggressive during this period), protecting offspring, when persistently pursuing a wounded animal or simply during a chance meeting with a person, during sudden close contact.

According to many experts, the most unpredictable large forest predator in behavior is brown bear. Most sudden encounters with this animal end in its rapid flight. However, cases
unprovoked attacks on humans in the European part of Russia are observed almost every year. Suddenly, mushroom and berry pickers and tourists, as a rule, “look out for the bear.” Sometimes the bear shows aggression and may even chase a person, but then quickly stops the pursuit and runs away.

However, much more serious incidents are known, when the beast literally besieged a hunting lodge for several days, not letting people out. There are often cases of aggression from a bear disturbed in its winter den. However, this can be easily avoided if you know the bear’s favorite places in this forest and avoiding them further.

A meeting with a wolf poses a serious danger for an unprepared person, although this predator will almost always prefer to hide than to attack. IN recent years experts note that people encounter wolves in the forest zone more often than
earlier. Fans of forest walks, and especially long routes, should be careful.

Perhaps the most serious danger is sudden meeting with a wolf or fox that has rabies. Here an attack is almost guaranteed, and it is almost impossible to avoid it. A sick animal can be recognized by its angry eyes, sharply aggressive behavior, and immediate, literally on the spot, attack. The beast sometimes seems to sputter with saliva; There is often foam in the corners of the mouth. These animals are dangerous even when they are already dying and, snarling, cannot move. Under no circumstances should you approach them, they may bite, and then you will have to undergo long-term treatment.

Animals with rabies are not found everywhere, and before going into the forest it would be useful to obtain information from the SES about outbreaks of the disease. In case of a bite, you should immediately consult a doctor, because only correct and, most importantly, timely treatment started and carried out guarantees a complete recovery.

Wild ungulates common to European forests, elk, wild boar, deer, roe deer, are much more timid and cautious than predators, and, as a rule, move away from humans. However, during the mating season, these animals are characterized by increased excitability and aggressiveness and can pose a significant danger.

How to avoid encounters with wild dangerous animals?

The best way to avoid encounters with dangerous animals is to avoid visiting their habitats. This does not mean that you should be afraid of the wolf and not go into the forest. By choosing a travel destination in advance, you can learn about dangerous places densely populated by predators and avoid going there. If you do go on a hiking trip, be extremely attentive and careful, especially at night. The presence of predators or dangerous ungulates can be indicated by a variety of signs: footprints on the soil, trampled grass and undergrowth, stripped bark on trees, droppings from feeding areas, and sometimes remains of prey.
Wolves, being the first to sense a person, make specific sounds (snorting, howling, loud barking), warning other members of the pack, and especially the young.
During the rut or feeding, wild boars behave so noisily that it is quite easy to notice and hear them.
You should avoid animal trails, difficult to pass, overgrown with bushes and littered forest areas, and windbreaks. In such places there is a high probability of encountering an animal, and it is also extremely inconvenient to retreat here. Going to the forest
Be sure to tell us where you are going to go and when you expect to return, because in addition to predators, you can simply get lost in the forest.

What to do if you encounter a dangerous animal in the forest?

First of all - don't panic! The animal senses when a person is afraid of it, your fear will only spur aggression, that is, the animal’s instinct to attack a weaker enemy may be triggered. No sudden movements or shrill screams - at least at the first moment, until you are sure that you can really scare, and not attract, the animal in this way. However, sometimes the scream actually frightens the animal and even causes it to flee. But this is an extreme case and it is very unlikely that this will work with a bear.

If you have noticed at least one such spider, know: 1 g of its venom is enough to kill 10 adult men.

Tse tse fly

This large bloodfly is the main vector of African sleeping sickness and is responsible for the deaths of about a quarter of a million people a year.

African tarantula

...approaching even an empty web is deadly.

South American tarantula

South American tarantula, poisonous, dangerous, aggressive


Poisonous snakes kill a total of 100 thousand people every year. There are more than 2,500 species of snakes in the world, and only about 700 are poisonous. In our country, there are 60 species of snakes, of which 10 are poisonous. This is a cobra from the aspid family, living in Central Asia, two species of copperheads - the common one (or pallas), living in the steppe, desert, mountainous parts of the south and southeast of the CIS countries, and the eastern one, found in the Far East.


The largest snake of the viper family, the viper, is found in Central Asia and the Caucasus. In Central Asia there is a small snake - efa. There are also 5 more species of vipers. Caucasian, big-nosed and Asia Minor vipers are found only in the Caucasus Most common steppe viper, living in the steppe and desert zones of the south of the country, and the common viper, living in the forest and forest-steppe zones - from the steppes to the taiga and from the western borders to the southeastern.

Along with a viper bite, a substance that prevents blood clotting enters the human blood. If the affected person does not receive medical care, he may bleed.

Black mamba

One of the most scary views snake in the world, in Africa the mamba is the source of numerous myths and legends. It is widely known for its aggressiveness, speed, and the fact that it attacks without human provocation.

African boomslan

A long slender snake with a pointed head and big eyes. It is usually 1.5 m in length, sometimes a little more. The variety of its colors is amazing: females are usually olive-brown, and males have various shades of green or blue, each scale edged with black. When alarmed, the snake raises the front part of its body. Boomslan has posterior maxillary fangs and is dangerous to humans. The venom prevents blood from clotting, causing victims to slowly die as they bleed out from every cut in the body.


Poisonous snakes never attack a person first and, when they see him, they usually try to hide. The hissing of a snake serves as a warning signal not to touch it. However, it happens that a person touches a snake without noticing it, and then it defends itself. And a cobra. Having stood in a characteristic pose, the first time he sometimes simply hits the enemy with his head, and then uses his poisonous teeth.

King cobra venom is primarily neurotoxic. The venom toxin blocks muscle contractions, which causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles, respiratory arrest and death. Its strength and volume (up to 7 ml) are enough to cause the death of a person within 15 minutes after the first full bite. In such cases, the probability of death may exceed 75%. But, taking into account all the behavioral features of the king cobra, in general, only 10% of bites become fatal to humans.

Komodo dragon

Like polar bears, Komodo dragons consume everything from birds to water buffalo to humans, even digging up corpses from shallow graves. They wait patiently for the prey to approach them, attack, grab the throat and tear it out, then move away and wait for the bleeding to stop. Due to their small numbers, they rarely come into contact with humans. They eat once a month.


When most animals are injured, they run and hide. Not leopards. When these dangerous beasts are injured, they become even more dangerous. The thing to remember is that they are strong. Wanting to hide their prey, they drag dead antelopes into trees.

Snail cones

Cone snails of the Conidae family are nocturnal predators, hiding in the sand during the day. These mollusks are endowed by nature with weapons that resemble a harpoon gun in action. Together with the blow of a small thorn, the victim receives a solid dose of poison, which is fatal to humans. One drop of its poison is enough to kill 20 people.

It is called the cigarette snail because after being bitten by it, enough time passes to smoke a cigarette, after which death occurs.

Cones are reef inhabitants and pose a great danger to divers.

sea ​​wasp

Jellyfish, sea anemones, coral polyps, annelids, sea cucumbers, sea ​​urchins, starfish, sponges can “burn” or prick a person upon contact with them. The consequences range from burning skin to cardiac arrest.

The most poisonous jellyfish, the sea wasp, lives off the coast of Australia. The venom of this beautiful jellyfish paralyzes the human heart muscle, and death occurs within 1-3 minutes. It looks like an ordinary jellyfish, light green in color, but very poisonous. Its 60 tentacles, each just under 40 cm long, have 5,000 stinging stingers and enough venom to kill 60 people. Australian fishermen whose nets catch such “fish” are wary of using these nets again - you can easily end up in the hospital, the poison secreted by the jellyfish is so strong.


Warts are marine ray-finned fish of the scorpionfish family. Lying camouflaged on the ocean floor, they calmly wait for their prey to swim past them. They open their mouths at lightning speed and swallow their prey - all in less than 0.015 seconds.

The wart is known as the most poisonous fish in the world. If a person steps on its thorns, at best he will lose his leg, and in the worst case, his life.

Puffer fish

Fugu fish is considered one of the most poisonous vertebrates in the world, and it is a delicacy in Japan. The poison of this fish paralyzes the diaphragm and stops breathing, this awaits anyone who tastes a fugu dish that is not prepared properly.

Great white shark

The white shark is considered the most dangerous, fierce and powerful of all sharks, it was even given the nickname " white killer". Blood that gets into the water makes them active, and they are ready to sink their 3,000 teeth into anything that moves. Large specimens are capable of cutting a person in half. Large white shark the most cannibal. 212 unprovoked attacks on people were registered (data as of the end of 2004), tiger shark responsible for 83, the bull shark is responsible for 68 cases of attacks on people (2004).


It is one of the most dangerous animals and has been responsible for many deaths. This is all due to the weak vision of the rhinoceros, which attacks a moving object that appears in its field of vision, without discerning how dangerous it is for it. It is impossible to outrun a rhinoceros unless you can move at forty miles an hour.

African buffalo

When meeting with a dangerous pursuer, the African buffalo - Syncerus caffer- attacks him and pierces them with his horns. The height at the withers in adult males can reach 1.6 m, and the length - 3.4 m. The weight of a large specimen can be 900 kg. A much greater danger than a buffalo can be a herd of buffalo, in which up to a thousand heads gather. More than 500 people die every year due to attacks by this animal.

They say that more hunters have died from them than from lions. Even such an old lonely buffalo (his young bulls drive him out of the herd) is attacked by only five lions.


This graceful, strong, predatory animal, reaching a weight of 125 kg, on the one hand, evokes admiration and worship as a deity among local tribes, and on the other, panic fear when meeting it in the wild savannah. In Tanzania, about forty attacks per year were reported in the early 1990s. For last couple years, more than 100 attacks have been recorded annually, with 70 percent of them resulting in death. Scientists are concerned that once lions have tasted human meat, they become aggressive and prefer to attack people rather than wild animals.

In total, according to biologists, there are from 23 to 40 thousand lions in Africa.

Hyena dogs

Hyena dogs practically do not attack people, although they cause significant harm. There have been many cases when hyena dogs ran into villages and even into houses, and if they are not driven out, they can attack a flock of sheep and chew up to 100 sheep in one night - this is significantly more than they need to satisfy their hunger. Hyena dogs bite into their bellies, eat their entrails, and then run away. They absolutely cannot stand domestic cats and dogs - they immediately attack and kill them.


Apis mellifera scutellata is one of the breeds of honey bee that descended from the African subspecies. This is a very aggressive insect. Its venom is weaker and less poisonous than the venom of other bees, but the peculiarity of these insects is that, when attacking a victim or defending itself, it stings not once, like most bees, but repeatedly. Their sting does not have pronounced serrations; the bee easily removes it from the victim’s body. Otherwise, Apis mellifera scutellata is similar to all other bees. But even a single bee sting can be dangerous. In case of individual intolerance, swelling of the throat may occur. Injections into the eye, throat, tonsils, soft palate, and side of the neck are very dangerous and can cause death. The most sensitive to bee venom are women (especially pregnant women), children and the elderly.

Killer bees were developed in Brazil. It is a hybrid of the African bee Apis mellifera scutellata with various species of bees common in Europe. The sting of a killer bee is not fatal, but these insects are much more irritable than their counterparts.

We've all heard the expression "as hard working as a bee." Has anyone heard the expression “dangerous as a bee”? No? But in addition to ordinary honey bees, there are killer bees that live in South, Central and North America.

Australian bee

Australian bee, stinger larger than usual. Cold sweat swelling at the site of the bite

Orange fireflies

Orange fireflies, don't pick them up


Elephants - family Elephantidae - According to statistics, 600 people die from it every year. By the way, a frightened or angry elephant can reach speeds of up to 65 km/h, that is, it is quite capable of catching up with a car driving over rough terrain. This animal is simply too large and strong; one awkward movement is enough for it to kill a crocodile, lion or man. Thus, in India and Bangladesh, elephants have gotten into the habit of stealing rice beer from people; as a result, drunken animals trample from 10 to 100 people a year.

Poisonous frogs

Tenth place is rightfully occupied by poisonous frogs that live in Central and South America and Madagascar. On their backs are glands that produce toxins. Poison of the only one golden frog, living in Madagascar, can kill ten people. One consolation is that scientists have discovered that the frog produces toxins gradually and extremely slowly.

The leaf climber is terrible.

The most poisonous creature is the terrible leaf frog. Just 1 g of the substance secreted by the skin of this frog can kill several thousand people

Polar bear

Polar bear - Ursus maritimus- considered the largest land predator. IN natural environment habitats bears eat northern for breakfast elephant seal - Mirounga angustirostris. The length of the bear reaches 3 m, weight up to 1000 kg. Bears are dangerous for hunters: with one swipe of a paw, a polar bear is capable of cutting off a person’s head. But in order for a polar bear to attack, it must be provoked. Main reaction polar bear on a person - this is fear, in most cases panic fear, the animal simply runs away upon detecting the presence of a person. Still, conflicts or attacks are quite possible.


Crocodiles are dangerous to humans varying degrees. Some never attack humans, others attack often (salted crocodile), others (for example, Nile crocodile) are dangerous only in some areas. Some of them are especially dangerous, for example, the African crocodile living in salt water. He is capable of not only grabbing a person passing by, but also running after him on land, overtaking him, grabbing him and dragging him into the water.

Scientists estimate that crocodiles kill more people than all other animals. More than 2 thousand people die every year, and the figure not only does not decrease, but even increases.


Scorpios are extremely common throughout the planet, especially along the 49-1 parallel. Of course, there are many types of scorpions - the most dangerous is the black thick-tailed scorpion, which can kill a camel, not to mention a person. More than 5 thousand human deaths per year is the price that a person pays for being close to this animal.

The thick-tailed scorpion (Androctonus australis), which lives in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria to the north of Sudan, and in the east to India, is very dangerous. A drop of its venom is almost as toxic as a drop of cobra venom and, as is known, its sting leads to the death of a person in 4 hours, and a dog in 7 minutes. Poisonous scorpion from North Africa and the Middle East is responsible for more than 75% of deaths associated with scorpion stings annually. While adults feel severe pain, children suffer from fever, seizures and paralysis, are at risk of coma and may die from pulmonary edema. In Azerbaijan, there was a case when a black scorpion of a closely related species (Androctonus crassicaudd) stung an adult man sleeping on the sand, right on the temple, near the external carotid artery. The man died suddenly. This type of scorpion reaches 8.5 cm in length.


Even though hippos are herbivores, they are extremely dangerous for those traveling along the river. In Africa, it causes more deaths than any other large animal, including crocodiles or lions. When attacking a person, it uses its head as a battering ram. Its fangs, reaching a length of 50 cm, are very dangerous. The hippopotamus is not afraid to attack boats; it is able to overturn not too large of them.

The most dangerous hippos are those who protect their only cub. Suspecting the slightest danger, the female rushes towards the enemy, sweeping away everything in her path, and fights to the last. On land, the speed of an angry female hippopotamus can reach 35 km/h.


Among the dangerous animals is the monkey, which in many tropical countries has moved from the forest closer to city dumps, finding food there. Often, flocks of monkeys attack children and even adults, taking away food, robbing peasants' food supplies and emptying the refrigerators of townspeople. At the same time, they borrow tricks and manners from humans, sometimes even adopting the habit of knocking on the door to have it opened.

Tropical centipede

Intestinal worm

It lives in tropical countries and is difficult to remove from the body.


Bug. It hurts. Poisonous

Brazilian wandering spider

This is the most poisonous spider in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records. What makes this spider so dangerous is its behavior, it constantly moves: it appears in houses and cars in densely populated areas, especially during the daytime.

Blue ringed octopus

It is no larger than a golf ball, but it contains enough poison to kill 26 adults and there is no antidote for it. Within minutes of the bite, the victim becomes completely paralyzed and unable to breathe. It is terrible that consciousness does not turn off over the next few hours until the poison completely neutralizes the body. Provided that the person is taken to the hospital and given artificial respiration.

The king of all life on earth is, of course, man. But this does not mean that we are not exposed to danger from the world of animals and insects. A one-on-one meeting with many representatives of an animal and insect species may not turn out well. in the best possible way. A real threat to human life comes not only from huge and ferocious wild animals; sometimes the smallest, seemingly harmless mollusk or frog with a bright, captivating color can cause damage to health much faster and more seriously.

It would be wrong to compile a list of the most dangerous animals based on the number dead people from one or another representative of the fauna. On all continents of the earth, on every landmass lives different quantities people. For example, in some provinces of India large number dead peasants from bites poisonous snakes. But it is also known that snakes in this region are not the most dangerous, it’s just that peasants have to work in the habitats of the crawling reptile. To be fair, the list of the most dangerous should include precisely those creatures that, under the same conditions and with the same number of people, will cause more harm.

The most large reptile, reaching seven meters. The crocodile's habitat is quite extensive, ranging from eastern India to northern Australia. The second name for the giant predator is the cannibal crocodile. A natural hunter and killer, the Australian crocodile can kill a full-grown buffalo. After waiting motionless for hours for its prey, the reptile attacks with great speed, leaving it no chance. There have been many cases in nature when crocodiles attacked an entire group of tourists. Once the killer manages to get someone in his grip, there is no way to escape. Such a death machine is capable of attacking 2-3 people at the same time.

They inhabit almost all of Africa, sometimes found in India. An unpredictable animal with powerful paws and huge fangs, it is used to staying away from people, but just like all other predatory cats, when danger arises, it does not pay attention to the number of enemies. There have been cases when lions, having attacked a person at least once, became cannibals, preferring exclusively human meat. It is possible to cope with an angry, hungry predator only with three or four people.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, it is the most dangerous and poisonous mollusk in the world. Fortunately, over the past 50 years there have been no reports of a person dying from a collision with a cone. Molluscs that live in warm climates sea ​​waters, if possible, hide in coral reefs. With the help of a sharp spike located in the proboscis, the mollusk not only obtains food for itself, having previously killed it, but also protects itself from external threats. Nothing can save a person who has taken this deadly weapon into his hands. The toxicity of the poison is so great that one “bite” poisonous thorn enough to paralyze and stop the heart of 2-3 adults at once.

This large fish reaches 6 m in length, and its weight can fluctuate around 1.5–2 tons. The most dangerous, cruel and bloodthirsty sea ​​predator called "white death". It is impossible for a person to escape from this monster. A shark does not bite easily - it snacks. It is not uncommon for a hungry white shark to swim close to the shore and attack people. There is evidence that tells about the same predator, which attacked in different places during the day, dragging several people with it. A meeting with such a fish is especially dangerous because it is certainly impossible to swim away from it, so some powerlessness shown by a person under water gives the toothy shark great advantages.

At first glance, this is a huge lazy animal, calmly and measuredly splashing around in the water. But if you give the slightest hint that someone is encroaching on his territory, beware. The life of hippos is spent in constant battles with their relatives, trying to show their superiority over others. One can hardly blame the animal for its speed and aggression. A rather frisky, three-toned carcass with huge fangs and powerful paws can cause a lot of trouble in moments of rage. There have been cases when a hippopotamus bit a large crocodile. A huge mouth, opening to the full vertical, is capable of taking the lives of 3-4 adults at once, and if we take into account the partial clouding of the mind when feeling danger, the female hippopotamus is ready to destroy and kill until there is no one left around.

African snake, about which many have developed terrible legends. “Black Death” reaches a length of three meters in length, but even larger individuals are found. It hunts both during the day and at night, so the probability of meeting a mamba is very high. Known for its vindictiveness, it can pursue a victim for several hours, while developing a speed of open space up to 20 km. One of the most poisonous snakes, the mamba, when meeting a person, prefers not to hide; it does not try to hiss and show its hostility, but simply attacks, lightning fast and mercilessly. A small amount of poison is enough to kill an elephant. With one bite, the snake injects 50–100 grams. poison, leaving liquid reserves for another 3-4 bites, while lethal dose for a person it is equal to 30 g. Hence, black mamba capable of killing from 3 to 5 people.

The Komodo devil reaches 3.5–4 m in length and weighs more than 100 kg. Predators feed mainly on small animals and rodents, but if hunger makes itself felt strongly, they attack a horse, cow or buffalo. An encounter with the largest lizard can turn out quite sad even for large representatives of the animal world. Quick Strike The tail can easily break limbs. Seeing that the victim is slightly defeated, the monitor lizard begins a series of deadly bites. In addition to sharp, cutting teeth, its saliva contains a small amount of poison. Fortunately, there are almost no people on the islands where they live. Varan will never be the first to attack a person, but if he senses obvious danger, he will go from defense to attack. If you drive a monitor lizard into a corner, in complete desperation it will be able to cope with 5-6 people.

Fierce predators, reaching 3 m in length and weighing 1200–1500 kg. Thanks to their special sense of smell and vision, they can see their prey from many kilometers away. The fearless, curious thug is very resilient and fast. A well-fed polar bear will never attack a person, but given that this animal is almost always hungry, there have been many cases of unfortunate attacks. It is difficult to deal with the bear, even if you have a gun with you, since an angry, wounded bear will fight until its last breath. There is a case in history when a shot down polar bear tore to pieces three polar explorers, and four more barely managed to escape. It’s scary to think, but to cope with such a death machine you need a lot of strong hands.


Typically, these living “armored vehicles” lead a cautious lifestyle, attacking anyone extremely rarely, trying to avoid conflict by fleeing. But you shouldn’t provoke the rhinoceros too much. There is a rule among hunters that if the first shot did not kill a rhinoceros, but only wounded it, the second one is no longer important. The wounded animal turns into an uncontrollable, angry death machine. Stop a rushing one and a half ton rhinoceros at a speed of 30 km/h. It's simply impossible.

The jellyfish is in the shape of a round cube, which is why it received the second name “box jellyfish”. With a small body size of 4–5 cm, the jellyfish has long tentacles about 50 cm in length. It is in them that dangerous poison is found, several times greater than the toxicity of the most poisonous snakes. The main danger also lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to see it, since it is absolutely transparent. Unfortunately, due to the widespread habitat of jellyfish in the coastal regions of northern Australia and southeast Asia, the number of human deaths is quite high. A person stung by a jellyfish wasp experiences severe burns and unbearable pain throughout the body, which subsequently provokes cardiac arrest. The larger the jellyfish, the faster death occurs. One such individual is capable of stinging up to 5–6 times, causing a corresponding number of victims.

Lives in the waters Pacific Ocean. A small creature with a beautiful bright color, has deadly weapon mass destruction. The main problem is that an octopus bite is completely painless and a person does not even suspect that after some 5-10 minutes his body will be completely paralyzed and lead to respiratory failure. Through experiments on rabbits, scientists discovered that the poison blue-ringed octopus Enough to kill 10 adults at once. Unfortunately, there is still no antidote to this terrible and painful death.

The best and most courageous hunter on the entire “dark continent” is considered to be the person who was able to kill not a lion, or even an elephant, but a ferocious and powerful African buffalo. This animal is absolutely not amenable to any training or domestication; it sweeps away everything in its path. Possessing enormous strength and the will to win, the African buffalo uses all methods of defense and attack in battle - horns, hooves, teeth. The buffalo is used to fighting to the last. Until he drops dead, he will pursue the offender. On the continent they have heard about the cunning of the beast; when leaving a hunter with a gun, he makes a loop and strikes from the rear. The height of a buffalo reaches 2 m with a body length of 3–4 m, and the weight of individual individuals reaches up to a ton. An angry buffalo terrifies even hungry lions. If he finds himself among a crowd of people, a huge number of victims cannot be avoided.

One of the smartest mammals on the planet. Huge, heavy and strong animals often evoke positive feelings. Many representatives of this species are actually kind and obedient, and are easy to train. But there have been cases when the five-ton giant begins to show unjustified aggression. It is extremely dangerous to be nearby at such a moment. In addition to the inexplicable behavior of enraged elephants, eyewitnesses accompanying hunters from Africa often mention cases when the elephants themselves hunted people, silently (!) sneaking up from behind and delivering a fatal blow with their trunk. If you multiply the cunning, intelligence and strength of an elephant, angry and uncontrollable, rushing towards a crowd of people, you can only imagine how many victims there will be.

Leader in danger and lethality. The venom of this creature, consisting of more than a hundred various substances, is 20 times more toxic than other poisonous frogs. An adult frog contains enough poison to kill 1,500 people (!). Just touching a dangerous creature can cause painful spasms, convulsions and complete cessation of breathing. The situation is complicated by the fact that the world has not yet developed an antidote. Small, brightly colored frogs, only 3–5 cm in size, can be found on trees, shrubs, shallow ponds and swamps in Brazil.

The views of residents and hunters from different continents on the ranking of the most dangerous animals will always be ambiguous. The above described are precisely those individuals that inflict obvious mortal wounds on humans. The statement that malaria mosquitoes or tsetse flies are leaders, which is fundamentally wrong, since a bitten person has the opportunity to contact special authorities in a timely manner, where he will be provided with the necessary medical care. After an encounter with, say, a hungry bear, the help of a doctor will no longer be useful.

2016.04.16 by

Man is just one species of living beings on Earth. We are far from the fastest, strongest, and toughest. It’s hard to call us even the most adaptable. But so far we have managed to survive, although exposed to hourly danger from our neighbors on the planet.

1. Crocodile

The crocodile was for different nations and sacred animals and even deities. Others hunted crocodiles for their meat and skin. Thanks to their stable habitat, crocodiles have managed to survive virtually unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs, only improving as a real killing machine in the form of an aquatic predator.
Nowadays, clashes between large crested and Nile crocodiles and people regularly occur. Stories are regularly told about how people have to hide for hours in tall trees from a huge predator, and the unlucky ones disappear into the mouth of a crocodile.

2. Tiger

The tiger is the largest feline on the planet. They weigh up to 4 centners and reach a length of 2.8 m. According to statistics, every tenth tiger becomes a man-eater. The reasons for this phenomenon are not known, despite the fact that other tigers completely ignore human flesh. Needless to say, the outcome of a meeting with a tiger is very predictable and sad.

3. Bear

Maybe high rating The danger of bears is associated with the proximity of their habitats to humans. In any case, you shouldn’t try to make friends with these “cute plush toys” when you meet. The bear will staunchly protect its territory, its offspring, and even simply remove Bad mood. And given his strength and size... White and grizzly bears are considered the most dangerous, followed by brown and black. Particular caution should be exercised at the end of winter - beginning of spring, when bears are just getting out of their dens and urgently looking for high-calorie food.

4. Wolf

Wolves are very careful animals. In addition, they usually do not like to eat unfamiliar food. That’s why it’s so difficult to poison them, and gray predators themselves rarely attack people, as the Rybalych Blog knows. But even in the most hopeless time of hunger, they also happen to hunt a person.

5. Anaconda

Anaconda is the largest snake with its 16 meters in length. This huge snake feeds on large rodents, and does not disdain monkeys. And with her poor eyesight, a person is no different from ordinary food.

6. Raven

already told. They can take revenge, attack in a pack, steal something from a child, and even peck at it in the right environment. Crows do not like to take risks; they themselves clearly monitor the danger.

7. Cockroaches

Cockroaches can be carriers of various infections. They can make you tremble and lead to a heart attack just by the fact of their presence. By the way, you don’t have to leave a single crumb of food in the house - any biological tissue (hair, dead skin, etc.) will be enough for cockroaches.

8. Lice

Very dangerous creatures are lice and bedbugs. They will not allow you to live in peace, they will cause irritation, and will carry the most terrible infections. They have already become a problem on a national scale, as Rybalych said in the article

9. Mosquitoes and midges

Of course, these small insects will not be able to eat a person. But they can seriously ruin your nerves. Even one mosquito flying around the room at night is enough to poison a well-deserved rest. What can we say about the huge clouds of midges?! But there are also malaria mosquitoes...

15. Bacteria

The role of bacteria in our lives is difficult to assess. They process waste and purify water. They decompose organic matter and create the basis for life on Earth. At the same time, an incredible number of their species live in our body and they constantly eat us! Perhaps they are the largest predators that feed on people constantly and continuously.

We all know about the dangers that various animals can pose. This applies to everyone, because some animals we just heard about, while others live next to us. Some of them are extremely aggressive, others are deadly toxic, and others are dangerous due to their size. Below you will find a description of the most dangerous animals in the world and learn a lot of new and interesting things about them.

10. Common piranha is a daring predator

In the 10th position of the most dangerous animals in the world is everyone famous fish- this is a piranha. The common piranha is one of the most dangerous fish in the world. It is dangerous for both animals and humans. These fish are freshwater predators; they inhabit the waters of South and Central America. Most piranhas live in the rivers of Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela and Central Argentina. It's relative small fish 30 cm long and weighing up to 3.5 kg. The main weapon of the common piranha is its very sharp teeth.

The common piranha is a schooling fish, it is very voracious and has a good sense of smell. These fish instantly sense blood and immediately attack the victim with the whole flock. These predators are calculating and very fast; they can lie in wait for their prey, and then attack it and devour it with lightning speed. Pack common piranhas quite capable of defeating large animals. They can easily tear a horse or large boar to shreds.

9. The wolf is the smartest of predators

The ninth place in the list of the most dangerous animals in the world is rightfully assigned to the owner of the taiga. Wolf - enough large predator, a very smart and hardy animal. The wolf is the most common predator on the planet. Wolves are especially dangerous in winter time. Meeting a hungry flock, which can number up to 40 individuals, is very dangerous. But it’s even more dangerous to find yourself in the territory of the pack’s den, then it will be a battle for life and death.

Most often, people are attacked by rabid animals. But there are many cases when a completely healthy wolf committed an attack. Wolves also attack people in those regions where there is a shortage or lack of natural prey for them (deer, elk). IN summer period wolves can attack people to feed their cubs.

8. The lion is a formidable predator

The king of beasts is ranked 8th most dangerous animal in the world. A lion is a large predatory cat from the panther family. It is one of the largest cats in the world. The lion is very fast, he has strong paws, powerful jaws and large sharp fangs. The lion's size allows it to overcome even very large animals. An adult lion weighs 250 kg, with a body length of 2.5 meters and a height at the withers of 120 cm. Lions are at the top of the food chain in the animal kingdom.

Lions are the strongest animals; when hunting, they gather in groups and pursue the prey. Lions do not deliberately hunt people, but cases of cannibalism are quite often observed. Most often it is the males that attack people. Sick and wounded animals are more likely to attack people than healthy lions. According to statistics, about 70 Tanzanians die from lion attacks every year. By their nature, all big cats are dangerous to humans. Tiger, leopard and puma also pose considerable danger.

7. The terrible leaf frog is a poisonous little one

In 7th place of the most dangerous animals in the world is a small, but very toxic and dangerous frog. The terrible leaf frog is the most dangerous frog of the poison dart frog family. It lives in the rain forests of Central and South America and has a bright color. The size of this frog rarely exceeds 5 cm. The toxicity of all species of frogs from the dart frog family is very high. Their skin secretes a deadly poison - batrachotoxin. Previously, the Indians used the poison of this frog to lubricate the tips of their arrows.

When it enters any living organism through the blood, the poison causes arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. The skin of frogs contains so much toxic substance that it is quite enough to poison more than 10 people to death. But by its nature, the terrible leaf climber is a peaceful creature, so you simply shouldn’t touch it.

6. Jellyfish sea wasp - invisible death

The sixth place of the most dangerous animals in the world is occupied by the deadly jellyfish. Sea wasp - belongs to the class of box jellyfish and is the most dangerous jellyfish in the world. Box jellyfish are capable of causing severe burns with their tentacles, which contain a very strong and toxic poison. The sea wasp is fatal to humans. Box jellyfish burns are very painful, they can cause cardiac arrest and depress the nervous system. Poison of one sea ​​wasp can kill 60 people in 3 minutes. The largest concentration of box jellyfish is located off the northern coast of Australia at shallow depths and in places where corals accumulate. That is why the sea wasp is called “Australian”.

The sea wasp swims quite quickly and easily changes direction. The sea wasp has 60 tentacles about half a meter long and 24 eyes. The sea wasp sees well, but it is very difficult to notice. The fact is that this jellyfish is almost completely transparent. The Australian jellyfish does not attack a person first; it stings if it is accidentally touched in the water. The dome of the sea wasp ranges from 5 to 25 cm in diameter, and its tentacles tend to extend up to 3 meters. In Australia, they are installing protective nets in the water and warning signs on beaches to protect people. But unfortunately, this does not guarantee complete safety, because during a storm and high tide, these jellyfish still end up on the beach.

5. The Snout Shark is an Aggressive Killer

Fifth place in the top most dangerous animals in the world goes to the terrifying shark. The blunt-nosed shark (other names: gray bull shark, bull shark) is the most aggressive look sharks, which is very dangerous for humans. The bull shark lives in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans, often enters rivers and is found in shallow waters. The bull shark can reach quite large sizes. There are giants up to 4 meters long, whose weight reaches 400 kg.

These sharks are distinguished from other predatory representatives by their massive blunt snout and body. gray with a white belly. The blunt-nosed shark has the most powerful bite among sharks, and in addition, they do not need a reason to attack. Considerable size strong jaws and aggressive nature rightfully give them the status of the most dangerous shark for humans. Also the most dangerous sharks in the world after bull shark, are the white shark and the tiger shark.

4. The saltwater crocodile is a giant man-eater

The fourth most dangerous animal in the world is the cannibal crocodile. Saltwater crocodile(other names: saltwater crocodile, man-eating crocodile) is the largest crocodile in the world. Males of this species normally reach 7 meters in length and weigh almost 2 tons. In addition, the saltwater crocodile has the strongest bite in the animal world. The saltwater crocodile is widespread. It lives from the east coast of India, across Southeast Asia, to Northern Australia.

Saltwater crocodiles are very aggressive and attack people both in water and on land. This crocodile attacks even if it is full, because it does not tolerate intrusions into its territory. The strength, terrifying size and incredible speed of this crocodile make its attack deadly. They are absolutely not afraid of humans, so to protect yourself from these predators, you should avoid their territories. Usually special warning signs are installed in such places. Also, the most dangerous crocodiles after the saltwater one are the Nile crocodile and the American alligator.

3. Black mamba - the thunderstorm of Africa

The top three among the most dangerous animals in the world is opened by the fastest snake. The black mamba is a poisonous snake of Africa. This snake lives in most areas of the continent and leads a terrestrial lifestyle. It is most often found in savannas and occasionally climbs trees. The black mamba is a large snake, its length exceeds 3 meters. It is also one of the most fast snakes in the world, can reach speeds of up to 11 km/h over short distances. The black mamba is a very aggressive snake; it can lunge almost the entire length of its body.

This snake is distinguished primarily by its mouth, which is painted black. The overall color of the snake varies from olive to gray-brown with a metallic tint. The snake is extremely dangerous; its bite is invariably fatal. The venom of the black mamba is very toxic; the bite of this snake causes paralysis and respiratory arrest. Death occurs within 45 minutes after the bite. Many of the poisonous snakes are extremely dangerous to humans, but not all poisonous snake bites are fatal to humans, although many deaths have been recorded. After the black mamba the most dangerous snakes are the coastal taipan, tiger snake and king cobra.

2. The polar bear is a hunter of people

In second place as the most dangerous animal in the world is the beloved Umka. Polar bear (other names: polar bear, northern bear) is a large predatory bear. The polar bear is the only large land predator on the planet that can track and hunt humans. This bear has considerable dimensions. It can reach a body length of 3 meters, with a height at the withers of up to 150 cm and a body weight of 1 ton.

There are known cases of polar bears attacking polar travelers, especially when there was accumulated garbage near the tents, which attracts the polar bear. These predators are very smart, have enormous strength and an excellent sense of smell. You won't be able to run away from a polar bear; it runs fast and is also an excellent swimmer. Also very dangerous bears are the brown bear and the grizzly bear.

1. Elephant - deceptive peacefulness

The elephant took first place as the most dangerous animal in the world. This strong and powerful animal looks very peaceful, but do not delude yourself. In the wild to African elephant It's better not to get close, especially in mating season. These animals are huge; the normal body weight of an elephant is 7 tons, with a height of 3 meters and a body length of up to 7 meters. They can trample you without blinking an eye, and besides, you won’t be able to run away from an elephant; it can move at a speed of 40 km/h. The most dangerous are the solitary elephants, which are very aggressive and will attack anything. Every year, about 500 people die from attacks by elephants and their powerful tusks.

The elephant is the largest animal after the blue whale. Elephants are very often tamed to be used as transport or for farming. An animal that is docile in normal times becomes dangerous with the onset of the mating season and can attack. And here a huge role is played by how the owner treats the elephant, because the aggression of elephants is a consequence ill-treatment with them. Zoologists say that aggressive behavior elephants were provoked by people's cruelty towards these intelligent animals. The elephant is unpredictable and in anger it is scary - it will trample or pierce you with its tusk.

There are several other very dangerous large animals on the African continent. The African buffalo is a powerful bull that is absolutely intolerant of humans and will certainly attack him. Rhinoceros - which has poor vision, therefore it indiscriminately attacks any moving target with its horns and will attack not only people, but also riding elephants. Hippopotamus - which can easily turn a boat over, while it can drown people who fall out of it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such a rich and unknown fauna can be fraught with danger every second. You just need to be careful when traveling around the world and be interested in possible existing threats in the territory of the country you intend to visit. We wish you safe travels! If you liked this article, subscribe to site updates to be the first to receive interesting articles about animals.